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Personal and Political Papers of Senator Barry M. Goldwater 1880s-2008


Overview of the Collection

Creator: Goldwater, Barry M. (Barry Morris), 1909-1998
Title: Personal and Political Papers of Senator Barry M. Goldwater
Inclusive Dates: 1880s-2008
Quantity: 970 Boxes (1,180 Linear Feet)
Abstract:The personal and political papers of Barry Goldwater span over 100 years. In addition to extensive legislative, personal correspondence and campaign files, the collection includes microfilm, photographs, audio-visual material, artifacts, cartoons, clippings, albums, and memorabilia. It has been described in detail using notes at the series and sub-series level, which may be found embedded in the container list below.
Identification: FM MSS 1
Language: Material in English
Repository: Arizona State University Library. Greater Arizona Collection
P.O. Box 871006
Tempe, AZ 85287-1006
Phone: (480) 965-4932
Questions? Ask An Archivist!

Biographical Note

Barry M. Goldwater was born in Phoenix, Arizona on January 1, 1909. He attended grade school in Phoenix and at age 13 succeeded in setting up the first commercial radio transmitter in Arizona, KFDA – the 36th station licensed in the U.S. He attended high school at Staunton Military Academy in Virginia where he became an outstanding cadet and student athlete. He played football, ran track, and was captain of the record-setting swim team. After graduation, he enrolled at the University of Arizona. His academic career was cut short in 1929 by his father's death, whereupon he entered the family business, Goldwaters department store. Starting as a junior clerk, Goldwater progressed to become President and eventually Chairman of the Board – a position he held until 1953.

Goldwater married Margaret (Peggy) Johnson of Muncie, Indiana in 1934. They had four children, Joanne, Barry Jr., Michael, and Margaret (Peggy) Jr. Peggy died in 1985. In 1992, he married Susan Wechsler.

In 1940, Goldwater joined Norman Nevills on a 42-day trip down the Green and Colorado Rivers and became the 71st person to travel the full length of the Colorado. His film, photographs, slides, and lecture "Shooting the Rapids" took him to venues throughout Arizona. He drew large audiences, thus setting the stage for future political campaigns. His award-winning photography was exhibited worldwide and won him membership in the prestigious Royal Photographic Society.

Barry Goldwater's military career spanned 37 years. During World War II, he volunteered for active duty in 1942 but was rejected due to his age and previous athletic injuries. He persisted and eventually was assigned to Yuma, Arizona where he was a gunnery instructor and perfected a technique that increased target accuracy. He later became one of 10 pilots to fly P-47 Thunderbolts across the North Atlantic to Europe. He retired in 1969 as a Major General in the U.S. Air Force Reserves. By the end of his career, he had logged 15,000 hours of flight time, flew over 250 aircraft, and received numerous awards, medals, and commendations.

Goldwater launched his political career in 1949 on a Republican reform platform and won a seat on the Phoenix City Council. In 1952, Barry Goldwater challenged the incumbent Ernest McFarland and won a seat in the U.S. Senate. He served two terms and then ran for President against Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964. Although it was a landslide defeat, Goldwater emerged as a political icon for the conservative movement and the Republican Party. He was re-elected to the Senate in 1968 and served until his retirement in 1986. During his thirty-year career, he served on the Banking and Currency, Labor and Public Welfare, Interior and Insular Affairs, Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Armed Forces, Labor and Public Welfare, Select Committee on Intelligence, Indian Affairs, and Commerce, Science and Transportation and Small Business committees. These committees reflect his lifelong interests in aviation, amateur radio, technology, defense, labor and union issues, national security, and Native Americans.

On May 29, 1998, Barry M. Goldwater died at his home in Phoenix from complications of a stroke.


1909January 1, Baron (Barry) Morris Goldwater is born at home to Baron Goldwater and Josephine (JoJo) Williams Goldwater in Phoenix, Arizona. He is later joined by brother Robert and sister Carolyn.
1912Arizona becomes the 48th state in the union on February 14th. Young Barry is the ring bearer at the first wedding performed in the State of Arizona. The couple, Joe Melczer and Hazel Goldberg, delayed their wedding until they received word that Arizona had become a state.
1920His father gives him his first crystal radio set sparking a lifelong interest in ham radio.
1922At age 13, assists in setting up the first commercial radio transmitter in Arizona, KFDA. It is the 36th station licensed in the United States.
1923-1928Attends Staunton Military Academy in Virginia. Plays center in football, runs track and is the captain of the swim team. Named Outstanding Cadet of the senior class.
1928Applies for a commission as Second Lieutenant in the U.S. Army. Attends the University of Arizona the fall semester of that year.
1929Baron Goldwater dies at age 62. Barry leaves the university to assume his position in the family department store, Goldwaters, while brother Bob finishes college at Stanford.
1930Commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the U.S. Army Reserve. Registers for the first time as a Republican. Takes flight lessons and makes his first solo flight after 10 hours of instruction. Flying becomes a life long passion. Meets Peggy Johnson, daughter of industrialist R. P. Johnson, in December of that year.
1931Makes his first cross country flight to Los Angeles. During his lifetime, clocks 15,000 hours of flight time in 270 different types of aircraft including helicopters, sail planes and gliders.
1933Promoted to First Lieutenant in the U.S. Infantry Reserve. Proposes marriage to Peggy Johnson.
1934Barry Goldwater and Peggy Johnson marry in her hometown of Muncie, Indiana.
1935Enters his first photographic art exhibit at The First Annual Salon of The Arizona Pictorialists. Becomes a serious photographer exhibiting in over 200 juried shows nationally and internationally.
1936First child, Joanne is born. Organizes winter relief flights to the Navajo Nation.
1937Serves as General Chairman of the Phoenix Community Chest drive.
1938Second child, Barry Jr. is born.
1939Creates a national fad with Antsy Pants, men's underwear printed with large red ants. Women's Wear Daily describes him as a creative merchandising dynamo. Sells first photograph "Coalmine Canyon" to Arizona Highways.
1940Publishes Arizona Portraits resulting in his induction into the Royal Photographic Society. Joins the Norman Nevills party on a trip down the Green and Colorado Rivers and for 42 days runs the rapids in a wooden boat. Becomes the 71st known person to travel the full length of the Colorado River. Shoots many photographs and a film "Shooting the Rapids", which he takes on tour throughout Arizona. Third child, Michael is born.
1941The Goldwater stores expand. The family business yields $1,000,000 annually. Becomes Chairman of the Military Affairs Committee of Phoenix Chamber of Commerce. Assigned as Public Relations Officer to Luke Air Force Base.
1942Transferred to Yuma, Arizona where he oversees construction and requisitions supplies for an advanced flight school for combat pilots. Serves as an aerial gunnery instructor and perfects a technique that increases target accuracy. Participates in training programs for Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalist Chinese pilots. This program begins a life-long relationship with the Republic of China (Taiwan).
1943Transferred to the 27th Ferry Squadron and is selected as one of the first 10 pilots to ferry P-47 Thunderbolts across the North Atlantic to Europe. Awarded the Air Medal for meritorious achievement while participating in aerial flight.
1944Serves in the Asian Theatre and flies three major supply routes, Snowball, Crescent and Fireball. Assigned to fly "The Hump" (the eastern end of the Himalayan Mountains), the last leg of a ten-thousand mile run. Promoted to Major and then Lt. Colonel. Fourth child, Peggy Jr. is born.
1945Musters out of the U.S. Army Air Corps.
1946Assigned by Arizona Governor Sydney Osborn as Captain of the Arizona National Guard. Advocates integration of the Arizona Guard, which was among the first to open its ranks to African-Americans.
1946Campaigns for Arizona to become a "Right to Work" state in response to major strikes nationally. Appointed by Governor Sydney Osborn to the Arizona Colorado River Commission later renamed the Interstate Stream Commission. One of his photographs is selected for the cover of the first all color issue of Arizona Highways.
1947Joins the Phoenix Chamber of Commerce Thunderbirds. Promotes legislation for the Right to Work initiative. Phoenix Mayor Ray Busey appoints Barry Goldwater and 39 other leading citizens to a committee to study city government and suggest charter revisions and reforms. They become known as the Phoenix Forty.
1948The Phoenix Charter Revision Committee announces its finding and recommends the appointment of a professional city manager who would be immune from political pressure. Asked by supporters to run for City Council.
1949The Phoenix Charter Revision Committee reorganizes to become the Charter Government Committee, which provides a platform for reform-minded candidates who sweep the election. At age 40, wins a seat on the Phoenix City Council.
1950Becomes Howard Pyle's campaign manager for Governor of Arizona.
1951Re-elected to Phoenix City Council.
1952Opens his campaign for U.S. Senate. Becomes Chief of Staff for the Arizona Air National Guard. Unseats Democrat incumbent Ernest McFarland by 6,500 votes.
1953Gives first major speech in Senate and appeals for an end to federal price controls. In another debate, he criticizes France for its failure to move Indo-China towards independence.
1954The Senator's first bill is signed by President Eisenhower. The bill authorizes the Secretary of the Interior to convey certain land to the City of Tucson, Arizona and to accept certain other lands in exchange.
1955Asked to serve as Chair of the Republican Senate Campaign Committee. This launches his GOP leadership role as a national fundraiser and spokesman for emerging conservative beliefs.
1956Collaborates with Stephen Shadegg on the script for the documentary "For Freedom's Sake" describing the dangers of communism. Campaigns to re-elect President Eisenhower to a second term.
1958Wins a second term to the U.S. Senate over Arizona Governor Ernest McFarland by a 56% majority.
1959Promoted to Brigadier General of the U.S. Air Force Reserves. Meets with Clarence Manion and a small group of conservatives in Chicago to discuss a national campaign to mobilize sentiment and delegate votes for the GOP presidential nomination. Establishes the Arizona Historical Foundation.
1960Nominated by Arizona Governor Paul Fannin for President at the GOP National Convention. Arizona U.S. Congressman John Rhodes seconds the motion. Goldwater immediately withdraws his name and campaigns for Richard M. Nixon. Writes The Conscience of a Conservative. It becomes a best-seller, emphasizing his strong opposition to communism and fueling growth of the conservative political movement.
1961President Kennedy asks Goldwater's advice during the Bay of Pigs invasion. He responds by advising him to order an air strike immediately or the mission would fail. Receives an Honorary Doctor of Laws degree from Arizona State University.
1962The Bay of Pigs debacle precipitates the Cuban Missile Crisis. This prompts Goldwater to write Why Not Victory, which quickly becomes a bestseller and offers a foreign policy based on military strength. Promoted to Major General of the U.S. Air Force Reserves.
1963Objects to the public accommodations section of the Civil Rights bill as an assault on property and states' rights. Already considering a run for the presidency, discusses a plan with John F. Kennedy to travel the country and campaign together. J.F.K is assassinated. Vice-President Lyndon Baines Johnson becomes the 36th President of the United States. Obtains HAM radio license for station K7UGA which is based out of his home.
1964Publishes two books, Where I Stand and The Face of Arizona. Wins the Republican nomination for President. One much quoted line in his acceptance speech, written by Harry Jaffa, "I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice and let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue" has its origins in a speech by Cicero. Meets with President Johnson. Both agree to remain mute on the Civil Rights issue and maintain a united front against communism. Defeated by Lyndon Baines Johnson in a landslide.
1964Goldwater v. Ginzburg - sues Fact Magazine, Inc. and Ralph Ginzburg for libel regarding the article "The Unconscious of a Conservative: A Special Issue on the Mind of Barry Goldwater", which labeled him as "severely paranoid personality who was unfit for office." Court rules in Goldwater's favor in 1970.
1965Settles back to his home Be-Nun-I-Kin in Phoenix, Arizona. He and his former presidential campaign manager, Denison Kitchel, create the Free Society Association. Becomes active in local issues such as the preservation of Camelback Mountain. Continues to make numerous public appearances and receives thousands of letters from supporters and fans. Makes plans to run for the U.S. Senate.
1967K7UGA approved to operate as part of the Military Affiliate Radio System (MARS) which is staffed by volunteers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. By 1983 when the station closed, over 200,000 phone calls were patched from troops in Southeast Asia to family members in the U.S. Makes first visit to Taiwan.
1968Supports Richard M. Nixon for the GOP presidential bid. Runs for the U.S. Senate seat vacated by the retiring Carl Hayden and defeats Roy Elson 274,607 to 205,338 votes. First order of business: a trip to Vietnam. Son, Barry Jr. wins a seat to the U.S House of Representatives from the 27th District of California in a campaign headed by his brother Michael.
1969Introduces a joint resolution endorsing the Equal Rights Amendment. Receives an Honorary Doctor of Laws degree from the University of Arizona. Retires from the Armed Forces of the U.S. as a Major General. Medals and decorations include: the China Defense and Battle Star, Asiatic Pacific Theatre, American Theatre, American Defense Medal, European Theatre, Army Commendations Medal, Reserve Officers' Medal, Air Medal, and the China Hump Pilots Medal.
1970Publishes Conscience of a Majority and a book highlighting his river trip in 1940, Delightful Journey, Down the Green and Colorado Rivers. Authors the Overseas and Absentee Voting Rights Amendment and the National Air and Space Museum bills. Secures voting rights for all citizens age eighteen and older.
1971Growing anti-ERA sentiments in Arizona and nationally persuade him to reject the amendment. Leads the effort to repeal the draft and establish an all volunteer military force.
1972Watergate begins and is initially minimized by Goldwater. At age 65, thinks about retiring. President Nixon is re-elected.
1973Receives the Wright Brothers Award for service in aviation.
1974Watergate evidence mounts. He, Hugh Scott, and John Rhodes meet with President Nixon who resigns from office two days later. Vice-President Gerald Ford becomes the 38th President of the U.S. Goldwater runs for another term in the U.S. Senate and defeats Jonathan Marshall 320,306 to 229,523 votes. Authors the Grand Canyon Park Enlargement bill. Presented with the Aviation Space Writers Distinguished Service Award. Wins the Lee Badge as a sail plane pilot.
1975Receives an Honorary Doctor of Aeronautical Science degree from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and an Honorary Doctor of Laws degree from Butler University. Receives the Congressional Award for Outstanding Service for Veterans of Foreign Wars.
1976Receives Congressional Award for AMVETS of World War II. Publishes The Coming Breakpoint. Inducted into the International Swimming Hall of Fame. Jimmy Carter becomes the 39th President of the United States.
1977Authors the Women Pilots Veterans' Benefits bill conferring veterans' status on Women Air Force Service Pilots. Appointed to Smithsonian Institution Board of Regents.
1978Visits Panama and meets with General Omar Torrijos. Files a lawsuit, Goldwater v. Carter, for terminating a treaty without Senate consent. Lawsuit found in favor of the President of the U.S. in 1979. Receives an Honorary Doctor of Letters degree from Northern Arizona University. Awarded the Elder Statesman Award from the National Aeronautic Association, and the Thomas D. White National Defense Award from the U.S. Air Force Academy.
1979Publishes his personal and political memoirs, With No Apologies.
1980Decides to run a final time for the Senate and narrowly defeats Democrat William Schulz 432,371 to 422,972 votes.
1981Supports the nomination of Sandra Day O'Connor as the first woman to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court.
1982Joins liberals in attacking the "New Right's" efforts to legislate limits on the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court. Inducted into the National Aviation Hall of Fame.
1984Authors the Cable Deregulation Act.
1985Peggy Goldwater dies after a long struggle with lung and heart failure.
1986Co-authors Goldwater–Nichols Department of Defense Reorganization Act, which creates a strong Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, making the holder of the post the principal military adviser to the President. Awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation's highest civilian honor. Retires from the U.S. Senate. U.S. Representative John McCain wins the vacated seat.
1988Remains active in local and national politics. Continues to be in high demand as a speaker. Receives thousands of letters from friends, fans, and supporters. Becomes the Honorary Chair of the campaign to recall Governor Evan Mecham. Endorses George H. W. Bush over Robert Dole. Makes public service announcements to preserve ancient Native American sites from plunder. A total of 196 Goldwater photographs have now appeared in Arizona Highways.
1991Inducted into the Arizona Aviation Hall of Fame
1992Marries Susan Shaffer Wechsler, a registered nurse and branch manager of a home health care agency. Endorses Democrat Karan English for the U.S. House of Representatives over Republican Douglas Wead. Speaks out against mixing religion and politics and for separation of church and state.
1993Endorses a referendum making the birthday of Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. a state holiday in contrast to his previous positions rejecting an MLK national holiday. Urges the Phoenix City Council to adopt a civil rights ordinance that would protect homosexuals from discrimination. States his position that gays be allowed to serve in the military.
1994Honored by Planned Parenthood for his commitment to privacy and a woman's right to choose. Receives the Civil Libertarian of the Year Award from the Arizona Civil Liberties Union.
1996Describes himself and Bob Dole as the "new liberals of the Republican Party." Suffers his first stroke. Dole loses the presidential primary to Steve Forbes.
1998May 29, Barry M. Goldwater dies at home due to complications of a stroke. He is later cremated. Both Barry and his wife Peggy's ashes are scattered along the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon.

Scope and Content Note

The personal and political papers of Barry Goldwater span over 100 years. In addition to extensive legislative, personal correspondence and campaign files, the collection includes microfilm, photographs, audio-visual material, artifacts, cartoons, clippings, albums, and memorabilia. It has been described in detail using notes at the series and sub-series level, which may be found embedded in the container list below.


This collection consists of nine hundred and seventy boxes divided into seven series:
Series I: Personal
Sub-Series A: Alpha Files
Sub-Series B: Art
Sub-Series C: Aviation
Sub-Series D: Awards and Certificates
Sub-Series E: Boards and Membership
Sub-Series F: Correspondence
Sub-Series G: Family History
Sub-Series H: Military
Sub-Series I: Oral Histories
Sub-Series J: Photography
Sub-Series K: Politics
Sub-Series L: Public Appearances
Sub-Series M: Radio
Sub-Series N: Senate Campaigns
Sub-Series O: Travel
Sub-Series P: Writings
Series II: 1964 Presidential Campaign
Sub-Series A: Committee Prints
Sub-Series B: General
Sub-Series C: Goldwater for President Committee
Sub-Series D: Literature
Sub-Series E: Magazines
Sub-Series F: Memorabilia
Sub-Series G: News Clippings
Sub-Series H: Newspaper Headlines and Front Pages
Sub-Series I: Peggy Goldwater Correspondence
Sub-Series J: Photo Albums
Sub-Series K: Republican National Committee
Sub-Series L: Speeches
Sub-Series M: States
Series III: Legislative
Sub-Series A: Bills Sponsored and Co-Sponsored
Sub-Series B: Congressional Record Excerpts
Sub-Series C: Voting Record
Sub-Series D: Record Vote Analysis
Sub-Series E: Legislative Activities
Sub-Series F: Legislative Fragments (83rd-89th Congress)
Sub-Series G: Colleague Correspondence and Committees
Series IV: Constituent Service
Sub-Series A: Projects and Programs
Sub-Series B: Issue Mail
Sub-Series C: General Correspondence (A-Z by sender)
Series V: Administrative
Sub-Series A: Appointment Books
Sub-Series B: Congressional Research Service
Sub-Series C: Correspondence
Sub-Series D: Invitations Accepted
Sub-Series E: Manuals/Office Policies
Sub-Series F: Nominations and Recommendations
Sub-Series G: Other
Sub-Series H: Schedules
Sub-Series I: Travel
Series VI: Media
Sub-Series A: Speeches, Statements, and Remarks
Sub-Series B: News Clippings (loose)
Sub-Series C: Publications
Sub-Series D: Scrapbooks (with CDs)
Sub-Series E: Political Cartoons
Sub-Series F: Photographs
Sub-Sub-Series i: Prints
Sub-Sub-Series ii: Slides
Sub-Sub-Series iii: Negatives
Sub-Sub-Series iv: Contact Sheets
Sub-Sub-Series v: Albums
Sub-Sub-Series vi: Oversized

Sub-Series G: Film (with DVDs)
Sub-Series H: Video
Sub-Series I: Audio (with CDs)
Sub-Series J: Materials Regarding Mr. Conservative
Sub-Series K: Microfilm (with CDs)
Series VII: Artifacts, Memorabilia, and Oversized Material
Sub-Series A: Awards and Certificates
Sub-Series B: Plaques
Sub-Series C: Small Awards, Medals and Medallions
Sub-Series D: Campaign Memorabilia
Sub-Series E: General
Sub-Series F: Artwork
Sub-Series G: Writings and Publications Addition
Sub-Series H: Plaque Addition
Sub-Series I: Media Addition
Constituent Case Files


Access Restrictions

This collection is unrestricted except for certain family correspondence, which is closed until 2023.

Although considered sensitive, case files (48 boxes) have been retained and are available to researchers. Contact the Head of Archives and Special Collections for more information.

To view this collection, make an appointment at least five business days prior to your visit by contacting Ask an Archivist or calling (480) 965-4932. Appointments in the Wurzburger Reading Room at Hayden Library (rm. 138) on the Tempe campus are available Monday through Friday. Check the ASU Library Hours page for current availability.


The Arizona Board of Regents retains copyright to this collection for and on behalf of the Arizona State University Library. Requests to publish, display, or redistribute information from this collection must be submitted via our online application.

Related Material

A list of publications by or relating to Barry Goldwater is available at

The Rockefeller Family Archives, Record Group 15, Sub-Series 2: [Nelson Rockefeller's] Campaign for the 1964 Republican Presidential Nomination, 1963-1964 ( contain information regarding Goldwater's 1964 presidential campaign.

The National Archives and Records Administration houses information regarding Goldwater. Their catalog is available at; use "Goldwater" as a search term.

The Stephen Shadegg/Barry Goldwater Collection, 1949-1965 at the Briscoe Center for American History (; 31 linear feet) houses Stephen Shadegg's campaign files for Goldwater's 1952 and 1958 U.S. Senate campaigns and 1964 Republican presidential primary effort.

Separated Materials

Materials originally housed with this collection were separated and processed into the following collections:

FP FPC 1: Barry M. Goldwater Historic Photograph Collection, 1850s-1960s (

FP FPC 2: Barry M. Goldwater Fine Arts Photograph Collection, circa 1938–1968 (Bulk 1940-1965) (

FM MSS 8: Morris Goldwater Collection, 1852-1964 (

FM MSS 156: Barry Goldwater Dime Novel Collection, 1881-1920 (

Access Terms

Personal Name(s)
Carter, Jimmy, 1924- -- Trials, litigation, etc.
Carter, Jimmy, 1924-.
Ginzburg, Ralph -- Trials, litigation, etc.
Goldwater family -- Genealogy.
Goldwater, Barry M. (Barry Morris), 1909-1998 -- Archives.
Goldwater, Barry M. (Barry Morris), 1909-1998 -- Trials, litigation, etc.
Goldwater, Barry M. (Barry Morris), 1909-1998. Conscience of a conservative.
Hess, Karl, 1923-.
Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908-1973.
Kitchel, Denison.
McFarland, Ernest William, 1894-1984.
Nevills, Norman D., 1908-1949.
Nixon, Richard M. (Richard Milhous), 1913-1994.
Quinn, William W. (William Wilson), 1907-.
Shadegg, Stephen C.

Corporate Name(s)
Arizona Historical Foundation.
Arizona Pioneers (Organization).
Arizona State University.
Arizona. National Guard.
Atrix Laboratories.
Central Arizona Project (U.S.).
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.
Goldwaters (Firm).
International Order of Characters.
Investigative Reporters and Editors, Inc.
Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service.
National Air and Space Museum.
National Aviation Hall of Fame (U.S.).
Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation Commission.
Phoenix (Ariz.). City Council.
Planned Parenthood of Central and Northern Arizona.
Republican Party (U.S. : 1854- ).
River Runners (Firm).
Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation.
Sigma Chi Fraternity.
Smithsonian Institution. Board of Regents.
Staunton Military Academy.
United States Air Force Academy. Board of Visitors.
United States. Air Force Reserve.
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences.
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Armed Services.
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Banking and Currency.
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Indian Affairs.
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs.
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Labor and Public Welfare.
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Small Business.
United States. Congress. Senate. Select Committee on Intelligence.
United States. Environmental Protection Agency.
United States. Goldwater-Nichols Department of Defense Reorganization Act of 1986.
United States. Military Affiliate Radio System.
United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
Women Airforce Service Pilots (U.S.)

Geographic Name(s)
Colorado River (Colo.-Mexico).
Grand Canyon (Ariz.).
Mexico -- Foreign relations -- United States.
Panama Canal (Panama).
Phoenix (Ariz.) -- Charters.
Phoenix (Ariz.) -- Politics and government.
United States -- Foreign relations -- Mexico.
West (U.S.) -- In art.

Amateur radio stations.
Cable television -- Deregulation.
Church and state.
Civil rights.
Coal mines and mining.
Emigration and immigration.
Energy industries.
Firearms -- Law and legislation.
Free enterprise.
Gay military personnel.
Indians of North America -- Arizona.
Kachinas in art.
Military readiness.
Military service, Voluntary.
National security.
Nominations for office.
Nuclear energy.
Nuclear weapons.
Open and closed shop.
Petroleum conservation.
Petroleum reserves.
Political cartoons.
Presidential candidates -- United States.
Presidents -- United States -- Election -- 1964.
Privacy, Right of.
Solar energy.
States' rights (American politics).
Supersonic transport planes.
Unidentified flying objects.
Vietnam War, 1961-1975.
Watergate Affair, 1972-1974.
Wilderness areas.

Arizona highways.

Administrative Information

Custodial History

Barry M. Goldwater donated these papers to the Arizona Historical Foundation between 1959 and 1998.

Preferred Citation

[Identification of item], Personal and Political Papers of Senator Barry M. Goldwater, FM MSS 1, Arizona State University Library.


The Arizona Historical Foundation transferred these materials to the Arizona Collection in 2012.

Processing Note

This collection remained largely unprocessed through the years. Serial deposits varying in volume and format from 1959 to 1998 were made from Goldwater's Washington office, Phoenix office, and home. The collection also had been moved several times and the boxes re-numbered. There had been numerous attempts to organize and re-folder the materials resulting in various arrangement schemes. Although inventory sheets were created, locating specific correspondence, photographs, and legislative documents was reportedly difficult. Public access varied widely. Additional findings as follows:

• There were no catalog records of this collection.
• Less than 10% of all the material was found in original folders. It was assumed that labels on "new" folders reflected the originals.
• There were several runs of correspondence within each congressional session labeled as "miscellaneous." These were found to contain significant personal correspondence, colleague correspondence, Alpha files, legislative documents, and issue mail. See the Scope and Content note for Series I: Personal for details.
• Folders identified as the 91st Congress through the 99th Congress were largely found to have the incorrect ranges.
• There was no consistency within the "miscellaneous" designations. Documents were filed intermittently by sender, by organization, by city and town, or by all of these regardless of origination or topic. See Scope and Content note for Series III: Constituent Service for details.
• There were many orphan documents separated from legislative material. See Scope and Content note for Series III: Legislative for details.
• There were significant gaps in the 1964 Presidential Campaign Series. See Scope and Content note for Series II: 1964 Presidential Campaign for details.
• Very little print material remained from the 83rd-89th Congresses due to the micro-filming practices of the time. Microfilm (1952-1983) ranged from poor to good condition. Earlier reels were deteriorating. See Scope and Content note for Series VI: Media-Microfilm for details.
• Most of the loose newspaper clippings had deteriorated significantly and had outlived their usability. Albums of newspaper clippings and original cartoon art were also at risk. See Scope and Content note for Series VI: Media-Albums for details.
• Photographs were found to be an inter-mix of three distinct collections: copies of fine art images taken by Barry Goldwater and copyrighted by the Goldwater family; Goldwater's personal collection of historic photographs of the Old West; and photographs documenting his personal and political life. See Scope and Content note for Series VI: Media-Photographs for details.
• Family history material included over 40 linear feet of personal papers from Barry Goldwater's uncle, Morris Goldwater.
• Nearly 50 unprocessed "collections" of related Goldwater material from other donors were discovered. Most of these included personal correspondence with Goldwater or 1964 campaign memorabilia.
• A number of artifacts, artwork, and oversized memorabilia were found in poor condition. See Scope and Content note for Series VII for appraisal, restoration, and de-accession details.

Archival Interventions

Based on these findings, the need for transparency, and feedback from researchers, the following actions were taken:

• Developed a cataloging plan with ASU Hayden Library Technical Services that started with a preliminary catalog record with the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) and progressed to cataloging by series as each was completed to ensure global access.
• Created a Goldwater web page. Posted progress notes and preliminary drafts of the finding aid online as well as links to various resources.
• Submitted the rationale and language for a special allocation from the Arizona State Legislature for long term preservation and access to the Goldwater papers.
• Based on the various deeds of gift, declared the entire collection open to researchers regardless of its processed state.
• Moved processing to the reading room to facilitate reference, data entry, and teaching.
• Adopted the national best practices standards for arrangement and description in Managing Congressional Collections published by the Society of American Archivists. All the materials in this collection fit neatly within the recommended series.
• Created a new Constituent Service sub-series of Projects and Programs where non-legislative gray literature such as constituent generated grant proposals, local reports, state declarations and formal requests, white papers, local-regional initiatives, and technical brochures would fit.
• Built on previous attempts at sorting Issue Mail by topic which significantly decreased the "miscellaneous" designation found throughout the collection. These issues reflect national and local interests.
• Decided on a "one size fits" all for general Constituent Correspondence - arranged alphabetically by sender and chronologically within.
• Separated the fine arts photographs and historic photographs into two distinct collections.
• Created a stand-alone collection for the Morris Goldwater materials:
• Integrated Goldwater correspondence, memorabilia and media from multiple donors into the appropriate series and sub-series.
• Preserved and catalogued Goldwater's Dime Store Novel Collection
• Developed container lists with visual clues (sub-series in bold) to guide the researcher through various parts of the collection.
• Digitized all microfilm, selected speeches from audio cassettes, and selected film reels to CD or DVD formats.
• Digitized rare and rarely seen photographs for the Arizona Memory Project: "Senator Barry M. Goldwater: An Arizona Legend"

This collection was traditionally processed: duplicates weeded, large metal clips removed, binders removed, acid-free folders used, and news clippings inter-leaved. Documents are arranged chronologically within folders. Those with no dates appear at the end. See Scope and Content Note for additional information.

Other Finding Aids

The finding aid that the Arizona Historical Foundation created for this collection is available at It includes all of the information found here in addition to a note to political science researchers, a photograph of Goldwater and six detailed notes describing how the collection was processed.

