United Steel Workers of America, Local 616 Records 1944-1989 (bulk 1980-1986)

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United Steel Workers of America, Local 616 Records 1944-1989 (bulk 1980-1986)


Overview of the Collection

Creator: United Steelworkers of America. Local 616 (Clifton-Morenci, Ariz.)
Title: United Steel Workers of America, Local 616 Records
Inclusive Dates: 1944-1989
Bulk Dates: 1980-1986
Quantity: 24 Boxes (30.0 Linear Feet)
Abstract:This collection contains arbitration, grievance, and other legal records; financial and medical records; and union records including reports, minutes, correspondence, and signatures showing the 1983-1986 Phelps Dodge strike. The collection dates from 1944 to 1989 and also houses ephemera, including a "Local 616" union banner on canvas on an 8 foot pole. Una versión en Español de este documento está disponible en el sitio http://www.azarchivesonline.org/xtf/view?docId=ead/asu/uswa616_spa.xml
Identification: MSS-334
Language: Material mostly in English with some Spanish.
Repository: Arizona State University Library. Chicano Research Collection
P.O. Box 871006
Tempe, AZ 85287-1006
Phone: (480) 965-4932
E-Mail: archives@asu.edu
Questions? Ask An Archivist!

Historical Note

The lives of Mexican and Mexican American copper miners in the Clifton-Morenci area working in the local mines and for the Phelps Dodge Corporation are linked to their struggle to form a union, and their Local 616, in the years from 1900 to 1985. Labor strikes and conflicts in 1903, 1915, 1967-1968, and in later years have found workers and their families at odds with Phelps Dodge. The presence of the International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers (IUMMSW), later known as the Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers Union (MMSWU), prior to the 1940s facilitated the miners' efforts to form a union to represent their grievances with Phelps Dodge. By 1942, the copper workers in the Clifton-Morenci area were aligned with the United Steel Workers of America as Local 616.

In 1983, the price of copper plummeted and the Phelps Dodge Corporation dismissed an estimated 2,900 workers, causing one of the biggest strikes in mining and union history. The 1983 strike decertified the union, divided families, and pitted strikers against each other. Phelps Dodge did not follow traditional and industry-wide pattern contracting, rejected the union’s desire for a cost of living wage, and remained steadfast in refusing to negotiate with the Local 616.

Scope and Content Note

The bulk of this collection documents the Phelps Dodge Strike and the United Steel Workers of America, Local 616's struggles with the corporation for union rights and equal pay. It consists of financial records (including salaries paid during lost time), legal records (including agreements; arbitration case files, discharges, grievances, and pension cases; bargaining; case files; charges; citations; discrimination; hearings; HMS; layoffs; lost time incidents; MESA; miscellaneous; MSHA; NLRB; notices; OSHA; pension cases; Phelps Dodge; reduction in forces; rock throwing incidents; settlements; and terminations), medical records (claims and coverage), and union records (general administrative files, materials on benefits, codes, committees, correspondence, inspections, kits, layoffs, assistance lists, meetings, member files, minutes, print, programs, reports resolutions, signatures, statistics, ephemera, and oversized items including a "Local 616" union banner on canvas on an 8 foot pole).


This collection consists of twenty-four boxes divided into four series:
Series I: Financial Records
Series II: Legal Records
Series III: Medical Records
Series IV: Union Records


Access Restrictions

To view this collection, make an appointment at least five business days prior to your visit by contacting Ask an Archivist or calling (480) 965-4932. Appointments in the Wurzburger Reading Room at Hayden Library (rm. 138) on the Tempe campus are available Monday through Friday. Check the ASU Library Hours page for current availability.


The Arizona Board of Regents retains copyright to this collection for and on behalf of the Arizona State University Library. Requests to publish, display, or redistribute information from this collection must be submitted via our online application.

Related Material

Interested researchers may also wish to consult:

Penn State University Libraries Labor Archives.

Andrea G. Mauk Papers, MSS-124. Arizona State University Libraries: Chicano Research Collection.

Alice Miller Papers, MSS-126. Arizona State University Libraries: Chicano Research Collection.

Anna Marie and Jorge O'Leary Papers, MSS-136. Arizona State University Libraries: Chicano Research Collection.

Access Terms

Corporate Name(s)
United Steelworkers of America. Local 616 (Clifton-Morenci, Ariz.).

Copper mines and mining -- Arizona -- History.
Mexican Americans -- Arizona.
Phelps Dodge Corporation Strike, Morenci, Ariz., 1983-.

Administrative Information

Preferred Citation

[Identification of item], United Steel Workers of America, Local 616 Records, MSS-334, Arizona State University Library.


This collection was obtained from the Local 616 office in Hayden (ACC #1998-01942). It was given to us by Alex Lopez, once Vice-President of Local 616 at Clifton. There was more material in Clifton at the Union Hall building, but due to failed payment on the rented space, the new owner obtained ownership of the USWA materials and refused to donate them to the Chicano Research Collection. Those materials are now part of the Greenlee County Historical Society.

Processing Note

Arrangement and description of this collection was made possible by the generous support of the Council on Library and Information Resources and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

