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1Author:  Bailey, Philip A., 1885-1970Add to Favorites
 Title:  Philip A. Bailey Papers 1842-1965 1906-1948 ead 
 Date(s):  1842-1965 
 Abstract:  The Philip A. Bailey Papers contain correspondence, notebooks, biographical and genealogical material, manuscript and typescript compositions, and clippings files. Although the collection ranges from 1842 to 1965, the bulk of the material covers Bailey's research and writing on lost mines in Arizona and California from 1906 to 1948. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Greater Arizona Collection 
 Subjects:  Mines and mineral resources -- Arizona. | Mines and mineral resources -- California. | Pioneers -- West (U.S.). | Folklore -- Arizona. | Folklore -- California. | Tales -- Arizona. | Tales -- California. | Mines and mineral resources -- Arizona -- Folklore. | Mines and mineral resources -- California -- Folklore. | Miners -- Arizona -- Folklore. | Miners -- California -- Folklore. | Overland journeys to the Pacific. | Arizona -- History -- To 1912. | Southwest, New -- History -- To 1848. 
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2Author:  Udall, Levi StewartAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Levi Stewart Udall collection, 1842-1974 ead 
 Date(s):  1842-1974 
 Abstract:  Papers, 1842-1974 (bulk 1910-1960), of Levi Stewart Udall (1891-1960), lawyer and judge. Includes personal files, correspondence, reminiscences, activity files, ledgers, and speeches relating mainly to his family, their settlement in Saint Johns, Arizona, his professional activities and services to the state and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Graham-Tewksbury Feud | Mormons -- Arizona -- History | World War, 1939-45 -- Personal narratives | Judges -- Arizona 
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3Author:  James, JohnAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Lieutenent Thomas Varker Keam Collection, 1842-1904. ead 
 Date(s):  1842-1904. 
 Abstract:  Thomas Keam established himself as a trader among the Navajo and the Hopi Tribes. This collection pertains to his burial in his home country of England. 
 Repository:  Cline Library. Special Collections and Archives Department. 
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