Container List

Series I: Personal
Scope and Content Note
This series reflects Senator Goldwater's personal interests and pursuits, life-long relationships, family business, public and private service, achievements, private musings and observations, and his deep knowledge and love of Arizona. Many of these documents were found throughout his papers and for the first time are aggregated here. Most were not found in original folders. These documents were deposited serially over time by Senator Goldwater, his family, friends, and associates. They chronicle events, people, places, and ideas that shaped Goldwater's life and view of the world. They uniquely capture Goldwater's many personas over a long and colorful life.
At times, it is impossible to distinguish the personal from the public (office-holder) materials – a signature feature of many U.S. Senate collections. Many of the documents found here, however, share certain common characteristics: they were generated before Goldwater ran for public office; were created during his hiatus from public office (1965-1968); were generated post-retirement (after 1986); were the result of non-legislative activities and/or activities unrelated to the U.S. Senate.
The Alpha Files, often quoted by biographers and scholars, are a notable exception. Goldwater was a gifted communicator and an inveterate letter-writer. He was also a "saver." The Alpha Files appear to have their origins in correspondence with such political icons as Carl Hayden, Robert Taft, Everett Dirksen, and Dwight Eisenhower. Over the years, Goldwater added certain friends, associates, celebrities, adversaries, and personal journals to the list. An estimated 30% of the names found here were added post-retirement.
The Alpha Files are now an aggregation of materials found dispersed throughout the collection. If a folder, a letter, or other document was labeled "Alpha," it is filed here. To facilitate research, once an individual folder was created, other records were added as they were discovered. While not every document was captured, Alpha File folders represent the bulk of correspondence with that individual. Some folders contain only one document; others contain dozens of records spanning many years.
This series is arranged in 17 sub-series and alphabetically and chronologically within: Alpha Files as described above; Art – Goldwater was a supporter and collector of western artwork; Aviation – Goldwater was certified to fly everything from gliders to jets; Awards and Certificates – print material related to hundreds of recognized achievements over a lifetime; Boards and Memberships – documents civic, business as well as duties appointed while in serving in the Senate; Correspondence (by sender or topic) – most of the material found here represent folders as they were originally labeled; General Correspondence (by sender A-Z) – found loose or labeled as "miscellaneous personal;" Family Correspondence – includes Goldwater and allied family correspondence. Note that correspondence with children and grandchildren is restricted until 2023. Family History – documents Goldwater genealogy, pioneering, business, and background material for publications like The Goldwaters of Arizona. Military – records of Goldwater's military assignments, promotions, and retirement; Oral Histories – most of these materials were transcribed from cassettes donated by Professor Robert Alan Goldberg for his book Barry Goldwater. Photography- documents Goldwater's lifelong interest and expertise in photography. See also Series VI: Media, Albums for his photography exhibits; Politics – most of the material here was found in folders labeled personal and/or politics. Public Appearances - largely chronicles Goldwater's post Senate career speeches, invitations, interviews, and television appearances. See Series V: Administrative for accepted invitations and public appearances while serving in the Senate. Radio – reflects Goldwater's lifelong interests in radio and telecommunications generally and is notable for his contributions to the MARS program. Senate Campaigns – significant gaps for the early campaigns; and Writings – includes Goldwater's columns for the Los Angeles Times, letters to the editor, drafts and comments for biographies, and numerous contributions to other publications.
Two boxes (981 and 982) of newly discovered publications by Goldwater (1940-1978) were added at the end of the collection in October of 2011.
Sub-Series A: Alpha Files
11 Alpha Files (Correspondence), 1987
12 Agnew, Spiro, 1968-1979
13 Aiken, George, 1964-1974
14 Aldridge, E. C., 1986-1988
15 Aldren, Buzz, 1988
16 Allen, James B., 1969-1977
17 Allott, Gordon, 1964-1972
18 Anders, William A., 1969
19 Anderson, Clinton P., 1962-1972
110 Anderson, John B., 1970
111 Armstrong, William L., 1979-1989
112 Ashurst, Henry Fountain, 1926-1953
113 Ashurst, Henry Fountain, 1954-1993
114 Aspin, Les, 1986-1992
115 Astaire, Fred, 1976
116 Autry, Gene, 1970-1989
117 Babbitt, Bruce, 1978-1996
118 Bailey, Pearl, 1972-1977
119 Baker, Howard, 1969-1974
120 Baker, Howard, 1975-1976
121 Baker, Howard, 1977-1978
21 Baker, Howard, 1979
22 Baker, Howard, 1980-1982
23 Baker, Howard, 1983-1993
24 Baroody, Michael E., 1974
25 Baruch, Bernard M., 1954
26 Bennett, William J., 1985-1987
27 Benson, Ezra Taft, 1954-1987
28 Bentsen, Lloyd, 1972-1993
29 Bimson, Walter, 1966-1980
210 Blake, Amanda, 1973
211 Bohlen, Charles E., 1955
212 Bombeck, Erma, 1987-1994
213 Bonzo, Carl, 1980
214 Boren, David L., 1979-1988
215 Borman, Frank, 1969
216 Boschwitz, Rudy, 1979-1989
217 Bradlee, Ben, 1976-1991
218 Bradley, Omar N., 1979
219 Bridges, Styles, 1953-1960
220 Brinkley, David, 1981-1989
221 Brock, William, 1970-1994
222 Broder, Dave, 1988
223 Brophy, Frank Cullen, 1974-1980
224 Brownell, Herbert, 1953
225 Buchanan, Patrick, 1973-1992
226 Buchwald, Art, 1974-1990
227 Buckley, James L., 1971-1984
31 Buckley, William F., 1967-1971
32 Buckley, William F., 1972-1995
33 Burger, Warren, 1971-1988
34 Burke, Arleigh, 1961
35 Bush, George, 1965-1988
Includes photos.
36 Bush, George, 1989-1996
Includes photos.
37 Bush, Neil, 1988
38 Bush, Prescott, 1956-1979
39 Butler, John Marshall, 1955-1961
310 Byrd, Harry, 1957-1989
41 Byrd, Robert, 1969-1995
42 Byrnes, James F., 1969
43 Campbell, Glenn (Hoover Institute), 1967-1984
44 Carey, Harry Jr., 1982-1985
45 Carter, Jimmy, 1976-1993
46 Casey, Albert V., Undated
47 Chafee, John H., 1969-1982
48 Charusathira, Prapus, Commander-in-Chief Royal Thai Army, 1967
49 Chiang Kai-shek, 1971
410 Madame Chiang Kai-shek, 1967-1986
411 Chow Shu-kai, Ambassador of China, 1970
412 Church, Frank, 1957-1979
413 Clements, William P. Jr., 1987
414 Clinton, Bill (William Jefferson), 1969-1996
415 Cohen, William S., 1978-1986
416 Cohn, S. L., 1971
417 Colangelo, Jerry, 1994-1995
418 Collins, Rodney C., 1985
419 Cooper, John Sherman, 1957-1989
420 Conrad, Kent, 1988
421 Cordiner, Ralph J., 1957
422 Cotton, Norris, 1963-1974
423 Crane, Philip M., 1970-1989
424 Crawford, Joan, 1967
425 Creech W. L., 1984
426 Creighton, Robert, 1969-1990
Includes 1918 letter regarding Campbell v. Colter.
427 Cronan, Nell Grant, Undated
Granddaughter of Ulysses S. Grant.
428 Crosby, Kathryn (Mrs. Bing), 1971
429 Cuomo, Mario, 1984
430 Danforth, John C., 1978-1991
431 Dannemeyer, William E., 1989
432 Davis, Clarence A., 1956
51 DeConcini, Dennis, 1976-1996
52 D'EwWesley A., 1956
53 Denton, Jeremiah, 1981-1986
54 Dirksen, Everett McKinley, 1952-1969
55 Dixon, Alan J., 1984-1989
56 Dobrynin, Alexander, Undated
57 Dodd, Christopher J., 1983-1996
58 Dole, Elizabeth, 1983
59 Dole, Bob, 1969-1979
510 Dole, Bob, 1980-1996
511 Dominick, Peter, 1964-1980
512 Donaldson, Sam, 1989
513 Doolittle, James, 1964-1998
514 Downs, Hugh, 1975-1993
515 Dulles, John Foster, 1953
516 Durenberger, Dave, 1980-1992
61 Eagleton, Thomas F., 1969-1980
62 Echeverria, Luis, 1971
63 Edison, Thomas, 1982-1996
Copy of 1923 letter.
64 Eisenhower, David, 1969
65 Eisenhower, Dwight D.: "Address of President Eisenhower", 1959 June 8
66 Eisenhower, Dwight D., 1952-1969
67 Eisenhower, Dwight D., 1970-1992
68 Eisenhower, John S. D., 1973-1974
69 Eisenhower, Mamie Doud, 1969-1978
610 Eisenhower, Milton, 1974-1978
612 Ellis, Alexander III, 1974
Grandson of President Bush.
613 English, Karan, 1992-1993
614 Errazuriz, Hernan Felipe, 1984
Ambassador to Chile.
615 Ervin, Sam, 1969-1978
616 Falwell, Jerry, 1981-1989
617 First Bill Passed (S1160), 1954 March 16
618 Fogelman, Ronald, 1995
619 Fong, Hiram L., 1964-1980
620 Ford, Gerald, 1966-1986
621 Ford, Wendell, 1978-1985
622 Friedman, Milton, 1967-1996
71 Gabor, Zsa Zsa, 1969
72 Gable, Kay (Mrs. Clark), 1968-1969
73 Gabriel, Charles A., 1974
74 Gallois, Pierre M. (McNamara), 1963
75 Garn, Jake, 1975-1989
76 Garvey, Dan E., 1950
77 Gates, Thomas Jr. (Defense), 1960
78 Gingrich, Newt, 1980-1995
79 Giraudo, John C., 1970-1975
710 Glenn, John, 1975-1989
711 Goldberg, Arthur J., 1961-1965
712 Godfrey, Arthur, 1971-1980
713 Goldwater Children, 1964 March 10 (Telegram)
714 Goldwater-Miller '75, 1975
715 Goodall, Jane, 1987-1995
716 Gore, Albert, 1957-1969
717 Gore, Albert Jr., 1985-1987
718 Gorton, Slade, 1983-1984
719 Graham, Angus, 1970
720 Graham, Katharine, Undated
721 Grand Canyon River Guides' River Runners Oral History Project, 1964 (Interview)
722 Gruenther, Alfred M., 1970
723 Griswold, Erwin, 1973
724 Haig, Alexander M., 1972-1992
725 Halverson, Richard C., 1986
726 Harlow, Bryce, 1956-1978
727 Harris, B. F., 1972-1986
728 Harris, John R., 1979
81 HGary, 1975-1987
82 Harte, Joseph M., 1964-1982
83 Harvey, Paul, 1975-1989
84 Hatch, Orrin, 1976-1993
85 Hatfield, Mark O., 1963-1989
86 Hauerwas, Dorothy, 1981
87 Hayden, Carl, 1938-1986
Includes oral history and tributes.
88 Hayworth, J. D., 1995
89 Hearst, William Randolf Jr., 1991
810 Hecht, Chic, 1988
811 Heimer, Mrs. Al, 1980
812 Helms, Jesse, 1973-1979
813 Helms, Jesse, 1980-1992
814 Henderson, Clifford W., 1973
815 Herter, Christian A., 1959
816 Hess, Wolf Rudiger, 1968
Son of Rudolf Hess.
817 Heston, Charlton, 1974-1997
818 Hickenlooper, Bourke, 1964
819 Hill, Lister, 1964
820 Hill, Robert C., 1957-1963
821 Hilton, Barrow, 1989
822 Hinmam, George, 1979
823 Holland, Spessard L., 1964
824 Hollings, Ernest "Fritz", 1987-1989
91 Holloway, Bert, 1964-1971
92 Holloway, Bert, 1972-1976
93 Holloway, Bert, 1977-1986
94 Hoover, Herbert, 1958-1964
95 Hoover, Herbert III, 1988-1989
96 Hoover, J. Edgar, 1954-1970
97 Hope, Bob, 1962-1989
98 Hopper, Hedda, 1964
99 Hruska, Roman L., 1963-1980
910 Huck, Len, 1985
911 Humphries, Derrick, 1984
912 Humphrey, George, 1954-1968
913 Humphrey, Gordon, 1979-1986
914 Humphrey, Hubert H., 1964-1977
915 Hungate, William L., 1972
916 Huntley, Chet, 1973
917 Inouye, Daniel, 1969-1994
918 Intelligence Committee (William Casey, Robert McFarlane), 1981-1986
101 Jackson, Henry M., 1964-1980
102 Jaffa, Harry V., 1973-1984
103 Javits, Jacob K., 1962-1983
104 Johnson, Lady Bird (Mrs. Lyndon Baines), 1965-1987
105 Johnson, Lyndon Baines, 1957-1984
Includes dictation.
106 Johnson, Lyndon Baines, 1979-1992
Interview, Johnson Oral History Project.
107 Kassebaum, Nancy L., 1978-1988
108 Keane, Bil, 1992
109 Keating, Kenneth, 1962-1963
1010 Kemp, Jack, 1971-1994
1011 Kennedy, Edward M., 1963-1975
1012 Kennedy, Edward M., 1976-1996
1013 Kennedy, John F., 1961-1994
1014 Kennedy, Robert F., 1965-1968
1015 Kennedy, Rose, 1969-1995
1016 Kennedy, Teddy Jr., Undated
111 Kerry, John, 1983-1989
112 Kerry, J. Robert, 1995
113 Kilpatrick, James, 1978-1981
114 Kilroy, John B., 1980
115 King Hussein I, 1975
116 King, Larry, 1995-1996
117 Kissinger, Henry, 1970-1983
Includes dictated notes.
118 Kitchel, Denison, 1958
119 Kitchel, Denison, 1963-1973
1110 Kitchel, Denison, 1974-1993
See also Free Society Association and 1964 Presidential Campaign.
1111 Kitchel, Denison: "The Panama Canal Dilemma", Undated (1 of 2)
1112 Kitchel, Denison: "The Panama Canal Dilemma", Undated (2 of 2)
121 Kleindienst, Richard, 1968-1993
122 Knopf, Edwin H., 1967-1971
123 Knowlton, William A., 1971
124 Kolbe, Jim, 1980-1994
125 Korologos, Tom C. (White House Staff), 1972
126 Krock, Arthur, 1970-1974
127 Kuchel, Thomas H., 1961
128 K'ung L. K. (Ling Kai, "Louie" Kune), 1968-1974
Nephew of Madame Chaing Kai-shek, nephew of Sun Yat-sen, son of H. H. Kung.
129 K'ung L. K., 1975-1979
1210 K'ung L. K., 1980-1989
1211 Kyl, Jon, 1969-1997
1212 Laird, Melvin, 1968-1996
1213 Lamour, Dorothy, 1973-1974
1214 Landon, Alf, 1967-1980
131 Laxalt, Paul, 1974-1986
132 Leahy, Patrick J., 1975-1985
133 Lear, Norman, 1985-1993
134 Lee Teng-hui, 1995-1996
135 Lemmon, Jack, 1991
136 Lincoln, William H., 1963
137 Lindbergh, Charles, 1971-1977
138 Lodge, John Davis, 1967-1974
139 Loren, Jennifer, 1984
1310 Low, Willie, 1943, 1986
1311 MacArthur, Douglas, 1951-1979
1312 MacDonald, Peter, 1974-1980
1313 MacDonald, Peter, 1981-1996
1314 Mandela, Nelson, 1995
1315 Mansfield, Mike, 1969-1986
1316 Marcos, Ferdinand, 1972-1973
1317 Mark, Hans, 1981
1318 Marshall, Jonathan, 1977-1996
1319 Martin, Dean (Show), 1973-1979
1320 Mathias, Charles, 1970-1986
141 McCain, John S. Jr., 1969-1980
142 McCain, John III, 1978-1989
143 McCain, John III, 1990-1996
144 McCarthy, E. J. (Charlie), 1979
145 McCauley, Vincent P., 1980
146 McGovern, George, 1973-1993
147 McGrory, Mary, 1978-1989
148 McKay, Douglas, 1956
149 McIntyre, Thomas, 1970-1978
1410 McNamara, Robert S., 1963-1967
1411 Mechem, E. L., 1964
1412 Mecham, Evan, 1968-1987
1413 Melton, R. R., 1986
1414 Menjou, Adolphe, 1958
1415 Metropolitan Republican Women, 1965
1416 Metzenbaum, Howard M., 1974-1988
1417 Miller, Michael, 1974
1418 Miller, Stephanie, 1983
1419 Miller, William, 1962-1983
1420 Mitchell, John N., 1968-1979
1421 Mitchell, Martha, 1970-1971
1422 Mofford, Rose, 1979-1993
151 Mondale, Walter F., 1969-1980
152 Moore, Lyle J., 1980
153 Morrow, Wright, 1971
154 Morton, Thruston B., 1962
155 Moynihan, Daniel P., 1968-1996
156 Mueller, Frederick, 1960
157 Muller, Walter, 1959
158 Mundt, Karl E., 1961-1973
159 Munoz-Grandes, General, Undated
1510 Nicklaus, Jack, 1983-1986
1511 Nixon, Pat, 1969
1512 Nixon, Richard M., 1954-1968
1513 Nixon, Richard M.: Inaugural Material, 1969
1514 Nixon, Richard M., 1969-1971
1515 Nixon, Richard M.: Notes, Related Correspondence, 1972-1974
1516 Nixon, Richard M., 1974-1995
161 Noriega, Manuel, 1974
162 Nunn, Sam, 1973-1988
163 Nunn, Sam, 1989-1996
164 O'Connor, Sandra Day, 1972-1994
165 O'Donnell, Emmett, 1959-1960
166 O'Neill, Thomas Jr., 1987
167 Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy, 1961-1991
168 Orr, Verne, 1984-1985
169 Osborn, Sidney P., 1941
1610 Otto of Austria-Hungary, 1960
1611 Packwood, Bob, 1969-1975
1612 Packwood, Bob, 1976-1985
171 Palmer, Bertha R., 1970
172 Panetta, Leon, 1996
173 Pastor, Ed, 1967-1995
174 People's Republic of China, 1979
175 Percy, Charles H., 1969-1970
176 Percy, Charles H., 1971-1996
177 Persons, Wilton B., 1956-1958
178 Pine, Charles, 1978
179 Powell, Colin, 1988-1997
1710 Pressler, Larry, 1977-1995
1711 Prince Bernhardt, 1970
1712 Prince Philip, 1978-1979
1713 Princess Ashraff of Iran, 1980
1714 Pulliam, Eugene and Nina, 1967-1984
1715 Pyle, Howard, 1954-1956, 1985
1716 Quayle, Dan, 1977-1995
Includes photo.
1717 Quinn, Sally, 1971-1992
181 Quinn, William Jr., 1970-1994
182 Quinn, William Jr., 1985 (Manuscript)
183 Rand, Ayn, 1960-1993
184 Randolph, Jennings, 1969-1978
185 Reagan, Ronald, 1965-1978
186 Reagan, Ronald, 1979-1984
187 Reagan, Ronald, 1985-1996
188 Refsnyder, Richard F., 1979
189 Rehnquist, William H., 1969-1989
1810 Reuther, Walter P., 1956-1968
191 Rhodes, John J., 1967-1970
192 Rhodes, John J., 1972-1996
193 Rhodes, John J. III (Jay), 1967-1992
194 Ribicoff, Abe, 1969-1985
195 Rich, Norman M., 1986-1997
196 Richardson, Elliot, 1970
197 Rickenbacker, Eddie, 1964-1973
198 Rickenbacker, William, 1967-1994
199 Ritter, Dorothy and John, 1978-1979
1910 Robertson, Clif, 1967
1911 Rockefeller, Happy, 1979
1912 Rockefeller, Nelson, 1960-1985
1913 Rockwell, Norman, 1964-1996
1914 Rockwell, Todd, 1979
1915 Rogers, Bernard W., 1986
1916 Rogers, William P., 1959
1917 Rooney, Andrew A., 1969-1993
1918 Rosenstein, Samuel M., 1976
1919 Rosenzweig, Harry, 1952-1972
1920 Rosenzweig, Harry, 1973-1978
1921 Rosenzweig, Harry, 1979-1993
201 Rosenzweig, Newton, 1964-1994
202 Rosenzweig, Sandy (Mrs. Harry), 1969-1993
203 Rostow, Gene, 1975-1984
204 Rudd, Eldon, 1976-1991
205 Rudman, Warren, 1984-1992
206 Rusher, William, 1979
207 Rusk, Dean, 1964-1989
208 Russell, Richard B., 1964
209 Ryan, John D., 1969
2010 Sadat, Mohamed Anwar, 1979
2011 St. Patrick's Day, 1966-1982
2012 Saltonstall, Leverett, 1960-1978
2013 Sanford, Terry, 1990
2014 Schemmer, Benjamin, F., 1985-1992
2015 Schlesinger, Arthur, 1994
2016 Schriever, B. A., 1964
2017 Schuller, Robert, 1988-1996
2018 Schultz, George P., 1984-1988
2019 Schwab, Mrs. William, 1974-1979
2020 Scowcroft, Brent, 1989-1992
2021 Scranton, William W., 1963-1965
2022 Seaton, Fred A., 1959
2023 Seiniger, Charles, 1967-1995
2024 "A Senator's Prayer", 1980
2025 Shadegg, John, 1993-1996
2026 Shore, Dinah, 1972-1988
2027 Sidney, Ivan, 1987-1988
2028 Silverman, Ben, 1953-1976
2029 Simmons, Robert R., 1992-1994
211 Simon, Paul, 1985-1996
212 Simpson, Alan, 1979-1996
213 Simpson, Milward L., 1978-1980
214 Sinatra, Frank, 1973-1979
215 Sinatra, Nancy, 1969-1984
216 Small, Lee W., 1974
217 Smith, C. R., 1965
218 Smith, Ian, Undated
219 Smith, Margaret Chase, 1967-1994
2110 Snell, Frank, 1985-1994
2111 Speakes, Larry, 1980-1984
2112 Specter, Arlen, 1984-1995
2113 Spellman, Cardinal, 1961
2114 Staff Letters to B. M. G., 1975-1986
2115 Stafford, Robert, 1978-1994
2116 Stafford, Thomas P., 1969
2117 Steinhoff, Johannes, 1993
See also "Order of Characters"; includes photos.
2118 Stennis, John, 1965-1992
2119 Stevens, Ted, 1969-1983
2120 Stevens, Ted, 1984-1996
2121 Stew, Jimmy, 1959-1992
2122 Stillman, Guy, 1974
2123 Stone, Julius F., 1941
2124 Strauss, Lewis L., 1959-1967
2125 Strauss, Robert S., 1976-1995
221 Stump, Bob, 1980-1991
222 Sullivan, Tom M., 1973-1983
223 Summerfield, Arthur E., 1958
224 Sundust, Sallie (Maricopa Reservation), 1940
225 Symington, J. Fife, 1967-1995
226 Symms, Steve, 1976-1989
227 Taft, Robert A., 1950-1964
Gift of Frances M. Ryan.
228 Taylor, Maxwell, 1966
229 Tennes, Mrs. Monte (Winnie), 1966-1968
2210 Thank-You's, 1965
2211 Thatcher, Margaret, 1985-1994
Includes photos.
2212 Thrasher, Mark, 1985
2213 Thurmond, Strom, 1960-1993
2214 Tower, John G., 1965-1982
2215 Traweek, Chase, 1973
2216 Truman, Harry S., 1963-1987
2217 Tunney, Gene, 1962
2218 Tunney, John V., 1972
2219 Turner, Stansfield, 1979-1981
2220 Twining, Nathan, 1960
2221 Udall, Mark, 1993
2222 Udall, Morris, 1969-1996
231 Udall, Nicholas, 1952-1968
232 Udall, Stuart, 1967-1997
233 Unidentified, 1957, 1984
234 Valenti, Jack, 1977-1992
235 Vallee, Rudy, 1972-1976
236 Van Buren, Abigail (Dear Abby), 1982
237 Vance, Cyrus, 1979-1980
238 Various Military and Defense Officials, 1980-1993
239 Vessey, Jack, 1985
2310 Voinovich, George V., 1993
2311 Vorster, B. J., Republic of South Africa, 1978
2312 Walker, Lulu, 1980
2313 Wallace, George, 1972-1978
2314 Wallop, Malcolm, 1977-1994
2315 Walters, Barbara, 1971-1977
2316 Warner, John, 1978-1997
2317 Wayne, John, 1959-1995
2318 Wayne, Pilar, 1987
2319 Webb, James, 1981
2320 Webber Jr., A. T. (Thayer Award), 1986
2321 Weinberger, Caspar, 1975-1993
2322 Welensky, Ray, 1963
2323 Westmoreland, W. C., 1971
2324 Wheeler, Earle G., 1970
2325 White, Thomas D., 1958
2326 Wiggins, Charles E., 1978
2327 Williams, Harrison, 1978-1982
241 Williams, Jack, 1955-1968
242 Williams, Jack, 1969-1970
243 Williams, Jack, 1971
244 Williams, Jack, 1972
245 Williams, Jack, 1973
246 Williams, Jack, 1974-1985
247 Williams, Jack, 1986-1988
251 Williams, Jack, 1989-1991
252 Williams, Jack, 1993
253 Williams, Jack, 1994
254 Williams, Jack, 1995-1996
255 Wilson, George R., 1980
256 Wilson, Pete, 1985-1988
257 Winters, Jonathan, 1973-1974
258 Wirth, Timothy, 1979-1989
259 Wirthlin, Dick (Ford-Bush V.P. Situation), 1968-1989
2510 Woodward, Bob, 1980
2511 Zahedi, Ardeshir, Ambassador of Iran, 1973
2512 Zahedi, Ardeshir, Ambassador of Iran, 1974
Includes photos.
2513 Zahedi, Ardeshir, Ambassador of Iran, 1975-1984
261 Journals: Thoughts on the U.S. Senate, circa 1952
262 Journals: Feelings and Reactions as a Senator, 1954
263 Journals: New York to Cairo, 1955
264 Journals: Eisenhower, Kennedy: Nuclear Testing, NATO, 1961-1962
265 Journals: Water Issues; Central Arizona Project, 1964-1977
266 Journals: Aviation; Travel, 1965-1983
267 Journals: General Quinn, Nixon, Barry Jr., Flying, NASA, 1969
268 Journals: Vietnam Trip, 1969-1970
Includes correspondence.
269 Journals: Flying, 1970-1971
2610 Journals: Military Draft, 1971
2611 Journals: Serving in Congress, 1971, 1977
2612 Journals: Antarctica; Defense Briefings, 1972
2613 Journals: Republican National Convention, 1972
2614 Journals: Pain; Political Philosophy, 1972-1980
2615 Journals: Running for Office, 1973-1974
2616 Journals: Free Enterprise, 1975
2617 Journals: Politics; 1976 Presidential Race, 1975-1976
2618 Journals: Flying, 1975-1981
2619 Journals: Taiwan, Chiang Kai-Shek, 1975
2620 Journals: President Ford, 1976
2621 Journals: West Point Cheating Scandal, 1976
2622 Journals: Mother, Childhood, Arizona, 1976-1980
2623 Journals: Meeting with Cyrus Vance Regarding Foreign Policy with Taiwan, 1977
2624 Journals: Paul C. Warnke, 1977
2625 Journals: Economics, 1977-1978
2626 Journals: Organized Crime, 1978
2627 Journals: Panama Report, 1978
2628 Journals: Finding the Common Denominator Among People, 1979
2629 Journals: Foreign Policy, Meeting with Dr. Brzezinski, 1979
2630 Journals: Politics, Running for Office, on the Campaign Trail, 1979-1981
2631 Journals: Berlin Wall, 1981
2632 Journals: Flying; Interview with Ruth Reinhold, 1984
2633 Journals: Indians; the Navajo Mountain Community, 1990
2634 Journals: House, 1989
2635 Journals: Dreams during Hospitalization, 1991
2636 Journals: Arizona, Outdoors, Undated
2637 Journals: Naval Strength, Undated
Sub-Series B: Art
271 Appraisals and Loans, 1987-1993
272 Appraisals of Slides (Heard Museum), 1994
273 Beeler, Joe, 1971-1994
274 Berks, Robert "Biographies in Bronze", 1989
275 Bronzes of the American West, 1974-1977
276 Bucky O'Neil Sculpture, Prescott, 1974
277 Carpenter, Earl, 1974-1991
278 Corcoran Gallery, 1971
279 Cowboy Artists of America, 1973-1980
2710 Donations, 1974-1987
2711 Driscol Gallery, 1981
2712 Fletcher, Veeva (Western Museum), 1987
2713 General, 1944-1970
2714 General, 1971-1972
2715 General, 1973-1974
2716 General, 1975
2717 General, 1976-1978
2718 General, 1979-1980
2719 General, 1981-1982
2720 General, 1983
2721 General, 1984
2722 General, 1985
2723 General, 1986-1997
2724 Hamilton, George, 1973-1974
2725 Indian Rugs, 1973-1978
2726 Kennedy Galleries, 1968-1971
2727 Leigh Paintings, 1975-1979
2728 Lupis, Louis, 1968-1977
Includes VIP correspondence.
2729 Manning, Reg, 1973
2730 McCall, Robert T. (Commemorative Stamps), 1981-1986
281 National Portrait Gallery, 1971-1972
282 Ownes Gallery of Western Art, 1970-1971
283 Painting (Various Inquiries), 1977-1993
284 Paxton, John L., 1971
285 Phoenix Art Museum, 1970-1990
286 Portraits, 1971-1995
287 Pottery, 1970
288 Remington Picture, 1973
289 Richardson, Anne W., 1974
2810 Riebold, Janet G., 1987-1988
2811 Ruffin, Don, 1977-1978
2812 Shaw, Murray, 1995
2813 Southwest Art Foundation, 1980
2814 Thomas Jefferson Portraits (National Portrait Gallery Research Report), 1982
2815 Thompson, Thierry "December 7, 1991 Flying Cover", 1991
2816 Werboff, Michael A., 1992
2817 Western Arts Association, 1989
Unveiling of "One With the Eagle".
2818 Weighorst, Olaf, 1970-1996
Sub-Series C: Aviation
2819 "Aeronautics, Rocketry and Astronautics" by Eugene M. Emme, 1968
2820 Aeronautical Charts, Undated
2821 Arizona Aeronautical Charts, Undated
2822 Aircraft Senator Goldwater has Flown, 1970-1979
Includes photos.
2823 Airplane File (SST), 1969
2824 Apollo File, 1969-1971
2825 Aviation Calendar "Peggy G", 1978
2826 Aviation County Club of California, 1952 (Directory)
2827 Commercial Pilot Certificate, 1949
2828 Don Downie Interview with Goldwater on Flying and Aviation, 1972
2829 Earhart, Amelia, 1983-1996
2830 General Correspondence, 1969-1983
2831 General Correspondence, 1984
2832 General Correspondence, 1985
2833 General Correspondence, 1986-1987
2834 General Correspondence, 1989-1997
2835 Glider Instruction, 1972
2836 Helicopter Check Rating, 1971
291 Last Flight of Yia Bi-Kin, 1964
292 Pilot's Log Books, 1930-1955
293 Sailplane, 1971
294 State and Federal License, 1942-1967
295 Testimony, 1970 February 17
296 Thaden, Louise, 1929, Undated
Sub-Series D: Awards and Certificates
297 Various, 1938-1939
298 Yuma Army Airfield, 1943
299 Various, 1949
2910 Various, 1952-1954
2911 Various, 1957-1959
2912 Various, 1960-1962
2913 Various, 1963
2914 Various, 1964
2915 Various, 1965-1966
2916 Various, 1967-1969
2917 The Man of the Decade Award-Testimonial Letters of Friendship, Respect and Esteem (Presented by Young Americans for Freedom), 1970 September 10
2918 Various, 1970-1976
2919 Wright Brothers Memorial Trophy, 1971-1977
2920 Various, 1977-1979
2921 Various, 1980
2922 Lists, 1980
2923 Various, 1981
2924 Various, 1982
2925 Various, 1983
2926 Various, 1984
2927 Various, 1985
2928 Thayer Award, 1986-1989
2929 Various, 1986
2930 Various, 1989
2931 Various, 1991-1996
2932 Various, Undated
2933 Various, Undated
Sub-Series E: Boards and Membership
2934 AAAA Scholarship Foundation (Army Aviation Association of America), 1989
2935 Admiral H. G. Rickover Foundation, 1983-1984
2936 Aerospace Education Foundation, 1975
2937 Aerospace Education Foundation, 1976
301 Aerospace Education Foundation: Jimmy Doolittle Fellowship, 1976-1979
302 Aerospace Education Foundation, 1977
303 Aerospace Education Foundation, 1978
304 Aerospace Education Foundation, 1979
305 Aerospace Education Foundation, 1980
306 Aerospace Education Foundation, 1981
307 Aerospace Education Foundation: Brochures, 1980-1982
308 Aerospace Education Foundation, 1982
309 Aerospace Education Foundation, 1983
3010 Aerospace Education Foundation, 1984-1986
3011 Aerospace Education Foundation, 1987-1995
3012 Air Force Academy Board of Visitors, 1979-1981
3013 Air Force Academy Board of Visitors: Report, 1985
3014 Air Force Academy Board of Visitors, 1985
3015 Air Force Academy Board of Visitors, 1986
3016 Air Force Academy Board of Visitors, 1987
3017 Air Force Academy: Jane Strawn Hamm Memorial Fund, 1988
3018 Air Force Academy Board of Visitors, 1988
3019 Air Force Academy Board of Visitors, 1989
3020 Air Force Academy Board of Visitors, 1990-1992
3021 Air Force Academy Board of Visitors, 1993-1996
3022 Air Force Aid Society, 1973-1979
311 Air Force Association, 1969-1976
312 Air Force Association, 1977-1980
313 Air Force Association, 1980-1982
314 Air Force Association, 1984
315 Air Force Association, 1990-1996
316 Air Force Historical Foundation, 1970-19803
317 Air Force Museum, 1970-1976
318 Air/Space America, 1987-1989
319 Air and Space Heritage Council, 1987-1989
3110 Aircraft Owners and Pilot's Association, 1968-1971
3111 Aircraft Owners and Pilot's Association, 1972
3112 Aircraft Owners and Pilot's Association, 1973-1980
3113 Airline Pilot's Association, 1975-1979
3114 Air War College, 1943-1966
Includes copies of 1943 flight diary.
3115 Alfalfa Club, 1965-1993
3116 Alianza Hispano-Americana Logia 129, 1953
3117 American Aviation Historical Society, 1965-1968
Includes manuscript and photos of P-47 flight.
3118 American Aviation Historical Society, 1969-1970
3119 American Bonanza Society, 1974
3120 American Fighter Aces Association, 1973-1996
3121 American Graduate School of International Management, 1974-1975
3122 American Graduate School of International Management, 1976
3123 American Graduate School of International Management, 1982-1985
3124 American Legion (Post 41), 1980-1984
3125 American Security Council, 1974-1976
3126 Arizona Highway Patrol: Badge and Card, 1959
3127 Arizona Historical Foundation, 1958-1959
3128 Arizona Historical Foundation, 1960-1961
3129 Arizona Historical Foundation, 1962-1963
3130 Arizona Historical Foundation, 1965-1967
3131 Arizona Historical Foundation: Fireman, Bert, 1968-1969
3132 Arizona Historical Foundation, 1970
321 Arizona Historical Foundation, 1971 (1 of 2)
322 Arizona Historical Foundation, 1971 (2 of 2)
323 Arizona Historical Foundation, 1972
324 Arizona Historical Foundation, 1973
325 Arizona Historical Foundation, 1974
326 Arizona Historical Foundation, 1975
327 Arizona Historical Foundation, 1976
328 Arizona Historical Foundation, 1977-1978
329 Arizona Historical Foundation, 1979
3210 Arizona Historical Foundation, 1980-1982
3211 Arizona Historical Foundation, 1983-1984
3212 Arizona Historical Foundation, 1985-1989
3213 Arizona Historical Foundation, 1990-1991
3214 Arizona Historical Foundation, 1992
3215 Arizona Historical Foundation, 1993
3216 Arizona Historical Foundation, 1994-1997
3217 Arizona Historical Society, 1967-1977
3218 Arizona Historical Society, 1977-1978
3219 Arizona Historical Society, 1980-1982
3220 Arizona Interstate Stream Commission, 1952
3221 Arizona Photographic Society, 1979
3222 Arizona Pioneers' Historical Society, 1970-1971
3223 Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, 1970-1984
3224 Arizona State Society, 1976-1977
3225 Arizona for Campaign Ethics, 1989
3226 Army-Navy Game, 1971-1972
3227 Association of Graduates, United States Air Force Academy, 1977, 1989-1995
3228 Arthritis Foundation Margaret Goldwater Clinic, 1977-1980
3229 Association of the U.S. Army, 1976-1980
3230 Atrix Laboratories, 1989
3231 Atrix Laboratories, 1990
331 Atrix Laboratories, 1991
332 Atrix Laboratories, 1992
333 Atrix Laboratories, 1993-1994
334 Atrix: Background, Undated
335 Aviation Country Club, 1970-1978
336 Aviation Hall of Fame, 1965-1972
337 Aviation Hall of Fame, 1973-1976
338 Aviation Hall of Fame, 1977-1978
339 Aviation Hall of Fame, 1979-1980
3310 Aviation Hall of Fame, 1982-1986
3311 Balboa Bay Club, 1963-1973
3312 Balboa Bay Club, 1974-1981
3313 Barrow Neurological Foundation, 1969-1996
3314 Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence Program, 1983-1996
3315 Big Brothers, Big Sisters, 1977-1978
3316 Boy Scouts of America, 1965
3317 Burning Tree Club, 1969-1974
3318 Burning Tree Club, 1970-1980
3319 Burning Tree Club, 1975-1983
3321 Capital Hill Club, 1969-1976
3322 Center for Excellence in Education, 1988-1990
3323 Chalet Club New York, 1972
3324 China, Burma, India Association, 1982-1985
3325 Christ Church of the Ascension, 1967-1987
3326 Circumnavigate Club, 1972-1984
3327 Civil Air Patrol, 1969-1978
3328 Civilian Military Institute, 1975-1976
3329 Burns International, 1988-1990
3329 Civilian Military Institute, 1977-1979
341 Civilian Military Institute, 1980-1982
342 Classic AMX Club, 1975-1976
343 Combat Pilot Association, 1974-1979
344 Communications Satellite Corporation, 1989
345 Communications Satellite Corporation, 1990
346 Communications Satellite Corporation, 1991
347 Communications Satellite Corporation, 1992
348 Communications Satellite Corporation, 1993
349 Communications Satellite Corporation, 1994
3410 Communications Satellite Corporation, 1995 January-August
3411 Communications Satellite Corporation, 1995 September-December
3412 Communications Satellite Corporation, 1996
3413 Communications Satellite Corporation, 1997
3414 Confederate Air Force, 1954-1972
Includes photos.
3415 Confederate Air Force (B-29), 1972-1975
3416 Confederate Air Force, Arizona Wing, 1971-1976
Includes the "Ghost Squadron Story"
3417 Confederate Air Force, Arizona Wing, 1979-1994
3418 Congressional Wives Club 91st Congress, 1969
3419 Conservative Book Club, 1969
3420 Cowboy Hall of Fame, 1970-1980
3421 Daedalus, 1972-1980
3422 DeMolay Foundation, 1976-1979
3423 Desert Foothills Land Trust, 1996-1997
3424 Donations "A", 1969-1989
3425 Donations "B", 1968-1985
3426 Donations "C", 1967-1992
3427 Donations "D", 1969-1977
3428 Donations "E", 1969-1985
3429 Donations "F", 1968-1974
351 Donations "G", 1965-1977
352 Donations "H", 1969-1975
353 Donations "I-L", 1968-1975
354 Donations "M", 1968-1977
355 Donations "N", 1969-1977
356 Donations "O", 1972-1974
357 Donations "P", 1968-1995
358 Donations "R", 1969-1972
359 Donations "S", 1968-1980
3510 Donations "T", 1968-1978
3511 Donations "U", 1969-1975
3512 Donations "V", 1968-1971
3513 Donations "W", 1971-1994
3514 Donations "Y", 1969-1974
3515 Dreyfus Corporation, 1987
3516 Edison Memorial Youth Fund and the Goldwater Scholarship, 1974
3517 Edison Memorial Youth Fund and the Goldwater Scholarship, 1975-1976
3518 Edison Memorial Youth Fund and the Goldwater Scholarship, 1977
3519 Edison Memorial Youth Fund and the Goldwater Scholarship, 1978
3520 Edison Memorial Youth Fund and the Goldwater Scholarship, 1979-1980
3521 Edison Memorial Youth Fund and the Goldwater Scholarship, 1983-1984
3522 Eisenhower College, 1971-1980
3523 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, 1977-1982
3524 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, 1983
3525 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, 1984-1986
3526 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, 1987-1996
3527 English as Official Language, 1987-1989
3528 Eta Mu Pi Fraternity, 1953
Includes photo.
3529 Experimental Aircraft Association, 1987-1993
3530 Experimental Aircraft Association, 1986-1994
3530 Experimental Aircraft Association Museum Foundation, 1981-1982
361 Explorers Club, 1968-1974
362 Fleet Reserve Association, 1972
363 Flying Grandfathers Club, 1969
364 Fraternal Order of Police, 1974-1975
365 Free Society Association, 1965
See also Kitchel, Denison.
366 Free Society Association: Mote, Lynn, 1965-1966
367 Free Society Association: Background, Bylaws, Newsletters, 1966
368 Free Society Association, 1967-1980
369 Fund for American Studies: Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship, 1987-1989
3610 General, 1924-1969
3611 General: Cards, Brochures, Pamphlets, 1969-1970
3612 General, 1970-1971
3613 General: Membership Cards, 1971-1972
3614 General, 1972
3615 General: Membership Cards, Brochures, Pamphlets, 1972-1980
3616 General: Brochures, 1973-1974
3617 General, 1973-1975
3618 General: Membership Cards, Brochures, 1975-1978
3619 General, 1976
3620 General, 1977
3621 General, 1978-1979
3622 General, 1980
3623 General, 1981 January-July
3624 General, 1981 August-December
371 General, 1982 January-June
372 General, 1982 July-December
373 General, 1983 January-July
374 General, 1983 July-December
375 General, 1984
376 General, 1985
377 General, 1986
378 General, 1987-1997
379 Georgetown Club, 1969-1983
3710 Goldwater Institute for Public Policy Research, 1987
3711 Goldwater Institute for Public Policy Research: "Arizona Issue Analysis", 1988-1989
3712 Goldwater Institute for Public Policy Research, 1989 April-August
3713 Goldwater Institute for Public Policy Research, 1989 September-December
3714 Goldwater Institute for Public Policy Research, 1991-1999
3715 Goldwater Squadron, 1989
3716 Goodwill Industries, 1970-1975
3717 Hardin Creek Hunkern' and Hankerin' Society, 1965
3718 Harry S. Truman Good Neighbor Award, 1982
3719 Harry S. Truman Good Neighbor Award Foundation, 1989
Includes photos.
3720 Heard Museum (Goldwater Lecture Postcards), 1940
3721 Heard Museum, 1968-1973
381 Heard Museum, 1974-1980
382 Heard Museum, 1984-1996
383 Herbert Hoover Presidential Library Association Charter Member, 1971-1974
384 Herbert Hoover Presidential Library Association, 1975-1979
385 Herbert Hoover Presidential Library Association, 1980-1981
386 Herbert Hoover Presidential Library Association, 1982-1995
Includes photos.
387 Historical League Inc., 1991
388 Honorable Order of the Kentucky Colonels, 1969-1974
389 Hump Pilots Association Memberships, 1969-1984
3810 Institute for the Study of American Wars, 1989
3811 International Chili Society, 1979
3812 International Eye Foundation, 1972-1978
3813 International Eye Foundation, 1980-1984
3814 International Order of Bastards, 1969-1973
3815 International Flying Fellowship of Rotarians, 1974
3816 International Order of Characters: Membership Lists, 1965-1967
3817 International Order of Characters: Form Letters and Arrangements, 1967
3818 International Order of Characters: Regrets Fall Convention, 1967
3819 International Order of Characters: Thank Yous, 1967
3820 International Order of Characters: General Conference Correspondence, 1967 January-April
3821 International Order of Characters: General Conference Correspondence, 1967 May-August
3822 International Order of Characters: General Conference Correspondence, 1967 September-October
3823 International Order of Characters, 1968-1972
3824 International Order of Characters: Dr. Gonzalez, 1973
391 International Order of Characters, 1974-1996
392 International Order of Characters: Background, Undated
393 International Swimming Hall of Fame, 1973-1992
394 Iron Gate Chapter Air Force Association, 1971-1978
395 John P. Gaty Charitable Trust, 1967-1977
396 Junior Achievement, 1969-1970
397 Kiwanis Club, 1972-1979
398 Las Cruces (Baja California), 1974-1988
399 Long Island Early Fliers Club, 1974-1976
3910 Marina City Club, 1970
3911 Marine Military Academy, 1972-1984
3912 Masons, 1959-1976
3913 Masons: Cards, Publications, 1964-1980
3914 Masons, 1977-1995
3915 Mount Vernon College, 1971-1986
3916 National Aeronautic Association, 1975-1978
3917 National Aeronautic Association, 1979-1993
3918 National Aviation Club, 1974-1977
3919 National Aviation Hall of Fame: Collector's Series Portraits, 1978-1995
3920 National Education Corporation, 1986
3921 National Education Corporation, 1967 January-February
3922 National Education Corporation, 1967 March-November
3923 National Education Corporation, 1988
3924 National Education Corporation, 1989
3925 National Education Corporation, 1990
401 National Education Corporation, 1991-1992
402 National Historical Intelligence Museum, 1987-1988
403 National Historical Intelligence Museum, 1989-1991
404 National Municipal League Incorporated, 1971-1975
405 National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation, 1979
406 National Rifle Association, 1971-1992
407 National Sojourners, 1972-1985
408 National Space Club, 1969-1973
409 National Space Club, 1974-1979
4010 Navajo Education and Scholarship Foundation, 1986
4011 Newport Harbor Yacht Club, 1970-1976
4012 Northrup Institute of Technology Hall of Aviation History, 1975
4013 Non-Commissioned Officers Association, 1973
4014 Ocean City College, 1974
4015 Old Crows, 1971-1981
4016 Old Timers Club, 1977-1979
4017 Paradise Country Club, 1976-1977
4018 Paraplegia Foundation of Arizona, 1969-1970
4019 Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, 1978-1979
4020 Phoenix '93 (Super Bowl Committee), 1989
4021 Phoenix Jaycees, 1971-1979
4022 Phoenix Symphony, 1971-1973
4023 Photographic Society of America, 1974-1978
4024 Phi Alpha Delta (Law Fraternity), 1978-1980
4025 Planned Parenthood Association of Phoenix, 1973-1991
Also Planned Parenthood of Central and Northern Arizona.
4026 Quarter Century Wireless Association, 1964-1980
4027 Quarter Century Wireless: Publications, 1971-1973
4028 Quarter Century Wireless Association, 1971
4029 Quarter Century Wireless Association, 1972
4030 Quarter Century Wireless Association, 1973
4031 Quarter Century Wireless Association, 1974
4032 Retired Officers Association, 1969-1977
4033 Retired Officers Association: Roster, Article, Certificate, 1984-1989
4034 Rotary Club, 1972-1983, 1993
4035 Safari Club International, 1974-1979
4036 Safe Action in Flight Emergency, 1987-1993
4037 Saints and Sinners Club, 1964-1980
4038 St. Luke's, 1980-1991
4039 San Xavier Mission, 1967-1970
Includes news clippings and photos.
411 Save Our Mountains Committee (Phoenix, Arizona), 1983
412 Scabbard and Blade, 1974
413 Scholarships for Children of American Military Personnel, 1980-1990
414 Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, 1967-1968
415 Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, 1969
416 Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, 1970 January-March
417 Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, 1970 April-June
418 Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, 1970 July-December
419 Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, 1971 January-April
4110 Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, 1971 May-November
4111 Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, 1972
4112 Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, 1973
4113 Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, 1974
4114 Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, 1975-1978
4115 Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation (Scientific Report), 1977-1978
4116 Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, 1980-1981
4117 Second Amendment Foundation, 1977-1979
4118 Second Century Fund (Episcopal Diocese of Arizona), 1974-1975
4119 Shrine of Ages: Background, 1956-1971
4120 Shrine of Ages Chapel, 1965-1967
4121 Shrine of Ages Chapel, 1968
4122 Shrine of Ages Chapel, 1969
4123 Shrine of Ages Chapel, 1970-1971
4124 Shrine of Ages Chapel, 1972-1978
4125 Shrine Club, 1972-1974
4126 Sierra Club, 1973-1974
4127 Sigma Chi Fraternity, 1970-1975
4128 Sigma Chi Fraternity, 1976-1980
4129 Sigma Chi Fraternity, 1981-1996
421 Silver Wings, 1969-1996
422 Smithsonian, Borobudur, 1968
423 Smithsonian Board of Regents: National Air and Space Museum, 1972-1976
424 Smithsonian Board of Regents: National Zoological Park Report, 1973-1976
425 Smithsonian Board of Regents, 1977
426 Smithsonian Board of Regents: National Zoological Park Report, 1977
427 Smithsonian Board of Regents, 1977 January-April
428 Smithsonian Board of Regents, 1977 May-October
429 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Proceedings, 1977 January 25
4210 Smithsonian Board of Regents: The Golden Doon: Artists-Immigrants of America Exhibit, 1977 April
4211 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Agenda and Background Material, 1977 May 13
4212 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Proceedings, 1977 May 13
4213 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Agenda and Background Material, 1977 September 22
4214 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Proceedings, 1977 September 27
4215 Smithsonian Board of Regents, 1978
4216 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Budget Justification for Fiscal Year 1979, 1978 January
4217 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Agenda, 1978 January 16
4218 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Meeting Briefing Book, 1978 January 16
4219 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Proceedings, 1978 January 16
431 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Accountability and Management ... Report, 1978 January-February
432 Smithsonian Board of Regents: House Investigation and Smithsonian Response, 1978 February 18
433 Smithsonian Board of Regents: House Appropriate Hearing, 1978 February 23
434 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Agenda, 1978 May 5
435 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Proceedings, 1978 May 5
436 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Five Year Perspective, Fiscal Years 1980-1984, 1978 September 7
437 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Agenda and Status Report, 1978 September 25
438 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Proceedings, 1978 September 25
439 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Programs and Activities, 1978 November 20
4310 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Meeting Briefing Book, 1978 December 14
4311 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Meeting Briefing Book, 1978-1979
4312 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Bylaws, 1979
4313 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Agenda, 1979 January 22
4314 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Meeting Briefing Book, 1979 January 22
4315 Smithsonian Board of Regents: South Garden Development Concept Study, 1979 April
4316 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Meeting Briefing Book, 1979 April 19
4317 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Meeting Briefing Book, 1979 May 7
4318 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Proceedings, 1979 May 7
4319 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Executive Committee, 1979 August 13
441 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Five Year Prospectus, 1979 September 10
442 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Proceedings, 1979 September 17
443 Smithsonian Board of Regents, 1979-1980
444 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Survey of Property, 1980 January
445 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Five Year Prospectus, 1980 January 28
446 Smithsonian Commission for the National Gallery, 1980-1981
447 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Memos, Correspondence, 1980-1982
448 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Langley Theatre Dedication, 1981
449 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Air and Space Museum Minority Representation, 1981
4410 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Agenda, 1981 September 14
4411 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Cases, 1981-1985
4412 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Proposed Quadrangle Center for African, Near Eastern and Asian Cultures, 1982
4413 Smithsonian Commission for the National Portrait Gallery, 1982 January-May
4414 Smithsonian Commission for the National Portrait Gallery, 1982 June-December
4415 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Memos, 1982-1984
4416 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Newsletters, 1982-1986
4417 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Five Year Prospectus, Fiscal Years 1984-1988, 1983
4418 Smithsonian Board of Regents: New Regent and Secretary, 1983-1984
4419 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, 1984
4420 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Transfer of Old General Post Office Building, 1984
4421 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Agenda, 1984 May 7
4422 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Meeting Briefing Book, 1984 September 17
4423 Smithsonian Board of Regents: National Air and Space Museum, 1984-1985
451 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Cooper-Hewitt Museum, 1984-1985
452 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Memos, 1985 January-May
453 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Memos, 1985 June-December
454 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Budget Justifications, 1985 January
455 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Proceedings, 1985 January 28
456 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Proceedings, 1985 May 6
457 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Meeting Briefing Book, 1985 May 6
458 Smithsonian Board of Regents: International Activities, 1985 June
459 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Meeting Briefing Book, 1985 September 16
4510 Smithsonian Board of Regents: National Air and Space Museum Review, 1985 December 12
4511 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Lindbergh Memorial Lecture, 1986
4512 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Meeting Briefing Book, 1986 January 27
4513 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Proceedings, 1986 January 27
4514 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Five Year Prospectus, 1986 March 18
4515 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Agenda, 1986 May 5
4516 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Meeting Briefing Book, 1986 May 5
4517 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Proceedings, 1986 May 5
4518 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Agenda, Meeting Notes, 1986 September 15
4519 Smithsonian Board of Regents: Proceedings, 1986 September 15
461 Smithsonian Board of Regents: 1985 Supplement, 1986
462 Smithsonian Board of Regents: 1985 Annual Report, 1986
463 Smithsonian Board of Regents: National Air and Space Museum New Director, 1986
464 Smithsonian Board of Regents: National Air and Space Museum Challenger Memorial, 1986
465 Smithsonian Board of Regents, 1987-1992
466 Smoki People, 1967-1996
Includes hand tattoo.
467 Society of Wireless Pioneers, 1971
468 Sons of the American Revolution, 1962-1981
469 Staunton Military Academy: Yearbook, 1927
4610 Staunton Military Academy, 1971-1975
4611 Staunton Military Academy, 1976
4612 Staunton Military Academy, 1977-1980
4613 Staunton Military Academy, 1981-1995
4614 Thunderbirds (Phoenix Chamber of Commerce), 1979-1983
4615 United Indian Traders Association, 1949
4616 United States Senate Youth Program (Hearst Foundation), 1984
4617 Valley Field and Polo Club, 1989
4618 Veteran Wireless Operators Association, 1973-1976
4619 Veteran Wireless Operators Association, 1977-1980
4620 Vipont Research Laboratories, 1987
4621 Vipont Research Laboratories, 1988
4622 Vipont Research Laboratories, 1989 April-September
4623 Vipont Research Laboratories, 1989 October-December
4624 Vipont Research Laboratories, 1990
4625 United States War Colleges, 1975-1983
4626 Waste Not (Republic Companies), 1990
4627 West Point Board of Visitors, Eisenhower Hall (HR 17970), 1969-1970
4628 West Point Board of Visitors, 1971-1973
4629 West Point Board of Visitors, 1974
471 West Point Board of Visitors, 1975
472 Wings Club, 1975-1979
473 Wings Club, 1980-1981
474 Wings Club, 1982-1983
475 Wings of Friendship, 1990
476 Weyerhaeuser Captains Club, 1970-1972
Sub-Series F: Correspondence
477 Allen, Rex, 1978-1980
478 Alsop, Joseph, 1972-1975
479 American Airlines, 1971-1978
4710 American Broadcasting Company, 1974-1979
4711 Americans for Constitutional Action, 1966-1968
4712 Arizona Canal Diversion Channel, 1989-1990
4713 Arizona Daily Star, 1969-1981
Includes David Brinegar.
4714 Arizona Highways, 1969-1980
4715 Arizona Highways, 1983-1996
4716 Arizona History, 1963-1996
4717 The Arizona Republic, 1969-1976
4718 The Arizona Republic, 1977-1994
4719 Arizona State College, Tempe, 1958
4720 Arizona State University Goldwater Chair of the American Institutions, 1969-1971
4721 Arizona State University, 1967-1972
Discusses the donation of Goldwater's library and papers.
4722 Arizona State University, 1984-1987
4723 Arizona State University, 1988
4724 Arizona State University, 1989-1991
4725 Arizona State University: Barry M. Goldwater for Science and Engineering Technology, 1992
4726 Arizona State University: Barry Goldwater Chair of American Institutions: Clippings, 1970-1984
4727 Arizona State University: Goldwater Chair of American Institutions, 1972-1974
4728 Arizona State University: Goldwater Chair of American Institutions, 1975-1976
4729 Arizona State University: Goldwater Chair of American Institutions, 1977
4730 Arizona State University: Goldwater Chair of American Institutions, 1978
4731 Arizona State University: Goldwater Chair of American Institutions, 1980-1982
4732 Arizona State University: Goldwater Chair of American Institutions, 1981-1990
4732 Arizona State University: Goldwater Chair of American Institutions, 1983-1984
4733 Arizona State University: Goldwater Chair of American Institutions, 1985-1986
481 Arizona State University: Goldwater Chair of American Institutions, 1987 January-March
482 Arizona State University: Goldwater Chair of American Institutions, 1987 April-December
483 Arizona State University: Goldwater Chair of American Institutions, 1988
484 Arizona State University: Goldwater Chair of American Institutions, 1989
485 Arizona State University: Goldwater Chair of American Institutions: Forums and Panels, 1989-1997
486 Arizona State University: Goldwater Chair of American Institutions, 1990-1991
487 Arizona State University: Goldwater Chair of American Institutions, 1992
488 Arizona State University: Goldwater Chair of American Institutions, 1993-1994
489 Arizona State University: Goldwater Chair of American Institutions: Frederick Chien, 1995
4810 Arizona State University: Goldwater Chair of American Institutions, 1996-1998
4811 Arizona State University: Goldwater Chair of American Institutions: Dr. Arrell Morgan Gibson, 1986
4812 Arizona Telephone Company, 1982-1991
4813 Arnold, Stanley, 1987
4814 Automobiles: AMX and Corvette, 1982-1991
4815 Automobiles: Bricklin, 1974
4816 Automobiles: Bradley, 1976-1977
4817 Automobiles: Jaguar, 1953
4818 Bailey, Nathan A., 1974-1977
4819 Barabash, Volodimir, 1972
4820 Baroody, William, 1965-1968
4821 Barry M. Goldwater Revocable Trust, 1989-1996
4822 Basha, Eddie, 1973-1992
4823 Bell, Jeanne Viner, 1987-1988
4824 Berry, Doris: Personal Secretary, Post Retirement, 1985-1987
4825 Berry, Doris: Personal Secretary, Post Retirement, 1988
4826 Berry, Doris: Personal Secretary, Post Retirement, 1989
4827 Biographical Data, 1958-1998
Includes military, family, aviation, and quotes.
4828 Biographical Questions and Answers, 1969-1982
491 Boat: Bartell Corporation, 1967-1978
492 Boat: Boatswain's Locker, 1967-1971
493 Boat: Catalina Mooring Service, Cherry Cove, 1969-1970
494 Boat: General Correspondence, 1966-1968
495 Boat: General Correspondence, 1969
496 Boat: General Correspondence, 1970
Includes photos.
497 Boat: General Correspondence, 1971
498 Boat: General Correspondence, 1972
499 Boat: General Correspondence, 1973
4910 Boat: General Correspondence, 1973
Includes photos.
4911 Boat: General Correspondence, 1974
4912 Boat: General Correspondence, 1975
4913 Boat: General Correspondence, 1976-1980
4914 Boat: Log-"Baleia", 1970
4915 Boat: New Boat Specifications, 1968-1971
Includes photos.
4916 Boat: Richardson Yacht Company (Toh-Be-Kin), 1969-1970
4917 Boat: Toh-Be-Kin II Logs, 1969-1971
4918 Brookings Institute, 1969-1970
4919 Brown, General George S., 1974-1978
4920 Burch, Dean, 1955-1965
4921 Burch, Dean, 1966 January-June
4922 Burch, Dean, 1966 July-December
4923 Burch, Dean, 1968-1992
4924 Burgess, Isabel, 1977-1979
4925 Burns, Robert: Buckeye Deal, 1996
4926 Burns: Yavapai County Project, 1996
4927 Cable News Network (Contract), 1980, 1985
501 Byrne, John P. (Del E. Webb Development Company), 1971-1982
502 Camelback Mountain (Preservation of), 1959-1964
503 Camelback Mountain, 1965 April-September
504 Camelback Mountain, 1965 October-November
505 Camelback Mountain, 1965 December
506 Camelback Mountain, 1966 January
507 Camelback Mountain, 1966 February-December
508 Camelback Mountain, 1967
509 Camelback Mountain, 1968
5010 Camelback Mountain, 1971-1974
5011 Camelback Mountain, 1985-1995
5012 Camelback-Arden Property on Slope of Camelback, 1970
5013 Capital Securities Company, 1970
5014 Cartoons, 1965-1968
5015 Cartoons, 1969-1976
5016 Cartoons (Jack Knox), 1975-1976
5017 Cartoons, 1977-1979
5018 Cartoons, 1979-1984
5019 Casserly, Jack (Biographer), 1985-1986
5020 Casserly, Jack (Biographer), 1987-1990
5021 Cassidy, Fishman (Speakers Contract), 1990
5022 Castro, Raúl, 1970-1978
5023 CBS Television Network (Various), 1971-1980
5024 Chambers, George W., 1971-1974
5025 Chennault, Anna, 1974-1994
5026 Chien, Frederick, 1985-1997
5027 City Council: News Clippings, Editorials, 1939-1946
5028 Civil Service: Retirement, 1953-1987
5029 Coastal Navigation School, 1970-1975
511 Combined Securities, 1967-1968
512 Cosby Bankruptcy, 1996
513 Crane, James E., 1969-1976
514 Crank Letters, 1967-1968
515 Crank Letters, 1973-1984
516 Crawford, Ron, 1966-1996
See also Free Society Association.
517 Dean, John W.: "Book", 1993-1995
518 Douglas, Lewis W. and Walter Jr., 1964-1975
519 Drinkwater, Herbert, 1983-1996
5110 Drum, James T., 1971-1991
5111 Dumas, West and Company (Cuba, Taiwan), 1993-1995
5112 Dupont, Joseph, 1978-1980
5113 Education, 1923-1928
Transcripts and correspondence from Phoenix Union, Staunton and University of Arizona.
5114 Eiseman, Fred B. Jr. (Grand Canyon), 1972-1979
5115 Emerson, Terry, 1970-1989
5116 Emerson, Terry, 1990-2006
5117 Emme, Eugene M. (NASA Historian), 1971-1984
5118 Essman, Tommy, 1972-1973
Goldwater flew Essman to a hospital in Kansas City.
5119 Fairchild, Wade (Fairchild Peacemaker aircraft), 1971-1975
5120 Fagerberg, Dixon Jr. C.P.A.: Taxes and Contributions, 1962-1964
5121 Fannin, Paul, 1967-1969
5122 Fannin, Paul, 1971-1981
5123 FBI Files, 1963-1965
Donated by Robert Nelson.
5124 Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary, 1984
5125 Form Letters, 1965-1968
5126 Frederick, Grace Voss, 1992
5127 Funeral: Programs, Obituary, 1998 June 3
5128 Funny Letters, 1949-1956
521 Gallery, W. O. (Naval Training Center), 1975-1977
522 Gays in the Military, 1992-1993 June 14
523 Gays in the Military, 1993 June 15-30
524 Gays in the Military, 1993 July-September
525 Gays in the Military: Human Rights Campaign Fund, 1994-1996
526 Gays in the Military: News clippings, 1993
527 Gays in the Military: Pat Murphy Correspondence (Washington Post Article), 1993-1994
528 Gays in the Military: Publications, 1993 (Religious Tracts, Pamphlets, and Publications)
529 Georgetown, 1987-1988
5210 Gibson, Frank, 1966-1992
5211 Ginzburg Lawsuit, 1964-1965
5212 Ginzburg Lawsuit, 1966
5213 Ginzburg Lawsuit, 1967
5215 Ginzburg Lawsuit, 1968 February-May
5216 Ginzburg Lawsuit, 1968 June-November
5217 Ginzburg Lawsuit, 1969
5218 Ginzburg Lawsuit, 1970-1971
5219 Ginzburg Lawsuit, 1972-1983
5220 Ginzburg Lawsuit: Appellee's Brief, 1969
5221 Ginzburg Lawsuit: Brief for Respondent in Opposition, 1969
5222 Ginzburg Lawsuit: Deposition of Dr. Margaretta Keller Bowers, 1966
5223 Ginzburg Lawsuit: Deposition of Dr. Renatus Hartogs, 1966
5224 Ginzburg Lawsuit: Deposition of Dr. Leonard R. Sillman, 1966
5225 Ginzburg Lawsuit: Deposition of Dr. Henry A. Troy, 1966
5226 Ginzburg Lawsuit: Deposition of Dr. Gordon Templeton, 1966
5227 Ginzburg Lawsuit: Deposition of Russell Conway, 1967
5228 Ginzburg Lawsuit: Examination of Warren Boroson, 1966
5229 Ginzburg Lawsuit: Expenses, 1965-1968
5230 Ginzburg Lawsuit: News Clippings, 1965-1968 (1 of 2)
5231 Ginzburg Lawsuit: News Clippings, 1968-1986 (2 of 2)
Includes cover letter from Goldwater.
531 Ginzburg Lawsuit: Statements and Complaint, 1965
532 Ginzburg Lawsuit: United States Court of Appeals, 1969
533 Goddard, Terry, 1983-1989
534 Goetz, Mr. and Mrs. George F. Jr., 1957-1987
535 Goldberg, Robert (Biographer), 1988-1993
536 Goldwater-Nichols Act: Brookings Institute and Other Reports, 1991
537 Goldwater-Nichols Act: GAO Reports, 1988
See also Legislative-99th Congress.
538 Goldwater-Nichols Act: GAO Reports, 1989
539 Goldwater-Nichols Act: GAO Reports, 1990-1991
5310 Goldwater-Nichols Act: References in the Congressional Record, 1988-1994
5311 "The Goldwater-Nichols Act of 1986: Resurgence of Defense Reform and the Legacy of Eisenhower" by Major Greg H. Parlier, 1989
5312 "Goldwater-Nichols Revisited: Meaningful Defense Reorganization" by Peter W. Chiarelli, 1991
5313 Grand Canyon Cemetery, 1983
5314 Grand Circle Association, 1984-1985
5315 "The Green Felt Jungle" (Willie Bioff), 1964
5316 Guns, 1968-1978
5317 Hall, J. Gordon, 1958-1959
5318 Hall, J. Gordon, 1960
5319 Hall, J. Gordon, 1961
5320 Hall, J. Gordon, 1962-1980
5321 Hambrose Leasing Limited Partnership, 1984
5322 Hayes, Ira, 1986
5323 Hayhurst, Pat H., 1940-1981
Regarding Tombstone Courthouse archival material.
5324 Helms, Richard, 1974-1980
5325 Hess, Karl, 1965
5326 Hess, Karl, 1967-1994
5327 Hess, Karl: "In a Cause That Will Triumph", 1966 (Chapters 1-2)
5328 Hess, Karl: "In a Cause That Will Triumph", 1966 (Chapters 3-4)
5329 Hess, Karl: "In a Cause That Will Triumph", 1966 (Chapters 5 and 7)
5330 Hess, Karl: NATO Arms Race, 1962-1967 (1 of 2)
5331 Hess, Karl: NATO Arms Race, 1967 (2 of 2)
541 Hess, Karl Jr., 1996
542 Higgins, Eleanor, 1952-1992
See also 1964 Presidential Campaign, Maine.
543 Higgins, Ted, 1964
544 "History File", 1960-1992
Anecdotes about BMG, and early Phoenix.
545 Honoraria, 1972-1985
546 Holroyd, Winnie, 1987
547 Johns Hopkins Foreign Policy Institute, 1987
548 House: "Epic Places, The Estate of an Arizona Legend", 1999
549 House Plans, 1956 (1 of 2)
5410 House Plans, 1957 (2 of 2)
5411 House: (Be-Nūn-Ī-Kin) House in the Sky, 1958-1959 (1 of 2)
5412 House: (Be-Nūn-Ī-Kin) House in the Sky, 1960-1969 (1 of 2)
5413 House: (Be-Nūn-Ī-Kin) House in the Sky: Guest Book, Undated
5414 House: Maintenance, Repairs, 1965-1977
5415 House: Maintenance, Repairs, 1978-1995
5416 House: Cactus (Native Plant Relocation), 1990
5417 House: Tait Appraisal, 1968
5418 House, Dr. Howard P., 1968-1972
5419 House, Dr. Howard P., 1973-1980
5420 Humes, Theodore, 1961-1962
See also 1964 Campaign, Pennsylvania; fragile material.
5421 Humes, Theodore, 1963 January-October
See also 1964 Campaign, Pennsylvania; fragile material.
5422 Humes, Theodore, 1963 December
See also 1964 Campaign, Pennsylvania; fragile material.
5423 Humes, Theodore, 1964
See also 1964 Campaign, Pennsylvania; fragile material.
5424 Humes, Theodore, 1965-1985
5425 Investigative Reporters and Editors: Bolles, Don: Correspondence, Memos, Statements, 1971-1977
5426 Investigative Reporters and Editors: Bolles, Don: Memo from John P. Frank, 1977
5427 Investigative Reporters and Editors: Bolles, Don: Newsclippings, 1976
5428 Investigative Reporters and Editors: Bolles, Don: Newsclippings, 1977
5429 Investigative Reporters and Editors: Fund for Investigative Journalism, 1976
551 Investigative Reporters and Editors: Kemper Marley Sr. v. Investigative Reporters and Editors, 1980
552 Investigative Reporters and Editors: Organized Crime, 1950-1977
553 Investigative Reporters and Editors: Organized Crime, 1977
554 Investigative Reporters and Editors: Organized Crime, New West, 1977 April 11
555 Investigative Reporters and Editors: Organized Crime, Newsday, 1977 March 13-21
556 Investigative Reporters and Editors: Organized Crime, Newsday, 1977 March 23-April 4
557 Investigative Reporters and Editors: Organized Crime, News Clippings Outside Arizona, 1977 March-April
558 Investigative Reporters and Editors: Organized Crime, News Clippings from Arizona Dailies, 1977 March-April
559 Investigative Reporters and Editors: Organized Crime, Shadegg, Stephen, 1977
5510 Joke File, 1972-1984
Includes notes and dictation.
5511 Juvenile Justice, 1996
5512 Kachina Dolls (Kibbey, John R.), 1939
5513 Kachina Dolls, 1945-1950
5514 Kachina Dolls, 1957-1962
5515 Kachina Dolls, 1962-1970
5516 Kachina Dolls, 1970-1973
5517 Kachina Dolls, 1974
5518 Kachina Dolls, 1975-1976
5519 Kachina Dolls, 1977-1996
5520 Kaman (Consultant Agreement), 1987-1988
5521 Klein, Major-General Julius, 1972-1977
5522 Knopf, Al and Louise, 1975-1986
5523 Kupperman, Robert H. S. (Arms Control and Disarmament Agency), 1974
5524 Lanphier, Thomas G., 1985 (1 of 2)
5525 Lanphier, Thomas G., 1985 (2 of 2; Manuscript)
5526 Leonard, Bill, 1967
5527 Lewis, Orme Sr., 1971-1994
561 Library: Center for Political Resources, 1979
562 Library: Appraisals, Donations to Arizona Historical Foundation, 1983
563 Loeb, William, 1967
564 Loeb, William, 1970-1980
565 Lofton, John, 1974-1978
566 Lost Dutchman Mine, 1971-1976
Superstition Mountains; includes phonograph records.
567 Luce, Clare Boothe, 1969-1983
568 Machlett, Mr. and Mrs. Glen, 1973
Rescued by Senator Goldwater.
569 Manning, Reg, 1973-1980
5610 Margaret Arch, Navajo Reservation, 1987-1989
5611 Marston, Dock, 1972-1977
5612 Masland, Frank E., 1969-1974
5613 Masland, Frank E.,
5614 McLaughlin, Herb and Dorothy, 1961-1996
Includes photo.
5615 Maytag, Marquita, 1970-1974
5616 Maytag, Marquita, 1975-1979
Includes photo.
5617 McGinnis, G. Alfred, 1967-1968
5618 McCune Property, 1971-1974
5619 McCune Property, 1975
5620 McCune Property, 1976-1981
5621 Melczer, Joseph T., 1967-1974
5622 Melczer, Joseph T. Jr., 1967-1990
5623 Melczer, Joseph T. Jr.: Wills, Trusts, 1971-1989
5624 Micronesia, 1971-1974
5625 Middendorf, William J., 1977-1985
5626 Models: Airplane and Automobile, 1969-1970
5627 Models: Airplane and Automobile, 1971-1975
5628 Models: Airplane and Automobile, 1976-1996
571 Morgan, Adah Frances, 1924-1961
572 Mollner, Henry: Pistachio Corporation, 1973
573 Mosely, C. C., 1971-1974
574 Mugs for Babies Named after Senator, 1972-1986
575 Murphy, Pat (Editor, Phoenix Republic Gazette), 1980-1995
See also Arizona Republic.
576 Nairn, Ronald C., 1967-1984
577 National Broadcasting Company, 1974-1980
578 Navajo High Technology Forum, 1988-1989
579 Newsweek, 1973-1979
5710 O'Connor, Molly, 1972
5711 Overall, Florence K. and John R., 1957-1981
5712 Passports and Immunization Records, 1928-1977
5713 Patton, George S., 1979-1980
5714 Pawley, William, 1973-1976
5715 Peat, Marwick and Mitchell: Taxes, 1963-1969
5716 Peat, Marwick and Mitchell: Taxes, 1970-1978
5717 Peat, Marwick and Mitchell: Taxes, 1982-1987
5718 PG Limited Partnership, 1982
5719 Pinaire, Hoyt, 1974-1980
5720 Prisoners and Department of Defense, 1969
5721 Pritzlaff, John and Mary Dell, 1971-1996
5722 Property, 1993
5723 Quinn, William, 1960-1965
5724 Quinn, William: Visit to Germany, 1964-1968
5725 Quinn, William, 1966-1969
5726 Quinn, William: News Clippings, 1969-1993
5727 Quinn, William, 1970-1971
581 Quinn, William, 1972-1973
Includes photos.
582 Quinn, William, 1974-1975
Includes photo.
583 Quinn, William, 1976-1979
584 Quinn, William, 1980-1984
585 Quinn, William, 1985-1986
586 Quinn, William, 1987
587 Quinn, William, 1988
588 Quinn, William, 1989
Includes photos.
589 Quinn, William, 1990-1991
Includes photos.
5810 Quinn, William, 1992-2000
5811 Quinn, William, Undated
5812 Ray, Reverend George M., 1966
5813 "Recopilacion de Recortes de Prensa de la Cuidad de Mexico, Sobre la Estancia en Ella de Mr. Barry Goldwater", 1966
5814 Red Rock Crossing (Sedona, Arizona), 1995-1997
5815 Reinhold, Ruth, 1964-1972
5816 Reinhold, Ruth, 1979-1989
5817 Reinhold, Ruth: Arizona Aviation Book, 1969-1971
5818 Reinhold, Ruth: Arizona Aviation Book, 1974-1975
5819 Reinhold, Ruth: Arizona Aviation Book, 1976
5820 Reinhold, Ruth: Arizona Aviation Book, 1978-1984
5821 Requests to Write Official Biography, 1986-1995
5822 Richardson, General Robert C. III, 1967-1969
591 Ritchie, Steve: Adolph Coors Company, 1978-1983
592 Robinson, Jackie, 1967-1968
593 Ruffner, Lester W. (Budge) and Bette, 1961-1993
See also 1964 Campaign.
594 Rutan, Dick, 1992
595 Saufley, William E. (Goldwater Store Manager), 1939-1958
Includes original letter to Bob Goldwater and Bill Saulfley about running for City Council.
596 Saufley, William E. (Goldwater Store Manager), 1960-1969
597 Saufley, William E. (Goldwater Store Manager), 1970-1994
598 Seaver, Frank and Blanche, 1973-1980
599 Scripps, Howard, 1976
5910 Sexon, Paul, 1957-1992
5911 Shadegg, Stephen: TV Script, "For Freedom's Sake", 1952-1957
5912 Shadegg, Stephen: TV Script, "For Freedom's Sake", 1956
Includes photos.
5913 Shadegg, Stephen, 1958-1960
5914 Shadegg, Stephen, 1961
5915 Shadegg, Stephen, 1962
5916 Shadegg, Stephen, 1963-1964
5917 Shadegg, Stephen, 1965-1966
Includes University of Texas Goldwater election files inventory.
5918 Shadegg, Stephen, 1968
5919 Shadegg, Stephen, 1971-1974
5920 Shadegg, Stephen, 1975-1977
Includes dictation.
5921 Shadegg, Stephen, 1978
Includes dictation.
5922 Shadegg, Stephen, 1979-1989
5923 Shadegg, Stephen: Harcourt, Brace Jovanovich v. Goldwater and Shadegg, 1980-1982
5924 Shea and Wilks, 1989-1996
601 Sister Mary Rose, 1967-1970
602 Slander File, 1976-1982
603 Soto, Ignacio, 1971-1985
604 Steiger, Sam, 1967-1968
605 Stock Certificates, 1918-1949
606 Staunton Military Academy, 1927-1928
607 Taxes: Public Financial Disclosure, 1979-1985
608 Teller, Edward, 1976
609 Tributes: Republican National Committee "Tribute to Barry Dinner", 1965
6010 Tributes: Tribute to Senator Goldwater by Senator Bill Brock (Senate Floor Statement), 1972
6011 Tributes: "Toast 'N' Roast of Senator Barry Goldwater", 1977
6012 Tributes: Goldwater Image on Thumb Butte (Prescott; Humorous), 1979
6013 Tributes: Birthplace Marker (Phoenix), 1980
6014 Tributes: Goldwater Memorial Park (Yavapai County), 1981
6015 Tributes: Goldwater Telescope, Kitt Peak, 1983-1985
6016 Tributes: Goldwater Street, La Paz County, 1985
6017 Tributes: Barry Goldwater Center (Arizona Republican Party Headquarters; Phoenix), 1985
6018 Tributes: Motel Wing or Room Yavapai-Apache Tribe (Camp Verde), 1985
6019 Tributes: Tucson Hotel Boardroom, 1985
6020 Tributes: Barry and Peggy Goldwater Health Center, YMCA SKY-Y Camp (Prescott), 1985
6021 Tributes: Goldwater Arizona Pine, 1985
6022 Tributes: Goldwater High School (Phoenix), 1985-1997
Includes photo.
6023 Tributes: Goldwater Center for Cross Cultural Communications (Heard Museum), 1986
6024 Tributes: Goldwater Mountain Habitat Project (Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum), 1986
6025 Tributes: Barry Goldwater Chair of American Institutions (Arizona State University), 1986
6026 Tributes: Congressional Record (on Goldwater's Retirement from the Senate), 1986
6027 Tributes: Barry Goldwater Center, Prescott College, 1986-1987
6028 Tributes: "Goldwater His Life and Legacy", 1987
6029 Tributes: Goldwater Ballroom, Sheraton Resort (Prescott), 1988
6030 Tributes: Barry M. Goldwater Center for Science and Engineering (Arizona State University), 1988-1993
6031 Tributes: Barry M. Goldwater Air Force Range, 1988-1994
6032 Tributes: Goldwater Boulevard (Scottsdale), 1989
6033 Tributes: Goldwater Terminal (Sky Harbor Airport), 1988-1993
6034 Tributes: Barry Goldwater Amateur Radio Award, Radio Club of America, 1994
6035 Tributes: Arizona Salute to Barry Goldwater, 1996
6036 Tributes: Barry and Peggy Goldwater Memorial Garden, Cave Creek, Arizona, 1999
6037 Tributes: Barry Goldwater Peak (White Tank Mountain Range), 2005
6038 Tributes: Twentieth Century Fox "The People and Senator Goldwater", 1970-1971
6039 Tucson Daily Citizen, 1972-1974
6040 Unidentified Flying Objects, 1966-1977
6041 Unidentified Flying Objects, 1978-1985
6042 Unidentified Flying Objects, 1987-1997
6043 University of Arizona, 1983-1989
6044 Valley National Bank, 1954-1982
6045 Viewpoint Radio Program, 1975-1976
6046 Walker, Harry, 1979
6047 White, Thomas D. (Air Force Chief of Staff), 1960
6048 Yardley, George and Dorothy, 1966-1996
6049 General Correspondence: A, 1952-1951
6050 General Correspondence: A, 1957
6051 General Correspondence: A, 1966
611 General Correspondence: A, 1967
612 General Correspondence: A, 1968
613 General Correspondence: A, 1970-1979
614 General Correspondence: A, 1980-1984
615 General Correspondence: A, 1985-1987
616 General Correspondence: A, 1988-1989
617 General Correspondence: A, 1990-1993
618 General Correspondence: A, 1994-1997
619 General Correspondence: B, 1950-1953
6110 General Correspondence: B, 1963-1966
6111 General Correspondence: B, 1967 January-March
6112 General Correspondence: B, 1967 April-July
6113 General Correspondence: B, 1967 August-December
6114 General Correspondence: B, 1968 January-April
6115 General Correspondence: B, 1968 May-August
621 General Correspondence: B, 1968 September-December
622 General Correspondence: B, 1969
623 General Correspondence: B, 1970-1977
624 General Correspondence: B, 1978-1979
625 General Correspondence: B, 1980-1981
626 General Correspondence: B, 1982-1986
627 General Correspondence: B, 1987
628 General Correspondence: B, 1988
629 General Correspondence: B, 1989
6210 General Correspondence: B, 1990
6211 General Correspondence: B, 1991
6212 General Correspondence: B, 1992
6213 General Correspondence: B, 1993
6214 General Correspondence: B, 1994
6215 General Correspondence: B, 1995
6216 General Correspondence: B, 1996
631 General Correspondence: B, 1997
632 General Correspondence: C, 1941-1958
633 General Correspondence: C, 1964-1966
634 General Correspondence: C, 1967 January-June
635 General Correspondence: C, 1967 July-December
636 General Correspondence: C, 1968 January-May
637 General Correspondence: C, 1968 June-August
638 General Correspondence: C, 1968 September-December
639 General Correspondence: C, 1969
6310 General Correspondence: C, 1970-1978
6311 General Correspondence: C, 1979
6312 General Correspondence: C, 1980
6313 General Correspondence: C, 1984-1986
641 General Correspondence: C, 1987
642 General Correspondence: C, 1988
643 General Correspondence: C, 1989
644 General Correspondence: C, 1990-1992
645 General Correspondence: C, 1993-1994
646 General Correspondence: C, 1995-1996
647 General Correspondence: C, 1997
648 General Correspondence: D, 1951-1958
649 General Correspondence: D, 1965-1966
6410 General Correspondence: D, 1967 January-June
6411 General Correspondence: D, 1967 July-December
6412 General Correspondence: D, 1968 January-June
6413 General Correspondence: D, 1968 July-December
6414 General Correspondence: D, 1969
6415 General Correspondence: D, 1970-1976
6416 General Correspondence: D, 1977-1978
6417 General Correspondence: D, 1979-1980
6418 General Correspondence: D, 1981-1986
651 General Correspondence: D, 1987
652 General Correspondence: D, 1988-1989
653 General Correspondence: D, 1990-1992
654 General Correspondence: D, 1993-1994
655 General Correspondence: D, 1995
656 General Correspondence: D, 1996-1997
657 General Correspondence: E, 1951-1957
658 General Correspondence: E, 1966-1969
659 General Correspondence: E, 1970-1980
6510 General Correspondence: E, 1981-1989
6511 General Correspondence: E, 1990-1992
6512 General Correspondence: E, 1993-1996
6513 General Correspondence: F, 1941-1957
6514 General Correspondence: F, 1965-1966
6515 General Correspondence: F, 1967 January-May
6516 General Correspondence: F, 1967 June-December
6517 General Correspondence: F, 1968 January-April
6518 General Correspondence: F, 1968 May-December
6519 General Correspondence: F, 1969
6520 General Correspondence: F, 1970-1974
661 General Correspondence: F, 1980-1989
662 General Correspondence: F, 1990-1993
663 General Correspondence: F, 1994-1997
664 General Correspondence: G, 1952-1958
665 General Correspondence: G, 1965-1966
666 General Correspondence: G, 1967
667 General Correspondence: G, 1968 January-May
668 General Correspondence: G, 1968 June-December
669 General Correspondence: G, 1969
6610 General Correspondence: G, 1970-1977
6611 General Correspondence: G, 1980-1987
6612 General Correspondence: G, 1988-1989
6613 General Correspondence: G, 1990-1992
6614 General Correspondence: G, 1993-1994
6615 General Correspondence: G, 1995
671 General Correspondence: G, 1996-1997
672 General Correspondence: H, 1952-1959
673 General Correspondence: H, 1963-1966
674 General Correspondence: H, 1967 January-March
675 General Correspondence: H, 1967 April-August
676 General Correspondence: H, 1967 September-December
677 General Correspondence: H, 1968 January-March
678 General Correspondence: H, 1968 April-August
679 General Correspondence: H, 1968 September-December
6710 General Correspondence: H, 1969
6711 General Correspondence: H, 1970-1975
6712 General Correspondence: H, 1977-1978
6713 General Correspondence: H, 1979
6714 General Correspondence: H, 1980
6715 General Correspondence: H, 1981-1984
6716 General Correspondence: H, 1985-1986
6717 General Correspondence: H, 1987
6718 General Correspondence: H, 1988-1989
681 General Correspondence: H, 1990-1991
682 General Correspondence: H, 1992
683 General Correspondence: H, 1993
684 General Correspondence: H, 1994
685 General Correspondence: H, 1995
686 General Correspondence: H, 1996-1997
687 General Correspondence: I, 1967-1968
688 General Correspondence: I, 1969
689 General Correspondence: I, 1970-1978
6810 General Correspondence: I, 1981-1989
6811 General Correspondence: I, 1990-1997
6812 General Correspondence: J, 1952-1958
6813 General Correspondence: J, 1966
6814 General Correspondence: J, 1967
6815 General Correspondence: J, 1968
6816 General Correspondence: J, 1969
6817 General Correspondence: J, 1970-1978
6818 General Correspondence: J, 1980-1989
6819 General Correspondence: J, 1990-1994
6820 General Correspondence: J, 1995-1998
6821 General Correspondence: K, 1952
6822 General Correspondence: K, 1964-1966
691 General Correspondence: K, 1967
692 General Correspondence: K, 1968
693 General Correspondence: K, 1969
694 General Correspondence: K, 1970-1977
695 General Correspondence: K, 1978-1980
696 General Correspondence: K, 1981-1987
697 General Correspondence: K, 1988-1989
698 General Correspondence: K, 1990-1992
699 General Correspondence: K, 1993-1994
6910 General Correspondence: K, 1995-1997
6911 General Correspondence: L, 1952-1957
6912 General Correspondence: L, 1965-1966
6913 General Correspondence: L, 1967 January-April
6914 General Correspondence: L, 1967 May-December
6915 General Correspondence: L, 1968 January-June
6916 General Correspondence: L, 1968 July-December
701 General Correspondence: L, 1969
702 General Correspondence: L, 1970-1972
703 General Correspondence: L, 1977-1979
704 General Correspondence: L, 1980-1981
705 General Correspondence: L, 1982-1987
706 General Correspondence: L, 1988-1989
707 General Correspondence: L, 1990-1992
708 General Correspondence: L, 1993-1994
709 General Correspondence: L, 1995-1997
7010 General Correspondence: M, 1952 January-September
7011 General Correspondence: M, 1952 October-December
7012 General Correspondence: M, 1957-1958
7013 General Correspondence: M, 1966
7014 General Correspondence: M, 1967 January-March
7015 General Correspondence: M, 1967 April-July
7016 General Correspondence: M, 1967 August-September
7017 General Correspondence: M, 1967 October-December
711 General Correspondence: M, 1968 January-May
712 General Correspondence: M, 1968 June-August
713 General Correspondence: M, 1968 September-December
714 General Correspondence: M, 1969
715 General Correspondence: M, 1970-1976
716 General Correspondence: M, 1977
717 General Correspondence: M, 1978-1979
718 General Correspondence: M, 1980
719 General Correspondence: M, 1981-1984
7110 General Correspondence: M, 1985-1986
7111 General Correspondence: M, 1987 January-May
7112 General Correspondence: M, 1987 June-December
7113 General Correspondence: M, 1988
7114 General Correspondence: M, 1989
7115 General Correspondence: M, 1990-1991
7116 General Correspondence: M, 1992
7117 General Correspondence: M, 1993
721 General Correspondence: M, 1994
722 General Correspondence: M, 1995
723 General Correspondence: M, 1996
724 General Correspondence: M, 1997
725 General Correspondence: N, 1952
726 General Correspondence: N, 1966
727 General Correspondence: N, 1967
728 General Correspondence: N, 1968
729 General Correspondence: N, 1969
7210 General Correspondence: N, 1970-1979
7211 General Correspondence: N, 1980-1989
7212 General Correspondence: N, 1990-1997
7213 General Correspondence: O, 1952
7214 General Correspondence: O, 1966
7215 General Correspondence: O, 1967
7216 General Correspondence: O, 1968
7217 General Correspondence: O, 1969-1979
7218 General Correspondence: O, 1980-1989
7219 General Correspondence: O, 1990-1997
7220 General Correspondence: P, 1939-1950
7221 General Correspondence: P, 1952-1958
7222 General Correspondence: P, 1966
7223 General Correspondence: P, 1967 January-May
7224 General Correspondence: P, 1967 June-December
731 General Correspondence: P, 1968 January-May
732 General Correspondence: P, 1968 June-December
733 General Correspondence: P, 1969
734 General Correspondence: P, 1970-1979
735 General Correspondence: P, 1980-1984
736 General Correspondence: P, 1985-1989
737 General Correspondence: P, 1990-1992
738 General Correspondence: P, 1993
739 General Correspondence: P, 1994-1995
7310 General Correspondence: P, 1996-1997
7311 General Correspondence: Q, 1951-1952
7312 General Correspondence: Q, 1967-1968
7313 General Correspondence: Q, 1979-1989
7314 General Correspondence: Q, 1990-1996
7315 General Correspondence: R, 1952
7316 General Correspondence: R, 1965-1966
7317 General Correspondence: R, 1967 January-May
7318 General Correspondence: R, 1967 June-December
7319 General Correspondence: R, 1968 January-June
7320 General Correspondence: R, 1968 July-December
7321 General Correspondence: R, 1969
7322 General Correspondence: R, 1970-1979
741 General Correspondence: R, 1980-1986
742 General Correspondence: R, 1987
743 General Correspondence: R, 1988-1989
744 General Correspondence: R, 1990-1991
745 General Correspondence: R, 1992-1993
746 General Correspondence: R, 1994-1995
747 General Correspondence: R, 1996-1998
748 General Correspondence: S, 1951
749 General Correspondence: S, 1952 January-September
7410 General Correspondence: S, 1952 October-December
7411 General Correspondence: S, 1953-1958
7412 General Correspondence: S, 1964-1965
7413 General Correspondence: S, 1966
7414 General Correspondence: S, 1967 January-March
7415 General Correspondence: S, 1967 April-May
7416 General Correspondence: S, 1967 June-August
7417 General Correspondence: S, 1967 September-December
7418 General Correspondence: S, 1968 January-March
751 General Correspondence: S, 1968 April-July
752 General Correspondence: S, 1968 August-December
753 General Correspondence: S, 1969
754 General Correspondence: S, 1970-1977
755 General Correspondence: S, 1978-1979
756 General Correspondence: S, 1980
757 General Correspondence: S, 1981-1982
758 General Correspondence: S, 1983-1985
759 General Correspondence: S, 1986
7510 General Correspondence: S, 1987 January-May
7511 General Correspondence: S, 1987 June-November
7512 General Correspondence: S, 1988
7513 General Correspondence: S, 1989
7514 General Correspondence: S, 1990
7515 General Correspondence: S, 1991
7516 General Correspondence: S, 1992
761 General Correspondence: S, 1993 January-July
762 General Correspondence: S, 1993 August-December
763 General Correspondence: S, 1994
764 General Correspondence: S, 1995
765 General Correspondence: S, 1996
766 General Correspondence: S, 1997
767 General Correspondence: T, 1952
768 General Correspondence: T, 1965-1966
769 General Correspondence: T, 1967 January-June
7610 General Correspondence: T, 1967 July-December
7611 General Correspondence: T, 1968
7612 General Correspondence: T, 1969
7613 General Correspondence: T, 1970-1979
7614 General Correspondence: T, 1980-1989
7615 General Correspondence: T, 1990-1994
7616 General Correspondence: T, 1995-1997
7617 General Correspondence: U, 1952
7618 General Correspondence: U, 1966-1970
7619 General Correspondence: U, 1977-1989
7620 General Correspondence: U, 1990-1997
7621 General Correspondence: V, 1966
7622 General Correspondence: V, 1967
7623 General Correspondence: V, 1968
771 General Correspondence: V, 1969
772 General Correspondence: V, 1970-1979
773 General Correspondence: V, 1980-1989
774 General Correspondence: V, 1990-1997
775 General Correspondence: W, 1951
776 General Correspondence: W, 1952 January-September
777 General Correspondence: W, 1952 October-December
778 General Correspondence: W, 1960-1965
779 General Correspondence: W, 1966
7710 General Correspondence: W, 1967 January-March
7711 General Correspondence: W, 1967 April-June
7712 General Correspondence: W, 1967 July-September
7713 General Correspondence: W, 1967 October-December
7714 General Correspondence: W, 1968 January-March
7715 General Correspondence: W, 1968 April-August
7716 General Correspondence: W, 1968 September-December
7717 General Correspondence: W, 1969
7718 General Correspondence: W, 1970-1979
7719 General Correspondence: W, 1980-1986
7720 General Correspondence: W, 1987-1989
7721 General Correspondence: W, 1990-1991
7722 General Correspondence: W, 1992
781 General Correspondence: W, 1993
782 General Correspondence: W, 1994
783 General Correspondence: W, 1995
784 General Correspondence: W, 1996-1997
785 General Correspondence: Y, 1967
786 General Correspondence: Y, 1968
787 General Correspondence: Y, 1969-1971
788 General Correspondence: Y, 1986-1989
789 General Correspondence: Y, 1990-1997
7810 General Correspondence: Z, 1952
7811 General Correspondence: Z, 1967
7812 General Correspondence: Z, 1968-1979
7813 General Correspondence: Z, 1984-1989
7814 General Correspondence: Z, 1990-1997
7815 General Correspondence, Telegrams: A, 1965-1966
7816 General Correspondence, Telegrams: B, 1965-1966
7817 General Correspondence, Telegrams: C, 1965-1966
7818 General Correspondence, Telegrams: D-E, 1965-1966
7819 General Correspondence, Telegrams: F, 1965-1966
7820 General Correspondence, Telegrams: G, 1965-1966
7821 General Correspondence, Telegrams: H, 1965-1966
7822 General Correspondence, Telegrams: I-K, 1965-1966
7823 General Correspondence, Telegrams: L, 1965-1966
7824 General Correspondence, Telegrams: M, 1965-1966
7825 General Correspondence, Telegrams: N-O, 1965-1966
7826 General Correspondence, Telegrams: P, 1965-1966
7827 General Correspondence, Telegrams: R, 1965-1966
7828 General Correspondence, Telegrams: S, 1965-1966
7829 General Correspondence, Telegrams: T, 1965-966
7830 General Correspondence, Telegrams: U-V, 1965-1966
7831 General Correspondence, Telegrams: W-Z, 1965-1966
7832 Family Correspondence: Davies and Johnson Last Will and Testament, 1960, 1967
7833 Family Correspondence: Erskine, Carolyn, 1930-1972
Carolyn Erskine is Barry Goldwater's sister.
7834 Family Correspondence: Erskine, Carolyn, 1973-1999
Carolyn Erskine is Barry Goldwater's sister.
7835 Family Correspondence: Goldwasser, Jurick, 1968
7836 Family Correspondence: Goldwater, Anna, 1973-1997
7837 Family Correspondence: Goldwater, Baron, 1909-1961
Baron Goldwater is Barry Goldwater's father.
7838 Family Correspondence: Goldwater, Carmel, 1967-1992
7839 Family Correspondence: Goldwater, Joseph, 1888
7840 Family Correspondence: Goldwater, Joseph, 1939-1960
7841 Family Correspondence: Goldwater, Josephine Williams, 1904-1964
Josephine Williams Goldwater is Baron Goldwater's mother. Includes photos. See also Williams Family.
7842 Family Correspondence: Goldwater, Josephine Williams, 1960-1993
791 Family Correspondence: Goldwater, Josephine (Article Submitted by Bert Fireman to the Readers' Digest), 1960
792 Family Correspondence: Goldwater, Josephine (Student Paper), 1991
793 Family Correspondence: Goldwater, Myra, 1972-1990
794 Family Correspondence: Goldwater, Peggy, 1934-1962
Peggy Goldwater is Barry Goldwater's wife.
795 Family Correspondence: Goldwater, Peggy (Invitations, Memorabilia, Clippings for Scrapbook), 1940s-1960s
796 Family Correspondence: Goldwater, Peggy (News Clippings; 1960 Republican Convention), 1960
797 Family Correspondence: Goldwater, Peggy, 1963-1974
798 Family Correspondence: Goldwater, Peggy (Invitations), 1960s-1970s
799 Family Correspondence: Goldwater, Peggy (Passports), 1966-1983
7910 Family Correspondence: Goldwater, Peggy (Business, Social), 1967
7911 Family Correspondence: Goldwater, Peggy (Business, Social), 1968-1969
7912 Family Correspondence: Goldwater, Peggy (Recipes), 1970-1973
7913 Family Correspondence: Goldwater, Peggy, 1974-1979
7914 Family Correspondence: Goldwater, Peggy (Business, Social), 1981-1987
7915 Family Correspondence: Goldwater, Peggy (Condolences, Funeral), 1985-1986
7916 Family Correspondence: Goldwater, Robert, 1941-2002
Robert Goldwater is Barry Goldwater's brother.
7917 Family Correspondence: Helwasser, Emile, 1980
7918 Family Correspondence: Johnson Family, 1978
7919 Family Correspondence: Margolis, Carolyn, 1968-1996
Carolyn Margolis is Barry Goldwater's cousin.
7920 Family Correspondence: Margolis, Evie (Mrs. Max Leopold Margolis), 1940-1960
7921 Family Correspondence: Margolis, Sylvia, 1971-1974
Sub-Series G: Family History
7922 Williams Family Genealogy, 1964-1986 (1 of 2)
Includes correspondence and photos.
7923 Williams Family Genealogy, Undated (2 of 2)
80 Index Cards, Undated (1 of 2)
81 Index Cards, Undated (2 of 2)
821 Article from "Jewish Day", 1953
822 Background, Undated
Newspaper summaries.
823 Background, Undated
Newspaper summaries.
824 Background, Undated
Copies of historical documents 1856-1903 and research notes.
825 "Barry, Harry, & Bob", 1984
826 "The Bisbee Massacre", 1952
Script for Arizona Crossroads, Arizona Broadcasting System.
827 The Bisbee Massacre, 1971-1983
828 "The Book of Genesis in the History of Arizona Masonry" by Kenneth Warren Hoskin, 1959
829 Casteñeda Family, 1885-1984
Includes photos.
8210 1860 Census of Jewish Residents, Los Angeles, California, 1968
8211 Correspondence, 1939-1950
8212 Correspondence, 1955
8213 Correspondence, 1956
8214 Correspondence, 1957
8215 Correspondence, 1958-1960
8216 Correspondence, 1964-1965
8217 Correspondence, 1966-1978
8218 Correspondence, 1979-1980
Includes news clippings and photos.
8219 Correspondence, 1981-1982
8220 Correspondence, 1983-1984
8221 Correspondence, 1985 January-September
8222 Correspondence, 1985 October-December
8223 Correspondence, 1986-1996
Includes news clipping, articles.
8224 Correspondence (Bert Fireman), 1959 January-June
8225 Correspondence (Bert Fireman), 1959 July-December
8226 Correspondence (Bert Fireman), 1960
8227 Correspondence (Bert Fireman), 1961-1967
8228 Early Drafts by BMG, Undated
831 Ehrenberg, Arizona, 1954-1996
832 Ehrenberg, Herman, 1940-1959
833 Goldwater and Allied Families, 1963
Compiled by BMG.
834 Goldwater and Allied Families-Descendents of Hirsch Goldwasser, 2008
Compiled by Michael Goldwater.
835 Goldwater and Allied Families-Descendents of Michel Goldwater, 2008
Compiled by Michael Goldwater.
836 Goldwater and Allied Families-Descendents of Baron Goldwater, 2008
Compiled by Michael Goldwater.
837 Goldwater Chronology, 1941 (BMG Drafts)
838 Goldwater, Elizabeth, Undated
839 Goldwater Estate, 1986
8310 Goldwater "Firsts", Undated
8311 Goldwater Genealogy, Undated
8312 Goldwater, Henry, 1939-1982
8313 Goldwater, Michel, 1936-1996
Michael Goldwater is Barry Goldwater's grandfather.
8314 Goldwater, Morris, 1939-1990
Morris Goldwater is Barry Goldwater's uncle. See also Alpha Files, Ashurst, Henry Fountain.
8315 Goldwater, Morris: Prescott Fire Department, 1957-1960
8316 Goldwater Last Will and Testament, 1966-1982
8317 Goldwater Last Will and Testament, 1985-1987
8318 Goldwater Radio Scripts, 1934-1941
8319 Goldwater, Samuel, Undated
8320 Goldwater Stores (Copies of News Articles, Various Documents), 1915-1981
8321 Goldwater Stores (Miscellaneous), 1925-1959
8322 Goldwater Stores: "Goldwaters, Merchants Since 1862" (in Arizona Highways), 1939 May
8323 Goldwater Stores: "Goldwaters, A Century of Service", Undated
8324 Goldwater's Beauty Solon (Prescott), 1939-1941
8325 "The Goldwaters and Improved Transportation", Undated
8326 "In the Days of Big Mike Goldwater" by Hamilton Boner (in The Pony Express), 1964 April
8327 "Jewish Roots in Arizona" by Joseph Stocker, 1954
8328 "Jews in Early Phoenix 1870-1920", 1977
8329 Konin, Poland (also Jewish background), 1959-1985
8330 "The Korrick Boys and the Goldwater Boys", Undated
8331 La Paz, Arizona, 1959
8332 Notes (Benjamin Sacks and Dean Smith), 1960s-1980s
8333 Oral Histories (by Dean Smith), 1981-1984
8334 Oral History: Robert Goldwater (by Dean Smith), 1984
8335 Recipes, Undated
8336 "Reminiscences of Barry M. Goldwater", 1940
8337 Reminiscences (Interviews, Dictation, Correspondence for Dean Smith's Book), 1973-1985
8338 School Records of the Children of Michel and Sarah Goldwater, 1960
8339 Script on Goldwater Family History 1854-1952, Undated
8340 Seymour Townsite (1879-1883) Near Morristown, Arizona (J. Goldwater and Brothers Store), 1995
8341 "They Built an Empire" (in Arizona Days and Ways), 1955 January 2
8342 "Western States Jewish Historical Quarterly", 1972 July
841 "The Prescott Rifles", 1960 (Bert Fireman Draft)
842 "The Best Always", Undated (Part I; Bert Fireman Draft; Chapters 1-2)
843 "The Best Always", Undated (Part I; Bert Fireman Draft; Chapters 3-4)
844 "The Best Always", Undated (Part I; Bert Fireman Draft; Chapters 5-7)
845 "The Best Always", Undated (Part I; Bert Fireman Draft; Chapters 8-10)
846 "The Best Always", Undated (Part I; Bert Fireman Draft; Chapters 11-12)
847 "The Best Always", Undated (Part I; Bert Fireman Draft; Chapters 13-14)
848 "The Best Always", Undated (Part I; Bert Fireman Draft; Chapters 15-16)
849 "The Best Always", Undated (Part II; Bert Fireman Draft; Chapters 17-20)
8410 "The Best Always", Undated (Part II; Bert Fireman Draft; Chapters 21-24)
8411 "The Best Always", Undated (Part II; Bert Fireman Draft; Chapters 25-27)
8412 "The Best Always", Undated (Part II; Bert Fireman Draft; Chapters 28-30)
8413 "The Best Always", Undated (Part II; Bert Fireman Draft; Chapters 31-32)
8414 "The Best Always", Undated (Part II; Bert Fireman Draft; Chapter 33)
8415 "The Best Always", Undated (Part II; Bert Fireman Draft; Chapter 34)
8416 "The Best Always", Undated (Part II; Bert Fireman Draft; Chapter 35)
8417 The Goldwaters of Arizona (Dean Smith/B.M.G. Correspondence Regarding Book Project), 1983-1985
851 The Goldwaters of Arizona (Dean Smith Correspondence with Publishing Houses), 1984-1986
852 The Goldwaters of Arizona (Review, Articles, Correspondence), 1986
853 The Goldwaters of Arizona, Undated (Dean Smith Draft; Chapter 1)
854 The Goldwaters of Arizona, Undated (Dean Smith Draft; Chapter 2)
855 The Goldwaters of Arizona, Undated (Dean Smith Draft; Chapter 3)
856 The Goldwaters of Arizona, Undated (Dean Smith Draft; Chapter 4)
857 The Goldwaters of Arizona, Undated (Dean Smith Draft; Chapter 5)
858 The Goldwaters of Arizona, Undated (Dean Smith Draft; Chapter 6)
859 The Goldwaters of Arizona, Undated (Dean Smith Draft; Chapter 7)
8510 The Goldwaters of Arizona, Undated (Dean Smith Draft; Chapter 8)
8511 The Goldwaters of Arizona, Undated (Dean Smith Draft; Chapter 9)
8512 The Goldwaters of Arizona, Undated (Dean Smith Draft; Chapter 10)
8513 The Goldwaters of Arizona, Undated (Dean Smith Draft; Chapter 11)
8514 The Goldwaters of Arizona, Undated (Dean Smith Draft; Chapter 12)
8515 The Goldwaters of Arizona, Undated (Dean Smith Draft; Chapter 13)
8516 The Goldwaters of Arizona, Undated (Dean Smith Draft; Chapter 14)
8517 The Goldwaters of Arizona, Undated (Dean Smith Draft; Chapter 15)
8518 The Goldwaters of Arizona, Undated (Dean Smith Draft; Chapter 16)
8519 The Goldwaters of Arizona, Undated (Dean Smith Draft; Chapter 17)
8520 The Goldwaters of Arizona, Undated (Dean Smith Draft; Chapter 18)
8521 The Goldwaters of Arizona, Undated (Dean Smith Draft; Chapter 19)
8522 The Goldwaters of Arizona, Undated (Dean Smith Draft; Chapter 20)
8523 The Goldwaters of Arizona, Undated (Dean Smith Draft; Chapter 21)
8524 The Goldwaters of Arizona, Undated (Dean Smith Draft; Chapter 22)
8525 The Goldwaters of Arizona, Undated (Dean Smith Draft; Chapter 23)
8526 The Goldwaters of Arizona, Undated (Dean Smith Draft; Chapter 24)
8527 The Goldwaters of Arizona, Undated (Dean Smith Draft; Chapter 25)
8528 The Goldwaters of Arizona, Undated (Dean Smith Draft; Chapter 26)
8529 The Goldwaters of Arizona, Undated (Dean Smith Draft; Chapter 27)
8530 The Goldwaters of Arizona, Undated (Dean Smith Draft; Chapter 28)
8531 The Goldwaters of Arizona, Undated (Dean Smith Draft; Chapter 29)
8532 The Goldwaters of Arizona, Undated (Dean Smith Draft; Chapter 30)
8533 The Goldwaters of Arizona, Undated (Dean Smith Draft; Chapter 31)
8534 The Goldwaters of Arizona, Undated (Dean Smith Draft; Chapter 32)
8536 The Goldwaters of Arizona, Undated (Dean Smith Draft; Chapter 33)
8537 The Goldwaters of Arizona, Undated (Dean Smith Draft; End Notes and Revised Pages)
8538 The Goldwaters of Arizona (Preface, Acknowledgements, Correspondence), Undated
Sub-Series H: Military
8539 Active Duty, 1958-1967
8540 Air Force: Airport Zoning in Maricopa County, 1960-1968
8541 Air Force: Benefits, 1974-1992
8542 Air Force: Dew Line Trip, 1959-1960
861 Air Force: F 104, F 106, U2 Aircraft, 1960
862 Air Force: Flight Diary, 1943
863 Air Force: Flight in FB 11A No. 25, 1970
Includes photo.
864 Air Force: Flight Records (89th Military Airlift), 1977
865 Air Force: Manual on Instrument Flying, 1966
866 Air Force: Manual Tactical Air Operations, 1969
867 Air Force: Medical Records and Flight Certificates, 1968-1982
868 Air Force: Personnel Record, 1955-1975
869 Air Force: Record of Time and Points, 1948-1964
8610 Air Force Reserve, 1961-1978
8611 Air Force Reserve: Flight Records, 1942-1967
8612 Air Force Reserve: Retirement, 1954-1967
8613 Air Force Reserve: 9999th Squadron, 1960-1961
8614 Air Force Reserve: 9999th Squadron, 1963-1964
8615 Appointment and Induction into Army, Undated
Includes news clipping.
8616 Appointments, 1933-1951
8617 Arizona National Guard History, 1971
8618 Army Advanced Flying School Class 43-F, 1943 (Photographic Yearbook)
8619 Command Pilot Log, 1942
8620 Command Pilot Log, 1943-1944
8621 Dog Tags, Undated
8622 Members of Congress Stricken from Reserves Rolls, 1970-1971
8623 Medals and Ribbons, 1994
8624 Officers Roster and Duty Assignments, 1943, 1974
8625 Orders, 1933-1967
8626 Pilot Qualification Record, 1942-1944
8627 Retirement from the Arizona Air National Guard, 1967
8628 Travel, 1955-1960
8629 "United States News" (Special Air and Naval Reports), 1944-1945
8630 West Acres Poster, 1981
871 World War II Record, 1941-1945 (Bound Copy)
872 U.S.S. Narwhal Commemorative, 1969
873 "The Flying Tigers", Undated
Sub-Series I: Oral Histories
874 Berry, Doris, 1984
On BMG; interview by Dean Smith.
875 Boyden, Steve, 1992
On BMG; donated by Robert Goldberg.
876 Bradlee, Ben, 1990
On BMG; donated by Robert Goldberg.
877 Crawford, Ron, 1991
On BMG; donated by Robert Goldberg.
878 Dick, Skipper, 1990
On BMG; donated by Robert Goldberg.
879 Eisenhower, Earl and Judy, 2005
By Jack August.
8710 Elson, Roy, 1991
8711 Emerson, Terry, 1991
On BMG; donated by Robert Goldberg.
8712 Goddard, Governor Sam, 1990
On BMG; donated by Robert Goldberg.
8713 Goldwater, Senator Barry, 1981
By Dean Smith.
8714 Goldwater, Senator Barry, 1987
By Evelyn Cooper.
8715 Goldwater, Senator Barry, 1992
Donated by Robert Goldberg.
8716 Karp, Gene, 1990
On BMG; donated by Robert Goldberg.
8717 Kitchel, Denison, 1989
On BMG; donated by Robert Goldberg.
8718 Mahoney, Ambassador William, 1990
On BMG; donated by Robert Goldberg.
8719 Moss, Senator Frank, 1990
On BMG; donated by Robert Goldberg.
8720 Reagan, President Ronald, 1991
On BMG; donated by Robert Goldberg.
8721 Romney, Governor George, 1992
On BMG; donated by Robert Goldberg.
8722 Saufley, Bill, 1990
On BMG; donated by Robert Goldberg.
8723 Scranton, Governor William, 1992
On BMG; donated by Robert Goldberg.
8724 Silvius, Ray, 2005
Recollections of flying with Barry Goldwater.
8725 Stocker, Joe, 1990
On BMG; donated by Robert Goldberg.
8726 Quinn, Bette, 1990
On BMG; donated by Robert Goldberg.
8727 Quinn, General William, 1990
On BMG; donated by Robert Goldberg.
8728 Wise, Isabel, 1992
On BMG; donated by Robert Goldberg.
8729 Walters, Charles, 1991
On BMG; donated by Robert Goldberg.
Sub-Series J: Photography
8730 Calendar Contract (Use of Photographs), 1976
8731 Calendar, 1978
8732 Cameras (Historical Background), 1969-1973
8733 Center for Creative Photography, University of Arizona, 1983-1995 (Negatives)
8734 Correspondence, 1968-1974
Includes magazine articles.
8735 Correspondence, 1975
8736 Correspondence, 1976
8737 Correspondence, 1977-1979
8738 Correspondence, 1980-1982
8739 Correspondence, 1983
8740 Correspondence, 1984
8741 Correspondence, 1985-1997
Includes magazine articles.
8742 Cover of Arizona Highways First Issue, 1925 April
8743 Cover of Arizona Highways, 1946 December
8744 Dick Davies Printmaker, 1983-1986
8745 Exhibitions by Barry Goldwater (List), 1935-1950
8746 Heard Museum, 1993
Discusses donation of color transparencies; see also Boards and Memberships.
8747 Library of Congress, Undated
8748 Meisel Photochrome Corporation, 1975-1980
881 "Photographs and Memories", 1994 (KAET-TV Documentary)
882 Photographer Romaine Fielding, First Filmmaker in Arizona 1912-1915, 1994
883 "Venture", 1968
884 White House News Photographers' Association Annual Awards, 1986
See page 71.
Sub-Series K: Politics
885 Advocate Briefing Book (Reagan and Bush), 1980 (1 of 2)
886 Advocate Briefing Book (Reagan and Bush), 1980 (2 of 2)
887 Agnew Defense Fund, 1973 January-October
888 Agnew Defense Fund, 1973 October-November
889 Agnew Defense Fund, 1974
8810 American Cause (George Murphy), 1974-1977
8811 American Conservative Union, 1975-1979
8812 American Enterprise Institute, 1975-1980
8813 Americans for Constitutional Action, 1973-1978
8814 "Americans for Democratic Action-Contributions Received in 1958", 1958
8815 Arizona Campaign Literature and Bumper Stickers, 1980
8816 Arizona Federation of Republican Women, 1975-1979
8817 Arizona Politics, 1958-1969
8818 Arizona Politics, 1970-1972
8819 Arizona Politics, 1973-1978
8820 Arizona Politics, 1979-1982
8821 Arizona Politics, 1983
8822 Arizona Politics, 1984
8823 Arizona Politics, 1985
8824 Arizona Politics, 1986-1997
8825 Arizona Precinct Committeemen, 1972-1978
8826 (Arizona) Pima County Republican Central Committee, 1972-1974
8827 Arizona Republican Chairmanship, 1975
8828 Arizona Republican Platform, 1958
8829 Arizona Republican State Committee, 1969-1974
891 Arizona Republican State Committee, 1975-1981
892 Arizona State Republican Convention (Speech), 1975 April 16
893 Arizona Republican State Convention (Speech), 1988 May 14
894 Arizona Republican State Finance Committee, 1968-1970
895 Arizona Republican State Finance Committee, 1971-1980
896 Arizona Young Republican League, 1969-1980
897 Arizonans in Politics, 1972-1976
898 Balloting on the Navajo Reservation (Thank-Yous), 1977
899 Buchanan, Wily T. Jr., 1973-1974
8910 Bush, George, 1980
8911 Campaigns (1972), 1971-1975
8912 Campaigns (Solicitations; Unanswered Letters), 1976
8913 Campaigns, 1984 February-July
8914 Campaigns, 1984 August
8915 Campaigns, 1984 September-December
8916 Candidates Guide to the Law of Political Broadcasting, 1978
8917 Chairmanship of the Republican Party, 1977
8918 Christian Conservative Church, "Persecution USA" (John R. Harrell, Candidate for U.S. Senate), 1976
8919 Civil Disobedience in "The Hatchet Encounter" (Opinion Supplement to the George Washington University Hatchet), 1968
8920 Committee to Re-Elect the President, 1971-1972
8921 Commendations (Complimentary Letters to BMG), 1984
8922 Commendations, 1986 January-May
8923 Commendations, 1986 June
8924 Common Cause, 1971-1979
8925 Comparisons between Liberals and Conservatives, 1974-1978
8926 Comparisons between Republicans and Democrats, 1984
8927 Conlan, John B., 1972-1976
8928 Conlan, John B., 1986
8929 Conlan-Steiger Campaign for U.S. Senate, 1976-1977
8930 Conservative Caucus, 1975-1978
8931 Conservatism vs. Liberalism (News Articles), 1961-1962
8932 Contributions to Various Republican Campaigns (Thank-Yous), 1975-1977
8933 D. E. "Buzz" Lukens Newsletters, 1967-1968
8934 Delegate Letters from BMG Backing Ford, 1976
901 Democratic National Convention: ABC News Commentary by Goldwater, 1976
902 "Democratic Task Force Hearings", 1969
903 The Dwight D. Eisenhower National Republican Center, 1969-1978
904 "Fifty Years of Arizona-Political and Judicial Recollections" by Laurens Henderson, 1988
Includes history of Republican Party in Arizona.
905 Forrester, Jay W., 1974-1976
906 "The Ford Presidency-A Portrait of the First Two Years", 1976
907 General Correspondence, 1965-1975
Includes VIP Correspondence.
908 General Correspondence, 1976
Includes VIP Correspondence.
909 General Correspondence, 1977
Includes VIP Correspondence.
9010 General Correspondence, 1978-1979
Includes VIP Correspondence.
9011 General Correspondence, 1980
Includes VIP Correspondence.
9012 General Correspondence, 1981 January-May
Includes VIP Correspondence.
9013 General Correspondence, 1981 June-July
Includes VIP Correspondence.
9014 General Correspondence, 1981 August-September
Includes VIP Correspondence.
9015 General Correspondence, 1981 October-December
Includes VIP Correspondence.
9016 General Correspondence, 1982 January-February
Includes VIP Correspondence.
9017 General Correspondence, 1982 March-April
Includes VIP Correspondence.
9018 General Correspondence, 1982 May-July
Includes VIP Correspondence.
9019 General Correspondence, 1982 September-December
Includes VIP Correspondence.
9020 General Correspondence, 1983 January-July
Includes VIP Correspondence.
9021 General Correspondence, 1983 August-December
Includes VIP Correspondence.
911 General Correspondence, 1984 February-May
Includes VIP Correspondence.
912 General Correspondence, 1984 July-December
Includes VIP Correspondence.
913 General Correspondence, 1985 January-March
Includes VIP Correspondence.
914 General Correspondence, 1985 April-May
Includes VIP Correspondence.
915 General Correspondence, 1985 June-July
Includes VIP Correspondence.
916 General Correspondence, 1985 August-December
Includes VIP Correspondence.
917 General Correspondence, 1986 January-July
Includes VIP Correspondence.
918 General Correspondence, 1986 August-December
Includes VIP Correspondence.
919 General Correspondence, 1987-1997
9110 Goldwater Political Action Committee, 1984
9111 Gravel, Mike (Pentagon Papers), 1971-1972
9112 "History of the Republican Party 1854-1956", 1956
9113 House Republican Research Committee, 1980
9114 Huff, Richard, 1980
9115 Kyle, Jon (Campaign), 1986
9116 Kennedy for Alaska (Art Kennedy for U.S. Senate), 1980
9117 Labor's Response to "Hate", 1955
9118 "Labor Union Political Expenditures 1958", 1958
9119 "Liberalism and Conservatism", 1965
Proceedings from the Public Affairs Conference Center.
9120 Liberals and Conservatives, 1971-1980
9121 Liberty Lobby, 1974-1977
9122 Maricopa County Republican Committee, 1974-1979
9123 Massachusetts College Republican Union (Jack Abramoff), 1980
9124 McCarthy, Diane (Arizona Corporation Commission), 1980
9125 Mecham for Governor Committee, 1977-1978
9126 Members of Congress and Armed Services with Graduate University Degrees, 1976
9127 Memo to the Republican National Committee Regarding a Presidential Campaign, circa 1966
9128 Mississippi Republican Party, 1967-1973
9129 Moral Majority, 1982
9130 Morgan, Allen Dale (aka Hogan Smith), 1968
9131 Nader, Ralph, 1971
9132 Nader, Ralph, 1972-1978
9133 National Federation of Republican Women, 1971-1976
9134 National Rainbow Coalition-District of Columbia Statehood, 1991
921 National Republican Coalition for Choice, 1991-1996
922 National Republican Congressional Committee, 1984-1985
923 National Republican Congressional Committee: National Survey and Opinion Poll, 1980
924 National Republican Senatorial Committee, 1962
925 National Republican Senatorial Committee, 1968-1970
926 National Republican Senatorial Committee, 1971-1974
927 National Republican Senatorial Committee, 1975-1979
928 National Republican Senatorial Committee, 1980-1981
929 National Republican Senatorial Committee, 1982
9210 National Republican Senatorial Committee: "Telephone Survey of Voter Attitudes & Perceptions in the State of Arizona", 1982 (1 of 2)
9211 National Republican Senatorial Committee: "Telephone Survey of Voter Attitudes & Perceptions in the State of Arizona", 1982 (2 of 2)
9212 National Republican Senatorial Committee, 1983
9213 National Republican Senatorial Committee, 1984
9214 National Republican Senatorial Committee, 1985
9215 National Republican Senatorial Committee, 1986-1987
9216 National Right to Work Committee, 1974-1979
9217 New Hampshire Election (Wyman-Durkin), 1975
9218 Nixon Presidential Campaign, 1966-1968
9219 "Nixon's First 100 Days" (in Background for Tomorrow), 1969
9220 Nominees for Federal and Statewide Office, 1966
9221 North Carolina Republican Party (Jesse Helms Campaign), 1972-1973
9222 Political Campaigns and Fundraising, 1983
See also National Republican Senatorial Committee.
9223 Political Criticism, 1984-1986
9224 Post-Convention Expenditures by Both Political Parties, 1970
9225 President Ford Committee, 1975-1976
9226 Presidential Election, 1976
9227 Presidential Elections, 1971-1976
9228 Presidential Inauguration, 1972-1973
9229 Presidential Inauguration, 1976-1977
9230 Presidential Inauguration, 1984-1985
9231 Primary Elections (Fourth District, Phoenix), 1971
9232 Primary Fact Book, 1976 (1 of 2)
9233 Primary Fact Book, 1976 (2 of 2)
9234 Reagan Administration, 1980-1984
931 Reagan for President, 1979
See also Alpha Files.
932 Reagan Trip to German Cemeteries, 1985
933 Religion in Politics, 1965-1977
934 "Report on the Committee on Convention Reforms", 1967
935 "A Report of the 1962 Joint Committee on Republican Principles" (Speech by Melvin Laired), 1962
936 Republican Conference Committee, 1984-1985
937 Republican Conference Committee, Senate Assignments, 1973-1985
938 Republican Fundraising Events, News Clippings, Articles (1960 Presidential Election), 1960
939 Republican Governors Conference, 1972
9310 Republican Leadership, 1969, 1984
9311 Republican National Committee, 1964-1968
9312 Republican National Committee, 1969-1970
9313 Republican National Committee, 1971
9314 Republican National Committee, 1972
9315 Republican National Committee, 1973
9316 Republican National Committee, 1974
9317 Republican National Committee, 1975
9318 Republican National Committee, 1976
9319 Republican National Committee, 1977-1980
9320 Republican National Committee, 1981-1986
9321 Republican National Committee: "Congressional Popularity", 1974
9322 Republican National Committee: "Efforts Towards a Vietnam Solution 1969-1970", circa 1969
9323 Republican National Committee: Eisenhower Silver Jubilee, 1977-1978
9324 Republican National Committee: Major Actions and Accomplishments of the Nixon Administration, 1970
Includes President's speech.
9325 Republican National Committee: "The Republican", 1965-1969
9326 Republican National Committee: Seniors, 1971-1972
9327 Republican National Convention (Nominating Speech by Paul Fannin), 1960
9328 Republican National Convention, 1968 (1 of 2)
Donated by Mrs. Scott Libby.
9329 Republican National Convention, 1968 (2 of 2)
Donated by Mrs. Scott Libby.
9330 Republican National Convention (Speech Congratulations), 1968
9331 Republican National Convention, 1971-1972
9332 Republican National Convention, 1972 (1 of 2)
941 Republican National Convention, 1972 (2 of 2)
942 Republican National Convention (Speech Congratulations), 1972
943 Republican National Convention, 1976 (1 of 3)
944 Republican National Convention, 1976 (2 of 3)
945 Republican National Convention, 1976 (3 of 3)
946 Republican National Convention, 1976
Includes speech draft.
947 Republican National Convention (Convention Patform), 1976
948 Republican National Convention, 1980
949 Republican National Convention, 1988-1992
9410 Republican National Finance Committee, 1965-1980
9411 Republican National Hispanic Assembly, 1977-1982
9412 Republican Policy Committee (Budget), 1971-1973, 1985
9413 Republican Party Lists (Staff Members, Contributors), 1964-1968
9414 Republican Party Literature, 1965
9415 Republican Party Literature, 1966
9416 Republican Party Literature, 1967
9417 Republican Party Literature, 1968
9418 Republican Party Platform Committee Statement by General Curtis Lemay and Major General Dale Smith, 1968
9419 Republican Party Master Schedule of Meetings, 1965
9420 Republican Officer Totals, 1981
9421 Republican Radio Network, Undated
9422 Republican Study Committee: Year of the Child, 1979
9423 "Republican Trunkline", 1968
Publication of the Republican Central Committee, Los Angeles County.
9424 Republicans Abroad, 1978-1980
9425 Romney, George (Background, News Articles), 1958-1965
9426 Romney, George, 1966 August-November
9427 Romney, George, 1966 December
9428 Romney, George, 1967-1968
9429 Running for Re-Election, 1977-1978
9430 Senate Republican Policy Committee, 1952-1956
951 Senate Republican Policy Committee, 1957-1961
952 Senate Republican Policy Committee, 1963-1986
953 Senate Republican Policy Committee: "ABM-A Glossary", 1969 (1 of 6)
954 Senate Republican Policy Committee: "Foreign Aid-Where It Went", 1969 (2 of 6)
955 Senate Republican Policy Committee: "The New Federalism-Revenue Sharing", 1969 (3 of 6)
956 Senate Republican Policy Committee: "Tax Reform: Part IV", 1969 (4 of 6)
957 Senate Republican Policy Committee: "Violence on Campus-Chronology of Disorder 1968-1969", 1969 (5 of 6)
958 Senate Republican Policy Committee: "Draft Reform", 1969 (6 of 6)
959 Senate Republican Policy Committee: Campaign Factbook, 1970 (1 of 2)
9510 Senate Republican Policy Committee: Campaign Factbook, 1970 (2 of 2)
9511 Senate Republican Policy Committee: "The Administrative Crime Program", 1970 (1 of 7)
9512 Senate Republican Policy Committee: "The National Debt Ceiling", 1970 (2 of 7)
9513 Senate Republican Policy Committee: "Our Poisoned Skies", 1970 (3 of 7)
9514 Senate Republican Policy Committee: "Unscheduled Changes in the World's Governments 1961-1970", 1970 (4 of 7)
9515 Senate Republican Policy Committee: "The U.S. Economy in 1980", 1970 (5 of 7)
9516 Senate Republican Policy Committee: "Vietnam Statistics", 1970 (6 of 7)
9517 Senate Republican Policy Committee: "Welfare Reform", 1970 (7 of 7)
9518 Senate Republican Policy Committee: Environment (Various), 1970-1971
9519 Senate Republican Policy Committee: "Democratic Big Spending" (Speech by Senator Carl Curtis), 1971
9520 Senate Republican Policy Committee: "Demonstrations: Some Republican Comment", 1971 (1 of 3)
9521 Senate Republican Policy Committee: "Draft Reform '71-The Allott Amendment", 1971 (2 of 3)
9522 Senate Republican Policy Committee: "Reorganization Act and Committee Operations", 1971 (3 of 3)
9523 Senate Republican Policy Committee: "Energy-U.S. Needs Part II, Electricity", 1972
9524 Senate Republican Policy Committee: Food Prices, 1972-1973
9525 Senate Republican Policy Committee: "Documents on the Veto of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act", 1973 (1 of 4)
9526 Senate Republican Policy Committee: "Farm Program", 1973 (2 of 4)
9527 Senate Republican Policy Committee: "The Fiscal Responsibility of Congress, a Democrat's View", 1973 (3 of 4)
9528 Senate Republican Policy Committee: "The United States Senate-A Glossary of Terms", 1973 (4 of 4)
9529 Senate Republican Policy Committee: Authorization and Appropriation Procedures, 1974
9530 Senate Republican Policy Committee: "Bi-Partisan Boards and Commissions", 1974
9531 Senate Republican Policy Committee: Differences Between Republicans and Democrats, 1976
9532 Senate Republican Policy Committee: "The Carter Economy, A Blueprint for Disaster", 1977 (1 of 9)
9533 Senate Republican Policy Committee: "A Sense of Balance", 1977 (2 of 9)
9534 Senate Republican Policy Committee: "Republican Stump Speech", 1977 (3 of 9)
9535 Senate Republican Policy Committee: "A Hell-Fire Crisis", 1977 (4 of 9)
9536 Senate Republican Policy Committee: "Energy", 1977 (5 of 9)
9537 Senate Republican Policy Committee: "What Happened to the Best?", 1977 (6 of 9)
9538 Senate Republican Policy Committee: "Seize the Initiative", 1977 (7 of 9)
9539 Senate Republican Policy Committee: "Foreign Policy Speech", 1977 (8 of 9)
9540 Senate Republican Policy Committee: "Work, Welfare & the Carter Administrative", 1977 (9 of 9)
9541 Senate Republican Policy Committee: Marine Mammal Protection Act Authorization, 1977
9542 Senate Republican Policy Committee: SALT II Briefing Book, 1979
9543 Senate Republican Policy Committee: Abortion Funding and Hyde Amendment, 1989-1981
9544 Senate Republican Policy Committee, 1981-1983
9545 Senate Republican Policy Committee: Senate Policy Notebook, 1986
9546 Senate Republican Staff, 1980
9547 Senator John Tower's Campaign, 1971-1972
9548 Senate Republican Conference: Speech Information Kit, 1982
9549 Selection of the Vice President, 1976
961 Senate Minority Leader, 1976
962 Speeches by Ronald C. Nairn, 1975
963 Steiger, Sam, 1974-1975
964 Swigert Senate Committee, 1977-1978
965 Thorness, Leo K., 1974
Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, South Dakota.
966 Trunk & Tusk, 1967-1973
967 United Republican Fund, 1989
968 The United States News, 1944
969 Voting, 1984-1986
9610 "Who in '68?", 1967 (Transcript from ABC News)
9611 Young Americans for Freedom, 1966-1969
9612 Young Americans for Freedom, 1970-1972
9613 Young Americans for Freedom, 1980
9614 Young Republicans, 1970-1975, 1984
Includes speech.
9615 Young Republican Convention, 1980
9616 Youth for Goldwater, 1960
Sub-Series L: Public Appearances
9617 Heard Museum Illustrated Lecture "Navajo and Hopi Country", 1940 (Postcard)
9618 Haverford College (Haverford, Pennsylvania), 1962
9619 Schedule, 1966
9620 Schedule, 1987-1988
9621 Public Appearances, 1987 January-March (1 of 3)
9622 Public Appearances, 1987 April-June (2 of 3)
9623 Public Appearances, 1987 July-December (3 of 3)
9624 Public Appearances, 1988 January-March (1 of 3)
9625 Public Appearances, 1988 April-May (2 of 3)
9626 Public Appearances, 1988 June-December (3 of 3)
9627 Public Appearances, 1989
9628 Schedule, 1989-1990
9629 Public Appearances, 1990
971 Public Appearances, 1991
972 American School of International Management, 1991
Includes photos.
973 Public Appearances, 1992
974 Public Appearances, 1993 January-March (1 of 3)
975 Public Appearances, 1993 April-August (2 of 3)
976 Public Appearances, 1993 September-December (3 of 3)
977 Public Appearances, 1994 January-April (1 of 4)
978 Public Appearances, 1994 May-July (2 of 4)
979 Public Appearances, 1994 September-October (3 of 4)
9710 Public Appearances, 1994 November-December (4 of 4)
9711 Public Appearances, 1995 January-March (1 of 3)
9712 Public Appearances, 1995 April-May (2 of 3)
9713 Public Appearances, 1995 June-December (3 of 3)
9714 Public Appearances, 1996-1997
Sub-Series M: Radio
9715 Amateur Radio: "How to Build an Inexpensive Law-Power Crystal-Controlled Transmitter", 1927
9716 Amateur Radio (Radio Facilities between Home and Private Aircraft), 1958
9717 Amateur Radio (Directories, Magazines), 1964-1978
9718 Amateur Radio, 1977-1982
9719 Amateur Radio, 1983 January-May
981 Amateur Radio, 1983 June-August
982 Amateur Radio, 1983 September-December
983 Amateur Radio, 1984
984 Amateur Radio, 1985 January-February
985 Amateur Radio, 1985 March-May
986 Amateur Radio, 1985 June-September
987 Amateur Radio, 1985 October-December
988 Amateur Radio, 1986-1992
989 Amateur Radio, 1993-1996
9810 Amateur Radio: Barry Goldwater Scholarship Fund, 1985-1986
9811 Amateur Radio: Capital Hill (W3USS), 1969-1972
9812 American Radio Relay League ("Two Hundred Meters and Down" By Clinton B. DeSoto), 1936
9813 American Radio Relay League, 1965-1979
9814 Bahamas Telecommunications Corporation Reciprocal Amateurs Radio License, 1977-1978
9815 Amateur Radio: Licenses and Certificates, 1978-1979
9816 Amateur Radio: Logs, 1981 February-September
9817 Amateur Radio: Manuals, 1963-1966
9818 Amateur Radio: Taiwan, 1985-1986
9819 Amateur Radio: Veteran Wireless Operators Association, 1966
9820 Bash-Hal-Ne-Ae Amateur Radio Club: Membership Lists, 1965-1973
9821 Bash-Hal-Ne-Ae Christmas Cards and Lists, 1968-1973
9822 Bash-Hal-Ne-Ae Amateur Radio Club: Party Planning, 1968-1972
9823 Bash-Hal-Ne-Ae Amateur Radio Club, 1968
9824 Bash-Hal-Ne-Ae Amateur Radio Club: Telephone Operators, 1968
9825 Bash-Hal-Ne-Ae Amateur Radio Club (Minutes, Correspondence, By-Laws), 1969 January-June
9826 Bash-Hal-Ne-Ae Amateur Radio Club, 1969 July-December
991 Bash-Hal-Ne-Ae Amateur Radio Club, 1970 January-June
992 Bash-Hal-Ne-Ae Amateur Radio Club, 1970 July-December
Includes photos.
993 Bash-Hal-Ne-Ae Amateur Radio Club, 1971 January-May
994 Bash-Hal-Ne-Ae Amateur Radio Club, 1971 June-December
Includes photos.
995 Bash-Hal-Ne-Ae Amateur Radio Club, 1972
996 Bash-Hal-Ne-Ae Amateur Radio Club, 1973
997 Bash-Hal-Ne-Ae Amateur Radio Club, 1974
998 Bash-Hal-Ne-Ae Amateur Radio Club (Logs and Certificates), 1975-1980
999 Bash-Hal-Ne-Ae Amateur Radio Club (Membership Certificates), Undated
9910 Bash-Hal-Ne-Ae Amateur Radio Club (Postcards, Operator Lists), Undated
9911 Bash-Hal-Ne-Ae Amateur Radio Club (Robot Slow Scan Equipment), Undated
9912 Bash-Hal-Ne-Ae Amateur Radio Club: Teletypewriter Commentary, Undated
9913 Discovery Place, 1991
9914 Federal Communications Commission, 1963-1973
9915 Ham, 1964-1965
9916 Ham, 1966 January-June
9917 Ham, 1966 July-December
9918 Ham, 1967
9919 Ham, 1968
9920 Ham, 1969-1970
9921 Ham, 1984-1992
9922 Ham (News Clippings), 1998-1999
9923 MARS (Military Affiliate Radio System), 1966-1967
9924 MARS, 1968
9925 MARS, 1969 January-March
9926 MARS, 1969 April-June
9927 MARS, 1969 July-December
1001 MARS, 1970 January-February
1002 MARS, 1970 March-May
1003 MARS, 1970 June-December
1004 MARS, 1971 January-July
1005 MARS, 1971 August-December
1006 MARS, 1972 January-April
1007 MARS, 1972 May-December
1008 MARS, 1973
Includes photos.
1009 MARS, 1974
Includes photos.
10010 MARS, 1975
10011 MARS, 1976
10012 MARS, 1977
10013 MARS, 1978
10014 MARS, 1979
10015 MARS, 1980
10016 MARS, 1981-1982
10017 MARS: Abbreviations for Maritime Mobile Service, 1968
10018 MARS: AFC6RI Operators, 1981
10019 MARS: Applications and Roster, 1976-1982
Includes photo.
10020 MARS: Area Code Maps, 1980
10021 MARS: Call Book, 1971
10022 MARS: Call Book and Frequency Chart, 1979
10023 MARS: Columnar Pad and Second OP, Undated
10024 MARS: FCC Forms, 1974-1975
10025 MARS: FCC Transmittal Sheets, 1964-1969
10026 MARS: Frequencies and Control Settings, 1970-1979
10027 MARS: Frequency Assignments and Uses, 1967-1976
10028 MARS: Logs, 1963-1965
10029 MARS: Logs, 1965-1966
1011 MARS: Logs, 1966-1968
1012 MARS: Logs, 1967-1969
1013 MARS: Logs, 1968-1971
1014 MARS: Logs, 1971-1977
1015 MARS: Logs, 1978-1979
1016 MARS: Logs, 1980
1017 MARS: Logs, 1982-1983
1018 MARS: Logs, Undated
1019 MARS: Logs, Undated
10110 MARS: "MARS: Calling Back to the World from Vietnam" by Paul Scipione; Forward by BMG, 1991
10111 MARS: "New RTTY Handbook" by Byron H. Kretzman, 1967
10112 MARS: Monthly Activity Report, 1967-1971
10113 MARS: Monthly Activity Report, 1972-1975
10114 MARS: Monthly Activity Report, 1976-1981
10115 MARS: Newsletters and News Releases, 1969-1978
10116 MARS: Notebook (Bash-Hal-Ne-Ae Amateur Radio Club), 1982
10117 MARS: Organization, 1979-1981
10118 MARS: Personnel Action Notification, 1969-1977
10119 MARS: Phone Patches for Service Men in Okinawa, 1969
10120 MARS: Publicity (News Clippings, Articles), 1966-1974
10121 MARS: Questionnaires, Undated
1021 MARS: Quarterly Activity and Frequency Reports, 1972-1975
1022 MARS: Region Six Training Supplement, 1982
1023 MARS: Radio Satellite Information, 1970
1024 MARS: Southeast Asia Tour, 1969
1025 MARS: Station, Ft. Belvoir, 1971
1026 MARS: Station, Turkey, 1970-1973
1027 MARS: Station, Ubon (Thailand), Undated
1028 MARS: Station, Vietnam, 1969
1029 MARS: Station, Wiesbaden, 1970
10210 MARS: System and Nets (AFC6BG), 1982
10211 MARS: Technical Manual Radio Set, 1964
10212 MARS: Time Records, 1975-1978
Sub-Series N: Senate Campaigns
10213 Senate Campaigns: Certificates of Nomination and Election, 1958-1980
10214 1952 Senate Campaign: Literature, News Clippings, Correspondence, 1952
10215 1952 Senate Campaign: Radio and Television Transcripts, Press Releases, 1952
10216 1952 Senate Campaign: Senate Campaign Platform, 1952
10217 1952 Senate Campaign: Speeches, 1952
10218 1952 Senate Campaign: Announcement for Re-Election, 1958
10219 1952 Senate Campaign: Correspondence, Rosenzweig, Harry, 1952-1957
10220 1958 Senate Campaign: Correspondence, Rosenzweig, Harry, 1958 January-May
10221 1958 Senate Campaign: Correspondence, Rosenzweig, Harry, 1958 June-October
10222 1958 Senate Campaign: Correspondence, Rosenzweig, Harry, 1960-1961
10223 1958 Senate Campaign: Correspondence, Shadegg, Stephen, 1958
10224 1958 Senate Campaign: Literature, 1958
Includes Stalin cartoon.
10225 1958 Senate Campaign: News Clippings, Articles, 1957-1958
10226 1958 Senate Campaign: Speech (Cold War and America's Main Street), 1958
10227 1958 Senate Campaign: Television Series, "Arizona Wants To Know", 1958 (Master Script)
10228 1958 Senate Campaign: Transcripts of Statewide Simulcasts, 1958
10229 1968 Senate Campaign: Anti-Goldwater Statement, 1968
10230 1968 Senate Campaign: Appointment Calendars, 1966-1967
10231 1968 Senate Campaign: Arizona Federation of Republican Women, 1964-1968
10232 1968 Senate Campaign: Arizona Poll, 1967-1968
10233 1968 Senate Campaign: Arizona Young Republicans, 1966-1968
10234 1968 Senate Campaign: Campaign Contributors, 1968
10235 1968 Senate Campaign: Campaign Gifts, 1967-1968
10236 1968 Senate Campaign Correspondence: A (Congratulations), 1966-1968
10237 1968 Senate Campaign Correspondence: B (Congratulations), 1968
10238 1968 Senate Campaign Correspondence: C (Congratulations), 1968
10239 1968 Senate Campaign Correspondence: D (Congratulations), 1968
10240 1968 Senate Campaign Correspondence: E-F (Congratulations), 1968
10241 1968 Senate Campaign Correspondence: G (Congratulations), 1968
1031 1968 Senate Campaign Correspondence: H (Congratulations), 1968
1032 1968 Senate Campaign Correspondence: I-K (Congratulations), 1968
1033 1968 Senate Campaign Correspondence: L (Congratulations), 1968
1034 1968 Senate Campaign Correspondence: M (Congratulations), 1968
1035 1968 Senate Campaign Correspondence: N-P (Congratulations), 1968
1036 1968 Senate Campaign Correspondence: R-S (Congratulations), 1968
1037 1968 Senate Campaign Correspondence: T-V (Congratulations), 1968
1038 1968 Senate Campaign Correspondence: W-Z (Congratulations), 1968
1039 1968 Senate Campaign Correspondence: Burch, Dean, 1967 January-June
10310 1968 Senate Campaign Correspondence: Burch, Dean, 1967 July-December
10311 1968 Senate Campaign Correspondence: Burch, Dean, 1968
10312 1968 Senate Campaign Correspondence: General, 1968
10313 1968 Senate Campaign Correspondence: Huachuca Herald, 1968
10314 1968 Senate Campaign Correspondence: Mellor, Clint, 1967-1968
Republican Candidate for Arizona Secretary of State.
10315 1968 Senate Campaign Correspondence: Smith, Hogan, 1968
Press Secretary.
10316 1968 Senate Campaign: Counties: Cochise County Chairman, 1966-1968
10317 1968 Senate Campaign: Counties: Coconino County Chairman, 1964-1968
10318 1968 Senate Campaign: Counties: Gila County Chairman, 1966-1968
10319 1968 Senate Campaign: Counties: Maricopa County Chairman, 1960-1968
10320 1968 Senate Campaign: Counties: Maricopa County District 8-E, 1966-1968
10321 1968 Senate Campaign: Counties: Maricopa County District Chairman Lists, 1967-1968
10322 1968 Senate Campaign: Counties: Mohave County Chairman, 1966-1968
10324 1968 Senate Campaign: Counties: Pima County Chairman, 1966-1968
10325 1968 Senate Campaign: Counties: Pinal County Chairman, 1968
10326 1968 Senate Campaign: Counties: Santa Cruz County Chairman, 1966
10327 1968 Senate Campaign: Counties: Yavapai County Chairman, 1966-1968
10328 1968 Senate Campaign: Counties: Yuma County Chairman, 1966-1968
10329 1968 Senate Campaign: County Chairman Form Letters, 1966-1968
10330 1968 Senate Campaign: County Notebook (Election Results, Statistics), 1968
10331 1968 Senate Campaign: Critical Precinct Analysis, Undated
10332 1968 Senate Campaign: Daily Political Synopsis, 1968 July-August
10333 1968 Senate Campaign: Daily Political Synopsis, 1968 August 13-15
10334 1968 Senate Campaign: Daily Political Synopsis, 1968 September 16
10335 1968 Senate Campaign: Del Webb Office, 1966-1967
10336 1968 Senate Campaign: 1966 Election in Arizona (Articles and Analysis), 1966
10337 1968 Senate Campaign: Election Totals, 1968
10338 1968 Senate Campaign: Finance Committee, 1966-1969
10339 1968 Senate Campaign: Form Letters, 1964-1966
10340 1968 Senate Campaign: Health Team for Goldwater, 1968
10341 1968 Senate Campaign: Legislative District and Vote Analysis, 1966
10342 1968 Senate Campaign: Lincoln Day, 1968
10343 1968 Senate Campaign: Literature, 1968
10344 1968 Senate Campaign: Memos (Dean Burch), 1968
10345 1968 Senate Campaign: Mexican-American Voters, 1968
10346 1968 Senate Campaign: Mexican-Americans, 1968
10347 1968 Senate Campaign: News Clippings, 1967-1969
10348 1968 Senate Campaign: Newspaper Advertisements, 1968
10349 1968 Senate Campaign: Nomination Papers and Letters, 1968
1041 1968 Senate Campaign: Office Appointments, 1967
Includes travel schedules.
1042 1968 Senate Campaign: Office Appointments, January-April 1968
1043 1968 Senate Campaign: Outdoor Billboards, 1968
1044 1968 Senate Campaign: Pilots for Goldwater, 1968
1045 1968 Senate Campaign: Poll Form Letters, 1966
1046 1968 Senate Campaign: Positions, 1968 (Notebook)
1047 1968 Senate Campaign: Press Releases, 1968
Includes some speeches.
1048 1968 Senate Campaign: Public Appearances, 1967 January 20-31
1049 1968 Senate Campaign: Public Appearances, 1967 February 1-19
10410 1968 Senate Campaign: Public Appearances, 1967 February 20-28
10411 1968 Senate Campaign: Public Appearances, 1967 March 1-13
10412 1968 Senate Campaign: Public Appearances, 1967 March 14-31
10413 1968 Senate Campaign: Public Appearances, 1967 April 1-10
10414 1968 Senate Campaign: Public Appearances, 1967 April 11-26
10415 1968 Senate Campaign: Public Appearances, 1967 May 1-16
10416 1968 Senate Campaign: Public Appearances, 1967 May 22-30
10417 1968 Senate Campaign: Public Appearances, 1967 June 1-17
10418 1968 Senate Campaign: Public Appearances, 1967 June 19-30
10419 1968 Senate Campaign: Public Appearances, 1967 July
10420 1968 Senate Campaign: Public Appearances, 1967 August 2-18
10421 1968 Senate Campaign: Public Appearances, 1967 August 19-31
10422 1968 Senate Campaign: Public Appearances, 1967 September 1-18
10423 1968 Senate Campaign: Public Appearances, 1967 September 18-30
1051 1968 Senate Campaign: Public Appearances, 1967 October 1-17
1052 1968 Senate Campaign: Public Appearances, 1967 October 18-31
1053 1968 Senate Campaign: Public Appearances, 1967 November 1-15
1054 1968 Senate Campaign: Public Appearances, 1967 November 17-28
1055 1968 Senate Campaign: Public Appearances, 1967 December
1056 1968 Senate Campaign: Public Appearances, 1968 January 3-19
1057 1968 Senate Campaign: Public Appearances, 1968 January 20-31
1058 1968 Senate Campaign: Public Appearances, 1968 February 1-14
1059 1968 Senate Campaign: Public Appearances, 1968 February 15-29
10510 1968 Senate Campaign: Public Appearances, 1968 March 2-10
10511 1968 Senate Campaign: Public Appearances, 1968 March 12-20
10512 1968 Senate Campaign: Public Appearances, 1968 March 21-29
10513 1968 Senate Campaign: Public Appearances, 1968 April 1-18
10514 1968 Senate Campaign: Public Appearances, 1968 April 19-30
10515 1968 Senate Campaign: Public Appearances, 1968 May 1-14
10516 1968 Senate Campaign: Public Appearances, 1968 May 15-31
10517 1968 Senate Campaign: Public Appearances, 1968 June 4-30
10518 1968 Senate Campaign: Public Appearances, 1968 July
10519 1968 Senate Campaign: Public Appearances, 1968 August
1061 1968 Senate Campaign: Public Appearances, 1968 September 5-18
1062 1968 Senate Campaign: Public Appearances, 1968 September 19-29
1063 1968 Senate Campaign: Public Appearances, 1968 October 1-15
1064 1968 Senate Campaign: Public Appearances, 1968 October 17-31
1065 1968 Senate Campaign: Public Appearances, 1968 November
1066 1968 Senate Campaign: "Public Opinion in Late 1967" (Republican National Committee Survey), 1967
1067 1968 Senate Campaign: Publicity Photos, 1968
1068 1968 Senate Campaign: Republican State Committee, 1965-1967
1069 1968 Senate Campaign: Republican State Committee, 1968
10610 1968 Senate Campaign: Republican State Finance Committee (Financial Statements), 1967
10611 1968 Senate Campaign: Research and Research Reports, 1968
10612 1968 Senate Campaign: Schedule, 1968
10613 1968 Senate Campaign: Speeches: On President Johnson, Governor Romney and Foreign Policy (Bull Elephants), 1967 August 23
10614 1968 Senate Campaign: Speeches: Before the Republican National Convention, 1968 August 5
10615 1968 Senate Campaign: Speeches: A Meaningful United States Foreign Policy in the Area of the Pacific, 1968 October 4
10616 1968 Senate Campaign: Statements and Remarks, 1968
10617 1968 Senate Campaign: Teenage Republicans of Arizona, 1968
Includes photo.
10618 1968 Senate Campaign: "Trial Heat Tests Among Arizona Voters", 1965
10619 1968 Senate Campaign: Trunk and Tusk, 1967-1968
10620 1968 Senate Campaign: Telegrams A-B (Congratulations), 1968
10621 1968 Senate Campaign: Telegrams C-E (Congratulations), 1968
10622 1968 Senate Campaign: Telegrams F-H (Congratulations), 1968
10623 1968 Senate Campaign: Telegrams I-L (Congratulations), 1968
10624 1968 Senate Campaign: Telegrams M (Congratulations), 1968
10625 1968 Senate Campaign: Telegrams N-P (Congratulations), 1968
10626 1968 Senate Campaign: Telegrams R-S (Congratulations), 1968
10627 1968 Senate Campaign: Telegrams T-V (Congratulations), 1968
10628 1968 Senate Campaign: Telegrams W-Z (Congratulations), 1968
10629 1968 Senate Campaign: United Republicans of Arizona, 1967-1968
10630 1968 Senate Campaign: Various Campaign Strategies, 1968
10631 1968 Senate Campaign: Volunteers, 1966-1968
10632 1968 Senate Campaign: Voter Survey, 1967
10633 1968 Senate Campaign: Voter Survey, 1968
10634 1974 Senate Campaign: Arizona Chairmen and Precinct Committeemen, 1974
10635 1974 Senate Campaign: Campaign Analysis and Strategy, 1974
10636 1974 Senate Campaign: Contributions (Thank Yous), 1971-1973
10637 1974 Senate Campaign: Contributions (Thank Yous), 1974 January-June
1071 1974 Senate Campaign: Contributions (Thank Yous), 1974 July-November
1072 1974 Senate Campaign: Contributions (Thank Yous), 1975
1073 1974 Senate Campaign: Correspondence, 1972-1973
1074 1974 Senate Campaign: Correspondence, 1974 January-June
1075 1974 Senate Campaign: Correspondence, 1974 July-December
1076 1974 Senate Campaign: Correspondence (Offers to Help with Campaign), 1974 January-October
1077 1974 Senate Campaign: Correspondence (Congratulations), 1974
1078 1974 Senate Campaign: Correspondence (F/P Research Associates, Ronald Crawford), 1974
1079 1974 Senate Campaign: Federal Elections Filing, 1974
10710 1974 Senate Campaign: Federal Elections Filing (Receipts and Expenditures), 1973-1975
10711 1974 Senate Campaign: Finance Committee, 1974-1975
10712 1974 Senate Campaign: Flight Logs, 1974
10713 1974 Senate Campaign: Literature, 1974
10714 1974 Senate Campaign: Jonathan Marshall, 1974
10715 1974 Senate Campaign: News Clippings, 1974
10716 1974 Senate Campaign: "A Panel Survey of Voter Attitudes in the State of Arizona", 1974 (Pages 1-121; 1 of 3)
10717 1974 Senate Campaign: "A Panel Survey of Voter Attitudes in the State of Arizona", 1974 (Pages 122-331; 2 of 3)
10718 1974 Senate Campaign: "A Panel Survey of Voter Attitudes in the State of Arizona", 1974 (Pages 332-590; 3 of 3)
10719 1974 Senate Campaign: Speeches, 1974
10720 1974 Senate Campaign: Voting and Legislative Record, 1974
10721 Senate Campaign: Federal Election Commission Law Manual, 1975 (1 of 3)
10722 Senate Campaign: Federal Election Commission Law Manual, 1975 (2 of 3)
10723 Senate Campaign: Federal Election Commission Law Manual, 1975 (3 of 3)
10724 Senate Campaign: Federal Election Commission, 1976
1081 1980 Senate Campaign: Aviation For Goldwater Committee, 1980
1082 1980 Senate Campaign: Campaign Seminar, 1980
1083 1980 Senate Campaign Correspondence: "60 Minutes" A, 1980
1084 1980 Senate Campaign Correspondence: "60 Minutes" B, 1980
1085 1980 Senate Campaign Correspondence: "60 Minutes" C-D, 1980
1086 1980 Senate Campaign Correspondence: "60 Minutes" E-G, 1980
1087 1980 Senate Campaign Correspondence: "60 Minutes" H, 1980
1088 1980 Senate Campaign Correspondence: "60 Minutes" I-K, 1980
1089 1980 Senate Campaign Correspondence: "60 Minutes" L, 1980
10810 1980 Senate Campaign Correspondence: "60 Minutes" M, 1980
10811 1980 Senate Campaign Correspondence: "60 Minutes" N-P, 1980
10812 1980 Senate Campaign Correspondence: "60 Minutes" R-S, 1980
10813 1980 Senate Campaign Correspondence: "60 Minutes" T-V, 1980
10814 1980 Senate Campaign Correspondence: "60 Minutes" W-Y, 1980
10815 1980 Senate Campaign Correspondence: (Congratulations Postcards), 1980
10816 1980 Senate Campaign Correspondence: A (Congratulations), 1980
10817 1980 Senate Campaign Correspondence: B (Congratulations), 1980
10818 1980 Senate Campaign Correspondence: C (Congratulations), 1980
10819 1980 Senate Campaign Correspondence: D (Congratulations), 1980
10820 1980 Senate Campaign Correspondence: E-F (Congratulations), 1980
10821 1980 Senate Campaign Correspondence: G (Congratulations), 1980
10822 1980 Senate Campaign Correspondence: H (Congratulations), 1980
10823 1980 Senate Campaign Correspondence: J-K (Congratulations), 1980
10824 1980 Senate Campaign Correspondence: L (Congratulations), 1980
10825 1980 Senate Campaign Correspondence: M (Congratulations), 1980
10826 1980 Senate Campaign Correspondence: N-O (Congratulations), 1980
10827 1980 Senate Campaign Correspondence: P-Q (Congratulations), 1980
10828 1980 Senate Campaign Correspondence: R (Congratulations), 1980
10829 1980 Senate Campaign Correspondence: S (Congratulations), 1980
10830 1980 Senate Campaign Correspondence: T (Congratulations), 1980
10831 1980 Senate Campaign Correspondence: U-V (Congratulations), 1980
10832 1980 Senate Campaign Correspondence: W (Congratulations), 1980
10833 1980 Senate Campaign Correspondence: X-Y-Z (Congratulations), 1980
10834 1980 Senate Campaign Correspondence: General, 1979
10835 1980 Senate Campaign Correspondence: General, 1980
Includes colleague correspondence.
10836 1980 Senate Campaign: Issues, 1980
Includes colleague correspondence.
1091 1980 Senate Campaign: Issues, Effective Legislator and Constituent Service, 1980
1092 1980 Senate Campaign: General Election Publicity Pamphlet, 1980
1093 1980 Senate Campaign: Goldwater For Senate Committee (Stephen Shadegg), 1979-1980
1094 1980 Senate Campaign: Literature, 1980
1095 1980 Senate Campaign: Memos (Goldwater For Senate Committee), 1979-1980
1096 1980 Senate Campaign: Memos (Requests for Interviews), 1980
1097 1980 Senate Campaign: News Clippings, 1980 (1 of 2)
1098 1980 Senate Campaign: News Clippings, 1980 (2 of 2)
1099 1980 Senate Campaign: Official Canvass General Election, 1980
10910 1980 Senate Campaign: "A Panel Study of Arizona Voters", 1980 September (Pages T1-67; 1 of 3)
10911 1980 Senate Campaign: "A Panel Study of Arizona Voters", 1980 September (Pages 1-152; 2 of 3)
10912 1980 Senate Campaign: "A Panel Study of Arizona Voters", 1980 September (Pages 153-599; 3 of 3)
10913 1980 Senate Campaign: "A Panel Survey of Arizona Voters", 1980 September 15-17 (1 of 3)
10914 1980 Senate Campaign: "A Panel Survey of Arizona Voters", 1980 September 15-17 (2 of 3)
10915 1980 Senate Campaign: "A Panel Survey of Arizona Voters", 1980 September 15-17 (3 of 3)
10916 1980 Senate Campaign: Polls and Questionnaires, 1979-1980
10917 1980 Senate Campaign: Post Election Memos (Analysis, Financial/Reports), 1980-1981
10918 1980 Senate Campaign: Press Releases, 1980
10919 1980 Senate Campaign: Radio and Television (Advertisements, Interviews), 1979-1980
10920 1980 Senate Campaign: Receipts and Disbursements, 1980
10921 1980 Senate Campaign: Schedules, 1980
10922 1980 Senate Campaign: Schulz, Bill, 1980-1984
1101 1980 Senate Campaign: Speeches, 1980
1102 1980 Senate Campaign: Speeches: Energy, 1980
1103 1980 Senate Campaign: Speeches: Russian Troops in Cuba, 1980
1104 1980 Senate Campaign: Speeches: SALT II, 1980
1105 1980 Senate Campaign: "A Statewide Survey of Arizona Voter Attitudes", 1980 May
1106 1980 Senate Campaign: "A Statewide Survey of Arizona Voter Attitudes", 1980 June
1107 1980 Senate Campaign: "A Statewide Survey of Arizona Voter Attitudes", 1980 July
1108 1980 Senate Campaign: "A Statewide Survey of Arizona Voter Attitudes", 1980 October (1 of 3)
1109 1980 Senate Campaign: "A Statewide Survey of Arizona Voter Attitudes", 1980 October (2 of 3)
11010 1980 Senate Campaign: "A Statewide Survey of Arizona Voter Attitudes", 1980 October (3 of 3)
11011 1980 Senate Campaign: Telegrams A-E (Congratulations), 1980
11012 1980 Senate Campaign: Telegrams F-J (Congratulations), 1980
11013 1980 Senate Campaign: Telegrams L-T (Congratulations), 1980
11014 1980 Senate Campaign: Telegrams W-X (Congratulations), 1980
11015 1980 Senate Campaign: Thank Yous (Contributions), 1979
Includes colleague and VIP correspondence.
11016 1980 Senate Campaign: Thank Yous (Contributions), 1980 January-February
Includes colleague and VIP correspondence.
11017 1980 Senate Campaign: Thank Yous (Contributions), 1980 March-April
Includes colleague and VIP correspondence.
11018 1980 Senate Campaign: Thank Yous (Contributions), 1980 May-June
Includes colleague and VIP correspondence.
11019 1980 Senate Campaign: Thank Yous (Contributions), 1980 July-August
Includes colleague and VIP correspondence.
11020 1980 Senate Campaign: Thank Yous (Contributions), 1980 September
Includes colleague and VIP correspondence.
11021 1980 Senate Campaign: Thank Yous (Contributions), 1980 October
Includes colleague and VIP correspondence.
11022 1980 Senate Campaign: Thank Yous (Contributions), 1980 November
Includes colleague and VIP correspondence.
11023 1980 Senate Campaign: Thank Yous (Contributions), 1980 December
Includes colleague and VIP correspondence.
11024 1980 Senate Campaign: Thank Yous (Contributions), 1981
11025 1980 Senate Campaign: Voter Registration and Analysis, 1978-1980
11026 1980 Senate Campaign: Voting Record, 1977-1980
11027 1980 Senate Campaign: Workers, 1980
Sub-Series O: Travel
1111 Taipei, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Saigon, 1966
1112 Taipei, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Saigon, 1967 January
1113 Taipei, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Saigon, 1967 February
Sub-Series P: Writings
1114 Editorials and Radio Talks, 1938-1949
1115 River Trip 1940: Correspondence, 1940
1116 River Trip 1940: Correspondence, 1941-1942
1117 River Trip 1940: "Lecture", circa 1941
1118 River Trip 1940: News Articles, 1941-1942
1119 River Trip 1940: "An Odyssey of the Green and Colorado" (in Arizona Highways), 1941 January
1119A River Trip 1940: "An Odyssey of the Green and Colorado Rivers-The Intimate Journal of Three Boats and Nine People on a Trip Down Two Rivers", 1941 March (Self-Published; Brochure Format)
11110 "Bisbee Massacre" (in Desert Magazine), 1941 August, 1984
11111 "Navajo Nation" (in Skyways), 1948 April
11112 Letters to the Editor (Eisenhower, Yalta), 1955
11113 "Natural Bridge Discovery in the Grand Canyon" (in Arizona Highways; includes companion piece for Life Magazine), 1955
11114 River Trip, 1955-1957
Background for Delightful Journey.
11115 "Future of the Republican Party" (in New Republican), 1958 December
11116 Conscience of a Conservative : Victor Publishing Company, 1956-1959
Includes news clippings.
11117 Conscience of a Conservative : Victor Publishing Company (Memos, Correspondence), 1960
11118 Conscience of a Conservative : Victor Publishing Company, 1961-1964
11119 Conscience of a Conservative : Victor Publishing Company, 1968-1972
11119A Conscience of a Conservative : Princeton University Press., 2009
Edited by C. C. Goldwater with a new foreword by George F. Will and a new afterward by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
11120 Letters to the Editor (Various), 1959-1990
11121 "How Do You Stand Sir?" Columns for The Los Angeles Times, 1960 January-June (#1-67)
11122 "How Do You Stand Sir?" Columns for The Los Angeles Times, 1960 July-December (#68-143)
11123 "How Do You Stand Sir?" Columns for The Los Angeles Times, 1961 January-May (#144-201)
11124 "How Do You Stand Sir?" Columns for The Los Angeles Times, 1961 (#267-309)
11125 "How Do You Stand Sir?" Columns for The Los Angeles Times, 1962 (#310-354)
11126 "How Do You Stand Sir?" Columns for The Los Angeles Times, 1962 April-June
11127 "How Do You Stand Sir?" Columns for The Los Angeles Times, 1962 July-August
11128 "How Do You Stand Sir?" Columns for The Los Angeles Times, 1962 September-December
11129 "How Do You Stand Sir?" Columns for The Los Angeles Times, 1963 January-February
1121 "How Do You Stand Sir?" Columns for The Los Angeles Times, 1963 March-May
1122 "How Do You Stand Sir?" Columns for The Los Angeles Times, 1963 June-July
1123 "How Do You Stand Sir?" Columns for The Los Angeles Times, 1963 August-December
1124 "How Do You Stand Sir?" Columns for The Los Angeles Times, 1964 January-February
1125 "How Do You Stand Sir?" Columns for The Los Angeles Times (Selected Columns on Vietnam), Undated
1126 Why Not Victory (McGraw Hill), 1961-1965
1127 "Education, A Proposal to the Republican Party" (in Human Events), 1961
1128 "A Foreign Policy for America" (National Review Pamphlet), 1961
1129 "The Forgotten American - A Statement of Proposed Republican Principles, Programs, and Objectives" (in Human Events), 1961
11210 "What To Do About Red China" (This Week Magazine), 1971 September 17
11211 "Danger on the Left" (in Saturday Evening Post), 1962 January 20
11212 "Stop the Slaughter in the Air" (Argosy), 1962 June
11213 "The GOP Invades the South" (Saturday Evening Post), 1963
11214 "Let's Try Freedom" McGraw Hill Contract, 1963
Not published.
11215 "Looking Back – 2013" (Arizona in 2013), 1963
11216 Face of Arizona, 1964-1970
11217 Where I Stand (McGraw Hill), 1964-1965
Includes review.
11218 Barry Goldwater, Portrait of an Arizonan, 1964
11219 "I Seek an America", 1964 (Booklet)
11220 "A Journey Down the Green and Colorado Rivers", 1964
11221 Delightful Journey, 1965-1970
11222 Delightful Journey (Background List of Hiller Photograph Albums of Powell Survey), 1968
11223 Delightful Journey (Bert Fireman and Dock Marston Correspondence), 1968-1969
11224 Delightful Journey (Photo Captions, Notes, List, Notebook), 1969
11225 Delightful Journey, 1971
11226 Delightful Journey, 1972
11227 "Goldwater Column" Richardson (Texas) Digest, 1965-1966
11228 "Goldwater Column" The Los Angeles Times (Correspondence), 1965-1967
11229 "Goldwater Column" The Los Angeles Times, 1965 (#1-30)
11230 "Goldwater Column" The Los Angeles Times, 1965-1966 (#31-60)
11231 "Goldwater Column" The Los Angeles Times, 1966 (#61-99)
11232 "Goldwater Column" The Los Angeles Times, 1966 (#100-155)
Includes additional columns.
11233 "Goldwater Column" The Los Angeles Times, 1966 (#156-186)
Includes additional columns.
11234 "Goldwater Column" The Los Angeles Times, 1967 January-June
1131 "Goldwater Column" The Los Angeles Times, 1967 July
1132 "Goldwater Column" The Los Angeles Times, 1967 August
1133 "Goldwater Column" The Los Angeles Times, 1967 September
1134 "Goldwater Column" The Los Angeles Times, 1967 October
1135 "Goldwater Column" The Los Angeles Times, 1967 November
1136 "Goldwater Column" The Los Angeles Times, 1967 December
1137 "A Dream Come True: With His Sons and Daughters, A Famous American Rediscovers the Turbulent Colorado River" (in McCalls), 1966 March
1138 People and Places (Correspondence with Random House), 1966-1972
1139 People and Places, 1967 (Manuscript)
11310 People and Places, 1967 (Drafts and Corrections)
11311 People and Places, 1967 (Book Proposal)
Includes VIP Correspondence.
11312 Various Articles, 1967-1972
11313 Book Reviews for Formal Education and Cultural Change; also Bullying the Moqui, 1968
11314 "Diary of a First Flight in Aviation History" (in the Journal of the American Aviation Historical Society), 1968
11315 Introduction to Yuma Chronology, 1968
11316 "Monument Valley, Arizona: Barry Goldwater's Very Special Place" (in Venture: The Traveler's World), 1968 June
11317 "The West That Was" (in Journal of the West), 1968
11318 "Christian Social Ethics and Political Practice", 1968-1969
11319 Article on Conservatism (for Unicorn Press, Inc.), 1969-1970
11320 Conscience of a Majority (Background, Drafts), 1969-1970
11321 Conscience of a Majority (Correspondence with Vandeburg, Linkletter Associates), 1969-1976
11322 Conscience of a Majority, 1970 (Part I)
11323 Conscience of a Majority, 1970 (Part II)
11324 Conscience of a Majority, 1970 (Part III)
11325 Conscience of a Majority, 1970 (Part IV)
11326 Conscience of a Majority (Research on Labor), 1967-1970
11327 Conscience of a Majority (Research on Isolationism), 1969-1970
11328 Conscience of a Majority (Research on Liberal Failures), 1969-1970
11329 Conscience of a Majority (Research on the Media), 1969-1970
11330 Conscience of a Majority (Research, Miscellaneous), 1969-1970
11331 Conscience of a Majority (Research on Youth), 1969-1970
11332 Conscience of a Majority (Research on Civil Rights), 1970
11333 Conscience of a Majority (Correspondence), 1970-1971
Includes photos.
1141 Conscience of a Majority (Reviews), 1970-1971
1142 Conscience of a Majority (Translated into Spanish by Gonzalo Galvan), 1973
1143 Kachinas (Harper & Row Publishers), 1970
1144 "Out West, We Trust One Another" (in Life Magazine), 1970 October 9
1145 "A New Challenge to Defense Industry" (in NAM Reports), 1970 December 21
1146 "Goldwater Column" The Los Angeles Times, 1969 (1-36)
1147 "Goldwater Column" The Los Angeles Times, 1970 January-February (#37-46)
1148 "Goldwater Column" The Los Angeles Times, 1970 March-May (#47-60)
1149 "Goldwater Column" The Los Angeles Times, 1970 June-August (#61-72)
11410 "Goldwater Column" The Los Angeles Times, 1970 September-December (#73-88)
11411 "Goldwater Column" The Los Angeles Times, 1971 (#89-141)
11412 "Goldwater Column" The Los Angeles Times, 1972 (#1A-160)
11413 "Goldwater Column" The Los Angeles Times, 1973 (#21A-114A)
11414 "Goldwater Column" The Los Angeles Times, 1974 (#79A-132)
11415 "Goldwater Column" The Los Angeles Times, 1975 (#133-182)
11416 "Goldwater Column" The Los Angeles Times, 1976 (#183-204)
11417 "Goldwater Column" The Los Angeles Times (Correspondence), 1968
11418 "Goldwater Column" The Los Angeles Times (Correspondence), 1969
11419 "Goldwater Column" The Los Angeles Times (Correspondence), 1970
11420 "Goldwater Column" The Los Angeles Times (Correspondence), 1971-1973
11421 "Goldwater Column" The Los Angeles Times (Correspondence, 1974-1976
11422 Lindburgh, Charles (Various Goldwater Book Reviews, Commentary), 1970-1977
11423 Article for The Christian Science Monitor (Regarding the Pentagon Papers), 1971
11424 Article for True Magazine, 1971
11425 Article for Gene Pulliam's New Series, 1971
11426 "The President's Ability to Protect America's Freedoms – the War Making Power" (in Law and the Social Order), 1971
11427 "Soviet Foreign Policy in the Decade of the Seventies" (in Orbis), 1971
11428 "A Right to Know" (in The Christian Science Monitor), 1971 June 24
11429 "Goldwater, A Booby Prize" (in The New York Times), 1971 June 25
11430 "Let's Go Boating with ...", 1971-1972
11431 MacMillan Publishing Company, 1971-1972 (Book Proposal)
11432 Interview for The Guardsman, 1972
11433 "A Case for Human Progress" (for Parade Magazine), 1972
11434 "Three Generations of Pants and Politics in Arizona" (in the Journal of Arizona History), 1972
11435 "Mr. Nixon's Courage" (in The New York Times), 1972 January 10
11436 "Political Philosophy and Supreme Court Justices" (in the American Bar Association Journal), 1972 February
11437 "An Open Letter from Senator Barry Goldwater", 1972 March
11438 "I Hate Primaries" (in Newsday), 1972 April
11439 Playboy Article, 1972-1973
11440 Vandeburg, Linkletter Associates (Manuscript Review, New Book Proposal), 1972-1987
11441 Article for The Boston Globe, 1973
11442 Article on the SST for Environmental Quality Magazine, 1973
11443 Column for the Arizona State Republican Committee Newsletter, 1973
11444 "Needed, the Factor of Human Dignity and Individual Pride" (in Seapower), 1973
11445 "Only President Not Congress Can Negotiate End to War", 1973
1151 Statement for Arizona Living, 1973
1152 "Vietnam White Paper – Introduction", 1973
Unpublished but quoted in the press.
1153 "Tax Credit for Public Schools" (article for the Arizona Association of Realtors), 1973
1154 "Mr. Nixon's Feelings" (in The New York Times Op-Ed page), 1973 January 9
1155 Article for Indiana Republican State Central Committee, 1973 April 6
1156 "The President's Constitutional Primacy in Foreign Relations and National Defense" (in Virginia Journal of International Law), 1973 Summer
1157 "Our Stake in the Pacific Perimeter" (for Newsweek Magazine), 1973 August
1158 Articles on Watergate (The New York Times), 1973 September 11-12
1159 Article for The New York Times, 1974
11510 Op-Ed Article for The New York Times (requested by Harrison Salisbury), 1974
11511 Guest Editorial for the Republican National Committee "First Monday", 1974
11512 Foreword to Manuel Machado's Book (a History of the Mexican-American), 1974
11513 "The Navajo Way" (in T.V. Guide), 1974
11514 "Freedom and Secrecy" (in I.E.E.E. Spectrum), 1974 April
11515 "Business Faces the Fight of Its Life" (in Nation's Business), 1974 May
11516 "Who Will Program the Programmers?" (in the American Bar Association Journal), 1974 August
11517 "The Enemy is Inflation" (in New Guard), 1974 September
11518 "Party Will Remain Unified, Recoup Losses" (in "First Monday"), 1974 December
11519 Foreword to Dale Walker's "Bucky O'Neill" Book, 1974-1975
11520 Northland Press, 1974-1977
11521 The Coming Break Point, 1974-1977
11522 The Coming Break Point, 1978 (1 of 3)
11523 The Coming Break Point, 1978 (2 of 3)
11524 The Coming Break Point, 1978 (3 of 3)
11525 Article for the Strategic Review, 1975
11526 Letter to the Editor, American Bar Association Journal (China's legal system), 1975
11527 "Why Gun Control Laws Don't Work" (in Reader's Digest, 1975
11528 Art History (brief statement in Art Education), 1975 October
11529 "Can a Free Press Survive Its Postal Nightmare?" (in Journal of Legislation), 1976
11530 Op-Ed Article, New York Times, 1976
11531 Simon & Schuster Inc., 1976
11532 "Our Stores, Pensions Better'n Theirs" (in The Officer), 1976 April
11533 Political Memoirs of Barry Goldwater (Lawsuit with Harcourt, Brace & Jovanovich), 1976-1979
11534 Political Memoirs of Barry Goldwater (Lawsuit with Harcourt, Brace & Jovanovich, 1980-1982
11535 Script for David Muench Book, 1977-1978
11536 Grand Canyon Article for Arizona Highways, 1978
11537 "China and the Abrogation of Treaties", 1978
11538 "Why Americans Should Write to Their Congressman", 1978
11539 "Balancing the Other Side-Think Tanks on the Right" (in Chance: The Magazine of Learning), 1978 October
11540 "With No Apologies" (Correspondence), 1977
11541 "With No Apologies" (Correspondence), 1978
11542 "With No Apologies" (Agreement with William Morrow), 1979 January-March
11543 "With No Apologies" (Correspondence), 1979 January-October
11544 "With No Apologies" (Correspondence), 1979 November-December
11545 "With No Apologies" (Correspondence, Reviews), 1980
11546 "With No Apologies" (Dictation and Notes), 1976-1977
11547 "With No Apologies" (Dictation and Notes), 1978-1979
11548 "With No Apologies" (Dictation and Notes), Undated
11549 "With No Apologies" (Chapter Drafts and Changes), Undated
11550 "With No Apologies", Undated (Chapters 1-8)
1161 "With No Apologies", Undated (Chapters 9-18)
1162 "With No Apologies", Undated (Chapters 19-26)
1163 "With No Apologies", Undated (Chapters 27-36)
1164 Article for Arizona Realtors Digest, 1979
1165 "China and the Abrogation of Treaties" (in Critical Issues: The Heritage Foundation), 1979
1166 "Government Regulation: Oppressor of the Free Enterprise" (in Arizona Realtor Digest), 1979
1167 "Senator to Business: Complacency is Enemy" (in Commitment), 1979
1168 "Wither the American Cowboy" (in Look Magazine), 1979 April 12
1169 Article for TV Guide, 1979 May 16
11610 Book Review for A Few Great Captains, 1980
11611 Foreword to Book on Reg Manning, 1980
11612 Article for CACTIE (American Institute of Industrial Engineers), 1980 August 14
11613 Article for the New Guard Magazine, 1980 August 26
11614 Foreword to William E. Miller Book, 1983-1996
11615 "Congress and Intelligence Oversight" (in Washington Quarterly), 1983 August 17
11616 "Testifying O Lord as to the Rainbow Bridge" for Arizona Highways, 1984 February
Reprint from 1940.
11617 "A Nation Led Astray (Presidential Campaigning)" (Arizona Republic), 1984 February 19
11618 "Congress Must Stop Letting The Tail Wag The Dog" (Arizona Republic), 1985 January 6
11619 Article for the Dixie Gun Works, Inc., 1985
11620 "How to Save Your Agenda and Yourself" (Tips for Hostile Hearings in Management), 1986
11621 Goldwater, 1987-1989
Includes photos.
11622 Goldwater (Book Reviews), 1988
11623 "Long Vistas and Stone Arches" (Explorers Journal), 1988
11624 Foreword to "On Silver Wings", 1991
11625 Foreword to "Any Time, Any Place, Any River, The Nevills of Mexican Hat" by Nancy Nelson, 1991
11626 "President's Annual Report – 1950" (Phoenix Country Club Reprint), 1993
11627 Foreword for Frederick Chien's Book, 1993
11628 Simon and Schuster Book Proposal The Portable Goldwater, 1994
11629 "Barry Goldwater" (in Boatman's Quarterly Review), 1994 Fall
11630 Foreword for Swede Johnson's Book, 1996
11631 Foreword to Murdock Farms, 1996
11632 Foreword to The Shamrock Way, 1996
11633 "Ambush in Mint Valley" for Echoes of the Past, Undated
11634 Article for NATO's 15 Nations, Undated
11635 Article on Cease Fire for Associated Press, Undated
11636 Article for Today's Business, Undated
11637 Article for Tombstone Epitaph, Undated
11638 Article on the Air Transport Command in WWII, Undated
11639 Article for Parade Magazine, Undated
11640 "A Concept for the Future Organization of the United States Armed Forces" by Col. Barry M. Goldwater (for the War College), Undated
11641 "A New Partner and a New Store", Undated
11642 Foreword to The Case Against Welfare, Undated
11643 Foreword to The History of Mining in Yavapai County, Undated
11644 Foreword for Rebirth of a Nation, Undated
11645 "Inscription House", Undated
11646 "The Politics of Morality", Undated
11647 Quote for Town and Country, Undated
11648 "Should the President's War Powers Be Limited? No" (for the American Legion Magazine), Undated
11649 "Some of My Best Friends are Easterners" (for Life Magazine), Undated
11650 "Trading Posts in Arizona", Undated
11651 "The U.S. Air Force, Ready, Willing and Able" (for The Saturday Evening Post), Undated
11652 "What's Become of the 'Arsenal of Democracy' Idea?" (for Human Events), Undated
11653 "My Favorite Spot In Arizona (Thunder River)" (for Arizona Wildlife Sportsman), 1970
Series II: 1964 Presidential Campaign
Scope and Content Note
The material in this series derives from multiple sources in addition to the documents donated by Senator Goldwater. These include Goldwater campaign workers, office staff, family members, friends, fans, and associates. The following individuals made significant contributions, especially relating to state campaigns, speeches, news clippings, photo albums, and memorabilia: Joseph H. Bastien, Thomas Dunlavy, Bert Fireman, Donald and Michael Goldwater, Eleanor Higgins, Theodore Humes, William Middendorf, Adah Morgan, Sharon Spellman, William Quinn, Robert Stahl, Peter M. Bodnar, and Lester W. Ruffner. Goldwater correspondence with a number of these individuals extended beyond this campaign and can be found in Series I: Personal-Correspondence.
There are significant gaps within this series. In 1967, Stephen Shadegg, a long time Republican Party worker, Goldwater Senate Campaign Manager, and Regional Campaign Director for Western States, sold various campaign materials to the University of Texas. See the guide to the Stephen Shadegg/Barry Goldwater Collection at University of Texas, Austin at for further information. Senator Goldwater's post-election correspondence was voluminous but little remains in print. Most of that correspondence is captured on microfilm. See Series V: Media Files-Microfilm. The microfilm has been converted to searchable compact discs that are available in the reading room.
Speech writers for the Goldwater-Miller Campaign were Tony Smith and Karl Hess. See Series I: Personal-Correspondence for Karl Hess. Few Smith files can be found in this collection. Very few speech drafts remain. Some background for speech material was borrowed from previous Goldwater Senate campaigns and can also be found in Series I: Personal-Campaigns. Many speeches are embedded within newsletters and news releases found in the Goldwater for President Committee and the Republican National Committee. The three bound volumes of speeches, while incomplete, represent speech highlights. These were a gift from Denison Kitchel, 1964 Presidential Campaign Manager. Few Kitchel files can be found in this series. See Series I: Personal–Alpha Files for other personal correspondence.
Included in this series are rare, unpublished Commerce Committee Prints Vol. 1, 3, and 5. Because the Senate Commerce Committee has jurisdiction over communications, it was proposed that media coverage on the 1964 Presidential Campaign for the first time be aggregated and printed as a federal document. Funding to complete the project failed. What remains are galley proofs. This is likely the most comprehensive record of speeches, radio and television appearances, floor remarks and news items from the 1964 Presidential Campaign. There were no presidential debates between Barry M. Goldwater and Lyndon B. Johnson. The nearly 5,000 pages cover the speeches, public appearances, and major radio and television broadcasts of the Johnson-Humphrey and Goldwater-Miller campaigns. The galley proofs are indexed and organized chronologically. Some pages are fragile.
Small bound photo albums, loose news clippings, and magazines relating to the 1964 campaign are included in this series for quick reference. Oversized items, artifacts and memorabilia, and loose photos relating to the 1964 Presidential Campaign can be found in Series V: Media Files. There are numerous film, political advertisements, VHS tapes, and audio cassettes of speeches ranging from poor to excellent condition. These can also be found in Series V: Media Files. Access to VHS tapes is available in the reading room. Some film has been converted to digital versatile discs.
This series is divided into 13 sub-series alphabetically and chronologically within: Committee Prints, General, Goldwater for President Committee, Literature, Magazines, Memorabilia, News Clippings, Peggy Goldwater Correspondence, Photo Albums, Republican National Committee, Republican National Convention, Speeches, and States. "States" is significant for comprehensive material gathered by the campaign team on every state and territory resulting in notebooks as well as "in house" files used for field reports, analysis, and tactical support.
Related Materials
See also the Dean Burch Papers (Arizona Historical Foundation FM MSS 142) for extensive documentation of the 1964 Presidential Campaign. Senator Goldwater selected Burch as the Chairman of the Republican National Committee in 1964, and this collection contains extensive RNC executive, planning, publicity, and candidates' schedule and travel files. It also includes Senator Goldwater's post election 1964 and 1965 correspondence.
Denison Kitchel's papers relating to the Free Society Association can be found at the Hoover Institute, Stanford University.
For information regarding Volumes 2 and 4 of the Commerce Committee Prints, which document Vice-Presidential candidates Hubert H. Humphrey and William E. Miller, contact University of Washington Special Collections ( regarding the Warren G. Magnuson Collection, accession # 3181-4, boxes 224-226.
The Hubert H. Humphrey papers are housed at the Minnesota Historical Society (
The papers of William E. Miller are located at Cornell University. A guide is available at
The LBJ Presidential Library ( houses Lyndon Johnson's papers, oral histories and other documents related to the 1964 campaign.
Sub-Series A: Committee Prints
1171 "Speeches, Remarks, Press Conferences, and Other Papers of President Lyndon B. Johnson Vol. 1", 1965 (Committee Print Proofs; Pages 1-100; 1 of 7)
1172 "Speeches, Remarks, Press Conferences, and Other Papers of President Lyndon B. Johnson Vol. 1", 1965 (Committee Print Proofs; Pages 101-200; 2 of 7)
1173 "Speeches, Remarks, Press Conferences, and Other Papers of President Lyndon B. Johnson Vol. 1", 1965 (Committee Print Proofs; Pages 201-300; 3 of 7)
1174 "Speeches, Remarks, Press Conferences, and Other Papers of President Lyndon B. Johnson Vol. 1", 1965 (Committee Print Proofs; Pages 301-400; 4 of 7)
1175 "Speeches, Remarks, Press Conferences, and Other Papers of President Lyndon B. Johnson Vol. 1", 1965 (Committee Print Proofs; Pages 401-500; 5 of 7)
1176 "Speeches, Remarks, Press Conferences, and Other Papers of President Lyndon B. Johnson Vol. 1", 1965 (Committee Print Proofs; Pages 501-600; 6 of 7)
1177 "Speeches, Remarks, Press Conferences, and Other Papers of President Lyndon B. Johnson Vol. 1", 1965 (Committee Print Proofs; Pages 601-703; 7 of 7)
1178 "Speeches, Remarks, Press Conferences, and Other Papers of Barry M. Goldwater Vol. 3", 1965 (Committee Print Galley; Pages 1-100; 1 of 8)
1179 "Speeches, Remarks, Press Conferences, and Other Papers of Barry M. Goldwater Vol. 3", 1965 (Committee Print Galley; Pages 101-200; 2 of 8)
11710 "Speeches, Remarks, Press Conferences, and Other Papers of Barry M. Goldwater Vol. 3", 1965 (Committee Print Galley; Pages 201-300; 3 of 8)
11711 "Speeches, Remarks, Press Conferences, and Other Papers of Barry M. Goldwater Vol. 3", 1965 (Committee Print Galley; Pages 301-400; 4 of 8)
11712 "Speeches, Remarks, Press Conferences, and Other Papers of Barry M. Goldwater Vol. 3", 1965 (Committee Print Galley; Pages 401-500; 5 of 8)
11713 "Speeches, Remarks, Press Conferences, and Other Papers of Barry M. Goldwater Vol. 3", 1965 (Committee Print Galley; Pages 501-600; 6 of 8)
11714 "Speeches, Remarks, Press Conferences, and Other Papers of Barry M. Goldwater Vol. 3", 1965 (Committee Print Gallery; Pages 601-700; 7 of 8)
11715 "Speeches, Remarks, Press Conferences, and Other Papers of Barry M. Goldwater Vol. 3", 1965 (Committee Print Gallery; Pages 701-747; 8 of 8)
11716 "Speeches, Remarks, Press Conferences and Related Papers of Barry M. Goldwater Vol. 3", 1965 (Committee Print Proofs; Table of Contents, Indexes and Pages 1-100; 1 of 10)
11717 "Speeches, Remarks, Press Conferences and Related Papers of Barry M. Goldwater Vol. 3", 1965 (Committee Print Proofs; Pages 101-200; 2 of 10)
11718 "Speeches, Remarks, Press Conferences and Related Papers of Barry M. Goldwater Vol. 3", 1965 (Committee Print Proofs; Pages 201-300; 3 of 10)
11719 "Speeches, Remarks, Press Conferences and Related Papers of Barry M. Goldwater Vol. 3", 1965 (Committee Print Proofs; Pages 301-400; 4 of 10)
11720 "Speeches, Remarks, Press Conferences and Related Papers of Barry M. Goldwater Vol. 3", 1965 (Committee Print Proofs; Pages 401-500; 5 of 10)
11721 "Speeches, Remarks, Press Conferences and Related Papers of Barry M. Goldwater Vol. 3", 1965 (Committee Print Proofs; Pages 501-600; 6 of 10)
11722 "Speeches, Remarks, Press Conferences and Related Papers of Barry M. Goldwater Vol. 3", 1965 (Committee Print Proofs; Pages 601-700; 7 of 10)
11723 "Speeches, Remarks, Press Conferences and Related Papers of Barry M. Goldwater Vol. 3", 1965 (Committee Print Proofs; Pages 701-800; 8 of 10)
11724 "Speeches, Remarks, Press Conferences and Related Papers of Barry M. Goldwater Vol. 3", 1965 (Committee Print Proofs; Pages 801-900; 9 of 10)
11725 "Speeches, Remarks, Press Conferences and Related Papers of Barry M. Goldwater Vol. 3", 1965 (Committee Print Proofs; Pages 901-998; 10 of 10)
11726 "Major News Broadcasts of the Radio and Television Networks Vol. 5, Part 1", 1965 (Committee Print Proofs; Pages 1-100 and Table of Contents; 1 of 13)
11727 "Major News Broadcasts of the Radio and Television Networks Vol. 5, Part 1", 1965 (Committee Print Proofs; Pages 101-200 and Table of Contents; 2 of 13)
11728 "Major News Broadcasts of the Radio and Television Networks Vol. 5, Part 1", 1965 (Committee Print Proofs; Pages 201-300 and Table of Contents; 3 of 13)
11729 "Major News Broadcasts of the Radio and Television Networks Vol. 5, Part 1", 1965 (Committee Print Proofs; Pages 301-400 and Table of Contents; 4 of 13)
11730 "Major News Broadcasts of the Radio and Television Networks Vol. 5, Part 1", 1965 (Committee Print Proofs; Pages 401-500 and Table of Contents; 5 of 13)
11731 "Major News Broadcasts of the Radio and Television Networks Vol. 5, Part 1", 1965 (Committee Print Proofs; Pages 501-600 and Table of Contents; 6 of 13)
11732 "Major News Broadcasts of the Radio and Television Networks Vol. 5, Part 1", 1965 (Committee Print Proofs; Pages 601-700 and Table of Contents; 7 of 13)
1181 "Major News Broadcasts of the Radio and Television Networks Vol. 5, Part 1", 1965 (Committee Print Proofs; Pages 701-800 and Table of Contents; 8 of 13)
1182 "Major News Broadcasts of the Radio and Television Networks Vol. 5, Part 1", 1965 (Committee Print Proofs; Pages 801-900 and Table of Contents; 9 of 13)
1183 "Major News Broadcasts of the Radio and Television Networks Vol. 5, Part 1", 1965 (Committee Print Proofs; Pages 901-1000; 10 of 13)
1184 "Major News Broadcasts of the Radio and Television Networks Vol. 5, Part 1", 1965 (Committee Print Proofs; Pages 1001-1100; 11 of 13)
1185 "Major News Broadcasts of the Radio and Television Networks Vol. 5, Part 1", 1965 (Committee Print Proofs; Pages 1101-1200; 12 of 13)
1186 "Major News Broadcasts of the Radio and Television Networks Vol. 5, Part 1", 1965 (Committee Print Proofs; Pages 1201-1307; 13 of 13)
1187 "Major News Broadcasts of the Radio and Television Networks Vol. 5, Part 2", 1965 (Committee Print Proofs; Table of Contents and Pages 1-100; 1 of 13)
1188 "Major News Broadcasts of the Radio and Television Networks Vol. 5, Part 2", 1965 (Committee Print Proofs; Pages 101-200; 2 of 13)
1189 "Major News Broadcasts of the Radio and Television Networks Vol. 5, Part 2", 1965 (Committee Print Proofs; Pages 201-300; 3 of 13)
11810 "Major News Broadcasts of the Radio and Television Networks Vol. 5, Part 2", 1965 (Committee Print Proofs; Pages 301-400; 4 of 13)
11811 "Major News Broadcasts of the Radio and Television Networks Vol. 5, Part 2", 1965 (Committee Print Proofs; Pages 401-500; 5 of 13)
11812 "Major News Broadcasts of the Radio and Television Networks Vol. 5, Part 2", 1965 (Committee Print Proofs; Pages 501-700; 6 of 13)
11813 "Major News Broadcasts of the Radio and Television Networks Vol. 5, Part 2", 1965 (Committee Print Proofs; Pages 601-701; 7 of 13)
11814 "Major News Broadcasts of the Radio and Television Networks Vol. 5, Part 2", 1965 (Committee Print Proofs; Pages 701-800; 8 of 13)
11815 "Major News Broadcasts of the Radio and Television Networks Vol. 5, Part 2", 1965 (Committee Print Proofs; Pages 801-900; 9 of 13)
11816 "Major News Broadcasts of the Radio and Television Networks Vol. 5, Part 2", 1965 (Committee Print Proofs; Pages 901-1000; 10 of 13)
11817 "Major News Broadcasts of the Radio and Television Networks Vol. 5, Part 2", 1965 (Committee Print Proofs; Pages 1001-1100; 11 of 13)
11818 "Major News Broadcasts of the Radio and Television Networks Vol. 5, Part 2", 1965 (Committee Print Proofs; Pages 1101-1200; 12 of 13)
11819 "Major News Broadcasts of the Radio and Television Networks Vol. 5, Part 2", 1965 (Committee Print Proofs; Pages 1200-1314; 13 of 13)
11820 Unpublished Committee Print: National Archives and Records Administration, 2005
Sub-Series B: General
11821 Advance Men Manual, 1964
11822 Advance Men for Meeting of Republican Governors and Gubernatorial Candidates, 1964
11823 "The Americanism of Barry Goldwater" by Frank R. Donovan, 1963
11824 Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) Notebook, 1964
11825 Americans for Goldwater, 1964
11826 Ballot Security, 1964
11827 Base Survey, 1964
1191 Becker, Judy (Correspondence), 1964
Judy Becker was 11 years old in 1964.
1192 Begay, Hosteen (Letter to Editor), 1964
1193 Bibliography, 1964
1194 Citizens for Goldwater-Miller (Staff Directory), 1963
1195 Citizens for Goldwater-Miller (Memos from Tom Van Sickle), 1964
1196 Citizens for Goldwater-Miller (News Release), 1964
1197 Citizens for Goldwater-Miller (State Chairmen List), 1964
1198 Draft Goldwater (Chicago meeting), 1962-1963
1199 Draft Goldwater (Paul Fannin Correspondence, Memos), 1963
11910 Draft Goldwater (Progress Reports), 1963
11911 Elections and Primaries, 1962
11912 Election Statistics, 1964-1965
11913 Finance Committee (Memos, Correspondence), 1960-1962
11914 Finance Committee (Memos, Correspondence), 1963-1964
11915 Finance Committee: California Supporters, 1964-1965
11916 Finance Committee: Contributors, 1964 (Printouts)
11917 Finance Committee: Contributors A-D, 1963-1964
11918 Finance Committee: Contributors F-J, 1963-1964
11919 Finance Committee: Contributors K-M, 1963-1964
11920 Finance Committee: Contributors N-S, 1963-1964
11921 Finance Committee: Contributors T-Z, 1963-1964
11922 Finance Committee: Dinner with Barry (Fundraiser, Lists), 1963
11923 Finance Committee: Form Letters, 1964
11924 Finance Committee: Herberger File, 1958-1962
11925 Finance Committee: Ledger, 1964
11926 Finance Committee: Pilots for Goldwater, 1964
11927 Finance Committee: Rosenzweig File from Previous Campaigns, 1952-1960
11928 Finance Committee: Territorial Proclamation Mailing, 1958-1963
11929 "The Goldwater Nomination, The Reminiscences of F. Clinton White", 1965 (1 of 2)
11930 "The Goldwater Nomination, The Reminiscences of F. Clinton White", 1965 (2 of 2)
11931 Goldwater Position Papers, 1964
Includes Civil Rights.
11932 Hubert Horatio Humphrey (HHH) Notebook, 1964
11933 Kober, Leslie R., 1964
Kober was Goldwater's physician.
11934 Kuchel, Thomas (Memos, anti-Goldwater Statements, Responses), 1964
11935 Legislative Record of Barry Goldwater, 1952-1964 (1 of 2)
11936 Legislative Record of Barry Goldwater, 1952-1964 (2 of 2)
1201 List of Ham Radio Operators Who Helped in Campaign, 1964
1202 Memorandum, Strategy Analysis of Campaign Survey, 1964
1203 The Non-Voter Notebook (Survey and Analysis), 1964
1204 Notes Regarding Reactions to Goldwater, circa 1964
1205 Presidential Politics, 1963
1206 Publicity Photographs (Goldwater-Miller), 1964-1965
1207 Recollections of the Campaign, 1971-1980
1208 Republican Fact Book, 1964
1209 Right-Wing Organizations (Prepared by AFL-CIO), 1962
12010 Rosenzweig, Harry (Correspondence), 1964-1965
12011 Ruffner, Lester W. (Budge), 1964
12012 Schedule, 1964 (1 of 2)
12013 Schedule, 1964 (2 of 2)
12014 Schedule (Corrected), 1964 October
12015 Schedule ("day by day"), 1964
12016 Schedule (Notes, Drafts, Compilations), 1964
12017 Seconding Speech to the Nomination of Barry Goldwater (by Senator John G. Tower), 1964 July 15
12018 Senate Republican Memos, 1964
12019 "Speaker's Handbook", Undated
12020 Stars for Barry (Hollywood Supporters), 1964
12021 "Under One Roof: Barry Goldwater's Campaign Staff" by Karl. A. Lamb, Undated
12022 Voting Trends in the South, 1962
12023 "We Hosted a Presidential Candidate at Camelback Inn!", 1964 November 3
12024 Young Republican League (Arizona), 1963-1964
Sub-Series C: Goldwater for President Committee
12025 Background, 1960-1963
12026 Background (White Paper, News Clippings, Analysis), 1963
12027 Confidential Memo, 1962
12028 Correspondence, 1963
1211 Fact Book (Wisconsin), 1964
1212 "Freedom Special" Weekly Reports, 1964 March-October
1213 Hess Files, 1963-1964
1214 Information Kit, 1964
1215 Memos, Reports, Correspondence, 1964 January-August
1216 Memos, Reports, Correspondence, 1964 September-October
1217 News Releases, 1964 January-February
1218 News Releases, 1964 March
1219 News Releases, 1964 April
12110 News Releases, 1964 May
12111 News Releases, 1964 June-July
12112 News Releases, Platforms, and Issues, Undated
12113 Republican State Chairmen's Handbook, 1964
12114 Repudiation Notebook, 1964
12115 Requests for Committee Slates of State Candidates, 1964
12116 Schedule for Goldwater, 1964 September
12117 Schedule for Goldwater, 1964 October
12118 Schedules (Miller, Nixon, Scranton, Ike Schedules), 1964 September
12119 Schedules and Contact Lists, 1964 September-November
12120 Goldwater State Chairman and Co-Chairman, 1964
12121 Thompson Files, 1964 (1 of 3)
1221 Thompson Files, 1964 (2 of 3)
1222 Thompson Files (Southern States), 1964 (3 of 3)
1223 Tour Committee Report, 1964
Sub-Series D: Literature
1224 Americans for Goldwater, 1964
1225 Anti-Lyndon Johnson/Hubert Humphrey, 1964
1226 "Assassins in Radio–TV", 1964
1227 "Barry Goldwater Speaks Out on the Issues", 1964
1228 "Barry Speaks to You", 1964
1229 "The Big Lie!" by Philip M. Crane, 1964
12210 Businessmen for Goldwater, 1964
12211 Catholics for Goldwater, 1974
12212 "A Choice Not An Echo" by Phyllis Schlafly, 1964
12213 Congressional Quarterly Special Report, 1964
12214 "Conversation at Gettysburg", 1964
12215 "The Debate That Never Was", 1964
12216 Democratic National Committee Brochure, 1964
12217 Economy Voting Record, 1963-1964
12218 "Fact, 1,189 Psychiatrists Say Goldwater is Psychologically Unfit...", 1964 September-October
12219 "Fighting Aces for Goldwater", 1964
12220 Freedom Union Magazine, 1964
12221 "Funny Thing Happened", 1964
12222 "Goldwater – His Triumphs and Tragedies", 1964
12223 "Goldwater Greeters", 1964
12224 "The Goldwater Family Circle", 1964
12225 "Goldwater's Economics", 1964
12226 "The Great Society Comic Book", 1964
12227 Headquarter Packets and Reference Material, 1964
12228 "I Seek An America", 1964
12229 "Illinois Goldwater for President Committee" (Precinct Manual), 1964
12230 Information Kit, 1964
12231 "John Birch Society Report" (Arizona Republic), 1964
12232 "The Kablegram" (Staunton Military Academy), 1964
12233 Labor, 1964
12234 "Lives, Votes, and Stands of the Republican Candidates" Congressional Quarterly Special Report, 1964
12235 "The Manion Forum", 1964 June 14
12236 "The Mindszenty Report", 1964
12237 "Mr. President, The Office, the Man" (Lyndon Baines Johnson), 1964
12238 "Must Barry Goldwater Be Destroyed?" by Frank Cullen Brophy, 1964
12239 Newsletters (Various Republican National Committee Publications), 1964
12240 "100 Million Lives in One Hour" (Union Women United for Johnson and Humphrey), 1964
12241 Pamphlets and Brochures, 1964 (1 of 3)
12242 Pamphlets and Brochures, 1964 (2 of 3)
12243 Pamphlets and Brochures, 1964 (3 of 3)
12244 "Party Unity" (Congressional Quarterly), 1963
12245 Political Advertisements, 1964
12246 "Prime Mover Control", 1963
12247 "Public Opinion Index for Industry" (Lyndon Johnson Analysis), 1964
12248 "Report on Registration and Voting Participation", 1963
12249 Republican Fact Book Election Campaign, 1964
12250 Republican National Committee Material, 1964
12251 Republican National Convention Booklet, 1964
1231 Republican Congressional Committee Newsletter, 1964
1232 "Republican Rapier", 1963-1964
1233 Republican Women's Conference, 1964
1234 "A Rift Between Friends in the War of Ideas", Undated
1235 Rockwell Report: "Goods on Goldwater", 1962-1963
1236 Rockefeller, Nelson A., 1963-1964
1237 Scranton, William, 1963-1964
1238 Social Security, 1963-1964
1239 "Through the Looking Glass Darkly" (Americans for Democratic Action), 1964
12310 Various Political Publications (Announcements, Newsletters), 1963-1964
12311 "Why I'm Running" (Magazine of Young Americans for Freedom), 1964 March
12312 "Why Rockefeller Can't Win", 1963
12313 "Why We Are for Goldwater" (Chicago Tribune), 1964
12314 Youth for Goldwater – Club Chairman's Manual, 1964
Sub-Series E: Magazines
12315 The Bay Window, 1964 September
12316 Business Week, 1964 September 26
12317 Confidential, 1964 September
12318 Der Spiegel, 1964 July 29
12319 Freedom & Union, 1964 February
12320 Goldwater, 1964
12321 Grazia, 1964 October 11
12322 Human Events, 1964 January 25
12323 The Illustrated Weekly of India, 1964 August 9
12324 Life Story, 1964 (Comic Book)
12325 Life, 1964 October 23
12326 London Times, Sunday Magazine, 1964 August 8
12327 Magazine of Sigma Chi, 1964
12328 The National Observer, 1964
12329 National Review and National Review Bulletin, 1964
12330 The New Republic, 1964
12331 The New York Times, 1963 November 10, 24
12332 The New Yorker, Undated
12333 Newsbook, The National Observer, 1964
12334 Newsweek, 1963 May 20
12335 Newsweek, 1964 June 15-July 27
12336 The Observer, 1964 September 20
12337 Public Affairs, 1964 September
12338 Saturday Review, 1964 October 17
12339 SP Edicion Europa, 1964 August 1, November 15
12340 Time, 1964 March 6
12341 Time, 1964 June 12
12342 Time, 1964 June 14
12343 Time, 1964 July 10, 17
12344 Time, 1964 July 24, November
1241 USA Magazine, 1963 May 2
1242 U.S. News & World Report, 1962 November 19
1243 U.S. News & World Report, 1963 April
1244 U.S. News & World Report, 1963 May 20
1245 U.S. News & World Report, 1963 July 8, 13
1246 U.S. News & World Report, 1963 September 2
1247 U.S. News & World Report, 1963 October 7
1248 U.S. News & World Report, 1964 June 15, 22
1249 U.S. News & World Report, 1964 July 13, 20, 27
12410 U.S. News & World Report, 1964 August 3, 10, 17
12411 U.S. News & World Report, 1964 August 24, 31
12412 U.S. News & World Report, 1964 September 14, 16
12413 U.S. News & World Report, 1964 September 21, 28
12414 U.S. News & World Report, 1964 October 5, 19, 26
12415 U.S. News & World Report, 1964 November 2
12416 U.S. News & World Report, 1964 December 21
12417 Yale Political, 1964 Fall
125/OV1 Arizona Days & Ways, 1964 November 15
125/OV2 Life, 1963 July 12, November 1
125/OV3 Life, 1964 July 24
125/OV4 Life, 1964 August 17
125/OV5 Life, 1964 September 18
125/OV6 Look, 1963 October 8
125/OV7 Look, 1964 October 20
126/OV1 McCall's, 1964 November
126/OV2 Revue (München), 1964 August 2
126/OV3 Saturday Evening Post, 1963 August 24-31
126/OV4 Saturday Evening Post, 1964 August 8, 15
126/OV5 Saturday Evening Post, 1964 October 24
126/OV6 Show, 1964 March
126/OV7 Show Magazine of the Arts, 1964
126/OV8 Siempre-Presencia de México, 1964
Sub-Series F: Memorabilia
1271 Bumper Stickers, Print Material, 1964 (1 of 2)
1272 Bumper Stickers, Print Material, 1964 (2 of 2)
1273 "Go With Goldwater", "Barry Boy", "Goldwater", 1964 (Sheet Music)
9706 Placards, 1964
1275 Portrait, 1964
Sub-Series G: News Clippings
1276 Arizona Newspapers and State Politics, 1964 January-June
1277 Arizona Newspapers and State Politics, 1964 July 1-15
1278 Arizona Newspapers and State Politics, 1964 July 16-17
1279 Arizona Newspapers and State Politics, 1964 July 18-30
12710 Arizona Newspapers and State Politics, 1964 August
12711 Arizona Newspapers and State Politics, 1964 September 1-4
12712 Arizona Newspapers and State Politics, 1964 September 5-30
12713 Arizona Newspapers and State Politics, 1964 October 1-16
12714 Arizona Newspapers and State Politics, 1964 October 17-31
12715 Arizona Newspapers and State Politics, 1964 November
12716 Arizona Newspapers and State Politics, Undated
12717 Cartoons, 1963-1964
12718 Draft Goldwater, 1963
12719 Editorials, 1964-1965
12720 Evening American, 1963 December
12721 Evening American, 1964 January-February
12722 Evening American, 1964 March
12723 Evening American, 1964 April
12724 Evening American, 1964 May
12725 Evening American, 1964 June
12726 Evening American, 1964 July
12727 Evening American, 1964 November
12728 Family, 1962-1964
12729 Human Events, 1960-1964
12730 Maine Newspapers, 1964
12731 Mrs. Goldwater, 1964
12732 National Newspapers, 1963
12733 National Newspapers, 1964 January
1281 National Newspapers, 1964 February