Container List

Series I: Financial Records
11 Strike Pay, 1980 (Office Copy)
12 Bills for June 30 Function, Rally, 1984
13 Credit Union Information, Undated
14 Estimated Expenditures, 1985
Organized by Month.
15 Estimated Expenditures, 1986
Organized by Month.
16 Expense Vouchers, 1986
17 Hospital Bills, 1983-1985
18 Late Payments, 1985-1986
19 Office Staff: Salary, Lost Time, 1980
110 Repayment of $300 Pension Supplement by Retired Employees, 1981
111 Salary, Lost Time, and Expense Vouchers, 1983
112 Salary, Lost Time, and Expense Vouchers, 1982
113 Salary, Lost Time: $40.00, 1980
114 Salary, Lost Time: $40.00, 1980
115 Salary, Lost Time: $49.00, 1980
116 Salary, Lost Time: $50.00, 1980
117 Salary, Lost Time: $50.00, 1980
118 Salary, Lost Time: $50.00, 1980
119 Salary, Lost Time: $52.00, 1980
120 Salary, Lost Time: $60.00, 1980
121 Salary, Lost Time: $62.00, 1980
122 Salary, Lost Time: $62.00, 1980
123 Salary, Lost Time: $65.00, 1980
124 Salary, Lost Time: Safford, 1980
125 State Compensation Fund, 1981-1983
126 State Compensation Fund: Forms, 1978
127 State Compensation Fund: Industrial Commission, 1970-1971
128 Workmen's Compensation, 1970-1973
129 Workmen's Compensation, Cases, and Information, 1974-1975
Series II: Legal Records
Sub-Series A: Agreements
130 Concentrator Agreements, 1963-1966
131 Furlough Agreement for Public Office, 1969-1982
132 Lease Agreement with Greenlee County Community Action Agency on Use of Senior Citizen Building, 1979
133 Memorandum of Agreement, 1968 March 22
134 Memorandum of Agreement on Administering of Article IV, Section 1: Vacations, 1983
135 Memorandum of Agreement, M. M. Mendoza Gravel Operator, 1981
136 Memorandum of Agreement: Converter Department, 1965-1983
137 Memorandum of Agreement: Cost of Living, 1971-1975
138 Memorandum of Agreement: Leaching and Precipitation Division, 1979
139 Memorandum of Agreement: Reverb Kress Hauler-Skimmer Tapper Agreement, 1979-1980
140 Mine Agreements, 1967-1969
141 Morenci Warehouse Agreement, 1981-1982
142 Pension Plan Agreement, 1956-1968
143 Senior Citizens Center Agreement, 1979
144 Smelter Agreements, 1961-1980
145 Supplement Memorandum of Agreement, 1974-1975
146 USWA MS-14B, 1980
Sub-Series B: Arbitration
21 #32 Waste Dumping by UTU Jurisdiction, 1981
22 July Fourth Decision, 1977
Howard Block, Arbitrator.
23 Anode Re-Slotting of Occupations Because of Changes in Duties, 1962 November 21
24 Arbitration and Award Opinions, 1979
25 Arbitration Awards, 1944-1965
26 Arbitration Awards, Miscellaneous, 1976
27 Carpenter Truck Driver C Vacancy filled by James Johnson, Interdivisional Transfer (1961 July 10), 1960-1961
28 Correspondence, 1971-1976
29 Decisions, Miscellaneous, 1957
210 Denial of UB Benefits, 1982
211 Foreman Avillar Working, 1971
212 Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1971
213 Miscellaneous Grievances, 1965-1975
214 Reports: District 2 Locals, 1UMMSW, 1957-1958
215 Violation of Article IV Section H. Lunch Periods. 1. for Rotating Shifts, 1971 September 8
216 Violation of Article IV Section I, Subsection 3, Filling of Vacancies in Surface Division, Christmas Shutdown, 1982
217 Violation of Article VI Section C, Hiring of Laid-off Employees into Power House Out of Seniority, 1982
218 Violation of Reduction of Forces Language in Curtailment during December 1981, 1981
219 Warning for Not Being at Designated Places and Grieving About Safety During Working Time. Arbitration, 1965
220 Waste Heat Boiler Fireman and I. E. Holmes Grievances. Arbitration. Improper Working Conditions, 1953 January 28-1954 June 1
Sub-Series C: Arbitration Case Files
221 Aguilar, Lazaro and Eduardo Enriquez, 1955
Leave of Absence of AWOL.
222 Ajames, Thomas L, 1981-1982
223 Aragon, Johnny, 1972 April 19
3 Day Penalty.
224 Arbitration Cases on File, #616, 1945-1980
225 Arguellez, J. S. and T. D. Bencomo, 1973 September 27-1974 May 1
Disciplinary Lay-off (Smelter).
226 Brooks, G. E, 1975 August 22-1976 January 23
28 Day Penalty.
227 Cary Lift Operator. Re-Slotting, 1978 December 23-1979 August 9
228 Chaves, Cosme and James Newton, 1970
Smelter Case.
229 Copper Queen Miners Union, 1949
230 Crane Chasers. Arbitration. Foreman Hooking. Existence of Vacancy, 1961
231 Dockins, Ray, 1976
232 Dominguez, Manuel, 1971
233 Espinoza, R. Z, 1967
234 Filter Operator Reslotting, 1964-1965
235 Garcia, Felipe, 1961
236 Garcia, W. R., 1975
3-Day Layoff.
237 Groove (32-Ton Cranes), 1977
238 Hair Nets, 1976
239 Henderson, J. R, 1973
240 House Rent, 1979 January 3
31 Huff, M. E, 1968
32 Improper Rate of Pay, 1965
33 Krass, James A., 1978
Medical Benefits.
34 Kress, Carl, 1976
35 Licano, Manuel, 1961
36 M. R. Martinez and A. Romero, 1965 October 29
14-Day Penalty Layoff for "Singing on the Job".
37 Martinez, Manuel, 1962
38 Martinez, P. M, 1975
Straight Day for Union Officer.
39 Mason and Slurry Crews, 1960
310 Medical Arbitration and Court Decision, 1984
311 Metatarsul Guard Arbitration, 1972
312 Mickel, O. V. et. al., 1968 May 16-October 21
313 Miscellaneous, Derrick, C. D., 1965-1968
314 Miscellaneous, 1957
315 Mitchell, S. E, 1975
316 Mondragon, B. P. And R. P. Espinoza, 1964 January 22-1965 February 1
317 Mondragon, R.P, 1964 May 27-1965 February 1
Dropped from payroll because of permanent disability.
318 Montanez, Ramon E., 1972