1282 National Newspapers, 1964 March
1283 National Newspapers, 1964 April
1284 National Newspapers, 1964 May
1285 National Newspapers, 1964 June 1-13
1286 National Newspapers, 1964 June 14-30
1287 National Newspapers, 1964 July 1-8
1288 National Newspapers, 1964 July 9-12
1289 National Newspapers, 1964 July 13-15
12810 National Newspapers, 1964 July 16-17
12811 National Newspapers, 1964 July 18-22
12812 National Newspapers, 1964 July 23-31
12813 National Newspapers, 1964 August
12814 National Newspapers, 1964 September
12815 National Newspapers, 1964 October
12816 National Newspapers, 1964 November
12817 "Caricaturas e Information General Sobre Mr. Barry Goldwater", 1964
12818 "Publicidad (Editoriales) Sobre Mr. Barry Goldwater" (Spanish Language News Service), 1964
12819 Spain and Portugal, 1964 (1 of 2)
12820 Spain and Portugal, 1964 (2 of 2)
Sub-Series H: Newspaper Headlines and Front Pages
12821 Barron's National Business and Financial Weekly, 1964
12822 Chicago Tribune, 1964 June 10, July 16
12823 Convention News, 1964 July
12824 The Dallas Morning News, 1964 June 17
12825 Globe-Gazette Mason City, Iowa, 1964 September 24
12826 "The Independent Citizen", 1964 July
12827 The National Observer, 1964 June 29
12828 The New York Times, 1964 June 7-July 19
12829 New York Times Herald Tribune, 1964 July 1-16
12830 New York World Telegram, 1964 August 27
12831 News Call Bulletin, 1964 July 13-16
12832 "Newton Daily News" Newton, Iowa, 1964 October 14
12833 Oakland Tribune, 1964 July 14
1291 The San Diego Union, 1964 July 14-16
1292 San Francisco Chronicle, 1964 July 13
1293 San Francisco Chronicle, 1964 July 15-16
1294 San Francisco Chronicle, 1964 July 17
1295 San Francisco Examiner, 1964 July 13-15
1296 San Francisco Examiner, 1964 July 16
1297 San Francisco Examiner, 1964 July 17-18
1298 San Jose Mercury, 1964 July 17
1299 The State and Columbia Record Columbia, South Carolina, 1964 July 5
12910 The Washington Post , 1964 August 27
12911 Various from Arizona, 1964 July 16, September 3
12912 Various from New Hampshire, 1964 January-June
12913 Various from Pennsylvania, 1964 January-July
Sub-Series I: Peggy Goldwater Correspondence
12914 General Correspondence: A, 1964 August 15-October 27
12915 General Correspondence: Anonymous, 1964 August 11-Novmber 3
12916 General Correspondence: B, 1964 August 19-October 30
12917 General Correspondence: C, 1964 July 22-November 2
12918 General Correspondence: D, 1964 August 15-November 4
12919 General Correspondence: E, 1964 July 23-October 29
12920 General Correspondence: F, 1964 July 16-October 29
12921 General Correspondence: G, 1964 August 29-October 31
12922 General Correspondence: H, 1964 August 12-November 2
12923 General Correspondence: I, 1964 August 27
12924 General Correspondence: J, 1964 July 29-October 29
12925 General Correspondence: K, 1964 August 19-October 31
12926 General Correspondence: L, 1964 July 19-November 1
12927 General Correspondence: M, 1964 August 8-October 31
12928 General Correspondence: N, 1964 July 21-October 27
1301 General Correspondence: O, 1964 April 16-October 23
1302 General Correspondence: P, 1964 March 27-September 26
1303 General Correspondence: P, 1964 October 1-November 2
1304 General Correspondence: Q, 1964 September 8-October 27
1305 General Correspondence: R, 1964 April 3-September 29
1306 General Correspondence: R, 1964 October 2-31
1307 General Correspondence: S, 1964 July 3-29
1308 General Correspondence: S, 1964 August 1-September 23
1309 General Correspondence: S, 1964 September 24-October 10
13010 General Correspondence: S, 1964 October 11-25
13011 General Correspondence: S, 1964 October 26-November 1
13012 General Correspondence: T, 1964 July 1-October 7
13013 General Correspondence: T, 1964 October 8-31
13014 General Correspondence: U, 1964 July 18-October 23
13015 General Correspondence: V, 1964 August 19-November 1
13016 General Correspondence: W, 1964 March 27-August 31
13017 General Correspondence: W, 1964 September 3-29
13018 General Correspondence: W, 1964 October 1-21
13019 General Correspondence: W, 1964 October 22-31
13020 General Correspondence: XYZ, 1964 June 18-October 31
Sub-Series J: Photo Albums
1311 Album, 1964 (Loose Leaves; 1 of 6)
1312 Album, 1964 (Loose Leaves; 2 of 6)
1313 Album, 1964 (Loose Leaves; 3 of 6)
1314 Album, 1964 (Loose Leaves; 4 of 6)
1315 Album, 1964 (Loose Leaves; 5 of 6)
1316 Album, 1964 (Loose Leaves; 6 of 6)
1317 Album, 1964 (Bound)
1318 A Photographic History of the 1964 Republican Presidential Campaign of United States Senator Barry M. Goldwater, 1964 (Volume 1)
Gift of J. William Middendorf II.
1319 A Photographic History of the 1964 Republican Presidential Campaign of United States Senator Barry M. Goldwater, 1964 (Volume 2)
Gift of J. William Middendorf II.
13110 A Photographic History of the 1964 Republican Presidential Campaign of United States Senator Barry M. Goldwater, 1964 (Volume 3)
Gift of J. William Middendorf II.
1321 A Photographic History of the 1964 Republican Presidential Campaign of United States Senator Barry M. Goldwater, 1964 (Volume 4)
Gift of J. William Middendorf II.
1322 A Photographic History of the 1964 Republican Presidential Campaign of United States Senator Barry M. Goldwater, 1964 (Volume 5)
Gift of J. William Middendorf II.
1323 A Photographic History of the 1964 Republican Presidential Campaign of United States Senator Barry M. Goldwater, 1964 (Volume 6)
Gift of J. William Middendorf II.
1324 A Photographic History of the 1964 Republican Presidential Campaign of United States Senator Barry M. Goldwater, 1964 (Volume 7)
Gift of J. William Middendorf II.
1325 A Photographic History of the 1964 Republican Presidential Campaign of United States Senator Barry M. Goldwater, 1964 (Volume 8)
Gift of J. William Middendorf II.
1326 A Photographic History of the 1964 Republican Presidential Campaign of United States Senator Barry M. Goldwater, 1964 (Volume 9)
Gift of J. William Middendorf II.
1327 A Photographic History of the 1964 Republican Presidential Campaign of United States Senator Barry M. Goldwater, 1964 (Volume 10)
Gift of J. William Middendorf II.
Sub-Series K: Republican National Committee
1331 Campaign Headquarters, 1964
1332 Campaign Kit, 1964
1333 Nationalities Division, 1964
1334 News, 1964 July 4-31
1335 News, 1964 August 1-7
1336 News, 1964 August 8-31
1337 News, 1964 September 1-10
1338 News, 1964 September 11-19
1339 News, 1964 September 20-24
13310 News, 1964 September 25-30
13311 News, 1964 October 1-5
13312 News, 1964 October 6
13313 News, 1964 October 7-10
13314 News, 1964 October 11-13
13315 News, 1964 October 14-15
13316 News, 1964 October 16-17
13317 News, 1964 October 18-22
13318 News, 1964 October 21-22
13319 News, 1964 October 23-24
13320 News, 1964 October 25-27
13321 News, 1964 October 28-29
13322 News, 1964 October 30-31
13323 News, 1964 November
13325 News, 1965 January 22
13326 Party to People Forum (Proceedings), 1964
13327 Reports, 1964-1965
13328 Republican National Convention: Committee on Resolutions, Undated
1341 Republican National Convention: Committees, 1964 July 7
1342 Republican National Convention: First Ballot Tallies and Delegates, 1964 July 7-9
1343 Republican National Convention: Permanent Roll of Delegates and Alternate Delegates, 1964 July 13
1344 Republican National Convention: Platform Committee (Memos, Issues), 1964 April 7-May 28
1345 Republican National Convention: Platform Committee (Memos,Issues), 1964 June 3-July 12
1346 Republican National Convention: Platform Committee (Statements), 1964 July 7-9
1347 Republican National Convention: Platform Committee (The Laird Group; Platform Language; Drafts), Undated
1348 Republican National Convention: Proceedings, 1964
1349 Republican National Convention: San Francisco, 1964
Sub-Series L: Speeches
13410 Labor, 1961-1964
13411 Platform Proposals (Drafts, Notes, Correspondence), 1962-1964
13412 Background Material, 1962-1964
With commentary by speechwriter Karl Hess.
13413 Notre Dame University, 1962 February 6
13414 Key Pre-nomination Speeches, 1963 January-February
13415 Key Pre-nomination Speeches, 1963 March-July
13416 Key Pre-nomination Speeches, 1963 August-September
13417 Key Pre-nomination Speeches, 1963 October-December
13418 Civil Rights, 1963-1964
13419 Economics, 1963-1964
13420 Foreign Policy, 1963-1964
13421 Government, 1963-1964
13422 Politics, 1963-1964
13423 Positions, 1963-1964 (Notebook)
13424 Background Material, 1964
13425 "The Case for the Republicans in 1964", 1964
13426 Domestic Issues, 1964 (Notebook)
135 Tennessee Valley Authority, 1964
1351 Index Cards (Reference for Speeches), 1964
1352 Interviews, Statements, Remarks, 1964
1353 Issues (Positions), 1964 (1 of 2)
1354 Issues (Positions), 1964 (2 of 2)
1355 "It is Quite Apparent that Abraham Lincoln...", 1964
1356 "This Election Year...", 1964
1357 "This Election Year...", 1964
1358 Topics, 1964
1359 Announcement for Seeking Presidency, 1964 January 2
13510 "Meet the Press", 1964 January 5
13511 Press Conference Concord, New Hampshire, 1964 January 7
13512 Before the Economic Club of New York, 1964 January 15
13513 "The American Working Man and His Job" Nashua, New Hampshire, 1964 February 22
13514 Keene High School, Keene, New Hampshire, 1964 March 4
13515 Remarks Before a Legislators Breakfast, Sacramento, California, 1964 March 17
13516 Detroit Economic Club, 1964 March 25
13517 Remarks on Floor of Senate, 1964 March 26
13518 Hilton Hotel Portland, Oregon, 1964 April 6
13519 Youth for Goldwater Rally, International Amphitheater, Chicago, Illinois, 1964 April 10
13520 Excerpts from Remarks, Long Beach Sports Arena, Long Beach, California, 1964 April 15
13521 Stockton Civic Auditorium, Stockton, California, 1964 April 16
13522 American Society of Newspaper Editors, Washington, D.C., 1964 April 18
13523 Indianapolis, Indiana, 1964 April 20
13524 Hartford, Connecticut, 1964 April 23
13525 Keynote Speech before Republican Rally, Santa Clara, California, 1964 April 28
13526 American Petroleum Institute, Los Angeles, California, 1964 April 29
13527 Republican Rally, San Fernando, California, 1964 April 29
13528 Columbus, Georgia, 1964 May 1
13529 Keynote Speech, Georgia Republican State Convention, Atlanta, 1964 May 2
13530 United Republicans of California, Bakersfield, California, 1964 May 2
13531 Civic Auditorium, Omaha, Nebraska, 1964 May 11
13532 "Meet Barry Goldwater", 1964 May 13 (Television Program)
13533 National Goldwater Rally, Madison Square Garden, New York, New York, 1964 May 13
13534 Santa Rosa, California, 1964 May 16
13535 Young Republican Rally, Casino Ballroom, Catalina Island, California, 1964 May 16
13536 Ventura County High School, Ventura, California, 1964 May 17
13537 Town Hall Luncheon, Biltmore Bowl, Los Angeles, California, 1964 May 18
13538 "Issues and Answers", 1964 May 24 (Television Interview)
13539 Channel Club, Santa Barbara, California, 1964 May 28
13540 Orange County Rally, Knott's Berry Farm, 1964 May 30
13541 Commencement, Pennsylvania Military College, Chester, Pennsylvania, 1964 June 7
13542 Statler Hilton Hotel, Dallas, Texas, 1964 June 15
13543 Texas State Convention, Dallas, Texas, 1964 June 16
13544 Tucson, Arizona, 1964 June 25
13545 Before the Republican Platform Committee, San Francisco, California, 1964 July 10
13546 Nominating Speech by Everett Dirksen, 1964 July 15
13547 Republican National Convention: Seconding Speeches by Clare Booth Luce and Charles Halleck, 1964 July 15
13548 Acceptance Speech, Republican National Convention, San Francisco, California, 1964 July 16
13549 Remarks, 1964 July 24-October 29
Observations based on current events by speechwriter Karl Hess.
13550 National Association of Counties, Washington, D.C., 1964 August 10
13551 Republican Unity Conference, Hershey, Pennsylvania, 1964 August 12
13552 Illinois State Fair, Springfield, Illinois, 1964 August 19
13553 "Peace Through Strength, Private Property, Free Competition, Hard Work" From "Vital Speeches of the Day", Prescott, Arizona, 1964 September 3
13554 "At Home with Mrs. Goldwater", 1964 September 9
13555 Notes from Dodger Stadium, 1964 September 16
13556 "Court Criticism by an Arizonan" (Before the American Political Science Association), 1964 September 24
13557 UPI Editors and Publisher, Statler Hilton, Washington, D.C., 1964 October 6
13558 Second Stop, 1964 October 6
13559 "Progress Through Freedom", Phoenix, Arizona, 1964 October 8
13560 Sports Arena, Los Angeles, California, 1964 October 13
1361 Houston, Texas, 1964 October 15
1362 Chicago, Illinois, 1964 October 16
1363 Chicago, Illinois, 1964 October 16 (Pamphlet)
1364 "The Failure of Our Foreign Policy, Peaceful Co-Existence Does Not Mean Peace" from "Vital Speeches of the Day" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1964 October 21
1365 "The Free Society", 1964 October 22
1366 Excerpts, 1964 October 23
1367 "A Time for Choosing" by Ronald Reagan (Reprint from "Human Events") Los Angeles, California, 1964 October 27
1368 Bristol, Tennessee, 1964 October 27
1369 Auditorium, Cleveland, Ohio, 1964 October 27
13610 Introduction by Governor William Scranton, Civic Auditorium, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1964 October 29
13611 Auditorium, San Francisco, California, 1964 November 2
13612 Camelback Inn, Peace Pipe Room, Phoenix, Arizona, 1964 November 4
13613 Text of Telegram to President Johnson and Goldwater Statement on 1964 Election, 1964 November 4
13614 "Let's Pretend That Defeat Is Victory...", Undated
13615 "It Would Be A Lot Simpler...", Undated
13616 "When a Westerner...", Undated
13617 "This is a Can-Do Party...", Undated
13618 "I need your help...", Undated
13619 "The issue of national security...", Undated
13620 Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Undated
13621 Interviews (New Hampshire Primary), Undated
13622 "Tonight I want to talk to you...", Undated
13623 "A free and prosperous American agriculture", Undated
13624 "This Republican party of ours...", Undated
13625 "And I'm impressed with how clear...", Undated
13626 "We have been spelling out...", Undated
13627 "In Africa policies of confusion...", San Antonio, Texas, Undated
13628 "I say that 1964...", Undated
13629 "The Cold War does not stem...", Undated
13630 "The confusion began...", Undated
13631 "At the outset let me urge...", Undated
13632 Excerpts for California #5, Undated
13633 Governor Paul Fannin, Undated
13634 "The theme of our campaign is clear...", Undated
13635 Excerpts (North Carolina Republican State Convention), Undated
13636 "That is an issue...", Undated (Speech Fragment)
13637 TV Script Outline, Undated
13638 "What Does America Stand For?", Notre Dame University, Undated
13639 Cheyenne, Wyoming, Undated
13640 Proposal for Los Angeles, Undated
13641 "Throughout this campaign my opponent...", Undated
13642 "This must be the year of a new crusade...", Undated
13643 "Some people say...", Undated
13644 "I can't help wondering, sometime...", Undated
13645 Fragments, Undated
13646 "I am a hobbyist...", Undated
13647 "I want to talk about peace...", Dallas, Texas, Undated
13648 "I have read in the Wall Street Journal ...", Undated
13649 "My fellow Americans, we have come to the final days of this campaign...", Undated
13650 Barry Goldwater Campaign Speeches, 1964 (Volume 1)
13651 Barry Goldwater Campaign Speeches, 1964 (Volume 2)
13652 Barry Goldwater Campaign Speeches, 1964 (Volume 3)
Sub-Series M: States
1371 State Chairman's Manual, 1964
1372 State County Outline Maps, 1964
1373 State Profiles A-M, 1964 (1 of 2)
1374 State Profiles N-W, 1964 (2 of 2)
1375 State by State Analysis (Newspapers, Polls), 1964 October 19
1376 State Southern Region (Manual), 1964
1377 Alabama: Notebook, 1964
1378 Alabama: "In House" Files, 1964 February-July
1379 Alaska: Notebook, 1964
13710 Alaska: "In House" Files, 1964 April-June
13711 Arkansas: Notebook, 1964
13712 Arkansas: "In House" Files, 1963 December-1964 July
13713 Arizona: Notebook, 1964
13714 Arizona: "In House" Files, 1963-1964
13715 Arizona: Advertising Companies, 1963-1964
13716 Arizona: Delegates and Alternates to Republican National Convention, 1964
13717 Arizona: Nomination Papers for Primary Election, 1964
13718 Arizona: Poll Challenging, 1962
13719 Arizona: Republican County Chairman and Precinct Analysis, 1963-1964
13720 Arizona: Republican State Committee (Brown, Keith, Chairman), 1964
13721 Arizona: Republican State Convention, 1963
13722 Arizona: Apache County, Blunk, Barley, 1963-1964
13723 Arizona: Apache County, Platt, Harvey, 1964
13724 Arizona: Apache County, Statistical Activities, 1964
13725 Arizona: Cochise County, Haymore, Clavell, 1963-1964
13726 Arizona: Cochise County, Smitherman, Bill, 1964
13727 Arizona: Cochise County Statistical Activities, 1964
13728 Arizona: Coconino County Statistical Activities, 1963-1964
13729 Arizona: Coconino County, Stoops, Daniel J., 1963-1964
13730 Arizona: Coconino County, West, Barbara, 1964
13731 Arizona: Gila County, Drees, Jane, 1963-1964
13732 Arizona: Gila County, Horrell, Louis, 1964
13733 Arizona: Gila County Statistical Activities, 1964
13734 Arizona: Graham County, Claridge, Zola, 1963-1964
13735 Arizona: Graham County Statistical Activities, 1963-1964
13736 Arizona: Greenlee County, Griffith, William A., 1963-1964
13737 Arizona: Greenlee County, LaMaster, Hugh, 1964
13738 Arizona: Greenlee County Statistical Activities, 1964
13739 Arizona: Maricopa County Precinct Analysis, 1958-1962
13740 Arizona: Maricopa County, Staggs, Ralph E., 1963-1964
13741 Arizona: Maricopa County Statistical Activities, 1962
13742 Arizona: Maricopa County Statistical Activities, 1963-1964
13743 Arizona: Maricopa County Statistical Activities, 1964
13744 Arizona: Mohave County, Black, Leo, 1963
13745 Arizona: Mohave County, Ely, Helen, 1964
13746 Arizona: Mohave County Statistical Activities, 1963-1964
13747 Arizona: Navajo County, Bourdon, Bill, 1964
13748 Arizona: Navajo County, Patterson, Everett, J., 1963-1964
13749 Arizona: Navajo County Statistical Activities, 1963-1964
13750 Arizona: Pima County, Leonard, John, 1963-1964
13751 Arizona: Pima County, Speiden, Jack, 1964
13752 Arizona: Pima County Statistical Activities, 1962-1964
1381 Arizona: Pinal County, Chilton, T. G., 1963-1964
1382 Arizona: Pinal County Statistical Activities, 1964
1383 Arizona: Santa Cruz County, Moore, Margo (and Others), 1963-1964
1384 Arizona: Santa Cruz County Statistical Activities, 1963-1964
1385 Arizona: Yavapai County, Smith, Dick (and Others), 1963-1964
1386 Arizona: Yavapai County Statistical Activities, 1964
1387 Arizona: Yuma County, Ayers, Robert N., 1963-1964
1388 Arizona: Yuma County Statistical Activities, 1964
1389 Arizona Tracking Survey #1, 1964 October 3-8 (1 of 2)
13810 Arizona Tracking Survey #1, 1964 October 3-8 (2 of 2)
13811 Arizona Tracking Survey #1: Additional Analysis, 1964 October 13
13812 Arizona Tracking Survey #2: Additional Analysis, 1964 October 15-19
13813 California: Notebook, 1964 (1 of 4)
13814 California: Notebook (Delegates), 1964 (2 of 4)
13815 California: Notebook (Delegates), 1964 (3 of 4)
13816 California: Notebook (Special Reports), 1964 (4 of 4)
13817 California: "In House" Files (Correspondence, News Clippings), 1963 May-1964 August (1 of 3)
13818 California: "In House" Files (Goldwater Delegate Questionnaires), 1964 (2 of 3)
13819 California: "In House" Files (Delegates), 1964 (3 of 3)
13820 Colorado: Notebook, 1964
13821 Colorado: "In House" Files, 1964 April-June
13822 Connecticut: Notebook, 1964
13823 Connecticut: "In House" Files, 1964 June-July
13824 Delaware: Notebook, 1964
13825 Delaware: "In House" Files, June 1964
13826 District of Columbia: Notebook, 1964
13827 District of Columbia: "In House" Files, 1964 April-May
13828 Florida: Notebook, 1964 (1 of 2)
13829 Florida: Notebook, 1964 (2 of 2)
1391 Florida: "In House" Files (Correspondence), 1963 April-1964 June (1 of 3)
1392 Florida: "In House" Files (Delegates), 1964 (2 of 3)
1393 Florida: "In House" Files (News Clippings), 1964 (3 of 3)
1394 Georgia: Notebook, 1964
1395 Georgia: "In House" Files, 1964 March-July
1396 Hawaii: Notebook, 1964
1397 Hawaii: "In House" Files, June 1964
1398 Idaho: Notebook, 1964
1399 Idaho: "In House" Files, 1960 June-1964
13910 Illinois: Notebook, 1964 (1 of 3)
13911 Illinois: Notebook, 1964 (2 of 3)
13912 Illinois: Notebook, 1964 (3 of 3)
13913 Illinois: "In House" Files (Correspondence), 1960-1964 (1 of 4)
13914 Illinois: "In House" Files (Delegates), 1964 (2 of 4)
13915 Illinois: "In House" Files (Delegates), 1964 (3 of 4)
13916 Illinois: "In House" Files (News Clippings), 1964 (4 of 4)
13917 Indiana: Richard Thompson Files, 1964
13918 Indiana: "In House" Files, 1964
13919 Iowa: Notebook, 1964
13920 Iowa: "In House" Files, 1963-1964
13921 Kansas: Notebook, 1964
1401 Kansas: "In House" Files, 1963 July-1964 June
1402 Kentucky: Notebook, 1964
1403 Kentucky: "In House" Files, 1962-1964
1404 Louisiana: Notebook, 1964
1405 Louisiana: "In House" Files, 1964 April-July
1406 Maine: Notebook, 1964
1407 Maine: "In House" Files, 1964 April-June
1408 Maryland: Notebook, 1964
1409 Maryland: "In House" Files, 1960-1964
14010 Massachusetts: Notebook, 1964
14011 Massachusetts: "In House" Files, 1964 January-June
14012 Michigan: Notebook, 1964 (1 of 2)
14013 Michigan: Notebook, 1964 (2 of 2)
14014 Michigan: "In House" Files, 1963-1964 (1 of 3)
14015 Michigan: "In House" Files (Delegates, News Clippings), 1964 (2 of 3)
14016 Michigan: "In House" Files (Correspondence), 1964 February-August (3 of 3)
14017 Minnesota: Notebook, 1964
14018 Minnesota: "In House" Files, 1964
14019 Mississippi: Notebook, 1964
14020 Mississippi: "In House" Files, 1964
14021 Missouri: Notebook, 1964
14022 Missouri: "In House" Files, 1960-1964
14023 Montana: Notebook, 1964
14024 Montana: "In House" Files, 1964
14025 Nebraska: Notebook, 1964 (1 of 2)
1411 Nebraska: Notebook, 1959-1964 (2 of 2)
1412 Nebraska: "In House" Files, 1964 (1 of 2)
1413 Nebraska: "In House" Files (Delegates and Analysis), 1964 (2 of 2)
1414 Nevada: Notebook, 1964
1415 Nevada: "In House" Files, 1963-1964
1416 New Hampshire: Notebook, 1964 (1 of 2)
1417 New Hampshire: Notebook, 1964 (2 of 2)
1418 New Hampshire: "In House" Files, 1964
1419 New Jersey: Notebook, 1964 (1 of 2)
14110 New Jersey: Notebook, 1964 (2 of 2)
14111 New Jersey: "In House" Files, 1963-1964
14112 New Mexico: Notebook, 1964
14113 New Mexico: "In House" Files, 1963-1964
14114 New York: Notebook, 1964 (1 of 3)
14115 New York: Notebook, 1964 (2 of 3)
14116 New York: Notebook, 1964 (3 of 3)
14117 New York: "In House" Files (Correspondence), 1964 (1 of 2)
14118 New York: "In House" Files, 1964 (2 of 2)
14119 North Carolina: Notebook, 1964
14120 North Carolina: "In House" Files, 1964
14121 North Dakota: Notebook, 1964
14122 North Dakota: "In House" Files, 1960-1964
14123 Ohio: Notebook, 1964 (1 of 3)
14124 Ohio: Notebook, 1964 (2 of 3)
14125 Ohio: Notebook, 1964 (3 of 3)
1421 Ohio: "In House" Files (Correspondence), 1963 January-1964 August (1 of 2)
1422 Ohio: "In House" Files (Delegates, News Clippings), 1964 (2 of 2)
1423 Oklahoma: Notebook, 1964
1424 Oklahoma: "In House" Files, May 1959-June 1964
1425 Oregon: Notebook, 1964 (1 of 2)
1426 Oregon: Notebook, 1964 (2 of 2)
1427 Oregon: "In House" Files, 1960-1964
1428 Pennsylvania: Notebook, 1964 (1 of 3)
1429 Pennsylvania: Notebook, 1964 (2 of 3)
14210 Pennsylvania: Notebook, 1964 (3 of 3)
14211 Pennsylvania: "In House" Files (Correspondence), 1963-1964 (1 of 5)
See also Personal Correspondence: Humes, Theodore.
14212 Pennsylvania: "In House" Files (Thank You Letters), 1964 (2 of 5)
14213 Pennsylvania: "In House" Files (Delegates and Analysis), 1964 (3 of 5)
14214 Pennsylvania: "In House" Files (Delegates and Analysis), 1964 (4 of 5)
14215 Pennsylvania: "In House" Files (News Clippings), 1964-1965 (5 of 5)
14216 Puerto Rico: Notebook, 1964
14217 Puerto Rico: "In House" Files, 1964
14218 Rhode Island: Notebook, 1964
14219 Rhode Island: "In House" Files, 1960 March-1964 May
14220 South Carolina: Notebook, 1964
14221 South Carolina: "In House" Files, 1963-1964
14222 South Dakota: Notebook, 1964
14223 South Dakota: "In House" Files, 1964 March-August
14224 Tennessee: Notebook, 1964
1431 Tennessee: "In House" Files, 1963-1964
1432 Texas: Notebook, 1964 (1 of 2)
1433 Texas: Notebook, 1964 (2 of 2)
1434 Texas: "In House" Files, 1964 June
1435 Utah: Notebook, 1964
1436 Utah: "In House" Files, 1964 June-July
1437 Vermont: Notebook, 1964
1438 Vermont: "In House" Files, 1964 January-June
1439 Virgin Islands: Notebook, 1964
14310 Virgin Islands: "In House" Files, 1964 June
14311 Virginia: Notebook, 1964
14312 Virginia: "In House" Files, 1963 August-1964 June
14313 Washington Notebook, 1964
14314 Washington: "In House" Files, 1963-1964
14315 West Virginia: Notebook, 1964 (1 of 2)
14316 West Virginia: Notebook, 1964 (2 of 2)
14317 West Virginia: "In House" Files, 1963 December-1964 August (1 of 2)
14318 West Virginia: "In House" Files, 1964 (2 of 2)
14319 Wisconsin: Notebook, 1964 (1 of 2)
14320 Wisconsin: Notebook, 1964 (2 of 2)
14321 Wisconsin: "In House" Files, 1963-1964
14322 Wyoming: Notebook, 1964
14323 Wyoming: "In House" Files, 1963-1964
Series III: Legislative
Scope and Content Note
This series represents records aggregated from many sections of the collection in order to build legislative materials into a coherent whole. The goal was to create a Legislative Series with records typically found therein. Approximately 70% of all legislative files were not found in their original folders resulting in many orphan documents, mislabeled documents, and widely variable date ranges. Over the years, many bill and committee-related documents had been removed and placed in the AHF Ephemera Collection. While every effort was made to reunite files within the collection, it was impractical to integrate all the legislative documents previously catalogued as ephemera.
1953-1964: Goldwater's office embraced microfilming early on. These efforts appear largely limited to constituent correspondence. After microfilming each Congress (83rd-89th), most print material was destroyed. What remains is fragmentary resulting in significant gaps. Virtually no gray literature (i.e., reports, white papers, studies) remains from this time period. Committee work (memos, background material, mark-ups, analyses, notes) is also limited and can be found under the sub-series Legislative Fragments. Some colleague and VIP correspondence can also be found on microfilm. See Series VI: Media-Microfilm. Many microfilm reels were in poor condition and required restoration. All microfilm has been digitized to searchable compact discs available in the reading room. Overall, the quantity and quality of records differ significantly from Goldwater's first two terms (1953-1964) and his last three terms (1969-1986).
1969-1986: Microfilming continued until 1983. Most of the print material survives from Goldwater's last three terms. While these records are more intact than the previous two terms, few were found in original folders. It was assumed that the labels on this re-foldered material represented the originals. The folder titles in the container lists largely reflect those labels. Bill files vary widely but the following topics are exceptionally rich: The Grand Canyon National Park; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Voluntary Military Service; Military Reorganization; Defense; Aviation; Central Arizona Project; the Colorado River; Navajo-Hopi Relocation; Taiwan; Panama; Radio and Telecommunications; and Energy.
Colleague Correspondence: This material presented a significant challenge because it was dispersed throughout the collection. Most colleague correspondence was found within constituent letters labeled "Miscellaneous A-Z." Where feasible, colleague correspondence (much of it personal in nature) was identified, removed from the miscellaneous/constituent correspondence and aggregated by congressional session. (Note that some colleague correspondence remains embedded in Series IV: Constituent-Issue Mail. Those folders are marked accordingly.) Colleague Correspondence appears alphabetically before the various Senate Committees. The volume of correspondence determined what was placed in individual folders versus A-Z designations. Colleague correspondence found within committee files was left in situ. Note that some colleague correspondence selected by Senator Goldwater is also found in Series I: Personal-Alpha Files.
Committees: Committee assignments from 1953 to 1964 included: Banking and Currency, Labor and Public Welfare, Interior and Insular Affairs, Joint Committee on the Economic Report, Joint Committee on Navajo-Hopi Administration, and Armed Services.
Committee assignments from 1969 to 1986 included: Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Armed Services, Select Committee to Study Government Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, Select Committee on Intelligence, Commerce, Science and Technology, Select Committee on Indian Affairs, and Small Business. Source: Congressional Directory 83rd-99th Congress.
This series is arranged in seven sub-series, by Congress, then alphabetically and chronologically within. Some of this material was found in notebooks and is presented as found. There are significant gaps throughout.
Bills Sponsored and Co-Sponsored – bill files range from single prints to folders with correspondence and background material; for more substantive bill files see Committees.
Congressional Records Excerpts - statements, speeches, remarks, debates, and colloquia captured in the Congressional Record.
Voting Records – reports compiled by the Secretary of the Majority summarizing yeas, nays, and the arguments for and against; also includes voting records generated by Goldwater's office staff.
Record Vote Analysis – reports largely compiled by the Secretary for the Minority, Republican Conference, and the Senate Republican Policy Committee summarizing yeas, nays, and the arguments for and against.
Legislative Activities – reports largely compiled by the Sergeant of Arms and the Committee on Rules and Administration for each Senator; may include statistics generated by Goldwater's office staff.
Legislative Fragments (83rd-90th Congress) as described above.
Colleague Correspondence and Committees (91st-99th Congress) as described above.
Sub-Series A: Bills Sponsored and Co-Sponsored
1441 83rd Congress, 1952
1442 83rd Congress, 1953-1954
1443 84th Congress, 1955
1444 84th Congress, 1956
1445 85th Congress, 1957 (1 of 2)
1446 85th Congress, 1957 (2 of 2)
1447 85th Congress, 1958
1448 86th Congress, 1959 (1 of 2)
1449 86th Congress, 1959 (2 of 2)
14410 86th Congress, 1960
14411 87th Congress, 1961
14412 87th Congress, 1962
14413 88th Congress, 1963 (1 of 2)
14414 88th Congress, 1963 (2 of 2)
14415 88th Congress, 1964
14416 91st Congress: Active 20-30 Week SJ Res 10, 1969
14417 91st Congress: Additional Judges for Arizona S 585, S 952, 1969
1451 91st Congress: Adoption of Korean Orphans, 1970
1452 91st Congress: Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act HR 2777, S 1181, 1969-1971
1453 91st Congress: Alcoholism Care and Control Act S 1977, 1968-1969 (1 of 2)
1454 91st Congress: Alcoholism Care and Control Act S 1977, 1969-1970 (2 of 2)
1455 91st Congress: Alcoholism Program S 3825, 1970
1456 91st Congress: Amend Clean Air Act S 3466, 1970-1971
1457 91st Congress: Amend Communication Act, Hearings S 2004, 1969
1458 91st Congress: Amend Communication Act of 1934 S 2004, 1969-1970
1459 91st Congress: Amend Communication Act of 1934 S 1466, SJ Res 27, 1969-1970
14510 91st Congress: Amend Gun Control Act S 3417, 1970
14511 91st Congress: Amend Internal Revenue Code S 2979, S 3252, 1969
14512 91st Congress: Amendment to Housing Act S 2864, 1969
14513 91st Congress: Amendment to National Aeronautic and Space Administration HR 11271, 1969
14514 91st Congress: American Prisoners of War Ceremonies S Res 475, 1970
14515 91st Congress: Ammunition and Gun Control S 845, 1968-1970
14516 91st Congress: Antelope Creek Land to Navajo Indians S 2119, 1969
14517 91st Congress: Arizona Enabling Act, 1969
14518 91st Congress: Arizona Game and Fish S 27, 1969
14519 91st Congress: Assist in Purchase of Mobile Homes in Rural Areas S 3624, 1970
14520 91st Congress: Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act S 3598, 1970
14521 91st Congress: Carl Hayden Bust in Senate S Res 67, 1967-1975
14522 91st Congress: Catholic War Veterans S 2790, 1969
14523 91st Congress: Certain Aliens May Operate Amateur Radio Stations and Hold Licenses SJ Res 27, 1969
14524 91st Congress: Change Glen Canyon Dam to Dwight D. Eisenhower Dam S 1613, 1969
14525 91st Congress: Colorado River Relicted Land Claims HR 10256, 1968-1970
14526 91st Congress: Commission on Air Control S 1070, 1969-1971
14527 91st Congress: Commission on Anti-Trust Laws S 1478, 1969
14528 91st Congress: Conference on Population Growth and Family Planning S 2636, 1969-1970
14529 91st Congress: Congressional Record Index, 1969-1970
14530 91st Congress: Criminal Justice Act S 1461, 1969-1970
14531 91st Congress: Criminal Justice Act, Hearings S 1461, 1969
14532 91st Congress: D for Decency Week SJ Res 192, 1970
14533 91st Congress: Day of Bread SJ Res 125SJ Res 218, 1970-1971
14534 91st Congress: Develop Fresh Water From Geothermal Resources S Con Res 29, S 368, 1966-1971 (1 of 2)
14535 91st Congress: Develop Fresh Water From Geothermal Resources, 1972 (2 of 2)
14536 91st Congress: Direct Popular Election of President and Vice-President SJ Res 1, 1969
14537 91st Congress: District of Columbia Narcotics Control Law S 3071, 1969
14538 91st Congress: Domestic Applications on Defense Research, HR 17123, 1970
14539 91st Congress: Earhart-Merriam SJ Res 81, 1968-1969
14540 91st Congress: Education Loan Guarantee S 2721, HR 13194, 1969
14541 91st Congress: Eisenhower Silver Dollar, S 2582, SJ Res 158, 1969-1971
14542 91st Congress: Election of President and Vice President, SJ Res 12, 1969
14543 91st Congress: Election of President and Vice President, SJ Res 12, 1970-1971
1461 91st Congress: Elementary and Secondary Education Act, HR 514, 1969-1970
1462 91st Congress: Equal Rights for Women HJ Res 264, SJ Res 61, 1969-1971
1463 91st Congress: Expand Use of Model Cities Program S Con Res 4, 1971
1464 91st Congress: Families of Prisoners of War S 3785, 1970
1465 91st Congress: Farm Program HR 9009, S 2524, 1969-1970
1466 91st Congress: Federal Courthouse Building in Chicago ... Dirksen Building East S 3253, 1970
1467 91st Congress: Federal Payments to States for Social Security Aid to Indians S 2265, 1969-1971
1468 91st Congress: Federal Water Pollution Control Act S 3470-3472, 1970
1469 91st Congress: Fish and Wildlife Territorial Boundaries S 1232, S 1401 S 3212, 1968-1970
14610 91st Congress: Foreign Military Sales HR 15628, 1970
14611 91st Congress: Four Corners Scenic Parkway S 1449, 1969
14612 91st Congress: Golden Eagle Passport Program S 2315, 1967-1970
14613 91st Congress: Grazing Permits on Organ Pipe Cactus. National Monument S 3837, 1969-1971
14614 91st Congress: Health Hazards of Pollution Act S 3316, 1970
14615 91st Congress: Higher Education Act to Assist College for Indians S 3267, 1969-970
14616 91st Congress: Historical and Archaeological Data S 2893, 1958-1970
14617 91st Congress: Honor Captain Robert M. Wilbur and Co-Pilot James E. Hartley S Res 375, 1970
14618 91st Congress: Hopi Industrial Park S 1107 HR 486, 1968-1970
14619 91st Congress: Improvement of Water Yield S 1374, 1969-1970
14620 91st Congress: Inter-Agency Committee on Mexican-American Affairs S 740, 1969-1970 (1 of 2)
14621 91st Congress: Inter-Agency Committee on Mexican-American Affairs S 740, 1969-1970 (2 of 2)
14622 91st Congress: John F. Kennedy Center Act HR 11249, 1969
14623 91st Congress: John Wesley Powell Centennial Year SJ Res 22, 1969
14624 91st Congress: Juvenile Delinquency Prevention and Control S 1230, 1969
14625 91st Congress: Labor and Public Welfare Study Research S Res 376, 1970
14626 91st Congress: Land and Water Conservation Fund Act, S 3467S 3598, 1970
14627 91st Congress: Law Officers Appreciation Week SJ Res 225, 1970
14628 91st Congress: Legal and Equitable Defense for Land Claims S 3292, 1969-1970
14629 91st Congress: Legislative Status Report, 1969-1970
14630 91st Congress: Lowering Voting Age S 3560, HR 4249, 1967-1970
14631 91st Congress: Medicredit Care Bill S 987, S 2705, S 4381, 1969-1973
14632 91st Congress: Mexican-U.S. Commission for Border Development and Friendship S 3038, 1968-1969
14633 91st Congress: Mexican-U.S. Commission for Border Development and Friendship S 3777, 1968-1971
14634 91st Congress: Military Retirement Pay S 364S 377S 401, 1963-1971
14635 91st Congress: Multistate Tax Compact S 2804, 1968-1970
14636 91st Congress: Multistate Tax Compact Act S 611, S 1198, 1969
14637 91st Congress: National Archery Week SJ Res 85, 1969
14638 91st Congress: National Foundation on Arts and Humanities S 3215, S 3238, 1965-1971
14639 91st Congress: National Foundation on Arts and Humanities S 3238, 1968-1971
14640 91st Congress: Neighborhood Health Center Act S 2037, 1969-1970
14641 91st Congress: Newspaper Preservation Act S 1520, 1969-1970
1471 91st Congress: Norris-La Guardia Act S 1482, 1967-1969
1472 91st Congress: Obscene Mail (Background) S 3623, 1963-1969 (1 of 3)
1473 91st Congress: Obscene Mail S 2073, S 3220, S 3623, 1969-1970 (2 of 3)
1474 91st Congress: Obscene Mail (Correspondence)S 3623, 1969-1971 (3 of 3)
1475 91st Congress: Obscene Materials Through Mail S 1706, 1969-1970
1476 91st Congress: Older Americans Act S 2120, 1969
1477 91st Congress: Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets S 1229, S 3541, 1969-1971
1478 91st Congress: Penalties for Illegal Fishing in Fishery Zone S 3492, 1970
1479 91st Congress: Pop Warner Little Scholars, Inc. S 2561, 1969
14710 91st Congress: Postal Service S 492, 1970
14711 91st Congress: Prayer in Public Schools SJ Res 6, 1969
14712 91st Congress: Prescott College S 2448, 1969
14713 91st Congress: Presidential Elections To 24-Hour Uniform, 1969
14714 91st Congress: Prohibit Use of Interstate Facilities and Mails for Transportation of Material to Minors S 2073, 1969
14715 91st Congress: Protecting Privacy Rights of Federal Employees S 782, 1969
14716 91st Congress: Provide for Strike Ballots S 817, 1969
14717 91st Congress: Randolph-Sheppard Act S 2461, 1969-1970
14718 91st Congress: Relief of Batista Pachengo S 1796, 1969
14719 91st Congress: Relief of Certain Individuals S 605, S 3977, 1968-1969
14720 91st Congress: Relief of Consuela Hagler S 2478, S 3767, 1969-1972
14721 91st Congress: Relief of Irene Sullivan S 1785, 1966-1971
14722 91st Congress: Relief of James Henry Martin S 1786, 1969-1970
14723 91st Congress: Relief of Luz Tanjuaguio S 695, 1969-1970
14724 91st Congress: Relief of Mrs. Rufus Griffin S 3383, 1967-1970
14725 91st Congress: Relief of Theodore P. Crowley S 2477, 1968-1969
14726 91st Congress: Remove Unfair Labor Practice from NLRB to Federal District Courts S 1320, S 3671, 1970-1971
14727 91st Congress: Repeal Ammunition Registration S 2718, 1969
14728 91st Congress: Rough Rock Demonstration School S 2451, 1969-1971
14729 91st Congress: Rural Electrification Act S 2202, 1969-1970
14730 91st Congress: Schools for Indian Children S 930, S 2451, 1969-1970
14731 91st Congress: Secondary Boycotts in Construction Industry S 2071, 1967-1969
14732 91st Congress: Solid Waste Disposal Act S 3469, 1970
14733 91st Congress: Survivor Annuity Program S 4015, 1970-1971
14734 91st Congress: Survivor Benefits for All Military S 4428, 1969-1971
14735 91st Congress: U.S.S Utah Memorial Flagpole S 583, 1969
14736 91st Congress: Various Senate Resolutions, 1969-1970
14737 91st Congress: Village Site for Payson Bond of Yavapai-Apache Indians S 696, 1968-1971
14738 91st Congress: Voluntary Prayer in Public Schools SJ Res 6, SJ Res 192, 1970
1481 91st Congress: Vote for President and Vice President without Excessive Residence ... Requirements SJ Res 59, 1969
1482 91st Congress: Vote for President and Vice President without Excessive Residence ... Requirements SJ Res 59, HR 4249, 1970
1483 91st Congress: Waste Treatment Facilities, 1970
1484 92nd Congress: Absentee Voters SJ Res 59, 1972
1485 92nd Congress: Absentee Voting in Federal Elections S 2102, S 2384, 1973-1976
1486 92nd Congress: Abolish Interstate Commerce Commission S 649, 1971-1975
1487 92nd Congress: Abolish Seniority System S Res 17, 1971
1488 92nd Congress: Additional Pay for Permanent Professors at Academies S 3188, 1972
1489 92nd Congress: Airport and Airways Act S 323, 1969-1971
14810 92nd Congress: Amend Communications Act S 485, HR 9261, 1970-1971
14811 92nd Congress: Amend Economic Stabilization Act S 2891, 1971
14812 92nd Congress: Amend Federal Water Pollution Control Act, S 1012S 1013S 1014S 1015, 1971
14813 92nd Congress: Amend Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets, S 3137, 1972
14814 92nd Congress: Amend Public Health Service Act to Conquer Cancer S 1828, 1971
14815 92nd Congress: Amend Strategic Materials Stockpiling S 3860, 1972
14816 92nd Congress: Amendment to Constitution for Balanced Budget SJ Res 129, 1971
14817 92nd Congress: Amendment to Constitution, Election of the President and Vice President SJ Res 147, 1971
14818 92nd Congress: Amendment to Gun Control Act S 2507, 1972
14819 92nd Congress: Appreciate American Day SJ Res 154, 1971-1972
14820 92nd Congress: Carl Hayden Bust S Res 234, 1969-1975
14821 92nd Congress: Canon Amendment for NASA Appropriations, HR 14070, 1972
14822 92nd Congress: Condemn Invasion of South Vietnam by North Vietnam and Supporting the U.S. S Res 294, S 3526, 1972
14823 92nd Congress: Day of Prayer and Support for Peace S Con Res 57, 1972
14824 92nd Congress: Degree of Master of Military Art and Science S 1105, S 3148, 1969-1971
14825 92nd Congress: Disability Insurance Benefits for the Blind S 1335, 1971
14826 92nd Congress: El Paso Natural Gas Company Merger S 2404, 1971
14827 92nd Congress: Establish Hohokam Pima National Monument ... Snaketown Archeological Site S 899S 1927, 1968-1972
14828 92nd Congress: Equal Employment Opportunities S 2515, 1971
14829 92nd Congress: Exempt Agricultural Attaches from Personnel Cut, S 3526, 1972
14830 92nd Congress: Exempt Small Businesses from Occupational Health and Safety HJ Res 1278, 1972
14831 92nd Congress: Exempt Taxation from Chapter House and Land Owned by the Daughters of the American Revolution S 1374, 1971
14832 92nd Congress: Exemption of Income Tax for Prisoners of War S 2945, 1971
14833 92nd Congress: Family Physician Scholarship and Fellow Program S 790, 1971
14834 92nd Congress: Federal Employees Freedom Act S 1561, 1971
14835 92nd Congress: Foreign Aid Bill S 3390, 1972
14836 92nd Congress: Food Stamp Act S 781, 1972
14837 92nd Congress: Foreign Currency to Fund Peace Corps S Con Res 66, 1972
14838 92nd Congress: Geothermal Resources, 1970-1974
14839 92nd Congress: Grants to Eisenhower College S 2987, 1971-1973
14840 92nd Congress: Harry S. Truman Birthday S Res 292, 1972
14841 92nd Congress: Health Maintenance Organizations S 3327, 1972-1973
14842 92nd Congress: Herbert Hoover Memorial SJ Res 142, 1971
14843 92nd Congress: Hells Canyon – Snake River S 717, 1971
14844 92nd Congress: High Speed Transportation S 4023, 1972
14845 92nd Congress: Historical Structures Tax Act S 667, S 2347, 1973-1976
14846 92nd Congress: Importation of Strategic Materials (Rhodesian Trade) S 1404, 1971-1973
14847 92nd Congress: Incorporate Junior Achievement S 2529, 1971
14848 92nd Congress: Indian Claims S 3377, 1972
14849 92nd Congress: International Eye Foundation HR 17867, 1970-1972
14850 92nd Congress: Interstate Environment Compact S 907, 1971
14851 92nd Congress: Juarez Circle S 2230, 1971
14852 92nd Congress: Labor Freedom of Speech Act S 1844, 1971-1972
14853 92nd Congress: Labor Legislation S 2368, S 2369, S 2370, 1971
14854 92nd Congress: Legislative Action Report, 1971-1972
14855 92nd Congress: Limits on Expenditures and Net Lending S 3123, 1972
14856 92nd Congress: Lincoln Home National Historic Site S 489, 1971
14857 92nd Congress: Little Colorado River Project for Holbrook, Arizona S 3552, 1972
14858 92nd Congress: Lowering Voting Age in State and Federal Elections S 3560 SJ Res 7, 1970-1972
14859 92nd Congress: Military Medical College S 853, 1970-1973
14860 92nd Congress: Military Pay Boost and Armed Aircraft HR 8687, 1971
14861 92nd Congress: Mission and Safety of Apollo 13 Astronauts S Res 388, 1970
14862 92nd Congress: National Amateur Radio Week SJ Res 197, 1970-1975
14863 92nd Congress: National Amateur Sports Foundation S 4038, 1972
14864 92nd Congress: National Commission on Prison Reform S 2939, 1971-1972
14865 92nd Congress: National Information and Resource Center for Handicapped S 41, 1971
14866 92nd Congress: National Law Officers Appreciation Day and Law Day SJ Res 135, SJ Res 169, SJ Res 228, 1971
14867 92nd Congress: Navajo Community College S 2250, 1971
14868 92nd Congress: No Interest on Erroneous IRS Refund S 3152, 1972
14869 92nd Congress: Noise Abatement – Aviation Safety HR 15093, 1972
14870 92nd Congress: Organ Pipe Cactus. National Monument S 2326, 1971-1972
1491 92nd Congress: Pay for Lawyers in Judge Advocate General Corps, S 704S 2674, 1969-1971
1492 92nd Congress: Permanent Transportation Strike Law S 3232, 1972
1493 92nd Congress: Prayer in Public Schools SJ Res 10, 1970-1974
1494 92nd Congress: Preservation of Historical and Archaeological Data, S 1245, 1971
1495 92nd Congress: Preserving Leave for Prisoners of War S 3416, 1972
1496 92nd Congress: Prohibit Assaults on Law Enforcement Officers S 120, 1971
1497 92nd Congress: Prohibit Most Favored Nation to Iron Curtain Countries S 1691, 1972-1973
1498 92nd Congress: Prohibit Use of Compulsory Union Dues for Political Spending S 325, 1971
1499 92nd Congress: Prohibit Use of Deceased Servicemen Name S 1742, 1971
14910 92nd Congress: Prohibit Use of Interstate Facilities for Advertising, S 428S 429, 1971
14911 92nd Congress: Prohibit Use of Interstate Facilities Including Mails for Advertising S 429, HR 8805, 1971
14912 92nd Congress: Protect Civilian Employees to Prevent Government Invasion of Privacy S 1498, 1971
14913 92nd Congress: Provide for Separate Sessions S 1875, S 3113, 1969-1971
14914 92nd Congress: Radio Free Europe S Res 272, 1971-1972
14915 92nd Congress: Regulate the Dumping of Material in Oceans, Coastal, and Other Waters S 1238, 1971
14916 92nd Congress: Reimburse States for Cost of Extending Welfare to Indians S 2265, 1971
14917 92nd Congress: Relief of Colonel Charles V. Greffet S 2904, 1970-1972
14918 92nd Congress: Relief of Evaristo Lavorin S 2566, 1971
14919 92nd Congress: Relief of Gerald Bull S 3583, 1972-1980
14920 92nd Congress: Renaming CAP as the Carl Hayden Project SJ Res 28, SJ Res 188, 1969-1974
14921 92nd Congress: Repeal Earnings Limitation of Social Security Act S 1902, 1971-1973
14922 92nd Congress: Residential Tax Relief Act S 3747, 1972-1973
14923 92nd Congress: Retired Pay for Reservists Who Served During Emergencies S 2978, 1969-1974
14924 92nd Congress: Revenue Sharing Welfare Alternative S 2037, 1971-1973
14925 92nd Congress: Rural Job Development Ace S 346, 1971
14926 92nd Congress: Salinity Control, Colorado River S 4063, 1972
14927 92nd Congress: Secret Strike Ballot S 2327, 1971
14928 92nd Congress: Senior Citizens Free Entry to Recreational Areas S 1172, 1971-1972
14929 92nd Congress: Separate Sessions for Legislation and Appropriations S Res 73, 1971
14930 92nd Congress: Springfield Armory National Historic Site S 979, S 2977, 1971-1973
14931 92nd Congress: State-U.S.IA Authorization, S 3526, 1972
14932 92nd Congress: Submarine Command Staff Incentive Pay HR 15495, 1969-1972
14933 92nd Congress: Tax Credit, Private Schools S 3536, 1972-1973
14934 92nd Congress: Taylor Grazing Act S 3553, 1972-1973
14935 92nd Congress: Ten Hour, Four Days – No Compensation S 2463, 1971
14936 92nd Congress: U.S. Contributions to United Nations S 536, S 548, 1971
14937 92nd Congress: Various Senate Resolutions, 1971-1972 (1 of 2)
14938 92nd Congress: Various Senate Resolutions, 1971-1972 (2 of 2)
14939 92nd Congress: Victims of Kidney Disease S 2813, 1971-1972
14940 92nd Congress: Village Site for Payson Community of Yavapai-Apache Indians S 2422, 1971-1973
14941 92nd Congress: Voluntary Population Control SJ Res 108, 1971-1972
14942 92nd Congress: Voluntary Prayer SJ Res 34, 1961-1971
14943 92nd Congress: Voting Time in Presidential Elections S 1021, 1971-1981
14944 92nd Congress: Water Rights Act S 28, 1969-1971
14945 92nd Congress: Weather Modification Projects S 3515, 1972
14946 92nd Congress: Welfare HR 1, 1972
14947 92nd Congress: Wheat and Food Research S 3276, 1972
14948 92nd Congress: White House Conference on Indian Affairs S 693, S 3163, 1969-1971
14949 92nd Congress: Yavapai-Apache Judgment Funds S 2284, 1971
14950 93rd Congress: Accumulative Leave by Prisoners of War Who Are Civilian Employees S 1221, 1973
14951 93rd Congress: Additional Funds for Army M-16 Rifles and Procurement of Equipment HR 9286, 1973
14952 93rd Congress: Advance Attack on Arthritis S 2854, 1973-1974
14953 93rd Congress: Air Force Reserve-Air National Guard Study HR 9286, 1973
14954 93rd Congress: Amend Constitution to Balance Budget SJ Res 142, 1973
14955 93rd Congress: Amend East-West Trade Bill HR 6767, 1973
14956 93rd Congress: Amend Federal Trade Commission Act S 978, 1973
14957 93rd Congress: Amend Gun Control Act S 576, 1973
14958 93rd Congress: Amend Internal Revenue Code of 1964 S 368, S 3982, 1974
14959 93rd Congress: Amend National Aeronautics and Space Act S 880, S 903, S 151, S 2350, 1973-1974
14960 93rd Congress: Amend National Labor Relations Act S 853, S 3203, 1974
14961 93rd Congress: Amend Preservation of Historical and Archaeological Data S 514, 1973
14962 93rd Congress: Amend Social Security Act S 2958, 1974
14963 93rd Congress: Amend Social Security and Health Care Insurance Act S 444, 1973 (1 of 2)
14964 93rd Congress: Amend Social Security and Health Care Insurance Act S 444, 1974-1976 (2 of 2)
1501 93rd Congress: Amend Stock Piling Act S 479, 1973
1502 93rd Congress: Amend Title II of Social Security Act to Increase Annual Amount of $3,000 S 1982, 1973
1503 93rd Congress: Amend to Par Value Modification S 929, 1973
1504 93rd Congress: Amendment to Constitution, Open Admissions to Public Schools SJ Res 112, 1971-1972
1505 93rd Congress: Amendment to Organ Pipe National Monument S 2273, 1973
1506 93rd Congress: Amendments to Occupational Safety and Health S 1147, S 1249, 1973
1507 93rd Congress: Appropriations Process Reform S 1648, 1973
1508 93rd Congress: Bilingual Job Training S 414, 1973
1509 93rd Congress: Busing Effective Beginning of School Year S 21, 1973
15010 93rd Congress: Charter for National Pearl Harbor Survivors Association S 1727, 1973
15011 93rd Congress: Compensation for Service-Connected Disabilities, S 1860, 1973-1974
15012 93rd Congress: Criteria for Capital Punishment S 1401, 1973-1974
15013 93rd Congress: Curb Credits to Communist Countries HR 10710, HR 14013, 1974
15014 93rd Congress: Cut in Congressional Salaries S 3913, 1974
15015 93rd Congress: Deduction for Contributors S 372, 1973
15016 93rd Congress: Disapproval of Congressional Pay Raise and Pay Freeze S 372, S Res 144, 1973
15017 93rd Congress: Domestic Summit to Restore Stability S Res 363, 1973
15018 93rd Congress: Donation of Surplus. Federal Property to State and Local Recreational Agencies S 909, 1973
15019 93rd Congress: Equal Rights Day S 1438, 1973
15020 93rd Congress: Equal Social Security Benefits to Working Married Couples S 868, 1973
15021 93rd Congress: Establish a Federal Privacy Board S 3418, 1974
15022 93rd Congress: Establish Standards for Mobile Home Safety S 1348, 1973-1975
15023 93rd Congress: Exemption of Delta Queen from Certain Vessel Laws S 1625, 1973
15024 93rd Congress: Extend Drug Abuse Education Act S 1845, 1973
15025 93rd Congress: Extend Family Planning Program S 1708, 1973-1974
15026 93rd Congress: Extending Life of State Plans Under OSHA S 586, 1973
15027 93rd Congress: Federal Benefits to Aboriginal Groups S 2505, 1973
15028 93rd Congress: Geothermal Energy S 2465, 1972-1973
15029 93rd Congress: Ground and Marine Transportation S 797, 1973
15030 93rd Congress: Herbert Hoover Anniversary S Con Res 79, 1974
15031 93rd Congress: Herbert Hoover Memorial S 1418, 1973-1974
15032 93rd Congress: Homeowners Property Tax Credit S 759, 1973-1975
15033 93rd Congress: Huntington's Disease S 3305, 1974
15034 93rd Congress: Improve…Fiscal Controls in U.S. Government S 40, 1973
15035 93rd Congress: Improve Indian Health Services S 2938, 1974
15036 93rd Congress: Income Tax Reimbursement if Taxpayer Wins Second Audits S 367, S 3272, 1971-1973
15037 93rd Congress: Indian Education Act S 1017, 1973-1974
15038 93rd Congress: Indian Self-Determination and Education Reform Act S 1017, 1973
15039 93rd Congress: Installation of Mid-Air Collision Avoidance Systems S 1610, 1973
15040 93rd Congress: International Air Transportation Fair Competitive Practices Act S 3481, 1974
15041 93rd Congress: Labor Free Speech S 2448, 1973
15042 93rd Congress: Land Use Policy S 268, 1973-1974
15043 93rd Congress: Law Day SJ Res 11, 1973
15044 93rd Congress: Legislative Action Report, 1972-1973
15045 93rd Congress: Military Assistance to Safety and Traffic S 31, 1973
15046 93rd Congress: Minerals on Public Land S 3085, 1973
15047 93rd Congress: NASA Appropriations - Research and Development S 2955, 1973-1974
15048 93rd Congress: National Amateur Sports Foundation S 1690, 1973
15049 93rd Congress: National Cemetery in Arizona S 3527, 1973-1976
15050 93rd Congress: National Check Your Vehicle Emissions SJ Res 61, 1973
15051 93rd Congress: National Hunting and Fishing Day SJ Res 24, 1973
15052 93rd Congress: National Indian Day SJ Res 121, 1973
15053 93rd Congress: Navajo-Hopi Land Dispute S 2424, 1974-1978
15054 93rd Congress: Open Admissions to Public Schools SJ Res 14, 1973
15055 93rd Congress: Opportunities Industrialization Training Centers S 136, 1973
15056 93rd Congress: Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument S 2273, 1973-1975 (1 of 2)
15057 93rd Congress: Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument S 2273, 1973-1975 (2 of 2)
15058 93rd Congress: Pass Through of Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Cost Increases S Res 172, 1973
15059 93rd Congress: Pensions to Widows and Children of WWI S 176, 1973-1974
15060 93rd Congress: Permit Citizens to Buy, Hold-Sell Gold S 395, S 3394, 1972-1973
15061 93rd Congress: Pop Warner Little Scholars S 752S 2509, 1971-1973
15062 93rd Congress: Postal Rates S 411, S 842, 1973-1974
15063 93rd Congress: Prevent FDA from Regulating Safe Vitamins S 3585, 1974
15064 93rd Congress: Privacy of Individuals S 2810, 1973-1974
15065 93rd Congress: Prohibit Food Stamps ... Labor Strike S 408, 1973-1974
1511 93rd Congress: Prohibit Funds to Enforce OSHA Penalties HR 15580, 1974
1512 93rd Congress: Prohibit Unrestricted Use of Social Security S 2537, 1973-1974
1513 93rd Congress: Protect Civilian Employees of Executive Branch S 1688, 1973
1514 93rd Congress: Protect Constitutional Right of Privacy Concerning Identifiable Information S 2537, S 3418, S 3633 HR 10671, 1971-1976
1515 93rd Congress: Protect Public in Emergency Transportation Disputes S 1003, 1973-1975
1516 93rd Congress: Protection of Rights and Privacy of Parents S 1539, 1974
1517 93rd Congress: Randolph-Sheppard Act Amendments S 2581, 1973
1518 93rd Congress: Reclamation of Page as a Municipality S 767, 1972-1974
1519 93rd Congress: Recognize Menominee Tribe S 1687, 1973
15110 93rd Congress: Reimbursement to Arizona Indians in Medicaid HR 3153, 1973
15111 93rd Congress: Reimburse Taxpayers for Costs of Successful Tax Litigation S 1535, 1973
15112 93rd Congress: Relief of Beryl Payne S 2383, 1973-1974
15113 93rd Congress: Relief of Donald L. Querins S 285, 1973
15114 93rd Congress: Relief of Jack and Barbara Collins S 415, S 3753, 1968-1973
15115 93rd Congress: Relief of Lt. John P. Dunn HR 4448, 1973-1974
15116 93rd Congress: Relief of Major Richard F. Meyer S 2526, S 2910, 1964-1974
15117 93rd Congress: Relief of Wai Wing Ng S 3828, 1974-1976
15118 93rd Congress: Repeal Bread Tax S 1888, 1973
15119 93rd Congress: Repeal Gun Control Act S 651, S652, 1973
15120 93rd Congress: Repeal Wage of Price Controls, 1974
15121 93rd Congress: Residences on Forests Lands S 2708, HR 5901, 1971-1973
15122 93rd Congress: Revise Military Pay Structure for Medical Personnel S 368, 1973
15123 93rd Congress: Rules Governing Armed Services ... S 440, 1973
15124 93rd Congress: Salinity Control of the Colorado River S 1807, 1973-1974
15125 93rd Congress: San Carlos Indian Mineral Strip S 813, S 3915, 1973-1974
15126 93rd Congress: San Carlos Irrigation District S 1937, 1966-1973
15127 93rd Congress: Savings and Loan Associations S 1798, 1973
15128 93rd Congress: Small Business Tax Simplification and Reform Act S 1098, 1974
15129 93rd Congress: Solar Heating and Cooling S 2650, 1973-1974
15130 93rd Congress: Special Pay for Optometrists S 2369, 1973
15131 93rd Congress: Student Privacy S 1539, 1974
15132 93rd Congress: Survivor Benefits Plan S 325, S 3905, 1970-1972 (1 of 2)
15133 93rd Congress: Survivor Benefits Plan S 325, S 3905, 1972-1973 (2 of 2)
15134 93rd Congress: Tax Relief for Condominium Owners S 3786, 1974
15135 93rd Congress: Taylor Grazing Act S 811, 1973-1974
15136 93rd Congress: Tucson Estates – Mineral Exploration and Mining on Private Land S 2590, 1962-1974 (1 of 3)
15137 93rd Congress: Tucson Estates – Mineral Exploration and Mining on Private Land S 2590, 1974 (2 of 3)
15138 93rd Congress: Tucson Estates – Mineral Exploration and Mining on Private Land S 2590, 1974-1976 (3 of 3)
15139 93rd Congress: Uniformed Services Special Pay S 368, 1973
15140 93rd Congress: U.S. Army Command and General Staff College Degree S 1607, 1973
15141 93rd Congress: Use of Water of Certain Streams S 28, 1973
15142 93rd Congress: Various Senate Bills, 1973-1974
1521 93rd Congress: Various Senate Resolutions, 1973-1974
1522 93rd Congress: West Point Law Faculty HR 9286, S 1518, 1972-1973 (1 of 2)
1523 93rd Congress: West Point Law Faculty S 1518, 1973-1975 (2 of 2)
1524 94th Congress: Amend Communication Act S 2119, S 3033, HR 7052, 1974-1977
1525 94th Congress: Amend Constitution to Balance Budget SJ Res 55, 1975
1526 94th Congress: Amend Consumer Protection Act S 200, 1975
1527 94th Congress: Amend Education Amendments for the Boys' and Girls' State S 2881, 1976
1528 94th Congress: Amend Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act S 2299, S 2411, 1975
1529 94th Congress: Amend Foreign Assistance Act S 2662, 1976
15210 94th Congress: Amend Voting Rights Act HR 6219, 1975
15211 94th Congress: Amend Voting Rights Act to Repeal Bilingual Voting Law S 3393, 1976
15212 94th Congress: Amendment to the Peace Corps Authorization Bill S 1789, 1972-1975
15213 94th Congress: Amendment to Veterans' Educational Benefits, HR 9576, 1975
15214 94th Congress: American Folklife Center S 1618, S 1844, 1973-1975
15215 94th Congress: Carl Hayden Bust S Res 46, S Res 124, 1975-1977
15216 94th Congress: College and University Second Class Mail Bill S 2015, 1975-1976
15217 94th Congress: Congressional Budget Revisions S Con Res 76, 1975
15218 94th Congress: Cut Civilian Employment of DODS 920, 1975
15219 94th Congress: Equal Access to Courts S 2871, 1976
15220 94th Congress: Exchange of Medical Information between Veterans Administration and Medical Community HR 3348, 1976
15221 94th Congress: Exemption of Sheep Industry from Mobile Housing Regulations S 976, 1975
15222 94th Congress: Federal Aviation Administration as an Independent Agency S 2434, 1975-1977
15223 94th Congress: Food Stamps S 358, S 1993, S 2853, 1975-1976
15224 94th Congress: General Draza Milailovich Monument, S 2135, 1975-1976
15225 94th Congress: General Revenue Sharing S 1625, 1975
15226 94th Congress: Improving Indian Health Programs S 522, 1975-1976
15227 94th Congress: Indian Elementary and Secondary Education Act, S 3558, S 3737, 1976
15228 94th Congress: Karl E. Mundt Gasification Pilot Plant S 1003, S 3863, 1975
15229 94th Congress: Legislative Action Report, 1975-1976
15230 94th Congress: Limiting Incumbents Running for President SJ Res 171, 1976
15231 94th Congress: Lobbying for Certain Tax-Exempt Organizations HR 8021, 1975
15232 94th Congress: National Beta Sigma Phi Week SJ Res 76, 1975-1976
15233 94th Congress: National Cemeteries in Arizona S 404, S 3527, S 3542, 1974-1975
15234 94th Congress: National Indian Day SJ Res 44, 1969-1975
15235 94th Congress: Overseas Citizens Voting Rights Act S 95, 1974-1976
15236 94th Congress: Pay for Military Lawyers S 1362, 1975-1976
15237 94th Congress: Prevent State Taxes in Another State Regarding Electricity S 1957, 1975
15238 94th Congress: Privacy of Federal Income Tax Returns S 199, 1975
15239 94th Congress: Prohibit Backdoor Gun Control S 143, 1975
15240 94th Congress: Provide for More Accurate Congressional Record S Res 215, 1975
15241 94th Congress: Regulatory Reform Bills 2792, 1975-1976
15242 94th Congress: Relief of High Property Taxes S 484, 197-1977
15243 94th Congress: Relief of Linda Anderson S 262, 1975-1976
15244 94th Congress: Remove Means Test on Social Services S 2157, 1975-1976
15245 94th Congress: Residences on Forest Lands 2708, HR 5901, 1974-1975
15246 94th Congress: Tax Exemption for Condominiums S 411, 1975-1976
15247 94th Congress: Tax Payers Rights S 136, S 138, S 405, S 2342, 1973-1976
15248 94th Congress: Various Bill Amendments, 1975-1976
15249 94th Congress: Various Senate Bills, 1975-1976 (1 of 3)
15250 94th Congress: Various Senate Bills, 1975-1976 (2 of 3)
1531 94th Congress: Various Senate Bills, 1975-1976 (3 of 3)
1532 94th Congress: Various Senate Bills Not Introduced, 1975-1976
1533 94th Congress: Various Senate Resolutions, 1975-1976
1534 94th Congress: Women to Academies S 920, 1975
Removed name as co-sponsor.
1535 94th Congress: Women's Air Force Service Pilots S 1345, S 247, 1974-1975
1536 94th Congress: Women's Air Force Service Pilots S 1345, S 247, 1976
1537 95th Congress: Ak-Chin Water Settlement and Emergency Supply S 1582, 1977
1538 95th Congress: Amateur Sports Act S 2727, 1978
1539 95th Congress: Amend IRS Code for Taxation of Overseas Businesses S 388, 1977
15310 95th Congress: Amend IRS Code for Taxation of Overseas Businesses S 388, 1978
15311 95th Congress: Amend IRS Code ... Tax Treatment of Earned Income S 2576, 1978
15312 95th Congress: Amend IRS Code to Exempt ... State and Local Retirement Systems S 1587, 1977-1978
15313 95th Congress: Amend IRS Code to Provide Pre-1969 Tax Treatment for Capital Gains S 3065, 1978
15314 95th Congress: Amend Navajo Community College Act S 468, 1976-1977
15315 95th Congress: Amend Survivor Benefit Plan S 2856, 1978
15316 95th Congress: Amendment to Deny Veterans' Benefits to Certain Individuals S 1307, 1977
15317 95th Congress: Amendment to Export-Import Bank Act S 3077, 1978
15318 95th Congress: Amendment to Occupational Safety and Health Act S 179, S 180, 1977
15319 95th Congress: Amendment to Panama Canal Treaty, 1977-1978
15320 95th Congress: Amendment to the Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act S 2692, 1978
15321 95th Congress: American Ex-Prisoners of War, Inc. S 1590, 1977-1978
15322 95th Congress: Anti-Union in Military S 274, S 3079, 1976-1978
15323 95th Congress: Chiropractic Services Covered Under Medicare S 76, S 3036, 1977-1979
15324 95th Congress: Civil Service Retirement Credit for Congressional Employees S 1201, 1977-1978
15325 95th Congress: Congressional Review of Agency Rulemaking S 2011, 1977-1978
15326 95th Congress: Control Child Pornography S 1011, S 1585, 1977
15327 95th Congress: Copper Employment and Protection Act S 2124, 1977-1978
15328 95th Congress: Council on Judicial Tenure S 1423, 1977-1978
15329 95th Congress: Curb the Spending Power of the U.S. SJ Res 141, 1978
15330 95th Congress: Disapprove BATF Regulation on Gun Control S Con Res 79, 1978
15331 95th Congress: Eliminate Transfer of Indian Programs S 991, 1978
15332 95th Congress: Equal Access to Courts S 2354, 1977-1978
15333 95th Congress: Equal Access to Courts in Civil Actions S 1001, 1977
15334 95th Congress: Establish Rational Criteria for the Imposition of the Death Sentence S 1382, 1977
15335 95th Congress: Establishment of a Presidential Task Force on MIA's and POW's S Con Res 3, 1977
15336 95th Congress: Ethics Committee Procedural Amendments S 105, 1976-1977
15337 95th Congress: Exemption of Agricultural Aircraft from the Aircraft Use Tax S 196, 1977
15338 95th Congress: Export Amendment S 3075, 1978
15339 95th Congress: Federal Trade Commission Pre-Empting States Regarding Prescriptions S Con Res 77, 1975-1976
15340 95th Congress: Food Stamp Reform S 1295, 1977
15341 95th Congress: Gold Medallion Act S 2843, 1978-1979
15342 95th Congress: Improve Overseas Voting Act S 703, 1976-1978
15343 95th Congress: Indian Education S 1753, 1977-1978
15344 95th Congress: Insure the Quality of Imported Meat S 2343, 1977
15345 95th Congress: Intelligence Reform S 2525, 1978
15346 95th Congress: Ira Eaker Gold Medal S 435S 2093HR 3035, 1975-1978
15347 95th Congress: Irrigated Agriculture and Forestry, 1976-1977
15348 95th Congress: McMicken Dam Repair S 1529, 1977
15349 95th Congress: Medical Freedom of Choice S 1683, 1977-1978
1541 95th Congress: Military Lawyers Appropriations HR 13635, 1977-1978
1542 95th Congress: Modify South Boundary of Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Reservation S 3002, 1978-1979
1543 95th Congress: Moratorium of Acreage Limit SJ Res 93, 1977 (1 of 2)
1544 95th Congress: Moratorium of Acreage Limit SJ Res 93, 1977-1978 (2 of 2)
1545 95th Congress: National Climate Program Act S 421, S 1980, 1977
1546 95th Congress: National Patriotism Week SJ Res 34, SJ Res 135, 1977-1978
1547 95th Congress: National Water Resources Management Policy S Res 284, 1974-1977
1548 95th Congress: North American Tax Exemption on Deductions for Attendance at Foreign Conventions HR 3477, 1977-1978
1549 95th Congress: Payments to Certain Schools within National Parks S 778, 1977-1978
15410 95th Congress: Permanent Select Committee on Indian Affairs S Res 405, 1977-1978
15411 95th Congress: Permanent Tax Rate Reductions S 1860, 1977
15412 95th Congress: Permit Use of Emergency Locator Transmitters in Airplanes S 145, S 736, S 910, 1974-1977
15413 95th Congress: Postal Service Amendment Act HR 7700, 1978-1979
15414 95th Congress: Postal Rates S842, 1975-1976
15415 95th Congress: Postal Rates S842, 1976-1977
15416 95th Congress: Prevent Federal Usurpation of State Water Resources S 381, 1977
15417 95th Congress: Procedures for Congressional Review of Water Regulations SJ Res 159, 1978
15418 95th Congress: Proposed Revenue Procedures on Private Tax Exempt Schools S 3537, 1978
15419 95th Congress: Provide Representation for District of Columbia SJ Res 65, 1977-1978
15420 95th Congress: Providing for Cost of Living Adjustments HR 13511, 1978
15421 95th Congress: Radio Frequency Interference S 864, 1977-1978 (1 of 4)
15422 95th Congress: Radio Frequency Interference S 864, 1977 (2 of 4)
15423 95th Congress: Radio Frequency Interference S 864, 1978 (3 of 4)
15424 95th Congress: Radio Frequency Interference S 864, 1979 (4 of 4)
15425 95th Congress: Reclamation Law – 160 Acre Limitation S 2867, 1977-1979
1551 95th Congress: Reconfirmation of Judges After Term of Eight Years SJ Res 19, 1976-1977
1552 95th Congress: Relief of Frederick Po-Shing Chu and Grace Wing-Ping Chu S 37, 1977-1978
1553 95th Congress: Relief of Victor Manuel Heredia-Sanchez S 369, S 376, 1972-1978
1554 95th Congress: Repeal Earnings Limitation for Social Security S 146, S 410, 1971-1977 (1 of 5)
1555 95th Congress: Repeal Earnings Limitation for Social Security S 146, S 410, 1977 (2 of 5)
1556 95th Congress: Repeal Earnings Limitation for Social Security S 146, S 410, 1978 (3 of 5)
1557 95th Congress: Repeal Earnings Limitation for Social Security (Background) S 146, S 410, 1949-1977 (4 of 5)
1558 95th Congress: Repeal Earnings Limitation for Social Security (Background )S 146, S 410, 1970-1977 (5 of 5)
1559 95th Congress: Repeal of Tax Reform Act to Encourage Exchange of Information HR 3477, HR 10612, S 627, S 842, 1974-1977 (1 of 4)
15510 95th Congress: Repeal of Tax Reform Act to Encourage Exchange of Information HR 3477, HR 10612, S 627, S 842, 1977 (2 of 4)
15511 95th Congress: Repeal of Tax Reform Act to Encourage Exchange of Information HR 3477, HR 10612, S 627, S 842, 1977 (3 of 4)
15512 95th Congress: Repeal of Tax Reform Act to Encourage Exchange of Information HR 3477, HR 10612, S 627, S 842, 1977-1978 (4 of 4)
15513 95th Congress: Repeal of the Gun Control Act S 38, 1977
15514 95th Congress: Residential Property Tax Relief Act S 669, HR 3946, HR 12050, 1975-1978
15515 95th Congress: Restoration of the Ukrainian Orthodox and Catholic Churches S Con Res 92, 1978
15516 95th Congress: Right to Financial Privacy Act S 2096, 1977
15517 95th Congress: Self-Determination of the Baltic States S Con Res 68, 1978
15518 95th Congress: State Veterans Cemeteries S 1556, 1977-1978
15519 95th Congress: Sunset Bill S 2, S 600, S 2925, 1976-1977 (1 of 2)
15520 95th Congress: Sunset Bill S 2, S 600, S 2925, 1977-1978 (2 of 2)
15521 95th Congress: Tax Credit for Literary, Musical, or Artistic Compositions S 1384, 1976-1978
15522 95th Congress: Tax Tuition Credit Act S 2142, 1973-1978 (1 of 2)
15523 95th Congress: Tax Tuition Credit Act S 2142, 1978 (2 of 2)
15524 95th Congress: Telecommunications and Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Science and Transportation S 530, 1976-1978
1561 95th Congress: Termination of Treaties S Con Res 109, 1978
1562 95th Congress: Transfer of the Child Nutrition Program to the Department of Education S 991, 1978
1563 95th Congress: Tribally Controlled Community College S 1215, 1977-1978
1564 95th Congress: Various Bill Amendments, 1977-1978
1565 95th Congress: Various Senate Bills, 1975-1977 (1 of 3)
1566 95th Congress: Various Senate Bills, 1977 (2 of 3)
1567 95th Congress: Various Senate Bills, 1977 (3 of 3)
1568 95th Congress: Various Senate Resolutions, 1977-1978 (1 of 2)
1569 95th Congress: Various Senate Resolutions, 1978 (2 of 2)
15610 95th Congress: WWI Overseas Flyers Inc. S 2222, 1977-1978
15611 96th Congress: Acreage Limitations S 654, 1979-1980
15612 96th Congress: Airport Noise Abatement S 413, 1979
15613 96th Congress: Amend Administrative Procedure Act S 111, 1979-1980
15614 96th Congress: Amend Communications Act S 2827, 1980
15615 96th Congress: Amend Constitution to Promote Fiscal Responsibility SJ Res 126, 1979-1980
15616 96th Congress: Amend Farm Labor Contractor Registration Act S 2875, 1979-1981
15617 96th Congress: Amend Federal Election Campaign Act S 2325, 1980
15618 96th Congress: Amend Federal Mine Safety and Health Act S 625, 1979-1981
15619 96th Congress: Amend Housing and Community Development Act S 2641, 1980
15620 96th Congress: Amend National Trails Act (General Crook and Beale Wagon Trails) S 1503, 1979-1980
15621 96th Congress: Amend Patents and Inventions S 414, 1979-1980
15622 96th Congress: Amend Public Buildings Act, 1980
15623 96th Congress: Archaeological Resource Protection Act S 490, 1979
15624 96th Congress: Artists Tax Relief S 1078, S 1096, 1979-1980
15625 96th Congress: Catch 92” Veterans Bill, S 92, 1979-1980
15626 96th Congress: Chappie James Memorial SJ Res 95, 1979
15627 96th Congress: Chiropractic Care for Veterans S 196, 1978-1979
15628 96th Congress: Civil Air Patrol Assistance S 1629, 1979
15629 96th Congress: Civil Service Retirement Credit S 1414, 1979
15630 96th Congress: Coast Guard, Lake Havasu HR 4310, 1979-1980
15631 96th Congress: Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Act S 2545,
15632 96th Congress: Congressional Award…Young People S 221, 1977-1979
15633 96th Congress: Congressional Review of Agency Rules, 1979
15634 96th Congress: Construct Hydro-Electric Powerplants ... S 475, 1979
1571 96th Congress: Consumer Price Index S 2430, 1978-1981
1572 96th Congress: Electronic Mail S 3229, 1978-1980
1573 96th Congress: Encourage Trade Exports S 2718, 1980
1574 96th Congress: Equal Access to Justice Act S 265, 1979-1980
1575 96th Congress: Foreign Convention Tax S 589, S 749, 1975-1981
1576 96th Congress: Improve Federal Firearms Laws S 1862, 1979-1980
1577 96th Congress: Income Tax Rate Indexing S 211, 1979-1980
1578 96th Congress: Incorporate U.S. Submarine Veterans of WWII S 2623, 1979-1980
1579 96th Congress: IRS Imposed Rules for Private Schools S 103, 1978
15710 96th Congress: IRS Imposed Rules for Private Schools S 103, 1979
15711 96th Congress: IRS and Private Schools S 103, 1979-1980
15712 96th Congress: John Wayne Medal S 631, 1979-1980
15713 96th Congress: Make Indian Affairs a Permanent Senate Committee S Res 448, 1980
15714 96th Congress: Mexican Tariff Bill S 1169, 1979
15715 96th Congress: National Export Policy Act S 2773, 1978-1980
15716 96th Congress: National Intelligence Act S 2284, 1980
15717 96th Congress: National Lupus Week SJ Res 99, 1979-1980
15718 96th Congress: National Patriotism Week SJ Res 82, 1979-1981
15719 96th Congress: National Porcelain Art Month SJ Res 115, 1980
15720 96th Congress: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Amendments S 751, S 1077, 1978-1979
15721 96th Congress: Permanent Tax Reductions, S 33, S 34, 1979-1980
15722 96th Congress: Postal Relief for Small Newspapers and Magazines, S 1425, 1979-1980
15723 96th Congress: Proportional Vote Plan SJ Res 28, SJ Res 51, 1979
15724 96th Congress: Public Telecommunications Financing Act S 622, 1978-1979 (1 of 5)
15725 96th Congress: Public Telecommunications Financing Act S 622, 1979 (2 of 5)
1581 96th Congress: Public Telecommunications Financing Act S 622, 1979 (3 of 5)
1582 96th Congress: Public Telecommunications Financing Act S 622, 1979 (4 of 5)
1583 96th Congress: Public Telecommunications Financing Act S 622, 1980 (5 of 5)
1584 96th Congress: Religious. Freedom in the Ukraine S Con Res 9, 1978-1980
1585 96th Congress: Religious Groups Exempt from Union Dues S 1693, 1979
1586 96th Congress: Repeal Earnings Limitations on Social Security S 1287, 1974-1980 (1 of 4)
1587 96th Congress: Repeal Earnings Limitations on Social Security S 1287, 1980 (2 of 4)
1588 96th Congress: Repeal Earnings Limitations on Social Security S 1287, 1980 (3 of 4)
1589 96th Congress: Repeal Earnings Limitations on Social Security (Background) S 1287, 1978-1980 (4 of 4)
15810 96th Congress: Restore Cost of Living for Federal Retirees S Con Res, 1979-1980
15811 96th Congress: Restore Lands to Colorado River Indian Reservation S 2317, 1974-1980
15812 96th Congress: Restore Saturday Service to Postal Delivery HR 826, 1980
15813 96th Congress: Soft Drink Interbrand Act S 598, 1979-1980
15814 96th Congress: Stimulation of Economy through Increased Savings ... S 1597, 1979
15815 96th Congress: Survivor Benefit Plan S 91, 1979-1980
15816 96th Congress: Taxpayers Bill of Rights Act S 955, 1979-1980
15817 96th Congress: Termination of Treaties S Con Res 2, 1977-1979 (1 of 3)
15818 96th Congress: Termination of Treaties S Con Res 2, 1979-1980 (2 of 3)
15819 96th Congress: Termination of Treaties (Background) S Con Res 2, 1978-1979 (3 of 3)
15820 96th Congress: Transfer of Federal Lands to States S 1680, 1979-1981
15821 96th Congress: Unemployment Benefits to Certain Partially Unemployed Workers S 3022, 1980
15822 96th Congress: United States-Mexico Good Neighbor Act S 1427, 1979-1980
1591 96th Congress: Various Bill Amendments, 1979-1980 (1 of 2)
1592 96th Congress: Various Bill Amendments, 1979-1980 (2 of 2)
1593 96th Congress: Various Senate Bills, 1979 (1 of 5)
1594 96th Congress: Various Senate Bills, 1979 (2 of 5)
1595 96th Congress: Various Senate Bills, 1979-1980 (3 of 5)
1596 96th Congress: Various Senate Bills, 1978-1980 (4 of 5)
1597 96th Congress: Various Senate Bills, 1979-1980 (5 of 5)
1598 96th Congress: Various Senate Resolutions, 1979 (1 of 3)
1599 96th Congress: Various Senate Resolutions, 1979-1980 (2 of 3)
15910 96th Congress: Various Senate Resolutions, 1979-1980 (3 of 3)
15911 96th Congress: Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund SJ Res 119, 1979-1980
15912 97th Congress: Amateur Radio S 929, 1981
15913 97th Congress: Amend Constitution for Federal Fiscal Decision Making Procedures SJ Res 58, 1982
15914 97th Congress: Amend Dam Safety Act S 956, 1981-1982
15915 97th Congress: Amend Educational Audits HR 3512, 1981
15916 97th Congress: Amend Federal Trade Commission Act S 1984, 1981-1982
15917 97th Congress: Amend Foreign Corrupt Practices Act S 708, 1980-1981
15918 97th Congress: Amend IRS Code…Exclusion of Earned Income from Sources Outside the U.S. S 598, 1981
15919 97th Congress: Amend IRS Code ... Gift Tax Equity S 395, 1981
15920 97th Congress: Amend Tariff Act S 3015, 1981-1982
15921 97th Congress: Amend Uniformed Survivors Benefits Amendments S 611, 1981
15922 97th Congress: Arid Lands Renewable Resources Corporation S 1462, 1981
15923 97th Congress: Arthritis Institute S 1939, 1981-1983
15924 97th Congress: Artists Tax Equity and Donation Act S 2225, 1982
1601 97th Congress: Business Use and Rental of Homes S 31, 1981-1982
1602 97th Congress: Cable Telecommunications Act S 2172, 1982
1603 97th Congress: Catch 62 S 46, 1981-1982
1604 97th Congress: Charter for WWII Submarine Veterans S 195, 1981
1605 97th Congress: Coal Slurry Pipeline S 1844, 1981-1982 (1 of 2)
1606 97th Congress: Coal Slurry Pipeline S 1844, 1982 (2 of 2)
1607 97th Congress: Common Carrier Amendments S 898, 1979-1981 (1 of 2)
1608 97th Congress: Common Carrier Amendments S 898, 1981 (2 of 2)
1609 97th Congress: Consumer Price Index S 463, 1981
16010 97th Congress: Debt Collection Owed to U.S. S 1249, 1981-1982
16011 97th Congress: Delinquent Payments Act S 1131, 1981-1982
16012 97th Congress: Emergency Interest Reduction Payments S 2226, 1982
16013 97th Congress: Establish Free Enterprise Postage Stamp S 455, 1981
16014 97th Congress: Export Trade Service 144, 1981
16015 97th Congress: Fish Restoration Act S 546, 1981
16016 97th Congress: Freedom of Religion in the Ukraine S Con Res 18, 1980-1981
16017 97th Congress: Free Market Gold Coinage Act S 1704, 1981
16018 97th Congress: Further Development by the Smithsonian Institution S 778, 1981
16019 97th Congress: GI Education Assistance Act S 25, 1981
16020 97th Congress: Gun Control S 1030, 1981 (1 of 2)
16021 97th Congress: Gun Control S 1030, 1982 (2 of 2)
16022 97th Congress: Highway Safety Programs S 2158, 1982
16023 97th Congress: Hobbs Act S 613, 1981-1982
16024 97th Congress: Improve Regulatory Act S 1080, 1981-1982
16025 97th Congress: Increase the Income Tax Exclusion of Dividends and Interest Received by Individuals S 492, 1981
16026 97th Congress: International Record Carrier Competition Act S 271, 1981
16027 97th Congress: Limiting Total Outlays of Government SJ Res 45, SJ Res 54, 1981
16028 97th Congress: Malt Beverage Interbrand Competition Act S 1215, 1981
16029 97th Congress: Mine Safety S 568, S 1423, 1981
16030 97th Congress: National Beta Sigma Phi Week SJ Res 75, 1981
16031 97th Congress: National Export Policy S 969, 1981
16032 97th Congress: National Medical Laboratory Week SJ Res 178, 1982
16033 97th Congress: National Nurse-Midwifery Week SJ Res 67, 1981
16034 97th Congress: National Patriotism Week SJ Res 34SJ Res 234, 1980-1982
16035 97th Congress: National Respiratory Therapy Week SJ Res 193, 1982
16036 97th Congress: National Tourism Policy Act S 304, 1981
16037 97th Congress: Navajo-Hopi Land Exchange S 1795, 1981-1982
Includes maps and photos.
1611 97th Congress: Papago Indian Water Rights S 2114, 1982
1612 97th Congress: Promote Development of Native American Culture and Art S 792, 1981
1613 97th Congress: Public Land Reform Act S 1245, 1981-1982
1614 97th Congress: Radio Deregulation Act S 270, 1981-1982
1615 97th Congress: Reclamation Reform S 1867, 1981-1983
1616 97th Congress: Reform Laws Relating to Former Presidents S 1325, 1981-1982
1617 97th Congress: Regulatory Reduction and Congressional Control Act S 890, 1981
1618 97th Congress: Reinstate Gold Dollar S 6, 1981-1982
1619 97th Congress: Relief of Dorothy Meserve Kunhardt S 1309, 1981
16110 97th Congress: Relief of Samuel Leung S 549, 1976-1981
16111 97th Congress: Relief of Soviet Pentecostals in American Embassy S 312, 1981-1982
16112 97th Congress: Repeal Davis-Bacon Act S 1505, 1981-1982
16113 97th Congress: Repeal Earnings Test for Social Security S 259, 1979-1982
16114 97th Congress: Restore Certain Lands to the Colorado Indian Reservation S 1652, 1981
16115 97th Congress: Right to Life Amendment SJ Res 17, 1981
16116 97th Congress: Secure the Return to Freedom of Raoul Wallenberg SJ Res 65, 1981
16117 97th Congress: Short-time Unemployment Pay S 2724, 1982
16118 97th Congress: Summary of Legislation for 97th Congress, 1981-1982
16119 97th Congress: Television Broadcasting Stations S 601, 1981
16120 97th Congress: Temporary Worker's Visa Program S 47, 1981
16121 97th Congress: Treaty Termination Procedures SJ Res 31, 1981
16122 97th Congress: Tuition Tax Credit S 550, 1981
16123 97th Congress: Various Bill Amendments, 1981-1982
16124 97th Congress: Various Senate Bills, 1981 (1 of 5)
16125 97th Congress: Various Senate Bills, 1981 (2 of 5)
16126 97th Congress: Various Senate Bills, 1981 (3 of 5)
16127 97th Congress: Various Senate Bills, 1981-1982 (4 of 5)
16128 97th Congress: Various Senate Bills, 1982 (5 of 5)
16129 97th Congress: Various Senate Resolutions, 1981-1982 (1 of 4)
1621 97th Congress: Various Senate Resolutions, 1981-1982 (2 of 4 )
1622 97th Congress: Various Senate Resolutions, 1981-1982 (3 of 4)
1623 97th Congress: Various Senate Resolutions, 1981-1982 (4 of 4)
1624 97th Congress: Veterans' and Service Members' Education Benefits Act S 7, 1981
1625 97th Congress: Violent Crime and Drug Trafficking S 2572, 1982
1626 97th Congress: Yuma Water U.S. S 698, 1981-1982
1627 98th Congress: Amend Export-Import Bank Act S 852, 1983
1628 98th Congress: Amend Social Security Act ... Earnings Limitations S 276, 1983
1629 98th Congress: Anti-Dumping S 539, 1982-1983
16210 98th Congress: Appropriations for the Corporation of Public Broadcasting S 1084, HJ Res 648, 1984-1985
16211 98th Congress: Arthritis Institute Bill S 540, S 773, 1983-1984
16212 98th Congress: Budget Repeal Act S 1783, 1983-1985
16213 98th Congress: Cable Telecommunications Act S 66, 1983-1985
16214 98th Congress: Coal Slurry Pipeline S 267, 1983
16215 98th Congress: Election Campaign Expenditure Limits Act S 1684, 1983
16216 98th Congress: Election Campaign Expenditure Limits Act S 1684, 1984
16217 98th Congress: Eliminate Willful Interference with Communications, S 2975, 1984
16218 98th Congress: Establishment of the National Historical Intelligence Museums S Con Res 28, S Res 267, 1983
16219 98th Congress: Foreign Investment Real Property Tax Act S 1915, 1983-1984 (1 of 3)
16220 98th Congress: Foreign Investment Real Property Tax Act S 1915, 1984 (2 of 3)
16221 98th Congress: Foreign Investment Real Property Tax Act (Background) S 1915, 1976-1984 (3 of 3)
16222 98th Congress: Foreign Ownership of Cable TV Stations S 2282, 1984
16223 98th Congress: Gun Control Amendments S 914, 1983-1984
16224 98th Congress: In-Flight Medical Emergencies Act S 314, 1983-1984
16225 98th Congress: Intelligence Authorization Act S 2713, 1984
16226 98th Congress: Jukebox Fees S 1734, 1984
16227 98th Congress: Legislative Summary 98th Congress, 1983-1984
16228 98th Congress: Limitations on Charitable Contributions S 427, 1982-1984
16229 98th Congress: Malt Beverage Interbrand Competition Act S 1680, 1983-1984
16230 98th Congress: Manufacturing Sciences and Technology Research and Development Act S 1286, 1983-1984
16231 98th Congress: Moratorium on Syndication Changes S 1707, 1983-1984
1631 98th Congress: National Productivity and Innovation Act S 1841, 1983-1984
1632 98th Congress: Patent Term Restoration Act S 1306, 1983
1633 98th Congress: Payson, AZ Land Conveyance S 598, 1983-1984
1634 98th Congress: Product Liability Act S 44, 1983-1984 (1 of 2)
1635 98th Congress: Product Liability Act S 44, 1983-1985 (2 of 2)
1636 98th Congress: Reform Laws Relating to Other Presidents S 563, 1983-1984
1637 98th Congress: Regulate the Manufacture and Importation of Armor Piercing Ammunition S 2766, 1984
1638 98th Congress: Relief of George K. Jue S 2886, 1984
1639 98th Congress: Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Reservation S 1686, HR 2910, 1983
16310 98th Congress: Satellite Scrambling S 2437, 1984-1985
16311 98th Congress: Satellite Viewing Rights S 2437, 1981-1984
16312 98th Congress: Taxpayers Bill of Rights Act S 2243, 1984
16313 98th Congress: Union Dues for Campaign Support S 1333, 1983-1984
16314 98th Congress: Universal Telephone Service Preservation S 1660, 1981-1983 (1 of 2)
16315 98th Congress: Universal Telephone Service Preservation S 1660, 1983-1984 (2 of 2)
16316 98th Congress: Volunteer Amateur Radio Exams S 2046, 1983
16317 98th Congress: Various Bill Amendments, 1983-1984
16318 98th Congress: Various Senate Bills, 1983 (1 of 4)
16319 98th Congress: Various Senate Bills, 1983 (2 of 4)
16320 98th Congress: Various Senate Bills, 1983-1984 (3 of 4)
16321 98th Congress: Various Senate Bills, 1984 (4 of 4)
16322 98th Congress: Various Senate Resolutions, 1983 (1 of 2)
16323 98th Congress: Various Senate Resolutions, 1983-1984 (2 of 2)
16324 99th Congress: Amateur Radio Antennas S Res 36, 1985
16325 99th Congress: Amend the Agricultural Act S 2721, 1986
16326 99th Congress: Amend the Federal Campaign Act S 1563, 1985-1986
16327 99th Congress: Anasazi Site in Petrified Forest S 488, 1985
16328 99th Congress: Appropriations for the Corporation of Public Broadcasting S 1084, 1985
16329 99th Congress: Arthritis Institute S 425, 1985-1986
16330 99th Congress: Balanced Budget Amendment SJ Res 13, 1985
1641 99th Congress: Carl Hayden Bust (includes dedication) S Con Res 7, 1983-1986
1642 99th Congress: Clean Campaign Act S 1310, 1985
1643 99th Congress: Defense Authorization (Earmarks for Universities) S 1160, 1985-1986
1644 99th Congress: Department of Defense Authorization (Congressional Record), 1986
1645 99th Congress: Department of Defense Reorganization Act (Goldwater-Nichols Act) S 2295, 1986
1646 99th Congress: Designated Smoking Areas in Federal Buildings S 1440, S 1937, 1985-1986
1647 99th Congress: Expressing Condolences to the Goldwater Family S Res 273, 1985
1648 99th Congress: Expand the Smithsonian (Dulles) S 1311, 1985-1986
1649 99th Congress: Federal Election Campaign Act S 1806, 1985-1986
16410 99th Congress: Improve Debt Collection S 2620, 1986
16411 99th Congress: In-Flight Medical Emergencies Act S 63, 1985
16412 99th Congress: Limit Campaign Spending S 59, 1972-1986
16413 99th Congress: List of Sponsored Bills 99th Congress, 1985-1986
16414 99th Congress: Malt Beverage Interbrand Competition Act S 412, 1983-1986
16415 99th Congress: Product Liability (Aviation) S 100, 1985-1986
16416 99th Congress: Regulation of Home Satellite Antennas SJ Res 35, 1984-1985 (1 of 3)
16417 99th Congress: Regulation of Home Satellite Antennas SJ Res 35, 1985 (2 of 3)
16418 99th Congress: Regulation of Home Satellite Antennas SJ Res 35, 1985-1986 (3 of 3)
16419 99th Congress: Relief of Anne J. Brusselmans S 683, 1985
16420 99th Congress: Repeal Foreign Investment Real Property Tax Act S 195, HR 2763, 1984-1986
16421 99th Congress: Rights of Gun Owners S 49, 1985-1986
16422 99th Congress: Satellite Scrambling S 2290, 1986
16423 99th Congress: Termination of Defense and Security Treaties S Res 40, 1983-1985
16424 99th Congress: Various Bill Amendments, 1985-1986
16425 99th Congress: Various Senate Bills, 1985 (1 of 4)
16426 99th Congress: Various Senate Bills, 1985-1986 (2 of 4)
1651 99th Congress: Various Senate Bills, 1985-1986 (3 of 4)
1652 99th Congress: Various Senate Bills, 1986 (4 of 4)
1653 99th Congress: Various Senate Resolutions, 1985-1986
Sub-Series B: Congressional Record Excerpts
1654 83rd-89th Congress: Congressional Record Index (Goldwater Statements, Remarks, Bills), 1953-1959
1655 91st-95th Congress: Congressional Record Index (Goldwater Statements, Remarks, Bills, Testimonies), 1969 September 29-1977 November 3
1656 95th-99th Congress: Congressional Record Index (Goldwater Statements, Remarks, Bills, Testimonies), 1977 November 15-1986 November 6
1657 83rd Congress, 1st Session, 1953 January 3-May 19
1658 83rd Congress, 1st Session, 1953 May 20-August 14
1659 83rd Congress, 2nd Session, 1954 January 12-May 12
16510 83rd Congress, 2nd Session, 1954 May 18-August 14
16511 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955 January 6-April 28
16512 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955 May 16-August 25
16513 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956 January 3-March 5
16514 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956 March 6-July 7
16515 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956 July 11-July 28
16516 85th Congress, 1st Session, 1957 January 17-May 2
16517 85th Congress, 1st Session, 1957 May 8-July 12
16518 85th Congress, 1st Session, 1957 July 17-September 11
16519 85th Congress, 2nd Session, 1958 January 9-April 21
16520 85th Congress, 2nd Session, 1958 April 23-June 14
16521 85th Congress, 2nd Session, 1958 June 16-August 21
1661 86th Congress, 1st Session, 1959 January 7-March 20
1662 86th Congress, 1st Session, 1959 March 23-May 5
1663 86th Congress, 1st Session, 1959 June 8-August 5
1664 86th Congress, 1st Session, 1959 August 6-October 2
1665 86th Congress, 2nd Session, 1960 January 6-March 24
1666 86th Congress, 2nd Session, 1960 March 28-June 18
1667 86th Congress, 2nd Session, 1960 June 20-September 16
1668 87th Congress, 1st Session, 1961 January 5-April 20
1669 87th Congress, 1st Session, 1961 April 24-July 14
16610 87th Congress, 1st Session, 1961 July 7-August 11
16611 87th Congress, 1st Session, 1961 August 16-October 17
16612 87th Congress, 2nd Session, 1962 January 22-June 8
16613 87th Congress, 2nd Session, 1962 June 11-October 12
16614 88th Congress, 1st Session, 1963 January 9-March 26
16615 88th Congress, 1st Session, 1963 April 1-June 20
16616 88th Congress, 1st Session, 1963 June 24-September 12
16617 88th Congress, 1st Session, 1963 September 16-December 19
16618 88th Congress, 2nd Session, 1964 January 3-June 19
16619 88th Congress, 2nd Session, 1964 June 22-August 21
1671 88th Congress, 2nd Session, 1964 August 31-October 23
1672 91st Congress, 2nd Session, 1970 February 17
1673 95th Congress, 1st Session, 1977 June 10-December 6
1674 95th Congress, 2nd Session, 1978 January 1-April 20
1675 95th Congress, 2nd Session, 1978 April 27-June 8
1676 95th Congress, 2nd Session, 1978 June 26-October 7
1677 96th Congress, 1st Session, 1979 February 5-July 18
1678 96th Congress, 1st Session, 1979 July 19-December 13
1679 96th Congress, 2nd Session, 1980 January 28-December 2
16710 97th Congress, 1st Session, 1981 January 22-February 6
16711 Congressional Record Excerpts, Undated
Sub-Series C: Voting Record
16712 83rd-89th Congress, 1953-1964
16713 83rd Congress, 1st Session, 1953 January 7-July 30
16714 83rd Congress, 2nd Session, 1954 January 13-July 26
16715 83rd Congress, 2nd Session, 1954 July 27-December 2
16716 84th Congress, 1st Session, 1955 January 14-August 2
16717 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956 January 25-July 28
16718 85th Congress, 1st Session, 1957 January-August 29
16719 85th Congress, 2nd Session, 1958 February 3-June 20
16720 85th Congress, 2nd Session, 1958 June 27-August 23
16721 Amendments to Save Money on Spending Bills, 1959
16722 86th Congress, 1st Session, 1959 January 7-June 25
16723 86th Congress, 1st Session, 1959 June 29-September 14
16724 86th Congress, 2nd Session, 1960 January 19-May 2
1681 86th Congress, 2nd Session, 1960 May 3-September 1
1682 87th Congress, 1st Session, 1961 January 11-September 26
1683 87th-88th Congress, 1964 January 23, 1962-July 8
1684 93rd Congress, 2nd Session, 1974 January 21-December 20
From the Senate Republican Conference and the Senate Republican Policy Committee; includes Stephen Shadegg and Terry Emerson correspondence.
1685 94th Congress, 2nd Session, 1976 January 22-May 26
1686 95th Congress, 1st Session, 1977 January 14-December 15
From the Senate Republican Conference.
1687 96th Congress, 1st Session, 1979 January 15-December 21
From the Senate Republican Conference.
1688 96th Congress, 2nd Session, 1980 January 22-October 2
From the Senate Republican Conference.
1689 97th Congress, 1st Session, 1981 January 5-October 31
16810 97th Congress, 2nd Session, 1982 January 25-December 23
16811 98th Congress, 1st Session, 1983 January 3-November 11
16812 99th Congress, 1st Session, 1985 January 3-November 32
16813 99th Congress, 2nd Session, 1986 January 21-October 18
16814 Voting Record by: Categories, 1965-1970 (1 of 2)
16815 Voting Record by: Categories, 1965-1970 (2 of 2)
16816 Voting Record by: Categories, 1975
16817 Voting Record by: The Week, 1975 February 14-June 6
From the Senate Republican Policy Committee.
16818 Arizona Substantive Vote Attendance Record, 1969-1973 (1 of 2)
16819 Arizona Substantive Vote Attendance Record, 1969-1973 (2 of 2)
1691 Comparative Voting Record (Goldwater, Humphrey, Johnson), 1948-1964
1692 Public Record of Barry Goldwater (Congressional Quarterly Special Report), 1963
1693 Voting Attendance Record, 1974-1976
Sub-Series D: Record Vote Analysis
1694 86th Congress, 1st Session, 1959 January 7-June 17
1695 86th Congress, 1st Session, 1959 June 18-July 23
1696 86th Congress, 1st Session, 1959 July 27-September 14
1697 87th Congress, 1st Session, 1961 January 11-July 12
1698 87th Congress, 1st Session, 1961 July 14-September 26
1699 87th Congress, 2nd Session, 1962 January 23-August 8
16910 87th Congress, 2nd Session, 1962 August 9-October 5
16911 88th Congress, 1st Session, 1963 January 31-August 9
16912 88th Congress, 1st Session, 1963 August 14-December 30
16913 88th Congress, 2nd Session, 1964 January 14-June 11
16914 88th Congress, 2nd Session, 1964 June 12-July 8
16915 88th Congress, 2nd Session, 1964 July 20-October 2
16916 91st Congress, 1st Session, 1969 January 6-August 7
16917 91st Congress, 1st Session, 1969 August 11-November 13
16918 91st Congress, 1st Session, 1969 November 21-December 10
16919 91st Congress, 1st Session, 1969 December 11-22
16920 91st Congress, 2nd Session, 1970 January 20-April 9
1701 91st Congress, 2nd Session, 1970 April 13-August 21
1702 91st Congress, 2nd Session, 1970 August 24-October 13
1703 91st Congress, 2nd Session, 1970 November 1-December 30
1704 92nd Congress, 1st Session, 1971 February 1-June 4
1705 92nd Congress, 1st Session, 1971 June 7-July 27
1706 92nd Congress, 1st Session, 1971 July 28-September 30
1707 92nd Congress, 1st Session, 1971 October 1-November 12
1708 92nd Congress, 1st Session, 1971 November 13-22
1709 92nd Congress, 1st Session, 1971 November 23-December 17
17010 92nd Congress, 2nd Session, 1972 January 20-March 1, 1972
17011 92nd Congress, 2nd Session, 1972 March 2-May 5
17012 92nd Congress, 2nd Session, 1972 May 10-June 30
17013 92nd Congress, 2nd Session, 1972 July 18-August 10
17014 92nd Congress, 2nd Session, 1972 August 11-September 19
17015 92nd Congress, 2nd Session, 1972 September 20-October 17
17016 93rd Congress, 1st Session, 1973 January 23-April 3
17017 93rd Congress, 1st Session, 1973 April-June 7
17018 93rd Congress, 1st Session, 1973 June 8-30
17019 93rd Congress, 1st Session, 1973 July 9-September 10
1711 93rd Congress, 1st Session, 1973 November 16-December 21
1712 93rd Congress, 2nd Session, 1974 January 21-March 6
1713 93rd Congress, 2nd Session, 1974 March 7-April 11
1714 93rd Congress, 2nd Session, 1974 April 23-May 30
1715 93rd Congress, 2nd Session, 1974 June 3-27
1716 93rd Congress, 2nd Session, 1974 July 8-31
1717 93rd Congress, 2nd Session, 1974 August 1-October 9
1718 93rd Congress, 2nd Session, 1974 October 10-December 20
1719 94th Congress, 1st Session, 1975 January 27-March 20
17110 94th Congress, 1st Session, 1975 March 21-May 8
17111 94th Congress, 1st Session, 1975 May 12-June 27
17112 94th Congress, 1st Session, 1975 July 8-30
17113 94th Congress, 1st Session, 1975 July 31-November 11
17114 94th Congress, 1st Session, 1975 November 12-December 19
17115 94th Congress, 2nd Session, 1976 January 22-March 23
17116 94th Congress, 2nd Session, 1976 March 24-May 28
17117 94th Congress, 2nd Session, 1976 June 2-28
1721 94th Congress, 2nd Session, 1976 July 1-30
1722 94th Congress, 2nd Session, 1977 August 2-September 10, 1976
1723 94th Congress, 2nd Session, 1977 September 13-October 1, 1976
1724 95th Congress, 1st Session, 1977 January 14-April 26
1725 95th Congress, 1st Session, 1977 April 27-June 14
1726 95th Congress, 1st Session, 1977 June 15-September 9
1727 95th Congress, 1st Session, 1977 September 12-October 28
1728 95th Congress, 1st Session, 1977 October 29-December 15
1729 95th Congress, 2nd Session, 1978 January 23-May 15
17210 97th Congress, 1981 (1 of 2)
From the National Republican Senatorial Committee.
17211 97th Congress, 1981 (2 of 2)
From the National Republican Senatorial Committee.
17212 97th Congress, 1st Session, 1981 January 20-April 29
17213 97th Congress, 1st Session, 1981 May 5-June 25
17214 97th Congress, 1st Session, 1981 July 7-August 10
17215 97th Congress, 1st Session, 1981 September 10-October 30
17216 97th Congress, 1st Session, 1981 November 2-November 30
1731 97th Congress, 1st Session, 1981 December 1-December 16
1732 97th Congress, 2nd Session, 1982 February 2-March 31
1733 97th Congress, 2nd Session, 1982 April 14-May 27
1734 97th Congress, 2nd Session, 1982 June 9-June 29
1735 97th Congress, 2nd Session, 1982 August 3-August 20
1736 97th Congress, 2nd Session, 1982 September 9-December 23
1737 98th Congress, 1st Session, 1983 February 1-May 25
1738 98th Congress, 1st Session, 1983 July 16-October 25
1739 Voting Analysis: Civil Rights, 1960 (1 of 3)
17310 Voting Analysis: Civil Rights, 1960 (2 of 3)
17311 Voting Analysis: Civil Rights, 1960 (3 of 3)
17312 Voting Analysis: Close Vote Study, 1973
17313 Voting Analysis: Roll Call Vote Report (Republican National Committee), 1979
17314 Voting Analysis: Roll Call Vote Report (Republican National Committee), 1980
17315 Voting Analysis: Roll Call Vote Report, 1985
Sub-Series E: Legislative Activities
17316 Final Legislative Report, 1971
17317 Compilation of Bills Sponsored and Co-Sponsored, 1953-1975, 1975
17318 95th Congress: Legislative Activities, 1978 January 3-October 21
17319 96th-97th Congress: Legislative Activities, 1979 January 15-1981 January 3
17320 97th Congress: Legislative Activities, 1981 January 3-1982 January 29
17321 97th Congress: Legislative Activities, 1981 January 3-1982 November 9 (Volume II; Sections III-VII)
1741 98th Congress: Legislative Activities, 1983 January 3-1984 October 12
1742 99th Congress: Legislative Activities, 1985 January 3-April 20
Sub-Series F: Legislative Fragments (83rd-89th Congress)
1743 83rd Congress: Buttes Dam S 694, 1954
1744 84th Congress: Bridge Canyon Dam, 1956
1745 84th Congress: Buttes Dam S 694, 1955-1956 (1 of 2)
1746 84th Congress: Buttes Dam S 694, 1956 (2 of 2)
1747 84th Congress: Cripple Creek Coal Company, Bidding for Defense Department, Coal Supplies, 1956
1748 84th Congress: Fort McDowell Mohave Tribe, 1956
1749 84th Congress: Gila River Basin and San Carlos Flood Control S 3686, Committee on Public Works, 1956
17410 84th Congress: Glen Canyon Dam, 1956
17411 84th Congress: Glen Canyon Dam, Townsite Location, 1956
17412 84th Congress: Grand Canyon Park and Nature (Monument Revised Boundaries) S 693, 1956
17413 84th Congress: Hell's Canyon Project Hearings, 1955
17414 84th Congress: Highway Act of Federal Aid S 1136, 1956
17415 84th Congress: Highway, Fredonia-Hurricane, Utah, 1956
17416 84th Congress: Hopi Tribe Council Investigation, 1960
17417 84th Congress: Papago Reservation Study S J Res 182, 1955
17418 84th Congress: Roosevelt Dam, Changing Name to Theodore Roosevelt Dam "Booklet" by Charles F. Clarke, 1956
17419 85th Congress: Arizona Land Exchange, Public for Private Land, 1957-1958
17420 85th Congress: Arizona-New Mexico, Local Air Service, 1957
17421 85th Congress: Bridge Canyon Dam, 1957-1958
17422 85th Congress: Buttes Dam S 694, 1957-1958 (1 of 2)
17423 85th Congress: Buttes Dam S 694, 1957-1958 (2 of 2)
17424 85th Congress: Buttes Dam, Feasibility Reports, 1961
Includes letter from the Secretary of Interior and Insular Affairs, 1949.
17425 85th Congress: California-Arizona Water Dispute, 1957-1958
17426 85th Congress: Colorado River Channelization, 1958
17427 85th Congress: Copper Tariff Laws, S 4011, 1957-1958 (1 of 2)
17428 85th Congress: Copper Tariff Laws S 4011, 1957-1958 (2 of 2)
17429 85th Congress: Copper Tariff Laws, "Related Material" S 2998, 1958 (1 of 2)
17430 85th Congress: Copper Tariff Laws, "Related Material" S 2998, 1958 (2 of 2)
17431 85th Congress: Correspondence, Central Arizona Project, 1957-1958
1751 85th Congress: Cripple Creek Coal Company, Bidding for Defense Department, Coal Supplies, Department of Navy and Interior and Insular Affairs, 1957-1958
1752 85th Congress: Dallas Service Case, Civil Aeronautics Board, 1958
1753 85th Congress: Fort Bowie National Monument S 939, 1957-1958
1754 85th Congress: Frontier Airlines Route Expansion to Arizona, 1958
1755 85th Congress: Gila River Basin and San Carlos Flood Control S 3686 Committee on Public Works, 1957
1756 85th Congress: Gila River Basin and San Carlos Flood Control S 3686 Committee on Public Works, 1958
1757 85th Congress: Glen Canyon Dam, 1957-1958
1758 85th Congress: Grand Canyon Park and Nature (Monument Revised Boundaries) S 693, 1957
1759 85th Congress: Hell's Canyon Project Hearings, Interior and Insular Affairs and Insular Affairs S 1333, 1957-1958
17510 85th Congress: Highway Act of 1956, Federal Aid, 1957-1958
17511 85th Congress: Highway, Fredonia-Hurricane, Utah, Rural Electrification Administration, 1957-1958
17512 85th Congress: Hopi Tribal Council Investigation, 1957-1958
17513 85th Congress: Hubbell Trading Post S 552, 1957-1958
17514 85th Congress: Interstate Highway 10, 1958
17515 85th Congress: Kitt Peak Observatory S 4167, 1957-1958
17516 85th Congress: Labor, Goldwater Statement, 1958
17517 85th Congress: Navajo Information File, 1957
17518 85th Congress: Page-Glen Canyon Air Service, Interior and Insular Affairs, 1958
17519 85th Congress: Painted Rock Dam S 1437, 1957-1958
Includes Dean Burch correspondence, 1950.
17520 85th Congress: Papago Reservation Study S J Res 182, 1958
17521 85th Congress: Patent Office Investigation, 1958
17522 85th Congress: Rainbow Bridge and Trail, 1958
17523 85th Congress: "Reflections of a Tribal Attorney" by Norman L. Littell, 1957
17524 85th Congress: Safford Site for Government Plant for Demineralization of Brackish and Saline Waters, 1958
17525 85th Congress: San Carlos "Mineral Strip" Indians vs. Ranchers, Interior and Insular Affairs, 1957-1958
17526 85th Congress: Santa Fe Union Dispute, National Mediation Board, 1957
17527 85th Congress: State Water Laws S 497, Interior and Insular Affairs, 1958
17528 85th Congress: Superstition Mountain Area of Tonto National Forest Aztec Land Exchange, 1958
17529 85th Congress: Tucson Missile (ICBM Sites), Correspondence For and Against Fallout and Blast Studies for the Area, 1958
17530 86th Congress: Arizona Land Exchange, Public for Private Land, 1959
17531 86th Congress: Arizona and Nevada Establish Boundary Line S 133, 1960
17532 86th Congress: Arizona-New Mexico, Local Air Service, 1959
17533 86th Congress: Bisbee-Douglas Airline Routes, American Airlines, 1959
17534 86th Congress: Bonanza Airlines, Civil Aeronautics Board, 1959
17535 86th Congress: Bracero Program, Public Law 78, 1959
17536 86th Congress: Bridge Canyon Dam, 1959-1960
17537 86th Congress: Buttes Dam, Feasibility Reports, 1959-1960
17538 86th Congress: California-Arizona Water Dispute, 1959-1960
17539 86th Congress: Camelback Dam, 1960
17540 86th Congress: Cattle Import Quota, 1960
17541 85th Congress, Chronological Index of Major Legislation, 1959
17542 86th Congress: Colorado River Channelization, 1959-1960
17543 86th Congress: Colorado River Resource Planning S 1590, 1960
17544 86th Congress: Colorado River Storage Basin: Upper Public or Private, Construction of Storage Line, 1960-1961
1761 86th Congress: Colorado River Storage Project, 1960 (1 of 2)
1762 86th Congress: Colorado River Storage Project, 1960 (2 of 2)
1763 86th Congress: Correspondence, Central Arizona Project, 1959
1764 86th Congress: Correspondence, Central Arizona Project, 1960
1765 86th Congress: Cripple Creek Coal Company, Bidding for Defense Department, Coal Supplies, 1959
1766 86th Congress: Cuba Information, General Correspondence, 1960
1767 86th Congress: Dallas Service Case, 1959
1768 86th Congress: D'Apolinio, Frank, 1960
1769 86th Congress: Earl Edward-Land Exchange HR8165, 1960
17610 86th Congress: FCC Licensing-Gila Broadcasting Company, 1960
17611 86th Congress: Flagstaff Airport Information File, Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1960
17612 86th Congress: Fort Bowie National Monument S 939, 1959-1960
17613 86th Congress: Frontier Airlines Route Expansion to Arizona, 1959-1960
17614 86th Congress: Gila River Basin and San Carlos Flood Control, 1959-1960
17615 86th Congress: Glen Canyon Dam, 1959
17616 86th Congress: Glen Canyon Dam, 1960
17617 86th Congress: Grand Canyon Park and Nature (Monument Revised Boundaries) S 693, 1959
17618 86th Congress: Highway Fredonia-Hurricane, Utah, Rural Electrification Administration, 1959
17619 86th Congress: Highway Interstate 40 to Kingman, 1960
17620 86th Congress: Hoover Dam, Operation and Impairment Cost, 1960
17621 86th Congress: Hopi Tribal Council Investigation, 1959-1960
17622 86th Congress: Hubbell Trading Post S 552, 1960
17623 86th Congress: Indian Claims Commission Department, 1960
17624 86th Congress: Interstate Highway 10, 1959-1960
17625 86th Congress: Kino, Father Statue, 1960
Includes "Compilation of Works of Art in the United States Capitol".
17626 86th Congress: Kitt Peak Observatory S 4167, 1959-1960
17627 86th Congress: Maricopa County Flood Control, Army Corps of Engineers, 1959-1960
17628 86th Congress: Navajo Information File, 1960
17629 86th Congress: Navajo Land Exchange S 3754, 1958
17630 86th Congress: Pacific Northwest-California Power Intertie, Interior and Insular Affairs, 1960
17631 86th Congress: Page-Glen Canyon Air Service, 1959
17632 86th Congress: Painted Rock Dam S 1437, 1960
17633 86th Congress: Papago Reservation Study S J Res 182, 1959-1960
17634 86th Congress: Patent Office Investigation, 1959
17635 86th Congress: Quechan Indian Tribe, 1959-1960
17636 86th Congress: Rainbow Bridge and Trail, 1959-1960
17637 86th Congress: Reclamation Bridge S 809, 1960
17638 86th Congress: Roosevelt Dam, Changing Name to Theodore Roosevelt Dam, Interior and Insular Affairs, 1959
1771 86th Congress: Safford Site for Government Plant for Demineralization of Brackish and Saline Waters, 1959-1960
1772 86th Congress: San Carlos Apache Indian Tribe: Obtaining Surplus Government Machinery, 1959-1960
1773 86th Congress: San Carlos "Mineral Strip" Indians vs. Ranchers, 1958-1960 (1 of 2)
1774 86th Congress: San Carlos "Mineral Strip" Indians vs. Ranchers, 1959-1960 (2 of 2)
1775 86th Congress: San Luis Development, 1959
1776 86th Congress: Santa Rosa Flood Control Hearings, 1960
1777 86th Congress: Select Committee on Improper Activities in the Labor or Management Field-Separate Views, 1959
1778 86th Congress: Southern Pacific; Patagonia-Fairbanks; Discontinued Service, Interstate Commerce, Science and Transportation Commission, 1961
1779 86th Congress: Southern Rocky Mountain Area Local Air Service, Frontier Applications to CAB, 1960
17710 86th Congress: Superstition Mountain Area of Tonto National Forest Aztec Land Exchange, 1959-1960
17711 86th Congress: Tennessee Valley Authority, Public or Private, 1959
17712 86th Congress: Transmission Line for Salt River Valley Water for Users, 1960
17713 86th Congress: Tucson Missile (ICBM Sites), Correspondence For and Against Fallout and Blast Studies For the Area, 1959-1960 (1 of 3)
17714 86th Congress: Tucson Missile (ICBM Sites), Correspondence For and Against Fallout and Blast Studies For the Area, 1960 (2 of 3)
17715 86th Congress: Tucson Missile (ICBM Sites), Correspondence For and Against Fallout and Blast Studies For the Area, 1960 (3 of 3)
17716 87th Congress: Allan, Miss Annette, Immigration and Naturalization, 1962
17717 87th Congress: Arizona Medical School, 1962
17718 87th Congress: Arizona and Nevada Establish Boundary Line S 133, 1961
17719 87th Congress: Bracero Program Public Law 78, Department of Labor, Agriculture and Forestry, Judiciary Committee, 1961
17720 87th Congress: Bracero Program Public Law 78, Department of Labor, Agriculture and Forestry, Judiciary Committee, 1962
17721 87th Congress: Bridge Canyon Dam, 1961
17722 87th Congress: Buckeye Saline Water Conversion Plant, 1962
17723 87th Congress: Buttes Dam, Feasibility Reports, 1961-1962
17724 87th Congress: California-Arizona Water Dispute, 1961
17725 87th Congress: Camelback Dam, Army Corps of Engineers and Other Federal Agencies, 1961 (1 of 2)
17726 87th Congress: Camelback Dam, Army Corps of Engineers and Other Federal Agencies, 1961-1962 (2 of 2)
17727 87th Congress: Camelback Mountain Land Exchange S 3102, 1962
17728 87th Congress: Colorado River Channelization, 1961
17729 87th Congress: Colorado River Resource Planning S 1590, 1961-1962
17730 87th Congress: Colorado River Storage Basin: Upper, Public or Private, Construction of Storage Line, 1961-1962 (1 of 2)
17731 87th Congress: Colorado River Storage Basin: Upper, Public or Private, Construction of Storage Line, 1961-1962 (2 of 2)
17732 87th Congress: Colorado River Storage Project, 1961
17733 87th Congress: Colorado River Storage Project Annual Reports, 1961
17734 87th Congress: Colorado Salinity Problem U.S. and Mexico, 1961-1962
1781 87th Congress: Communism Information (Salt River Power), 1961
1782 87th Congress: Digests and Analyses of Major Public Laws and Treaties (Republican Report), 1961-1962
1783 87th Congress: FCC Licensing-Gila Broadcasting Company, 1961-1962
1784 87th Congress: Fort Bowie National Monument S 91, 1961-1962
1785 87th Congress: Frontier Airlines Route Expansion to Arizona, 1961
1786 87th Congress: Frying Pan-Arkansas Project, Water Project, Committeeb on Appropriations, 1962
1787 87th Congress: General Correspondence, 1961-1962
1788 87th Congress: Gila River Basin and San Carlos Flood Control, 1961
1789 87th Congress: Gila River, Flood Control-Possibility of Appropriations, 1962
17810 87th Congress: Glen Canyon Dam, 1961-1962
17811 87th Congress: Grand Canyon Park and National Monument Revised Boundaries S 693, 1961
Includes map.
17812 87th Congress: Highway, Fredonia-Hurricane, Utah, Rural Electrification Administration, 1962
17813 87th Congress: Highway, Tucson-Nogales Interchange, 1961
17814 87th Congress: Hom, Wah Yook, 1961-1962
17815 87th Congress: Hoover Dam, Operations and Impairment Costs, Appropriations Committee, Department of Interior, 1962
17816 87th Congress: Hopi Tribal Council Investigations, Interior and Insular Affairs, 1961-1962
17817 87th Congress: Hubbell Trading Post S 552, 1961-1962
17818 87th Congress: Indian Bend Wash Drainage, 1961-1962
17819 87th Congress: Interstate Highway 10, 1961
17820 87th Congress: Kino, Father Statue, 1961-1962
17821 87th Congress: Kitt Peak Observatory S 4164, 1961-1962
17822 87th Congress: Lederer, William J.: Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1961
17823 87th Congress: Luke Air Force Base: Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1962
17824 87th Congress: Marble Canyon Dam, 1961-1962
17825 87th Congress: Maricopa County Flood, 1962
17826 87th Congress: Navajo Information File, 1961-1962
17827 87th Congress: Nevada-Arizona Watershed Project, 1962
17828 87th Congress: Oak Creek Canyon, Withdrawal and Reservation of Lands, Department of Interior, 1962
17829 87th Congress: Oil Depletion Allowance S 2037, 1961-1962
17830 87th Congress: Pacific Northwest-California Power Intertie Goldwater Amendment S 3153, 1962
17831 87th Congress: Page-Glen Canyon Air Service, 1962
17832 87th Congress: Painted Rock Dam S 1437, 1961-1962
17833 87th Congress: Papago Reservation Study S J Res 182, 1961-1962
17834 87th Congress: Park Dam Power Reallocation, 1962
17835 87th Congress: Pinal Creek Flood Control, Army Corps of Engineers, 1961
17836 87th Congress: Quechan Indian Tribe, 1962
17837 87th Congress: Queen Creek Flood Control Withdrawal and Reservation, 1962
17838 87th Congress: Rainbow Bridge and Trail, 1961-1962
17839 87th Congress: Reclamation Bridge S 809, 1961-1962
17840 87th Congress: Remington Rand System, 1961
17841 87th Congress: Right to Work Taft-Hartley Act, Bill to Repeal Section 14b, 1961-1962
17842 87th Congress: Safford Site for Government Plant for Demineralization of Brackish and Saline Waters, 1961
17843 87th Congress: Saguaro National Monument, Department of Interior, 1961-1962
17844 87th Congress: Salt River Project, 1962
Includes information on possible SRP contributions to state funds from revenues.
17845 87th Congress: San Carlos Apache Indian Tribe, Obtaining Surplus Government Machinery, 1962
17846 87th Congress: San Carlos "Mineral Strip" Indians vs. Ranchers, 1961-1962
17847 87th Congress: San Luis Development S 44, Interior and Insular Affairs and Insular Committee, 1961
17848 87th Congress: Santa Rosa Flood Control Hearings, 1962
17849 87th Congress: Sky Harbor Airport Surveillance Radar Facilities Contract, Federal Aviation Administration, 1961
17850 87th Congress: Southern Pacific Patagonia, Fairbanks Discontinued Service, 1961
17851 87th Congress: Southern Rocky Mountain Area Local Air Service, Frontier Applications to Civil Aeronautics Board, 1961
17852 87th Congress: Southern Rocky Mountain Area Local Air Service, Frontier Applications to Civil Aeronautics Board, 1962
1791 87th Congress: Tennessee Valley Authority Public or Private, 1961
1792 87th Congress: Tonto National Forest Air Force Land Withdrawal, 1962
1793 87th Congress: Transmission Lines for Salt River Valley Water Users of Phoenix, 1961-1962
1794 87th Congress: Tucson Missile (ICBM Sites), Correspondence For and Against Fallout and Blast Studies for the Area, 1961-1962
1795 87th Congress: Wupatki National Monument S 1995, 1961
1796 88th Congress: Adams, Mrs. Phylis, Bureau of Indian Affairs, 1964
1797 88th Congress: Aimone, Family, Immigration, State Department, 1964
1798 88th Congress: Air Force Reserve, Combining with Air National Guard, Department of Defense, 1964
1799 88th Congress: Ajo Air Force Construction Project, Department of the Air Force, 1964
17910 88th Congress: Akong, Mr. Stanley C. Y., Immigration, State Department, 1963
17911 88th Congress: Alberding, Mr. C. H. (Traffic Light at Camelback and Arcadia), 1963
17912 88th Congress: Alvarez, Pietro Rodolfo Walter, Immigration and Naturalization Services, 1964
17913 88th Congress: American Vocational Association Building (Financial Assistance), 1964
17914 88th Congress: Angel Spring Pump South Rim of the Grand Canyon, 1963
17915 88th Congress: Anvari, Mehdi, Immigration and Naturalization Services, 1964
17916 88th Congress: Apache Broadcasting Corporation, Federal Communication Commission, 1963-1964
17917 88th Congress: Arizona Emergency Resources Planning Program, 1963
17918 88th Congress: Arizona Medical School, Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1963-1964
17919 88th Congress: Arizona-New Mexico Gila River Dispute, Arizona Interstate Stream Commission, 1963
17920 88th Congress: Arizona State Corporation Commission, 1963
17921 88th Congress: Bisbee-Douglas, Airline Routes, American Airlines, 1964
17922 88th Congress: Bonanza Airlines, Civil Aeronautics Board, 1964
17923 88th Congress: Bong, Wie Lie S. 2801, 1963-1964
17924 88th Congress: Bracero Program Public Law 78, Department of Labor, Agriculture and Forestry, Judiciary, 1963
17925 88th Congress: Bracero Program Public Law 78, Department of Labor, Agriculture and Forestry, Judiciary, 1964
17926 88th Congress: Bridge Canyon Dam, 1964
17927 88th Congress: Brown Canal Company, Graham County, 1964
17928 88th Congress: Buttes Dam, Feasibility Reports, 1963
17929 88th Congress: California v. Arizona, Boundary Dispute, 1963-1964
17930 88th Congress: Camelback Mountain Preserve, Interior and Insular Affairs S 89, 1963-1964
17931 88th Congress: Cattle Import Quota, 1964
17932 88th Congress: Central Arizona Project, 1963 January-June
17933 88th Congress: Central Arizona Project, 1963 July-August
17934 88th Congress: Central Arizona Project, 1963 September-October
17935 88th Congress: Central Arizona Project, 1963 November-December
17936 88th Congress: Central Arizona Project, 1964 January-March
17937 88th Congress: Central Arizona Project, 1964 April (1 of 2)
17938 88th Congress: Central Arizona Project, 1964 April (2 of 2)
17939 88th Congress: Central Arizona Project, 1964 May-June
17940 88th Congress: Central Arizona Project, 1964 July-August
17941 88th Congress: Central Arizona Project, 1964 September-November
17942 88th Congress: Civil or Criminal Jurisdiction by States on Indian Reservation with the Content of the Tribe S 143, 1964
17943 88th Congress: Civil Rights in the Armed Services, Gessell Report-McNamara Directive, 1961-1963 (1 of 2)
17944 88th Congress: Civil Rights in the Armed Services, Gessell Report-McNamara Directive, 1961-1963 (2 of 2)
17945 88th Congress: Colorado River Indian Problems, Boundary Questions; Employment in BIA, Department of Interior and Insular Affairs, 1963-1964
17946 88th Congress: Colorado River Reservation Road, 1963
Includes map.
1801 88th Congress: Colorado River Resource Planning S 1590, 1963-1964
1802 88th Congress: Colorado River Storage Basin: Upper, Public or Private, Construction of Storage Line, 1963-1964
1803 88th Congress: Colorado River Storage Project, 1963-1964
Includes maps.
1804 88th Congress: Colorado Salinity Problem U.S. and Mexico, 1963-1964
1805 88th Congress: Colorado-Ute Electric Association, REA Loan, Comptroller General of U.S., 1963
1806 88th Congress: Construction Industry and Bureau of Indian Affairs, 1963
1807 88th Congress: Cranada Family, Immigration and Naturalization Service, 1964
1808 88th Congress: D'Apolino, Frank, 1963-1964
1809 88th Congress: Davis-Monthan Air Force Base Budget Needs, 1964
18010 88th Congress: Deeth, Mr. H. A. (Difficulty in Receiving Newspaper Through Mail), 1964
18011 88th Congress: Digests and Analyses of Major Legislation and Treaties (Republican Report), 1963
18012 88th Congress: Douglas Post Office Building, Post Office Department, 1964
18013 88th Congress: Dussault, Sp/5 Kenneth A., Army, General Correspondence, 1964
18014 88th Congress: Earl Edward-Land Exchange HR 8156, Aerial Photos, Maps, Interior and Insular Affairs, 1963-1964
18015 88th Congress: Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, S 2642, 1964
18016 88th Congress: Federal Aviation Administration, Loans to Local Airports, 1964
18017 88th Congress: Federal Bureau of Investigation, Immigration and Naturalization Service, 1964
18018 88th Congress: Fong Shun Chow, Immigration and Naturalization, 1964
18019 88th Congress: Fort Bowie National Monument S 91, 1963-1964
18020 88th Congress: Fort McDowell Mohave Tribe, 1963-1964
Includes maps.
18021 88th Congress: Fort Ord, Meningitis Deaths, 1964
18022 88th Congress: Fraser, Mr. Raymond G., Postal Service Jobs, 1964
18023 88th Congress: Frontier Airlines Route Expansion to Arizona, 1963-1964
18024 88th Congress: Gadeke, Frederick, Immigration, Immigration and Naturalization Service, 1964
18025 88th Congress: Garrett Corporation, Air Force Contract, 1963-1964
18026 88th Congress: George Washington, Five Cent Stamp, Red Signing, 1963
18027 88th Congress: Gila Bend Border Control Station Construction, Department of Justice, 1963
18028 88th Congress: Gila River Flood Control, Possibility of Appropriations, 1963-1964
18029 88th Congress: Gila River Indian Community Water Dispute, 1963-1964
18030 88th Congress: Glen Canyon Dam, 1963
18031 88th Congress: Glen Canyon Dam, 1964
18032 88th Congress: Gold Purchasing HR 6900, House, Banking and Currency, 1963
18033 88th Congress: Highway Act of 1956, Federal Aid S 1136, 1963-1964
18034 88th Congress: Highway, Fredonia-Hurricane, Utah, Rural Electrification Administration, 1964
18035 88th Congress: Highway Interstate 40 to Kingman, 1963
18036 88th Congress: Highway, Mount Lemmon-Oracle Road, 1964
18037 88th Congress: Hom, Mrs. Lan May, Immigration and Naturalization Service, 1963
18038 88th Congress: Hom, Wah Yook S 92, Judiciary Committee, 1963
18039 88th Congress: Hopi Tribal Council Investigation, 1963-1964
18040 88th Congress: Hubbell Trading Post S 552, Interior and Insular Affairs, 1963-1964
18041 88th Congress: Indian Bend Wash Drainage, 1963-1964
18042 88th Congress: Interstate Highway 10, 1963-1964
18043 88th Congress: Interstate Highway 10, Benson-Stein Bypass, 1963
18044 88th Congress: Interstate Highway 19, 1963
18045 88th Congress: Jerome Flood Area, Army Corps of Engineers, 1964
18046 88th Congress: Keams Canyon Public School, 1964
18047 88th Congress: Kino, Father: Statue S J Res 992, Interior and Insular Affairs, 1963-1964
18048 88th Congress: Kitt Peak Observatory S 4167, 1964
18049 88th Congress: Krebiozen (Drug), Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1963
18050 88th Congress: Lacy, Dr. Watson, Concession Contract with the Grand Canyon National Park, Interior and Insular Affairs, 1964
18051 88th Congress: Lake Powell Water Level, Department of Interior, 1963-1964
18052 88th Congress: Lim, Mr. and Mrs. Wey Nan S 393, Immigration, 1964
18053 88th Congress: Lloyds Shipping Index, Cuba, 1963
18054 88th Congress: Lumber Sizes and Grades, Department of Commerce, Science and Transportation, 1963
18055 88th Congress: Manpower, U.S. Department of Labor, 1964
18056 88th Congress: Mar, Fay Lun S. 2971, 1964
18057 88th Congress: Marble Canyon Dam, 1962-1963
18058 88th Congress: Marble Canyon Dam, 1964
18059 88th Congress: Maricopa County Flood, 1963
18060 88th Congress: Maricopa County Flood Control, Army Corps of Engineers, 1964
1811 88th Congress: Meluzzo, Frank, Forest Service, 1964
1812 88th Congress: Military Construction, 1964
1813 88th Congress: Navajo Information File, 1963
1814 88th Congress: Nogales Water Problem, 1964
1815 88th Congress: Northwest Intertie Proposal, Department of Interior and Insular Affairs, 1964
1816 88th Congress: Oil Depletion Allowance S 2037, 1964
1817 88th Congress: Ong, Tam Wah Gin, Immigration and Naturalization, 1963-1964
1818 88th Congress: Osage Tribal Mineral Estate Reservation S 2581, Interior and Insular Affairs, 1964
1819 88th Congress: Pacific Northwest-California Power Intertie, Goldwater Amendment S 3153, 1964
18110 88th Congress: Pacific Southwest Water Plan S 1658, Interior and Insular Affairs, 1963-1964 (1 of 2)
18111 88th Congress: Pacific Southwest Water Plan S 1658, Interior and Insular Affairs, 1964 (2 of 2)
18112 88th Congress: Painted Rock Dam S 1437, 1963-1964
18113 88th Congress: Papago Reservation Study S J Res 182, Interior and Insular Affairs, 1963
18114 88th Congress: Park Dam Power Reallocation, 1964
18115 88th Congress: Patent Office Investigation, 1964
18116 88th Congress: Peaches, Daniel, Bureau of Indian Affairs, 1964
18117 88th Congress: Pinal Creek Flood Control, Army Corps of Engineers, 1964
18118 88th Congress: Pope, Fred L., 1964
18119 88th Congress: Precincts Map, Undated
18120 88th Congress: Prescott College, Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1963
18121 88th Congress: Prescott Military Academy, General Service Administration, 1963-1964
18122 88th Congress: Prescott Municipal Airport, Runway Damage Occurring During "Operation Desert Strike", 1964
18123 88th Congress: Project Cloud Gap, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, 1964
18124 88th Congress: Pulliam Airport, Financial Aid, 1964
18125 88th Congress: Quechan Indian Tribe, 1963
18126 88th Congress: Rainbow Bridge and Trail, 1963
18127 88th Congress: Reclamation Projects Revenues Paid into General Treasury HR 5041, 1963
18128 88th Congress: Recreation and Public Purpose Act of 1926 S 2505, 1963-1964
18129 88th Congress: Remington Rand System, 1963-1964
18130 88th Congress: Right to Work Taft-Hartley Act, Bill to Repeal Section 14b, Labor Public Welfare Committee, 1963
18131 88th Congress: Roads, Federal Roads on Indian Reservations, Department of Interior, 1963-1964
18132 88th Congress: Roosevelt Lake, Proposals to Deplete Water of, Bureau of Reclamation, 1964
18133 88th Congress: Rund, Mrs. Nadine Hansen, State Department, 1964
18134 88th Congress: Safford Site for Government Plant for Demineralization of Brackish and Saline Waters, 1964
18135 88th Congress: Saguaro National Monument, Department of Interior and Insular Affairs, 1963
18136 88th Congress: Salt River Indian Reservation, Electronics Plants, Dickson Electronics, 1963-1964
18137 88th Congress: Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Reservation, Land Exchange S 2210, 1963
18138 88th Congress: Salt River Project, 1963
Includes information on possible SRP contributions to state funds from revenues.
18139 88th Congress: Salt River Southern Boundary Dispute S 1344, 1963
18140 88th Congress: San Carlos Apache Indian Tribe Obtaining Surplus Government Machinery, 1963-1964
18141 88th Congress: San Carlos Irrigation and Drainage District, Water Rights, 1964
18142 88th Congress: San Carlos "Mineral Strip" Indians v. Ranchers, 1963
18143 88th Congress: San Carlos Redevelopment Area, 1964
18144 88th Congress: Santa Cruz Basin Investigation, Army Corps of Engineers, 1964
18145 88th Congress: Santa Cruz Island Condemnation, Department of the Air Force, 1964
18146 88th Congress: Santa Rosa Flood Control Hearings, Army Corps of Engineers, 1963-1964
18147 88th Congress: Shoup, Dr. L. E., Secretary of Interior, 1963
18148 88th Congress: Sitgreaves National Forest Proposed Withdrawal and Reservation of Lands, Department of Interior, 1964
18149 88th Congress: Sky Harbor Airport Surveillance, Radar Facilities Contract, 1963
18150 88th Congress: Southern Pacific Passenger Train Los Angeles, Palm Springs, Phoenix, Tucson Service: Request for Discontinuance, 1964-1965
18151 88th Congress: Southern Rocky Mountain Area Local Service, Frontier Application to Civil Aeronautics Board, 1963
18152 88th Congress: "Space-The New Frontier", 1964 (NASA Booklet)
18153 88th Congress: Special Committee on Aging Services for Senior Citizens, Recommendations and Comment, 1964
18154 88th Congress: Stafford Trucking Company, National Labor Relations, General Correspondence, 1963
18155 88th Congress: Stroud, Robert, "Birdman of Alcatraz" Request for Senate Resolution to Establish Commission ..., 1964
18156 88th Congress: Superstition Mountain Area of Tonto National Forest Aztec Land Exchange, 1963
18157 88th Congress: Surplus Fighter Plane, Post at Window Rock Airport, Department of the Air Force, 1964
18158 88th Congress: Tennessee Valley Authority Public or Private, 1963-1964
18159 88th Congress: Testimonies to Senate Subcommittee on Irrigation and Reclamation, Interior and Insular Affairs, 1963
18160 88th Congress: Tom, Yuen Lin Mui, Wife's Immigration, State Department and Other Government Agencies, 1963-1964
18161 88th Congress: Tonto Forest Seismological Observatory, Secretary of Defense, 1964
18162 88th Congress: Tonto National Forest Air Force Land Withdrawal, 1963
18163 88th Congress: Tonto National Forest Rent Increases, Department of Agriculture and Forestry, 1964
18164 88th Congress: Transmission Lines Between Pinnacle Peak and Mesa, Question of Indian Employment Bidding, etc., 1964
18165 88th Congress: Transmission Lines for Salt River, 1964
18166 88th Congress: Veterans Cemeteries, Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1964
18167 88th Congress: Western Water Rights S 1275, Interior and Insular Affairs, 1964
18168 88th Congress: Yaqui Indians HR 6233, Interior and Insular Affairs, 1964
18169 88th Congress: Yee, Helen Leung, Department of State, 1964
18170 89th Congress: Cibola Valley Irrigation, Yuma County, 1965-1967
18171 89th Congress: Lumber Sites and Grades, 1965
1821 89th Congress: Pacific Northwest-California Power Intertie Goldwater Amendment S 3153, 1965
1822 89th Congress: Painted Rock Dam S 1437 Interior and Insular Affairs, 1965
1823 89th Congress: Peaches, Daniel, 1965
1824 90th Congress: Partial Revision of the Radio Regulations (Geneva 1959), 1968
Sub-Series G: Colleague Correspondence and Committees
1825 91st Congress: "Barry Goldwater Jr. Campaign" (27th Congressional District, California), 1969 (1 of 2)
1826 91st Congress: "Barry Goldwater Jr. Campaign" (27th Congressional District, California), 1969 (2 of 2)
1827 91st Congress: Dodd, Thomas J., 1969-1970
1828 91st Congress: Goldwater, Barry Jr., 1970
1829 91st Congress: Griffen, Robert P., 1969-1970
18210 91st Congress: McCloskey, Paul N. Jr., 1960-1970
18211 91st Congress: Murphy, George, 1967-1970
18212 91st Congress: Scott, Hugh, 1969
18213 91st Congress: Tydings, Joseph D., 1969-1970
18214 91st Congress: A-B, 1969-1970
18215 91st Congress: C, 1969-1970
18216 91st Congress: D-F, 1969-1970
18217 91st Congress: G, 1969-1970
18218 91st Congress: H-K, 1969-1970
18219 91st Congress: L-N, 1969-1970
18220 91st Congress: O-P, 1969-1970
18221 91st Congress: R-S, 1969-1970
18222 91st Congress: W-Z, 1969-1970
18223 91st Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Air and Space Museum, 1969
18224 91st Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Air and Space Museum, 1970 May-July
18225 91st Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Air and Space Museum, 1970 August-December
18226 91st Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Apollo 13 Review Board Report, 1970
18227 91st Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Committee Correspondence, 1968-1969
18228 91st Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Committee Correspondence, 1970
18229 91st Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Committee Testimony and Reports, 1969-1970
18230 91st Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Expenditures and Budget Cuts, 1969-1970
18231 91st Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: History of Air and Space Travel, 1940, 1969
Various. Articles and publications.
18232 91st Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 1969-1970
18233 91st Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: National Aeronautics and Space Administration Budget, 1970
1831 91st Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Space Research, 1968-1969
1832 91st Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Statement of NASA Administrator Thomas O. Paine (and Related Materials), 1970
1833 91st Congress: Agriculture and Forestry Committee: Committee Correspondence, 1969
1834 91st Congress: Agriculture and Forestry Committee: Consumer Agricultural Food Protection Act S 2203, 1969-1970
1835 91st Congress: Agriculture and Forestry Committee: Food Stamps S 2547, HR 18582, 1970-1973
1836 91st Congress: Agriculture and Forestry Committee: Mexican Tomato Embargo, 1961-1970
1837 91st Congress: Agriculture and Forestry Committee: Milk Marketing S 745, 1969
1838 91st Congress: Agriculture and Forestry Committee: Rural Telephone Act HR 7, 1969
1839 91st Congress: Agriculture and Forestry Committee: School Lunch Program, S 2548, HR 515, 1968-1970
18310 91st Congress: Agriculture and Forestry Committee: Timber Supply Act S 1832, HR 10326, Undated
18311 91st Congress: Appropriations Committee: Army Corps of Engineers, 1969-1970
18312 91st Congress: Appropriations Committee: Capitol Building Restoration, 1969
18313 91st Congress: Appropriations Committee: Civil Defense, 1969-1970
18314 91st Congress: Appropriations Committee: Committee Correspondence, 1969
18315 91st Congress: Appropriations Committee: Federal Bureau of Investigation, 1970
18316 91st Congress: Appropriations Committee: Health, Education and Welfare, 1969-1970
18317 91st Congress: Appropriations Committee: Investigation into Sperry Rand Management of Louisiana Ammunition Plant, 1970
18318 91st Congress: Appropriations Committee: National Cancer Institute and National Institute of Health, 1969
18319 91st Congress: Appropriations Committee: Rocky Mountain Educational Laboratory, 1969
18320 91st Congress: Appropriations Committee: Whitton Busing Amendment HR 13111, 1969-1970
18321 91st Congress: Armed Services Committee: Air Force, 1969-1971
18322 91st Congress: Armed Services Committee: Air Force F-15, 1969
18323 91st Congress: Armed Services Committee: Anti-Ballistic Missile Program, 1969-1970
18324 91st Congress: Armed Services Committee: Anti-Ballistic Missiles (Colleague Correspondence), 1969
18325 91st Congress: Armed Services Committee: Anti-Ballistic Missiles (Tony Smith Files), 1969
18326 91st Congress: Armed Services Committee: Army, 1969-1970
18327 91st Congress: Armed Services Committee: Army Character Guidance Program, 1969
1841 91st Congress: Armed Services Committee: C-5A Hearing, 1969
1842 91st Congress: Armed Services Committee: Committee Correspondence, 1968-1969
1843 91st Congress: Armed Services Committee: Committee Correspondence, 1970
1844 91st Congress: Armed Services Committee: Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, 1969-1970
1845 91st Congress: Armed Services Committee: Defense Authorization, 1969-1970
1846 91st Congress: Armed Services Committee: Defense Authorization HR 17123, 1970
1847 91st Congress: Armed Services Committee: Defense Department (Reports, Memos, Correspondence), 1967-1970
1848 91st Congress: Armed Services Committee: Defense Deterrence and Soviet Power (White Papers, Background Material, Correspondence), 1969-1970
1849 91st Congress: Armed Services Committee: Foreign Military Sales Act, 1970
18410 91st Congress: Armed Services Committee: Fort Huachuca (Various), 1968-1970
18411 91st Congress: Armed Services Committee: Lockheed Air Combat Analysis Models and Views on Air-to-Air Combat Simulation, 1968
18412 91st Congress: Armed Services Committee: Luke Air Force Base and Sun City, 1969-1970
18413 91st Congress: Armed Services Committee: Military Command Combat Airlift Competition, 1970
18414 91st Congress: Armed Services Committee: Military-Industrial Complex (Background Material), 1967-1969
18415 91st Congress: Armed Services Committee: Military-Industrial Complex (Tony Smith Files), 1969
18416 91st Congress: Armed Services Committee: Military Priorities (Tony Smith Files), 1970
18417 91st Congress: Armed Services Committee: Prisoners of War, 1969
18418 91st Congress: Armed Services Committee: Military Procurement HR 17123, 1969
18419 91st Congress: Armed Services Committee: Navy and Marines (Various), 1967-1969
18420 91st Congress: Armed Services Committee: Navy and Marines (Various), 1970
18421 91st Congress: Armed Services Committee: Panama Canal S 2228, 1969-1970
18422 91st Congress: Armed Services Committee: Report to the President and Secretary of Defense on the Department of Defense by the Blue Ribbon Defense Panel, 1970 (1 of 2)
18423 91st Congress: Armed Services Committee: Report to the President and Secretary of Defense on the Department of Defense by the Blue Ribbon Defense Panel, 1970 (2 of 2)
18424 91st Congress: Armed Services Committee: Reserve Bill of Rights HR 2, 1967
18425 91st Congress: Armed Services Committee: Rules of Engagement (Vietnam), 1969
18426 91st Congress: Armed Services Committee: Vietnam Trip, 1969
1851 91st Congress: Armed Services Committee: Volunteer Military Manpower Act S 503, S 4013, 1967-1970
1852 91st Congress: Banking and Currency Committee: Credit Cards S 721, 1969-1971
1853 91st Congress: Banking and Currency Committee: Credit Reporting S 823, 1969-1970
1854 91st Congress: Banking and Currency Committee: Defense Production Act S 3302, 1970
1855 91st Congress: Banking and Currency Committee: Emergency Home Financing Act S 3685, 1970
1856 91st Congress: Banking and Currency Committee: Export-Import Bank Act S 4268, 1970
1857 91st Congress: Banking and Currency Committee: Federal Insurance Guarantee Corporation S 2236, 1969-1970
1858 91st Congress: Banking and Currency Committee: Penn Central Failure and the Role of Financial Institutions, 1970
1859 91st Congress: Banking and Currency Committee: Securities Investors Insurance S 2348, 1969-1970
18510 91st Congress: Banking and Currency Committee: Trade with Communist Countries S 2696, 1969-1970
18511 91st Congress: Banking and Currency Committee: Urban Mass Transportation, HR 18185, 1970
18512 91st Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee: Amend Aviation Act S 4401, 1969-1971
18513 91st Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee: Automobile Industry S 3223, 1969-1970
18514 91st Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee: Broadcasting Laws, Equal Time S 3637, 1970
18515 91st Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee: Census: Final National and State Totals; Congressional Reapportionment Statistics, 1970
18516 91st Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee: Civil Aeronautics Board (Regulation of Southern and Western Air Routes), 1969-1971
18517 91st Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee: Committee Correspondence, 1969-1970
18518 91st Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee: Department of Transportation, 1968-1970
18519 91st Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee: Fair Packaging and Labeling S 1424, 1969
18520 91st Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee: Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration S 3927, 1970
18521 91st Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee: Hunter Safety Program S 670, HR 1075, 1969
18522 91st Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee: Interstate Transportation Act S2289, 1969-1970
18523 91st Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee: Minority Enterprise Program, 1970
18524 91st Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee: Motor Common Carriers Joint Rates S 2245, 1969
18525 91st Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee: Nomination Hearings (Various), 1969
18526 91st Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee: Prohibit Dispensing of Drugs S 1575, 1969-1970
18527 91st Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee: Rail Passenger Subsidy, 1969-1970
18528 91st Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee: Railroad and Boxcar Supply S 3223 S 4463 S 4464, 1970-1971
18529 91st Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee: Report on the High Speed Ground Transportation Act of 1965, 1970
18530 91st Congress: Environment and Public Works: Clean Air Act PL 91-604, 1970
18531 91st Congress: Finance Committee: Agricultural Credit HR 15979, 1970
18532 91st Congress: Finance Committee: Baker Tax Sharing Bill S 1634, 1969
18533 91st Congress: Finance Committee: Exploration of Foreign Property S 1378, 1969
18534 91st Congress: Finance Committee: Inflation (Tony Smith Files), 1969
18535 91st Congress: Finance Committee: Revenue Sharing S 2948, 1969-1970
18536 91st Congress: Finance Committee: Social Security Acts S 2424, S 2973, HR 1010, HR 1750, 1969-1970
18537 91st Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: The Case for NATO Force Reductions, circa 1969
18538 91st Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Defense and Russian-Chinese Border Conflict (Tony Smith Files), 1969
18539 91st Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Deterrence (Kintner Reports; Correspondence with Robert Strauze-Hupé), 1968-1970
18540 91st Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Latin American Commission on Foreign Relations, 1967-1969
18541 91st Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Mexican-American White House Conference, 1968-1969
18542 91st Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Peace and Power by Zbigniew Brzezinski, 1970
18543 91st Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Ray McHugh European Trip, 1969
18544 91st Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Red China (Tony Smith Files), 1969
18545 91st Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: United States Foreign Policy for the 1970s-A New Strategy for Peace (Report by President Nixon), 1970
18546 91st Congress: Government Operations Committee: Department of Peace Bill, 1968-1969
1861 91st Congress: Government Operations Committee: Establish an Interagency Committee on Mexican-American Affairs S 740, 1969
1862 91st Congress: Government Operations Committee: Intergovernmental Personnel Act; Uniform Relocation Assistance and Land Acquisition, 1969
1863 91st Congress: Health, Education, and Welfare Committee: Day Care Centers, 1969-1970
1864 91st Congress: Health, Education, and Welfare (Background Material), 1969-1971
1865 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Ak-Chin Indian Community, 1969-1972
1866 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Akers, John, 1969
1867 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: The American Indian High School Dropout in the Southwest, 1969-1971
1868 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Answers to Your Questions about American Indians, 1968
1869 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Arizona Commission of Indian Affairs, 1970
18610 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Beliefs and Policies of Phoenix Area Inter-Tribal School Board, 1969
18611 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Black Mesa and Peabody Coal, 1969-1970
18612 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Black Mesa Road, 1969-1970
18613 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Chilocco Indian School, 1969
18614 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Chinle Nursing Home, 1970
18615 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Choctaw Tribe S 3445, 1969-1970
18616 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Cocopah Tribe, 1969-1971
18617 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Colorado River Indian Tribes, 1968-1970
18618 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Colorado River Indian Tribes-Boundary Dispute HR 8825, S 1790, 1966-1970
18619 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Colorado River Indian Tribes Grant for Sewer System, 1968-1970
18620 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Community Action Projects, 1969
18621 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Construction Funds, 1968
18622 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Dinebeiina Nahiilna Be Agadithe, Inc. (DNA Legal Services - Navajo Nation), 1968
18623 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Dinebeiina Nahiilna Be Agadithe, Inc. (DNA Legal Services - Navajo Nation), 1969 February-June
18624 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Dinebeiina Nahiilna Be Agadithe, Inc. (DNA Legal Services - Navajo Nation), 1969 July
18625 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Dinebeiina Nahiilna Be Agadithe, Inc. (DNA Legal Services - Navajo Nation), 1969 August-October
18626 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Dinebeiina Nahiilna Be Agadithe, Inc. (DNA Legal Services - Navajo Nation), 1969 November-December
18627 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Dinebeiina Nahiilna Be Agadithe, Inc. (DNA Legal Services - Navajo Nation), 1970 January-May
18628 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Dinebeiina Nahiilna Be Agadithe, Inc. (DNA Legal Services - Navajo Nation), 1970 June-December
18629 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Facts about the Papago Indian Reservation and the Papago People, 1970
18630 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Fort McDowell Mohave-Apache Indian Reservation, 1969-1970
18631 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Fort Mohave Indian Reservation, 1968-1968
1871 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Four Corners Power Station, 1969
1872 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: General Correspondence, 1969 January-June
1873 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: General Correspondence, 1969 July-December
1874 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: General Correspondence, 1970 January-June
1875 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: General Correspondence, 1970 July-December
1876 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Gila River Bid to Produce Styrofoam Containers, 1970
1877 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Gila River Enterprises, Inc., 1970
1878 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Gila River (Pima) Indian Reservation-Pima Refining Company, 1970
1879 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Gila River Tribe, 1969-1970
18710 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Grants and Awards, 1969-1970
18711 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Havasupai Tribe, 1969-1971
18712 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Hopi Tribe, 1961-1971
18713 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Hospital for Navajo Nation, 1968-1971
18714 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Housing, 1967-1969
18715 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Hualapai Tribe, 1967-1971
18716 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Indian Claims Commission Annual Report, 1969
18717 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Indian Development District in Arizona, 1969
18718 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Indian Development District-Consolidated Tanneries of Arizona, 1968-1969
18719 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Indian Education: A National Tragedy-A National Challenge, 1969
18720 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Indian Ironworkers Apprenticeship Program, 1970
18721 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Indian Resource Development HR 7514, 1969
18722 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Kayenta Boarding School, 1970
18723 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Log Mill on Fort Apache Reservation, 1969
18724 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Many Farms Boarding School, 1969-1970
18725 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: McKeldin Appointment, 1964-1969
18726 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: McNamara-O'Hare Service Contracts Act, 1969
18727 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: National Council on Indian Opportunity, 1969-1971
18728 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Native Americans of the Northwest, 1970
18729 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Community College, 1969-1971
18730 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Nation, 1967-1968
18731 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Nation, 1969
18732 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Nation, 1970
18733 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Boundary Dispute, 1970
18734 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Irrigation Project, 1970
1881 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Office of Economic Opportunity Programs, 1969-1970
1882 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Power Plant (Four Corners), 1968-1970
1883 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Road Needs, 1969-1971
1884 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Woolen Industry, 1969-1971
1885 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Papago Tribe, 1970
1886 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Pasqua-Yaqui Association, 1963-1970
Includes chronological history.
1887 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Peshlakai, James, 1970
1888 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Press Releases, 1969-1970
1889 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Quechan Tribe (Fort Yuma Reservation) HR 8825, 1969
18810 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Ramah Navajo High School, 1970
18811 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Restoration of Mineral Strip to San Carlos Apache Tribe, 1969-1971
18812 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Road to Red Rock and Lukachukai S 404, 1968-1969
18813 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Rough Rock Demonstration School, 1969-1970
18814 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Salt River Indian Reservation, 1969-1970
18815 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: San Carlos Apache Tribe, 1968-1970
18816 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: San Carlos Apache Tribe Refunding Request, 1970
18817 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: San Carlos Indian Irrigation Project, 1969
18818 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: San Carlos Peridot Mining and Marketing Project, 1969-1971
18819 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: San Carlos Tribe and Timber Employment, 1969-1970
18820 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: School Conditions, 1969-1970
18821 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Shiprock Agency (Navajo), 1970
18822 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Sioux Legal Service Program, 1970
18823 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Southwest Regional Public Information Office, 1968-1969
18824 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Taos Pueblo Blue Lake Land, 1969-1970
18825 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Tuba City Agency, 1969
18826 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Vista-Cocopah Removal of Marge Rosenthal, 1969-1970
18827 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Waste Treatment on the Fort Mohave Indian Reservation, 1970
18828 91st Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: White Mountain Apache Tribe Sawmill, 1969
18829 91st Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Blue Range Primitive Area, 1970
18830 91st Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project, 1966-1968
18831 91st Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project, 1969
18832 91st Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project, 1970
18833 91st Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Enlarge Boundaries of Grand Canyon National Park S 2360, 1968-1969
18834 91st Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Federal Lands for Parks and Recreation S 1708, 1969
1891 91st Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs: Glen Canyon National Recreation Area S 27, 1969-1970
1892 91st Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs: Grand Canyon Hospital Funds, 1969
1893 91st Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs: Lincoln Back Country Wilderness, 1968-1969
1894 91st Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs: Mount Baldy Pine Mountain and Sycamore Canyon Wilderness Areas S 710, 1969-1970
1895 91st Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs: National Mining and Minerals Policy S 719, 1969
1896 91st Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs: Oil and Gas Industry Report, 1969-1970
1897 91st Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs: Oil Pollution S 1219, 1969
1898 91st Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs: Park Land Sale, 1970
1899 91st Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs: Saline Water Conversion Program, 1958-1964
18910 91st Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs: Wild and Scenic Rivers Act-Colorado River, 1969-1970
18911 91st Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs: Wilderness Areas S 709, S 710, 1969-1970
18912 91st Congress: Joint Committee on Reduction of Federal Expenditures: 1970 Budget Score Keeping Report, 1969
18913 91st Congress: Judiciary Committee: Anti-Trust Laws S 1478, S 877, 1967-1969
18914 91st Congress: Judiciary Committee: Carswell Nomination-Supreme Court, 1970
18915 91st Congress: Judiciary Committee: College Benefits S 1290, 1969-1970
18916 91st Congress: Judiciary Committee: Fairness in Franchising S 1967, 1966-1970
18917 91st Congress: Judiciary Committee: Gun Control, Explosives S 3653, 1970
18918 91st Congress: Judiciary Committee: Haynsworth Nomination-Supreme Court, 1969
18919 91st Congress: Judiciary Committee: Immigration and Naturalization Act S 2593, S 3202, 1969-1970
18920 91st Congress: Judiciary Committee: Internal Security Act S 12, HR 14864, 1969-1970
18921 91st Congress: Judiciary Committee: Judicial Administrative Review S 3568, 1970
18922 91st Congress: Judiciary Committee: Martin Luther King Holiday SJ Res 14, 1969-1970
18923 91st Congress: Judiciary Committee: Newsmen's Privilege Act S 3552, 1970
18924 91st Congress: Judiciary Committee: Paralyzed Veterans S 1096, 1969-1970
18925 91st Congress: Judiciary Committee: Patent Laws S 2597, 1967-1969
18926 91st Congress: Judiciary Committee: Preventive Detention S 2600, 1969-1970
18927 91st Congress: Judiciary Committee: Private Relief Bill S 2229, 1969
18928 91st Congress: Judiciary Committee: U.S. Marshall Political Patronage S 3734, 1970
18929 91st Congress: Labor and Public Welfare Committees: Animal Welfare S 2446, HR 11363, HR 13881, 1966-1969
18930 91st Congress: Labor and Public Welfare Committees: Community Colleges S 103, S 3636, 1969-1970
18931 91st Congress: Labor and Public Welfare Committees: Community Mental Health Centers S 2523, 1969-1970
18932 91st Congress: Labor and Public Welfare Committees: Emergency Insured Student Loan Act S 2422, 1969-1971
18933 91st Congress: Labor and Public Welfare Committees: Employee Benefits Protection Plan S 3589, 1970
18934 91st Congress: Labor and Public Welfare Committees: Health Planning and Manpower, 1966-1969
18935 91st Congress: Labor and Public Welfare Committees: Labor Management Relations Act S 1369, 1969-1970
18936 91st Congress: Labor and Public Welfare Committees: Manpower Development and Training S 3878, 1969-1971
18937 91st Congress: Labor and Public Welfare Committees: Older Americans Act, 1969
18938 91st Congress: Labor and Public Welfare Committees: Transportation Industry S 3526, 1970
18939 91st Congress: Post Office and Civil Service Committee: Postal Corporation S 492, 1969-1970
18940 91st Congress: Rules and Administration Committee: General Correspondence, 1969-1970
1901 91st Congress: Rules and Administration Committee: Political Broadcasting S 3637, 1970
1902 91st Congress: Rules and Administration Committee: Rule XXII, Filibuster, 1968-1969
1903 91st Congress: Rules and Administration Committee: Senators' Financial Activities S 1993, 1970
1904 91st Congress: Rules and Administration Committee: Surtax, 1969
1905 91st Congress: Rules and Administration Committee: Voting Age at 18, 1969
1906 91st Congress: Rules and Administration Committee: Voting Age at 18, 1970 January-May
1907 91st Congress: Rules and Administration Committee: Voting Age at 18, 1970 June-October
1908 91st Congress: Small Business Committee: Farmers Home Administration and Disaster Assistance Act S 3745, S 3619, 1970-1971
1909 91st Congress: Small Business Committee: One Bank Holding Companies, 1971-1972
19010 91st Congress: Veterans Affairs Committee: G.I. Bill HR 11959, 1969-1970 (1 of 2)
19011 91st Congress: Veterans Affairs Committee: G.I Bill (General Correspondence) HR 11959, 1969-1970 (2 of 2)
19012 91st Congress: Veterans Affairs Committee: Hospitals and Hospital Benefits, 1969-1970
19013 91st Congress: Veterans Affairs Committee: Pension Liberalization HR 690, 1969
19014 91st Congress: Veterans Affairs Committee: Veterans Benefits and Social Security HR 15911, 1970
19015 91st Congress: Veterans Affairs Committee: WWI Benefits and Pensions S 2658, 1969-1970
19016 92nd Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Curtis, Carl T., 1971-1972
19017 92nd Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Goldwater, Barry Jr., 1971-1972
19018 92nd Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Jordan, B. Everett, 1971-1972
19019 92nd Congress: Colleague Correspondence, McClellan, John L., 1971
19020 92nd Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Murphy, George, 1971-1972
19021 92nd Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Proxmire, William, 1971-1972
19022 92nd Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Scott, Hugh, 1971-1972
19023 92nd Congress: Colleague Correspondence, A-E, 1971-1972
19024 92nd Congress: Colleague Correspondence, F-H, 1971-1972
19025 92nd Congress: Colleague Correspondence, J-M, 1971-1972
19026 92nd Congress: Colleague Correspondence, P-Y, 1971-1972
19027 92nd Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Air and Space Museum, 1971
19028 92nd Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Air and Space Museum, 1972
19029 92nd Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Apollo 15 and 16, 1971-1973
19030 92nd Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Apollo 17, 1972 (1 of 2)
19031 92nd Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Apollo 17, 1972 (2 of 2)
19032 92nd Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1971
1911 92nd Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1972 January-July
1912 92nd Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1972 September-December
1913 92nd Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: National Aeronautics and Space Administration Research S 3094, 1971-1972
1914 92nd Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Solar Energy, 1969-1972
1915 92nd Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Space Shuttle Program, 1971
1916 92nd Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1972
1917 92nd Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: U.S. Soviet Space Agreements, 1972
1918 92nd Congress: Agriculture and Forestry Committee: Bird Sale Regulations, 1972
1919 92nd Congress: Agriculture and Forestry Committee: Farm Credit Act S 1483, 1971
19110 92nd Congress: Agriculture and Forestry Committee: Federal Pesticide Act, 1970-1972
19111 92nd Congress: Agriculture and Forestry Committee: Gila Wilderness Area, 1972
19112 92nd Congress: Agriculture and Forestry Committee: Predator Control HR 13152, 1972
19113 92nd Congress: Agriculture and Forestry Committee: School Lunch Bill SJ 157, 1971-1972
19114 92nd Congress: Agriculture and Forestry Committee: Tennessee Walking Horse Protection Act, 1972
19115 92nd Congress: Appropriations Committee: General Correspondence, 1971-1972
19116 92nd Congress: Appropriations Committee: Peace Corps, 1972
19117 92nd Congress: Appropriations Committee: Testimony of John Edgar Hoover (Federal Bureau of Investigation), 1972
19118 92nd Congress: Appropriations Committee: Air Force, 1970-1972
19119 92nd Congress: Armed Services Committee: Alcoholism in the Military, 1971-1972
19120 92nd Congress: Armed Services Committee: Army, 1971-1973
19121 92nd Congress: Armed Services Committee: Committee Correspondence, 1970-1971
19122 92nd Congress: Armed Services Committee: Committee Correspondence, 1972
19123 92nd Congress: Armed Services Committee: Defense Department, 1971-1972
1921 92nd Congress: Armed Services Committee: Drug Abuse in the Military, 1967-1971
1922 92nd Congress: Armed Services Committee: Electronic Battlefield Program, 1970-1971
1923 92nd Congress: Armed Services Committee: Military Procurement, 1971-1972
1924 92nd Congress: Armed Services Committee: National Defense and Military Assistance Requirements for the 70s, 1971
1925 92nd Congress: Armed Services Committee: National Guard Benefits, 1970-1971
1926 92nd Congress: Armed Services Committee: Naval Oil Share Reserves, 1972
1927 92nd Congress: Armed Services Committee: Navy, 1969-1971
1928 92nd Congress: Armed Services Committee: Nomination of John D. Lavelle, General Creighton W. Abrams, and Admiral John S. McCain (Hearings), 1972
1929 92nd Congress: Armed Services Committee: Nominations for Promotion (Admirals, Generals), 1972 (1 of 2)
19210 92nd Congress: Armed Services Committee: Nominations for Promotion (Admirals, Generals), 1972 (2 of 2)
19211 92nd Congress: Armed Services Committee: Permanent Change of Station Moves, 1970-1971
19212 92nd Congress: Armed Services Committee: Re-computation of Veterans' Pensions S 943, S 944, 1971
19213 92nd Congress: Armed Services Committee: Re-computation of Veterans' Pensions S 943, S 944, 1972
19214 92nd Congress: Armed Services Committee: Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC), 1971-1973
19215 92nd Congress: Armed Services Committee: Retired Reservists' Pay HR 942, 1970-1972
19216 92nd Congress: Armed Services Committee: Selective Service Act HR 6531, 1969-1971
19217 92nd Congress: Armed Services Committee: Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty, 1972
19218 92nd Congress: Armed Services Committee: U.S.S. Arizona HR 16201, 1972
19219 92nd Congress: Armed Services Committee: Voluntary Military Act (Repeal of the Draft, Background, Memos) S 392, HR 71, HR 72, 1971
19220 92nd Congress: Armed Services Committee: Voluntary Military Act (Repeal of the Draft, Hearings, Reports) S 392, HR 71, HR 72, 1972
19221 92nd Congress: Banking, Housing, Urban Affairs Committees: Bank Holding Company Act, 1970-1972
19222 92nd Congress: Banking, Housing, Urban Affairs Committees: Banking Secrecy Act S 3828, 1972
19223 92nd Congress: Banking, Housing, Urban Affairs Committees: Federal Credit Reporting Act S 652, 197-1972
19224 92nd Congress: Banking, Housing, Urban Affairs Committees: Mortgage and Settlement Costs (Testimony), 1972
19225 92nd Congress: Banking, Housing, Urban Affairs Committees: National Credit Union Law S 2758, 1971
19226 92nd Congress: Banking, Housing, Urban Affairs Committees: Reconstruction Finance Corporation HR 7360, 1971
19227 92nd Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committees: Airport Development Revenue Acts S 1437, 1971-1972
19228 92nd Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committees: Aviation User Tax S 3611, 1969-1972
19229 92nd Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committees: Broadcasting Licenses HR 12018, 1972-1973
1931 92nd Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committees: Department of Transportion, 1971-1972
1932 92nd Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committees: El Paso Natural Gas Company and Pacific Northwest Pipeline Merger, 1972
1933 92nd Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committees: Marine Mammal Protection Act HR 10420, 1971-1972
1934 92nd Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committees: No Fault Insurance S 945, S 946, 1971-1972
1935 92nd Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committees: Reduced Airline Rates, 1972
1936 92nd Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committees: Statement on National Transportation Policy, 1971
1937 92nd Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committees: Steel Trade Act, 1969-1971
1938 92nd Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committees: Supersonic Transport Program, 1970-1971
1939 92nd Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committees: Surface Carrier Conglomerate Studies, 1971
19310 92nd Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committees: Television Interference – Causes, Effects, Solutions, circa 1971
19311 92nd Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committees: Transportation Act S 2362, 1971
19312 92nd Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committees: Vitamins (Consumer Protection) S 983, HR 2323, 1971-1972
19313 92nd Congress: Finance Committee: Medicare Nutritional Services S 2504, 1971-1972
19314 92nd Congress: Finance Committee: Revenue Sharing (Background) S 680, 1971 (1 of 2)
19315 92nd Congress: Finance Committee: Revenue Sharing S 680, 1971 (2 of 2)
19316 92nd Congress: Finance Committee: State and Local Assistance Act HR 14370, 1972
19317 92nd Congress: Finance Committee: Trade Bills (Various), 1969-1971
19318 92nd Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Congress of Micronesia (Report by Joint Committee on Future Status), 1971
19319 92nd Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: German Foreign Policy, 1972
19320 92nd Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: International Convention on Genocide, 1971
19321 92nd Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Mansfield Amendment (Troops out of Europe), 1971
19322 92nd Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Mexican Boundary Treaty, 1971
19323 92nd Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Mexican Water Treaty, 1970-1972
19324 92nd Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Personnel System in the Foreign Service HR 8523, 1971
19325 92nd Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Test Ban Treaty (Laird-Fulbright Disagreements), 1963-1969
19326 92nd Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Vietnam (Background Statistics), 1967-1972
19327 92nd Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Vietnam Disengagement Act S 3000, 1970-1972
19328 92nd Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: War Powers Act, 1971-1972
19329 92nd Congress: Government Operations Committee: Reorganization of Departments, 1971-1973
19330 92nd Congress: Government Operations Committee: Selection of Architects and Engineers for Federal Agencies HR 12807, 1972-1973
19331 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Alaska Land Claims S 835, 1967-1971
19332 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Alcoholism Programs, 1970-1971
19333 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: American Indian Mortgage and Financial Services Corporation, 1970-1971
19334 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: "An Analysis of the Economic Structure and Industrial Potential of the Four Corners Region", 1971
19335 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Antioch School of Law, 1972
1941 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Arizona Commission of Indian Affairs, 1971-1972
1942 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Black Mesa and Navajo Power Plant, 1971-1972
1943 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Cherokee Progress and Challenges, circa 1972
1944 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Chinle Nursing Home, 1969-1971
1945 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Chinle Valley School, 1971
1946 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Colorado River Indian Tribes (General Correspondence), 1971-1972
1947 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Colorado River Indian Tribes Irrigation Project, 1972-1973
1948 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Dinebeiina Nahilo Be Agadathe Incorporated (DNA Legal Service, Navajo Nation), 1971
1949 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Factors Affecting Attitudes Towards Eductation, 1971
19410 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Federal Protection of Indian Resources, 1971 (Hearings; Part 1)
19411 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Federal Protection of Indian Resources, 1971 (Hearings; Part 2)
19412 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Federal Protection of Indians, 1972 (Hearings; Parts 3 and 4)
19413 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Federal Protection of Indian Resources, 1972 (Hearings; Part 5)
19414 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Flood Control Projects, 1971
19415 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Fort Mohave Road Conditions, 1971
19416 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: General Correspondence, 1971
19417 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: General Correspondence, 1972 January-June
19418 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: General Correspondence, 1972 July-December
19419 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Gila River Enterprises Incorporated, 1971
19420 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Gila River Enterprises Incorporated, 1972
19421 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Gila River Indian Community (General Correspondence), 1971-1972
19422 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Gila River Indian Community-Sun Valley Marina, 1971
19423 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Gila River Indian Health System, 1971-1972
19424 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Grants and Awards, 1971-1972
1951 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Havasupai (General Correspondence), 1971-1972
1952 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Hopi Cultural Center, 1970-1972
1953 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Hopi Tribe (General Correspondence), 1972
1954 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Hualapai Tribe (General Correspondence), 1971-1972
1955 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Hualapai Reservation and I-40 Interchange at Peach Springs, 1971-1972
1956 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Indian Preference, 1970-1972
1957 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Intermountain School (Samuel W. Billison), 1970-1971
1958 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: "Jojoba and Its Uses", 1972
1959 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Kaibab-Paiute Indian Tribe (General Correspondence), 1971-1972
19510 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Kayenta Boarding School, 1971
19511 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Many Farms High School, 1972
19512 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Community College, 1969-1972
19513 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Community College: 12th Quarterly Report, 1971 April-June
19514 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Community College: 13th Quarterly Report, 1971 July-September
19515 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Community College: 14th Quarterly Report, 1971 October-December
19516 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Community College: 16th Quarterly Report, 1972 April-June
19517 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Community College: 17th Quarterly Report, 1972 July-Septembe
19518 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Community College: 18th Quarterly Report, 1972 October-December
19519 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Drought Conditions, 1972
19520 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Emergency Supply Program, 1973
19521 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Boundary Dispute, 1971
19522 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Boundary Dispute HR 11128, 1972 January-July
19523 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Boundary Dispute HR 11128, 1972 August-October
19524 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Power Plant (Four Corners), 1971
19525 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Power Plant (Four Corners; Black Mesa), 1972
19526 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Scenic Tours, 1971-1972
19527 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Tribe (General Correspondence), 1971-1972
19528 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Occupation of the BIA Building, 1972
19529 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Osage Tribe: Claim Award, 1971
19530 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Papago Tribe (General Correspondence), 1971-1972
1961 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Papago Tribe: Housing, 1972
1962 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Papago Tribe: Requests for Funding (Roads, Schools), 1971
1963 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Papago Tribe: Requests for Funding (Natural Resource Management), 1972
1964 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Papago-Tucson Development Corporation (San Xavier Industrial Park), 1971-1972
1965 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Phoenix Indian Medical Center, 1972
1966 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Reservation Indians and the Highway Safety Act, 1972
1967 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Roads on the Navajo Nation, 1971-1972
1968 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Rough Rock Demonstration School, 19701972
1969 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Rough Rock Publishing House, 1972
19610 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Salt River Indian Reservation Pesticide Studies, 1972
19611 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Salt River-Pima-Maricopa Tribes (Modular Housing), 1971-1972
19612 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: San Carlos Apache Tribe (General Correspondence), 1971-1972
19613 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: San Carlos Apache Tribe: Community Action Programs (Proposals), 1971-1972
19614 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: San Carlos Opportunity for Rural Regional Employment (SCORRE), 1971
19615 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Study of Conflicts of Interest in the Protection of Natural Resources, 1971
19616 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Tribal and BIA Executive Seminar, 1971
19617 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Tribal and BIA Executive Seminar, 1972
19618 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Urban Indians, 1972
19619 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Ute Indian Tribe: Proposal for Environmental Study of Four Corners Area, 1972
19620 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: White Mountain Apache Tribe (General Correspondence), 1970-1972
19621 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: White Mountain Apache Tribe (Whiteriver Hospital), 1972
19622 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Withdrawal and Reservation of Lands, 1972
19623 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Winslow Indian Dormitory, 1971-1972
19624 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Yaqui Tribal Council, 1971
19625 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Yavapai-Apache Tribe, 1971-1972
19626 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Yavapai Land Claims, 1971-1972
19627 92nd Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project: Central Arizona Regional Development, 1968-1973
19628 92nd Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project: Central Arizona Water Conservation District, 1970-1971
19629 92nd Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project: Environmental Statement, 1971
19630 92nd Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Colorado River Basin Project (Reports), 1971-1972
19631 92nd Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Colorado River Work and Levee System (Report), 1971-1972
19632 92nd Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Enlarge Boundaries of Grand Canyon National Park S 1296, 1969-1972
19633 92nd Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Enlarge Boundaries of Grand Canyon National Park S 1882S 2360 HR 1139, 1971-1972
1971 92nd Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Four Corners Navajo Power Plant, 1971-1972
1972 92nd Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: General Correspondence, 1968-1972
1973 92nd Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Mineral Development Act S 2542, 1968-1972
1974 92nd Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Offshore Oil and Gas Leasing (Louisiana), 1971-1972
1975 92nd Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Problems of Electrical Power Production in the Southwest S Res 45 (Report), 1972
1976 92nd Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Reform Mining Law of 1872, 1970-1971
1977 92nd Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Wilderness Areas – Mt. Baldy, Pine Mt. and Sycamore Canyon HR 3338, S 959, 1971-1972
1978 92nd Congress: Judiciary Committee: Disciplining Disruptive Lawyers S 2039, 1971
1979 92nd Congress: Judiciary Committee: Equal Rights for Men and Women, 1972
19710 92nd Congress: Judiciary Committee: Justice Department Annual Report, 1972
19711 92nd Congress: Judiciary Committee: Tape Piracy S 646, 1971
19712 92nd Congress: Judiciary Committee: Telecasting of Sports Contests Act HR 4974, 1971-1972
19713 92nd Congress: Judiciary Committee: Voting Rights (Absentee and Overseas) HR 4249, 1970-1972
19714 92nd Congress: Labor and Public Welfare Committee: Emergency Employment Act, 1971-1972
19715 92nd Congress: Labor and Public Welfare Committee: Equal Opportunity Act S 3193, 1972
19716 92nd Congress: Labor and Public Welfare Committee: Pension Plans HR 1269, S 2, 1971-1972
19717 92nd Congress: Labor and Public Welfare Committee: Vending Stands for the Blind S 2506, 1971-1972
19718 92nd Congress: Post Office and Civil Service Committee: Commemorative Stamps, 1971-1972
19719 92nd Congress: Rules and Administration Committee: Campaign Communications Reform Act S 382, PL 92-225, 1970-1973
19720 92nd Congress: Veterans Affairs Committee: Health Manpower Training S 2219, HJ Res 748, 1971
19721 92nd Congress: Veterans Affairs Committee: Veterans Education and Training Act S 2161, 1971-1972
19722 93rd Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Cannon, Howard, 1973-1974
19723 93rd Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Curtis, Carl T., 1973-1974
19724 93rd Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Domenici, Pete V., 1973-1974
19725 93rd Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Goldwater, Barry Jr., 1973-1974
19726 93rd Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Griffin, Robert P., 1973-1974
19727 93rd Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Ichord, Richard H. (Helen Douglas, Melvin Douglas, and Paul Robeson), 1974
19728 93rd Congress: Colleague Correspondence, McClellan, John L., 1973-1974
19729 93rd Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Moss, Frank E., 1973-1974
19730 93rd Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Muskie, Edmund, 1973
19731 93rd Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Pastore, John O., 1973-1974
19732 93rd Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Proxmire, William, 1973-1974
19733 93rd Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Schweiker, Richard, 1973-1974
19734 93rd Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Scott, Hugh, 1973-1974
19735 93rd Congress: Colleague Correspondence, A-B, 1973-1974
19736 93rd Congress: Colleague Correspondence, C, 1973-1974
19737 93rd Congress: Colleague Correspondence, D-F, 1973-1974
19738 93rd Congress: Colleague Correspondence, G-H, 1973-1974
19739 93rd Congress: Colleague Correspondence, J-L, 1973-1974
19740 93rd Congress: Colleague Correspondence, M-N, 1973-1974
19741 93rd Congress: Colleague Correspondence, P-S, 1973-1974
19742 93rd Congress: Colleague Correspondence, T-Y, 1973-1974
19743 93rd Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Air and Space Museum, 1973
19744 93rd Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Committee Correspondence, 1973
1981 93rd Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Committee Correspondence, 1974
1982 93rd Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Correspondence and Briefing Books (Charles Lombard, Minority Counsel), 1973-1974
1983 93rd Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Energy (Various), 1973-1974
1984 93rd Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Energy Conservation, Glass Products (PPG Industries), 1973
1985 93rd Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Energy-Related Research and Development (NASA Report), 1974
1986 93rd Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Feasibility Study of a Satellite Solar Power System, 1973
1987 93rd Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Hearings on Aviation Technology, 1974
1988 93rd Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Helium, 1974
1989 93rd Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (General Correspondence), 1973 January-April
19810 93rd Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (General Correspondence), 1973 May-December
19811 93rd Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (General Correspondence), 1974 January-March
19812 93rd Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: (General Correspondence), 1974 April-May
19813 93rd Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: (General Correspondence), 1974 June-December
19814 93rd Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Power Relay Satellite, 1974
19815 93rd Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Report of Activities, 1973
19816 93rd Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Skylab 1, 1973
19817 93rd Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Solar Energy, 1973
19818 93rd Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Solar Energy, 1974
19819 93rd Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Solar Heating and Cooling S 1283, S 2135, S 2589, S 2650, S 2658, S 2744, 1973
19820 93rd Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Solar Heating and Cooling HR 11864, S 3234, 1974
1991 93rd Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Space Shuttle Program, 1973-1974
1992 93rd Congress: Appropriations Committee: Military Construction (West Point Hospital), 1973
1993 93rd Congress: Armed Services Committee: Air Force, 1973-1974
1994 93rd Congress: Armed Services Committee: Arizona Air Force Bases (Luke, Yuma, Davis-Monthan, Williams), 1973-1974
1995 93rd Congress: Armed Services Committee: Air Force ROTC and Women, 1974
1996 93rd Congress: Armed Services Committee: Army, 1974
1997 93rd Congress: Armed Services Committee: Army and St. Michael's Cannons, 1972-1974
1998 93rd Congress: Armed Services Committee: Chile, 1970-1974
1999 93rd Congress: Armed Services Committee: Committee Correspondence, 1973 January-June
19910 93rd Congress: Armed Services Committee: Committee Correspondence, 1973 July-December
19911 93rd Congress: Armed Services Committee: Committee Correspondence, 1974
19912 93rd Congress: Armed Services Committee: Defense Department (General Correspondence), 1973-1974
19913 93rd Congress: Armed Services Committee: Navy, 1972-1974
19914 93rd Congress: Armed Services Committee: Nominations for Promotion (Admirals and Generals), 1973 (1 of 2)
19915 93rd Congress: Armed Services Committee: Nominations for Promotion (Admirals and Generals), 1973 (2 of 2)
19916 93rd Congress: Armed Services Committee: Surface to Air Missiles, 1973