319 Morales, Frank, 1980
Fifth week of vacation for Frank Morales.
320 Onate, Frank, 1957
321 Ontiveros-Pena, 1968-1969
322 Ornelas, G. E., 1982
323 Pipe Work Assignments, 1965-1966
324 Post-Strike Reporting Time Case, 1951-1952
325 Provencio, A., 1981
HMS claim.
326 Provensio, Pat, 1977 January 5-October 26
327 Reel, Robert, 1976
328 Rehiring Arbitration Case 1985. No. 84-2019 DC#Civ. 82-1590-Phx, 1985
329 Renteria, Manuel, 1972
Discipline arbitration.
330 Reslotting of Maintenance Division Truck (Boom), 1964-1965
331 Reyes, Peter H., 1980 October 28-1982 April 15
Three-Day penalty layoff.
332 Reyes, Ralph, 1972 June 24
Award arbitration.
333 Romero, Trinidad B, 1956
334 Roybal, Joaquin, 1958
335 Roybal, Sabino A. and Clarencio R. Lara, 1976
336 Roybal, Tony, 1960
337 Smelter, Miscellaneous Truck Arbitration, Coffey, 1978 May 16-August 30
338 Surface Diesel Trucks Guild, 1979 September 12
339 Surface Truck Driver Forced Overtime, 1980
340 Timeken Schedule Arbitration Supplementary Material, 1944-1975
41 Timken Schedule Arbitration, 1980 December 19-1981 June 29
42 TR-11 Machine Arbitration Award, 1969
43 Track Maintenance Crew Case, 1966
Pay for work on day - offset.
44 Varela, Tommy, 1981-1982
28 Day penalty layoff.
45 Varela, Tommy N, 1982
7-Day penalty layoff.
46 Vigil, Fermin, 1958 January 7-February 18
3 day penalty for failing to follow orders.
47 Vigil, Fermin E, Undated
48 Villareal and Zepeda, 1960
49 Winan, D.J, 1968 October 21-1969 February 21
Sub-Series D: Arbitration: Discharge
410 Abeyta, Frank, 1961
411 Armijo, Randy, 1981
412 Ballard, Fred, 1978
413 Ballesteros, H, 1983-1985
Strike discharge case.
414 Barnes, Bertha, 1950
For carelessness-property damage
415 Bethlehem Steel-Los Angeles, 1975 September 30
Discharge and penalty for fighting on the job.
416 Burns, W. W., 1983-1985
Strike discharge case.
417 Buttner, Oscar, 1964 June 24-1965 February 1
Pouring slag with spout lights out.
418 Chavez, C. L., 1983-1985
Strike discharge case.
419 Dejesus, C., 1983-1985
Strike discharge case.
420 Derrick, Clyde, 1965
Discrimination in hiring for people in layoff.
421 Derrick, Clyde, 1968 March 21
422 Espinoza, R. Z., 1967
423 Garcia, R. M., 1972-1973
424 Garcia, R. Q., 1972 July 28-1975 February 12
425 Gomez, R., 1983-1985
Strike discharge case.
426 Gonzales, J., M. Ruiz, and R. Luna, 1951 October 8-1952 May 15
Discharge for sleeping while on duty.
427 Gonzales, M. A., 1974 July 8-1979 May 30
Decision and medical data concerning eligibility.
51 Gonzales, Ralph, 1976 August 10-1977 January 17
52 Gonzales, Ralph T., 1977 May 19-October 25
53 Grijalva, Arnulvo V., 1975 January 16
54 Johnson, Robert, 1950
Discharge. Arbitration for improper operation of transportation truck while hauling men.
55 Jones, Randall, 1981
3 day penalty layoff and discharge, withdrawn without prejudice.
56 Lee, Kenneth G., 1979 February 17 (2 Cases)
57 Lujan, Tony, 1976
Discharge: "Unable to Work in Smelter."
58 Maldonado, Ernest P, 1981 August 24-September 21
59 Masse, Paul, 1975 December 29-1976 February 25
510 Mendoz, A. M., 1981 July 31-November 19
Discharge arbitration.
511 Milligan, Dan A., 1951 October 13
Discharge arbitration.
512 Montez, Peter, 1980 November 16-1981 March 6
Discharge, Smelter.
513 Montez, Peter, 1982
Discharge for conviction of a felony.
514 Montoya, Robert, 1977
515 Nunez, Ramon, 1961 July 15-1962 February 21
Discharge for insubordination.
516 Ornelas, A. G., 1978 December 11-1979 April 11
517 Parra, A. C., 1980 February 25-1981 March 30
Discharge for theft. Laurence Guild, Arbitrator.
518 Perez, Robert, 1976
Discharge for intoxification (Reverbs).
519 Peru, L. B., 1983-1985
Strike discharge case.
520 Robison, J. W., 1961
521 Saenz, R. O., 1981
522 Silva, Luis, 1965 February 7-September 8
Discharge for refusing an order and hitting a forman.
523 Starr, R. A., 1983-1985
Strike discharge case.
524 Transcription of Strike Discharge Cases, 1983
Strike discharge case.
525 Varela, Tommy, 1983
526 Williams, H. L., 1983-1985
Sub-Series E: Arbitration: Greivances
527 Krass, Carl, Ore Dressing, 1975
528 Maldonaldo, R., 1971
529 Moreno, Daniel D. Moreno, 1981 January 9-September 3
Reporting pay grievance.
530 Pena, Mariano C., 1963 September 9-1964 February 24
531 Subcontracting Grievance, Open Pit, 1962-1969
532 Aguilar, T. B., Grievance Answers, 1972
533 Barriga, Tony, 1984
534 Bustamante, David, 1984
535 Dominguez, Harold, 1984
536 Dominguez, Harold, 1984
537 Garcia, R. S., 1979-1980
61 Grievance Background Information on Article VI, Seciton C Cases, 1982
62 Grievances, 1978-1979
63 Grievances, 1978-1980
64 Grievances, 1980
65 Grievances, 1981-1982
66 Grievances, 1982-1984
67 Grievances, 1983-1984
68 Grievances, 1983-1984
69 Grievances Discussed, 1984
610 Grievances on Unsafe and Improper Working Conditions, 1977-1978
611 Grievances with Mr. O'Neill (Denied), 1974-1975
612 Grievances: Mechanical and Electrical Division, 1976-1982
613 Grievances: Open Pit, 1975-1978
614 Grievances: Open Pit, 1979
615 Grievances: Open Pit, 1980
616 Grievances: Open Pit, 1981-1982
71 Grievances: Ore Dressing Division, 1975-1981
72 Grievances: Power House, Assay, Carpentry, Warehouse, and Electrical, 1977-1983
73 Grievances: Smelter, 1977-1978
74 Grievances: Smelter, 1979-1983