19917 93rd Congress: Armed Services Committee: Tactical Air Power Hearings, 1973
19918 93rd Congress: Budget Committee: Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act, 1973-1974
19919 93rd Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committees: Committee Correspondence, 1972-1974
19920 93rd Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committees: Energy Transportation Security HR 8193, 1974
19921 93rd Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committees: Federal Energy Administration (General Correspondence), 1974
2001 93rd Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committees: Mid-Air Collision Avoidance Act, 1969-1973
2002 93rd Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committees: Overseas National Airlines, circa 1973
2003 93rd Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committees: Supplemental Air Transportation S 1739, 1973-1974
2004 93rd Congress: Energy and Natural Resources Committee: Energy (Various), 1973-1974
2005 93rd Congress: Energy and Natural Resources Committee: Energy Research and Development HR 9090, S2650, S 2135, 1973-1974
2006 93rd Congress: Energy and Natural Resources Committee: Exploration and Economics of the Petroleum Industry-New Ideas, New Methods, New Developments, 1973
2007 93rd Congress: Energy and Natural Resources Committee: Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor Program, 1974
2008 93rd Congress: Finance Committee: General Motors and International Trade, 1973
2009 93rd Congress: Finance Committee: Social Services Programs S 2528, 1973
Amends the Social Security Act.
20010 93rd Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Genocide Treaty, 1969-1974
20011 93rd Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: India's Nuclear Capability, 1974
20012 93rd Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Vietnam, 1973-1974
20013 93rd Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: War Powers Act S 440, 1973 (1 of 3)
20014 93rd Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: War Powers Act S 440, 1973 (2 of 3)
20015 93rd Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: War Powers Act S 440, 1973 (3 of 3)
20016 93rd Congress: Government Operations Committee: Executive Privilege Secrecy in Government, Freedom of Information, 1973
20017 93rd Congress: Government Operations Committee: Property Tax Relief and Reform Act S 1255 (Hearings), 1973
20018 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Alaskan Native Claims, 1971-1973
20019 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: American Indian Council Region X, 1968-1973 (1 of 2)
20020 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: American Indian Council Region X: "A Preliminary Survey of American Indian Involvement in the Federal Government", 1973 (2 of 2)
20021 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: American Indian Movement, 1973
20022 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Arizona Commission of Indian Affairs, 1973
20023 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Awards to Arizona Tribes, 1973-1975
2011 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Behind the Scenes in Hopi Land (M. W. Billingsley), 1974
2012 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Black Mesa and Navajo Power Station, 1973-1974
Includes photos.
2013 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Business Leases on Indian Lands, 1970-1974
2014 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Colorado River Indian Tribes (John Artichoker), 1973-1974
2015 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Colorado River Indian Tribes (General Correspondence), 1973-1974
2016 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Colorado River Indian Tribes: Request for Funding Irrigation Project, 1973
Includes photos.
2017 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Eastern Navajo Council (Education Proposal), 1973
2018 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Economic Conditions on Reservations, 1973
2019 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Education, 1974
20110 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Education Journal of the Institute for the Development of Indian Law, 1973
20111 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Facts about the Papago Agency, 1974
20112 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Food Stamps, 1973-1974
20113 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Fort Defiance Indian Hospital, 1973-1974
20114 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Fort McDowell Apache Tribe, 1973-1974
20115 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Fort Mohave Indian Reservation and William La Follette, 1973
20116 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Four Corners Regional Commission, 1973-1974
20117 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Funding for Various Programs, 1972-1974
20118 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: General Correspondence, 1973
20119 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: General Correspondence, 1974
20120 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Gila River Career Center, 1973
20121 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Gila River Indian Community (General Correspondence), 1973-1974
20122 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Gila River Indian Community: Sacaton Hospital, 1973
20123 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Gila River Indian Community: Sacaton Hospital, 1974
20124 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Gila River Enterprises Incorporated, 1974
20125 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Gila River Indian Health System, 1973
20126 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Gila River Indian Health System, 1974
20127 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Grants and Awards, 1973-1974
20128 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: GUNDE Corporation (Greater United Navajo Development Enterprises, Incorporated), 1973
2021 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: GUNDE Corporation, 1974 (1 of 2)
Includes voting irregularities; FBI investigation.
2022 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: GUNDE Corporation, 1974 (2 of 2)
Photos used in FBI investigation.
2023 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: HARM-Lockheed Contract (Navajo Nation), 1974
2024 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Havasupai Tribe (General Correspondence), 1973-1974
2025 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Headstart Program, 1973
2026 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Health Care (Various) S 953S 1801S 2938, 1971-1974
2027 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Hon Dah Homesite Area, 1973
2028 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Hopi Tribe (General Correspondence), 1973-1974
2029 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Hualapai Tribe (General Correspondence), 1973
20210 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Indian Action Team Program, 1973-1974
20211 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Indian Campgrounds Incorporated, 1972-1973
20212 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Indian Preference, 1974
20213 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Johnson O'Malley Program, 1972-1974
20214 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Jojoba Project, 1971-1973
20215 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Kaibab-Paiute Tribe (General Correspondence), 1973
20216 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Kayenta School District, 1973-1974
20217 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Communications Board, 1974
20218 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Community College, 1974
20219 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Community College (19th Quarterly Report), 1973
20220 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Community Planning Grant, 1974
20221 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Education, 1972-1974
20222 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Health Authority, 1974
20223 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Land Dispute (Committee Prints and Legal Material) S 2424, 1966-1973 (1 of 2)
20224 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Land Dispute (Background, Memos), 1973 (2 of 2)
20225 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Land Dispute HR 10337, S 3230, S 3724 (Correspondence), 1974 (1 of 2)
2031 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Land Dispute (Correspondence), 1974 (2 of 2)
2032 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Housing Authority, 1973-1974
2033 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Irrigation Project, 1974
2034 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Police and Court System, 1971-1973
2035 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo: Project Lifesaver, 1973
2036 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Tribe (General Correspondence), 1973
2037 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Tribe (General Correspondence), 1974
2038 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Papago Housing Authority, 1973
2039 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Papago Housing Authority, 1974
20310 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Papago Tribe (General Correspondence), 1973-1974
20311 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Papago Tribe: Cattle Losses (Drought), 1974
20312 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Papago Tribe: Educational Development, 1973
20313 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Papago Tribe: Food Stamps, 1974
20314 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Papago Tribe: Health Care, 1973-1974
20315 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Payson Yavapai-Apache Community Survey Report, 1973
20316 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Phoenix Indian Medical Center, 1974
20317 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Public Employment Program Handbook for Reservation Indians, 1972-1973
20318 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Quechan Tribe (General Correspondence), 1973-1974
20319 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Rock Point School, 1974
20320 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Rough Rock Demonstration School, 1973-1974
20321 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Salt River Pima-Maricopa Development Corporation and General Binding Corporation, 1971-1974
20322 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: San Carlos Apache Tribe (General Correspondence), 1973-1974
Includes photos.
20323 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Southwest Indian Report, 1973
20324 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Surface Mining on Indian Lands, 1974
20325 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: "Televised Cognitive Skill Instruction for Papago Native American Children", 1974
20326 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Tribal Leaders and BIA Executive Seminar, 1974
20327 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Ute Research Laboratory, 1974-1975
20328 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: White Mountain Apache Tribe (General Correspondence), 1973-1974
20329 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Winslow Public Schools, 1972-1973
20330 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Women, Infants and Children's Food Program, 1973
20331 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Yavapai-Apache Community Council, 1973-1974
20332 93rd Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Yavapai-Prescott Tribe Comprehensive Plan, 1974
2041 94th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Alaskan Pipeline S 1081, 1973
2042 94th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project, 1973-1974
Includes Fort McDowell.
2043 94th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project: Proponents to the Tucson City Council, 1974
2044 94th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project: Staff Report ... to Tucson City Council, 1974
2045 94th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: General Correspondence, 1973-1974
2046 94th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Geothermal Energy Research, Development, and Demonstration Act HR 14920, S 2465, 1973-1974
2047 94th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Geothermal Resource Investigations (Bureau of Reclamation Report), 1974
2048 94th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Grand Canyon National Park Enlargement Act S 1296 (Memos, Hearings, Reports), 1973 (1 of 3)
2049 94th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Grand Canyon National Park Enlargement Act (Hearings) S 1296, 1973 (2 of 3)
20410 94th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Grand Canyon National Park Enlargement Act S 1296, 1973 (3 of 3)
20411 94th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Grand Canyon National Park Enlargement Act and the Hualapai Tribe S 1296, 1973-1974
See also Indian Affairs.
20412 94th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Mineral Development on Federal Lands (Hearings), 1974
20413 94th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Virgin Islands, 1974
20414 94th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Wildlife Protection HR 11537S 1041, 1974
20415 94th Congress: Judiciary Committee: Criminal Justice Reform, 1972-1975
20416 94th Congress: Judiciary Committee: Federal Data Banks and Constitutional Rights, 1974
20417 94th Congress: Judiciary Committee: National Day of Humiliation, Fasting and Prayer, 1974
Includes tape.
20418 94th Congress: Judiciary Committee: Privacy, Polygraphs, and Employment, 1974
20419 94th Congress: Judiciary Committee: Statement of Information Submitted on Behalf of President Nixon, 1974
20420 94th Congress: Judiciary Committee: Submission of Recorded Presidential Conversations, 1974
2051 94th Congress: Judiciary Committee: "This is the FBI, a Study of the Federal Bureau of Investigation", 1973
2052 94th Congress: Judiciary Committee: Bilingual Job Training S 414, 1973
2053 94th Congress: Judiciary Committee: Elementary and Secondary Education Programs, 1973-1974
2054 94th Congress: Judiciary Committee: Vending Machines on Federally Controlled Property, 1973
2055 94th Congress: Post Office and Civil Service Committee: Commemorative Stamps, 1973
2056 94th Congress: Post Office and Civil Service Committee: Magazine Subsidy and Revenue Foregone (Hearings), 1973
2057 94th Congress: Rules and Administration Committee: Energy Research and Development Administration, 1974-1975 (1 of 2)
2058 94th Congress: Rules and Administration Committee: Energy Research and Development Administration, 1974-1975 (2 of 2)
2059 94th Congress: Rules and Administration Committee: Voting by U.S. Citizens Residing Abroad (hearings) S 2102, S 2384, 1973
20510 93rd Congress: Small Business Committee: General Correspondence, 1971-1973
20511 94th Congress: Veterans Affairs Committee: General Correspondence, 1973
20512 94th Congress: Veterans Affairs Committee: General Correspondence, 1974
20513 94th Congress: Veterans Affairs Committee: Jewish War Veterans of the U.S.A., 1973
20514 94th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Bartlett, Dewey F., 1975-1976
20515 94th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Beall, J. Glenn Jr., 1975
20516 94th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Cannon, Howard W., 1975-1976
20517 94th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Cranston, Alan, 1975
20518 94th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Curtis, Carl T., 1975-1976
20519 94th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Domenici, Pete, 1975-1976
20520 94th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Goldwater, Barry Jr., 1975-1976
20521 94th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Lott, Trent, 1976
20522 94th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, McClellan, John L., 1975-1976
20523 94th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, McClure, James A., 1975-1976
20524 94th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Moss, Frank E., 1975-1976
20525 94th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Proxmire, William, 1975-1976
20526 94th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Scott, Hugh, 1975-1976
20527 94th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Scott, William L., 1975-1976
20528 94th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, A-C, 1975-1976
20529 94th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, E-G, 1975-1976
20530 94th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, H, 1975-1976
20531 94th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, I-L, 1975-1976
20532 94th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, M-P, 1975-1976
20533 94th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, R-T, 1975-1976
20534 94th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Y-W, 1975-1976
20535 94th Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Air and Space Museum, 1975-1976
20536 94th Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Committee Correspondence, 1975-1976
20537 94th Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1975-1976
2061 94th Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Hearings: NASA Authorization S 573, 1975 (Part I)
2062 94th Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Hearings: NASA Authorization S 573, 1975 (Part II)
2063 94th Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Hearings: Technology and National Needs, 1976
2064 94th Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Ozone Depletion, 1975 (1 of 3)
2065 94th Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Ozone Depletion, 1975 (2 of 3)
2066 94th Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Ozone Depletion, 1975 (3 of 3)
2067 94th Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Prop-Fan Propulsion System, 1975
2068 94th Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Space Shuttle (Boeing 747), 1975
2069 94th Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Utilization of Space Technology, 1975 (1 of 3)
20610 94th Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Utilization of Space Technology, 1975 (2 of 3)
20611 94th Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Utilization of Space Technology, 1975 (3 of 3)
20612 94th Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Viking Mission, 1976
20613 94th Congress: Agriculture and Forestry Committee: Arizona Advisory Committee, 1974-1975
20614 94th Congress: Agriculture and Forestry Committee: Arizona Citrus (International Trade), 1971-1980
20615 94th Congress: Agriculture and Forestry Committee: Food Stamp Reform Act, 1975-1976
20616 94th Congress: Agriculture and Forestry Committee: Timber from National Forests HR 11894, S 2926, S 3091, 1976
2071 94th Congress: Appropriations Committee: Defense, 1975
2072 94th Congress: Appropriations Committee: Eisenhower Consortium, 1975
2073 94th Congress: Appropriations Committee: Military Procurement, 1975-1976
2074 94th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Air Force (General Correspondence), 1975
2075 94th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Air Force (General Correspondence), 1976
2076 94th Congress: Armed Services Committee: American Atomics Corporation, 1976
2077 94th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Arizona Air Force Bases (Luke, Yuma, Davis-Monthan, Williams), 1975-1976
2078 94th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Army (General Correspondence), 1975-1976
2079 94th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Base Realignment (Background Studies), 1976
20710 94th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Base Realignment Proposal and Analyses, 1976
20711 94th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Chile, 1975-1976
20712 94th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Committee Correspondence, 1975-1976
20713 94th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Defense Budget for Fiscal Year 1976, 1975-1976
20714 94th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Defense Budget for Fiscal Year 1977, 1976
20715 94th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Department of Defense (General Correspondence), 1975-1976
20716 94th Congress: Armed Services Committee: The Enforcer Close Air Support Aircraft, 1975
20717 94th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Flagstaff Naval Reserve, 1976
20718 94th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Fort Huachuca Civilian Employees (Against Reorganization), 1974-1975
20719 94th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Hearing to Disapprove Construction Projects on the Island of Diego Garcia, 1974-1975
20720 94th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Joint Hearings on Naval Petroleum and Strategic Energy Reserves, 1975
20721 94th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Military Recreational Facilities, 1976
20722 94th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Navy (General Correspondence), 1975-1976
20723 94th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Navy and Piasecki Aircraft Corporation, 1973-1975
20724 94th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Navy Research and Development, 1975-1976
20725 94th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Navy Research and Development (Differential Pressure System), 1975-1976
20726 94th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Navy Research and Development (Triumph Corporation and Murdock Engineering), 1975
2081 94th Congress: Armed Services Committee: "Organizations and Individuals Opposed to the B-1", 1976
2082 94th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Rules of Engagement in Vietnam, 1975
2083 94th Congress: Armed Services Committee: "The Union Doesn't Suit" (Association of the U.S. Army), 1976
2084 94th Congress: Armed Services Committee: U.S. Military Posture for Fiscal Year 1975, 1974
2085 94th Congress: Armed Services Committee: War Games, 1975
2086 94th Congress: Budget Committee: Senate Budget Scorekeeping Report, 1976
2087 94th Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committees: Anti-Trust Complaint Against Xerox (Federal Trade Commission), 1975
2088 94th Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committees: Committee Correspondence, 1975-1976
2089 94th Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committees: Deep Seabed Hard Minerals Act S 713, 1976
20810 94th Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committees: Federal Power Commission (Hearings), 1975
20811 94th Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committees: Kennecott Corporation Divestiture of Peabody Coal, 1975
20812 94th Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committees: Subcommittee on Consumer Affairs (Southwest Bell Telephone; Improper Political Activities of AT & T), 1975
20813 94th Congress: Committee on Committees: Senate Committee Structure, 1976
20814 94th Congress: Energy and Natural Resources Committee: Atomic Energy, 1974-1975
20815 94th Congress: Energy and Natural Resources Committee: Energy Research and Development, 1975
20816 94th Congress: Energy and Natural Resources Committee: Solar and Geothermal Energy Development, 1975
20817 94th Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Mariana Islands, 1975
20818 94th Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Panama Canal, 1967-1976
20819 94th Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Panama Canal (Personal Correspondence), 1975-1976
20820 94th Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: People's Republic of China (Taiwan Travel Report), 1975
20821 94th Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Turkey, 1975
20822 94th Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: "The War Powers Resolution Tested: The President's Independent Defense Power" by J. Terry Emerson in Notre Dame Lawyer, 1975
20823 94th Congress: Government Operations Committee: Watergate Reorganization and Reform Act, 1973-1976
20824 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Appropriations, 1975 January-May
20825 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Appropriations, 1975 June-October
20826 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Appropriations (Various), 1976
20827 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: American Indian School of Medicine, 1975-1976
20828 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project and Fort McDowell Tribal Lands, 1974-1975
20829 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Chilchinbeto Day School, 1975
20830 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Chinle School District, 1974-1976
2091 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Chinle Valley School for Exceptional Children, 1976
2092 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Colorado Indian Tribes (General Correspondence), 1975-1976
2093 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Colorado River Indian Tribes: Dust and Agricultural Development, 1975-1976
2094 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Colorado River Indian Tribes: Parker Hospital, 1976
2095 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Colorado Indian Tribes: Power Service, 1974-1976
2096 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Colorado Indian Tribes: National Tribal Chairmen's Associations, 1975
2097 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Farming and Agri-Business, 1975
2098 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: "Feasibility Study for Leupp Industrial Park", 1976
2099 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Four Corners Regional Commission, 1975
20910 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: General Correspondence, 1975
20911 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: General Correspondence, 1976
20912 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Gila River Indian Community (General Correspondence), 1975-1976
20913 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Gila River Indian Community: Sacaton Health Facility, 1975
20914 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Gila River Indian Enterprises, 1975
20915 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Grants and Awards, 1975-1976
20916 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: GUNDE Corporation (MacDonald-FBI investigation), 1975
20917 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Havasupai (General Correspondence), 1975
20918 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Havasupai Plan (Land Use for the Addition to the Reservation), 1976
20919 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Health, Education and Welfare (Various), 1975-1976
20920 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Hopi Industrial Park, 1975
20921 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Hopi Tribe (General Correspondence), 1975-1976
20922 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Hopi Tribe: Moencopi Day School, 1976
20923 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Hualapai Trading Post, 1975-1976
20924 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Indian Crime, 1976
20925 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Indian Water Rights and the Central Arizona Project, 1975 (1 of 2)
20926 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Indian Water Rights and the Central Arizona Project, 1975 (2 of 2)
20927 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Indian Water Rights: Colorado River, 1976
20928 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Inter-Tribal School Board (Reduction in Force), 1975
20929 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Kaibab-Paiute Tribe (General Correspondence), 1975
20930 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Kayenta Boarding School, 1974-1975
20931 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Many Farms High School, 1975-1976
Includes photos.
20932 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Area Rent Increases (Government Housing), 1975-1976
20933 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Audit (Peter MacDonald), 1975-1976 (1 of 2)
2101 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Audit (Peter MacDonald), 1976-1977 (2 of 2)
2102 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Capital Youth Baseball League, 1975-1976
2103 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Code Talkers, 1976-1977
2104 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Community College, 1975
2105 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Cultural Center, 1976
2106 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Education, 1975-1976
2107 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Film and Media Commission, 1976
2108 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Health Services, 1975
2109 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission, 1975
21010 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission, 1976
21011 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: "The Navajo Nation: An American Colony", 1975
21012 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Reservation Road Needs, 1975
21013 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Tribe (General Correspondence), 1975 January-May
21014 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Tribe (General Correspondence), 1975 June-December
21015 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Tribe (General Correspondence), 1976
21016 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Voting Irregularities, 1976-1977
21017 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Papago Tribe (General Correspondence), 1975-1976
21018 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Papago Tribe: Agricultural Development Along the Mexico-U.S. Border, 1976
21019 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Papago Tribe: Community Development, 1975
21020 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Papago Tribe: Special Appropriations Request, 1976
21021 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Papago Tribe: Request for Law Enforcement and Judicial Services, 1975
21022 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Phoenix Indian Center, 1976
21023 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Polacca Day School, 1976
21024 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Quechan Indian Tribe (General Correspondence), 1975-1976
21025 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Quechan Indian Tribe: Boundaries of Fort Yuma Indian Reservation, 1975-1976
21026 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Red Rock Community School, 1975
21027 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Rough Rock Community Schools and Health Center, 1975-1976
21028 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Salt River Elementary School, 1975
21029 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: San Carlos Indian Hospital, 1975
21030 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: San Carlos Apache Tribe (General Correspondence), 1974-1976
21031 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Snowflake School District, 1975
21032 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: White Mountain Apache Tribe (General Correspondence), 1975-1976
21033 94th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Yaqui Indians, 1975
21034 94th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Bureau of Reclamation Budget, 1975-1976
2111 94th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project (General Correspondence), 1975-1976
2112 94th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project: Water Rights of the American Indian, 1975-1976
2113 94th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Deep Seabed Hard Minerals Act (Correspondence), 1965-1976
2114 94th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Deep Seabed Hard Minerals Act (Background, Testimony), 1975-1977
2115 94th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Grand Canyon National Park Enlargement Act PL 93-620, 1975-1976
2116 94th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Forest Service (General Correspondence), 1975-1976
2117 94th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Park Concession S Res 232, 1975
2118 94th Congress: Judiciary Committee: Copyright S 22, 1975-1976
2119 94th Congress: Judiciary Committee: Extension of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (Hearings), 1975
21110 94th Congress: Judiciary Committee: Illegal Aliens S 213, 1S 2531, 1974-1976
21111 94th Congress: Judiciary Committee: Illegal Aliens S 2131, S 2531 (Background), 1975-1976
21112 94th Congress: Judiciary Committee: Reorganization of Ninth Circuit Court S 729, 1974-1975
21113 94th Congress: Labor and Public Welfare Committees: Humphrey-Hawkins Bill S 50, 1976
21114 94th Congress: Labor and Public Welfare Committees: "National Aeronautics and Space Administration Program's Equal Opportunity Could be Improved" (Report), 1975
21115 94th Congress: Labor and Public Welfare Committees: Situs Picketing (Secondary Boycotts), 1975-1976
21116 94th Congress: Post Office and Civil Service Committee (General Correspondence), 1975
21117 94th Congress: Election and Campaign Reform Committee, 1970-1976
21118 94th Congress: Select Committee on Intelligence: Central Intelligence Agency (Testimonies, Memos, Correspondence), 1971-1976
21119 94th Congress: Select Committee on Intelligence: Central Intelligence Agency Investigations, 1975 January-March
2121 94th Congress: Select Committee on Intelligence: Central Intelligence Agency Investigations, 1975 April-December
2122 94th Congress: Select Committee on Intelligence: Central Intelligence Agency Investigations, 1976
2123 94th Congress: Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee Correspondence, 1975
2124 94th Congress: Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee Correspondence, 1976
2125 94th Congress: Select Committee on Intelligence: Rules of Procedure S Res 400, 1976
2126 94th Congress: Small Business Committee: Foreign Competition in Customs and Freight Forwarding, 1975
2127 94th Congress: Special Committee on Aging: "Women and Social Security: Adapting to a New Era", 1975
2128 94th Congress: Temporary Select Committee to Study the Senate Committee System, 1975-1976 (1 of 8)
2129 94th Congress: Temporary Select Committee to Study the Senate Committee System, 1975-1976 (2 of 8)
21210 94th Congress: Temporary Select Committee to Study the Senate Committee System (Staff Report), 1976 (3 of 8)
21211 94th Congress: Temporary Select Committee to Study the Senate Committee System, 1976 (4 of 8)
21212 94th Congress: Temporary Select Committee to Study the Senate Committee System (Hearings), 1976 (5 of 8)
21213 94th Congress: Temporary Select Committee to Study the Senate Committee System, 1976 (6 of 8)
21214 94th Congress: Temporary Select Committee to Study the Senate Committee System S Res 586, 1976 (7 of 8)
21215 94th Congress: Temporary Select Committee to Study the Senate Committee System, 1976 (8 of 8)
21216 94th Congress: Veterans Affairs Committee: Women's Air Forces Service Pilots (WASP Background), 1942-1958 (1 of 3)
21217 94th Congress: Veterans Affairs Committee: Women's Air Forces Service Pilots: "Final Report on Women Pilot Program", circa 1945 (2 of 3)
21218 94th Congress: Veterans Affairs Committee: Women's Air Forces Service Pilots (WASP), 1975-1976 (3 of 3)
21219 95th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Cannon Howard W., 1977-1978
21220 95th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Cranston, Alan, 1977-1978
21221 95th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Curtis, Carl T., 1977-1978
2131 95th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Goldwater to Colleagues Regarding S 410 (Means Test on Social Security), 1977
2132 95th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Goldwater, Barry Jr., 1977-1978
2133 95th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Griffen, Robert P., 1977-1978
2134 95th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Hayakawa S. I., 1977-1978
2135 95th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Long, Russell B., 1977
2136 95th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, McClure, James A., 1977-1978
2137 95th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Proxmire, William, 1977-1978
2138 95th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Roth, William V. Jr., 1977-1978
2139 95th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Schmitt, Harrison, 1977-1978
21310 95th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Scott, William L., 1977-1978
21311 95th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, A, 1977-1978
21312 95th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, B, 1977-1978
21313 95th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, C-D, 1977-1978
21314 95th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, E-H, 1977-1978
21315 95th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, J-M, 1977-1978
21316 95th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, N-R, 1977-1978
21317 95th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, S-T, 1977-1978
21318 95th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, V-Y, 1977-1978
21319 95th Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1976-1978
21320 95th Congress: Agriculture and Forestry Committee: Nitrites (Meat), 1977-1978
21321 95th Congress: Agriculture and Forestry Committee: Mexican Tomatoes HR 744, 1969-1977
21322 95th Congress: Appropriations Committee: Department of Interior, 1976-1977
21323 95th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Air Force (General Correspondence), 1977-1978
21324 95th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Arizona Air Force Bases (Luke, Yuma, Davis-Monthan, Williams), 1977-1978
21325 95th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Army (General Correspondence), 1977-1978
21326 95th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Committee Correspondence, 1977-1978
21327 95th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Department of Defense, 1977-1978
21328 95th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Memorandum, Military Spending and Duplication, 1978
21329 95th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Military Reserves and National Guard Pay, 1977
21330 95th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Misers Bluff Program (Defense Nuclear Agency), 1977-1978
21331 95th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Navy Procurement of the CTX Aircraft (Lawsuit), 1978
21332 95th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Panama Canal Treaties, 1977
2141 95th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Panama Canal Treaties, 1978
2142 95th Congress: Armed Services Committee: "U.S. Defense Perspectives Fiscal Year 1978" (Donald Rumsfeld), 1977
2143 95th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Women in Combat, 1977
2144 95th Congress: Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committees: Auto Fuel Economy (Hearings) S 1469, 1977
2145 95th Congress: Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committees: Federal Communications Commission (General Correspondence), 1977
2146 95th Congress: Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committees: Airline Deregulation, 1976-1977 (1 of 2)
2147 95th Congress: Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committees: Airline Deregulation, 1977-1978 (2 of 2)
2148 95th Congress: Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committees: Deep Seabed Hard Minerals Act, 1977-1978
2149 95th Congress: Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committees: Committee Correspondence, 1977-1978
21410 95th Congress: Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committees: Legislative Calendar, 1977-1978
21411 95th Congress: Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committees: No-Fault Auto Insurance S 1381, 1977-1978
21412 95th Congress: Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committees: Toxic Substances Control Act S 3149, 1976-1977
21413 95th Congress: Committee on Committees: Testimony before the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, 1977
21414 95th Congress: Energy and Natural Resources Committees: Acreage Limitations on Bureau of Reclamation Projects (Hearings), 1978
21415 95th Congress: Energy and Natural Resources Committees: Wilderness HR 1907, S 1787, S 315, 1977
21416 95th Congress: Environment and Public Works Committees: Clean Air Act PL-95-95, 1977
21417 95th Congress: Finance Committee: Medicaid and Medicare Cost Containment, 1977-1978
21418 95th Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Belize Territory, 1978
21419 95th Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Cabinda (Africa), 1977-1978
21420 95th Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: "A Framework for Peace in the Middle East Agreed on at Camp David", 1978
21421 95th Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: "The Legislative Role in Treaty Abrogation" by J. Terry Emerson (in Journal of Legislation), 1978
21422 95th Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Iran (Articles by Dr. Mehdi Pirasteh), 1978
21423 95th Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: MIG-19 Pilots Defection, 1977
21424 95th Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Panama Canal (Background for BMG trip; Analyses, Reports, Articles), 1972-1977
21425 95th Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Panama Canal (Background for BMG trip), 1978
Includes VIP correspondence.
21426 95th Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Panama Canal Treaties, 1977
21427 95th Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: "Termination of Treaties: the Constitutional Allocation of Power", 1978
21428 95th Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: U.S. and China after Mao, 1977
21429 95th Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: War Powers Resolution, 1977
Includes White House correspondence.
21430 95th Congress: Government Committee: "The Rising Soviet and East European Debt to the West", 1977
2151 95th Congress: Government Affairs Committee: Sunset Act of 1977 S 2, 1977
2152 95th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Ak-Chin Water Rights, 1976-1978
2153 95th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: American Indian Management Institute, 1977
2154 95th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Appropriations (Various), 1977-1978
2155 95th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project (Various), 1977-1978
2156 95th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Chinle School District and Indian Oasis School District, 1977-1978
2157 95th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Civil Service, 1978
2158 95th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Colorado River Indian Tribes (General Correspondence), 1977
2159 95th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Fort Mohave Indian Reservation (Inecon Agricorporation), 1977
21510 95th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Ganado College, 1978
21511 95th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: General Correspondence, 1977-1978
21512 95th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Gila River Indian Community (General Correspondence), 1978
21513 95th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Gila River Indian Reservation: Apaloosa Incorporated, 1977-1978
21514 95th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Grants and Awards, 1977-1978
21515 95th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Havasupai Elementary School, 1976-1977
21516 95th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Havasupai Tribe (General Correspondence), 1977
21517 95th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Havasupai Tribe and the Grand Canyon, 1976-1978
21518 95th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Health Priorities of the Navajo Nation, 1978
21519 95th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Hopi Center for Human Services, 1978
21520 95th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Hopi Tribal Council-Emergency Drought Relief, 1977
21521 95th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Hopi-Operation Waterlog, 1978
21522 95th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Hopi Tribe (General Correspondence), 1977-1978
21523 95th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Hualapai Tribe (National Dry Goods Company), 1977
21524 95th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Indian Child Welfare Act, 1977
21525 95th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Indian Treaties, 1977-1978
21526 95th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Indian Water Claims and the Central Arizona Project, 1977
See also Interior and Insular Affairs.
21527 95th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Indian Water Rights S 1582, 1977-1978
21528 95th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Indian v. White Litigation (Cook Property, Crowheart Wyoming), 1978
21529 95th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: "Native American Skill Training Project", 1978 (Final Report)
21530 95th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Community College (Rehabilitation Manpower), 1977-1978
21531 95th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Forest Product Industries, 1977
21532 95th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission HR 11092, 1977 (1 of 2)
21533 95th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission (Correspondence, Memos), 1977 (2 of 2)
2161 95th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission, 1978 January-August
2162 95th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission, 1978 September-December
2163 95th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Nation Telecommunications Training Program, 1978
2164 95th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Tribe (General Correspondence), 1977-1978
2165 95th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Tax Commission, 1976-1978
2166 95th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Papago Tribe (General Correspondence), 1977-1978
2167 95th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Papago Tribe: Special Appropriation Request, 1977
2168 95th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Pima Road Improvements, 1978
2169 95th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Rental Insurance, 1978
21610 95th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Rough Rock Demonstration School, 1977-1978
21611 95th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: San Carlos Indian Tribe, 1978
21612 95th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Sherman Indian High School, 1978
21613 95th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Quechan Indian Tribe (General Correspondence), 1977-1978
21614 95th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: White Mountain Apache Tribe (Hawley Lake Homeowners), 1977-1979
21615 95th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: White Mountain Apache Tribe: Lutheran Mission, 1977
21616 95th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Yavapai-Apache Community Council, 1977-1978
21617 95th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project (Carter Administration Funding), 1977 January-April
21618 95th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project (Carter Administration Funding), 1977 May-December
21619 95th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project (Funding and Review), 1977-1978
21620 95th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project-An Economic Analysis (Dr. Thomas Power), 1978
21621 95th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project and Water Rights of Arizona Tribes S 905, 1977-1978
See also Indian Affairs.
21622 95th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Federal Land Policy and Management, 1977
21623 95th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Grand Canyon National Park, 1978
21624 95th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Surface Mining, 1977
21625 95th Congress: Judiciary Committee: Alaskan Pipeline (Threat to Internal Security), 1977
21626 95th Congress: Judiciary Committee: The Electoral College and Direct Election SJ Res 1, 8, 18, 1977
21627 95th Congress: Judiciary Committee: Lawsuits Against the Federal Government, 1977
Includes Pressler case.
21628 95th Congress: Judiciary Committee: Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, 1977-1978
21629 95th Congress: Labor and Public Welfare Committee: Situs Picketing (Secondary Boycotts) HR 3500, HR 4250, 1959-1977
2171 95th Congress: Rules and Administration Committee: Code of Ethics, 1975-1978
2172 95th Congress: Rules and Administration Committee: Overseas Absentee Voting (Hearing) S 703, 1977
2173 95th Congress: Select Committee on Intelligence: (Agendas, Schedules), 1976-1977
2174 95th Congress: Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee Correspondence, 1977 January-May
2175 95th Congress: Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee Correspondence, 1977 June-August
2176 95th Congress: Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee Correspondence, 1977 September-November
2177 95th Congress: Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee Correspondence, 1978 January-June
2178 95th Congress: Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee Correspondence, 1978 July-December
2179 95th Congress: Select Committee on Intelligence: Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act S 1566, 1977-1978
21710 95th Congress: Temporary Select Committee to Study the Senate Committee System, 1977 (1 of 6)
21711 95th Congress: Temporary Select Committee to Study the Senate Committee System, 1977 (2 of 6)
21712 95th Congress: Temporary Select Committee to Study the Senate Committee System, 1977 (3 of 6)
21713 95th Congress: Temporary Select Committee to Study the Senate Committee System, 1977 (4 of 6)
21714 95th Congress: Temporary Select Committee to Study the Senate Committee System, 1977 (5 of 6)
21715 95th Congress: Temporary Select Committee to Study the Senate Committee System, 1977 (6 of 6)
21716 95th Congress: Veterans Affairs Committee: Women's Air Forces Service Pilots (WASP) S 457, S 247, 1977
21717 95th Congress: Ways and Means Committee: President Carter's Social Security Proposals (Hearings), 1977
21718 96th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, "Arizona Highways" (Thank You Notes from Senate and White House Colleagues), 1978-1980
21719 96th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Bayh, Birch, 1979-1980
21720 96th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Cannon, Howard W., 1979-1980
21721 96th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Domenici, Pete, 1979-1980
21722 96th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Goldwater, Barry Jr., 1979-1980
21723 96th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Heinz, John, 1979-1980
21724 96th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Jepsen, Roger, 1979-1980
2181 96th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, McClure, James A., 1979-1980
2182 96th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Proxmire, William, 1979-1980
2183 96th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Schmidt, Harrison, 1979-1980
2184 96th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Young, Milton, 1979-1980
2185 96th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, A-B, 1979-1978
2186 96th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, C-D, 1979-1980
2187 96th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, E-H, 1979-1980
2188 96th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, I-L, 1979-1980
2189 96th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, M-N, 1979-1980
21810 96th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, P-R, 1979-1980
21811 96th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, S-Z, 1979-1980
21812 96th Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: National Aeronautic and Space Administration (General Correspondence), 1979-1980
21813 96th Congress: Agriculture and Forestry Committee: Mexican Tomatoes, 1976-1980
21814 96th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles, 1979
21815 96th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Air Force (General Correspondence), 1979-1980
21816 96th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Air Force Academy, 1970-1980
21817 96th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve, 1979-1980
21818 96th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Arizona Air Force Bases (Luke, Yuma, Davis-Monthan, Williams), 1979-1980
21819 96th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Army (General Correspondence), 1979-1980
21820 96th Congress: Armed Services Committee: AV-8B Advanced Harrier Aircraft, 1979
21821 96th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Committee Correspondence, 1979-1980
21822 96th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Defense, 1979-1980
21823 96th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Fort Huachuca (Various), 1979-1980
21824 96th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Fort Huachuca and Appliance Sales, 1980 (1 of 2)
21825 96th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Fort Huachuca and Appliance Sales, 1980 (2 of 2)
21826 96th Congress: Armed Services Committee: "Recent False Alerts from the Nation's Missile Attack Warning System", 1980
21827 96th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Report on Rescue Mission of Hostages in Iran, 1980
21828 96th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Reserve Officers Training Corps (Scholarships), 1979
21829 96th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, 1978-1979
21830 96th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, 1979
21831 96th Congress: Armed Services Committee: "What the CIA Knows about Russia" (Lev Novrozov), 1978-1979
2191 96th Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee: Automotive Engine, 1980
2192 96th Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee: Communications Subcommittee Correspondence, 1978-1979
2193 96th Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee: Committee Correspondence, 1979-1980
2194 96th Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee: Deep Seabed Hard Minerals Resources Act S 493, HR 2759, 1979-1980
2195 96th Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee: League of Women voters v. Federal Communications Commission, 1979
2196 96th Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee: Product Liability (Testimony, Background) S 1789, 1980
2197 96th Congress: Energy and Natural Resources Committee: Energy Security Act (Conference Report) S 932, 1980
2198 96th Congress: Energy and Natural Resources Committee: Nuclear Waste S 2189, 1980
2199 96th Congress: Energy and Natural Resources Committee: Reclamation Reform Act (Hearing), 1979
21910 96th Congress: Environment and Public Works Committee: Beverage Container Reuse and Recycling, 1972-1980
Includes background material.
21911 96th Congress: Environment and Public Works Committee: Amending the Black Bass and Lacey Acts S 1882, 1979
21912 96th Congress: Finance Committee: Crude Oil Windfall Profit Tax HR 3919, 1980
21913 96th Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Goldwater v. Carter Lawsuit (Taiwan), 1978
21914 96th Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Goldwater v. Carter Lawsuit, 1979 (Volume I; Pages1-224)
21915 96th Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Goldwater v. Carter Lawsuit, 1979 (Volume I; Pages 225-439)
21916 96th Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Goldwater v. Carter Lawsuit, 1979 (Volume III)
21917 96th Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Goldwater v. Carter Lawsuit, 1979 (Volume IV)
21918 96th Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Goldwater v. Carter Lawsuit: Brief for Appellants, 1979
21919 96th Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Goldwater v. Carter Lawsuit: Brief for Appellees, 1979
21920 96th Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Goldwater v. Carter Lawsuit: Brief of the Senate of the United States as Amicus Curiae, 1979
21921 96th Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Goldwater v. Carter Lawsuit: Colleague and VIP Correspondence, 1978-1979
21922 96th Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Goldwater v. Carter Lawsuit: Colleague and VIP Correspondence, 1980
2201 96th Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Goldwater v. Carter Lawsuit: Conference Comparative Print U.S. –Taiwan Relations Act and Senate Amendments (Taiwan Enabling Act) HR 2479, 1979
2202 96th Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Goldwater v. Carter Lawsuit: Excerpts from Hearings and Arguments, 1979
2203 96th Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Goldwater v. Carter Lawsuit: "The Legislative Role in Treaty Abrogation"by Terry Emerson, 1978
2204 96th Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Goldwater v. Carter Lawsuit: Memorandum, 1979
2205 96th Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Goldwater v. Carter Lawsuit: Order to Dismiss Lawsuit, 1979
2206 96th Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Goldwater v. Carter Lawsuit: Order for En Banc Hearing, 1979
2207 96th Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Goldwater v. Carter Lawsuit: Order for Writ of Certiorari, 1979
2208 96th Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Goldwater v. Carter Lawsuit: Reply Brief for the Appellants, 1979
2209 96th Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Goldwater v. Carter Lawsuit: Reply Brief for Appellees, 1979
22010 96th Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Goldwater v. Carter Lawsuit: Statements in the Congressional Record, 1979 October 18
22011 96th Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Goldwater v. Carter Lawsuit: Terry Emerson Correspondence, 1977-1978 (1 of 3)
22012 96th Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Goldwater v. Carter Lawsuit: Terry Emerson Correspondence, 1979 January-September (2 of 3)
22013 96th Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Goldwater v. Carter Lawsuit: Terry Emerson Correspondence, 1979 October-December (3 of 3)
22014 96th Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Panama Canal Treaties, 1980
22015 96th Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Sale of Nuclear Fuel to India, 1980
22016 96th Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Taiwan (Hearings), 1979
22017 96th Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: Treaty Termination Resolution, 1979
22018 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Ak-Chin Water Rights, 1979-1980
22019 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Ak-Chin Indian Community and Vekol Valley (Water Supply Settlement), 1980
22020 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Ak-Chin Special Appropriations Request, 1979
22021 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Allocations for Indian-Owned Companies (Structural Behavior Engineering Laboraties), 1980
22022 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Black Mesa Community School, 1977-1980
22023 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Allocations and Arizona Tribes, 1979-1980
22024 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project and Arizona Tribes, 1979-1980
22025 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Civil Service, 1979
22026 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Cocopah Tribe Agricultural Program, 1980
22027 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: College of Ganado, 1979
22028 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Colorado River Indian Tribes (General Correspondence), 1977-1979
22029 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Colorado River Indian Tribes (Testimony before the Senate Appropriations Committee), 1979
22030 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Colorado River Indian Tribes: Irrigation (Statement before Congress), 1979
22031 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Compensation to Indian Landowners on Pima Road (Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community), 1979
22032 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Comprehensive Employment and Training Act, 1979-1980
22033 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Draft Environmental Statement: Land Use Plan for the Havasupai Indian Reservation, 1979
22034 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Fort McDowell and Orme Dam, 1980
22035 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Fort Mohave Indian Reservation (General Correspondence), 1979-1980
2211 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: General Correspondence, 1979
2212 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: General Correspondence, 1980
2213 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Gila River Indian Community (Grants and Claims), 1979-1980
2214 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Gila River Indian Reservation: Sacaton Houses, 1980
2215 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Gila River Indian Reservation: Travenca-Pima Industries Incorporated, 1980
2216 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Gila River Irrigation System, 1980
2217 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Gila River Career Center (Dietetic Education Program), 1979
2218 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Grants and Awards, 1979-1980
2219 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Health and Education, 1979-1980
22110 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service Grants, 1980
22111 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: History, Jurisdiction and Summary of Legislative Activities, 1979
22112 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Hopi Education, 1980
22113 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Hopi Oral History Project, 1979-1981
22114 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Hopi Tribe (General Correspondence), 1979-1980
22115 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Indian Health Service and St. Joseph's Hospital, 1979-1980
22116 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Indian Treaties, 1979
22117 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Interior Appropriations (Various), 1977-1980
22118 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: La Paz Enterprises Limited, 1980
22119 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Leupp Boarding School, 1980
22120 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Management Improvement Program, 1979
22121 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Alphabet, 1979
22122 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Area Government Employees, 1980
22123 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Area Indian Health Services, 1980
22124 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Community College, 1980
22125 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Community Development, 1979
22126 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Council on Aging, 1980
22127 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Educational Administrators Project, 1979
22128 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission, 1979
22129 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission, 1980
22130 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Tribal Council Candidacy, 1979
22131 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Tribe (General Correspondence), 1979-1980
22132 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Tribe: Health, Education, and Welfare, 1979-1980
22133 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Papago Special Appropriations Request, 1979
22134 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Papago Tribe (General Correspondence), 1979-1980
2221 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Papago-Tucson Foreign Trade Zone, 1979
2222 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Pasqua Yaqui Indian Tribe (General Correspondence), 1980
2223 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Pesticides: Salt River Reservation, 1980
2224 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Phoenix Area Office Funding Priorities Part B, 1980
2225 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Phoenix Urban Indian Business Development Study, 1980-1981
2226 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Pine Ridge Sioux Lease, 1979
2227 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Preliminary Report to the Navajo Tribal Council (Plot to Bomb Peter MacDonald), 1980
2228 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Proposal for Ethnic Heritage Studies Program Concerning Arizona Indians, 1979
2229 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Quechan Indian Tribe (General Correspondence), 1979-1980
22210 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Rental Increase, 1979
22211 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Rough Rock Demonstration School, 1979-1980
22212 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: San Carlos Tribe (General Correspondence), 1979-1980
22213 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: San Carlos Irrigation Project, 1979-1980
22214 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: School Construction and Comprehensive Educational Plan, 1979-1980
22215 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Shandiin Institute (Solar Energy), 1980-1981
22216 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Stewart Indian Boarding School, 1980
22217 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Student Tuition (Flagstaff Public Schools), 1978-1979
22218 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Theft of Kachina Dolls, 1979
22219 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Threats to Hopi Land and Sovereignty (Indian Law Resource Center), 1979
22220 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Tribal and Parental Involvement in Education of Children Residing on Indian Lands, 1979-1980
22221 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Ute Research Laboratories, 1979
22222 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: White River Indian Health Service, 1978-1979
22223 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: White Mountain Apache Tribe (General Correspondence), 1978-1980
22224 96th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: White Mountain Apache Tribe (Salt River Water Rights), 1980-1981
22225 96th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project, 1979-1980
22226 96th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project (Flood Control and Funding), 1979-1980
22227 96th Congress: Judiciary Committee: Direct Popular Election of the President and Vice President of the United States SJ Res 28, 1979
22228 96th Congress: Judiciary Committee: Harris v. McRae (Abortion Funding), 1980
22229 96th Congress: Labor and Public Welfare Committee: Kramer v. Hufstedler Secretary of Education (Legislative Veto Process), 1980
22230 96th Congress: Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee Correspondence, 1979 January-May
22231 96th Congress: Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee Correspondence, 1979 June-December
22232 96th Congress: Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee Correspondence, 1980 January-May
22233 96th Congress: Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee Correspondence, 1980 June-December
22234 96th Congress: Select Committee on Intelligence: Afghanistan: Chronology of Recent Developments, 1980
22235 96th Congress: Select Committee on Intelligence: Principal Findings on the U.S. Abilities to Monitor the SALT II Treaty, 1979
22236 96th Congress: Select Committee on Intelligence: "Soviet and U.S. Defense Activities, 1970-1979: A Dollar Cost Comparison", 1980
22237 96th Congress: Veterans Affairs Commottee: Women Air Force Service Pilots (WASP), 1980
22238 97th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, "Arizona Highways" (Thank You Notes from Senate and White House Colleagues), 1980-1981
2231 97th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Jepsen, Roger, 1981-1982
2232 97th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, McClure, James A., 1981-1982
2233 97th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Schmidt, Harrison, 1981-1982
2234 97th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, A-D, 1981-1982
2235 97th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, E-H, 1981-1982
2236 97th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, J-M, 1981-1982
2237 97th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, N-R, 1981-1982
2238 97th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, S-Y, 1981-1982
2239 97th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Air Force (General Correspondence), 1981
22310 97th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Air Force (General Correspondence), 1982 January-May
22311 97th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Air Force (General Correspondence), 1982 June-December
22312 97th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Air Force Academy Board of Visitors, 1982 April-July
22313 97th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Air Force Academy Board of Visitors, 1982 August-December
22314 97th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Army (General Correspondence), 1981
22315 97th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Army (General Correspondence), 1982
22316 97th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Committee Correspondence, 1981
22317 97th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Committee Correspondence, 1982
22318 97th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Marine Military Academy, 1982
22319 97th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Navy (General Correspondence), 1981-1982
22320 97th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Renewable Energy National Security Act S 617, 1982-1983
22321 97th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Strategic Stockpiling of Critical Materials S 1982, S 2429, 1980-1981
22322 97th Congress: Budget Committee: Committee Correspondence, 1981-1982
22323 97th Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee: American Telephone and Telegraph S 898, 1981 January-May
22324 97th Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee: American Telephone and Telegraph S 898, 1981 July
22325 97th Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee: Arid Lands Renewable Resources Corporation (Guayule Production) S 1462, 1981-1982
2241 97th Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee: Committee Correspondence, 1981 January-June
2242 97th Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee: Committee Correspondence, 1981 July-December
2243 97th Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee: Committee Correspondence, 1982
2244 97th Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee: Surface Transportation Assistance Act HR 6211, 1981-1982
2245 97th Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee: Whaling Industry, 1982-1984
2246 97th Congress: Energy and Natural Resources Committee: Alaska Gas Pipeline, 1981-1982
2247 97th Congress: Energy and Natural Resources Committee: Amend Mineral Lands Leasing Act of 1920 S 1542, 1981
2248 97th Congress: Energy and Natural Resources Committee: Aravaipa Canyon Wilderness Act, 1981-1982
2249 97th Congress: Energy and Natural Resources Committee: Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act, 1981-1982
22410 97th Congress: Energy and Natural Resources Committee: Nuclear Waste S 1662, 1981-1982
22411 97th Congress: Energy and Natural Resources Committee: Reclamation Safety of Dams Act S956, HR 3208, 1981-1984
22412 97th Congress: Environment and Public Works Committee: Acid Rain S 1706, 1981-1982
See also Clean Air Act.
22413 97th Congress: Environment and Public Works Committee: Clean Air Act S 2477, S 3041, 1981-1982 (1 of 2)
22414 97th Congress: Environment and Public Works Committee: Clean Air Act S 2477, S 3041 (Briefing Material), 1981-1982 (2 of 2)
22415 97th Congress: Environment and Public Works Committee: Clean Air Act (Amendments, Bill Drafts), 1982
22416 97th Congress: Environment and Public Works Committee: Senate Copper Caucus, 1981-1982
22417 97th Congress: Finance Committee: Commercial Business Energy Tax Credit S 1288, 1981
22418 97th Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: "Treaty Termination Revisted" by J. Terry Emerson (in Woodrow Wilson Journal of Law), 1982
22419 97th Congress: Health, Education, and Welfare Committee: Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service, 1981
22420 97th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Ak-Chin Irrigation Project, 1981
22421 97th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Ak-Chin Water Settlement S 1582, 1978-1983
22422 97th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: American Indian Nursing Home (Laveen, Arizona), 1982
22423 97th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Ancient Indian Land Claims S 2084, 1982
2251 97th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Black Creek Wash, 1981-1982
2252 97th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Black Mesa Community School, 1982
2253 97th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Budget Analysis of Programs, 1981
2254 97th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Budget and Taxes, 1981-1982
2255 97th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Bureau Reorganization, 1981-1982
2256 97th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project-Indian and Non-Indian Water Allocations, 1982
2257 97th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians of Oregon S 547, 1981
2258 97th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Continental Divide High School, 1982
Includes photos.
2259 97th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Dineh Cooperatives Incorporated, 1981-1982
22510 97th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Colorado River Indian Tribes (General Correspondence), 1981-1982
22511 97th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Colorado River Indian Tribes (Testimony on Oversight of Indian Education), 1982
22512 97th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Colorado River Indian Tribes (La Paz Lands), 1981-1982
22513 97th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Comprehensive Employment Training Act (CETA), 1981-1982
22514 97th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Committee Correspondence, 1981-1982
22515 97th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Education (Various), 1981
22516 97th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Education (Various), 1982
22517 97th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Fort McDowell and Orme Dam, 1981
22518 97th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Fort Mohave Residual Landfill, 1982
22519 97th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Fort Mohave Tribe (General Correspondence), 1981-1982
22520 97th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Fort Mohave Recall Election, 1981-1982
22521 97th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Ganado Children's Home, 1980-1981
22522 97th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Ganado High School Construction, 1981-1982
22523 97th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: General Correspondence, 1981
22524 97th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: General Correspondence, 1982 January-May
2261 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: General Correspondence, 1982 June-December
2262 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Geronimo, 1982
2263 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Gila River Farms Reclamation Loan, 1981
2264 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Gila River Indian Reservation (General Correspondence), 1981-1982
2265 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Grand Canyon and Great Thumb Trailhead, 1981
2266 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Grants and Awards (Various), 1982
2267 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Havasupai Tribe (General Correspondence), 1982
2268 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Heritage and Conservation and Recreation Service Grants, 1981
2269 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Hopi Business Directory, 1982
22610 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Hopi Kachinas and Wild Bird Feathers (Endangered Species), 1981-1982
22611 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Hopis for Progress, 1980-1981
22612 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Hopi Tribe (General Correspondence), 1981-1982
22613 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Housing and Urban Development, 1981-1982
22614 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Indian Health Service (Various), 1981
22615 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Indian Health Service (Various), 1982 January-September
22616 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Indian Health Service (Various), 1982 October-December
22617 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Indian Land in Kansas S 478, 1981
22618 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Indian Water Rights, 1982
22619 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Las Vegas Paiute Tribal Council, 1982
22620 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Leupp Boarding School, 1981
22621 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Many Farms High School, 1982
22622 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: National Indian Health Board, 1981
22623 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Native American Culture and Art Development Act S 792, 1981
22624 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Native American Juvenile Justice, 1981
22625 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Native Americans Program Act S 1088, 1981
See also Comprehensive Education and Training Act.
22626 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Appeals Court, 1982
22627 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Area Indian Health Services, 1981-1982
22628 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Area Office of Education (Reduction-in-Force), 1981
22629 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Code Talkers, 1981
22630 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Community College, 1981-1982
22631 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Contracting Agreements (Peter MacDonald), 1981-1982
22632 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Council on Aging, 1981
22633 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Education and Schools, 1982
2271 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Food Stamps, 1981
2272 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission, 1981 March-May
2273 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission, 1981 June-August
2274 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission, 1981 September-December
2275 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission, 1982 January-May
2276 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission, 1982 June-July
2277 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission, 1982 August-September
2278 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission, 1982 October-December
2279 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission: Big Mountain Bill S 1795, 1981-1982 (1 of 3)
22710 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission: Big Mountain Bill S 1795, 1982 (2 of 3)
22711 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission: Big Mountain Bill S 1795, 1982 (3 of 3)
22712 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission: 1980 Census, 1982
22713 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission: Petitions, 1982
22714 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission: Reports, 1981-1982
22715 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission: News Clippings, 1981-1982
22716 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Housing (Various), 1982
22717 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Law Enforcement, 1981-1982
22718 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Soil Conservation, 1982
22719 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Tribal Elections (Donald Benally), 1981-1982
22719 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Tribe (Claims), 1981-1982
22720 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Tribe (General Correspondence), 1981-1982
22721 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Tribe-Views on PL 93-638, 1982
22722 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Vocational Rehabilitation, 1981-1982
22723 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Papago Early Childhood Program, 1981-1982
22724 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Papago Tribe (General Correspondence), 1981-1982
2281 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Papago Tribe: Education, 1982
Includes Senate testimony.
2282 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Papago Tribe: Special Appropriations Hearing, 1982
2283 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Papago Water Rights HR 5118, 1981 (1 of 4)
2284 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Papago Water Rights HR 5118, 1982 (2 of 4)
2285 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Papago Water Rights HR 5118, 1982 (3 of 4)
2286 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Papago Water Rights HR 5118, 1982 (4 of 4)
2287 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Pasqua-Yaqui Tribe (General Correspondence), 1981-1982
2288 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Phoenix Indian Medical Center, 1982
2289 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Relief of Dolly Akers S 262 (Fort Peck Indian Reservation), 1981
22810 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Rock Point Community School, 1981-1982
22811 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Rough Rock Demonstration School, 1981-1982
22812 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Salt River Indian Community (General Correspondence), 1981-1982
22813 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: San Carlos Apache Tribe (General Correspondence), 1981-1982
22814 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Sequoyah Institute, 1982
22815 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: "State–Tribal Agreements: A Comprehensive Study", 1981
22816 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Statute of Limitations for Claims S 2222, 1980-1982
22817 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Steelhead Trout S 874, 1981-1982
22818 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Traditional Kickapoo Indians, 1981
22819 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Tribal-State Compact Act S 1181S 563, 1980-1981
22820 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Tribally Controlled Community College Assistance Act S 2623, 1982
22821 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Washoe Tribe of Nevada and California, 1982
22822 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: White Mountain Apache Tribe (General Correspondence), 1981-1982
22823 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: White Mountain Apache Tribe-Canyon Day Irrigation Project, 1980-1982
22824 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Wichita and Affiliated Caddo Tribes of Oklahoma, 1982
22825 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Window Rock Airways, 1982
22826 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Yavapai-Apache Land Restoration, 1981
22827 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Yavapai-Apache Land Restoration, 1982
22828 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Yavapai-Apache Tribe-Economic Development Feasibility Study, 1981
2291 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Yavapai-Prescott Tribe (General Correspondence), 1981
2292 98th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project, 1981 January-May
2293 98th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project, 1981 June-December
2294 98th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project, 1982
2295 98th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project: Distribution Systems S 2177, 1981-1983
2296 98th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project: News Clippings, 1981-1982
2297 98th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project: Reports, 1981-1982
Includes various western initiatives.
2298 98th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project: Stage II Report, 1981
2299 98th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project: Status Report, 1981-1982
Includes photos.
22910 98th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project: Study of Ground Water Recharge Surplus, 1982
22911 98th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project: Tucson Aqueduct Final Environmental Impact Statement, 1982
22912 98th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project: Water Control Study, 1981
22913 98th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Office of Aircraft Services, 1981
22914 98th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Federal "Non-Reserved" Water Rights, 1982
22915 98th Congress: Judiciary Committee: Nomination of Sandra Day O'Connor (Hearings), 1981
22916 98th Congress: Judiciary Committee: Relief of Teodoro N. Salanga Jr., 1982
22917 98th Congress: Special Committee on Aging: General Correspondence, 1981-1982
22918 97th Congress: Select Committee on Ethics: Williams, Senator Harrison A. Jr., 1981-1982
22919 98th Congress: Select Committee on Intelligence: Authorization for Fiscal Year 1983 HR 6068 (Conference Report), 1982
22920 98th Congress: Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee Correspondence, 1981
22921 98th Congress: Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee Correspondence, 1982
22922 98th Congress: Select Committee on Intelligence: Casey, William J., 1981-1982
22923 98th Congress: Select Committee on Intelligence: Inman, Admiral Bobby Ray, 1981-1982
22924 98th Congress: Select Committee on Intelligence: Report to Senate, 1982
22925 98th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, "Arizona Highways": Thank You Notes from Senate and White House Colleagues, 1983
2301 98th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, "Arizona Highways": Thank You Notes from Senate and White House Colleagues, 1984
2302 98th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Mattingly, Mack, 1983-1984
2303 98th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, A-C, 1983-1984
2304 98th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, D-F, 1983-1984
2305 98th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, G-H, 1983-1984
2306 98th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, J-M, 1983-1984
2307 98th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, N-R, 1983-1984
2308 98th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, S-Z, 1983-1984
2309 98th Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: Air and Space Museum-Dulles International Airport, 1984-1985
23010 98th Congress: Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1983
23011 98th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Air Force (General Correspondence), 1983 March-July
23012 98th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Air Force (General Correspondence), 1983 August-December
23013 98th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Air Force (General Correspondence), 1984
23014 98th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Air Force Academy Board of Visitors, 1982-1983
23015 98th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Air Force Academy Board of Visitors, 1984
23016 98th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Field Artillery Ammunition Support Vehicle, 1983
23017 98th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Fluid Delivery Systems (Weapons Proposal by Wesleyan Company), 1983
23018 98th Congress: Armed Services Committee: High Altitude Soaring Project, 1983
23019 98th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Army (General Correspondence), 1983 January-June
23020 98th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Army (General Correspondence), 1983 July-October
23021 98th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Committee Correspondence, 1983
23022 98th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Committee Correspondence, 1984
23023 98th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Navy (General Correspondence), 1983-1984
23024 98th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Strategic Stocking of Critical Materials, 1983
23025 98th Congress: Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee: Copper Mining Industry S 852, S 853, S 2524, 1983-1984
2311 98th Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee: Committee Correspondence, 1983-1984
2312 98th Congress: Energy and Natural Resources Committee: Arizona Wilderness and Aravaipa Canyon Wilderness Acts S 626S 2242, 1983-1984
Includes photos.
2313 98th Congress: Energy and Natural Resources Committee: Colorado River Basin Salinity Act S 752, 1983-1986
2314 98th Congress: Energy and Natural Resources Committee: Reclamation Safety of Dams Act S 739S 672, 1982-1984
2315 98th Congress: Energy and Natural Resources Committee: Solar Energy National Security and Employment Act, 1983
2316 98th Congress: Environment and Public Works Committee: Solid Waste Disposal S 757, 1983-1985
2317 98th Congress: Environment and Public Works Committee: Superfund Amendments S 2892, 1980-1985
2318 98th Congress: Environment and Public Works Committee: Water Resources Development Act S 1739, 1983-1984
2319 98th Congress: Environment and Public Works Committee: Water Resources Research Act S 1811S 684HR 71, 1982-1984
23110 98th Congress: Finance Committee: Suspend Duty on Yttrium Ores S 2642, 1983-1984
23111 98th Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: President Reagan's Trip to Asia Briefing Book, 1983
23112 98th Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: The U.S. Government and the Vietnam War Executive and Legislative Roles and Relationships, 1984
23113 98th Congress: Foreign Relations Committee: "The War Powers Act Controversy" (Congressional Digest), 1983-1984
23114 98th Congress: Postal Service Move Toward Centralized Mail Delivery (Hearings), 1983
23115 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Ak-Chin Indian Community Water Rights, 1983
23116 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Ak-Chin Indian Community Water Rights, 1984
23117 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Appropriations (Various), 1983-1984
23118 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Bingo on Indian Reservations, 1983
23119 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Cocopah Tribe Land Use, 1982-1983
23120 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Cocopah Tribe Land Use, 1984
23121 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Colorado River Indian Tribes (General Correspondence), 1983
2321 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Colorado River Indian Tribes (General Correspondence), 1984
2322 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Education, 1983 January-April
2323 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Education, 1983 May-August
2324 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Education, 1983 September-December
2325 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Education, 1984
2326 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Impact Aid (Education), 1983
2327 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: General Correspondence, 1983 January-April
2328 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: General Correspondence, 1983 May-July
2329 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: General Correspondence, 1983 August-December
23210 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: General Correspondence, 1984 January-May
23211 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: General Correspondence, 1984 June-December
23212 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Health Care and Health Services, 1983 January-March
23213 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Health Care and Health Services, 1983 April-June
23214 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Health Care and Health Services, 1983 July-November
23215 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Health Care and Health Services, 1984
23216 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Hopi Tribe (General Correspondence), 1983-1984
23217 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Housing, 1983
23218 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Jobs Bill, 1983
23219 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Job Training and Employment, 1983-1984
23220 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Land and Water on Indian Reservations: A Farming Opportunity (N. Gene Wright), 1983
2331 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Making the Select Committee Permanent, 1983-1984
2332 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Education and Scholarship Foundation, 1984
2333 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission, 1983 January-February
2334 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission, 1983 March-April
2335 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission, 1983 May-July
2336 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission, 1983 August-September
2337 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission, 1983 October-December
2338 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission, January-May 1984
2339 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission, 1984 June-September
23310 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission, 1984 October-December
23311 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission (Exhibits Notebook), 1983
23312 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission: Budget Justification, 1983
23313 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission: Chronology of Negotiations, 1984 (Notebook)
23314 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission: Economic Development and Employment Opportunities, 1983
23315 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission: Land Negotiation, 1984 (Notebook)
23316 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission, 1984 (Notebook; 1 of 2)
23317 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission, 1984 (Notebook; 2 of 2)
23318 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission (Maps), 1983-1984
2341 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission (Maps), 1983-1984
2342 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Tribe (General Correspondence), 1983-1984
2343 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Papago-Sif Oidak Chuichu Area ..., 1984
2344 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Papago Tribe: Air Force Over Flights and Sonic Booms, 1984
2345 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Papago Tribe: Planned Community in the San Xavier District, 1983-1984
2346 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Papago Tribe: Water Rights and Wilderness Areas, 1982-1984
2347 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Pasqua-Yaqui Tribe (General Correspondence), 1983
2348 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Rock Point Community School and Uranium Mill Tailings, 1982-1983
2349 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community, 1983-1984
23410 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: San Carlos Apache Tribe, 1983
23411 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Small Business S 1022, 1983
23412 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute, 1983
23413 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: "The State of the American Indian Nations ..." (National Tribal Chairmen's Association), Undated
23414 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Taxation of Stevens Treaty Fishing Income, 1983
23415 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: White Earth Land Claims, 1984
23416 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: White Mountain Apache Tribe (General Correspondence), 1983-1984
23417 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Yavapai-Apache Tribe Land Exchange, 1981-1983
23418 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Zuni Tribe (Land Conveyance) S 2201, 1983-1984 (1 of 2)
23419 98th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Zuni Tribe (Land Conveyance), 1984 (2 of 2)
23420 98th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project Briefing and Press Releases, 1983-1984
23421 98th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project: Environmental Impact Statement for Tucson Aqueduct Phase B, 1984 (1 of 3)
23422 98th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project: Environmental Impact Statement for Tucson Aqueduct Phase B, 1984 (2 of 3)
23423 98th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project: Environmental Impact Statement for Tucson Aqueduct Phase B, 1984 (3 of 3)
23424 98th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project: Funding (Bills) HR 3132, HR 1718, 1983 (1 of 3)
23425 98th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project: Funding (Correspondence), 1983-1984 (2 of 3)
2351 99th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project: Funding (Notes, News Clippings), 1983-1984 (3 of 3)
2352 99th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project: Plan 6, 1984
2353 99th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project: Regulatory Storage Division Final Impact Statement, 1984 (Volume I)
2354 99th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project: Regulatory Storage Division Final Impact Statement, 1984 (Volume II)
2355 99th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project: Water Allocations, 1983
2356 99th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Colorado River Basin Salinity Central Forum, 1983-1984
2357 99th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Colorado River Flooding (Udall Hearings), 1983
2358 99th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Colorado River Management-Oversight Hearings, 1983
2359 99th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Colorado River Operations, 1984
23510 99th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Colorado River and Yuma Flooding, 1983
23511 99th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Conveyance of Land to Show Low, 1983-1984
23512 99th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Hoover Dam S 268, HR 4275, 1983 (1 of 2)
23513 99th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Hoover Dam S 268, HR 4275, 1983 (2 of 2)
23514 99th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Hoover Dam S 268, 1984 (1 of 2)
23515 99th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Hoover Dam S 268, 1984 (2 of 2)
23516 99th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Payson Ranger Station S 598, 1983-1984
23517 99th Congress: Judiciary Committee: Freedom of Information; Ninth Circuit, 1983
23518 99th Congress: Rules and Administration Committee: Various, 1982-1984
23519 99th Congress: Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee Correspondence, 1983 January-May
23520 99th Congress: Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee Correspondence, 1983 June-December
23521 99th Congress: Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee Correspondence, 1984 January-April
2361 99th Congress: Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee Correspondence, 1984 May-September
2362 99th Congress: Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee Correspondence, 1984 October-December
2363 99th Congress: Select Committee on Intelligence: National Historical Intelligence Museum, 1983
2364 99th Congress: Select Committee on Intelligence: News Clippings and Articles, 1983-1984
2365 99th Congress: Select Committee on Intelligence: Report, 1984
2366 99th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, "Arizona Highways" (Thank You Notes from Senate and White House Colleagues), 1984-1985
2367 99th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Domenici, Pete, 1985-1986
2368 99th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Lugar, Richard, 1986
2369 99th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, McClure, James A., 1986
23610 99th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Murkowski, Frank, 1985
23611 99th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Retirement from Senate, 1986
23612 99th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, Symms, Steve, 1985-1986
23613 99th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, A-B, 1985-1986
23614 99th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, C, 1985-1986
23615 99th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, D-E, 1985-1986
23616 99th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, G-H, 1985-1986
23617 99th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, J-L, 1985-1986
23618 99th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, M-N, 1985-1986
23619 99th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, P-S, 1985-1986
23620 99th Congress: Colleague Correspondence, W-Z, 1985
23621 99th Congress: Agriculture and Forestry Committee: Citrus Industry, 1985
23622 99th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Air Force Systems Information Briefs for Members of Congress, 1986
23623 99th Congress: Armed Services Committee: "Breaking the Spell" (Ted Turner Film), 1985
23624 99th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Chemical Modernization, 1986
23625 99th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Committee Correspondence, 1985 January-February
23626 99th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Committee Correspondence, 1985 March-April
23627 99th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Committee Correspondence, 1985 May-June
23628 99th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Committee Correspondence, 1985 July
23629 99th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Committee Correspondence, 1985 August-September
23630 99th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Committee Correspondence, 1985 October-December
23631 99th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Committee Correspondence, 1986 January-March
23632 99th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Committee Correspondence, 1986 April-May
23633 99th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Committee Correspondence, 1986 June-July
2371 99th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Committee Correspondence, 1986 August
2372 99th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Committee Correspondence, 1986 September-November
2373 99th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Conference Report on Defense Reorganization, 1986
2374 99th Congress: Armed Services Committee: "Crisis in Defense" (Staff Study), 1985 (1 of 3)
2375 99th Congress: Armed Services Committee: "Crisis in Defense" (Staff Study), 1985 (2 of 3)
2376 99th Congress: Armed Services Committee: "Crisis in Defense" (Staff Study), 1985 (3 of 3)
2377 99th Congress: Armed Services Committee: "Crisis in Defense" (Weekend Retreats), 1985
2378 99th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Diego Garcia, 1986
2379 99th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Goldwater-Nichols Department of Defense Reorganization Act PL 99-433, 1986
23710 99th Congress: Armed Services Committee: "Goldwater Syndrome" and Military Reform, 1985
23711 99th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Nuclear Assurance Corporation, 1985
23712 99th Congress: Armed Services Committee: President's Blue Ribbon Commission on Defense Management, 1985-1986
23713 99th Congress: Armed Services Committee: Reorganization Study (Background), 1960, 1986
23714 99th Congress: Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee: 95% Copper Penny HR 217, 1985
23715 99th Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee: Committee Correspondence, 1985-1986
23716 99th Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee: Communications Subcommittee Correspondence, 1985 January-May
23717 99th Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee: Communications Subcommittee Correspondence, 1985 June-November
23718 99th Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee: Communications Subcommittee Correspondence, 1986 January-June
23719 99th Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee: Communications Subcommittee Correspondence, 1986 June-October
23720 99th Congress: Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee: White Water Rafting Exemption S 1975, 1985
23721 99th Congress: Energy and Natural Resources Committee: Casa Grande National Monument, 1985
23722 99th Congress: Energy and Natural Resources Committee: Francis Scott Key Park S 2370, 1985-1986
23723 99th Congress: Energy and Natural Resources Committee: Luke Air Force Range Land Withdrawal, 1985
2381 99th Congress: Energy and Natural Resources Committee: Luke Air Force Range Land Withdrawal, 1986
2382 99th Congress: Energy and Natural Resources Committee: Omnibus Range Land Bill, 1985-1986
2383 99th Congress: Energy and Natural Resources Committee: Release Restrictions on Land (Jerome, Arizona), 1985-1986
2384 99th Congress: Energy and Natural Resources Committee: San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area, 1985-1986
2385 99th Congress: Environment and Public Works Committee: Colorado River Floodway Below Davis Dam S 1696, 1985-1986
2386 99th Congress: Environment and Public Works Committee: New Clean Air Act S 2203, 1986
2387 99th Congress: Environment and Public Works Committee: Clean Water Act S 1128, 1985
2388 99th Congress: Environment and Public Works Committee: Water Resources Development Act S 1567, 1985
2389 99th Congress: Environment and Public Works Committee: Mead-Phoenix Transmission Line Project (Tax-Exempt Bonds) S 814, 1984-1986
23810 99th Congress: Finance Committee: Renewable Energy and Conservation Transaction (Solar Energy) S 1220, S 1221, 1985
23811 99th Congress: Finance Committee: Superfund Reauthorization S 51, 1984-1985
23812 99th Congress: Finance Committee: Tax Bill, 1985-1986
23813 99th Congress: Governmental Affairs Committee: Cost Savings Proposals of the Grace Commission, 1985
23814 99th Congress: Governmental Affairs Committee: Colorado River Floodway S 498, 1983-1986
23815 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Amendments to Safe Drinking Water, Clean Air and Clean Water Acts, 1985
23816 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: American Indian National Bank, 1985
23817 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Appropriations, 1986
23818 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Cocopah Indian Tribe (General Correspondence), 1985
23819 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Colorado River Indian Tribes (General Correspondence), 1985
23820 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Education, 1985
23821 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Education, 1986
23822 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Gambling, 1985
23823 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Gambling, 1986 January-June
23824 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Gambling, 1986 August-September
2391 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: General Correspondence, 1985 January-March
2392 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: General Correspondence, 1985 April-May
2393 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: General Correspondence, 1985 June-August
2394 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: General Correspondence, 1985 September-December
2395 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: General Correspondence, 1986 January-March
2396 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: General Correspondence, 1986 April
2397 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: General Correspondence, 1986 May
2398 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: General Correspondence, 1986 June
2399 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: General Correspondence, 1986 July-August
23910 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: General Correspondence, 1986 September
23911 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: General Correspondence, 1986 October-December
23912 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Gila River Indian Community (General Correspondence), 1986
23913 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Gila River Farms, 1986
23914 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Hualapai Tribe Range Improvement, 1985
23915 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Indian Health Service, 1985
23916 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Indian Health Service, 1986
23917 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Gambling Authorization Act S 902, 1986
23918 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Lummi Tribe: Taxation, 1985-1986
23919 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Education and Scholarship Foundation, 1984-1985
23920 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Land Exchange, 1985-1993
2401 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission, 1985 January-February
2402 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission, 1985 March-April
2403 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission, 1985 May-June
2404 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission, 1985 July-September
2405 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission, 1985 October-December
2406 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission, 1986 January
2407 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission, 1986 February
2408 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission, 1986 March
2409 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission, 1986 April
24010 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission, 1986 May 1-8
24011 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission, 1986 May 12-29
24012 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission, 1986 June
24013 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission, 1986 July-December
24014 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Navajo Land Acquisition, 1986
24015 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Papago-Gila Bend Settlement Act, 1985
24016 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Papago-Gila Bend Settlement Act, 1986
24017 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Papago Mining-In-Situ Copper Leaching Proposal, 1986
24018 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Phoenix Indian School, 1985-1986
2411 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community (General Correspondence), 1985
2412 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Salt River Pima-Maricopa Criminal Jurisdiction, 1986
2413 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: San Carlos Apache Tribe (General Correspondence), 1986
2414 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Special Committee on Investigations: Final Report and Legislative Recommendations, 1989
2415 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: White Earth Reservation (Minnesota), 1985
2416 99th Congress: Indian Affairs Committee: Yavapai-Apache Tribe (Camp Verde), 1985-1986
2417 99th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Arizona Canal Diversion Channel, 1985
2418 99th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project: Plan 6, 1985 January-February
2419 99th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project: Plan 6, 1985 March
24110 99th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project: Plan 6, 1985 April
24111 99th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project: Plan 6, 1985 May-December
24112 99th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project: Plan 6, 1986 January-June
24113 99th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project: Plan 6, 1986 July-December
24114 99th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project: Plan 6: Cliff Dam, 1985
24115 99th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Central Arizona Project: New Waddell Dam, 1986
24116 99th Congress: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee: Amendment to Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (Distribution of Oil and Gas Income), 1985
24117 99th Congress: Rules and Administration Committee: Committee Correspondence, 1985-1986
24118 99th Congress: Rules and Administration Committee: National Air and Space Museum-Dulles Facility S 1311, 1985-1986
24119 99th Congress: Rules and Administration Committee: Senate Reform, 1985
24120 99th Congress: Rules and Administration Committee: Smithsonian Facilities Construction S 581, 1985-1986
2421 99th Congress: Select Committee on Ethics: Committee Correspondence, 1985-1986
2422 99th Congress: Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee Correspondence, 1985-1986
2423 99th Congress: Small Business Committee: Legislative Initiatives, 1985-1986
2424 99th Congress: Veterans Affairs Committee: Medicare for Eligible Veterans S 2174, 1986
Series IV: Constituent Service
Scope and Content Note
Senator Goldwater's constituencies were wide ranging and extended far beyond the State of Arizona. Congressional constituents include but are not limited to private citizens, federal and state agencies, counties and municipalities, public, private, non-profit, and political organizations, industries, and various interest groups. This material often provides additional background information and perspective on an issue. The correspondence, often personal in tone, reflects Goldwater's interests and relationships with the military community; aircraft and telecommunication industries; hobbyists and collectors; civic organizations; and political groups. His concerns with labor, communism, defense, and big government in addition to his advocacy for aviation, telecommunications, science, and technology are well documented. His status as an icon is also reflected in significant national and international fan mail. Some correspondence, especially in the 91st Congress, is transitional in nature and can be seen as a continuation of the "personal" correspondence received during his hiatus from public office from 1965 to 1968.
This series is arranged into three sub-series: Projects and Programs, Issue Mail, and General Correspondence. These sub-series are arranged by Congress and alphabetically and chronologically within.
Projects and Programs generally capture local and regional grants, awards, proposals; technical and annual reports, court claims and legal briefs; federal, state, county, and city staff and agency initiatives; staff special projects; and programs of special interest to Senator Goldwater. This section is also a rich source of local history. Note that a number of institutions, agencies, and organizations listed here also appear in Series I: Personal - Boards and Memberships.
This sub-series is a rich source of gray literature – unpublished, difficult to locate materials like technical reports, pre-prints, fact sheets, patents, working papers, meeting minutes, business documents, newsletters, bulletins, symposia, standards, white papers, proceedings, and unpublished works. As such, it has high research value. More information is available at Projects and programs can become controversial and generate Issue Mail. Some go on to inspire legislative action. Related material may be found in several series.
Issue Mail is organized by topic and can be considered "current events and issues at a glance," i.e., Watergate, Panama Canal, or Taiwan Treaty. This sub-series is organized by topics primarily established by Goldwater's office staff and often noted in the upper right hand corner of Goldwater's response letter. These terms were incorporated in folder titles wherever possible. Like-topics were combined within congressional sessions when feasible. Bulk determined what could be consolidated and what could stand alone. Large runs of correspondence were left under their original designations. Note that these descriptive titles shifted over time and are not uniform, i.e. Immigration, Border Patrol, Illegal Aliens, Farm Labor, Mexican Nationals.
Unless noted, all issue mail has been retained. Where possible all enclosures have been retained. If a form letter was attached to orphaned documents, it was considered Issue Mail. Note that form letters have been aggregated within Series V: Administrative. Although Goldwater's positions are represented in form letters, many of the responses found here deviate from a set script and often reflect a personal quality.
General Correspondence is arranged alphabetically by sender or addressee last names when known. This includes but is not limited to requests for assistance, offers of viewpoints and advice, support or opposition to issues or legislative matters of the day. It covers a wide range of topics, often with personal responses from Senator Goldwater. It also represents many orphan documents. The majority of this material was found in large runs labeled "miscellaneous" that were inconsistently filed throughout the collection.
The majority of VIP and colleague correspondence, as well as some Alpha Files, were also discovered in this mix. As was feasible, these documents were removed, reunited with like-material and placed in other series. The bulk of this correspondence can be found within Series III: Legislative - Colleague Correspondence and Committees or Series I: Personal - Alpha Files. Note that it was not possible to capture all significant correspondence within these categories. Scattered colleague, VIP, and Alpha File correspondence may appear elsewhere such as Series V: Administrative.
Processing Note
Nothing in this series reflects original order. The material had been shifted, re-boxed, and often re-labeled multiple times after it was deposited, making reconstruction of original order impossible. This was an opportunity to create flexible headings commensurate with current descriptions of Constituent Service as well as to consolidate topics, folders, and date ranges. During the microfilming process much of this correspondence was severely cropped and separated from the Senator's responses. Therefore, attachments and other information may be missing. Where possible, these documents have been reunited. Approximately 15% of this material was found loose or in unlabeled folders. Correspondence within folders is arranged chronologically. Documents with no dates appear at the end of the run. Note that VIP and colleague correspondence was found throughout constituent correspondence and labeled as miscellaneous. The bulk of this material is now found in Series II: Legislative - Colleague Correspondence and Committees or Series I: Personal - Alpha Files.
Separated Materials
Numerous case files (60 linear feet) from the 91st-99th Congress were discovered among this material. Individual case files have been retained for research and are listed at the end of this container list. They are organized according to the federal agency or department to which the cases were referred. These files are considered sensitive. Please contact the archivist for permissions and access.
Sub-Series A: Projects and Programs
2431 91st Congress: Agriculture (Various), 1969-1970
2432 91st Congress: Air Detector (Escoa Corporation), 1970-1971
2433 91st Congress: Air Medical Evacuation System, 1969
2434 91st Congress: Air Pollution, Nevada Power Plant, 1969-1970
2435 91st Congress: Air Pollution: Tucson and Cochise and Santa Cruz Counties, 1969
2436 91st Congress: Alpine Job Corps Center, 1969
2437 91st Congress: Amateur Radio Civil Emergency Service, 1964-1969
2438 91st Congress: Amateur Radio License Fee Increase, 1970
2439 91st Congress: American Academy of Public Affairs, 1969
24310 91st Congress: American Association of Christian Schools of Higher Learning, 1969-1970
24311 91st Congress: American Center for Education, 1969
24312 91st Congress: American Medical Association, 1969-1972
24313 91st Congress: Apache and Navajo Counties, 1969-1970
24314 91st Congress: AR-18, 1969-1970
24315 91st Congress: Arab Airmen in the U.S. Air Force, 1970
24316 91st Congress: Arizona Applications for Interstate Transport, 1969-1970
24317 91st Congress: Arizona Architects, 1969-1970
24318 91st Congress: Arizona Association of Soil and Water, 1969-1970
24319 91st Congress: Arizona Cattle Growers-Railroad Rate Increase, 1969
24320 91st Congress: Arizona Game and Fish Department, 1968-1970
24321 91st Congress: Arizona Highway Traffic Safety, 1967-1969
24322 91st Congress: Arizona Highways Magazine, 1966-1969
24323 91st Congress: Arizona Hospital Association, 1970
24324 91st Congress: Arizona Job Colleges, Inc., 1969-1972
24325 91st Congress: Arizona Migrant Opportunity Program, 1970
24326 91st Congress: Arizona Projects (Various; Project Reports), 1968-1970
24327 91st Congress: Arizona Regional Medical Program, 1969
24328 91st Congress: Arizona Requests for Aircraft, 1969-1970
24329 91st Congress: Arizona Secretary of State, 1969
24330 91st Congress: Arizona Soil and Conservation, 1969
24331 91st Congress: Arizona Song, 1969
24332 91st Congress: Arizona Sonora Desert Museum, 1968-1968
24333 91st Congress: Arizona State Hospital Board Application for 640 Acres for Security Facilities, 1969-1970
24334 91st Congress: Arizona State Prison, Florence, 1967-1969
24335 91st Congress: Arizona State University, 1969-1970
24336 91st Congress: Arizona State University: Aviation Training Center, 1966-1969
24337 91st Congress: Arizona State University: Technical Agricultural Training for American Indians, 1970
24338 91st Congress: Arizona Tax Acreage, 1968-1969
24339 91st Congress: Army Corps of Engineers, 1959-1970
24340 91st Congress: Atomic Energy Commission, 1965-1970
2441 91st Congress: Austin-West Service Investigation, 1969
2442 91st Congress: Bicentennial Commission, 1968-1970
2443 91st Congress: Bisbee Economic Development, 1969-1970
2444 91st Congress: Bisbee Peace Corps Site, 1970
2445 91st Congress: Black Canyon Interchange, 1969-1971
2446 91st Congress: Blood Services, Regulations, 1968-1969
2447 91st Congress: Bureau of Land Management, 1964-1970
2448 91st Congress: Bureau of Reclamation, 1969-1970
2449 91st Congress: Cable Television, 1969
24410 91st Congress: Camping Fees: Everglades and Crater National Parks, 1969
24411 91st Congress: Census, 1969-1970
24412 91st Congress: Census Statistics, 1968-1970
24413 91st Congress: Central Arizona College, 1968-1969
24414 91st Congress: Chinle and VISTA, 1969-1970
24415 91st Congress: Cibola Valley and Colorado River, 1969-1970
24416 91st Congress: Civil Service, 1970
24417 91st Congress: "Close-up" Advisory Board, 1970
24418 91st Congress: Cochise College and Arizona Western College, 1969-1971
24419 91st Congress: Colorado River-New Bridge, 1968-1969
24420 91st Congress: Community Organization for Drug Abuse Control (CODAC), 1970
24421 91st Congress: Concepts of Postal Economics, 1969
24422 91st Congress: Construction Cutbacks, 1969-1971
24423 91st Congress: Contracts, 1970
24424 91st Congress: Department of Defense (Various), 1969
24425 91st Congress: Draft Regulations for Students (Podiatry), 1970
24426 91st Congress: Drug Education Program, Awareness House, 1969-1970
24427 91st Congress: Eastern Arizona College, 1970
24428 91st Congress: Economic Development: Phoenix, 1969-1970
24429 91st Congress: Economic Development: Santa Cruz County, 1969-1972
24430 91st Congress: Education of Handicapped Indian Children, 1969-1970
24431 91st Congress: Electronic Data Processing Program, Tucson, 1969
24432 91st Congress: Eloy: Housing and Urban Development, 1969-1970
24433 91st Congress: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 1969-1970
2451 91st Congress: Farmers Home Administration, 1969-1970
2452 91st Congress: Federal Assistance Summary (Tucson, Arizona), 1969
2453 91st Congress: Federal Communications Commission, 1969-1971
2454 91st Congress: Federal Power Commission, 1969-1970
2455 91st Congress: Federally Impacted Area Funds, 1969-1970
2456 91st Congress: Flight Around the World Over the Poles (Francis X. Sommer), 1970-1971
2457 91st Congress: Flood Control, Virgin River Basin, 1970
2458 91st Congress: Folklore and Cultural Awareness, 1969-1971
2459 91st Congress: Four Corners, 1969
24510 91st Congress: Four Corners, 1970
24511 91st Congress: Four Corners: Proposed Roads and Highways (Study), 1970
24512 91st Congress: Fred Harvey Contract in Grand Canyon Park, 1969
24513 91st Congress: Fundraisers (Various), 1969-1970
24514 91st Congress: Gem of Truth by Wiley F. Patton, 1968
24515 91st Congress: General Electric, 1969-1970
24516 91st Congress: Gila Drain Project, 1969-1970
24517 91st Congress: Goldwater Center (Prescott College), 1970
24518 91st Congress: Goodwill Industries of Arizona, 1969
24519 91st Congress: Graham-Curtis Project (Safford, Arizona), 1969-1972
24520 91st Congress: Grand Canyon, 1969-1970
24521 91st Congress: Grants and Awards: Arizona, 1969
24522 91st Congress: Grants and Awards: Civil Service Commission, 1969-1970
24523 91st Congress: Grants and Awards: Housing and Urban Development, 1968-1970
24524 91st Congress: Grants and Awards: Justice Department, 1970
24525 91st Congress: Grants and Awards: Labor Department, 1969-1970
2461 91st Congress: Grants and Awards: Manpower Administration, 1969-1970
2462 91st Congress: Grants and Awards: National Science Foundation, 1970
2463 91st Congress: Great Lake Aircraft Company, 1969
2464 91st Congress: Guadalupe Organization Inc., 1969-1970
2465 91st Congress: Guadalupe Organization Inc v. Maricopa County Community Action Agency, 1969
2466 91st Congress: Harbor General Hospital Compulsive Behavior Institute, 1969
2467 91st Congress: Havasu Springs Resort, 1966-1970
2468 91st Congress: "High Chaparral" Program, 1970
2469 91st Congress: Highways, 1969-1970
24610 91st Congress: Housing and Urban Development (Various), 1968-1970
24611 91st Congress: Housing and Urban Development Scottsdale Urban Planning Grant, 1969-1971
24612 91st Congress: Intergovernmental Relations Study, 1969
24613 91st Congress: Interior Department, 1968-1969
24614 91st Congress: Internal Security Act, 1971
24615 91st Congress: International Sanitary Waste Treatment Facilities for Nogales, 1969-1970
24616 91st Congress: Junior Achievement, Phoenix, 1969-1970
24617 91st Congress: Justice Department, 1969-1970
24618 91st Congress: Justice Department Awards and Grants, 1970
24619 91st Congress: Juvenile Delinquency Prevention and Control, 1969-1971
24620 91st Congress: Labor Department, 1969-1970
24621 91st Congress: Lake Mary Lodge Permit, 1969
24622 91st Congress: Leadership and Education for the Advancement of Phoenix, 1969-1970
24623 91st Congress: Little Colorado River Plateau Conservation and Development, 1969-1970
24624 91st Congress: Los Angeles-Yuma Freight Lines, 1968-1969
24625 91st Congress: Management Planning Corporation, 1970
24626 91st Congress: Marble Canyon National Monument, 1968-1969
24627 91st Congress: Mental Health Centers, 1969-1970
24628 91st Congress: Mesa Juvenile Delinquency Funding, 1970
24629 91st Congress: "Mobilizing to Use the Seas" (President's Task Force on Oceanography), 1970
24630 91st Congress: Mount Lemon (Site for National Infrared Observatory), 1969-1973
24631 91st Congress: Mount Lemon Federal Youth Center, 1968-1969
24632 91st Congress: Mountain View Pioneer Hospital, 1968-1970
24633 91st Congress: Museum of Northern Arizona, 1969-1972
24634 91st Congress: Narcotics, Marijuana and Dangerous Drugs (Presidential Task Force Report), 1969
2471 91st Congress: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1969-1970
2472 91st Congress: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Newsletters and Technical Reports), 1969-1970
2473 91st Congress: National Center for Democratic Processes in Education (Tucson, Arizona; Grant Proposal), 1970
2474 91st Congress: National Council of American Indians, 1969
2475 91st Congress: National Endowment for the Arts, 1970
2476 91st Congress: National Endowment for the Humanities Annual Report, 1968
2477 91st Congress: National Park Service, 1967-1969
2478 91st Congress: Native Americans, 1969-1970
2479 91st Congress: Naval Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserves, 1969-1972
24710 91st Congress: Navajo-Hopi Reading is Fun-damental Program, 1969-1970
24711 91st Congress: Nickel Shortage, 1969
24712 91st Congress: Northern Arizona Supplementary Education Center, 1968-1970
24713 91st Congress: Northern Arizona University, 1970
24714 91st Congress: Nuclear Power Plants, 1970-1971
24715 91st Congress: Office of Emergency Preparedness, 1969-1970
24716 91st Congress: Orme School, 1967-1971
24717 91st Congress: Paradise Valley Post Office Station or Branch, 1969-1970
24718 91st Congress: Paraplegic Foundation, 1967-1969
24719 91st Congress: Parker Hannifin Systems, 1968-1969
24720 91st Congress: Peace Corps, 1970
24721 91st Congress: Peace Research, Institute for Creative Studies, 1970-1971
24722 91st Congress: Phoenix Concentrated Employment Program, 1969-1970
24723 91st Congress: Phoenix Mayor's Annual Report, 1969
24724 91st Congress: Phraetophyte Control, 1969-1970
24725 91st Congress: Pima-Coolidge Economic Development, 1969 (1 of 2)
24726 91st Congress: Pima-Coolidge Economic Development, 1969-1971 (2 of 2)
24727 91st Congress: Pima County Action Program, 1970
24728 91st Congress: Pinal Community Center, 1969
24729 91st Congress: Prescott College, 1962-1968
24730 91st Congress: Prescott College, 1969-1970
24731 91st Congress: Project Pride, Arizona, 1970
2481 91st Congress: Radio Site, South Mountain Park, 1970
2482 91st Congress: Railroads, 1970-1971
2483 91st Congress: Ralph De Palma Day (Car Racing), 1969
2484 91st Congress: Requests for Funding, 1969-1970
2485 91st Congress: Reserve Officer Training Corps, 1969-1970
2486 91st Congress: Revival of Chicago-Los Angeles Train Service, 1970
2487 91st Congress: Rocky Mountain Educational Laboratory, 1969
2488 91st Congress: St. Johns Water System, 1969-1970
2489 91st Congress: Samoan Project, 1969
24810 91st Congress: San Carlos Job Corp Center, 1969
24811 91st Congress: San Francisco Mint Building, 1969-1970
24812 91st Congress: Santa Barbara Oil Field Spill, 1969
24813 91st Congress: Saving the Delta Queen, 1969-1970
24814 91st Congress: Sex Education in Schools, 1968-1969
24815 91st Congress: Short Haul Air Transportation Program, 1970
24816 91st Congress: Sigma Chi: Fraternities Monopoly and Conspiracy, 1969
24817 91st Congress: Skill Training Center for Mohave County, 1970
24818 91st Congress: Small Business Administration, 1969-1970
24819 91st Congress: Soldier Camp Permittees Association, 1968-1969
24820 91st Congress: Soldiers the Senator Met in Vietnam, 1969-1970
24821 91st Congress: Solid Waste Control (Tucson Grant Proposal), 1970
24822 91st Congress: Spanish Research Program, 1969
24823 91st Congress: State Department, 1970-1972
24824 91st Congress: Stradler Ship Company, 1968-1970
24825 91st Congress: Street Boys Hostel (Pham-Ngu-Lao, Saigon), 1968-1971
24826 91st Congress: Student Alternatives to Violence (Lance Rentzell), 1970
24827 91st Congress: Telemedicine, 1970
24828 91st Congress: Tempe Canal Park, 1969
24829 91st Congress: Tennessee Valley Authority, Foreign Construction, 1970
24830 91st Congress: Thunderbird Graduate School of International Management, 1969-1970
24831 91st Congress: Title XIX, 1969
24832 91st Congress: Transpacific Route Investigation, 1969
24833 91st Congress: Tucson Federal Assistance Summary, 1969-1970
24834 91st Congress: Tucson Federal Building, 1969
24835 91st Congress: Tucson Model Cities, 1970-71
24836 91st Congress: Tucson Public Library, 1969-1970
24837 91st Congress: Tucson Public Schools, 1970
2491 91st Congress: Tucson Transportation System, 1970
2492 91st Congress: Union Bank: Sierra Vista Branch, 1969-1970
2493 91st Congress: U.S. Customs House in Phoenix, 1970
2494 91st Congress: University of Arizona, 1969-1970 (1 of 2)
2495 91st Congress: University of Arizona, 1969-1970 (2 of 2)
2496 91st Congress: University of Arizona, Study of Scientific Japanese Program, 1969-1970
2497 91st Congress: Up with People, 1969
2498 91st Congress: Upward Bound (Cochise College), 1969-1970
2499 91st Congress: Valley Big Brothers, 1969-1970
24910 91st Congress: Visa Office Report, 1969
24911 91st Congress: Vocational Education in Arizona, 1968-1970
24912 91st Congress: Water Resources Council, 1968-1970
24913 91st Congress: White House Conference on Children and Youth, 1970
24914 91st Congress: Winslow Airport, 1969
24915 91st Congress: Winslow Job Corps Center, 1969
2741 92nd Congress: ACTION (Citizens Service Corps), 1971-1972
2742 92nd Congress: ACTION (Various Volunteer Programs), 1971-1973
2743 92nd Congress: Advisory Committee for the Blind, 1971-1972
2744 92nd Congress: Aerospace Industries Association of Arizona, 1971-1972
2745 92nd Congress: Agricultural Research Service, 1971-1973
2746 92nd Congress: Agriculture (Releases, Reports, Awards), 1971-1972
2747 92nd Congress: Agriculture Inspection Stations, 1972-1973
2748 92nd Congress: Alvord Tract: Proposed Park, 1971
2749 92nd Congress: American and Western Airlines Merger, 1971
27410 92nd Congress: Animal and Plant Health Inspection, 1972
27411 92nd Congress: Apache County, 1972
27412 92nd Congress: Aravaipa Canyon, 1971-1973
27413 92nd Congress: Arizona Agrochemical Corporation, 1971-1972
27414 92nd Congress: Arizona Air National Guard, 1970-1972
27415 92nd Congress: Arizona-California Inspection Stations, 1972
27416 92nd Congress: Arizona Commission on the Arts and Humanities, 1971-1972
27417 92nd Congress: Arizona Corporation Commission, 1971-1972
27418 92nd Congress: Arizona Department of Education, 1972
27419 92nd Congress: Arizona Elementary and Secondary Education (ESEA I, II, III), 1965-1972
27420 92nd Congress: Arizona Emergency Medical Services, 1972
27421 92nd Congress: Arizona Grant Awards, 1971-1972
27422 92nd Congress: Arizona Head Start Program, 1970-1971
27423 92nd Congress: Arizona Highway Commission, 1972
27424 92nd Congress: Arizona Housing Development Corporation (Flagstaff), 1972
27425 92nd Congress: Arizona Law Enforcement, 1971-1972
27426 92nd Congress: Arizona Pioneers' Home, 1971-1974
27427 92nd Congress: Arizona Regional Medical Program, 1970-1971
27428 92nd Congress: Arizona Resource Conservation and Development, 1970-1971
27429 92nd Congress: Arizona State Employment Service, 1970-1971
27430 92nd Congress: Arizona State Hospital (Annual Reports), 1969-1973
27431 92nd Congress: Arizona State University, 1970-1972
27432 92nd Congress: Arizona Western College, 1971-1972
27433 92nd Congress: Arizona Wildlife Annual Report, 1971
27434 92nd Congress: Assistance to Retired People (Proposal), 1971
2751 92nd Congress: Astronomy in Arizona, 1970-1972
2752 92nd Congress: Atomic Energy Commission Requests, 1970-1972
2753 92nd Congress: Aviation Academy, 1970-1971
2754 92nd Congress: Bankhead Jones Funds for Land Grant Universities, 1970-1971
2755 92nd Congress: Battelle Research Outlook, 1971
2756 92nd Congress: Bicentennial Commission, 1971-1972 (1 of 2)
2757 92nd Congress: Bicentennial Commission, 1972 (2 of 2)
2758 92nd Congress: Bilingual Training Programs for Mexican-Americans, 1971-1972
2759 92nd Congress: Bisbee, 1970-1972
27510 92nd Congress: Bisbee-Douglas International Airport, 1972
27511 92nd Congress: Black Association of Planners and Administrators, 1971
Includes photographs.
27512 92nd Congress: Blackman's Department Center, 1971-1972
27513 92nd Congress: Board of Land Appeals (Harenberg Black Company), 1971
27514 92nd Congress: Boys' Nation, 1972-1974
27515 92nd Congress: Bud Brown Enterprises, 1970-1972
27516 92nd Congress: Bullhead City, 1971-1972
27517 92nd Congress: Bureau of Land Management, 1971
27518 92nd Congress: Carl Hayden Projects, 1971-1972
Includes tributes, testimonials, and historical background.
27519 92nd Congress: Census Statistics, 1971-1972
27520 92nd Congress: Center for Democratic Processes in Education, 1972
27521 92nd Congress: CHAMPUS Handicapped Benefits, 1971-1973
27522 92nd Congress: Cherry Blossom Festival, 1971-1974
27523 92nd Congress: Child Care, 1971-1972
27524 92nd Congress: Child Development Center, 1969
27525 92nd Congress: Citizens for Decent Literature (Charles H. Keating Jr.), 1971
27526 92nd Congress: Civil Aeronautics Board Inquiries, 1970-1973
27527 92nd Congress: Civil Air Alert Warning System, 1971
27528 92nd Congress: Civil Air Patrol, 1971
27529 92nd Congress: Cochise College, 1971-1972
27530 92nd Congress: Coconino County, 1970-1973
27531 92nd Congress: Colorado River Salinity Study, 1971-1972
2761 92nd Congress: Commemorative Stamps, 1969-1971
2762 92nd Congress: Commerce (Reports and Releases), 1969-1972
2763 92nd Congress: Community Treatment Center (Bureau of Prisons), 1972
2764 92nd Congress: Comprehensive Health Planning Agency, 1967-1971
2765 92nd Congress: Comprehensive Health Planning Council of Maricopa County, 1971 (1 of 2)
2766 92nd Congress: Comprehensive Health Planning Council of Maricopa County, 1971 (2 of 2)
2767 92nd Congress: Conservation Districts, 1972
2768 92nd Congress: Cost of Living Council, 1972
2769 92nd Congress: Crown Villages Inc. (Medium and Low Income Housing), 1971
27610 92nd Congress: Day Care Centers, 1971-1972
27611 92nd Congress: Department of Transportation, 1972
27612 92nd Congress: Desalinization, 1969-1971
27613 92nd Congress: Drug Abuse (Various Federal Initiatives), 1971-1972
27614 92nd Congress: Electro Pneumatic Engine (Hagerty Research and Development Company), 1971-1972
27615 92nd Congress: Emergency Food and Medical Services, 1971-1972
27616 92nd Congress: Employment in Arizona, 1972
27617 92nd Congress: Employment of the Handicapped, 1971-1973
27618 92nd Congress: Employment Security Commission of Arizona, 1972
27619 92nd Congress: Environment (General), 1971-1972
27620 92nd Congress: Environmental Protection Agency (Newsletters), 1971
27621 92nd Congress: Environmental Protection Agency (Newsletters), 1972-1973
27622 92nd Congress: Evaluation of State Capability for Implementing the WIN Program, 1972
27623 92nd Congress: Fairchild-Hiller Corporation, 1970-1971
27624 92nd Congress: Federal Aviation Administration (Report, Newsletter), 1972
27625 92nd Congress: Federal Communications Commission (Rules and Regulations), 1971-1972
27626 92nd Congress: Federal Disaster Assistance Programs, 1971-1972
27627 92nd Congress: Federal Drought Assistance, 1971
27628 92nd Congress: Federal Impacted Area Funds, 1971-1972
27629 92nd Congress: Federal Power Commission, 1971-1972
27630 92nd Congress: Federal Power Commission (Reports, Statistics), 1971-1972 (1 of 2)
2771 92nd Congress: Federal Power Commission (Reports, Statistics), 1972 (2 of 2)
2772 92nd Congress: Federal Trade Commission (Rules and Regulations), 1971-1972
2773 92nd Congress: Fire Ant Eradication, 1971
2774 92nd Congress: Firearms: Patent on New Weapons, 1971
2775 92nd Congress: Fish and Wildlife Service, 1970-1971
2776 92nd Congress: Flagstaff (Water Treatment and Housing), 1970-1972
2777 92nd Congress: Folklore and Cultural Awareness, 1971-1973
2778 92nd Congress: Follow Through Program, 1969-1971
2779 92nd Congress: Forest Service, 1972
27710 92nd Congress: Forum for Contemporary History, 1972
27711 92nd Congress: Four Corners Development Plan, 1971-1973
27712 92nd Congress: Fremont House (Tucson), 1971-1975
27713 92nd Congress: Fulbright Scholarships, 1969-1971
27714 92nd Congress: Funding for Agricultural Programs (Beaver Creek and 4H), 1971-1972
27715 92nd Congress: A Giant Leap for Mankind (Proposal), 1971 (1 of 2)
27716 92nd Congress: A Giant Leap for Mankind (Proposal), 1971 (2 of 2)
27717 92nd Congress: Gila River Flood Control, 1969-1971
27718 92nd Congress: Gill Robb Wilson Memorial, 1969-1971
27719 92nd Congress: Glendale Community College, 1971-1972
27720 92nd Congress: Golden Valley Water Supply, 1972
27721 92nd Congress: Graham County Development Corporation, 1971-1972
27722 92nd Congress: Granada New Community Development, 1972
27723 92nd Congress: Grants and Awards: Agriculture, 1971-1972
27724 92nd Congress: Grants and Awards: Civil Service Commission, 1971-1972
27725 92nd Congress: Grants and Awards: Housing and Urban Development, 1971-1972
27726 92nd Congress: Grants and Awards: Interior Department, 1970-1972
27727 92nd Congress: Grants and Awards: Interstate Commerce Commission, 1970-1972
27728 92nd Congress: Grants and Awards: Justice Department, 1971-1972
27729 92nd Congress: Grants and Awards: Labor Department, 1971-1972
27730 92nd Congress: Grants and Awards: Manpower, 1971
2781 92nd Congress: Grants and Awards: National Endowment for the Arts, 1970-1972
2782 92nd Congress: Grants and Awards: National Endowment for the Humanities, 1971-1972
2783 92nd Congress: Grants and Awards: National Science Foundation, 1971-1972 (1 of 2)
2784 92nd Congress: Grants and Awards: National Science Foundation, 1972 (2 of 2)
2785 92nd Congress: Guadalupe Organization Inc, 1971-1972
2786 92nd Congress: The Handicapped, 1971-1972
2787 92nd Congress: Hassayampa River Flood Control, 1972
2788 92nd Congress: Health, Education and Welfare, 1972
2789 92nd Congress: High School Drop Out Prevention (Casa Grande), 1972
27810 92nd Congress: Home Economics, 1971
27811 92nd Congress: Housing: 235 Program, 1969-1971
27812 92nd Congress: Immigration and Naturalization in Arizona (Lists), 1970-1972
27813 92nd Congress: Improving Health Care for the Aged in Arizona, 1972
27814 92nd Congress: Iron Springs, 1970-1972
27815 92nd Congress: J-2 Gyroplane (McCullough Aircraft Corporation), 1962-1973
Includes photos.
27816 92nd Congress: Job Training for Minority Groups, 1972
27817 92nd Congress: KAET-TV (Environment Education, Earthline), 1971-1973
27818 92nd Congress: Kingman Library, 1972
27819 92nd Congress: Kolb Road (Tucson), 1971-1973
27820 92nd Congress: KOOL Radio and Television (Criticisms), 1971-1972
27821 92nd Congress: Lake Havasu City (Housing, Hospital, Irrigation), 1970-1974
27822 92nd Congress: Land Use, 1971-1972
27823 92nd Congress: Law Enforcement Funds (Tucson), 1971
27824 92nd Congress: Leadership and Education for the Advancement of Phoenix (LEAP), 1971-1972
27825 92nd Congress: League of Arizona Cities and Towns, 1971-1972
27826 92nd Congress: Linblad Travel Incorporated (Grand Canyon Expeditions), 1971-1972
27827 92nd Congress: Little Colorado River Plateau Conservation and Development, 1971-1972
27828 92nd Congress: Love America Program, 1971
27829 92nd Congress: Lower Colorado River Management Program, 1969-1972
27830 92nd Congress: Maricopa County Community Health Network, 1971-1972
2791 92nd Congress: Maricopa County Junior College District, 1971
2792 92nd Congress: Methadone Treatment (Alexander Clifton, MD), 1971-1976
2793 92nd Congress: Metric System (Reports, Analyses), 1970-1971
2794 92nd Congress: Mexican-American Civil Rights, 1971
2795 92nd Congress: Miami, Arizona, 1971-1972
2796 92nd Congress: Migrant Workers, 1971-1972
2797 92nd Congress: Mini-Grants (Drug Abuse Education), 1971-1972
2798 92nd Congress: Minority Fellowships, 1971
2799 92nd Congress: National Cancer Institute (Breast Cancer Detection), 1971
27910 92nd Congress: National Economic Development, 1971-1972
27911 92nd Congress: National Foundation for Asthmatic Children at Tucson, 1970-1971
27912 92nd Congress: National Institutes of Health, 1971
27913 92nd Congress: National Nutrition Survey, 1971
27914 92nd Congress: National Police Officers Association, 1972-1974
27915 92nd Congress: National Science Foundation, 1971-1972
27916 92nd Congress: National Science Foundation (Peter Stein), 1971
27917 92nd Congress: National Skyjacking Data Information Center (University of Arizona), 1972-1973
27918 92nd Congress: National Summer Youth Sports Program, 1971
27919 92nd Congress: National Transportation Safety Board, 1971-1972
27920 92nd Congress: National Wildlife Federation, 1972
27921 92nd Congress: Neighborhood Youth Corps, 1969-1971
27922 92nd Congress: Northern Arizona Development Council, 1970-1971
27923 92nd Congress: Northern Arizona University (Various), 1971-1972
27924 92nd Congress: Nuclear Power and Water Desalting Plants, 1968-1972
27925 92nd Congress: Occupational Safety (Proposals), 1971-1972
27926 92nd Congress: Office of Economic Development Arizona Awards, 1970-1972
27927 92nd Congress: Office of Management and Budget, 1970-1972
27928 92nd Congress: Operation Smash, 1972
27929 92nd Congress: Opportunity Funding Corporation, 1972
27930 92nd Congress: Orme Dam, 1970-1973
27931 92nd Congress: Papago Freeway (Plaza del Sol Corporation), 1972
27932 92nd Congress: Pay Board, 1971-1972
27933 92nd Congress: Peace Corps, 1970-1972
27934 92nd Congress: Phoenix: Deer Valley Municipal Airport, Master Plan Report, 1972
27935 92nd Congress: Phoenix Transit System, 1971-1973
27936 92nd Congress: Picacho Flood Control District, 1972
27937 92nd Congress: Pima College, 1970-1971
2801 92nd Congress: Pima College, 1972
2802 92nd Congress: Podiatric Medicine, 1972
2803 92nd Congress: Polacca Airport (Hopi Nation), 1971
2804 92nd Congress: Portable Practical Educational Preparation, 1971
2805 92nd Congress: Policy Positions of the National Governors' Conference, 1972
2806 92nd Congress: Power Transmission Lines, 1970-1971
2807 92nd Congress: Prescott College, 1968-1972
2808 92nd Congress: Preservation of U.S. Customs House, Wilmington, Delaware, 1970-1971
2809 92nd Congress: Presidential Classroom for Young Americans, 1971-1972
28010 92nd Congress: Price Commission, 1971-1972
28011 92nd Congress: Project Western Sun (Photo Thermal Conversion of Solar Energy for Electrical Power Production), 1972
28012 92nd Congress: Proper Use and Management of Grazing Land, 1972
28013 92nd Congress: Proposals for Salinity Control in the Colorado River, 1971-1972
28014 92nd Congress: Proposals for Training in Masonry, 1971
28015 92nd Congress: Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, 1971
28016 92nd Congress: Pueblo Grande Museum, 1971-1972
28017 92nd Congress: Radio Interference (James L. Brantley, K6KPS), 1970-1972
28018 92nd Congress: Red Lake Child Development Center, 1972
28019 92nd Congress: Rocky Mountain Education and Health TV Transmissions, 1971
28020 92nd Congress: Rural Electrification, 1971-1972
28021 92nd Congress: Saguaro National Monument, 1972
28022 92nd Congress: San Carlos Skill Center, 1970
28023 92nd Congress: San Xavier del Bac (Brother Lawrence Hogan), 1971-1972
28024 92nd Congress: Securities and Exchange Commission, Cochise College Park, 1972-1973
28025 92nd Congress: SER, Jobs for Progress, 1972
28026 92nd Congress: Show Low Creek Feasibility Study, 1971-1972
28027 92nd Congress: Sierra Vista Housing 236 Application, 1971-1972
28028 92nd Congress: Skill Training Opportunity Project, 1970-1972
28029 92nd Congress: Sky Aircraft Flight School (Veterans Training), 1971-1972
28030 92nd Congress: Soft Drink Franchising, 1971
28031 92nd Congress: Soil Conservation, 1970-1972
28032 92nd Congress: Solar Energy Research, 1971-1972
28033 92nd Congress: Solid Waste Management, 1971
28034 92nd Congress: Southwest Behavioral Institute, 1971
28035 92nd Congress: Southwest Ecology Center (Nogales), 1971
28036 92nd Congress: Southwest Heritage Proposal (Northern Arizona University), 1972
28037 92nd Congress: Southwest Power Development, 1971-1972
28038 92nd Congress: Southwest Regional Laboratory, 1971-1972
2811 92nd Congress: State Tax Commission of Arizona, 1971
2812 92nd Congress: Student Loans, 1969-1972
2813 92nd Congress: Subversive Activities Control Board, 1970-1972
2814 92nd Congress: Telemedicine, 1971-1972
2815 92nd Congress: Tempe Community Development Corporation, 1971
2816 92nd Congress: Thompson Manufacturing Company (Protest with Air Force), 1970-1971
2817 92nd Congress: Thunderbird Graduate School of International Management, 1971-1972
2818 92nd Congress: Transmission Line from New Mexico, 1972
2819 92nd Congress: Transpo ‘72, 1972
28110 92nd Congress: Tucson Airport Authority, 1971-1972
28111 92nd Congress: Tucson Community Development, 1972
28112 92nd Congress: Tucson Council on Aging, 1971-1972
28113 92nd Congress: Tucson Federal Assistance Summary, 1971
28114 92nd Congress: Tucson Housing and Urban Renewal, 1971-1972
28115 92nd Congress: Tucson Lawyers for Housing, 1972-1973
28116 92nd Congress: Tucson Model Cities, 1971-1972
28117 92nd Congress: United States Information Agency, 1970-1973
28118 92nd Congress: University of Arizona, 1971
28119 92nd Congress: University of Arizona, 1972
28120 92nd Congress: University of Arizona: Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselor Program, 1971
28121 92nd Congress: University of Arizona Cancer Center, 1972
28122 92nd Congress: Veterans Higher Education Services (Arizona State University), 1972
28123 92nd Congress: Virgin River and Tributaries, 1971
28124 92nd Congress: Virgin River Interchange in Mohave County, 1971
28125 92nd Congress: Water Resources Council, 1972
28126 92nd Congress: White House Conference on Aging, 1970-1971 (1 of 2)
28127 92nd Congress: White House Conference on Aging, 1971-1973 (2 of 2)
28128 92nd Congress: White House Conference on Youth, 1971
28129 92nd Congress: White House Fellowship, 1971
28130 92nd Congress: White House Tours, 1971-1973
28131 92nd Congress: Work Incentive Programs (Arizona), 1971-1972
28132 92nd Congress: Workman's Compensation Federalization, 1971-1972
28133 92nd Congress: World Service Corporation, 1970
28134 92nd Congress: Yavapai County, 1972-1974
28135 92nd Congress: Young Engineers and Scientists, 1970-1972
3047 93rd Congress: ACTION (Citizens Service Corps), 1973-1974
3048 93rd Congress: Adobe Dam and Saddleback Meadows Property Owners Association, 1974
3049 93rd Congress: Aeron Corporation, 1974
30410 93rd Congress: Aerospace Industries Association of America, 1973-1974
30411 93rd Congress: Aerospace Youth Council, 1974
30412 93rd Congress: Agriculture (Releases, Reports, Awards), 1973-1974
30413 93rd Congress: Airesearch Manufacturing Company of Arizona (331 Turboprop Engine), 1973-1974
30414 93rd Congress: Air Traffic Control Training, 1974-1975
30415 93rd Congress: Aircraft Collision Avoidance Systems, 1971-1973
30416 93rd Congress: Alpine Youth Correction Center, 1974
30417 93rd Congress: Amateur Radio, 1973
30418 93rd Congress: Amateur Radio, 1974
30419 93rd Congress: American Fighter Aces, 1973
30420 93rd Congress: American and Frontier Airlines Route Authority Exchange, 1973
30421 93rd Congress: American Jet Industries, 1974
30422 93rd Congress: American Legions, 1972-1973
30423 93rd Congress: American Security Council, 1972-1974
30424 93rd Congress: Americana Project, 1973-1975
30425 93rd Congress: Apollo-Soyuz Mission, 1972-1974
30426 93rd Congress: Arizona Air National Guard, 1973-1974
3051 93rd Congress: Arizona Alcoholic Programs (Various), 1973-1974
3052 93rd Congress: Arizona Ambassador at Large, 1973
3053 93rd Congress: Arizona Commission on the Arts and Humanities, 1973-1974
3054 93rd Congress: Arizona Corrections: Mutual Agreement Programming, 1973-1974
3055 93rd Congress: Arizona Department of Education, 1972-1974
3056 93rd Congress: Arizona Department of Health, 1972-1974
3057 93rd Congress: Arizona Department of Health Services (Drug Abuse Plan), 1974
3058 93rd Congress: Arizona Economic Security Commission, 1971-1973
3059 93rd Congress: Arizona Energy Plan, 1974
30510 93rd Congress: Arizona Federal Projects (Architect-Engineer Questionnaire), 1973
30511 93rd Congress: Arizona Game and Fish, 1973-1974
30512 93rd Congress: Arizona Highway Commission, 1973
30513 93rd Congress: Arizona Hospital Association, 1973-1974
30514 93rd Congress: Arizona Job Colleges, Inc., 1973-1974
30515 93rd Congress: Arizona National Forest Study, 1974
30516 93rd Congress: Arizona National Guard, 1970-1974
30517 93rd Congress: Arizona Office of Economic Opportunity, 1973
30518 93rd Congress: Arizona Regional Medical Program, 1974-1975
30519 93rd Congress: Arizona Rural Planning and Coordination Program, 1973
30520 93rd Congress: Arizona State Advisory Committee: Civil Rights Commission, 1974
30521 93rd Congress: Arizona State Lake Improvement Fund Plan, 1973
30522 93rd Congress: Arizona State University, 1973-1974
30523 93rd Congress: Arizona Student Exchange Program of the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE), 1974
30524 93rd Congress: Arizona's Economic Growth (Merrill Lynch and Valley National Bank Analysis), 1971-1974
30525 93rd Congress: Arizona Western College, 1974
30526 93rd Congress: Arizonora (James O. Martin), 1973 (1 of 2)
30527 93rd Congress: Arizonora (James O. Martin), 1973 (2 of 2)
30528 93rd Congress: Army Corps of Engineers, 1973-1974
30529 93rd Congress: Arthritis Foundation, 1974
30530 93rd Congress: Attorney's Opinion on Newport Bay, Beacon Bay, and the Balboa Club, Undated
30531 93rd Congress: Aviation (Various), 1973
30532 93rd Congress: Bicentennial Commission, 1973 January-May
30533 93rd Congress: Bicentennial Commission, 1973 June-December
3061 93rd Congress: Bicentennial Commission, 1974 January-June
3062 93rd Congress: Bicentennial Commission, 1974 July-December
3063 93rd Congress: Bilingual Television, 1974
3064 93rd Congress: Biotic Inventory of Chevelon Canyon, 1974
3065 93rd Congress: Border Cities Association, 1969-1973
3066 93rd Congress: Border Station at Lukeville, 1974
3067 93rd Congress: Boy Scouts, 1972-1974
3068 93rd Congress: The Carl Hayden Project(s), 1973-1977
3069 93rd Congress: Central Arizona College, 1973-1975
30610 93rd Congress: Chicanos Por La Causa, Inc., 1974
30611 93rd Congress: Child Abuse, 1974
30612 93rd Congress: Civil Rights Commission (Various Reports and Publications), 1972-1974
30613 93rd Congress: Cochise College, 1973-1974
30614 93rd Congress: Coconino National Forest, 1973
Includes timber management plan.
30615 93rd Congress: Cocopai Resource Conservation and Development Project, 1974
30616 93rd Congress: Colorado River Salinity, 1973-1974
30617 93rd Congress: Colorado River and Parker-Davis Storage, 1973-1974
30618 93rd Congress: Commerce (Reports and Releases), 1973-1974
30619 93rd Congress: Committee for a Free Panama, 1974-1978
30620 93rd Congress: Communication and Education Services, 1972-1973
30621 93rd Congress: Community Action Broadcasting System, 1973
30622 93rd Congress: Community Action Programs, 1974
30623 93rd Congress: Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (LULAC Proposal and Appeal), 1974
30624 93rd Congress: Comprehensive Employment and Training Allocations, 1974
30625 93rd Congress: Comprehensive Health Planning (Maricopa County), 1971-1973
30626 93rd Congress: Confederate Air Force, 1973
30627 93rd Congress: Conservation and Recreation Service, 1974
30628 93rd Congress: Coolidge Drainage System, 1974
30629 93rd Congress: Copper Development Association, 1974-1975
30630 93rd Congress: Coronado Resource Conservation and Development, 1973
3071 93rd Congress: Cudahy Company, 1973
3072 93rd Congress: Cultural Laureate Foundation (Bicentennial Celebration), 1972-1974
3073 93rd Congress: Datran (Digital Communications), 1974
3074 93rd Congress: Day Care Centers, 1973
3075 93rd Congress: Del E Webb Corporation: Honduras Claims, 1973-1974
3076 93rd Congress: Dela Enterprises (Army Contracts), 1972-1973
3077 93rd Congress: Department of the Interior, 1974
3078 93rd Congress: Dinah Shore Show, 1971-1976
3079 93rd Congress: District #4 Council of Governments, 1974
30710 93rd Congress: Economic Development, Buckeye, Arizona, 1973
30711 93rd Congress: Economic Stabilization (Wage and Price Controls), 1971-1973
30712 93rd Congress: Emergency Jobs Bill, 1973-1974
30713 93rd Congress: Energy, 1974
30714 93rd Congress: Environmental Impact Study: Sale of Public Land to City of Phoenix, 1974
30715 93rd Congress: Environmental Protection Agency, 1973-1975
30716 93rd Congress: Family Planning Services (Northern Arizona), 1973
30717 93rd Congress: Federal Communications Commission, 1973-1974
30718 93rd Congress: Federal Energy Administration (Various), 1973-1974
30719 93rd Congress: Federal Power Commission (Reports and Releases), 1973-1974
30720 93rd Congress: Federal Reclamation Program, 1973
30721 93rd Congress: Federal Surplus Equipment (Gila Bend Public Schools Request), 1974
30722 93rd Congress: Fenster School (Nursing Assistant Program), 1973
30723 93rd Congress: Flagstaff, 1974-1975
30724 93rd Congress: Flood Control and Recreational Development for Gila River Basin, 1974
30725 93rd Congress: Flooding in Maricopa County (Corps of Engineers Report), 1973
30726 93rd Congress: Florence Crittenton Outreach Services, 1973
30727 93rd Congress: FM Spanish-Speaking Station, 1974
30728 93rd Congress: Forest Service, 1973
30729 93rd Congress: Fort Huachuca, 1973-1974
30730 93rd Congress: Forum for Contemporary History, 1973-1974
30731 93rd Congress: Friends of Free China, 1972-1974
30732 93rd Congress: GI Educational Benefits, 1973-1974
30733 93rd Congress: Gila Bend v. Arizona Highway Department, 1973
30734 93rd Congress: Gila County Health Services, 1974
30735 93rd Congress: Gila River Basin Project, 1971-1973
3081 93rd Congress: Glen Canyon, 1973-1975
3082 93rd Congress: Glendale Neighborhood Development, 1972-1973
3083 93rd Congress: Glendale Revenue Sharing, 1974
3084 93rd Congress: Grand Canyon Tours, 1973-1974
3085 93rd Congress: Grants and Awards: Agriculture, 1973-1974
3086 93rd Congress: Grants and Awards: Air Force, 1973-1974
3087 93rd Congress: Grants and Awards: Army, 1974
3088 93rd Congress: Grants and Awards: Army Corps of Engineers, 1973
3089 93rd Congress: Grants and Awards: Civil Service Commission, 1971-1974
30810 93rd Congress: Grants and Awards: Environmental Protection Agency, 1973-1974
30811 93rd Congress: Grants and Awards: Federal Aviation Administration, 1972-1974
30812 93rd Congress: Grants and Awards: Federal Communications Commission, 1973-1974
30813 93rd Congress: Grants and Awards: General Services Administration, 1972-1974
30814 93rd Congress: Grants and Awards: Health, Education, and Welfare, 1973
30815 93rd Congress: Grants and Awards: Health, Education, and Welfare, 1974 (1 of 5)
30816 93rd Congress: Grants and Awards: Health, Education, and Welfare, 1974 (2 of 5)
30817 93rd Congress: Grants and Awards: Health, Education, and Welfare, 1974 (3 of 5)
30818 93rd Congress: Grants and Awards: Health, Education, and Welfare, 1974 (4 of 5)
30819 93rd Congress: Grants and Awards: Health, Education, and Welfare, 1974 (5 of 5)
30820 93rd Congress: Grants and Awards: Interior Department, 1973-1974
30821 93rd Congress: Grants and Awards: Justice Department, 1973-1974
30822 93rd Congress: Grants and Awards: Labor Department, 1972-1974
30823 93rd Congress: Grants and Awards: National Institutes of Health, 1973-1974 (1 of 2)
30824 93rd Congress: Grants and Awards: National Institutes of Health, 1974 (2 of 2)
30825 93rd Congress: Grants and Awards: National Science Foundation, 1972-1973
30826 93rd Congress: Grants and Awards: National Science Foundation, 1974
3091 93rd Congress: Grumman Aircraft, 1974
3092 93rd Congress: Hagerty Research and Development Company (Various Patents), 1973-1974
3093 93rd Congress: Hamilton Aircraft, 1973
3094 93rd Congress: Handicapped Programs, 1974
3095 93rd Congress: Head Start, 1972-1974
3096 93rd Congress: Head Start (Yuma), 1973
3097 93rd Congress: Health, Education and Welfare (Various), 1974-1975
3098 93rd Congress: Health, Education and Welfare (Funding), 1974
3099 93rd Congress: Hearing Aids, 1974
30910 93rd Congress: Heber Job Corps Center, 1974-1976
30911 93rd Congress: Helicopter Emergency Rescue, 1970-1973
30912 93rd Congress: Helicopters (Military Procurement), 1971-1974
30913 93rd Congress: Highway Trust Fund, 1973
30914 93rd Congress: Hofstra University, 1974-1975
30915 93rd Congress: Hohokam Resource Conservation and Development, 1971-1974
30916 93rd Congress: Housing - 235 Program, 1972-1973
30917 93rd Congress: Housing and Urban Development, 1973-1974 (1 of 2)
30918 93rd Congress: Housing and Urban Development, 1974-1975 (2 of 2)
30919 93rd Congress: Huachuca Conservation Council, 1973
30920 93rd Congress: Hughes Aircraft, 1972-1974
30921 93rd Congress: Importing Cheetahs for Breeding, 1973-1974
30922 93rd Congress: Indian Bend Wash, 1972-1974
30923 93rd Congress: Institute of Medicine: Costs of Education in the Health Professions, 1974
30924 93rd Congress: International Eye Foundation, 1972-1973
30925 93rd Congress: Interstate 8 and Yuma Crossing, 1974
30926 93rd Congress: Interstate 10 (Arizona), 1972-1973
30927 93rd Congress: Iron Springs, 1973
30928 93rd Congress: Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps, 1973-1974
30929 93rd Congress: Juvenile Mexican Nationals in U.S., 1973
30930 93rd Congress: Kaibab National Forest, 1973-1975
30931 93rd Congress: Kendig Carburetor, 1974-1975
30932 93rd Congress: Kinetic Energy of Sea Waves, 1974
30933 93rd Congress: KOOL Radio and Television (Criticisms), 1973-1974
30934 93rd Congress: Land Development: Concho Lake, 1973
3101 93rd Congress: Land Use, 1973-1974
3102 93rd Congress: Learfan Aircraft, 1973
3103 93rd Congress: League of Arizona Cities and Towns, 1973-1974
3104 93rd Congress: League of United Latin American Citizens, 1970-1974
3105 93rd Congress: Library Automation, 1973
3106 93rd Congress: Library of Congress (Translations and Requests), 1973-1974
3107 93rd Congress: Lighter-than-Air Craft, 1973-1974 (1 of 2)
3108 93rd Congress: Lighter-than-Air Craft, 1974 (2 of 2)
3109 93rd Congress: Little Colorado River Plateau Conservation and Development, 1973-1974
31010 93rd Congress: Local Government Employment in Selected Metropolitan Areas and Large Counties, 1972
31011 93rd Congress: Loran-C, 1974-1976
31012 93rd Congress: Lower Colorado River Resource Conservation and Development, 1974-1975
31013 93rd Congress: Maharishi International University, 1974
31014 93rd Congress: Manpower, 1973-1974
31015 93rd Congress: Manpower Training (Various), 1973-1974
31016 93rd Congress: Maricopa Association of Governments (Aging), 1973-1974
31017 93rd Congress: Maricopa County, 1972-1973
Includes health planning.
31018 93rd Congress: Maricopa County Community College District, 1973-1974 (1 of 2)
31019 93rd Congress: Maricopa County Community College District, 1973-1974 (2 of 2)
31020 93rd Congress: Maricopa County Community Health Network, 1973-1974
31021 93rd Congress: Maricopa County Community Health Network (Application for Funding), 1974
31022 93rd Congress: Maricopa Foundation for Medical Care (Professional Standards Review Organization), 1972-1973
31023 93rd Congress: Marijuana and Health (HEW Report), 1974
3111 93rd Congress: Mazatzal Wilderness, 1971-1973
3112 93rd Congress: Megalifter for Heavy Aircraft, 1974
3113 93rd Congress: Membership Into the Colorado River Indian Tribes, 1973
3114 93rd Congress: Mesa Mall, 1973
3115 93rd Congress: Methane Gas Development (Technology Unlimited), 1974
3116 93rd Congress: Mexican-American War Heroes Foundation, 1974
3117 93rd Congress: Montezuma's Castle Tuzigoot (Master Plan and Environmental Statement), 1973
3118 93rd Congress: Motorola, 1967-1974
3119 93rd Congress: Museums (Various), 1973-1974
31110 93rd Congress: National Air Grants, 1973
31111 93rd Congress: National Endowment for the Arts: Arizona Awards, 1973-1974
31112 93rd Congress: National Endowment for the Humanities: Arizona Awards, 1973-1974
31113 93rd Congress: National Federation of the Blind, 1973
31114 93rd Congress: National Flood Insurance, 1974
31115 93rd Congress: Naval Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserves, 1973-1975
31116 93rd Congress: Navy Contracts, 1974
31117 93rd Congress: Northern Arizona Comprehensive Guidance Center, 1972-1974
31118 93rd Congress: Northern Arizona University, 1973-1974
31119 93rd Congress: Northern Pump Company (Converting Methanol from Lignite), 1974
31120 93rd Congress: Nurse Training Act Budget Cuts, 1972-1973
31121 93rd Congress: Office of Economic Opportunity: Arizona Awards, 1973-1974
31122 93rd Congress: Office of Economic Opportunity: General Correspondence, 1972-1973
31123 93rd Congress: Office of Technological Assessment, 1973-1974
31124 93rd Congress: Older American Act (Funding), 1974
31125 93rd Congress: Operation SHARE, 1973-1974
31126 93rd Congress: Papago Freeway, 1973-1974
31127 93rd Congress: Papago Park, 1973
31128 93rd Congress: Parker Jail Museum, 1974-1975
31129 93rd Congress: Partridge Memorial Treatment Center, 1970-1974
31130 93rd Congress: Payson Municipal Airport, 1974
31131 93rd Congress: Pensions, 1973-1974
31132 93rd Congress: Perilla Mountain Watershed (Arizona), 1974
31133 93rd Congress: Phelps Dodge Corporation, 1973-1974
31134 93rd Congress: Phoenix (Various), 1972-1974
31135 93rd Congress: Phoenix Alcoholism Program, 1973
3121 93rd Congress: Phoenix Communication, Command, and Control, 1973
3122 93rd Congress: Phoenix Urban League, 1972-1975
3123 93rd Congress: Pima County (Requests, Proposals), 1972-1975
3124 93rd Congress: Pinal County, 1972-1974
3125 93rd Congress: Pinal-Gila Community Action Program, 1972-1973
3126 93rd Congress: Plaquemine Lock Closure (Report to Advisory Council on Historic Preservation), 1973
3127 93rd Congress: Potomac River Basin Compact, 1969-1974
3128 93rd Congress: Prescott College, 1973-1974
3129 93rd Congress: Presidential Classroom for Young Americans, 1973-1974
31210 93rd Congress: President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, 1973
31211 93rd Congress: Proclamations of National Days (Various), 1973-1974
31212 93rd Congress: Professional Football in Arizona, 1973-1974
31213 93rd Congress: Professional Standards Review Organizations, 1973
31214 93rd Congress: Promoting the Health of Mothers and Children, 1973
31215 93rd Congress: Railroads, 1973-1974
31216 93rd Congress: Readers Digest, 1974
31217 93rd Congress: The Rebirth of a Nation (Robert S. Minor), 1974-1978
31218 93rd Congress: Rehabilitation Loans, 1973
31219 93rd Congress: Restructuring Proposal for Amateur Service (Federal Communications Commission), 1974
31220 93rd Congress: Revenue Sharing, 1973-1974
31221 93rd Congress: Revenue Sharing (Report, Releases), 1974
31222 93rd Congress: Rillito River and Pantano Wash, 1970-1973
31223 93rd Congress: Roadless Areas in the Southwest, 1972-1973
31224 93rd Congress: Rocky Mountain Corporation for Public Broadcasting, 1971-1973
31225 93rd Congress: Rural Electrification, 1973
31226 93rd Congress: San Xavier del Bac (Brother Lawrence Hogan), 1973
31227 93rd Congress: Scholarships for Children of American Military Personnel, 1974
31228 93rd Congress: The Schole Center for the Study of the Future (Ronald C. Nairn), 1974
31229 93rd Congress: School Lunch, 1972-1974
31230 93rd Congress: Sedona Radio Station, 1973-1974
31231 93rd Congress: Senate Youth Program, 1971-1976
31232 93rd Congress: SER-Jobs for Progress, 1973-1974
31233 93rd Congress: Small Business Administration Arizona Awards, 1973-1974
31234 93rd Congress: Solar Energy, 1972-1973
31235 93rd Congress: Solar Energy, 1974 January-June
31236 93rd Congress: Solar Energy, 1974 July-December
31237 93rd Congress: Solid Waste Management, 1973
31238 93rd Congress: South Tucson Housing Authority, 1973-1974
31239 93rd Congress: Southwest Chemicals Corporation, circa 1974
3131 93rd Congress: Space Shuttle, 1973-1974
3132 93rd Congress: State Department, 1973-1974
3133 93rd Congress: State Highway 92 and Sierra Ready Mix and Contracting Company, 1974
3134 93rd Congress: Study Commission on Undergraduate Education (Government Funding of Education), 1973
3135 93rd Congress: Subversive Activities Control Board, 1973
3136 93rd Congress: Survey of Tucson Residents by Richard J. Kennedy, 1974
3137 93rd Congress: Svensson Freight Lines, Inc. Extension of Operations (Interstate Commerce Commission), 1973 (1 of 2)
3138 93rd Congress: Svensson Freight Lines, Inc. Extension of Operations (Interstate Commerce Commission), 1973-1974 (2 of 2)
3139 93rd Congress: Sycamore Canyon Wilderness, 1974
31310 93rd Congress: Teacher Corps, 1974
31311 93rd Congress: Telemedicine, 1973-1974
31312 93rd Congress: Terros (Drug Program), 1974-1975
31313 93rd Congress: Thunderbird Graduate School of International Management, 1973-1974
31314 93rd Congress: Tombstone Master Plan, 1973
31315 93rd Congress: Transportation: Arizona Awards, 1974
31316 93rd Congress: Tucson Airport Authority, 1973-1974
31317 93rd Congress: Tucson Boys Chorus, 1972-1973
31318 93rd Congress: Tucson Council on Aging, 1973-1974
31319 93rd Congress: Tucson Economic Opportunities, 1973
31320 93rd Congress: Tucson Gas and Electric, 1973-1974
31321 93rd Congress: Tucson Model Cities, 1973-1974
31322 93rd Congress: Tucson Public Schools, 1972-1974
31323 93rd Congress: Turbo-Three Corporation (John "Guppy" Conroy), 1972-1974
31324 93rd Congress: Tusayan and Water Supply, 1969-1974
31325 93rd Congress: Underground Evangelism (Kourdakav, Sergei), 1972-1974
31326 93rd Congress: University of Arizona, 1973 (1 of 3)
31327 93rd Congress: University of Arizona, 1974 (2 of 3)
31328 93rd Congress: University of Arizona, 1974 (3 of 3)
31329 93rd Congress: Upper Mohave Valley, 1973
31330 93rd Congress: Urban Renewal Funding (Survey Results), 1974
31331 93rd Congress: Valpar Corporation, 1974
31332 93rd Congress: Varney Sexton Sydnor/Schwenn and Clark Associations Joint Venture, 1974
31333 93rd Congress: Vocational Rehabilitation Funding, 1972-1973
31334 93rd Congress: Vulture Planning Unit, 1973
31335 93rd Congress: War College Defense Strategy Seminar, 1973
31336 93rd Congress: War Control Planners, Inc., 1972-1974
3141 93rd Congress: Water Resources Council: Water and Related Land Resources, 1972-1973
3142 93rd Congress: Whiskey Row: Prescott (Donna Courtney), 1974-1975
3538 94th Congress: Acumenion (Training for Learning Disabilities), 1976
3539 94th Congress: Adobe Dam Site, 1975
35310 94th Congress: Advanced Nuclear Reactors, 1975
35311 94th Congress: Agriculture (Various), 1975-1976
35312 94th Congress: Air Force, Army, Navy Contracts, 1975-1976
35313 94th Congress: All American Canal (Yuma Water Supply), 1975
35314 94th Congress: American Annapurna III Expedition (Gregory Sapp), 1975-1976
35315 94th Congress: AMERCO, 1975
35316 94th Congress: Annual Report of Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service in Arizona, 1976
35317 94th Congress: Apollo Development Inc.: Neal Roberts (Application for Emergency Energy Shortage Economic Injury Loan), 1975
35318 94th Congress: Apollo Soyuz Space Mission, 1975
35319 94th Congress: Arcosanti, 1970-1979
35320 94th Congress: Arizona Academy, 1976-1978
35321 94th Congress: Arizona Agricultural Statistics, 1975
35322 94th Congress: Arizona Air National Guard, 1975
35323 94th Congress: Arizona Bankers Association, 1975-1976
35324 94th Congress: Arizona Contractors Services Center, 1975-1976
35325 94th Congress: Arizona Department of Economic Security (Annual Summary of Activities), 1976
35326 94th Congress: Arizona Heart Institute, 1974-1975
35327 94th Congress: Arizona Job Colleges, Inc., 1974-1975
35328 94th Congress: Arizona National Guard, 1975-1976
35329 94th Congress: Arizona Outdoor Recreation Coordinating Committee, 1975-1976
35330 94th Congress: Arizona Public Service Company, 1973-1976
35331 94th Congress: Arizona Senate Joint Memorials, 1976
35332 94th Congress: Arizona SIXPAC Grant, 1975-1976
3541 94th Congress: Arizona State Society, 1968-1977
3542 94th Congress: Arizona State University (Various), 1975-1976
3543 94th Congress: Arizona State University (Research News), 1976-1977
3544 94th Congress: Arizona State University Teacher Corps, 1976
3545 94th Congress: Arizona Student Exchange Program of the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE), 1975
3546 94th Congress: Arizona Vietnamese-American Association, 1975
3547 94th Congress: Arizona Western College, 1975
3548 94th Congress: Arizona Wildlife Federation, 1976
3549 94th Congress: Army Corps of Engineers, 1975-1976
35410 94th Congress: Atmospheric Research Institutes, 1976
35411 94th Congress: Bicentennial Commission, 1975 January-March
35412 94th Congress: Bicentennial Commission, 1975 April
35413 94th Congress: Bicentennial Commission, 1975 May-July
35414 94th Congress: Bicentennial Commission, 1975 August-September
35415 94th Congress: Bicentennial Commission, 1975 October-December
35416 94th Congress: Bicentennial Commission, 1976 January-March
35417 94th Congress: Bicentennial Commission, 1976 April
35418 94th Congress: Bicentennial Commission, 1976 May-December
35419 94th Congress: Bicentennial Commission: Freedom Train (Requests from Children of Northern Arizona), 1975
35420 94th Congress: Bicentennial Commission: KIVA Salutes America's Bicentennial, 1976
35422 94th Congress: Bicentennial Monitor Recovery Proposal, 1976
35423 94th Congress: Bicycle Paths, 1975-1976
35424 94th Congress: Bisbee (Economic Development Grant), 1975-1976
35425 94th Congress: Boy Scouts, 1975
35426 94th Congress: Boys and Girls State, 1976
3551 94th Congress: Briggs Cooling System Analyzer, 1975-1976
3552 94th Congress: Bureau of Land Management, 1975-1976
3553 94th Congress: Cancer Research, 1975-1976
3554 94th Congress: Cattle Grazing (Crowder Cattle Company), 1969-1975
3555 94th Congress: CHAMPUS Vision Therapy, 1975
3556 94th Congress: Children's Television Report and Policy Statement (Federal Communications Commission), 1975
3557 94th Congress: Clifton Flood Control and Army Corps of Engineers, 1975
3558 94th Congress: Cochise Airlines, 1976
3559 94th Congress: Cochise Community College, 1975
35510 94th Congress: Cochise Community College (Advanced Institutional Development Grant), 1976
35511 94th Congress: Collier Trophy, 1975-1976
35512 94th Congress: Colorado River Salinity (Report on Reducing Flows from the Welton-Mohawk Irrigation District), 1975
35513 94th Congress: Colorado River Water User Association, 1975
35514 94th Congress: Comprehensive Employment and Training Act, 1975-1976
35515 94th Congress: Conference on Border Problems, 1976
35516 94th Congress: Cooper Maupin (Solar Energy in Housing), 1975
35517 94th Congress: Creative Center Incorporated, 1975
35518 94th Congress: Dawes Transfer, Inc., 1974-1975
35519 94th Congress: Day Care Centers, 1974-1976
35520 94th Congress: Del E. Webb Corporation: Honduras Claims, 1975-1976
35521 94th Congress: Dela Enterprises (Army Contractors), 1975-1976
35522 94th Congress: Department of Transportation (Engineering Facility), 1975
35523 94th Congress: Diethylstilbestrol (DES) (Animal Food), 1975
35524 94th Congress: Domestic International Sales Corporation (DISC), 1975-1976
35525 94th Congress: Draft Environmental Impact Statement – West Coast/Gulf of Alaska Loran-C Chain, 1975 (1 of 2)
35526 94th Congress: Draft Environmental Impact Statement – West Coast/Gulf of Alaska Loran-C Chain, 1975 (2 of 2)
35527 94th Congress: Economic Impact Analysis: Series of Reports, 1976
35528 94th Congress: Economic Indicators, 1975
35529 94th Congress: Education (Various), 1975-1976
35530 94th Congress: El Rio Santa Cruz Neighborhood Health Center, 1976
35531 94th Congress: Electric Vehicles, 1975-1976
35532 94th Congress: Electro Pneumatic Engine (Hagerty Research and Development Company), 1975 (1 of 2)
3561 94th Congress: Electro Pneumatic Engine (Hagerty Research and Development Company), 1975-1976 (2 of 2)
3562 94th Congress: Electronic Surveillance, 1976
3563 94th Congress: Emergency Education School Aid, 1975
3564 94th Congress: Emergency Jobs Funding, 1975
3565 94th Congress: Energy Research and Development Administration (Various), 1975-1976
3566 94th Congress: Environmental Statement: Proposed Control by Mechanical, Chemical, and Fire Treatment in the States of Arizona and New Mexico, 1975
3567 94th Congress: Environmental Statement: Swift Trail, Forest Highway 34, 1975
3568 94th Congress: Escudilla Mountain Natural Area (Arizona Academy of Science), 1975
3569 94th Congress: Falcon Preservation, 1975-1976
35610 94th Congress: Farmers Home Administration (Requests, Proposals), 1975-1976
35611 94th Congress: Federal Energy Administration Entitlements Programs, 1975
35612 94th Congress: Federal Energy Division (Requests and Proposals), 1974-1977
35613 94th Congress: Federal Trade Commission (Holder in Due Course Rule), 1975-1976
35614 94th Congress: FM Spanish-Speaking Station, 1975-1978
35615 94th Congress: Foreign Policy Research Institute (William Kitner), Undated
35616 94th Congress: Forest Service (Request, Qroposals), 1975-1976
35617 94th Congress: Glen Canyon: Preliminary Environmental Assessment Master Plan and Wilderness Study, 1975
35618 94th Congress: Glendale Elementary Schools: Bilingual Education, 1975
35619 94th Congress: Grand Canyon Expeditions, 1975-1976
35620 94th Congress: Grants and Awards (Various), 1976
35621 94th Congress: Grants and Awards: Agriculture, 1974-1976
35622 94th Congress: Grants and Awards: Commerce, 1975-1976
35623 94th Congress: Grants and Awards: Community Services Administration, 1975
35624 94th Congress: Grants and Awards: Community Services Administration, 1976
35625 94th Congress: Grants and Awards: Environmental Protection Agency, 1974-1975
35626 94th Congress: Grants and Awards: Environmental Protection Agency, 1976
35627 94th Congress: Grants and Awards: Federal Aviation Administration, 1975
35628 94th Congress: Grants and Awards: Federal Power Commission, 1975
35629 94th Congress: Grants and Awards: Health, Education and Welfare, 1975 (1 of 2)
35630 94th Congress: Grants and Awards: Health, Education and Welfare, 1975 (2 of 2)
35631 94th Congress: Grants and Awards: Health, Education and Welfare, 1976 (1 of 2)
35632 94th Congress: Grants and Awards: Health, Education and Welfare, 1976 (2 of 2)
3571 94th Congress: Grants and Awards: Housing and Urban Development, 1975
3572 94th Congress: Grants and Awards: Housing and Urban Development, 1976
3573 94th Congress: Grants and Awards: Interior Department, 1975
3574 94th Congress: Grants and Awards: Interior Department, 1976
3575 94th Congress: Grants and Awards: Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, 1974-1976
3576 94th Congress: Grants and Awards: National Endowment for the Arts, 1975-1976
3577 94th Congress: Grants and Awards: National Endowment for the Humanities, 1976
3578 94th Congress: Grants and Awards: National Eye Institute, 1976
3579 94th Congress: Grants and Awards: National Science Foundation, 1975-1976
35710 94th Congress: Grants and Awards: Office of Economic Opportunity, 1975
35711 94th Congress: Grants and Awards: Post Office, 1975
35712 94th Congress: Grants and Awards: Rural Electrification, 1975
35713 94th Congress: Grants and Awards: Transportation, 1974-1975
35714 94th Congress: Hamilton Aviation, 1975-1976
35715 94th Congress: Harmon Trophy, 1959-1975
Includes photo.
35716 94th Congress: Hawaiian Airlines, 1975
35717 94th Congress: Health, Education and Welfare (Requests for Funding), 1975 January-April
35718 94th Congress: Health, Education and Welfare (Requests, Proposals), 1975 May-November
35719 94th Congress: Health, Education and Welfare (Requests, Proposals), 1976
35720 94th Congress: Health Manpower Training Act, 1974-1976
35721 94th Congress: Health Underserved Rural Areas (Arizona), 1976
35722 94th Congress: Hearing Aids, 1975-1976
35723 94th Congress: Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service, 1975-1976
35724 94th Congress: Highland Malt, Ltd., 1975
35725 94th Congress: Honeywell, 1975-1976
35726 94th Congress: Housing and Urban Development (Requests, Proposals), 1975-1976
35727 94th Congress: Hughes Aircraft, 1975-1976
35728 94th Congress: Hydrogen, 1974-1976
3581 94th Congress: Industrial Survival and Recovery After Nuclear Attack, 1976
3582 94th Congress: International Terrorism and the Development of the Principle Aut Dedere Aut Judicare, 1975
3583 94th Congress: Interstate 8 and Yuma Crossing, 1975
3584 94th Congress: Kaibab Industries Annual Report, 1976
3585 94th Congress: Kiwanis International, 1976-1977
3586 94th Congress: Kleinschmidt Corporation, 1974-1976
3587 94th Congress: KOOL Radio and Television, 1975-1976
3588 94th Congress: La Force Engine, 1975
3589 94th Congress: Labor Department (Various), 1975-1976
35810 94th Congress: Lake Mead National Recreation Area, 1976
35811 94th Congress: Land Use, S 984, 1975
35812 94th Congress: Latin American Manufacturers Association, 1975
35813 94th Congress: Latsec, Incorporated, 1975-1976
35814 94th Congress: Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, 1976
35815 94th Congress: League of United Latin American Citizens, 1975
35816 94th Congress: Lear Jet, 1971-1976
35817 94th Congress: Library of Congress (Translations and Requests), 1975-1976
35818 94th Congress: Lighter-than-Air (Airships, Dirigibles), 1975-1976
35819 94th Congress: Little Hollywood Association (Safford, Arizona), 1975
35820 94th Congress: Littlest Americans Incorporated, 1975-1976
35821 94th Congress: Lockheed, 1975-1976
35822 94th Congress: Lockridge Mapstrap, 1976
35823 94th Congress: Maricopa County Community College, 1975-1976
35824 94th Congress: Maricopa County Community College District, 1975
35825 94th Congress: Measures for Reducing Return Flows from the Wellton-Mohawk Irrigation and Drainage District (Annual Report), 1975