75 Grievances: Surface Division, 1975-1981
76 Grievances: Various Units, 1983
77 List of Officers and Grievancemen, 1977-1985
78 Marquez, Albert, 1981
79 Metcalf Open Pit, 1979-1981
710 Metcalf Ore Dressing, 1975
711 Nessler, Janner, 1984
712 Notice of Grievance, Unauthorized Deductions from Wives' Store Account, 1971-1972
713 Pending Grievances, 1984-1986
714 Perez, Raymond, Grievance Withdrawn Without Prejudice, 1978-1983
715 Power House, Assaying, Mechanical, Carpentry, Other: Employment Office Grievances, 1962-1970
716 Quiroz, Mike, 1979
717 Smelter Grievances, 1961
Foreman working in smelter and memorandum of settlement.
718 Smelter Grievances, 1976
719 Smelter Grievances, 1976
Sub-Series F: Arbitration: Pension
720 McCullar and Martinez, 1968 October 5
Sub-Series G: Bargaining
721 Bargaining Material, 1967
722 General Collective Bargaining Policy, 1986-1987
723 U.S.W.A./Magma Copper Company Bargaining, 1978-1980
Sub-Series H: Case Files
724 Williams, Alvin, 1956 November 5-1960 October 28
Disciplinary layoff for insubordination, 14 days.
725 Bisbee Cases, Arthur Jones, etc., 1960
726 Bruce, James B., 1983
Truck Driver B Vacancy at Tailings Dam, Morenci Ore Dressing Division.
727 Cisneros, P. B., 1982
Disqualification Truck Driver B. Surface Dept.
728 Contreras, P. F., 1961 January 28
Case for stopping truck operation at open pit.
81 Echave, J. R., 1981
Funeral Pay, Surface.
82 Flores, Rigoberto, 1975
83 Gaxiola, J. S., 1961 January 4-September 21
Three day penalty for careless work conduct.
84 Gentry, K. W., 1960 October 13-1961 July 11
Disciplinary layoff for unauthorized from assigned working area.
85 Gray, Dewey and David Sorrell, 1966 April 21-1967
Disciplinary layoff for not giving proper signal when blasting.
86 Krass, James, 1981-1982
Alleging denial of right to work on December 24 and 25, 1981.
87 Lanphar, John, 1981
Disqualified from Truck Driver. Surface Reason-Handicapped
88 Lee, Kenneth, 1981
89 Marquez, E. G., 1955 October 26-1956 March 10
Safety Supplyman Occupation Eliminated (Won).
810 Martinez, Perfecto, A. L. Nabor, D. J. Aguilar, and Juan Nafarrate, 1957 April 16-October 15
811 Mena, 1959 July 27-1960 June 6
Morenci track gang case.
812 Morales, Frank, 1969
813 Morales, Frank, 1968-1976
814 Navarette, Mrs. Leta F, 1968 October 5
815 Parra, A. C., 1981
EEOC charge, age discrimination.
816 Reyes, Peter, 1981
Warning for "Improper Work Conduct."
817 Rodrieguez, etc. Foreman Arvillar, Working, 1961
818 Saiz, Benny, 1984
819 Simon Bejarano Claim of Employment Rights, 1984
820 Swingman's Interpretation, Article V, Section B, Sub-Section 1(b), Robert Manzanares, Smelter Division, 1958 May 16
821 Tapia, Gilbert M, 1968 October 21-1969 March 12
822 Travel Drill Operator, 1958 May 26-1961 October 6
823 Trujillo, A. A. (Mine), 1978 November 9-1979 October 4
Disqualification from Track Sub-Operator after property damage.
824 Trujillo, Leonard, 1984 June 30
Sub-Series I: Charges
825 Intra Union Charges Against (Scabs) Members Who Crossed Picket Lines ... 1983-84 Strike, Order Consolodating Cases 28-CB-2249 Series, 1983
826 Order Consolidating Charges by Scabs Against Union 28-CB-2249:1-4 et. al., 1984
827 Order Consolidating Charges by Scabs Against Union 28-CB-2273-17, et. al., 1984
828 Order Consolidating Charges By Scabs Against Union Case 28-CB-2286:1-4; and 28-CB-2288:1-6, 1984
Sub-Series J: Citations
829 Citations, Motorcranes Violation Citation #379902, Docket # West 81-236-M, 1981
830 Citations, Motorcranes Violation Citation #599860, Docket # West 81-296-M, 1981
Sub-Series K: Discrimination
831 Discrimination Case, Power House, 1969 August 12
832 Discrimination Complaint, Marquez, Ed, MSHA vs. Phelps Dodge Corp, 1979-1981
833 Discrimination in Hiring People on Layoff, 1965
Sub-Series L: Hearing
834 Air Pollution Control Hearing Board Decision, 1975
835 EPA Hearings, Morenci, 1975-1976
836 Warehouse Case, Union's Post-Hearing, 1971-1972
837 Water and Electric Rate Hike Hearing (1980 July 8). Decision on Morenci W & E Company, 1979-1985
Sub-Series M: HMS
91 Abeyta, Mike, 1983-1986
92 Arbirtration For Strikers Replaced During 1983 Strike and Were Denied HMS, Union Position Sustained, 1983
93 HMS Case at Apodaca, 1983-1986
94 Barcelo, Richard, 1983-1986
95 Cabral, Christopher, 1983-1986
96 Carrasco, Toni, 1983-1986
97 Court Enforcement of HMS Arbitration Award, Case #CIV84-066 TUC ACM, 1983
98 Gonzales, Gustavo, 1983-1986
99 Price, M. L., 1983-1986
910 Rios, Louie, 1983-1986
911 Rios, Rito, 1983-1986
912 Rodriguez, Armando, 1983-1986
913 Rodriguez, Margarito, 1983-1986
914 HMS Clayton-Parker and Associates, 1984
915 HMS Plan Rendered by Arbitrator Leo Kotin, Supplemental Decision, 1985
916 Charges: Sharp, Dennis, 1983
Sub-Series N: Layoffs
917 14-Day Penalty Layoff, 1981
918 Layoff of Employee Leading Up To Major Layoff of April 1982, 1981-1983
919 Moreno, A. M., 1982 April 15
28 Day Penalty. Layoff for Making False Statements During Company Investigation.
Sub-Series O: Lost Time Accidents
920 Lost Time Accidents: Branch, 1971-1974
921 Lost-Time Accidents Discussion, 1975-1977
922 Lost-Time Accidents Discussion, 1978-1980
923 Lost-Time Accidents Discussion, 1981
Sub-Series P: MESA
924 MESA and OSHA Seminars, 1975-1976
925 MESA Inspection: Locomotive Remote Control Problems, 1975