35826 94th Congress: Medal of Honor History Roundtable (Frank Tyndall), 1974-1978
35827 94th Congress: Merger of Painted Desert and Mesa Schools Federal Credit Unions, 1975-1976
35828 94th Congress: Milk Control Programs, 1975
35829 94th Congress: Montezuma Project, 1975-1977
35830 94th Congress: Motorola (Various), 1975-1976
35831 94th Congress: Motors and Oars in the Grand Canyon, River Contact Study Final Report, Part II, 1976
35832 94th Congress: Museums (Various), 1975-1976
35833 94th Congress: Music for Bicentennial, 1975-1976
Includes cassette tape.
35834 94th Congress: NASA and Solar Energy Research, 1975
35835 94th Congress: National Institute of Education, 1976
35836 94th Congress: The Native Americans – Journey into Dine' Land, 1976
35837 94th Congress: Nilcon in Arizona, 1975
35838 94th Congress: Northern Arizona Council of Governments, 1974-1978
35839 94th Congress: Northern Arizona University, 1975-1976
3591 94th Congress: O'Neil Engineering Company, 1975
3592 94th Congress: Open Inn, Inc., 1975-1976
3593 94th Congress: Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, 1975-1976
3594 94th Congress: Pan American-Trans World Airlines Route Swap, 1975
3595 94th Congress: Papago Freeway, 1975-1976
3596 94th Congress: Patent Application of Jimmie Ihms, 1976
3597 94th Congress: Phoenix (Various), 1975-1976
3598 94th Congress: Phoenix Union High School, 1974-1976
3599 94th Congress: Pima County Council on Aging, 1975
35910 94th Congress: Pima County Jail (Law Enforcement Assistance Administration), 1975
35911 94th Congress: Pima County Juvenile Court Center, 1975-1976
35912 94th Congress: Pima County Short-Run Employment Forecasting Model: Copper and Construction, 1976
35913 94th Congress: Pinal Junior College (Land Transfer), 1967-1975
35914 94th Congress: Portable Practical Educational Preparation, 1975
35915 94th Congress: Predator Symposium, 1975
35916 94th Congress: Prescott College: Possible Uses of Vacant Facility, 1975
35917 94th Congress: Presidential Classroom for Young Americans, 1975-1976
35918 94th Congress: Proposed Withdrawal and Reservation of Lands (Bureau of Land Management), 1975-1976
35919 94th Congress: Public Information Expenditures (Report Form General Accounting Office), 1975
35920 94th Congress: Public Works, 1975-1976
35921 94th Congress: Rabies Vaccine and Fetal Research, 1976
35922 94th Congress: Ranchers Exploration and Development Corporation, 1975-1976
35923 94th Congress: Range Condition Report (Bureau of Land Management), 1975
35924 94th Congress: Readers Digest, 1975-1976
35925 94th Congress: Reserve Officers Association, 1975-1976
35926 94th Congress: Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC), 1975-1976
35927 94th Congress: Rio de Flag and Sinclair Wash, 1976
35928 94th Congress: St. Johns (Economic Development Grant), 1975-1976
35929 94th Congress: Salt River Project, 1975-1976
35930 94th Congress: Santa Cruz Linea Park System, 1975-1976
35931 94th Congress: Scholarships for Children of American Military Personnel, 1975-1976
35932 94th Congress: School Lunch, S 894, 1975
35933 94th Congress: Senior Citizens Medical Center, 1975
35934 94th Congress: Shelley Irrigation Development, Inc., 1973-1976
35935 94th Congress: Shrine of the Ages, 1975
35936 94th Congress: Solar Energy, 1975 January-May
35937 94th Congress: Solar Energy, 1975 June-December
35938 94th Congress: Solar Energy, 1976
3601 94th Congress: Southwest Border Economic Development, 1976
3602 94th Congress: Space Shuttle, 1975-1976
3603 94th Congress: Stumpwood Sale (Forest Service), 1976
3604 94th Congress: System Dynamics National Model (Jay Forrester), 1974-1976
3605 94th Congress: A Systems Study for Optimum Energy Utilization in Crop/Cattle Producing Areas, 1974-1976
3606 94th Congress: T & G Aviation (Forest Service Air Tankers), 1976
3607 94th Congress: Tachographs in School Buses, 1975
3608 94th Congress: Thunderbird American Graduate School of International Management, 1975-1976
3609 94th Congress: Tumacacori National Monument, 1975
36010 94th Congress: Tupper Tress (Forest Service Tree Nursery), 1975-1976
36011 94th Congress: Turbo-Three Corporation (John "Guppy" Conroy), 1974-1977
36012 94th Congress: Tryalene Corporation, 1974-1975
36013 94th Congress: Universal American Enterprises, Inc., 1975
36014 94th Congress: University of Arizona (Various), 1975-1976
36015 94th Congress: Various Requests for Federal Funding, 1975
36016 94th Congress: Video Phone System (Law Enforcement Assistance Administration), 1976
36017 94th Congress: Vocational and Technical Education in Arizona (Annual Report), 1976
36018 94th Congress: Weller Smith Aircraft, Inc., 1975
36019 94th Congress: Wilcox (Public Works Grant), 1976
36020 94th Congress: Withdrawal of Public Lands, 1975-1976
36021 94th Congress: Yuma Desalting Plant, 1975-1981
36022 94th Congress: Yuma Solar Plant, 1975
3952 95th Congress: ACTION Funding, 1978
3953 95th Congress: Agriculture (Various), 1976-1978
3954 95th Congress: Air Shows, 1977-1979
3955 95th Congress: Alamo Land and Cattle (Comparison from the Army Corps of Engineers), 1978
3956 95th Congress: Alpine Conservation Center, 1978
3957 95th Congress: Aquaculture, 1978
3958 95th Congress: Arizona Economic Development (Grant Proposal), 1977-1978
3959 95th Congress: Arizona Health Systems Development Corporation, 1977-1978
39510 95th Congress: Arizona Here We Come (CBS), 1977
39511 95th Congress: Arizona Libraries, 1977-1979
39512 95th Congress: Arizona Service Investigation (Civil Aeronautics Board), 1977
39513 95th Congress: Arizona Service Investigation (Civil Aeronautics Board), 1978 February-May
39514 95th Congress: Arizona Service Investigation (Civil Aeronautics Board), 1978 June-September
39515 95th Congress: Arizona State University (Various), 1977-1978
39516 95th Congress: Arizona State University: Center for Public Affairs, 1977-1978
39517 95th Congress: Ban of Diethylstilbestrol (DES), 1978
39518 95th Congress: Bureau of Land Management, 1977-1978
39519 95th Congress: Center for Indian Education (Arizona State University), 1977-1978
39520 95th Congress: Center on Gerontology, 1977
39521 95th Congress: Central Arizona Association of Governments Annual Report, 1977
39522 95th Congress: Central Arizona Health Systems Agency, 1977-1978
39523 95th Congress: Cibola Farmers Bridge, 1976-1977
Includes photos.
39524 95th Congress: Civil Air Patrol, 1977-1978
39525 95th Congress: Clarkdale-Williams Highway, 1976-1977
39526 95th Congress: Coconino Propane Service, 1977
39527 95th Congress: College Housing (Arizona Institutions), 1978
39528 95th Congress: Collier Trophy (National Aeronautic Association), 1977-1978
39529 95th Congress: Colorado Basin Salinity Central Project, 1977
39530 95th Congress: Colorado River System Consumptive Uses and Loss Report 1971-1975, 1977
39531 95th Congress: Committee for Economic Opportunity, Inc. (Tucson, Arizona), 1978
39532 95th Congress: Community Behavioral Services, 1977-1978
39533 95th Congress: Convention and Civic Center (Washington, DC), 1977
3961 95th Congress: Copper Smelter Emission Standard, 1978 January-March
3962 95th Congress: Copper Smelter Emission Standard, 1978 May-June
3963 95th Congress: Copper Smelter Emission Standard, 1978 September-October
3964 95th Congress: Crawford Development and Manufacturing, 1977
3965 95th Congress: Del E. Webb Corporation (Honduras Claims), 1977
3966 95th Congress: Del E. Webb Corporation (Honduras Claims), 1978
3967 95th Congress: Department of Energy (Various), 1977
3968 95th Congress: Department of Transportation Reorganization, 1977
3969 95th Congress: Desert Foothills Sheriff Posse (Cave Creek, Arizona), 1977
39610 95th Congress: Dialysis Unit for Prescott, 1978
39611 95th Congress: Eastern Airlines (Dallas-Tucson Route), 1977-1978
39612 95th Congress: Eastern Arizona College, 1975-1978
39613 95th Congress: Ebasco Services (Business and Economic Charts), 1977
39614 95th Congress: Electro Pneumatic Engine (Hagerty Research and Development Company), 1977-1978
39615 95th Congress: Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, 1978
39616 95th Congress: Emergency Medical Services Council, 1977
39617 95th Congress: Environmental Protection Agency (Various), 1977-1978
39618 95th Congress: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (Phoenix District Office), 1975-1979
39619 95th Congress: Escalante Center (Tempe), 1977
39620 95th Congress: Federal Aviation Administration (Various), 1977-1978
39621 95th Congress: Four Corners Regional Commission Annual Report, 1977
39622 95th Congress: Friends of Free China, 1978
39623 95th Congress: Game Breeding, 1978
39624 95th Congress: Garbage Machine, 1978
39625 95th Congress: Global International Maritime Satellite Program, 1978
39626 95th Congress: Golf Course in Casa Grande, 1977
39627 95th Congress: Grants and Awards: Various, 1977
39628 95th Congress: Grants and Awards: Agriculture, 1977-1978
39629 95th Congress: Grants and Awards: Commerce, 1977-1978
39630 95th Congress: Grants and Awards: Community Services Administration, 1977-1978
39631 95th Congress: Grants and Awards: Environmental Protection Agency, 1977
39632 95th Congress: Grants and Awards: Health, Education and Welfare, 1977
3971 95th Congress: Grants and Awards: Health, Education and Welfare, 1978 (1 of 2)
3972 95th Congress: Grants and Awards: Health, Education and Welfare, 1978 (2 of 2)
3973 95th Congress: Grants and Awards: Housing and Urban Development, 1977-1978
3974 95th Congress: Grants and Awards: Interior Department, 1977-1978
3975 95th Congress: Grants and Awards: Justice Department, 1977-1978
3976 95th Congress: Grants and Awards: Legal Services Corporation, 1978
3977 95th Congress: Grants and Awards: National Endowment for the Arts, 1977-1978
3978 95th Congress: Grants and Awards: National Endowment for the Humanities, 1977-1978
3979 95th Congress: Grants and Awards: National Science Foundation, 1977-1978
39710 95th Congress: Hayden-Winkelman Unified Schools, 1977-1978
39711 95th Congress: Health, Education, and Welfare (Proposals), 1977-1978
39712 95th Congress: Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service, 1977-1978
39713 95th Congress: Heritage Foundation, 1978-1979
39714 95th Congress: Hughes Aircraft, 1977-1979
39715 95th Congress: Immigration and Naturalization Service and Scottsdale Police Department, 1978
39716 95th Congress: Juvenile Delinquency Prevention (Terros, Inc.), 1977-1978
39717 95th Congress: Kino Learning Center, 1977
39718 95th Congress: Kino Learning Center, 1978
39719 95th Congress: Kitt Peak National Observatory, 1978
39720 95th Congress: KOOL Radio and Television, 1978-1979
39721 95th Congress: KPAZ-TV Channel 12 (Application for License), 1977
39722 95th Congress: L-5 Society, 1977-1980
39723 95th Congress: Lake Mead National Recreation Area, 1977
39724 95th Congress: Lake Powell Antennavision, Inc., 1977-1979
3981 95th Congress: Library of Congress (Requests), 1977-1978
3982 95th Congress: Library of Congress Translations, 1977-1978
3983 95th Congress: Lt. Joseph Christmas Ives Sternwheeler Association, 1977
3984 95th Congress: Lighter than Air, 1977-1978
3985 95th Congress: Lindbergh Commemorative Stamp, 1976-1978
3986 95th Congress: Lockridge Mapstrap, 1977
3987 95th Congress: Lower Colorado River Resource and Development Organization, 1975-1978
3988 95th Congress: LULAC Educational Services, 1977
3989 95th Congress: Maps Showing Water-Level Declines, Land Subsidence, and Earth Fissures in South-Central Arizona (USGS Report), 1978
39810 95th Congress: Maricopa County Community College District, 1978
39811 95th Congress: Maricopa County Parking Structure, 1977
39812 95th Congress: Mexican-American Unity Council, 1977
39813 95th Congress: Military Academies (Various), 1977-1978
39814 95th Congress: Mohave Community College, 1976-1980
39815 95th Congress: Mohave County Airport (Restrictive Covenants), 1978
39816 95th Congress: Monroe School, 1978
39817 95th Congress: Motorola (Various), 1977-1978
39818 95th Congress: Murphy Elementary District, 1977-1978
39819 95th Congress: Museums (Various), 1977-1978
39820 95th Congress: National Family Day, 1977-1978
39821 95th Congress: New River Community College (Phi Beta Lambda), 1976-1977
39822 95th Congress: Nogales (Public Works Grant), 1976-1977
39823 95th Congress: Northern Yuma County Hospital District, 1978
39824 95th Congress: Northrup F-18 Naval Strike Fighter, 1976-1979
39825 95th Congress: Odysseys in Flight, 1976-1978
39826 95th Congress: The Olympics, 1976-1977
39827 95th Congress: Payson Economic Development, 1976-1979
39828 95th Congress: Peoria (Economic Development Grants), 1977-1979
39829 95th Congress: Phoenix-Des Moines-Milwaukee Air Route, 1977-1978
39830 95th Congress: Pipe Spring National Monument, 1976-1978 (Master Plan)
39831 95th Congress: Position Paper on I-10 and Transportation in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area and Final Challenge to EIS-76-1 (Citizens for Mass Transit against Freeways), 1977
39832 95th Congress: Prescott College, 1977-1979
39833 95th Congress: Prescott Community Building, 1977-1978
39834 95th Congress: Presidential Classroom for Young Americans, 1977-1979
39835 95th Congress: Primate Foundation of Arizona, 1970-1979
39836 95th Congress: Public Works (Various), 1977-1978
39837 95th Congress: Rainbow Acres, 1978
3991 95th Congress: Reader's Digest, 1977-1978
3992 95th Congress: Reduction-Oxidation, Ore-to-Steel Process, 1974-1979
3993 95th Congress: Renegotiation Board (Annual Report), 1978
3994 95th Congress: Reserve Officers Association, 1977-1978
3995 95th Congress: Rio Salado Land Fill, 1977-1978
3996 95th Congress: Salt River Project, 1977-1978
3997 95th Congress: Salvation Army (Housing and Urban Development), 1978-1979
3998 95th Congress: Scholarships for Children of American Military Personnel (SCAMP), 1977
3999 95th Congress: School Lunch, 1977
39910 95th Congress: Scottsdale Community College, 1977-1978
39911 95th Congress: Scottsdale Memorial Hospital: Certificate of Need, 1977
39912 95th Congress: Sierra Vista (Economic Development Grant), 1976-1977
39913 95th Congress: Solar Energy, 1977-1978
39914 95th Congress: Southwest Educational Institute (W. Mathias Bildhauer), 1976-1978
39915 95th Congress: Southwest Total Area Radio System, 1978
39916 95th Congress: Sperry-Rand and Phoenix-Litchfield Airport, 1977-1978
39917 95th Congress: Thunderbird American Graduate School of International Management, 1977-1978
39918 95th Congress: Tolleson Union High School District (Solar Energy Demonstration Project), 1978
39919 95th Congress: Transcontinental Corporation, 1978
39920 95th Congress: Tusayan and Water Supply, 1977-1978
39921 95th Congress: University of Arizona Cancer Center, 1976-1978
39922 95th Congress: University of Arizona Energy Research Report, 1978-1979
39923 95th Congress: Video Conferencing via Satellite: Opening Congress to the People, 1978
39924 95th Congress: Water Resources Council, 1977-1978
39925 95th Congress: Watchdog of the Treasury Awards (National Associated Business, Inc.), 1978
39926 95th Congress: Weather Station for Lake Havasu City, 1978
39927 95th Congress: Weather Station for Wickenburg, 1977-1978
39928 95th Congress: Western Area Power Administration, 1977
39929 95th Congress: W. K. Kellogg Foundation, 1978
39930 95th Congress: Youngstown and Reavis Ranch as Historical Sites, 1977
43314 96th Congress: Arizona Bilingual Materials Development Center, 1979
43315 96th Congress: Air Cushion Systems, 1977-1979
43316 96th Congress: American Atomics Corporation, 1979
43317 96th Congress: American Council for World Freedom (Walter H. Judd), 1978-1979
43318 96th Congress: Aquarius Solar Systems Incorporated, 1979
43319 96th Congress: Arizona Academy, 1979-1980
43320 96th Congress: Arizona Air Guard, 1977-1980
43321 96th Congress: Arizona Black Businessmen Association (Small Business Administration Loan Officers), 1980
43322 96th Congress: Arizona Census, 1980
43323 96th Congress: Arizona Construction Grants (Environmental Protection Agency), 1980
4341 96th Congress: Arizona Department of Economic Security, 1979
4342 96th Congress: Arizona Newspaper Project, 1979
4343 96th Congress: Arizona Public Service Company (Various), 1979-1980
4344 96th Congress: Arizona State University (Various), 1979-1980
4345 96th Congress: Arizona State University: Consumer Education, 1980
4346 96th Congress: Arizona Western College (Cooperative Education Proposal), 1979
4347 96th Congress: Arizonans for National Security, 1980
4348 96th Congress: Arthritis Foundation, 1980
4349 96th Congress: Audiometer Corporation of America (Bid Protest), 1979
43410 96th Congress: Basic Telecommunications Issues Affecting U.S. National Security and Survival (SRI Project 1232), 1980
43411 96th Congress: Bureau of Land Management (Various), 1979-1980
43412 96th Congress: Bureau of Reclamation Research, 1979
43413 96th Congress: Burr-Schoeben Aquaculture Research Center, 1979-1980
43414 96th Congress: Casa Grande Historical Society, 1979-1980
43415 96th Congress: Catalina Community Health Services, 1979
43416 96th Congress: Central Arizona Health Systems Agency, 1979
43417 96th Congress: Cinder Mining Claims, 1979
43418 96th Congress: Civil Air Patrol, 1979
43419 96th Congress: Coal (Various), 1980
43420 96th Congress: Coal Burning, 1979
43421 96th Congress: Cochise Airlines, 1975-1977 (1 of 2)
43422 96th Congress: Cochise Airlines, 1977-1980 (2 of 2)
43423 96th Congress: Cocopah Housing Authority, 1979
43424 96th Congress: College Housing (Arizona Institutions), 1979-1980
43425 96th Congress: Contract Security: Yuma Proving Grounds, 1979-1980
43426 96th Congress: Controlled Substances Therapeutic Research Program, 1980
43427 96th Congress: Copper Smelter Emission Standards, 1980
43428 96th Congress: Department of Energy (Various), 1979-1980
43429 96th Congress: Desert Botanical Garden Expansion (Tonto National Forest), 1980-1981
43430 96th Congress: DSET Laboratories Incorporated (Request for Public Land), 1980
43431 96th Congress: Electro Pnuematic Engine and the Permanent Magnet Motor (Hagerty Research and Development Company), 1979
43432 96th Congress: Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, 1979-1980
43433 96th Congress: Emery Kolb (Awards, Grants, Archival Collections), 1975-1979
43434 96th Congress: Energy Reports, 1979-1980
4351 96th Congress: Family Planning in Arizona 1977: a needs assessment, 1979
4352 96th Congress: Flood Damage Report (Phoenix Metropolitan Area December 1978 Flood), 1979
4353 96th Congress: Flood Damage Report (South Central Arizona and Southwestern New Mexico December 1978 Flood), 1980
4354 96th Congress: Fluoridation (Background), 1974-1979
4355 96th Congress: Friends of Free China, 1979-1980
4356 96th Congress: G & G Oil Company, 1979-1980
4357 96th Congress: Gila Community Food Bank, 1980
4358 96th Congress: Gold Bondholders Protective Council, 1978-1980
4359 96th Congress: Goldwater Memorial State Park (Colorado River, Yavapai County), 1980
43510 96th Congress: Goodyear Aerospace Radar Reconnaissance, 1980
43511 96th Congress: Grand Canyon Land Acquisition Plan, 1979
43512 96th Congress: Grants and Awards: (Various), 1979-1980
43513 96th Congress: Grants and Awards: Agriculture, 1978-1980
43514 96th Congress: Grants and Awards: Army, 1979
43515 96th Congress: Grants and Awards: Commerce, 1979
43516 96th Congress: Grants and Awards: Community Services Administration, 1979-1980
43517 96th Congress: Grants and Awards: Energy, 1979
43518 96th Congress: Grants and Awards: Environmental Protection Agency, 1979
43519 96th Congress: Grants and Awards: General Services, 1979
43520 96th Congress: Grants and Awards: Health, Education and Welfare, 1979 (1 of 2 )
43521 96th Congress: Grants and Awards: Health, Education and Welfare, 1979 (2 of 2)
43522 96th Congress: Grants and Awards: Housing and Urban Development, 1979
43523 96th Congress: Guayule, 1978-1980
43524 96th Congress: Hall's Crossing Marina and Del E. Webb Corporation, 1979
43525 96th Congress: Health, Education and Welfare (Various), 1979-1980
43526 96th Congress: Health and Human Services (Various), 1980
43527 96th Congress: Health Manpower, 1979
43528 96th Congress: Hoalapa Dam, 1976-1980
43529 96th Congress: Holly Acres Flood Relief Commission, 1980 (Final Report)
43530 96th Congress: Housing and Urban Development (Various in Arizona), 1979-1980
43531 96th Congress: Housing for Elderly and Handicapped (Tucson Jewish Community Council), 1979
43532 96th Congress: Interstate 10, Tolleson, 1980
43533 96th Congress: Jobs Tax Credit, 1979
43534 96th Congress: League for the Advancement of States Rights (LASER), 1979-1980
43535 96th Congress: Library of Congress, 1979-1980 (Translations)
43536 96th Congress: Lighter than Air, 1979
43537 96th Congress: Little Colorado River Conservation and Development Project, 1979
4361 96th Congress: LULAC Educational Service Centers, 1980
4362 96th Congress: Merger of Continental and Western Airlines, 1979
4363 96th Congress: Military Academies (Various), 1979-1980
4364 96th Congress: Moody Engine, 1979
4365 96th Congress: Museums (Various), 1979
4366 96th Congress: National Science Foundation (Specialized Computer Equipment), 1979
4367 96th Congress: National Space Institute, 1976-1980
4368 96th Congress: Naco Sanitation District, 1980
4369 96th Congress: Neighborhood Business Revitalization Program (Tucson), 1979-1980
43610 96th Congress: The Ninety-Nines (International Women Pilots), 1979-1980
43611 96th Congress: Nogales Trade Zone, 1979
43612 96th Congress: Northern Arizona University (Various Grant Proposals), 1980
43613 96th Congress: Office of Technology Assessment, 1980
43614 96th Congress: Operation Eagle-Dove: a 1981 alternative to national disgrace, 1980
43615 96th Congress: Pac 10 Service Station (Tucson), 1980
43616 96th Congress: Palo Verde Nuclear Plant, 1979-1980
43617 96th Congress: Pan American: National Airlines Merger, 1979
43618 96th Congress: Parker Strip Recreation Management, Undated
43619 96th Congress: Payson Precambrian Research Center, 1980
43620 96th Congress: Phi Delta Kappa (Alien Labor Certification), 1980-1981
43621 96th Congress: Phoenix-Litchfield Airport Master Plan, 1979
43622 96th Congress: Phoenix-London Non Stop Air Service (Wild Card Route Case), 1979-1980
43623 96th Congress: Pima Alcoholism Consortium, 1979-1980
43624 96th Congress: Pima Unified Schools, 1980
43625 96th Congress: Pipeline Road (Ajo, Arizona), 1979
43626 96th Congress: Pockets of Poverty: An Examinations of Needs and Options, 1979
43627 96th Congress: Polaris International Metal Corporation, 1980
43628 96th Congress: Prescott Control Tower, 1979-1980
43629 96th Congress: President's Commission on the Accident at Three-Mile Island, 1979
43630 96th Congress: Presidential Scholars, 1971-1979
43631 96th Congress: Prisoners of War: Korean Conflict (Roger A. Dumas), 1954-1979
43632 96th Congress: Proclamations of National Days (Various), 1979-1980
43633 96th Congress: Proposal to Consolidate Boulder Canyon, Parker-Davis and Navajo Generating Stations (Western Area Power Administration), 1980
43634 96th Congress: Proposal for a Uniform Procurement System (Office of Management and Budget), 1980
43635 96th Congress: RABCO Salvage Proposal, 1979-1980
43636 96th Congress: Roosevelt Irrigation District (Loan Request), 1979
43637 96th Congress: Roosevelt School District (HEW Waiver), 1979
43638 96th Congress: St. Joseph's Hospital Petitions for Philippine Nurses, 1979-1980
43639 96th Congress: School Lunch, 1978-1979
43640 96th Congress: Second Harvest, 1979
43641 96th Congress: Sino American Cooperative Organization, 1980
43642 96th Congress: Sky Harbor Airport (Land Acquisition and O.K. McCullough Company), 1979-1980
43643 96th Congress: Social Services (Title XX Funding), 1979
43644 96th Congress: Solar Energy (Various), 1979-1980
4371 96th Congress: Sono-Therapy Institute, 1979-1980
4372 96th Congress: Southern Nevada Water Project, 1979
4373 96th Congress: Spruce Goose (Hughes Flying Boat), 1980
4374 96th Congress: State of the Health Message (New York), 1979
4375 96th Congress: Sugar Cane (Allen Chase and Company, Energy Development), 1975-1979
4376 96th Congress: Ten-Tec Incorporated (Solid State Amplifier), 1979-1980
4377 96th Congress: Thunderbird American Graduate School of International Management, 1979-1980
4378 96th Congress: Transportation for the Handicapped, 1980
4379 96th Congress: Tryalene Corporation (Non-Petroleum Fuel), 1979
43710 96th Congress: Tucson FM Broadcasting Corporation, 1979-1981
Includes photo.
43711 96th Congress: University of Arizona (Various), 1979-1980
43712 96th Congress: University of Arizona Research Report, 1979-1980
43713 96th Congress: Upper Gila River Floods, 1980
43714 96th Congress: Vision Quest, 1979-1980
43715 96th Congress: Walpi Archaeological Project, 1979
43716 96th Congress: Warren-Brayton Cycle Engine, 1979-1980
43717 96th Congress: Washington for Jesus, 1980
43718 96th Congress: Waste Water Treatment with Chlorine (Maricopa County Municipalities), 1979
43719 96th Congress: Western Arizona Humane Society, 1980
43720 96th Congress: Westward Ho Associates, 1977-1980
43721 96th Congress: White House Conference on Small Business, 1979-1980
43722 96th Congress: World Administrative Radio Conference, 1980
43723 96th Congress: Yavapai College Reading Academy, 1980
43724 96th Congress: Yavapai County Fairgrounds, 1980
43725 96th Congress: Yuma County Water Users Association, 1980
4621 97th Congress: Acid Rain (Background Information; Various Initiatives), 1981-1983
4622 97th Congress: American Institute of Religion, 1981
4623 97th Congress: American Veterans Heritage Foundation, 1981
4624 97th Congress: Arizona Department of Emergency and Military Affairs, 1981
4625 97th Congress: Arizona State University, 1981
4626 97th Congress: Berkley's Professional Studies Program in India, 1982
4627 97th Congress: Bilingual Education, 1981
4628 97th Congress: Center for Strategic and International Studies (Georgetown University), 1982
4629 97th Congress: Clinch River Breeder Reactor, 1981-1982
Includes colleague correspondence.
46210 97th Congress: Colorado River Basin Salinity Control, 1980-1981
46211 97th Congress: Colorado River Management Plan and Annual Operating Requirements, 1981
46212 97th Congress: Concession Contracts at Hite Marina, Glen Canyon National Recreational Area, 1981
46213 97th Congress: Conservation Districts, 1981-1982
46214 97th Congress: Corona Del Re Communications Corporation (Crown King Communications Center), 1981
46215 97th Congress: Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, 1981
46216 97th Congress: Energy Productivity and the New U.S. Industrial Policy (Robert S. Pindyck), 1981
46217 97th Congress: Energy Reports (Various), 1981-1982
46218 97th Congress: Flight Standards District Offices (Western Pacific Region-Feasibility Study), 1982
46219 97th Congress: Floods and Lake Mead Recreational Area, 1980-1981
46220 97th Congress: Geo-Heat Center (Oregon Institute of Technology), 1982
46221 97th Congress: Grants and Awards: Environmental Protection Agency, 1982
46222 97th Congress: Havasu National Wildlife Refuge (Jop's Landing), 1981-1982
46223 97th Congress: Health and Human Services (Budget and Annual Report), 1982
46224 97th Congress: Heritage Foundation of Arizona (Tax Exempt Status), 1980-1981
46225 97th Congress: High Frontier Defense System (Lt. General Daniel O. Graham), 1981-1982
46226 97th Congress: Interior Department, 1982
46227 97th Congress: Intrepid Museum Foundation and Odysseys in Flight Incorporated, 1975-1982
46228 97th Congress: Jop's Landing Marina and Resort, 1982-1983
46229 97th Congress: Labor, 1981
46230 97th Congress: Management for Pipe Spring National Monument, 1981
46231 97th Congress: Mineral Potential in Wilderness Study Areas, Arizona Strip District, 1982
46232 97th Congress: Mohave County Sheriff (Law Enforcement Cooperative Agreement), 1981
46233 97th Congress: Naco Waste Water Treatment Facility, 1982-1985
46234 97th Congress: Northern Arizona University, 1981
46235 97th Congress: Nuclear Energy Proposals (Various), 1981-1982
46236 97th Congress: Phoenix Air Pollution (Deadline for Meeting Air Quality Standards), 1982
46237 97th Congress: Photovoltaics, 1982
46238 97th Congress: Pima Community College Title III Grant Proposal, 1982
46239 97th Congress: Prescott College, 1981
4631 97th Congress: Report of the Reactor Safety Research Review Group (Nuclear Safety Oversight Committee), 1981
4632 97th Congress: Sky Harbor Solar Photovoltaic Concentrator (Arizona Public Service and Motorola), 1981-1982
Includes photo.
4633 97th Congress: Solar Energy (Various), 1981-1982
4634 97th Congress: Solar Energy Proposals (Various), 1981
4635 97th Congress: Sonoran Victory Gardens (Water and Soil Conservation), 1982
4636 97th Congress: Southwest Beef, Incorporated (Loan Application), 1981
4637 97th Congress: Student Coalition for Soviet Jewry, 1982
4638 97th Congress: Super Chicken Across America (Non-Stop Balloon Flight), 1982
4639 97th Congress: Synthetic Fuels, 1981-1982
46310 97th Congress: Taliesin West as a National Historic Landmark, 1982
46311 97th Congress: Technology for Local Development, 1981
46312 97th Congress: Thunderbird American School of International Management, 1981
46313 97th Congress: University of Arizona, 1981-1982
46314 97th Congress: University National Bank of Arizona, 1981
46315 97th Congress: U.S. Air Show, 1981-1982
46316 97th Congress: West Yavapai Guidance Clinic, 1981
46317 97th Congress: Whipple Observatory Base Camp in Amado, Arizona, 1982
46318 97th Congress: Wilderness Study Areas (Santa Fe Pacific Railroad Company Mineral Rights), 1982-1983
47817 98th Congress: Air and Space Bicentennial, 1982-1983
47818 98th Congress: American Security Fence Corporation (Pipe and Tube Industry), 1983-1984
47819 98th Congress: Arizona Flooding and Dam Releases, 1983 (1 of 2)
47820 98th Congress: Arizona Flooding and Dam Releases, 1983-1984 (2 of 2)
4791 98th Congress: Center for Strategic and International Studies, 1983
4792 98th Congress: Central Utah Project, 1983
4793 98th Congress: Central Valley Project, 1983-1984
4794 98th Congress: City of Phoenix, 1984
4795 98th Congress: Civil Air Patrol, 1983
4796 98th Congress: Clean Air Coalition (Briefing Book), 1983 (1 of 2)
4797 98th Congress: Clean Air Coalition (Briefing Book), 1983 (2 of 2)
4798 98th Congress: Confederate Air Force, 1983
4799 98th Congress: Copper Canisters for Nuclear Waste, 1983-1984
Includes colleague correspondence.
47910 98th Congress: The Effect of Job Loss on Household Economy in Two U.S. Southwestern Border States: Implications for Employment and Training Programs (Grant Proposal), 1983
47911 98th Congress: Energy Grants for Low-Income Weatherization, 1983
47912 98th Congress: Energy and Technology (Various), 1983
47913 98th Congress: Flight Service Stations in Arizona, 1983
47914 98th Congress: Flyer Tigers, 1983
47915 98th Congress: Grand Canyon Railroad, 1984
47916 98th Congress: Grand Canyon Unified Schools (Facilities Improvement), 1983-1984
47917 98th Congress: Grand Circle Association, 1984
47918 98th Congress: Havasu National Wildlife Refuge (Jop's Landing), 1983
47919 98th Congress: Instrument Landing System (Flagstaff), 1983
47920 98th Congress: Pacific Texas Pipeline, 1984
47921 98th Congress: Safety of Dams Program Modification Report (Salt River Project), 1984
47922 98th Congress: Salt and Verde River Paleoflood Studies, 1983
47923 98th Congress: Solar Energy (Various), 1983
47924 98th Congress: Summary Report, Inundation Mapping, Salt and Verde River Systems, 1984
47925 98th Congress: Thunderbird American Graduate School of International Management, 1983-1984
47926 98th Congress: Upper Gila River Basin Cooperative Study, 1984
47927 98th Congress: Washington Dulles Task Force, 1982-1983
49113 99th Congress: Africa Famine Aid, 1985
49114 99th Congress: Amado Bridge, Whipple Observatory, 1985
49115 99th Congress: America West Airlines, 1985
49116 99th Congress: American Security Fence (U.S. Capital Security), 1986
49117 99th Congress: Amtrak (Background), 1985
49118 99th Congress: Arizona Payments in Lieu of Taxes (Report), 1985
49119 99th Congress: Arizona Wilderness Areas, 1986
49120 99th Congress: Asbestos Abatement in Arizona, 1985-1986
49121 99th Congress: Black Canyon Bridge, 1986
49122 99th Congress: Carl Hayden Bust, 1986
49123 99th Congress: City of Holbrook, Arizona, 1985
49124 99th Congress: City of Phoenix, 1985-1986
49125 99th Congress: Colorado River Energy Distributors Association, 1985
49126 99th Congress: Colorado River Levels, 1985
49127 99th Congress: Congressional Copper Congress, 1985 January-July
49128 99th Congress: Congressional Copper Caucus, 1985 August-December
49129 99th Congress: Congressional Copper Caucus, 1986
4921 99th Congress: Congressional Energy Workshop, 1985
4922 99th Congress: Dams and Dam Safety (Reports), 1985-1986
4923 99th Congress: Environmental Reports and Newsletters, 1985
4924 99th Congress: Equal Employment Opportunity, 1985
4925 99th Congress: Fish and Wildlife Service, 1985
4926 99th Congress: Forest Management Proposals for Arizona, 1985-1986
4927 99th Congress: Fort Huachuca Land Sale, 1985-1986
4928 99th Congress: Goldwater Parkway: Renaming of White Tank Road, 1986
4929 99th Congress: Hoover Dam as a National Historic Landmark, 1985
49210 99th Congress: Hoover Dam Modifications, 1986-1987
49211 99th Congress: Hoover Dam: Sale of Power from the Boulder Canyon Project, 1985-1986
49212 99th Congress: Jimmy Doolittle-Ira Eaker Awards, 1985
49213 99th Congress: Jojoba, 1985
49214 99th Congress: Land Exchange: Payson, Flagstaff, 1985
49215 99th Congress: Land Exchange: Petrified National Forest, 1985
49216 99th Congress: Land Exchange: Pine, Strawberry, 1984-1985
49217 99th Congress: Land Exchanges in Arizona, 1986
49218 99th Congress: Lees Ferry, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, 1986
49219 99th Congress: Lower Colorado Water Supply Study, 1986
49220 99th Congress: Marine Military Academy, 1985
49221 99th Congress: McMicken Dam, 1986
49222 99th Congress: Merger of the Bureau of Reclamation and the Army Corps of Engineers, 1985
49223 99th Congress: Mount Graham Observatory, 1986
49224 99th Congress: Naco Arizona/Sonora Border Sanitation, 1986
49225 99th Congress: National Park System, 1985
49226 99th Congress: Natural Gas, 1986
49227 99th Congress: New Challenge New Direction: The Water Policy Report of the Western Governors Association, circa 1986
49228 99th Congress: Nuclear Regulatory Research, 1985
49229 99th Congress: Phelps Dodge Douglas Smelter Closing, 1985-1986
49230 99th Congress: Phelps Dodge Morenci Water Pollution, 1985
49231 99th Congress: Phoenix Sports Complex Bonding, 1986
49232 99th Congress: Pima School, Scottsdale, Veterans Day Observance, 1985
49233 99th Congress: Prescott National Forest Interchange, 1985 (1 of 2)
49234 99th Congress: Prescott National Forest Interchange, 1985 (2 of 2)
4931 99th Congress: Protecting the Integrity of the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, 1986
4932 99th Congress: Recreational Motorboats Excise Tax Revenues, 1986
4933 99th Congress: Rio Salado Project, 1985
4934 99th Congress: Rural Electrification, 1985
4935 99th Congress: Safety of Dams Program Modification Report (Salt River Project), 1985
4936 99th Congress: Salt and Verde Rivers Flood Control, 1985-1986
4937 99th Congress: Sisk Act Petition for Rulemaking, 1986
4938 99th Congress: Small Reclamation Projects, 1985
4939 99th Congress: Solar Energy Industries Association, 1985
49310 99th Congress: Solar Energy Research Institute, 1985
49311 99th Congress: Solar Lobby, 1985
49312 99th Congress: Southwest Airlines-Muse Air Merger, 1985
49313 99th Congress: Sulfur Dioxide Emissions at Coal Fired Electric Utilities, 1986
49314 99th Congress: Super Conducting Supercollider, 1985-1986
49315 99th Congress: Super Conducting Supercollider, 1987
49316 99th Congress: Synthetic Fuels, 1985-1986
49317 99th Congress: U.S.-Canadian Wood Products Trade Imbalance, 1985
49318 99th Congress: Water Settlement: Salt River Indian Community, 1985
49319 99th Congress: Wind Energy, 1985
Sub-Series B: Issue Mail
24916 91st Congress: Abortion, 1969-1970
24917 91st Congress: Agriculture (Various), 1968-1970
24918 91st Congress: Aid to Biafra, 1968-1969
24919 91st Congress: Air and Water Pollution, 1968-1969
24920 91st Congress: Air and Water Pollution, 1970 January-February
24921 91st Congress: Air and Water Pollution, 1970 March-April
24922 91st Congress: Air and Water Pollution, 1970 May-August
24923 91st Congress: Air and Water Pollution, 1970 (Children's Letters)
24923 91st Congress: Air and Water Pollution, 1970 September-December
2501 91st Congress: Air Mail Service between New York and Phoenix, 1970
2502 91st Congress: Air Traffic Controllers, 1969-1970
2503 91st Congress: Airplane Hijacking, 1969-1970
2504 91st Congress: Alaskan Land Claims, 1969-1971
2505 91st Congress: Amateur Radio, 1969-1971
2506 91st Congress: American Credit Bureau in Arizona, 1968-1970
2507 91st Congress: American Jewish Archives, 1968-1969
2508 91st Congress: Animal Welfare Act, S 4539, 1969
2509 91st Congress: Anti-Ballistic Missiles (Against), 1969 February-May
25010 91st Congress: Anti-Ballistic Missiles (Against), 1969 June-August
25011 91st Congress: Anti-Ballistic Missiles (Against), 1970
25012 91st Congress: Anti-Ballistic Missiles (For), 1969 March-May
25013 91st Congress: Anti-Ballistic Missiles (For), 1969 June-September
25014 91st Congress: Anti-Ballistic Missiles (For), 1970
25015 91st Congress: Anti-Ballistic Missiles (Neutral), 1969-1970
25016 91st Congress: Arizona Compliance with Federal Welfare Regulations, 1970
25017 91st Congress: Aviation (Various), 1969-1970
25018 91st Congress: Bank Holding Companies, HR 6778, 1969
25019 91st Congress: Bank Holding Companies, HR 6778, 1970 March-July
25020 91st Congress: Bank Holding Companies, HR 6778, 1970 August-November
25021 91st Congress: Biological Warfare, 1969
25022 91st Congress: Blackmun, Harry A. (Nomination to Supreme Court), 1970
25023 91st Congress: Blue Range Primitive Area, 1969-1970
25024 91st Congress: Busing, S 3278, 1970
25025 91st Congress: Campus Disorders, 1969
25026 91st Congress: Campus Disorders, 1970
25027 91st Congress: Canyon Lake Franchise, 1969-1970
25028 91st Congress: Capital Gains Tax, 1969
25029 91st Congress: Carswell, George Harrold (Nomination to Supreme Court), 1970
25030 91st Congress: Census Reform, HR 6293, HR 11224, 1969
2511 91st Congress: Census Reform, 1970
2512 91st Congress: Charitable Tax Deductions (Tax Reform), 1969
2513 91st Congress: Chicago Seven, 1970
2514 91st Congress: Cigarettes, Advertising and Interstate Transportation, HR 6543, HR 15652, 1969-1970
2515 91st Congress: Citrus Industry, 1970
2516 91st Congress: Civil Rights, 1969
2517 91st Congress: Civil Service Retirement, 1969 January-May
2518 91st Congress: Civil Service Retirement, 1969 June-December
2519 91st Congress: Civil Service Retirement, 1970
25110 91st Congress: College Student Loans, HR 17198, 1969-1970
25111 91st Congress: Commerce Department (Various), 1969-1970
25112 91st Congress: Common Situs Picketing, 1969
25113 91st Congress: Communism, 1969-1970
25114 91st Congress: Congressional Pay Raise, 1969 January-February
25115 91st Congress: Congressional Pay Raise, 1969 March-June
25116 91st Congress: Construction Programs, 1969
25117 91st Congress: Consumer Protection Act and Consumer Advisory Council, 1969-1970
25118 91st Congress: Cooper-Church Amendment to Limit Military Activities in Cambodia (Against), 1970 April
25119 91st Congress: Cooper-Church Amendment to Limit Military Activities in Cambodia (Against), 1970 May 1-13
25120 91st Congress: Cooper-Church Amendment to Limit Military Activities in Cambodia (Against), 1970 May 14-28
25121 91st Congress: Cooper-Church Amendment to Limit Military Activities in Cambodia (Against), 1970 June-August
25122 91st Congress: Cooper-Church Amendment to Limit Military Activities in Cambodia (Against), 1970 (Telegrams and Postcards)
25123 91st Congress: Cooper-Church Amendment to Limit Military Activities in Cambodia (For), 1970 April
25124 91st Congress: Cooper-Church Amendment to Limit Military Activities in Cambodia (For), 1970 May 1-11
25125 91st Congress: Cooper-Church Amendment to Limit Military Activities in Cambodia (For), 1970 May 12-13
25126 91st Congress: Cooper-Church Amendment to Limit Military Activities in Cambodia (For), 1970 May 14-18
2521 91st Congress: Cooper-Church Amendment to Limit Military Activities in Cambodia (For), 1970 May 20-30
2522 91st Congress: Cooper-Church Amendment to Limit Military Activities in Cambodia (For), 1970 June-July
2523 91st Congress: Cooper-Church Amendment to Limit Military Activities in Cambodia (For), 1970 (Telegrams and Postcards)
2524 91st Congress: Cooperatives Tax, 1969
2525 91st Congress: Copyright Law, Amendment #9, 1969-1970
2526 91st Congress: Credit Unions in Low Income Areas, HR 2, 1969-1970
2527 91st Congress: Crime, 1969-1970
2528 91st Congress: Crime and Riots, 1969-1970 (1 of 2)
2529 91st Congress: Crime and Riots (Opinion Polls), 1969-1970 (2 of 2)
25210 91st Congress: Crossing of Federal Lands to Reach Private Lands, 1968-1969
25211 91st Congress: Defense Budget (Various), 1969
25212 91st Congress: District of Columbia (Various), 1969
25213 91st Congress: Douglas, William O. (Supreme Court Justice), 1970
25214 91st Congress: Draft Board, Draft Dodgers, Draft Reform, 1969-1970
25215 91st Congress: Driver Education, 1969
25216 91st Congress: Drug Laws, 1969-1970
25217 91st Congress: Drug Problem, 1969
25218 91st Congress: Dual Compensation, 1969
25219 91st Congress: Education (Various), 1969 January-June
25220 91st Congress: Education (Various), 1969 July-December
25221 91st Congress: Education (Various), 1970
25222 91st Congress: Electoral College Reform, SJ Res 12, 1969 January-May
25223 91st Congress: Electoral College Reform, SJ Res 12, 1969 June-December
25224 91st Congress: Electoral College Reform, SJ Res 12, 1970
25225 91st Congress: The Emprise Corporation and Sam Steiger, 1970
25226 91st Congress: Enlarge Boundaries of Grand Canyon National Park, S 2360, 1970
25227 91st Congress: Equal Rights Amendment, 1970
25228 91st Congress: Family Assistance Plan, 1970-1971
2531 91st Congress: Farm Labor (Various), 1969
Includes colleague correspondence.
2532 91st Congress: Farm Subsidy Program, S 500, HR 4257 (Various), 1969-1970
2533 91st Congress: Federal Aid to Non-public Schools, S 2451, 1969-1970
2534 91st Congress: Federal Aviation Administration (Petition from Balloon Federation of America), Undated
2535 91st Congress: Federal Employees Insurance, 1969-1970
2536 91st Congress: Federal Housing Administration (Various), 1969-1970
2537 91st Congress: Federal Insurance Guaranty Corporation, S 2236, 1970
2538 91st Congress: Flag Desecration, 1970
2539 91st Congress: Flood Insurance, 1968-1971
25310 91st Congress: Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument, 1969
25311 91st Congress: Food and Drug Administration (Various), 1969
25312 91st Congress: Foreign Aid, 1968-1970
25313 91st Congress: Forest Service, 1969
25314 91st Congress: Forest Service, 1970
25315 91st Congress: Fort Bowie, 1969-1971
25316 91st Congress: Fulbright-Hays Program (Funding), 1969
25317 91st Congress: Funks Greyhound Racing, 1970
25318 91st Congress: Genocide Treaty and Convention, 1970 February-May
25319 91st Congress: Genocide Treaty and Convention, 1970 June-November
25320 91st Congress: Government Bureaucracy, 1965-1970
25321 91st Congress: Government Spending, 1969-1970
25322 91st Congress: Grand Canyon (Various), 1969
25323 91st Congress: Grape Boycott, 1969-1970
25324 91st Congress: Grazing Fees, 1968-1969
25325 91st Congress: Green Beret Arrests, 1969
25326 91st Congress: Green Valley, Arizona, 1969
25327 91st Congress: Green Valley, Arizona, 1970
25328 91st Congress: Gun Control, S 100, S845, S 3653, 1965-1968
25329 91st Congress: Gun Control, S 100, S845, S 3653, 1969 January-February
25330 91st Congress: Gun Control, S 100, S845, S 3653, 1969 March-April
25331 91st Congress: Gun Control, S 100, S845, S 3653, 1969 May-July
25332 91st Congress: Gun Control, S 100, S845, S 3653, 1969 August-September
25333 91st Congress: Gun Control, S 100, S845, S 3653, 1970
2541 91st Congress: Haynsworth, Clement (Nomination to Supreme Court; Against), 1969
2542 91st Congress: Haynsworth, Clement (Nomination to Supreme Court; For), 1969
2543 91st Congress: Head Start Funding, 1970
2544 91st Congress: Health, Education, Welfare (Various), 1969-1970
2545 91st Congress: Health Programs Funding (Various), 1969-1970
2546 91st Congress: Hickel, Walter (Appointment to Secretary of Interior), 1969
2547 91st Congress: Highways (Various), 1969-1970
2548 91st Congress: Housing (Various), 1969-1970
2549 91st Congress: Housing for the Elderly, 1969
25410 91st Congress: Hubbell Pay Plan (Military Retirement Pay), 1969
25411 91st Congress: Incentive Licensing Plan, 1969-1970
25412 91st Congress: Inflation, 1969
25413 91st Congress: Inflation, 1970
25414 91st Congress: Inflation Questionnaires, 1969-1970
25415 91st Congress: Insurance Coverage S 946, S945, 1969-1971
25416 91st Congress: Interior Department (Various), 1966-1969
25417 91st Congress: Interior Department (Various), 1970
25418 91st Congress: Internal Revenue Service, 1969-1970
25419 91st Congress: Interstate Land Sales Act, 1969
25420 91st Congress: Interstate Taxation HR 7906, 1969-1970
25421 91st Congress: Investment Tax Credit, 1969
25422 91st Congress: Israel, 1969-1970
25423 91st Congress: Jet Airport in Miami Everglades, 1969
25424 91st Congress: Job Corps Closing, 1969
25425 91st Congress: Jordanians Trained at William Air Force Base, 1970
25426 91st Congress: Junk Mail, 1970
25427 91st Congress: Kent State Investigation, 1970
25428 91st Congress: Labor (Various), 1969-1970
25429 91st Congress: Lake Mead, 1969-1972
25430 91st Congress: Laos, 1970
2551 91st Congress: Law Enforcement (Various), 1968-1969
2552 91st Congress: Law Enforcement (Various), 1970
2553 91st Congress: Library Program Funding, 1968-1970
2554 91st Congress: Loans to Country Clubs, 1969
2555 91st Congress: Lumber, 1969
2556 91st Congress: Mandatory Unit Pricing, S 1424, 1970
2557 91st Congress: Medicaid, 1969
2558 91st Congress: Medical Research, 1969-1970
2559 91st Congress: Medicare, 1968-1969
25510 91st Congress: Medicare, 1970
25511 91st Congress: Medicare: Chiropractic Care, 1969
25512 91st Congress: Medicare: Chiropractic Care, 1970
25513 91st Congress: Medicare Hospital Reimbursement, 1969
25514 91st Congress: Mesa Post Office and Social Security Administration, 1970
25515 91st Congress: Mexican Tomato Embargo, 1969 January-February
25516 91st Congress: Mexican Tomato Embargo, 1969 March-December
25517 91st Congress: Mexican Tomato Embargo, 1970-1971
25518 91st Congress: Middle East Conflict, 1968-1969
25519 91st Congress: Middle East Conflict, 1970
25520 91st Congress: Migrant Farm Workers (Various), 1969-1970
25521 91st Congress: Migrant Opportunity Program, Day Care Centers, 1969-1970
25522 91st Congress: Milk Problems in Arizona, 1969
25523 91st Congress: Military Industrial Complex, 1969-1970
25524 91st Congress: Military Retirement Pay, 1969
25525 91st Congress: Military Retirement Pay, 1970
25526 91st Congress: Mineral King Situation, 1969-1970
25527 91st Congress: Mining (Various), 1969-1970
25528 91st Congress: Morely Gate Closing (Nogales), 1970
2561 91st Congress: Motor Vehicle Inspection Requirements, 1968-1970
2562 91st Congress: Multiple Independently Targeted Re-Entry Vehicle, 1969-1970
2563 91st Congress: Municipal Bonds, 1969
2564 91st Congress: My Lai Massacre, Vietnam, 1969-1970
Includes official Army report.
2565 91st Congress: National Credit Union Board, Presidential Appointee, 1970
2566 91st Congress: National Health Insurance, S 3711, 1970
2567 91st Congress: National Timber Supply Act, 1970
2568 91st Congress: No Knock Legislation, S 2601, 1970
2569 91st Congress: Non-Proliferation Treaty, 1968-1969 (1 of 2)
25610 91st Congress: Non-Proliferation Treaty, 1969 (2 of 2)
25611 91st Congress: North Korea Plane Incident, 1969
25612 91st Congress: Nursing Programs, 1970
25613 91st Congress: Obscene Mail, 1969 January-August
25614 91st Congress: Obscene Mail, 1969 September-December
25615 91st Congress: Obscene Mail, 1970
25616 91st Congress: Occupational Safety, S 2193, HR 16785, 1970
25617 91st Congress: Office of Economic Opportunity, 1969
25618 91st Congress: Oil Depletion Allowance, 1969-1970
25619 91st Congress: Oil Imports, 1969-1970
25620 91st Congress: Oil Reserves in Alaska, 1969-1970
25621 91st Congress: Operation Intercept (Drug Smuggling), 1969
25622 91st Congress: Pay Increase for Postal Workers, HR 15098, 1969-1970
25623 91st Congress: Pay Television, 1969
25624 91st Congress: Pension Plan Taxation for Professional Service Corporations, 1969
2571 91st Congress: Peoria Post Office Conflict with Sun City, 1970
2572 91st Congress: Personal Tax Exemption, 1969
2573 91st Congress: Pesticides, 1969-1970
2574 91st Congress: Phraetophyte Clearing Project (Clearing Vegetation from River Banks), 1969-1970
2575 91st Congress: Pine-Strawberry Chamber of Commerce, 1969-1972
2576 91st Congress: Planned Parenthood Program, 1969-1970
2577 91st Congress: Population Explosion, 1967-1970
2578 91st Congress: Post Office (Various), 1968-1970
2579 91st Congress: Post Office Rule change, 1969
25710 91st Congress: Postage Stamp Vendors Machine, 1970
25711 91st Congress: Postal Rate Increase, 1969-1970
25712 91st Congress: Postal Reform and Compulsory Unionism HR 4, March-May 1970
25713 91st Congress: Postal Reform and Compulsory Unionism HR 4, June-August 1970
25714 91st Congress: Postal Service (Various), 1969
25715 91st Congress: Postal Service, 1970
25716 91st Congress: Postal Strike, 1970
25717 91st Congress: Poverty and Nutrition Programs, 1969-1970
25718 91st Congress: Prayer in Public Schools, 1969
25719 91st Congress: Prayers by Astronauts, 1969-1970
25720 91st Congress: Presidential Council on Environmental Quality, 1969
25721 91st Congress: Profit Sharing Stock, 1969
25722 91st Congress: The "Pueblo", 1969
25723 91st Congress: Racial Discrimination in Unions, 1966-1970
25724 91st Congress: Railroad Retirement, 1969 February-November
25725 91st Congress: Railroad Retirement, 1969 December
25726 91st Congress: Railroad Retirement, 1970
2581 91st Congress: Railroads (Various), 1969-1970
2582 91st Congress: Ranch and Farm Losses, S500, 1969
2583 91st Congress: Real Estate Depreciation, 1969
2584 91st Congress: Reciprocal Licensing of Ham Radios between Mexico and the U.S., 1969-1970
2585 91st Congress: Rhodesia, 1968-1970
2586 91st Congress: Right to Work, 1969
2587 91st Congress: Rural Electrification Program, 1969-1971
2588 91st Congress: San Bernardino Land Claims, S 2329, 1969-1970
2589 91st Congress: Santa Rita Mountains Santa Cruz Valley Beautification, 1969
25810 91st Congress: School Desegregation, 1969-1970
25811 91st Congress: Scottsdale Post Office Contract Station #2, 1969-1970
25812 91st Congress: Seal Slaughter, S 3596, 1969-1970
25813 91st Congress: Securities and Exchange Commission, 1969-1970
25814 91st Congress: Sewage Facilities, 1969-1970
25815 91st Congress: Sex Discrimination: University of Arizona, 1970
25816 91st Congress: Sex Education, HR 8976, 1969
25817 91st Congress: Small Business (Various), 1969-1970
25818 91st Congress: Small Business Administration, 1970
25819 91st Congress: Social Security, 1968 December-1969 February
25820 91st Congress: Social Security, 1969 March-July
25821 91st Congress: Social Security, 1969 August-September
25822 91st Congress: Social Security, 1969 October-December
25823 91st Congress: Social Security, 1970
25824 91st Congress: Soil Conservation, 1969
25825 91st Congress: Southwest Archaeological Center, 1969-1972
25826 91st Congress: Soviet Activity in Cienfuegos (Cuba), 1970
25827 91st Congress: Soviet Pilots in Egypt, 1970
25828 91st Congress: Stop National Student Association, 1969
25829 91st Congress: Sugar Import Quotas, 1970
25830 91st Congress: Supersonic Transport (Against), 1969
25831 91st Congress: Supersonic Transport (Against), 1970 January-August
25832 91st Congress: Supersonic Transport (Against), 1970 September
25833 91st Congress: Supersonic Transport (Against), 1970 October
25834 91st Congress: Supersonic Transport (Against), 1970 November-December
2591 91st Congress: Supersonic Transport (Against), 1970 (Telegrams and Postcards)
2592 91st Congress: Supersonic Transport (For), 1969-1970
2593 91st Congress: Supreme Court Justice Appointments, 1969-1970
2594 91st Congress: Tat Monolikot Dam, 1969-1970
2595 91st Congress: Tax Incentives, 1969
2596 91st Congress: Tax Reform, 1969 January-March
2597 91st Congress: Tax Reform, 1969 April-May
2598 91st Congress: Tax Reform, 1969 June-August
2599 91st Congress: Tax Reform, 1969 September
25910 91st Congress: Tax Reform, 1969 October
25911 91st Congress: Tax Reform, 1969 November-December
25912 91st Congress: Tax Reform, 1970
25913 91st Congress: Taxes (Various), 1969-1970
25914 91st Congress: Taxes: Americans Overseas, 1969-1970
25915 91st Congress: Tower Amendment, HR 13270 (Income Tax Reform), 1969-1970
25916 91st Congress: Trade (Various), 1969-1970
25917 91st Congress: Truth in Lending, 1969
25918 91st Congress: Tucson Crime, 1969
25919 91st Congress: Unemployment Compensation, HR 14705, 1969-1970
25920 91st Congress: UNICEF, 1969-1970
25921 91st Congress: United Nations, 1969-1970
25922 91st Congress: Veterans Requests for Aid, A-G, 1969
25923 91st Congress: Veterans Requests for Aid, H-R, 1969
25924 91st Congress: Veterans Requests for Aid, S-W, 1969
25925 91st Congress: Veterans Requests for Aid, A-C, 1970
25926 91st Congress: Veterans Requests for Aid, D-F, 1970
25927 91st Congress: Veterans Requests for Aid, G-I, 1970
2601 91st Congress: Veterans Requests for Aid, J-L, 1970
2602 91st Congress: Veterans Requests for Aid, M-O, 1970
2603 91st Congress: Veterans Requests for Aid, P-Sa, 1970
2604 91st Congress: Veterans Requests for Aid, St-Z, 1970
2605 91st Congress: Vietnam, 1969 January-May
2606 91st Congress: Vietnam, 1969 June-September
2607 91st Congress: Vietnam, 1969 October 1-15
2608 91st Congress: Vietnam, 1969 October 16-20
2609 91st Congress: Vietnam, 1969 October 21, 31
26010 91st Congress: Vietnam, 1969 November
26011 91st Congress: Vietnam, 1969 December
26012 91st Congress: Vietnam, 1970 January-May
26013 91st Congress: Vietnam, 1970 June-December
26014 91st Congress: Vietnam: Nixon's Speech on Peace, 1969-1970
2611 91st Congress: Vietnam: Prisoners of War, 1969
2612 91st Congress: Vietnam: Prisoners of War, 1970
2613 91st Congress: Vietnam: Prisoners of War Rally, 1969-1970
2614 91st Congress: Vietnam: Prisoners of War Wives, 1970
2615 91st Congress: Vietnam: Victory March, 1970
2616 91st Congress: Vitamins, 1969-1970
2617 91st Congress: Vocational Education, 1968-1969
2618 91st Congress: Voluntary Military Service, 1967-1969
2619 91st Congress: Voluntary Military Service, 1970
26110 91st Congress: Voting Age of 18, 1969
26111 91st Congress: Voting Age of 18, 1970 February-May
26112 91st Congress: Voting Age of 18, 1970 May-June
26113 91st Congress: Voting Rights, 1969-1970
26114 91st Congress: Weight Limits for Trucks, 1969
26115 91st Congress: Welfare, 1969
26116 91st Congress: Welfare, 1970 January-June
26117 91st Congress: Welfare, 1970 July-December
26118 91st Congress: Welfare: Fair Share, 1970
26119 91st Congress: Yuma Housing, 1969-1970
26120 91st Congress: Yuma Proving Ground Bus Service, 1970
2821 92nd Congress: Abortion, SJ Res 108, 1971-1972
2822 92nd Congress: Absentee Voting, 1972
2823 92nd Congress: Acupuncture, 1971-1972
2824 92nd Congress: Agnew for Vice President, 1971-1972
2825 92nd Congress: Agriculture (Various), 1971-1972
2826 92nd Congress: Air Force Extended Overseas Tours, 1971
2827 92nd Congress: Airline Pilot Medical Exam, 1972
2828 92nd Congress: Alaska Pipeline, 1969-1971
2829 92nd Congress: Alaska Pipeline, 1972
28210 92nd Congress: Alien Hiring, 1972
28211 92nd Congress: Amateur Radio, 1971
28212 92nd Congress: Amateur Radio, 1972 January-May
28213 92nd Congress: Amateur Radio, 1972 June-December
28214 92nd Congress: Amateur Radio (Reciprocity with Mexico), 1970-1972
28215 92nd Congress: Amnesty for Draft Dodgers, 1972-1973
28216 92nd Congress: Amtrak, 1971-1972
28217 92nd Congress: Animal Welfare, 1971-1972
28218 92nd Congress: Apache Airlines, 1971
28219 92nd Congress: Apartment Rentals, S 1861, 1971-972
28220 92nd Congress: Aravaipa Canyon, 1972
28221 92nd Congress: Architect and Engineer Selection Bill, 1972
28222 92nd Congress: Arizona Attorney General, 1971-1972
28223 92nd Congress: Arizona and the Clean Air Act, 1971-1972
28224 92nd Congress: Arizona Compliance with Federal Welfare Regulation, 1971
28225 92nd Congress: Arizona Estate Tax Department, 1972
28226 92nd Congress: Arizona Highway Funds, 1971-1973
28227 92nd Congress: Arizona Land Development and Speculation, S 921, 1971-1972
28228 92nd Congress: Arizona Pollution, 1970-1971
28229 92nd Congress: Arizona Pollution, 1972 January-March
28230 92nd Congress: Arizona Pollution, 1972 April-December
28231 92nd Congress: Arizona Welfare, 1970-1972
28232 92nd Congress: Aviation, 1971-1972
28233 92nd Congress: Beekeeper Indemnification Legislation, 1970-1973
2831 92nd Congress: Bicycle Lanes, 1972
2832 92nd Congress: Black Lung, 1972-1973
2833 92nd Congress: Blind Disability Insurance, 1971-1974
2834 92nd Congress: Blue Cross Blue Shield for Government Employees, 1971-1972
2835 92nd Congress: Blue Range Wilderness (Arizona Mining Association), 1969-1973
2836 92nd Congress: Board of Parole, 1971-1973
2837 92nd Congress: Bombing of Hanoi (For), 1972 March-April (1 of 3)
2838 92nd Congress: Bombing of Hanoi, 1972 April-July (2 of 3)
2839 92nd Congress: Bombing of Hanoi, 1972 April (3 of 3)
28310 92nd Congress: Border Patrol, 1972
28311 92nd Congress: Box Car Supply, 1971 May-July
28312 92nd Congress: Box Car Supply, 1971 August
28313 92nd Congress: Bureau of Land Management Inquiries, 1970-1973
28314 92nd Congress: Bureau of Mines Inquiries, 1972
28315 92nd Congress: Bureau of Prisons, 1970-1973
28316 92nd Congress: Busing, 1971
28317 92nd Congress: Busing, 1972
28318 92nd Congress: Butterfield Freeway (Tucson), 1971
28319 92nd Congress: Cable Television, 1971-1972
28320 92nd Congress: Camp Verde Housing, 1972
28321 92nd Congress: Campaign Finance Reform, 1971-1972
28322 92nd Congress: Cancer Research, S 34, 1971 January-March
28323 92nd Congress: Cancer Research, S 34, 1971 April 8-21
28324 92nd Congress: Cancer Research, S 34, 1971 April 22-30
28325 92nd Congress: Cancer Research, S 34, 1971 May-August
28326 92nd Congress: Cancer Research, S 34, 1971 (Telegrams)
28327 92nd Congress: Capital Punishment, 1971-1972
28328 92nd Congress: Casa Encanto Housing, 1972
28329 92nd Congress: Catalina Mountains and Private Land Holders, 1971-1972
28330 92nd Congress: Cattle Hide Exports, 1972
2841 92nd Congress: Ceiling on National Debt, 1971-1973
2842 92nd Congress: Central Arizona Project, 1971 January-March
2843 92nd Congress: Central Arizona Project, 1971 April-November
2844 92nd Congress: Central Arizona Project, 1972
2845 92nd Congress: Christopher Creek Flood Problems, 1970-1971
2846 92nd Congress: Cigarettes, 1971-1973
2847 92nd Congress: Cinder Rally (Coconino National Forest), 1971-1973
2848 92nd Congress: Citizens Band Radio, 1970-1974
2849 92nd Congress: Citrus Industry, 1971-1972
28410 92nd Congress: Civil Service Commission (Various), 1971 January-March
28411 92nd Congress: Civil Service Commission (Various), 1971 April-July
28412 92nd Congress: Civil Service Commission (Various), 1971 August-December
28413 92nd Congress: Civil Service Commission (Various), 1972 January-May
28414 92nd Congress: Civil Service Commission (Various), 1972 June-December
28415 92nd Congress: Clark, Ramsey, 1972
28416 92nd Congress: Cloture (Filibuster), 1971
28417 92nd Congress: Collective Bargaining, 1971
28418 92nd Congress: Colorado River Trips, 1969-1971
28419 92nd Congress: Colorado River Trips, 1972
28420 92nd Congress: Commerce Department (Various), 1972
28421 92nd Congress: Consumer Protection Agency, 1971-1972
28422 92nd Congress: Conviction of Lieutenant William Calley, 1971-1973
28423 92nd Congress: Cost of Living Council Inquiries, 1972-1973
28424 92nd Congress: Cotton, 1969-1972
28425 92nd Congress: Credit Unions, 1971-1973
28426 92nd Congress: Crime, 1970-1973
28427 92nd Congress: Crop Insurance, 1972
28428 92nd Congress: Customs Bureau Inquiries, 1971-1972
2851 92nd Congress: Cuts in Labor and Health, Education and Welfare Funds, 1972
2852 92nd Congress: Cuts in Rehabilitation Training, 1971
2853 92nd Congress: Cuts in Rural Environmental Assistance, 1971-1972
2854 92nd Congress: Defense (Various), 1971-1972
2855 92nd Congress: Defense Spending, 1970-1972
2856 92nd Congress: Demonstrators and Protestors, 1971
2857 92nd Congress: Department of Interior Inquiries, 1971-1972
2858 92nd Congress: Desert Diet Corporation, 1970-1971
2859 92nd Congress: Diethylstilbestrol in Cattle, 1972
28510 92nd Congress: Disability Benefits, 1970-1971
28511 92nd Congress: Dock Workers Strike (West Coast), 1971-1972
28512 92nd Congress: Draft, 1970-1971
28513 92nd Congress: Draft Deferments and Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali), 1970-1971
28514 92nd Congress: Drivers Licensing and Testing, 1971-1972
28515 92nd Congress: Drug Abuse, 1971-1972
28516 92nd Congress: Drugs in Arizona, 1971-1972
28517 92nd Congress: Drug Trafficking, 1972
28518 92nd Congress: Economy, 1971
28519 92nd Congress: Education Budget, HR 7016, 1971
28520 92nd Congress: Education Budget, HR 7016, 1972
28521 92nd Congress: Educational Funds for Papago Reservation, 1972
28522 92nd Congress: El Paso Merger, 1972
28523 92nd Congress: Election Campaign Act, 1972
28524 92nd Congress: Election of ‘64, 1971-1974
28525 92nd Congress: Endangered Species, 1972
28526 92nd Congress: Enlarge Boundaries of Grand Canyon National Park, 1971-1972
28527 92nd Congress: Environmental Protection Agency, 1970-1971
28528 92nd Congress: Environmental Protection Agency, 1972-1973
28529 92nd Congress: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 1969-1971
28530 92nd Congress: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 1972-1973
28531 92nd Congress: Equal Rights Amendment (Against), 1972
28532 92nd Congress: Equal Rights Amendment (For), 1971
28533 92nd Congress: Equal Rights Amendment (For), 1972
2861 92nd Congress: Equine Encephalitis, 1971
2862 92nd Congress: Family Assistance Plan, 1970-1971
See also welfare.
2863 92nd Congress: Farm Driver Qualifications, 1971
2864 92nd Congress: Farm Labor, 1970-1971
2865 92nd Congress: Farm Subsidies, 1970-1972
2866 92nd Congress: Farm Workers, 1972
2867 92nd Congress: Farmers Home Administration, 1971-1973
2868 92nd Congress: Federal Aid to Church Schools, 1970-1972
2869 92nd Congress: Federal Aviation Administration, 1971-1972
28610 92nd Congress: Federal Bureaucracy, 1970-1972
28611 92nd Congress: Federal Communications Commission, 1970-1971
28612 92nd Congress: Federal Communications Commission, 1972-1973
28613 92nd Congress: Federal Employees Pay and Benefits, 1971
28614 92nd Congress: Federal Employees Pay and Benefits, 1972
28615 92nd Congress: Federal Holiday Dates, 1971-1972
28616 92nd Congress: Federal Housing Administration, 1972-1973
28617 92nd Congress: Federal Spending, 1971-1972
28618 92nd Congress: Federal Trade Commission, 1970-1973
28619 92nd Congress: Financial Aid to Students in the Health Profession, 1971
28620 92nd Congress: Flood Insurance, 1972
28621 92nd Congress: Fluoridation, 1971-1972
28622 92nd Congress: Fonda, Jane, 1972
28623 92nd Congress: Food and Drug Administration, 1971-1972
28624 92nd Congress: Food Stamps, 1971-1972
28625 92nd Congress: Foreign Aid, 1970-1972
28626 92nd Congress: Forest Service (Various), 1971
28627 92nd Congress: Forest Service (Various), 1972-1973
28628 92nd Congress: Fort Huachuca, 1971-1972
28629 92nd Congress: Freeways in Arizona, 1969-1972
28630 92nd Congress: Funk's Greyhound Racing, 1971-1972
28631 92nd Congress: Genocide Convention Treaty, 1971-1972
2871 92nd Congress: Genocide Convention Treaty (Against), 1970-1972 (1 of 2)
2872 92nd Congress: Genocide Convention Treaty (Against), 1971 (Telegrams; 2 of 2)
2873 92nd Congress: Genocide Convention Treaty (For), 1971-1972
2874 92nd Congress: Glen Canyon, S 27, 1971-1972
2875 92nd Congress: Gold, 1971-1972
2876 92nd Congress: Government Over Television (Response to Pulliam Editorial), 1972
2877 92nd Congress: Grand Canyon (Various), 1971-1972
2878 92nd Congress: Greece, 1971
2879 92nd Congress: Green Valley, Arizona, 1971-1972
28710 92nd Congress: Gun Control, S 2507 (Against), 1971
28711 92nd Congress: Gun Control, S 2507 (Against), 1972 (1 of 2)
28712 92nd Congress: Gun Control, S 2507 (Against), 1972-1973 (2 of 2)
28713 92nd Congress: Gun Control (For), 1971-1972
28714 92nd Congress: Hamilton Watch Company (Army Contract), 1971
28715 92nd Congress: Head Start (The Case Against It), 1971-1972
28716 92nd Congress: Health Benefits for the Elderly, 1972
28717 92nd Congress: Health, Education, and Welfare, 1971-1973
28718 92nd Congress: High Chaparral Television Program, 1971
28719 92nd Congress: Higher Education (Various), 1971-1972
28720 92nd Congress: Highways in Arizona, 1971-1973
28721 92nd Congress: Hi-Jacking, 1970-1972
28722 92nd Congress: Hoover, J. Edgar, 1971
28723 92nd Congress: Housing the Elderly (Kingston Village, Seattle, Washington), 1971
28724 92nd Congress: Housing and Urban Development (Various), 1970-1971
28725 92nd Congress: Housing and Urban Development (Various), 1972
28726 92nd Congress: Housing and Urban Development Plumbing Code, 1971-1972
28727 92nd Congress: Immigration (Various), 1971 January-May
2881 92nd Congress: Immigration (Various), 1971 June-August
2882 92nd Congress: Immigration (Various), 1971 September-December
2883 92nd Congress: Immigration (Various), 1972 January-May
2884 92nd Congress: Immigration (Various), 1972 June-December
2885 92nd Congress: Indian Affairs, 1971-1972
2886 92nd Congress: Indians Taking Over the Bureau of Indian Affairs Building, 1972
2887 92nd Congress: Inflation, 1971
2888 92nd Congress: Internal Revenue Income Reporting by Fraternal Groups, 1972
2889 92nd Congress: Internal Revenue Service, 1970-1971
28810 92nd Congress: Internal Revenue Service, 1972 January-May
28811 92nd Congress: Internal Revenue Service, 1972 June-October
28812 92nd Congress: Internal Revenue Service, 1972 November-1973 January
28813 92nd Congress: International Platform Association, 1972-1974
28814 92nd Congress: Interstate Commerce Commission, 1971-1972
28815 92nd Congress: Ireland, 1972
28816 92nd Congress: Israel, 1971-1972
28817 92nd Congress: Japan, 1969-1972
28818 92nd Congress: Jews in Russia, 1971-1972
28819 92nd Congress: Justice Department, 1971-1972
28820 92nd Congress: Kennedy Children, 1972
28821 92nd Congress: Kennedy, Edward (Ted), 1972
28822 92nd Congress: Kenyon Ballew Case, 1971
28823 92nd Congress: Kleindienst, Richard, 1972-1973
28824 92nd Congress: Labor (Various), 1971 February-July
28825 92nd Congress: Labor (Various), 1971 August-December
28826 92nd Congress: Labor (Various), 1972
2891 92nd Congress: Labor Unions (Various), 1963-1972
2892 92nd Congress: Laetrile, 1971-1972
2893 92nd Congress: Land Development, 1972
2894 92nd Congress: Land Sales Complaints, 1970-1973
2895 92nd Congress: Land Transfers (Lake Havasu City), 1971-1972
2896 92nd Congress: Laos, 1971
2897 92nd Congress: Law Enforcement, 1971-1972
2898 92nd Congress: Legal Services, 1970-1971
2899 92nd Congress: Legalizing Sale of Marijuana, 1969-1972
28910 92nd Congress: Lennon, John and Yoko, 1972-1974
28911 92nd Congress: Lettuce Marketing, 1970-1971
28912 92nd Congress: Library Services, 1971
28913 92nd Congress: Lie Detector Tests, 1971
28914 92nd Congress: Lockheed Aircraft Loan, 1971
28915 92nd Congress: Low Rent Housing (Yuma), 1972
28916 92nd Congress: Lumber Prices and Clear Cutting, 1971-1972
28917 92nd Congress: Magma Arizona Railroad, 1971-1972
28918 92nd Congress: Manpower Skills, 1972
28919 92nd Congress: McGovern, George, 1972-1973
28920 92nd Congress: McNamara, Robert, 1971-1975
28921 92nd Congress: Meat Imports, 1972
28922 92nd Congress: Medicare and Chiropractic Care, 1971 January-June
28923 92nd Congress: Medicare and Chiropractic Care, 1971 July-November
28924 92nd Congress: Medicare and Chiropractic Care, 1972
28925 92nd Congress: Medicare Reimbursement Coverage, 1971-1972
28926 92nd Congress: Mexico-U.S. Relations, 1972
28927 92nd Congress: Mid-Decade Census, 1971-1972
28928 92nd Congress: Military Airlift Command, 1971-1972
28929 92nd Congress: Military Benefits, Budget Cuts, Procurement, 1970-1973
28930 92nd Congress: Military Draft of Physicians, 1972-1973
28931 92nd Congress: Military Pay Raise, 1971-1972
28932 92nd Congress: Military Strength, 1971-1972
28933 92nd Congress: Minimum Wage, 1971-1972
28934 92nd Congress: Mining in Ash Canyon, 1971
28935 92nd Congress: Mining in the Santa Rita Mountains, 1971-1972
28936 92nd Congress: Miranda Decision, 1970-1971
28937 92nd Congress: Mobile Homes, 1970-1972
28938 92nd Congress: Mobile Home Mail Delivery, 1970-1971
28939 92nd Congress: Multiple Sclerosis Research, 1971-1972
2901 92nd Congress: National Air and Space Museum, 1972
2902 92nd Congress: National Cemetery for Arizona, 1968-1972
2903 92nd Congress: National Endowment for the Arts and Humanities, 1971-1972
2904 92nd Congress: National Guard Technicians, 1972
2905 92nd Congress: National Health Insurance, 1971
2906 92nd Congress: National Health Insurance, 1972
2907 92nd Congress: National Labor Relations Act and Nonprofit Hospitals, 1972
2908 92nd Congress: National Labor Relations Board in Phoenix, 1972-1973
2909 92nd Congress: National Park Service, 1971-1973
29010 92nd Congress: Native Americans, 1970-1971
29011 92nd Congress: News Media, 1971-1972
29012 92nd Congress: Nixon, Richard (Various), 1970-1971
29013 92nd Congress: Nixon Re-election (Against), 1971-1972
29014 92nd Congress: Nixon Re-election (For), 1972
29015 92nd Congress: Nixon's Red China Trip, 1971
29016 92nd Congress: Nixon's Red China Trip, 1972-1973
29017 92nd Congress: No Fault Insurance, 1972
29018 92nd Congress: Nuclear Energy, 1971
29019 92nd Congress: Nurses Training Programs, 1971
29020 92nd Congress: Ocean Mammals, 1972
29021 92nd Congress: Office of Consumer Affairs, 1971-1972
29022 92nd Congress: Office of Economic Opportunity, 1971-1973
29023 92nd Congress: Office of Education, 1970-1971
29024 92nd Congress: Office of Education, 1972-1973
29025 92nd Congress: Oil Imports, 1971-1972
29026 92nd Congress: Older Americans Act, 1972
29027 92nd Congress: Olympics, 1972
29028 92nd Congress: Open 1900 Census for Research, 1971
29029 92nd Congress: Optometrists (Various), 1971
29030 92nd Congress: Pakistan, S 1657, 1971-1972
2911 92nd Congress: Panama Canal, 1971-1972
2912 92nd Congress: Pentagon Waste, 1972
2913 92nd Congress: Pesticides, 1972
2914 92nd Congress: Pesticides (Salt River Indian Reservation), 1971-1972
2915 92nd Congress: Pine Creek Dam, 1972
2916 92nd Congress: Pollution (Various), 1971-1972
2917 92nd Congress: Pollution (Letters from Students), 1971 January-May
2918 92nd Congress: Pollution (Letters from Students), 1971 June-December
2919 92nd Congress: Pollution (Letters from Students), 1972
29110 92nd Congress: Population Growth and Family Planning, 1970-1972
29111 92nd Congress: Post Office (Various), 1971-1972
29112 92nd Congress: Post Office Complaints, 1970-1972
29113 92nd Congress: Post Office Locations (Various), 1969-1972
29114 92nd Congress: Postal Rate Increase, 1970-1973
29115 92nd Congress: Prayer in Space, 1971-1973
29116 92nd Congress: Predator Control, 1972
29117 92nd Congress: Predatory Animals, 1969-1971
29118 92nd Congress: Predatory Animals, 1972 March-April
29119 92nd Congress: Predatory Animals, 1972 May-November
29120 92nd Congress: Preservation of the View from Mt. Vernon, 1972
29121 92nd Congress: Presidential Executive Orders, 1970-1972
29122 92nd Congress: Presidential War Powers Act, 1971
2921 92nd Congress: Presidential War Powers Act, 1972
2922 92nd Congress: Prison Reform, 1970-1972
2923 92nd Congress: Privacy, 1971-1972
2924 92nd Congress: Property Taxes, 1971-1972
2925 92nd Congress: Public Broadcasting, 1972
2926 92nd Congress: Public Health Service Funding, 1972
2927 92nd Congress: Publishing of Vietnam Papers, 1971
2928 92nd Congress: Radio Free Europe, 1972
2929 92nd Congress: Rail Passenger Service Act, HR 11417 (Railroad Passes and Retirement), 1970-1971
29210 92nd Congress: Rail Passenger Service Act, HR 11417 (Railroad Passes and Retirement), 1972
29211 92nd Congress: Railroad Retirement Board, 1971-1972
29212 92nd Congress: Railroad Retirement Pensions, 1970-1972
29213 92nd Congress: Railroad Strike, 1971
29214 92nd Congress: Real Estate Taxes, S 759, S 2747, 1972-1974
29215 92nd Congress: Re-computation of Military Survivor Benefits, 1972
29216 92nd Congress: Red China and United Nations, 1971-1972
29217 92nd Congress: Redpath, John Lee (Detention in Mexico), 1970-1971
29218 92nd Congress: Rehnquist, William (Supreme Court Nomination), 1971-1973
29219 92nd Congress: Relocation in Arizona, 1972
29220 92nd Congress: Rent Control, 1971-1972
29221 92nd Congress: Repeal Earnings Limitation Act, S 1902, 1970-1971
29222 92nd Congress: Repeal Earnings Limitation Act, S 1902, 1972 January-April
29223 92nd Congress: Repeal Earnings Limitation Act, S 1902, 1972 May-November
29224 92nd Congress: Retirement (Various), 1971-1972
29225 92nd Congress: Retirement Benefits for Reservists, 1971-1972
29226 92nd Congress: Revenue Sharing, S 680, 1969-1971
29227 92nd Congress: Revenue Sharing, S 680, 1972
29228 92nd Congress: Rhodesian Chrome, 1971
29229 92nd Congress: Rock Island Lines, 1971-1972
29230 92nd Congress: Saccharin, 1972
29231 92nd Congress: San Francisco Peaks, 1971
29232 92nd Congress: School Lunch Program, 1972
29233 92nd Congress: School Tax (Property Tax Relief), 1972-1973
29234 92nd Congress: Seat Belts, 1972
29235 92nd Congress: Securities and Exchange Commission, 1972
29236 92nd Congress: Sedona Land Exchange, 1969-1972
29237 92nd Congress: Selective Service, 1969 December-1971 April
2931 92nd Congress: Selective Service, 1971 May-July
2932 92nd Congress: Selective Service, 1971 September-December
2933 92nd Congress: Selective Service, 1972-1973
2934 92nd Congress: Senate Seniority System, 1971-1972
2935 92nd Congress: Senator Mike Graven (Censure), 1972
2936 92nd Congress: Senator's Voting Attendance Record, 1972
2937 92nd Congress: SER, Jobs for Progress, 1972
2938 92nd Congress: Shooting Animals from Aircraft, 1971
2939 92nd Congress: Small Business Administration, 1971-1972
29310 92nd Congress: Small Business Committee (Support of), 1971-1972
29311 92nd Congress: Social Security, 1969-1971
29312 92nd Congress: Social Security, 1972
29313 92nd Congress: Social Security Claims, 1971-1972
29314 92nd Congress: Social Security Increase, 1972
29315 92nd Congress: Social Security Reform, 1970-1972
29316 92nd Congress: Sonic Booms, 1972
29317 92nd Congress: South Central Avenue Bridge (Phoenix), 1972
29318 92nd Congress: South Phoenix Community Medical Center, 1971-1973
29319 92nd Congress: Space Research, 1971-1972
29320 92nd Congress: Space Shuttle and Strong Defense, 1972
29321 92nd Congress: Speed Limits (National Highway Safety Bureau), 1971
29322 92nd Congress: State Department (Various), 1969-1971
29323 92nd Congress: State Department (Various), 1972
29324 92nd Congress: Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty Agreement, 1971-1972
29325 92nd Congress: Student Financial Aid, 1972-1973
2941 92nd Congress: Sugar Bill, 1970-1972
2942 92nd Congress: Supersonic Transport Program (Against), 1970 (1 of 5)
2943 92nd Congress: Supersonic Transport Program (Against), 1971 (Postcards and Telegrams; 2 of 5)
2944 92nd Congress: Supersonic Transport Program (Against), 1971 January-February (3 of 5)
2945 92nd Congress: Supersonic Transport Program (Against), 1971 March (4 of 5)
2946 92nd Congress: Supersonic Transport Program (Against), 1971 March-July (5 of 5)
2947 92nd Congress: Supersonic Transport Program (For), 1970 (1 of 6)
2948 92nd Congress: Supersonic Transport Program (For), 1971 (Postcards and Telegrams; 2 of 6)
2949 92nd Congress: Supersonic Transport Program (For), 1971 January-February (3 of 6)
29410 92nd Congress: Supersonic Transport Program (For), 1971 March (4 of 6)
29411 92nd Congress: Supersonic Transport Program (For), 1971 March (5 of 6)
29412 92nd Congress: Supersonic Transport Program (For), 1971 April-1972 July (6 of 6)
29413 92nd Congress: Supreme Court Decisions, 1970-1972
29414 92nd Congress: Surface Transportation, 1972
29415 92nd Congress: Surprise Venture Associates (Mining Claims), 1970-1972
29416 92nd Congress: Survivors' Benefits, S 325, 1971-1972
29417 92nd Congress: Taxes, 1971 January-June
29418 92nd Congress: Taxes, 1971 July-December
29419 92nd Congress: Taxes, 1972
29420 92nd Congress: Taxes: Mobile Homes, 1972
29421 92nd Congress: Teachers' Retirement, 1970-1972
29422 92nd Congress: Television Programming, 1972-1973
29423 92nd Congress: Tombstone School District (Huachuca City), 1972
29424 92nd Congress: Trade Bills (Various), 1972
2951 92nd Congress: Transportation, 1970-1972
Includes Republican policy memo.
2952 92nd Congress: Transportation Safety, 1971-1972
2953 92nd Congress: Treasury Department General Correspondence, 1971-1972
2954 92nd Congress: Treatment of Mongoloid Children (Dr. Henry Turkel), 1971
2955 92nd Congress: Turn-Key Waste Water Treatment, 1971-1972
2956 92nd Congress: Uganda, 1972
2957 92nd Congress: Underground Nuclear Testing (Amchitka, Alaska), 1971
2958 92nd Congress: United Nations, 1971
2959 92nd Congress: United Nations, 1972
29510 92nd Congress: Uranium Leasing Policies, 1971
29511 92nd Congress: Utility Complaints, 1970-1972
29512 92nd Congress: Veterans Pensions and Benefits, 1970-1972
29513 92nd Congress: Vietnam, 1971 January-March
29514 92nd Congress: Vietnam, 1971 April
29515 92nd Congress: Vietnam, 1971 May-June
29516 92nd Congress: Vietnam, 1971 July-December
29517 92nd Congress: Vietnam, 1972 January-April
29518 92nd Congress: Vietnam, 1972 May
29519 92nd Congress: Vietnam, 1972 June-December
29520 92nd Congress: Vietnam (Bombing of Haiphong Harbor, For), 1971-1972
29521 92nd Congress: Vietnam: Peace Through Victory, 1971-1972
29522 92nd Congress: Vietnam: Presidential Support, 1972 January-May
29523 92nd Congress: Vietnam: Presidential Support, 1972 May-June
29524 92nd Congress: Vietnam: Prisoners of War, 1970-1971
2961 92nd Congress: Vietnam: Prisoners of War, 1972
2962 92nd Congress: Vitamins, 1971-1973
2963 92nd Congress: Vocational Education, 1971-1973
2964 92nd Congress: Vocational Rehabilitation, 1970-1972
2965 92nd Congress: Voluntary Military Service, 1971 January-March
2966 92nd Congress: Voluntary Military Service, 1971 April-September
2967 92nd Congress: Voter Registration, 1970-1972
2968 92nd Congress: Voting Rights, 1971-1972
2969 92nd Congress: Voting for President and Vice-President SJ Res 59, 1971
29610 92nd Congress: Voting for President and Vice-President SJ Res 59, 1972 January-February
29611 92nd Congress: Voting for President and Vice-President SJ Res 59, 1972 March-April
29612 92nd Congress: Voting for President and Vice-President SJ Res 59, 1972 May-July
29613 92nd Congress: Voting for President and Vice-President SJ Res 59, 1972 August
29614 92nd Congress: Voting for President and Vice-President SJ Res 59, 1972 September 1-19
29615 92nd Congress: Voting for President and Vice-President SJ Res 59, 1972 September 20-29
29616 92nd Congress: Voting for President and Vice-President SJ Res 59, 1972 October 2-11
29617 92nd Congress: Voting for President and Vice-President SJ Res 59, 1972 October 12-20
29618 92nd Congress: Voting for President and Vice-President SJ Res 59, 1972 November
29619 92nd Congress: Voting for President and Vice-President SJ Res 59, 1972 December
29620 92nd Congress: Wage and Price Controls, 1971 July-August
29621 92nd Congress: Wage and Price Controls, 1971 September
29622 92nd Congress: Wage and Price Controls, 1971 October-December
29623 92nd Congress: Wage and Price Controls, 1972
2971 92nd Congress: Water (Various), 1971-1972
2972 92nd Congress: Watergate, 1972
2973 92nd Congress: Welfare, 1971
2974 92nd Congress: Welfare in Arizona, 1970-1972
2975 92nd Congress: Welfare Reform, 1971-1972
2976 92nd Congress: Western Union Office in Kingman, 1971
2977 92nd Congress: Wetherill Home (National Monument Status), 1972
2978 92nd Congress: Wild Horses and Burros, S 116, 1971
2979 92nd Congress: Wilderness Areas, 1970-1972
29710 92nd Congress: Williams Amendment (Stockpiles), 1970-1971
3143 93rd Congress: Abandoned Vehicles (Motor Vehicle Disposal Act), 1974
3144 93rd Congress: Abortion (Against), 1973 January
3145 93rd Congress: Abortion (Against), 1973 February
3146 93rd Congress: Abortion (Against), 1973 February 2-11
3147 93rd Congress: Abortion (Against), 1973 February 12-13
3148 93rd Congress: Abortion (Against), 1973 February 14-16
3149 93rd Congress: Abortion (Against), 1973 February 17-18
31410 93rd Congress: Abortion (Against), 1973 February 19
31411 93rd Congress: Abortion (Against), 1973 February 20
31412 93rd Congress: Abortion (Against), 1973 February 21-22
31413 93rd Congress: Abortion (Against), 1973 February 23-25
31414 93rd Congress: Abortion (Against), 1973 February 26-28
31415 93rd Congress: Abortion (Against), 1973 March 1-5
31416 93rd Congress: Abortion (Against), 1973 March 6-10
31417 93rd Congress: Abortion (Against), 1973 March 11-15
31418 93rd Congress: Abortion (Against), 1973 March 16-22
31419 93rd Congress: Abortion (Against), 1973 March 23-28
31420 93rd Congress: Abortion (Against), 1973 March 29-30
31421 93rd Congress: Abortion (Against), 1973 April-July
31422 93rd Congress: Abortion (Against), 1973 August-December
31423 93rd Congress: Abortion (Against), 1974 January
3151 93rd Congress: Abortion (Against), 1974 February
3152 93rd Congress: Abortion (Against), 1974 March-May
3153 93rd Congress: Abortion (Against), 1974 June-July
3154 93rd Congress: Abortion (Against), 1974 August
3155 93rd Congress: Abortion (Against), 1974 September-December
3156 93rd Congress: Abortion (For), 1973
3157 93rd Congress: Abortion (For), 1974
Includes form letters.
3158 93rd Congress: Abortion: Bartlett Amendment (Federal Funding for Abortion), 1974
3159 93rd Congress: Acupuncture, 1973-1975
31510 93rd Congress: Agriculture (Various), 1973-1974
31511 93rd Congress: Aid to North Vietnam, 1973 January-February (1 of 4)
31512 93rd Congress: Aid to North Vietnam, 1973 February (2 of 4)
31513 93rd Congress: Aid to North Vietnam, 1973 February (3 of 4)
31514 93rd Congress: Aid to North Vietnam, 1973 February-April (4 of 4)
31515 93rd Congress: Aircraft Noise, 1973
31516 93rd Congress: Airlines, 1971-1974
31517 93rd Congress: Air Service in Arizona, 1973-1974
31518 93rd Congress: Air Traffic Control, 1970-1973
31519 93rd Congress: Alaskan Pipeline, 1973 February-June
31520 93rd Congress: Alaskan Pipeline, 1973 July-December
31521 93rd Congress: Alaskan Pipeline, 1974
31522 93rd Congress: Alcoholism (Various), 1973-1974
31523 93rd Congress: Aliens, 1974
31524 93rd Congress: Amateur Athletics, 1974
31525 93rd Congress: Amateur Radio (International Reciprocity), 1971-1974
31526 93rd Congress: Amateur Radio (Various), 1969-1973
31527 93rd Congress: Amateur Radio (Various), 1974-1976
3161 93rd Congress: Amnesty for Deserters and Draft Dodgers, 1973 February
Includes Armed Services Committee print.
3162 93rd Congress: Amnesty for Deserters and Draft Dodgers, 1973 March
3163 93rd Congress: Amnesty for Deserters and Draft Dodgers, 1973 May-November
3164 93rd Congress: Amnesty for Deserters and Draft Dodgers, 1974 January-August
3165 93rd Congress: Amnesty for Deserters and Draft Dodgers, 1974 September 1-26
3166 93rd Congress: Amnesty for Deserters and Draft Dodgers, 1974 September 27-1975 February
3167 93rd Congress: Amtrak, 1971-1975
3168 93rd Congress: Animal Welfare, 1972-1974
3169 93rd Congress: Anti-Ballistic Missiles (ABM's), 1974
31610 93rd Congress: Anti-Goldwater and Pro-Nixon, 1974
31611 93rd Congress: Apache Lake Campground, 1974
31612 93rd Congress: Aravaipo Canyon, 1973-1974
31613 93rd Congress: Arizona Attorney General, 1973-1974
31614 93rd Congress: Arizona Corporation Commission, 1973-1974
31615 93rd Congress: Arizona Creditors Bureau, 1974
31616 93rd Congress: Arizona Indirect Source Review, 1973
31617 93rd Congress: Arizona Indirect Source Review (Parking Management Regulations), 1974
31618 93rd Congress: Arizona Real Estate, 1973
31619 93rd Congress: Arizona Recall Amendment, 1974
31620 93rd Congress: Arizona Schools and Office of Civil Rights, 1972-1975
31621 93rd Congress: Arizona Transportation Control Strategies, 1973 (1 of 2)
31622 93rd Congress: Arizona Transportation Control Strategies, 1973 (2 of 2)
31623 93rd Congress: Arizona Water Resources, 1971-1974
31624 93rd Congress: Arthritis Funding, 1974
31625 93rd Congress: Asbestos (Jaquays Asbestos Corporation), 1973
31626 93rd Congress: AT & T, 1970-1975
31627 93rd Congress: Atlantic Union Resolution, 1973
31628 93rd Congress: Auto Emissions, 1973-1974
31629 93rd Congress: Automobile Insurance, 1971-1972
31630 93rd Congress: Aviation, 1973-1975
31631 93rd Congress: Aviation Head Tax, 1973
31632 93rd Congress: Aviation Mutual Aid Agreement, 1973
3171 93rd Congress: Aviation User Fees, 1973
3172 93rd Congress: Beatrice Edgerly Macpherson Manuscript, 1973
3173 93rd Congress: Bicentennial Mural, 1974
3174 93rd Congress: Billy Graham at Arizona State University, 1974
3175 93rd Congress: Bombing Cambodia, 1973
3176 93rd Congress: Border Patrol and Customs, 1974
3177 93rd Congress: Boycott of Rhodesia, 1973-1974
3178 93rd Congress: Bricker Amendment (Treaties), 1973
3179 93rd Congress: Broadcast License Renewal, 1973-1974
31710 93rd Congress: Broadcasting, 1973-1974
31711 93rd Congress: Budget Cuts, 1974
31712 93rd Congress: Budget Reform and Federal Expenditures, 1972-1974
31713 93rd Congress: Bureaucracy, 1974
31714 93rd Congress: Busing, 1972 June-1974 May
31715 93rd Congress: Busing, 1974 June-October
31716 93rd Congress: Cable Television and Sports Blackouts, 1972-1974
31717 93rd Congress: Campaign Finance Reform, 1971-1974
31718 93rd Congress: Campground Closings, 1974-1975
31719 93rd Congress: Campground Fees, 1974
31720 93rd Congress: Capital Punishment, 1972-1975
31721 93rd Congress: Cattle Growers (Grazing and Beef Quotas), 1972-1974
31722 93rd Congress: Census for 1900, 1973
31723 93rd Congress: CHAMPUS Funding and Coverage, 1973-1974
31724 93rd Congress: Champion, Robert (Held in Mexico), 1974
31725 93rd Congress: Chappaquiddick, 1972-1974
31726 93rd Congress: Child Care, 1973-1974
31727 93rd Congress: China, 1974
31728 93rd Congress: Civil Service Annuities, 1971-1974
31729 93rd Congress: Civil Service Commission, 1970-1973
31730 93rd Congress: Civil Service Retirement, 1973-1974
31731 93rd Congress: Classified Information, 1973-1974
31732 93rd Congress: Clean Air and Environmental Protection, 1973-1974
Includes 1973 annual report.
31733 93rd Congress: Clifton Elementary School and Eleanor Stacy, 1973
31734 93rd Congress: Closing of Davis Monthan Air Force Base, 1973
31735 93rd Congress: Colorado River Trips, 1973-1974
31736 93rd Congress: Colorado River Trips and Grand Canyon, 1973
3181 93rd Congress: Colorado River Use, 1973-1974
3182 93rd Congress: Communism, 1970-1975
3183 93rd Congress: Community Action Programs Budget Cuts, 1973
3184 93rd Congress: Community Health Centers Funding, 1973
3185 93rd Congress: Congressional Reform (Seniority System), 1972-1974
3186 93rd Congress: Congressional Salary Increase, 1971-1973
3187 93rd Congress: Congressional Salary Increase, 1974
3188 93rd Congress: Consumer Protection Agency, 1973-1974
3189 93rd Congress: Control of Physician Fees, 1973
31810 93rd Congress: Copper, 1971-1975
31811 93rd Congress: Copyright Law, 1973-1974
31812 93rd Congress: Cotton, 1970-1974
31813 93rd Congress: Courts, 1974-1976
31814 93rd Congress: Creative Center, Incorporated, 1973
31815 93rd Congress: Crime, 1972-1974
31816 93rd Congress: Cuba, 1971-1977
31817 93rd Congress: Customs Charges for Private Aircraft, 1970-1973
31818 93rd Congress: Cyclamates, 1972-1974
31819 93rd Congress: Cyprus, 1974-1975
31820 93rd Congress: Dams (Various), 1972-1975
31821 93rd Congress: Daylight Savings Time, 1972-1974
31822 93rd Congress: Defense, 1973-1974
31823 93rd Congress: Defense Budget, 1973-1974
31824 93rd Congress: Depletion Allowance, 1974
31825 93rd Congress: DES in Cattle, 1973-1974
31826 93rd Congress: Diabetes, 1972-1974
31827 93rd Congress: Discrimination (Age, Gender), 1974
31828 93rd Congress: Dog Fighting, 1974
31829 93rd Congress: Dollar Devaluation, 1971-1973
31830 93rd Congress: Drivers Education, 1968-1973
31831 93rd Congress: Drug Abuse, 1972-1974
31832 93rd Congress: Drug Trafficking, 1973-1975
31833 93rd Congress: Drugs in Arizona, 1973-1974
31834 93rd Congress: Economic Development Administration (Funding), 1973-1974
31835 93rd Congress: Economic Stabilization (Wage and Price Controls) S 2961, S 3032, 1973
31836 93rd Congress: Economic Stabilization (Wage and Price Controls) S 2961, S 3032, 1974 February
31837 93rd Congress: Economic Stabilization (Wage and Price Controls) S 2961, S 3032, 1974 March 1-14
31838 93rd Congress: Economic Stabilization (Wage and Price Controls) S 2961, S 3032, 1974 March 15-31
3191 93rd Congress: Economic Stabilization (Wage and Price Controls) S 2961, S 3032, 1974 April 1-4
3192 93rd Congress: Economic Stabilization (Wage and Price Controls) S 2961, S 3032, 1974 April 5-30
3193 93rd Congress: Economy, 1971-1974
3194 93rd Congress: Education (Various), 1972-1974
3195 93rd Congress: Election Reform, 1973
3196 93rd Congress: Elementary and Secondary Education Funding, 1973-1974
3197 93rd Congress: Ellsberg-Russo Case (Pentagon Papers), 1973
3198 93rd Congress: Emergency Employment Act (Impact on Native American Communities), 1973
3199 93rd Congress: Emergency Medical Services, 1973
31910 93rd Congress: Endangered Species, 1973-1975
31911 93rd Congress: Energy Crisis, 1972 May-1973 October
31912 93rd Congress: Energy Crisis, 1973 November 1-21
31913 93rd Congress: Energy Crisis, 1973 November 22-30
31914 93rd Congress: Energy Crisis, 1973 December 1-8
31915 93rd Congress: Energy Crisis, 1973 December 9-19
31916 93rd Congress: Energy Crisis, 1973 December 20-31
31917 93rd Congress: Energy Crisis, 1974 January 1-11
31918 93rd Congress: Energy Crisis, 1974 January 12-31
31919 93rd Congress: Energy Crisis, 1974 February 1-11
3201 93rd Congress: Energy Crisis, 1974 February 12-19
3202 93rd Congress: Energy Crisis, 1974 February 20-27
3203 93rd Congress: Energy Crisis, 1974 February 28
3204 93rd Congress: Energy Crisis, 1974 March-December
3205 93rd Congress: Energy Transportation Act, 1974
3206 93rd Congress: Environmental Protection Agency (Various Concerns in Arizona), 1972-1974
3207 93rd Congress: Environmental Protection Agency, Parking Surtax, 1974
3208 93rd Congress: Equal Rights Amendment, 1971-1975
3209 93rd Congress: Estate Taxes, 1973-1974
32010 93rd Congress: Export-Import Bank Loan to Russia, 1974
32011 93rd Congress: Falconry Permits, 1973-1974
32012 93rd Congress: Fannin, Paul, 1973
32013 93rd Congress: Farm Subsidies, 1973-1974
32014 93rd Congress: Farmers Home Administration Insuring Authority, 1973
32015 93rd Congress: Federal Aviation Administration, 1971-1974
32016 93rd Congress: Federal Budget, 1972-1974
32017 93rd Congress: Federal Communications Commission, 1972-1974
32018 93rd Congress: Federal Deposit Insurance, 1974
32019 93rd Congress: Federal Employee Pay Cuts, 1974
32020 93rd Congress: Federal Energy Office Concerns, 1973-1974
32021 93rd Congress: Federal Holidays, 1968-1974
32022 93rd Congress: Federal Pay Raise, 1973-1974
32023 93rd Congress: Federal Reserve Act, 1970-1973
32024 93rd Congress: Fire Fighters Benefits, 1974
32025 93rd Congress: Fire Prevention (National Fire Academy), 1973
32026 93rd Congress: Fishing Rights, 1974-1976
32027 93rd Congress: Flight Pay, 1973
32028 93rd Congress: Flood Control, 1974-1976
32029 93rd Congress: Fluoridation of Drinking Water, 1973
32030 93rd Congress: Fonda, Jane, 1973-1974
32031 93rd Congress: Food (Various), 1973-1974
32032 93rd Congress: Food and Drug Administration, 1973-1974
32033 93rd Congress: Food Prices and Cost of Living, 1973-1974
32034 93rd Congress: Food Stamps, 1969-1975
32035 93rd Congress: Foreign Aid, 1971-1974
3211 93rd Congress: Foreign Aid (Opinion Ballots), 1974
3212 93rd Congress: Foreign Born Citizens Becoming President, 1974
3213 93rd Congress: Foreign Relations, 1973-1974
3214 93rd Congress: Foreign Trade Bill: Jackson Amendment, 1974
3215 93rd Congress: Forest Service (Harold H. Block), 1973-1974
3216 93rd Congress: Funding for Agricultural Programs, 1973-1974
3217 93rd Congress: Funding of Alternatives to Traditional Cancer Treatment, 1971-1973
3218 93rd Congress: Funding for the Large Space Telescope, 1974
3219 93rd Congress: Funk's Greyhound Racing, 1973-1976
32110 93rd Congress: GI Benefits, 1974
32111 93rd Congress: GI Bill Increase, 1974
32112 93rd Congress: Garnishment of Military Pay, 1973-1974
32113 93rd Congress: Gas Rationing and Fuel Allocation, 1973 June-November
32114 93rd Congress: Gas Rationing and Fuel Allocation, 1973 December
32115 93rd Congress: Gas Rationing and Fuel Allocation, 1974
32116 93rd Congress: Gas Tax, 1973
32117 93rd Congress: Gas Tax, 1974-1975
32118 93rd Congress: Gasoline Shortage and Price Controls, 1973-1974
32119 93rd Congress: Genocide Treaty, 1970-1973
32120 93rd Congress: Genocide Treaty, 1974 January (1 of 2)
32121 93rd Congress: Genocide Treaty, 1974 January (2 of 2)
32122 93rd Congress: Genocide Treaty, 1974 February-December
32123 93rd Congress: Gila Bend Water Supply (Stout Water Works), 1973-1975
32124 93rd Congress: Glen Canyon Dam River Flow, 1973
32125 93rd Congress: The Gold Standard, 1973-1974
32126 93rd Congress: Golden Coverup, 1973
32127 93rd Congress: Goldwater's Attendance and Voting Record, 1972-1974
32128 93rd Congress: Goldwater for President in 1976, 1973-1974
32129 93rd Congress: Goldwater for Vice-President, 1973
32130 93rd Congress: Goldwater for Vice-President, 1974 August 6-12
32131 93rd Congress: Goldwater for Vice-President, 1974 August 13-27
32132 93rd Congress: Goldwater for Vice-President, 1974 August (Mailgrams)
32133 93rd Congress: Government Bureaucracy, 1972-1974
3221 93rd Congress: Grand Canyon, 1973 January-February
3222 93rd Congress: Grand Canyon, 1973 March-April
3223 93rd Congress: Grand Canyon, 1973 May-June
3224 93rd Congress: Grand Canyon, 1973 July-August
3225 93rd Congress: Grand Canyon, 1973 September-December
3226 93rd Congress: Grand Canyon, 1974 January-April
3227 93rd Congress: Grand Canyon, 1974 May-July
3228 93rd Congress: Grand Canyon, 1974 August-September
3229 93rd Congress: Grand Canyon, 1974 October-December
32210 93rd Congress: Grazing, 1971-1974
32211 93rd Congress: Green Valley, Arizona, 1973
32212 93rd Congress: Greer Cemetery (Forest Service), 1974-1975
32213 93rd Congress: Gun Control (Against), 1972-1974
32214 93rd Congress: Handicapped Programs (Various), 1973-1974
32215 93rd Congress: Hart's Prairie, 1973
32216 93rd Congress: Health Care, 1974
32217 93rd Congress: Health, Education and Welfare (Funding), 1973
32218 93rd Congress: Health, Education and Welfare, 1974
32219 93rd Congress: Health Network of Maricopa County, 1974
32220 93rd Congress: Hearst Kidnapping, 1974
32221 93rd Congress: Helmets and Seatbelts, 1974
32222 93rd Congress: Herbert, Lieutenant Colonel Anthony, 1973-1978
32223 93rd Congress: Hi-Jacking, 1973
32224 93rd Congress: Horsethief Basin, 1971-1974
32225 93rd Congress: Hospitals (Various), 1973-1974
3231 93rd Congress: Hospitals and the Taft-Hartley Act, 1974
3232 93rd Congress: Housing (Various), 1974-1975
3233 93rd Congress: Housing for the Elderly, 1974
3234 93rd Congress: Housing and Urban Development, 1973-1975
3235 93rd Congress: Illegal Aliens, 1970-1974
3236 93rd Congress: Immigrant Visa Numbers, 1973
3237 93rd Congress: Immigration, 1973 January-May
3238 93rd Congress: Immigration, 1973 June-December
3239 93rd Congress: Immigration, 1974-1975
32310 93rd Congress: Importation of Birds, S 399, 1973-1974
32311 93rd Congress: Impounded Funds, 1973
32312 93rd Congress: Income Tax, 1973-1974
32313 93rd Congress: Inflation, 1971 March-1973 May
32314 93rd Congress: Inflation, 1973 June-December
32315 93rd Congress: Inflation, 1974 January-June
32316 93rd Congress: Inflation, 1974 July-September
32317 93rd Congress: Inflation, 1974 October-December
32318 93rd Congress: Inflation (Studies and Goldwater Brochure), 1974
32319 93rd Congress: Inspiration Consolidated Copper Company, 1974-1975
32320 93rd Congress: Insulation and Minimum Property Standards, 1974
32321 93rd Congress: Insurance, 1973-1974
32322 93rd Congress: Internal Revenue Service, 1973-1974
32323 93rd Congress: Internal Security Committee, 1973-1974
32324 93rd Congress: Israel, 1973 February-October
32325 93rd Congress: Israel, 1973 November-December
32326 93rd Congress: Israel, 1973 (Mailgrams and Postcards)
32327 93rd Congress: Israel, 1974
32328 93rd Congress: Japan, 1973-1974
32329 93rd Congress: Jews in Romania, 1974
32330 93rd Congress: Jews in Russia, 1973-1974
32331 93rd Congress: Jobs for Progress Funding, 1973
3241 93rd Congress: Juvenile Justice, 1973-1974
3242 93rd Congress: Kennedy, Edward (Ted), 1973
3243 93rd Congress: Killing of Calves (Wisconsin Dairy Crisis), 1974
3244 93rd Congress: Kissinger, Henry, 1973-1974
3245 93rd Congress: Labor (Various), 1972-1976
3246 93rd Congress: Labor Disputes and Health Care (Cooling off Period), 1974
3247 93rd Congress: Labor Unions, 1972-1974
3248 93rd Congress: Lakeside Summer Home Association (Land Exchange), 1974
3249 93rd Congress: Land and Water Conservation, 1971-1973
32410 93rd Congress: Land Development and Use, 1972-1974
32411 93rd Congress: Land Exchange (Luke Air Force Base and Jay Fuller), 1973-1975
32412 93rd Congress: Land Sales and Land Fraud, 1972-1974
32413 93rd Congress: Law Enforcement, 1973-1974
32414 93rd Congress: Legal Aid Services, 1973-1974
32415 93rd Congress: Lithuania, 1974
32416 93rd Congress: The Lottery, 1974-1975
32417 93rd Congress: Lower Colorado River Land Permits (Parker, Arizona), 1972-1974
32418 93rd Congress: Lumber, 1973-1974
32419 93rd Congress: Magna Copper Company Overtime, 1974
32420 93rd Congress: Making Classified Information Public, 1974
32421 93rd Congress: Manpower Program Budget Cuts, 1973-1974
32422 93rd Congress: Masonry Standards (Housing and Urban Development), 1974
32423 93rd Congress: Maturity Laws (Age 18), 1972-1974
32424 93rd Congress: McDonnell Douglas (NASA), 1974
32425 93rd Congress: Meat Imports, 1974-1976
32426 93rd Congress: Meat Inspection, 1973
32427 93rd Congress: Medicare and Insurance Premiums, 1973-1974
32428 93rd Congress: Medical Tax Deductions and Inequities, 1972-1973
32429 93rd Congress: Medicare (Various), 1973-1974
32430 93rd Congress: Mental Health Services, 1971-1974
32431 93rd Congress: Metric System, 1971-1974
32432 93rd Congress: Middle East, 1973-1974
32433 93rd Congress: Military Dual Compensation, 1970-1973
32434 93rd Congress: Military Pay Bonus for Physicians, 1974
3251 93rd Congress: Military Pay Raise, 1973-1974
3252 93rd Congress: Military Reservist Pay, 1972-1974
3253 93rd Congress: Military Retirement Pay, 1974
3254 93rd Congress: Military Spending, 1973-1974
3255 93rd Congress: Military Strength, 1973-1974
3256 93rd Congress: Minimum Wage, 1972-1974
3257 93rd Congress: Mining, 1973-1974
3258 93rd Congress: Mining Law Reform, 1972-1974
3259 93rd Congress: Mining on Forest Lands, 1974
32510 93rd Congress: Missing in Action (MIAs), 1974
32511 93rd Congress: Mobile Home Rent Increase, 1973
32512 93rd Congress: Model Cities Program Funding, 1974
32513 93rd Congress: Mogollon Rim Land Use Plan, 1974
32514 93rd Congress: Moroz, Valentyn, 1974-1979
32515 93rd Congress: Mortgage Monies, 1973-1974
32516 93rd Congress: Mortgage Rates, 1973-1974
32517 93rd Congress: Multiple Sclerosis, 1972-1974
32518 93rd Congress: Museums Services Act, 1974
32519 93rd Congress: National Citizens Committee for Fairness to the President, 1974
32520 93rd Congress: National Forests and Park Service Complaints, 1973-1974
32521 93rd Congress: National Guard, 1974
32522 93rd Congress: National Health Insurance, 1974
32523 93rd Congress: NATO, 1974-1977
32524 93rd Congress: Natural Gas, 1972-1974
32525 93rd Congress: New Class of Citizens Radio Service (Reallocation of Frequencies), 1972-1974
32526 93rd Congress: New Jersey Environment (Turner, Anne), 1973
32527 93rd Congress: News Media, 1971-1973
32528 93rd Congress: News Media, 1974-1975
32529 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1973 March-September
32530 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1973 October
32531 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1973 October 5-20
32532 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1973 October 21 (1 of 3)
3261 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1973 October 21 (2 of 3)
3262 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1973 October 21 (3 of 3)
3263 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1973 October 22 (1 of 4)
3264 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1973 October 22 (2 of 4)
3265 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1973 October 22 (3 of 4)
3266 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1973 October 22 (4 of 4)
3267 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1973 October 23 (1 of 2)
3268 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1973 October 23 (2 of 2)
3269 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1973 October 24
32610 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1973 October 25
32611 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1973 October 26
32612 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1973 October 27
32613 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1973 October 28
3271 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1973 October 2
3272 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1973 October 30-31
3273 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1973 November (1 of 3)
3274 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1973 November (2 of 3)
3275 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1973 November (3 of 3)
3276 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1973 November 1 (1 of 2)
3277 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1973 November 1 (2 of 2)
3278 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1973 November 2
3279 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1973 November 3
32710 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1973 November 4
32711 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1973 November 5
32712 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1973 November 6
32713 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1973 November 7
Includes form letters.
32714 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1973 November 8
3281 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1973 November 9-10
3282 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1973 November 11
3283 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1973 November 12-13
3284 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1973 November 14-17
3285 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1973 November 18-22
3286 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1973 November 23-30
3287 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1973 December
3288 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1974 January 3-12
3289 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1974 January 13-14
32810 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1974 January 15
32811 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1974 January 16
32812 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1974 January 17-18
32813 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1974 January 19-31
32814 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1974 February-April
32815 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1974 May
32816 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1974 June
32817 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1974 July
32818 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1974 August 1-6
3291 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1974 August 7-8
3292 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1974 August 9-31
3293 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1974 September 1-8
3294 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1974 September 9-30
3295 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), 1974 October-November
3296 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), Undated (1 of 2)
Includes form letters.
3297 93rd Congress: Nixon (Against), Undated (2 of 2)
3298 93rd Congress: Nixon, 1973-1974 (Newsclippings)
3299 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 January-August
Includes form letters.
32910 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 September 5-October 21
32911 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 October 23 (1 of 2)
32912 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 October 23 (2 of 2)
32913 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 October 24
32914 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 October 25
32915 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 October 26
32916 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 October 27-28
3301 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 October 29
3302 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 October 30
3303 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 October 31
3304 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 October (1 of 2)
3305 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 October (2 of 2)
3306 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 November 1
3307 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 November 2 (1 of 2)
3308 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 November 2 (2 of 2)
3309 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 November 3 (1 of 3)
33010 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 November 3 (2 of 3)
33011 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 November 3 (3 of 3)
33012 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 November 4 (1 of 3)
33013 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 November 4 (2 of 3)
33014 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 November 4 (3 of 3)
33015 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 November 5 (1 of 5)
33016 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 November 5 (2 of 5)
3311 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 November 5 (3 of 5)
3312 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 November 5 (4 of 5)
3313 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 November 5 (5 of 5)
3314 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 November 6 (1 of 3)
3315 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 November 6 (2 of 3)
3316 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 November 6 (3 of 3)
3317 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 November 7 (1 of 2)
3318 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 November 7 (2 of 2)
3319 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 November 8
33110 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 November 9
33111 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 November 10 (1 of 2)
33112 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 November 10 (2 of 2)
33113 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 November 11
33114 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 November 12 (1 of 2)
3321 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 November 12 (2 of 2)
3322 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 November 13
3323 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 November 14
3324 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 November 15
3325 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 November 16 (1 of 2)
3326 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 November 16 (2 of 2)
3327 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 November 17-18
3328 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 November 19-20
3329 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 November 21-24
33210 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 November 25-27
33211 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 November 28-30
33212 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 November (1 of 6)
33213 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 November (2 of 6)
33214 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 November (3 of 6)
33215 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 November (4 of 6)
33216 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 November (5 of 6)
3331 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 November (6 of 6)
3332 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1973 December
3333 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1974 January 1-12
3334 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1974 January 13 (1 of 2)
3335 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1974 January 13 (2 of 2)
3336 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1974 January 14 (1 of 2)
3337 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1974 January 14 (2 of 2)
3338 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1974 January 15
3339 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1974 January 17-18
33310 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1974 January 19-20
33311 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1974 January 23-24
33312 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1974 January 25-31
33313 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1974 January (1 of 2)
33314 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1974 January (2 of 2)
33315 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1974 February
33316 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1974 March-April
33317 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1974 May
33318 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1974 June
3341 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1974 July
3342 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1974 August 1-5
3343 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1974 August 5-7 (Telegrams)
3344 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1974 August 6
3345 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1974 August 7
3346 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1974 August 8 (Telegrams; 1 of 3)
3347 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1974 August 8 (2 of 3)
3348 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1974 August 8 (3 of 3)
3349 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1974 August 9
33410 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1974 August 10-11
33411 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1974 August 12-14
33412 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1974 August 15-31
33413 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1974 August (1 of 2)
33414 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1974 August (2 of 2)
33415 93rd Congress: Nixon (For), 1974 September-October
33416 93rd Congress: Nixon's Pardon (Against), 1974 May-September 10
3351 93rd Congress: Nixon's Pardon (Against), 1974 September 11-24
3352 93rd Congress: Nixon's Pardon (Against), 1974 September 25-December
3353 93rd Congress: No Fault Insurance, 1972-1974
3354 93rd Congress: "No-Knock" Law, 1970-1973
3355 93rd Congress: Non-Returnable Bottles, 1974
3356 93rd Congress: NOW Accounts, 1973
3357 93rd Congress: Nuclear Power, 1974
3358 93rd Congress: Nuclear Power to the Middle East, 1974
3359 93rd Congress: Nuclear Power Plant Construction, 1971-1974
33510 93rd Congress: Ocean Treaties, 1971-1976
33511 93rd Congress: Occupational Safety and Health Act, 1972-1974
33512 93rd Congress: Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 1974
33513 93rd Congress: Office of Economic Opportunity Funding, 1973
33514 93rd Congress: Off-Road Vehicles, 1973-1974
33515 93rd Congress: Oil (Various), 1974
33516 93rd Congress: Oil Company Profits, 1973-1974
33517 93rd Congress: Oil Exports, 1973-1974
33518 93rd Congress: Oil and Gas Leasing (Bureau of Land Management), 1974
33519 93rd Congress: Oil Price Rollback (Criticisms), 1974
33520 93rd Congress: Older Americans Act, 1973-1974
33521 93rd Congress: Orme Dam and Fort McDowell Indian Reservation, 1972-1974
33522 93rd Congress: Optometrists (Various), 1974-1976
33523 93rd Congress: Packers and Stockyard Regulations (Arizona Cattle Feeders), 1974
33524 93rd Congress: Pan American Airlines (Various), 1974-1975
33525 93rd Congress: Pan American Airlines, S 3481, 1974
33526 93rd Congress: Panama Canal, 1971-1973
3361 93rd Congress: Panama Canal, 1974 January-April
3362 93rd Congress: Panama Canal, 1974 May-December
3363 93rd Congress: Pena Blanca Lake, 1969-1974
3364 93rd Congress: Pension Plans, 1972-1974
3365 93rd Congress: Pension Reform, 1973 May-September
3366 93rd Congress: Pension Reform, 1973 October (1 of 2)
3367 93rd Congress: Pension Reform, 1973 October (2 of 2)
3368 93rd Congress: Peralta Trail (Forest Service and Hikers), 1974
3369 93rd Congress: Phoenix Indian Center Funding, 1973
33610 93rd Congress: Physician-Patient Privilege, 1973
33611 93rd Congress: Piscataway Park (Preservation of Mt. Vernon Overview), 1973-1974
33612 93rd Congress: Pollution, 1972-1973 (1 of 2)
33613 93rd Congress: Pollution, 1973-1975 (2 of 2)
33614 93rd Congress: Pollution in Arizona, 1973-1974
33615 93rd Congress: Population Control, 1972-1974
33616 93rd Congress: Pornography, 1973-1974
33617 93rd Congress: Postal Rates, 1973-1974
33618 93rd Congress: Postal Service, 1973-1974
33619 93rd Congress: Precinct Committee, 1974
33620 93rd Congress: Predator Control, 1974
33621 93rd Congress: President Ford, 1973-1974
33622 93rd Congress: Presidential Homes (Tax Support), 1973-1974
33623 93rd Congress: Presidential Powers, 1973-1974
33624 93rd Congress: Prison Reform, 1973-1974
33625 93rd Congress: Prisoners of War (POWs), 1973-1976
33626 93rd Congress: Privacy, 1974
33627 93rd Congress: Private Schools, 1973-1974
33628 93rd Congress: Professional Standard Review, 1973-1974
3371 93rd Congress: Prose Walker and the Federal Communications Commission, 1973-1974
3372 93rd Congress: Public Broadcasting, 1973
3373 93rd Congress: Public Financing, 1974
3374 93rd Congress: Railroad Retirement Pensions, 1973
3375 93rd Congress: Railroad Retirement Pensions, 1974
3376 93rd Congress: Railroad System, 1971-1974
3377 93rd Congress: Rainbow Camp Ground (Big Lake Sanitation Conditions), 1974
3378 93rd Congress: Rebuilding North Vietnam, 1973 February-March
3379 93rd Congress: Rebuilding North Vietnam, 1973 April-May
33710 93rd Congress: Recognition of Red China, 1973-1974
33711 93rd Congress: Re-computation of Military Retirement Pay, 1972-1973 (1 of 3)
33712 93rd Congress: Re-computation of Military Retirement Pay, 1973 (2 of 3)
33713 93rd Congress: Re-computation of Military Retirement Pay, 1974 (3 of 3)
33714 93rd Congress: Recreation on Public Lands, 1973
33715 93rd Congress: Refusal of Airline Search (Senator Vance Hartke), 1973
33716 93rd Congress: Rehabilitation Act, 1973-1974
33717 93rd Congress: Rental Rates, 1973
33718 93rd Congress: Response to McGovern, 1973
33719 93rd Congress: Retirement Benefits for Bureau of Indian Affairs Employees, 1974
33720 93rd Congress: Retirement Benefits for Reservists, 1973
33721 93rd Congress: Retirement Plans, 1972-1974
33722 93rd Congress: Revenue Sharing, 1972-1973 (1 of 2)
33723 93rd Congress: Revenue Sharing, 1973-1975 (2 of 2)
33724 93rd Congress: Rhodesian Chrome, 1973-1974
33725 93rd Congress: Richardson, Elliot (Secretary of Defense), 1973
33726 93rd Congress: Right to Work, 1974
33727 93rd Congress: Rockefeller as Vice President (Against), 1974 August 7-19
33728 93rd Congress: Rockefeller as Vice President (Against), 1974 August 20
3381 93rd Congress: Rockefeller as Vice President (Against), 1974 August 21
3382 93rd Congress: Rockefeller as Vice President (Against), 1974 August 22
3383 93rd Congress: Rockefeller as Vice President (Against), 1974 August 23
3384 93rd Congress: Rockefeller as Vice President (Against), 1974 August 24-25
3385 93rd Congress: Rockefeller as Vice President (Against), 1974 August 26-27
3386 93rd Congress: Rockefeller as Vice President (Against), 1974 August 28-31
3387 93rd Congress: Rockefeller as Vice President (Against), 1974 September
3388 93rd Congress: Rockefeller as Vice President (Against), 1974 October
3389 93rd Congress: Rockefeller as Vice President (Against), 1974 November-December
Includes form letters.
33810 93rd Congress: Rockefeller as Vice President (Against), 1974
33811 93rd Congress: Rockefeller as Vice President (For), 1974
33812 93rd Congress: Salt River Project, 1973-1974
33813 93rd Congress: SALT Treaties, 1974
33814 93rd Congress: San Carlos Mineral Strip, 1973
33815 93rd Congress: San Francisco Peaks (Flagstaff, Arizona), 1974 February-June
33816 93rd Congress: San Francisco Peaks, 1974 July-December
33817 93rd Congress: School Lunch Funding, 1973-1974
33818 93rd Congress: Sea Bed Treaty, 1973
33819 93rd Congress: Seat Belts, 1974
33820 93rd Congress: Senior Citizens, 1973-1974
33821 93rd Congress: Sex Discrimination, 1974
33822 93rd Congress: Sex Education, 1974-1975
33823 93rd Congress: Silver Creek Irrigation District, 1973
33824 93rd Congress: Smokey the Bear, 1974
33825 93rd Congress: Social Security, 1973
33826 93rd Congress: Social Security, 1974 January-June
3391 93rd Congress: Social Security, 1974 July-1975 February
3392 93rd Congress: Social Security Earnings Limitation, S 3065, 1973 January-1974 March
3393 93rd Congress: Social Security Earnings Limitation, 1974 April-May
3394 93rd Congress: Social Security Earnings Limitation, 1974 June-August
3395 93rd Congress: Social Security Earnings Limitation, 1974 September-December
3396 93rd Congress: Social Services Funding, 1973
3397 93rd Congress: Soldier Camp: Mt. Lemmon (Land Exchange), 1974-1976
3398 93rd Congress: Space Program (Funding), 1972-1974
3399 93rd Congress: Spanish Speaking People, 1972-1974
33910 93rd Congress: Sports Programs Funding, 1972-1974
33911 93rd Congress: State Department (Various), 1972-1974
33912 93rd Congress: Steel Prices, 1973-1974
Includes colleague correspondence.
33913 93rd Congress: Steel Traps for Hunting, 1974
33914 93rd Congress: The Stock Market, 1973
33915 93rd Congress: Strip Mining, 1972-1974
33916 93rd Congress: Suez Canal, 1974-1975
33917 93rd Congress: Sugar Bill, 1974-1975
33918 93rd Congress: Supersonic Transport Program, 1973
33919 93rd Congress: Supplemental Airline Charters, 1973
33920 93rd Congress: Supreme Court Decisions, 1973
33921 93rd Congress: Surtax, 1973
33922 93rd Congress: Surtax, 1974
33923 93rd Congress: Survivor Annuity Benefits, 1974
33924 93rd Congress: Tariffs on U.S. Citrus, 1971-1973 (1 of 2)
33925 93rd Congress: Tariffs on U.S. Citrus, 1971-1973 (2 of 2)
33926 93rd Congress: Tax Credit for Schools (Public and Private), 1973
33927 93rd Congress: Tax Deductions for Charitable Organizations, 1972-1973
33928 93rd Congress: Tax Deductions for Charitable Organizations, 1974 January-March
33929 93rd Congress: Tax Deductions for Charitable Organizations, 1974 April-May
33930 93rd Congress: Tax Deductions for Charitable Organizations, 1974 June-November
3401 93rd Congress: Tax Reform, 1972-1973
3402 93rd Congress: Tax Reform, 1974
3403 93rd Congress: Tax Relief for Condominium Owners, 1974
3404 93rd Congress: Taxes (Various), 1972-1973
3405 93rd Congress: Taxes, 1974
3406 93rd Congress: Taxes: Married vs. Single, 1974
3407 93rd Congress: Taxes for Single Persons, 1972-1974
3408 93rd Congress: Tonto National Forest (Controlled Burns), 1974
3409 93rd Congress: Tonto National Forest (Various), 1971-1974
34010 93rd Congress: Toxicology Studies in Beagles, 1973
34011 93rd Congress: Trade and Trade Reform, 1972-1974
34012 93rd Congress: Trade Reform Act, 1974
34013 93rd Congress: Trade with Communist Countries, 1972-1974
34014 93rd Congress: Transportation (Various), 1973-1975
34015 93rd Congress: Troops in Europe, 1973
34016 93rd Congress: Trucking and Diesel Fuel, 1973-1974
34017 93rd Congress: Tucson Estates and Conoco Oil Drilling, 1973
34018 93rd Congress: Tucson Estates and Mining Claims S 2590, 1973
34019 93rd Congress: Turkey, 1974
34020 93rd Congress: Uganda, 1974
34021 93rd Congress: Undercount of Mexican American Population in Arizona, 1974
34022 93rd Congress: Unemployment, 1972-1974
34023 93rd Congress: United Nations (Various), 1973-1974
34024 93rd Congress: United Nations Membership, 1972-1974
34025 93rd Congress: Urban Transportation, 1973
34026 93rd Congress: Veterans Benefits, 1973-1974
34027 93rd Congress: Veterans Disability Benefits, 1973-1974
34028 93rd Congress: Veterans Pensions, 1973-1974
34029 93rd Congress: Vietnam, 1972-1973 (1 of 2)
34030 93rd Congress: Vietnam, 1973 (2 of 2)
34031 93rd Congress: Vietnam, 1974
3411 93rd Congress: Vietnam Bombing, 1972-1973
3412 93rd Congress: Vietnam and Drugs, 1971-1973
3413 93rd Congress: Vietnam: Missing in Action and Prisoners of War, 1972-1973
3414 93rd Congress: Vietnam: Missing in Action and Prisoners of War, 1974-1975
3415 93rd Congress: Vietnamese Orphans, 1973-1974
3416 93rd Congress: Vitamins, 1974-1975
3417 93rd Congress: Vitamins and Food Supplements, 1973 February-April
3418 93rd Congress: Vitamins and Food Supplements, 1973 May-July
3419 93rd Congress: Vitamins and Food Supplements, 1973 September-December
34110 93rd Congress: Vitamins and Food Supplements, 1974
34111 93rd Congress: Vocational Education, 1973-1974
34112 93rd Congress: Vocational Rehabilitation Act, 1973
34113 93rd Congress: Voluntary Military, 1973-1974
34114 93rd Congress: Voluntary Prayer, 1974-1975
34115 93rd Congress: Voting (Various), 1971-1973
34116 93rd Congress: Voting Rights, 1973-1976
34117 93rd Congress: WWI Veterans Pensions, 1972-1973
34118 93rd Congress: WWI Veterans Pensions, 1974
34119 93rd Congress: Wage and Price Controls, 1971-1973
34120 93rd Congress: Wage and Price Controls, 1974-1975
34121 93rd Congress: Wage Price Program (Health Industry), 1973 July-1974 February
3421 93rd Congress: Wage Price Program (Health Industry), 1974 March-May
3422 93rd Congress: Wahweap Lodge and Marina Canyon Tours, 1973
3423 93rd Congress: War Powers, 1973-1974
3424 93rd Congress: Washington D.C. Home Rule, 1973-1974
3425 93rd Congress: Watergate, 1973 January-April
3426 93rd Congress: Watergate, 1973 May (1 of 3)
3427 93rd Congress: Watergate, 1973 May (2 of 3)
3428 93rd Congress: Watergate, 1973 May (3 of 3)
3429 93rd Congress: Watergate, 1973 June (1 of 2)
34210 93rd Congress: Watergate, 1973 June (2 of 2)
34211 93rd Congress: Watergate, 1973 July (1 of 2)
34212 93rd Congress: Watergate, 1973 July (2 of 2)
34213 93rd Congress: Watergate, 1973 August (1 of 2)
34214 93rd Congress: Watergate, 1973 August (2 of 2)
34215 93rd Congress: Watergate, 1973 September (1 of 2)
34216 93rd Congress: Watergate, 1973 September (2 of 2)
34217 93rd Congress: Watergate, 1973 October
34218 93rd Congress: Watergate, 1973 November
3431 93rd Congress: Watergate, 1973 December
3432 93rd Congress: Watergate, 1974 January-June
3433 93rd Congress: Watergate, 1974 July-December
3434 93rd Congress: Watergate, Undated
3435 93rd Congress: Water Quality, 1973-1974
3436 93rd Congress: Watts Timber Sale: Apache National Forest, 1972-1973
3437 93rd Congress: Watts Timber Sale: Apache National Forest, 1974
3438 93rd Congress: Welfare, 1973-1974
3439 93rd Congress: Welfare Aid to Strikers, 1973
34310 93rd Congress: Welfare Cutbacks and Child Care Centers, 1973
34311 93rd Congress: Wellton-Mohawk Irrigation and Drainage District, 1973
34312 93rd Congress: West Coast Dock Strike, 1972-1974
34313 93rd Congress: Wheat Sale to Russia, 1972-1974
34314 93rd Congress: Wild Horses and Burros, 1973-1974
34315 93rd Congress: Wilderness Areas, 1973-1974
34316 93rd Congress: Williams, Arizona (Forest Service), 1974-1975
34317 93rd Congress: Wiretapping, 1970-1973
34318 93rd Congress: Women as Vice President, 1974
34319 93rd Congress: Wrangler Ranch Estates, 1974
34320 93rd Congress: WXUR License Re-Issue, 1972-1974
34321 93rd Congress: Zoos, 1973-1974
36023 94th Congress: Abducted Child (Pepito Perez), 1976
36024 94th Congress: Abortion, 1975 January-May
36025 94th Congress: Abortion, 1975 June-December
36026 94th Congress: Abortion, 1976 January-April
36027 94th Congress: Abortion, 1976 May-December
36028 94th Congress: Abortion (Petitions), 1975-1976
36029 94th Congress: Affinity Charters, 1975
36030 94th Congress: Agriculture (Various), 1975-1976
36031 94th Congress: Aid to Cambodia (Against), 1975 February-March
36032 94th Congress: Aid to Cambodia (Against), 1975 April 1-11
36033 94th Congress: Aid to Cambodia (Against), 1975 April 12-30
3611 94th Congress: Aid to Cambodia (For), 1975
3612 94th Congress: Airline De-regulation, 1976
3613 94th Congress: Airport Development Act, 1975-1976
3614 94th Congress: Alaskan Pipeline, 1975
3615 94th Congress: Alcoholism, 1975
3616 94th Congress: Amateur Radio, 1975 January-May
3617 94th Congress: Amateur Radio, 1975 June-December
3618 94th Congress: Amateur Radio, 1976 January-June
3619 94th Congress: Amateur Radio, 1976 July-December
36110 94th Congress: Amateur Radio (Reciprocity with Mexico), 1975-1977
36111 94th Congress: Amateur Radio (Reciprocal Licenses with Taiwan and China), 1972-1978
36112 94th Congress: Americans Against Union Control of Government, 1974-1976
36113 94th Congress: Amnesty, 1974-1976
36114 94th Congress: Angola, 1976
36115 94th Congress: Animal Welfare, 1975
36116 94th Congress: Animal Welfare, 1976
36117 94th Congress: Anti-Trust Act, 1975-1976
36118 94th Congress: Arab Boycott (and Related Issues), 1975
36119 94th Congress: Arizona City Home and Property Owners Association, 1976
36120 94th Congress: Arizona Contractors Service Center, 1976-1977
36121 94th Congress: Arizona Corporation Commission (Various), 1975-1976
36122 94th Congress: Arizona and Environmental Protection Agency, 1975
36123 94th Congress: Arizona Land Fraud, 1974-1977
36124 94th Congress: Arizona Plant Quarantine and Inspection, 1974-1976
36124 94th Congress: Asbestos, 1974-1975
36126 94th Congress: Atlantic Union Delegation, 1973-1976
36127 94th Congress: Auto Emission Standards and the Clean Air Act, 1975
36128 94th Congress: Auto Emission Standards and the Clean Air Act, 1976
3621 94th Congress: Aviation (Various), 1975-1976
3622 94th Congress: Aviation User Charge, 1975
3623 94th Congress: Baltic States, 1975-1976
3624 94th Congress: Ban Handgun Ammunition, 1968-1975
3625 94th Congress: Banking, 1975-1976
3626 94th Congress: Bark Beetles in the Hualapai Mountains, 1975
3627 94th Congress: Beef Packers, 1976
3628 94th Congress: Bolles, Don, 1976
3629 94th Congress: Broadcasting, 1975-1976
36210 94th Congress: Budget (Various), 1975
36211 94th Congress: Budget (Various), 1976
36212 94th Congress: Bureaucracy, 1975 January-May
36213 94th Congress: Bureaucracy, 1975 June-August
36214 94th Congress: Bureaucracy, 1975 September-December
36215 94th Congress: Bureaucracy, 1976
36216 94th Congress: Busing, 1975-1976
36217 94th Congress: Cable Television, 1975-1976
36218 94th Congress: Campaign Finance Reform, 1975-1976
36219 94th Congress: Canning Lid Shortage, 1975-1976
36220 94th Congress: Capital Punishment, 1975-1976
36221 94th Congress: Carter, Jimmy, 1976
36222 94th Congress: Cattle, 1974-1976
36223 94th Congress: Cellular Mobile Service (Band Frequency), 1972-1975
36224 94th Congress: Census (Genealogists), 1975-1976
36225 94th Congress: Centennial Wash (Yuma County; Dike Repair), 1976
36226 94th Congress: Central Arizona Project, 1975
36227 94th Congress: Central Intelligence Agency, 1976
36228 94th Congress: CHAMPUS, 1974-1976
36229 94th Congress: Child Development Programs (Funding), 1975
36230 94th Congress: Child and Family Services Act, 1975
3631 94th Congress: Child and Family Services Act, 1976 January 1-22
3632 94th Congress: Child and Family Services Act, 1976 January 23-31
3633 94th Congress: Child and Family Services Act, 1976 February 1-2
3634 94th Congress: Child and Family Services Act, 1976 February 3-4
3635 94th Congress: Child and Family Services Act, 1976 February 5-6
3636 94th Congress: Child and Family Services Act, 1976 February 7-9
3637 94th Congress: Child and Family Services Act, 1976 February 10-12
3638 94th Congress: Child and Family Services Act, 1976 February 13-18
3639 94th Congress: Child and Family Services Act, 1976 February 19-28
36310 94th Congress: Child and Family Services Act, 1976 March-December
36311 94th Congress: Child and Family Services Act, Undated (1 of 3)
36312 94th Congress: Child and Family Services Act, Undated (2 of 3)
36313 94th Congress: Child and Family Services Act (Opinion Ballots), Undated (3 of 3)
36314 94th Congress: Child Nutrition Programs (WIC), 1975 February
36315 94th Congress: Child Nutrition Programs (WIC), 1975 March 1-10
3641 94th Congress: Child Nutrition Programs (WIC), 1975 March 11-30
3642 94th Congress: Child Nutrition Programs (WIC), 1975 April-June
3643 94th Congress: Child Nutrition Programs (WIC), Undated
3644 94th Congress: Child Nutrition Programs (WIC), Undated
3645 94th Congress: Chile, 1976-1977
3646 94th Congress: Cigarettes, 1975
3647 94th Congress: Citizens Band Radio, 1975-1976
See also amateur radio.
3648 94th Congress: Civil Aeronautics Board (Various), 1974-1976
3649 94th Congress: Civil Service and Non-Indian Employees of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, 1974-1976
36410 94th Congress: Civil Service Retirement Bill, 1975-1977
36411 94th Congress: Classified Information, 1975-1976
Includes White House communications.
36412 94th Congress: Clean Air Act, 1975
36413 94th Congress: Clean Air Act, 1976 January-April
36414 94th Congress: Clean Air Act, 1976 May-August
36415 94th Congress: Closing Sky Harbor Airport as a Port of Entry for Mexico, 1975
36416 94th Congress: Cloture (Filibusters), 1975
36417 94th Congress: Coal, 1976
36418 94th Congress: Cock Fighting, 1975-1976
36419 94th Congress: Collective Bargaining, 1974-1976
36420 94th Congress: Communism, 1975-1976
36421 94th Congress: Condominium Tax, 1974-1975 (1 of 2)
36422 94th Congress: Condominium Tax, 1975 (2 of 2)
36423 94th Congress: Congressional Reform, 1975-1976
36424 94th Congress: Congressional Salaries, 1974-1976
36425 94th Congress: Consumer Communications Reform Act, 1976
36426 94th Congress: Consumer Protection Agency, 1975-1976
3651 94th Congress: Copper Smelters EPA Regulations, 1975-1976
3652 94th Congress: Copyright, 1975-1976
3653 94th Congress: Cosmetic Safety Amendment, 1976
3654 94th Congress: Cotton, 1975-1976
3655 94th Congress: Credit Unions, 1975-1976
3656 94th Congress: Crime, 1975-1976
3657 94th Congress: Criminal Justice Reform Act, 1975
3658 94th Congress: Criminal Justice Reform Act, 1976
3659 94th Congress: Criminal Law, 1975-1976
36510 94th Congress: Cyprus, 1975-1977
36511 94th Congress: Davis-Bacon Act, 1975
36512 94th Congress: Day Care Centers, 1976
36513 94th Congress: Death Valley Strip Mining, 1975
36514 94th Congress: Declaration of Interdependence, 1976
36515 94th Congress: Defense Budget, 1975-1976
36516 94th Congress: Deficit Spending, 1974-1976
36517 94th Congress: Depreciation of Tangible Assets (Goodyear Aerospace), 1975
36518 94th Congress: Deregulation of Natural Gas, 1975
36519 94th Congress: Détente, 1974-1976
36520 94th Congress: Disabled Veterans Compensation, 1975-1976
36521 94th Congress: Dollar Rent-A-Car, 1975
36522 94th Congress: Dolphins, 1976
36523 94th Congress: Double Tax on Dividends, 1975-1976
36524 94th Congress: Drug Abuse, 1975-1976
36525 94th Congress: Eagle Feathers, 1972-1975
36526 94th Congress: East-West Trade, 1975
36527 94th Congress: Economy, 1975 January-February
36528 94th Congress: Economy, 1975 March-December
36529 94th Congress: Economy, 1976
36530 94th Congress: Education (Various), 1975-1976
36531 94th Congress: Egypt, 1976
36532 94th Congress: Election and Electoral College Reform, 1975-1976
3661 94th Congress: Electrical Industry, 1975
3662 94th Congress: Endangered Species, 1975
3663 94th Congress: Energy, 1975 January
3664 94th Congress: Energy, 1975 February
3665 94th Congress: Energy, 1975 March
3666 94th Congress: Energy, 1975 April-May
3667 94th Congress: Energy, 1975 June-July
3668 94th Congress: Energy, 1975 August-December
3669 94th Congress: Energy, 1976 January-June
36610 94th Congress: Energy, 1976 July-December
36611 94th Congress: Energy Policy and Conservation Act, 1975
36612 94th Congress: Environment (Various), 1975
36613 94th Congress: Environmental Protection Agency, 1975
36614 94th Congress: Environmental Protection Agency, 1976 January-February
36615 94th Congress: Environmental Protection Agency, 1976 March-October
36616 94th Congress: Equal Access to Courts (First National Bank of Arizona), 1976
36617 94th Congress: Equal Credit Opportunity Act, 1975-1976
36618 94th Congress: Equal Rights Amendment, 1975-1976
36619 94th Congress: Estate Taxes, 1975-1976
36620 94th Congress: Fair Labor Standards Act, 1975-1976
36621 94th Congress: Fair Trade Repeal, 1974-1976
36622 94th Congress: Family Planning Services, 1975
36623 94th Congress: Family Research Act, 1976
36624 94th Congress: Farm Bill (Cotton), 1975
36625 94th Congress: Federal Aviation Administration (Various), 1975-1976
36626 94th Congress: Federal Aviation Administration: Examination Procedures, 1976
3671 94th Congress: Federal Communications Commission (Various), 1975-1976
3672 94th Congress: Federal Election Commission, 1976
3673 94th Congress: Federal Employees and Political Activity, 1975-1976
3674 94th Congress: Federal Energy Administration, 1974-1975
3675 94th Congress: Federal Express Corporation, 1976
3676 94th Congress: Federal Holidays, 1975
3677 94th Congress: Federal Pay Raise, 1975-1976
3678 94th Congress: Federal Reserve, 1975-1976
3679 94th Congress: Federal Trade Commission (Various), 1975-1977
36710 94th Congress: Fetal Experimentation, 1975
36711 94th Congress: Financial Reform, 1975-1976
36712 94th Congress: Flat Income Tax, 1976
36713 94th Congress: Florida Land Fraud, 1975
36714 94th Congress: Follow Through Program, 1975
36715 94th Congress: Food (Various), 1975-1976
36716 94th Congress: Food Stamps, 1975
36717 94th Congress: Food Stamps, 1976
36718 94th Congress: Ford Nomination, 1975 December-1976 May
36719 94th Congress: Ford Nomination, 1976 June 1-29
36720 94th Congress: Ford Nomination, 1976 June 30
36721 94th Congress: Ford Nomination, 1976 July 1
36722 94th Congress: Ford Nomination, 1976 July 2-6
3681 94th Congress: Ford Nomination, 1976 July 7-31
3682 94th Congress: Ford Nomination, 1976 August-October
3683 94th Congress: Ford Nomination, Undated
3684 94th Congress: Ford Nomination, 1976 (Postcards)
3685 94th Congress: Ford Nomination, 1976 (Telegrams)
3686 94th Congress: Foreign Aid, 1975
3687 94th Congress: Foreign Aid, 1976
3688 94th Congress: Foreign Assistance Act, 1976
3689 94th Congress: Foreign Ownership of U.S. Businesses, 1974-1975
36810 94th Congress: Foreign Policy, 1975-1976
36811 94th Congress: Forest Service (Harold H. Block), 1975-1976
36812 94th Congress: Fort Hood Expansion, 1976
36813 94th Congress: Foster Grandparent Program (Funding), 1975
36814 94th Congress: Free Enterprise System, 1974-1975
36815 94th Congress: Free Expression of Religious Faith, 1975
36816 94th Congress: Fuel Rationing, 1975
36817 94th Congress: Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act (Humphrey-Hawkins Bill), 1976
36818 94th Congress: Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act (Opinion Ballots), 1976
36819 94th Congress: Gambling, 1976
36820 94th Congress: Genocide Treaty, 1976
36821 94th Congress: G.I. Education Bill, 1975
36822 94th Congress: G.I. Education Bill, 1976
36822 94th Congress: Gnats in Bullhead City, 1976
36823 94th Congress: Gold, 1975-1976
36824 94th Congress: Goldwater for President in 1976, 1975
36825 94th Congress: Government Spending, 1975-1976
3691 94th Congress: Grain Inspection, Yuma, 1975-1976
3692 94th Congress: Grand Canyon (Various), 1975-1976
3693 94th Congress: Grazing Permits (Arthur L. Wright), 1974-1976
3694 94th Congress: Green Valley Water System, 1975
3695 94th Congress: Gun Control (Background), 1974-1976
3696 94th Congress: Gun Control, 1975 January-June
3697 94th Congress: Gun Control, 1975 July-September
3698 94th Congress: Gun Control, 1975 October
3699 94th Congress: Gun Control, 1975 November 1-17
36910 94th Congress: Gun Control, 1975 November 18-22
36911 94th Congress: Gun Control, 1975 November 23-30
36912 94th Congress: Gun Control, 1975 December
36913 94th Congress: Gun Control, 1976 January-February
36914 94th Congress: Gun Control, 1976 March-June
36915 94th Congress: Gun Control, 1976 July-December
36916 94th Congress: Gun Control, Undated
36917 94th Congress: Gun Control (Ban on Handgun Ammunition), 1975 January-February 13
36918 94th Congress: Gun Control (Ban on Handgun Ammunition), 1975 February 14-19
36919 94th Congress: Gun Control (Ban on Handgun Ammunition), 1975 February 20-28
36920 94th Congress: Gun Control (Ban on Handgun Ammunition), 1975 March-April
36921 94th Congress: Gun Control (Ban on Handgun Ammunition), Undated
36922 94th Congress: Gun Control (Petitions), 1975
36923 94th Congress: Gun Control (Petitions: 10% Sample), 1976
36924 94th Congress: Gun Control (10% Sample), 1975-1976 (Postcards)
3701 94th Congress: Gun Control Article in Readers Digest, 1975 November
Written by Goldwater.
3702 94th Congress: Gun Control Article in Readers Digest, 1975 December
Written by Goldwater.
3703 94th Congress: Gun Control Article in Readers Digest, 1976 January
Written by Goldwater.
3704 94th Congress: Guns of Autumn CBS Program, 1975
3705 94th Congress: Hatch Act, 1975
3706 94th Congress: Hatch Act, 1976
3707 94th Congress: Hathaway Nomination, 1975
3708 94th Congress: Health Care, 1974-1975
3709 94th Congress: Health, Education and Welfare (Funding), 1975-1976
37010 94th Congress: Health, Education and Welfare Competitive Bidding, 1975
37011 94th Congress: Health Food Labeling, 1975
37012 94th Congress: Health Insurance, 1974-1976
37013 94th Congress: Health Spa Regulations, 1975
37014 94th Congress: Helmet Laws, 1974-1976
37015 94th Congress: Hercules the Quail (Jack King Jr.), 1974-1975
37016 94th Congress: Homosexuals, 1975-1976
37017 94th Congress: Hospitals, 1976
37018 94th Congress: Hyde Amendment, 1976
37019 94th Congress: Illegal Aliens, 1975-1976
37020 94th Congress: India, 1975-1976
37021 94th Congress: Inflation, 1975
37022 94th Congress: Inflation, 1976
37023 94th Congress: Inter-American Foundation, 1975-1976
37024 94th Congress: Internal Revenue Service (Various), 1975-1976
37025 94th Congress: Internal Revenue Service and Oil Jobbers, 1975
37026 94th Congress: Internal Security Subcommittee, 1975-1976
37027 94th Congress: Interstate Commerce Commission, 1976
37028 94th Congress: Israel, 1974-1976
37029 94th Congress: Jordan, 1975
37030 94th Congress: Kaiparowits Plant (Utah), 1973-1976
3711 94th Congress: Kanab Creek Allotment (Cattle Grazing), 1976-1977
3712 94th Congress: Kennedy Assassination, 1975-1976
3713 94th Congress: Kingman Airport, 1975-1976
3714 94th Congress: Kissinger, Henry, 1974-1975
3715 94th Congress: Kissinger, Henry, 1976-1978
3716 94th Congress: Labor Unions, 1975
3717 94th Congress: Labor Unions, 1976
3718 94th Congress: Land Development and Use, 1975
3719 94th Congress: Land Use Fees (Forest Service), 1975
37110 94th Congress: Land and Water Conservation Fund, 1976
37111 94th Congress: Law Enforcement (Various), 1975-1976
37112 94th Congress: Legal Aid Corporation, 1975-1976
37113 94th Congress: Levi, Edward (Nomination for Attorney General), 1975
37114 94th Congress: Library of Congress James Madison Memorial Building, 1974-1976
37115 94th Congress: Lincoln Thrift Company, 1976
37116 94th Congress: Lobby Reform, 1974-1976
37117 94th Congress: LTV Aerospace Corporation (F-18, F-14, A-7 Sales; Pakistan), 1975-1976
37118 94th Congress: Lunar Samples (Analysis, Storage), 1976-1977
37119 94th Congress: Magna Carta, 1976
37120 94th Congress: Malpractice, 1975-1976 (1 of 2)
37121 94th Congress: Malpractice, 1975-1976 (2 of 2)
37122 94th Congress: Marijuana, 1974-1976
37123 94th Congress: Mayaguez Seizure (Cambodia), 1975
37124 94th Congress: Meadview (Mohave County), 1976
37125 94th Congress: Medicare, 1975-1976
37126 94th Congress: The Metric System, 1975-1976
37127 94th Congress: Mexican Nationals and Wood Hauling, 1974-1975
37128 94th Congress: Mexico-U.S. Relations, 1975-1976
37129 94th Congress: Middle East, 1975 February-August
37130 94th Congress: Middle East, 1975 September 1-22
37131 94th Congress: Middle East, 1975 September 23-30
37132 94th Congress: Middle East, 1975 October-November
37133 94th Congress: Middle East, 1976
3721 94th Congress: Military (Various), 1975
3722 94th Congress: Military (Various), 1976
3723 94th Congress: Military Benefits (Response to Speech at National Space Club), 1976 (1 of 2)
3724 94th Congress: Military Benefits (Response to Speech at National Space Club), 1976 (2 of 2)
3725 94th Congress: Military Commissary Stores, 1975
3726 94th Congress: Military Commissary Stores, 1976
3727 94th Congress: Military Lawyers and Judges (Pay), 1974-1975
3728 94th Congress: Military Pay Raise, 1975-1976
3729 94th Congress: Military Reserves and National Guard Pay, 1975-1976
37210 94th Congress: Military Retirement Pay and Benefits, 1975-1976
Includes Les Aspin study.
37211 94th Congress: Military Spending, 1975-1976
37212 94th Congress: Mineral Leasing Bill, 1975
37213 94th Congress: Minimum Wage, 1975-1976
Includes colleague correspondence.
37214 94th Congress: Mining, 1973-1976
37215 94th Congress: Missing in Action (MIA), 1975-1976
37216 94th Congress: Morgan, Louis S., 1972-1975
37217 94th Congress: Mount Lemmon and MARS Radio, 1974-1975
37218 94th Congress: Multiple Sclerosis, 1975
37219 94th Congress: Murder and Kidnapping as an Instrument of Soviet Policy (Exotic Weapons), 1965-1975
37220 94th Congress: National Commission of the Observance of International Women's Year, 1975-1976
37221 94th Congress: National Debt, 1975-1976
37222 94th Congress: National Flooring Company (Federal Bidding Process), 1975
37223 94th Congress: National Guard, 1976
37224 94th Congress: National Health Insurance, 1975-1976
37225 94th Congress: National Science Foundation and the MACOS Program, 1975
37226 94th Congress: Natural Gas, 197-1976
37227 94th Congress: Natural Gas Production S 692 (Deregulation), 1975-1976
37228 94th Congress: Naturalization, 1975
37229 94th Congress: Naval Reserve, 1976
37230 94th Congress: New Class of Citizens Radio Service (Reallocation of Frequencies), 1975
37231 94th Congress: New Port of Entry for Yuma Customs, 1975
37232 94th Congress: New York City Bailout, 1975 September-October
37233 94th Congress: New York City Bailout, 1975 November-December
3731 94th Congress: New York City Bailout, 1976
3732 94th Congress: News Media, 1976
3733 94th Congress: Nixon, Richard, 1975
3734 94th Congress: Nixon, Richard: Trip to China Statement (Against), 1976 February 2-24
3735 94th Congress: Nixon, Richard: Trip to China Statement (Against), 1976 February 25 (1 of 3)
3736 94th Congress: Nixon, Richard: Trip to China Statement (Against), 1976 February 25 (2 of 3)
3737 94th Congress: Nixon, Richard: Trip to China Statement (Against), 1976 February 25 (3 of 3)
3738 94th Congress: Nixon, Richard: Trip to China Statement (Against), 1976 February 26 (1 of 3)
3739 94th Congress: Nixon, Richard: Trip to China Statement (Against), 1976 February 26 (2 of 3)
37310 94th Congress: Nixon, Richard: Trip to China Statement (Against), 1976 February 26 (3 of 3)
37311 94th Congress: Nixon, Richard: Trip to China Statement (Against), 1976 February 27
37312 94th Congress: Nixon, Richard: Trip to China Statement (Against), 1976 February 28-29
37313 94th Congress: Nixon, Richard: Trip to China Statement (Against), 1976 March 1-2
37314 94th Congress: Nixon, Richard: Trip to China Statement (Against), 1976 March 3-17
37315 94th Congress: Nixon, Richard: Trip to China Statement (Against), Undated (1 of 2)
37316 94th Congress: Nixon, Richard: Trip to China Statement (Against), Undated (2 of 2)
37317 94th Congress: Nixon, Richard: Trip to China Statement (Against), 1976 (Postcards)
37318 94th Congress: Nixon, Richard: Trip to China Statement (For), 1976 February 1-25
37319 94th Congress: Nixon, Richard: Trip to China Statement (For), 1976 February 26
37320 94th Congress: Nixon, Richard: Trip to China Statement (For), 1976 February 27-29
3741 94th Congress: Nixon, Richard: Trip to China Statement (For), 1976 March 1976
3742 94th Congress: Nixon, Richard: Trip to China Statement (For), 1976 (Postcards)
3743 94th Congress: No-Fault Insurance, 1975
Includes colleague correspondence and committee testimony.
3744 94th Congress: No-Fault Insurance, 1976
3745 94th Congress: Non-Returnable Containers, 1975-1976
3746 94th Congress: Nuclear Energy, 1975-1976
3747 94th Congress: Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 1975
3748 94th Congress: Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 1976
3749 94th Congress: Ocean Seabed Treaties (Law of the Sea), 1976
37410 94th Congress: Office of Equal Opportunity Appropriations, 1975
37411 94th Congress: Oil (Various), 1975-1976
37412 94th Congress: Oil Company Divestiture, 1975 December-1976 May
37413 94th Congress: Oil Company Divestiture, 1976 June-July
37414 94th Congress: Oil Company Divestiture, 1976 August-December
37415 94th Congress: Oil Company Divestiture (Opinion Ballots), 1976 (1 of 2)
37416 94th Congress: Oil Company Divestiture (Opinion Ballots), 1976 (2 of 2)
37417 94th Congress: Oil Depletion Allowance, 1974-1976
37418 94th Congress: Oil: Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act, 1975
37419 94th Congress: Oil Prices, 1974-1975
37420 94th Congress: Oil Profits, 1975
37421 94th Congress: Olympics, 1974-1976
37422 94th Congress: Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 1975
37423 94th Congress: Orme Dam, 1976
37424 94th Congress: Orphans in Cambodia and Vietnam, 1975
37425 94th Congress: Palestine Liberation Organization, 1975
3751 94th Congress: Panama Canal, 1975 January-March
3752 94th Congress: Panama Canal, 1975 April
3753 94th Congress: Panama Canal, 1975 May
3754 94th Congress: Panama Canal, 1975 June-July
3755 94th Congress: Panama Canal, 1975 August-December
3756 94th Congress: Panama Canal, 1976 January-February
3757 94th Congress: Panama Canal, 1976 March-April
3758 94th Congress: Panama Canal, 1976 May 1-13
3759 94th Congress: Panama Canal, 1976 May 14-31
37510 94th Congress: Panama Canal, 1976 June
37511 94th Congress: Panama Canal, 1976 July-October
37512 94th Congress: Panama Canal, 1976 November-December
37513 94th Congress: Panama Canal (Opinion Ballots: 10% Sampling), 1976
37514 94th Congress: Panama Canal: Reagan, 1976 February-April
37515 94th Congress: Panama Canal: Reagan, 1976 May 1-2
37516 94th Congress: Panama Canal: Reagan, 1976 May 3
37517 94th Congress: Panama Canal: Reagan, 1976 May 4
37518 94th Congress: Panama Canal: Reagan, 1976 May 5 (1 of 2)
37519 94th Congress: Panama Canal: Reagan, 1976 May 5 (2 of 2)
3761 94th Congress: Panama Canal: Reagan, 1976 May 6
3762 94th Congress: Panama Canal: Reagan, 1976 May 7
3763 94th Congress: Panama Canal: Reagan, 1976 May 8-9
3764 94th Congress: Panama Canal: Reagan, 1976 May 10
3765 94th Congress: Panama Canal: Reagan, 1976 May 11
3766 94th Congress: Panama Canal: Reagan, 1976 May 12
3767 94th Congress: Panama Canal: Reagan, 1976 May 13
3768 94th Congress: Panama Canal: Reagan, 1976 May 14
3769 94th Congress: Panama Canal: Reagan, 1976 May 15-16
37610 94th Congress: Panama Canal: Reagan, 1976 May 17-18
37611 94th Congress: Panama Canal: Reagan, 1976 May 19-21
37612 94th Congress: Panama Canal: Reagan, 1976 May 22-26
37613 94th Congress: Panama Canal: Reagan, 1976 May 27-31
37614 94th Congress: Panama Canal: Reagan, 1976 June-September
37615 94th Congress: Panama Canal: Reagan, Undated (1 of 2)
37616 94th Congress: Panama Canal: Reagan, Undated (2 of 2)
3771 94th Congress: Panama Canal: Reagan, 1976 (Postcards)
3772 94th Congress: Paperwork and Government Bureaucracy, 1974-1976
3773 94th Congress: Parking Regulations (Environmental Protection Agency), 1975
3774 94th Congress: Patent Reform, 1975-1976
3775 94th Congress: Pension Plans, 1975-1976
3776 94th Congress: Pesticides, 1975
3777 94th Congress: Pollution, 1975-1976
3778 94th Congress: Pornography, 1975-1976
3779 94th Congress: Post Office Closings, 1976
37710 94th Congress: Postal Service, 1975
37711 94th Congress: Postal Service, 1976 January-May
37712 94th Congress: Postal Service, 1976 June-July
37713 94th Congress: Postal Service, 1976 August-December
37714 94th Congress: Postal Service Rates, 1974-1976
37715 94th Congress: Prayer in School, 1975-1976
37716 94th Congress: Prayer in Space, 1975-1976
37717 94th Congress: President Ford's Travel, 1975
37718 94th Congress: President's Energy Proposal, 1975
37719 94th Congress: President's Tax Cut Proposal, 1975
37720 94th Congress: President's Veto on Education Appropriations, 1975-1976
37721 94th Congress: Presidential Election, 1976
37722 94th Congress: Presidential Pardon of Draft Dodgers, 1975-1976
37723 94th Congress: Prison Reform, 1975-1977
37724 94th Congress: Prisoners of War, 1976
37725 94th Congress: Privacy, 1975-1976
37726 94th Congress: Professional Standard Review Organization (PSRO), 1975-1976
37727 94th Congress: Proposed Changes Regarding Labeling of Alcoholic Beverages, 1974-1975
37728 94th Congress: Proposed Reallocation of Parker-Davis and Colorado River Storage Project Power, 1975
37729 94th Congress: Protective Connecting Arrangements (Telephone Systems), 1975-1976
37730 94th Congress: Public Broadcasting, 1975
37731 94th Congress: Puerto Rico (Various), 1976-1978
37732 94th Congress: Quartzsite Erosion, 1976-1977
37733 94th Congress: Radiation Health and Safety Act (HR 559), 1975
37734 94th Congress: Radio Tower and Paradise Valley (Carl Lindberg), 1975-1976
37735 94th Congress: Railroad Reorganization, 1975-1976
37736 94th Congress: Railroads (Ray Louis Fischer), 1974-1977
3781 94th Congress: Railroads (Various), 1976
3782 94th Congress: Railway Routes in Arizona, 1975 (1 of 2)
3783 94th Congress: Railway Routes in Arizona, 1975 (2 of 2)
3784 94th Congress: Reclassification of Natural Gas Users, 1975 (1 of 2)
3785 94th Congress: Reclassification of Natural Gas Users, 1975 (2 of 2)
3786 94th Congress: Re-computation of Military Retirement Pay, 1974-1976
3787 94th Congress: Religious Broadcasting, 1975-1976
3788 94th Congress: Religious Contributions, 1976
3789 94th Congress: Renegotiation Act, 1975-1976
37810 94th Congress: Republican National Convention Speech, 1976
37811 94th Congress: Retirement Benefits for Federal Employees, 1974-1975
37812 94th Congress: Retirement Benefits for Federal Employees, 1976
37813 94th Congress: Retirement Plans, 1975-1976
See also pensions.
37814 94th Congress: Revenue Sharing, 1974-1975
37815 94th Congress: Revenue Sharing, 1976
37816 94th Congress: Rhodesia, 1976
37817 94th Congress: Right to Food, 1975
37818 94th Congress: Right to Work, 1975-1976
37819 94th Congress: River Runners, 1975-1977
37820 94th Congress: Robinson-Patman Act, 1975-1976
37821 94th Congress: Rockefeller, Nelson, 1975-1976
37822 94th Congress: ROTC Scholarship, 1975
37823 94th Congress: Russian Grain Scale, 1975
37824 94th Congress: San Francisco Peaks (Summit Properties), 1974-1975
37825 94th Congress: San Francisco Peaks (Summit Properties), 1976
37826 94th Congress: Science and Technology, 1975-1976
37827 94th Congress: School Lunch, 1975-1976
37828 94th Congress: Senate Committee Structure, 1976 (1 of 2)
37829 94th Congress: Senate Committee Structure, 1976 (2 of 2)
37830 94th Congress: Senator's Voting Record, 1975-1976
37831 94th Congress: Senior Citizens (Various Legislative Initiatives), 1975-1976
3791 94th Congress: Sex and Violence on Television, 1975
3792 94th Congress: Sexual Discrimination, 1974-1976
3793 94th Congress: Sidewinder Missiles to Saudi Arabia, 1975-1976
3794 94th Congress: Silver Stockpile, 1976
3795 94th Congress: Situs Picketing (Secondary Boycotts), 1975 May-July
3796 94th Congress: Situs Picketing (Secondary Boycotts), 1975 August
3797 94th Congress: Situs Picketing (Secondary Boycotts), 1975 September
3798 94th Congress: Situs Picketing (Secondary Boycotts), 1975 October
3799 94th Congress: Situs Picketing (Secondary Boycotts), 1975 November
37910 94th Congress: Situs Picketing (Secondary Boycotts), 1975 December
37911 94th Congress: Situs Picketing (Secondary Boycotts), 1976
37912 94th Congress: Situs Picketing (10% Sample), 1975-1976 (Postcards)
37913 94th Congress: Small Business Committee (Retention with the Senate Committee Structure), 1975-1977
37914 94th Congress: Small Oil Refiners (Allocation of Old Oil), 1975
37915 94th Congress: Social Security, 1975
37916 94th Congress: Social Security, 1976
37917 94th Congress: Social Security Earnings Limitation, S 410, 1975 January-April
37918 94th Congress: Social Security Earnings Limitation, S 410, 1975 May
37919 94th Congress: Social Security Earnings Limitation, S 410, 1975 June
37920 94th Congress: Social Security Earnings Limitation, S 410, 1975 July-August
37921 94th Congress: Social Security Earnings Limitation, S 410, 1975 September
3801 94th Congress: Social Security Earnings Limitation, S 410, 1975 October
3802 94th Congress: Social Security Earnings Limitation, S 410, 1975 November-December
3803 94th Congress: Social Security Earnings Limitation, S 410, 1976 January-February
3804 94th Congress: Social Security Earnings Limitation, S 410, 1976 March-May
3805 94th Congress: Social Security Earnings Limitation, S 410, 1976 June-December
3806 94th Congress: Solar Energy, 1972-1976
3807 94th Congress: Solid Waste, 1976
3808 94th Congress: South Africa, 1976
3809 94th Congress: Soviet Jews, 1975-1976
38010 94th Congress: Soviet Union (Various), 1975-1976
38011 94th Congress: Space Club Speech, 1976 February 1-11
See also military benefits.
38012 94th Congress: Space Club Speech, 1976 February 12-16
See also military benefits.
38013 94th Congress: Space Club Speech, 1976 February 17-28
See also military benefits.
38014 94th Congress: Space Programs (Funding), 1975-1976
38015 94th Congress: Speed Limit (55 MPH), 1975-1976
38016 94th Congress: Steel Quotas, 1976
Includes colleague correspondence.
38017 94th Congress: Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty, 1975
38018 94th Congress: Strikes by Public Employees, 1975-1976
38019 94th Congress: Summerhaven (Mount Lemmon), 1975
38020 94th Congress: Sun Myung Moon, 1974-1977
38021 94th Congress: Sunshine Bill, 1975
38022 94th Congress: Supersonic Transport, 1975-1976
Includes statements and testimonies.
38023 94th Congress: Supreme Court, 1975-1976
38024 94th Congress: Supreme Court Appointment of John Stevens, 1975-1976
38025 94th Congress: Surface (Strip) Mining, 1974-1976
38026 94th Congress: Surtax, 1975
38027 94th Congress: Survivor Benefits, 1975-1976
38028 94th Congress: Taiwan, 1975
Includes colleague and VIP correspondence.
38029 94th Congress: Taiwan, 1976
Includes VIP correspondence
3811 94th Congress: Tariffs on U.S. Citrus, 1975-1976
3812 94th Congress: Tax Cuts, 1975
3813 94th Congress: Tax Deductions for Charitable Organizations, 1975 March-August
3814 94th Congress: Tax Deductions for Charitable Organizations, 1975 September-October
3815 94th Congress: Tax Deductions for Charitable Organizations, 1975 November
3816 94th Congress: Tax Deductions for Charitable Organizations, 1975 December-1976 May
3817 94th Congress: Tax Deductions for Private Schools, 1975-1976
Includes colleague correspondence.
3818 94th Congress: Tax Reform, 1973-1975
3819 94th Congress: Tax Reform, 1976 January-May
38110 94th Congress: Tax Reform, 1976 June
38111 94th Congress: Tax Reform, 1976 July
38112 94th Congress: Tax Reform, 1976 August-December
38113 94th Congress: Taxes, 1975 January-March
38114 94th Congress: Taxes, 1975 April-May
38115 94th Congress: Taxes, 1975 June-December
38116 94th Congress: Taxes, 1976 January-June
38117 94th Congress: Taxes, 1976 July-December
38118 94th Congress: Taxes on Employee Benefits, 1976-1977
38119 94th Congress: Taxes: Married vs. Single, 1975-1977
38120 94th Congress: Telephone Industries, 1976
38121 94th Congress: Timber Management Reform Act, 1976
3821 94th Congress: Timber Sale (Forest Service), 1975-1976
3822 94th Congress: Title IX, 1975-1976
Includes memo from Senator Helms.
3823 94th Congress: Tonto National Forest (Tonto Hills), 1975
3824 94th Congress: Toxic Substances, 1976
3825 94th Congress: Trade and Trade Reform, 1975-1976
3826 94th Congress: Trailer Length, 1976
3827 94th Congress: Transcendental Meditation, 1976
3828 94th Congress: Truckers, 1975-1976
3829 94th Congress: Trucking Regulations, 1974-1976
38210 94th Congress: Turkey, 1974-1976
38211 94th Congress: Unemployment, 1975-1976
38212 94th Congress: Unions, 1975-1976
38213 94th Congress: United Nations (10% Sample), 1975 January-September
Includes petitions.
38214 94th Congress: United Nations, 1975 October-December
38215 94th Congress: United Nations, 1976 January-May
38216 94th Congress: United Nations, 1976 June-December
38217 94th Congress: Veterans (Various), 1975-1976
38218 94th Congress: Veteran's Affairs Committee (Senate Committee Reorganization), 1974-1976
38219 94th Congress: Veteran's Educational Benefits, 1976
38220 94th Congress: Vietnam, 1975 January-March
38221 94th Congress: Vietnam, 1975 April
38222 94th Congress: Vietnam, 1975 May-1976 May
38223 94th Congress: Vietnamese Refugees, 1975 February-April
38224 94th Congress: Vietnamese Refugees, 1975 May 1-7
3831 94th Congress: Vietnamese Refugees, 1975 May 8-31
3832 94th Congress: Vietnamese Refugees, 1975 June-November
3833 94th Congress: Vitamins, 1975
3834 94th Congress: Vocational Education, 1975-1976
3835 94th Congress: Voluntary Social Security, 1976
3836 94th Congress: Voter (Postcard) Registration, 1975-1976
3837 94th Congress: Voting Age, 1976
3838 94th Congress: Voting Rights, 1975-1976
3839 94th Congress: War Powers Act, 1974-1976
Includes colleague and VIP correspondence.
38310 94th Congress: Water Pollution, 1975-1976
Includes colleague correspondence.
38311 94th Congress: Water Supply in Jerome, Arizona, 1975
38312 94th Congress: Welfare, 1971-1976
38313 94th Congress: West Point Cheating Scandal, 1976
Includes colleague and staff correspondence.
38314 94th Congress: Whales, 1974-1976
38315 94th Congress: Wheat Sale to Russia, 1975-1976
38316 94th Congress: Wild Horses and Burros, 1975-1976
38317 94th Congress: Wilderness Areas, 1975-1976
38318 94th Congress: Wildlife Protection, 1975-1976
38319 94th Congress: Wolf Hunt in Alaska, 1975
Includes colleague correspondence.
38320 94th Congress: Women in Military Academies, 1975-1976
38321 94th Congress: Workman's Compensation, 1974-1976
38322 94th Congress: World Food Crisis, 1975-1976
38323 94th Congress: World War I Pensions, 1975-1976
38324 94th Congress: Youth Camp Safety Act, 1975
38325 94th Congress: Youth Camp Safety Act, 1976
38326 94th Congress: Yuma Airport and Yuma Air Station, 1975
39931 95th Congress: Abortion, 1977 (Petitions, Telegrams, and Postcards)
39932 95th Congress: Abortion, 1977 January-March
39933 95th Congress: Abortion, 1977 April-June
39934 95th Congress: Abortion, 1977 July-September
4001 95th Congress: Abortion, 1977 July-December
4002 95th Congress: Abortion, 1978 (Petitions, Telegrams, and Postcards)
4003 95th Congress: Abortion, 1978 January-May
4004 95th Congress: Abortion, 1978 June
4005 95th Congress: Abortion, 1978 July
4006 95th Congress: Abortion, 1978 August-December
4007 95th Congress: Acreage Limitations, 1977
4008 95th Congress: Agee, Philip, 1978
4009 95th Congress: Agriculture (Various), 1977-1978
40010 95th Congress: Airbags, 1977 (1 of 2)
Includes colleague correspondence.
40011 95th Congress: Airbags, 1977 (2 of 2)
Includes colleague correspondence.
40012 95th Congress: Airbags, 1978
40013 95th Congress: Airline Deregulation, 1977 (Telegrams)
40014 95th Congress: Airline Deregulation, 1977 (Postcards)
40015 95th Congress: Airline Deregulation, 1977 March 2-24
40016 95th Congress: Airline Deregulation, 1977 March 25
40017 95th Congress: Airline Deregulation, 1977 March 26-27
40018 95th Congress: Airline Deregulation, 1977 March 28
40019 95th Congress: Airline Deregulation, 1977 March 29
4011 95th Congress: Airline Deregulation, 1977 March 30-31
4012 95th Congress: Airline Deregulation, 1977 April 1-3
4013 95th Congress: Airline Deregulation, 1977 April 4
4014 95th Congress: Airline Deregulation, 1977 April 5-6
4015 95th Congress: Airline Deregulation, 1977 April 7-9
4016 95th Congress: Airline Deregulation, 1977 April 10-14
4017 95th Congress: Airline Deregulation, 1977 April 15-20
4018 95th Congress: Airline Deregulation, 1977 April 21-30
4019 95th Congress: Airline Deregulation, 1977 May
40110 95th Congress: Airline Deregulation, 1977 June
40111 95th Congress: Airline Deregulation, 1977 July 1-21
40112 95th Congress: Airline Deregulation, 1977 July 22-31
40113 95th Congress: Airline Deregulation, 1977 August
40114 95th Congress: Airline Deregulation, 1977 September-December
Includes colleague correspondence.
40115 95th Congress: Airline Deregulation, 1978
40116 95th Congress: Airline Pass Privileges, 1977
40117 95th Congress: Airlines Overbooking, 1977-1978
40118 95th Congress: Airport and Airways Development Act (Funding), 1977-1980
40119 95th Congress: Alaskan Pipeline, 1977
40120 95th Congress: Alaskan Wilderness, 1978 January-May
40121 95th Congress: Alaskan Wilderness, 1978 June
40122 95th Congress: Alaskan Wilderness, 1978 July-August
4021 95th Congress: Alaskan Wilderness, 1978 September-December
4022 95th Congress: Albertsons Markets (Labor), 1977
4023 95th Congress: Amateur Radio, 1977
4024 95th Congress: Amateur Radio, 1978
4025 95th Congress: Amateur Radio (Linear Amplifiers; R. L. Drake Company), 1977
4026 95th Congress: Amateur Radio (International Reciprocity), 1975-1977
4027 95th Congress: Amtrak, 1978
4028 95th Congress: Amtrak Service in Winslow, Arizona, 1977
4029 95th Congress: Americans Against Union Control of Government, 1977-1978
40210 95th Congress: Amnesty, 1976-1977
40211 95th Congress: Animal Welfare, 1977-1978
40212 95th Congress: Anti-Terrorism Act, 1978
40213 95th Congress: Arab Boycott, 1977
40214 95th Congress: Arizona Compliance with Clean Air Act, 1978
40215 95th Congress: Arizona-Pacific Time Zone, 1978
40216 95th Congress: Arizona Pallet Company (Equal Opportunity Employment Act), 1977
40217 95th Congress: Army Corps of Engineers, 1977-1978
40218 95th Congress: Arthritis (Funding), 1978
40219 95th Congress: Atlantic Union, 1976-1978
40220 95th Congress: Aviation (Various), 1977-1978
40221 95th Congress: B1 Bomber, 1977 (1 of 2)
40222 95th Congress: B1 Bomber, 1977 (Postcards and Telegrams; 2 of 2)
40223 95th Congress: B1 Bomber, 1978
40224 95th Congress: Bakke Case, 1977-1979
40225 95th Congress: Balanced Budget, 1975-1978
40226 95th Congress: Bank Holding Company Act, 1978
40227 95th Congress: Banking (Various), 1977-1978
40228 95th Congress: Banking Reform, 1977
40229 95th Congress: Bankruptcy, 1977-1978
40230 95th Congress: Beef Imports, 1977-1979
40231 95th Congress: Beter, Peter, 1977
40232 95th Congress: Bluebird Mine, 1978
40233 95th Congress: Bisbee Recall Election, 1977
40234 95th Congress: Boat People, 1978
40235 95th Congress: Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 1978
40236 95th Congress: Budget (Various), 1977-1978
40237 95th Congress: Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, 1978
40238 95th Congress: Bureau of Land Management Resolution Changes, 1977
4031 95th Congress: Bureaucracy, 1977
4032 95th Congress: Bureaucracy, 1978
4033 95th Congress: Busing, 1975-1978
4034 95th Congress: Burchett, Wilfred, 1972-1978
4035 95th Congress: Burros in the Grand Canyon, 1977
4036 95th Congress: Cable Television, 1977-1978
4037 95th Congress: Campaign Reform, 1977-1978
4038 95th Congress: Capital Gains Tax, 1978
4039 95th Congress: Capital Punishment, 1977-1978
40310 95th Congress: Cargo Preference, 1977-1978
40311 95th Congress: Carter, Jimmy, 1977
40312 95th Congress: Carter, Jimmy, 1978
40313 95th Congress: Carter Tax Proposals, 1978
40314 95th Congress: Casitas Development Corporation, 1976-1977
40315 95th Congress: Cattle (Various), 1977-1978
40316 95th Congress: CBS Programming in Yuma, 1978
40317 95th Congress: Central Arizona Project, 1977 (Telegrams and Postcards)
40318 95th Congress: Central Arizona Project (Withholding of Funds by President Carter), 1977 February 10-24
40319 95th Congress: Central Arizona Project (Withholding of Funds by President Carter), 1977 February 25-28
40320 95th Congress: Central Arizona Project (Withholding of Funds by President Carter), 1977 March
40321 95th Congress: Central Arizona Project (Withholding of Funds by President Carter), 1977 April-December
40322 95th Congress: The Checkless Society, 1977
40323 95th Congress: Child and Family Services Act, 1977
40324 95th Congress: Child Pornography, 1977-1978
40325 95th Congress: Cigarettes, 1977-1978
40326 95th Congress: Citizens Band Radio, 1977-1978
40327 95th Congress: Civil Aeronautics Board (Various), 1977-1978
40328 95th Congress: Civil Defense Funding, 1978
40329 95th Congress: Civil Service Benefits, 1977-1978
40330 95th Congress: Civil Service Reform, 1978
40331 95th Congress: Civil Service and Social Security, 1977
4041 95th Congress: Class Action Lawsuits, 1977
4042 95th Congress: Clean Air Act, 1976-1978
Includes colleague correspondence.
4043 95th Congress: Coal, 1977-1978
4044 95th Congress: Coal Strike, 1978
4045 95th Congress: Colorado River Management Plan, 1977-1978
4046 95th Congress: Commissaries (Various), 1975-1977
4047 95th Congress: Committee Reorganization, 1977
4048 95th Congress: Commodity Futures Trading Commission, 1978
4049 95th Congress: Communism, 1977-1979
40410 95th Congress: Comprehensive Child Development Act, 1977
40411 95th Congress: Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA Funding), 1978
40412 95th Congress: Concorde, 1976-1977
40413 95th Congress: Congressional Pay Raise, 1977 (1 of 2)
40414 95th Congress: Congressional Pay Raise, 1977 (2 of 2)
40415 95th Congress: Congressional Vetoes of Agency Resolutions, 1976-1977 (1 of 2)
40416 95th Congress: Congressional Vetoes of Agency Resolutions, 1977 (1 of 2)
40417 95th Congress: Consumer Advocacy Agency, 1977 (1 of 2)
40418 95th Congress: Consumer Advocacy Agency, 1977 (2 of 2)
40419 95th Congress: Consumer Communications Reform, 1976-1977
40420 95th Congress: Consumer Cooperative Bank Act, 1978
40421 95th Congress: Consumer Protection Agency, 1977-1978
40422 95th Congress: Contract Disputes, 1978-1980
40423 95th Congress: Copper, 1977
40424 95th Congress: Copper, 1978
4051 95th Congress: Copyright Law, 1977-1978
4052 95th Congress: Cotton, 1977-1978
4053 95th Congress: Courts, 1977-1978
4054 95th Congress: Credit Unions, 1978
4055 95th Congress: Crime, 1977
4056 95th Congress: Criminal Code Reform, 1977-1978
4057 95th Congress: Cuba, 1977-1978
4058 95th Congress: Debt Collection Practices, 1977
4059 95th Congress: DeConcini Recall, 1978
40510 95th Congress: Dental Manpower Shortage, 1978
40511 95th Congress: Deer Valley Air Service, 1977-1978
40512 95th Congress: Defense, 1977-1978
40513 95th Congress: Deferred Compensation Plans, 1977-1978
40514 95th Congress: Direct Elections, 1977-1979
40515 95th Congress: Displaced Homemakers, 1976-1978
40516 95th Congress: District of Columbia Home Rule, 1978
40517 95th Congress: Double Tax on Dividends, 1977
40518 95th Congress: Drug Reform, 1977-1978
40519 95th Congress: Eagle Feathers, 1977
40520 95th Congress: Economy, 1977
40521 95th Congress: Education (Various), 1977-1978
40522 95th Congress: Education Tax Credit, 1978
40523 95th Congress: Elderly, 1977-1978
40524 95th Congress: Election and Electoral College Reform, 1977-1978
40525 95th Congress: Endangered Species, 1977
40526 95th Congress: Endangered Species, 1978
40527 95th Congress: Energy (Opinion Ballots), 1977
40528 95th Congress: Energy, 1977 (Telegrams and Postcards)
40529 95th Congress: Energy, 1977 January-March
40530 95th Congress: Energy, 1977 April
40531 95th Congress: Energy, 1977 May
40532 95th Congress: Energy, 1977 June-July
40533 95th Congress: Energy, 1977 August
4061 95th Congress: Energy, 1977 September 1-8
4062 95th Congress: Energy, 1977 September 9-15
4063 95th Congress: Energy, 1977 September 16-30
4064 95th Congress: Energy, 1977 October
4065 95th Congress: Energy, 1977 November-December
4066 95th Congress: Energy, 1978
4067 95th Congress: Environmental Protection Agency, 1977-1978
4068 95th Congress: Errol Flynn Estate in Kingston, Jamaica, 1977
4069 95th Congress: Estate and Gift Tax, 1977-1978
40610 95th Congress: Equal Rights Amendment, 1977
40611 95th Congress: Equal Rights Amendment, 1977-1978 (Postcards; 1 of 2)
40612 95th Congress: Equal Rights Amendment, 1977-1978 (Postcards; 1 of 2)
40613 95th Congress: Equal Rights Amendment (Opinion Ballots), 1978
40614 95th Congress: Equal Rights Amendment, 1978 (Telegrams)
40615 95th Congress: Equal Rights Amendment, 1978 January-April
40616 95th Congress: Equal Rights Amendment, 1978 May
40617 95th Congress: Equal Rights Amendment, 1978 June 1-4
40618 95th Congress: Equal Rights Amendment, 1978 June 5
4071 95th Congress: Equal Rights Amendment, 1978 June 6
4072 95th Congress: Equal Rights Amendment, 1978 June 7-29
4073 95th Congress: Equal Rights Amendment, 1978 July
4074 95th Congress: Equal Rights Amendment, 1978 August 1-23
4075 95th Congress: Equal Rights Amendment, 1978 August 24-31
4076 95th Congress: Equal Rights Amendment, 1978 September 1-11
4077 95th Congress: Equal Rights Amendment, 1978 September 12-30
4078 95th Congress: Equal Rights Amendment, 1978 October-December
4079 95th Congress: Euthanasia, 1977-1978
40710 95th Congress: Fairness Doctrine, 1978
40711 95th Congress: Farm Subsidies, 1978
40712 95th Congress: Farming (Various), 1977-1978
40713 95th Congress: Federal Bureau of Investigation (Various), 1977-1978
40714 95th Congress: Federal Communications Commission (Various), 1977-1978
40715 95th Congress: Federal Firefighters Benefits, 1977-1978
40716 95th Congress: Federal Judges, 1976-1977
40717 95th Congress: Federal Mine Safety, 1977
40718 95th Congress: Federal Pay Raises, 1977-1978
40719 95th Congress: Fish and Wildlife, 1977-1978
40720 95th Congress: Food Stamps, 1977-1978
40721 95th Congress: Foreign Aid, 1977-1978
40722 95th Congress: Foreign Policy, 1977
40723 95th Congress: Foreign Policy and Carter Administration, 1977-1978
40724 95th Congress: Forest Service (Various), 1977-1978
40725 95th Congress: Forest Service: RARE II (Roadless Area Review and Evaluation), 1977
40726 95th Congress: Forest Service: RARE II (Roadless Area Review and Evaluation), 1978 August 3-September 22
40727 95th Congress: Forest Service: RARE II (Roadless Area Review and Evaluation), 1978 September 23-October 3
4081 95th Congress: Free Enterprise, 1977
4082 95th Congress: Gasoline Tax, 1977-1978
4083 95th Congress: Genocide Convention, 1977-1978
4084 95th Congress: G.I. Bill, 1977-1978
4085 95th Congress: Glover Packing Company, 1978
4086 95th Congress: Gold Standard, 1977-1978
4087 95th Congress: Golden Shore Subdivision (Water Supply), 1978
4088 95th Congress: Government Spending, 1978
4089 95th Congress: Grand Canyon (Various), 1977-1978
40810 95th Congress: Grand Canyon River Trips, 1978
40811 95th Congress: Grazing Fees, 1977-1978
40812 95th Congress: Greece, Turkey and Cyprus, 1977-1978
40813 95th Congress: Gun Control, 1977
40814 95th Congress: Gun Control, 1978 (Postcards and Telegrams)
40815 95th Congress: Gun Control, 1978 January-March
40816 95th Congress: Gun Control, 1978 April 1-23
40817 95th Congress: Gun Control, 1978 April 24
40818 95th Congress: Gun Control, 1978 April 25
40819 95th Congress: Gun Control, 1978 April 26
40820 95th Congress: Gun Control, 1978 April 27
40821 95th Congress: Gun Control, 1978 April 28
40822 95th Congress: Gun Control, 1978 April 29-31
4091 95th Congress: Gun Control, 1978 May 1
4092 95th Congress: Gun Control, 1978 May 2-3
4093 95th Congress: Gun Control, 1978 May 4-5
4094 95th Congress: Gun Control, 1978 May 6-7
4095 95th Congress: Gun Control, 1978 May 8
4096 95th Congress: Gun Control, 1978 May 9-10
4097 95th Congress: Gun Control, 1978 May 11-12
4098 95th Congress: Gun Control, 1978 May 13-15
4099 95th Congress: Gun Control, 1978 May 16-17
40910 95th Congress: Gun Control, 1978 May 18-30
40911 95th Congress: Gun Control, 1978 June-August
40912 95th Congress: Guyana (Jim Jones and the People's Temple), 1978-1979
40913 95th Congress: Halls Crossing Marina: Lake Powell, 1978
40914 95th Congress: The Hanigan Case, 1977-1978
40915 95th Congress: Hart Senate Office, 1978
40916 95th Congress: Hatch Act, 1977
40917 95th Congress: Hatch Act, 1977 (Postcards and Telegrams)
40918 95th Congress: Hatch Act, 1978
40919 95th Congress: Health Care, 1977-1978
40920 95th Congress: Health, Education, and Welfare Funding, 1977
40921 95th Congress: Health, Education, and Welfare Funding, 1978
40922 95th Congress: Health Insurance, 1978
4101 95th Congress: Homosexuals, 1977-1978
4102 95th Congress: Hospital Cost Containment, 1977
4103 95th Congress: Hospital Cost Containment, 1978
Includes colleague correspondence.
4104 95th Congress: Housing (Various), 1977-1978
4105 95th Congress: Human Rights Covenant, 1978
4106 95th Congress: Humphrey-Hawkins Bill (Opinion Ballots), 1977-1978
4107 95th Congress: Humphrey-Hawkins Bill (Full Employment), 1977-1978
4108 95th Congress: Horse Racing, 1977
4109 95th Congress: Housing and Urban Development Relocation, 1977-1978
41010 95th Congress: Human Rights, 1977-1978
Includes colleague correspondence.
41011 95th Congress: The Hungarian Crown, 1977-1978
41012 95th Congress: Illegal Aliens, 1977 January-July
41013 95th Congress: Illegal Aliens, 1977 August-December
41014 95th Congress: Illegal Aliens, 1978
41015 95th Congress: Imperial Sand Dunes, 1977
41016 95th Congress: Income Tax Treaty with United Kingdom, 1977-1978
41017 95th Congress: Inflation, 1977
41018 95th Congress: Inflation, 1978
41019 95th Congress: Interior Programs (Funding), 1978
41020 95th Congress: Internal Revenue Service, 1977-1978
41021 95th Congress: Internal Revenue Service and Tax Exempt Schools, 1978
41022 95th Congress: Internal Security Committee, 1977-1978
41023 95th Congress: International Emergency Reserve Bill, 1978
41024 95th Congress: International Sugar Agreement, 1977-1978
Includes colleague correspondence.
4111 95th Congress: International Women's Year, 1977-1978
4112 95th Congress: Interstate 10 Interchange and Palo Verde Nuclear Plant, 1978
4113 95th Congress: Investigative Reporters and Editors, 1977 (1 of 2)
4114 95th Congress: Investigative Reporters and Editors, 1977-1978 (2 of 2)
4115 95th Congress: Ireland, 1977
4116 95th Congress: Israel, 1978
4117 95th Congress: Israel and the Middle East, 1977-1978
4118 95th Congress: Junk Selling by Automated Phone Calls, 1977-1978
4119 95th Congress: Juvenile Justice, 1977-1978
41110 95th Congress: Kaibab Forest and V.T. Park Airstrip, 1977
41111 95th Congress: Kearney, John J. (Defense Fund), 1977-1978
41112 95th Congress: Kennedy Family (Requests for Information), 1973-1980
41113 95th Congress: Kingman and Citizens Utility, 1977
41114 95th Congress: KOOL-TV and KECC-TV (Yuma), 1977-1978
41115 95th Congress: Korea: Withdrawal of Troops, 1977-1978
41116 95th Congress: Koreagate, 1977-1978
41117 95th Congress: Labor (Various), 1977-1978
41118 95th Congress: Labor Reform, 1977 January-September
41119 95th Congress: Labor Reform, 1977 October-December
41120 95th Congress: Labor Reform, 1977 (Telegrams and Postcards)
41121 95th Congress: Labor Reform, 1978 January 1-10
41122 95th Congress: Labor Reform, 1978 January 11-17
4121 95th Congress: Labor Reform, 1978 January 18-26
4122 95th Congress: Labor Reform, 1978 January 27-31
4123 95th Congress: Labor Reform, 1978 February 1-3
4124 95th Congress: Labor Reform, 1978 February 4-6
4125 95th Congress: Labor Reform, 1978 February 7-9
4126 95th Congress: Labor Reform, 1978 February 10-15
4127 95th Congress: Labor Reform, 1978 February 16-28
4128 95th Congress: Labor Reform, 1978 March
4129 95th Congress: Labor Reform, 1978 April
41210 95th Congress: Labor Reform, 1978 May 1-12
41211 95th Congress: Labor Reform, 1978 May 13-21
41212 95th Congress: Labor Reform, 1978 June
41213 95th Congress: Labor Reform, 1978 July 1-6
41214 95th Congress: Labor Reform, 1978 July 7-11
41215 95th Congress: Labor Reform, 1978 July 12-14
41216 95th Congress: Labor Reform, 1978 July 17-18
4131 95th Congress: Labor Reform, 1978 July 19
4132 95th Congress: Labor Reform, 1978 July 20-22
4133 95th Congress: Labor Reform, 1978 July 24-26
4134 95th Congress: Labor Reform, 1978 July 27-31
4135 95th Congress: Labor Reform, 1978 August
4136 95th Congress: Labor Reform, 1978 September-November
4137 95th Congress: Labor Reform, 1978 (Postcards)
4138 95th Congress: Labor Reform, 1978 (Telegrams; 1 of 3)
4139 95th Congress: Labor Reform, 1978 (Telegrams; 2 of 3)
41310 95th Congress: Labor Reform, 1978 (Telegrams; 3 of 3)
41311 95th Congress: Labor Unions (General), 1977
41312 95th Congress: Laetrile, 1977
41313 95th Congress: Lance, Bert, 1977-1978
41314 95th Congress: Land and Water Funds (Budget Cuts), 1977
41315 95th Congress: Law Enforcement, 1977-1978
41316 95th Congress: Lebanon, 1976-1978
41317 95th Congress: Legal Services Corporation, 1977
41318 95th Congress: Linowitz, Sol (Panama Canal Negotiator), 1977
Includes memos and BMG correspondence.
41319 95th Congress: Lifting the Embargo on Turkey, 1978
41320 95th Congress: Lobby Reform, 1978
41321 95th Congress: Mandatory Retirement, 1977-1978
41322 95th Congress: Marijuana, 1977-1978
41323 95th Congress: Marine Mammal Protection Act, 1977
41324 95th Congress: Marston, David (Firing of U.S. Attorney), 1978
41325 95th Congress: Martin Luther King Day, 1977
41326 95th Congress: Mass Transit, 1977
41327 95th Congress: Mavis Millsite (Bureau of Land Management), 1978
41328 95th Congress: Mayhew's Lodge (Oak Creek Canyon), 1978-1979
41329 95th Congress: Meat Imports, 1978
4141 95th Congress: Metric System, 1977-1978
4142 95th Congress: Mexico, 1976-1978
4143 95th Congress: Middle East, 1977-1978
4144 95th Congress: Military (Various), 1977-1978
4145 95th Congress: Military Benefits, 1976-1977
4146 95th Congress: Military Draft, 1977-1978
4147 95th Congress: Military Dual Compensation, 1977 (1 of 2)
4148 95th Congress: Military Dual Compensation, 1977-1978 (2 of 2)
4149 95th Congress: Military Retirement Pay, 1977-1978
41410 95th Congress: Military Strength, 1977-1978
41411 95th Congress: Military Unions, 1976-1977
41412 95th Congress: Mine Safety, 1977-1978
41413 95th Congress: Minimum Wage, 1977 (1 of 2)
41414 95th Congress: Minimum Wage, 1977 (2 of 2)
41415 95th Congress: Minimum Wage (Opinion Ballots), 1977 (1 of 2)
41416 95th Congress: Minimum Wage (Opinion Ballots), 1977 (2 of 2)
41417 95th Congress: Minimum Wage, 1978
41418 95th Congress: Missing in Action, 1977
41419 95th Congress: Mohave County Ranchers and Bureau of Land Management, 1977-1978
41420 95th Congress: Movie Industry, 1977-1978
4151 95th Congress: National Aeronautics and Space Administration Funding, 1977-1978
4152 95th Congress: The National Flower, 1977-1978
4153 95th Congress: National Health Insurance, 1977
4154 95th Congress: National Patriotism Week, 1976-1977
4155 95th Congress: Natural Gas, 1977-1978
4156 95th Congress: New State Prison on Waddell Ranch, 1978
4157 95th Congress: New York City Bailout, 1978
4158 95th Congress: Nicaragua, 1978
4159 95th Congress: Nixon, Richard, 1977
41510 95th Congress: No Fault Auto Insurance, 1977-1978
41511 95th Congress: Non-Returnable Containers, 1977-1978
41512 95th Congress: Nuclear Energy (Clinch River Breeder Reactor Plant), 1977
41513 95th Congress: Nuclear Energy (Various), 1978
41514 95th Congress: Nuclear Weapons, 1977-1978
41515 95th Congress: Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 1977-1978
41516 95th Congress: Off Road Vehicle Ban, 1977
41517 95th Congress: O'Hair, Madelyn Murray, 1977-1979
41518 95th Congress: Oil (Various), 1977-1978
41519 95th Congress: Olin-American Corporation (Western ERA Realtors), 1977
41520 95th Congress: Olympics in Moscow, 1978
41521 95th Congress: Orme Dam, 1977-1978
41522 95th Congress: Outer Continental Shelf Land Act, 1977
41523 95th Congress: Overpopulation, 1977-1978
41524 95th Congress: Panama Canal, 1977 January-February
41525 95th Congress: Panama Canal, 1977 March
41526 95th Congress: Panama Canal, 1977 April
41527 95th Congress: Panama Canal, 1977 May-July
41528 95th Congress: Panama Canal, 1977 August 1-15
41529 95th Congress: Panama Canal, 1977 August 16-20
41530 95th Congress: Panama Canal, 1977 August 21-25
4161 95th Congress: Panama Canal, 1977 August 26-31
4162 95th Congress: Panama Canal, 1977 September 1-5
4163 95th Congress: Panama Canal, 1977 September 6-10
4164 95th Congress: Panama Canal, 1977 September 11-17
4165 95th Congress: Panama Canal, 1977 September 18-22
4166 95th Congress: Panama Canal, 1977 September 23-31
4167 95th Congress: Panama Canal, 1977 October 1-8
4168 95th Congress: Panama Canal, 1977 October 9-18
4169 95th Congress: Panama Canal, 1977 October 19-31
41610 95th Congress: Panama Canal, 1977 November 1-8
41611 95th Congress: Panama Canal, 1977 November 9-30
41612 95th Congress: Panama Canal, 1977 December 1-26
41613 95th Congress: Panama Canal, 1977 December 27-28
4171 95th Congress: Panama Canal, 1977 December 29-31
4172 95th Congress: Panama Canal, 1977 (Telegrams)
4173 95th Congress: Panama Canal (10% Sampling), 1977-1978 (Postcards)
4174 95th Congress: Panama Canal, 1978 January 1-7
4175 95th Congress: Panama Canal, 1978 January 8-13
4176 95th Congress: Panama Canal, 1978 January 14-16
4177 95th Congress: Panama Canal, 1978 January 17-25