926 MESA Inspections of Smelter, 1974-1977
927 MESA Inspections Open Pit, 1969-1977
928 MESA Inspections Sand and Gravel Plants #1 and 2, Undated
929 MESA Inspections: Evans Point Line Quarry, 1970-1977
930 MESA Inspections: Metcalf Mine, 1972-1974
931 MESA Inspections: Morenci Mill, 1973-1975
932 MESA Inspections: Morenci Tailings Dam, 1973-1977
101 MESA Inspections: Silica Pit, 1973-1977
102 MESA Investigation of Fatal Accidents, 1969-1978
103 MESA Safety Standards, 1969-1974
104 MESA Training Programs, 1971
Sub-Series Q: Miscellaneous
105 101-103 Garbage Collection, 1982-1983
Contracting out and reassignment of garbage collection duties, 1983 May 6.
106 Election of Local Union Officers, Backup Information, 1985
107 International Officers and District 39 Election, 1985
108 Aerial Tramway Screening Complaint at Reduction Works Garage Area, 1980-1981
109 Article V, Section C, Subsection 3. Work Involving More Than One Rate of Pay. (Copper Pourer Grievance) Douglas Reduction Works, 1975
1010 Article VI, Section C. Hiring at Warehouse Division, 1982
1011 Cancellation of Vacations During 1980 Strike, 1974 August 16-1981 January 29
1012 Computation of Overtime for Second Short Change, 1975 September 25-1976 June 28
1013 Contracting Out of Garden Work Surface Department, 1980
1014 Converter Cranemen. Elimination of 2 Hour Relief (1963 March 15), 1962-1963
1015 Discussions on Company Rule Requiring 8' High Top Safety Shoes, 1981-1982
1016 Employment Security Commission of Arizona. Claims for Unemployment During 1971 Strike, 1971-1974
1017 EPA Consent Decree and Phelps Dodge Corporation, 1981
1018 ERISA Notices, 1974-1982
1019 Gas Orders, 1985-1986
1020 Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959. Electing Union Officers, 1979
1021 Morenci-Metcalf Mine Merger, 1979-1980
1022 Morenci-Metcalf Ore Dressing Hiring Violation Article VI, Section C, 1982
1023 Open Pit Slag Train Jurisdiction Dumping by Foreman, 1958 May 26-1959
1024 Power Plant Case: Holiday Pay, 1966
1025 Smelter Mud Mill Claiming Permanent Vacancy, 1959 September 10-1961 July 11
Sub-Series R: MSHA
1026 30 CFR Parts 55, 56 and 57: Safety Standards for Fire Prevention, 1985
1027 Citations Issued That Have Been Extended for Abatement, 1979
1028 Complaint Inspection of Crane Operation in Laying Transit Pipe at Tailings Dam, 1979
1029 Complaint on Unsafe Procedure for Guiding 130 Foot Pipe into Ground, 1981-1982
1030 Inspections, 1978-1979
1031 Inspections Reports and Assessments, 1981-1983
111 Inspections Reports and Assessments, 1984-1988
112 Inspections Reports and Assessments: Hearings, 1980
113 Investigations of Fatal Accidents, 1979-1987
114 Office of Assessments: Citations Hearings, 1979
115 Requirements: Union's Notification of Legal Identity, 1978-1980
116 Seminars or Workshops, 1978-1979
117 Training Plans, 1979
118 Training Plans, 1979
Sub-Series S: NLRB
119 Case 28-CB-2249:1-3 Consolidated Series, 1984
1110 Case 28-CB-2249-4, et. al., 1984
1111 Case 28-CB-2262 Series, 1984
Part of Case 28-CB-2249-4 et. al.
1112 Case 28-CB-2270 Series, 1984
Part of Case 28-CB-2249-4 et. al.
1113 Case 28-CB-2273:1-51, 1984
Some gaps; part of Case 28-CB-2249:1-4.
1114 Case 28-CB-2279:1-34, 1984
Part of 28-CB-2273-17 Consolidated.
1115 Case 28-CB-2286:1-4, 1983
1116 Case 28-CB-2288:1-7, 1983
1117 Case No. 28-CB-449, 1968-1970
1118 Miranda, Hector R., 1978 June 6-1979 February 22
1119 Parra, A. C., 1981
1120 Quigley, Richard, 1973
121 Store Credit, 1980
122 Unfair Labor Charge, Campos, Rudy, 1980
123 Unfair Labor Practice Charge, P. D. Morenci, 1968
124 Vacation Pay for Strikers, 1980
125 Certificate of Posting, 1985
126 Charges, 28-CA-6752 Contracting Out of Garbage Collection at Surface 28-CA-6785 ..., 1981
127 Charges Against Phelps Dodge Corporation on Grove and Motor Cranes, 1977
128 Charges, Complaint Issued 28-CA-6901-1, 28-CA-6971, 28-CA-6901-1, 28-CA-6971, Power House, Warehouse, Garden Work, 1982
129 Petition, Undated
Sub-Series T: Notices
1210 Notice of Possible Disciplinary Action Received, 1978-1981
1211 Notice of Warning or Discipline, 1983
1212 Notices of Negative Findings, 1980-1983
1213 Notices, RIF, 1974
Sub-Series U: OSHA
1214 Failure to Abate OSHA Cases #76-3323-3324 through #78-1241, 1978-1979
1215 Form 262 Reports and Correspondence Relating to Inspection by MESA ans OSHA, 1976
1216 Miscellaneous, 1978-1980
1217 OSHA Act of 1970 and Proposed Legislation, Undated
1218 Citation #009, J-5552 and OSHA Docket #79-1618: Electrostatic Precipitators, 1979
1219 Citation #C-5231-120 Converter Blow-Backs, 1979
1220 Complaint Docket #81-0864: Smelter Preparation, 1980
1221 Complaint: Converter Silencers, 1980
1222 Complaint: Dust Acid Sludge Ponds, 1979
1223 OSHA Correspondence and Union Representatives, 1980
1224 Docket #802912: Ajo Complaint, 1980
1225 Docket #81-2104: Arsenic and Lead Inspection Settlement, 1981-1982
1226 Dockets #78-1241; #76-3223-24; 77-3223-24: Cases, Undated
1227 Health Inspection and Citations of Converter Cranes, 23 Conveyor and 224 Conveyer Areas, 1976
1228 Hygenist Report of Inspection, Morenci Smelter, 1974 March 5-8
1229 Inspection and Correspondence Regarding the Inspection of Smelter, 1973-1974
1230 Inspection of Smelter and Related Correspondence, 1974 March 5-7