4178 95th Congress: Panama Canal, 1978 January 26-31
4179 95th Congress: Panama Canal, 1978 February 1-2
41710 95th Congress: Panama Canal, 1978 February 3-7
41711 95th Congress: Panama Canal, 1978 February 8-13
41712 95th Congress: Panama Canal, 1978 February 14-16
41713 95th Congress: Panama Canal, 1978 February 17-23
4181 95th Congress: Panama Canal, 1978 February 24-28
4182 95th Congress: Panama Canal, 1978 March 1-8
4183 95th Congress: Panama Canal, 1978 March 9-13
4184 95th Congress: Panama Canal, 1978 March 14-15
4185 95th Congress: Panama Canal, 1978 March 16-21
4186 95th Congress: Panama Canal, 1978 March 22-31
4187 95th Congress: Panama Canal, 1978 April 1-7
4188 95th Congress: Panama Canal, 1978 April 8-12
4189 95th Congress: Panama Canal, 1978 April 13-16
41810 95th Congress: Panama Canal, 1978 April 17-19
41811 95th Congress: Panama Canal, 1978 April 20-31
41812 95th Congress: Panama Canal, 1978 May
41813 95th Congress: Panama Canal, 1978 June-December
4191 95th Congress: Panama Canal (Opinion Ballots), 1978 (1 of 2)
4192 95th Congress: Panama Canal (Opinion Ballots), 1978 (2 of 2)
4193 95th Congress: Panama Canal, 1978 (Telegrams; 1 of 2)
4194 95th Congress: Panama Canal, 1978 (Telegrams; 2 of 2)
4195 95th Congress: Parker Canyon Lake Land Exchange (George W. Parker), 1973-1978
4196 95th Congress: Pesticides, 1977-1978
4197 95th Congress: Pollution, 1977
4198 95th Congress: Polygraph Control Bill, 1978
4199 95th Congress: Pornography, 1978
41910 95th Congress: Postal Reform, 1978
41911 95th Congress: Postal Service (Various), 1977 (1 of 2)
41912 95th Congress: Postal Service (Various), 1977 (1 of 2)
41913 95th Congress: Postal Service (Various), 1978
41914 95th Congress: Prayer in Schools, 1977-1978
41915 95th Congress: Presidential Pardon of Draft Dodgers, 1977 January 1-21
41916 95th Congress: Presidential Pardon of Draft Dodgers, 1977 January 22-23
41917 95th Congress: Presidential Pardon of Draft Dodgers, 1977 January 24-31
41918 95th Congress: Presidential Pardon of Draft Dodgers, 1977 February
41919 95th Congress: Prison Reform, 1978
41920 95th Congress: Privacy, 1977-1978
41921 95th Congress: Proposition 13, 1978
41922 95th Congress: Public Broadcasting, 1978
41923 95th Congress: Public Works Funding (Various), 1978
41924 95th Congress: Redwood National Park, 1977-1978
41925 95th Congress: Religious Broadcasting, 1977
41926 95th Congress: Rent Supplement, 1977
41927 95th Congress: Retirement (Various), 1977-1978
41928 95th Congress: Restoration Work for San Simon Valley, 1976-1977
41929 95th Congress: Retirement Plans, 1977-1978
4201 95th Congress: Rhodesia, 1977-1978
Includes colleague correspondence.
4202 95th Congress: Rhodesian Chrome, 1977
4203 95th Congress: Right to Food, 1977-1978
4204 95th Congress: Right to Work, 1977
4205 95th Congress: Sabino Canyon (Various), 1978
4206 95th Congress: Saccharin, 1977
4207 95th Congress: Sale of Aircraft to Arab States, 1978
4208 95th Congress: Sale of KPAZ-TV, 1977
4209 95th Congress: Sale of Weapons to Middle East, 1978
42010 95th Congress: San Francisco Peaks, 1978
42011 95th Congress: Santa Fe Pacific Railroad Mineral Leases, 1978
42012 95th Congress: Second Canal in Central America, 1977-1978
42013 95th Congress: Semiconductors, 1978
42014 95th Congress: Senate Committee Structure, 1976-1977
42015 95th Congress: Sharansky, Anatoly, 1977-1978
42016 95th Congress: Singlaub, John, 1978
42017 95th Congress: Situs Picketing, 1977 January-February
42018 95th Congress: Situs Picketing, 1977 March 1-20
42019 95th Congress: Situs Picketing, 1977 March 21-22
42020 95th Congress: Situs Picketing, 1977 March 23-31
42021 95th Congress: Situs Picketing, 1977 April-November
42022 95th Congress: Situs Picketing, 1977 (Telegrams and Postcards)
42023 95th Congress: Small Business Committee (Retention in the Senate Committee Structure), 1977
42024 95th Congress: Small Business and Government Bureaucracy, 1978
42025 95th Congress: Smoke Plume in Four Corners Area, 1977
42026 95th Congress: Smoking, 1978
42027 95th Congress: Social Security Earnings Limitations, 1977 January
42028 95th Congress: Social Security Earnings Limitations, 1977 February 1-12
4211 95th Congress: Social Security Earnings Limitations, 1977 February 13-28
4212 95th Congress: Social Security Earnings Limitations, 1977 March
4213 95th Congress: Social Security Earnings Limitations, 1977 April
4214 95th Congress: Social Security Earnings Limitations, 1977 May-July
4215 95th Congress: Social Security Earnings Limitations, 1977 August-October
4216 95th Congress: Social Security Earnings Limitations, 1977 November-December
4217 95th Congress: Social Security, Tax Increases, Coverage, 1978 (1 of 2)
4218 95th Congress: Social Security, Tax Increases, Coverage, 1978 (2 of 2)
4219 95th Congress: Sodium Nitrate (Hogs and Bacon), 1977-1978
42110 95th Congress: Solid Waste, 1978
42111 95th Congress: Sorenson, Ted (Nomination for CIA Director), 1977
Includes colleague correspondence.
42112 95th Congress: South Africa and Rhodesia, 1977-1978
42113 95th Congress: Soviet Jews, 1977-1978
42114 95th Congress: Soviet Union, 1977-1978
42115 95th Congress: Spear Seven Water Company, 1978
42116 95th Congress: Speed Limit (55 Miles per Hour), 1977-1978
42117 95th Congress: Sports Act, 1978
42118 95th Congress: Steel, 1977-1978
Includes colleague correspondence.
42119 95th Congress: Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty, 1977-1978
42120 95th Congress: Strikes (Various), 1977-1978
42121 95th Congress: Subsidizing the SS Monterey and SS Mariposa, 1977
42122 95th Congress: Survivors Benefits, 1977-1978
42123 95th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, 1977 January-July
Includes VIP correspondence.
4221 95th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, 1977 August-December
Includes VIP correspondence.
4222 95th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, 1978 January-November
4223 95th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, 1978 December 11-15
4224 95th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, 1978 December 16
4225 95th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, 1978 December 17
4226 95th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, 1978 December 18
4227 95th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, 1978 December 19
4228 95th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, 1978 December 20
4229 95th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, 1978 December 21
42210 95th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, 1978 December 22
42211 95th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, 1978 December 23
42212 95th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, 1978 December 24
42213 95th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, 1978 December 25
42214 95th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, 1978 December 26
42215 95th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, 1978 December 27
42216 95th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, 1978 December 28
4231 95th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, 1978 December 29
4232 95th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, 1978 December 30
4233 95th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, 1978 December 31
4234 95th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, 1978-1979 (Mailgrams)
4235 95th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, 1978-1979 (Postcards)
4236 95th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, 1978-1979 (Telegrams)
4237 95th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, Undated (1 of 2)
4238 95th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, Undated (2 of 2)
4239 95th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China (International Correspondence), 1978-1979
42310 95th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China (Letters from Americans in Taiwan), 1978-1979
42311 95th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China (Letters from Taiwanese), 1978 December
(Letters in English)
42312 95th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China (Letters from Taiwanese), Undated (1 of 2)
(Letters in English)
42313 95th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China (Letters from Taiwanese), Undated (2 of 2)
(Letters in English)
42314 95th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China (Letters from Taiwanese), 1978 (1 of 3)
(Letters in Chinese)
42315 95th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China (Letters from Taiwanese), 1978 (2 of 3)
(Letters in Chinese)
42316 95th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China (Letters from Taiwanese), 1978 (3 of 3)
(Letters in Chinese)
42317 95th Congress: Taft Broadcasting Company, 1978
42318 95th Congress: Tanner Nursing Home, 1977
42319 95th Congress: Tariffs (Various), 1977-1978
42320 95th Congress: Tariffs on U.S. Citrus, 1977
42321 95th Congress: Tax Credits (Various), 1977-1978
42322 95th Congress: Tax Credit for Elderly, 1977-1978
4241 95th Congress: Tax Deductions: Business Lunches, 1977-1978
4242 95th Congress: Tax on Dividends, 1977-1978
4243 95th Congress: Tax Exempt Status of Private Schools, 1978 September 16-October 9
4244 95th Congress: Tax Exempt Status of Private Schools, 1978 October 10
4245 95th Congress: Tax Exempt Status of Private Schools, 1978 October 11-12
4246 95th Congress: Tax Exempt Status of Private Schools, 1978 October 13-15
4247 95th Congress: Tax Exempt Status of Private Schools, 1978 October 16
4248 95th Congress: Tax Exempt Status of Private Schools, 1978 October 17
4249 95th Congress: Tax Exempt Status of Private Schools, 1978 October 18-19
42410 95th Congress: Tax Exempt Status of Private Schools, 1978 October 20-23
42411 95th Congress: Tax Exempt Status of Private Schools, 1978 October 24-December 15
42412 95th Congress: Tax Reform, 1977-1978
42413 95th Congress: Tax Reform: Sick Pay Exclusion, 1977
42414 95th Congress: Taxes (Various), 1977 January-June
42415 95th Congress: Taxes (Various), 1977 July-December
42416 95th Congress: Taxes (Various), 1978 January-June
42417 95th Congress: Taxes (Various), 1978 July-December
42418 95th Congress: Taxes: Airline Employee Fringe Benefits, 1977
42419 95th Congress: Taxes on Americans Overseas, 1977
4251 95th Congress: Taxes on Americans Overseas, 1978
4252 95th Congress: Taxes: Capital Gains, 1978
4253 95th Congress: Taxes: Charitable Deductions, 1977-1978
4254 95th Congress: Taxes: Credit Unions, 1978
4255 95th Congress: Taxes: Married v. Single, 1977-1978
4256 95th Congress: Technical Corrections Act (Tax Reform), 1978
4257 95th Congress: Technical Corrections Bill (Tax Reform; Carryover Provision), 1978
4258 95th Congress: Telephone Solicitation, 1978
4259 95th Congress: Television (Various), 1977-1978
42510 95th Congress: Television Commercials Sponsored by the Federal Government, 1977
42511 95th Congress: Terrorism, 1977-1978
42512 95th Congress: Thermal Performance Standards (Housing and Urban Development), 1978
42513 95th Congress: Trade and Trade Reform, 1977-1978
Includes colleague correspondence.
42514 95th Congress: Treaties (Various), 1977-1978
42515 95th Congress: Trucking, 1978
42516 95th Congress: Tuition Tax Credit, 1976-1977
42517 95th Congress: Tuition Tax Credit, 1978 January-February
42518 95th Congress: Tuition Tax Credit, 1978 March
42519 95th Congress: Tuition Tax Credit, 1978 April
42520 95th Congress: Tuition Tax Credit, 1978 May-August
42521 95th Congress: Uganda, 1977-1978
42522 95th Congress: Unions, 1978
42523 95th Congress: United Nations (Various), 1977-1978 (1 of 2)
42524 95th Congress: United Nations (Various), 1978 (2 of 2)
42525 95th Congress: Vance, Cyrus (Nomination to Secretary of State), 1977
42526 95th Congress: Veterans Affairs (Various), 1977-1978
42527 95th Congress: Veterans Affairs Committee (Senate Committee Reorganization), 1977
42528 95th Congress: Vietnam, 1977-1978
4261 95th Congress: Vietnamese Refugees, 1977-1978
4262 95th Congress: Vocational Rehabilitation, 1978
4263 95th Congress: Voter Registration, 1977
4264 95th Congress: Voter Registration (Opinion Ballots), 1977
4265 95th Congress: Voting Record, 1976-1978
4266 95th Congress: Wage and Price Controls, 1977-1978
4267 95th Congress: Warnke, Paul (Chief Negotiator for SALT Talks), 1977 (1 of 2)
Includes colleague correspondence.
4268 95th Congress: Warnke, Paul (Chief Negotiator for SALT Talks), 1977 (Telegrams and Postcards; 2 of 2)
4269 95th Congress: Water Pollution Control Act, 1977-1978
42610 95th Congress: Weatherization Programs (Funding), 1978
42611 95th Congress: Welfare, 1977
42612 95th Congress: Wild Horses and Burros, 1977-1978
42613 95th Congress: Wild and Scenic Rivers, 1977-1978
42614 95th Congress: Wilderness Areas, 1977 (1 of 2)
42615 95th Congress: Wilderness Areas, 1977 (2 of 2)
42616 95th Congress: Wilderness Areas, 1978
42617 95th Congress: Women Air Force Service Pilots (WASP), 1977 January-April
42618 95th Congress: Women Air Force Service Pilots, 1977 May-July
42619 95th Congress: Women Air Force Service Pilots, 1977 August-December
42620 95th Congress: Women Air Force Service Pilots, 1978-1981
42621 95th Congress: World Peace Tax Fund, 1978
42622 95th Congress: World War I Veterans, 1977-1978
4271 95th Congress: World War II Veterans, 1977-1978
4272 95th Congress: Young, Andrew, 1977-1978
4273 95th Congress: Youth Camp Safety, 1977
4274 95th Congress: Yuma and "The Island", 1977
43726 96th Congress: Abortion, 1979 February-August
43727 96th Congress: Abortion, 1979 September-November
43728 96th Congress: Abortion, 1980
43729 96th Congress: Abscam, 1980
43730 96th Congress: Adult Hot Meals (Funding), 1979
43731 96th Congress: Affirmative Action, 1978-1980
43732 96th Congress: Agriculture (Various), 1979
43733 96th Congress: Agriculture (Various), 1980
43733 96th Congress: Airbags, 1979-1980
43734 96th Congress: Aircraft Noise, 1979-1980
43735 96th Congress: Airline De-regulation, 1979-1980
43736 96th Congress: Airline Employee Fringe Benefits, 1979
43737 96th Congress: Airline Pilots' Retirement Age, 1976-1980
4381 96th Congress: Alaskan Wilderness, 1979 January-July
Includes legislative materials.
4382 96th Congress: Alaskan Wilderness, 1979 August-December
Includes legislative materials.
4383 96th Congress: Alaskan Wilderness, 1980
4384 96th Congress: Amateur Radio, 1979
4385 96th Congress: Amateur Radio, 1979-1980
4386 96th Congress: Amateur Radio, 1980
4387 96th Congress: American Dental Association v. Federal Trade Commission (Free Competition), 1977-1979
4388 96th Congress: American Engineering Association (Evaluation of Foreign Degrees), 1979
4389 96th Congress: American Prisoners in Cuba, 1980
43810 96th Congress: American Telephone and Telegraph, 1979
43811 96th Congress: Amtrak, 1979 January-March
43812 96th Congress: Amtrak, 1979 April-May
43813 96th Congress: Amtrak, 1979 June-December
43814 96th Congress: Amtrak, 1980
43815 96th Congress: Animal Welfare, 1979-1980
43816 96th Congress: Anti-Dumping Laws (Various Products), 1979
43817 96th Congress: Anti-Trust Laws, 1977-1979
43818 96th Congress: Archaeological Resources, 1978-1979 (1 of 2)
43819 96th Congress: Archaeological Resources, 1979 (2 of 2)
43820 96th Congress: Arizona Census, 1979-1980
43821 96th Congress: Arizona Citrus, 1979-1980
43822 96th Congress: Arizona Foundation for the Handicapped, 1979-1980
43823 96th Congress: Arizona Fuel Shortage, 1979-1980
43824 96th Congress: Arizona Gasoline Allocation, 1979
43825 96th Congress: Arizona State Prison, 1979
43826 96th Congress: Army Corps of Engineers, 1979-1980
43827 96th Congress: Asbestos, 1980
4391 96th Congress: Automobiles (Various), 1980
4392 96th Congress: Aviation (Various), 1979-1980
4393 96th Congress: Balanced Budget, 1979-1980 (Postcards)
4394 96th Congress: Balanced Budget, 1979 January-June
4395 96th Congress: Balanced Budget, 1979 July-December
4396 96th Congress: Balanced Budget, 1980 January-April
4397 96th Congress: Balanced Budget, 1980 May-November
4398 96th Congress: Banking (Various), 1979 February-August
4399 96th Congress: Banking (Various), 1979 September-December
43910 96th Congress: Banking (Various), 1980 January-June
43911 96th Congress: Banking (Various), 1980 July-October
43912 96th Congress: Bilingual Education, 1977-1979
43913 96th Congress: Bilingual Education, 1980
43914 96th Congress: Boat People, 1979
43915 96th Congress: Bracero Program, 1979-1980
43916 96th Congress: Budget (Various), 1979-1980
43917 96th Congress: Building Energy Performance Standards, 1980
43918 96th Congress: Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, 1978-1980
43919 96th Congress: Bureau of Land Management (Various), 1979-1980
43920 96th Congress: Bureaucracy, 1979-1980
43921 96th Congress: Busing, 1979-1980
43922 96th Congress: Cable Television, 1979-1980
43923 96th Congress: Cambodia, 1979-1980
43924 96th Congress: Capital Cost Recovery Act, 1979-1980
43925 96th Congress: Capital Punishment, 1978-1980
43926 96th Congress: Carter, Jimmy, 1979
4401 96th Congress: Carter, Jimmy, 1980
4402 96th Congress: Cattle (Various), 1979-1980
4403 96th Congress: Cattle Grazing and Wilderness Areas, 1979-1980
4404 96th Congress: Chemical Weapons, 1980
4405 96th Congress: Child and Family Services Act, 1979
4406 96th Congress: Chiricahua National Monument (Boundary Changes), 1979
4407 96th Congress: Chiropractic Services (Medicare), 1979-1980
4408 96th Congress: Chrysler Corporation, 1979-1980
Includes colleague correspondence.
4409 96th Congress: Citizens Band Radio, 1979
44010 96th Congress: Citizens Military Training (Civil Defense), 1979-1980
44011 96th Congress: Citizens Utilities Company, 1980
44012 96th Congress: Civil Rights, 1980
44013 96th Congress: Civil Service Benefits, 1979
44014 96th Congress: Civil Service Benefits, 1980
44015 96th Congress: Civil Service Reform, 1979
44016 96th Congress: Civil Service Retirement Credit, S1414 (Judy Eisenhower), 1979
44017 96th Congress: Civil Service and Social Security, 1979 February-April
44018 96th Congress: Civil Service and Social Security, 1979 May-October
44019 96th Congress: Civil Service and Social Security, 1980
44020 96th Congress: Civilian Marksmanship Funding, 1979
44021 96th Congress: Clean Air Act, 1979
44022 96th Congress: Clean Water Act, 1979
44023 96th Congress: Clear Channel Radio, 1979
44024 96th Congress: Clear Creek and Verde Valley Estates (Flood Control), 1979
44025 96th Congress: Cloture Rule (Filibuster), 1977-1979
44026 96th Congress: Colorado River Management, 1979 (1 of 2)
44027 96th Congress: Colorado River Management, 1979 (2 of 2)
44028 96th Congress: Colorado River Management, 1980
Includes colleague correspondence.
44029 96th Congress: Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA), 1979-1980
44030 96th Congress: Committee For Better Panama and United States Relations, 1980
44031 96th Congress: Communications (Various), 1980
44032 96th Congress: Community Mental Health, 1979-1980
44033 96th Congress: Congressional Pay Raise, 1979-1980
44034 96th Congress: Congressional Record (Misuse, Inaccuracies), 1980
44035 96th Congress: Constitutional Convention, 1979-1980
44036 96th Congress: Consumer Price Index, 1980
4411 96th Congress: Container Deposit, 1978-1980
4412 96th Congress: Copper, 1979-1980
Includes colleague correspondence.
4413 96th Congress: Coronado National Monument, 1980
4414 96th Congress: Cotton, 1979-1980
4415 96th Congress: Copyright, 1980
4416 96th Congress: Cost of Living Increase (Federal and Military Retirees), 1979-1980
4417 96th Congress: Crawford Mining Claims (Forest Service), 1979
4418 96th Congress: Credit Unions, 1979 May
4419 96th Congress: Credit Unions, 1979 June-October
44110 96th Congress: Credit Union Share Drafts, 1979
44111 96th Congress: Crime, 1979-1980
44112 96th Congress: Criminal Code Reform, 1979-1980
44113 96th Congress: Crop Insurance, 1979
44114 96th Congress: Cuba, 1979-1980
44115 96th Congress: Davis-Bacon Act, 1979-1980 (1 of 2)
44116 96th Congress: Davis-Bacon Act (Petitions from Arizona Unions), 1979-1980 (2 of 2)
44117 96th Congress: Defense (Various), 1979
44118 96th Congress: Defense (Various), 1980
44119 96th Congress: Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO), 1976-1980
44120 96th Congress: District of Columbia Home Rule, 1979-1980
44121 96th Congress: Domestic Violence and Treatment, S1843, 1980
Includes colleague correspondence.
44122 96th Congress: Downward Certification Rule (Gasoline Allotment), 1979-1980
44123 96th Congress: Draft, 1979 (1 of 2)
44124 96th Congress: Draft, 1979 (2 of 2)
44125 96th Congress: Draft, 1980 (1 of 2)
44126 96th Congress: Draft, 1980 (2 of 2)
44127 96th Congress: Draize Rabbit Eye Test (Animal Testing), 1980
44128 96th Congress: Drugs (Various), 1979-1980
44129 96th Congress: Economy, 1979-1980
4421 96th Congress: Education (Various), 1979
4422 96th Congress: Education (Various), 1980
4423 96th Congress: Education Funding (Various), 1980
4424 96th Congress: Election and Electoral College Reform, 1979-1981
4425 96th Congress: El Salvador, 1980
4426 96th Congress: Employee Retirement and Income Security Act (ERISA), 1979-1980
4427 96th Congress: Employment, 1979-1980
4428 96th Congress: Endangered Species, 1979-1980
4429 96th Congress: Energy (Various), 1979 January-May
44210 96th Congress: Energy (Various), 1979 June 1-19
44211 96th Congress: Energy (Various), 1979 June 20-30
44212 96th Congress: Energy (Various), 1979 July 5-16
44213 96th Congress: Energy (Various), 1979 July 17-20
44214 96th Congress: Energy (Various), 1979 July 21-31
44215 96th Congress: Energy (Various), 1979 August
44216 96th Congress: Energy (Various), 1979 September
44217 96th Congress: Energy (Various), 1979 October
44218 96th Congress: Energy (Various), 1979 November
44219 96th Congress: Energy (Various), 1979 December
44220 96th Congress: Energy (Various), 1980 January
44221 96th Congress: Energy (Various), 1980 February-March
4431 96th Congress: Energy (Various), 1980 April-May
4432 96th Congress: Energy (Various), 1980 June-December
4433 96th Congress: Energy and the Economy, 1979
4434 96th Congress: Energy and President Carter's Speech, 1979
4435 96th Congress: Energy and Windfall Profits, 1979 April-May
4436 96th Congress: Energy and Windfall Profits, 1979 June-December
4437 96th Congress: Energy and Windfall Profits, 1980
4438 96th Congress: Environment Protection Agency, 1979-1980
4439 96th Congress: Euthanasia, 1979
44310 96th Congress: Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), 1979
44311 96th Congress: Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), 1980
44312 96th Congress: Export-Import Bank, 1978-1980
44313 96th Congress: Fair Housing, 1980
44314 96th Congress: Family Protection Act, S 1808, 1979-1980
44315 96th Congress: Farm Acreage Limitations, 1979-1980
44316 96th Congress: Farm Labor Act, 1980
44317 96th Congress: Farming (Various), 1979-1980
44318 96th Congress: Federal Aviation Administration (Various), 1979-1980
44319 96th Congress: Federal Aviation Administration: Air Space Rules, 1979 January
44320 96th Congress: Federal Aviation Administration: Air Space Rules, 1979 February 1-13
44321 96th Congress: Federal Aviation Administration: Air Space Rules, 1979 February 14-21
44322 96th Congress: Federal Aviation Administration: Air Space Rules, 1979 February 22-28
44323 96th Congress: Federal Aviation Administration: Air Space Rules, 1979 March
44324 96th Congress: Federal Aviation Administration: Air Space Rules, 1979 April-May
44325 96th Congress: Federal Aviation Administration: Gliders, 1979
4441 96th Congress: Federal Communications Commission (Various), 1979-1980
4442 96th Congress: Federal Court Closure in Prescott, 1980-1981
4443 96th Congress: Federal Election Commission, 1979 (1 of 2)
4444 96th Congress: Federal Election Commission, 1979 (Postcards; 2 of 2)
4445 96th Congress: Federal Employee Salaries, 1979-1980
4446 96th Congress: Federal Judges, 1979-1980
4447 96th Congress: Federal Pay Raise, 1979-1980
4448 96th Congress: Federal Reserve Board, 1979-1980
4449 96th Congress: Federal Trade Commission (Various), 1979
44410 96th Congress: Federal Trade Commission (Various), 1980 January-February
44411 96th Congress: Federal Trade Commission (Various), 1980 March-October
44412 96th Congress: Flat Income Tax, 1979-1980
44413 96th Congress: Flood Control, 1977-1980
44414 96th Congress: Flood Relocation (Hound Dog Acres), 1980
44415 96th Congress: Fluoridation, 1979
44416 96th Congress: Food Embargo (Soviet Union), 1980
44417 96th Congress: Food Stamps, 1979-1980
44418 96th Congress: Follow Through Program (Funding), 1979
44419 96th Congress: Foreign Aid, 1979-1980
44420 96th Congress: Foreign Policy, 1979-1980
44421 96th Congress: Formica Trademark, 1979-1980
44422 96th Congress: Forest Service (RARE II Study), 1979
44423 96th Congress: Forest Service (Various), 1979
44424 96th Congress: Forest Service (Various), 1980
44425 96th Congress: Forest Service: Off Road Vehicle Use (Lower San Francisco River), 1980
44426 96th Congress: Gasoline Prices, 1979
44427 96th Congress: Gasoline Rationing, 1979
See also Energy.
44428 96th Congress: Gates Learjet Corporation (Noise), 1980
44429 96th Congress: Genocide Treaty, 1979-1980
44430 96th Congress: G.I. Bill, 1979-1980
44431 96th Congress: Gila County Health Care, 1979
44432 96th Congress: Gold Standard, 1979-1980
4451 96th Congress: Golden State Broadcasting Corporation (Antenna Array in Catalina Foothills), 1979
4452 96th Congress: Government National Mortgage Association, 1980
4453 96th Congress: Government Reorganization (Carter Plan), 1979
4454 96th Congress: Government Spending, 1979-1980
4455 96th Congress: Grain Reserves, 1979-1980
4456 96th Congress: GSA Furniture Procurement Program, 1980
4457 96th Congress: Gun Control, 1979-1980
4458 96th Congress: Handicapped (Various), 1979-1980
4459 96th Congress: The Hanigan Case, 1979-1980
44510 96th Congress: Hart Senate Office Building, 1979
44511 96th Congress: Hassayampa: Sabrosa Water System and Chaparral Rancheros, 1978-1979
44512 96th Congress: Hatch Act, 1979
44513 96th Congress: Havasu National Wildlife Refuge (Water Management), 1979-1980
44514 96th Congress: Hazardous Waste, 1980
44515 96th Congress: Head Start (Funding), 1979
44516 96th Congress: Health Care (Various), 1979-1980
44517 96th Congress: Health, Education and Welfare Funding, 1979 January-April
44518 96th Congress: Health, Education and Welfare Funding, 1979 May-December
44519 96th Congress: Health, Education and Welfare Funding, 1980
44520 96th Congress: Health Insurance, 1979-1980
44521 96th Congress: Health and Human Services (Various), 1980
44522 96th Congress: Historic Preservation, 1980
44523 96th Congress: Home Emergency Purchase Assistance Program, S 2177, 1980
44524 96th Congress: Homosexuals (Gay Rights), 1978-1980
44525 96th Congress: Honoraria (Code of Ethics), 1979
44526 96th Congress: Horse Racing, 1979-1980
44527 96th Congress: Hospital Cost Containment, 1979
44528 96th Congress: Hospital Cost Containment, 1980
44529 96th Congress: Housing (Various), 1979-1980
44530 96th Congress: Housing and Urban Development Funding (Various), 1979-1980
44531 96th Congress: Housing and Urban Development (Phoenix Office Upgrade), 1980
4461 96th Congress: Hughes Air West, 1980
4462 96th Congress: Human Rights, 1979-1980
Includes colleague correspondence.
4463 96th Congress: Illegal Aliens (Hanigan Case, El Salvadorans, Smugglers), 1980
4464 96th Congress: Illegal Aliens and Border Patrol, 1979-1980
4465 96th Congress: Illinois Brick Decision (Anti-Trust), 1978-1980
4466 96th Congress: Immigration and Naturalization, 1979-1980
4467 96th Congress: Immigration Service at Naco, Arizona, 1980
4468 96th Congress: Impact Aid (Funding), 1978-1980
4469 96th Congress: Independent Contractors, 1979-980
44610 96th Congress: Inflation, 1979
44611 96th Congress: Inflation, 1979 (Postcards; 1 of 2)
44612 96th Congress: Inflation, 1979 (Postcards; 2 of 2)
44613 96th Congress: Inflation, 1980
44614 96th Congress: Insurance, 1979-1980
44615 96th Congress: Interest Rates, 1980
44616 96th Congress: Interior (Various), 1979-1980
44617 96th Congress: Interior Programs (Funding), 1979-1980
44618 96th Congress: Internal Revenue Service (Various), 1979-1980
44619 96th Congress: Internal Revenue Service and Tax Exempt Schools, 1979 February-March
44620 96th Congress: Internal Revenue Service and Tax Exempt Schools, 1979 April 1-9
44621 96th Congress: Internal Revenue Service and Tax Exempt Schools, 1979 April 10-30
44622 96th Congress: Internal Revenue Service and Tax Exempt Schools, 1979 May-December
44623 96th Congress: Internal Revenue Service and Tax Exempt Schools, 1980
44624 96th Congress: International Monetary Fund, 1980
44625 96th Congress: Internal Security Committee, 1979-1980
44626 96th Congress: International Year of the Child, 1979
44627 96th Congress: Invitations to Mainland China, 1979
44628 96th Congress: Iran, 1979 January-October
44629 96th Congress: Iran, 1979 November
4471 96th Congress: Iran, 1979
4472 96th Congress: Iran, 1980 January-April
Includes White House and colleague correspondence.
4473 96th Congress: Iran, 1980 May-November
Includes VIP and White House correspondence.
4474 96th Congress: Iran Hostages, 1980
4475 96th Congress: Iranian Students, 1980
4476 96th Congress: Israel, 1979-1980
4477 96th Congress: Japanese Imports, 1980
Includes White House correspondence.
4478 96th Congress: Juvenile Justice, 1979-1980
4479 96th Congress: Koreagate, 1977-1979
44710 96th Congress: Kennedy, Ted, 1979
44711 96th Congress: Labor (Various), 1979
44712 96th Congress: Labor (Various), 1980
44713 96th Congress: Labor Contract Compliance Programs, 1980
44714 96th Congress: Labor Programs (Funding), 1978-1979
44715 96th Congress: Laetrile, 1979-1980
44716 96th Congress: Land Boundaries (J. Lester Allen), 1979-1980
44717 96th Congress: Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (Funding), 1979-1980
44718 96th Congress: Lazy Doc Lode Mining Claim, 1979-1980
44719 96th Congress: Legal Services Funding, 1980
44720 96th Congress: Liberty Amendment, 1979
44721 96th Congress: Life of Brian (Movie), 1979
44722 96th Congress: Lobby Reform, 1979-1980
44723 96th Congress: Mammoth Water System, 1980
44724 96th Congress: Marijuana, 1979-1980
44725 96th Congress: Marin Luther King Day, 1979-1980
44726 96th Congress: Mass Transit, 1979
44727 96th Congress: Medical Discrimination (Federal Aviation Administration), 1979-1980
44728 96th Congress: Medicare, 1979-1980
44729 96th Congress: Mediterranean Fruit Fly, 1976-1980
44730 96th Congress: Metric System, 1979-1980
44731 96th Congress: Mexico-U.S. Relations, 1979-1980
44732 96th Congress: Middle East, 1979-1980
44733 96th Congress: Mikva, Abner (Nomination to U.S. Court of Appeals), 1979
44734 96th Congress: Military (Various), 1979
44735 96th Congress: Military (Various), 1980
44736 96th Congress: Military Pay, 1979-1980
4481 96th Congress: Military Physicians, 1979-1980
4482 96th Congress: Military Retirement, 1979-1980
4483 96th Congress: Military Strength, 1979-1980
4484 96th Congress: Mine Safety, 1979-1980
4485 96th Congress: Minimum Wage, 1979-1980
4486 96th Congress: Mining (Various), 1979-1980
4487 96th Congress: Mobile Homes (Various), 1979-1980
4488 96th Congress: Moon Treaty, 1979-1980
4489 96th Congress: Morris, Norval (Administrator, Law Enforcement Assistance Administration), 1978-1979
44810 96th Congress: Motor Freight Carriers, 1979-1980
44811 96th Congress: Multi-Lingual Ballots, 1979-1980
44812 96th Congress: National Health Insurance, 1979-1980
44813 96th Congress: Natural Gas, 1980
44814 96th Congress: Nava, Julian (U.S. Ambassador to Mexico), 1980
44815 96th Congress: Naval Reserves, 1979
44816 96th Congress: New Arizona Prison, 1978-1980
44817 96th Congress: News Media, 1979-1980
44818 96th Congress: Nicaragua, 1979-1980
44819 96th Congress: Nine Digit Zip Codes, 1980
44820 96th Congress: Noise Pollution, 1979-1980
44821 96th Congress: Nomination to National Labor Relations Board (Lubbers v. Truesdale), 1980
44822 96th Congress: Nomination of Patricia Wald to Circuit Court of District of Columbia, 1979
44823 96th Congress: North Pacific Fur Seal Treaty, 1980
44824 96th Congress: Nuclear Energy, 1979 January-June
44825 96th Congress: Nuclear Energy, 1979 July-December
44826 96th Congress: Nuclear Energy, 1980
44827 96th Congress: Nuclear Waste, 1979-1980
44828 96th Congress: Nuclear Weapons, 1979-1980
44829 96th Congress: Nutrition, 1979-1980
44830 96th Congress: Obey-Railsback, S 832 (Political Action Committees), 1979
44831 96th Congress: Occupation Safety and Health Administration, S 2153, 1979-1980 (1 of 2)
44832 96th Congress: Occupation Safety and Health Administration, S 2153, 1980 (2 of 2)
44833 96th Congress: Oil (Various), 1979-1980
44834 96th Congress: Oil Deregulation, 1979
44835 96th Congress: Older Americans Act (Funding), 1979
44836 96th Congress: Olympic Gas and Oil (Securities Investigation), 1980
44837 96th Congress: Olympics, 1979-1980
44838 96th Congress: Orme Dam, 1979-1980
44839 96th Congress: Overpopulation, 1979
44840 96th Congress: Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), 1979
4491 96th Congress: Panama Canal, 1979-1980
4492 96th Congress: Panama Canal Funds, 1979
4493 96th Congress: Paperwork Reduction, 1980
Includes colleague correspondence.
4494 96th Congress: Parental Kidnapping of Children, 1978-1980
Includes several legal opinions.
4495 96th Congress: Persian Gulf, 1980
4496 96th Congress: Pesticides, 1979-1980
4497 96th Congress: Physician Prescription Blanks, 1980
4498 96th Congress: Pierce Ferry Road (Lake Mead National Recreation Area), 1978-1982
4499 96th Congress: Pinecrest Lake (Cabin and Dock Owners), 1979
44910 96th Congress: Political Contributions and Fundraising, 1977-1980
44911 96th Congress: Pollution (Various), 1979-1980
44912 96th Congress: Polygraph Control Bill, 1979
44913 96th Congress: Poor Leadership and Management in Air Force, 1979
44914 96th Congress: Pornography, 1979-1980
44915 96th Congress: Post Election Press Conference, 1980
44916 96th Congress: Postal Service, 1979-1980
44917 96th Congress: Prayer in Schools, 1979
44918 96th Congress: Prayer in Schools, 1980
44919 96th Congress: Predator Control, 1979-1980
44920 96th Congress: Pregnancy Discrimination, 1979
44921 96th Congress: Premex Incorporated, 1980
44922 96th Congress: Princeton University, 1979
44923 96th Congress: Private Market Economy, 1980
44924 96th Congress: Product Liability, 1979-1980
44925 96th Congress: Proposition 13, 1979
44926 96th Congress: Proposition 106, 1980
44927 96th Congress: Public Broadcasting, 1979-1980
44928 96th Congress: Public Financing of Elections, 1979
44929 96th Congress: Public Lands (Sagebrush Rebellion), 1979
Includes colleague correspondence.
44930 96th Congress: Red Canyon/Secret Mountain (Sedona), 1978-1980
44931 96th Congress: Red Canyon/Secret Mountain National Monument Proposal (Sedona), 1979-1980
44932 96th Congress: Railroad Retirement, 1979-1980
44933 96th Congress: Refugees, 1979-1980
44934 96th Congress: Religion, 1980
44935 96th Congress: Religious Broadcasts, 1979-1980
44936 96th Congress: Renegotiation Board, 1979
44937 96th Congress: Retirement (Various), 1980
44938 96th Congress: Revenue Sharing, 1979-1980
Includes colleague correspondence.
44939 96th Congress: Rhodesia, 1979-1980
Includes colleague correspondence.
44940 96th Congress: Right to Work Committee, 1979-1980
44941 96th Congress: River Compound (Jacobson Engineering Company, Parker, Arizona), 1979-1980
4501 96th Congress: RKO General (Denied License Renewal), 1980
4502 96th Congress: Saccharin, 1979
4503 96th Congress: Sagebrush Rebellion, 1980
4504 96th Congress: Saguaro National Monument (Horseman Restrictions), 1978-1979
4505 96th Congress: Sale of Aircraft to the Middle East (Form Letters), 1978-1980
4506 96th Congress: Sales Representative Act, 1979
4507 96th Congress: Santa Rosa Island, 1979
4508 96th Congress: Saudi Arabia, 1980
4509 96th Congress: Savings and Loans, 1979-1980
45010 96th Congress: School Lunch Program, 1979-1980
45011 96th Congress: Senator's Voting and Attendance Record, 1980
45012 96th Congress: Senior Citizens, 1979-1980
45013 96th Congress: Service Life Extension Program (U.S.S. Saratoga), 1979
45014 96th Congress: Show Low Water Fluoridation, 1980
45015 96th Congress: Sinohui, Jose Jr. (Wrongful Death, Hispanic Civil Rights), 1978-1980
45016 96th Congress: Small Business, 1979
45017 96th Congress: Smoking (Various), 1979-1980
See also cigarettes, tobacco.
45018 96th Congress: Social Security, 1979 January-June
45019 96th Congress: Social Security, 1979 July-December
45020 96th Congress: Social Security, 1980 January-February
45021 96th Congress: Social Security, 1980 March-June
45022 96th Congress: Social Security, 1980 July-December
45023 96th Congress: Solar Energy, 197-1980
45024 96th Congress: South Africa and Rhodesia, 1979-1980
45025 96th Congress: South Korea, 1979-1980
45026 96th Congress: Soviet Jews, 1979-1980
45027 96th Congress: Soviet Union (Russia), 1979-1980
45028 96th Congress: Space Program (Funding), 1979-1980
45029 96th Congress: Space Shuttle (Funding), 1979-1980
45030 96th Congress: Speed Limit (55 Miles per Hour), 1979-1980
45031 96th Congress: Steel, 1979-1980
Includes colleague correspondence.
45032 96th Congress: Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, 1979-1980 (Postcards)
45033 96th Congress: Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (Various Literature), 1979-1980
45034 96th Congress: Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, 1979 January-April
45035 96th Congress: Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, 1979 May
45036 96th Congress: Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, 1979 June
45037 96th Congress: Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, 1979 July
45038 96th Congress: Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, 1979 August-September
45039 96th Congress: Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, 1979 October
4511 96th Congress: Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, 1979 November-December
4512 96th Congress: Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, 1980
4513 96th Congress: Sunset Bill, 1979-1980
4514 96th Congress: Superfund, 1979-1980
4515 96th Congress: Survivor Benefits, 1979-1980
4516 96th Congress: Synanon Foundation (Lake Havasu City), 1979
4517 96th Congress: Taiwan: Arrest of Reverend C. M. Kao, 1980
4518 96th Congress: Taiwan Treaty Lawsuit, 1979 January 1-12
4519 96th Congress: Taiwan Treaty Lawsuit, 1979 January 13-31
See also Goldwater v. Carter.
45110 96th Congress: Taiwan Treaty Lawsuit, 1979 February-May
See also Goldwater v. Carter.
45111 96th Congress: Taiwan Treaty Lawsuit, 1979 June-October
See also Goldwater v. Carter.
45112 96th Congress: Taiwan Treaty Lawsuit, 1979 November-December
See also Goldwater v. Carter.
45113 96th Congress: Taiwan Treaty Lawsuit, 1980
See also Goldwater v. Carter.
45114 96th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China (In Support of President Carter), 1978-1979
45115 96th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China (Pamphlets, Articles), 1978-1979
45116 96th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China (Form Letters), 1979
45117 96th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, 1979 January 1
45118 96th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, 1979 January 2
45119 96th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, 1979 January 3
45120 96th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, 1979 January 4
45121 96th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, 1979 January 5
45122 96th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, 1979 January 6
4521 96th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, 1979 January 7
4522 96th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, 1979 January 8
4523 96th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, 1979 January 9
4524 96th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, 1979 January 10
4525 96th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, 1979 January 11
4526 96th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, 1979 January 12-14
4527 96th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, 1979 January 15-17
4528 96th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, 1979 January 18-21
4529 96th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, 1979 January 22-23
45210 96th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, 1979 January 24-26
45211 96th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, 1979 January 27-31
45212 96th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, 1979 February 1-9
45213 96th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, 1979 February 10-28
45214 96th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, 1979 March-December
45215 96th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, 1980
45216 96th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, Undated (1 of 4)
45217 96th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, Undated (2 of 4)
45218 96th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, Undated (3 of 4)
4531 96th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, Undated (4 of 4)
4532 96th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China (Letters from Taiwanese), 1979 January 1-9
(Letters Translated into English)
4533 96th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China (Letters from Taiwanese), 1979 January 10-31
(Letters Translated into English)
4534 96th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China (Letters from Taiwanese), 1979 February-December
(Letters Translated into English)
4535 96th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, 1979 (1 of 2)
(Letters in Chinese)
4536 96th Congress: Taiwan, Taiwan Treaty and China, 1979 (2 of 2)
(Letters in Chinese)
4537 96th Congress: Tax Deductions for Home Offices, Vacation Homes, Family Businesses, 1980
4538 96th Congress: Tax Reduction, 1979
4539 96th Congress: Tax Reform, 1979
45310 96th Congress: Tax Reform, 1980
45311 96th Congress: Tax on Social Security, 1979
45312 96th Congress: Tax on Social Security, 1980
45313 96th Congress: Taxes (Various), 1979 January-June
45314 96th Congress: Taxes (Various), 1979 July-December
45315 96th Congress: Taxes (Various), 1980 January-June
45316 96th Congress: Taxes (Various), 1980 July-October
45317 96th Congress: Taxes (Various), 1980 November-December
45318 96th Congress: Taxes: Americans Overseas, 1979-1980
45319 96th Congress: Taxes: Charitable Deductions, 1979-1980
45320 96th Congress: Taxes: Capital Gains, 1979
45321 96th Congress: Taxes: Interest and Dividends, 1979-1980
4541 96th Congress: Taxes: Married v. Single, 1979-1980
4542 96th Congress: Taxes: Missionaries Overseas, 1979-1980
4543 96th Congress: Taxes: Small Savers, 1979-1980
4544 96th Congress: Television (Various), 1979-1980
4545 96th Congress: Terminal Control Area: Phoenix, 1979-1980
4546 96th Congress: Time of Transfer Amendment, S 932, 1979
4547 96th Congress: Tourism, 1980
4548 96th Congress: Trade and Trade Reform, 1979-1980
Includes colleague correspondence.
4549 96th Congress: Transportation, 1980
45410 96th Congress: Trilateral Commission, 1979-1980
45411 96th Congress: Trucking, 1979 January-March
45412 96th Congress: Trucking, 1979 April-December
45413 96th Congress: Trucking, 1980
45414 96th Congress: Unemployment, 1980
45415 96th Congress: Unions, 1979-1980
45416 96th Congress: Uranium to India, 1980
45417 96th Congress: United Nations (Various), 1979-1980
45418 96th Congress: Veterans (Various), 1979
45419 96th Congress: Veterans (Various), 1980
45420 96th Congress: Vietnam, 1979-1980
45421 96th Congress: Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund, 1979-1980
Includes colleague correspondence.
45422 96th Congress: Vinson-Trammel Act (Government Procurement and Reporting), 1980
45423 96th Congress: Vitamins, 1979-1980
45424 96th Congress: Vocational Education, 1979-1980
45425 96th Congress: Wage and Price Controls, 1979-1980
45426 96th Congress: White House Conference on Families, 1979-1980
45427 96th Congress: Water (Various), 1979-1980
Includes colleague correspondence.
45428 96th Congress: Weekend Boating Restrictions, 1980
45429 96th Congress: Weekend Gasoline Sales, 1979
45430 96th Congress: Welfare, 1979-1980
45431 96th Congress: Whales, 1979-1980
45432 96th Congress: Wild Horses and Burros, 1979-1980
45433 96th Congress: Wild and Scenic Rivers, 1979-1980
4551 96th Congress: Wilderness, 1979 January-June
4552 96th Congress: Wilderness, 1979 July
4553 96th Congress: Wilderness, 1979 August-December
4554 96th Congress: Wilderness, 1980
4555 96th Congress: Windfall Profits Tax, 1979 (1 of 2)
4556 96th Congress: Windfall Profits Tax, 1979 (Postcards and Telegrams; 2 of 2)
4557 96th Congress: Winslow and Bureau of Land Management, 1979
4558 96th Congress: Women in Combat, 1979-1980
4559 96th Congress: Women in the Construction Industry Work Force (Associated General Contractors), 1979-1980
45510 96th Congress: Workers Compensation, 1979
45511 96th Congress: World War I Veterans, 1979-1980
45512 96th Congress: World War II Veterans, 1979
45513 96th Congress: World Hunger, 1979-1980
45514 96th Congress: World Peace Tax Act, 1979
45515 96th Congress: Yuma Airport and Yuma Air Station, 1978-1979
46319 97th Congress: Abortion, 1981 January-July
46320 97th Congress: Abortion, 1981 August-December
46321 97th Congress: Abortion, 1982
46322 97th Congress: Abscam, 1981
46323 97th Congress: Acid Rain, 1981-1982
See also Clean Air Act.
46324 97th Congress: Adoption, 1981-1982
46325 97th Congress: Affirmative Action, 1981-1982
46326 97th Congress: Aflatoxin (Arizona Cotton Growers), 1981-1982
46327 97th Congress: Africa, 1981-1982
46328 97th Congress: Agents Identities Bill, S 391, 1981-1982
46329 97th Congress: Agriculture (Various), 1981
46330 97th Congress: Agriculture (Various), 1982
46331 97th Congress: AH-64 Apache Helicopter, 1982
46332 97th Congress: Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), 1982
46333 97th Congress: Air Traffic Controllers, 1981-1982
46334 97th Congress: Alaska (Various), 1981-1982
46335 97th Congress: Alchesay-Williams Creek, 1982
46336 97th Congress: All Savers Certificates, 1981
46337 97th Congress: Amateur Radio, 1981
4641 97th Congress: Amateur Radio, 1982
4642 97th Congress: American Telephone and Telegraph, S 898, 1981-1982
4643 97th Congress: Amtrak and Conrail, 1981 January-April
4644 97th Congress: Amtrak and Conrail, 1981 May
4645 97th Congress: Amtrak and Conrail, 1981 June-November
4646 97th Congress: Amtrak and Conrail, 1982
4647 97th Congress: Animal Welfare, 1981-1982
4648 97th Congress: Arizona Citrus Growers (Various), 1980-1982
4649 97th Congress: Arizona Cooperative Fishing and Wildlife Units (Funding), 1981-1982
46410 97th Congress: Arizona and Medicaid, 1981
Includes colleague correspondence.
46411 97th Congress: Arizona Veterans Memorial Cemetery, 1981
Includes photos.
46412 97th Congress: Army Corps of Engineers, 1981-1982
46413 97th Congress: Arts and Humanities (Funding), 1981-1982
46414 97th Congress: Asbestos (Globe as a Superfund Site), 1981-1982
46415 97th Congress: Automobiles (Various), 1981-1982
46416 97th Congress: Aviation, 1981
46417 97th Congress: Aviation, 1982 January-May
46418 97th Congress: Aviation, 1982 June-December
46419 97th Congress: B-1 Bomber and MX Missile, 1981
See also Nuclear Freeze and Military Strength.
46420 97th Congress: B-1 Bomber and MX Missile, 1982 January-July
See also Nuclear Freeze and Military Strength.
46421 97th Congress: B-1 Bomber and MX Missile, 1982 October (1 of 3)
See also Nuclear Freeze and Military Strength.
46422 97th Congress: B-1 Bomber and MX Missile, 1982 October (2 of 3)
See also Nuclear Freeze and Military Strength.
4651 97th Congress: B-1 Bomber and MX Missile, 1982 October (3 of 3)
See also Nuclear Freeze and Military Strength.
4652 97th Congress: B-1 Bomber and MX Missile, 1982 November-December
See also Nuclear Freeze and Military Strength.
4653 97th Congress: Balanced Budget Amendment, 1981-1982
4654 97th Congress: Banking Industry, 1981
4655 97th Congress: Banking Industry, 1982
4656 97th Congress: Bilingual Education, 1981-1982
4657 97th Congress: Block Grants, 1981
4658 97th Congress: Boating Regulations and Fees, 1982
4659 97th Congress: Broadcast Services for the Handicapped, 1981
46510 97th Congress: Broadcasting (Various), 1981-1982
46511 97th Congress: Budget Cuts: Veterans Programs (Various), 1981
46512 97th Congress: Budget Cuts: Veterans Programs (Various), 1982
46513 97th Congress: Bureau of Land Management (Various), 1981-1982
46514 97th Congress: Bureau of Reclamation (Various), 1981-1982
46515 97th Congress: Bureaucracy, 1981
46516 97th Congress: Bus Regulatory Reform, S 926, 1981
46517 97th Congress: Bus Regulatory Reform, S 926, 1982
46518 97th Congress: Busing, 1981
46519 97th Congress: Cable Television, 1981
46520 97th Congress: Cable Television, 1982
46521 97th Congress: Cancer Research Funding in Arizona, 1981-1982
Includes colleague correspondence.
46522 97th Congress: Capital Punishment, 1981
46523 97th Congress: Casey, William J., 1981
46524 97th Congress: Cement Industry, 1981
46525 97th Congress: Central America (Various), 1981-1982
46526 97th Congress: Central Arizona Project, 1981-1982
46527 97th Congress: Chemical Weapons, 1982
46528 97th Congress: City of Phoenix, 1981
46529 97th Congress: Civil Rights Act (Funding), 1982
46530 97th Congress: Clean Air Act, 1981 January-July
4661 97th Congress: Clean Air Act, 1981 August-December
4662 97th Congress: Clean Air Act, 1982 January-April
4663 97th Congress: Clean Air Act, 1982 May-December
4664 97th Congress: Clean Air Coalition, 1981-1982
4665 97th Congress: Coal and Coal Slurry, 1982
4666 97th Congress: Colorado River Running (Management Plan), 1981-1982
4667 97th Congress: Commerce (Various), 1981
4668 97th Congress: Commerce (Various), 1982
4669 97th Congress: Communism, 1981
46610 97th Congress: Community Health Centers, 1981-1982
46611 97th Congress: Compensation for Radiation Exposure, 1980-1982
46612 97th Congress: Comprehensive Employment Training Act (CETA), 1981-1982
46613 97th Congress: Congressional Pay Raise, 1981-1982
46614 97th Congress: Consumer Price Index, 1981-1982
46615 97th Congress: Container Deposit, 1981-1982
46616 97th Congress: Contracting-Out of Civil Service Jobs, 1982
46617 97th Congress: Cooperative Research Units (U.S. Fish and Wildlife), 1982
46618 97th Congress: Copper Industry, 1981-1982
46619 97th Congress: Corporation for Public Broadcasting, 1981
46620 97th Congress: Court System (Various), 1981
46621 97th Congress: Crime, Criminal Code, Criminal Justice, 1981
46622 97th Congress: Cuba, 1981-1982
46623 97th Congress: Dairy Price Supports, 1981-1982
46624 97th Congress: Dams and Dam Safety, 1981-1982
46625 97th Congress: Day Care Centers (Funding), 1981
46626 97th Congress: Daylight Savings Time, 1981
46627 97th Congress: Defense Budget, 1981
46628 97th Congress: Defense Budget, 1982 January-March
46629 97th Congress: Defense Budget, 1982 April-May
46630 97th Congress: Defense Budget, 1982 June-December
4671 97th Congress: Del Webb's Houseboat Reservations, 1982
4672 97th Congress: Direct Election of the President, 1981
4673 97th Congress: Disabilities Programs (Funding), 1981-1982
4674 97th Congress: District of Columbia Sexual Assault Law, 1981
4675 97th Congress: Draft, 1981-1982
4676 97th Congress: Drinking Age, 1981
4677 97th Congress: Drunk Driving, S 671, 1981-1982
4678 97th Congress: Drugs, 1981
4679 97th Congress: Education (Various), 1981
46710 97th Congress: Education (Various), 1982 January-April
46711 97th Congress: Education (Various), 1982 May-December
46712 97th Congress: Educational Block Grants, 1981
46713 97th Congress: El Salvador, 1981-1982
46714 97th Congress: Endangered Species, 1981
46715 97th Congress: Endangered Species Act, 1982 January-April
46716 97th Congress: Endangered Species Act, 1982 May-November
46717 97th Congress: Energy (Various), 1981 January-April
46718 97th Congress: Energy (Various), 1981 May-December
46719 97th Congress: Energy (Various), 1982
46720 97th Congress: Environment (Various), 1981-1982
46721 97th Congress: Environmental Protection Agency (Various), 1981-1982
46722 97th Congress: Estate Taxes, 1981-1982
46723 97th Congress: Equal Rights Amendment, 1981
46724 97th Congress: Ethics (Various), 1981-1982
46725 97th Congress: Exemptions from Copyright Law, 1981
46726 97th Congress: Export-Import Banks, 1981-1982
46727 97th Congress: Falkland Islands, 1982
46728 97th Congress: Family Protection Act, 1981-1982
46729 97th Congress: Farm Home Administration, 1981-1982
4681 97th Congress: Farm Subsidies, 1981-1982
4682 97th Congress: Federal Budget and the Economy, 1981 January-April
4683 97th Congress: Federal Budget and the Economy, 1981 May-December
4684 97th Congress: Federal Budget and the Economy, 1982 January-March
4685 97th Congress: Federal Budget and the Economy, 1982 April-May
4686 97th Congress: Federal Budget and the Economy, 1982 June-July
4687 97th Congress: Federal Budget and the Economy, 1982 August-December
4688 97th Congress: Federal Election Commission, 1981-1982
4689 97th Congress: Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA; Various), 1982
46810 97th Congress: Federal Employee Pay and Benefits, 1981-1982
46811 97th Congress: Federal Hiring Freeze, 1981
46812 97th Congress: Federal Housing Administration, 1982
46813 97th Congress: Federal Reserve Board, 1981-1982
46814 97th Congress: Federal Retirees, 1981 February-July
46815 97th Congress: Federal Retirees, 1981 August-December
46816 97th Congress: Federal Trade Commission (Various), 1981-1982
46817 97th Congress: Federal Trade Commission and Regulation of the Professions, S 2479, 1982
46818 97th Congress: Filibusters, 1981-1982
46819 97th Congress: Fires and Flooding (Federal Emergency Management Policy), 1981-1982
46820 97th Congress: Fisheries and Fishing Regulations, 1981-1982
46821 97th Congress: Flat Tax, 1981
46822 97th Congress: Flat Tax, 1982 January-May
46823 97th Congress: Flat Tax, 1982 June-December
46824 97th Congress: Food and Drug Administration (Various), 1981-1982
46825 97th Congress: Food Stamps, 1981-1982
46826 97th Congress: Foreign Aid, 1981-1982
46827 97th Congress: Foreign Policy (Various), 1981-1982
4691 97th Congress: Forest Service (Various), 1981
4692 97th Congress: Forest Service (Various), 1982 January-June
4693 97th Congress: Forest Service (Various), 1982 July-December
4694 97th Congress: Former Presidents, 1981
4695 97th Congress: Freedom of Information, 1981-1982
4696 97th Congress: Fugate, Paul (National Park Service Ranger Disappearance), 1980-1981
4697 97th Congress: Gasoline, Oil, Fuel Tax, 1981-1982
4698 97th Congress: Gay Rights (Homosexuality), 1981
4699 97th Congress: Genocide Treaty, 1981-1982
46910 97th Congress: G.I. Bill, 1981-1982
46911 97th Congress: Gold and Silver, 1981
46912 97th Congress: Government Affairs, 1981
46913 97th Congress: Government Bailouts, 1981-1982
46914 97th Congress: Grain Sale to Soviet Union (Grain Embargo), 1981-1982
46915 97th Congress: Grand Canyon Railroad, 1981
46916 97th Congress: Gun Control, 1981 January-April
46917 97th Congress: Gun Control, 1981 May
46918 97th Congress: Gun Control, 1981 June-December
46919 97th Congress: Gun Control, 1982
46920 97th Congress: Haig, Alexander (Secretary of State), 1981
46921 97th Congress: Harp Seals, 1981-1982
Includes colleague correspondence.
46922 97th Congress: Hazardous Waste, 1981-1982
46923 97th Congress: Head Start Program (Funding), 1981-1982
46924 97th Congress: Health Care Financing Administration, 1982
46925 97th Congress: Health Insurance and Cost of Health Care, 1981-1982
46927 97th Congress: Health Planning, 1981-1982
46928 97th Congress: Health Professions (Funding for Education), 1981-1982
46929 97th Congress: High Altitude Emission Standards, 1982-1983
Includes colleague correspondence.
46930 97th Congress: Highways and Highway Safety, 1981-1982
46931 97th Congress: Historic Preservation (Various), 1981-1982
46932 97th Congress: Home Video Recorders and Games, 1981-1982
46933 97th Congress: Hoover Dam and Water Allotment, 1981-1982
46934 97th Congress: Housing and Urban Development, 1981-1982
4701 97th Congress: Hunger and Global Securities Bill, 1981
4702 97th Congress: Illegal Aliens and Immigration, 1981
4703 97th Congress: Illegal Aliens and Immigration, 1982 January-April
4704 97th Congress: Illegal Aliens and Immigration, 1982 May-June
4705 97th Congress: Illegal Aliens and Immigration, 1982 July-August
4706 97th Congress: Illegal Aliens and Immigration, 1982 September-December
4707 97th Congress: Industrial Development Bonds, 1981-1982
4708 97th Congress: Infant Formula, 1981-1982
4709 97th Congress: Inflation, 1981
47010 97th Congress: Insurance Business Regulation, S 2204, 1981-1982
47011 97th Congress: Intelligence, Surveillance, and National Security (Various), 1981
47012 97th Congress: Intelligence, Surveillance, and National Security (Various), 1982
47013 97th Congress: Interest Rates, 1981
47014 97th Congress: Interest Rates, 1982
47015 97th Congress: Interior Department (Various), 1981-1982
47016 97th Congress: Interior Department Funding (Various), 1981-1982
47017 97th Congress: Internal Revenue Service Abuses of Power, 1981-1982
47018 97th Congress: International Trade (Various), 1981-1982
47019 97th Congress: Interstate Commerce Commission (Various), 1981-1982
47020 97th Congress: Iran Hostages, 1981
47021 97th Congress: Israel, 1981-1982
47022 97th Congress: Jobs Bill, 1981-1982
47023 97th Congress: Jobs Tax Credit, 1981-1982
47024 97th Congress: Judicial Independence, 1982
47025 97th Congress: KAAV Radio (Tucson), 1982
47026 97th Congress: Kachina Doll Confiscation (Page Photo and Gift, Fashions and Fabrics), 1981
47027 97th Congress: Labor (Various), 1981-1982
47028 97th Congress: Latin America, 1981-1982
47029 97th Congress: Law of the Sea Treaty, 1981-1982
47030 97th Congress: Lease or Build Public Buildings, S 533, 1981
47031 97th Congress: Legal Services Corporation (Funding), 1981-1982
47032 97th Congress: Leg-Hold Traps, 1981-1982
4711 97th Congress: Lipe-Rollway Corporation (Tariffs), 1979-1981
4712 97th Congress: Marine Mammal Protection Act, 1981-1982
4713 97th Congress: Martinez Lake Home Owners Association, 1981
4714 97th Congress: Medical Research (Various), 1981-1982
4715 97th Congress: Medicare, 1981
4716 97th Congress: Medicare, 1982 January-April
4717 97th Congress: Medicare, 1982 May-September
4718 97th Congress: Members of Congress Convicted of a Felony, 1981
4719 97th Congress: Metric System, 1981-1982
47110 97th Congress: Mexico, 1981-1982
47111 97th Congress: Middle East, 1981-1982
47112 97th Congress: Military Ex-Wives, 1981
47113 97th Congress: Military Ex-Wives, 1982
47114 97th Congress: Military Pay and Benefits, 1981-1982
47115 97th Congress: Military Strength, 1981
47116 97th Congress: Military Strength, 1982 January-April
47117 97th Congress: Military Strength, 1982 May-December
47118 97th Congress: Minimum Wage, 1981-1982
47119 97th Congress: Mining and Mine Safety, 1981-1982
47120 97th Congress: Missing Children, 1981
47121 97th Congress: Monetary DeControl Act, 1981-1982
47122 97th Congress: Money Market Funds, 1981
47123 97th Congress: National Archives Funding, 1981
47124 97th Congress: National Park Service (Various), 1981
47125 97th Congress: National Park Service (Various), 1982
47126 97th Congress: National Peace Academy, 1981-1982
47127 97th Congress: Natural Gas (Various), 1981-1982
4721 97th Congress: Nazi War Criminals, 1982
4722 97th Congress: New Postal Service Training Center, 1981
4723 97th Congress: Nine Digit Zip Codes, 1981
4724 97th Congress: Nixon, Richard, 1981
4725 97th Congress: Northern Ireland, 1981-1982
4726 97th Congress: Nuclear Power, 1981-1982
Includes Palo Verde Nuclear Plant.
4727 97th Congress: Nuclear War, 1981-1982
4728 97th Congress: Nuclear Waste, 1981-1982
4729 97th Congress: Nuclear Weapons Freeze (Arms Control), 1982 February-April
47210 97th Congress: Nuclear Weapons Freeze (Arms Control), 1982 May
47211 97th Congress: Nuclear Weapons Freeze (Arms Control), 1982 June-December
47212 97th Congress: Nutrition Programs (Funding), 1981-1982
47213 97th Congress: Obscenity and Pornography in Broadcasting, 1981-1982
47214 97th Congress: Occupational Health and Safety Administration, 1981-1982
47215 97th Congress: Oil and Gasoline (Various), 1981
47216 97th Congress: Oil and Gasoline (Various), 1982
47217 97th Congress: Older Americans Act (Senior Citizens), 1981-1982
47218 97th Congress: Orme Dam, 1981
See also Central Arizona Project.
47219 97th Congress: Over Population, 1981-1982
47220 97th Congress: Ozone Depletion (Chloroflurocarbons), 1981-1982
47221 97th Congress: Panama Canal, 1981-1982
47222 97th Congress: Patents and Copyrights, 1981
47223 97th Congress: Pecan Marketing, 1982
47224 97th Congress: Phoenix Union High School (Civil Rights), 1981-1982
47225 97th Congress: Physicians Imprisoned in Chile (Dr. Manuel Almeyda and Dr. Patricio Arroyo Pinochet), 1981
47226 97th Congress: Poland, 1981-1982
47227 97th Congress: Pornography, 1981
47228 97th Congress: Postal Rates, 1981
47229 97th Congress: Postal Service (Various), 1981
47230 97th Congress: Postal Service Collective Bargaining (Rural Letter Carriers Association), 1981
47231 97th Congress: Predator Control, 1981-1982
47232 97th Congress: President Reagan's Economic Recovery Plan, 1981 February-March
See also Tax Cuts.
47233 97th Congress: President Reagan's Economic Recovery Plan, 1981 April
See also Tax Cuts.
47234 97th Congress: President Reagan's Economic Recovery Plan, 1981 May-June
See also Tax Cuts.
47235 97th Congress: President Reagan's Economic Recovery Plan, 1981 July-August
See also Tax Cuts.
47236 97th Congress: President Reagan's Economic Recovery Plan, 1981 September-December
See also Tax Cuts.
4731 97th Congress: President Reagan's Economic Recovery Plan, 1982
See also Tax Cuts.
4732 97th Congress: President's Veto of Supplemental Appropriations Bill, 1982
4733 97th Congress: Prisoners of War and Missing in Action, 1981-1982
4734 97th Congress: Product Liability Act, S 2631, 1981-1982
4735 97th Congress: Professional Sports (Various), 1981-1982
4736 97th Congress: Railroad Retirement, 1981-1982
4737 97th Congress: Reagan Assassination Attempt, 1981
4738 97th Congress: Reddell Ranch Acres (Flood Plain Designation), 1982
4739 97th Congress: Refugee Resettlement Funds, 1981
47310 97th Congress: Religion, 1981
47311 97th Congress: Religious Broadcasting, 1981-1982
47312 97th Congress: Retirement Pension Plans, 1981
47313 97th Congress: Retirement Pension Plans, 1982
47314 97th Congress: Roadless Area Review and Evaluation (RARE II), 1981
47315 97th Congress: Rural Electrification (Funding), 1981
47316 97th Congress: Russian Intelligence, 1981
47317 97th Congress: Safe Harbor Leasing (Taxes), 1982
47318 97th Congress: Sagebrush Rebellion, 1981-1982
47319 97th Congress: Sale of AWACs to Saudi Arabia, 1981
47320 97th Congress: Sale of Federal Lands, 1981-1982
47321 97th Congress: Satellite Communications, 1981-1982
47322 97th Congress: Seat Belts (Passive Restraints), 1981-1982
47323 97th Congress: School Prayer, 1981
47324 97th Congress: Shipping Industry (Various), 1981-1982
47325 97th Congress: Sierra Vista Rod and Gun Club, 1982
47326 97th Congress: Small Business (Various), 1980-1982
47327 97th Congress: Smoking, 1981-1982
47328 97th Congress: Social Security, 1981 January-February
47329 97th Congress: Social Security, 1981 March
47330 97th Congress: Social Security, 1981 April-May
47331 97th Congress: Social Security, 1981 June 1-12
47332 97th Congress: Social Security, 1981 June 15-30
47333 97th Congress: Social Security, 1981 July
47334 97th Congress: Social Security, 1981 August
4741 97th Congress: Social Security, 1981 September
4742 97th Congress: Social Security, 1981 October-December
4743 97th Congress: Social Security, 1982 January-April
4744 97th Congress: Social Security, 1982 May-June
4745 97th Congress: Social Security, 1982 July-September
4746 97th Congress: Social Security, 1982 October-December
4747 97th Congress: Solar Energy (Various), 1981
4748 97th Congress: Solar Energy (Various), 1982
4749 97th Congress: Solar Tax Credits, 1981-1982
47410 97th Congress: Southeast Asia (Various), 1981-1982
47411 97th Congress: Soviet Jews, 1981
47412 97th Congress: Soviet Jews, 1982 March-June
47413 97th Congress: Soviet Jews, 1982 July-November
47414 97th Congress: Soviet Union (Various), 1981-1982
47415 97th Congress: Space Program (Various), 1981
47416 97th Congress: Space Program (Various), 1982 January-March
47417 97th Congress: Space Program (Various), 1982 April-December
47418 97th Congress: Speed Limit (55 MPH), 1981-1982
47419 97th Congress: Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty, 1981
47420 97th Congress: Student Loans (Funding), 1981
47421 97th Congress: Student Loans, 1982
47422 97th Congress: Subsidized Housing, 1981-1982
47423 97th Congress: Surface Transportation Act, 1982
See also Trucking.
47424 97th Congress: Surtax on Individuals, 1982
47425 97th Congress: Taiwan, 1981-1982
Includes VIP correspondence.
47426 97th Congress: Tax Calculation (Multi-Year Method), 1982
47427 97th Congress: Tax Credit for Members of Congress, 1981-1982
4751 97th Congress: Tax Cuts, 1981-1982
4752 97th Congress: Tax on Dividends, 1981-1982
4753 97th Congress: Tax on Fringe Benefits, 1981-1982
4754 97th Congress: Tax Incentives (Various), 1981
4755 97th Congress: Tax Indexing, 1981-1982
4756 97th Congress: Tax Lobbying, 1981
4757 97th Congress: Tax Penalty on Marriage, 1981
4758 97th Congress: Tax Reform, 1981
4759 97th Congress: Tax on Savings, 1981-1982
47510 97th Congress: Tax on Tobacco, Cigarettes and Alcohol, 1982
47511 97th Congress: Taxation and Municipal Bonds, 1981-1982
47512 97th Congress: Taxes (Various), 1981 January-June
47513 97th Congress: Taxes (Various), 1981 July-December
47514 97th Congress: Taxes (Various), 1982 January-July
47515 97th Congress: Taxes (Various), 1982 August-December
47516 97th Congress: Taxes on Americans Overseas, 1981-1982
47517 97th Congress: Taxes on Charitable Organizations, 1981-1982
47518 97th Congress: Taxes on Housing (Various), 1981-1982
47519 97th Congress: Taxes on Independent Contractors, 1981-1982
47520 97th Congress: Taxes and Retirement, 1981-1982
47521 97th Congress: Taxes: Tip Income, 1982
47522 97th Congress: Taxpayer Compliance Bill, 1982
47523 97th Congress: Taxpayers Bill of Rights, 1981-1982
47524 97th Congress: Temple Bar Resort and National Park Service, 1981
47525 97th Congress: Tuition Tax Credits and Exemptions for Private Schools, 1981-1982
47526 97th Congress: Telephone Service, 1981-1982
47527 97th Congress: Televised Senate Proceedings, 1981-1982
47528 97th Congress: Title IX, 1982
47529 97th Congress: Title IX Funding (Family Planning), 1981-1982
47530 97th Congress: Tobacco Subsidy, 1981-1982
47531 97th Congress: Trade (Various), 1981
47532 97th Congress: Trade (Various), 1982
47533 97th Congress: Trilateral Commission, 1981-1982
47534 97th Congress: Trucking Industry (Various), 1981-1982
47535 97th Congress: Unemployment Compensation, 1981-1982
47536 97th Congress: Uniform Vehicle Standards, S 1402, 1981-1982
47537 97th Congress: Unions, 1981-1982
4761 97th Congress: United Nations, 1981-1982
4762 97th Congress: Uranium Mill Tailings (Tuba City, Arizona), 1981-1982
4763 97th Congress: Veterans Programs, HR 4034 (Funding), 1981
4764 97th Congress: Vietnam Veterans, 1981-1982
4765 97th Congress: Vitamins, 1981-1982
4766 97th Congress: Vocational Education and Rehabilitation, 1981-1982
4767 97th Congress: Voting Rights Act, 1981
4768 97th Congress: Water (Various), 1981-1982
4769 97th Congress: Watt, James (Secretary of Interior), 1981 January-September
47610 97th Congress: Watt, James (Secretary of Interior), 1981 October-December
47611 97th Congress: Watt, James (Secretary of Interior), 1982
47612 97th Congress: Weather Programs (Various), 1981-1982
47613 97th Congress: Welfare, 1981-1982
47614 97th Congress: Wild Horses and Burros, 1981-1982
47615 97th Congress: Wilderness, 1981
See also Bureau of Land Management and Watt, James.
47616 97th Congress: Wilderness, S 2801, HR 5282, 1982 January-October
See also Bureau of Land Management and Watt, James.
47617 97th Congress: Wilderness, S 2801, HR 5282, 1982 November-December
See also Bureau of Land Management and Watt, James.
47618 97th Congress: Williams Creek National Fish Hatchery (Fort Apache Indian Reservation), 1982
Includes colleague correspondence.
47619 97th Congress: Windfall Profits Tax, 1981
47620 97th Congress: Withholding Tax, 1982
47621 97th Congress: Wool Act, 1981
47622 97th Congress: World Bank and Multi-National Banks, 1981-1982
47623 97th Congress: World War I Veterans, 1981-1982
47624 97th Congress: Women Air Force Service Pilots (WASP), 1981
47625 97th Congress: Women in the Draft, 1981-1982
47928 98th Congress: Abortion, 1983
47929 98th Congress: Abortion, 1984 January-June
47930 98th Congress: Abortion, 1984 July-December
4801 98th Congress: Acid Rain, 1983-1984
4802 98th Congress: Adelman, Kenneth (Nomination for Head of Arms Control and Disarmament Agency), 1983
4803 98th Congress: Africa, 1983-1984
4804 98th Congress: Agricultural Productivity Act, 1983-1984
4805 98th Congress: Agriculture (Various), 1983-1984
4806 98th Congress: AIDS Research, 1983
4807 98th Congress: Airbags and Seat Belts, 1983-1984
4808 98th Congress: Airline De-Regulation, 1983-1984
4809 98th Congress: Alaska Oil Export, 1983-1984
Includes colleague correspondence.
48010 98th Congress: Amateur Radio, 1983
48011 98th Congress: Amateur Radio, 1984 January-June
48012 98th Congress: Amateur Radio, 1984 July-December
48013 98th Congress: American Telephone and Telegraph, 1984
See also Telephone Rates and Service.
48014 98th Congress: Animal Welfare, 1983-1984
48015 98th Congress: Anti-Terrorism, 1984
48016 98th Congress: Anti-Trust Regulations, 1983-1984
48017 98th Congress: Arizona-California Citrus Growers, 1983-1984
48018 98th Congress: Arizona Pecan Growers, 1983
48019 98th Congress: Arizona Public Service Company, 1983-1984
48020 98th Congress: Arizona State University (Various), 1983-1984
48021 98th Congress: Arizona Wilderness and Roadless Areas, 1983 January-April
48022 98th Congress: Arizona Wilderness and Roadless Areas, 1983 May-August
48023 98th Congress: Arizona Wilderness and Roadless Areas, 1983 September-December
Includes colleague correspondence.
48024 98th Congress: Arizona Wilderness and Roadless Areas, 1984 January-April
Includes colleague correspondence.
4811 98th Congress: Arizona Wilderness and Roadless Areas, 1984 May-December
Includes colleague correspondence.
4812 98th Congress: Armor Piercing Bullets, 1984
4813 98th Congress: Asbestos (Globe, Arizona), 1983-1984
4814 98th Congress: Asbestos Compensation, 1983-1984
4815 98th Congress: Aviation (Various), 1983 January-April
4816 98th Congress: Aviation (Various), 1983 May
4817 98th Congress: Aviation (Various), 1983 June-July
4818 98th Congress: Aviation (Various), 1983 August-December
4819 98th Congress: Aviation (Various), 1984
48110 98th Congress: Bailouts, 1983-1984
See also International Monetary Fund.
48111 98th Congress: Balanced Budget Amendment, 1983-1984
48112 98th Congress: Banking Industry (Various), 1983-1984
48113 98th Congress: Banking and Insurance Activities, S 2851, 1984
48114 98th Congress: Bankruptcy Reform, 1983-1984
48115 98th Congress: Barring Lawyers from Serving in Arizona State Legislature, 1984
48116 98th Congress: Bicycle Imports, 1984
48117 98th Congress: Budget (Various), 1983-1984
48118 98th Congress: Budget Deficit, 1983
48119 98th Congress: Budget Deficit, 1984 January-March
48120 98th Congress: Budget Deficit, 1984 April
48121 98th Congress: Budget Deficit, 1984 May-July
4821 98th Congress: Budget Deficit, 1984 August-December
4822 98th Congress: Buenos Aires Ranch, 1984-1985
4823 98th Congress: Buffer Zones (National Park Protection Act), 1983-1984
4824 98th Congress: Cable Television, 1983-1984
Includes colleague correspondence.
4825 98th Congress: Capital Gains, 1983-1984
4826 98th Congress: Capital Punishment, 1983
4827 98th Congress: Central America, 1983
4828 98th Congress: Central Arizona Project, 1983-1984
4829 98th Congress: Child Abuse, 1984
48210 98th Congress: Child Nutrition Programs, 1983-1984
48211 98th Congress: China and Taiwan, 1983
48212 98th Congress: China and Taiwan, 1984
48213 98th Congress: Civil Rights Act, 1983-1984
48214 98th Congress: Civil Service Pay, Benefits and Retirement, 1983
48215 98th Congress: Civil Service Pay, Benefits and Retirement, 1984 January June
48216 98th Congress: Civil Service Pay, Benefits and Retirement, 1984 July-December
48217 98th Congress: Clean Air Act, 1983-1984
See also Acid Rain.
48218 98th Congress: Clean Water Act, 1983-1984
48219 98th Congress: Clinch river Breeder Reactor, 1982-1983
Includes colleague correspondence.
48220 98th Congress: Coal Leasing, 1983
48221 98th Congress: Coal Slurry Pipeline, 1983
4831 98th Congress: Colorado River Floodway Protection Act, 1983-1984
4832 98th Congress: Computers and Office Machines Industry, 1983-1984
4833 98th Congress: Congressional Salaries, 1983-1984
4834 98th Congress: Continental Airlines, 1983
4835 98th Congress: Constitutional Convention, 1984
4836 98th Congress: Consumption Tax, 1983-1984
4837 98th Congress: Controlled Substances Act (Heroin for Terminally Ill), 1983-1984
4838 98th Congress: Cooperative Wildlife and Fisheries, 1983
Includes colleague correspondence.
4839 98th Congress: Copper Industry, 1983
Includes colleague correspondence.
48310 98th Congress: Copper Industry, 1984
48311 98th Congress: Copyrights, Patents and Trademarks, 1983
48312 98th Congress: Copyrights, Patents and Trademarks, 1984
48313 98th Congress: Cottage Industries, 1984
48314 98th Congress: Credit Card Surcharges, 1984
48315 98th Congress: Crime, Law Enforcement, Sentencing, 1983
48316 98th Congress: Crime, Law Enforcement, Sentencing, 1984
48317 98th Congress: Cuba, 1983-1984
48318 98th Congress: Dairy and Honey Subsidies, 1983-1984
48319 98th Congress: Dams (Various), 1983-1984
48320 98th Congress: Defense (Various), 1983 January-July
48321 98th Congress: Defense (Various), 1983 August-October
48322 98th Congress: Defense (Various), 1983 November-December
48323 98th Congress: Defense (Various), 1984
48324 98th Congress: Defense Budget, 1983-1984
See also Military Spending and Procurement.
48325 98th Congress: Deficit Reduction, 1984
48326 98th Congress: Department of Interior (Various), 1983-1984
48327 98th Congress: Diplomatic Relations with the Vatican, 1983-1984
48328 98th Congress: Domestic Content Bill (Japanese Imports and Automobile Sales), 1983-1984
48329 98th Congress: Drinking Age, 1983-1984
48330 98th Congress: Drunk Driving, 1983-1984
4841 98th Congress: Economy, 1983-1984
4842 98th Congress: Education (Various), 1983-1984
4843 98th Congress: El Salvador, 1983-1984
4844 98th Congress: Electric Utilities (Various), 1983-1984
Includes colleague correspondence.
4845 98th Congress: Employee Educational Assistance, 1983-1984
4846 98th Congress: Energy (Various), 1983
4847 98th Congress: Energy (Various), 1984
4848 98th Congress: Energy Tax Credits, 1983-1984
4849 98th Congress: English as Official Language, 1983-1984
48410 98th Congress: Environment (Various), 1983-1984
48411 98th Congress: Environmental Protection Agency, 1983-1984
48412 98th Congress: Energy and Gift Taxes, 1983-1984
48413 98th Congress: Ethics (Various), 1983-1984
48414 98th Congress: Equal Rights Amendment, 1983
48415 98th Congress: Equal Time and Fairness Doctrine (Federal Communications Commission), 1983-1984
48416 98th Congress: Export Administration Act, 1984
Includes colleague correspondence.
48417 98th Congress: Exports (Various), 1983
48418 98th Congress: Family Planning, 1983-1984
48419 98th Congress: Federal Communications Commission, 1983
Includes colleague correspondence.
48420 98th Congress: Federal Communications Commission, 1984
Includes colleague correspondence.
48421 98th Congress: Federal Rent Controls, 1983
48422 98th Congress: Federal Reserve Board, 1983-1984
48423 98th Congress: Federal Trade Commission: Regulating the Professions, 1983-1984
48424 98th Congress: Financial Interest and Syndication Rules (Television and Movie Industries; Jack Valenti), 1983-1984
48425 98th Congress: Financial Services Industry, 1984
48426 98th Congress: Flat Tax, 1983
48427 98th Congress: Flat Tax, 1984
48428 98th Congress: Food and Drug Administration (Various), 1983-1984
48429 98th Congress: Food Stamps, 1983
48430 98th Congress: Foreign Aid, 1983-1984
4851 98th Congress: Foreign Policy (Various), 1983-1984
4852 98th Congress: Forest Service (Various), 1983
4853 98th Congress: Forest Service: Prescott Sportmen's Rifle Club, 1983
4854 98th Congress: Garrison Diversion Project, 1983-1984
Includes colleague correspondence.
4855 98th Congress: Gay Rights, 1983-1984
4856 98th Congress: Genocide Convention, 1983-1984
4857 98th Congress: Gold, 1983-1984
4858 98th Congress: The Grace Commission, 1983-1984
4859 98th Congress: Grenada Invasion, 1983-1984
48510 98th Congress: Gun Control, 1983
48511 98th Congress: Gun Control, 1984
48512 98th Congress: Handicapped Newborns, 1984
48513 98th Congress: Health Care and Health Insurance, 1983-1984
48514 98th Congress: Hazardous and Solid Waste Disposal, 1983
48515 98th Congress: Highways, 1983-1984
48516 98th Congress: Highways and Gasoline Tax, 1983-1984
48517 98th Congress: Housing (Various), 1983-1984
48518 98th Congress: Hunting and Trapping (Alaska), 1983-1984
Includes colleague correspondence.
48519 98th Congress: Immigration, Illegal Aliens and Refugees, 1983 January-April
48520 98th Congress: Immigration, Illegal Aliens and Refugees, 1983 May-December
48521 98th Congress: Immigration, Illegal Aliens and Refugees, 1984 January-May
48522 98th Congress: Immigration, Illegal Aliens and Refugees, 1984 June-December
48523 98th Congress: Imputed Mortgage Interest, 1984
48524 98th Congress: Industrial Revenue Bonds, 1983-1984
4861 98th Congress: Insurance Industry, 1983-1984
4862 98th Congress: Interest Rates, 1983-1984
4863 98th Congress: Internal Revenue Service, 1983-1984
4864 98th Congress: International Monetary Fund, 1983-1984
See also Bailouts.
4865 98th Congress: Iran, 1983-1984
4866 98th Congress: Israel, 1983-1984
4867 98th Congress: Japanese-American Compensation, 1983-1984
4868 98th Congress: Labor Unions (Various), 1983-1984
4869 98th Congress: Law Enforcement and Firefighters Benefits, 1983-1984
48610 98th Congress: Leaded Gasoline, 1983-1984 (1 of 2)
See also Clean Air Act.
48611 98th Congress: Leaded Gasoline, 1983-1984 (2 of 2)
See also Clean Air Act.
48612 98th Congress: Lebanon, 1983-1984
48613 98th Congress: Legal Services, 1983-1984
48614 98th Congress: Leg-Hold Traps, 1983-1984
48615 98th Congress: Line Item Veto, 1983-1984
48616 98th Congress: Madera Canyon, 1984
48617 98th Congress: Marine Mammal Protection Act, 1983-1984
48618 98th Congress: Martin Luther King Jr. National Holiday, 1983-1984
48619 98th Congress: Medical Research, Education and Planning, 1983-1984
48620 98th Congress: Medicare, 1983
48621 98th Congress: Medicare, 1984 April-May
48622 98th Congress: Medicare, 1984 June 9-19
48623 98th Congress: Medicare, 1984 June 20-29
48624 98th Congress: Medicare, 1984 July-December
48625 98th Congress: Mental Health and Mental Retardation, 1983-1984
48626 98th Congress: Mexico-U.S. Border Environmental Cleanup (Smelter Emissions, Raw Sewage), 1983-1985
Includes colleague correspondence.
48627 98th Congress: Middle East, 1983-1984
48628 98th Congress: Military Ex-Wives, 1983-1984
48629 98th Congress: Military Retirement Pay and Benefits, 1983 (1 of 2)
4871 98th Congress: Military Retirement Pay and Benefits, 1983-1984 (2 of 2)
4872 98th Congress: Military Spending and Procurement, 1983 May-July
See also defense budget.
4873 98th Congress: Military Spending and Procurement, 1983 August-December
See also defense budget.
4874 98th Congress: Military Spending and Procurement, 1984
See also defense budget.
4875 98th Congress: Minimum Wage, 1983-1984
4876 98th Congress: Mining, 1983-1984
4877 98th Congress: Mortgages and Housing, 1983-1984
4878 98th Congress: Motor Carrier Ratemaking, 1983-1984
4879 98th Congress: NASA Launch and Jane Fonda, 1983
48710 98th Congress: National Park Service (Various), 1983-1984
48711 98th Congress: National Peace Academy, 1983-1984
48712 98th Congress: National Weather Service, 1983
48713 98th Congress: Natural Gas, 1983 (1 of 2)
Includes colleague correspondence.
48714 98th Congress: Natural Gas, 1983-1984 (2 of 2)
Includes colleague correspondence.
48715 98th Congress: Nicaragua, 1982-1984
48716 98th Congress: Nuclear Energy, 1983-1984
48717 98th Congress: Nuclear War (The Day After), 1983-1984
48718 98th Congress: Nuclear Waste, 1983-1986
48719 98th Congress: Nuclear Weapons, 1983-1984
48720 98th Congress: Offshore Leasing and Drilling, 1983-1984
48721 98th Congress: Oil Mergers, 1984
Includes colleague correspondence.
48722 98th Congress: Outdoor Recreation (Various), 1983-1984
48723 98th Congress: Payment in Lieu of Taxes, 1983
48724 98th Congress: Pensions, 1983-1984
48725 98th Congress: Philippines (Assassination of Benigno Aquino), 1983-1984
48726 98th Congress: Political Campaigns and the Election Process, 1983-1984
48727 98th Congress: Post Office (Various), 1982-1984
48728 98th Congress: Product Liability, 1983-1984
48729 98th Congress: Public Broadcasting System, 1983-1984
Includes colleague correspondence.
4881 98th Congress: Railroads (Various), 1983-1984
4882 98th Congress: Reagan Administration, 1984
4883 98th Congress: Real Estate Taxes, 1983-1984
4884 98th Congress: Regulation by Objective (Aviation), 1983
4885 98th Congress: Reinvesting Dividends Paid by Utilities, 1984
4886 98th Congress: Religion (Various), 1983-1984
4887 98th Congress: Religious Broadcasting, 1983-1984
4888 98th Congress: Sale of Public Lands, 1983-1984
4889 98th Congress: Satellite Earth Station Reception of Television Signals (SATVISION), 1983
48810 98th Congress: Satellite Telecommunications, 1983-1984
Includes colleague correspondence.
48811 98th Congress: School Prayer, 1983
48812 98th Congress: School Prayer, 1984
48813 98th Congress: Small Business (Various), 1983-1984
48814 98th Congress: Smoking, 1983-1984
48815 98th Congress: Social Security, 1983 January-February
48816 98th Congress: Social Security, 1983 March
48817 98th Congress: Social Security, 1983 April-July
48818 98th Congress: Social Security, 1983 August-October
48819 98th Congress: Social Security, 1984 January-March
48820 98th Congress: Social Security, 1984 April-September
48821 98th Congress: Social Security, 1984 October-December
48822 98th Congress: Social Services (Various), 1983-1984
48823 98th Congress: Solid Waste, 1984
48824 98th Congress: South African Gold Coins (Krugerrands), 1983-1984
48825 98th Congress: Southeast Asia, 1983-1984
48826 98th Congress: Soviet Union, 1983
48827 98th Congress: Soviet Union, 1984
48828 98th Congress: Space Program, 1983-1984
48829 98th Congress: Speed Limit (55 MPH), 1983-1984
48830 98th Congress: Sports Fishery Restoration Act, 1983-1984
48831 98th Congress: Steel Industry, 1983-1984
Includes colleague correspondence.
4891 98th Congress: Subcontractors for Foreign Aid Projects, 1983
4892 98th Congress: Sugar Subsidy, 1983
4893 98th Congress: Superfund, 1984
4894 98th Congress: Synthetic Fuels, 1983-1984
Includes colleague correspondence.
4895 98th Congress: Targeted Jobs Tax Credit, 1984
4896 98th Congress: Tax Court Representation, 1983-1984
4897 98th Congress: Tax Cuts, 1983-1984
4898 98th Congress: Tax Deductions on Volunteer Mileage, 1983-1984
4899 98th Congress: Tax Exempt Mortgages, 1983-1984
48910 98th Congress: Tax Exemptions for Churches (Taxpayer Protection Act), 1983-1984
48911 98th Congress: Tax Exemptions for Credit Unions, 1984
48912 98th Congress: Tax Indexing, 1983
48913 98th Congress: Tax Reform, 1984
48914 98th Congress: Tax System, 1983-1984
48915 98th Congress: Taxes (Various), 1983
48916 98th Congress: Taxes (Various), 1984
48917 98th Congress: Taxes on Airline Passes, 1983-1984
48918 98th Congress: Taxes on Cigarettes and Alcoholic Beverages, 1983-1984
48919 98th Congress: Taxes and Fringe Benefits, 1983-1984
48920 98th Congress: Taxes on Insurance and Health Benefits, 1982-1984
48921 98th Congress: Taxes on Oil, Undated
48922 98th Congress: Taxes and Small Business, 1983-1984
48923 98th Congress: Taxes on Tips, 1983-1984
48924 98th Congress: Taxpayers' Money for Politically Active Groups, 1983-1984
48925 98th Congress: Telephone Rates and Services, 1983
See also American Telephone and Telegraph; Includes colleague correspondence.
48926 98th Congress: Telephone Rates and Services, 1984
See also American Telephone and Telegraph; Includes colleague correspondence.
48927 98th Congress: Television (Various), 1983-1985
48928 98th Congress: Textile Trade, 1984
48929 98th Congress: Timber Sales, 1983-1984
48930 98th Congress: Tobacco Subsidy, 1983-1984
48931 98th Congress: Tourism (Various), 1983
48932 98th Congress: Trade (Various), 1983-1984
48933 98th Congress: Trade: Bulk Cargo, 1983
48934 98th Congress: Trade with Communist Countries, 1983-1984
48935 98th Congress: Trade with Israel, 1984
48936 98th Congress: Trade with Korea, 1983
48937 98th Congress: Trade with Mexico, 1983-1984
48938 98th Congress: Trade with Taiwan, 1983-1984
48939 98th Congress: Trade in Technology, 1983-1984
48940 98th Congress: Trilateral Commission, 1983-1984
48941 98th Congress: Tucson Ground Water Contamination and Clean-up, 1982-1985
4901 98th Congress: Tucson Titan Missile Silos, 1983
4902 98th Congress: Tuition Tax Credits, 1983-1984
4903 98th Congress: Turkey and Greece, 1983-1984
4904 98th Congress: Unemployment, 1983-1984
4905 98th Congress: United Nations, 1983-1984
4906 98th Congress: University of Arizona (Various), 1983-1984
4907 98th Congress: Vaccine Injury Compensation, 1984
4908 98th Congress: Veterans, 1983-1984
4909 98th Congress: Water (Various), 1983-1984
49010 98th Congress: Watt, James, 1983-1984
49011 98th Congress: Wild Horses and Burros, 1983-1984
Includes colleague correspondence.
49012 98th Congress: Wildlife (Various), 1983-1984
49013 98th Congress: Withholding Tax, 1983-1984
49014 98th Congress: World Hunger, 1983
49320 99th Congress: Abortion, 1985 January-April
49321 99th Congress: Abortion, 1985 May-December
49322 99th Congress: Abortion, 1986
49323 99th Congress: Afghan Soldiers, 1985-1986
49324 99th Congress: African Famine Relief, 1985-1986
49325 99th Congress: Agriculture (Various), 1985-1986
49326 99th Congress: Agriculture (Jojoba Development), 1985-1986
49327 99th Congress: Air Traffic Controllers Strike, 1986
49328 99th Congress: Airline Luggage, 1985
49329 99th Congress: Airline Medical Kits, 1985-1986
49330 99th Congress: Alzheimer's Disease, 1985
49331 99th Congress: Amtrak, 1985
4941 99th Congress: Animal Laboratory Standards, 1985-1986
4942 99th Congress: Appropriations (Various), 1985-1986
4943 99th Congress: Arms Sale to Saudi Arabia and Jordan, 1985-1986
4944 99th Congress: Aviation Tort Reform, 1986
4945 99th Congress: Balanced Budget and Tax Limitation, 1985-1986
4946 99th Congress: Banking, 1985
4947 99th Congress: Banking, 1986
4948 99th Congress: Beer and Wine Advertising, 1985
4949 99th Congress: Biomedical Extension Act, 1985
49410 99th Congress: Border Smelters, 1985
49411 99th Congress: Budget Deficit, 1985 January-February
49412 99th Congress: Budget Deficit, 1985 March-April
49413 99th Congress: Budget Deficit, 1985 May
49414 99th Congress: Budget Deficit, 1985 June-July
49415 99th Congress: Budget Deficit, 1985 August-September
49416 99th Congress: Budget Deficit, 1985 October-December
49417 99th Congress: Budget Deficit, 1986
49418 99th Congress: Budget Reconciliation Measure, 1986
49419 99th Congress: Buenos Aires Ranch: Masked Bobwhite Quail, 1985
49420 99th Congress: Cable Pornography, S 1090, 1985-1986
49421 99th Congress: Cable Television, 1985
49422 99th Congress: Cable Television "Must Carry" Rule, 1985-1986
49423 99th Congress: Capital Gains Tax, 1985-1986
49424 99th Congress: Capital Punishment, 1985-1986
49425 99th Congress: Central Arizona Project Plan 6, 1985-1986
49426 99th Congress: Charitable Deductions, 1985 January-April
49427 99th Congress: Charitable Deductions, 1985 May-December
49428 99th Congress: Charitable Deductions, 1986
4951 99th Congress: Chemical Weapons, 1985-1986
4952 99th Congress: Child Abuse, 1985
4953 99th Congress: China and Taiwan, 1985
4954 99th Congress: China and Taiwan, 1986 January-March
4955 99th Congress: China and Taiwan, 1986 April-October
4956 99th Congress: Church and State, 1985-1986
4957 99th Congress: Citrus Industry, 1985-1986
4958 99th Congress: Civil Rights, 1985
4959 99th Congress: Civil Service Retirement and Benefits, 1985-1986
49510 99th Congress: Clean Air, 1985-1986
49511 99th Congress: Clean Water, 1985-1986
49512 99th Congress: Closing Military Installations, 1985-1986
49513 99th Congress: Commerce (Various), 1985-1986
49514 99th Congress: Communications (Various), 198
49515 99th Congress: Company Aircraft, 1985
49516 99th Congress: Congressional Medal of Honor, 1985-1986
49517 99th Congress: Congressional Salaries, 1985-1986
49518 99th Congress: Conrail, 1985
49519 99th Congress: Constitutional Convention and Balanced Budget Constitutional Amendment, 1985
49520 99th Congress: Construction Industry Labor Law Amendment, S 2181, 1986
49521 99th Congress: Copper Waste, 1985-1986
49522 99th Congress: Copyright and Patents, 1985-1986
49523 99th Congress: Corporation for Public Broadcasting, 1985-1986
49524 99th Congress: Credit Unions, 1985
49525 99th Congress: Crime, 1985-1986
49526 99th Congress: De Anza Expedition Trail, 1985-1986
49527 99th Congress: Drugs, 1985-1986
49528 99th Congress: Drunk Driving, 1985-1986
49529 99th Congress: Education (Various), 1985-1986
49530 99th Congress: Electric Consumer Protection Act, 1985
49531 99th Congress: Endangered Species Act, 1985-1986
49532 99th Congress: Energy and Natural Resources (Various), 1985 January-June
49533 99th Congress: Energy and Natural Resources (Various), 1985 July-December
49534 99th Congress: Energy and Natural Resources (Various), 1986
4961 99th Congress: Environment (Various), 1985-1986
4962 99th Congress: Excise Tax (Alcohol, Cigarettes), 1985
4963 99th Congress: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), 1985-1986
4964 99th Congress: Federal Communications Commission, 1985-1986
4965 99th Congress: Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1985
4966 99th Congress: Flat Tax, 1985-1986
4967 99th Congress: Flight Benefits, 1985
4968 99th Congress: Footware Imports, 1985
4969 99th Congress: Foreign Aid, 1985
49610 99th Congress: Foreign Aid, 1986
49611 99th Congress: Foreign Espionage, 1985
49612 99th Congress: Foreign Investment in American Land, 1985-1986
49613 99th Congress: Foreign Policy (Various), 1985
49614 99th Congress: Foreign Policy (Various), 1986
49615 99th Congress: Forest Service (Various), 1985-1986
49616 99th Congress: Forest Service Road Construction, 1985-1986
49617 99th Congress: Gay Rights, 1985-1986
49618 99th Congress: Genocide Convention, 1985-1986
49619 99th Congress: Government Spending, 1985
49620 99th Congress: Grace Commission, 1985-1986
49621 99th Congress: Graham-Rudman-Hollings Amendment (Balanced Budget), 1985
49622 99th Congress: Graham-Rudman-Hollings Amendment (Balanced Budget), 1986 January
49623 99th Congress: Graham-Rudman-Hollings Amendment (Balanced Budget), 1986 February-March
49624 99th Congress: Graham-Rudman-Hollings Amendment (Balanced Budget), 1986 April-October
49625 99th Congress: Grand Canyon Aircraft Noise, 1985
49626 99th Congress: Grand Canyon Aircraft Noise, 1986 January-July
4971 99th Congress: Grand Canyon Aircraft Noise, 1986 August-December
4972 99th Congress: Gray Market Automobiles, 1985
4973 99th Congress: Gun Control, 1985
4974 99th Congress: Gun Control, 1986
4975 99th Congress: Health (Various), 1985-1986
4976 99th Congress: Health Planning and Resource Allocation Act, 1986
4977 99th Congress: Historic Preservation in Arizona, 1986
4978 99th Congress: Hospice, 1986
4979 99th Congress: House Committee Tax Reform Bill, 1985-1986
49710 99th Congress: Housing Programs, 1985-1986
49711 99th Congress: Immigration and Border Issues, 1985-1986
49712 99th Congress: Insurance Industry (Various), 1985 March-April
49713 99th Congress: Insurance Industry (Various), 1985 May-December
49714 99th Congress: Insurance Industry (Various), 1986
49715 99th Congress: Intelligence (Various), 1985-1986
49716 99th Congress: Internal Revenue Service (Various), 1985
49717 99th Congress: International Air Transportation Act (TWA-Carl Ichan Takeover), 1985
49718 99th Congress: Iran, 1985-1986
49719 99th Congress: Israel, 1985-1986
49720 99th Congress: Jane Fonda Vietnam Victory Park, 1985-1986
49721 99th Congress: Job Tax Credit, 1985-1986
49722 99th Congress: Johnson-O'Malley Indian Education Program, 1985
49723 99th Congress: Judiciary (Various), 1985
49724 99th Congress: Judiciary (Various), 1986
4981 99th Congress: Kidnapping American Citizens in the Middle East, 1985
4982 99th Congress: Labor (Various), 1985-1986
4983 99th Congress: Lawyers Fees, Liability Suits, 1986
4984 99th Congress: Liability Insurance, 1986
4985 99th Congress: Libya, 1986
4986 99th Congress: Line Item Veto, 1986
4987 99th Congress: Luke Air Force Range: Cabeza Prieta Wilderness Area, 1986
4988 99th Congress: Martial Arts, 1985
4989 99th Congress: Martin Luther King Holiday, 1985-1986
49810 99th Congress: Medicare, 1985
49811 99th Congress: Military (Various), 1985 January-May
49812 99th Congress: Military (Various), 1985 June-December
49813 99th Congress: Military (Various), 1986 January-April
49814 99th Congress: Military (Various), 1986 May-October
49815 99th Congress: Military Budget and Defense Authorization Bill, 1985 January-May
49816 99th Congress: Military Budget and Defense Authorization Bill, 1985 June-December
49817 99th Congress: Military Budget and Defense Authorization Bill, 1986
49818 99th Congress: Military Draft, 1985-1986
49819 99th Congress: Military Equipment, Weapons and Aircraft, 1985
49820 99th Congress: Military Procurement, 1985-1986
49821 99th Congress: Military Retirement and Pensions, 1985-1986
49822 99th Congress: Minimum Wage for Teenagers, 1985-1986
49823 99th Congress: Music Royalties, 1985-1986
49824 99th Congress: Musicians as Employees, S 670, 1985-1986
49825 99th Congress: MX Missile, 1985
4991 99th Congress: NASA Space Shuttle Program, 1986
4992 99th Congress: National Park Service, 1985
4993 99th Congress: National Sales Tax, 1985
4994 99th Congress: Nicaragua and Central America, 1985 January-April
4995 99th Congress: Nicaragua and Central America, 1985 May-December
4996 99th Congress: Nicaragua and Central America, 1986
4997 99th Congress: Nuclear Energy, 1985-1986
4998 99th Congress: Nuclear Waste Dump, 1985
4999 99th Congress: Nuclear Weapons, 1985-1986
49910 99th Congress: Number of Years a President can Serve, 1986
49911 99th Congress: Omnibus Rangelands Management, 1985-1986
49912 99th Congress: Peace Academy, 1985-1986
49913 99th Congress: Pension Plans, 1985 February-August
49914 99th Congress: Pension Plans, 1985 September-December
49915 99th Congress: Pension Plans, 1986 January-April
49916 99th Congress: Pension Plans, 1986 May-December
49917 99th Congress: Phelps Dodge-Cooper Basin Land Exchange, 1985
49918 99th Congress: Philippines and Marcos, 1985-1986
49919 99th Congress: Polygraph Bill, 1985
49920 99th Congress: Pornography, 1985-1986
49921 99th Congress: Postal Rates for Commercial Mailers S Con Res 32, 1985
49922 99th Congress: Postal Service, 1985-1986
49923 99th Congress: Prayer in Schools, 1985-1986
49924 99th Congress: Product Liability, 1985
49925 99th Congress: Product Liability and Tort Reform, 1986
5001 99th Congress: Profit Sharing, 1985
5002 99th Congress: Proposed Closure and Consolidation of Arizona Supervisor's Offices, 1986 January-March
5003 99th Congress: Proposed Closure and Consolidation of Arizona Supervisor's Offices, 1986 April-September
5004 99th Congress: Proposed Limit on Using Cash Method of Accounting, 1985
5005 99th Congress: Public Financing of Federal Elections, 1985
5006 99th Congress: Religion, 1985-1986
5007 99th Congress: Reorganization of Defense Department, 1985
5008 99th Congress: Reorganization of Defense Department, 1986
5009 99th Congress: Revenue Sharing, 1985
50010 99th Congress: Rural Letter Carriers (Various), 1985
50011 99th Congress: San Pedro Wildlife Refuge, 1985-1986
50012 99th Congress: Sanctuary Movement, 1985
50013 99th Congress: Satellite Dish Antennas, 1985-1986
50014 99th Congress: Satellite Program Scrambling, 1985
50015 99th Congress: Satellite Program Scrambling, 1986
50016 99th Congress: Scholarship Programs, 1985-1986
50017 99th Congress: Sex Discrimination, 1985-1986
50018 99th Congress: Sheep Crossing Bridge, Tonto National Forest, 1985
50019 99th Congress: Small Business, 1985
50020 99th Congress: Social Security, 1985 January-July
50021 99th Congress: Social Security, 1985 August-December
50022 99th Congress: Social Security, 1986
50023 99th Congress: Solar Tax Credits, 1985
50024 99th Congress: South Africa, 1985 January-July
50025 99th Congress: South Africa, 1985 August-December
50026 99th Congress: South Africa, 1986
50027 99th Congress: Soviet Union, 1985-1986
5011 99th Congress: Speed Limit, 1985
5012 99th Congress: Strategic Defense Initiative, 1985-1986
5013 99th Congress: Superfund Reauthorization, 1985
5014 99th Congress: Supreme Court Garcia Decision, 1985-1986
5015 99th Congress: Survivor Benefits, 1985
5016 99th Congress: Tax Credits (Various), 1985-1986
5017 99th Congress: Tax Deductions (Business Cars), 1985-1986
5018 99th Congress: Tax Deductions (Business Meals), 1985-1986
5019 99th Congress: Tax Deductions (Parsonages), 1985-1986
50110 99th Congress: Tax Deductions (Photographic Equipment), 1985
50111 99th Congress: Tax Deductions (Various), 1985-1986
50112 99th Congress: Tax Exempt Industrial Bonds, 1985-1986
50113 99th Congress: Tax Exemptions (Vehicles driven by Public Employees), 1985
50114 99th Congress: Tax Increase, 1985
50115 99th Congress: Tax Partnerships, 1985-1986
50116 99th Congress: Tax Reform (Various), 1985 January-April
50117 99th Congress: Tax Reform (Various), 1985 May
50118 99th Congress: Tax reform (Various), 1985 June
50119 99th Congress: Tax Reform (Various), 1985 July-December
50120 99th Congress: Tax Reform (Various), 1986 January-August
50121 99th Congress: Tax Reform (Various), 1986 August-November
50122 99th Congress: Taxes (Various), 1985 January-August
50123 99th Congress: Taxes (Various), 1985 September-December
50124 99th Congress: Taxes (Various), 1986 January-April
5021 99th Congress: Taxes (Various), 1986 May-December
5022 99th Congress: Taxes on Big Corporations and the Wealthy, 1985-1986
5023 99th Congress: Taxes on Employee Benefits, 1985
5024 99th Congress: Taxes on Employee Benefits, 1986
5025 99th Congress: Taxes on Families, 1985-1986
5026 99th Congress: Taxes and Farming, 1985
5027 99th Congress: Taxes and Home Ownership, 1985-1986
5028 99th Congress: Taxes on Oil, Gas, Coal, 1985-1986
5029 99th Congress: Taxes and the Real Estate Industry, 1985
50210 99th Congress: Taxes and the Real Estate Industry, 1986
50211 99th Congress: Taxes on Veterans Benefits, 1985-1986
50212 99th Congress: Telephone Industry (Various), 1985-1986
50213 99th Congress: Terrorism, 1985-1986
50214 99th Congress: Textile Quotas, 1985 May-July
50215 99th Congress: Textile Quotas, 1985 August-1986 September
50216 99th Congress: Tobacco Subsidies, 1985-1986
50217 99th Congress: Trade (Protectionism), 1985
50218 99th Congress: Trade (Various), 1985
50219 99th Congress: Trade (Various), 1986
50220 99th Congress: Trade with Communist Countries, 1985-1986
50221 99th Congress: Trade with Japan, 1985-1986
50222 99th Congress: Trilateral Commission, 1985-1986
50223 99th Congress: Tucson General Hospital Golden Care Plus Program, 1985-1986
50224 99th Congress: United Kingdom Extradition Treaty: Northern Ireland, 1985-1986
50225 99th Congress: United Nations, 1985-1986
50226 99th Congress: U.S.-Mexico Border Revitalization Act, HR 3199, 1985
50227 99th Congress: U.S.-USSR Alaska Boundaries, 1985
5031 99th Congress: Veterans Affairs (Various), 1985
5032 99th Congress: Veterans Affairs (Various), 1986
5033 99th Congress: Vietnam War Opinion, 1985-1986
5034 99th Congress: Water (Various), 1985
5035 99th Congress: Wild Horses and Burros, 1985-1986
5036 99th Congress: Wilderness Areas, 1986
Sub-Series C: General Correspondence
26121 91st Congress: A, 1969 January-April
26122 91st Congress: A, 1969 May-July
26123 91st Congress: A, 1969 August-December
26124 91st Congress: A, 1970 January-June
2621 91st Congress: A, 1970 July-December
2622 91st Congress: B, 1969 January
2623 91st Congress: B, 1969 February
2624 91st Congress: B, 1969 March
2625 91st Congress: B, 1969 April
2626 91st Congress: B, 1969 May
2627 91st Congress: B, 1969 June-July
2628 91st Congress: B, 1969 August
2629 91st Congress: B, 1969 September
26210 91st Congress: B, 1969 October
26211 91st Congress: B, 1969 November
26212 91st Congress: B, 1969 December
26213 91st Congress: B, 1970 January-February
26214 91st Congress: B, 1970 March
26215 91st Congress: B, 1970 April-May
2631 91st Congress: B, 1970 June
2632 91st Congress: B, 1970 July-August
2633 91st Congress: B, 1970 September-October
2634 91st Congress: B, 1970 November-December
2635 91st Congress: C, 1969 January
2636 91st Congress: C, 1969 February
2637 91st Congress: C, 1969 March-April
2638 91st Congress: C, 1969 May
2639 91st Congress: C, 1969 June
26310 91st Congress: C, 1969 July
26311 91st Congress: C, 1969 August-September
26312 91st Congress: C, 1969 October
26313 91st Congress: C, 1969 November-December
26314 91st Congress: C, 1970 January-February
26315 91st Congress: C, 1970 March-April
2641 91st Congress: C, 1970 May-June
2642 91st Congress: C, 1970 July-August
2643 91st Congress: C, 1970 September-October
2644 91st Congress: C, 1970 November-December
2645 91st Congress: D, 1969 January-March
2646 91st Congress: D, 1969 April-May
2647 91st Congress: D, 1969 June-July
2648 91st Congress: D, 1969 August-September
2649 91st Congress: D, 1969 October-November
26410 91st Congress: D, 1969 December
26411 91st Congress: D, 1970 January-May
26412 91st Congress: D, 1970 June-September
26413 91st Congress: D, 1970 October-December
26414 91st Congress: E, 1969 January-May
26415 91st Congress: E, 1969 June-December
26416 91st Congress: E, 1970 January-June
26417 91st Congress: E, 1970 July-December
2651 91st Congress: F, 1969 January-March
2652 91st Congress: F, 1969 April-June
2653 91st Congress: F, 1969 July-August
2654 91st Congress: F, 1969 September-December
2655 91st Congress: F, 1970 January-April
2656 91st Congress: F, 1970 May-August
2657 91st Congress: F, 1970 September-December
2658 91st Congress: G, 1969 January-February
2659 91st Congress: G, 1969 March-April
26510 91st Congress: G, 1969 May-June
26511 91st Congress: G, 1969 July-August
26512 91st Congress: G, 1969 September-October
26513 91st Congress: G, 1969 November-December
26514 91st Congress: G, 1970 January-March
26515 91st Congress: G, 1970 April-June
26516 91st Congress: G, 1970 July-September
2661 91st Congress: G, 1970 October-December
2662 91st Congress: H, 1969 January
2663 91st Congress: H, 1969 February
2664 91st Congress: H, 1969 March
2665 91st Congress: H, 1969 April
2666 91st Congress: H, 1969 May
2667 91st Congress: H, 1969 June
2668 91st Congress: H, 1969 July-August
2669 91st Congress: H, 1969 September
26610 91st Congress: H, 1969 October
26611 91st Congress: H, 1969 November-December
26612 91st Congress: H, 1970 January-February
26613 91st Congress: H, 1970 March-April
26614 91st Congress: H, 1970 May-June
26615 91st Congress: H, 1970 July-August
26616 91st Congress: H, 1970 September-October
26617 91st Congress: H, 1970 November-December
2671 91st Congress: I, 1969-1970
2672 91st Congress: J, 1969 January-March
2673 91st Congress: J, 1969 April-June
2674 91st Congress: J, 1969 July-September
2675 91st Congress: J, 1969 October-December
2676 91st Congress: J, 1970 January-May
2677 91st Congress: J, 1970 June-December
2678 91st Congress: K, 1969 January-February
2679 91st Congress: K, 1969 March-April
26710 91st Congress: K, 1969 May-June
26711 91st Congress: K, 1969 July-August
26712 91st Congress: K, 1969 September-October
26713 91st Congress: K, 1969 November-December
26714 91st Congress: K, 1970 January-April
26715 91st Congress: K, 1970 May-July
26716 91st Congress: K, 1970 August-December
26717 91st Congress: L, 1969 January-February
2681 91st Congress: L, 1969 March-April
2682 91st Congress: L, 1969 May-June
2683 91st Congress: L, 1969 July-September
2684 91st Congress: L, 1969 October-November
2685 91st Congress: L, 1969 December
2686 91st Congress: L, 1970 January-April
2687 91st Congress: L, 1970 May-July
2688 91st Congress: L, 1970 August-December
2689 91st Congress: M, 1969 January
26810 91st Congress: M, 1969 February
26811 91st Congress: M, 1969 March
26812 91st Congress: M, 1969 April
26813 91st Congress: M, 1969 May
26814 91st Congress: M, 1969 June
26815 91st Congress: M, 1969 July (1 of 2)
26816 91st Congress: M, 1969 July (2 of 2 )
2691 91st Congress: M, 1969 August
2692 91st Congress: M, 1969 September
2693 91st Congress: M, 1969 October-November
2694 91st Congress: M, 1969 December
2695 91st Congress: M, 1970 January
2696 91st Congress: M, 1970 February
2697 91st Congress: M, 1970 March
2698 91st Congress: M, 1970 April
2699 91st Congress: M, 1970 May
26910 91st Congress: M, 1970 June
26911 91st Congress: M, 1970 July
26912 91st Congress: M, 1970 August-September
26913 91st Congress: M, 1970 October-December
26914 91st Congress: N, 1969 January-June
26915 91st Congress: N, 1969 July-December
26916 91st Congress: N, 1970 January-May
26917 91st Congress: N, 1970 June-December
2701 91st Congress: O, 1969 January-June
2702 91st Congress: O, 1969 July-December
2703 91st Congress: O, 1970
2704 91st Congress: P, 1969 January-February
2705 91st Congress: P, 1969 March
2706 91st Congress: P, 1969 April
2707 91st Congress: P, 1969 May-June
2708 91st Congress: P, 1969 July-August
2709 91st Congress: P, 1969 September-October
27010 91st Congress: P, 1969 November-December
27011 91st Congress: P, 1970 January-April
27012 91st Congress: P, 1970 May-July
27013 91st Congress: P, 1970 August-December
27014 91st Congress: Q, 1968-1970
27015 91st Congress: R, 1968
27016 91st Congress: R, 1969 January-March
27017 91st Congress: R, 1969 April-June
2711 91st Congress: R, 1969 July-September
2712 91st Congress: R, 1969 October-December
2713 91st Congress: R, 1970 January-April
2714 91st Congress: R, 1970 May-July
2715 91st Congress: R, 1970 August-December
2716 91st Congress: S, 1969 January
2717 91st Congress: S, 1969 February
2718 91st Congress: S, 1969 March
2719 91st Congress: S, 1969 April
27110 91st Congress: S, 1969 May
27111 91st Congress: S, 1969 June
27112 91st Congress: S, 1969 July
27113 91st Congress: S, 1969 August
27114 91st Congress: S, 1969 September
27115 91st Congress: S, 1969 October
2721 91st Congress: S, 1969 November
2722 91st Congress: S, 1969 December
2723 91st Congress: S, 1970 January-February
2724 91st Congress: S, 1970 March
2725 91st Congress: S, 1970 April
2726 91st Congress: S, 1970 May
2727 91st Congress: S, 1970 June-July
2728 91st Congress: S, 1970 August-September
2729 91st Congress: S, 1970 October-December
27210 91st Congress: T, 1969 January-March
27211 91st Congress: T, 1969 April-June
27212 91st Congress: T, 1969 July-September
27213 91st Congress: T, 1969 October-December
27214 91st Congress: T, 1970 January-March
27215 91st Congress: T, 1970 April-August
27216 91st Congress: T, 1970 September-December
2731 91st Congress: U, 1969-1970
2732 91st Congress: V, 1969
2733 91st Congress: V, 1970
2734 91st Congress: W, 1969 January
2735 91st Congress: W, 1969 February
2736 91st Congress: W, 1969 March
2737 91st Congress: W, 1969 April-May
2738 91st Congress: W, 1969 June-July
2739 91st Congress: W, 1969 August-October
27310 91st Congress: W, 1969 November-December
27311 91st Congress: W, 1970 January-February
27312 91st Congress: W, 1970 March-April
27313 91st Congress: W, 1970 May-June
27314 91st Congress: W, 1970 July-August
27315 91st Congress: W, 1970 September-December
27316 91st Congress: Y, 1969-1970
27317 91st Congress: Z, 1969-1970
29711 92nd Congress: A, 1971 January-June
29712 92nd Congress: A, 1971 July-December
29713 92nd Congress: A, 1972
29714 92nd Congress: B, 1971 January-February
29715 92nd Congress: B, 1971 March-April
29716 92nd Congress: B, 1971 May-June
29717 92nd Congress: B, 1971 July-August
29718 92nd Congress: B, 1971 September-October
29719 92nd Congress: B, 1971 November-December
29720 92nd Congress: B, 1972 January-April
2981 92nd Congress: B, 1972 May-July
2982 92nd Congress: B, 1972 August-December
2983 92nd Congress: C, 1971 January-April
2984 92nd Congress: C, 1971 May-June
2985 92nd Congress: C, 1971 July-September
2986 92nd Congress: C, 1971 October-December
2987 92nd Congress: C, 1972 January-February
2988 92nd Congress: C, 1972 March-April
2989 92nd Congress: C, 1972 May-September
29810 92nd Congress: C, 1972 October-December
29811 92nd Congress: D, 1971 January-March
29812 92nd Congress: D, 1971 April-September
29813 92nd Congress: D, 1971 October-December
29814 92nd Congress: D, 1972 January-May
2991 92nd Congress: D, 1972 June-December
2992 92nd Congress: E, 1971
2993 92nd Congress: E, 1972
2994 92nd Congress: F, 1971 January-April
2995 92nd Congress: F, 1971 May-December
2996 92nd Congress: F, 1972
2997 92nd Congress: G, 1971 January-May
2998 92nd Congress: G, 1971 June-August
2999 92nd Congress: G, 1971 September-October
29910 92nd Congress: G, 1971 November-December
29911 92nd Congress: G, 1972 January-May
29912 92nd Congress: G, 1972 June-December
29913 92nd Congress: H, 1971 January-March
3001 92nd Congress: H, 1971 April-May
3002 92nd Congress: H, 1971 June-July
3003 92nd Congress: H, 1971 August-September
3004 92nd Congress: H, 1971 October-December
3005 92nd Congress: H, 1972 January-February
3006 92nd Congress: H, 1972 March-June
3007 92nd Congress: H, 1972 July-December
3008 92nd Congress: I, 1971-1972
3009 92nd Congress: J, 1971 January-June
30010 92nd Congress: J, 1971 July-December
30011 92nd Congress: J, 1972
30012 92nd Congress: K, 1971 January-April
30013 92nd Congress: K, 1971 May-August
30014 92nd Congress: K, 1971 September-December
30015 92nd Congress: K, 1972 January-May
3011 92nd Congress: K, 1972 June-December
3012 92nd Congress: L, 1971 January-March
3013 92nd Congress: L, 1971 April-June
3014 92nd Congress: L, 1971 July-December
3015 92nd Congress: L, 1972 January-April
3016 92nd Congress: L, 1972 May-December
3017 92nd Congress: M, 1971 January-February
3018 92nd Congress: M, 1971 March-April
3019 92nd Congress: M, 1971 May-July
30110 92nd Congress: M, 1971 August-October
30111 92nd Congress: M, 1971 November-December
30112 92nd Congress: M, 1972 January-February
30113 92nd Congress: M, 1972 March-April
30114 92nd Congress: M, 1972 May-June
30115 92nd Congress: M, 1972 July-September
3021 92nd Congress: M, 1972 October-December
3022 92nd Congress: N, 1971
3023 92nd Congress: N, 1972
3024 92nd Congress: O, 1971
3025 92nd Congress: O, 1972
3026 92nd Congress: P, 1971 January-July
3027 92nd Congress: P, 1971 August-December
3028 92nd Congress: P, 1972 January-May
3029 92nd Congress: P, 1972 June-December
30210 92nd Congress: Q, 1971-1972
30211 92nd Congress: R, 1971 January-June
30212 92nd Congress: R, 1971 July-December
30213 92nd Congress: R, 1972 January-May
30214 92nd Congress: R, 1972 June-December
3031 92nd Congress: S, 1971 January-March
3032 92nd Congress: S, 1971 April-May
3033 92nd Congress: S, 1971 June-August
3034 92nd Congress: S, 1971 September-October
3035 92nd Congress: S, 1971 November-December
3036 92nd Congress: S, 1972 January-February
3037 92nd Congress: S, 1972 March-May
3038 92nd Congress: S, 1972 June-July
3039 92nd Congress: S, 1972 August-December
30310 92nd Congress: T, 1971 January-July
30311 92nd Congress: T, 1971 August-December
30312 92nd Congress: T, 1972
30313 92nd Congress: U, 1971-1972
30314 92nd Congress: V, 1971
30315 92nd Congress: V, 1972
3041 92nd Congress: W, 1971 January-April
3042 92nd Congress: W, 1971 May-August
3043 92nd Congress: W, 1971 September-December
3044 92nd Congress: W, 1972 January-April
3045 92nd Congress: W, 1972 May-December
3046 92nd Congress: Y-Z, 1971-1972
34322 93rd Congress: A, 1973 January-June
34323 93rd Congress: A, 1973 July-December
34324 93rd Congress: A, 1974 January-June
34325 93rd Congress: A, 1974 July-December
34326 93rd Congress: B, 1973 January-February
3441 93rd Congress: B, 1973 March-April
3442 93rd Congress: B, 1973 May-June
3443 93rd Congress: B, 1973 July-August
3444 93rd Congress: B, 1973 September-October
3445 93rd Congress: B, 1973 November-December
3446 93rd Congress: B, 1974 January-February
3447 93rd Congress: B, 1974 March-April
3448 93rd Congress: B, 1974 May-June
3449 93rd Congress: B, 1974 July-August
34410 93rd Congress: B, 1974 September-October
34411 93rd Congress: B, 1974 November-December
34412 93rd Congress: C, 1973 January-February
34413 93rd Congress: C, 1973 March-April
34414 93rd Congress: C, 1973 May-June
34415 93rd Congress: C, 1973 July-August
3451 93rd Congress: C, 1973 September-October
3452 93rd Congress: C, 1973 November-December
3453 93rd Congress: C, 1974 January-February
3454 93rd Congress: C, 1974 March-April
3455 93rd Congress: C, 1974 May-June
3456 93rd Congress: C, 1974 July-August
3457 93rd Congress: C, 1974 September-October
3458 93rd Congress: C, 1974 November-December
3459 93rd Congress: D, 1973 January-April
34510 93rd Congress: D, 1973 May-August
34511 93rd Congress: D, 1973 September-October
34512 93rd Congress: D, 1973 November-December
34513 93rd Congress: D, 1974 January-April
34514 93rd Congress: D, 1974 May
34515 93rd Congress: D, 1974 June-August
3461 93rd Congress: D, 1974 September-December
3462 93rd Congress: E, 1973
3463 93rd Congress: E, 1974
3464 93rd Congress: F, 1973 January-June
3465 93rd Congress: F, 1973 July-December
3466 93rd Congress: F, 1974 January-July
3467 93rd Congress: F, 1974 August-December
3468 93rd Congress: G, 1973 January-July
3469 93rd Congress: G, 1973 August-December
34610 93rd Congress: G, 1974 January-May
34611 93rd Congress: G, 1974 June-August
34612 93rd Congress: G, 1974 September-December
3471 93rd Congress: H, 1973 January-March
3472 93rd Congress: H, 1973 April-June
3473 93rd Congress: H, 1973 July-October
3474 93rd Congress: H, 1973 November-December
3475 93rd Congress: H, 1974 January-February
3476 93rd Congress: H, 1974 March-May
3477 93rd Congress: H, 1974 June
3478 93rd Congress: H, 1974 July-August
3479 93rd Congress: H, 1974 September-October
34710 93rd Congress: H, 1974 November-December
34711 93rd Congress: I, 1973
34712 93rd Congress: I, 1974
34713 93rd Congress: J, 1973
3481 93rd Congress: J, 1974 January-May
3482 93rd Congress: J, 1974 June-December
3483 93rd Congress: K, 1973 January-June
3484 93rd Congress: K, 1973 July-December
3485 93rd Congress: K, 1974 January-June
3486 93rd Congress: K, 1974 July-December
3487 93rd Congress: L, 1973 January-May
3488 93rd Congress: L, 1973 June-December
3489 93rd Congress: L, 1974 January-April
34810 93rd Congress: L, 1974 May-August
34811 93rd Congress: L, 1974 September-December
34812 93rd Congress: M, 1973 January-April
3491 93rd Congress: M, 1973 May-July
3492 93rd Congress: M, 1973 August-September
3493 93rd Congress: M, 1973 October-December
3494 93rd Congress: M, 1974 January-February
3495 93rd Congress: M, 1974 March-May
3496 93rd Congress: M, 1974 June-July
3497 93rd Congress: M, 1974 August-September
3498 93rd Congress: M, 1974 October
3499 93rd Congress: M, 1974 November-December
34910 93rd Congress: N, 1973
34911 93rd Congress: N, 1974 January-April
34912 93rd Congress: N, 1974 May-December
3501 93rd Congress: O, 1973
3502 93rd Congress: O, 1974
3503 93rd Congress: P, 1973 January-July
3504 93rd Congress: P, 1973 August-December
3505 93rd Congress: P, 1974 January-March
3506 93rd Congress: P, 1974 April-July
3507 93rd Congress: P, 1974 August-September
3508 93rd Congress: P, 1974 October-December
3509 93rd Congress: Q, 1973-1974
35010 93rd Congress: R, 1973 January-April
35011 93rd Congress: R, 1973 May-July
35012 93rd Congress: R, 1973 August-September
35013 93rd Congress: R, 1973 October-December
35014 93rd Congress: R, 1974 January-February
3511 93rd Congress: R, 1974 March-May
3512 93rd Congress: R, 1974 June-July
3513 93rd Congress: R, 1974 August-October
3514 93rd Congress: R, 1974 November-December
3515 93rd Congress: S, 1973 January-March
3516 93rd Congress: S, 1973 April-June
3517 93rd Congress: S, 1973 July-August
3518 93rd Congress: S, 1973 September-October
3519 93rd Congress: S, 1973 November
35110 93rd Congress: S, 1973 December
35111 93rd Congress: S, 1974 January
35112 93rd Congress: S, 1974 February
35113 93rd Congress: S, 1974 March-April
35114 93rd Congress: S, 1974 May-June
3521 93rd Congress: S, 1974 July
3522 93rd Congress: S, 1974 August-September
3523 93rd Congress: S, 1974 October
3524 93rd Congress: S, 1974 November-December
3525 93rd Congress: T, 1973 January-May
3526 93rd Congress: T, 1973 June-September
3527 93rd Congress: T, 1973 October-December
3528 93rd Congress: T, 1974 January-May
3529 93rd Congress: T, 1974 June-September
35210 93rd Congress: T, 1974 October-December
35211 93rd Congress: U, 1973-1974
35212 93rd Congress: V, 1973
35213 93rd Congress: V, 1974
35214 93rd Congress: W, 1973 January-April
35215 93rd Congress: W, 1973 May-August
35216 93rd Congress: W, 1973 September-December
3531 93rd Congress: W, 1974 January-March
3532 93rd Congress: W, 1974 April-June
3533 93rd Congress: W, 1974 July-September
3534 93rd Congress: W, 1974 October-December
3535 93rd Congress: Y, 1973-1974
3536 93rd Congress: Z, 1973
3537 93rd Congress: Z, 1974
38327 94th Congress: A, 1975 January-April
38328 94th Congress: A, 1975 May-August
3841 94th Congress: A, 1975 September-December
3842 94th Congress: A, 1976 January-August
3843 94th Congress: A, 1976 September-December
3844 94th Congress: B, 1975 January
3845 94th Congress: B, 1975 April 16-May 30
3845 94th Congress: B, 1975 February
3846 94th Congress: B, 1975 June
3846 94th Congress: B, 1975 March
3847 94th Congress: B, 1975 April 1-15
3847 94th Congress: B, 1975 July
3848 94th Congress: B, 1975 August
3849 94th Congress: B, 1975 September
38410 94th Congress: B, 1975 October
38411 94th Congress: B, 1975 November-December
38412 94th Congress: B, 1976 January-February
38413 94th Congress: B, 1976 March-April
3851 94th Congress: B, 1976 May-June
3852 94th Congress: B, 1976 July-August
3853 94th Congress: B, 1976 September-October
3854 94th Congress: B, 1976 November-December
3855 94th Congress: B, Undated
3856 94th Congress: C, 1975 January-February
3857 94th Congress: C, 1975 March
3858 94th Congress: C, 1975 April
3859 94th Congress: C, 1975 May-June
38510 94th Congress: C, 1975 July-August
38511 94th Congress: C, 1975 September-October
38512 94th Congress: C, 1975 November-December
38513 94th Congress: C, 1976 January-February
38514 94th Congress: C, 1976 March-April
38515 94th Congress: C, 1976 May-July
3861 94th Congress: C, 1976 August-September
3862 94th Congress: C, 1976 October-December
3863 94th Congress: D, 1975 January-March
3864 94th Congress: D, 1975 April-May
3865 94th Congress: D, 1975 June-July
3866 94th Congress: D, 1975 August-October
3867 94th Congress: D, 1975 November-December
3868 94th Congress: D, 1976 January-April
3869 94th Congress: D, 1976 May-June
38610 94th Congress: D, 1976 July-December
38611 94th Congress: E, 1975 January-March
38612 94th Congress: E, 1975 April-June
38613 94th Congress: E, 1975 July-December
38614 94th Congress: E, 1976 January-March
38615 94th Congress: E, 1976 April-December
38616 94th Congress: F, 1975 January-March
3871 94th Congress: F, 1975 April-May
3872 94th Congress: F, 1975 June
3873 94th Congress: F, 1975 July-September
3874 94th Congress: F, 1975 October-December
3875 94th Congress: F, 1976 January-April
3876 94th Congress: F, 1976 May-August
3877 94th Congress: F, 1976 September-December
3878 94th Congress: G, 1975 January-March
3879 94th Congress: G, 1975 April-May
38710 94th Congress: G, 1975 June-September
38711 94th Congress: G, 1975 October-December
38712 94th Congress: G, 1976 January-March
38713 94th Congress: G, 1976 April-May
38714 94th Congress: G, 1976 June-December
38715 94th Congress: H, 1975 January-March
3881 94th Congress: H, 1975 April-May
3882 94th Congress: H, 1975 June
3883 94th Congress: H, 1975 July-August
3884 94th Congress: H, 1975 September-October
3885 94th Congress: H, 1975 November-December
3886 94th Congress: H, 1976 January-March
3887 94th Congress: H, 1976 April-May
3888 94th Congress: H, 1976 June-July
3889 94th Congress: H, 1976 August-October
38810 94th Congress: H, 1976 November-December
38811 94th Congress: I, 1975-1976
38812 94th Congress: J, 1975 January-April
38813 94th Congress: J, 1975 May-July
38814 94th Congress: J, 1975 August-December
38815 94th Congress: J, 1976 January-June
3891 94th Congress: J, 1976 July-December
3892 94th Congress: K, 1975 January-March
3893 94th Congress: K, 1975 April
3894 94th Congress: K, 1975 May-July
3895 94th Congress: K, 1975 August-September
3896 94th Congress: K, 1975 October-December
3897 94th Congress: K, 1976 January-March
3898 94th Congress: K, 1976 April-August
3899 94th Congress: K, 1976 September-December
38910 94th Congress: L, 1975 January-March
38911 94th Congress: L, 1975 April-May
38912 94th Congress: L, 1975 June-August
38913 94th Congress: L, 1975 September-October
38914 94th Congress: L, 1975 November-December
38915 94th Congress: L, 1976 January-April
38916 94th Congress: L, 1976 May-July
3901 94th Congress: L, 1976 August-December
3902 94th Congress: M, 1975 January
3903 94th Congress: M, 1975 February
3904 94th Congress: M, 1975 March
3905 94th Congress: M, 1975 April
3906 94th Congress: M, 1975 May 1-20
3907 94th Congress: M, 1975 May 21-31
3908 94th Congress: M, 1975 June
3909 94th Congress: M, 1975 July
39010 94th Congress: M, 1975 August
39011 94th Congress: M, 1975 September
39012 94th Congress: M, 1975 October
39013 94th Congress: M, 1975 November
39014 94th Congress: M, 1975 December
39015 94th Congress: M, 1976 January
39016 94th Congress: M, 1976 February
39017 94th Congress: M, 1976 March
39018 94th Congress: M, 1976 April
3911 94th Congress: M, 1976 May-June
3912 94th Congress: M, 1976 July
3913 94th Congress: M, 1976 August-September
3914 94th Congress: M, 1976 October
3915 94th Congress: M, 1976 November-December
3916 94th Congress: N, 1975 January-May
3917 94th Congress: N, 1975 June-December
3918 94th Congress: N, 1976
3919 94th Congress: O, 1975
39110 94th Congress: O, 1976
39111 94th Congress: P, 1975 January-February
39112 94th Congress: P, 1975 March-April
39113 94th Congress: P, 1975 May-June
39114 94th Congress: P, 1975 July-September
39115 94th Congress: P, 1975 October-December
39116 94th Congress: P, 1976 January-March
39117 94th Congress: P, 1976 April-June
3921 94th Congress: P, 1976 July-September
3922 94th Congress: P, 1976 October-December
3923 94th Congress: Q, 1975-1976
3924 94th Congress: R, 1975 January-March
3925 94th Congress: R, 1975 April-May
3926 94th Congress: R, 1975 June-September
3927 94th Congress: R, 1975 October-December
3928 94th Congress: R, 1976 January-April
3929 94th Congress: R, 1976 May-June
39210 94th Congress: R, 1976 July-September
39211 94th Congress: R, 1976 October-December
39212 94th Congress: S, 1975 January
39213 94th Congress: S, 1975 February-March
39214 94th Congress: S, 1975 April
39215 94th Congress: S, 1975 May
39216 94th Congress: S, 1975 June
39217 94th Congress: S, 1975 July
3931 94th Congress: S, 1975 August
3932 94th Congress: S, 1975 September
3933 94th Congress: S, 1975 October-November
3934 94th Congress: S, 1975 December
3935 94th Congress: S, 1976 January
3936 94th Congress: S, 1976 February-March
3937 94th Congress: S, 1976 April
3938 94th Congress: S, 1976 May
3939 94th Congress: S, 1976 June
39310 94th Congress: S, 1976 July-August
39311 94th Congress: S, 1976 September-October
39312 94th Congress: S, 1976 November-December
39313 94th Congress: T, 1975 January-February
39314 94th Congress: T, 1975 March-April
39315 94th Congress: T, 1975 May-June
39316 94th Congress: T, 1975 July-September
39317 94th Congress: T, 1975 October-December
3941 94th Congress: T, 1976 January-April
3942 94th Congress: T, 1976 May-August
3943 94th Congress: T, 1976 September-December
3944 94th Congress: U, 1975-1976
3945 94th Congress: V, 1975
3946 94th Congress: V, 1976
3947 94th Congress: W, 1975 January-March
3948 94th Congress: W, 1975 April
3949 94th Congress: W, 1975 May
39410 94th Congress: W, 1975 June-July
39411 94th Congress: W, 1975 August-September
39412 94th Congress: W, 1975 October-December
39413 94th Congress: W, 1976 January-March
39414 94th Congress: W, 1976 April-May
39415 94th Congress: W, 1976 June-August
39416 94th Congress: W, 1976 September-October
39417 94th Congress: W, 1976 November-December
39418 94th Congress: Y, 1975-1976
3951 94th Congress: Z, 1975-1976
4275 95th Congress: A, 1977 January-April
4276 95th Congress: A, 1977 May-December
4277 95th Congress: A, 1978 January-April
4278 95th Congress: A, 1978 May-December
4279 95th Congress: B, 1977 January-March
42710 95th Congress: B, 1977 April-June
42711 95th Congress: B, 1977 July-August
42712 95th Congress: B, 1977 September-October
42713 95th Congress: B, 1977 November-December
42714 95th Congress: B, 1978 January
42715 95th Congress: B, 1978 February-March
42716 95th Congress: B, 1978 April-June
42717 95th Congress: B, 1978 July-December
4281 95th Congress: C, 1977 January-February
4282 95th Congress: C, 1977 March-May
4283 95th Congress: C, 1977 June-July
4284 95th Congress: C, 1977 August-September
4285 95th Congress: C, 1977 October-December
4286 95th Congress: C, 1978 January-February
4287 95th Congress: C, 1978 March-June
4288 95th Congress: C, 1978 July-December
4289 95th Congress: D, 1977 January-March
42810 95th Congress: D, 1977 April-July
42811 95th Congress: D, 1977 August-December
42812 95th Congress: D, 1978 January-April
42813 95th Congress: D, 1978 May-December
42814 95th Congress: E, 1977 January-May
42815 95th Congress: E, 1977 June-December
42816 95th Congress: E, 1978
4291 95th Congress: F, 1977 January-June
4292 95th Congress: F, 1977 July-December
4293 95th Congress: F, 1978 January-April
4294 95th Congress: F, 1978 May-December
4295 95th Congress: G, 1977 January-June
4296 95th Congress: G, 1977 July-December
4297 95th Congress: G, 1978 January-April
4298 95th Congress: G, 1978 May-December
4299 95th Congress: H, 1977 January-February
42910 95th Congress: H, 1977 March-April
42911 95th Congress: H, 1977 May-July
42912 95th Congress: H, 1977 August-September
42913 95th Congress: H, 1977 October-December
42914 95th Congress: H, 1978 January-March
4301 95th Congress: H, 1978 April-May
4302 95th Congress: H, 1978 June-December
4303 95th Congress: I, 1977-1978
4304 95th Congress: J, 1977 January-June
4305 95th Congress: J, 1977 July-December
4306 95th Congress: J, 1978
4307 95th Congress: K, 1977 January-June
4308 95th Congress: K, 1977 July-December
4309 95th Congress: K, 1978 January-May
43010 95th Congress: K, 1978 June-December
43011 95th Congress: L, 1977 January-April
43012 95th Congress: L, 1977 May-December
43013 95th Congress: L, 1978 January-April
43014 95th Congress: L, 1978 June-December
43015 95th Congress: M, 1977 January-March
4311 95th Congress: M, 1977 April-June
4312 95th Congress: M, 1977 July-September
4313 95th Congress: M, 1977 October-December
4314 95th Congress: M, 1978 January-February
4315 95th Congress: M, 1978 March-May
4316 95th Congress: M, 1978 June-July
4317 95th Congress: M, 1978 August-December
4318 95th Congress: N, 1977
4319 95th Congress: N, 1978
43110 95th Congress: O, 1977
43111 95th Congress: O, 1978
43112 95th Congress: P, 1977 January-May
43113 95th Congress: P, 1977 June-September
43114 95th Congress: P, 1977 October-December
43115 95th Congress: P, 1978 January-March
4321 95th Congress: P, 1978 April-December
4322 95th Congress: Q, 1977-1978
4323 95th Congress: R, 1977 January-June
4324 95th Congress: R, 1977 July-December
4325 95th Congress: R, 1978 January-April
4326 95th Congress: R, 1978 May-December
4327 95th Congress: S, 1977 January-February
4328 95th Congress: S, 1977 March-April
4329 95th Congress: S, 1977 May-June
43210 95th Congress: S, 1977 July-September
43211 95th Congress: S, 1977 October-December
43212 95th Congress: S, 1978 January-February
43213 95th Congress: S, 1978 March-April
43214 95th Congress: S, 1978 May-June
4331 95th Congress: S, 1978 July-December
4332 95th Congress: T, 1977 January-July
4333 95th Congress: T, 1977 August-December
4334 95th Congress: T, 1978
4335 95th Congress: U, 1977-1978
4336 95th Congress: V, 1977-1978
4337 95th Congress: W, 1977 January-March
4338 95th Congress: W, 1977 April-August
4339 95th Congress: W, 1977 September-December
43310 95th Congress: W, 1978 January-April
43311 95th Congress: W, 1978 May-December
43312 95th Congress: Y, 1977-1978
43313 95th Congress: Z, 1977-1978
45516 96th Congress: A, 1979
45517 96th Congress: A, 1980 January-May
45518 96th Congress: A, 1980 June-December
45519 96th Congress: B, 1979 January-April
45520 96th Congress: B, 1979 May-July
45521 96th Congress: B, 1979 August-October
4561 96th Congress: B, 1979 November-December
4562 96th Congress: B, 1980 January-April
4563 96th Congress: B, 1980 May-August
4564 96th Congress: B, 1980 September-December
4565 96th Congress: C, 1979 January-May
4566 96th Congress: C, 1979 June-September
4567 96th Congress: C, 1979 October-December
4568 96th Congress: C, 1980 January-February
4569 96th Congress: C, 1980 March-April
45610 96th Congress: C, 1980 May-July
45611 96th Congress: C, 1980 August-December
45612 96th Congress: D, 1979 January-May
4571 96th Congress: D, 1979 June-December
4572 96th Congress: D, 1980 January-April
4573 96th Congress: D, 1980 May-December
4574 96th Congress: E, 1979
4575 96th Congress: E, 1980 January-June
4576 96th Congress: E, 1980 July-December
4577 96th Congress: F, 1979 January-May
4578 96th Congress: F, 1979 June-December
4579 96th Congress: F, 1980 January-April
45710 96th Congress: F, 1980 May-December
45711 96th Congress: G, 1979 January-May
45712 96th Congress: G, 1979 June-December
45713 96th Congress: G, 1980 January-May
45714 96th Congress: G, 1980 June-December
45715 96th Congress: H, 1979 January-April
4581 96th Congress: H, 1979 May-August
4582 96th Congress: H, 1979 September-December
4583 96th Congress: H, 1980 January-March
4584 96th Congress: H, 1980 April-May
4585 96th Congress: H, 1980 June-August
4586 96th Congress: H, 1980 September-December
4587 96th Congress: I, 1979-1980
4588 96th Congress: J, 1979
4589 96th Congress: J, 1980
45810 96th Congress: K, 1979
45811 96th Congress: K, 1980 January-May
45812 96th Congress: K, 1980 June-December
45813 96th Congress: L, 1979 January-April
45814 96th Congress: L, 1979 May-December
4591 96th Congress: L, 1980 January-April
4592 96th Congress: L, 1980 May-August
4593 96th Congress: L, 1980 September-December
4594 96th Congress: M, 1979 January-March
4595 96th Congress: M, 1979 April-June
4596 96th Congress: M, 1979 July-September
4597 96th Congress: M, 1979 October-December
4598 96th Congress: M, 1980 January-February
4599 96th Congress: M, 1980 March-June
45910 96th Congress: M, 1980 July-September
45911 96th Congress: M, 1980 October-December
45912 96th Congress: N, 1979
45913 96th Congress: N, 1980
45914 96th Congress: O, 1979
4601 96th Congress: O, 1980
4602 96th Congress: P, 1979 January-July
4603 96th Congress: P, 1979 August-December
4604 96th Congress: P, 1980 January-March
4605 96th Congress: P, 1980 April-July
4606 96th Congress: P, 1980 August-December
4607 96th Congress: Q, 1979-1980
4608 96th Congress: R, 1979 January-May
4609 96th Congress: R, 1979 June-December
46010 96th Congress: R, 1980 January-March
46011 96th Congress: R, 1980 April-July
46012 96th Congress: R, 1980 August-December
46013 96th Congress: S, 1979 January-April
46014 96th Congress: S, 1979 May-September
46015 96th Congress: S, 1979 October-December
46016 96th Congress: S, 1980 January-February
4611 96th Congress: S, 1980 March-April
4612 96th Congress: S, 1980 May-June
4613 96th Congress: S, 1980 July-August
4614 96th Congress: S, 1980 September-October
4615 96th Congress: S, 1980 November-December
4616 96th Congress: T, 1979
4617 96th Congress: T, 1980 January-June
4618 96th Congress: T, 1980 July-December
4619 96th Congress: U, 1979-1980
46110 96th Congress: V, 1979-1980
46111 96th Congress: W, 1979
46112 96th Congress: W, 1980 January-March
46113 96th Congress: W, 1980 April-June
46114 96th Congress: W, 1980 July-September
46115 96th Congress: W, 1980 October-December
46116 96th Congress: X-Z, 1979-1980
47626 97th Congress: A, 1981
47627 97th Congress: A, 1982
47628 97th Congress: B, 1981 January-March
47629 97th Congress: B, 1981 April-December
4771 97th Congress: B, 1982
4772 97th Congress: C, 1981
4773 97th Congress: C, 1982
4774 97th Congress: D, 1981
4775 97th Congress: D, 1982
4776 97th Congress: E, 1981-1982
4777 97th Congress: F, 1981-1982
4778 97th Congress: G, 1981 January-July
4779 97th Congress: G, 1981 August-December
47710 97th Congress: G, 1982
47711 97th Congress: H, 1981
47712 97th Congress: H, 1982
47713 97th Congress: I, 1981-1982
47714 97th Congress: J, 1981-1982
47715 97th Congress: K, 1981
47716 97th Congress: K, 1982
47717 97th Congress: L, 1981 January-July
4781 97th Congress: L, 1981 August-December
4782 97th Congress: L, 1982
4783 97th Congress: M, 1981
4784 97th Congress: M, 1982
4785 97th Congress: N, 1981-1982
4786 97th Congress: O, 1981-1982
4787 97th Congress: P-Q, 1981-1982
4788 97th Congress: R, 1981-1982
4789 97th Congress: S, 1981 January-May
47810 97th Congress: S, 1981 June-December
47811 97th Congress: S, 1982
47812 97th Congress: T, 1981-1982
47813 97th Congress: U-V, 1981-1982
47814 97th Congress: W, 1981
47815 97th Congress: W, 1982
47816 97th Congress: Y-Z, 1981-1982
49015 98th Congress: A, 1983-1984
49016 98th Congress: B, 1983-1984
49017 98th Congress: C, 1983-1984
49018 98th Congress: D, 1983-1984
49019 98th Congress: E, 1983-1984
49020 98th Congress: F, 1983-1984
49021 98th Congress: G, 1983-1984
49022 98th Congress: H, 1983-1984
49023 98th Congress: I-J, 1983-1984
4911 98th Congress: K, 1983-1984
4912 98th Congress: L, 1983-1984
4913 98th Congress: M, 1983-1984
4914 98th Congress: N, 1983-1984
4915 98th Congress: O, 1983-1984
4916 98th Congress: P, 1983-1984
4917 98th Congress: Q-R, 1983-1984
4918 98th Congress: S, 1983-1984
4919 98th Congress: T, 1983-1984
49110 98th Congress: U-V, 1983-1984
49111 98th Congress: W, 1983-1984
49112 98th Congress: Y-Z, 1983
5037 99th Congress: A, 1985-1986
5038 99th Congress: B, 1985-1986
5039 99th Congress: C, 1985-1986
50310 99th Congress: D, 1985-1986
50311 99th Congress: E-F, 1985-1986
50312 99th Congress: G, 1985-1986
50313 99th Congress: H, 1985-1986
50314 99th Congress: J, 1985-1986
50315 99th Congress: K, 1985-1986
50316 99th Congress: L, 1985-1986
50317 99th Congress: M, 1985
50318 99th Congress: M, 1986
50320 99th Congress: N-O, 1985-1986
50321 99th Congress: P-Q, 1985-1986
50322 99th Congress: R, 1985-1986
50323 99th Congress: S, 1985
50324 99th Congress: S, 1986
50325 99th Congress: T, 1985-1986
50326 99th Congress: U-V, 1985-1986
50327 99th Congress: W, 1985-1986
50328 99th Congress: X-Z, 1985-1986
Series V: Administrative
Scope and Content Note
This series documents the office work of Senator Goldwater's staff, including daily office operations and procedures. Much of this series reflects the Senator's interest in the personal and social aspects of his constituents.
This series is arranged in nine sub-series and alphabetically and chronologically within: Appointment Books; Congressional Research Service; Correspondence; Invitations Accepted; Manuals; Nominations and Recommendations; Other, Schedules, and Travel.
Correspondence files contain sent as well as received letters for birthdays and anniversaries, congratulatory, condolence and thank you letters. Goldwater's personal relationships with various White House staff members are evident here. Most notable are the numerous requests to write articles and books; national and international requests to see the Senator; and correspondence related to the press and publicity. For political party correspondence, see Series I: Personal-Politics. Note: Although some personal and social correspondence can be found in this series, the vast majority is located within Series I: Personal.
The Goldwater staff made extensive use of Congressional Research Service materials on a wide variety of topics ranging from abortion to tax reform. These compilations and analyses are exceptionally rich and represent the foundations of much public policy. Most were found as loose material or in unidentified folders.
Documentation of Goldwater's speaking and non-speaking engagements can be found under Invitations Accepted. These files also include brochures, pamphlets, photos and other background materials regarding events he attended that reflect the social, philanthropic and business obligations he had in his personal and political life. Goldwater's schedules document various commitments to family, friends, committee assignments, military duties, and the Republican Party.
Senator Goldwater actively and successfully supported nominees for numerous federal positions. Many Arizonans rose to prominence because of his advocacy. Nominations and Recommendations includes files for Sandra Day O'Connor and William H. Rehnquist to the United States Supreme Court; Dean Burch as Chair of the National Republican Party and Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission; Dr. Lewis Tambs as Ambassador to Columbia and Costa Rica; and Isabel Burgess to the National Transportation Safety Board.
Travel files chronicle domestic and international trips. Senator Goldwater was officially appointed by the President to be the U.S. Representative at the Paris Air Show and other aviation events. Additionally, he traveled to Taiwan, Vietnam, South Africa, and Antarctica for both personal and political reasons. Senator Goldwater traveled frequently to fulfill his role on the Republican Senate Campaign Committee, the Air Force Board of Visitors, and the Armed Services Committee. He was in great demand as a speaker and fundraiser for organizations ranging from the Republican Party and the National Asthma Foundation to Masonic Lodges and the Smithsonian Institute.
Processing Note
Records have been weeded of duplicates, routine applications and requests for employment, routine requests for government publications, autographs, and flag information.
Sub-Series A: Appointment Books
504 83rd Congress, 1953
504 83rd Congress, 1954
504 84th Congress, 1955
505 84th Congress, 1956
505 85th Congress, 1957
505 85th Congress, 1958
506 86th Congress, 1959
506 86th Congress, 1960
506 87th Congress, 1961
507 87th Congress, 1962
507 88th Congress, 1963
507 89th Congress, 1965
508 89th Congress, 1965
Sub-Series B: Congressional Research Service
5135 92nd Congress: United Nations, 1971
51628 93rd Congress: Labor Management Relations, 1974
52119 94th Congress: Electronic Funds Transfer Systems, 1976
52120 94th Congress: Equal Rights Amendment, 1975
52628 95th Congress: Thailand, 1977-1978
52629 95th Congress: Yugoslavia, 1977
53022 96th Congress, 1979
53424 97th Congress: Abortion Rights, 1981-1982
53425 97th Congress: Agent Orange, 1981
53426 97th Congress: Air Pollution-Clean Air Act, 1981-1982
53427 97th Congress: Balanced Budget Movement for a Constitutional Convention, 1981-1982
53428 97th Congress: Bilingual Education, 1981
53429 97th Congress: Clean Water Act, 1980-1982
53430 97th Congress: Congressional Pay, 1981
53431 97th Congress: Drug Abuse, 1979-1981
53432 97th Congress: Farm Bill Issues, 1981-1982
53433 97th Congress: Financial Aid to Undergraduate Students, 1981-1982
5351 97th Congress: Food Stamps, 1979-1982
5352 97th Congress: Guide To Reference Material, 1980
5353 97th Congress: Handicapped, 1980-1981
5354 97th Congress: Hotlines, 1980
5355 97th Congress: Japan-US Trade, 1982
5356 97th Congress: Money Market Funds, 1981
5357 97th Congress: New Federalism, 1982
5358 97th Congress: Nuclear Weapons Freeze Movement, 1982
5359 97th Congress: Sagebrush Rebellion, 1982
53510 97th Congress: School Lunch and Related Child Nutrition Programs, 1982
53511 97th Congress: School Prayer, 1981
53512 97th Congress: Sex Discrimination In Education, Title IX, 1981
53513 97th Congress: Social Security Financing, 1981
53514 97th Congress: Strategic Arms Limitation, 1981-1982
53515 97th Congress: Study Abroad, 1981
53516 97th Congress: U. S. Intelligence, 1982
53517 97th Congress: Veterans, 1981-1982
53518 97th Congress: Welfare, 1981-1982
54014 98th Congress: Federal Credit Programs, 1983
54015 98th Congress: Foreign Aid, 1983
54016 98th Congress: Tobacco Programs, 1983
54017 98th Congress: Universal Security Coverage, 1983
54517 99th Congress: Fundamentals of Domestic Commodity Price Support Programs, 1985
54518 99th Congress: Overview of Organization and Functions, 1986
54519 99th Congress: Subsidies and Major Spending Reform, 1985
Sub-Series C: Correspondence
50911 88th Congress: "Crank" Letters, 1963
50912 88th Congress: Form Letters, 1963
50913 88th Congress: House of Representatives Telephone Directory, 1963
50919 91st Congress: Alioto's Law Suit, 1970
50920 91st Congress: Applications for Positions in Arizona, 1968-1970
50921 91st Congress: Books, 1970
50922 91st Congress: Complimentary Letters (to BMG), 1970
50923 91st Congress: Condolences (from BMG), 1969-1970
50924 91st Congress: Congratulatory Letters (to Constituents from BMG), 1969 (1 of 2)
50925 91st Congress: Congratulatory Letters (to Constituents from BMG), 1970 (2 of 2)
50926 91st Congress: "Conscience of a Majority", 1970
50927 91st Congress: Crank Letters, 1969
50928 91st Congress: Crank Letters, 1970
50929 91st Congress: David Frost Show, 1970
50930 91st Congress: Del Webb Corporation, 1970
Script for film "The Story of Arizona and Sun City".
50931 91st Congress: "From Here To The Seventies", 1969 (Play Script)
50932 91st Congress: General Accounting Office, 1969-1973
50933 91st Congress: Harry Walter Inc., 1967 (1 of 3)
Booking agent for speaking events.
50934 91st Congress: Harry Walter Inc., 1968-1969 (2 of 3)
Booking agent for speaking events.
50935 91st Congress: Harry Walter Inc., 1970-1971 (3 of 3)
Booking agent for speaking events.
50936 91st Congress: Home State Office Expenses, 1970-1971
50937 91st Congress: Internships, 1969-1970
50938 91st Congress: "Issues and Answers", 1970
50939 91st Congress: Library of Congress, 1969-1970
50940 91st Congress: Man & Woman of the Year, 1969-1970
5101 91st Congress: "Meet the New Senators", 1969
5102 91st Congress: Office Business, 1968-1972
5103 91st Congress: Presidential Inauguration, 1969
5104 91st Congress: Requests to See the Senator, 1969
5105 91st Congress: Requests to See the Senator, 1970
5106 91st Congress: Smith, Tony ("Orbis" Article on Soviet Relations), 1968-1971
5107 91st Congress: Staff Memos, 1969-1970
5108 91st Congress: Support Letters, 1968-1969
5109 91st Congress: Support Letters, 1970
51010 91st Congress: Telegrams, 1969-1971
51011 91st Congress: Thank Yous, 1969-1970
51012 91st Congress: Transcripts of Administrative Hearings, 1970-1971
51013 91st Congress: Tucson Office, 1969-1971
51014 91st Congress: White House, 1969 (1 of 2)
51015 91st Congress: White House, 1969 (2 of 2)
51016 91st Congress: White House, 1970
51017 91st Congress: White House (Education), 1970
5136 92nd Congress: Auctions, Gifts, Donations, 1971-1972
5137 92nd Congress: BMG to Newspapers, 1971-1972
5138 92nd Congress: Books, General, 1971
5139 92nd Congress: Books, General, 1972 January-August
51310 92nd Congress: Books, General, 1972 September-December
51311 92nd Congress: Complimentary Letters, 1971 February-May
51312 92nd Congress: Complimentary Letters, 1971 June-July
51313 92nd Congress: Complimentary Letters, 1971 August-December
51314 92nd Congress: Complimentary Letters, 1972 August-1973 January
51315 92nd Congress: Condolences, 1970-1973
51316 92nd Congress: Congratulatory Letters (from BMG), 1971-1972
51317 92nd Congress: "Conscience of a Majority", 1970-1973
51318 92nd Congress: "Crank Letters", 1971
51319 92nd Congress: Film and Tape Requests, 1971-1972
51320 92nd Congress: Form Letters, 1972 (1 of 2)
51321 92nd Congress: Form Letters, 1972 (2 of 2)
51322 92nd Congress: General Accounting Office, 1971-1972
51323 92nd Congress: Get Well, 1971-1972
51324 92nd Congress: Goldwater and Peanut Butter, 1972
51325 92nd Congress: Goldwater Wedding Anniversary, 1972
51326 92nd Congress: Internships, 1971
51327 92nd Congress: Interview Requests, 1970-1971
5141 92nd Congress: Magazine and News Articles, 1972
5142 92nd Congress: "None Dare Call it Conspiracy", 1972-1975
5143 92nd Congress: "No Substitute for Victory", 1971
5144 92nd Congress: Requests for Cookbook Recipes, 1970-1973
5145 92nd Congress: Requests for Recipes, 1972
5146 92nd Congress: Requests for Republican Convention Speech, 1972
5147 92nd Congress: Requests to See the Senator, 1971 January-May
5148 92nd Congress: Requests to See the Senator, 1971 June-December
5149 92nd Congress: Requests to See the Senator, 1972
51410 92nd Congress: Requests for White House Tours, 1972
51411 92nd Congress: Response to Article in "The American Rifleman", 1971
51412 92nd Congress: Senate Pages, 1970-1971
51413 92nd Congress: Staff Files, 1971
51414 92nd Congress: Thank Yous, 1971-1972
51415 92nd Congress: Thank Yous for Poems Sent, 1972
51416 92nd Congress: Threatening Letters, 1971
51417 92nd Congress: White House, 1971
51418 92nd Congress: White House, 1972
51629 93rd Congress: Auctions, Gifts, Donations (from BMG to Various Organizations), 1973-1974
51630 93rd Congress: BMG to Newspapers, 1973-1974
51631 93rd Congress: Books, General, 1973 January-May
51632 93rd Congress: Books, General, 1973 June-December
51633 93rd Congress: Books, General, 1974 January-May
51634 93rd Congress: Books, General, 1974 June-December
51635 93rd Congress: Chili Debate, 1974
51636 93rd Congress: Complimentary Letters (to BMG), 1973 (1 of 2)
51637 93rd Congress: Complimentary Letters (to BMG), 1973 (2 of 2)
5171 93rd Congress: Complimentary Letters (to BMG), 1974 (1 of 2)
5172 93rd Congress: Complimentary Letters (to BMG), 1974 (2 of 2)
5173 93rd Congress: Condolences (from BMG), 1973-1974
5174 93rd Congress: Congratulations (from BMG), 1973
5175 93rd Congress: Congratulations (from BMG), 1974
5176 93rd Congress: Congratulations on Re-election, 1974 November (1 of 2)
5177 93rd Congress: Congratulations on Re-election, 1974 November (2 of 2)
5178 93rd Congress: Congratulatory Letters (Citizenship), 1974
5179 93rd Congress: Congratulatory Letters (Eagle Scouts), 1972-1974
51710 93rd Congress: "Crank" Letters, 1973
51711 93rd Congress: Dick Cavett Show (Appearance with Lt. Col. Herbert), 1972-1973 (1 of 2)
51712 93rd Congress: Dick Cavett Show (Appearance with Lt. Col. Herbert), 1973 (2 of 2)
51713 93rd Congress: Film and Tape Requests, 1973 January-May
51714 93rd Congress: Film and Tape Requests, 1973 June-September
51715 93rd Congress: Film and Tape Requests, 1974
51716 93rd Congress: Finn Cup, 1974
51717 93rd Congress: Form Letters, 1973
51718 93rd Congress: Form Letters, 1974
5181 93rd Congress: Get Well/Sympathy Letters, 1973-1974
5182 93rd Congress: Goldwater Wedding Anniversary, 1973-1974
5183 93rd Congress: Internship Program, 1973-1974
5184 93rd Congress: Letters of Recommendations, 1973
5185 93rd Congress: Library of Congress, 1972-1974
5186 93rd Congress: "Maurie", 1973-1974
Film BMG hosted.
5187 93rd Congress: Meet the Press, 1974
5188 93rd Congress: Publications Requests, 1974
5189 93rd Congress: Relocation and Employment in Arizona, 1973
51810 93rd Congress: Requests for Recipes, 1973-1974
51811 93rd Congress: Requests for Vietnam White Paper, 1973
51812 93rd Congress: Requests for White House Tours, 1973-1974
51813 93rd Congress: Requests to See the Senator, 1973 January-March
51814 93rd Congress: Requests to See the Senator, 1973 April-December
51815 93rd Congress: Requests to See the Senator , 1974 January-April
51816 93rd Congress: Requests to See the Senator, 1974 May-December
51817 93rd Congress: Retirement Letters (from BMG), 1974
51818 93rd Congress: Staff Memos, 1973-1974
51819 93rd Congress: Thank Yous (for Poems), 1973-1974
51820 93rd Congress: Thank Yous (from BMG), 1974 January
51821 93rd Congress: Thank Yous (from BMG), 1974 February
51822 93rd Congress: Thank Yous (from BMG), 1974 March
51823 93rd Congress: Thank Yous (from BMG), 1974 April
51824 93rd Congress: Thank Yous (from BMG), 1974 May
51825 93rd Congress: Thank Yous (from BMG), 1974 June
51826 93rd Congress: Thank Yous (from BMG), 1974 July
5191 93rd Congress: Thank Yous (from BMG), 1974 August
5192 93rd Congress: Thank Yous (from BMG), 1974 September
5193 93rd Congress: Thank Yous (from BMG), 1974 October-December
5194 93rd Congress: White House, 1973
5195 93rd Congress: White House, 1974
5196 93rd Congress: White House, 1973-1974 (Press Releases)
52122 94th Congress: Articles, 1975-1976
Request to write and submitted by constituents.
52123 94th Congress: Arizona Office, 1976-1980
52124 94th Congress: Auctions, 1975
52125 94th Congress: Auctions, 1976
52126 94th Congress: Books, General, 1975 January-August
52127 94th Congress: Books, General, 1975 September-December
52128 94th Congress: Books, "The Coming Breakpoint", 1976 January-June
52129 94th Congress: Books, "The Coming Breakpoint", 1976 July-December
52130 94th Congress: Books, General, 1976 January-July
5221 94th Congress: Books, General, 1976 August-December
5222 94th Congress: Complimentary Letters (to BMG), 1975
5223 94th Congress: Complimentary Letters (to BMG), 1976
5224 94th Congress: Congratulatory Letters (from BMG), 1975 January-July
5225 94th Congress: Congratulatory Letters (from BMG), 1975 August-December
5226 94th Congress: Congratulatory Letters (from BMG), 1976
5227 94th Congress: Congratulatory Letters (to Constituents Awarded Patents), 1975-1976
5228 94th Congress: Congratulatory Letters (from BMG Birthdays), 1975-1976
5229 94th Congress: Congratulatory Letters (to BMG Birthday), 1975-1976
52210 94th Congress: Congratulatory Letters (Eagle Scouts), 1975-1976
52211 94th Congress: Congratulatory Letters (from BMG Wedding Anniversaries), 1975-1976
52212 94th Congress: Congratulatory Letters (to BMG Wedding Anniversary), 1975-1976
52213 94th Congress: Film and Tape Requests and Receipts, 1975-1976
52214 94th Congress: Form Letters, 1975-1976
52215 94th Congress: Get Well Letters, 1976 June-July (1 of 2)
BMG thanking constituents for sending letters and flowers after hip surgery.
52216 94th Congress: Get Well Letters, 1976 August-December (2 of 2)
BMG thanking constituents for sending letters and flowers after hip surgery.
52217 94th Congress: Get Well Letters (from BMG), 1975
52218 94th Congress: "Meet The Press", 1976
52219 94th Congress: O'Connor Creative Services ("Viewpoint" Radio Program), 1975-1976
52220 94th Congress: Phoenix Office, 1976
52221 94th Congress: Publications Requests, 1975
52222 94th Congress: Requests for Chili Recipe, 1975-1976
52223 94th Congress: Requests for Recipes, 1975-1976
52224 94th Congress: Requests for White House Tours, 1975
52225 94th Congress: Requests for White House Tours, 1976
5231 94th Congress: Requests to Fill Out Questionnaires, 1974-1976
5232 94th Congress: Requests to Insert Statements into the Congressional Record, 1975-1976
5233 94th Congress: Requests to Read Publications, 1975-1976
5234 94th Congress: Requests to See BMG, 1975 January-June
5235 94th Congress: Requests to See BMG, 1975 July-December
5236 94th Congress: Requests to See BMG, 1976 January-May
5237 94th Congress: Requests to See BMG, 1976 June-December
5238 94th Congress: Retirement Letters (from BMG), 1975-1976
5239 94th Congress: Sergeant At Arms, 1975
Microfilming of Senator's files.
52310 94th Congress: Smith, Tony (Speeches, Statements), 1976-1975 (1 of 3)
52311 94th Congress: Smith, Tony (Notes to BMG; Constituent Letters), 1975-1976 (2 of 3)
52312 94th Congress: Smith , Tony (Viewpoint Columns), 1975-1976 (3 of 3)
52313 94th Congress: Sympathy Letters (from BMG to Constituents), 1975-1976
52314 94th Congress: Thank Yous, 1975 January-March
52315 94th Congress: Thank Yous, 1975 April-July
52316 94th Congress: Thank Yous, 1975 August-October
52317 94th Congress: Thank Yous, 1975 November-December
52318 94th Congress: Thank Yous (for Poems), 1975
52319 94th Congress: Thank Yous, 1976 January-May
52320 94th Congress: Thank Yous, 1976 June-August
52321 94th Congress: Thank Yous, 1976 September-August
52322 94th Congress: Thank Yous ("Viewpoint" Radio Program), 1976 January-March
52323 94th Congress: Thank Yous ("Viewpoint" Radio Program), 1976 April-December
52324 94th Congress: White House, 1975
5241 94th Congress: White House, 1976
5242 94th Congress: White House (Press Releases), 1975-1976
52630 95th Congress: Anniversary Letters (from BMG), 1977
52631 95th Congress: Anniversary Letters (from BMG), 1978
52632 95th Congress: Articles, 1977
Requests to write and submitted by constituents.
5271 95th Congress: Articles, 1978
Requests to write and submitted by constituents.
5272 95th Congress: Auctions, 1977 January-June
5273 95th Congress: Auctions, 1977 July-December
5274 95th Congress: Auctions, 1978 January-August
5275 95th Congress: Birthday Letters (from BMG), 1977-1978
5276 95th Congress: Birthday Letters (to BMG), 1977-1978
5277 95th Congress: Books, General, 1977 January-June
5278 95th Congress: Books, General, 1977 July-December
5279 95th Congress: Books, General, 1978 January-May
52710 95th Congress: Books, General, 1978 June-December
52711 95th Congress: Complimentary Letters (to BMG), 1977
52712 95th Congress: Complimentary Letters (to BMG), 1978
52713 95th Congress: Congratulatory Letters (from BMG), 1977
52714 95th Congress: Congratulatory Letters (from BMG), 1978
52715 95th Congress: Congratulatory Letters (Eagle Scouts), 1977-1978
52716 95th Congress: Form Letters, 1977-1978
52717 95th Congress: Get Well Letters, 1977
To BMG for hip operation.
52718 95th Congress: Get Well Letters, 1977
To Constituents from BMG.
52719 95th Congress: Memos, 1977
52720 95th Congress: Poems, 1975-1978
52721 95th Congress: Requests For Chili Recipe, 1977-1978
52722 95th Congress: Requests To Fill Out Questionnaires, 1977-1978
52723 95th Congress: Requests For First Day Covers (Postal Stamp), 1976-1980
52724 95th Congress: Requests to Insert Statements Into the Congressional Record, 1977-1978
5281 95th Congress: Requests to Read Manuscripts, 1978
5282 95th Congress: Requests for Recipes, 1977-1978
5283 95th Congress: Requests for White House Tours, 1977-1978
5284 95th Congress: Requests to See the Senator, 1977
5285 95th Congress: Requests to See the Senator, 1978
5286 95th Congress: Retirement Letters (from BMG), 1977-1978
5287 95th Congress: Secretary of the Senate, 1977
5288 95th Congress: Sergeant at Arms, 1977-1978
5289 95th Congress: Sympathy Letters, 1977-1978
From BMG to Constituents.
52810 95th Congress: Tapes, Films, Slides, etc., 1977-1978
52811 95th Congress: Thank Yous, 1977 January
52812 95th Congress: Thank Yous, 1977 February-March
52813 95th Congress: Thank Yous, 1977 April-June
52814 95th Congress: Thank Yous, 1977 July-December
52815 95th Congress: Thank Yous, 1978 January-May
52816 95th Congress: White House, 1977-1978
52817 95th Congress: White House, 1977-1978 (Press Releases)
53023 96th Congress: Anniversary Letters (from BMG), 1979-1980
53024 96th Congress: Articles, 1979
Submitted by friends and constituents.
53025 96th Congress: Auctions, 1979
53026 96th Congress: Auctions, 1980 January-June
53027 96th Congress: Auction, 1980 July-December
5311 96th Congress: Birthday Letters (from BMG), 1979-1980
5312 96th Congress: Birthday Letters (to BMG), 1979-1980
5313 96th Congress: Books, General, 1979 January-June
5314 96th Congress: Books, General, 1979 July-December
5315 96th Congress: Books, General, 1980 January-July
5316 96th Congress: Books, General, 1980 August-December
5317 96th Congress: Book ("With No Apology"), 1979
5318 96th Congress: Book ("With No Apology"), 1980 January-May
5319 96th Congress: Book ("With No Apology"), 1980 June-December
53110 96th Congress: Complimentary Letters (to BMG), 1979
53111 96th Congress: Complimentary Letters (to BMG), 1980
53112 96th Congress: Condolences (from BMG), 1980
53113 96th Congress: Congratulatory Letters (from BMG), 1979
53114 96th Congress: Congratulatory Letters (from BMG), 1980
53115 96th Congress: Congratulatory Letters (Boy Scout-Eagle Scout Awards), 1980
53116 96th Congress: Form Letters, 1980
53117 96th Congress: Greetings to Organizations and Institutions, 1980
53118 96th Congress: Poetry, 1979-1980
53119 96th Congress: Press and Publicity, 1979-1980
53120 96th Congress: Requests to Fill Out Questionnaires, 1979
53121 96th Congress: Requests to Insert Statements Into The Congressional Record, 1979-1980
53122 96th Congress: Requests for Interviews, 1980
53123 96th Congress: Requests to Read Manuscripts, 1979
53124 96th Congress: Requests for Recipes, 1979
53125 96th Congress: Requests to See the Senator, 1979 January-July
53126 96th Congress: Requests to See the Senator, 1979 August-December
53127 96th Congress: Requests to See the Senator, 1980 January-May
5321 96th Congress: Requests to See the Senator, 1980 June-December
5322 96th Congress: Retirement Letters (from BMG), 1979
5323 96th Congress: Senate Paid Leave Policy, 1980
5324 96th Congress: Sergeant at Arms, 1979-1980
5325 96th Congress: Staff Memos (Taboo List), 1980
5326 96th Congress: Study of Senate Chamber Desks, 1979
5327 96th Congress: Thank Yous, 1979
5328 96th Congress: Thank Yous, 1980 January-July
5329 96th Congress: Thank Yous, 1980 August-December
53210 96th Congress: White House, 1979-1980
53211 96th Congress: White House Tours, 1980
53519 97th Congress: Arizona Office, 1981
53520 97th Congress: Auctions, 1981-1982
53521 97th Congress: Condolences (from BMG), 1981
53522 97th Congress: Condolences (from BMG), 1982
53523 97th Congress: Congratulatory Letters (from BMG), 1981
53524 97th Congress: Congratulatory Letters (from BMG), 1982 January-April
53525 97th Congress: Congratulatory Letters (from BMG), 1982 May-July
53526 97th Congress: Congratulatory Letters (from BMG), 1982 August-December
53527 97th Congress: Form Letters, 1981
53528 97th Congress: Presidential Inauguration, 1980-1981
53529 97th Congress: Press and Publicity (Requests and Comments), 1981 January-June
53530 97th Congress: Press and Publicity (Requests and Comments), 1981 July-December
53531 97th Congress: Requests for Contributions, 1982
53532 97th Congress: Requests to Insert Comments in the Congressional Record, 1981
5361 97th Congress: Requests, Miscellaneous, 1981-1982
5362 97th Congress: Requests to See the Senator, 1981 January-June
5363 97th Congress: Requests to See the Senator, 1981 July-December
5364 97th Congress: Requests to See the Senator, 1982
5365 97th Congress: Russell Senate Office Building, 1981
5366 97th Congress: Sergeant at Arms, 1981
5367 97th Congress: Staff Files, Eisenhower, Judy, 1982
5368 97th Congress: Staff Memos, 1981
5369 97th Congress: Telecommunications from Arizona Office, 1981 (1 of 2)
53610 97th Congress: Telecommunications from Arizona Office, 1981 (2 of 2)
53611 97th Congress: Thank You For Receipt of Publications, 1981
53612 97th Congress: Thank Yous, 1981 January-February
53613 97th Congress: Thank Yous, 1981 March-April
53614 97th Congress: Thank Yous, 1981 May
53615 97th Congress: Thank Yous, 1981 June
53616 97th Congress: Thank Yous, 1981 July
53617 97th Congress: Thank Yous, 1981 August-September
53618 97th Congress: Thank Yous, 1981 October-November
53619 97th Congress: Thank Yous, 1981 December (1 of 2)
53620 97th Congress: Thank Yous, 1981 December (2 of 2)
5371 97th Congress: Thank Yous ("With No Apologies"), 1981
5372 97th Congress: White House, 1981-1982
54018 98th Congress: Articles and Magazines, 1984
54019 98th Congress: Condolence Letters, 1983
54020 98th Congress: Condolence Letters, 1984
54021 98th Congress: Congratulatory Letters, 1983 January-June
54022 98th Congress: Congratulatory Letters, 1983 July-December
54023 98th Congress: Congratulatory Letters, 1984 January-March
54024 98th Congress: Congratulatory Letters, 1984 April-June
54025 98th Congress: Congratulatory Letters, 1984 July-October
54026 98th Congress: Congratulatory Letters, 1984 November-December
5411 98th Congress: Contributions and Auctions, 1983
5412 98th Congress: Contributions, 1984
5413 98th Congress: Employment (Inquiries, Recommendations, Referrals), 1983
5414 98th Congress: Permission to Use Name and Invitations to Serve on Boards, 1984
5415 98th Congress: Press and Publicity (Requests and Comments), 1983
5416 98th Congress: Press, Radio, TV, 1984
5417 98th Congress: Publication Requests, 1983 January-May
5418 98th Congress: Publication Requests, 1983 June-December
5419 98th Congress: Requests to Autograph Photographs and Books, 1983
54110 98th Congress: Requests to Insert Comments into the Congressional Record, 1983
54111 98th Congress: Requests to Review and Write Publications, 1984
54112 98th Congress: Requests to See the Senator, 1983 January-June
54113 98th Congress: Requests to See the Senator, 1983 July-December
54114 98th Congress: Requests to See the Senator, 1984 January-June
54115 98th Congress: Requests to See the Senator, 1984 July-December
54116 98th Congress: Requests for the Senator's Views, Comments, or Contributions to Various Publications, 1983
54117 98th Congress: Senator's Arizona Office Administration, 1983-1984
54118 98th Congress: Senator's DC Office Administration, 1983-1984
54119 98th Congress: Sergeant at Arms, 1983-1984
54120 98th Congress: Thank Yous, 1983 January
54121 98th Congress: Thank Yous, 1983 February
54122 98th Congress: Thank Yous, 1983 March
5421 98th Congress: Thank Yous, 1983 April
5422 98th Congress: Thank Yous, 1983 May
5423 98th Congress: Thank Yous, 1983 June
5424 98th Congress: Thank Yous, 1983 July
5425 98th Congress: Thank Yous, 1983 July 25-July 29
5426 98th Congress: Thank Yous, 1983 August
5427 98th Congress: Thank Yous, 1983 September
5428 98th Congress: Thank Yous, 1983 October-November
5429 98th Congress: Thank Yous, 1983 December
54210 98th Congress: Thank You, 1984 January
54211 98th Congress: Thank Yous, 1984 February-March
54212 98th Congress: Thank Yous, 1984 April-May
54213 98th Congress: Thank Yous, 1984 June-August
54214 98th Congress: Thank Yous, 1984 September
54215 98th Congress: Thank Yous, 1984 October-November
5431 98th Congress: Thank Yous, 1984 December
5432 98th Congress: Thank Yous, 1983 January-June
For publications sent to BMG.
5433 98th Congress: Thank Yous, 1983 July-December
For publications sent to BMG.
5434 98th Congress: Thank Yous, 1984 January-May
For publications sent to BMG.
5435 98th Congress: Thank Yous, 1984 June-September
For publications sent to BMG.
5436 98th Congress: Thank Yous, 1984 October-December
For publications sent to BMG.
5437 98th Congress: Thank Yous (Retirement Announcement), 1984
5438 98th Congress: Thank Yous (Taiwan Trip), 1984
5439 98th Congress: White House, 1983-1984
54520 99th Congress: Arizona Offices, 1985
54521 99th Congress: Condolence Letters, 1985
54522 99th Congress: Condolence Letters, 1986
54523 99th Congress: Congratulatory Letters, 1985 January-April
54524 99th Congress: Congratulatory Letters, 1985 May-July
54525 99th Congress: Congratulatory Letters, 1985 August–Sepetmber
54526 99th Congress: Congratulatory Letters, 1985 October-November
54527 99th Congress: Congratulatory Letters, 1985 December
54528 99th Congress: Congratulatory Letters, 1986 January-May
5461 99th Congress: Congratulatory Letters, 1986 June-October
5462 99th Congress: DC Office, 1985-1986
5463 99th Congress: Form Letters, 1986
5464 99th Congress: General, 1986
5465 99th Congress: Grand Canyon Hiking, Singing, Loving Club, 1985-1986
To discontinue.
5466 99th Congress: Interns, 1986
5467 99th Congress: Invitations (from BMG to others), 1986
5468 99th Congress: Office Equipment, 1985
5469 99th Congress: Press and Publicity, 1985
54610 99th Congress: Press and Publicity, 1986
54611 99th Congress: Publications (General), 1985
54612 99th Congress: Publications (General), 1986
54613 99th Congress: Publication Requests, 1985 January-September
54614 99th Congress: Publication Requests, 1985 October-December
54615 99th Congress: Publication Requests, 1986 January-April
54616 99th Congress: Requests For Interviews, 1986
54617 99th Congress: Requests to Insert Comments into the Congressional Record, 1985-1986
54618 99th Congress: Requests to See the Senator, 1985
54619 99th Congress: Requests to See the Senator, 1986
54620 99th Congress: Requests to Use the Senator's Name, 1985
54621 99th Congress: Retirement Letters (sent to BMG), 1986
54622 99th Congress: Senate Activities and Broadcast Coverage, 1985-1986
54623 99th Congress: Senate Chamber Desks, 1985
54624 99th Congress: Senate Pages, 1985-1986
54625 99th Congress: Sergeant at Arms, 1985-1987
5471 99th Congress: Thank Yous, 1985 January-June
For publications sent to BMG.
5472 99th Congress: Thank Yous, 1985 July-December
For publications sent to BMG.
5473 99th Congress: Thank Yous, 1985 January
5474 99th Congress: Thank Yous, 1985 February
5475 99th Congress: Thank Yous, 1985 March
5476 99th Congress: Thank Yous, 1985 April
5477 99th Congress: Thank Yous, 1985 May
5478 99th Congress: Thank Yous, 1985 June
5479 99th Congress: Thank Yous, 1985 July-August
54710 99th Congress: Thank Yous, 1985 September
54711 99th Congress: Thank Yous, 1985 October
54712 99th Congress: Thank Yous, 1985 November
54713 99th Congress: Thank Yous, 1985 December
54714 99th Congress: Thank Yous, 1986 January (1 of 2)
54715 99th Congress: Thank Yous, 1986 January (2 of 2)
5481 99th Congress: Thank Yous, 1986 February-March
5482 99th Congress: Thank Yous, 1986 April
5483 99th Congress: Thank Yous, 1986 May
5484 99th Congress: Thank Yous, 1986 June-July
5485 99th Congress: Thank Yous, 1986 August-September
5486 99th Congress: Thank Yous, 1986 October-December
5487 99th Congress: Thank Yous, 1986 January-June
For publications sent to BMG.
5488 99th Congress: Thank Yous, 1986 July-December
For publications sent to BMG.
5489 99th Congress: Visitors, 1985 January-May
54810 99th Congress: Visitors, 1985 June-December
54811 99th Congress: Vital Statistics On Congress (American Enterprise Institute), 1984-1985
54812 99th Congress: White House, 1985-1986
54813 99th Congress: White House Press Releases, 1985-1986
Sub-Series D: Invitations Accepted
5096 86th Congress, 1959
51018 91st Congress, 1969 January
Defense speech included.
51019 91st Congress, 1969 February (1 of 2)
Includes air transportation speech.
51020 91st Congress, 1969 February (2 of 2)
51021 91st Congress, 1969 March
Includes photos.
51022 91st Congress, 1969 April
51023 91st Congress, 1969 May (1 of 2)
5111 91st Congress, 1969 May (2 of 2)
5112 91st Congress, 1969 June
5113 91st Congress, 1969 July
5114 91st Congress, 1969 August
5115 91st Congress, 1969 September
5116 91st Congress, 1969 October (1 of 2)
Includes photos.
5117 91st Congress, 1969 October (2 of 2)
5118 91st Congress, 1969 November (1 of 2)
5119 91st Congress, 1969 November (2 of 2)
51110 91st Congress, 1969 December
51111 91st Congress, 1970 January
51112 91st Congress, 1970 February (1 of 2)
51113 91st Congress, 1970 February (2 of 2)
51114 91st Congress, 1970 March
51115 91st Congress, 1970 April (1 of 2)
51116 91st Congress, 1970 April (2 of 2)
51117 91st Congress, 1970 May (1 of 2)
5121 91st Congress, 1970 May (2 of 2)
5122 91st Congress, 1970 June
5123 91st Congress, 1970 July
5124 91st Congress, 1970 August
5125 91st Congress, 1970 September
5126 91st Congress, 1970 October
5127 91st Congress, 1970 November
5128 91st Congress, 1970 December
51420 92nd Congress, 1971 January
51421 92nd Congress, 1971 February
51422 92nd Congress, 1971 March
51423 92nd Congress, 1971 April
51424 92nd Congress, 1971 May
51425 92nd Congress, 1971 June
5151 92nd Congress, 1971 July
5152 92nd Congress, 1971 August
5153 92nd Congress, 1971 September
5154 92nd Congress, 1971 October
5155 92nd Congress, 1971 November
5156 92nd Congress, 1971 December
5157 92nd Congress, 1970-1971
But indefinite for 1971.
5158 92nd Congress (Phoenix Office), 1971
5159 92nd Congress, 1972 January
51510 92nd Congress, 1972 February
51511 92nd Congress, 1972 March
51512 92nd Congress, 1972 April
51513 92nd Congress, 1972 May
51514 92nd Congress, 1972 June (1 of 2)
51515 92nd Congress, 1972 June (2 of 2)
51516 92nd Congress, 1972 July-August
51517 92nd Congress, 1972 September
51518 92nd Congress, 1972 October
51519 92nd Congress, 1972 November-December
5197 93rd Congress, 1973 January-February
5198 93rd Congress, 1973 March
5199 93rd Congress, 1973 April
51910 93rd Congress, 1973 May
51911 93rd Congress, 1973 June
51912 93rd Congress, 1973 August
51913 93rd Congress, 1973 September
51914 93rd Congress, 1973 October
51915 93rd Congress, 1973 November (1 of 2)
51916 93rd Congress, 1973 November (2 of 2)
51917 93rd Congress, 1973 December
51918 93rd Congress, 1974 January-February
5201 93rd Congress, 1974 March (1 of 2)
5202 93rd Congress, 1974 March (2 of 2)
5203 93rd Congress, 1974 April (1 of 3)
5204 93rd Congress, 1974 April (2 of 3)
5205 93rd Congress, 1974 April (2 of 3)
5206 93rd Congress, 1974 May (1 of 2)
5207 93rd Congress, 1974 May (2 of 2)
5208 93rd Congress, 1974 June
5209 93rd Congress, 1974 July
52010 93rd Congress, 1974 August
52011 93rd Congress, 1974 September
52012 93rd Congress, 1974 October
52013 93rd Congress, 1974 November-December
52014 93rd Congress: Swimming Hall of Fame, 1974
5243 94th Congress, 1975 January
Includes photos.
5244 94th Congress, 1975 February
5245 94th Congress, 1975 March
Includes photos.
5246 94th Congress, 1975 April
Includes photos.
5247 94th Congress, 1975 May (1 of 2)
Includes photos.
5248 94th Congress, 1975 May (2 of 2)
Includes photos.
5249 94th Congress, 1975 June
52410 94th Congress, 1975 July
52411 94th Congress, 1975 August
52412 94th Congress, 1975 September
52413 94th Congress, 1975 October (1 of 2)
52414 94th Congress, 1975 October (2 of 2)
52415 94th Congress, 1975 November
5251 94th Congress, 1975 December
5252 94th Congress: 23rd Annual Franklin Award (Received Award), 1974-1975
Includes photos.
5253 94th Congress: Arden House Speech (Committee for Monetary Research & Education, Inc.), 1974-1975
Includes photos.
5254 94th Congress, 1976 January
5255 94th Congress, 1976 February
5256 94th Congress, 1976 March (1 of 2)
5257 94th Congress, 1976 March (2 of 2)
5258 94th Congress, 1976 April
Includes photos.
5259 94th Congress, 1976 May (1 of 2)
52510 94th Congress, 1976 May (2 of 2)
52511 94th Congress, 1976 June
52512 94th Congress, 1976 July (1 of 2)
52513 94th Congress, 1976 July (2 of 2)
52514 94th Congress, 1976 August
52515 94th Congress, 1976 September (1 of 2)
52516 94th Congress, 1976 September (2 of 2)
52517 94th Congress, 1976 October (1 of 2)
52518 94th Congress, 1976 October (2 of 2)
5261 94th Congress, 1976 November
5262 94th Congress, 1976 December
52818 95th Congress, 1977 January
52819 95th Congress, 1977 February (1 of 2)
52820 95th Congress, 1977 February (2 of 2)
52821 95th Congress, 1977 March
52822 95th Congress, 1977 April
52823 95th Congress, 1977 May (1 of 2)
52824 95th Congress, 1977 May (2 of 2)
Includes photos.
52825 95th Congress, 1977 June
Includes photos.
5291 95th Congress, 1977 July-August
5292 95th Congress, 1977 September
5293 95th Congress, 1977 October
5294 95th Congress, 1977 November
5295 95th Congress, 1977 December
5296 95th Congress, 1978 January (1 of 2)
5297 95th Congress, 1978 January (2 of 2)
5298 95th Congress, 1978 February (1 of 2)
5299 95th Congress, 1978 February (2 of 2)
52910 95th Congress, 1978 March
52911 95th Congress, 1978 April (1 of 2)
52912 95th Congress, 1978 April (2 of 2)
52913 95th Congress, 1978 May
52914 95th Congress, 1978 June
52915 95th Congress, 1978 July
52916 95th Congress, 1978 August
52917 95th Congress, 1978 September
5301 95th Congress, 1978 October (1 of 3)
5302 95th Congress, 1978 October (2 of 3)
5303 95th Congress, 1978 October (3 of 3)
5304 95th Congress, 1978 November (1 of 2)
5305 95th Congress, 1978 November (2 of 2)
5306 95th Congress, 1978 December
53212 96th Congress, 1979 January
53213 96th Congress, 1979 February (1 of 2)
53214 96th Congress, 1979 February (2 of 2)
53215 96th Congress, 1979 March
53216 96th Congress, 1979 April
53217 96th Congress, 1979 May (1 of 2)
53218 96th Congress, 1979 May (2 of 2)
53219 96th Congress, 1979 June (1 of 2)
53220 96th Congress, 1979 June (2 of 2)
53221 96th Congress, 1979 July
53222 96th Congress, 1979 August
53223 96th Congress, 1979 September (1 of 2)
53224 96th Congress, 1979 September (2 of 2)
5331 96th Congress, 1979 October (1 of 2)
5332 96th Congress, 1979 October (2 of 2)
5333 96th Congress, 1979 November
5334 96th Congress, 1979 December (1 of 2)
5335 96th Congress, 1979 December (2 of 2)
5336 96th Congress, 1980 January
5337 96th Congress, 1980 February
5338 96th Congress, 1980 March
5339 96th Congress, 1980 April (1 of 2)
53310 96th Congress, 1980 April (2 of 2)
53311 96th Congress, 1980 May (1 of 2)
53312 96th Congress, 1980 May (2 of 2)
53313 96th Congress, 1980 June
53314 96th Congress, 1980 July (1 of 2)
53315 96th Congress, 1980 July (2 of 2)
53316 96th Congress, 1980 August
53317 96th Congress, 1980 September
53318 96th Congress, 1980 October (1 of 3)
53319 96th Congress, 1980 October (2 of 3)
5341 96th Congress, 1980 October (3 of 3)
5342 96th Congress, 1980 November
5343 96th Congress, 1980 December
5373 97th Congress, 1981 January-March
5374 97th Congress, 1981 March-April
5375 97th Congress, 1981 May-June
5376 97th Congress, 1981 July-September
5377 97th Congress, 1981 October-December
5378 97th Congress, 1982 January
5379 97th Congress, 1982 February
53710 97th Congress, 1982 March
53711 97th Congress, 1982 April (1 of 2)
53712 97th Congress, 1982 April (2 of 2)
53713 97th Congress, 1982 May
53714 97th Congress, 1982 June
53715 97th Congress, 1982 July
53716 97th Congress, 1982 August
5381 97th Congress, 1982 September
5382 97th Congress, 1982 October (1 of 2)
5383 97th Congress, 1982 October (2 of 2)
5384 97th Congress, 1982 November-December
5385 97th Congress (Tentative), 1981
5386 97th Congress, 1982
54310 98th Congress: Invitations (to and from BMG), 1983
54311 98th Congress: Invitations (to and from BMG), 1984
54312 98th Congress, 1983 January-March
54313 98th Congress, 1983 April-May
54314 98th Congress, 1983 June-July
54315 98th Congress, 1983 August-September
54316 98th Congress, 1983 October
5441 98th Congress, 1983 November
5442 98th Congress, 1983 December
5443 98th Congress, 1984 January-February
5444 98th Congress, 1984 March-April
5445 98th Congress, 1984 May-June
5446 98th Congress, 1984 July-August
5447 98th Congress, 1984 September-October
5448 98th Congress, 1984 November
5449 98th Congress, 1984 December
54814 99th Congress, 1985 January-February
54815 99th Congress, 1985 March-April
54816 99th Congress, 1985 May-June
5491 99th Congress, 1985 July-August
5492 99th Congress, 1985 September
5493 99th Congress, 1985 October-November
5494 99th Congress, 1986 January-February
5495 99th Congress, 1986 March-April
5496 99th Congress, 1986 May
5497 99th Congress, 1986 June-July
5498 99th Congress, 1986 August-September
5499 99th Congress, 1986 October-December
Sub-Series E: Manuals/Office Policies
5165 92nd Congress: "Files Handbook for Congressional Offices, Senate Members", 1972
5263 94th Congress: "American Library Directory", 1976-1977
5264 94th Congress: Congressional Pictorial Directory, 1975
5307 95th Congress: Conference on the Research, Use and Disposition of Senator's Papers (Senate Republican Conference), 1978
5344 96th Congress: Mailing Frank, 1979
5387 97th Congress: U.S. Senate Computerized Systems, circa 1982
54410 98th Congress: Compilation of Reports and Statements to be Filed by Senators, 1984
Sub-Series F: Nominations and Recommendations
5129 91st Congress, 1968
51210 91st Congress, 1969 January
51211 91st Congress, 1969 February
51212 91st Congress, 1969 March
51213 91st Congress, 1969 May-December
51214 91st Congress, 1970 January-April
51215 91st Congress, 1970 May-October
51216 91st Congress: Henschel, B. Jean, 1969
51217 91st Congress: National Commission on Libraries and Information Science, 1970-1971
51218 91st Congress: Olsen, Arthur J. to the State Department (Goldwater Objections), 1970
51219 91st Congress: Sakell, Achilles, N. (Ambassador to Greece), 1969
51521 92nd Congress: Chair of Cabinet Committee on Opportunity for the Spanish Speaking, 1971-1972
51521 92nd Congress: Bell, J. Raymond (Foreign Settlements Commission), 1972-1974
51522 92nd Congress: Bringham, William N. (U. S. Postal Board), 1970-1973
51523 92nd Congress: Chair of Cabinet Committee on Opportunity for the Spanish Speaking, 1971-1972
51524 92nd Congress: Coors, Dallas (World Bank), 1971-1972
51525 92nd Congress: Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, 1972-1973
5161 92nd Congress: General, 1972
5162 92nd Congress: Goldberg, Stan (Small Business Administration), 1972
5163 92nd Congress: Leopold, John (Various White House Appointments), 1971-1973
5164 92nd Congress: Office of Economic Opportunity, 1972
52015 93rd Congress: Banks, Eloise (Associate Director, Women's Bureau, Department of Labor), 1973
52016 93rd Congress, 1973
52017 93rd Congress, 1974
52018 93rd Congress, 1974 January-May
52019 93rd Congress, 1974 June-December
5211 93rd Congress: Litzenburg, C. Davis (Journalist, Photographer), 1973-1976
5212 93rd Congress: Lupton, John M. (Federal Communications), 1973-1974
5213 93rd Congress: Middendorf, J. William Jr (Under Secretary of the Navy), 1973
5214 93rd Congress: Marston, Garth (Federal Home Loan Bank Board), 1973-1978
5215 93rd Congress: Ramey, James E. (Atomic Energy Commission), 1973
5216 93rd Congress: Smith, George N. (Assistant Secretary for Education), 1973
5217 93rd Congress: Smith, Robert N. (Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health and Environment), 1973
5218 93rd Congress: U.S. Judgeships, 1972-1974
5265 94th Congress: Bilby, Richard M. (Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals), 1976
5266 94th Congress: Burgess, Isabel (National Transportation Safety Board), 1975
5267 94th Congress: Burgess, Isabel (National Transportation Safety Board), 1975-1976
5268 94th Congress: Coors, Joseph (The Corporation for Public Broadcasting), 1975
5269 94th Congress: Hathaway, Stanley (Secretary of Interior), 1975
52610 94th Congress: Haugh, John H. (Alternative Representative to the United Nations), 1975
52611 94th Congress: Lane, Lawrence W. Jr (U.S. Exhibition, International Ocean Exposition), 1975
52612 94th Congress: Meskill, Thomas J. (Second Circuit Court Judge), 1975
52613 94th Congress, 1975 January-April
52614 94th Congress, 1975 May-December
52615 94th Congress, 1976
5308 95th Congress, 1977-1978
5309 95th Congress: Marshall, Ray (Secretary of Labor), 1977
5345 96th Congress, 1979
5346 96th Congress, 1980 January-November
5347 96th Congress, 1980 December (1 of 2)
5348 96th Congress, 1980 December (2 of 2)
5349 96th Congress: Collins, Arthur A (IEEE Pioneer Award), 1980
53410 96th Congress: Goodwin, George (Four Corners Commission), 1979
53411 96th Congress: Mikva, Abner (Circuit Court of Appeals), 1979
5388 97th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1981 January (1 of 2)
5389 97th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1981 January (2 of 2)
53810 97th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1981 February (1 of 2)
53811 97th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1981 February (2 of 2)
53812 97th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1981 March (1 of 2)
53813 97th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1981 March (2 of 2)
53814 97th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1981 April
53815 97th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1981 May (1 of 2)
53816 97th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1981 May (2 of 2)
53817 97th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1981 June (1 of 2)
53818 97th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1981 June (2 of 2)
53819 97th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1981 July
5391 97th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1981 August
5392 97th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1981 September
5393 97th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1981 October
5394 97th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1981 November
5395 97th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1981 December
5396 97th Congress: Koop, Dr Everett (Surgeon General), 1981
5397 97th Congress: Mott, George Fox (Department of Interior), 1981
5398 97th Congress: O'Connor, Sandra Day (Supreme Court), 1980-1981 (1 of 2)
5399 97th Congress: O'Connor, Sandra Day (Supreme Court), 1981 (2 of 2)
53910 97th-98th Congress: Tambs, Lewis (State Department, Latin America), 1980-1981 (1 of 2)
53911 97th Congress: Tambs, Lewis (State Department, Latin America), 1981-1983 (2 of 2)
53912 97th Congress: Velez, Gonzalo (U. S. Ambassador to Philippines), 1981
53913 97th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1982 January
53914 97th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1982 February
53915 97th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1982 March
53916 97th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1982 April (1 of 2)
53917 97th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1982 April (2 of 2)
53918 97th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1982 May
53919 97th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1982 June
53920 97th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1982 July
5401 97th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1982 August-September
5402 97th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1982 October-December
5403 97th Congress: Recommendations, 1982 January-July
5404 97th Congress: Recommendations, 1982 August-December
54411 98th Congress: General, 1983
54412 98th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1983 January
54413 98th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1983 February
54414 98th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1983 March-April
54415 98th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1983 May
54416 98th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1983 June
54417 98th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1983 July-August
54418 98th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1983 September-October
5451 98th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1983 November-December
5452 98th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1984 January-February
5453 98th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1984 March-May
5454 98th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1984 June-September
5455 98th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1984 October-December
5456 98th Congress: Various, 1984 January-June
5457 98th Congress: Various, 1984 July-December
54910 99th Congress: General, 1985 January-June
54911 99th Congress: General, 1985 July-December
54912 99th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1985 January
54913 99th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1985 February-March
54914 99th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1985 April
54915 99th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1985 May
5501 99th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1985 June (1 of 2)
5502 99th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1985 June (2 of 2)
5503 99th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1985 July
5504 99th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1985 August-September
5505 99th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1985 September
5506 99th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1985 October (1 of 2)
5507 99th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1985 October (2 of 2)
5508 99th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1985 November-December
5509 99th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1986 January
55010 99th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1986 February
55011 99th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1986 March
55012 99th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1986 April
55013 99th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1986 May
55014 99th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1986 June
55015 99th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1986 July
55016 99th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1986 August-September
55017 99th Congress: Presidential Appointments, 1986 October-December
5511 99th Congress: Recommendations, 1986 January-May
5512 99th Congress: Recommendations, 1986 June-December
5513 99th Congress: Rehnquist, William (Chief Justice of Supreme Court), 1971-1986
Sub-Series G: Other
5094 84th Congress: Speaking Engagements, 1955-1956
5095 85th Congress: Speaking Engagements, 1957-1958
5097 86th Congress: Speaking Engagements, 1959-1960
50915 89th Congress: Speaking Engagements, 1965
51419 92nd Congress: Cumulative Index of Congressional Hearings, 1971-1972
52620 94th Congress: Telephone Log, 1976
Sub-Series H: Schedules
5091 83rd Congress: Schedules and Speaking Engagements, 1953-1954
5092 83rd Congress: Senator's Schedule, Undated
5099 87th Congress: Senator's Schedule, 1961-1962
50914 88th Congress: Senator's Schedule, 1963-1964
50916 89th Congress: Senator's Schedule, 1966
50917 90th Congress: Senator's Schedule, 1967
50918 90th Congress: Senator's Schedule, 1968
51220 91st Congress, 1968-1969
Includes office appointments.
5166 92nd Congress: Long Range, 1972
5167 92nd Congress: Weekly, 1972
5219 93rd Congress: Long Range, 1973
52110 93rd Congress: Long Range, 1974
52111 93rd Congress: Weekly, 1973
52112 93rd Congress: Weekly, 1974
52616 94th Congress: Long Range, 1975
52617 94th Congress: Long Range, 1976
52618 94th Congress: Weekly, 1975
52619 94th Congress: Weekly, 1976
53010 95th Congress: Long Range, 1977
53011 95th Congress: Long Range, 1978
53012 95th Congress: Weekly, 1977
53013 95th Congress: Weekly, 1978
53412 96th Congress: Cable News Interviews, 1980
53413 96th Congress: Long Range, 1979
53414 96th Congress: Long Range, 1980
53415 96th Congress: Weekly, 1979
53416 96th Congress: Weekly, 1980
5405 97th Congress: Cable News Interviews, 1981
5406 97th Congress: Long Range, 1981
5407 97th Congress: Weekly, 1981
5408 97th Congress: Weekly, 1982
5458 98th Congress: Long Range, 1983
5459 98th Congress: Long Range, 1984
54510 98th Congress: Weekly, 1983
54511 98th Congress: Weekly, 1984
5514 99th Congress: Long Range, 1985
5515 99th Congress: Long Range, 1986 January-April
5516 99th Congress: Long Range, 1986 May-December
5517 99th Congress: Weekly, 1985 January-July (1 of 2)
5518 99th Congress: Weekly, 1985 July-December (2 of 2)
5519 99th Congress: Weekly, 1986
Sub-Series I: Travel
5093 84th Congress: Europe and Middle East, 1955
5098 86th Congress: Europe and South America, 1959
50910 87th Congress: Panama, England, and Scandinavia, 1961
51221 91st Congress: Army-Navy Game, 1969-1970
5131 91st Congress: Europe, 1969
5132 91st Congress: Grand Canyon Hiking, Singing & Lover's Club, 1969
5133 91st Congress: South America, 1968-1970
5134 91st Congress: Vietnam, 1969
5168 92nd Congress: Alabama (Campaign for Red Blunt), 1972
5169 92nd Congress: Antarctica (Background Materials), 1967-1972 (1 of 2)
51610 92nd Congress: Antarctica, 1971-1972 (2 of 2)
51611 92nd Congress: California 500, 1972
51612 92nd Congress: Colorado River Trip, 1970-1973
51613 92nd Congress: Georgia, 1972
51614 92nd Congress: Grand Canyon Hikers, Singers, and Lover's Club, 1971-1972
51615 92nd Congress: Gridiron Club (Washington, DC), 1972
Includes remarks.
51616 92nd Congress: Idaho (Republican Gala), 1972
51617 92nd Congress: Illinois, 1972
51618 92nd Congress: Indiana (Political Campaigns), 1972
51619 92nd Congress: Indianapolis 500 Race, 1971-1972
51620 92nd Congress: Michigan, 1972
51621 92nd Congress: Oklahoma and Ohio (Political Campaigns), 1971-1972
51622 92nd Congress: Olympic Games (Munich), 1972
51623 92nd Congress: Paris Art Show, 1971
51624 92nd Congress: Peach Bowl, 1970-1971
51625 92nd Congress: Texas, 1971-1972
51626 92nd Congress: Virginia (Campaign for William Scott), 1972-1973
51627 92nd Congress: Washington (Campaign for Republican Candidates), 1972-1973
52113 93rd Congress: American Samoa, 1973
52114 93rd Congress: Grand Canyon Hiking, Singing and Loving Club, 1973-1974
52115 93rd Congress: Hibernian Society (South Carolina), 1973
Includes photographs.
52116 93rd Congress: Indianapolis 500 Race, 1973
52117 93rd Congress: Iran (1973 December), 1973-1974
52118 93rd Congress: Paris Air Show, 1973-1977
52120 94th Congress: Thailand Internal Political Development, 1977-1978
52621 94th Congress: England (Farnborough Air Show), 1976-1978
52622 94th Congress: General, 1976
52623 94th Congress: Indianapolis 500, 1975-1977
52624 94th Congress: Taiwan, 1975 (1 of 4)
Funeral for Chiang Kai-Shek; includes photos and memorabilia.
52625 94th Congress: Taiwan, Newspapers (English Press in Taiwan), 1975 (2 of 4)
52626 94th Congress: Taiwan, Newsclippings and Photos, 1975 (3 of 4)
Funeral for Chiang Kai-Shek.
52627 94th Congress: Taiwan, 1975-1978 (4 of 4)
Related to death of Chiang Kai-Shek.
53014 95th Congress: Bermuda, 1978
53015 95th Congress: Grand Canyon, Hiking, Loving, & Singing Club, 1976-1977
53016 95th Congress: South Africa, 1977-1978 (1 of 2)
53017 95th Congress: South Africa (Background Material), 1978 (2 of 2)
53018 95th Congress: Taiwan, 1977 (1 of 3)
Includes photos.
53019 95th Congress: Taiwan, 1977 (2 of 3)
53020 95th Congress: Taiwan, 1977 (3 of 3)
53021 95th Congress: Winston 500, Talladega, Alabama, 1977
Includes photos.
53417 96th Congress: Grand Canyon Hiking, Singing, and Loving Club, 1978-1980
53418 96th Congress: Taiwan, 1979 (1 of 6)
53419 96th Congress: Taiwan, 1979 (2 of 6)
53420 96th Congress: Taiwan, 1979 (3 of 6)
(Correspondence in Chinese)
53421 96th Congress: Taiwan, 1979 (4 of 6)
(Correspondence in Chinese)
53422 96th Congress: Taiwan, 1979 (5 of 6)
(Correspondence in Chinese)
53423 96th Congress: Taiwan, 1979 (6 of 6)
5409 97th Congress: Farnborough Air Show, England, 1982
54010 97th Congress: Grand Canyon Hiking, Singing, and Loving Club, 1982
54011 97th Congress: Paris Air Show, 1981 (1 of 2)
54012 97th Congress: Paris Air Show, 1981 (2 of 2)
54013 97th Congress: Taiwan, 1981-1982
54512 98th Congress: Various, 1983-1984
54513 98th Congress: European Trip, 1983
54514 98th Congress: IOC Cruise to Greece, 1983-1984
54515 98th Congress: Norway, 1983
54516 98th Congress: Taiwan, 1984
Includes photos.
55110 99th Congress: Georgia, Marietta, 1985
55111 99th Congress: Farnborough Air Show, England, 1986
55112 99th Congress: Trip Around the World with Air Force, 1985-1986
Series VI: Media
Scope and Content Note
This series is exceptionally dense, potentially rich, and represents approximately one third of the entire collection based on total box number. It is arranged in ten sub-series: Speeches, Statements, Remarks; Newsclippings; Publications; Scrapbooks; Political Cartoons; Photographs; Film; Video; Audio; and Microfilm. Some items are housed in map and media drawers rather than in boxes.
Speeches, Statements, Remarks: Arranged by congressional session and chronologically within. Speeches have been aggregated from legislative and staff files, personal materials, press releases, publications, brochures, and other sources. Note that the print version of speeches, statements, remarks contains many gaps. Speech writers represented here include but are not limited to Karl Hess, Tony Smith, Earl Eisenhower, Lee Edwards, and Terry Emerson. Campaign speeches may also be found in Senate Campaigns and the 1964 Presidential Campaign. Where the speech titles are known, they appear in quotes. See also Congressional Record Excerpts. More speeches are captured in 700+ audio reels and cassettes. In May, 2011, forty additional new speeches and press releases (1969-1972) were discovered. These were added to the end of the Speeches subseries, Box 570, folders 45-85.
News Clippings: Many from a professional news clipping service; some donated by family and friends. See also Scrapbooks.
Publications: Articles from magazines, journals, and special editions related to Goldwater or topics that reflect his interests.
Processing Note
Funding from the Arizona State Legislature allowed for selective digitization of certain audio-visual material, fragile news clipping scrapbooks, political cartoons, and microfilm. It has been weeded of duplicates, deteriorating loose clippings, blank and non-functioning tapes, and material unrelated to Senator Goldwater's public service and personal life.
Sub-Series A: Speeches, Statements, and Remarks
5521 83rd Congress: "Beef and Cattle Prices", 1953 March 4
5522 83rd Congress: "Price Controls & Inflation", 1953 May 12
5523 83rd Congress: Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam (First Debate on Senate Floor), 1953 July 1
5524 83rd Congress: "Who Keeps It Running?" (Annual Meeting of Retail Merchants Association of Baltimore), 1954 May 19
5525 83rd Congress: "The Issues Behind the Censure Movement" (Senate Floor), 1954 November 12
5526 84th Congress: Democratic Party's "Chamber of Smears" (Senate Floor), 1955 January 17
5527 84th Congress: Reuther, Unions & Disunity (Lincoln Day Speech, Pontiac, Michigan), 1955 February 16
5528 84th Congress: "ADA Convention Forecast" (Senate Floor), 1955 March 17
5529 84th Congress: "American Economic Way of Life" (Society of Business Magazine Editors, Hotel Statler, Washington DC), 1955 April 7
55210 84th Congress: "The Republican Party-It's Fundamental Unity, It's Record", 1955 May 20
55211 84th Congress: Government & Freedom of the Individual (Association of New York State Young Republicans, Monticello, New York), 1955 June 4
55212 84th Congress: Before the Republican Campaign School, 1955 September 7 (Press Release)
55213 84th Congress: Republican vs. Democratic Administrations, 1955 October 5
55214 84th Congress: On Expenditures of Union Funds for Political Purposes, 1955 October 29 (Press Release)
55215 84th Congress: On the Minority Rights of Union Members, 1955 December 6 (Press Release)
55216 84th Congress: On Labor and Politics, 1955 December 9 (Press Release)
55217 84th Congress: On Walter Reuther and Name Calling, 1955 December 16 (Press Release)
55218 84th Congress: On Partisan Politics (Before the House Government Operations Subcommittee and Senate Interior Subcommittee), 1956 January 11
Discusses the Al Serena case.
55219 84th Congress: "The West is Still the Land of Opportunity" (Advertising Group, Phoenix, Arizona), 1956 January 21
55220 84th Congress: Natural Gas Bill (Senate Floor), 1956 February 3
55221 84th Congress: "Money Expended by Some Labor Leaders In Behalf of Candidates for Office" (Senate Floor), 1956 February 20
55222 84th Congress: On Compulsory Union Dues, 1956 May 6 (News Release)
55223 84th Congress: On the Financing of the Oregon Senatorial Campaign, 1956 October 9 (Press Release)
55224 85th Congress: "Promotion of Peace & Stability in the Middle East" (Senate Floor), 1957 February 27
55225 85th Congress: "Effect of Governmental Spending & Taxation on Preservation of Our Basic Institutions" (Senate Floor), 1957 April 8
55226 85th Congress: Before a Republican Gathering (Tucson, Arizona), 1957 October 24
55227 85th Congress: Before the National Reclamation Association (Phoenix, Arizona), 1957 November 7
55228 85th Congress: On the Copper Industry, 1957 November 13 (Press Release)
55229 85th Congress: Hearing on Cibola Bridge (Blythe, California), 1957 November 26
55230 85th Congress: "The Greatest Treason" (Before the Arizona Certified Public Accountants), 1957 November 29
55231 85th Congress: Before the Cattle Growers Convention, 1957 December 1
55232 85th Congress: Before the Executive Club of Chicago (Sherman Hotel, Chicago, Illinois), 1957 December 13
55233 85th Congress: "The Liberal & the Conservative Today" (Freedom Foundation Honor Medal, The Citadel, Charleston, South Carolina), 1958
55234 85th Congress: "The Cordiner Report" (Senate Floor), 1958 January 9
55235 85th Congress: "What Has Happened to the Republican Party in Michigan?" (United Republican Dinner, Masonic Temple, Detroit, Michigan, 1958 January 20
55236 85th Congress: Eisenhower Dinner (Michigan Republican Party, Detroit, Michigan), 1958 January 20
55237 85th Congress: "Senate Resolution 148" (Senate Floor), 1958 January 27
55238 85th Congress: "Copper Prices & Copper Production", 1958 January 30
55239 85th Congress: "Voluntary Unionism", 1958 February 4
55240 85th Congress: "Tribute to Carl Hayden" (Senate Floor), 1958 February 10
55241 85th Congress: Acreage Allotments & Price Supports (Arizona Cotton Growers), 1958 February 18
55242 85th Congress: "Reply To Walter Reuther Attack" (Senate Floor), 1958 February 26
55243 85th Congress: Labor's 1958 Political Strategy, 1958 March 6
55244 85th Congress: Military Compensation & Manpower Retention (Before the Military Pay Subcommittee, Senate Armed Services Committee), 1958 March 17
55245 85th Congress: "Economic Conditions" (Senate Floor), 1958 April 1
55246 85th Congress: "Annual Awards of the Jaycees Honoring the Young Farmers of the Year" (Indianapolis, Indiana), 1958 April 16
55247 85th Congress: "No Recession in Arizona" (Senate Floor), 1958 April 21
55248 85th Congress: "Young Farmers of America" (Senate Floor), 1958 April 21
55249 85th Congress: "Employee Welfare & Pension Benefit Plans" (Senate Floor), 1958 April 21
55250 85th Congress: "Military Pay Act of 1958" (Senate Floor), 1958 April 29
55251 85th Congress: "No Time for Timid Souls" (Senate Floor), 1958 May 8
Also delivered before the Republican Women's Convention (Prescott, Arizona) on 1958 May 3.
55252 85th Congress: "Plight of the Mineral Industry in the West" (Senate Floor), 1958 May 8
55253 85th Congress: "Safety in the Airways" (Senate Floor), 1958 May 22
55254 85th Congress: "Copper Production in Arizona", 1958 May 29
55255 85th Congress: On "The Glittering Mr. Goldwater" by Styles Bridges (Senate Floor), 1958 June 4
55256 85th Congress: "Proposed Labor Reform Legislation" (Senate Floor), 1958 June 10
55257 85th Congress: "Labor-Management Reporting & Disclosure Act of 1958" (Senate Floor), 1958 June 14
55258 85th Congress: "Knowland Amendment to the 'Labor-Management Reporting & Disclosure Act of 1958'" (Senate Floor), 1958 June 14
55259 85th Congress: Potter Amendment to the "Labor-Management Reporting & Disclosure Act of 1958" (Senate Floor), 1958 June 14
55260 85th Congress: "Debate on the Labor-Management Reporting & Disclosure Act of 1958" (Senate Floor), 1958 June 14
55261 85th Congress: "Labor-Management Reporting & Disclosure Act of 1958" (Senate Floor), 1958 June 16
55262 85th Congress: "The Labor Bosses-America's Third Party" (Senate Floor), 1958 June 16
55263 85th Congress: "Adjudication of Certain Claims of Navaho & Hopi Indians" (Senate Floor), 1958 July 9
55264 85th Congress: "Stabilization of Production of Copper, Lead, Zinc and Other Minerals from Domestic Mines" S 4036 (Senate Floor), 1958 July 11
55265 85th Congress: "Federal Aviation Act of 1958 – Proposed Federal Aviation Agency" S3880 (Senate Floor), 1958 July 14
55266 85th Congress: "Deficiencies of the Labor Bill" (Senate Floor), 1958 July 16
55267 85th Congress: "Extension of the Trade Agreements Act" HR 12591 (Senate Floor), 1958 July 23
55268 85th Congress: "Agricultural Act of 1958" (Senate Floor), 1958 July 25
55269 85th Congress: "Cotton Provisions & the Agricultural Bill in General" (Senate Floor), 1958 July 25
55270 85th Congress: "Death of the Kennedy-Ives Labor Bill" (Senate Floor), 1958 July 29
5531 85th Congress: "The Education Act of 1958" S 4237 (Senate Floor), 1958 August 13
5532 85th Congress: "Misbranding & False Advertising of Textile Fiber Products" (Senate Floor), 1958 August 18
5533 85th Congress: "Congressional Responsibilities of Financial Soundness & Proper Labor Legislation" (Senate Floor), 1958 August 20
5534 85th Congress: "Setting the Record Straight on the Copper Situation" (Stardust Motel, Yuma, Arizona), 1958 August 27
5535 85th Congress: "Mine, Mill, & Smelter Workers" (Bisbee, Arizona), 1958 September 4
5536 85th Congress: "Opening Campaign Speech of Barry Goldwater" (Prescott, Arizona), 1958 September 10
5537 85th Congress: "Whose Union, Whose Money, Who is Boss?" (KPHO, Phoenix, Arizona), 1958 October 29 (Simulcast)
5538 85th Congress: Campaign Speech (KVAR, Phoenix, Arizona), 1958 November 3 (Simulcast)
5539 86th Congress: List of BMG Speeches, 1959
55310 86th Congress: Differences Between the Democrats & Republicans (Federation of Republican Women, Washington, DC), 1959 January 4
55311 86th Congress: "Senator Kennedy's Labor Reform Bill" (Senate Floor), 1959 January 20
55312 86th Congress: "Labor-Management Practices Act of 1959" (Senate Floor), 1959 January 28
55313 86th Congress: "The Four Horsemen Ride Again" (Bull Elephants, Congressional Hotel, Washington, DC), 1959 February 5
55314 86th Congress: "The Massive Irresponsibility of the Spenders" (Ohio Association of Retail Lumber Dealers, Columbus, Ohio), 1959 February 26
55315 86th Congress: Election Analyses & Strategies (Before the Committee of Forty Four, Republican National Committee, Washington, DC), 1959 March 14 (Lantern Slide Presentation)
55316 86th Congress: "Opening Remarks of St. Patrick's Day" (Society of the Sons of St. Patrick, Mayflower Hotel, Washington, DC), 1959 March 17
55317 86th Congress: The Nation's Most Fundamental Problem (Edison Electric Institute, New Orleans, Louisiana), 1959 April 7
55318 86th Congress: "Men & Good Government" (Sheraton Park Hotel, Washington, DC), 1959 April 30
55319 86th Congress: "What Business Can Do for Government" (Convention of National Tank Truck Carriers, Inc., Washington, DC), 1959 May 5
55320 86th Congress: Indian Affairs (Senate Floor), 1959 May 7
55321 86th Congress: Low Esteem of the U.S. Senate (Senate Floor), 1959 June 24
55322 86th Congress: "House of Representatives Version of the Senate-Passed Labor Bill" (Senate Floor), 1959 July 23
55323 86th Congress: Questions and Answers for Radio Interview, 1959 July 24
55324 86th Congress: "Unionization of the South" (Senate Floor), 1959 August 20
55325 86th Congress: "Adoption of the Conference Report with Landrum-Griffin Provisions" (Senate Floor), 1959 September 3
55326 86th Congress: "Analysis of the Labor-Management Reporting & Disclosure Act of 1959" (Senate Floor), 1959 September 14
55327 86th Congress: On the Differences Between Democrats & Republicans (Republican Western States Conference, Los Angeles, California, 1959 November 13
55328 86th Congress: "What Do We Believe?", 1959 December 1
55329 86th Congress: List of BMG Speeches, 1960
55330 86th Congress: Differences Between Democrats & Republicans (Republican Women of the District of Columbia, Mayflower Hotel, Washington, DC), 1960 January 4
55331 86th Congress: Transcript of Appearance on "New York Forum" (WCBS, Channel 12), 1960 January 10
55332 86th Congress: Before a Republican Fund Raising Dinner (Omaha, Nebraska), 1960 January 26
55333 86th Congress: Eisenhower-Nixon Dinner (Westward Ho, TV Closed Circuit, Phoenix, Arizona), 1960 January 27
55334 86th Congress: Before the National Cattlemen's Association (Texas), 1960 January 29
55335 86th Congress: "Lord Ashley Cooper's Dictionary of Charlestonese", 1960 March 10
55336 86th Congress: "The State of Our Nation" (Senate Floor), 1960 March 15
55337 86th Congress: Concerns about America's Future (Western Cotton Growers Association, Phoenix, Arizona), 1960 April 7
55338 86th Congress: "Government & the Mind of America" (Senate Floor), 1960 May 3
55339 86th Congress: Abuse of Power in the Labor Movement (U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Washington, DC), 1960 May 4
55340 86th Congress: "The Dime Store New Deal" (Senate Floor), 1960 May 5
55341 86th Congress: "What Price Social Welfare", 1960 May 15, August 23
55342 86th Congress: "The Danger of Suspension of Nuclear Tests" (Senate Floor), 1960 May 18
55343 86th Congress: "The Conservative South" (Southern States Industrial Council, Asheville, North Carolina), 1960 May 27
55344 86th Congress: "The U-2 Incident Title" (Senate Floor), 1960 June 7
55345 86th Congress: Statement on Conservative Principles (Republican National Convention, Chicago, Illinois), 1960 July (Draft)
55346 86th Congress: Statement Before the Republican Platform Committee, 1960 July 19
55347 86th Congress: "The Republican Senatorial Role" (Republican National Convention, Chicago, Illinois), 1960 July 25
55348 86th Congress: Withdrawal of Name from Nomination (Republican National Convention, Chicago, Illinois), 1960 July 27
55349 86th Congress: "Conscience of a Conservative" (Comments by Styles Bridges, Senate Floor), 1960 August 19, 26
55350 86th Congress: "Drew Pearson & Events at Executive Session of the Committee on Labor & Public Welfare" (Senate Floor), 1960 August 23
55351 86th Congress: "What Price Social Welfare?" (Senate Floor), 1960 August 25
Includes background materials.
55352 86th Congress: "Conservatism is the Only Way to Lasting Freedom" (Manion Forum Network), 1960 September 25
55353 86th Congress: On the Democratic Party Reform (Republican Rally, Madison School, Phoenix), 1960 October 5
55354 86th Congress: Analysis of the Democratic Party Platform and the Influence Thereon of the Socialist and Marxist Philosophy, 1960 October 7
55355 86th Congress: "Face the Nation" (CBS Radio Network), 1960 October 23
55356 86th Congress: Post Election Statement (Senate Floor), 1960 November 9
55357 86th Congress: Opening Session of the Air War College (Maxwell Air Force Base, Montgomery, Alabama), 1960 November 14
55358 86th Congress: "Unemployment Trends", 1960 December 13 (News Release)
55359 86th Congress: "Senate Rule 22", 1960 December 22 (News Release)
5541 87th Congress: List of BMG Speeches, 1961
5542 87th Congress: Tractors for Prisoners, 1961 (Press Release)
5543 87th Congress: Advice to Liberals (Women's National Press Club, Hotel Statler, Washington DC), 1961 January 3
5544 87th Congress: Four Bills of Importance to Arizona (Before the Republican Senate Policy Committee), 1961 January 5 (Press Release)
5545 87th Congress: Report on Senate Campaigns (Before the Republican National Committee), 1961 January 6
5546 87th Congress: Family Life & Older Persons (White House Committee on Aging), 1961 January 9
5547 87th Congress: Labor Legislation in 1961, 1961 January 10 (Press Release)
5548 87th Congress: "A Statement of Proposed Republican Principles, Programs & Objectives" (Senate Floor), 1961 January 11
5549 87th Congress: Cost of Kennedy Program, 1961 January 19 (News Release)
55410 87th Congress: "Does Big Federal Government Threaten Our Freedom?" (Debate with Eugene J. McCarthy on "Face the Nation", CBS Network), 1961 January 26 (Transcript)
55411 87th Congress: On the Forgotten American, 1961 January 28 (Press Release)
55412 87th Congress: Kennedy Administration Censorship of Military Leaders (Senate Floor), 1961 January 30
55413 87th Congress: Tax Deductions, 1961 January 31 (Press Release)
55414 87th Congress: Gold & Balance-of-Payments, 1961 February 7 (Press Release)
55415 87th Congress: Tax Relief to Homeowners for Local Educational Needs, 1961 February 20 (Press Release)
55416 87th Congress: Before the 84th Annual Washington's Birthday Banquet of the Sons of the Revolution (Plaza Hotel, New York City), 1961 February 22
55417 87th Congress: "The Peace Corps" (Senate Floor), 1961 February 24
55418 87th Congress: On Kennedy Administration Minimum Wage, 1961 February 27 (Press Release)
55419 87th Congress: Before the Young Americans for Freedom Rally (Manhattan Center, New York City), 1961 March 3
55420 87th Congress: Before the Ninth Annual Republican Women's Conference (Sheraton Park Hotel, Washington, DC), 1961 March 6
55421 87th Congress: Federal Aid to Education Unnecessary, 1961 March 13 (Press Release)
55422 87th Congress: On Government Interference in Economic System, 1961 March 25 (News Release)
55423 87th Congress: Reporters Roundup Interview (Mutual Broadcasting System), 1961 March 26
55424 87th Congress: Dedication at Fourth Annual Easter Sunrise Service (Sedona, Arizona), 1961 April 2
55425 87th Congress: "Barry Goldwater: Radical of the Right" (Senate Floor Remarks by Senator Mansfield), 1961 April 6
55426 87th Congress: "Dinner with Barry & Paul" (Hotel Westward Ho, Phoenix, Arizona), 1961 April 7
55427 87th Congress: Before the 70th Continental Congress National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution (Constitution Hall, Washington, DC), 1961 April 17
55428 87th Congress: State Department Ineptitude on Laos & Cuba (Senate Floor), 1961 April 20
55429 87th Congress: Before the Annual Banquet of the Millers' National Federation (Shoreham Hotel, Washington, DC), 1961 April 25
55430 87th Congress: At a Republican Fundraising Meeting (IMA Auditorium, Flint, Michigan), 1961 May 8
55431 87th Congress: No Crisis in Education (Senate Floor), 1961 May 17 (Press Release)
55432 87th Congress: "People Have the Will if Kennedy Has the Way" (Senate Floor), 1961 May 17
55433 87th Congress: Attack on Joint Chief of Staff (Senate Floor), 1961 May 22 (Press Release)
55434 87th Congress: On a Firm Foreign Policy, 1961 May 23
55435 87th Congress: Aid to Education & Principles (Senate Floor), 1961 May 25 (Press Release)
55436 87th Congress: Commencement Address (Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah), 1961 June 2
55437 87th Congress: Commencement Address (Arizona State University), Tempe, Arizona, 1961 June 4
55438 87th Congress: On Mrs. Clare Boothe Luce's Review of President Kennedy's First 100 Days, 1961 June 6
55439 87th Congress: Before the Annual United Press International Conference of Editors & Publishers (Statler-Hilton Hotel, Washington, DC), 1961 June 9
55440 87th Congress: National Defense Education Act (Senate Floor), 1961 June 21
55441 87th Congress: Response to Kennedy Administration Foreign Policy (Senate Floor), 1961 July 13
55442 87th Congress: Disagreement to Views of Senator Fulbright Concerning Foreign Policy (Senate Floor), 1961 July 14
55443 87th Congress: "The Economy" (Blue Ridge, North Carolina), 1961 July 19 (Press Release)
55444 87th Congress: "New Frontier a Bedlam of Perilous Confusion" (The Manion Forum Broadcast, South Bend, Indiana), 1961 July 23
55445 87th Congress: Before the State Convention of the American Legion Department of Texas (Rice Hotel, Houston, Texas), 1961 July 28
55446 87th Congress: "A Case for Victory" (Virginia State Bar Association, White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, 1961 August 5
55447 87th Congress: Tennessee Valley Authority (Senate Floor), 1961 August 7
55448 87th Congress: Automation & the High Cost of Labor, 1961 August 9 (Press Release)
55449 87th Congress: Inherent Danger of Centralized Government, 1961 August 14 (Press Release)
55450 87th Congress: The Schizophrenic Nature of the Democratic Party, 1961 September 7 (Press Release)
55451 87th Congress: Kennedy Administration's Foreign Policy (Senate Floor), 1961 September 8
55452 87th Congress: Before Chicago Industrialists (Chicago Club, Chicago, Illinois), 1961 September 14
55453 87th Congress: Current Crisis in International Affairs, 1961 September 19 (Press Release)
55454 87th Congress: Failure to Use American Power, 1961 September 20 (Press Release)
55455 87th Congress: Colorado River Storage Project (Senate Floor), 1961 September 22
55456 87th Congress: Report on the Historic & Current Federal Role in Education (Senate Floor), 1961 September 23
55457 87th Congress: American Policy Towards Berlin, 1961 September 25 (Press Release)
55458 87th Congress: Before the Republican Western Conference (Sun Valley, Idaho), 1961 September 28
55459 87th Congress: Call for Republican Victories in the South, 1961 November 18 (Press Release)
55460 87th Congress: Transcript of "Meet the Press" (NBC Television), 1961 November 19
55461 87th Congress: "The Relationship Between Management, Labor & Government to the Free Enterprise System" (National War College, Washington, DC), 1961 December 14
5551 87th Congress: List of BMG Speeches, 1962
5552 87th Congress: Before the Detroit Press Club (Detroit, Michigan), 1962 January 10
5553 87th Congress: Before the National Retail Merchants Association (Statler-Hilton Hotel, New York City), 1962 January 11
5554 87th Congress: Before the Republican National Committee (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma), 1962 January 13
5555 87th Congress: Before the Air War College (Maxwell Air Force Base, Montgomery, Alabama), 1962 January 19
5556 87th Congress: Before the Alfalfa Club (Washington, DC), 1962 January 20
5557 87th Congress: "Lack of Planning and Overall Purpose in Government and Fiscal and Monetary Policy" (Senate Floor), 1962 January 23
5558 87th Congress: Before the Meeting of the Greater New Haven Chamber of Commerce (Yale Dining Hall, New Haven, Connecticut), 1962 January 30
5559 87th Congress: Before the Student Body at Notre Dame University (South Bend, Indiana), 1962 February 6
55510 87th Congress: "Conservatism Not Backwardness" (Senate Floor), 1962 February 9
55511 87th Congress: Before a Republican Rally in the Masonic Temple (Detroit, Michigan), 1962 February 15 (Press Release)
55512 87th Congress: "What America Stands For" (Jacoby Brotherhood Lecture, University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, Connecticut), 1962 February 21
55513 87th Congress: Before the Young Americans for Freedom Rally (Madison Square Garden, New York City), 1962 March 7
55514 87th Congress: "Barry Goldwater-A View from the Right" (CBS Television Network), 1962 March 8 (Transcript)
55515 87th Congress: Before the Gridiron Club (Washington, DC), 1962 March 17
55516 87th Congress: "Are All the Heroes Dead?" (Yale Political Union, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut), 1962 March 17
55517 87th Congress: "Masonic Brethren-Fellow Arizonans" (Sedona, Arizona), 1962 April 18
55518 87th Congress: Before the DC League of Republican Women (Mayflower Hotel, Washington, DC), 1962 April 22
55519 87th Congress: Before the Annual Convention of the National Association of Purchasing Agents (Conrad Hilton Hotel, Chicago, Illinois), 1962 May 7
55520 87th Congress: Before the Annual Dinner of the American Iron & Steel Institute (Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York City), 1962 May 8
55521 87th Congress: Kennedy Administration & the Field of Economics (Senate Floor), 1962 May 24 (Press Release)
55522 87th Congress: On Regional Preference for the Pacific Northwest River Basin, 1962 June 15 (Press Release)
55523 87th Congress: Laos (Senate Floor), 1962 July 12 (Press Release)
55524 87th Congress: "America in Space" (Before the National Rocket Club, National Press Club, Washington D.C.), 1962 July 17
55525 87th Congress: On Congress & the Kennedy Administration (National Press Club, Washington, DC), 1962 July 26
55526 87th Congress: Before the Assembly Session of the American Bar Association, San Francisco, 1962 August 8 (Press Release)
55527 87th Congress: Conservatives (AHEPA Banquet, Chicago, Illinois), 1962 August 22
55528 87th Congress: On the Power of Labor Unions (Senate Floor), 1962 September 24 (Press Release)
55529 87th Congress: Military & Civilian Leadership (Senate Floor), 1962 September 26 (Press Release)
55530 87th Congress: "GOP Demands Full Disclosure of Aid Commitments to Ben Bella" (Joint Statement with William Miller & Bob Wilson), 1962 October 19 (Press Release)
55531 87th Congress: Before the Wings Club (Americana Hotel, New York), 1962 November 12 (Press Release)
55532 88th Congress: "Elimination of Certain Abuses in Labor-Management Relations" (Senate Floor), 1963 January 14
55533 88th Congress: On the Test Ban Treaty, 1963 September 19
55534 88th Congress: Address to the Financial World Oscar of Industry Awards, 1963 October 30
55535 88th Congress: "My Proposal For A Can-Win Foreign Policy" (Reprint of Life Magazine Article, insertion into the Congressional Record), 1964 January 14
55536 88th Congress: On Voting No on the Civil Right Bill (Senate Floor), 1964 June 18
55537 88th Congress: "Goldwater Speaks His Mind" (U.S. News & World Report Interview), 1964 December 21
55538 Out of Office: "Face the Nation" (CBS Television & Radio Networks), 1965 November 14 (Transcript)
55539 Out of Office: "Barry Goldwater: Gentleman Politician" (Interview, Phoenix Point West Magazine), 1966 March
55540 Out of Office: On The National Guard, 1967 January 25 (Press Release)
55541 Out of Office: On Senator Mundt's Proposed Amendment to the Consular Treaty, 1967 March 10
5561 Out of Office: "A Vote for George Wallace is a Vote Down a Rat Hole", 1968
5562 Out of Office: "Ethics in Congress", 1968
5563 Out of Office: On North Korea and the Pueblo, 1968 January 24 (Press Release)
5564 Out of Office: On President Johnson's Decision Not To Run for Re-Election, 1968 April 1 (Press Release)
5565 Out of Office: Preserving Natural Desert, 1968 April 9 (Press Release)
5566 Out of Office: Gun Control, 1968 July 9 (Press Release)
5567 Out of Office: Before the Republican National Convention, Miami, Florida, 1968 August 5
5568 91st Congress: On His Appointment to the Senate Armed Services Committee and Senate Committee on Aeronautical & Space Sciences, 1969 January 4
5569 91st Congress: Before the Women's National Press Club, 1969 January 7
55610 91st Congress: On Lyndon Baines Johnson (Senate Floor), 1969 January 17
55611 91st Congress: On Hopi Kachina Doll to Queen Elizabeth, 1969 January 22 (Press Release)
55612 91st Congress: On a Joint Resolution to Change the Name of the Central Arizona Project to the Carl Hayden Project, 1969 January 23
55613 91st Congress: Before the Southeastern Poultry & Egg Association (Atlanta, Georgia), 1969 January 27 (Press Release)
55614 91st Congress: Before the Southern Illinois Builders' Association (Belleville, Illinois), 1969 February 3 (Press Release)
55615 91st Congress: Tomato Embargo (Senate Floor), 1969 February 4 (Press Release)
55616 91st Congress: On Ending the Patronage System in the Postal Service, 1969 February 6 (Press Release)
55617 91st Congress: Before the 13th Annual Southwest Transportation Seminar (University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona), 1969 February 14
55618 91st Congress: "Nuclear Weapons Treaty on Nonproliferation" (in Vital Speeches of the Day), 1969 February 15
55619 91st Congress: On District Offices, 1969 February 18 (Press Release)
55620 91st Congress: Tomato Embargo (Senate Floor), 1969 February 19
55621 91st Congress: Before the University Club (New York City), 1969 February 22
55622 91st Congress: On Indian Education, 1969 February 24 (Press Release)
55623 91st Congress: On Expanding the Right to Vote for President & Vice President (Senate Floor), 1969 February 26
55624 91st Congress: On His Appointment to the Senate Armed Services Committee on Tactical Air Power, 1969 March 3
55625 91st Congress: "Nonproliferation Treaty" (Senate Floor), 1969 March 7
55626 91st Congress: Before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Constitutional Amendments (Senate Floor), 1969 March 10 (Press Release)
55627 91st Congress: "Treaty Debate" (Senate Floor), 1969 March 12 (Press Release)
55628 91st Congress: On Safeguarding the ABM System, 1969 March 14 (Press Release)
55629 91st Congress: On the Tomato Embargo (Senate Floor), 1969 March 17
55630 91st Congress: Before the American Fighter Pilots Association (Houston, Texas), 1969 March 21 (Press Release)
55631 91st Congress: Remarks before the Daughters of the American Revolution by Lt. General Arthur G. Trudeau (Palm Beach, Florida), 1969 March 25
55632 91st Congress: On the Death of Former President Eisenhower, 1969 March 28 (Press Release)
55633 91st Congress: "Navajo Community College" (Senate Floor), 1969 April 1 (Press Release)
55634 91st Congress: "Civilian Complex" (Senate Floor), 1969 April 15
55635 91st Congress: On Election Reform (Senate Floor), 1969 April 22 (Press Release)
55636 91st Congress: On the Election of Barry Goldwater Jr., 1969 April 30 (Press Release)
55637 91st Congress: "High Cost of Defense" (Senate Floor), 1969 May 1 (Press Release)
55638 91st Congress: On Choosing a President & Vice President (Senate Floor), 1969 May 5 (Press Release)
55639 91st Congress: On Technology & the Construction Industry (Senate Floor), 1969 May 9 (Press Release)
55640 91st Congress: "A.B.M." (Senate Floor), 1969 May 12 (Press Release)
55641 91st Congress: Before the Flight Safety Foundation (Twin Bridges Marriott Hotel, Washington, DC), 1969 May 14
55642 91st Congress: Before the Young Republicans (Waukegan, Illinois), 1969 May 15
55643 91st Congress: On Archery as a Major Competitive Sport (Senate Floor), 1969 May 20 (Press Release)
55644 91st Congress: Before the National War College (Washington, DC), 1969 May 21
55645 91st Congress: Before the National Press Club Executive Night Meeting, 1969 May 21
55646 91st Congress: Before the New Jersey Bankers' Association (Atlantic City, New Jersey), 1969 May 22 (Press Release)
55647 91st Congress: Letter to Senator William Proxmire, 1969 May 27 (Press Release)
55648 91st Congress: Before the Joint Congressional Subcommittee on Economy in Government, 1969 June 10 (Press Release)
55649 91st Congress: "Interagency Committee on Mexican-American Affairs" (Before the Senate Subcommittee on Executive Reorganization), 1969 June 11 (Press Release)
55650 91st Congress: "Expansion of the Boundaries of the Grand Canyon National Park" (Senate Floor), 1969 June 12 (Press Release)
55651 91st Congress: In Support of the Neighborhood Health Center Act, 1969 June 25 (Press Release)
55652 91st Congress: Letter to Senator William Proxmire, 1969 June 25 (Press Release)
55653 91st Congress: On Safeguarding the ABM System, 1969 June 26 (Press Release)
55654 91st Congress: On Older Americans (Before the Senate Subcommittee On Aging), 1969 June 26
55655 91st Congress: Commencement Address (Monticello College, Godfrey, Illinois), 1969 June 30
55656 91st Congress: Before the 50th Anniversary Commemoration of the Order of Demolay, 1969 July 4
55657 91st Congress: "ABM Debate-Genesis" (Senate Floor), 1969 July 21 (Press Release)
55658 91st Congress: "ABM Debate-Treaties" (Senate Floor), 1969 July 23 (Press Release)
55659 91st Congress: On Appointments to the Senate Armed Services Committee and the Senate Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 1969 July 24
55660 91st Congress: "Hopi Industrial Park" (before the Indian Affairs Committee), 1969 August 1 (Press Release)
55661 91st Congress: "Arizona Attacks Alcoholism" (Senate Floor), 1969 August 5 (Press Release)
55662 91st Congress: "The McNamara Legacy" (Senate Floor), 1969 August 8 (Press Release)
55663 91st Congress: "Vietnam Troop Figures" (Senate Floor), 1969 August 8 (Press Release)
55664 91st Congress: "The Military-Industrial Complex" (by Senator Pearson), 1969 August 11
55665 91st Congress: "Action is Needed Now on HR 11235-A Law to Enrich the Lives of Older Americans" (Senate Floor), 1969 August 11 (Press Release)
55666 91st Congress: "Emergency Legislation to Assure Continued Flow of Guaranteed Student Loans" (Senate Floor), 1969 August 11 (Press Release)
55667 91st Congress: "Rough Rock Demonstration School" (Senate Floor), 1969 September 12 (Press Release)
55668 91st Congress: "The War Against American Defense" (Senate Floor), 1969 September 12 (Press Release)
55669 91st Congress: In Support of Senator Howard Baker for Minority Leader, 1969 September 23
55670 91st Congress: "CODAF & U.S.-Mexico Relations" (Senate Floor), 1969 September 24 (Press Release)
55671 91st Congress: On Mexican Americans and Nixon Administration Initiatives, 1969 September 28 (Press Release)
5571 91st Congress: "Obscenity in the mails" (Committee on Post Office and Civil Service), 1969 October 1
5572 91st Congress: On the Democratic National Chairman & Vietnam, 1969 October 2
5573 91st Congress: In Support of Bombing Haiphong & Destruction of North Vietnamese Dike System, 1969 October 5 (Press Release)
5574 91st Congress: Before the California Confederation of Republican Women (Anaheim Convention Center, Los Angeles, California), 1969 October 15 (Press Release)
5575 91st Congress: On the Democratic Congress (Murphy Fundraising Dinner, San Diego, California), 1969 October 15 (Press Release)
5576 91st Congress: Before the California State Convention of the Air Force Association (Long Beach, California), 1969 October 18 (Press Release)
5577 91st Congress: In Support of the Troops in Vietnam (Senate Floor), 1969 October 20 (Press Release)
5578 91st Congress: Before the 6th Annual Banquet of the Association of Old Crows & the First Symposium on Electronic Warfare (Washington Hilton Hotel, Washington, DC), 1969 October 21 (Press Release)
5579 91st Congress: On a Unilateral Ceasefire in Vietnam (Senate Floor), 1969 October 23 (Press Release)
55710 91st Congress: "The Pursuit of Peace" (By President Nixon), 1969 November 3
55711 91st Congress: On the Haynsworth Nomination, 1969 November 3 (Press Release)
55712 91st Congress: Keynote Before the Western States Republican Conference (Honolulu, Hawaii), 1969 November 6
55713 91st Congress: "Haynsworth Confirmation" (Senate Floor), 1969 November 19 (Press Release)
55714 91st Congress: "Strengthening the Laws Against Pornography" (Before the House Judiciary Subcommittee), 1969 December 17 (Press Release)
55715 91st Congress: "Vietnam-War of the Passes" (Senate Floor), 1969 December 18 (Press Release)
55716 91st Congress: "Year Old News from Time Magazine", 1969 December 22
55717 91st Congress: Controlling Federal Bureaucracy (Senate Floor), Undated
55718 91st Congress: Tomato Embargo (Senate Floor), Undated
55719 91st Congress: On Senator Proxmire's Request for a Retraction (Senate Floor), Undated
55720 91st Congress: National War College, 1970 (Background Material)
55721 91st Congress: President Nixon, 1970 (White House Press Releases)
55722 91st Congress: "Inflation" (Before the Industrial College of the Armed Forces, Ft. McNair, Washington, DC), 1970 January 15 (Press Release)
55723 91st Congress: Before the Automotive Service Industry Association Convention (Las Vegas, Nevada), 1970 January 27 (Press Release)
55724 91st Congress: Hospitalization After Grand Canyon Hike, 1970 February 4
55725 91st Congress: "Eighteen Is Old Enough" To Vote (Before the Senate Subcommittee On Constitutional Amendments), 1970 March 9
55726 91st Congress: Before the Young Republican Leadership Training School (Shoreham Hotel, Washington, DC), 1970 March 12 (Press Release)
55727 91st Congress: Before the Eighth Goddard Memorial Symposium (Washington, DC), 1970 March 18
55728 91st Congress: Tribute to General Omar Bradley (New York Hilton Hotel), 1970 April 1
55729 91st Congress: "Plight of the Prisoners" (Senate Floor), 1970 April 13 (Press Release)
55730 91st Congress: On Foreign Policy Before the Amen Corner (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania), 1970 April 16 (Press Release)
55731 91st Congress: On the McGovern-Hatfield & Cooper-Church Resolutions (Senate Floor), 1970 May 20 (Press Release)
55732 91st Congress: Cambodia, 1970 June 2 (Press Release)
55733 91st Congress: Barney Oldfield at the ROTC Commissioning Ceremonies, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, 1970 June 6
55734 91st Congress: On the Military-Industrial Complex at the 131st Commencement Exercises (Norwich University, Northfield, Vermont), 1970 June 8
55735 87th Congress: Vietnam and the American Military Establishment (Senate Floor), 1970 June 17 (Press Release)
55736 91st Congress: In Support of the Supersonic Transport (Senate Floor), 1970 June 18 (Press Release)
55737 91st Congress: On Anti-Pornography Legislation, 1970 July (Press Release)
55738 91st Congress: Honor America Day, 1970 July 4
55739 91st Congress: "Do Away With the Draft" (Senate Floor), 1970 July 7
55740 91st Congress: "The Federal Government Establishment" (Senate Floor), 1970 July 14
55741 91st Congress: On Federal Employees' Criticism of the President (Senate Floor), 1970 July 22 (Press Release)
55742 91st Congress: On Defense Expenditures (Senate Floor), 1970 July 29 (Press Release)
55743 91st Congress: On the F-III aircraft (Before the Appropriations Committee), circa 1970 August
55744 91st Congress: On the Members of Congress for Peace Through Law Report (Senate Floor), 1970 August 3
55745 91st Congress: On Members Of Congress For Peace Through Law Report, 1970 August 3
55746 91st Congress: "Authorization of Appropriations For Military Procurement" (Senate Floor), 1970 August 7
55747 91st Congress: "War & Inflation" (Senate Floor), 1970 August 11 (Press Release)
55748 91st Congress: "YAF Symposium on the Voluntary Military" (Senate Floor), 1970 August 18
5581 91st Congress: "End the Draft" (Before the Young Americans for Freedom, Senate Auditorium), 1970 August 12
5582 91st Congress: "An All-Professional Voluntary Military Service" (Senate Floor), 1970 August 19
5583 91st Congress: "Ending the Draft" (Senate Floor), 1970 August 25
5584 91st Congress: "The Arms Debate" (CBS News Special, CBS Television Network), 1970 August 25 (Transcripts)
5585 91st Congress: "Improved Survivor Annuity Plan for Military Retirees" (Senate Floor), 1970 August 25
5586 91st Congress: Before the 10th Anniversary Convention of the Young Americans for Freedom (Hartford, Connecticut), 1970 September 10 (Press Release)
5587 91st Congress: Before the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting (Chicago, Illinois), 1970 September 11 (Press Release)
5588 91st Congress: Soviet Activity in Cienfuegos, 1970 September 26 (Press Release)
5589 91st Congress: "The Facts on the SST" (Senate Floor), 1970 October 2
55810 91st Congress: Before the Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning Contractors National Association (Las Vegas, Nevada), 1970 October 13 (Press Release)
55811 91st Congress: The Republican Victory Gets Better Every Day (Before the Republican Finance Committee), 1970 October 21
55812 91st Congress: On the Occasion of the 100th Anniversary of Phoenix, 1970 November 24
55813 91st Congress: Before the 75th Congress of American Industry (Waldorf Astoria Hotel, New York City), 1970 December 4
55814 91st Congress: "C-5A Delivery" (Senate Floor), 1970 December 16 (Press Release)
55815 91st Congress: "Red China: Rogue Nation" (Senate Floor), 1970 December 19 (Press Release)
55816 91st Congress: "ABM Debate-Parity of Superiority" (Senate Floor), Undated (Press Release)
55817 91st Congress: "Treaty Hearings" (Senate Floor), Undated (Press Release)
55818 91st Congress: On Industrial Development on Indian Reservations (Senate Floor), Undated (Press Release)
55819 92nd Congress: On the Federal Bureaucracy (Senate Floor), circa 1971
55820 92nd Congress: "Red China & the World" (Senate Floor), 1971
55821 92nd Congress: "Improving Senate Procedures" (Before the Ad Hoc Committee on Congressional Reform), 1971 January 19
55822 92nd Congress: Before the Alfalfa Club (Statler Hilton Hotel, Washington, DC), 1971 January 23
55823 92nd Congress: "HEW Rules Against Arizona Welfare Recipients" (Senate Floor), 1971 January 27
55824 92nd Congress: "Toward a Volunteer Military" (Senate Floor), 1971 January 28
55825 92nd Congress: "The Wisdom of Laos" (Senate Floor), 1971 February 10
55826 92nd Congress: "Exceeding the Bounds" (Senate Floor), 1971 February 18
55827 92nd Congress: Party Unity (Lincoln Day Dinner, Cocoa Beach, Florida), 1971 February 19 (Handwritten Notes on Program)
55828 92nd Congress: "Harassment" (Senate Floor), 1971 February 24
55829 92nd Congress: On the State of Arizona's Judicial Welfare Victory (Senate Floor and Press Release), 1971 March 5
55830 92nd Congress: "The Plight of The U.S. Citrus Exports", 1971 March 18
55831 92nd Congress: Before the 24th Anniversary Meeting of the Sixth Army Mobilization Group (San Francisco, California), 1971 March 18
55832 92nd Congress: "Who Needs the SST? America Does" (Senate Floor), 1971 March 23
55833 92nd Congress: "Young Barry Denies Rumor of His Dad's Quitting after '74" (Press Release), 1971 March 31
55834 92nd Congress: "What's the Issue" (Interview with Barry Sr. & Barry Jr.), 1971 April 1 (Press Release )
Includes photo.
55835 92nd Congress: On the Conviction of Lt. William Calley Jr., 1971 April 2 (Press Release)
55836 92nd Congress: Before the 100th Anniversary Banquet of the National Rifle Association (Washington, DC), 1971 April 7
55837 92nd Congress: Presidential War Powers (Senate Floor), 1971 April 26
55838 92nd Congress: On the Temporary Closure of His Washington Office Due to Demonstrators, 1971 April 27 (Press Release)
55839 92nd Congress: "A Difficult Job Well Done" (Senate Floor), 1971 May 6 (Press Release)
55840 92nd Congress: On the American Dollar and the International Monetary System (Senate Floor), 1971 May 11 (Press Release)
55841 92nd Congress: "Disaster Course" (Senate Floor), 1971 May 18 (Press Release)
55842 92nd Congress: "The B-1 & America's Future" (Senate Floor), 1971 June 9 (Press Release)
55843 92nd Congress: "Paris Air Show" (Report to President Nixon), 1971 June 10
55844 92nd Congress: "Ending the Johnson-McNamara War" (Senate Floor), 1971 June 24
55845 92nd Congress: "The Welfare Frankenstein" (Senate Floor), 1971 July 14 (Press Release)
55846 92nd Congress: "The Alternative to Nixon" (Before the Republican National Committee, Denver, Colorado), 1971 July 23
55847 92nd Congress: "Law & Order" (Before the 40th Biennial National Conference of the Paternal Order of Police, Phoenix, Arizona), 1971 August 11
55848 92nd Congress: "International Blackmail" (Before the 10th Annual Reunion of the American Fighter Aces Association, San Diego, California), 1971 August 15
55849 92nd Congress: On Wage and Price Controls, 1971 August 16 (Press Release)
55850 92nd Congress: "Moratorium on Rhetoric Needed" (Senate Floor), 1971 September (Press Release)
55851 92nd Congress: "Time to Cooperate" (Before the Essex Club, Boston, Massachusetts), 1971 September 3
55852 92nd Congress: "What About a Freeze on Poor Workmanship?" (Senate Floor), 1971 September 14 (Press Release)
55853 92nd Congress: On Prisoners of War (Senate Floor), 1971 September 29
5591 92nd Congress: "Will Peking Change?" (Senate Floor), 1971 October 5
5592 92nd Congress: "On the Honor of Nations" (Senate Floor), 1971 October 19 (Press Release)
5593 92nd Congress: "Growing Power of Japan" (Senate Floor), 1971 October 21 (Press Release)
5594 92nd Congress: "A Defeat for Honor" (Senate Floor), 1971 October 26
5595 92nd Congress: "Foreign Aid Bill" (Senate Floor), 1971 November 2 (Press Release)
5596 92nd Congress: "Salute to the President's Dinner" (Atlanta, Georgia), 1971 November 9
5597 92nd Congress: On Ralph Nader, 1971 November 10 (Press Release)
5598 92nd Congress: "What's Right with America" (Before the 37th Annual Convention of American Industrial Bankers, Hamilton, Bermuda), 1971 November 12
5599 92nd Congress: On the Nomination of William Rehnquist to the U.S. Supreme Court) (Senate Floor), 1971 November 15 (Press Release)
55910 92nd Congress: "The Arrogance of George Meany" (Senate Floor), 1971 November 22 (Press Release)
55911 92nd Congress: "The Russian Armada: What Does It Mean?" (Senate Floor), 1971 December 8 (Press Release)
55912 92nd Congress: "Issues in the India-Pakistan War" (Senate Floor), 1971 December 9
55913 92nd Congress: On the Resignation of Secretary of Defense David Packard, 1971 December 13 (Press Release)
55914 92nd Congress: "Conservative Complaints about the Policies of theNixon Administration", 1971 December 17
55915 92nd Congress: On Ashbrook's Presidential Bid, 1971 December 29 (Press Release)
55916 92nd Congress: Humorous Speech Notes, 1968-1972
55917 92nd Congress: On Aircraft Wake Turbulence, 1972
55918 92nd Congress: On NATO & Military Logistics (Senate Floor), 1972
55919 92nd Congress: On Political Spying (Senate Floor), 1972
55920 92nd Congress: On an Article by a German Legislator about the U.S. (Senate Floor), 1972
55921 92nd Congress: On the Association of the U.S. Army Position Paper (For Insertion into the Congressional Record), 1972 January 21
55922 92nd Congress: On the Democratic Party & Vietnam War, 1972 January 21
55923 92nd Congress: On Nixon Trying to End the Vietnam War (Senate Floor), 1972 January 26 (Press Release)
55924 92nd Congress: On the Death of Carl Hayden, 1972 January 26 (Press Release)
55925 92nd Congress: On Participating in the Political Process (Before the University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida), 1972 February 3 (Press Release)
55926 92nd Congress: On Goldwater Subject to a Copilot Restriction at Age 60, 1972 February 7 (Press Release)
55927 92nd Congress: "Vietnam Peace Plan Debate" (For Insertion into the Congressional Record), 1972 February 9
55928 92nd Congress: On the Appointment of Richard Kleindienst as Attorney General, 1972 February 15 (Press Release)
55929 92nd Congress: On Military Procurement Practices (Senate Floor), 1972 February 15 (Press Releases)
55930 92nd Congress: Before the Wisconsin Federation of Young Republicans (Madison, Wisconsin), 1972 February 25 (Press Release)
55931 92nd Congress: On President Nixon's Visit to Red China (For Insertion into the Congressional Record), 1972 March 1
55932 92nd Congress: Before Connecticut Republicans, 1972 March 6
55933 92nd Congress: On Sam Mardian's Selection to Re-elect the President, 1972 March 8 (Press Release)
55934 92nd Congress: Before the Young Republican Leadership Conference, 1972 March 10 (Press Release)
55935 92nd Congress: On Gossip & Muckraking in the Press (For Insertion into the Congressional Record), 1972 March 10
55936 92nd Congress: Senator Bill Brock on Senator Barry Goldwater (Senate Floor), 1972 March 22 (Press Release)
55937 92nd Congress: On Continued Service as Honorary Chairman of the Young Americans for Freedom, 1972 March 22 (Press Release)
55938 92nd Congress: On the Gravel Resolution & the Pentagon Papers (For Insertion into the Congressional Record), 1972 March 23 (Press Release)
55939 92nd Congress: On Civil Service Tenure (For Insertion into the Congressional Record), 1972 March 28
55940 92nd Congress: "In Defense of a War-making President", 1972 April 6
55941 92nd Congress: "On the Army and Rapid Demobilization", 1972 April 6
55942 92nd Congress: In Support of President Nixon's Efforts in Vietnam (For Insertion into the Congressional Record), 1972 April 7 (Press Release)
55943 92nd Congress: Before the Gridiron Club, 1972 April 8
55944 92nd Congress: "Long Overdue Bombing" (Senate Floor), 1972 April 17 (Press Release)
55945 92nd Congress: Before the Republican State Convention (Macon, Georgia), 1972 April 21
55946 92nd Congress: "How Do Candidates Stand on Treason?" (Senate Floor), 1972 April 25 (Press Release)
55947 92nd Congress: "701-The Kiss of Death" (Senate Floor), 1972 May 5 (Press Release)
55948 92nd Congress: "Disgraceful Non-Cooperation" (Senate Floor), 1972 May 11 (Press Release)
55949 92nd Congress: Before the California State Central Committee (San Francisco), 1972 May 13
55950 92nd Congress: "Taking Nixon to Task" (Senate Floor), 1972 May 17 (Press Release)
55951 92nd Congress: On Removal of Mines in Haiphong Harbor, 1972 May 19 (Press Release)
55952 92nd Congress: On the U.S. & World Military Power (Senate Floor), 1972 May 24 (Press Release)
55953 92nd Congress: "A Permanent Home for the Payson Band of Yavapai-Tonto Apaches" (Before the Senate Subcommittee on Indian Affairs), 1972 May 24
55954 92nd Congress: "The Right Man for the Right Job at the Right Time" (Richard Kleindienst; Senate Floor), 1972 May 31 (Press Release)
55955 92nd Congress: On the Rightness of America (Before the Los Angeles Philanthropic Foundation, Los Angeles, California), 1972 June 22
55956 92nd Congress: On the SALT Agreement, 1972 June 29 (Press Release)
55957 92nd Congress: On the 50th Anniversary of the Order of AHEPA (American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association), 1972 July
55958 92nd Congress: On the Address of Colonel Barney Oldfield (For Insertion into the Congressional Record), 1972 July 1
55959 92nd Congress: "Newspaper Guild Shows Its Colors" (Senate Floor), 1972 July 19
55960 92nd Congress: On Javits' Statement about Replacing Spiro Agnew, 1972 July 19 (Press Release)
5601 92nd Congress: On Hanoi's Attention to American Politics (Senate Floor), 1972 July 20 (Press Release)
5602 92nd Congress: On Overseas Voting, 1972 July 24 (Press Release)
5603 92nd Congress: On Senator Eagleton's Hospitalization (Senate Floor), 1972 July 26 (Press Release)
5604 92nd Congress: "Union & Politics" (Senate Floor), 1972 July 27 (Press Release)
5605 92nd Congress: On the Press & Partisan Politics (Senate Floor), 1972 August 1
5606 92nd Congress: "Tactical Air Support Forces" (Senate Floor), 1972 August 2
5607 92nd Congress: On Bob Hope (Senate Floor), 1972 August 2
5608 92nd Congress: "The Amendment to Prolong the War" (Senate Floor), 1972 August 2
5609 92nd Congress: On the Resolutions of the Sons of the American Revolution (For Insertion into the Congressional Record), 1972 August 3
56010 92nd Congress: On the Bombing of the Dike System in North Vietnam, 1972 August 9
56011 92nd Congress: Before the Republican National Convention (Miami, Florida), 1972 August 21 (Press Release)
56012 92nd Congress: Requesting that Paul McKalip's Editorials on Rhodesia be Inserted into the Record (Senate Floor), 1972 September 8
56013 92nd Congress: "Rules of Engagement in Vietnam" (Senate Floor), 1972 September 26
56014 92nd Congress: "Freedom or Peace" (For Insertion into the Congressional Record), 1972 October
56015 92nd Congress: On Postal Rate Increases Impact on Magazines (Senate Floor), 1972 October 2 (Press Release)
56016 92nd Congress: Before a Republican Gathering (Orange County, California), 1972 October 9
56017 92nd Congress: "A Tale of Two Campaigns" (For Insertion into the Congressional Record), 1972 October 12
56018 92nd Congress: "Democrats & the Nixon Administration's Peace Efforts", 1972 October 27 (Press Release)
56019 92nd Congress: On Enlarging the Boundaries of the Grand Canyon National Park, 1972 December 6 (Press Release)
56020 92nd Congress: On Lawmakers Making Predictions about Foreign Policy, 1972 December 6 (Press Release)
56021 92nd Congress: On Arizona's Ranking as #40 on a Best to Worst List of States, 1972 December 12 (Press Release)
56022 92nd Congress: On Senator Robert Dole, 1972 December 13 (Press Release)
56023 92nd Congress: On New Legislative Initiatives, 1972 December 15 (Press Release)
56024 92nd Congress: On Limited Warfare, 1972 December 21 (Press Release)
56025 93rd Congress: On Thailand (For Insertion into the Congressional Record), 1973
56026 93rd Congress: On the F-15 Fighter (For Insertion into the Congressional Record), 1973
56027 93rd Congress: "The Welfare Frankenstein", 1973
56028 93rd Congress: On the SST and 'SST Economics' (For Insertion into the Congressional Record, 1973 January 11
56029 93rd Congress: On 'Loose Talk' by Congressional Members (For Insertion into the Congressional Record), 1973 January 12 (Press Release)
56030 93rd Congress: Towards President Thieu of South Vietnam, 1973 January 18 (Press Release)
56031 93rd Congress: On Senator McGovern's Remarks in London (For Insertion into the Congressional Record), 1973 January 23 (Press Release)
56032 93rd Congress: On Senator Hartke's Refusal to a Search by Airline Officials, 1973 January 29 (Press Release)
56033 93rd Congress: On Dr. Dozwer's Pan Americanism Lecture (For Insertion into the Congressional Record), 1973 February
56034 93rd Congress: On Weather Conditions and Emergency Airlift to Havasupai Indians, 1973 February-April (Press Release)
56035 93rd Congress: On an Investigation into Watergate, 1973 February 7 (Press Release)
56036 93rd Congress: On His Refusal to Approve Funds for Reconstructing North Vietnam, 1973 February 16 (Press Release)
56037 93rd Congress: On Critics of the Military & the Return of Prisoners of War (Senate Floor), 1973 February 26 (Press Release)
56038 93rd Congress: "Lt. Colonel Herbert & Alleged Vietnam Atrocities" (Senate Floor), 1973 February 27
56039 93rd Congress: On the Accomplishments of the Aeronautical & Space Sciences Committee (For Insertion into the Congressional Record), 1973 March
56040 93rd Congress: On Agnew's Speech on Amnesty for Draft Dodgers (For Insertion into the Congressional Record), 1973 March
56041 93rd Congress: On the Energy Crisis (For Insertion into the Congressional Record), 1973 March
56042 93rd Congress: On Senator's Humphrey's Charge the President Nixon is Breaking the Law, 1973 March 9 (Press Release)
56043 93rd Congress: On Arizona Judgeships (Before the Senate Subcommittee On Improvements in Judicial Machinery), 1973 March 13
56044 93rd Congress: Before the Hibernian Society (Charleston, North Carolina), 1973 March 17
56045 93rd Congress: On Enacting a Shield to Protect Newsmen (For Insertion into the Congressional Record), 1973 March 26 (Press Release)
56046 93rd Congress: On an Appraisal of the Vietnam War (For Insertion into the Congressional Record), 1973 April
56047 93rd Congress: On the Supersonic Transport (For Insertion into the Congressional Record), 1973 April
56048 93rd Congress: On the Soviet Union's Long Range Bomber (For Insertion into the Congressional Record), 1973 April
56049 93rd Congress: On Sustaining the President's Veto to Decrease Spending, 1973 April 2 (Press Release)
56050 93rd Congress: On Postal Rate Increases (Before the Post Office and Civil Service Committee), 1973 April 3
56051 93rd Congress: Before the Trunk & Tusk (Phoenix, Arizona), 1973 April 4 (Press Release)
56052 93rd Congress: On the President's Cutbacks on Military Expenditures, 1973 April 17 (Press Release)
56053 93rd Congress: On the Soviet Union's Progress in Technology, 1973 April 18 (Press Release)
56054 93rd Congress: Call for House Cleaning in the Executive Branch, 1973 April 30 (Press Release)
56055 93rd Congress: On the Resignation of Richard Kleindienst, 1973 April 30 (Press Release)
56056 93rd Congress: On the Need for a Strong & Flexible Defense (For Insertion into the Congressional Record), 1973 May
56057 93rd Congress: On the Concorde & the SST (For Insertion into the Congressional Record), 1973 May
56058 93rd Congress: On the Apollo Moon Program (Senate Floor), 1973 May 1
56059 93rd Congress: On Fuel Shortages & Air Pollution (For Insertion into the Congressional Record), 1973 May 1
56060 93rd Congress: On High Prices & Inflation (For Insertion into the Congressional Record), 1973 May 1
56061 93rd Congress: On Spiro Agnew & Freedom of the Press (For Insertion into the Congressional Record), 1973 May 1
56062 93rd Congress: On John Connally' Switch to the Republican Party, 1973 May 2 (Press Release)
56063 93rd Congress: On the Authority of the President as Commander-in-Chief, 1973 May 10 (Press Release)
56064 93rd Congress: On the Dismissal of the Ellsberg Case (Senate Floor), 1973 May 14 (Press Release)
56065 93rd Congress: On the Loss of Confidence in Leadership, 1973 May 16 (Press Release)
56066 93rd Congress: Before NATO Chiefs of Air Forces (Sponsored by the Aerospace Industries Association, Washington, DC), 1973 May 21
56067 93rd Congress: On the Trade Reform Act (For Insertion into the Congressional Record), 1973 June
56068 93rd Congress: On Military Manpower Procurement (For Insertion into the Congressional Record), 1973 June
56069 93rd Congress: On Salary Increases for Congress (For Insertion into the Congressional Record), 1973 June
56070 93rd Congress: On the Better Communities Act (For Insertion into the Congressional Record), 1973 June
56071 93rd Congress: Henry Kissinger & Realistic Diplomacy (For Insertion into the Congressional Record), 1973 June
56072 93rd Congress: On National Security & Watergate (Senate Floor), 1973 June 5 (Press Release)
56073 93rd Congress: Commencement Address at the U.S. Air Force Academy (Colorado Springs, Colorado), 1973 June 6
56074 93rd Congress: On Premier Brezhnev's Visit to the U.S., 1973 June 12 (Press Release)
56075 93rd Congress: "Expanding the Boundaries of the Grand Canyon Park" (Before the Senate Subcommittee on Parks and Recreation), 1973 June 20
56076 93rd Congress: Before a Fundraising Dinner of the Indiana Republican Party (Indianapolis, Indiana), 1973 June 21
56077 93rd Congress: "Interrelationship Of the Executive and Legislative Branches in the Conduct of National Security Affairs" (Defense Strategy Seminar, National War College), 1973 June 25
56078 93rd Congress: On the Nixon-Brezhnev Summit Meeting, 1973 June 26
56079 93rd Congress: On the President's Right to Handle Watergate (For Insertion into the Congressional Record), 1973 July
56080 93rd Congress: On Monopsony (For Insertion into the Congressional Record), 1973 July
56081 93rd Congress: Before the San Francisco Rotary Club (San Francisco, California), 1973 July 10 (Press Release)
56082 93rd Congress: Before the Young Republicans National Convention (Atlanta, Georgia), 1973 July 12 (Press Release)
56083 93rd Congress: In Support of the Alaskan Pipeline, 1973 July 12 (Press Release)
56084 93rd Congress: In support of the B-1, 1973 July 27 (Press Release)
56085 93rd Congress: "The Grand Canyon and the Sierra Club – In Pursuit Of Truth" (Senate Floor), 1973 August 2
56086 93rd Congress: On How the Media Treats Spiro Agnew, 1973 August 8
56087 93rd Congress: On the Cessation of Bombing in Cambodia, 1973 August 15 (Press Release)
56088 93rd Congress: On the Grand Canyon (Senate Floor), 1973 August 15
56089 93rd Congress: Before the 7th Annual Convention of the Young Americans for Freedom (Washington, DC), 1973 August 16 (Press Release)
56090 93rd Congress: In Support of Releasing White House Tapes, 1973 August 22 (Press Release)
56091 93rd Congress: On Secretary of State Rogers Resignation & Henry Kissinger's Appointment, 1973 August 23 (Press Release)
56092 93rd Congress: On the Press & Watergate (For Insertion into the Congressional Record), 1973 September 7
56093 93rd Congress: "U. S. Generals Are Badly Outnumbered" (For Insertion into the Congressional Record), 1973 September 10
56094 93rd Congress: Before the Magazine Publishers Association (Carnegie Hall, New York City), 1973 September 18 (Press Release)
56095 93rd Congress: Before the Wings Club, New York City, 1973 September 19 (Press Release)
Also given on 1973 November 13 before the National Association of Independent Insurers, Los Angeles, California.
56096 93rd Congress: All Volunteer Army (For Insertion into the Congressional Record), 1973 October
56097 93rd Congress: On Détente (For Insertion into the Congressional Record), 1973 October
56098 93rd Congress: On the Clare Boothe Luce Article on the Energy Crisis (For Insertion into the Congressional Record), 1973 October
56099 93rd Congress: On the Release of the White House Tapes, 1973 October 23 (Press Release)
560100 93rd Congress: Before the Air Force Association (Smyrna, Delaware), 1973 October 25 (Press Release)
560101 93rd Congress: On CC Mosely & a Letter to Henry Kissinger (For Insertion into the Congressional Record), 1973 November
560102 93rd Congress: On the Attention Paid to Watergate (For Insertion into the Congressional Record), 1973 November
560103 93rd Congress: On the Implications of a Presidential Resignation (For Insertion into the Congressional Record), 1973 November
560104 93rd Congress: On the Credibility of the President, 1973 November 1 (Press Release)
560105 93rd Congress: Requesting Restraint on the Brink of a National Disaster (Phoenix, Arizona, KOOL-TV), 1973 November 4
560106 93rd Congress: On the Grand Canyon (Before the House Committee on National Parks and Recreation), 1973 November 12
560107 93rd Congress: On Establishing A Senate Special Committee On Energy Development (Senate Floor), 1973 November 14
560108 93rd Congress: On the Setback for Charter Government in Phoenix, 1973 November 15
560109 93rd Congress: Announcing His Seven Day Visit to Iran, 1973 November 29 (Press Release)
560110 93rd Congress: On His Return from Iran, 1973 December 10 (Press Release)
560111 93rd Congress: The Military Balance 1973-1974 (Senate Floor), 1973 December 12
560112 93rd Congress: On Ending the Watergate Deliberations (Senate Floor), 1973 December 20
5611 93rd Congress: On Merging The Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard (Senate Floor), 1974
5612 93rd Congress: On Religious Faith (Senate Floor), 1974
5613 93rd Congress: On Senate Voting, 1974
5614 93rd Congress: Transcript of "Meet the Press" (NBC Television Broadcast), 1974 January 13
5615 93rd Congress: Before the Republican State 'Kick-off Dinner' (Hunt Valley Inn, Baltimore, Maryland), 1974 January 16
5616 93rd Congress: On the Genocide Convention and Treaty (Senate Floor), 1974 January 30
5617 93rd Congress: Before the American Iron & Steel Institute (Washington, DC), 1974 February 5
5618 93rd Congress: "Barry Goldwater Speaks His Mind on Richard Nixon" interview (U.S. News and World Report), 1974 February 11
5619 93rd Congress: 60 Minutes Transcript (Shah of Iran, Havasupai Indians), 1974 February 24
56110 93rd Congress: "Russia as a Major Sea Power", 1974 February 25
56111 93rd Congress: Before the Young Republican Leadership Conference (Washington, DC), 1974 February 28
56112 93rd Congress: Warning on Liberals Nationalizing the Steel Industry, 1974 March
56113 93rd Congress: On the Nomination of Paul Nitze as Assistant Secretary of Defense (Senate Floor), 1974 March 1 (Press Release)
56114 93rd Congress: "Who Will Program The Programmers" Regarding Computers and Privacy (Before the Senate Subcommittee On Constitutional Rights), 1974 March 6
56115 93rd Congress: On Land Owners Affected by Mining, 1974 March 13 (Press Release)
56116 93rd Congress: On Asking the President to Resign, 1974 March 19 (Press Release)
56117 93rd Congress: On the Hughes-Tucson Plant Orders For Missile Systems, 1974 March 20 (Press Release)
56118 93rd Congress: Before the Phoenix Gridiron Club, 1974 April 7
56119 93rd Congress: "The Predicament of Mankind" (Before the National Conference of the Construction Industry), 1974 April 8
56120 93rd Congress: On Deficit Spending, 1974 April 10 (Press Release)
56121 93rd Congress: On Senior Officers' Flight Pay (Before the Subcommittee on General Legislation), 1974 April 23
56122 93rd Congress: On the Rights of the President (Senate Floor), 1974 April 30 (Press Release)
56123 93rd Congress: On SJ Res 183 National Day of Humiliation, Fasting & Prayer, 1974 April 30 (Press Release)
56124 93rd Congress: Détente and Military Strength, 1974 May 7 (Press Release)
56125 93rd Congress: Before the Aviation & Space Writers Association, 1974 May 13 (Press Release)
56126 93rd Congress: On Solar Heated Homes, 1974 May 21
56127 93rd Congress: On President Nixon's Trip to the Soviet Union (Senate Floor), 1974 May 29 (Press Release)
56128 93rd Congress: On $100 Million to Syria (Senate Floor), 1974 June 5 (Press Release)
56129 93rd Congress: On the B-1 Bomber During the Debate on Military Procurement (Senate Floor), 1974 June 5 (Press Release)
56130 93rd Congress: "The Honorable John J Rhodes Fall Guy" (Before Circus Saints & Sinners), 1974 June 6
56131 93rd Congress: On Dr. Kissinger & National Security (Senate Floor), 1974 June 12 (Press Release)
56132 93rd Congress: "Inflation Can Be Cured" (Before the Arizona Society of Hospital Pharmacists), 1974 June 15
56133 93rd Congress: "Possible Criminal Violations by the Washington Post" (Senate Floor), 1974 June 19
56134 93rd Congress: On the Washington Post & Classified Material (Senate Floor), 1974 June 25 (Press Release)
56135 93rd Congress: On Federal Spending & Productivity, 1974 June 26 (Press Release)
56136 93rd Congress: In Support of the Nationalist Chinese (Senate Floor), 1974 July 10 (Press Release)
56137 93rd Congress: On the Media & Watergate (Senate Floor), 1974 July 12 (Press Release)
56138 93rd Congress: On Navajo-Hopi Negotiations and Funds For Indian Children, 1974 July 12 (Press Release)
56139 93rd Congress: Before the Young Americans for Freedom (Sheraton Palace Hotel, San Francisco, California), 1974 July 18
56140 93rd Congress: On the Impeachment Process, 1974 July 31 (Press Release)
56141 93rd Congress: On Democratic Amendments to Appropriations Bills, 1974 August 2 (Press Release)
56142 93rd Congress: "The Constitution –Is It Working?" (Radio Program for U.S. Steel), 1974 August 6 (Transcript)
56143 93rd Congress: On Lies in the Media, 1974 August 7 (Press Release)
56144 93rd Congress: On the Resignation of President Nixon, 1974 August 8
56145 93rd Congress: On Inflation & Government Spending (Senate Floor), 1974 September 19 (Press Release)
56146 93rd Congress: On Senators Javits' & Pell's Trip to Cuba (Senate Floor), 1974 September 30 (Press Release)
56147 93rd Congress: On the Gasoline Tax (Senate Floor), 1974 October 1 (Press Release)
56148 93rd Congress: "Return to the Gold Standard" (Senate Floor), 1974 October 4
56149 93rd Congress: On the President's Speech to Curb Inflation, 1974 October 9 (Press Release)
56150 93rd Congress: "The Absent are Always Wrong", 1974 October 23
56151 93rd Congress: On Bureaucracy, 1974 October 26 (Press Release)
56152 93rd Congress: On the World View of Détente with Communist Countries (Senate Floor), 1974 November 25 (Press Release)
56153 93rd Congress: Before the Pan American Pilots Meeting, 1974 December 4
56154 93rd Congress: "The Need For Enactment of the Trade Act" (Senate Floor), 1974 December 4
56155 93rd Congress: "Tribute to Senators Dominick, Bennett, Cook" (Senate Floor), 1974 December 20
56156 93rd Congress: "Preparing for Peace" (Senate Floor), circa 1975
56157 93rd Congress: "Give Me Freedom but Never Anarchy", 1975
56158 93rd Congress: On the Authority of the Central Intelligence Agency (Senate Floor), 1975 January 3 (Press Release)
56159 94th Congress: Before the International Printing Week Dinner (New York City), 1975 January 21
56160 94th Congress: On the Gold Standard, 1974 January 23
56161 94th Congress: In Support of a Select Committee to Investigate Intelligence Activities (Senate Floor), 1975 January 27 (Press Release)
56162 94th Congress: On the Re-Introduction of Bills to Control Inflation, 1975 January 27 (Press Release)
56163 94th Congress: On the President's Budget, 1975 February 5 (Press Release)
56164 94th Congress: On Avoiding Gas Rationing, 1975 February 12 (Press Release)
56165 94th Congress: On Women's Air Force Services Pilots (WASP) (Senate Floor), 1975 March
56166 94th Congress: Before the Young Republican Leadership Banquet, 1975 March 1 (Press Release)
56167 94th Congress: On the Soviet Union's Weapons Strength, 1975 March 3 (Press Release)
56168 94th Congress: On Soviet Military Strength, 1975 March 11
56169 94th Congress: On the Testimony of Dr. Robert C Seamons Jr. before the Space Committee, 1975 March 13 (Press Release)
56170 94th Congress: "Freer Trade With Reciprocity", 1975 March 17
56171 94th Congress: On Proposed Increase in the Investment Tax Credit and Mountain Bell (Senate Floor), 1975 March 20
56172 94th Congress: On Tax Discrimination Against Married Couples, 1975 March 21 (Press Release)
56173 94th Congress: On Foreign Policy in South Vietnam, Cambodia, & Portugal, 1975 March 21 (Press Release)
56174 94th Congress: "Our Serious Economic Plight" (Columbia University, New York City), 1975 March 22
56175 94th Congress: On His Vote Against the Tax Bill, 1975 March 22 (Press Release)
56176 94th Congress: On His Vote Against the Farm Subsidy Bill, 1975 March 26 (Press Release)
56177 94th Congress: On Deficit Spending, 1975 March 28 (Press Release)
56178 94th Congress: Transcript of Interview with Bruce Morton (CBS News), 1975 April 8
56179 94th Congress: On the U.S. Representation at Chiang Kai-Shek's Funeral, 1975 April 11
56180 94th Congress: "The Third World Situation" (Senate Floor), 1975 April 18
56181 94th Congress: On the Effects of Vietnam & U.S. Standing in the World (Senate Floor), 1975 April 21
56182 94th Congress: "Vote for the Good Old Days" (Senate Floor), 1975 April 21
56183 94th Congress: "A Great Leader, Chiang Kai-Shek" (Senate Floor), 1975 April 21
56184 94th Congress: Transcript of "Face The Nation" (CBS Radio & Television Network), 1975 April 27
56185 94th Congress: On Arizona's Treatment of Mexican-Americans or Spanish Speaking Persons, 1975 April 30 (Press Release)
56186 94th Congress: Law Day Address before the Montgomery Chapter of the Federal Bar Association & Montgomery County Far Association (Air University, Maxwell Air Force Base), 1975 May 1
56187 94th Congress: Commencement Address at Butler University, 1975 May 18
56188 94th Congress: "A New Foreign Policy for the U.S. In Asia" (Senate Floor), 1975 May 19
5621 94th Congress: On the B-1 Bomber (Senate Floor), 1975 June 3
5622 94th Congress: "What Priorities: Europe, Asia or Both!" (Senate Floor), 1975 June 3 (Press Release)
5623 94th Congress: On the Rules of Engagement in Vietnam (Senate Floor), 1975 June 6
5624 94th Congress: Transcript of "Issues & Answers" (ABC News Radio & Television), 1975 June 15
5625 94th Congress: "Congressional Policies in Indian Affairs 1871-1886" (Given by Earl Eisenhower, Fort Huachuca, Arizona), 1975 June 21
5626 94th Congress: "The Third World Has Ended" (Senate Floor), 1975 June 26
English translation of Solzhenitsyn's speech.
5627 94th Congress: On South Korea (Senate Floor), 1975 June 27
5628 94th Congress: On Alleged Attempts to Assassinate Fidel Castro, 1975 July 10 (Press Release)
5629 94th Congress: "Détente: Or an Independent Foreign Policy" (Senate Floor), 1975 July 17 (Press Release)
56210 94th Congress: On Criticism of the Central Intelligence Agency (Senate Floor), 1975 July 29 (Press Release)
56211 94th Congress: "Admission of Women Would Change Primary Mission of Service Academies To Prepare Combat Officers" (Senate Floor), 1975 July 31
56212 94th Congress: "Defense or Diversion" (Senate Floor), 1975 July 31
56213 94th Congress: On the Report of the Intelligence Investigations, 1975 August 12
56214 94th Congress: "The Economics of Food in American Foreign Policy" (Senate Floor), 1975 September 3
56215 94th Congress: Before the National Federation of Republican Women (Dallas, Texas), 1975 September 13
56216 94th Congress: Before the Select Committee to Study Government Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, 1975 September 16
56217 94th Congress: Before the Tactical Air Power Subcommittee on the F-18, 1975 September 17
56218 94th Congress: "American Capitalism & the Third World" (Senate Floor), 1975 September 19
56219 94th Congress: Before Experimental Test Pilots, 1975 September 26
56220 94th Congress: Before the Tactical Air Power Subcommittee on Northrop Consultants, 1975 October 8
56221 94th Congress: On President's Ford's Plans to Visit Red China, 1975 October 15 (Press Release)
56222 94th Congress: On Environmental Protection Agency Regulations & Mine Emissions, 1975 October 15 (Press Release)
56223 94th Congress: Before the Western Conference of the Order of Daedalians, 1975 October 17
56224 94th Congress: Before the National Sporting Goods Association, 1975 October 18
56225 94th Congress: Before the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense Regarding the F-18, 1975 October 21
56226 94th Congress: On Nelson Rockefeller's Withdrawal from Vice Presidential Ticket, 1975 November 3 (Press Release)
56227 94th Congress: "Congressional Courtesies" (Senate Floor), 1975 November 3 (Press Release)
56228 94th Congress: On Military Activity in the Soviet Union (Senate Floor), 1975 November 4 (Press Release)
56229 94th Congress: On Ending the Central Intelligence Agency Investigations (Senate Floor), 1975 November 4 (Press Release)
56230 94th Congress: On Striking Funds for the F-18, 1975 November 13
56231 94th Congress: On Deleting Funds for the Enforcer Aircraft (Senate Floor), 1975 November 13
56232 94th Congress: On Liberal-Progressives in the Republican Party (Before the National Press Club), 1975 November 14
56233 94th Congress: "Why Do We Need Our Armed Forces?", 1975 November 18
56234 94th Congress: On the Interim Report on Assassinations (Senate Floor), 1975 November 20 (Press Release)
56235 94th Congress: "Why Gun Control Laws Don't Work" (Reader's Digest Article), 1975 December
56236 94th Congress: On Creating A Presidential Science Advisor, 1975 December 16
56237 94th Congress: Dean Martin Roast in Las Vegas, 1976
56238 94th Congress: On the Proposed Bust of Carl Hayden (Senate Floor), 1976
56239 94th Congress: "Party with a Heart", 1976
56240 94th Congress: On the Dismantling of the U.S. Defense (Senate Floor), 1976
56241 94th Congress: On an Article by Clare Boothe Luce (Senate Floor), 1976 January
56242 94th Congress: On the Selection of a New Republican National Chairman, 1976 January 10 (Press Release)
56243 94th Congress: "Congressional Interference with Foreign Policy is Performing Work of the Enemy" (Before the Helicop Association, Tucson, Arizona), 1976 January 18
56244 94th Congress: On Congressional Interference with Presidential Decision-Making, 1976 January 19 (Press Release)
56245 94th Congress: On President Ford's State of the Union Address, 1976 January 20
56246 94th Congress: "Congressional Interference with Foreign Policy is Performing Work of the Enemy" (Senate Floor), 1976 January 21
56247 94th Congress: "The Golden Cover-up Award" (Senate Floor), 1976 January 21
56248 94th Congress: On Opposing the Creation of an Oversight Committee For Intelligence (Senate Floor), 1976 February 3 (Press Release)
56249 94th Congress: Before the National Space Club (Army-Navy Club, Washington, DC), 1976 February 4
56250 94th Congress: On Military Benefits and the Hypocrisy of Congress (National Space Club, Washington D. C.), 1976 February 4
56251 94th Congress: On the Golden Cover-up (Senate Floor), 1976 February 4 (Press Release)
56252 94th Congress: On Secretary Coleman's Support of the SST, 1976 February 4 (Press Release)
56253 94th Congress: On the New Hampshire Primary, 1976 February 26 (Press Release)
56254 94th Congress: "The Logan Act", 1976 March 2
56255 94th Congress: Before the Aviation Association (Williamsburg, Virginia), 1976 March 6
56256 94th Congress: Plan for Saving Social Security, 1976 March 12 (Press Release)
56257 94th Congress: On Conflict of Interest (Senate Floor), 1976 March 16 (Press Release)
56258 94th Congress: Before the West Point Society of New York (New York City), 1976 March 19
56259 94th Congress: During His Acceptance of the Silver Helmet Award, 1976 March 27 (Press Release)
56260 94th Congress: "Patriotism: The Bedrock of Liberty" (Senate Floor), 1976 March 27 (Press Release)
56261 94th Congress: "Equal Access To Courts Act – One Way To Control Government High Handedness" (Senate Floor), 1976 March 29
5631 94th Congress: "NASA Authorization – FY 1977", 1976 April
5632 94th Congress: Before the State Republican Convention (Phoenix, Arizona), 1976 April 24
5633 94th Congress: "Meet the Press" (NBC Broadcast), 1976 May 2 (Transcript)
5634 94th Congress: On His Position Regarding the Panama Canal, 1976 May 4 (Press Release)
5635 94th Congress: On the Possible Recognition of China, 1976 May 28 (Press Release)
5636 94th Congress: On Don Bolles & Allegations of Shady Land Deals, 1976 June 15 (Press Release)
5637 94th Congress: On Jimmy Carter as a Presidential Candidate, 1976 June 26 (Press Release)
5638 94th Congress: On the Olympic Games & Taiwan, 1976 July 13 (Press Release)
5639 94th Congress: On the U.S. Olympic Committee's Failure to Support Taiwan, 1976 July 20 (Press Release)
56310 94th Congress: Repeating His Request to Interrogate Fidel Castro, 1975 July 31 (Press Release)
56311 94th Congress: On Proposing the Golden Fleece Award for Senator Proxmire (For Insertion into the Congressional Record), 1976 August 10 (Press Release)
56312 94th Congress: "The Two Billion Dollar Water Grab" (Senate Floor), 1976 August 10
56313 94th Congress: Before the Republican National Convention (Kansas City, Missouri), 1976 August 16
56314 94th Congress: On His Endorsement of Sam Steiger, 1976 August 24 (Press Release)
56315 94th Congress: On Women Air Force Service Pilots (WASP) (Senate Floor), 1976 September 10
56316 94th Congress: "The Republic of China Stand by the Non-proliferation Treaty" (Senate Floor), 1976 September 30
56317 94th Congress: On the Nomination of Richard Bilby for the Ninth Circuit Court, 1976 October 1 (Press Release)
56318 94th Congress: On the Failure to Provide for a Committee on Science & Technology, 1976 October 4 (Press Release)
56319 94th Congress: On Red China & U.S. Commitments to Taiwan, 1976 November 23 (Press Release)
56320 94th Congress: On the B-1 Bomber, 1976 December 2 (Press Release)
56321 94th Congress: On Amnesty for Draft Dodgers, 1976 December 7 (Press Release)
56322 94th Congress: On Testimony & Data Presented by Mr. Colby, Director of Central Intelligence Agency (Senate Floor), Undated (Press Release)
56323 94th Congress: On the Influence of Labor Unions (Senate Floor), Undated
56324 94th Congress: "View Point" (Radio Program), 1975 December 22-1976 January 9 (Transcripts)
56325 94th Congress: "View Point" (Radio Program), 1976 January 12-March 4 (Transcripts)
56326 94th Congress: "View Point" (Radio Program), 1976 March 5-May 7 (Transcripts)
56327 94th Congress: "View Point" (Radio Program), 1976 May 19-June 25 (Transcripts)
56328 94th Congress: "View Point" (Radio Program), 1976 June 28-September 20 (Transcripts)
56329 94th Congress: "View Point" (Radio Program), 1976 September 21-October 20 (Transcripts)
56330 94th Congress: "View Point" (Radio Program), 1976 October 21-November 24 (Transcripts)
56331 94th Congress: "View Point" (Radio Program), 1975-1976 (Drafts; Transcripts; 1 of 2)
56332 94th Congress: "View Point" (Radio Program), 1976 (Drafts; Transcripts; 2 of 2)
5641 94th Congress: On Television Commercials Sponsored by the Federal Government, 1977
5642 94th Congress: On President Carter (KOY Radio, Phoenix), 1977
5643 95th Congress: Transcript of First Annual Father-Son Banquet (California), 1977
5644 95th Congress: In Support of Creating a Committee on Science & Technology (Before the Senate Rules Committee), 1977 January 5
5645 95th Congress: On the Emergency Locator Act & Social Security Act (Senate Floor), 1977 January 11
5646 95th Congress: "The WASP-World War Forgotten Pilots" (Senate Floor), 1977 January 14
5647 95th Congress: "The Trilateral Commission" (Senate Floor), 1977 January 19
5648 95th Congress: Before the Commission on Postal Service Regarding Postal Rates, 1977 January 24
5649 95th Congress: "Madame Chiang Kai-Shek Exposes Soviet Ambitions of World Conquest" (Senate Floor), 1977 January 25
56410 95th Congress: Before the Office of the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations (Senate Floor), 1977 January 25
56411 95th Congress: "Keeping Our ties with the Republic of China" (Senate Floor), 1977 February 2
56412 95th Congress: "Repealing Section 602 of the Tax Reform Act-A Nit-Picking Trade Barrier" (Senate Floor), 1977 February 3
56413 95th Congress: "The Residential Property Tax Relief Act of 1977" (Senate Floor), 1977 February 10
56414 95th Congress: On Response to Representative Downey About the Trident Submarine, 1977 February 15
56415 95th Congress: "The B-1 Bomber" (Senate Floor), 1977 February 22
56416 95th Congress: Before the Armed Services Committee on the Nomination of Paul C Warnke, 1977 February 23 (Press Release)
56417 95th Congress: On the Tucson Audubon Society and Funding of the Central Arizona Project, 1977 February 23 (Press Release)
56418 95th Congress: "Halting Monetary Iniquity by a Balanced Budget" (Senate Floor), 1977 February 24
56419 95th Congress: "Mao's Funeral" (Senate Floor), 1977 February 24
56420 95th Congress: "Reducing Radio Frequency Interference with Home Entertainment Products" (Senate Floor), 1977 March 2
56421 95th Congress: "National Patriotism Week" (Senate Floor), 1977 March 3
56422 95th Congress: On Meeting With President Carter About Central Arizona Project Funding, 1977 March 10 (Press Release)
56423 95th Congress: "Keeping Excellence in Telecommunications Service" (Senate Floor), 1977 March 14
56424 95th Congress: On the Senate Ethics Bill, 1977 March 17 (Press Release)
56425 95th Congress: On Situs Picketing (Before the Senate Committee on Human Resources), 1977 March 22
56426 95th Congress: "Scottsdale, Arizona" (Senate Floor), 1977 March 22
56427 95th Congress: On the Senate Ethics Code, 1977 April 1 (Press Release)
56428 95th Congress: "My Country's Foreign Policy" (Tankang College, Taiwan), 1977 April 11
56429 95th Congress: "Jimmy Carter's Human Rights Campaign" (Senate Floor), 1977 April 19
56430 95th Congress: "Former President Ford Speaks Out on the War Powers Resolution" (Senate Floor), 1977 April 21
56431 95th Congress: On Major General Singlaub's Resignation, 1977 April 28 (Press Release)
56432 95th Congress: On News Reports Concerning the Activities of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, 1977 May
56433 95th Congress: "Beam Weapon Threat" (Senate Floor), 1977 May 10
56434 95th Congress: On Former President Nixon & Watergate, 1977 May 13 (Press Release)
56435 95th Congress: On the B-1 Bomber (Senate Floor), 1977 May 16
56436 95th Congress: "America's Overwhelmingly Favor Keeping Diplomatic Relations with the Republic of China" (Senate Floor), 1977 May 19
56437 95th Congress: On the 50th Anniversary of Lindbergh's Flight, 1977 May 20
56438 95th Congress: Before the Select Committee on Indian Affairs, 1977 May 23
56439 95th Congress: During the Presentation of the Robert J Collier Trophy to the Air Force Industry B-1 Team (Mayflower Hotel, Washington, DC), 1977 May 24
56440 95th Congress: On Removal of Major General Singlaub from his Korean Command (Senate Floor), 1977 May 25 (Press Release)
56441 95th Congress: Before the Committee on Veteran's Affairs (WASP – Women's Air Force Service Pilots), 1977 May 25
56442 95th Congress: "The Graduation Address" by Lt. General Don Starry, 1977 June 17
56443 95th Congress: On a Constitutional Amendment to Prohibit Deficit Spending, 1977 June 23 (Press Release)
56444 95th Congress: Before the National Defense University (Bolling Air Force Base, Washington, DC), 1977 June 30
56445 95th Congress: On the B-1 Bomber (Senate Floor), 1977 June 30 (Press Release)
56446 95th Congress: Before the Lake Superior-Northland Chapter of the Air Force Association (Sawyer Air Force Base, Michigan), 1977 July 1
56447 95th Congress: On Normalizing Relations with Red China (Senate Floor), 1977 July 1 (Press Release)
56448 95th Congress: On Solar Energy, 1977 July 5 (Press Release)
56449 95th Congress: On the Naming of a Natural Stone Bridge (Kolb Arch), 1977 July 14 (Press Release)
56450 95th Congress: On the Bicentennial State History of Arizona, 1977 July 14 (Press Release)
56451 95th Congress: On the Energy Crisis (Senate Floor), 1977 July 18
56452 95th Congress: To Consolidate Navy Undergraduate Helicopter Pilot Training at Fort Rucker, Alabama (Senate Floor), 1977 July 18
56453 95th Congress: "United States Should 'Cool It' in Foreign Relations" (Senate Floor; Press Release), 1977 July 29
56454 95th Congress: On the Carter Administration's Water Policy, 1977 August 1 (Press Release)
56455 95th Congress: On Changes in Pay and Benefits of Members of the Armed Forces, 1977 August 4
56456 95th Congress: On Restriction of Tomatoes from Mexico, 1977 August 5 (Press Release)
56457 95th Congress: On the Panama Treaty, 1977 August 12 (Press Release)
56458 95th Congress: On Senator Edward Kennedy's Proposal for U.S.-China Relations, 1977 August 17
56459 95th Congress: On the Carter Administration's Foreign Policy (Lake Tahoe, Nevada), 1977 August 26
56460 95th Congress: On the Constitutionality of the Defense Treaty with Taiwan, 1977 August 26 (Press Release)
56461 95th Congress: "Our China Policy" (Senate Floor), 1977 September 12
56462 95th Congress: Before the Foreign Relations Committee in Support of the Sale of AWACS to Iran, 1977 September 19
56463 95th Congress: On Price Controls of Natural Gas (Senate Floor), 1977 September 20
56464 95th Congress: Before the House Committee on Veterans Affairs (WASP – Women's Air Force Service Pilots), 1977 September 20
56465 95th Congress: Before the Subcommittee on Health & Scientific Research, 1977 September 20
56466 95th Congress: Copper Industry and Stockpile Legislation, 1977 September 22 (Press Release)
56467 95th Congress: On Specialty Steel Import Quotas (Senate Floor), 1977 October 13
56468 95th Congress: "Ak-Chin Indian Water Needs" (Before the House Subcommittee On Indian Affairs and Public Lands), 1977 October 13
56469 95th Congress: On the Cotton Loan to Japan, 1977 October 14 (Press Release)
56470 95th Congress: On Earnings Limitations & Social Security Benefits, 1977 October 27 (Press Release)
56471 95th Congress: On Human Rights, 1977 October 27 (Press Release)
56472 95th Congress: On His Affection for the Chinese People (For Taiwan Press), 1977 October 28
56473 95th Congress: Before the National Committee for Monetary Reform (New Orleans, Louisiana), 1977 November 10 (Press Release)
56474 95th Congress: Before the Georgia State Bar, 1977 December 2
56475 95th Congress: On His Request to Investigate the Trilateral Commission, 1977 December 2 (Press Release)
56476 95th Congress: On the Panama Canal Treaty, 1977 December 6 (Press Release)
56477 95th Congress: On the Retirement of Major General Rupert H Burris (Senate Floor), 1977 December 8
56478 95th Congress: On George Meany & Strict Import Controls, 1977 December 9 (Press Release)
5651 95th Congress: On the Washington D.C. Metro Strike (Senate Floor), 1978
5652 95th Congress: "The Simplistic Approach", 1978
5653 95th Congress: On the Lawsuit Against the Department of Defense, 1978 February 1 (Press Release)
5654 95th Congress: Minority Views on the Panama Canal (Before the Armed Services Committee), 1978 February 2
5655 95th Congress: "Airline Russian Roulette" (ALPA Dinner), 1978 February 8
5656 95th Congress: On Invoking the Taft-Hartley Act and the Coal Strike, 1978 February 13 (Press Release)
5657 95th Congress: On the Torrijos Brothers and Panama (KTAR Radio, Phoenix), 1978 February 23
5658 95th Congress: On the Constitutional Role of Congress in the Disposal of Territory or Property (Senate Floor), 1978 February 28
5659 95th Congress: On Flooding in Arizona, 1978 March 8 (Press Release)
56510 95th Congress: Copper Stockpile Legislation, 1978 March 9 (Press Release)
56511 95th Congress: On the Outcome of the Panama Canal Neutrality Vote, 1978 March 16
56512 95th Congress: On Federal Supports for Agriculture (Senate Floor), 1978 March 21 (Press Release)
56513 95th Congress: "Mankind's Slow Painful Path…" (Rand Afrikaans University, South Africa), 1978 March 28
Also in Vital Speeches of the Day, 1978 May 15.
56514 95th Congress: On the Carter Administration's African Policy, 1978 April 4 (Press Release)
56515 95th Congress: On the Panama Canal Treaties, 1978 April 4
56516 95th Congress: "Repeal of Acreage Limits & Residency Requirements of Reclamation Law" (Senate Floor), 1978 April 10
56517 95th Congress: "South Africa" (Senate Floor), 1978 April 11
56518 95th Congress: "Investment in South Africa" (Senate Floor), 1978 April 12
56519 95th Congress: "South Africa" (Senate Floor), 1978 April 13
56520 95th Congress: Hearings on Acreage Limitations of Reclamation Law (Senate Floor), 1978 April 13
56521 95th Congress: On His African Trip (Senate Floor), 1978 April 17
56522 95th Congress: On the Retirement of Major General Singlab (Senate Floor), 1978 May 1 (Press Release)
56523 95th Congress: "Double Standard Against So-Called Double Dippers" (Senate Floor), 1978 May 5
56524 95th Congress: "South African Action" (Senate Floor), 1978 May 15
56525 95th Congress: "Investigation With Respect to Unalloyed Un-wrought Copper" (before the U.S. International Trade Commission), 1978 May 22
56526 95th Congress: On Brzezinski's Trip to Red China, 1978 May 23 (Press Release)
56527 95th Congress: "The Destabilization of the Pacific Basin" by Ron Nairn (Senate Floor), 1978 June 8
56528 95th Congress: "The Tax Revolt" (Senate Floor), 1978 June 19
56529 95th Congress: Before the American Fighter Aces Association (Fairmont Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana), 1978 June 24
56530 95th Congress: "Wildcat Strike on the Metro System" (Senate Floor), 1978 July 21 (Press Release)
56531 95th Congress: On the Roth-Kemp Bill, 1978 July 31
56532 95th Congress: Before the U.S. League of Savings Associations Political Action League, 1978 August 3
56533 95th Congress: "In Support of the President's Veto", 1978 August 17 (Press Release)
56534 95th Congress: On a Return to the Gold Standard (Senate Floor), 1978 September 12 (Press Release)
56535 95th Congress: "Further Destabilization of the Pacific Basin" (Senate Floor), 1978 September 13 (Press Release)
56536 95th Congress: On Recent Events in Rhodesia (Senate Floor), 1978 September 14 (Press Release)
56537 95th Congress: "Are We Getting Enough of Our Defense Dollar?", 1978 October 3
56538 95th Congress: Concurrent Resolution Reaffirming the Constitutional Role of Congress in Terminating Defense Treaties (Senate Floor), 1978 October 10
56539 95th Congress: Bill Miller Speech, 1978 October 10
56540 95th Congress: On Urging President Carter Not to Abrogate Treaty with Taiwan, 1978 October 10 (Press Release)
56541 95th Congress: On the State of the National Economy and Military (For the Society of Industrial Realtors, Honolulu), 1978 November 9 (Press Release)
56542 95th Congress: U.S.-China Relations for "Agronsky & Company" (WDVM-TV), 1978 December 17 (Transcripts)
56543 95th Congress: On Treaty Guidelines with Taiwan, 1978 December 18 (Press Release)
56544 95th Congress: In Response to President Carter's China Address (Broadcast on CBS), 1978 December 23
56545 96th Congress: At the State House Dinner to Honor the Late Nelson Rockefeller & the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, 1979
56546 95th Congress: On the Majority Leader's Reference to Extreme Right Groups (Senate Floor), 1979
56547 95th Congress: President's Right to Terminate Taiwan Treaty Without Senate Approval (American Enterprise Institute Public Policy Forum), 1979
56548 95th Congress: "The Forthcoming Chinese Liability", 1979
56549 95th Congress: Question and Answer Session On SALT II, 1979 (Transcript)
56550 96th Congress: Ronald Reagan Radio Broadcast on Taiwan, 1979 January 2 (Transcript)
56551 95th Congress: On the GAO Study of the Postal Service, 1979 January 17 (Press Release)
56552 96th Congress: On the President's Actions Regarding Red China & Taiwan (Senate Floor), 1979 January 18
56553 95th Congress: On Depressed State of the U.S. Economy, 1979 January 24 (Press Release)
56554 95th Congress: On the Depressed State of the U.S. Copper Industry, 1979 January 24
56555 96th Congress: Before the Alfalfa Club, 1979 January 27
56556 96th Congress: Before the Foreign Relations Committee on Taiwan Treaties & Security, 1979 February 6
56557 96th Congress: Before the American Institute of Astronautics & Aeronautics, 1979 February 7
56558 96th Congress: "The Question of a Constitutional Convention" (Senate Floor), 1979 February 26
56559 95th Congress: Direct Popular Election of the President and Vice President (Before the Senate Judiciary Committee), 1979 March-April
56560 96th Congress: Before the Senate Commerce Committee, 1979 March 15
56561 96th Congress: Before the U.S. Independent Telephone Association, 1979 March 21
56562 96th Congress: On the Memorandum of Agreement with Israel (Senate Floor), 1979 March 29
5661 96th Congress: On the Public Broadcasting System & Political Mailing Lists (Senate Floor), 1979 April 2
5662 96th Congress: Before the New York City Chapter, Association of the U.S. Army, 1979 April 5
5663 96th Congress: "The Need for an Expanded Public Awareness of American's Defense Needs" (Senate Floor), 1979 April 10
5664 96th Congress: "Lighter-than-Air Technology", 1979 April 10
5665 96th Congress: On the Leak to the New York Times on U-2 Planes, 1979 April 16 (Press Release)
5666 95th Congress: "State Regulation of Insurance", 1979 April 23
5667 95th Congress: On the U.S. Policy Toward Rhodesia (Senate Floor), 1979 May 1 (Press Release)
5668 96th Congress: On the Dedication of the Multiple Mirror Telescope, 1979 May 9
5669 96th Congress: On SALT II for the U.S. News & World Report, 1979 May 15
56610 95th Congress: On a Motion to Reconsider the Termination of the Taiwan Defense Treaty, 1979 June 6 (Press Release)
56611 96th Congress: On the Lawsuit of Goldwater v. President Carter (Taiwan Defense Treaty), 1979 June 6 (Press Release)
56612 96th Congress: On Opposition to the SALT II Treaty, 1979 July 12 (Press Release)
56613 95th Congress: On the World Administrative Radio Conference (WARC), 1979 July 12
56614 96th Congress: On The Designation of Two Historic Trails, 1979 July 13 (Press Release)
56615 96th Congress: On SALT II, 1979 July 23
56616 96th Congress: On The Strategic Arms Limitations Talks (SALT II; Senate Floor), 1979 August 2
56617 96th Congress: On His Non Support of the SALT II Treaty, 1979 August 3 (Press Release)
56618 96th Congress: On Andrew Young, 1979 August 16
56619 96th Congress: On Press Restrictions Regarding the First Family's Trip, 1979 August 16 (Press Release)
56620 96th Congress: On Pressure to Ratify the SALT II Treaty (Senate Floor), 1979 September 5
56621 96th Congress: "Aerospace: Challenge & Response" (Bendix Luncheon Address), 1979 September 6
56622 96th Congress: On Russian Troops (Senate Floor), 1979 September 7
56623 96th Congress: "What Would The U.S. Be Like Today ..." (Interview for the Republican Study Committee Bulletin), 1979 September 7
56624 96th Congress: On Caesar Chavez and Defeat of the Reclamation Amendments, 1979 September 13
56625 96th Congress: On the Presence of Russian Troops in Cuba, 1979 September 15
56626 96th Congress: On the SALT II Treaty (Senate Floor), 1979 October 4
56627 96th Congress: Before the National Radio Broadcasters Association, 1979 October 9
56628 96th Congress: Before the National Association of Broadcasters Legal Workshop, 1979 October 15
56629 96th Congress: Interview with the American Farm Bureau, 1979 October 16 (Transcript)
56630 96th Congress: On the Court's Ruling about Constitutional Power, 1979 October 17 (Press Release)
56631 96th Congress: On a Senate Vote on the Defense Treaty with Taiwan, 1979 October 21
56632 96th Congress: On an Early Vote to Uphold the District Court's Decision Requiring Legislative Approval to Terminate the Mutual Defense Treaty with Taiwan (Senate Floor), 1979 October 23
56633 96th Congress: On the Salt II Treaty, Taiwan Court Case, and Federal Land Transfer To State Ownership, 1979 November 7
56634 96th Congress: On President Carter's Lawyers & Foreign Policy, 1979 November 8 (Press Release)
56635 96th Congress: On the Capabilities to Monitor the SALT II Treaty, 1979 November 8
56636 96th Congress: Before the First Inter-Service Industry Training Equipment Conference (Orlando, Florida), 1979 November 27
56637 96th Congress: "Presidential Campaign Coverage" (Floor Statement), 1979 November 29
56638 96th Congress: On the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of Fu Jen University (Taipei, Taiwan), 1979 December 8
56639 96th Congress: Government and a Free Market Economy (Before the Institute for Socioeconomic Studies, St. Regis Hotel, New York), 1979 December 12
56640 96th Congress: On the Federal Government & the American Economy, 1979 December 12
56641 96th Congress: On the Supreme Court's Ruling of Goldwater v. Carter, 1979 December 13 (Press Release)
56642 96th Congress: For Circus Saints & Sinners, 1980 (Rough Draft)
56643 96th Congress: On Military Pay and Maintaining a Strong Defense (Senate Floor), 1980
56644 96th Congress: On the Panama Canal, Party Unity, & the Presidential Race, 1980 (Speech Drafts and Fragments)
56645 96th Congress: Before the Sigma Chi Fraternity, 1980
56646 96th Congress: Announcement to Seek Re-Election, 1980 January 4 (Press Conference)
56647 96th Congress: On the Haig Nomination (Before the Foreign Relations Committee), 1980 January 19
56648 96th Congress: Transcript on the State of Arizona, 1980 January 22 (Transcript of Radio Broadcast)
56649 96th Congress: Response to President Carter's State of the Union Address, 1980 January 24
Includes State of the Union message.
56650 96th Congress: On the Draft, 1980 January 25 (Radio Interview)
56651 96th Congress: Transcript on the Middle East, 1980 February 5 (Transcript of Radio Broadcast)
56652 96th Congress: On Arizona Trade with Taiwan, 1980 February 8 (Press Release)
56653 96th Congress: On Draft Registration & Women in Combat, 1980 February 8 (Press Release)
56654 96th Congress: On the Equal Rights Amendment, 1980 February 15
56655 96th Congress: "The World Today" (Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas), 1980 February 25
56656 96th Congress: "The Coming of the Rabbit" (National Space Club), 1980 February 27
56657 96th Congress: On Heart Transplant Surgery (Tucson, Arizona), 1980 February 27 (Hearing)
56658 96th Congress: Endorsement of Ronald Reagan, 1980 March 4 (Press Release)
56659 96th Congress: Relief to Laid Off Workers Due to Foreign Imports (Senate Floor), 1980 March 4
56660 96th Congress: On the John Wayne Medal, 1980 March 6 (Press Release)
56661 96th Congress: On the Economy (Delivered in Arizona), 1980 March 20
56662 96th Congress: On the Windfall Profit Tax (Senate Floor), 1980 March 27
56663 96th Congress: On the Death of Jesse Owens (Senate Floor), 1980 April 8 (Press Release)
56664 96th Congress: Before the National Association of Broadcasters (Las Vegas, Nevada), 1980 April 14
56665 96th Congress: Washington for Jesus; Hostages in Iran; The Economy, 1979 April 29 (Transcript of Radio Broadcast)
56666 96th Congress: "Iran Rescue Attempt" (Before the Armed Services Committee), 1980 May 6
56667 96th Congress: On the Failed Hostage Rescue Mission to Iran, 1980 May 7 (Press Release)
56668 96th Congress: "The American Intelligence Community" (Senate Floor), 1980 May 14
56669 96th Congress: On Weapons Systems and the Environment (Senate Floor), 1980 May 21
56670 96th Congress: Interview (KAET), 1980 May 30 (Transcript)
56671 96th Congress: "The Trilateral Commission" (Senate Floor), 1980 June 3
56672 96th Congress: On the Moratorium Regarding the Colorado River Management Plan, 1980 June 6 (Press Release)
56673 96th Congress: On His Minor Surgery, 1980 June 11 (Press Release)
56674 96th Congress: On Surgical Recuperation at Andrews Air Force Base Hospital, 1980 June 17
56675 96th Congress: On Settlement of the Navajo-Hopi Dispute, 1980 June 26 (Press Release)
56676 96th Congress: Before the American Legion (Phoenix, Arizona), 1980 June 27
5671 96th Congress: Before the Republican National Convention (Detroit, Michigan), 1980 July 15
5672 96th Congress: Press Conference (Republican National Convention, Detroit, Michigan), 1980 July 15 (Transcript)
5673 96th Congress: Various inserts to the Congressional Record (Ukrainian Community, Women and the Draft, Army Modernization), 1980 July 23
5674 96th Congress: "Justice Department Experience in Foreign Agent Registration Cases", 1980 August 1
5675 96th Congress: On the Increase of CAP Water Allocations to Indian Tribes, 1980 August 1 (Press Release)
5676 96th Congress: On Reagan's China Policy, 1980 August 25 (Press Release)
5677 96th Congress: On the Colorado River Management Plan, 1980 August 26 (Press Release)
5678 96th Congress: On Chemical Warfare, 1980 September 16 (Draft Statement)
5679 96th Congress: On Elderly Native Americans, 1980 September 18 (Press Release)
56710 96th Congress: On the Carter National Steel Policy, 1980 September 30 (Press Release)
56711 96th Congress: On the False Alerts at the North American Aerospace Defense Command Center, 1980 October 15 (Press Release)
56712 96th Congress: On the Override of Travel Restrictions on the Colorado River, 1980 November 14 (Press Release)
56713 96th Congress: CNN Questions and Answers, 1980 November 25
56714 96th Congress: Questions and Answers For Cable News Interview, 1980 December 9
56715 96th Congress: On the Border Inspection Station at San Luis, 1980 December 11 (Press Release)
56716 97th Congress: On the SST, 1981
56717 97th Congress: Opening Statement on the Nomination of William J. Casey for CIA Director (Before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence), 1981 January 13
56718 97th Congress: In Support of the Haig Nomination for Secretary of State (Senate Floor), 1981 January 21 (Press Release)
56719 97th Congress: On Deregulation of the Communications Act, 1981 January 27
56720 97th Congress: On the Nomination of Judge A Melvin McDonald, 1981 February 3 (Press Release)
56721 97th Congress: On Private Contractors for Housing Maintenance at Luke Air Force Base, 1981 February 9 (Press Release)
56722 97th Congress: Treaty Termination Procedures (Senate Floor), 1981 February 17
56723 97th Congress: Response to President Reagan's Speech to Congress, 1981 February 18 (Press Release )
Includes President's speech.
56724 97th Congress: On Federal Contracts to Arizona Firms, 1981 February 21 (Press Release)
56725 97th Congress: On Indexing Funds for the Central Arizona S-2177 Project Distribution Systems, 1982 February 22
56726 97th Congress: On Streamlining Television Licensing, 1981 March 3 (Press Release)
56727 97th Congress: On Arizona Trade with Taiwan, 1981 March 6 (Press Release)
56728 97th Congress: On the Shooting of President Reagan, 1981 March 10 (Press Release)
56729 97th Congress: Before the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association, 1981 March 12
56730 97th Congress: On Public Broadcasting Legislation, 1981 March 17 (Press Release)
56731 97th Congress: Radio-TV Tape, 1981 April 17 (Transcript)
56732 97th Congress: On the Defense Industry, Eighteenth Sight Lecture before the Wings Club, 1981 April 22
56733 97th Congress: On President Reagan's Address, 1981 April 29 (Press Release)
56734 97th Congress: "Goldwater Fights to Save Social Security", 1981 May (Newsletter)
56735 97th Congress: On Social Security, 1981 May 12, 14 (Press Release)
56736 97th Congress: On Keeping Social Security from Going Broke, 1981 May 27
56737 97th Congress: Before the International Communications Association, 1981 June 3 (Excerpts; Press Release)
56738 97th Congress: On His Support of the Voting Rights Act Extension, 1981 June 25 (Press Release)
56739 97th Congress: On Recruitment and Retention in the Military (Senate Floor), 1981 July
56740 97th Congress: On the Nomination of Sandra Day O'Connor, 1981 July 9 (Press Release)
56741 97th Congress: On the Draft (Senate Floor), 1981 July 10
56742 97th Congress: Sandra O'Connor's Court Decisions (Senate Floor), 1981 July 10
56743 97th Congress: On Sandra Day O'Connor's Basic Conservative Philosophy, 1981 July 13 (Press Release)
56744 97th Congress: On William J. Casey and the Central Intelligence Agency, 1981 July 17
56745 97th Congress: "Overwhelming Support By Arizona Pro-Life Legislators for Sandra O'Connor" (Senate Floor), 1981 July 21
56746 97th Congress: "Conservatives Should Be Encouraged By O'Connor Nomination", 1981 July 22
56747 97th Congress: On the Defense Budget (Senate Floor), 1981 July 29
56748 97th Congress: On the Passage of the Tax Bill, 1981 July 29 (Press Release)
56749 97th Congress: On William Casey as Central Intelligence Director, 1981 July 29
56750 97th Congress: Before the National Convention of the National Rural Letter Carriers Association (Delivered by J. Terry Emerson, Baltimore, Maryland), 1981 August 4
56751 97th Congress: On Introducing Sandra Day O'Connor to the Judiciary Committee, 1981 September 9 (Press Release)
56752 97th Congress: On the New Right, 1981 September 10
56753 97th Congress: On the Moral Majority, 1981 September 15 (Press Release)
56754 97th Congress: CNN Interview, 1981 September 17
56755 97th Congress: "Sandra Day O'Connor" (Senate Floor), 1981 September 21 (Press Release)
56756 97th Congress: On Religion and Politics, 1981 September 24
56757 97th Congress: On the Peace Corps (Senate Floor), 1981 September 25
56758 97th Congress: On the Passage of the Radio Bill, 1981 September 25 (Press Release)
56759 97th Congress: On SWAPO & Its Angolan Backers (Senate Floor), 1981 September 30 (Press Release)
56760 97th Congress: On Economic Doomsayers, 1981 September 30 (Press Release)
56761 97th Congress: On Replacing Titan II with MX Missiles, 1981 October 8 (Press Release)
56762 97th Congress: CNN Interview, 1981 October 19
56763 97th Congress: CNN Interview, 1981 October 21
56764 97th Congress: Confirmation of Bob Jantzen (Fish and Wildlife Service, Senate Floor), 1981 October 27
56765 97th Congress: Salute to Jimmy Doolittle Honoring Ira C. Eaker (National Space & Air Museum), 1981 October 27
56766 97th Congress: CNN Interview, 1981 October 28
56767 97th Congress: "Barry's Personal Message", 1981 November (Newsletter)
56768 97th Congress: Colloquy on BIA-IHS Budget, 1982
56769 97th Congress: CNN Interview, 1982 January 21
56770 97th Congress: "Control of Federal Courts Raises Basic Questions" (Senate Floor), 1982 February 9
56771 97th Congress: CNN Interview, 1982 February 10
56772 97th Congress: "Candidate Reagan's Taiwan Pledges Unfulfilled" (Senate Floor), 1982 February 11
56773 97th Congress: CNN Interview, 1982 March 8
56774 97th Congress: Before the 19th National Air Force Salute Iron Gate (Sheraton Centre), 1982 March 13
56775 97th Congress: Before the Arthritis Foundation Government Affairs Conference (Capitol Holiday Inn, Washington, DC), 1982 March 15
56776 97th Congress: "Judicial Independence" (Senate Floor), 1982 March 17
56777 97th Congress: "Agent Identities Bill Passes Senate", 1982 March 18 (Press Release)
56778 97th Congress: Before the U.S. Independent Telephone Association, 1982 March 24
56779 97th Congress: Hearings on the Cable Telecommunications Act of 1982 (Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, Transportation), 1982 April 12-October 1 (Press Releases)
56780 97th Congress: Indexing CAP Distributions Systems (Before the Senate Subcommittee On Water and Power Dam Safety), 1982 April 22
56781 97th Congress: On the CIA Retirement and Disability System Spouses Equity Act (Select Committee on Intelligence), 1982 April 22
56782 97th Congress: CNN Interview, 1982 April 29
5681 97th Congress: "Do We Have a Local or National Defense?", 1982 May 3 (Press Release)
5682 97th Congress: Before the National Cable Television Association (Las Vegas), 1982 May 4
5683 97th Congress: On the Papago Water Rights Bill (Senate Floor), 1982 May 11 (Press Release)
5684 97th Congress: CNN Interview Transcript – Questions and Answers, 1982 May 12
5685 97th Congress: "Goldwater Backs Televising The Senate", 1982 May 21
5686 97th Congress: CNN Interview – Questions and Answers, 1982 June 8
5687 97th Congress: On the Security of Taiwan (Senate Floor), 1982 June 17
5688 97th Congress: "On a Return to the Cold War Era and Diplomatic Ties to Taiwan" (Cheyenne, Wyoming), 1982 June 21
5689 97th Congress: "Goldwater Opposes American Troops Going Into Lebanon", 1982 July 7 (Press Release)
56810 97th Congress: CNN Questions, 1982 July 28
56811 97th Congress: CNN Questions, 1982 July 29
56812 97th Congress: On Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, National Debt, Arizona's Water ..., 1982 August (Newsletter)
56813 97th Congress: "Goldwater Blasts China Agreement", 1982 August 17 (Press Release)
56814 97th Congress: "Intention to Vote Against Tax Increase" (Senate Floor), 1982 August 18
56815 97th Congress: "Amateur Radio and Private Land Mobile Services" (Senate Floor), 1982 August 19
56816 97th Congress: On the Buffalo Bill Dam, Reclamation Reform, Papago Water Rights, 1982 September 24
56817 97th Congress: "Solzhenitsyn Tells Taiwan to Rely On Itself" (Senate Floor), 1982 November 30
56818 97th Congress: Apache Facility Dedication Ceremony (Mesa, Arizona), 1982 December 16 (Transcript)
56819 97th Congress: Aravaipa Canyon Wilderness Act (Senate Floor), 1983
56820 98th Congress: CNN Interview, 1983 January 5
56821 98th Congress: Before the Arizona State Republican Convention, 1983 January 23 (Press Release)
56822 98th Congress: On the Office of Foreign Missions, 1983 February 2 (Press Release)
56823 98th Congress: "Reagan Badly Informed on Taiwan", 1983 February 3 (Press Release)
56824 98th Congress: Broadcast Deregulation Act of 1983 (Senate Floor), 1983 February 18 (Press Release)
56825 98th Congress: CNN Interview Questions, 1983 February 18
56826 98th Congress: Renewable Energy National Security Act (Senate Floor), 1983 February 23
56827 98th Congress: "Summary of the Social Security Amendments", 1983 March
In Barry Goldwater Reports to Arizona.
56828 98th Congress: Postal Service In Rural Areas (Lake Havasu City, Fountain Hills, Sedona) (Before the House Government Information Subcommittee), 1983 March 15
56829 98th Congress: Why I Have Voted Against the Jobs Bill, 1983 March 17
56830 98th Congress: The Reclamation of Safety of Dams Act (Before the Water and Power Subcommittee of Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee), 1983 March 24
56831 98th Congress: Alleged Covert Action Being Conducted in Central Arizona (Senate Floor), 1983 April 12
56832 98th Congress: "... Hearing on Boland Amendment", 1983 April 12 (Press Release)
56833 98th Congress: Native American Human Rights (Senate Floor), 1983 April 12
Includes letter to President Reagan.
56834 98th Congress: On the Clean Air Act and the Copper Industry (Senate Floor), 1983 April 26
56835 98th Congress: On Liberty & the Welfare State, 1983 April 28
56836 98th Congress: On His Amendment to the Immigration Reform and Control Act, 1983 April 28 (Press Release)
56837 98th Congress: On Receiving the Gold Medallion Award (International Swimming Hall of Fame), 1983 May (Press Release)
56838 98th Congress: On a Bill Regarding Leases and Contracts Affecting Land Within the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Reservation (Senate Floor), 1983 May 4
56839 98th Congress: "Let's Unite Toward Common Goals", 1983 May 7 (Press Release)
56840 98th Congress: On the Immigration Bill and the Arizona Farm Industry, 1983 May 19 (Press Release)
56841 98th Congress: "Face The Nation", 1983 May 22 (Transcripts)
56842 98th Congress: "Unlimited Campaign Spending-The Road to Anarchy" (Senate Floor), 1983 May 25
56843 98th Congress: "On the Cable Telecommunications Act of 1983", 1983 June 15 (Press Release)
56844 98th Congress: "Federal Election Campaign Expenditures Limits Act" (Senate Floor), 1983 July 17
56845 98th Congress: Before a Joint Hearing on Telephone Rates that the AT&T/Justice Department Divestiture Agreement is a Mistake, 1983 July 28 (Press Releases)
56846 98th Congress: Funding for the Turquoise Trail, 1983 August 1
56847 98th Congress: "To Abolish the Congressional Budget Process" (Senate Floor), 1983 August 5
56848 98th Congress: "Korean Airliner", 1983 September 1 (Press Release)
56849 98th Congress: "Flooding Along the Colorado River" (Before the House Interior and Insular Affairs Committee Hearing, Yuma, Arizona), 1983 September 7
56850 98th Congress: CNN Interview, 1983 September 12
56851 98th Congress: War Powers Resolution (Senate Floor), 1983 September 28
56852 98th Congress: "Unlimited Campaign Spending – A Crisis of Liberty" (Before the Senate Committee on Rules), 1983 September 29
56853 98th Congress: Opposition to Universal Telephone Service Preservation Act (Before the Senate Committee on Commerce), 1983 September 30
56854 98th Congress: CNN Questions, 1983 October 17
56855 98th Congress: Marines Killed in Lebanon, 1983 October 24
56856 98th Congress: On Americans in Grenada, 1983 October 25 (Press Release)
56857 98th Congress: Nomination of Judge William Clark (Before the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources), 1983 November 1
56858 98th Congress: Commendation for Amateur Radio Operators, 1983 November 2
56859 98th Congress: Competition in Television (Senate Communication Subcommittee), 1983 November 2
56860 98th Congress: CNN Interview Questions, 1983 November 14
56861 98th Congress: "Goldwater Opposes Continued Presence on U.S. Troops in Lebanon", 1983 December 5 (Press Release)
56862 98th Congress: In Support of Hoover Dam Power, Bill S286 (Senate Floor), 1984
56863 98th Congress: Papago-Sif Oidak Chuichu Area Water Settlement Act and Gila Bend Land Exchange and Settlement Act, 1984
56864 98th Congress: "A Bill to Convey Certain Lands to the Zuni Tribe for Religious Purposes", 1984 January 24
56865 98th Congress: Congressional Budget Office Study on Local Telephone Rates, 1984 January 25 (Press Release)
56866 98th Congress: CNN Interview, 1984 January 29
56867 98th Congress: CNN Questions, 1984 January 31
56868 98th Congress: CNN Interview, 1984 March 6
56869 98th Congress: Interview with Dr. Keith Campbell, Fort Hays State University, Kansas, 1984 March 7
To be shown in classrooms across the nation.
56870 98th Congress: "Goldwater Urges Action Against Mid-East Terrorism", 1984 March 16 (Press Release)
56871 98th Congress: On Civilian Conduct of Wars (U.S. News & World Report), 1984 March 19
56872 98th Congress: On Covert Aid in Nicaragua (Senate Floor), 1984 April 14
56873 98th Congress: CNN Interview, 1984 April 25
56874 98th Congress: On the CIA's Harbor Mining Program (Senate Select Committee on Intelligence), 1984 April 26
56875 98th Congress: On the Passage of the Arizona Wilderness Bill, 1984 May 2 (Press Release)
56876 98th Congress: Suspension of Duties on Yttrium (Senate Floor), 1984 May 18
56877 98th Congress: Before the National Cable Television Association, Las Vegas, Nevada, 1984 June 5
56878 98th Congress: "Goldwater Responds to Readiness Issue", 1984 July 25 (Press Release)
56879 98th Congress: "President's Veto of Authorization Bill For Public Broadcasting", 1984 August 30 (Press Release)
56880 98th Congress: "Nicaragua Helicopter Incident", 1984 September 11 (Press Release)
56881 98th Congress: "Congressional Oversight Joint Committee & Leaks", 1984 September 12 (Press Release)
56882 98th Congress: "Amendments to the Ak-Chin Water Settlement Act of 1978" (Senate Floor), 1984 September 25 (Press Release)
56883 98th Congress: "This Week with David Brinkley" (ABC News), 1984 October 28 (Transcript)
56884 98th Congress: CNN Commentaries, 1984 November 19
56885 98th Congress: "Congress-Changes for the Worse", 1984 December 15
5691 99th Congress: On New Home Ports For Naval Fleet (Press Release), 1985 (Press Release)
5692 99th Congress: Campaign Money (Press Release), circa 1985 (Press Release)
5693 99th Congress: Against Sanctions on South Africa, circa 1985 (Press Release)
5694 99th Congress: Stinger Missiles, 1985
5695 99th Congress: Military Spending and Military Pay, circa 1985 (Press Release)
5696 99th Congress: On Proposition 103 and Limiting Liability Awards, circa 1985 (Press Release)
5697 99th Congress: On Press Reporting on Public Officials, circa 1985
5698 99th Congress: "Presidential and Congressional Campaign Spending Limits" (Senate Floor), 1985 January 3
5699 99th Congress: Constitutional Right to Buy Elections (Senate Floor), 1985 January 24
56910 99th Congress: Meet The Press Interview, 1985 January 27
56911 99th Congress: Opening Statement, Department of Defense Posture Hearing, 1985 February 4
56912 99th Congress: MX Missile (Senate Floor), 1985 March 5
56913 99th Congress: On Military Base Closures (Senate Floor), 1985 March 5 (Press Release)
56914 99th Congress: Vietnam Rules of Engagement Declassified, 1985 March 6
56915 99th Congress: Interoperability of Military Communications Equipment, 1985 March 14 (Press Release)
56916 99th Congress: Vietnam Rules of Engagement Declassified (1966-1969), 1985 March 14
56917 99th Congress: Vietnam Rules of Engagement (1969-1972), 1985 March 18
56918 99th Congress: On the MX Missile, 1985 March 18 (Press Release)
56919 99th Congress: On Aid to Africa v. the Need of American Indians, 1985 March 19
56920 99th Congress: Vietnam Rules of Engagement, 1985 March 26
56921 99th Congress: Civilian Managers Lost in Vietnam, 1985 May 6
56922 99th Congress: Before the National Cable Television Association, 1985 June
56923 99th Congress: On the Technical Corrections Act - S. 814 (Before the Senate Finance Committee), 1985 June 5
56924 99th Congress: Goldwater and Nunn Respond to President's Commission on Defense Management, 1985 June 17 (Press Release)
56925 99th Congress: "Foreign Policy by Amendments" (Senate Floor), 1985 June 19
56926 99th Congress: Double Standard Toward South Africa (Senate Floor), 1985 July 30
56927 99th Congress: "Face the Nation" (CBS Television & Radio), 1985 August 25 (Transcript)
56928 99th Congress: "The Road to Anarchy-Excessive Campaign Spending" (Before the Commission on National Elections), 1985 September 17
56929 99th Congress: Colorado River Flood Prevention Legislation, 1985 September 24
56930 99th Congress: On the Congress and Pentagon's Disorganization and Resistance to Change, 1985 October
56931 99th Congress: "Congressional Oversight of National Defense" (Senate Floor), 1985 October 1
56932 99th Congress: "Goldwater & Nunn Cite Lack of Service Cooperation for Historical Mistakes", 1985 October 2 (Press Release)
56933 99th Congress: "Goldwater & Nunn Question Effectiveness of Joint Chiefs", 1985 October 3 (Press Release)
56934 99th Congress: "Goldwater & Nunn Cite Failure of DOD to Integrate Defense Decision Making ...", 1985 October 4 (Press Release)
56935 99th Congress: "Goldwater & Nunn Want More Bang for the Buck", 1985 October 7 (Press Release)
56936 99th Congress: "Obey the Law Goldwater Tells Navajos", 1985 October 8 (Press Release)
56937 99th Congress: "Goldwater & Nunn Conclude DOD Reorganization Series", 1985 October 8
56938 99th Congress: "Space Shuttle Enterprise Coming to Dulles ...", 1985 October 9 (Press Release)
56939 99th Congress: On the Hopi-Navajo Land Dispute, 1985 October 10 (Press Release)
56940 99th Congress: "Goldwater & Nunn Speeches Focus on DOD Reorganization", 1985 October 16 (Press Release)
56941 99th Congress: Opening Statement before the Hearing on the Organization and Decision Making Procedure of the Department of Defense and Congress, 1985 October 16
56942 99th Congress: Before the Heritage Foundation, 1985 October 22
56943 99th Congress: "Campaign Finance Reform" (Senate Floor), 1985 October 25
56944 99th Congress: On Political Action Committees (Senate Floor), 1985 November 5
56945 99th Congress: On Changes in Legal Counsel for the Armed Services Committee, 1985 November 6 (Press Release)
56946 99th Congress: On the Outcome of the Summit Meeting, 1985 November 21 (Press Release)
56947 99th Congress: "Curb on PACs", 1985 December 2-3 (Press Release)
56948 99th Congress: On Whitewater Rafting Exemptions, 1985 December 18
56949 99th Congress: "Goldwater & Nunn Release Summary of ... Defense Reorganization", 1986 January 29 (Press Release)
56950 99th Congress: "Goldwater & Nunn Praise Packard Commission Report", 1986 February 28 (Press Release)
56951 99th Congress: On Release Restrictions in Land Conveyance, Jerome, Arizona, 1986 March 4
56952 99th Congress: "Goldwater & Nunn Announce Committee Approval of Defense Reorganization Bill", 1986 March 6 (Press Release)
56953 99th Congress: "Goldwater Rejects Avionics Sale to Red Chinese", 1986 March 18
56954 99th Congress: "U.S. Avionics Sale-Wishful Thinking about Red China" (Senate Floor), 1986 March 19 (Press Release)
56955 99th Congress: "Goldwater Terms Retaliation 'Absolutely Justified'", 1986 March 25 (Press Release)
56956 99th Congress: "Goldwater Stumps for Campaign Reform", 1986 March 27 (Press Release)
56957 99th Congress: "Self Rule and Campaign Spending Limits" (Before the Senate Committee on Rules and Legislation), 1986 March 27
56958 99th Congress: Before the 23rd National Air Force Salute Iron Gate (Sheraton Centre, New York), 1986 April 5
56959 99th Congress: "No Need to Sell Arms to Communist China", 1986 April 8 (Press Release)
56960 99th Congress: On America's Will to Defend Itself (Senate Floor), 1986 April 22
56961 99th Congress: "Avionic for Peking-Appeasement of Red China" (Senate Floor), 1986 April 29
56962 99th Congress: "Saudi Arabian Missile Sale" (Senate Floor), 1986 May 7
56963 99th Congress: "60 Minutes" (CBS Television Network), 1986 May 11 (Transcript)
56964 99th Congress: CNN Interview Questions "Domestic Policy", 1986 May 22
56965 99th Congress: On Rehnquist's Selection as Chief Justice, 1986 June 17 (Press Release)
56966 99th Congress: "Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community Criminal Jurisdiction", 1986 June 17
56967 99th Congress: On Withholding Public Lands For Use by the Military (Before the Senate Subcommittee on Public Lands and Reserved Waters), 1986 July 17
56968 99th Congress: "Goldwater Opposes Sanction in South Africa", 1986 July 22 (Press Release)
56969 99th Congress: On the Nomination of William H. Rehnquist (Before the Senate Committee on the Judiciary), 1986 July 29
56970 99th Congress: On the Francis Scott Key Park Foundation (Before the Senate Subcommittee on Public Lands and Reserved Water), 1986 August 4
56971 99th Congress: Curbs on PACs (Senate Floor), 1986 August 12
56972 99th Congress: "Congressional Prohibitions Hinder, Not Help, Arm Control Talks", 1986 September 10
56973 99th Congress: "Goldwater Cites Liberal Bigotry in Rehnquist Nomination", 1986 September 11 (Press Release)
56974 99th Congress: Goldwater and Nunn Announce Conference Agreement On Defense Reorganization Bill, 1986 September 11
56975 99th Congress: San Pedro National Conservation Area (Before the Senate Subcommittee on Public Lands, Reserved Water and Resource Conservation), 1986 September 23
56976 99th Congress: "Commemorating the Award of the CIA Agency Seal Medallion to Senator Moynihan" (Senate Floor), 1986 September 24
56977 99th Congress: Providing for the Settlement of Certain Papago Claims (Senate Floor), 1986 September 24
56978 99th Congress: "Chiang Kai-shek - Symbol of a Free United China" (Senate Floor), 1986 October 2
56979 99th Congress: "Gore Amendment" (Senate Floor), 1986 October 2
56980 99th Congress: "Goldwater Endorses Evan Mecham", 1986 October 7 (Press Release)
56981 99th Congress: On James F. McGovern's Nomination as Under Secretary of the Air Force, 1986 October 7
56982 99th Congress: "Farewell" (Senate Floor), 1986 October 18
56983 99th Congress: "Legislative Anarchy & the National Deficit-Lawmaking Without Restraint" (Before the Investment Conference of the National Committee for Monetary Reform, New Orleans, Louisiana), 1986 October 31
56984 99th Congress: "Goldwater Wins Passage of Arthritis Bill", 1986 November 21 (Press Release)
56985 Press Releases (Various), 1969-1986
5701 On Receiving the Sylvanus Thayer Award (West Point, New York), 1987 September 24
5702 Before the Arizona Republican State Convention, 1988 May 14
5703 On The New Frontier, 1991 February 6
5704 Taiwan Relations Act Does Not Apply to a New Republic of Taiwan, 1991 October
5705 "Senator Goldwater and Jack Londen Want to Know – Will Clinton Pay for Programs?", 1992 October 29 (Press Release)
5706 Getting Off the President's Back, 1994 March 25 (Press Release)
5707 Productivity Not Prejudice, 1994 June 23
5708 "Defense Reorganization Revisited" (Barrick Lecture Series), 1994 December 15
5709 "Defining the Strength of this Nation" (Upon Receiving the James H. Doolittle Award), 1995
57010 Before the Health Industry Manufacturers Association, 1995 March 20
57011 Before the International Credit Insurance Association, 1995 June 10
57012 Doolittle Award Acceptance Remarks (Before the National Press Club), 1995 September 28
57013 "On the Taiwan Relations Act" (Arizona State University Goldwater Chair Conference), 1995 November 9
57014 On Current Events (Before the Irrigation Association, Phoenix), 1995 November 13
57015 On Politics, Government Spending, and Military Strength (Before the New York Life Board of Directors, Scottsdale, Arizona), 1996 January 15
57016 Bob Dole for President, 1996 February 25 (Press Release)
57017 Chinese Communist Intimidation of Taiwan, 1996 March 14
57018 On Dole for President, 1996 August 4
57019 Colloquy Regarding Bureau of Indian Affairs Budget, Undated
57020 "Distinguished Maine Visitors" (Maine Educational Television Network), Undated (Transcript)
57021 Drug Policies (Advertisements by Goldwater and DeConcini), Undated
57022 Nader and Colt's Firearms, Undated
57023 Opening Statement for Teleconference on Communications, Undated
57024 On Children's Television Rulemaking, Undated
57025 Promotion of "Big Mo" Film to Benefit the Boy's Club of Phoenix, Undated
57026 "The Human Side of Intelligence" (Senate Floor), Undated
57027 On the CIO Political Action Committee and Use of Union Dues, Undated
57028 On the Decision Again Constructing a Convention Site in Washington, DC (Senate Floor), Undated
57029 Unionization of the Military (Senate Floor), Undated
57030 On Intelligence About Soviet Troops in Cuba, Undated
57031 On the Failure to Create a Senate Committee on Science and Technology, Undated
57032 Media Interview Questions and Answers, Undated
57033 Before the Senate Armed Services Committee on the Panama Canal Treaty, Undated
57034 On Conservative Complaints About the Policies of the Nixon Administration, Undated
57035 On the Construction Industry and Promotion of Innovation (Senate Floor), Undated
57036 On Obscene Materials in the Mails, Undated
57037 "Hostile Hearings: How to Save Your Agenda and Yourself", Undated
57038 Message to Teenagers, Undated
57039 "Halting Monetary Iniquity by a Balanced Budget" (Before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Constitutional Amendments), Undated
57040 Before the Young Republicans (Waukegan, Illinois), Undated
57041 On the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Undated
57042 On the Postal Service, Undated
57043 Illegal Aliens, Undated
57044 On the Need for Chemical Modernization, Undated
57045 "Residence Requirements in Presidential Elections" (Senate Floor), 1969 May 8
57046 "Anti-Obscenity Legislation" (Senate Floor), 1969 June 5
57047 "Obscenity in the Mails" (Senate Floor), 1969 July 17
57048 "Resident Alien Radio Amateur" (Senate Floor), 1969 July 29
57049 "Unity on Behalf of American Prisioners of War" (Senate Floor), 1969 August 13
57050 "To Enhance the Constitutional Right of all Americans to Vote for their President" (Senate Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights), 1970 February 19
57051 "Fighting The Smut Peddlers" (Senate Committee on Post Office and Civil Service), 1970 March 20
57052 On the Nomination of Judge Carswell [Supreme Court] (Senate Floor), 1970 April 2
57053 "New Evidence Supports Carswell" [Supreme Court] (Senate Floor), 1970 April 7
57054 On Americans Fighting in Vietnam and Cambodia (Senate Floor), 1970 May 19
57055 On the Supersonic Transport (SST) (Senate Floor), 1970 June 16
57056 "Time of Crisis for National Air and Space Museum" (House Subcommittee On Library and Memorials), 1970 July 21
57057 Stopping Smut (Senate Committee on Post Office and Civil Service), 1970 September 1
57058 "Direct Election Boondoggle" (Senate Floor), 1970 September 11
57059 "Direct Election Boondoggle, Part II" (Senate Floor), 1970 September 15
57060 "Direct Election Boondoggle, Part III" (Senate Floor), 1970 September 24
57061 "Resident Aliens Deserve Amateur Radio Rights" (Senate Subcommittee on Communications), 1970 October 8
57062 "Middle Management Tyranny" [Welfare Benefits Conflict Between Arizona and the Federal Government], 1970 December 9
57063 Hearings on Federal Protection of Indians' Rights and Resources, 1971 January 2 (Press Release)
57064 "The President's Right To Protect Our Freedom" (War Powers Bill), 1971 April 23
57065 "Upholding Freedom Without the Draft" (Senate Floor), 1971 May 26
57066 "Repeal the Earnings Limitation of Social Security Benefits" (Senate Committee on Finance), 1972 January 31
57067 "Constructing the National Air and Space Museum" (Senate Subcommittee on Smithsonian Institution Appropriations), 1972 March 16
57068 "Voter Residency Rules Decision" (Senate Floor), 1972 March 23
57069 "The Practical Effects of S. 2956 – the War Powers Bill", 1972 March 28
57070 "War Powers Authors Redraft Bill in Senate Speeches" (Congressional Record), 1972 March 30
57071 "War Powers Bill and False Assumptions" (Senate Floor), 1972 April 4
57072 "War Powers Contradictions" (Senate Floor), 1972 April 5
57073 "What the Founding Fathers Thought About the War Powers", 1972 April 7
57074 "In Support of the United States" (Senate Floor), 1972 April 19
57075 "Clean Power From the Earth" [Geothermal Energy] (Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs), 1972 June 15
57076 "Restoring the Golden Eagle Passport", 1972 June 30 (Press Release)
57077 "Tax Credit for Public School Education" (Senate Floor), 1972 June 26
57078 "Zero Duty on Fresh Citrus Fruit", 1972 July 24 (Press Release)
57079 "Draft Dodgers Cannot Vote Under 1970 Absentee Law", 1972 September 24 (Press Release)
57080 "Repealing the Earnings Limitation for Security Recipients" (Senate Floor), 1972 September 27
57081 On Overseas Voters, 1972 October 13 (Press Release)
57082 Industrial Parks on Arizona Indian Reservations, Undated (Press Release)
57083 "Statement on the War Powers Report", Undated (Press Release)
57084 "Anti Pornography Legislation" (Senate Floor), Undated
57085 "Haynsworth Confirmation" [Supreme Court] (Senate Floor), Undated
Sub-Series B: News Clippings
5711 News Clippings, 1950-1957
5712 News Clippings, 1958
5713 News Clippings, 1959
5714 News Clippings, 1960-1961
5715 News Clippings, 1962
5716 News Clippings, 1963
5717 News Clippings, 1965-1966
5718 News Clippings, 1967
5719 News Clippings, 1968
57110 News Clippings, 1969
57111 News Clippings, 1970
57112 News Clippings, 1971
57113 News Clippings, 1972
57114 News Clippings Regarding Barry Goldwater Jr. and Susan Gherman's Wedding, 1972 March 30
57115 News Clippings, 1973 January-May
57116 News Clippings, 1973 June-December
57117 News Clippings, 1974
57118 News Clippings, 1975
57119 News Clippings, 1976
57120 News Clippings, 1977
57121 News Clippings, 1978
57122 News Clippings, 1979
57123 News Clippings, 1980
57124 News Clippings, 1981
57125 News Clippings, 1982
57126 News Clippings, 1983
57127 News Clippings, 1984
57128 News Clippings, 1985
57129 News Clippings, 1986
57130 News Clippings, 1987
57131 News Clippings, 1988
57132 News Clippings, 1989
57133 News Clippings, 1990
57134 News Clippings, 1991
57135 News Clippings, 1992
57136 News Clippings, 1993
5721 News Clippings, 1994
5722 News Clippings, 1996-1997
5723 News Clippings, 1998
5724 News Clippings, 2000-2008
Sub-Series C: Publications
5725 "The New Cadet System Of Ground School Training" by Lt. Leslie Thorpe, 1935
5726 "Short Course In Public Relations" (Public Speaking) (American Council On Public Relations), 1939
5727 Arizona Life In The Valley Of The Sun, circa 1940
5728 "Pass The Physical And Fly" (Flying Aces), 1941 May
5729 "Diary Of A Transport" (Coronet Magazine), 1943 January
57210 "Why The Airlines Are Underbought" by Paul A Sexson and Stephen B. Miles, Jr., 1947
57211 Skyways Magazine, 1948 April
57212 Aero Tribune, 1948 April
57213 "Grandson Of Jewish Descent Is Republican Senator" (Jewish Day), 1953 April 18
57214 "A Fighter from Phoenix: A Biographical Sketch of Senator Goldwater" (American Opinion), 1958 March
57215 "Barry Goldwater – Giant Killer Out Of The West" (National Republic), 1959 July
57216 "Senator Goldwater Backs LeMay's Guard Stand" (Register & Defense Times), 1959 October 31
57217 "Republicans Size Up Reuther's Union – And Democrats Reply" (U.S. News & World Report), 1960 February 29
57218 "Goldwater's Platform For The Forgotten American" (U.S. News & World Report), 1961 January 23
57219 "At Home With Barry Goldwater" (American Home), 1961 March
57220 "Conservatism In The U.S. And Its Leading Spokesman" (Newsweek), 1961 April 10
5731 "Republicans: Salesman For A Cause" (Time), 1961 June 23
5732 "White Knight Of The Far Right" (True, The Man's Magazine), 1961 August
5733 "Barry Goldwater Examined" (The Sign, National Catholic Magazine), 1961 August
5734 "Fraternal Fencing (Goldwater/Fulbright)" (Newsweek), 1961 August 7
5735 "The Goldwater Story – How It Is Growing" (U.S. News & World Report), 1961 August 7
5736 "Thunder On The Far Right" (Newsweek), 1961 December 4
5737 "Right To Work" (Arizona Frontiers), 1962 May
5738 "Goldwater, Chubb Fellow", 1962 June
5739 "Goldwater Conservatism, An Exclusive Interview" (Yale Political), 1962 Summer
57310 "Goldwater's Look Ahead, An Exclusive Interview" (U.S. News & World Report), 1962 October 22
57311 "Life Without Father" (Goldwater Family) (Good Housekeeping), 1962 November
57312 "Republicans – This President Thing" (Time), 1963 June 14
57313 "Barry Goldwater Talks About Liberals and Liberalism" (U.S. News & World Report), 1963 July 8
57314 "Letter From Washington" (Discusses BMG) (New Yorker), 1963 November 2
57315 "Way Out West: An Interim Report On Barry Goldwater" (New Republic), 1963 November 3
57316 Southwestern Indian Arts And Crafts by Tom Bahti, 1964
5741 "Paradise Alley's "Big Bomber" Planning A Comeback" (Humor) (Deadline-Arizona Press Club Gridiron Show), 1965
5742 "President" (Fortune Magazine), 1965 June
5743 "The Participants In The Symposium", circa 1966
5744 "Goldwater Receives Academic Degree" (Taiwan), 1966
5745 "Story Of Two Letters: Effect On Romney Chances" (1964 Presidential Campaign) (U.S. News & World Report), 1966 December 19
5746 "Barry Goldwater: Gentleman Politician" (Phoenix Point West Magazine), 1966 March
5747 "Tucson Sun Country" (Sunset Magazine), 1967 January
5748 Arizona Beverage Journal Yearbook, 1967
5749 "America's Most Famous Pilot – Barry Goldwater" (Air Progress), 1967 June
57410 "The Senator And The Reporter" (Flying), 1967 September
57411 "Now Don't Try To Reason With Me: Rhetoric Today, Left, Right and Center" (University of Chicago Magazine), 1967 December
57412 "Columnists: Mr. Conservative Bows Out" (Time), 1968 January 12
57413 "What's Right With American Youth" (Interview with BMG) (U.S. News & World Report), 1968 January 29
57414 "Monument Valley, Arizona: Barry Goldwater's Very Special Place" (Venture), 1968 June
57415 "Is Barry Still Right? Yes In His Heart" (Northwestern Report), 1969 Fall
57416 "Barry M. Goldwater Guest Speaker At the NIREB Luncheon" (American Exchangor), 1969 November
57417 "Barry Goldwater And The 'Chidi Nadi" (National Guardsman), 1972 March
57418 "SST: Goldwater/Proxmire Debate" (Environmental Quality), 1973 April
5751 Christian Crusader Weekly, 1971-1974
5752 "Barry Goldwater Republican Senator From Arizona" (in Ralph Nader Congress Project), 1972 August
5753 "An American Original" (Investor's Reader), 1973 September
5754 "A Conversation With Barry Goldwater, Sr." (Air Facts), 1973 November
5755 "Aviation's Man of the Year" (Air Line Pilot), 1973 December
5756 "Libro De Oro De La Masoneria Venezolana" (Masonary In Venezuela), 1974
5757 "The Golden Vigor Of The Arizona Style" (BMG as a Westerner) (Town & Country), 1974 February
5758 "The Liberals Love Barry Goldwater Now" (New York Times Magazine), 1974 April 7
5759 "Goldwater – Winged Maverick" (National Aeronautics), 1974 January-March
57510 "Seven Days In August" (Newsweek), 1974 August 19
57511 "Barry Goldwater's Second Wind" (Reader's Digest), 1974 October
57512 "Growing Up Republican: Peggy Goldwater Holt" (PSA), 1975 October
57513 "Goldwater: Leader Or Legend" (Conservative Digest), 1976 January
57514 "Goldwater Blows The Whistle On His Mates" (U.S. News & World Report), 1976 February 16
57515 "Congress Should Stay Out Of Tactical Military Decisions" (Armed Forces Journal International), 1976 March
57516 "Strong Opinions Colorfully Expressed: Those Are Barry Goldwater Bull's Eyes" (People Weekly), 1976 March 22
57517 "Explaining Things To Ike (1964 Republican Convention)" by Denison Kitchel (National Review), 1976 April 30
57518 "Bicentennial Tories" (National Guardsman), 1976 May
57519 "The Sunshine Boys Bow Out: Goldwater and Tower, Stage Left" (New Guard), 1976 June
57520 "Wisdom Of Barry Goldwater (Laughter, Applause)" (New York), 1976 August 23
57521 "Senator Barry" (Arizona's Host), 1976 September-October
57522 "Barry Goldwater Discusses Maryland's Eastern Shore" (Bay Country Living), 1976 September
57523 "Mission with Peggy G" (Airman), 1977 February
57524 "Noisy Aircraft Bill" (The Pilot Report), 1978 October
57525 "What's On Goldwater's Mind" (Washington Report), 1978 October 23
57526 "New Boys On The Beat" (Broadcasting), 1979 February 12
57527 "A Quick Nine (Golfing)" (E.P.O. Magazine For Elected Public Officials), 1979 March-April
57528 "Barry Goldwater: Marlboro Man Of The Senate" (Minneapolis Star Saturday Magazine), 1979 May 5
57529 "Senator Barry M. Goldwater Interview" (The Standard: American Political Items Collectors), 1979 March 27
57530 "The Communications Conscious Of Senator Goldwater" (Broadcasting), 1979 June 25
57531 "Goldwater Sees America In Peril" (Review Of The News, 1979 September 26
5761 "The News Of Politics vs. The Politics of News" (1964 Presidential Campaign) by Lyn Nofziger (Imprimis), 1980 June
5762 "Patriotism Is Back" (Washingtonian), 1980 July
5763 "The Politics Of Aviation" (AOPA Pilot), 1980 October
5764 "It's Time For A Change: But Let's Keep The Very Best" (Armed Forces Journal International), 1980 November
5765 "For Senator Goldwater" By George F. Will (National Review), 1980 December 31
5766 "Navajo Water Right: Pulling The Plug On The Colorado River?" (Arizona Bar Journal), 1981 February
5767 "The Right: A House Divided" (Newsweek), 1981 February 2
5768 "Senator Barry Goldwater: Why He Has Grave Doubts About Contractor Capabilities" (Government Executive), 1981 June
5769 "The Goldwater Mystique" (Goldwater Family) by Edward Peplow, Jr. (Phoenix Magazine), 1981 September
57610 "Father And Son: The Goldwaters" (Washington Dossier), 1981 December
57611 "A Choice, Not An Echo: The 1964 Campaign of Barry Goldwater" (Keynoter: American Political Items Collectors), 1982 September
57612 "New Scholarship Honors Senator Goldwater" (QST), 1982 December
57613 "Tribute To Senator Barry Goldwater" (Satvision), 1983 October
57614 "Barry Goldwater: The Man Behind The Iron Plate" (Retired Officer), 1983 December
57615 "The Senator" (Arizona Business), circa 1984
57616 "The Unchanging Barry Goldwater" (Washingtonian), 1984 July
57617 "Hickam Air Force Base (Hawaii): The First Fifty Years", 1985
57618 "Senator Barry Goldwater, K7UGA, An Interview" (CQ, Congressional Quarterly), 1985 May
57619 "Packard Panel On DOD Management May Derail DOD Reforms In Congress" (Armed Forces Journal), 1985 August
57620 "Drums Along The Potomac: The Military Establishment Is Besieged By Some Of Its Staunchest Supporters" (Time), 1985 October 21
57621 "Barry Goldwater Interview" (PSA), 1986 March
57622 "Goldwater DXpedition to Taiwan" (Congressional Quarterly), 1986 June
57623 "Goldwater's Last Act" (National Review), 1986 June 20
57624 "Goldwater: Looking Back, Going Home" (Newsweek), 1986 September 29
57625 "Profiles: AuH2O" (New Yorker), 1988 April 25
57626 "Barry Goldwater On Photography" (Arizona Highways), 1988 May
57627 "Mr. Conservative's Gift" (Washington Post Magazine), 1988 August 14
57628 "Goldwater: Waiting For 16,000,000 Million Arizonans" by Charles Bowden, 1988 October
5771 "Goldwater At 80 In Full Candor" (New Choices), 1989 January
5772 "Older, Wiser But Still Prickly As A Saguaro, Barry Goldwater Remembers When Right Was Wrong" (People Weekly), 1989 February 13
5773 "Barry Goldwater Ceremonial" (Arabian Tales, El Zaribah Masonic Temple, Phoenix), 1989 April
5774 "Desert Patriarch" (American Way, American Airlines), 1989 April 15
5775 "Ready, Fire, Aim" (Flying), 1989 December
5776 "Rave Reviews For Goldwater-Nichols" by Senator Sam Nunn (Armed Forces Journal), 1990 March
5777 "Not Hardly A Dam Place…" (Tucson Guide Quarterly), 1991 Fall
5778 "A Visit With Barry" (Phoenix), 1991 November
5779 "Barry Goldwater Recalls: Flying In Arizona Back Then" (Arizona Flyways), 1992 December
57710 "Barry Goldwater: A Photographer Of The Southwest" (Camera & Darkroom), 1993 December
57711 "Barry Goldwater: New Leftist?" (American Enterprise), 1997 May-June
57712 "Strange Last Respects: Barry Goldwater Turned Out To Be A Nice Guy After All" (American Spectator), 1998 August
57713 "Before The Storm: Barry Goldwater And The Unmaking Of The American Consensus" (Book Review; National Review), 2001 April 30
57714 "The GOP, Or Goldwater's Old Party" (New Republic), 2001 June 11
57715 "Barry Goldwater Lost By A Landslide In 1964 But His Legacy Changed The Terms Of National Debate" (Policy Review), Undated
57716 "Creating Understanding With A Camera" by Evelyn Cooper, Undated
57717 "Retired General Still Has Clout, Especially In The Senate", Undated
57718 "Senator Goldwater Highlights FSF Corporate (Pilots) Safety Seminar", Undated
578 Los Angeles Mining Review, Arizona Number, 1901 March 23 (Oversized)
578 Kablegram (Staunton Military Academy), 1926-1928 (Oversized)
578 "They Built An Empire: Goldwater's 95-Year Old History Is Linked With Growth Of Arizona" (Arizona Days And Ways), 1955 January 2
578 "The Glittering Mr. Goldwater" by Paul Healy (Saturday Evening Post), 1958 June 7
578 "The Senator Is Jet Propelled" (Chicago Sunday Times Magazine), 1960 January 24
578 "Highlights Of Sen. Goldwater's Manifesto" (Wall Street Journal), 1961 January 11
579 "Arizona Fundamentalist" (Fortune), 1961 May
579 "Barry Goldwater: A Post Portrait" (New York Post Daily Magazine), 1961 May 8
579 "A Liberal Meets Mr. Conservative" by Gore Vidal, 1961 June 9
579 "Goldwater Hammers Home Message of Conservatism" (Sunday Star, Washington D.C.), 1961 December 3
579 "Barry Goldwater: The Admonitions Of An Older Man" (Letters to his Children) (Esquire), 1962 October
580 "He's Rolling Along Like A Tumbleweed" (Life), 1963 July 12
580 "Hi-Ho New Hampshire! Barry Goes Galloping In" and "Green And Fertile Field For The Goldwater Rush" (Life), 1963 November 1
580 "The Battle Of Britain" (Look), 1966 February 22
580 "There's No Radical Change In Goldwater" by David Broder (New York Times Magazine), 1966 June 19
581 "Reflections And Projections Of A Former Presidential Candidate" (Arizona), 1967 September 17
581 "Reflections On Hysteria 1964 – The Campaign Of Fear" (Sun Valley Spur-Shopper, Mesa, Arizona), 1968 July 25
581 "Politics 1968" (Look), 1968 August 20
581 "Ce Cow Boy De L'Arizona Fait Peur A la Moitie De'Amerique", circa 1968
581 "Fathers And Sons In Congress" (Parade), 1969 October
581 "Barry Goldwater's Vietnam" (Los Angeles Times West Magazine), 1970 February 1
581 "Conservatives Step Up Attacks On Nixon Policies" (Human Events), 1970 July 25
581 "An Interview With Barry Goldwater" (Human Events), 1971 July 31
581 "Goldwater Deplores Loss Of U.S. Strength" (Pentagram News), 1971 September 30
581 "Senator's Brother Found Hiring Illegals On North Phoenix Farm" (Voice Of The City), 1972 January 27
581 "Goldwater Honored At Trunk 'N Tusk, Announces Plan To Seek Re-election" (Republican Voice Of Arizona), 1973 April
581 "Goldwater: Nixon Must Speak Out On Watergate To Rescue His Party" (Christian Science Monitor), 1973 April 11
581 "The Man Who Bugs The White House" (Women's Wear Daily), 1973 September 21
581 "Cut U.S. Spending, Goldwater Urges" (Indianapolis News), 1974 October 3
581 "Inflation 'Dangerous': Goldwater" (Indianapolis Star), 1974 October 3
581 "Barry Goldwater Given Industry's Highest Accolade" (Printing News), 1975 January 25
581 "Goldwaters Demand Independent FAA" (Flight Line Times, 1975 October
581 "Troy's (Cowboy Art Gallery) Focus on Goldwater" (Arizona Living), 1976 January 15
581 "The Richest Men In The U.S. Senate" (Parade), 1976 May 23
581 "Outstanding Arizonan: Barry Goldwater" (Arizona Living), 1976 November 5
582 "Borman Tries To Put Study To Rest Before Senate" (Falcon, Eastern Airlines), 1977 March 30
582 "There's No Longer Just A Single Stamp For The 'Official' Look On Capitol Hill" (Washington Star), 1977 November 9
582 "Houses For Barry's Hilltop" (Arizona Republic; Sun Living), 1978 June 11
582 "There Are Winners And There Are Losers" (Washington Star), 1978 November 8
582 "The Growing Cult Of Chili Lovers" (Home Life), 1978 November 19
582 "Battle of Taiwan Rouses Goldwater" (Tucson Citizen), 1979 February 7
582 "Goldwater: Carter Breaking Law" (Scottsdale Progress Saturday Magazine), 1979 March 10
582 "Judge Jeopardizes Carter's China Policy" (Human Events), 1979 October 27
582 "Political Review '80" (Washington Post Magazine), 1980 February 24
582 "Goldwater Is Poised For Victory" (Tempe Daily News), 1980 November 5
582 "Senator Goldwater Welcomed The Chairman and Business Manager Of The San Carlos Apache Tribe" (Qua' Toqti (Hopi)), 1981 March 12
582 "Barry Goldwater Jr.: Headed For The Senate On His Own Two Skates" (Christian Science Monitor), 1981 December 10
582 "Barry, 1982: At 73 He's As Crusty As Sourdough Bread" (Arizona Magazine, Arizona Republic), 1982 July 4
582 "Barry Goldwater Interview" (Empire Magazine, Denver Post), 1982 July 18
582 "Goldwater: The Salt And Sage Of The Desert" (Washington Times), 1983 April 21
582 "Goldwater – 20 Years Later (Interview)" (Human Events), 1984 June 9
582 "Barry: A Conversation With Patriarch Of American Conservatism" (Arizona Republic Perspective), 1984 October 28
582 "The One And Only Barry Goldwater" by William F. Buckley, Jr. (Family Weekly), 1984 December 30
583 "Barry Goldwater Interview" by Pat Murphy (West Magazine, San Jose Mercury), 1986 March 2
583 "A Genuine Gutsy Hero" (Arizona Daily Star), 1986 May 18
583 "Goldwater: The Warrior Comes Home" (Phoenix Gazette, Special Supplement), 1986 December 3
583 "Goldwater: His Life And Legacy" (Arizona Republic, Special Supplement), 1987 January 18
583 "Barry Goldwater Interview" by Alison Goldwater Ross (V Magazine), 1987 August
583 "Distinguished Public Servant Speaks Out" (Maricopa Lawyer), 1988 January
583 "Goldwater And His Peggy G." (World War II Times), 1993 October-December
583 "I'm The Luckiest Son-of-a-Gun That Was Ever Born" (Parade), 1993 November 28
583 "Barry Goldwater's Left Turn" (Washington Post), 1994 July 28
583 "Barry Goldwater, Photographer" (Uniquely Scottsdale, Tribune Newspapers), 1995 February 26
584 "A Love Affair With Arizona Ends" (Special Section, Tribune Newspapers), 1998 May 30
584 "Arizona Legend, American Original: Goldwater" (Special News Report, Arizona Republic), 1998 May 30
584 "Tears and Tributes" (Scottsdale Tribune), 1998 May 30
584 "Barry Goldwater: A Tribute" (Arizona Republic), 1998 May 31
584 "His Own Man" (Tribune), 1998 May 31
584 "Images And Inspiration" (Tribune), 1998 June 2
584 "Goodby To Mr. Arizona" (Scottsdale Tribune), 1998 June 3
584 "Memories Of Barry" and "An Original Leaves His Mark" (Arizona Republic), 1998 June 3
584 "Farewell To A Patriot" (Arizona Republic), 1998 June 4
584 "Final Salute" (Scottsdale Tribune), 1998 June 4
584 "Goldwater's Last Days" (Arizona Republic), 1998 June 15
584 "Susan Goldwater, One Year Later" (Arizona Republic), 1999 May 30
584 "Goldwater Home For Sale" (Independent, Paradise Valley, Arizona), 1999 November 10-16
584 "1,000 Look At History" (Arizona Republic), 2000 January 24
584 "A Final Glimpse Of Goldwater's Life: Public Gets Farewell Tour Of Home" (East Valley Tribune), 2000 January 24
584 "Farewell To Be-Nun-I-Kin" (Independent, Paradise Valley, Arizona), 2000 February 2-8
584 "Be-Nun-I-Kin: Welcome Home. Town Residents Preparing To Move Into Barry Goldwater's Historical Paradise Valley Home (Bob and Karen Hobbs)" (At Home In Paradise), 2000 Summer
584 "Los Angeles Film Festival: Grandpa Goldwater. In 'Mr. Conservative,' Barry Goldwater's Granddaughter Tries To Reconcile The Man She Knew With His Legacy" (Los Angeles Times), 2006 June 27
584 "Goldwater Uncut" (New Times), 2006 October 19-25
584 "At Scottsdale Fashion Square Celebrate A Proud History: Goldwaters-A Grand Opening (A-2 WWII Flyer's Jacket Modeled By Goldwater)", Undated
Sub-Series D: Scrapbooks (Includes CDs)
Processing Note
Many of these scrapbooks are in poor condition but have been digitized to searchable CDs. Large scrapbooks have been shrink-wrapped.
585 Photography Exhibitions, 1935-1939
586 Photography Exhibitions, 1940
587 Photography Exhibitions, 1941-1943
588 Photography Exhibitions, 1946-1975
589Scrapbook 175 Colorado River trip, VIP Correspondence, Speaking Engagements, Goldwater Stores, Announcements, and Articles, 1938-1941
Compiled by Barry and Peggy Goldwater.
Digital surrogate available on CD 1
590Scrapbook 160 Family, Air National Guard, Phoenix City Council, Community Chest Drive, 1941-1952
Digital surrogate available on CD 18
591 City of Phoenix, Politics, Current Events, 1945-1948
Likely compiled by Ray Busey, Mayor of Phoenix.
Digital surrogate available on CD 3
592 City of Phoenix, Politics, Current Events, 1946 May 1-August 8
Likely compiled by Ray Busey, Mayor of Phoenix.
Digital surrogate available on CD 2
593 City of Phoenix, Politics, Current Events, 1946 August 5-October 9
Likely compiled by Ray Busey, Mayor of Phoenix.
Digital surrogate available on CD 2
593 City of Phoenix, Politics, Current Events, 1946 October 10-November 28
Likely compiled by Ray Busey, Mayor of Phoenix.
Digital surrogate available on CD 2
594 City of Phoenix, Politics, Current Events, 1946 November 29-1947 January 23
Likely compiled by Ray Busey, Mayor of Phoenix.
Digital surrogate available on CD 2
594 City of Phoenix, Politics, Current Events, 1947 January 24-April 16
Likely compiled by Ray Busey, Mayor of Phoenix.
Digital surrogate available on CD 2
595 City of Phoenix, Politics, Current Events, 1947 August 5-December 2
Likely compiled by Ray Busey, Mayor of Phoenix.
Digital surrogate available on CD 2
595 City of Phoenix, Politics, Current Events, 1947 December 3-1948 March 31
Likely compiled by Ray Busey, Mayor of Phoenix.
Digital surrogate available on CD 3
596Scrapbook 1 Politics and Current Events, Political Issue: Water, 1948 February-August
Digital surrogate available on CD 4
596Scrapbook 2 Politics and Current Events, Political Issue: Water, 1948 June-December
Digital surrogate available on CD 4
597Scrapbook 3 Politics and Current Events, Political Issue: Water, 1948 December-1949 July
Digital surrogate available on CD 4
598Scrapbook 22.1 Politics and Current Events, Miscellaneous Topics and Dates, 1949-1986
Digital surrogate available on CD 22
598Scrapbook 4 Politics and Current Events, Political Issue: Water, 1949 July-1952 May
Digital surrogate available on CD 4
599Scrapbook 6 City Politics, 1949 October-1952 March
Digital surrogate available on CD 5
600Scrapbook 5 Ernest McFarland, 1951 August-1952 April
Digital surrogate available on CD 4
601Scrapbook 163 Family, VIP Correspondence, Running and Winning a Seat in the U.S. Senate, 1952-1953
Digital surrogate available on CD 18
602Scrapbook 7 Politics and Current Events: Running and Winning a Seat in the U.S. Senate, 1952 March-August
Digital surrogate available on CD 5
602Scrapbook 8 Politics and Current Events: Running and Winning a Seat in the U.S. Senate, 1952 April-June
Digital surrogate available on CD 5
603Scrapbook 10 Politics and Current Events: Running and Winning a Seat in the U.S. Senate, 1952 October-November
Digital surrogate available on CD 5
603Scrapbook 9 Politics and Current Events: Running and Winning a Seat in the U.S. Senate, 1952 August-October
Digital surrogate available on CD 5
604Scrapbook 11 Politics and Current Events: Running and Winning a Seat in the U.S. Senate, 1952 November-1953 February
Digital surrogate available on CD 5
604Scrapbook 12 Politics and Current Events, 1953 February-June
Digital surrogate available on CD 6
605Scrapbook 170 Politics and Current Events, 1953 March-1954 May
Digital surrogate available on CD 19
606Scrapbook 13 Politics and Current Events, 1953 June-September
Digital surrogate available on CD 6
606Scrapbook 14 Politics and Current Events, 1953 October-November
Digital surrogate available on CD 6
607Scrapbook 15 Politics and Current Events, 1953 November-1954 January
Digital surrogate available on CD 6
607Scrapbook 164 Politics and Current Events, 1954-1959
608Scrapbook 16 Politics and Current Events, 1954 January-March
Digital surrogate available on CD 6
608Scrapbook 17 Politics and Current Events, 1954 April-May
Digital surrogate available on CD 6
609Scrapbook 18 Politics and Current Events, 1954 May-August
Digital surrogate available on CD 7
609Scrapbook 19 Politics and Current Events, 1954 August-October
Digital surrogate available on CD 7
610Scrapbook 20 Politics and Current Events, 1954 October-November
Digital surrogate available on CD 7
610Scrapbook 21 Politics and Current Events, 1954 November-1955 January
Digital surrogate available on CD 7
611Scrapbook 165 Politics and Current Events, 1955-1957
612Scrapbook 22 Politics and Current Events, 1955 January-March
Digital surrogate available on CD 8
612Scrapbook 23 Politics and Current Events, 1955 March-April
Digital surrogate available on CD 8
613Scrapbook 24 Politics and Current Events, 1955 April-June
Digital surrogate available on CD 8
613Scrapbook 25 Politics and Current Events, 1955 June-July
Digital surrogate available on CD 8
614Scrapbook 26 Politics and Current Events, 1955 July-August
Digital surrogate available on CD 8
614Scrapbook 27 Politics and Current Events, 1955 August-October
Digital surrogate available on CD 8
615Scrapbook 28 Politics and Current Events, 1955 October
Digital surrogate available on CD 8
615Scrapbook 29 Politics and Current Events, 1955 October-December
Digital surrogate available on CD 9
616Scrapbook 30 Politics and Current Events, 1955 December-1956 February
Digital surrogate available on CD 9
616Scrapbook 31 Politics and Current Events, 1956 February-March
Digital surrogate available on CD 9
617Scrapbook 32 Politics and Current Events, 1956 March-April
Digital surrogate available on CD 9
617Scrapbook 33 Politics and Current Events, 1956 April-June
Digital surrogate available on CD 9
618Scrapbook 158 Taft Memorial Dinner, 1956 May 3
618Scrapbook 34 Politics and Current Events, 1956 June-August
Digital surrogate available on CD 9
618Scrapbook 35 Politics and Current Events, 1956 August-October
Digital surrogate available on CD 9
619Scrapbook 166 Personal Memorabilia, 1957-1958
619Scrapbook 36 Politics and Current Events, 1956 October-1957 January
Digital surrogate available on CD 10
620Scrapbook 37 Politics and Current Events, 1957 January-March
Digital surrogate available on CD 10
620Scrapbook 38 Politics and Current Events, 1957 March-April
Digital surrogate available on CD 10
621Scrapbook 162 Goldwater Dinner, Westward Ho Hotel, 1957 May 30
Digital surrogate available on CD 18
621Scrapbook 39 Politics and Current Events, 1957 April-June
Digital surrogate available on CD 10
622Scrapbook 40 Politics and Current Events, 1957 June-July
Digital surrogate available on CD 10
622Scrapbook 41 Politics and Current Events, 1957 July-September
Digital surrogate available on CD 10
623Scrapbook 42 Politics and Current Events, 1957 September
Digital surrogate available on CD 10
623Scrapbook 43 Politics and Current Events, 1957 October-November
Digital surrogate available on CD 10
623Scrapbook 44 Politics and Current Events, 1957 November-December
Digital surrogate available on CD 10
624Scrapbook 22.2 Politics and Current Events: Miscellaneous Topics and Dates, 1958-1985
Digital surrogate available on CD 22
624Scrapbook 45 Politics and Current Events, 1957 December-1958 January
Digital surrogate available on CD 10
625Scrapbook 46 Politics and Current Events, 1958 January-February
Digital surrogate available on CD 10
625Scrapbook 47 Politics and Current Events, 1958 February-March
Digital surrogate available on CD 10
626Scrapbook 48 Politics and Current Events, 1958 March-April
Digital surrogate available on CD 10
626Scrapbook 49 Politics and Current Events, 1958 March
Digital surrogate available on CD 10
626Scrapbook 50 Politics and Current Events: Running for Re-Election, 1958 April-May
Digital surrogate available on CD 11
627Scrapbook 51 Politics and Current Events: Running for Re-Election, 1958 May-June
Digital surrogate available on CD 11
627Scrapbook 52 Politics and Current Events: Running for Re-Election, 1958 June
Digital surrogate available on CD 11
628Scrapbook 53 Politics and Current Events: Running for Re-Election, 1958 June-July
Digital surrogate available on CD 11
628Scrapbook 54 Politics and Current Events: Running for Re-Election, 1958 July-August
Digital surrogate available on CD 11
629Scrapbook 55 Politics and Current Events: Running for Re-Election, 1958 August-September
Digital surrogate available on CD 11
629Scrapbook 56 Politics and Current Events: Running for Re-Election, 1958 September
Digital surrogate available on CD 11
629Scrapbook 57 Politics and Current Events: Running for Re-Election, 1958 September-October
Digital surrogate available on CD 11
630Scrapbook 58 Politics and Current Events: Running for Re-Election, 1958 October 7-23
Digital surrogate available on CD 11
630Scrapbook 59 Politics and Current Events: Running for Re-Election, 1958 October 23-30
Digital surrogate available on CD 11
630Scrapbook 60 Politics and Current Events: Running for Re-Election, 1958 October-November
Digital surrogate available on CD 11
631Scrapbook 61 Winning Re-Election and Beginning the Second Term in Office, 1958 November
Digital surrogate available on CD 12
631Scrapbook 62 Winning Re-Election and Beginning the Second Term in Office, 1958 November-December
Digital surrogate available on CD 12
631Scrapbook 63 Winning Re-Election and Beginning the Second Term in Office, 1958 December-1959 January
Digital surrogate available on CD 12
632Scrapbook 64 Politics and Current Events, 1959 January-February
Digital surrogate available on CD 12
632Scrapbook 65 Politics and Current Events, 1959 February-March
Digital surrogate available on CD 12
632Scrapbook 66 Politics and Current Events, 1959 March-April
Digital surrogate available on CD 12
633Scrapbook 174 Sales Executives Club of Richmond, 1959 April-June
Digital surrogate available on CD 20
633Scrapbook 67 Politics and Current Events, 1959 April-May
Digital surrogate available on CD 12
634Scrapbook 68 Politics and Current Events, 1959 May-June
Digital surrogate available on CD 12
634Scrapbook 69 Politics and Current Events, 1959 June-August
Digital surrogate available on CD 12
635Scrapbook 70 Politics and Current Events, 1959 August-September
Digital surrogate available on CD 12
635Scrapbook 71 Politics and Current Events, 1959 September
Digital surrogate available on CD 13
636Scrapbook 72 Politics and Current Events, 1959 October
Digital surrogate available on CD 13
636Scrapbook 73 Politics and Current Events, 1959 October-November
Digital surrogate available on CD 13
636Scrapbook 74 Politics and Current Events, 1959 November-December
Digital surrogate available on CD 13
637Scrapbook 75 Politics and Current Events, 1959 December
Digital surrogate available on CD 13
637Scrapbook 76 Politics and Current Events, 1959 December
Digital surrogate available on CD 13
637Scrapbook 77 Politics and Current Events, 1959 December-1960 January
Digital surrogate available on CD 13
638Scrapbook 104 Politics and Current Events: Campaign, 1960
Digital surrogate available on CD 15
638Scrapbook 150 Politics and Current Events: Editorials, 1960-1964
Digital surrogate available on CD 18
639Scrapbook 172 Politics and Current Events, 1960-1965
640Scrapbook 78 Politics and Current Events, 1960 January
Digital surrogate available on CD 13
640Scrapbook 79 Politics and Current Events, 1960 January-February
Digital surrogate available on CD 13
640Scrapbook 80 Politics and Current Events, 1960 February-March
Digital surrogate available on CD 13
641Scrapbook 177 Visit to Geiger Field, Spokane, Washington, 1960 February 10
641Scrapbook 81 Politics and Current Events, 1960 March
Digital surrogate available on CD 13
641Scrapbook 82 Politics and Current Events, 1960 March-April
Digital surrogate available on CD 14
642Scrapbook 83 Politics and Current Events, 1960 March-May
Digital surrogate available on CD 13
643Scrapbook 84 Politics and Current Events, 1960 April
Digital surrogate available on CD 14
643Scrapbook 85 Politics and Current Events, 1960 April-May
Digital surrogate available on CD 14
643Scrapbook 86 Politics and Current Events, 1960 May
Digital surrogate available on CD 14
643Scrapbook 87 Politics and Current Events: Vice President Draft, 1960 May-June
Digital surrogate available on CD 14
644Scrapbook 96 Politics and Current Events, 1960 May-September
Digital surrogate available on CD 14
645Scrapbook 88 Politics and Current Events, 1960 June
Digital surrogate available on CD 14
645Scrapbook 89 Politics and Current Events, 1960 June-July
Digital surrogate available on CD 14
645Scrapbook 90 Politics and Current Events, 1960 July 14-22
Digital surrogate available on CD 14
646Scrapbook 91 Politics and Current Events, 1960 July
Digital surrogate available on CD 14
646Scrapbook 92 Politics and Current Events, 1960 July
Digital surrogate available on CD 14
646Scrapbook 93 Politics and Current Events, 1960 July-August
Digital surrogate available on CD 14
646Scrapbook 94 Politics and Current Events, 1960 August
Digital surrogate available on CD 14
647Scrapbook 95 Politics and Current Events, 1960 August
Digital surrogate available on CD 14
647Scrapbook 97 Politics and Current Events, 1960 August-September
Digital surrogate available on CD 14
647Scrapbook 98 Politics and Current Events, 1960 September-October
Digital surrogate available on CD 14
648Scrapbook 100 Politics and Current Events, 1960 November
Digital surrogate available on CD 15
648Scrapbook 101 Politics and Current Events, 1960 November
Digital surrogate available on CD 15
648Scrapbook 99 Politics and Current Events, 1960 October-November
Digital surrogate available on CD 14 (Use); CD 15 (Archival)
649Scrapbook 102 Politics and Current Events, 1960 November-December
Digital surrogate available on CD 15
649Scrapbook 103 Politics and Current Events, 1960 December-1961 January
Digital surrogate available on CD 15
650Scrapbook 105 Politics and Current Events, 1961 January
Digital surrogate available on CD 15
650Scrapbook 106 Politics and Current Events, 1961 January-February
Digital surrogate available on CD 15
650Scrapbook 107 Politics and Current Events, 1961 February-March
Digital surrogate available on CD 15
651Scrapbook 108 Politics and Current Events, 1961 March
Digital surrogate available on CD 15
651Scrapbook 109 Politics and Current Events, 1961 March-April
Digital surrogate available on CD 15
651Scrapbook 110 Politics and Current Events, 1961 April
Digital surrogate available on CD 15
651Scrapbook 111 Politics and Current Events, 1961 April
Digital surrogate available on CD 15
652Scrapbook 112 Politics and Current Events, 1961 April-May
Digital surrogate available on CD 16
652Scrapbook 113 Politics and Current Events, 1961 May 19-31
Digital surrogate available on CD 16
652Scrapbook 114 Politics and Current Events, 1961 May-June
Digital surrogate available on CD 16
653Scrapbook 115 Politics and Current Events, 1961 June
Digital surrogate available on CD 16
653Scrapbook 116 Politics and Current Events, 1961 June 28-July 16
Digital surrogate available on CD 16
653Scrapbook 117 Politics and Current Events, 1961 July-August
Digital surrogate available on CD 16
654Scrapbook 118 Politics and Current Events, 1961 August
Digital surrogate available on CD 16
654Scrapbook 119 Politics and Current Events, 1961 August-September
Digital surrogate available on CD 16
654Scrapbook 120 Politics and Current Events, 1961 September
Digital surrogate available on CD 16
654Scrapbook 121 Politics and Current Events, 1961 September-October
Digital surrogate available on CD 16
655Scrapbook 122 Politics and Current Events, 1961 October-November
Digital surrogate available on CD 16
655Scrapbook 123 Politics and Current Events, 1961 November
Digital surrogate available on CD 16
655Scrapbook 124 Politics and Current Events, 1961 November-December
Digital surrogate available on CD 16
655Scrapbook 125 Politics and Current Events, 1961 December
Digital surrogate available on CD 16
656Scrapbook 126 Politics and Current Events, 1961 December
Digital surrogate available on CD 16
656Scrapbook 127 Politics and Current Events, 1961 December-1962 January
Digital surrogate available on CD 16
656Scrapbook 128 Politics and Current Events, 1962 January-February
Digital surrogate available on CD 16
657Scrapbook 129 Politics and Current Events, 1962 February
Digital surrogate available on CD 16
657Scrapbook 130 Politics and Current Events, 1962 February-March
Digital surrogate available on CD 16
657Scrapbook 131 Politics and Current Events, 1962 March-April
Digital surrogate available on CD 16
658Scrapbook 132 Politics and Current Events, 1962 April-July
Digital surrogate available on CD 16
659Scrapbook 133 Politics and Current Events, 1962 July-October
Digital surrogate available on CD 17
660Scrapbook 134 Politics and Current Events, 1962 October-December
Digital surrogate available on CD 17
661Scrapbook 135 Politics and Current Events, 1962 December-1963 February
Digital surrogate available on CD 17
662Scrapbook 136 Politics and Current Events, 1963 February-May
Digital surrogate available on CD 17
663Scrapbook 137 Politics and Current Events, 1963 May-June
Digital surrogate available on CD 17
663Scrapbook 138 Politics and Current Events, 1963 June
Digital surrogate available on CD 17
664Scrapbook 139 Politics and Current Events, 1963 June-July
Digital surrogate available on CD 18
664Scrapbook 140 Politics and Current Events, 1963 July
Digital surrogate available on CD 18
665Scrapbook 153 Politics and Current Events, 1964
665Scrapbook 154 Mary Hartman Letters to Editors, 1964
666Scrapbook 155 Political Cartoons, 1964
666Scrapbook 156 Political Cartoons, 1964
666Scrapbook 157 Politics and Current Events, 1964
667Scrapbook 161 13th Washington and Lee Mock Convention, 1964
668Scrapbook 181 Politics and Current Events, 1964
669Scrapbook 22.4 1964 Campaign, 1964
Digital surrogate available on CD 22
670Scrapbook 151 Politics and Current Events, 1964-1965
Digital surrogate available on CD 20
670Scrapbook 152 Politics and Current Events, 1964-1965
671Scrapbook 173 Includes International Papers, 1964-1965
672Scrapbook 25.6 Politics and Current Events, 1964-1972
Digital surrogate available on CD 25
673Scrapbook 186 Politics and Current Events, 1964-1976
674Scrapbook 146 Politics and Current Events, 1964 July-November
Digital surrogate available on CD 18
674Scrapbook 147 Politics and Current Events, 1964 July-November
Digital surrogate available on CD 18
675Scrapbook 148 Politics and Current Events, 1964 November
Digital surrogate available on CD 18
675Scrapbook 149 Politics and Current Events, 1964 October-1965 January
Digital surrogate available on CD 18
675Scrapbook 171 Politics and Current Events, 1964 September-October
677Scrapbook 182 Politics and Current Events, 1965-1968
677Scrapbook 185 Politics and Current Events, 1966-1968
678Scrapbook 22.3 1968 Campaign, 1968
Digital surrogate available on CD 22
679Scrapbook 183 Politics and Current Events, 1968-1969
679Scrapbook 184 Politics and Current Events, 1969-1973
680Scrapbook 25.5 Politics and Current Events, 1969-1980
Digital surrogate available on CD 25
681Scrapbook 25.4 Politics and Current Events, 1970
Digital surrogate available on CD 25
682Scrapbook 187 Politics and Current Events, 1973
682Scrapbook 190 Politics and Current Events, 1973 August-1977 October
Digital surrogate available on CD 20
683Scrapbook 178 Politics and Current Events, 1974
684Scrapbook 188 Politics and Current Events, 1974 January-July
Digital surrogate available on CD 20
684Scrapbook 192 Politics and Current Events, 1974 July-1975 June
Digital surrogate available on CD 21
685Scrapbook 179 Politics and Current Events, 1975-1976
686Scrapbook 189 Politics and Current Events, 1976 September-1978 October
Digital surrogate available on CD 20
686Scrapbook 191 Politics and Current Events, 1977 October-1980 September
Digital surrogate available on CD 21
687Scrapbook 193 Politics and Current Events, 1978 October-1979 November
Digital surrogate available on CD 21
687Scrapbook 24.3 Politics and Current Events, 1979-1982
Digital surrogate available on CD 24
688Scrapbook 180 Politics and Current Events, 1980
689Scrapbook 194 Politics and Current Events, 1980 October
Digital surrogate available on CD 21
689Scrapbook 195 Politics and Current Events, 1980 September-December
Digital surrogate available on CD 21
690Scrapbook 23.1 Politics and Current Events, 1981-1985
Digital surrogate available on CD 23
690Scrapbook 24.2 Politics and Current Events, 1982-1983
Digital surrogate available on CD 24
691 Louis E. Lauerman Scrapbooks, 1963-1964 July
Clippings from St. Louis, Missouri, and greater Illinois newspapers.
692 Louis E. Lauerman Scrapbooks, 1964 July-September
Clippings from St. Louis, Missouri, and greater Illinois newspapers.
Sub-Series E: Political Cartoons
Scope and Content Note
Original artwork from well known political cartoonists. Goldwater was an avid cartoon collector and often solicited these drawings for their cleverness regardless of how he was depicted. See also Series I. Personal-Cartoons for correspondence with various cartoonists. Note that ASC does not own the copyright to these cartoons.
693 Political Cartoons, Undated (Book 1; #1-73)
694 Political Cartoons, Undated (Book 2; # 1-37)
695 Political Cartoons, Undated (Book 3; #1-63)
696 Political Cartoons, Undated (Book 4; #1-70)
697 Political Cartoons, Undated (Book 5; #1-71)
698 Political Cartoons, Undated (Book 6; #1-59; #47 Missing)
699 Political Cartoons, Undated (Book 7; #1-39)
700 Political Cartoons, Undated (Book 8; #1-51)
701 Political Cartoons, Undated (Book 9; #1-68)
702 Political Cartoons, Undated (Book 10; #1-24)
703 Political Cartoons: Miscellaneous, Undated (Book 11)
Political Cartoons: Oversized, Miscellaneous, Undated (Housed in Drawer)
Political Cartoons: CD, Undated (Housed in Drawer)
Sub-Series F: Photographs
Scope and Content Note
Document not only Goldwater's political career but also his personal life, friends and family. Includes photographs taken by Goldwater, by professional photographers, and those photographs gifted to him. The images here include historic photographs, original photographs, and reproductions ranging in size from 2 x 3 inches to 16 x 20 inches, both color and black and white.
The photographs include 8,000 un-mounted images, 150+ oversized images, 110+ albums, 5,000 slides, 1,500 negatives, and contact sheets from the 1964 campaign trail. These materials cover a span of over 100 years. Not typical of congressional collections, especially those documenting family history, the sheer volume and diversity of subjects can be attributed to Goldwater's eclectic interests, expertise in photography and high profile political leadership. Goldwater himself was highly photogenic and the object of much media coverage. He also received many photos as gifts.
Photographs have been arranged using the following categories: Awards and Certificates, Boards and Memberships, Committees, Family, Goldwater Stores, Military, Office and Visitors, Personal, Personal Portraits, Political, Public Appearances, Social Functions, Staff and Friends, Travel, and VIPs. Folders then appear alphabetically and chronologically within. Information such as location, date, event, and individuals, when known, is noted. Many prints, however, remain unidentified. Highlights of the collection include an array of military aircraft and bases; Hollywood celebrities; formal and informal portraits of Goldwater and family at work, rest and play; national and international political leaders; early family and childhood photos; Goldwater's pre-political and social life; and travel. Due to the depth and complexity of this sub-series, slides, contact sheets, negatives and albums are listed separately.
Processing Note
All photographs are encapsulated in Mylar sleeves, arranged in acid-free folders and placed in archival boxes. Duplicates were weeded throughout. Images range from fair to excellent condition. A number of photos show damage due to handling and previous poor storage. As expected, certain color photographs are fading. Some of the historic prints are also faded, bent or torn. Where possible, acid-free linen tape was applied to the backs of the more fragile prints to improve their stability. Embedded within the collection were approximately 800 negatives with no prints. These items were scanned, prints made and added to the collection. While these images now exist in print form, the original negatives and digital files have been preserved.