1231 Inspection of Smelter and Related Correspondence, 1974 March 6-8
131 Investigation of Slag Train, 1978
132 Medical Surveillance Arsenic Case 80-3203, 83-7321, and 84-1896, 1980
133 OSHA Medical Surveillance Case. OSHRC Docket No. 80-3203. Arsenic Standard, 1981
Continues to OSHA 84-1896.
134 OSHA Record Keeping Requirements, 1976
135 OSHA vs. Phelps Dodge, Docket #81-1441: Safety, 1982-1983
136 Wall to Wall Inspection, #81-1441, 1981-1982
Sub-Series V: Pension Case
137 Castaneda, J. L., Lawsuit, Undated
138 Claridge, O. K., 1986
139 Colvin, Richard, 1985
Pension Claim.
1310 Dominguez, Sr., Claro, 1986
1311 Dosela, Ross, 1985
Pension overpayment
1312 Gonzales, Elia A., 1986-1987
Regarding Spouse's Pension (Paul L. Gonzales) #275.
1313 Grajeda, Alfredo M., Phelps Dodge Pension Plan for Day's Pay Employees, 1968
Sub-Series W: Phelps Dodge
1314 Phelps Dodge Mercantile Company, Miscellaneous Proceedings and NLRB Unfair Labor Charges, 1972-1974
1315 Correspondence with Local #616, 1980-1982
1316 Deduction Register for Phelps Dodge Mercantile. Superior Court, Greenlee County, 4820-13, 1972-1973
1317 National Negotiating Committee, 1972
1318 Old Agreements, Use for Phelps Dodge Mercantile Employees, 1963-1974
1319 Phelps Dodge Corp. and USWA Morenci Regarding Warehouse Inventory, 1983
1320 Phelps Dodge Corp. Vs. FMSHRC 80-134-M: Case #81-7251, 1980-1981
1321 Phelps Dodge Mercantile Company, Correspondence, From Employees, Concerning Election, 1972-1973
1322 Phelps Dodge Mercantile Company, Correspondence, Strike, Miscellaneous, 1971
1323 Phelps Dodge Mercantile Company, Grievances, 1971-1976
1324 Phelps Dodge Mercantile Company, Notice of Hearing, 1974
1325 Phelps Dodge Mercantile Store Strike, 1971-1973
1326 Phelps Dodge Strike, 1983-1984
1327 Phelps Dodge Supervisor's Handbook, Undated
Sub-Series X: Reduction in Force
141 Leaching and Precipation Division, 1979-1980
142 Metcalf Mill, Morenci, 1978 May 26-1981
143 Mixed and Metcalf Power Plan, 1978
144 Morenci Mines Division and Old Metcalf Open Pit, 1970-1982
145 Smelter, 1981 October
146 Smelter Division, 1979-1980
147 Surface Division, 1977-1979
1977 November 9.
Sub-Series Y: Rock Throwing
148 Casillas, Ramon, 1984
149 Chavez, Candelario, 1983
1983 Strike.
1410 Chavez, Ruben, 1984
1411 Encinas, Ruben, 1984
1412 Navarrette, Robert, 1984
Sub-Series Z: Settlements
1413 Kennecott Copper Corp. Strike Settlement, 1971
1414 Local Issues. Anniversary Negotiations, 1971
1415 Memorandum of Settlement, 1967
1416 Memorandum of Settlement, 1977
1417 Negotiations, Settled Local Issues, 1980 October 10-1981 March 3
Sub-Series AA: Termination
1418 Termination and Transfer List, 1968-1970
1419 Termination and Transfer List, 1970
1420 Terminations, Revocations, and Transfers, 1971
Series III: Medical Records
1421 Hospital Employees Contract, Magma Copper Company, 1969
1422 Medical Bills Not Paid by Phelps Dodge, 1984
1423 Medical Cases, R. Montez Reimbursement, 1966 May 12-1970 December 8
Magma decision on away from home benefits.
1424 Medical Claim Information, 1985
1425 Medical Plan, 1955
1426 Pablo Chavarria NCSC Medical, 1982
Series IV: Union Records
Sub-Series A: General
1427 Ajo Management Order to Employees to Shave Facial Hair, 1979
1428 Applications for Strike Assistance, 1980
1429 Applications for Strike Assistance, 1980
1430 Applications for Strike Assistance, 1980
1431 Applications for Strike Assistance, 1980
1432 Applications for Strike Assistance, 1980
1433 Assistance List, 1980
1434 AW and Economic Issues Unsettled, 1974-1982
1435 Checkoff-Current, 1978-1980
1436 Community Counselor Course, 1983
1437 Concentrator Grinding Circuit Control Room Assignment, 1972
1438 Employees Transferred on Long and Faithful Service, 1978-1981
1439 Guideline to Follow When a Government Inspection Takes Place, Undated
1440 Information Distributed by Company, 1979-1980
1441 Inorganic Arsenic Compliance Plan by PD Morenci Smelter, 1978
1442 Line of Promotion in the Transportation and Field Repairs Department, 1960
1443 Local Demands. 1964 Bargaining Notes, 1964-1967
151 Minutes of Presidents Meetings With Sub-Director, 1979
152 Miscellaneous, 1985
153 Miscellaneous, Undated
154 Non-Ferrous Conference, 1986
155 Retirement, Disability, and Death Benefits Plans, 1968-1970
156 SEAHRC In-Kind Vouchers for Use of Union Facilities, 1980
157 Search and Seizure Decisions from Other Industries, 1955-1971
158 Semi-Annual Inspections at Morenci Branch Divisions, 1977-1982
159 Senior Center, 1980
1510 Slotting of Hydraulic Crane in Bisbee Copper Queen Branch, 1961
1511 Strike Steering Committee Meetings: Minutes, 1980
1512 Transportation Project: In-Kind, 1982
1513 Union 1132, 1983
1514 Union 1662, 1983
1515 Union 1668, 1983
1516 Union 221, 1983
1517 Union 428, 1983
1518 Union 506, 1983
1519 Union 518, 1983
1520 Union 616, 1983
1521 Union 741, 1983
1522 Warehouse Inventory Work by Salaried Employees, 1982
1523 Worker Adjustment Assistance, 1977
Sub-Series B: Benefits
1524 Strike Benefits. Duncan, 1983 (Numbers 0113-5822)
1525 Strike Benefits, 1983 (Numbers 0007-1985)
1526 Strike Benefits, 1983 (Numbers 2011-3856)
1527 Strike Benefits, 1983 (Numbers 4005-4398)
161 Strike Benefits, 1983 (Numbers 4405-6642)
162 Strike Benefits. Safford, 1983 (Numbers 0006-4392)
163 Strike Benefits. Safford, 1983 (Numbers 4404-5917)
164 Strike Benefits, 1972-1983 (Numbers 0006-0294)
165 Strike Benefits, 1972-1983 (Numbers 0303-1349)
166 Strike Benefits, 1972-1983 (Numbers 1355-1557)
167 Strike Benefits, 1972-1983 (Numbers 1564-2196)
168 Strike Benefits, 1972-1983 (Numbers 2208-2784)
169 Strike Benefits, 1972-1983 (Numbers 3111-3785)
1610 Strike Benefits, 1972-1983 (Numbers 4001-4138)
1611 Strike Benefits, 1972-1983 (Numbers 4140-4319)
1612 Strike Benefits, 1972-1983 (Numbers 4320-4895)
1613 Strike Benefits, 1972-1983 (Numbers 5002-6643)
Sub-Series C: Codes
1614 Code of Safe Practice for Assay Office and Bucking Room, 1955
1615 Code of Safe Practice for Assay Office, Bucking Room, 1947 September
1616 Code of Safe Practice for Bedding Plant Operations, Smelter Division, 1951 May
1617 Code of Safe Practice for Boat Laborers, Drillmen and Traxcavator Operators, Smelter Division, 1955 June
1618 Code of Safe Practice for Cleanup Laborers, Smelter Division, 1956 November
1619 Code of Safe Practice for Converter Operations, Smelter Division, 1956 June
1620 Code of Safe Practice for Converter Operations, Smelter Division, 1960 February
1621 Code of Safe Practice for Heavy and Light Equipment, Truck and Gar-Bro, 1955 July
1622 Code of Safe Practice for Heavy Truck Operators, Open Pit Division, 1956 August
171 Code of Safe Practice for Heavy Truck Operators, Open Pit Division, 1959 July
172 Code of Safe Practice for Heavy Truck Operators, Open Pit Division, 1962 April
173 Code of Safe Practice for Miscellaneous Smelter Operations, 1956 December
174 Code of Safe Practice for Operation of Field Cranes, Mechanical Department, 1960 July
175 Code of Safe Practice for Operation of Field Cranes, Mechanical Department, 1960 July
176 Code of Safe Practice for Power House, Blower and Compressor Operator, 1947 June
177 Code of Safe Practice for Power House, Waste Heat Boiler Fireman, 1947 June
178 Code of Safe Practice for Sampling Open Pit Blast Holes and Rotary Drill Holes, 1957
179 Code of Safe Practice for Smelter Division, Reverberatory Furnace Operation, 1947
1710 Code of Safe Practice for Tailing Dams Operation, Concentrator Division, 1955 December
1711 Code of Safe Practice for Unloading Material from Railroad Cars, Surface Division, 1956 September
1712 Code of Safe Practice for Waste Dumps, Open Pit Division, 1950 January
1713 Code of Safe Practice for Waste Dumps, Open Pit Division, 1955 November
1714 Code of Safe Practice for Waste Dumps, Open Pit Division, 1955 November
Sub-Series D: Committee
1715 LEPAC: The Establishment and Maintenance of Political Action Committees by Labor Organizations in Arizona, 1979
1716 Trial Committee, 1983
1717 Wage Policy Committee, 1985
1718 Wage Policy Committee. Policy Statement, 1973-1974
Sub-Series E: Correspondence
1719 Attorney Correspondence to Local 616, Stipulation of Facts, 1983 Strike, 1983
1720 Cannon, Joe B., Workmen's Compensation Case and Social Security Correspondence, 1980
1721 Correspondence, 1986
1722 Correspondence, 1987-1988
1723 Correspondence for Financial Officers, 1977-1986
1724 Correspondence to and from Management, 1973-1983
1725 Correspondence to President from International Unions and Other Unions, 1970-1986
1726 Correspondence to President and Miscellaneous from President, 1971-1986
1727 Correspondence, 1973-1981
1728 Correspondence, 1986-1987
1729 Correspondence: Bert Romero, State Mine Inspector, 1975-1977
1730 Freedom Letter to Bishop Tutu, Thank You Letter to Helen Hanrahan, Undated
1731 Letters to Members Strike Benefits, 1980
1732 Local #616 Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1970
1733 Metcalf Correspondence, 1976
1734 Oral Discussions with the Company, 1979 January-1982
1735 Phelps Dodge Correspondence, 1961-1963
Sub-Series F: Inspection
181 Metcalf Ore Dressing Division Inspections, 1976-1978
182 Security Inspection at Surface Department, Undated
Sub-Series G: Kit
183 USWA-PAC: Action Kit, 1979
184 USWA AFL-CIO New Member Kit, 1976-1978
Sub-Series H: Layoff
185 Recall of Members After 6 Month Layoff, 1982 October
Sub-Series I: Lists
186 Address List, Undated
187 Assistance List, 1980
188 Assistance List, 1980
189 Duncan: Assistance List, 1980
1810 Seniority List as of 1982 December
1811 Seniority List as of 1973 September 1
1812 Seniority List. Most Current Available as of 1983 March
1813 USWA Roster, 1980 October 8
Sub-Series J: Meeting
1814 Executive Board Meetings, 1977-1982
1815 Grievance Meeting Attendance with Management, 1978-1981
1816 Grievance Meetings with Management, 1982
1817 Minutes of Meetings on Safety at Statewide Level, 1970
1818 Safety Meetings: Company and Employee, 1972-1974
1819 Stewards Council Meetings, 1977-1982
1820 Foreman's Safety Meetings and Company Material, 1970
Sub-Series K: Member Files
1821 Interdivisional Transfers, 1980
1822 Local Members, Undated
1823 Mailing, 1978-1987
1824 Picket Duty, 1980
1825 Retirees, 1979-1981
1826 Safford Employees, Undated
1827 Scabs, 1983
1828 Seniority of Employees, 1981-1982
1829 Stewards, Undated
1830 Transferred or Separated, 1970
1831 Transfers, 1981
Sub-Series L: Minutes
191 Legislative Education Committee Minutes, 1982
192 Legislative Education Committee Minutes, 1984
193 Legislative Education Committee Minutes, 1985
194 Minutes of Metcalf Mine Quarterly Safety Committee Meetings, 1974-1976
195 Minutes of Morenci Open Pit Quarterly Safety Committee, 1972-1983
196 Minutes of Ore Dressing Quarterly Safety Committee, 1978-1982
197 Minutes of Safety Quarterly, 1978
198 Minutes of Smelter Quarterly Safety Committee, 1971-1973
199 Minutes of Smelter Quarterly Safety Committee, 1974-1982
1910 Minutes. Labor Unity Council, 1980
1911 Miscellaneous Correspondence, Minutes, 1977-1980
1932 Legislative Education Committee Minutes, 1979-1980
1933 Legislative Education Committee Minutes, 1981
21/OV21 Recording Secretary's Minute Book, 1973 November 5-1979 January 28
Sub-Series M: Photographs
1912 Raul Castro and Dean Rusk, Undated
24/OV21 Photographs
Sub-Series N: Print
1913 A. I. Labor Letter: Newsletter, 1976-1977
1914 Employee Discrimination Newsletter, 1981 June
1915 Interpretative Bulletin on Union Participatory Rights Regarding Inspections, Undated
1916 Legislative Guidebook, 1968
1917 Letters of Those Who Have Been Permanently Replaced, 1983
1918 Mine Safety Digest, 1981-1982
1919 Miscellaneous Newsletters and Flyers, 1976
1920 Bumper Stickers and Cards, Undated
1921 Morenci Miner News, 1980 July 1
1922 Press Releases, 1978-1981
1923 Why Do You Need to Boycott the Phelps Dodge Mercantile, Undated
23/OV21 Paintings
24/OV22 Awards
24/OV23 Awards
24/OV24 Newspaper
24/OV25 Music Poster
24/OV26 Signs
Sub-Series O: Program
1924 Advanced Union Counselors Course, 1983
1925 Affirmative Action Programs, 1979-1980
1926 Community Action Board and Southerneastern Arizona Human Resources Council, 1977-1983
1927 Hispanic Affairs, 1977-1979
1928 Mine Safety and Health, 1978-1979
1929 Respirator Program, 1978
1930 Southwest Environmental Service, 1979-1982
Sub-Series P: Reports
1931 Space In-Kind Reports: Clifton, 1983-1984
1932 Analytical Services, Daily Concentration Report, 1985
1933 Daily Employment Report, 1976 August-November
1934 Equal Employment Opportunity, Local Union Report EEO3, 1971-1977
1935 Morenci Branch Accident Reports for #1, 2 and 2-A, 1971
1936 Morenci Branch Accident Reports for #1, 2 and 2-A, 1972
1937 Morenci Branch Accident Reports for #1, 2 and 2-A, 1973
1938 Morenci Branch Accident Reports for #1, 2 and 2-A, 1974
1939 Morenci Branch Accident Reports for #1, 2 and 2-A, 1975
1940 Morenci Branch Accident Reports for #1, 2 and 2-A, 1976
1941 Morenci Branch Accident Reports for #1, 2 and 2-A, 1977
1942 Morenci Branch Accident Reports for #1, 2 and 2-A, 1978
1943 Morenci Branch Accident Reports for #1, 2 and 2-A, 1979
1944 Morenci Branch Accident Reports for #1, 2 and 2-A, 1980
1945 Morenci Branch Accident Reports for #1, 2 and 2-A, 1981
1946 Morenci Branch Accident Reports for #1, 2 and 2-A, 1982-1983
1947 Near Accidents Reported to Union, 1973-1975
1948 Officers' Report, 22nd Constitutional Convention, 1984 September 24-28
201 Safety Recommendation and Investigation Reports, 1973
202 State Mine Inspector: Reports, 1972-1976
Sub-Series Q: Resolutions
203 Resolutions, 1974
204 USWA Policy Resolutions, 22nd Constitutional Convention, 1984 September 24-28
Sub-Series R: Signatures
205 Records of Members Signatures... 1983 Strike, 1983-1986 (#0111-1550)
206 Records of Members Signatures... 1983 Strike, 1983-1986 (#2002-4037)
207 Records of Members Signatures... 1983 Strike, 1983-1986 (#4038-4421)
208 Records of Members Signatures... 1983 Strike, 1983-1986 (#4428-6629)
209 Records of Members Signatures... 1983 Strike. Active, 1983-1986
2010 Records of Members Signatures... 1983 Strike. Active, 1983-1986
2011 Records of Members Signatures... 1983 Strike. Active, 1983-1986
2012 Records of Members Signatures... 1983 Strike. Active, 1983-1986
2013 Records of Members Signatures... 1983 Strike. Active, 1983-1986
2014 Records of Members Signatures... 1983 Strike. Active, 1983-1986
2015 Records of Members Signatures... 1983 Strike. Inactive, 1983-1986
2016 Records of Members Signatures... 1983 Strike. Inactive, 1983-1986
2017 Records of Members Signatures... 1983 Strike. Inactive, 1983-1986
2018 Records of Members Signatures... 1983 Strike. Inactive, 1983-1986
2019 Records of Members Signatures... 1983 Strike. Inactive, 1983-1986
2020 Records of Members Signatures... 1983 Strike. Inactive, 1983-1986
2021 Records of Members Signatures... 1983 Strike. Inactive, 1983-1986
2022 Records of Members Signatures... 1983 Strike. Inactive, 1983-1986
2023 Records of Members Signatures... 1983 Strike. Inactive, 1983-1986
2024 Records of Members Signatures... 1983 Strike. Inactive, 1983-1986
2025 Records of Members Signatures... 1983 Strike. Inactive, 1983-1986
2026 Records of Members Signatures... 1983 Strike. Label, 1983-1986
2027 Records of Members Signatures... 1983 Strike. Label, 1983-1986
2028 Records of Members Signatures... 1983 Strike. Label, 1983-1986
2029 Records of Members Signatures... 1983 Strike. New Assmt, 1983-1986
2030 Records of Members Signatures... 1983 Strike. Staff, 1983-1986
2031 Records of Members Signatures... 1983 Strike. "To be processed, Safford", 1983-1986
Sub-Series S: Statement
2032 Statement of Modifications, 1964
Sub-Series T: Statistics
2033 Arsenic Monitoring Data Results to Employees, 1978-1979
2034 Tabulations, Flow Sheet, Accident Statistics, 1974
Sub-Series U: Ephemera
22/OV21 Pins and Awards, 1962-1985