Separated Materials
Goldwater's fine arts photographs (FP-FPC 2) and his collection of Old West photographs (FP-FPC1) are processed as separate collections.
Sub-Sub-Series i: Prints
7041 Awards and Certificates: Physical Awards, Undated
7042 Awards and Certificates: Aerospace Education Foundation's Jimmy Doolittle Educational Fellow Award, 1985
7043 Awards and Certificates: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Awards Dinner, 1986
7044 Awards and Certificates: Awards Dinner with Barry M. Goldwater and Jimmy Stewart, Undated
7045 Awards and Certificates: Armed Forces Salute to Barry M. Goldwater, 1986
7046 Awards and Certificates: Barry M. Goldwater Presenting Awards, Undated
7047 Awards and Certificates: Barry M. Goldwater Receiving Awards, Undated
7048 Awards and Certificates: Barry M. Goldwater Receiving the Sylvanus Thayer Award, 1987
7049 Awards and Certificates: Governor Rose Mofford presenting Copperheads Poster to Barry M. Goldwater (BMG-AMP 083), 1988
70410 Awards and Certificates: Military Affiliate Radio System (MARS) Awards, Undated
70411 Awards and Certificates: National Jewish Research Center and Hospital Award to Barry M. Goldwater, 1972
70412 Awards and Certificates: Presentation of Portrait to Barry M. Goldwater and Barry Goldwater Jr., Undated
70413 Awards and Certificates: Receiving T-38 Model at San Marcos Hotel Luncheon, 1968
70414 Awards and Certificates: The Service City Invitational Award, 1970
70415 Awards and Certificates: Smithsonian Institution's Samuel P. Langley Medal Presented to Barry M. Goldwater, 1987
70416 Awards and Certificates: Swimming Hall of Fame Taking Molds of Barry M. Goldwater's Hands and Feet, 1970s
70417 Awards and Certificates: Treasury Department Issuing John Wayne Medals, 1980
70418 Awards and Certificates: Weatherby Big Game Trophy Awards Dinner, 1971
70419 Awards and Certificates: Wright Brothers Memorial Trophy Ceremony, Undated
7051 Boards and Memberships: Aerospace Education Foundation, Undated
7052 Boards and Memberships: Air Force Association, Undated (1 of 2)
7053 Boards and Memberships: Air Force Association, Undated (2 of 2)
7054 Boards and Memberships: Alfalfa Club, 1978
7055 Boards and Memberships: The American Legion, Undated
7056 Boards and Memberships: Association of Old Crows, 1969
7057 Boards and Memberships: Bohemian Club, 1964
7061 Boards and Memberships: Circus, Saints and Sinners Club (BMG-AMP 173), 1960s-1970s
7062 Boards and Memberships: Edison Foundation, Undated
7063 Boards and Memberships: The Elfun Society, Undated
7064 Boards and Memberships: The F-16 Happy Hooligans, Undated
7065 Boards and Memberships: Heard Museum, 1964
7066 Boards and Memberships: International Order of Characters Organization (IOC), 1960s (1 of 2)
7067 Boards and Memberships: International Order of Characters Organization (IOC), 1960s-1980s (2 of 2)
7068 Boards and Memberships: International Order of Old Bastards, 1967
7071 Boards and Memberships: Masons (BMG-AMP 172), 1960s-1980s
7072 Boards and Memberships: National Air and Space Museum, 1972, 1981
7073 Boards and Memberships: The National Cowboy Hall of Fame and Western Heritage Center, Undated
7074 Boards and Memberships: National Press Club, 1969
7075 Boards and Memberships: National Rocket Club, 1962
7076 Boards and Memberships: National Rifle Association, 1971
7077 Boards and Memberships: Phoenix Kiwanis Club, Undated
7078 Boards and Memberships: Phoenix Thunderbirds, 1968
7079 Boards and Memberships: Quarter Century Wireless Association, 1973
70710 Boards and Memberships: The Reserve Officers Association, 1986
70711 Boards and Memberships: Rotary Club, Undated
70712 Boards and Memberships: Sigma Chi, 1971
70713 Boards and Memberships: The Smithsonian Institute, 1958
70714 Boards and Memberships: Texas Society of CPAs, Houston Chapter, 1972
70715 Boards and Memberships: Veterans of Foreign Wars (V.F.W.), Undated
70716 Boards and Memberships: Wings Club, 1972, 1982
70717 Boards and Memberships: Women's Air Force Service Pilots (WASPS), Undated
7081 Committees: Communication Satellite Corporation (COSMAT), 1993
7082 Committees: United States Air Force Academy Board of Visitors, 1960s-1980s (1 of 6)
7083 Committees: United States Air Force Academy Board of Visitors, 1960s-1980s (2 of 6)
7084 Committees: United States Air Force Academy Board of Visitors, 1960s-1980s (3 of 6)
7085 Committees: United States Air Force Academy Board of Visitors, 1960s-1980s (4 of 6)
7086 Committees: United States Air Force Academy Board of Visitors, 1988, 1989 (5 of 6)
7087 Committees: United States Air Force Academy Board of Visitors, 1991-1993 (6 of 6)
7091 Committees: United States Military Academy Board of Visitors, 1971, 1974
7092 Committees: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 1969-1973 (1 of 2)
7093 Committees: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 1975-1982 (2 of 2)
7094 Committees: Select Intelligence Committee, Assassination Hearings, 1975
7095 Committees: Senate Armed Services (Colin Powell, Bob Dole), 1985
7096 Committees: Senate Armed Services: Bell Aircraft Corporation, 1964
7097 Committees: Senate Armed Services: Boeing Corporation, Undated
7098 Committees: Senate Armed Services: Convair Corporation, Undated
7099 Committees: Senate Armed Services: Fairchild Corporation, 1970-1972
70910 Committees: Senate Armed Services: General Dynamics, 1982
70911 Committees: Senate Armed Services: General Electric, Undated
70912 Committees: Senate Armed Services: Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporation, 1969
7101 Committees: Senate Armed Services: Hughes, 1960s
7102 Committees: Senate Armed Services: Lear Corporation, 1972
7103 Committees: Senate Armed Services: Lockheed Martin, 1970s
7104 Committees: Senate Armed Services: Lockheed Shipbuilding, 1968
7105 Committees: Senate Armed Services: North American Rockwell, Undated
7106 Committees: Senate Armed Services: Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation, Undated
7107 Committees: Senate Armed Services: USS Independence, 1960s
7108 Committees: Senate Armed Services: Western Electric, 1970s
7109 Committees: Senate Intelligence Committee Hearings, 1981
71010 Committees: Senate Intelligence Committee: Opening of New Offices, 1980s
71011 Committees: Various (BMG-AMP 136), 1960s-1970s (1 of 3)
71012 Committees: Various, 1960s-1970s (2 of 3)
71013 Committees: Various, 1960s-1970s (3 of 3)
7111 Family: Konin, Poland, Undated
7112 Family: Aronson, Carolyn (Carrie) and Philip, Undated
7113 Family: Aunt Nell, Undated
Unsure of relationship.
7114 Family: Berger, Matilda, Undated
Wife of Maximilian.
7115 Family: Cohn, Harris and Sophie, Undated
7116 Family: Cohen, Louis and Sarah, Undated
7117 Family: Goldwasser, Jurick, 1960s
7118 Family: Tash, Isaac and Esther, Undated
7119 Family: Goldwater, Benjamin, Undated
71110 Family: Goldwater, Samuel, Undated
71111 Family: Goldwater, Marcus, 1880s
71112 Family: Goldwater, Lemuel, Undated
71113 Family: Goldwater, Joseph, Ellen Blackman, Manuela Arviza (BMG-AMP 004, 005), Undated
71114 Family: Casteneda Family, 1931
Business partners and friends to Joseph Goldwater.
71115 Family: Goldwater, Isaac, Undated
71116 Family: Goldwater, Henry, Undated
71117 Family: Goldwater, Elizabeth, 1938
71118 Family: Goldwater, Charles, Undated
71119 Family: Goldwater, Dr. Annette, 1960s
71120 Family: Goldwater, Michel and Sarah (BMG-AMP 005, 001, 002), 1880s-1900s
71121 Family: Prager, Annie, 1880s
Daughter of Michel and Sarah Goldwater.
71122 Family: Nathan, Joseph and Isaac, Undated
Brothers to Sarah Nathan Goldwater.
71123 Family: Goldwater, Morris (BMG-AMP 0007, 0006, 018, 025), 1870s-1939 (1 of 2)
71124 Family: Goldwater, Morris (BMG-AMP 019), 1870s-1939 (2 of 2)
7121 Family: Goldwater, Baron, Undated
7122 Family: Goldwater, Josephine Williams (BMG-AMP 038, 035, 015, 016), 1890s-1964
7123 Family: Williams, K. B., Undated
Josephine Goldwater's brother?
7124 Family: Goldwater, Josephine, Baron and children (BMG-AMP 024, 027, 028, 029, 036), 1909-1964
7125 Family: Goldwater, Barry, Bob, and Carolyn (BMG-AMP 0033, 0043) (BMG N-6), 1911-1980s
7131 Family: Goldwater, Carolyn, Erskine, Bernard (Husband); Sexson, Paul (Son), 1914-1940
7132 Family: Goldwater, Robert (Bob), 1913-1990s
7133 Family: Goldwater, Mary Johnston, Sally Harrington, Lynne, Bob Jr., Don, and Sally T., Undated
Wives and children of Bob Goldwater.
7134 Family: Goldwater, Lynne, 1939-1942
Bob Goldwater's daughter.
7135 Family: Johnson Family Relatives [?], Undated
7136 Family: Johnson, Ray Prescott Sr., Ray Prescott Jr., Ray Prescott III, Anna, and Alben, Undated
Peggy Goldwater's family.
7137 Family: Goldwater, Margaret (Peggy) Johnson (BMG-AMP 032, 042, 048), 1911-1930s (1 of 4)
7138 Family: Goldwater, Margaret (Peggy) Johnson, 1930s-1960s (2 of 4)
7139 Family: Goldwater, Margaret (Peggy) Johnson, 1960s (3 of 4)
7141 Family: Goldwater, Margaret (Peggy) Johnson, 1960s-1980s (4 of 4)
7142 Family: Goldwater, Mr. and Mrs. Barry M. with Children (BMG-AMP 053, 054), 1936-1952 (1 of 3)
7143 Family: Goldwater, Mr. and Mrs. Barry M. with Children (BMG-AMP 055, 056, 064, 060), 1952-1960s (2 of 3)
7144 Family: Goldwater, Mr. and Mrs. Barry M. with Children (BMG-AMP 062, 063), 1960s-1980s (3 of 3)
7151 Family: Goldwater, Children (Group), 1938-1944 (1 of 2)
7152 Family: Goldwater, Children (Group) (BMG-AMP 057) (BMG N-8), 1945-1980s (2 of 2)
7153 Family: Goldwater, Joanne, 1936-1940s (1 of 2)
7154 Family: Goldwater, Joanne, 1940s-1990s (2 of 2)
7155 Family: Ross, Tom (Husband), Joanne Goldwater, Carolyn, CC, Alison, and Ty (Children) (BMG-AMP 058, 059), Undated
7161 Family: Goldwater, Barry Jr., 1938-1960s (1 of 2)
7162 Family: Goldwater, Barry Jr. (BMG-AMP 066), 1960s-1990s (2 of 2)
7163 Family: Goldwater, Barry Jr., Susan, Barry III, Undated
7164 Family: Goldwater, Michael, 1940-1960s
7165 Family: Goldwater, Peggy Jr., 1944-1970s
7171 Family: Holt, Ric, Peggy Goldwater Jr., and Children, Undated
7172 Family: Goldwater, Grandchildren (BMG-AMP 065), Undated
7173 Family: Goldwaters with Extended Family and Friends, Undated (1 of 3)
7174 Family: Goldwaters with Extended Family and Friends, Undated (2 of 3)
7175 Family: Goldwaters with Extended Family and Friends, Undated (3 of 3)
7176 Family: Goldwater, Barry M. and Peggy (BMG-AMP 049, 050), 1934-1960s (1 of 2)
7177 Family: Goldwater, Barry M. and Peggy, 1960s-1980s (2 of 2)
7178 Family: Goldwater, Barry M. and Susan Shaffer Wechsler at their Wedding, 1992
7181 Goldwater Stores: California Stores, 1860s-1950s
7182 Goldwater Stores: Ehrenburg Store (BMG-AMP 086), Undated
7183 Goldwater Stores: Phoenix Stores (BMG-AMP 009, 012, 011, 014), 1898-1919 (1 of 2)
7184 Goldwater Stores: Phoenix Stores (BMG-AMP 013, 022), 1918-1980s (2 of 2)
7185 Goldwater Stores: Prescott Stores (BMG-AMP008c), 1876-1978
7191 Military: Air Force: Barry M. Goldwater Flying Various Planes, 1950s-1960s (1 of 2)
7192 Military: Air Force: Barry M. Goldwater Flying Various Planes (BMG-AMP 082), 1970s-1980s (2 of 2)
7193 Military: Air Force (BMG-AMP 074), 1950s (1 of 4)
7194 Military: Air Force, 1950s (2 of 4)
7195 Military: Air Force (BMG-AMP 078), 1960s (3 of 4)
7196 Military: Air Force (BMG-AMP 081), 1970s-1980s (4 of 4)
7201 Military: Airplanes Barry M. Goldwater has Flown, 1940s-1960s
7202 Military: Air Force Reserves, 1963
7203 Military: Andrew Air Force Base, 1950s, 1981
7204 Military: Arizona Air National Guard (BMG-AMP 076), 1940s-1960s
7205 Military: Bakalar Air Force Base, Undated
7206 Military: Bethesda Naval Hospital, 1973
7207 Military: Castle Air Force Base, 1950s
7208 Military: Civil Air Patrol, 1958
7209 Military: Davis Monthan Air Force Base, 1958-1960s
72010 Military: Dobbins Air Force Base, 1967
72011 Military: Edwards Air Force Base, 1960s, 1975
72012 Military: Eglin Air Force Base, 1969-1970s
72013 Military: Elmendorf Air Force Base, 1984
72014 Military: Ent Air Force Base, 1950s-1970s
72015 Military: Fort Huachuca, 1957, 1969, 1974
7211 Military: Fort Monroe, 1981
7212 Military: Fort Rucker, 1974
7213 Military: Geiger Air Force Base, Undated
7214 Military: Grenier Air Force Base, 1958
7215 Military: Hamilton Air Force Base, 1960, 1961
7216 Military: Laurence G. Hanscom Field, 1960s
7217 Military: Kingsley Field, 1960s
7218 Military: Lackland Air Force Base, 1966
7219 Military: Ladd Air Force Base, 1950s
72110 Military: Luke Air Force Base (BMG-AMP 075), 1950s (1 of 2)
72111 Military: Luke Air Force Base (BMG-AMP 077), 1961-1970s (2 of 2)
72112 Military: Malmstrom Air Force Base, 1962
72113 Military: March Air Force Base, 1958
72114 Military: Minot Air Force Base, 1973
72115 Military: National War College, 1963, 1969, 1971
72116 Military: Naval Air Station Oceana, Undated
72117 Military: Naval Ship Research and Development Center, 1972
72118 Military: Naval Training Equipment Center, 1978
72119 Military: Navy, 1960s
7221 Military: Parks Air Force Base, 1950s
7222 Military: Patuxent River Naval Air Station, 1981
7223 Military: Richards-Gebaur Air Force Base, 1960s, 1972
7224 Military: Scott Air Force Base, 1950s-1970s
7225 Military: Sheppard Air Force Base, 1970
7226 Military: Tyndall Air Force Base, Undated
7227 Military: USS Enterprise, 1963
7228 Military: Williams Air Force Base, 1950s
7229 Military: Yuma Air Field Chinese Trainees and Yuma County Marine Corps Air Station, 1940s, 1952, 1953, 1963
72210 Military: Various Aircrafts, Undated (1 of 2)
72211 Military: Various Aircrafts, Undated (2 of 2)
7231 Office and Visitors: Senator's Office, Undated
7232 Office and Visitors: Office Visitors, 1960s-1980s (1 of 5)
7233 Office and Visitors: Office Visitors (BMG-AMP170), 1960s-1980s (2 of 5)
7234 Office and Visitors: Office Visitors, 1980s (3 of 5)
7235 Office and Visitors: Office Visitors, 1980s (4 of 5)
7236 Office and Visitors: Office Visitors, 1980s (5 of 5)
7241 Personal: 6250 N. Hogan Drive House, BE NUN I KIN (Exteriors; BMG-AMP 147), Undated (1 of 2)
7242 Personal: 6250 N. Hogan Drive House, BE NUN I KIN (Exteriors), Undated (2 of 2)
7243 Personal: 6250 N. Hogan Drive House, BE NUN I KIN (Interiors), Undated (1 of 2)
7244 Personal: 6250 N. Hogan Drive House, BE NUN I KIN (Interiors), Undated (2 of 2)
7251 Personal: 710 N. Central Ave. House (BMG-AMP 020), 1910-1925
7252 Personal: 5 West Manor Drive House, Undated
7253 Personal: Family Boat (BMG N-20), 1973, 1985
7254 Personal: Family Cars, Undated
7255 Personal: Family Pets, Undated
7256 Personal: Fine Art Collection, 1970s-1980s
7257 Personal: Kachina Doll Collection (BMG-AMP 196), Undated
7258 Personal: Goldwater Lecture and Motion Picture at the Orpheum (BMG-AMP052), 1940s
7259 Personal: Model Airplane Collection, Undated
72510 Personal: X-Rays, Undated
7261 Personal: Amateur Ham Radio (Early Years) (BMG-AMP 037), 1916-1925
7262 Personal: Construction and Interior of "Ham Shack", 1964-1986
7263 Personal: Military Affiliate Radio System (MARS) (BMG and Volunteers) (BMG-AMP154, 152, 178), 1960s-1990s (1 of 2)
7264 Personal: Military Affiliate Radio System (MARS) (BMG and Volunteers) (BMG-AMP 161, 153), 1960s-1990s (2 of 2)
7265 Personal: Art and Cartoons of Barry M. Goldwater, Undated
7266 Personal: Buildings Dedicated to or Donated by Barry M. Goldwater, Undated
7271 Personal Portraits: Goldwater, Barry M.: Early Years (BMG-AMP 023, 026, 041, 040, 034, 045), 1909-1924 (1 of 2)
7272 Personal Portraits: Goldwater, Barry M.: Early Years (BMG-AMP 039, 044, 046), 1924-1929 (2 of 2)
7273 Personal Portraits: Goldwater, Barry M.: Military Career (BMG-AMP 070, 069, 072, 071, 073, 067,), 1941-1960s (1 of 2)
7274 Personal Portraits: Goldwater, Barry M.: Military Career (BMG-AMP 068, 080, 079, 133), 1950s-1960s (2 of 2)
7275 Personal Portraits: Goldwater, Barry M.: Aviation (BMG-AMP 145, 144), 1947-1972
7281 Personal Portraits: Goldwater, Barry M.: Informal (BMG-AMP 047), 1934-1960s (1 of 6)
7282 Personal Portraits: Goldwater, Barry M.: Informal (BMG-AMP 186, 210, 213, 216, 215), 1950s-1960s (2 of 6)
7283 Personal Portraits: Goldwater, Barry M.: Informal (BMG-AMP 204, 212), 1960s (3 of 6)
7284 Personal Portraits: Goldwater, Barry M.: Informal (BMG-AMP 051, 211, 214, 203, 168a, 206, 200, 205, 199, 201b, 202, 197), 1960s-1970s (4 of 6)
7285 Personal Portraits: Goldwater, Barry M.: Informal (BMG-AMP 198, 218, 220, 222), 1960s-1980s (5 of 6)
7291 Personal Portraits: Goldwater, Barry M.: Informal, 1970s-1980s (6 of 6)
7292 Personal Portraits: Goldwater, Barry M.: Formal, 1950s (1 of 4)
7293 Personal Portraits: Goldwater, Barry M.: Formal, 1960s (2 of 4)
7294 Personal Portraits: Goldwater, Barry M.: Formal (BMG-AMP 217, 201), 1960s (3 of 4)
7295 Personal Portraits: Goldwater, Barry M.: Formal (BMG-AMP 219, 028), 1970s-1980s (4 of 4)
7301 Political: Anti-War Demonstrators, 1972
7302 Political: Civil Rights Demonstrators, 1964
7303 Political: Phoenix City Council (BMG-AMP 121), 1950, 1951
7304 Political: Senate Campaign (BMG-AMP 123, 117), 1952
7305 Political: Senate Campaign, 1958
7306 Political: Chamber of Commerce, 1950s-1960s
7307 Political: Republican National Convention, 1960
7308 Political: Jumbo Jamboree National Republican Party Women's Conference, 1960
7309 Political: Various Republican Conventions, 1960s
73010 Political: Civil Rights, 1960s, 1977
73011 Political: Boat Parade, 1964
73012 Political: Campaign Memorabilia (BMG-AMP 113), 1964
73013 Political: Campaigning for President, 1964 (1 of 4)
73014 Political: Campaigning for President (BMG-AMP 111), 1964 (2 of 4)
7311 Political: Campaigning for President, 1964 (3 of 4)
7312 Political: Campaigning for President (BMG-AMP 091, 092, 090, 096, 093), 1964 (4 of 4)
7313 Political: Colleagues Supporting Presidential Nomination, 1964
7314 Political: Concession Speech After Elections, Camelback Inn (BMG-AMP 112), 1964
7315 Political: Goldwater Children Helping on Presidential Campaign (BMG-AMP 063), 1964
7316 Political: Goldwater Girls, 1964
7317 Political: Miller, William E., 1964
Goldwater's running mate.
7318 Political: Phoenix Presidential Campaign Headquarters (BMG-AMP 106), 1964
7321 Political: Presidential Campaign Supporters (BMG-AMP 104), 1964
7322 Political: Presidential Campaign Cars, 1964
7323 Political: Presidential Campaign Planes, 1964
7324 Political: Presidential Campaign Train, 1964
7325 Political: Republican National Convention, Cow Palace (BMG-AMP 097, 098), 1964 (1 of 2)
7326 Political: Republican National Convention, Cow Palace, 1964 (2 of 2)
7327 Political: Republican Rally at Hotel Mark Hopkins, 1964
7331 Political: Campaigning at Mormon Lake, 1968
7332 Political: Campaigning in Prescott, 1968
7333 Political: Campaigning in Phoenix, 1968
7334 Political: Campaigning in Wilcox with Rex Allen, 1968
7335 Political: Republican National Convention, 1968
7336 Political: Senate Campaign (BMG-AMP 129), 1968 (1 of 2)
7337 Political: Senate Campaign, 1968 (2 of 2)
7338 Political: Swearing-in Senator Goldwater, 1969
7339 Political: Campaigning for Voting Rights Amendment, 1970
73310 Political: Campaigning for President Nixon, 1972
73311 Political: Republican National Convention, 1972
73312 Political: Reaction to Resignation of President Nixon, 1974
73313 Political: Senate Campaign, 1974
73314 Political: Republican National Convention, 1976
73315 Political: Senate Campaign, 1980
7341 Public Appearances: AMP Company Visit, Undated
7342 Public Appearances: Barry M. Goldwater Cutting Ribbon on New Revolving Doors at Senate Basement Entrance, 1984
7343 Public Appearances: Barry Goldwater High School Earth Day Celebration, 1986
7344 Public Appearances: Barry M. Goldwater's Visit to Yale University, 1960s
7345 Public Appearances: Book Signings (BMG-AMP 165), 1967-1984
7346 Public Appearances: Boys Ranch, 1957
7347 Public Appearances: Christ Church Carillon Dedication, 1988
7348 Public Appearances: Citizens Utilities Company, 1978
7349 Public Appearances: Commencement Ceremonies (BMG-AMP 151), 1960s-1980s
73410 Public Appearances: Dedication to "Church of the Rocks", Sedona, Undated
73411 Public Appearances: Dedication Ceremony of Arizona Air Rescue Center, 1981
73412 Public Appearances: Dedication of the Margaret Arch, 1988
73413 Public Appearances: Dedication of Prescott City Hall, 1963
73414 Public Appearances: Dedication to Theodore Roosevelt, Grand Canyon, 1958
73415 Public Appearances: Defense Strategy Seminar Banquet, 1977
73416 Public Appearances: Glendale Community College Speakers Forum, 1996
73417 Public Appearances: Golf Tournaments, 1960s
73418 Public Appearances: Ground Breaking of Christ Church of the Ascension, 1968
73419 Public Appearances: Hospital Visits, 1950s
73420 Public Appearances: Indian Reservations, 1950s, 1967, 1976
73421 Public Appearances: J. Howard Pew Funeral, 1971
73422 Public Appearances: Morris Udall Foundation, 1996
With Stewart Udall.
73423 Public Appearances: O.K. Corral, Tombstone, Ariz., 1967
73424 Public Appearances: Parades (BMG-AMP 126, 158), 1968
7351 Public Appearances: Republican Women's Clubs, 1950s
7352 Public Appearances: Republican Women's Luncheon at Mountain Shadows Resort, 1967
7353 Public Appearances: San Xavier Mission, 1960s
7354 Public Appearances: Speeches, Undated
7355 Public Appearances: Television Appearances, 1950s-1980s
7356 Public Appearances: Tempe Chamber of Commerce Luncheon, 1980s
7357 Public Appearances: Various, 1950s-1990s
7361 Social Functions: Aero Club of Washington Wright Brothers Memorial Trophy Dinner, 1973
7362 Social Functions: Arizona State University Luncheon, 1980s
7363 Social Functions: Arizona State University Society Mexican Dinner, 1972
7364 Social Functions: Bud Poe Retirement Party, Undated
7365 Social Functions: Dinners Honoring Barry M. Goldwater at the Old Angus Restaurant, 1966, 1968, 1970
7366 Social Functions: "Evening with Goldwater" Lecture and Statehood Celebration, 1987
7367 Social Functions: F-105 Pilots Reunion Dinner, 1960s
7368 Social Functions: Gila County Lincoln Day Dinner, 1976
7369 Social Functions: Goldwater Institute Annual Awards Dinner, 1994, 1995
With Nancy Reagan and Margret Thatcher.
73610 Social Functions: Governors Party at the Goldwater Home, Undated
73611 Social Functions: Jack McFalls Retirement Party, 1971
73612 Social Functions: John J. Rhodes Rehabilitation Institute Ceremony, 1983
73613 Social Functions: La Jolla Party, Undated
73614 Social Functions: Luncheon Hosted by Senator Aiken Honoring Governor Alfred Landon, 1971
73615 Social Functions: Native American Children Benefit Dinner, 1981
73616 Social Functions: OX-5 Club Banquet, 1965
73617 Social Functions: Party at the Georgetown Club, Washington, DC, 1970s
73618 Social Functions: Quarter Century Wireless Association (QCWA) Banquet, 1973
73619 Social Functions: Reception Honoring Senator Ernest Hollings, 1971
73620 Social Functions: Republic of China Dinner Party (Washington, DC), Undated
73621 Social Functions: Republican Party Fundraising Dinner, 1962
73622 Social Functions: Thunderbird Pilots 50th Anniversary Dinner, 1991
With Jimmy Stewart.
73623 Social Functions: Thunderbolt Pilots Reunion, 1980
7371 Social Functions: Tribute Dinner to Barry M. Goldwater (Identified), 1986 (1 of 2)
7372 Social Functions: Tribute Dinner to Barry M. Goldwater (Unidentified), 1986 (2 of 2)
7373 Social Functions: Trunk N' Tusk Dinner, Phoenix, Undated
7374 Social Functions: Trunk N' Tusk Dinner, Tucson, 1973
7375 Social Functions: Unveiling of Barry M. Goldwater's Portrait at Capital Hill Club, Washington, DC, 1974
7376 Social Functions: William Randolf Memorial Lecture and Dinner (4th Annual), 1972
7381 Staff and Friends: Staff, 1950s-1960s (1 of 4)
7382 Staff and Friends: Staff, 1960s-1980s (2 of 4)
7383 Staff and Friends: Staff (BMG-AMP 160, 128), 1970s-1980s (3 of 4)
7384 Staff and Friends: Staff, 1980s (4 of 4)
7391 Staff and Friends: Childhood Camp Friends, 1920s
7392 Staff and Friends: School Friends, 1920s
7393 Staff and Friends: Friends, 1930s-1950s (1 of 3)
7394 Staff and Friends: Friends, 1950s-1960s (2 of 3)
7395 Staff and Friends: Friends, 1960s-1980s (3 of 3)
7396 Staff and Friends: Eisenhower, Earl and Judy, Undated
7397 Staff and Friends: Rosenzweig, Harry, 1950s-1980s
7398 Staff and Friends: Quinn, Bill and Bette, 1950s-1990s
7401 Travel: Aboard Air Force II, Undated
7402 Travel: Acapulco, Mexico, 1955
7403 Travel: Chattanooga, Tenn., 1978
7404 Travel: Detroit, Undated
7405 Travel: England, 1950s-1960s
7406 Travel: Hawaii, 1971
7407 Travel: Hong Kong, 1967
7408 Travel: Iowa, 1981
7409 Travel: Ireland, Undated
74010 Travel: Kansas City, Mo., 1982
74011 Travel: Lake Charles, La., 1980
74012 Travel: Las Vegas, Nev., Undated
74013 Travel: London Air Show, Undated (1 of 7)
7411 Travel: London Air Show, Undated (2 of 7)
7412 Travel: London Air Show, Undated (3 of 7)
7413 Travel: London Air Show, Undated (4 of 7)
7414 Travel: London Air Show, Undated (5 of 7)
7415 Travel: London Air Show, Undated (6 of 7)
7421 Travel: London Air Show, Undated (7 of 7)
7422 Travel: Los Angeles, Calif., 1972
7423 Travel: Maryland, 1955
7424 Travel: Massachusetts, 1966
7425 Travel: Mexico City, 1970
7426 Travel: Middle Fork, ID, 1950s (1 of 2)
7427 Travel: Middle Fork, ID, 1960s (2 of 2)
7428 Travel: Minnesota, 1983
7429 Travel: Netherlands, 1982
74210 Travel: New York, 1970
74211 Travel: Northern Arizona Camping Trip, 1920s
74212 Travel: Okinawa, Japan, 1969
7431 Travel: Panama, 1978
7432 Travel: Paris Air Show, 1971 (1 of 3)
7433 Travel: Paris Air Show, 1981 (2 of 3)
7434 Travel: Paris Air Show, 1981 (3 of 3)
7435 Travel: Pennsylvania, 1978
7436 Travel: Philippines (BMG-AMP 167), 1971
7437 Travel: Rhodesia, Undated
7441 Travel: Spain, Undated
7442 Travel: South Africa, 1978
7443 Travel: South Pole (BMG-AMP 168, 169), 1972 (1 of 2)
7444 Travel: South Pole, 1972 (2 of 2)
7445 Travel: Switzerland, 1983
7446 Travel: Taiwan, 1967 (1 of 3)
7447 Travel: Taiwan, 1979, 1982, 1990 (2 of 3)
7451 Travel: Taiwan (BMG-AMP 174), 1967-1970s (3 of 3)
7452 Travel: Thailand, 1960s
7453 Travel: Vietnam, 1960s
7454 Travel: Vietnam, 1970 (1 of 2)
7455 Travel: Vietnam, 1970 (2 of 2)
7456 Travel: Virginia, 1969
7461 VIPs: President Bush Sr., Undated
7462 VIPs: President Carter (BMG-AMP 137), 1970s
7463 VIPs: President Eisenhower (BMG-AMP 122, 125, 120), 1950s-1960s
7464 VIPs: President Ford (BMG-AMP 135), 1970s
7465 VIPs: President Johnson, 1962
7466 VIPs: President Kennedy, Undated
7467 VIPs: President Nixon (BMG-AMP 127, 124), 1950s-1960s (1 of 3)
7468 VIPs: President Nixon (BMG-AMP 131), 1970s (2 of 3)
7469 VIPs: President Nixon, 1970s (3 of 3)
74610 VIPs: Presidents Nixon and Eisenhower, 1950s-1960s
74611 VIPs: President Reagan (BMG-AMP 137, 140), 1960s-1990s
74612 VIPs: President Roosevelt, Undated
74613 VIPs: President Truman, 1940s
7471 VIPs: Astronauts (BMG-AMP 175, 084), 1960s-1980s
7472 VIPs: Celebrities (A-Z) (BMG-AMP 164, 156, 159, 149, 148, 171), 1920s-1980s
7473 VIPs: Colleagues (A-C), 1950s-1980s
7474 VIPs: Colleagues (D-H), 1950s-1980s
7475 VIPs: Colleagues (J-M), 1950s-1980s
7476 VIPs: Colleagues (N-R) (BMG-AMP 157, 118, 119), 1950s-1980s
7481 VIPs: Colleagues (S-W) (BMG-AMP 138), 1950s-1980s
7482 VIPs: Dirsken, Everett, Undated
7483 VIPs: Colleagues: Fannin, Paul (BMG-AMP 134, 130, 132, 155), 1960s-1970s
7484 VIPs: Colleagues: Hayden, Carl, 1960s-1970s
7485 VIPs: Colleagues (Unidentified), Undated
7486 VIPs: Foreign Dignitaries (BMG-AMP 163, 162, 150, 177), 1970s-1990s
7487 VIPs: Military (A-Z) (BMG-AMP 176), 1950s-1980s
Sub-Sub-Series ii: Slides
749Book 1 Campaign Trail, 1964 September 3-15
749Book 2 Campaign Trail, 1964 September 15-23
749Book 3 Campaign Trail, 1964 September 23-30
749Book 4 Campaign Trail, 1964 September 30-October 10
749Book 5 Campaign Trail, 1964 October 10-17
750Book 6 Campaign Trail, 1964 October 19-28
750Book 7 Campaign Trail: Portraits of Goldwater and Miller and Unidentified, 1964 October 28-November 4
750Book 8, Page 1 South Pole Trip (N-1-N-29), 1972
750Book 8, Pages 1, 2 Campaigning, 1963-1964
750Book 8, Page 2 Barry Goldwater's Birthday, 1993
750Book 8, Page 3 Boat Parade, Newport, 1964
750Book 8, Page 4 HAM Radio, 1964
750Book 8, Page 5 Family on Boat "Sun Dance", Catalina, 1964
750Book 8, Page 6 Joanne Goldwater, Peggy Goldwater, and Ric Holt, 1964
750Book 8, Pages 7, 8 Barry Goldwater and Marshall Trimble at Event at Registry Resort, Undated
750Book 8, Page 9 Personal Portraits of Barry Goldwater, 1973
750Book 8, Page 10 San Francisco Republican National Convention, 1964
750Book 8, Pages 11-15 Various Travel Destinations, Undated
750Book 8, Pages 16-20 Barry Goldwater in Senate Office, Undated
750Book 8, Pages 21-22 Public Appearances, 1987
750Book 8, Page 23 HAM Shack, 1968
750Book 8, Page 23 Parada del Sol Parade, 1968
750Book 8, Page 24 Monument Valley Campaign Shoot, 1968
750Book 8, Page 25 Campaigning, 1968
750Book 8, Page 26 Campaigning in Window Rock, 1968
Sub-Sub-Series iii: Negatives
750Book 1, Pages 1-6 Senate Campaign, 1968
750Book 1, Pages 6, 7 Republican National Convention, 1968
750Book 1, Page 8 Campaigning with Rex Allen, 1968
750Book 1, Pages 9, 10 Campaigning in Phoenix, 1968
750Book 1, Page 10 The American Legion, Undated
750Book 1, Pages 10, 11 Campaigning at Mormon Lake, 1968
750Book 1, Pages 11-16 Vietnam, 1970
750Book 1, Pages 17-32 Office Visitors, 1980s
750Book 1, Pages 33, 34 Staff, 1980s
750Book 1, Page 35 Swimming Hall of Fame Taking Molds of Barry M. Goldwater's Feet and Hands, 1970s
750Book 1, Page 36 Model Airplanes, Undated
750Book 1, Page 37 Kachina Dolls, Undated
750Book 1, Page 38 Goldwater's Office, Undated
750Book 1, Page 39 Awards, Undated
750Book 1, Page 39 President Reagan, Undated
750Book 1, Page 40 Republican Women's Lunch at Mountain Shadows Resort, 1967
750Book 1, Page 40 Goldwater's Car, Undated
750Book 1, Pages 41, 42 Committees, Undated
750Book 1, Pages 43, 44 Senate Intelligence Committee Opening of New Offices, 1980s
750Book 1, Page 45 Family (N-1, 2, 3, 4, 5), Undated
750Book 1, Page 46 Various, Undated
750Book 1, Pages 47, 48 Family (N-7, 6), Undated
750Book 1, Pages 47, 48 Personal Portraits, Undated
750Book 1, Page 48 VIPs, Undated
750Book 1, Page 49 Personal Portraits, Undated
750Book 1, Pages 49-51 Airplanes, Undated
750Book 1, Pages 51, 52 Senator's Office, Undated
750Book 1, Page 52 Painting of Barry Goldwater, Undated
750Book 1, Page 53 Various, Undated
750Book 1, Pages 54-56 Military Album, Undated (Copies)
750Book 1, Page 57 Personal Portraits, Undated
750Book 1, Page 58 Office Visitors, Undated
750Book 1, Page 59 Press Conference on Labor, 1960
750Book 1, Pages 59-65 MARS (Military Affiliate Radio System), Undated
750Book 1, Page 65 VIPs: Willie Nelson, Undated
750Book 1, Page 66 VIPs: Senator Joseph McCarthy, 1956
750Book 1, Pages 66-67 Committee Hearings, 1958
750Book 1, Page 68 Political Freedom Press Conference, 1955
750Book 1, Page 68 Committee Hearings, 1962
750Book 1, Pages 69-70 Civil Rights, 1964
750Book 1, Page 71 President Ford, Undated
750Book 1, Pages 71-72 Presidential Campaign, 1964
750Book 1, Pages 73-74 Public Appearances, Undated
750Book 1, Page 74 Personal Portraits, Undated
750Book 1, Pages 75-87 Presidential Campaign Trail, 1964
Sub-Sub-Series iv: Contact Sheets
7511 Campaign Trail: Barry Goldwater Jr., Unidentified, 1964
7512 Campaign Trail: Republican National Convention, San Francisco, 1964 July 13-16
7513 Campaign Trail: Catalina, California Press Conference aboard "Sundance", 1964 August 27
7514 Campaign Trail: Phoenix, AZ; Lima, Oh; Prescott, AZ; Lockport, NY, 1964 September 1-7
7515 Campaign Trail: San Diego, CA; Los Angeles, CA; Sacramento, CA, 1964 September 8-9
7516 Campaign Trail: Medford, OR; Klamath Falls, OR; Eugene, OR; Seattle, WA; Boise, ID; Great Falls, MT; Minneapolis, MN; Chicago, IL; Rockford, IL, 1964 September 9-11
7517 Campaign Trail: Winston Salem, NC; Atlanta, GA; St. Petersburg, FL; Tampa, FL; Memphis, TN; Montgomery, AL; Raleigh, SC; New Orleans, LA, 1964 September 15-17
7518 Campaign Trail: Longview, TX; Springfield, MO; Charleston, WV; Fargo, Undated; St. Louis, MO, 1964 September 18-19
7519 Campaign Trail: Gettysburg, PA; Tulsa, Ok; Amarillo, TX; Albuquerque, NM; Odessa, TX; Dallas, TX, 1964 September 21-23
75110 Campaign Trail: Dallas, TX; Mason City, IA; Boston, MA; Portland, ME; Concord, NH; Albany, NY; Burlington, VT; Louisville, KY, 1964 September 23-25
75111 Campaign Trail: South Bend, IN; Detroit, MI; DC; Marietta, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Dayton, Springfield, Columbus, and Lima, Ohio, 1964 September 25-30
7521 Campaign Trail: Toledo, OH; Indianapolis, IN; Eisenhower Press Conference; Buck County, PA; Willow Grove Air Station, 1964 September 30-October 6
7522 Campaign Trail: Atlantic City, NJ; Newark , NJ; Ashbury Park, NJ; Teaneck, NJ; Lubbock, TX; El Paso, TX; Phoenix, AZ, 1964 October 7-8
7523 Campaign Trail: Los Angeles, CA; San Francisco, CA; Spokane, WA; Portland, OR; Salt Lake City, UT, 1964 October 9-10
7524 Campaign Trail: Topeka, KS; Des Moines, IA; Milwaukee, WI; Denver, CO; Kansas City, MO; Omaha, NE, 1964 October 13-14
7525 Campaign Trail: Beaumont, TX; Houston, TX; Sioux City, IA; Sioux Falls, IA; Chicago, IL, 1964 October 15-16
7526 Campaign Trail: Chicago, IL; Mansfield, Akron, and Youngstown, OH; CBS Studio; Pikesville, MD, 1964 October 16-20
7527 Campaign Trail: West Chester, PA; Philadelphia, PA; Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, NY, 1964 October 21-22
7528 Campaign Trail: Baltimore, MD; Los Angeles, San Diego, CA, 1964 October 23
7529 Campaign Trail: Austin, Corpus Christi, Whitcha Falls, TX; Salisbury, MD; Dover, DE; Madison Square Garden, NY, 1964 October 24-26
75210 Campaign Trail: Bristol, Tri-City, TN; London, KY; Cedar Rapids, Oshkosh, Belleville, IL, 1964 October 27-28
75211 Campaign Trail: Harrisburg, Lewiston, Pittsburg, Johnstown, PA; Cheyenne, WY; Las Vegas, NV; Tucson, AZ; Los Angeles, CA, 1964 October 29-30
75212 Campaign Trail: Los Angeles, CA; Phoenix, AZ; San Antonio, TX; Columbia, SC, 1964 October 31
75213 Campaign Trail: San Francisco, CA; Las Vegas, NV; Fredonia, AZ; Phoenix, AZ; Post Election at Camelback Inn, 1964 November 2-4
Sub-Sub-Series v: Albums
7531 Awards and Certificates: Air Force Salute Foundation Awards Ceremony, 1983
7532 Awards and Certificates: Barry Goldwater Receiving the Thomas D. White National Defense Award, 1978
7533 Awards and Certificates: Barry Goldwater Receiving his Doctor of Aeronautical Science from Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, 1975
7544 Committees: Senate Armed Services: Grumman Aerospace Corporation Visit, 1969
7545 Committees: Senate Armed Services: Grumman Aerospace Corporation Visit, 1972
7546 Committees: Senate Armed Services: Hughes Helicopters, Yuma Air Station Visit, 1980
7557 Committees: Senate Armed Services: Vought Corsair Visit and Test Flight on a YA-7H, 1972
7558 Committees: Senate Armed Services: Bell Helicopters Visit, 1981
7559 Committees: Senate Intelligence Committee: Central Intelligence Agency, 1980s
75510 Committees: Senate Armed Services: McDonnell Douglas Visit and Flight of DC-10 Tri-Jet, 1971
75611 Committees: Senate Armed Services: Northrop Visit and Test Flight of YF-17, 1974
75612 Committees: Senate Armed Services: General Dynamics Visit First Flight of F-16XL, 1982
75613 Committees: Senate Armed Services: Dassault-Breguet Aviation Visit, 1970s
75614 Committees: Senate Armed Services: North American Rockwell, Los Angeles Division Visit, 1971
75615 Committees: Senate Armed Services: North American Rockwell, Los Angeles Division Visit, 1971
75716 Family: Baron and Josephine Goldwater, 1907 (Very Fragile)
75817 Family: Family Vacations with Friends on Goldwater Boat, Southern California, 1970s
75818 Family: Goldwater, Barry, Peggy, Joanne, Barry Jr., Michael, Peggy Jr. and Williams family (Peggy's Relations), 1940s
75919 Military: Barry Goldwater Flying, Flight Number 82 of F-16B, 1977
76020 Military: The 9999th Air Force Squadron, 1961-1962 (Photograph Album)
76121 Military: Edwards Air Force Base Visit, 1979
76222 Military: Edwards Air Force Base, Air Force Flight Test Center, Undated
76223 Military: Fort Rucker, Alabama Visit, 1953
76224 Military: Distant Early Warning System Line (DEW), 1959
76325 Military: United States Army Aviation Center and School, Fort Rucker, Alabama, 1974
76326 Military: Air National Guard, Undated
76327 Military: Scott Air Force Base Visit, 1970
76328 Military: Nellis Air Force Base, 1968
76329 Military: Beale Air Force Base, Mach 3+ Club, 1969
76430 Military: Memento of Barry Goldwater's Last Tour of Duty with the United States Air Force, 1967
76431 Military: Eglin Air Force Base Visit, Armament Testing, 1969
76432 Military: Air Force Academy Board of Visitors Meeting, 1982
76433 Military: Eglin Air Force Base Visit, 1969
76534 Military: "WWII Memories", Barry Goldwater Flying Over Greenland, 1940s
76535 Military: United States Army Annual Awards Luncheon, 1981
76536 Military: Adair Air Force Station Visit, 1962 (Newspaper Clippings)
76537 Military: Yuma Test Station Tour, 1955
76538 Military: Langley Air Force Base Visit, 1972
76539 Military: Elgin Air Force Base Visit, 1982
76640 Military: Yuma Army Air Field, 1943 (Very Fragile)
76741 Personal: Barry's 75th Birthday Party, Family and Friends Visiting the Goldwater House, Phoenix Open Golf Tournament, Barry Goldwater at Rawhide, 1980s
76842 Personal: The United Republican Fund Tribute to Barry Goldwater Celebrating his 80th Birthday, 1989
76943 Personal: Newspaper Clippings and Party Invitations, Undated
No Photographs.
77044 Personal: Goldwater Memorabilia and Plaques Inventory, 1988
77045 Personal: Barry Goldwater at Cook-out Dinner, 1940s
77046 Personal: Barry Goldwater's Kachinas Collection made by White Bear, 1959-1963
77047 Personal: Letters and Signed Photographs to Barry Goldwater, presented by the Arizona Historical Society, Undated
77148 Personal: Barry Goldwater Receiving his Doctor of Letters from University of Santa Clara, 1962
77149 Personal: "Goldwater: An American Life" Television Release Party, 1990s
77250 Political: Senator Campaign in Prescott, 1980 (2 Copies)
77351 Political: Senate Campaign Volunteers and American Legion, 1980
77352 Political: Central Arizona Project: Presentation to Arizona Congressional Delegation, 1977
77353 Political: Senate Campaign, 1952
77454 Political: Senate Campaign Volunteers in Phoenix, 1980
77455 Political: Central Arizona Project Pipe Division Briefing, 1977, 1978
77556 Public Appearances: New Mexico Military Institute Commencement Ceremony, Undated
77557 Public Appearances: Parada del Sol, 1982
77558 Public Appearances: Speech at Seattle University and Boeing, Undated
77559 Public Appearances: Dedication of Bill Williams Memorial Statue, 1980
77660 Social Functions: Distinguished Speaker for the Commandant's Dining-Out, United States Air Force Academy, 1980
77661 Social Functions: American Fighter Pilots Association Annual Awards Banquet with Bob Hope, 1969
77662 Social Functions: Air Force Data Services Center Dining-In, Fort Meyers, 1979
77663 Social Functions: Women Air Force Service Pilots Organization (W.A.S.P.) Conference, Colorado Springs, 1978
77764 Social Functions: Law Society Dinner, 1986
77865 Travel: Visit to the Republic of China, 1977 April 7-14
77866 Travel: Visit to the Republic of China, 1979 December 6-11
77867 Travel: Visit to the Republic of China, 1979 December 6-11
77868 Travel: Visit to the Republic of China, 1982 May 29-June 4
77869 Travel: Visit to the Republic of China, 1982 May 29-June 4
77870 Travel: Visit to the Republic of China, 1984 April 14-17
77871 Travel: Visit to the Republic of China, 1986 January 4-8
77872 Travel: Visit to the Republic of China, 1986 January 4-8
77973 Travel: Visit to Stuttgart, Germany, Daimler-Benz AG, 1983 June 7
77974 Travel: Visit to Tehran, Iran, 1973
77975 Travel: Visit to the Republic of China, 1977 April 14
77976 Travel: Visit to the Republic of China, 1979 December 6-11
77977 Travel: Goldwater Visit to Taiwan, 1982
78078 Travel: Visit to Tehran, Iran, 1973
Includes newspaper clippings, invitations, and dinner guest lists.
78079 Travel: Visit to National Iranian Oil Company, Tehran, Iran, Undated
78080 Travel: Visit to Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall, Republic of China, 1982
78081 Travel: Visit to Republic of China's Air Force, 1982 June 2
78082 Travel: Goldwater Family Christmas in Nassau, Bahamas, 1954
78183 Travel: Goldwaters and Quinns Visit to Germany, Undated
78184 Travel: Scenic Arizona, 1994
Gifted by Carol Lowe.
78185 Travel: Scenic Arizona and California, Undated
Gifted by Jack Harrigan.
78186 Travel: Visit to Kentucky, 1961
Contains newspaper clippings.
78287 Travel: London Air Show, Undated
78288 Travel: Invitations to Various Events and Dinners in China, Undated (2 Photographs)
78289 Travel: Press Conference in Mexico (Conferencia de Prensa dada en Mexico por el Senador Barry Goldwater), 1958 December 3 (2 Copies)
78390 Travel: Visit to China, Undated
78391 Travel: Visit to Taiwan and the Reunion of Goldwater's Former Students from Luke Air Force Base, 1967
78392 Travel: Barry and Barry Jr. Goldwater trip to Antarctica, 1972
78393 Travel: Barry and Barry Jr. Visit to Commander in Chief Pacific in Hawaii, 1972
78394 Travel: Visit to Columbus, Georgia, 1964
78395 Travel: Visit to the Republic of China, 1977 April 7-14
78396 Travel: Visit to the Republic of China, 1984
78497 Travel: Visit to Teheran, Iran; Jamaica, and New Years Eve Party, 1970s
78498 Travel: Visit to Taiwan, Dinner with Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1990
78499 Travel: Senator Goldwater's Staff Visiting the Republic of China, Undated
784100 Travel: Paris Air Show, 1971
785101 Travel: Paris Air Show, Undated
785102 Travel: London Air Show, 1982
786103 Travel: Trip to Madrid and Military Base Visits, Undated
786104 Travel: Trip to Madrid, Undated
786105 Travel: Trip to Ireland and Farnborough Air Show, 1984
786106 Travel: Trip to Madrid and Military Base Visits, Undated
787107 Travel: Paris Air Show and Ireland, Undated
788108 Travel: Visit to Page, AZ, 1980 (Newspaper Clippings)
789109 Travel: City of London Feast, London, England, 1984
790110 Travel: Visit to Taiwan, Undated
791111 Travel: Trip to Madrid, London, Air Show, Undated
792112 VIPs: Mr. and Mrs. Ford and Goldwater with Foreign Dignitaries at Dinner Party, 1970s
793113 Various Subjects: Christmas, Family, Vacations, Friends, Visit to the Republic of China, Goldwater House, Air Force Association Awards Dinner, and Scenic Arizona, 1970s-1980s
794114 Various Subjects: Family House, Awards Dinners, Family, Friends, Scenic Arizona, Lake Powell, Air Force Awards and Dinners, Trips, Undated
Sub-Sub-Series vi: Oversized
11 Awards and Certificates: Barry Goldwater Receiving High Flight Award, Undated
12 Boards and Membership: Aerospace Education Foundation Board, 1982
13 Boards and Membership: The Communications Satellite Corporation (COMSAT) Board, 1990
14 Boards and Membership: The Communications Satellite Corporation (COMSAT) Board, 1995
15 Committees: Labor Committee Hearing (Barry Goldwater, Robert Kennedy, John Kennedy, and George Meany), 1950s
26 Family: Barry Goldwater, Joanne Goldwater, Carolyn Goldwater Ross, and C.C. Goldwater Ross, circa 1962 (2 Items)
27 Family: Barry Goldwater and Peggy Goldwater Jr., 1972
28 Family: Barry and Peggy Goldwater at their Wedding Reception, 1934
29 Family: "Bon Voyage to Peggy & Barry", Undated
210 Family: Carolyn Goldwater, Undated
211 Family: Goldwater Family Home and Phoenix Women's Club Building, 1910
212 Family: Joanne Goldwater, Undated
212A Family: Joanne Goldwater Ross with Children and Husband, 1968
213 Family: Joanne Goldwater at Graduation with her Mother and Father, 1955
214 Family: Josephine Williams Goldwater with her Family, 1890s
215 Family: Margaret "Peggy" Goldwater, Undated
216 Family: Michael and Connie Goldwater, Undated
217 Family: Michael and Connie Goldwater, Undated
218 Family: Mr. and Mrs. Bob Goldwater, Mr. and Mrs. Erskine, and Mr. and Mrs. Barry Goldwater, Undated
219 Family: Peggy Goldwater Jr., Undated
219A Family: Peggy Goldwater Jr. with Husband Ric Holt and Children, Undated
220 Family: Sally Harrington Goldwater Jr., Undated
221 Family: Ric and Darren Goldwater Holt [?], Undated
Barry Goldwater's grandchildren.
222 Goldwater Stores: Prescott Store Exterior, Undated
323 Military: Apollo 17 Blasting Off, 1972
324 Military: Alitalia Boeing 747, 1970
325 Military: Barry Goldwater's Flight Map, 1954-1964
326 Military: Barry Goldwater with Training Squadron at Luke Air Force Base, 1940s
327 Military: John Hyland, Barry Goldwater, and David Richardson of United States Navy, 1977
328 Military: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Space Shuttle, 1985
328A Military: United States Army Parachute Team, Golden Knights, Undated
329 Military: US Nautilus Submarine, 1957
330 Military: XB-70 Airplane, 1965
331 Personal Portraits: Barry Goldwater, 1964
332 Personal Portrait: Barry Goldwater, 1976
332A Personal Portrait: Barry Goldwater, 1940s
333 Personal Portrait: Barry Goldwater, Undated
By Causiup Brown.
334 Personal Portrait: Barry Goldwater, Undated (2 Images)
By Fabian Bachrach.
335 Personal Portrait: Barry Goldwater, Undated
By Fabian Bachrach; signed to "Ann and Paul…".
336 Personal Portrait: Barry Goldwater, Undated
Gene Studio of Phoenix.
336A Personal Portrait: Barry Goldwater Showing his Tattoo, Undated
337 Personal Portrait: Barry Goldwater, Undated
From the Gene Botsford Studio.
338 Personal Portrait: Barry Goldwater, Undated
Signed to "Jim…".
339 Personal Portrait: Barry Goldwater, 1960s
By Walter Holt.
340 Personal Portrait: Barry Goldwater in Cowboy Hat with Cigarette, 1940s (2 Copies)
341 Man in Cowboy Hat Rolling a Cigarette, 1950s (Inscription Reads "To Bette With Affection Charlie Stone Mountain")
342 Personal Portrait: Barry Goldwater in Denver, Colorado, 1964
343 Personal Portrait: Barry Goldwater in Helicopter at Williams Air Force Base, Undated
344 Personal Portrait: Barry Goldwater in Military Uniform, Undated
345 Personal Portrait: Barry Goldwater in Monument Valley (Campaign Photo Shoot), 1968
346 Personal Portrait: Barry Goldwater at Patton Museum, 1972
347 Personal Portrait: Barry Goldwater at Podium Giving Speech, 1964
348 Personal Portrait: Barry Goldwater Posing with Indian Mannequin, 1960s
349 Personal Portrait: Barry Goldwater Posing with Model Airplanes, Undated
350 Personal Portrait: Barry Goldwater at Providence College, 1968
351 Personal Portraits: Barry Goldwater Sitting at Desk at Home with Cowboy Hat, Undated
352 Personal Portrait: Barry Goldwater Sitting with Movie Camera, Undated
353 Personal Portrait: Barry Goldwater in his Senate Office, Undated
Signed to Ben Sacks.
354 Personal Portrait: Barry Goldwater Speaking at O'Hara Inn, Chicago, 1964
355 Personal Portrait: Barry Goldwater Taking Photograph of Cactus, Undated
356 Personal Portrait: Barry Goldwater Waving on Stage, 1964
357 Personal Portrait: Barry Goldwater Wearing Carnation, Undated
358 Personal Portrait: Barry Goldwater Wearing Graduation Cap and Tassel, Undated
358A Personal Portrait: Barry Goldwater and Dorris Berry, Undated
359 Personal Portrait: Young Barry Goldwater Posing with Headphones On, 1950s
460 Political: The 99th Congress on Senate Floor, circa 1986
461 Political: Barry Goldwater Campaigning for President, 1964
462 Political: Barry Goldwater in San Francisco During Presidential Campaign, 1964
463 Political: Barry Goldwater at Republican Rally, 1964 (5 Photos)
464 Political: Barry Goldwater Shaking Hands During Presidential Campaign, 1964
California for Goldwater bumper sticker on back of print.
465 Political: Barry and Peggy Goldwater Signing Autographs on Campaign Trail, 1964
466 Political: Peggy Goldwater at Republican National Convention, 1960 (3 Photos)
467 Political: Peggy Goldwater on the Back of Campaign Train, 1964
468 Political: Phoenix City Council, 1951
469 Political: Republican National Convention, 1952
470 Political: Republican National Convention, 1960
471 Political: Republican National Convention, 1964
472 Political: Republican National Convention, 1964
473 Political: Republican National Convention, 1972
473A Political: Senate Committee Meeting, 1980s
474 Public Appearances: Barry Goldwater Driving Stage Coach at Phoenix Jaycees Rodeo Parade, Undated
474A Public Appearances: Barry Goldwater Giving Speech at the Goldwater Institute, Undated
474B Public Appearances: Barry Goldwater Giving Speech, Undated
575 Travel: Aerial of Dam, Undated
576 Travel: Aerial of Landscape (Blue), Undated
577 Travel: Aerial of Landscape (Red), Undated
577A Travel: Aerial of Camelback Mountain, 1965
578 Travel: Aerials of Phoenix, 1958 (3 Photos)
578A Travel: Aboard 707 Airplane, 1980
579 Travel: Barry Goldwater in the Antarctic, Standing with the Arizona Flag at the South Pole, 1972
580 Travel: Barry Goldwater, Family, and Friends Aboard the Burrard Cruise Ship, Undated (12 Photos)
581 Travel: Monument Valley, Arizona, 1968
581A Travel: Kitt Peak National Observatory, Tucson, Arizona, Undated
582 Travel: Group of Fighter Pilots in Taipei, Taiwan, 1976
583 Travel: Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Washington, DC, 1985
584 VIPs: Barry Goldwater and Dwight Eisenhower, 1950s
585 VIPs: Barry Goldwater and Gerald Ford in the Oval Office, 1976
586 VIPs: Barry Goldwater with John Rhodes, Hugh Scott, Jerry Baker, and Dean Birch Outside the White House, Undated
587 VIPs: Barry Goldwater and Lyndon Johnson at the Carl Hayden Funeral, 1972 (2 Copies)
588 VIPs: Barry Goldwater and Lyndon Johnson at the Carl Hayden Funeral, 1972
589 VIPs: Barry Goldwater Presenting Gift from the Hopi to Richard Nixon, 1969
590 VIPs: Gerald Ford, Barry Goldwater, Everett Dirksen, Dwight Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, and Thomas Dewey, Undated
591 VIPs: Group Portrait of United States Senators (Marlow W. Cook, Henry Bellmon, Ted Stevens, Barry Goldwater, Ed Garvey, Bob Dole, Bob Packwood, Richard S. Schweiker, William B. Saxbe, George Murphy, and Others), Undated
592 VIPs: Group of United States Senators (Ted Stevens, Howard Baker, Milton Young, Robert Packwood, John Tower, Jake Gran, John Heinz), Undated
593 VIPs: Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. at Republican National Convention, 1960
594 VIPs: Nelson Rockefeller at Republican National Convention, 1960
595 VIPs: Portrait of Chill Wills, Undated
596 VIPs: Portrait of Dwight Eisenhower, Undated (2 Photos)
597 VIPs: Portrait of Elsa Schiaparelli, 1940
598 VIPs: Portrait of Richard Nixon, Undated
599 VIPs: Portrait of Thomas Campbell, Undated
599A VIPs: Portrait of Warren E. Burges, Undated
5100 VIPs: President Gerald Ford and Barry Goldwater in Oval Office, 1974 (4 Photos)
5101 VIPs: President John F. Kennedy Lying in State at the United States Capital, 1963
5101A VIPs: President Lyndon B. Johnson with his Daughter and Barry Goldwater, 1969
5102 VIPs: Richard Nixon and Barry Goldwater at Dinner Party, 1973 (2 Photos)
5103 VIPs: Richard Nixon and Barry Goldwater in the White House, 1973 (2 Photos)
5104 VIPs: Richard Nixon's Mother Hannah Nixon, 1964
5105 VIPs: Richard Nixon and Sammy Davis Jr. at Youth Rally, 1972
5106 VIPs: Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew with their Families at the Republican National Convention, 1972 (17 Photos)
5107 VIPs: Richard Nixon's Visit to Arizona, 1974
5108 VIPs: Ronald Regan, General James Doolittle, and Barry Goldwater, 1985
5108A VIPs: Goldwater's House Taken from Outer Space by Apollo IX Astronaut Rusty Schweickart, Undated
5109 VIPs: William G. Stratton, 1964
5110 VIPs: Volocheff (Nick), John McCain, Barry Goldwater, Bob Stump, and Eldon Rudd, 1983
5111 VIPs: John Rhodes, Barry Goldwater, Paul Fannin, Carl Hayden, and Stewart Udall, Undated
Sub-Series G: Film (Includes DVDs)
Scope and Content Note
ASC does not own the copyright to all films. Not all formats are viewable. Addenda: Boxes 971-980 represent film either loaned or created during the filming of the documentary Mr. Conservative produced by Senator Goldwater's granddaughter CC Goldwater.
Processing Note
Retained items appear to be in fair to good condition based on visual inspection and sampling. A number of films have been digitized and are available on DVD. DVDs are listed separately below.
7951 Faneuil Hall, Boston, Massachusetts, 1960 June 4 (Small Film Reel)
7952 O'Hare Airport, Chicago, Illinois, 1964 (Small Film Reel)
7953 Goldwater/Miller 60-second Campaign Ads: "Commission", 1964 (Small Film Reel)
7954 Goldwater/Miller 60-second Campaign Ads: "Ronald Reagan", 1964 (Small Film Reel)
7955 Goldwater/Miller 60-second Campaign Ads: "Moral Responsibility", 1964 (Small Film Reel)
7956 Goldwater/Miller 60-second Campaign Ads: "What Happened to America", 1964 (Small Film Reel)
7957 Goldwater/Miller 60-second Campaign Ads: "Cost of Living", 1964 (Small Film Reel)
7958 Goldwater/Miller 60-second Campaign Ads: "Housewife", 1964 (Small Film Reel)
7959 Goldwater/Miller 60-second Campaign Ads: "Spanish", 1964 (Small Film Reel)
79510 Goldwater/Miller 60-second Campaign Ads: "Social Security", 1964 (Small Film Reel)
79511 Goldwater/Miller 60-second Campaign Ads: "Military Age", 1964 (Small Film Reel)
79512 Goldwater/Miller 60-second Campaign Ads: "Dowager", 1964 (Small Film Reel)
79513 Goldwater/Miller 60-second Campaign Ads: "We'll Buy You", 1964 (Small Film Reel)
79514 Goldwater/Miller 60-second Campaign Ads: "Morality", 1964 (Small Film Reel)
79615 Goldwater/Miller 60-second Campaign Ads: "Ivy League", 1964 (Small Film Reel)
79616 Goldwater/Miller 60-second Campaign Ads: "Girl With Glasses", 1964 (Small Film Reel)
79617 Goldwater/Miller 60-second Campaign Ads: "Small Business", 1964 (Small Film Reel)
79618 Goldwater/Miller 60-second Campaign Ads: "Foreign Aid", 1964 (Small Film Reel)
79619 Goldwater/Miller 60-second Campaign Ads: "Much Beloved People", 1964 (Small Film Reel)
79620 Goldwater/Miller 60-second Campaign Ads: "Debate Cuba", 1964 (Small Film Reel)
79621 Goldwater/Miller 60-second Campaign Ads: "Young Man/Little Boy", 1964 (Small Film Reel)
79622 Goldwater/Miller 20-second Campaign Ads: "United Nations", 1964 (Small Film Reel)
79623 Goldwater/Miller 20-second Campaign Ads: "Musical March", 1964 (Small Film Reel)
79624 Goldwater for President, Smith Social Security, 1964 (Small Film Reel)
79625 Goldwater for President, Gettysburg, 1964 (Small Film Reel)
79626 Goldwater Talking, Arizona Scenery, Undated (Small Film Reel)
79627 Goldwater Talking, Undated (Small Film Reel)
79628 Goldwater Talking in Front of a Map, Undated (Small Film Reel)
79629 Goldwater Asking People to Join the Heart Association, Undated (Small Film Reel)
79730 Christmas, Children's Trip, Prescott Trip, 1947-1950 (Film Reel)
79831 Camping Trip with YMCA Boys, 1948 (Film Reel)
79932 Caribbean, 1949 (Film Reel)
80033 Grand Canyon, 1940s (Film Reel)
80134 Farm Price Support with Senators Kerr and Goldwater, 1953 (Film Reel)
80235 Goldwater News, Floating Down the Middle Fork, 1953, 1966 (Film Reel)
80336 Nassau, "Rendez Vous in the Reef", 1954 (Film Reel)
80437 Middle for Salmon, 1955 (Film Reel)
80538 Face the Nation, 1955 December 4 (Film Reel)
80639 Goldwater Press Conference, 1956 April 22 (Film Reel)
80740 Meet The Press, 1957 September 1 (Film Reel)
80841 Face The Nation, 1958 March 16 (Film Reel)
80942 Face The Nation, 1958 November 23 (Film Reel)
81043 "That We May Breathe", National Foundation for Asthmatic Children, 1959 (Film Reel)
81144 Washington Day Dinner, 1959 (Film Reel)
81245 Face The Nation, 1959 April 19 (Film Reel)
81346 Republican Challenge, 1960 (Film Reel)
81447 Face The Nation, 1960 October 23 (Film Reel)
81548 Face The Nation, 1961 January 26 (Film Reel)
81649 Face The Nation, 1961 January 26 (Film Reel)
81750 Washington Conversation, 1961 April (Film Reel)
81851 "That We May Breathe", Saguaro School, Asthmatic Institution, Tucson, Arizona, 1961 (Film Reel)
81952 Nations Future, 1961 (Film Reel)
82053 Vacation Burrar thru Panama Canal, 1961 (Film Reel)
82154 ABC Reports, 1963 November 10 (Film Reel)
82255 PAAR, 1963 (Film Reel)
822A55A Senate Recording Studio, 1964 January 1 (Film Reel)
82356 Meet The Press, 1964 January 5 (Film Reel)
82457 Meet The Press, 1964 April 17 (Film Reel)
82558 Goldwater on the War, Clint Walker, 1964 September 18 (Film Reel)
82659 Goldwater and Eisenhower at Gettysburg, 1964 September 22 (Film Reel)
82760 Goldwater for President Rally, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1964 September 29 (Film Reel)
82861 Goldwater for President, 1964 October 9 (Film Reel)
82962 Goldwater for President, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1964 October 20 (Film Reel)
83063 Goldwater for President, Foreign Affairs, 1964 October 21 (Film Reel)
83164 New Hampshire Primary, 1964 (Film Reel)
83265 "Choice" The Citizens Committee for Goldwater and Miller, 1964 (Film Reel)
83366 Las Cruces, 1964 (Film Reel)
83467 Face The Nation, 1965 November 14 (Film Reel)
83568 Christmas, 1965 (Film Reel)
83669 Colorado River Trip, 1965 (Film Reel)
83770 Face The Nation, 1966 May 15 (Film Reel)
83871 Elections, 1966 (Film Reel)
83972 Face The Nation, 1967 February 26 (Film Reel)
84073 Land of Giants, 1967 (Film Reel)
840A73A "River Rainbow", 1967 (Film Reel)
84174 Goldwater, Nixon, and John Rhodes, 1973 (Film Reel)
84275 Barry Goldwater on American, 1975 (Film Reel)
84376 Candid Camera, Undated (Film Reel)
84477 Desert Flowers, Bees, Sunsets, Etc., Undated (Film Reel)
84578 Old Indian City, Maricopa Pottery, Oak Creek, YMCA Trip, Undated (Film Reel)
84679 Dinah Shore, Undated (Film Reel)
84780 Fishing Mexican Waters, Undated (Film Reel)
84881 Town Meets World, Undated (Film Reel)
84982 Children On TV, Undated (Film Reel)
85083 Water Ski, Undated (Film Reel)
85184 Domestic Flowers, Undated (Film Reel)
85285 Goldwater Interview, Undated (Film Reel)
85386 How a Law is Made, Undated (Film Reel)
85487 Choice, Undated (Film Reel)
85588 Goldwater Talking, Undated (Film Reel)
85689 Goldwater Talking, Undated (Film Reel)
85790 Youth Wants to Know, Undated (Film Reel)
85891 Admiral Lewis, Labor Management Bill, Interns Rick and Dick, Undated (Film Reel)
85992 Politics and the Church, Undated (Film Reel)
86093 "Choice Not An Echo", Undated (Film Reel)
86194 Goldwater Talking, Undated (Film Reel)
86295 Goldwater Talking, Undated (Film Reel)
86396 WIBK Debate, Detroit Educational Television Foundation, Undated (Film Reel)
86497 Curtis-Goldwater, Undated (Film Reel)
86598 Goldwater Various, Undated (Missing Reel; Film Reel)
86699 Goldwater Speaking, Undated (Film Reel)
867100 Story of Arizona, Photos by Wes Grant, Story by Barry Goldwater, Undated (Film Reel)
868101 Goldwater Speaking, Undated (Film Reel)
869102 Goldwater Speaking, Undated (Film Reel)
869103 Labor Bill, Interview with Senators Goldwater and Smathers, Undated (Film Reel)
869104 Newscast, Undated (Film Reel)
869105 Harwood Adventure, Undated (Film Reel)
870106 Senator Goldwater's Visit, Undated (Film Reel)
870107 Address to the Public, Undated (Film Reel)
870108 Indian Rugs, Dolls, etc., Undated (Film Reel)
871109 Talk Show with Charles Corbut, Undated (Film Reel)
872110 Inside Washington, Undated (Film Reel)
872A Untitled Reels, 1950s (5 Film Reels)
Five untitled films of Senator Barry Goldwater seated at a desk in front of a photograph of the U. S. Capitol building.
872B Untitled Reels, 1950s-1960s (3 Film Reels)
Three untitled films of Senator Barry Goldwater seated at a desk in front of a photograph of the U. S. Capitol building and one film of Senator Barry Goldwater seated in a panel with Senator Carl Hayden, and Congressmen John J. Rhodes and Morris K. Udall.
DVD 1aOld Indian City, Maricopa Pottery, Oak Creek, YMCA-R Trip, 1940s (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer)
DVD 1bCamping Trip with YMCA Boys, 1948 (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer)
DVD 1cKerr-Goldwater Farm Supports, Dan Smoot, moderator, 1953 (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer)
DVD 2Middle Fork Salmon, 1955 (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer)
DVD 3Goldwater at Faneuil Hall, Boston, Massachusetts, 1960 June 4 (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer)
DVD 4Republican Challenges, 1960 (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer)
DVD 5Nation's Future, 1961 (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer)
DVD 6Jack Paar, 1963 (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer)
DVD 7Representative Brademus and Senator Goldwater, 1963 (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer)
DVD 8Goldwater Lincoln Day Address, Chicago, 1964 February 8 (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer)
DVD 9Family History, Goldwater on War, 1964 September 18 (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer)
DVD 10Goldwater and Eisenhower, Conversation at Gettysburg, 1964 September 22 (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer)
DVD 11Goldwater for President, Cincinnati Rally, 1964 September 29 (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer)
DVD 12Goldwater for President, 1964 October 9 (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer)
DVD 13Goldwater for President, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1964 October 20 (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer)
DVD 14Goldwater for President, Foreign Affairs, 1964 October 21 (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer)
DVD 15Presidential Campaign, 1964 (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer)
DVD 16Choice The Citizens Committee for Goldwater and Miller, 1964 (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer)
DVD 17New Hampshire Primary, 1964 (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer)
DVD 18Senate Recording Studio, 1964 (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer)
DVD 19River Rainbow Goldwater Interview at Home, 1967 (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer)
DVD 20CBS TV Interview at G.O.P. Convention, 1980 July 15 (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer)
DVD 21Bill Schulz for Senate, TV Spots, 1980 October 10 (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer)
DVD 22Bill Schulz for Senate, TV Spots, 1980 October 28 (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer)
DVD 23Senate Campaign, TV Spots, 1980 (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer)
DVD 24Goldwater Address at the Republican Convention, 1980 (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer)
DVD 25Barry Goldwater 1984 Republican Convention, Biography with David Brinkley, 1984 (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer)
DVD 26Republican National Convention, 1984 (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer)
DVD 27Barry Goldwater and Morris Udall Talk, 1985 May 17 (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer)
DVD 28Goldwater Military Reorganization Bill, 1986 May 7 (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer)
DVD 2960 Minutes, 1986 May 11 (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer)
DVD 30Goldwater Interview with John McLaughlin, One on One, 1986 May 18 (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer)
DVD 31Grand Old Partyman, CBS Sunday Morning, 1986 December 7 (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer)
DVD 32Barry Goldwater An American Life by Bill McCune, 1991 October 10 (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer)
DVD 33The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, 1993, 1995 (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer)
DVD 34Goldwater Center Dedication, 1997 June 27 (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer)
DVD 3560 Minutes with Harry Reasoner, Undated (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer)
DVD 36Shooting Grand Canyon Rapids, Undated (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer)
DVD 37Land of Giants, Undated (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer)
DVD 38Story of Arizona, Undated (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer)
DVD 39Politics and The Church, Undated (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer)
DVD 40How a Law is Made, Undated (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer)
DVD 41Curtis-Goldwater, Undated (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer)
DVD 42Dinah, Undated (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer; Parts 1 and 2)
DVD 43Admiral Lewis Strauss, Labor Management Report Bill, Summer Interns Rick and Dick, Undated (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer)
DVD 44Barry Goldwater: An American Hero, Undated (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer)
DVD 45Choice: Not An Echo, Undated (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer)
DVD 46Discussion with Nixon and John Rhodes, Undated (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer)
DVD 47Arizona Since WWII - Continuity and Change, Undated (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer)
DVD 48Mr. Conservative: Goldwater On Goldwater, 2006 (DVD; Housed in Media Drawer)
Sweet Pea Films, C. C. Goldwater, Executive Producer. Zeitgeist Video. 90 minutes. Includes additional interviews with Hillary Rodham Clinton, John McCain, Al Franken, Robert MacNeil, Bob Schieffer, Norman Lear, and the 1940 ten minute Goldwater film "Shooting Grand Canyon Rapids."
Sub-Series H: Video
Scope and Content Note
Documents television appearances, news interviews, and social events, as well as campaign footage. Note ASC does not own the copyright to all videos. Most video formats can be viewed in the reading room.
873Tape 1 DC-10, B-1, Grand Canyon Rapids 40, Middle Forks, 1960 (Beta)
873Tape 2 Laugh-In Clips, circa 1967 (Beta)
873Tape 3 KPOC-TV, 1972 (Beta)
873Tape 4 PM Magazine, WDVM-TV, 7:00pm EDT, 1979 May 28-29 (Beta)
873Tape 5 Donahue Show, WDVM-TV, 9:00am, 1979 December 12 (Beta)
873Tape 6 Film on Ham Radio, features AFA 7UGA, 1979 (Beta)
873Tape 6a G.O.P. Convention, 1980 July 15 (Beta)
873Tape 7 Paris Air Show, 1981 June (Beta)
873Tape 8 Sandra Day O'Connor, Hearings on Appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court, 1971 (Beta)
873Tape 9 I Love Liberty, 1982 March 9 (Beta; 1 of 2)
873Tape 10 I Love Liberty, 1982 March 9 (Beta; 2 of 2)
873Tape 11 Face the Nation, 1982 March 28 (Beta)
873Tape 12 Trip to Taiwan, 1982 May-June (Beta)
873Tape 13 Face the Nation, 1983 May 22 (Beta)
873Tape 14 Sgt. York, QH-50 "Kills", 1983 May 26 (Beta)
873Tape 15 CBS News Nightwatch, 1983 April 4 (Beta; Edits)
873Tape 16 Second International Convention and Exhibition, The Society for Private and Commercial Earth Stations Tribute Statements to U.S. Senator Barry M. Goldwater, 1983 November 4 (Beta)
873Tape 17 Cable News Network, 1983 (Beta)
873Tape 18 Goldwater T.V. Interview, Tucson Station, 1983 (Beta; Part II)
873Tape 19 State of the Union, CNN, 1984 January (Beta)
873Tape 20 McNeil-Lehrer News Hour, Channel 26, 1984 February 3 (Beta; Edited)
873Tape 21 Morning News, 1984 July 9-10 (Beta)
873Tape 21a G.O.P. Convention, 1980 July 15 (Beta)
873Tape 22 Video Magazine, Interview, 1984 July 26 (Beta)
873Tape 23 Barry Goldwater at 1984 Republican Convention, 1984 August (Beta)
873Tape 24 Goldwater, the Man, Channel 10, 1984 December 7 (Beta)
873Tape 25 The Smoki, Cheryl Johnson, Executive Producer, 1984 (Beta)
873Tape 26 AMA, 1984 (Beta)
873Tape 26a Republican National Convention, 1984 (Beta)
873Tape 27 Meet the Press, 1985 January 27 (Beta)
873Tape 28 Thunderbirds, 1985 February 12 (Beta)
873Tape 28a Barry Goldwater and Mo Udall, 1985 May 13 (Beta)
873Tape 29 ABC's 20/20 Segment on Defense, 1985 September (Beta)
873Tape 30 Chuck Yeager's Talk at the Smithsonian, 1985 October 17 (Beta)
873Tape 31 Tribute to Barry Goldwater, The Heritage Foundation, 1985 October 22 (Beta)
873Tape 32 NBC News Profile – Senator Goldwater, 1985 December 30 (Beta)
873Tape 33 Hamcon, RMS Queen Mary, Long Beach, California, 1985 (Beta)
873Tape 34 Arizona Highways, 1985 (Beta)
873Tape 35 David Bernard Memorial Foundation Award to General Charles E. Yeager, 1986 January 25 (Beta)
873Tape 36 Defense Reorganization Act-1986, Senator Barry Goldwater Floor Statements, 1986 May 7 (Beta; 2 Copies)
873Tape 36a 60 Minutes, 1986 May 11 (Beta)
873Tape 36b One on One, Goldwater Interview with John McLaughlin, 1986 May 18 (Beta)
873Tape 37 Interviews for November 1986, 1986 November (Beta)
Includes McNeil-Lehrer News Hour, Capitol Journal, CBS Morning News, Good Morning America, CNN Crossfire, Today Show.
873Tape 37a Grand Old Partyman, CBS Sunday Morning, 1986 December 7 (Beta)
873Tape 38 Channel 10 Tribute to Barry Goldwater, 1987 January 21 (Beta)
873Tape 39 Bill Close Tribute, interviews with Dave Howell, Louie Villa, and Barry Goldwater, 1988 October (Beta)
873Tape 40 American Original (Barry Goldwater), Zach Burkett Productions, ASU Foundation, 1996 April 18 (Beta)
874Tape 41 CC Goldwater Interview with Bill Moyers, ISO CAM 2, 2004 October 1 (Beta)
874Tape 42 CC Goldwater Interview with Bill Moyers, ISO CAM 3, 2004 October 1 (Beta)
874Tape 43 Bob Goldwater Interview, Footage for Mr. Conservative, 2004 (Beta; 1 of 2)
874Tape 44 Bob Goldwater Interview, Footage for Mr. Conservative, Old Family Photos, 2004 (Beta; 2 of 2)
874Tape 45 CC Goldwater Interview, Footage for Mr. Conservative, 2004 (Beta; 1 of 2)
874Tape 46 CC Goldwater Interview, Footage for Mr. Conservative, 2004 (Beta; 2 of 2)
874Tape 47 Joanne Goldwater Interview, Footage for Mr. Conservative, 2004 (Beta; 1 of 3)
874Tape 48 Joanne Goldwater Interview, Footage for Mr. Conservative, 2004 (Beta; 2 of 3)
874Tape 49 Joanne Goldwater Interview, Footage for Mr. Conservative, 2004 (Beta; 3 of 3)
874Tape 50 Goldwater Memorial, Aerials, Footage for Mr. Conservative, 2004 (Beta)
874Tape 50a William F. Buckley Interview, Footage for Mr. Conservative, 2004 (Beta)
874Tape 51 Goldwater Monument, Family Photos, Photography, 2004 (Beta)
874Tape 52 Benedix Corporation, The Golden Years, Undated (Beta)
874Tape 53 KOOL-TV, CBS News, W.A.S.P, Undated (Beta)
874Tape 54 KOOL-TV, Arizona Water, Undated (Beta)
874Tape 55 Dinah Shore Show, Undated (Beta)
874Tape 56 KPNX, Jerry Foster – China Peacefully at War, Undated (Beta)
874Tape 57 The Lonely Guerillas of Angola, Undated (Beta)
874Tape 58 CC Goldwater Interview, Footage for Mr. Conservative, 2004 (Beta (Large); 1 of 2)
874Tape 59 CC Goldwater Interview, Footage for Mr. Conservative, 2004 (Beta (Large); 2 of 2)
875Tape 60 Senator Goldwater, 1970 January 19 (Quad)
875Tape 61 Senator Goldwater and Bill Miller, Hayden Show, 1972 January 19 (Quad)
875Tape 62 Goldwater Speech to Arizonians on KOOL-TV, 1972 February 23 (Quad)
875Tape 63 Senator Goldwater, Senate Recording Studio, Church, 1975 January 30 (Quad; 1 of 3)
875Tape 64 Senator Goldwater, Senate Recording Studio, Church, 1975 January 30 (Quad; 2 of 3)
875Tape 65 Senator Goldwater, Senate Recording Studio, Church, 1975 January 30 (Quad; 3 of 3)
875Tape 66 Dinah Shore Show, 1975 August 2 (Quad)
875Tape 67 Charles Bernard for Senate Committee, Undated (Quad)
876Tape 68 Goldwater and Mayor Margaret Hance on KOOL-TV, 1980 October 21 (Quad (Large))
876Tape 69 Now More Than Ever, Goldwater Campaign for Reelection, Undated (Quad (Large))
876Tape 70 Goldwater at Airport Greeting People, Goldwater at Luke Air Force Base Question/Answer Session, Undated (Quad (Large))
876Tape 71 Goldwater at Luke Air Force Base, Goldwater at University of Arizona, Undated (Quad (Large))
876Tape 72 Goldwater Speech in Tucson, Undated (Quad (Large))
876Tape 73 Untitled, Undated (Quad (Large))
876Tape 74 Untitled, Undated (Quad (Large))
877Tape 75 CBS News 5, Morning with Siegel, featuring Barry Goldwater, 1974 June 20 (U-Matic)
877Tape 76 Barry Goldwater III's Baptism, 1975 May 4 (U-Matic)
877Tape 77 Goldwater and Jimmy Carter, Red China, 1978 December 22 (U-Matic)
877Tape 78 The Today Show, 1979 November 1 (U-Matic)
877Tape 79 Barry Goldwater Discussing Space Shuttle, Gun Control, and Defense Budget, 1981 April 7 (U-Matic; 1 of 4)
877Tape 80 Barry Goldwater Discussing Space Shuttle, Gun Control, and Defense Budget, 1981 April 7 (U-Matic; 2 of 4)
877Tape 81 Barry Goldwater Discussing Space Shuttle, Gun Control, and Defense Budget, 1981 April 7 (U-Matic; 3 of 4)
877Tape 82 Barry Goldwater Discussing Space Shuttle, Gun Control, and Defense Budget, 1981 April 7 (U-Matic; 4 of 4)
877Tape 83 Paris Air Show, 1981 June 7 (U-Matic)
878Tape 84 "Arizona Road", 1981 July 10 (U-Matic)
878Tape 85 "Arizona Road", 1981 December 10 (U-Matic)
878Tape 86 Face of the Nation, 1982 March 28 (U-Matic)
878Tape 87 Barry Goldwater on the 4th of July, 1982 July 4 (U-Matic)
878Tape 88 "This Man, Goldwater" Narrated by Vince Leonard, 1982 September 23 (U-Matic)
878Tape 89 KAET-Channel 8, Special interview with Barry Goldwater and Michael Grant, 1983 January 30 (U-Matic)
878Tape 90 Conference Roundtable, "China: Which One ... Or Two?", 1983 February 3 (U-Matic)
878Tape 91 Call-in Program, C-SPAN, 1983 April 4 (U-Matic)
878Tape 92 Face the Nation, 1983 May 22 (U-Matic)
879Tape 93 "Presidential Moments", 1984 June 1 (U-Matic)
879Tape 94 Special Documentary hosted by Bill Close, "Goldwater ... The Man" KTSP TV Channel 10, 1984 December 7 (U-Matic)
879Tape 95 Barry Goldwater Interview at Sharlot Hall Museum, Prescott, Footage for "Goldwater ... The Man", 1984 December (U-Matic; 1 of 3)
879Tape 96 Barry Goldwater Interview at Sharlot Hall Museum, Prescott, Footage for "Goldwater ... The Man", 1984 December (U-Matic; 2 of 3)
879Tape 97 Barry Goldwater Interview at Sharlot Hall Museum, Prescott, Footage for "Goldwater ... The Man", 1984 December (U-Matic; 3 of 3)
879Tape 98 Footage of Carl Hayden for "Goldwater ... The Man", 1984 December (U-Matic)
879Tape 99 Barry Goldwater Running the Rapids of the Colorado River through Grand Canyon, Footage for "Goldwater ... The Man", 1984 December (U-Matic)
879Tape 100 Barry Goldwater in Radio Room at Phoenix Home, Peggy Goldwater in Helicopter, Footage for "Goldwater ... The Man", 1984 December (U-Matic)
880Tape 101 Interview with Barry Goldwater at Home, Footage for "Goldwater ... The Man", 1984 December (U-Matic; 1 of 5)
880Tape 102 Interview with Barry Goldwater at Home, Footage for "Goldwater ... The Man", 1984 December (U-Matic; 2 of 5)
880Tape 103 Interview with Barry Goldwater at Home, Footage for "Goldwater ... The Man", 1984 December (U-Matic; 3 of 5)
880Tape 104 Interview with Barry Goldwater at Home, Footage for "Goldwater ... The Man", 1984 December (U-Matic; 4 of 5)
880Tape 105 Interview with Barry Goldwater at Home, Footage for "Goldwater ... The Man", 1984 December (U-Matic; 5 of 5)
880Tape 106 Aerials of Barry Goldwater's House, Phoenix, Footage for "Goldwater ... The Man", 1984 December (U-Matic)
880Tape 107 Prescott, Downtown, Courtyard Plaza, Buckey O'Neill Statue, Footage for "Goldwater ... The Man", 1984 December (U-Matic)
880Tape 108 Barry Goldwater Landing Plane in Prescott, Bill Close Interview at Prescott Courthouse, Footage for "Goldwater ... The Man", 1984 December (U-Matic)
881Tape 109 Interview with Barry Goldwater at Prescott Courthouse, Senator Bill Close, Footage for "Goldwater ... The Man", 1984 December (U-Matic)
881Tape 110 Barry Goldwater Concession Speech, Footage for "Goldwater ... The Man", 1984 December (U-Matic)
881Tape 111 Barry Goldwater Interview at Grand Canyon, Chuck Dimond, Footage for "Goldwater ... The Man", 1984 December (U-Matic)
881Tape 112 Interview with Bill Close and Barry Goldwater about Tattoo on Hand, Footage for "Goldwater ... The Man", 1984 December (U-Matic)
881Tape 113 Goldwater News Reels, Interviews, Speeches, Jim Murdock, 1968 Republican Convention, Footage for "Goldwater ... The Man", 1984 December (U-Matic)
881Tape 114 Barry Goldwater in Ham Shack, at Home, Footage for "Goldwater ... The Man", 1984 December (U-Matic)
881Tape 115 News Reels of Barry Goldwater Speeches, Footage for "Goldwater ... The Man", 1984 December (U-Matic)
881Tape 116 News Footage, Speeches, John Tower, Goldwater Campaigning in 1980, Footage for "Goldwater ... The Man", 1984 December (U-Matic)
882Tape 117 Barry Goldwater in Parade, Campaigning in 1980, Footage for "Goldwater ... The Man", 1984 December (U-Matic)
882Tape 118 Footage for "Goldwater ... The Man", 1984 December (U-Matic)
882Tape 119 Senator Barry Goldwater Biographical Video Clips, 1986 May 15 (U-Matic)
882Tape 120 "Arizona Since WWII: Continuity and Change", with Barry Goldwater, Budge Ruffner, Jack Pfister, Frank Snell, and Chair Peter Iverson, 1989 April 7 (U-Matic; 2 Copies)
882Tape 121 "No On Proposition 110" Campaign, BBQ, "Liberty", "Real Truth", 1992 October 14 (U-Matic)
882Tape 122 "American Original" ASU Foundation, Zach Burkett Productions, 1996 April 18 (U-Matic)
882Tape 123 Dinah Shore Show, Undated (U-Matic; 1 of 2)
882Tape 124 Dinah Shore Show, Undated (U-Matic; 2 of 2)
882Tape 125 "Witness to the Holocaust" Series, Show 16, Lt. Gen. William W. Quinn on Dachau, Undated (U-Matic)
883Tape 126 Wilderness, Monument, Undated (U-Matic)
883Tape 127 Barry Goldwater Montage, Undated (U-Matic)
883Tape 128 "World of Amateur Radio", Undated (U-Matic)
883Tape 129 "The Senator from Arizona", Undated (U-Matic)
883Tape 129a 60 minutes with Harry Reasoner, Undated (U-Matic)
883Tape 130 Children, 1938 July-1940 January 18 (VHS)
No audio, footage taken by Senator Goldwater.
883Tape 131 The Children Christmas, Prescott Trip, 1947-1950 (VHS)
No audio, footage taken by Senator Goldwater.
883Tape 132 Camping Trip with YMCA Boys, 1948 (VHS)
No audio, footage taken by Senator Goldwater.
883Tape 133 Caribbean, 1949 (VHS)
No audio, footage taken by Senator Goldwater.
883Tape 134 Nassau: Rendez Vous in the Reef, 1954 (VHS)
No audio, footage taken by Senator Goldwater.
883Tape 134a Middle Fork Salmon, 1955 (VHS)
883Tape 135 Las Cruces, Baja, Mexico, 1964 (VHS)
No audio, footage taken by Senator Goldwater.
883Tape 136 Children on TV, 1964 (VHS)
883Tape 137 Goldwater Commercial on Morality, 1964 (VHS)
883Tape 138 Goldwater at 1984 Republican Convention, 1984 (VHS)
883Tape 139 New Hampshire Primary; "Choice" – Citizen Committee for Goldwater/Miller; Goldwater for President, Salt Lake City, October 20, 1964; Goldwater for President, Cincinnati Rally, 1964 (VHS)
883Tape 140 Republican Finance Committee; The Candidate's Eye View; Goldwater: Salt Lake City; Goldwater: Foreign Affairs, 1964 (VHS)
883Tape 141 Facts Forum 65; 1964 Campaign Ads; Arizona News 1-12; Arizona News 2-11; #787-C; Goldwater; #65-18; Politics 2-A, 1964-1965 (VHS)
883Tape 142 Candid Camera, circa 1960s (VHS)
883Tape 143 Colorado River Trip, 1965 (VHS)
No audio, footage taken by Senator Goldwater.
884Tape 144 Odds and Ends #1: House Christmas, 1965 (VHS)
No audio, footage taken by Senator Goldwater.
884Tape 145 Floating Down the Middle Fork, 1966 (VHS)
No audio, footage taken by Senator Goldwater.
884Tape 146 Laugh-In clips, circa 1967 (VHS)
884Tape 147 Dinah Shore (Dinah's Place TV Showcase with Senator Barry Goldwater), 1971 September 7 (VHS)
884Tape 148 Dean Martin Celebrity Roasts with Hubert Humphrey and Barry Goldwater, 1973 October 25 (VHS)
884Tape 149 Senator Peter Dominick (R-CO) Re-Election Campaign Film Presented to Senator Goldwater by Sandy Dominick, 1974 (VHS)
884Tape 150 Barry Goldwater on America, 1975 (VHS)
884Tape 151 1980 Spots: Monument-6A (1968); Wilderness-3A; Monument-80-6A; Flood-3A, 1980 (VHS)
884Tape 152 Space Spring '84 Convention, Las Vegas Banquet and "Satellite TV Viewers Rights Bill" Goldwater, Gore, et al, 1984 March 19 (VHS)
884Tape 153 Goldwater-the Man, KTSP – Channel 10, 1984 December 7 (VHS)
884Tape 153a Republican National Convention, Biography with David Brinkley, 1984 (VHS)
884Tape 154 Tribute Dinner to BMG, 1986 (VHS)
884Tape 155 Interviews: McNeil Lehrer 11-12; Capitol Journal 11-13; McNeil Lehrer 11-17; CBS Morning News 11-19; Good Morning America 11-19; CNN Crossfire 11-19; CBS Morning News 11-20; WUSA Gordon Peterson 11-21, 1986 (VHS)
884Tape 156 Margaret Arch Dedication, 1988 March 20 (VHS)
884Tape 157 CNN, 1988 October 17 (VHS)
884Tape 158 PAC. SW Combined SOWP-QCWA Luncheon at the Brown Derby Restaurant, Safari Hotel, Scottsdale, Arizona, 1988 (VHS)
884Tape 158a CBS This Morning, 1988 (VHS)
884Tape 159 Continuity and Change in Arizona Life from WWII to the Present, Panelists Barry Goldwater, Frank Snell, Jack Pfister, and Budge Ruffner, 1989 April (VHS)
884Tape 160 Firing Line, 1990 March 13 (VHS)
884Tape 160a An American Life Documentary by Bill McCune, 1991 October 10 (VHS)
884Tape 161 Barry Goldwater: An American Life, 1991 (VHS)
884Tape 162 Goldwater Dinner, District 24 Republicans, 1991 (VHS)
884Tape 163 20/20, 1993 July 23 (VHS)
884Tape 163a Jay Leno Show, 1993 (VHS)
884Tape 164 Today Show, 1994 May 24 (VHS)
884Tape 165 Ernest McFarland Foundation Dinner, 1994 November 20 (VHS)
884Tape 165a Tonight Show with Jay Leno, 1995 February 13 (VHS)
884Tape 166 Today Show, 1995 February 28 (VHS)
884Tape 167 Barry Goldwater: Photographs and Memories, 1995 (VHS)
884Tape 168 American Original (Barry Goldwater), Zach Burkett Productions, ASU Foundation, 1996 April 18 (VHS)
884Tape 169 Barry Goldwater Dinner, 1996 July 27 (VHS; Parts 1 and 2)
884Tape 170 Goldwater Dinner, 1996 August 2 (VHS)
884Tape 171 A & E Biography This Week: Barry Goldwater, 1996 August 10 (VHS)
884Tape 172 A & E Biography: Barry Goldwater-The Conscience of Conservatives, 1996 December 23 (VHS)
884Tape 173 Goldwater Center Dedication, 1997 June 27 (VHS)
884Tape 174 Goldwater's Death, Various News Coverage, 1998 May 29 (VHS)
885Tape 175 Barry Goldwater Memories/Funeral: Phoenix Coverage, 1998 May 29-June 3 (VHS; Tape 1)
885Tape 176 Barry Goldwater Memories/Funeral: CBS News 5 at Daybreak, 12 News Tonight, Fox News at 5pm, 1998 June 3 (VHS; Tape 2)
885Tape 177 Barry Goldwater Memories: Philadelphia Coverage, 1998 May 29 (VHS; Tape 1)
885Tape 178 Barry Goldwater Memories: Philadelphia/San Francisco Coverage, 1998 May 29-June 3 (VHS; Tape 2)
885Tape 179 Barry Goldwater Memories and Funeral: Miami, Florida Coverage, 1998 May 30-June 3 (VHS)
885Tape 180 KNXV-TV 15 Goldwater Funeral, 1998 June 2 (VHS)
885Tape 181 Barry Goldwater Memorial Services, 1998 June 3 (VHS; 1 of 2)
885Tape 182 Barry Goldwater Memorial Services, 1998 June 3 (VHS; 2 of 2)
885Tape 183 The Goldwater Presents a Tribute Barry, 1998 November 4 (VHS)
885Tape 184 Barry Goldwater: An American Life, Memorial Edition, 1998 (VHS)
885Tape 185 Barry M. Goldwater Tribute, Tribune/Anti-Defamation League, This Man's Song, 1999 May (VHS)
885Tape 186 Bob and Susan Goldwater, 2000 January 6 (VHS)
885Tape 187 Goldwater House Tour, Channel 10, 2000 January 13 (VHS)
885Tape 188 Choice, Undated (VHS)
885Tape 188a Barry Goldwater: An American Hero, Undated (VHS)
885Tape 189 Barry Goldwater and Stewart Udall, Undated (VHS)
885Tape 190 Children (Phx-PRC-LA), Undated (VHS)
No audio, footage taken by Senator Goldwater.
885Tape 191 Desert Flowers, Bees, Sunsets etc., Undated (VHS)
No audio, footage taken by Senator Goldwater.
885Tape 192 Domestic Flowers, Undated (VHS)
No audio, footage taken by Senator Goldwater.
885Tape 193 Fishing Mexican Waters, Undated (VHS)
No audio, footage taken by Senator Goldwater.
885Tape 194 Odds and Ends #2: Town Meets World, Undated (VHS)
No audio, footage taken by Senator Goldwater.
885Tape 195 Old Indian City, Maricopa Pottery, Oak Creek, YMCA-R Trip, Undated (VHS)
No audio, footage taken by Senator Goldwater.
885Tape 196 Vacation Burrar – Thru Panama Canal, Undated (VHS)
No audio, footage taken by Senator Goldwater.
885Tape 197 Water Ski, Undated (VHS)
No audio, footage taken by Senator Goldwater.
885Tape 198 Television Campaign Ads, 1964 (DVD)
885Tape 199 Television Campaign Ads, 1964 (DVD)
From Annenberg Public Policy Center.
886Tape 200 Dinah's Place, 1972 November 20 (Master)
887Tape 201 Democrats for Goldwater, Undated (Master)
Sub-Series I: Audio (Includes CDs)
Scope and Content Note
Includes reel to reels, cassette tapes, and records. Not all audio formats are playable in the reading room.
Many of the audio recordings have been digitized onto CD.
888Tape 1 Ripley's "Believe It or Not" Goldwater and the Grand Canyon, 1940 May 16 (Reel-to-Reel)
888Tape 2 Germany Invades Yugoslavia (1941 April 6), Interview with Governor Pyle, (1947 July 17), Talk by Miller (1948 June 20), Arizona Slum Condition Survey (1949 January 1), 1941-1949 (Reel-to-Reel)
888Tape 3 Williams Air Force Base Graduation, 1950 December 16 (Reel-to-Reel)
888Tape 4 Inauguration to Phoenix City Council, 1950 (Reel-to-Reel)
888Tape 5 Henry Arthur Ashurst Interview by Sam Jones KOY, Cavalcade of Builders, The Goldwater Family, 1951 September 27 (Reel-to-Reel)
888Tape 6 Breakfast in Washington, D.C., Goldwater Speech, 1951 October 29 (Reel-to-Reel)
888Tape 7 Goldwater's Yuma Speech at the Women's Club, KYUM-Yuma, 1952 August 13 (Reel-to-Reel)
888Tape 8 End of Campaign, Impressions of 1st Congress, 1952 (Reel-to-Reel)
888Tape 9 Arizona Air Cavalcade, Interview with Goldwater about Indian Dances, Interview with Joe Renes on Fishing, St. Luke's Hospital Ground Breaking Ceremony, Arizona Republican Convention, 1952-1953 (Reel-to-Reel)
888Tape 10 "Longing Iconoscope", Coffee in Washington, 1953 April 17 (Reel-to-Reel)
888Tape 11 Ashurst Pig Speech, 1953 (Reel-to-Reel)
888Tape 12 Pioneer Days of Arizona, circa 1953 (Reel-to-Reel)
888Tape 13 Speech on State's Rights, Amendments to Labor Act, 1953-1954 (Reel-to-Reel)
888Tape 14 Goldwater Speech, Air Reserve Center, Washington, D.C., 1954 April 22 (Reel-to-Reel)
888Tape 15 Senator Goldwater and Senator Lister Hill, "The Leading Question", 1954 July 11 (Reel-to-Reel)
888Tape 16 Phoenix Press Club, 1954 October 20 (Reel-to-Reel)
888Tape 17 "Hills of Home", Background for Poem, 1954 October 28 (Reel-to-Reel)
888Tape 18 Goldwater Speech in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1954 November 13 (Reel-to-Reel)
888Tape 19 Speech in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1954 November 16 (Reel-to-Reel)
888Tape 20 Senator Welker, Boise, Idaho, 1954 (Reel-to-Reel)
888Tape 21 "It's Your Business", circa 1954 (Reel-to-Reel)
888Tape 22 "It's Your Business", ABC, circa 1954 (Reel-to-Reel)
888Tape 23 Sounding Board, San Marcos Hotel, Chandler, Arizona, 1955 February 15 (Reel-to-Reel)
889Tape 24 Meet the Press, 1955 February 27 (Reel-to-Reel)
889Tape 25 Rotary Club, Cumberland, Maryland, 1955 March 29 (Reel-to-Reel)
889Tape 26 "Capital Cloakroom" CBS-WTOP, Washington, D.C., 1955 May 18 (Reel-to-Reel; Part 1)
889Tape 27 "Capital Cloakroom" CBS-WTOP, Washington, D.C., 1955 May 18 (Reel-to-Reel; Part 2)
889Tape 28 Luke Air Force Base Information, 1955 October 27 (Reel-to-Reel)
889Tape 29 Bower Hall, Miscellaneous Music, 1955 November 23 (Reel-to-Reel)
889Tape 30 Goldwater and Sam Brown, 1955 December 6 (Reel-to-Reel)
889Tape 31 Middle East, 1955 December 15 (Reel-to-Reel)
889Tape 32 Lincoln Day Banquet, Pontiac, Michigan, 1955 (Reel-to-Reel)
889Tape 33 Barry Goldwater Talk, 1956 January 20 (Reel-to-Reel)
889Tape 34 KOY, Phoenix, Arizona, 1956 February 17 (Reel-to-Reel)
889Tape 35 Psychological Warfare in Communist POW Camps, Korea, 1956 March 1 (Reel-to-Reel)
889Tape 36 Young Republican Club, New York, 1956 June 3 (Reel-to-Reel)
889Tape 37 Dinner Speech, 1956 June 30 (Reel-to-Reel; Part 1)
889Tape 38 Dinner Speech, 1956 June 30 (Reel-to-Reel; Part 2)
889Tape 39 Interview with Judy Jennings and Linda McMillan, Delegates to Girls' Nation, 1956 July 7 (Reel-to-Reel)
889Tape 40 Charles T. Montano, KNOG, Nogales, 1956 July 31 (Reel-to-Reel)
889Tape 41 UAW-TV, CKLW-TV, 1956 September 16 (Reel-to-Reel)
889Tape 42 Guy Nunn, UAW-TV, 1956 September 23 (Reel-to-Reel)
889Tape 43 Guy Nunn, UAW-TV, 1956 October 4-5 (Reel-to-Reel)
889Tape 44 Guy Nunn, UAW-TV, 1956 October 7 (Reel-to-Reel)
889Tape 45 Guy Nunn, UAW-TV, 1956 October 8-9 (Reel-to-Reel)
889Tape 46 Guy Nunn, CKLW-TV, 1956 October 10-11 (Reel-to-Reel)
890Tape 47 Guy Nunn, CKLW-TV, 1956 October 12-15 (Reel-to-Reel)
890Tape 48 Guy Nunn, CKLW-TV, Vote for Adlai, 1956 October 14 (Reel-to-Reel)
890Tape 49 Guy Nunn, CKLW-TV, 1956 October 16 (Reel-to-Reel)
890Tape 50 Guy Nunn, UAW, 1956 November 5-6 (Reel-to-Reel)
890Tape 51 Guy Nunn, CKLW-TV, 1956 November 7 (Reel-to-Reel)
890Tape 52 American College on the Air, 1956 (Reel-to-Reel)
890Tape 53 Luke Field Speech, Westward Ho Hotel, 1956 (Reel-to-Reel)
890Tape 54 Litchfield Park Speech, 1956 (Reel-to-Reel; Part 1)
890Tape 55 Litchfield Park Speech, 1956 (Reel-to-Reel; Part 2)
890Tape 56 "Its Your Business", ABC, 1957 February 2 (Reel-to-Reel)
890Tape 57 Goldwater Speech, 1957 February 12 (Reel-to-Reel)
890Tape 58 Goldwater Speech, 1957 February 12 (Reel-to-Reel)
890Tape 59 Capital Cloakroom, 1957 March 18 (Reel-to-Reel)
890Tape 60 "Labor's Responsibility to Freedom" 45th Annual Meeting, 3rd Session, 1957 May 1 (Reel-to-Reel)
890Tape 61 "McCarthy's Death", 1957 May 2 (Reel-to-Reel)
890Tape 62 Manion Program, 1957 May 12 (Reel-to-Reel)
890Tape 63 Senator Barry Goldwater vs. Walter Reuther, 1958 January 22 (Reel-to-Reel)
890Tape 64 Senator Goldwater, MBS Reporters' Roundup Panel Broadcast, 1958 February 3 (Reel-to-Reel)
890Tape 65 46th Annual Meeting, 2nd Session, "Corrective Legislation is Needed", 1958 April 29 (Reel-to-Reel)
890Tape 66 Speech by Senator Goldwater at SMA, 1958 June 1 (Reel-to-Reel)
890Tape 67 Independent American, Radio Edition with Barry Goldwater and Kent Courtney, 1958 July 8 (Reel-to-Reel)
890Tape 68 Mexico City Interview, 1958 December 2 (Reel-to-Reel)
890Tape 69 Phoenix Real Estate Board, Public Housing, circa 1958 (Reel-to-Reel)
891Tape 70 Nationwide Unrehearsed Reporters' Roundup Panel Broadcast, 1959 January 18 (Reel-to-Reel)
891Tape 71 Saginaw Speech, 1959 February 9 (Reel-to-Reel)
891Tape 72 Radio News Conference with Herbert Gordon, 1959 February 27 (Reel-to-Reel)
891Tape 73 Testimonial Luncheon for Senator Goldwater at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel, New York, 1959 March 3 (Reel-to-Reel)
891Tape 74 Independent American, Radio Edition, 1959 March 17 (Reel-to-Reel)
891Tape 75 American Good Government Society, 1959 April 30 (Reel-to-Reel)
891Tape 76 Phoenix Press Club, 1959 May 29 (Reel-to-Reel)
891Tape 77 Salute to the Republican Congress, 1959 June 8 (Reel-to-Reel; Tape 1)
891Tape 78 Salute to the Republican Congress, 1959 June 8 (Reel-to-Reel; Tape 2)
891Tape 79 George Washington Day Dinner, 1959 June 9 (Reel-to-Reel)
891Tape 80 Veterans Day Speech, VA Center, Whipple, Arizona, 1959 November 11 (Reel-to-Reel)
891Tape 81 Moscow, Idaho, 1959 (Reel-to-Reel; Tape 1)
891Tape 82 Moscow, Idaho, 1959 (Reel-to-Reel; Tape 2)
891Tape 83 Ohio Young Republican Convention, 1959 (Reel-to-Reel)
Removed, not pertaining to Goldwater or Repubican Convention.
891Tape 84 Talk and Room Background, 1960 January 31 (Reel-to-Reel)
891Tape 85 Pre-Convention, Republican National Convention, 1960 May 4 (Reel-to-Reel)
891Tape 86 Staunton Military Academy, 1960 May 29 (Reel-to-Reel)
891Tape 87 College News Conference, ABC-TV, 1960 June 26 (Reel-to-Reel)
891Tape 88 "Define a Conservative", Goldwater and Pattie Hill on Capital Hill, D.C., NBC, 1960 August 24 (Reel-to-Reel)
891Tape 89 Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1960 September 23 (Reel-to-Reel; 2 Tapes)
891Tape 90 Nixon-Kennedy Debate, 1960 September 26 (Reel-to-Reel)
891Tape 91 Nixon-Kennedy Debate, 1960 October 3 (Reel-to-Reel)
892Tape 100 "Face the Nation", WBNS-TV, 1961 January 26 (Reel-to-Reel)
892Tape 101 California Toiletries Association, Questions and Speech, 1961 February 7 (Reel-to-Reel)
892Tape 102 Mrs. Frank Bateman, Mr. Charles White, Orange Room, Everglades Club, Palm Beach, Florida, 1961 March 10 (Reel-to-Reel)
892Tape 103 Speech at Spokane Coliseum, Washington, 1961 September 4 (Reel-to-Reel)
892Tape 104 Goldwater on "Your Stake in America", 1961 September 27 (Reel-to-Reel)
892Tape 105 Debate, Goldwater vs. Norman Thomas, Tucson, Arizona, 1961 November 26 (Reel-to-Reel)
892Tape 106 GOP Regional Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1961 November 28 (Reel-to-Reel)
892Tape 107 Alfalfa Dinner, 1962 January 20 (Reel-to-Reel)
892Tape 108 Political Action Conference, 1962 July 13-14 (Reel-to-Reel)
892Tape 109 Sales Marketing Executives, Westward Ho Hotel, Phoenix, 1962 December 3 (Reel-to-Reel)
892Tape 110 Manned Bomber, ABC, 1963 January 18-21 (Reel-to-Reel)
892Tape 111 Bayard, 1963 January 21 (Reel-to-Reel)
892Tape 112 "Impact of the 88th Congress on Business", 1963 January 23-24 (Reel-to-Reel)
892Tape 113 Mr. Lobo, Cuba, 1963 January 30 (Reel-to-Reel)
892Tape 114 Armed Services, 1963 February 4 (Reel-to-Reel)
892Tape 92 Nixon-Kennedy Debate, 1960 October 7 (Reel-to-Reel)
892Tape 93 Test Pilots Meeting, Ambassador Hotel, 1960 October 8 (Reel-to-Reel)
892Tape 94 Republican Rally, Las Vegas, Nevada, 1960 October 12 (Reel-to-Reel)
892Tape 95 Nixon-Kennedy Debate, 1960 October 13 (Reel-to-Reel)
892Tape 96 Wheeling, West Virginia, 1960 October 22 (Reel-to-Reel)
892Tape 97 Nixon-Kennedy Debate, 1960 October 23 (Reel-to-Reel)
892Tape 98 "Face the Nation", CBS-TV, 1960 October 23 (Reel-to-Reel)
892Tape 99 Political Action Conference, Washington, D.C., 1961 January 6-7 (Reel-to-Reel)
893Tape 115 Association of American Editorial Cartoonists, 1963 May 10 (Reel-to-Reel)
893Tape 116 Goldwater Addressing the Graduating Class of New Mexico Military Institute at Roswell, 1963 June 2 (Reel-to-Reel)
893Tape 117 Ray Bliss, Timkens, Dr. Benyamin, Senator Tower, Cabell Phillips, 1963 July 25 (Reel-to-Reel)
893Tape 118 JFK Speech at Mormon Tabernacle, 1963 September 26 (Reel-to-Reel)
893Tape 119 Monterey County Business Meeting, Bob Gustin Speaking, 1963 October 2 (Reel-to-Reel)
893Tape 120 Background Status of the Campaign, Current Campaign Situation, 1963 October 12 (Reel-to-Reel)
893Tape 121 Better Business Bureau Annual Dinner, Chicago, 1963 November 12 (Reel-to-Reel)
893Tape 122 Goldwater's Relationship with the Press, NBC News, 1964 January 9 (Reel-to-Reel)
893Tape 123 1st GOP Mock Convention Highlights, 1964 January 11 (Reel-to-Reel)
893Tape 124 Jaycee's Dinner, Manchester, New Hampshire, 1964 January 21 (Reel-to-Reel)
893Tape 125 Kansas City Speech, 1964 January 31 (Reel-to-Reel)
893Tape 126 Lambert Field, St. Louis, Missouri, 1964 January 31 (Reel-to-Reel)
893Tape 127 Lincoln Day Dinner Speech, 1964 February 8 (Reel-to-Reel)
893Tape 128 William F. Buckley Jr. Debate with Norman Mailer, 1964 February 16 (Reel-to-Reel)
893Tape 129 Barry Goldwater on Face the Nation, 1964 March 15 (Reel-to-Reel)
893Tape 130 Mike Goldwater Speech at St. Ambrose College, 1964 March 16 (Reel-to-Reel)
893Tape 131 Speech at Grand Rapids, 1964 March (Reel-to-Reel)
893Tape 132 "Coffee Talk", 1964 May 4 (Reel-to-Reel)
893Tape 133 Goldwater Answering Questions on State, National, and International Issues, 1964 May 11 (Reel-to-Reel)
893Tape 134 Goldwater Campaign Tape, 1964 May 13 (Reel-to-Reel)
893Tape 135 Goldwater Radio Spots, 1964 May 14 (Reel-to-Reel)
893Tape 136 Oregon Special, ABC-TV, 1964 May 14 (Reel-to-Reel)
893Tape 137 Barry Goldwater on the Steve Allen Show, 1964 May 29 (Reel-to-Reel)
894Tape 138 Endorsement from Mr. Smith, 1964 June 1 (Reel-to-Reel)
894Tape 139 Promotion for Goldwater Rally in New Castle, Indiana, 1964 June 25 (Reel-to-Reel)
894Tape 140 Barry Goldwater Press Conference, San Francisco, 1964 July 9 (Reel-to-Reel)
894Tape 141 Barry Goldwater and Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. Prior to Republican National Convention, San Francisco, 1964 July 9 (Reel-to-Reel)
894Tape 142 Barry Goldwater, ABC-TV Interview, 1964 July 12 (Reel-to-Reel)
894Tape 143 Republican National Convention, 1964 July 13 (Reel-to-Reel)
894Tape 144 Dirksen Nomination of Barry Goldwater, 1964 July 15 (Reel-to-Reel)
894Tape 145 Goldwater Acceptance Speech, NBC, 1964 July 16 (Reel-to-Reel)
894Tape 146 Goldwater Acceptance Speech, CBS, 1964 July 16 (Reel-to-Reel)
894Tape 147 Goldwater and Miller, NBC, 1964 July 16 (Reel-to-Reel)
894Tape 148 Goldwater and Miller, ABC, 1964 July 16 (Reel-to-Reel)
894Tape 149 Goldwater Acceptance Speech, 1964 July 16 (Reel-to-Reel; Tape 1)
894Tape 150 Goldwater Acceptance Speech, 1964 July 16 (Reel-to-Reel; Tape 2)
894Tape 151 Barry Goldwater Reply to Walter Cronkite, 1964 July 17 (Reel-to-Reel)
894Tape 152 Mrs. Baron Goldwater, 1964 July 18 (Reel-to-Reel)
894Tape 153 NBC Special on Goldwater, 1964 July 30 (Reel-to-Reel)
894Tape 154 Goldwater and Ham Radio Operators, 1964 August 22 (Reel-to-Reel)
894Tape 155 Prescott, Arizona, 1964 September 3 (Reel-to-Reel)
894Tape 156 Barry Goldwater at Chaves Ravine, Los Angeles, 1964 September 5 (Reel-to-Reel)
894Tape 157 Phoenix, Arizona, 1964 September 6 (Reel-to-Reel)
894Tape 158 Phoenix Airport, San Diego Airport, San Diego Plaza, 1975 September 6-7 (Reel-to-Reel)
894Tape 159 San Diego, California, 1964 September 7 (Reel-to-Reel)
895Tape 160 Los Angeles, California, 1964 September 8 (Reel-to-Reel)
895Tape 161 Dodger Stadium, Los Angeles, California, 1964 September 8 (Reel-to-Reel)
895Tape 162 Goldwater Speeches at Los Angeles and Sacramento, California, Klamath Falls, Oregon, Seattle, Washington, Boise, Idaho, 1964 September 8-10 (Reel-to-Reel)
895Tape 163 Sacramento, California, 1964 September 9 (Reel-to-Reel)
895Tape 164 Klamath Falls, Oregon, 1964 September 9 (Reel-to-Reel)
895Tape 165 Seattle, Washington, 1964 September 9 (Reel-to-Reel)
895Tape 166 Barry Goldwater Interview with Hugh Downs, Today Show NBC-TV, 1964 September 10 (Reel-to-Reel)
895Tape 167 Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1964 September 10 (Reel-to-Reel)
895Tape 168 Boise, Idaho, 1964 September 10 (Reel-to-Reel)
895Tape 169 Great Falls, Montana, 1964 September 10 (Reel-to-Reel)
895Tape 170 Newport, Rhode Island, 1964 September 10 (Reel-to-Reel)
895Tape 171 Montana, Minnesota, Illinois Speeches, 1964 September 10-11 (Reel-to-Reel)
895Tape 172 Chicago, Illinois, 1964 September 11 (Reel-to-Reel)
895Tape 173 Rockford, Illinois, 1964 September 11 (Reel-to-Reel)
895Tape 174 Dean Burch on Democratic National Convention, Fair Campaign Practices News Conference, 1964 September 11 (Reel-to-Reel)
895Tape 175 Goldwater and Miller Start Campaign, Prescott, Arizona, 1964 September 13 (Reel-to-Reel; Tape 1)
895Tape 176 Goldwater and Miller Start Campaign, Prescott, Arizona, 1964 September 13 (Reel-to-Reel; Tape 2)
895Tape 177 Goldwater and Miller Start Campaign, Prescott, Arizona, 1964 September 13 (Reel-to-Reel; Tape 3)
895Tape 178 Orlando, Florida, 1964 September 15 (Reel-to-Reel)
895Tape 179 St. Petersburg, Florida, 1964 September 15 (Reel-to-Reel)
895Tape 180 Tampa, Florida, 1964 September 15 (Reel-to-Reel)
895Tape 181 Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, 1964 September 15-16 (Reel-to-Reel)
896Tape 182 Montgomery, Alabama, 1964 September 16 (Reel-to-Reel)
896Tape 183 Montgomery, Alabama, 1964 September 16 (Reel-to-Reel)
896Tape 184 Macon, Georgia, 1964 September 16 (Reel-to-Reel)
896Tape 185 Macon, Georgia, 1964 September 16 (Reel-to-Reel)
896Tape 186 Knoxville, Tennessee, 1964 September 16 (Reel-to-Reel)
896Tape 187 Georgia, Alabama, 1964 September 16 (Reel-to-Reel)
896Tape 188 Strom Thurmond, Miami, Florida, 1964 September 16 (Reel-to-Reel)
896Tape 189 San Diego, California, 1964 September 17 (Reel-to-Reel)
896Tape 190 New Orleans, Louisiana, 1964 September 17 (Reel-to-Reel)
896Tape 191 Shreveport, Louisiana, 1964 September 17 (Reel-to-Reel)
896Tape 192 Louisiana, Texas, Illinois, Indiana, 1964 September 17-18 (Reel-to-Reel)
896Tape 193 Springfield, Illinois, 1964 September 18 (Reel-to-Reel)
896Tape 194 Evansville, Indiana, 1964 September 18 (Reel-to-Reel)
896Tape 195 Longview, Texas, 1964 September 18 (Reel-to-Reel)
896Tape 196 Charleston, West Virginia, 1964 September 18 (Reel-to-Reel)
896Tape 197 Goldwater Address, CBS, 1964 September 18 (Reel-to-Reel)
896Tape 198 West Virginia, North Dakota, South Carolina, Texas, 1964 September 18-22 (Reel-to-Reel)
896Tape 199 Fargo, North Dakota, 1964 September 18 (Reel-to-Reel)
896Tape 200 Charlotte, North Carolina, 1964 September 21 (Reel-to-Reel)
896Tape 201 Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1964 September 22 (Reel-to-Reel)
896Tape 202 Tulsa, Oklahoma, 1964 September 22 (Reel-to-Reel)
896Tape 203 Amarillo, Texas, 1964 September 22 (Reel-to-Reel)
896Tape 204 Odessa, Texas, 1964 September 22 (Reel-to-Reel)
897Tape 205 Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 1964 September 22 (Reel-to-Reel)
897Tape 206 Barry Goldwater and Dwight Eisenhower, NBC-TV, 1964 September 22 (Reel-to-Reel)
897Tape 207 New Mexico, Texas, Wisconsin, Maine, 1964 September 22-25 (Reel-to-Reel)
897Tape 208 Mason City, Iowa, 1964 September 24 (Reel-to-Reel)
897Tape 209 Madison, Wisconsin, 1964 September 24 (Reel-to-Reel)
897Tape 210 Dean Burch at the National Press Club, 1964 September 24 (Reel-to-Reel; Tape 1)
897Tape 211 Dean Burch at the National Press Club, 1964 September 24 (Reel-to-Reel; Tape 2)
897Tape 212 South Bend, Indiana, 1964 September 26 (Reel-to-Reel)
897Tape 213 Detroit Airport, 1964 September 26 (Reel-to-Reel)
897Tape 214 Detroit, Michigan, 1964 September 26 (Reel-to-Reel)
897Tape 215 Midland, Michigan, 1964 September 26 (Reel-to-Reel)
897Tape 216 Niles, Michigan, 1964 September 26 (Reel-to-Reel)
897Tape 217 Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, 1964 September 26 (Reel-to-Reel)
897Tape 218 Republican National Committee, 1964 September 26 (Reel-to-Reel)
897Tape 219 Michigan, Ohio, 1964 September 26-30 (Reel-to-Reel)
897Tape 220 Blanchester, Ohio, 1964 September 29 (Reel-to-Reel)
897Tape 221 Cincinnati, Ohio, 1964 September 29 (Reel-to-Reel)
897Tape 222 Dayton, Ohio, 1964 September 30 (Reel-to-Reel)
897Tape 223 Lima, Ohio, 1964 September 30 (Reel-to-Reel)
897Tape 224 Marion, Ohio, 1964 September 30 (Reel-to-Reel)
897Tape 225 Ohio, 1964 September 30 (Reel-to-Reel)
897Tape 226 Miscellaneous Today Show Spots, 1964 September 30 (Reel-to-Reel)
897Tape 227 Cairo, Illinois, 1964 October 2 (Reel-to-Reel)
898Tape 228 Indiana, Illinois, 1964 October 1-2 (Reel-to-Reel)
898Tape 229 Illinois, 1964 October 2-3 (Reel-to-Reel)
898Tape 230 Joliet, Illinois, 1964 October 3 (Reel-to-Reel)
898Tape 231 Moline, Illinois, 1964 October 3 (Reel-to-Reel)
898Tape 232 Wheaton, Illinois, 1964 October 3 (Reel-to-Reel)
898Tape 233 Illinois, Texas, Phoenix, 1964 October 3-8 (Reel-to-Reel)
898Tape 234 ABC Paid Political Ads, 1964 October 6 (Reel-to-Reel)
898Tape 235 NBC Republican National Committee Program, 1964 October 6 (Reel-to-Reel)
898Tape 236 "Real Job of the Presidency", 1964 October 6 (Reel-to-Reel)
898Tape 237 El Paso, Texas, 1964 October 8 (Reel-to-Reel)
898Tape 238 Lubbock, Texas, 1964 October 8 (Reel-to-Reel)
898Tape 239 Goldwater, American Indians, Phoenix, Arizona, 1964 October 8 (Reel-to-Reel)
898Tape 240 Plaster's Union, Phoenix, Arizona, 1964 October 8 (Reel-to-Reel)
898Tape 241 Hughes Airport, Las Vegas, 1964 October 9 (Reel-to-Reel)
898Tape 242 Fisherman's Warf, San Francisco, California, 1964 October 9 (Reel-to-Reel)
898Tape 243 World Affairs Council, 1964 October 9 (Reel-to-Reel)
898Tape 244 California, Washington, 1964 October 9-10 (Reel-to-Reel)
898Tape 245 Spokane, Washington, 1964 October 10 (Reel-to-Reel)
898Tape 246 Oregon, Iowa, Colorado, 1964 October 10-14 (Reel-to-Reel)
898Tape 247 Des Moines, Iowa, 1964 October 13 (Reel-to-Reel)
898Tape 248 Campaign Song, 1964 October 14 (Reel-to-Reel)
898Tape 249 Denver Airport, Colorado, 1964 October 14 (Reel-to-Reel)
899Tape 250 Denver Center, Colorado, 1964 October 14 (Reel-to-Reel)
899Tape 251 Coliseum, Denver, Colorado, 1964 October 14 (Reel-to-Reel)
899Tape 252 Denver, Colorado, 1964 October 14 (Reel-to-Reel)
899Tape 253 Layman College, Texas, 1964 October 15 (Reel-to-Reel)
899Tape 254 Harlinger, Texas, 1964 October 15 (Reel-to-Reel)
899Tape 255 Houston, Texas, 1964 October 15 (Reel-to-Reel)
899Tape 256 Republican and Democratic Short Speeches and Statements, 1964 October 15, 16, 18 (Reel-to-Reel)
899Tape 257 Texas, Ohio, Pennsylvania, California, 1964 October 15-23 (Reel-to-Reel)
899Tape 258 Goldwater Speech, 1964 October 16 (Reel-to-Reel)
899Tape 259 Chicago, Illinois, Civil Rights, 1964 October 16, 22 (Reel-to-Reel)
899Tape 260 Akron, Ohio, 1964 October 17 (Reel-to-Reel)
899Tape 261 Canton, Ohio, 1964 October 17 (Reel-to-Reel)
899Tape 262 Mansfield, Ohio, 1964 October 17 (Reel-to-Reel)
899Tape 263 Governor Ronald Reagan's Pre-Election Speech in Support of Barry Goldwater, 1964 October 17 (Reel-to-Reel)
899Tape 264 Goldwater Breakfast, 1964 October 19 (Reel-to-Reel)
899Tape 265 Dean Burch, NBC, 1964 October 19 (Reel-to-Reel)
899Tape 266 Dean Burch's Answer to Lyndon B. Johnson, National Press Club, 1964 October 19 (Reel-to-Reel)
899Tape 267 Republican and Democratic Short Speeches and Statements, 1964 October 19-21 (Reel-to-Reel)
899Tape 268 Pikesville, Maryland, 1964 October 20 (Reel-to-Reel)
899Tape 269 Barry Goldwater and General James Doolittle Commentary, ABC, 1964 October 20 (Reel-to-Reel)
899Tape 270 Barry Goldwater and General James Doolittle Commentary, 1964 October 20 (Reel-to-Reel)
899Tape 271 Goldwater on Foreign Affairs, 1964 October 21 (Reel-to-Reel)
899Tape 272 Republican and Democratic Short Speeches and Statements, 1964 October 22-27 (Reel-to-Reel)
900Tape 273 "Brunch with Barry", NBC, 1964 October 23 (Reel-to-Reel)
900Tape 274 Los Angeles, California, 1964 October 23 (Reel-to-Reel)
900Tape 275 Santa Ana, San Diego, California, 1964 October 23 (Reel-to-Reel)
900Tape 276 Westgate Park, San Diego, California, 1964 October 23 (Reel-to-Reel)
900Tape 277 Austin, Texas, 1964 October 24 (Reel-to-Reel)
900Tape 278 Austin, Texas, 1964 October 24 (Reel-to-Reel)
900Tape 279 Wichita Falls, Texas, 1964 October 24 (Reel-to-Reel)
900Tape 280 Texas, Iowa, 1964 October 24-28 (Reel-to-Reel)
900Tape 281 Personal Message from Dr. Joseph Steckler, 1964 October 25 (Reel-to-Reel)
900Tape 282 Madison Square Garden, New York, 1964 October 26 (Reel-to-Reel)
900Tape 283 Salisbury, Maryland, 1964 October 26 (Reel-to-Reel)
900Tape 284 Cleveland, Ohio, 1964 October 27 (Reel-to-Reel)
900Tape 285 London, Kentucky, 1964 October 27 (Reel-to-Reel)
900Tape 286 Cedar Rapids Airport, Iowa, 1964 October 28 (Reel-to-Reel)
900Tape 287 Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 1964 October 28 (Reel-to-Reel)
900Tape 288 Oshkosh, Wisconsin, 1964 October 28 (Reel-to-Reel)
900Tape 289 "Nixon TV" Cincinnati, Ohio, 1964 October 28 (Reel-to-Reel)
900Tape 290 "One Woman's…", Helen Hall, Mrs. Goldwater and Children, 1964 October 28 (Reel-to-Reel)
900Tape 291 Johnson, Pennsylvania, 1964 October 29 (Reel-to-Reel)
900Tape 292 Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, 1964 October 29 (Reel-to-Reel)
900Tape 293 Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, 1964 October 29 (Reel-to-Reel)
900Tape 294 Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, 1964 October 29 (Reel-to-Reel)
900Tape 295 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1964 October 29 (Reel-to-Reel)
901Tape 296 Walter Cronkite Interview, CBS, 1964 October 29 (Reel-to-Reel)
901Tape 297 Republican and Democratic Short Speeches and Statements, 1964 October 29 (Reel-to-Reel)
901Tape 298 Los Angeles Airport, California, 1964 October 30 (Reel-to-Reel)
901Tape 299 Republican and Democratic Short Speeches and Statements, 1964 October 30, 31 (Reel-to-Reel)
901Tape 300 Tucson, Phoenix, Arizona, South Carolina, 1964 October 30-November 2 (Reel-to-Reel)
901Tape 301 Columbia, South Carolina, 1964 October 31 (Reel-to-Reel)
901Tape 302 Columbia, South Carolina, 1964 October 31 (Reel-to-Reel)
901Tape 303 San Antonio, Texas, 1964 October 31 (Reel-to-Reel)
901Tape 304 Television Spots (Various), 1964 October (Reel-to-Reel)
901Tape 305 Television Spots (Various), 1964 October (Reel-to-Reel)
901Tape 306 Republican and Democratic Short Speeches and Statements, 1964 November 1, 2 (Reel-to-Reel)
901Tape 307 Goldwater at Home, 1964 November 2 (Reel-to-Reel)
901Tape 308 Ronald Regan TV Show, 1964 November 2 (Reel-to-Reel)
901Tape 309 Goldwater Answering Questions on State, National, and International Issues, 1964 November 6 (Reel-to-Reel)
901Tape 310 Buckingham Central High School, Virginia, 1964 November (Reel-to-Reel)
901Tape 311 Clarence (Pat) Manion Speech, 1964 (Reel-to-Reel)
901Tape 312 Encouragement to Vote in the Primary Election and Campaign, 1964 (Reel-to-Reel)
901Tape 313 Peggy Goldwater Interview on the Willie Davis Show, 1964 (Reel-to-Reel)
901Tape 314 Martha Deane in San Francisco with Barry Goldwater Jr. and Mike Goldwater at the Republican National Convention, 1964 (Reel-to-Reel)
901Tape 315 Goldwater at the Essex Inn, 1964 (Reel-to-Reel)
901Tape 316 Gift to Tom Dunlavey from Stephen Rowan, 1964 (Reel-to-Reel)
901Tape 317 Springfield, Ohio, 1964 (Reel-to-Reel)
901Tape 318 "What Can I Do For My Country", Stuart Hamblin, 1964 (Reel-to-Reel)
902Tape 319 Midwest, 1964 (Reel-to-Reel)
902Tape 320 Midwest, 1964 (Reel-to-Reel)
902Tape 321 Midwest, 1964 (Reel-to-Reel)
902Tape 322 Philadelphia Airport, 1964 (Reel-to-Reel)
902Tape 323 Des Moines Farm Meeting, 1964 (Reel-to-Reel)
902Tape 324 Oakley, Ohio, 1964 (Reel-to-Reel)
902Tape 325 Deshler, Ohio, 1964 (Reel-to-Reel)
902Tape 326 Middleton, Ohio, 1964 (Reel-to-Reel)
902Tape 327 Illinois Goldwater for President Committee, 1964 (Reel-to-Reel)
902Tape 328 Illinois Goldwater for President Committee, 1964 (Reel-to-Reel)
902Tape 329 Centralia, Effingham, Illinois, 1964 (Reel-to-Reel)
902Tape 330 Galesburg, Illinois, 1964 (Reel-to-Reel)
902Tape 331 Mattoon, Champaign, Illinois, 1964 (Reel-to-Reel)
902Tape 332 Decatur, Illinois, 1964 (Reel-to-Reel)
902Tape 333 Columbus, Indiana, 1964 (Reel-to-Reel)
902Tape 334 La Salle, Illinois, 1964 (Reel-to-Reel)
902Tape 335 Seymour, Indiana, 1964 (Reel-to-Reel)
902Tape 336 Frankfurt, Indiana, 1964 (Reel-to-Reel)
902Tape 337 Logansport, Indiana, 1964 (Reel-to-Reel)
902Tape 338 Jefferson, Indiana, 1964 (Reel-to-Reel)
903Tape 339 Youth for Goldwater, 1964 (Reel-to-Reel)
903Tape 340 Crown Point, Indiana, 1964 (Reel-to-Reel)
903Tape 341 Georgia, 1964 (Reel-to-Reel)
903Tape 342 GOP Convention, 1964 (Reel-to-Reel; Tape 1)
903Tape 343 GOP Convention, 1964 (Reel-to-Reel; Tape 2)
903Tape 344 Party Leadership, Aid to the Nations of Eastern Europe, 1964 (Reel-to-Reel)
903Tape 345 Maine, 1964 (Reel-to-Reel)
903Tape 346 Portland, Oregon, 1964 (Reel-to-Reel)
903Tape 347 De Molay, Tucson, Arizona, 1965 February 2 (Reel-to-Reel)
903Tape 348 Nixon-Goldwater, 1965 April (Reel-to-Reel)
903Tape 349 Biggs Air Force Base, 1965 May 14 (Reel-to-Reel)
903Tape 350 Debate between Joseph H. Wherry and Albert J. Lima, Chairman, Communist Party, Northern California, 1965 May 28 (Reel-to-Reel)
903Tape 351 Speech by David Brinkley, Ohio, 1965 July 17 (Reel-to-Reel)
903Tape 352 FBI, Grand Canyon, Dickison Electronics, 1965 October 4 (Reel-to-Reel)
903Tape 353 Arizona Banker's Association of Phoenix, Blue Key Forum at Arizona State University, International Press Association at Arizona State University, 1965 October 30 (Reel-to-Reel)
903Tape 354 Campaign Song, H.V. Fowler, 1965 November 27 (Reel-to-Reel)
903Tape 355 Dean Burch, Illinois Station, 1965 (Reel-to-Reel)
903Tape 356 "That Was The Election That Was", 1965 (Reel-to-Reel; Part 1)
903Tape 357 "That Was The Election That Was", 1965 (Reel-to-Reel; Part 2)
903Tape 358 "Barry Goldwater's Arizona", CBS-TV, circa 1965 (Reel-to-Reel)
903Tape 359 Monitor-Goldwater, 1966 January 23 (Reel-to-Reel)
903Tape 360 "Ruin for the Grand Canyon" Forum, 1966 March 31 (Reel-to-Reel)
903Tape 361 East High School, Phoenix, Arizona, 1966 April 26 (Reel-to-Reel)
904Tape 362 Dick Russ, 1966 April 30 (Reel-to-Reel)
904Tape 363 "Personal Message for Goldwater", L.L. Hodges, 1966 June 21 (Reel-to-Reel)
904Tape 364 "Centennial of Aztlan #1 and of Organized Freemasonry in Arizona", Prescott, Arizona, 1966 August 13 (Reel-to-Reel)
904Tape 365 Personal Letters from Mike Paxton, 1966 September 22 (Reel-to-Reel)
904Tape 366 The Free Society Association Dinner, 1966 October 5 (Reel-to-Reel)
904Tape 367 Los Angeles Breakfast Club, 1966 November 23 (Reel-to-Reel)
904Tape 368 Ronald Reagan Speech, circa 1966 (Reel-to-Reel)
904Tape 369 University of Missouri, 1967 February 21 (Reel-to-Reel)
904Tape 370 Morton C. Anderson, Ohio, 1967 February 22 (Reel-to-Reel)
904Tape 371 Face the Nation, CBS, 1967 February 26 (Reel-to-Reel)
904Tape 372 University of Virginia, 1967 March 29 (Reel-to-Reel; Tape 1)
904Tape 373 University of Virginia, 1967 March 29 (Reel-to-Reel; Tape 2)
904Tape 374 University of Virginia, 1967 March 29 (Reel-to-Reel; Tape 3)
904Tape 375 University of Virginia, 1967 March 29 (Reel-to-Reel; Tape 4)
904Tape 376 Virginia Polytech University, 1967 April 6 (Reel-to-Reel)
904Tape 377 Colorado State University, 1967 April 14 (Reel-to-Reel)
904Tape 378 Farber Show, New York City, New York, 1967 April 14 (Reel-to-Reel)
904Tape 379 Barry Goldwater Interview with Mrs. Richard Hille, 1967 May 10 (Reel-to-Reel)
904Tape 380 Comstock Club, 1967 June 22 (Reel-to-Reel)
904Tape 381 "To Set the Scene" Lecture, 1967 June 30 (Reel-to-Reel)
904Tape 382 Young Republicans Convention, Omaha, Nebraska, 1967 June (Reel-to-Reel)
904Tape 383 Voice of America, Short Wave Operators, 1967 July 1 (Reel-to-Reel)
904Tape 384 Republican Women's Club, Chuck Connors, Pasadena, California, 1967 July 28 (Reel-to-Reel)
905Tape 385 "Barry Goldwater's Arizona" CBS-TV, 1967 October 10 (Reel-to-Reel)
905Tape 386 Barry Goldwater, NBC News, 1967 October 27 (Reel-to-Reel)
905Tape 387 Johannesburg Interview, South African Broadcasting Corporation, 1967 December 8 (Reel-to-Reel)
905Tape 388 Speech Delivered to the Foundation for Christian Theology, Hotel Westward Ho, Phoenix, Arizona, 1968 January 17 (Reel-to-Reel)
905Tape 389 Purdue University Lecture, 1968 February 7 (Reel-to-Reel; Tape 1)
905Tape 390 Purdue University Lecture, 1968 February 7 (Reel-to-Reel; Tape 2)
905Tape 391 Purdue University Lecture, 1968 February 7 (Reel-to-Reel; Tape 3)
905Tape 392 Dinner with Barry, Prescott College, 1968 March 14 (Reel-to-Reel)
905Tape 393 Barry Goldwater, 1968 March 28 (Reel-to-Reel)
905Tape 394 Governor Ronald Reagan's Speech in Phoenix, Arizona, 1968 April 9 (Reel-to-Reel)
905Tape 395 Bull Head City, Arizona, 1968 April 30 (Reel-to-Reel)
905Tape 396 Barry Goldwater, Formal Announcement, 1968 May 27 (Reel-to-Reel)
905Tape 397 Winslow, Arizona, 1968 July 9 (Reel-to-Reel)
905Tape 398 Joey Bishop Show, 1968 July 18 (Reel-to-Reel)
905Tape 399 Goldwater on Gripeline with Al Stetson, KDOT Radio, 1968 July 23 (Reel-to-Reel; Part 1)
905Tape 400 Goldwater on Gripeline with Al Stetson, KDOT Radio, 1968 July 23 (Reel-to-Reel; Part 2)
905Tape 401 Captive Nations (July 24); Tucson (July 25), 1968 July 24-25 (Reel-to-Reel)
905Tape 402 Barry Goldwater Speech at GOP Convention, 1968 August 5-8 (Reel-to-Reel)
905Tape 403 Douglas and Sierra Vista, Arizona, 1968 August 15 (Reel-to-Reel)
905Tape 404 Havasu City, Arizona, 1968 August 16 (Reel-to-Reel)
905Tape 405 Kingman, Arizona, 1968 August 17 (Reel-to-Reel)
905Tape 406 Sedona, Arizona, 1968 August 20 (Reel-to-Reel)
905Tape 407 Civitan, Tucson, Arizona; Palo Verde, Phoenix, Arizona, 1968 August 27 (Reel-to-Reel)
906Tape 408 Scottsdale, District 8-C, 1968 August 28 (Reel-to-Reel)
906Tape 409 Glendale Women's Club, Arizona, 1968 August 29 (Reel-to-Reel)
906Tape 410 Opening Speech, Prescott, Arizona, 1968 September 12 (Reel-to-Reel)
906Tape 411 Apache Junction, Arizona, 1968 September 16 (Reel-to-Reel)
906Tape 412 Tucson Press Club, Tucson, Arizona, 1968 September 18 (Reel-to-Reel)
906Tape 413 Parker, Arizona, 1968 September 20 (Reel-to-Reel)
906Tape 414 Yuma, Arizona, 1968 September 20 (Reel-to-Reel)
906Tape 415 Scottsdale, Arizona, 1968 September 21 (Reel-to-Reel)
906Tape 416 Scottsdale, Arizona, 1968 September 23 (Reel-to-Reel)
906Tape 417 Tucson, Arizona, 1968 September 24 (Reel-to-Reel)
906Tape 418 Phoenix, Arizona, 1968 September 24 (Reel-to-Reel)
906Tape 419 Air Transport, Phoenix, Arizona, 1968 September 25 (Reel-to-Reel)
906Tape 420 Scottsdale, Arizona, 1968 September 25 (Reel-to-Reel)
906Tape 421 Breakfast, Phoenix, Arizona, 1968 September 26 (Reel-to-Reel)
906Tape 422 San Manuel, Arizona, 1968 September 26 (Reel-to-Reel)
906Tape 423 Phoenix, Arizona, 1968 September 27 (Reel-to-Reel)
906Tape 424 Tucson, Arizona, 1968 September 28 (Reel-to-Reel)
906Tape 425 James L. Buckley, Westchester County Conservative Club, 1968 September 28 (Reel-to-Reel)
906Tape 426 Phoenix, Arizona, 1968 September 30 (Reel-to-Reel)
906Tape 427 Phoenix, Arizona, 1968 October 1 (Reel-to-Reel)
906Tape 428 20-30 Club, Phoenix, Arizona, 1968 October 2 (Reel-to-Reel)
906Tape 429 Tucson, Arizona, 1968 October 2 (Reel-to-Reel)
907Tape 430 Phoenix, Arizona, 1968 October 3 (Reel-to-Reel)
907Tape 431 Casa Grande, Arizona, 1968 October 8 (Reel-to-Reel)
907Tape 432 Phoenix, Arizona, 1968 October 9 (Reel-to-Reel)
907Tape 433 Phoenix Press Club, Arizona, 1968 October 10 (Reel-to-Reel)
907Tape 434 Phoenix-Silver Wings, 1968 October 10 (Reel-to-Reel)
907Tape 435 Phoenix 100 Rotary, Arizona, 1968 October 11 (Reel-to-Reel)
907Tape 436 Phoenix Italian Club, 1968 October 12 (Reel-to-Reel)
907Tape 437 Prescott, Arizona, 1968 October 13 (Reel-to-Reel)
907Tape 438 Engineers, Phoenix, Arizona, 1968 October 14 (Reel-to-Reel)
907Tape 439 Health Team for Goldwater, Tucson, Arizona, 1968 October 15 (Reel-to-Reel)
907Tape 440 Health Team Dinner, Phoenix, Arizona, 1968 October 16 (Reel-to-Reel)
907Tape 441 Sears, Phoenix, Arizona, 1968 October 16 (Reel-to-Reel)
907Tape 442 Republican Women Rally, Phoenix, Arizona, 1968 October 17 (Reel-to-Reel)
907Tape 443 Arizona Historical Society, Tucson, Arizona, 1968 October 18 (Reel-to-Reel)
907Tape 444 Goldwater, ABC TV, 1968 October 19 (Reel-to-Reel)
907Tape 445 Rally, Mesa, Arizona, 1968 October 19 (Reel-to-Reel)
907Tape 446 Women's Club Rally, Tucson, Arizona, 1968 October 21 (Reel-to-Reel)
907Tape 447 Businessmen's Association, Civic Plaza, Phoenix, Arizona, 1968 October 22 (Reel-to-Reel)
907Tape 448 Sun City Republican Club, Phoenix, Arizona, 1968 October 22 (Reel-to-Reel)
907Tape 449 Tempe Women's Club, 1968 October 23 (Reel-to-Reel)
907Tape 450 Grand Canyon, 1968 October 28 (Reel-to-Reel)
907Tape 451 Election Day, 1968 November 5 (Reel-to-Reel)
907Tape 452 Job Growth, 1968 (Reel-to-Reel)
908Tape 453 Employment in Arizona, 1968 (Reel-to-Reel)
908Tape 454 The Future of Arizona, 1968 (Reel-to-Reel)
908Tape 455 How Arizona Got Its Name, 1968 (Reel-to-Reel)
908Tape 456 Lumber in Arizona, 1968 (Reel-to-Reel)
908Tape 457 Operation MARS, 1968 (Reel-to-Reel)
908Tape 458 Our Good Neighbor (Mexico), 1968 (Reel-to-Reel)
908Tape 459 Dr. James Borror, Pastor, Scottsdale Bible Church, Sermons, 1968 (Reel-to-Reel)
908Tape 460 Barry Goldwater Meets the Senators, CBS-TV, 1969 January 5 (Reel-to-Reel)
908Tape 461 Senator Goldwater Gets his Former Seat on the Armed Services Committee, 1969 January 6 (Reel-to-Reel)
908Tape 462 Representative Mitchell, Womens National Press Club, 1969 January 7 (Reel-to-Reel)
908Tape 463 Womens National Press Club, TV, 1969 January 8 (Reel-to-Reel; 2 Spots)
908Tape 464 Goldwater on Vietnam, Paris Peace Conference, 1969 January 20 (Reel-to-Reel)
908Tape 465 U.S. to Give Hanoi Ultimatum, 1969 February 22 (Reel-to-Reel)
908Tape 466 Issues and Answers, 1969 March 2 (Reel-to-Reel)
908Tape 467 Goldwater Comments on Nixon's First Eight Weeks in Office, 1969 March 15 (Reel-to-Reel)
908Tape 468 Barry Goldwater, Jr. Campaign, Burbank, California, 1969 March 29 (Reel-to-Reel)
908Tape 469 Goldwater Defending Military Industrial Complex, 1969 April 15 (Reel-to-Reel)
908Tape 470 Barry Goldwater, Jr. for Congress, 1969 April 29 (Reel-to-Reel)
908Tape 471 W.A. Harriman Scoring President Nixon, 1969 June 16 (Reel-to-Reel)
908Tape 472 Safe Guard Missile System, 1969 June 21 (Reel-to-Reel)
908Tape 473 Ginsburg Press Conference on Goldwater, 1969 July 19 (Reel-to-Reel)
908Tape 474 State Dinner with U.S. Marine Drum and Bugle Corps, 1969 August 13 (Reel-to-Reel)
908Tape 475 Barry Goldwater, Jr., TV Spot, 1969 September 4 (Reel-to-Reel)
908Tape 476 Discussion Regarding Vietnam, 1969 September 5 (Reel-to-Reel)
908Tape 477 Everett, McKinley, Dirksen; Memorabilia Commentaries, 1969 September 7 (Reel-to-Reel)
908Tape 478 Barry Goldwater, Jr. Plane Crash in Van Nuys, California, 1969 September 20 (Reel-to-Reel)
909Tape 479 Senate Debate on Vietnam, 1969 October 1 (Reel-to-Reel)
909Tape 480 Goldwater on Vietnam, 1969 October 3 (Reel-to-Reel)
909Tape 481 Senator Goldwater with William F. Buckley, 1969 October 5 (Reel-to-Reel)
909Tape 482 Special Veterans Day Observance, 1969 October 18 (Reel-to-Reel)
909Tape 483 Goldwater Against McCarthy, 1969 October 21 (Reel-to-Reel)
909Tape 484 Influence of Vice Presidency, CBS, 1969 October 22 (Reel-to-Reel)
909Tape 485 Mike Douglas Show, 1969 October 23 (Reel-to-Reel)
909Tape 486 Graduation Speech, Williams Air Force Base, Class 70-03, 1969 November 1 (Reel-to-Reel)
909Tape 487 Editor's Corner with David Watamow, KTRG, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1969 November 8 (Reel-to-Reel)
909Tape 488 Mike Douglas Show, 1969 November 17 (Reel-to-Reel)
909Tape 489 Second of Three Reports on Vietnam, 1969 December 20 (Reel-to-Reel)
909Tape 490 Voting for 18 Year Olds, 1970 February 21 (Reel-to-Reel)
909Tape 491 Karl Hess-Goldwater, NBC-TV, 1970 February 22 (Reel-to-Reel)
909Tape 492 David Frost Show, 1970 March 5 (Reel-to-Reel)
909Tape 493 Voting for 18 Year Olds; Goldwater-Ginzberg Libel Suit, 1970 March 9 (Reel-to-Reel)
909Tape 494 Media's Biased Attitude, 1970 March 12 (Reel-to-Reel; 4 TV Spots)
909Tape 495 Phil Harris, Cancer Party, 1970 April 4 (Reel-to-Reel)
909Tape 496 Mike Douglas Show, 1970 April 6 (Reel-to-Reel)
909Tape 497 End MAR, 1970 May (Reel-to-Reel)
909Tape 498 Draft and Patriotism, Sam Donaldson, ABC, 1970 June 6 (Reel-to-Reel)
909Tape 499 Issues and Answers, 1970 June 21 (Reel-to-Reel)
909Tape 500 This is the Guard Program, Produced by the 162nd TAC FIR TNG GRP, Tucson, Arizona, 1970 June (Reel-to-Reel)
909Tape 501 Voice of America, Broadcast to Brazil, Part I, July 25, 2970; Part II, Augut 1, 1970; "Chamada-Geral" -John Hutchins interview with Senator Goldwater, 1971 July 25-August 1 (Reel-to-Reel)
909Tape 502 The Arms Debate, Senators Goldwater and Proxmire, CBS, 1970 August 25 (Reel-to-Reel)
910Tape 503 Merv Griffin Show (September 25); Today Show (September 29), 1970 September 25-29 (Reel-to-Reel)
910Tape 504 Dick Cavett Show, 1970 October 7 (Reel-to-Reel)
910Tape 505 Capitol Hill Today, 1970 October 20 (Reel-to-Reel)
910Tape 506 Mike Douglas Show, 1970 October 27 (Reel-to-Reel)
910Tape 507 David Frost Show, 1970 December 7 (Reel-to-Reel)
910Tape 508 Dick Cavett Show, 1970 December 21 (Reel-to-Reel)
910Tape 509 Alfalfa Club Dinner, 1971 January 23 (Reel-to-Reel)
910Tape 510 Commander's Corner and Interview, USO Club, Saigon, 1971 March 9 (Reel-to-Reel)
910Tape 511 WRC Radio Spots, Washington, DC, 1971 June 14 (Reel-to-Reel)
910Tape 512 Pentagon Study/NY Times; The Media/Agnew WBAI FM, 1971 June 14 (Reel-to-Reel)
910Tape 513 Speaking Freely, NBC, 1971 June 20 (Reel-to-Reel)
910Tape 514 Extend the Draft by Two Years; Vietnam Body Count; Colonel Hackworth, 1971 June 24 (Reel-to-Reel)
910Tape 515 Young Republican Convention, Phoenix, Arizona, 1971 June 25 (Reel-to-Reel)
910Tape 516 Classification and Declassification of Top Secret Documents, ABC, 1971 June 28 (Reel-to-Reel)
910Tape 517 Dick Cavett Show, 1971 July 9 (Reel-to-Reel)
910Tape 518 Merv Griffin Show, 1971 August 19 (Reel-to-Reel)
910Tape 519 Aircheck of Statement by Lt. Colonel Anthony Herbert, 1971 September 9 (Reel-to-Reel)
910Tape 520 Washington Week, CBS Radio, 1971 September 18 (Reel-to-Reel)
910Tape 521 WRC Radio, Washington, DC, 1971 September 29 (Reel-to-Reel)
910Tape 522 Goldwater Accuses Kennedy of Exploiting the Misfortune of American Prisoners of War and their Families for a Newspaper Headline, TV, 1971 September 29 (Reel-to-Reel)
910Tape 523 Senate Confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Rehnquist, 1971 December 10 (Reel-to-Reel)
910Tape 524 Official Deception and the Press, WQXR FM, 1971 December 17 (Reel-to-Reel)
910Tape 525 Rights in Conflict, Senator Sam Irvin, Jr. (D-NC) and Senator Barry Goldwater, 1971 (Reel-to-Reel)
910Tape 526 Senator Carl Hayden Funeral, Tempe, Arizona, President Lyndon Johnson, Senator Goldwater, et al, 1972 January 29 (Reel-to-Reel; Tape 1)
910Tape 527 Senator Carl Hayden Funeral, Tempe, Arizona, President Lyndon Johnson, Senator Goldwater, et al, 1972 January 29 (Reel-to-Reel; Tape 2)
911Tape 528 Senator Carl Hayden Funeral, Tempe, Arizona, President Lyndon Johnson, Senator Goldwater, 1972 January 29 (Reel-to-Reel; Tape 3)
911Tape 529 Dick Cavett Show, 1972 February 18 (Reel-to-Reel)
911Tape 530 Vietnam, 1972 April 5 (Reel-to-Reel)
911Tape 531 Vietnam/Raids, TV Radio Capsules, 1972 April 18 (Reel-to-Reel)
911Tape 532 Vietnam/Raids, TV Capsules; Chou en Lai Interview/John Connally; 51st State NET TV on War, 1972 April 19 (Reel-to-Reel)
911Tape 533 Viet Reports, 1972 May 3-7 (Reel-to-Reel)
911Tape 534 President Richard Nixon Speech and Media Commentary, 1972 May 8 (Reel-to-Reel)
911Tape 535 CBS Special Vietnam Escalation, 1972 May 9 (Reel-to-Reel)
911Tape 536 ABC Special …American Lives, Honor; Zumwalt, Harriman and Others on 51st State NET TV, 1972 May 11 (Reel-to-Reel)
911Tape 537 Goldwater Speech, Republican National Convention, CBS, 1972 August 1 (Reel-to-Reel)
911Tape 538 Goldwater and McGovern, 1972 August 10 (Reel-to-Reel)
911Tape 539 Barry Goldwater, Jr.; David Brinkley Reviews the Pentagon Book, 1972 August 10 (Reel-to-Reel)
911Tape 540 Convention Speech, 1972 August 21 (Reel-to-Reel)
911Tape 541 Convention Address; William F. Buckley and Kenneth Galbraith Commentary; Jimmy Stewart-Pat Nixon Tribute, 1972 August 21 (Reel-to-Reel)
911Tape 542 Goldwater, Dick Cavett Show (September 8); Jane Fonda on the Dick Cavett Show (September 7), 1972 September 7-8 (Reel-to-Reel)
911Tape 543 Dinah's Place, 1972 December 21 (Reel-to-Reel)
911Tape 544 Fourth Annual William Randolph Memorial Lecture, 1972 (Reel-to-Reel)
911Tape 545 Vietnam; Memorial for Harry S. Truman at the Washington Cathedral, 1973 January 5 (Reel-to-Reel)
911Tape 546 Bombing Halt of North Vietnam, 1973 January 15 (Reel-to-Reel)
911Tape 547 William F. Buckley, Guests Hunt/Lazo on JFK/Castro/Bay of Pigs/Watergate, 1973 January 21 (Reel-to-Reel)
911Tape 548 Dick Cavett Show, 1973 January (Reel-to-Reel)
911Tape 549 Anthony Herbert, 60 Minutes, 1973 February 4 (Reel-to-Reel)
911Tape 550 Commencement Speech, Air Force Academy, 1973 June 6 (Reel-to-Reel)
911Tape 551 Watergate, CBS Special; Goldwater Spots, 1973 June 17 (Reel-to-Reel)
911Tape 552 Senator Goldwater with Senator James Buckley, WPIX TV, 1973 June 30 (Reel-to-Reel)
911Tape 553 Goldwater on Watergate, CBS, 1973 August 17 (Reel-to-Reel)
912Tape 554 Barry Goldwater, Ruykheiser/sbus Barry Gray, 1973 August 21 (Reel-to-Reel)
912Tape 555 Jack Anderson, CBS News Spot, 1973 September 11 (Reel-to-Reel)
912Tape 556 Spiro Agnew (Composite), Barry Goldwater, John Connally, 1973 September 19 (Reel-to-Reel)
912Tape 557 Goldwater on CBS, 1973 October 17 (Reel-to-Reel)
912Tape 558 Today Show Interview and News Capsules; NETTV Special on Tapes/Interviews, 1973 October 24 (Reel-to-Reel)
912Tape 559 Dean Martin Roast, 1973 October 26 (Reel-to-Reel)
912Tape 560 San Antonio, Texas, 1973 (Reel-to-Reel)
912Tape 561 Meet the Press; News Segments, 1974 January 13 (Reel-to-Reel)
912Tape 562 Barry Goldwater, TV, 1974 February 28 (Reel-to-Reel)
912Tape 563 Arizona Indians, NBC, 1974 March 29 (Reel-to-Reel)
912Tape 564 Chili, CBS, 1974 April 4 (Reel-to-Reel)
912Tape 565 Barry Goldwater/RN, TV Sound Capsules, 1974 May 3-4 (Reel-to-Reel)
912Tape 566 Presidency in Crisis, Barry Goldwater, President Nixon, Metromedia/WPIXTV, 1974 August 7 (Reel-to-Reel)
912Tape 567 President Richard Nixon, Senator Barry Goldwater, TV Capsules, 1974 August 7 (Reel-to-Reel)
912Tape 568 President Nixon's Talk, CBS Comments, William Rogers Interview; TV Sound Capsules, 1974 August 8 (Reel-to-Reel)
912Tape 569 Senator Barry Goldwater, 1974 August 12 (Reel-to-Reel)
912Tape 570 President Gerald Ford Address to Congress, 1974 August 12 (Reel-to-Reel)
With network TV and radio comments.
912Tape 571 Prescott, Arizona, 1974 September 11 (Reel-to-Reel)
912Tape 572 Newsmakers, ABC Radio, 1974 November 3 (Reel-to-Reel)
912Tape 573 Speech to Williams Air Force Base Class of 74-06, 1974 (Reel-to-Reel)
912Tape 574 Navajo, NBC; Viet/Sevareid/etc, 1975 January 9 (Reel-to-Reel)
912Tape 575 Barry Goldwater, TV, 1975 January 28 (Reel-to-Reel)
912Tape 576 CBS Interview, 1975 April 8 (Reel-to-Reel)
912Tape 577 Karl Hess Interview, NBC, 1975 April 15 (Reel-to-Reel)
Some Goldwater.
912Tape 578 Senator Barry Goldwater, a.m. America, ABC, 1975 April 24 (Reel-to-Reel)
912Tape 579 Today Show; Senator Jackson Interview; Washington Week in Review, 1975 May 15-16 (Reel-to-Reel)
913Tape 580 Issues and Answers; Nelson Rockefeller, Meet the Press, 1975 June 15 (Reel-to-Reel)
913Tape 581 Theodore White/Tom Snyder, Tomorrow NBC; Kevin Phillips/Jeb Magruder, NBC; Jack Anderson Interview, a.m. America ABC; Watergate, Henry Kissinger PBS Press Conference, 1975 June 17-18 (Reel-to-Reel)
913Tape 582 Barry Goldwater with Rocky, CBS am/TV on BG Agronsky & Company, 1975 June 20 (Reel-to-Reel)
913Tape 583 Vic Gold on Goldwater, 1975 July 3 (Reel-to-Reel)
913Tape 584 Karl Hess, 60 Minutes; CIA Report (Wallace), 1975 July 20 (Reel-to-Reel)
913Tape 585 C-5/Barry Goldwater, NBC, 1975 September 16 (Reel-to-Reel)
913Tape 586 Dinah, CBS, 1975 September 18 (Reel-to-Reel)
913Tape 587 Arizona, Today Show, NBC (September 19); CIA/BG/Huston, NET TV (September 23), 1975 September 19-23 (Reel-to-Reel)
913Tape 588 Agronsky & Company, 1975 October 6 (Reel-to-Reel)
913Tape 589 Barry Goldwater, CBS; ABC on Arizona, 1975 November 28 (Reel-to-Reel)
913Tape 590 Jack Anderson on B-1 Bomber, circa 1975 (Reel-to-Reel)
913Tape 591 Tomorrow Show, 1976 January 19 (Reel-to-Reel)
913Tape 592 Good Morning America, 1976 February 25 (Reel-to-Reel)
913Tape 593 Senator Goldwater, ABC TV, 1976 March 10 (Reel-to-Reel)
913Tape 594 Today Show, 1976 April 12 (Reel-to-Reel)
913Tape 595 B-1 Bomber, Barry Goldwater, 1976 April 19-20 (Reel-to-Reel)
913Tape 596 B-1 Bomber, Rumsfeld, 1976 April 22 (Reel-to-Reel)
913Tape 597 Meet the Press, 1976 May 2 (Reel-to-Reel)
913Tape 598 Viewpoint, 1976 May 7 (Reel-to-Reel; #123-129)
913Tape 599 Viewpoint, 1976 May 7 (Reel-to-Reel; #130-132)
913Tape 600 B-1 Bomber, MacNeil Report, NETTV, 1976 May 13 (Reel-to-Reel)
913Tape 601 B-1 Bomber, ABC TV, 1976 May 17 (Reel-to-Reel)
913Tape 602 Viewpoint, 1976 May 21 (Reel-to-Reel; Part 1)
913Tape 603 Viewpoint, 1976 May 21 (Reel-to-Reel; Part 2)
913Tape 604 Barry Goldwater with Dinah, CBS, 1976 May 24 (Reel-to-Reel)
914Tape 605 Viewpoint, 1976 June 3 (Reel-to-Reel; #145-152)
914Tape 606 Viewpoint, 1976 June 3 (Reel-to-Reel; #153-157)
914Tape 607 Viewpoint, 1976 June 4 (Reel-to-Reel; #124 and #158-164)
914Tape 608 Viewpoint, 1976 June 4 (Reel-to-Reel; #165-169)
914Tape 609 Viewpoint, 1976 July 22 (Reel-to-Reel; #170-175)
914Tape 610 Viewpoint, 1976 July 22 (Reel-to-Reel; #176-180)
914Tape 611 Viewpoint, 1976 August 9 (Reel-to-Reel; #181-186)
914Tape 612 Viewpoint, 1976 August 24 (Reel-to-Reel; #193-201)
914Tape 613 Viewpoint, 1976 August 24 (Reel-to-Reel; #202-207)
914Tape 614 Viewpoint, 1976 August 31 (Reel-to-Reel; #208-212)
914Tape 615 Viewpoint, 1976 August 31 (Reel-to-Reel; #213-217)
914Tape 616 Viewpoint, 1976 September 20 (Reel-to-Reel; #218-225)
914Tape 617 Viewpoint, 1976 September 20 (Reel-to-Reel; #226-232)
914Tape 618 Letter to Goldwater from "Uncle Charlie", 1976 (Reel-to-Reel)
914Tape 619 100th Night, Senator Goldwater's Speech, 1977 February 26 (Reel-to-Reel)
914Tape 620 IRE-Arizona, Barry Goldwater References, 1977 March 13-14 (Reel-to-Reel)
914Tape 621 Barry Goldwater TV Capsules, 1977 March 14 (Reel-to-Reel)
914Tape 622 Robert Greene, Overseas Press Club, WNYC a.m. Radio Broadcast; Barry Goldwater, CBS and WPIX Radio, 1977 March 15-16 (Reel-to-Reel)
914Tape 623 CBS TV, Cronkite; WPIX TV, 1977 March 17-18 (Reel-to-Reel)
914Tape 624 Greene Interview, Tucson Editor, ABC TV, 1977 March 21 (Reel-to-Reel)
914Tape 625 Senator Goldwater, 1978 September 13 (Reel-to-Reel)
914Tape 626 Wilderness-3A Radio, Monument-80-6A Radio, 1980 October 20 (Reel-to-Reel)
914Tape 627 Goldwater, Sixty Second Radio, Long Distance 6A, 1980 (Reel-to-Reel)
915Tape 628 Space Shuttle, Gun Control, Defense Budget, 1981 April 7 (Reel-to-Reel)
915Tape 629 Spotlight, 1981 April 7 (Reel-to-Reel; Part 1)
915Tape 630 Senator Barry Goldwater's Response to President's Budget Cuts, 1983 February 3 (Reel-to-Reel)
915Tape 631 Where I Stand, Undated (Reel-to-Reel; Reel 2)
915Tape 632 Where I Stand, Undated (Reel-to-Reel; Reel 4)
915Tape 633 30 Second Spots, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
915Tape 634 Message from Wally Butterworth about Foreign Control of U.S. Currency, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
915Tape 635 One Minute Spots, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
915Tape 636 Goldwater Jingle, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
915Tape 637 Goldwater on Social Security, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
915Tape 638 Goldwater Bandwagon, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
915Tape 639 Navajo Language, Undated (Reel-to-Reel; Parts 1 and 4)
915Tape 640 Navajo Language, Undated (Reel-to-Reel; Parts 2 and 3)
915Tape 641 Jack Paar Show, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
915Tape 642 Full Military Power, Jet Noise Abatement, Office of Information Services and Training Command, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
915Tape 643 The Living Author, Social Studies Series #1, American Politics – A Comparison, with Theodore White and John K. M. McCaffrey, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
915Tape 644 Tucson, Arizona, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
915Tape 645 History of Camelback Mountain, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
915Tape 646 King of Prussia Historical Society, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
915Tape 647 UPI Speech, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
915Tape 648 Tucson, Arizona, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
915Tape 649 Goldwater-Miller Acceptance Speech, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
916Tape 650 First Colorado River Trip, You are There, pls 1 thru 8, CBS News, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
916Tape 651 Barry Goldwater Message, Tucson and Phoenix, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
916Tape 652 Vietnam Speech, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
916Tape 653 4th Human Events Political Action Conference, Speech, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
916Tape 654 4th Human Events Political Action Conference, Q & A, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
916Tape 655 6th Human Events Political Action Conference, Senator Barry Goldwater Speech #2, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
916Tape 656 Youth for Goldwater Folksong Tape, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
916Tape 657 Hopi Snake Dance – Rain Dance, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
916Tape 658 Viewpoint with Senator Barry Goldwater, Undated (Reel-to-Reel; Program Tape 41)
916Tape 659 Viewpoint with Senator Barry Goldwater, Undated (Reel-to-Reel Program Tape 42)
916Tape 660 Viewpoint with Senator Barry Goldwater, Undated (Reel-to-Reel Program Tape 43)
916Tape 661 Viewpoint with Senator Barry Goldwater, Undated (Reel-to-Reel Program Tape 44)
916Tape 662 Viewpoint with Senator Barry Goldwater, Undated (Reel-to-Reel Program Tape 45)
916Tape 663 Viewpoint with Senator Barry Goldwater, Undated (Reel-to-Reel Program Tape 46)
916Tape 664 Viewpoint with Senator Barry Goldwater, Undated (Reel-to-Reel Program Tape 47)
916Tape 665 Viewpoint with Senator Barry Goldwater, Undated (Reel-to-Reel Program Tape 48)
916Tape 666 Viewpoint with Senator Barry Goldwater, Undated (Reel-to-Reel Program Tape 51)
916Tape 667 Viewpoint with Senator Barry Goldwater, Undated (Reel-to-Reel Program Tape 52)
916Tape 668 Goldwater TV Spots, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
916Tape 669 YMCA Speech, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
916Tape 670 Senator Goldwater at Pennsylvania State University, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
916Tape 671 Speech by Richard Nixon at a Dinner at the Townhouse in Phoenix, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
916Tape 672 Clover Club Foods Co., Undated (Reel-to-Reel; 6 60-Second Cuts)
917Tape 673 CNN Interview, Undated (Reel-to-Reel; 1 of 2)
917Tape 674 CNN Interview, Undated (Reel-to-Reel; 2 of 2)
917Tape 675 Ted Humes, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
917Tape 676 Land of the Free with John Doremus, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
917Tape 677 College News Conference, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
917Tape 678 Goldwater-Udall Debate, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
917Tape 679 Teamsters, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
917Tape 680 Sounding Board with Barry Goldwater, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
917Tape 681 Prescott College, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
917Tape 682 Independent American, Interview with Kent Courtney, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
917Tape 683 Good Government Speech, Undated (Reel-to-Reel; Part 1)
917Tape 684 Good Government Speech; Halleck, Byrd, Strauss, Undated (Reel-to-Reel; Part 2)
917Tape 685 Goldwater for Senate – Reagan – 60, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
917Tape 686 Barry Goldwater with Dinah Shore, NBC, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
917Tape 687 Ray Scherer Interview; Nancy Harshman Interview, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
917Tape 688 SAC Briefing, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
917Tape 689 Rockefeller on Communism, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
Refers to Goldwater.
917Tape 690 Supreme Court Procedure and Section 6 of the Internal Security Act, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
917Tape 691 Apollo 11, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
917Tape 692 Charles F. Kruder, Small Businessman's Endorsement of Barry Goldwater for Senate, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
917Tape 693 Speech by Senator Edward Kennedy with a Remark from Goldwater, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
917Tape 694 Letter from Fay Elrod, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
917Tape 695 Tony Dolan Spot, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
917Tape 696 Barry is Our Man Sung by Fred Augers, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
917Tape 697 Use of Subpoenas Against Newsmen, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
917Tape 698 Goldwater Cha-cha-cha, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
917Tape 699 Letter from J. W. Waters on Cotton Growing, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
917Tape 700 Letter from Mrs. Sylvia Wright, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
917Tape 701 ABC Radio Show, Goldwater's Connection with the Mafia, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
917Tape 702 Radio Conversation, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
917Tape 703 Unions in Politics, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
917Tape 704 Goldwater, Speaking for Arizona Republicans, Refutes a Letter Endorsing Dr. Roads, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
917Tape 705 Letter from Russell J. Wilder, Undated (Reel-to-Reel)
918Tape 706 Goldwater-Thomas Debate, 1961 November 1 (Reel-to-Reel (OV))
918Tape 707 Barry Goldwater, Mike Goldwater-tour of the Goldwater Home, Phoenix, Arizona, 1963 November 10 (Reel-to-Reel (OV); 7 Cuts)
918Tape 708 Speech Before American Legion, Dallas, Texas, 1964 September 23 (Reel-to-Reel (OV))
918Tape 709 Goldwater Speech, Westward Ho Hotel, Phoenix, Arizona, 1964 October 8 (Reel-to-Reel (OV))
918Tape 710 Goldwater and Nixon, ABC-TV, 1964 October 9 (Reel-to-Reel (OV))
918Tape 711 Madison Square Garden, 1964 October 26 (Reel-to-Reel (OV))
918Tape 712 Madison Square Garden, 1964 October 26 (Reel-to-Reel (OV); Part 1)
918Tape 713 Madison Square Garden, 1964 October 26 (Reel-to-Reel (OV); Part 2)
918Tape 714 Goldwater Speech, Phoenix, Arizona, 1964 October 31 (Reel-to-Reel (OV))
918Tape 715 Goldwater-Miller Concession, 1964 November 3-4 (Reel-to-Reel (OV))
918Tape 716 Goldwater on U.S. Policy, 1966 October 5 (Reel-to-Reel (OV))
918Tape 717 Goldwater/Romney, Detroit, 1969 September 26 (Reel-to-Reel (OV))
CD 718aGoldwater Speech to Young Republicans, 1956 June 3 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 718bGoldwater Response to Reuther's Claim, 1958 January 22 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 719College News Conference, 1960 June 26 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 720Face the Nation; Goldwater-McCarthy Debate, Howard K. Smith (Moderator), 1961 January 27 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 721Face the Nation, 1964 March 15 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 722A Campaign Tape Announcing Candidacy and Touching on Issues, 1964 May 13 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 723ABC-TV News Reports – News of the Day with Campaign Coverage, 1964 May 13 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 724ABC-TV Oregon Special, 1964 May 14 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 725News with Mike Wallace; JFK Birthday; Memorial Day Weekend, 1964 May 24 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 726Steve Allen Show, 1964 May 29 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 727Goldwater Press Conference, San Francisco, California, 1964 July 9 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 728Goldwater-Lodge, San Francisco, California, 1964 July 9 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 729ABC-TV Goldwater Interview, Republican Convention, 1964 July 12 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 730ABC-TV Coverage, Republican Convention, 1964 July 13 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer; Part 1)
CD 731ABC-TV Coverage, Republican Convention, 1964 July 13 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer; Part 2)
With Eisenhower Interview.
CD 732 ABC-TV Coverage, Republican Convention, 1964 July 13 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 733ABC-TV Dirksen Nomination, Republican Convention, 1964 July 15 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer; 1 of 2)
CD 734ABC-TV Dirksen Nomination, Republican Convention, 1964 July 15 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer; 2 of 2)
CD 735NBC-TV Goldwater Acceptance Speech, 1964 July 16 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 736CBS-TV Goldwater Acceptance Speech, 1964 July 16 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 737NBC-TV Goldwater Statement and Interview, 1964 July 16 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 738ABC-TV Goldwater-Miller, 1964 July 16 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 739ABC-TV Goldwater Acceptance Speech and Commentary, 1964 July 16 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 740ABC-TV Percy, Miller and Nixon, Intro/Acceptance Speeches, 1964 July 16 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 741CBS-TV News Broadcasts and Cronkite Report Regarding Republican Convention, 1964 July 17 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 742NBC-TV Special on Barry Goldwater, 1964 July 30 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 743Opening Campaign Speeches Prescott, San Diego, 1964 September 3 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 744Goldwater Campaign Speeches, San Diego with Dean Burch, Campaign Chairman, 1964 September 8 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 745Goldwater Rally, Los Angeles Airport; Sacramento, California, 1964 September 8 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 746Goldwater Rallies, Eugene, Oregon; Seattle, Washington; Boise, Idaho, 1964 September 9-10 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 747Today Show, 1964 September 10 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 748Goldwater Rallies, Charleston, West Virginia (September 18); Fargo, North Dakota (September 10), 1964 September 10-18 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 749Goldwater Rallies, Great Falls, Montana; Minneapolis, Minnesota; Chicago, Illinois, 1964 September 10-11 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 750Goldwater Rally, Rockford, Illinois, 1964 September 11 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 751Goldwater-Miller Open the Campaign, Prescott, Arizona, 1964 September 13 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer; 1 of 3)
CD 752Goldwater-Miller Open the Campaign, Prescott, Arizona, 1964 September 13 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer; 2 of 3)
CD 753Goldwater-Miller Open the Campaign, Prescott, Arizona, 1964 September 13 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer; 3 of 3)
CD 754Goldwater Rallies, Atlanta, Georgia, Orlando, Florida, Tampa, Florida, 1964 September 15 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 755Goldwater Rallies, St. Petersburg, Florida, Knoxville, Tennessee, 1964 September 15-16 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 756Goldwater Rallies, West Gate Shopping Center, Macon, Georgia; Warner Robbins Air Force Base, Macon, Georgia; Dannelly Field, Montgomery, Alabama, 1964 September 16 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 757Goldwater Rallies, Dannelly Field, Montgomery, Alabama, Crampton Bowl, Montgomery, Alabama, 1964 September 16 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 758Goldwater Rallies, Shreveport, Louisiana, Longview, Texas, 1964 September 18 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 759Goldwater Rallies, Springfield, Illinois, Evansville, Indiana, 1964 September 18 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 760Goldwater Address, CBS, 1964 September 18 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 761Goldwater Rallies, Charlotte, North Carolina, Amarillo, Texas, 1964 September 21-22 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 762Campaign Speech, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 1964 September 22 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 763Campaign Speech, Odessa, Texas, 1964 September 22 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 764Campaign Speech, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1964 September 22 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 765Conversation at Gettysburg, Goldwater and Eisenhower, 1964 September 22 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 766South Bend, Indiana; Niles, Michigan; Mason City, Iowa, 1964 September 24 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 767Campaign Speech, Madison, Wisconsin, 1964 September 24 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 768Campaign Speech, Midland, Michigan; Rally in Detroit, Michigan with Gerald Ford, 1964 September 26 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 769Republican National Committee, Miscellaneous Speeches and Interviews, 1964 September 26 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 770Dayton, Springfield, Lima and Marion, Ohio, 1964 September 30 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 771Today Show and Political Spots, 1964 September 30 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 772News with Ron Cochran at 6 and 11, Channel 7 Washington, DC, 1964 September (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 773Wheaton Field House, Moline, Illinois, 1964 October 3 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 774Joliet, Illinois; Lubbock, Texas, 1964 October 3-8 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 775ABC-TV Paid Political Program with Goldwater, Richard Nixon, and Raymond Massey, 1964 October 6 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 776El Paso, Texas; Plasterer's Association, Phoenix, Arizona, 1964 October 8 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 777Hughes Aircraft Rally, Culver City, California; World Affairs Council, Los Angeles, California, 1964 October 9-10 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 778Fisherman's Wharf, San Francisco, California; Spokane, Washington, 1964 October 9-10 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 779Portland, Oregon; Denver, Colorado, 1964 October 10-14 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 780Austin, Texas, 1964 October 15 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 781Beaumont, Texas; Mansfield, Ohio; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1964 October 15-17 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 782News Coverage of Hoover's Death; Goldwater Speech with Comments by General Doolittle, Salt Lake City, Utah; Dean Burch, 1964 October 20 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 783Goldwater Speech, Chicago, Illinois with Comments by Richard Nixon; Dean Burch Commentary; Political Ad, 1964 October 20 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 784San Diego, San Clemente and Oceanside, California, 1964 October 23 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 785Brunch with Barry, NBC, 1964 October 23 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 786Cedar Rapids, Iowa Airport Rally, and Downtown, 1964 October 28 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 787Tucson, Arizona; Columbia, South Carolina, 1964 October 30-31 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 788Township Auditorium, Columbia, South Carolina, 1964 October 31 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 789NBC News Reports and Goldwater Spots, 1964 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 790Campaign News Coverage, Goldwater/Miller Speech, 1964 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 791Wheaton, Illinois, 1964 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 792Barry Goldwater at the 1968 GOP Convention, 1968 (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 793Barry Goldwater with Mrs. Charles Rengis; Paid Political Program with Introduction by Gregory Peck; Mrs. Edwin Shank-Letters from Husband, Undated (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 794Q & A with Barry Goldwater; Raymond Massey Endorsement; Barry Goldwater Jingle, Undated (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 795Barry Goldwater Discussion; Mrs. Edwin Shank; Political Announcement for Lyndon Johnson, Undated (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
CD 796Aid to the Nations of Eastern Europe and Democratic Response, Dan Smoot Program, Undated (Compact Disc; Housed in Media Drawer)
919Tape 797 Honorable Barry Goldwater, Ohio Convention, 1959 February 26 (Cassette Tape)
919Tape 798 Goldwater Speech, Jack Tar Hotel, San Francisco, California, 1961 February 2 (Cassette Tape)
919Tape 799 Paar Show, 1963 (Cassette Tape)
919Tape 800 Paar Show (Continued), Goldwater Story, 1963, 1964 (Cassette Tape)
919Tape 801 Paar Show, Press Conference on Defense, Announcing Candidacy, 1963, 1964 (Cassette Tape)
919Tape 802 Press Conference, San Francisco, California, 1964 July 9 (Cassette Tape)
919Tape 803 Republican National Convention Telecast, 1964 July 13 (Cassette Tape; Side 1 and 2)
919Tape 804 Republican National Convention Telecast, 1964 July 13 (Cassette Tape; Side 3)
919Tape 805 Campaign Music, 1964 (Cassette Tape)
919Tape 806 Presidential Acceptance Speech, Cow Palace, San Francisco, California, 1964 (Cassette Tape)
919Tape 807 G.O.P. Convention, 1964 (Cassette Tape)
919Tape 808 G.O.P. Convention, 1964 (Cassette Tape)
919Tape 809 CBS News, Charles Kuralt, Daniel Schorr's Report from Germany, 1964 (Cassette Tape)
919Tape 810 "Barry Goldwater Story", 1964 (Cassette Tape)
919Tape 811 "Barry Goldwater Story", 1964 (Cassette Tape)
919Tape 812 Goldwater Rally for World Freedom, Goldwater Philosophy, 1964 (Cassette Tape)
919Tape 813 Goldwater Rally for World Freedom, Goldwater Philosophy (Continued), 1964 (Cassette Tape)
919Tape 814 Goldwater's Presidential Acceptance Speech, 1964 (Cassette Tape)
919Tape 815 Goldwater's Acceptance Speech, Buckley Dinner, 1964 (Cassette Tape)
919Tape 816 Goldwaters, 1964 (Cassette Tape)
919Tape 817 Jerry Foster Interviewing Judy Eisenhower About the Campaign, 1964 (Cassette Tape)
919Tape 818 "Stars for Barry" (Vol. 2), "The Americans", "A Canadian's Opinion" by Gordon Sinclair, 1964, 1973 June 5 (Cassette Tape)
919Tape 819 "That Was the Election That Was", 1965 (Cassette Tape)
919Tape 820 Goldwater's Last Flight as a Rated Air Force Pilot, Andrews Air Force Base, Luke Air Force Base, 1967 (Cassette Tape)
919Tape 821 The Gilbert Legn Show, 1968 August 10 (Cassette Tape)
919Tape 822 National Committee to Combat Fascism, Oakland, California, 1969 July 18-20 (Cassette Tape)
919Tape 823 Kiwanis Speech, Laguna Hills, California, 1971 August 17 (Cassette Tape)
919Tape 824 Goldwater Interview about Lyndon Johnson, 1971 August (Cassette Tape)
919Tape 825 American University, 1971 September 10 (Cassette Tape)
919Tape 826 SRO/CFAR Chicago, 1971 October 20 (Cassette Tape)
919Tape 827 Alfalfa Club Dinner, 1971 (Cassette Tape)
919Tape 828 Dr. Gonzalez, I.O.C. Dinner, Valley Ho Hotel, Scottsdale, Arizona, 1972 October 7 (Cassette Tape)
919Tape 829 Dr. Gonzalez, I.O.C. Dinner, Hannah Reich, Valley Ho Hotel, Scottsdale, Arizona, 1972 October 7 (Cassette Tape)
919Tape 830 Goldwater Recapping Meeting with President Nixon at Camp David, 1972 November (Cassette Tape)
920Tape 831 Phone Patch, 1972 December (Cassette Tape)
920Tape 832 Convention Speech, 1972 (Cassette Tape)
920Tape 833 BBC Interview, 1973 January 8 (Cassette Tape)
920Tape 834 Goldwater Comments Regarding Cease Fire, 1973 January 24 (Cassette Tape)
920Tape 835 Conference Call, 1973 October 12 (Cassette Tape)
920Tape 836 Radio Club Interview, 1973 (Cassette Tape)
920Tape 837 Aviation/Space Writers Convention, 1974 May 14 (Cassette Tape)
920Tape 838 Press Conference, 1974 August 7 (Cassette Tape)
920Tape 839 Nixon Resignation Statement, 1974 August 8 (Cassette Tape)
920Tape 840 Methodist Church Sanctuary, Camp Verde, Arizona, 1974 August 29 (Cassette Tape)
920Tape 841 KIKX Tucson, 1974 October 8 (Cassette Tape)
920Tape 842 "Ham of the Year Award", Dayton, Ohio, 1974 (Cassette Tape)
920Tape 843 AM America, 1975 January 16 (Cassette Tape)
920Tape 844 Interview by Bruce Taylor, KTAR-TV, 1975 January 17 (Cassette Tape)
920Tape 845 Face the Nation, 1975 April 27 (Cassette Tape)
920Tape 846 McCafferey's Washington, 1975 June 3 (Cassette Tape)
920Tape 847 TV Ram, WETA Channel 26, 1975 September 30 (Cassette Tape)
920Tape 848 ABC Morning Show, 1975 November 11 (Cassette Tape)
920Tape 849 AFA Installation, 1975 (Cassette Tape)
920Tape 850 Nixon in China, 1976 February 25 (Cassette Tape)
920Tape 851 Brigham Young, 1976 April 1 (Cassette Tape)
920Tape 852 Meet the Press, 1976 May 2 (Cassette Tape)
920Tape 853 Steigar Endorsement, 1976 August 24 (Cassette Tape)
920Tape 854 WTOP-TV, Morning Show, 1976 September 28 (Cassette Tape)
920Tape 855 Dinah Shore Show, 1976 December 10 (Cassette Tape)
920Tape 856 Phoenix Man and Woman of the Year, Harry Rosenzweig, 1976 (Cassette Tape)
920Tape 857 Phoenix Man and Woman of the Year, Harry Rosenzweig (Continued), 1976 (Cassette Tape)
920Tape 858 AFA Installation, 1976 (Cassette Tape)
920Tape 859 Foundation for American Communications, 1977 February 11 (Cassette Tape)
920Tape 860 100th Night Speech, 1977 February 26 (Cassette Tape)
920Tape 861 Goldwater on IRE Charges, Good Morning America, 1977 March 15 (Cassette Tape)
920Tape 862 The Fred Fiske Show, 1977 March 15 (Cassette Tape)
920Tape 863 Tamkang College, Taipei, Taiwan, 1977 April 11 (Cassette Tape)
920Tape 864 Energy Crisis Speech, 1977 July 24 (Cassette Tape)
921Tape 865 State Bar of Georgia, Midyear Meeting, 1977 December 2 (Cassette Tape)
921Tape 866 Vistas from August Valentino, 1977 December 17 (Cassette Tape)
921Tape 867 Inauguration of Senator Goldwater as President of The Alfalfa Club, 1978 January 21 (Cassette Tape)
921Tape 868 CBS Morning News, Goldwater on Panama Treaty, Goldwater on Rhodesia, 1978 April 19 (Cassette Tape)
921Tape 869 Newt Gingrich Speech to College Republicans, Atlanta, Georgia, 1978 June 24 (Cassette Tape)
921Tape 870 Phoenix Press Club Conference, 1978 December 16 (Cassette Tape)
921Tape 871 Jim Coles (Oral History by Dean Smith), 1979 April 28 (Cassette Tape)
921Tape 872 Bob Nardelli (Oral History by Dean Smith), 1979 April 29 (Cassette Tape)
921Tape 873 Horace Smitheron (Oral History by Dean Smith), 1979 May 2 (Cassette Tape)
921Tape 874 Centennial Address, Robert Norlander, 1979 July 21 (Cassette Tape)
921Tape 875 Lewis Ruskin, 1979 August (Cassette Tape)
921Tape 876 Today Show, 1979 October 29 (Cassette Tape)
921Tape 877 "Barry Goldwater", NBC-TV, 1979 October 29 (Cassette Tape)
921Tape 878 Senate Recording, Federal Land Transfers, Salt River, Taiwan, 1979 November 7 (Cassette Tape)
921Tape 879 Senator to Masons Speech on Iran and the Nation, 1979 November 16 (Cassette Tape)
921Tape 880 Fu Jen Catholic University, 1979 December 8 (Cassette Tape)
921Tape 881 Barry Goldwater on his Childhood in Phoenix, 1979 December 14 (Cassette Tape)
921Tape 882 Alfalfa Dinner, 1979 (Cassette Tape)
921Tape 883 Testimony, Foreign Relations Committee, 1980 January 13 (Cassette Tape)
921Tape 884 Arizona Points of Interest, 1980 January 21 (Cassette Tape)
921Tape 885 Iran Hostages, Social Security, 1980 January 23 (Cassette Tape)
921Tape 886 Reaction to State Gun Control, 1980 January 25 (Cassette Tape)
921Tape 887 Middle East Map Talks, 1980 February 5 (Cassette Tape)
921Tape 888 "Arizona Lecture", 1980 February 25 (Cassette Tape)
921Tape 889 Braden & Buchanan, WRC-AM, 980 Radio, 1980 February 26 (Cassette Tape)
921Tape 890 60 Minutes, 1980 March 9 (Cassette Tape)
921Tape 891 Guy Taylor, 1980 March 19 (Cassette Tape)
921Tape 892 Guy Taylor (Continued), 1980 March 19 (Cassette Tape)
921Tape 893 Economy, Inflation, 1980 March 20 (Cassette Tape)
921Tape 894 Arizona Republic, 1980 April 15 (Cassette Tape)
921Tape 895 West High School, 1980 April 21 (Cassette Tape)
921Tape 896 Eugene Lombardi, 1980 April 22 (Cassette Tape)
921Tape 897 Washington for Jesus, 1980 April 29 (Cassette Tape)
921Tape 898 KAET Interview, 1980 May 30 (Cassette Tape)
922Tape 899 CNN Segment, 1980 June 5 (Cassette Tape)
922Tape 900 Jules Burgman, 1980 June 12 (Cassette Tape)
922Tape 901 G.O.P. Convention, Detroit, Michigan, 1980 July 15 (Cassette Tape)
922Tape 902 The Today Show, 1980 July 16 (Cassette Tape)
922Tape 903 Cable News Interview, 1980 July 18 (Cassette Tape)
922Tape 904 Cable TV, CAP, 1980 August 1 (Cassette Tape)
922Tape 905 CNN, 1980 August 19 (Cassette Tape)
922Tape 906 Poland, Taiwan, 1980 August 25 (Cassette Tape)
922Tape 907 Political Polls, 1980 August 26 (Cassette Tape)
922Tape 908 Interview with Mrs. Agnew, 1980 September 4 (Cassette Tape)
922Tape 909 KOOL Forum, 1980 October 23 (Cassette Tape)
922Tape 910 Goldwater on WRC, NBC Magazine, 1980 November 10-14 (Cassette Tape)
922Tape 911 Goldwater on WRC, School Buses, 1980 November 17-26 (Cassette Tape)
922Tape 912 24 Questions, 1980 December 10 (Cassette Tape)
922Tape 913 Goldwater on WRC, USSR Tension, 1980 December 11-19 (Cassette Tape)
922Tape 914 Bagdad, 1980 (Cassette Tape)
922Tape 915 Falcon Foundation, 1980 (Cassette Tape)
922Tape 916 Falcon Foundation, 1980 (Cassette Tape)
922Tape 917 Goldwater on WRC, Hostages, American Deaths in El Salvador, 1981 January 5-23 (Cassette Tape)
922Tape 918 Cable News Interview, 1981 January 16 (Cassette Tape)
922Tape 919 Goldwater on WRC, Reagan Budget Cuts, 1981 February 16-27 (Cassette Tape)
922Tape 920 Goldwater on WRC, Terrorists and Airplane Hijacking, 1981 March 16-27 (Cassette Tape)
922Tape 921 President Assassination Attempt, 1981 March 30 (Cassette Tape)
922Tape 922 Defense Budget, Space Shuttle, Gun Control, 1981 April 7 (Cassette Tape)
922Tape 923 Cable News, 1981 April 8 (Cassette Tape)
922Tape 924 Water Problems in Arizona and the West, National Public Radio, 1981 May 19 (Cassette Tape)
922Tape 925 Water and the West, Michael Mundy, National Public Radio, 1981 May 19 (Cassette Tape)
922Tape 926 Cable News, 1981 May 20 (Cassette Tape)
922Tape 927 Pat Lewis Profile, Washington Star, 1981 May 21 (Cassette Tape)
922Tape 928 Relationship with the Presidents, 1981 July 3 (Cassette Tape)
922Tape 929 Interview with Sandra Day O'Conner, Fred Graham, Floor Statements, 1981 July 9 (Cassette Tape)
922Tape 930 "American Focus: Barry Goldwater", 1981 August (Cassette Tape)
922Tape 931 Cable News, 1981 September 18 (Cassette Tape)
922Tape 932 Westlink Newscast, 1981 October 5 (Cassette Tape)
923Tape 933 Friday Edition, 1982 April 9 (Cassette Tape)
923Tape 934 CNN, 1982 April 29 (Cassette Tape)
923Tape 935 Personal Radio Service, 1982 May 17 (Cassette Tape)
923Tape 936 CNN, 1982 June 8 (Cassette Tape)
923Tape 937 WRC End, 1982 June 12 (Cassette Tape)
923Tape 938 4th of July Speech, 1982 July 1 (Cassette Tape)
923Tape 939 Wings Club 40th Awards Dinner, 1982 October 26 (Cassette Tape)
923Tape 940 Jimmy Doolittle, Salute Honoring General LeMay, 1982 November 9 (Cassette Tape)
923Tape 941 Ray Busey, 1982 November 18 (Cassette Tape)
923Tape 942 Senator Goldwater Response, Gridiron, 1982 (Cassette Tape)
923Tape 943 CNN, 1983 January 5 (Cassette Tape)
923Tape 944 Closing of M.A.R.S., 1983 January 15 (Cassette Tape)
923Tape 945 TV Interview, Tucson, Arizona, 1983 January 22 (Cassette Tape)
923Tape 946 Floor Speech, Central America, 1983 April 20 (Cassette Tape)
923Tape 947 ABC News, 20/20, B1 Bomber, 1983 May 19 (Cassette Tape)
923Tape 948 Face the Nation, 1983 May 22 (Cassette Tape)
923Tape 949 CNN, 1983 September (Cassette Tape)
923Tape 950 Maria Casteneda Boca (Oral History by Dean Smith), 1984 January 5 (Cassette Tape)
923Tape 951 Bob Goldwater on Baron Goldwater (Oral History by Dean Smith), 1984 February 10 (Cassette Tape)
923Tape 952 Harry Rosenzweig, Doris Berry (Oral Histories by Dean Smith), 1984 March 12, May 1 (Cassette Tape)
923Tape 953 Peggy Goldwater, Ruth Reinhold (Oral Histories by Dean Smith), 1985 May 2, 23 (Cassette Tape)
923Tape 954 Barry Goldwater on Baron Goldwater (Oral History by Dean Smith), 1984 July 5 (Cassette Tape)
923Tape 955 Mike Goldwater (Oral History by Dean Smith), 1984 September 7 (Cassette Tape)
923Tape 956 Don Goldwater (Oral History by Dean Smith), 1984 September 19 (Cassette Tape)
923Tape 957 Carolyn Goldwater-Erskine (Oral History by Dean Smith), 1984 October 15 (Cassette Tape)
923Tape 958 Don Goldwater (Oral History by Dean Smith), 1984 October 23, November 15 (Cassette Tape)
923Tape 959 Don Goldwater (Oral History by Dean Smith), 1984 October 30 (Cassette Tape)
923Tape 960 Bob Goldwater on Phoenix Development (by Dot Webb), 1984 November 5 (Cassette Tape)
923Tape 961 Judy Eisenhower (Oral History by Dean Smith), 1984 November 13 (Cassette Tape)
923Tape 962 Don Goldwater (Oral History by Dean Smith), 1984 November 15 (Cassette Tape)
923Tape 963 Elma Udall (Oral History by Dean Smith), 1984 November 19 (Cassette Tape)
923Tape 964 Goldwater Interview, Channel 10 News, "An American Conservative in the U.S. Senate", 1984 December 7 (Cassette Tape)
923Tape 965 Bob Goldwater (Oral History by Dean Smith), 1984 December 10 (Cassette Tape)
923Tape 966 Bob Goldwater on Goldwater Store (Oral History by Dean Smith), 1985 January 7 (Cassette Tape)
924Tape 967 Rose Rosenburg (Oral History by Dean Smith), 1985 January 18 (Cassette Tape)
924Tape 968 Goldwater, Arizona Lecture, 1985 February 12 (Cassette Tape)
924Tape 969 CNN, 1985 February 19 (Cassette Tape)
924Tape 970 Bob Goldwater (Oral History by Dean Smith), 1985 March 12 (Cassette Tape)
924Tape 971 Don Goldwater on 1964 Election (Oral History by Dean Smith), 1985 March 22 (Cassette Tape)
924Tape 972 Denison Kitchel on Goldwater Campaign (Oral History by Dean Smith), 1985 April 9 (Cassette Tape)
924Tape 973 CNN, 1985 April 17 (Cassette Tape)
924Tape 974 Denison Kitchel (Oral History by Dean Smith), 1985 April 18 (Cassette Tape)
924Tape 975 Earl Eisenhower (Oral History by Dean Smith), 1985 April 24 (Cassette Tape)
924Tape 976 Carolyn Goldwater-Erskine, Tim Sexson (Oral History by Dean Smith), 1985 April 29 (Cassette Tape)
924Tape 977 "War Powers", NBC News, 1985 April 30 (Cassette Tape)
924Tape 978 Goldwater Picnic at Rawhide, Scottsdale, Arizona (Oral History by Dean Smith), 1985 May 19 (Cassette Tape)
Includes Don, Mike, Connie, Joanne, Bob Jr. Goldwater.
924Tape 979 Peggy Goldwater (Oral History by Dean Smith), 1985 June 15 (Cassette Tape)
924Tape 980 Joanne Goldwater (Oral History by Dean Smith), 1985 July 11 (Cassette Tape)
924Tape 981 Face the Nation, 1985 August 25 (Cassette Tape)
924Tape 982 Arms Control, 1987 July 9 (Cassette Tape)
924Tape 983 Goldwater Dinner, 1987 November 3 (Cassette Tape)
924Tape 984 Mike Cuthbert Show, 1988 October 14 (Cassette Tape)
924Tape 985 Larry King Show, 1988 October 13 (Cassette Tape; Hour 1)
924Tape 986 Larry King Show, 1988 October 13 (Cassette Tape; Hour 2)
924Tape 987 Bob Goldwater, 1989 November 17 (Cassette Tape)
924Tape 988 Barry Goldwater Jr., 1991 July 29 (Cassette Tape)
924Tape 989 "Straus' Place", 1993 March 12 (Cassette Tape)
924Tape 990 Pat Murphy Show, Gays in the Military, 1993 June 10 (Cassette Tape)
924Tape 991 Pat Murphy Show, Gays in the Military, 1993 June 11 (Cassette Tape)
924Tape 992 Health Care, 1993 August 19 (Cassette Tape)
924Tape 993 Jack Casserly and Pat McMahon, 1997 September 16 (Cassette Tape)
924Tape 994 Reaction to Reagan's Speech to Congress, Undated (Cassette Tape)
924Tape 995 Masquers Club, Undated (Cassette Tape)
924Tape 996 "The West End" Speech, Undated (Cassette Tape)
924Tape 997 Alfalfa Club, Undated (Cassette Tape)
924Tape 998 The Military Life of Lieutenant General William Quinn, Undated (Cassette Tape)
924Tape 999 197th Air Guard, Undated (Cassette Tape)
924Tape 1000 Smoki Snake Dance, 27th Annual, Undated (Cassette Tape)
925Tape 1001 Goldwater/Eisenhower Political Humor, Undated (Cassette Tape)
925Tape 1002 "Land of Arizona", Undated (Cassette Tape)
925Tape 1003 Nature Conservation, Yule River, Undated (Cassette Tape)
925Tape 1004 Ronald Reagan's Pro-Goldwater Pre-Election Speech, Undated (Cassette Tape)
925Tape 1005 Reagan's Pre-Election Speech, Undated (Cassette Tape)
925Tape 1006 Columbus, Ohio, Undated (Cassette Tape)
925Tape 1007 Goldwater Speech, Undated (Cassette Tape; SPANISH)
925Tape 1008 Hartford, Connecticut Keynote Speech, Undated (Cassette Tape)
925Tape 1009 Larita Institute, Undated (Cassette Tape)
925Tape 1010 Sandra Day O'Connor, Undated (Cassette Tape)
925Tape 1011 Sandra Day O'Connor, Undated (Cassette Tape)
925Tape 1012 Liberalism, Labor, Undated (Cassette Tape)
925Tape 1013 Mac Arthur Farewell Address, Undated (Cassette Tape)
925Tape 1014 CBS Interview, Undated (Cassette Tape)
925Tape 1015 Willard Shoecraft Show, Undated (Cassette Tape)
925Tape 1016 Communisim in Africa, Undated (Cassette Tape)
925Tape 1017 Air Force "Black Bag", Undated (Cassette Tape)
925Tape 1018 Shultz Hearing, Goldwater Actuality, Undated (Cassette Tape)
925Tape 1019 Air Traffic Control Strike, Undated (Cassette Tape)
926Item 1020 The Inauguration of Dwight D. Eisenhower and Richard Nixon, 1957 (Record Album)
926Item 1021 Rally for World Freedom, 1962 (Record Album)
926Item 1022 Goldwater The Dynamic Philosophy of a Great American, 1963 (Record Album)
926Item 1023 JFK May 29, 1917-Nov. 22, 1963, 1963 (Record Album)
926Item 1024 Goldwater 1964 Campaign, 1964 September 5 (Record Album)
926Item 1025 Goldwater 1964 Campaign, 1964 September 12 (Record Album)
926Item 1026 The Man and the Issues, 1964 (Record Album)
926Item 1027 Barry Goldwater Acceptance Speech, 1964 (Record Album)
926Item 1028 Presidential Primer: The Ludlow Business Presidential Course on How To Be President in 10 Easy Lessons, 1964 (Record Album)
926Item 1029 National Youth for Goldwater, 1964 (Record Album)
926Item 1030 National Youth for Goldwater, 1964 (Record Album)
926Item 1031 Goldwater Victory Song, 1964 (Record Album)
926Item 1032 "Goldwater", 1964 (Record Album)
926Item 1033 "Goldwater", 1964 (Record Album)
926Item 1034 Goldwater for President, 1964 (Record Album)
926Item 1035 Barry Goldwater Acceptance Speech, The Republican National Convention, The Cow Palace, San Francisco, California, 1964 (Record Album)
926Item 1036 Meet The Press, 1964 (Record Album)
926Item 1037 Meet The Press, 1965 (Record Album)
926Item 1038 Kermit Schaffer Roast of LBJ, 1965 (Record Album)
926Item 1039 Kennedy and the Cuban Missile Crisis, 1966 (Record Album)
926Item 1040 Barry Goldwater, Capital Cloakroom, 1970 July 22 (Record Album)
926Item 1041 Viewpoint with Barry Goldwater, 1976 (Record Album)
926Item 1042 Viewpoint with Barry Goldwater, 1976 (Record Album)
926Item 1043 Viewpoint with Barry Goldwater, 1976 (Record Album)
926Item 1044 Viewpoint with Barry Goldwater, 1976 (Record Album)
926Item 1045 Viewpoint with Barry Goldwater, 1976 (Record Album)
926Item 1046 Viewpoint with Barry Goldwater, 1976 (Record Album)
926Item 1047 Viewpoint with Barry Goldwater, 1976 (Record Album)
926Item 1048 Viewpoint with Barry Goldwater, 1976 (Record Album)
926Item 1049 Middle of the Road, Link Stonewell, Undated (Record Album)
926Item 1050 Grand Old Party, Dick Kent, Undated (Record Album)
926Item 1051 The Barry Goldwater Story, Undated (Record Album)
926Item 1052 Your Family Is The Target, Undated (Record Album)
Sub-Series J: Materials Regarding Mr. Conservative
Scope and Content Note
The following film formats/topics were either loaned or created during the filming of the documentary Mr. Conservative released in 2007 and produced by Senator Goldwater's granddaughter CC Goldwater. Boxes 971-980 represent the final box count for the Personal and Political Papers of Senator Barry M. Goldwater.
971Tape 1 CBS News "W.A.S.P.," KOOL-TV, circa 1975 (Beta)
971Tape 2 World History, 1941-1952, circa 1977 (Beta; 6 Films)
971Tape 3 World History, Battle of Britain, circa 1977 (Beta)
971Tape 4 World History, Untitled, circa 1977 (Beta)
971Tape 5 World History, 1952, circa 1977 (Beta)
971Tape 6 This Man Goldwater, Jerry Foster, 1982 September 23 (Beta)
971Tape 7 Goldwater Documentary, First Edition, KVOA-TV, 1983 July 14 (Beta)
971Tape 8 Monuments, Rainbow, Jerry Foster, 1984 (Beta)
971Tape 9 Presidential Memories, 1984 (Beta)
Part of a Series; has Goldwater holding child; to air summer of 1984 if approved.
971Tape 10 "To Mom & Dad with Love from Your Children," 50th Anniversay Party, 1984 (Beta; 2 Copies)
971Tape 11 Untitled, 1984 December 7 (Beta)
971Tape 12 "Dxpedition, Taiwan", 1985 (Beta)
971Tape 13 "Barry Goldwater's 75th Birthday," Channel 10, 1986 (Beta)
971Tape 14 Tribute to Paul Laxalt, 1986 March 3 (Beta)
972Tape 15 Goldwater Squadron, A Tribute to Barry Goldwater, 1986 May 3 (Beta)
972Tape 16 White House Medal of Freedom Award, Channel 10, 1986 May 12 (Beta)
972Tape 17 One-On-One, Barry Goldwater Interview with John McLaughlin, 1986 May 18 (Beta)
972Tape 18 The Charles Lindbergh Memorial Lecture, Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, 1986 May 22 (Beta)
972Tape 19 Laxalt/Reagan Phone Call, 1986 August (Beta)
972Tape 20 U.S. Senate, "Tribute to Barry Goldwater", 1986 August 9 (Beta)
972Tape 21 "Arizona: The Road to Statehood," Bill McCune, KPHO-TV, 1987 (Beta)
972Tape 22 "The Senator from Arizona," Narrated by Bill Close, 1987 January 21 (Beta)
972Tape 23 "Amateur Radio's Newest Frontier, How to Work W5LFL/Columbia, The World of Amateur Radio, Moving Up to Amateur Radio, Hams Wide World", circa 1987 (Beta)
972Tape 24 "New World of Amateur Radio", 1987 September (Beta)
972Tape 25 "Post Flight Version of Amateur Radio's Newest Frontier", circa 1987 (Beta)
972Tape 26 "Amateur Radio's Newest Frontier", circa 1987 (Beta)
972Tape 27 "World of Amateur Radio", circa 1987 (Beta)
972Tape 28 "An Evening with Jimmy Doolittle and President Reagan", Undated (Beta)
972Tape 29 "Arizona Eagles," KOOL-TV, Undated (Beta)
973Tape 30 "Cease Fire" Parts, Undated (Beta; Parts I and II)
973Tape 31 "DMZ Visit, AFKN, Seoul Korea", Undated (Beta)
973Tape 32 Interview, Channel 8, KAET, Undated (Beta)
973Tape 33 KPNX, Jerry Foster, Undated (Beta)
973Tape 34 "My Life," Bill Close, Undated (Beta)
973Tape 35 Portrait of America "Arizona", Undated (Beta)
973Tape 36 60 Minutes, Undated (Beta)
973Tape 37 "Sixty Minutes, Barry Goldwater", Undated (Beta)
973Tape 38 "60 Minutes, Karl Hess", Undated (Beta)
973Tape 39 Shuttle and Amateur Radio, Undated (Beta)
973Tape 40 Thunderbirds, Undated (Beta)
973Tape 41 Today Show, Barry Goldwater, Undated (Beta)
973Tape 42 Footage of President Reagan, Undated (Betacam)
Speech for Goldwater, Victory Night Speech at Century Plaza, Inaugural Address; courtesy Ronald Reagan Library.
973Tape 43 1964 Democratic National Committee Campaign Spots, Undated (Betacam)
973Tape 44 Laugh-in Clips (Various), Undated (Betacam)
974Tape 1 Dinah, Last 30, 1975 September 6 (U-Matic)
974Tape 2 Thomas D. White Award, USAF Academy, 1978 (U-Matic)
974Tape 3 KPNX, Jerry Foster, 1979 October 31 (U-Matic)
974Tape 4 Chamber of Commerce of the Untied States, 1980 March (U-Matic)
974Tape 5 Senator Goldwater, 1981 January 23 (U-Matic)
974Tape 6 Senator Goldwater, 1981 April 7 (U-Matic)
974Tape 7 This Man Goldwater, 1982 September 23 (U-Matic)
974Tape 8 Senator Barry Goldwater's Response to President's Budget Cuts, 1983 February 2 (U-Matic)
974Tape 9 Channel 8, KAET, 1983 February 28 (U-Matic)
974Tape 10 Compilation of Night Watch Edits, 1983 April 4 (U-Matic)
975Tape 11 C-SPAN, Call-in Program with Senator Barry Goldwater, 1983 April 25 (U-Matic)
975Tape 11a Goldwater Documentary, First Edition, KVOA-TV, 1983 July 14 (U-Matic)
975Tape 12 Arms Services Committee, Senator Goldwater Statement and Hearing Coverage, 1984 May 2 (U-Matic)
975Tape 13 "A Military Tribute to the Honorable Barry M. Goldwater United States Senate," Goldwater Squadron, 1986 May 3 (U-Matic)
975Tape 14 AUSA May Meeting, Undated (U-Matic)
975Tape 15 DMZ Visit, AFKN, Seoul Korea, Undated (U-Matic)
975Tape 16 60 Minutes, Karl Hess, Undated (U-Matic)
975Tape 1 Grand Canyon Rapids ‘40, 1980s (VHS)
975Tape 2 DC-10/B-1, Grand Canyon Rapids (1940), Middle Fork (1960), 1980s (VHS)
975Tape 3 Luke AFB/Yuma (1942); News Parade (1941), YMCA Camp (1948), 1980s (VHS)
975Tape 4 Goldwater Press Conference ABC Tape (1956 April 22); Republican Challenge (1960); Indiana Speech, Republican State Central Committee, 1980s (VHS)
975Tape 5 Campaign Clips (1958); Republican Convention (1960), 1980s (VHS)
975Tape 6 Arizona Press Club, Gridiron (1959); Tonight Show; Convention Speech (1960) Bob's Honeymoon, 1980s (VHS)
975Tape 7 Republican Convention (1960); Vacation "Burrard" (1961); Republican Convention (1964), 1980s (VHS)
975Tape 8 Today Show (1975 October 29); 60 Minutes; Face the Nation (1983 May 22); Today Show (1985 September 12), 1980s (VHS)
975Tape 9 CBS-TV Cronkite Special (1963); Jack Paar (1964), 1980s (VHS)
975Tape 10 Goldwater 1964 Presidential Campaign, 1980s (VHS; 60-Second Spots)
975Tape 11 "Choice" (1964 Presidential Campaign), 1980s (VHS)
975Tape 12 Goldwater-Miller; "Goldwater Speaks Out" (1964 Presidential Campaign), 1980s (VHS)
976Tape 13 Barry and Ike at Gettysburg (1964); Colorado River Trip (1965); Mexico and South America (1965), 1980s (VHS)
976Tape 14 Colorado River Trip (1965), 1980s (VHS)
976Tape 15 Barry Goldwater's Arizona (1967), 1980s (VHS; Parts I and II)
976Tape 16 Barry Goldwater's Arizona 1967, 1980s (VHS; Part I [?])
976Tape 17 W.A.S.P. Story, KOOL-TV, circa 1976 (VHS)
976Tape 18 Goldwater for Senate, 1980 (VHS)
Mayor Hance; photographs.
976Tape 19 The Good Government Committee, June 1981 (VHS)
976Tape 20 Goldwater Interview, 1983 January 28 (VHS)
976Tape 21 Goldwater Documentary, KVOA-TV, 1983 July 14 (VHS)
976Tape 22 Re-Creation of a 1964 Goldwater Presidential Campaign Headquarters, 1984 (VHS)
976Tape 23 EEA Aviation Foundation, Goldwater, 1983 July 22 (VHS)
976Tape 24 Peggy and Barry Goldwater, 50th Anniversay, 1984 (VHS)
976Tape 25 GOP Convention Highlights, "The Night We Took the Flag Back!", 1984 August 20-23 (VHS)
976Tape 26 Senator Goldwater Election Night, 1984 November 4 (VHS)
976Tape 27 Goodbye General Davis, 1985 (VHS)
976Tape 28 Yuma Interviews, 1985, 1987, 1989 (VHS)
976Tape 29 Arizona Skyways, 1985 January 11 (VHS)
976Tape 30 Barry & Mo Show, 1985 May 13 (VHS)
976Tape 31 ABC's 20/20, Segment on Defense Organization (Pre Goldwater-Nichols Act), 1985 September (VHS)
976Tape 32 Tribute to Senator Goldwater, Heritage Foundation, 1985 October 22 (VHS)
977Tape 33 Goldwater Retirement Party, Channel 10, 1986 (VHS)
977Tape 34 Defense Reorganization Hearing, C-SPAN, 1986 (VHS)
977Tape 35 Defense Reorganization News Clips, 1986 (VHS)
977Tape 36 Second Air Safety Medal Awards to General Charles E. Yeager, David Bernard Memorial Foundation, 1986 January 25 (VHS)
977Tape 37 "Goldwater Squadron: Military Tribute to Senator Barry Goldwater", 1986 May 3 (VHS)
977Tape 38 Defense Reoganization Act, Floor Debate, 1986 May 7 (VHS)
977Tape 39 Defense Reorganization Act, Goldwater Floor Statements, 1986 May 7 (VHS)
977Tape 40 60 Minutes, Barry Goldwater, 1986 May 11 (VHS)
977Tape 41 Presidential Medal of Freedom, Gannet News Service, 1986 May 12 (VHS)
977Tape 42 Thayer Awards, Including Parade and Dinner, 1987 (VHS)
977Tape 43 "The Women They Were and Arizona Highways," Bill McCune, 1987 (VHS)
977Tape 44 "The Road to Statehood," Bill McCune, 1987 (VHS)
977Tape 45 "Goldwater Coming Home," KPHO-TV, 1987 January 1 (VHS)
977Tape 46 "The Conservatives," PBS, 1987 January 20 (VHS)
977Tape 47 BMG Tribute, 1987 January 21 (VHS)
977Tape 48 Interview with Larry King, 1987 March 12 (VHS)
977Tape 49 "To Senator Barry Goldwater with the Personal Compliments of Henry Miller", The Mills Brother Story, 1987 September 17 (VHS)
977Tape 50 Campell-Ewald U.S. Space Foundation, 1987 September 25 (VHS; 22 Spots)
977Tape 51 Goldwater ASU Dedication, 1988 (VHS)
977Tape 52 Sigma Chi Award Dinner for Barry Goldwater, 1988 March 25 (VHS)
977Tape 53 Dedication of Margaret Arch, On the Arizona Road, KTSP-TV, 1988 March 19 (VHS)
978Tape 54 "Growing Together," History of the Growth of the Salt River Projet and the Salt River Valley, 1988 April (VHS)
978Tape 55 Republian National Convention; Tribute to Barry Goldwater; Reagan Speech; Last Show of Jerry Foster, 1988 August 5 (VHS)
978Tape 56 "At Home with Barry Goldwater," CBS This Morning, 1988 October 21 (VHS)
978Tape 57 "Arizona Since WWII: Continuity and Change", 1989 April 7 (VHS; 2 Copies)
978Tape 58 "A History of Native Arizona," Bill McCune, 1992 (VHS)
978Tape 59 Barry Goldwater Interview, Raw Footage, 1992 (VHS)
978Tape 60 AMSAT-NA Phase IIID, Version I for NAB; Version II for Dayton Ham Radio Convention, 1992 April (VHS)
978Tape 61 Arizona Today; Goldwater Interviews, 1993 December 29 (VHS; Parts I and II)
978Tape 62 Tonight Show, 1993 November (VHS)
978Tape 63 "An Evening with Lady Thatcher," Goldwater Institute, 1994 May 1 (VHS)
978Tape 64 "GCC's Speakers Forum Presents the Honorable Barry M. Goldwater", 1996 April 3 (VHS)
978Tape 65 "A Conversation Abut Mo Udall and American Politics," The Morris K. Udall Foundation, 1996 August 3 (VHS)
978Tape 66 Senator Goldwater's Stroke, Channel-5 News, 1996 September 10 (VHS)
978Tape 67 American Indian History, Dennis Bowen, Seneca President, 1996 October 23 (VHS)
978Tape 68 Barry Goldwater Funeral Coverage, KTAR (Radio), 1998 June 3 (VHS)
978Tape 69 Barry Goldwater Funeral Coverage, Channel 3, KTVK, 1998 June 3 (VHS)
978Tape 70 Barry Goldwater Funeral Coverage, Channel 5, KPHO, 1998 June 3 (VHS)
978Tape 71 Barry Goldwater Funeral Coverage, Channel 8, KAET, 1998 June 3 (VHS)
978Tape 72 Barry Goldwater Funeral Coverage, Channel 12, KPHX, 1998 June 3 (VHS)
978Tape 73 Barry Goldwater Funeral Coverage, MSNBC, 1998 June 3 (VHS)
979Tape 74 Barry Goldwater Funeral Coverage, C-Span, Goldwater Tribute, 1998 June 3 (VHS)
979Tape 75 Barry Goldwater Funeral Coverage, Channel 10, KSAZ, 1998 June 3 (VHS)
979Tape 76 Barry Goldwater Funeral Coverage, CNN, 1998 June 3 (VHS)
979Tape 77 "The Reins of Command," Aerospace Communications, Narrated by Jimmy Stewart, Undated (VHS)
979Tape 78 Air Power, WWII, Undated (VHS)
979Tape 79 Air Power 1960-1993, Undated (VHS)
979Tape 80 Amateur Radio's Newest Frontier, A-R-R-L, Undated (VHS)
979Tape 81 "Arizona Highways – That Fantastical, Magical Magazine", Undated (VHS)
979Tape 82 Armed Forces (International Video & Photography), Undated (VHS)
979Tape 83 "The Battle of China", Undated (VHS)
979Tape 84 Good Morning America with Chuck Yeager (1985 July 29); Today/Tonight, Prime Time Conventikon Coverage (1985 August 19), Undated (VHS)
979Tape 85 Barry Goldwater Encore, Undated (VHS)
979Tape 86 Family Trips, Salt River Project, Undated (VHS)
979Tape 87 Goldwater Family, Undated (VHS)
979Tape 88 Firing Line, Looking Back with Barry Goldwater and William F. Buckley Jr., Undated (VHS)
979Tape 89 Goldwater Clip, Undated (VHS)
979Tape 90 Horizon, Goldwater, Undated (VHS)
979Tape 91 Miscellaneous Taping, Undated (VHS)
979Tape 92 Odds & Ends; Reagan's Speech for Goldwater, Undated (VHS)
979Tape 93 "Photography American Sampler", Undated (VHS)
979Tape 94 Portrait of America, "Arizona", Undated (VHS)
979Tape 95 "River Runners of the Grand Canyon-The Human Story of the Colorado River", Undated (VHS)
979Tape 96 "Smoki", Undated (VHS)
980Tape 97 Sweet Pea/Alianthus, ABC Film Transfers: Rockefeller Speaking on Goldwater; Rally with Pro and Anti Goldwater Fans; NYC Rally, 2005 (VHS)
980Tape 98 Sweet Pea/Alianthus, ABC Film Transfers: BG on Weapons of Mass Destruction; TV Interview Regardng Weapons and Cuba, 2005 (VHS)
980Tape 99 Sweet Pea/Alianthus, ABC Film Transfers: BG Hamm Radio; Hotel Suite Rockwell Photo Shoot, 2005 (VHS)
980Tape 100 Sweet Pea/Alianthus, ABC Film Transfers-Cow Palace, Interruption of Rockefeller, Booing; Rockefeller and Happi Interview; Ike on Panel with BG; Train Campaign Trip, 2005 (VHS)
980Tape 101 Sweet Pea/Alianthus, "Vietnam Compilation #1", 2005 (VHS)
980Tape 102 Sweet Pea/Alianthus, "Vietnam Compilation #2", 2005 (VHS)
980Tape 103 Sweet Pea/Alianthus, "Red Scare" (Getty Images), 2005 (VHS)
980Tape 104 Sweet Pea/Alianthus, "Watergate" (Getty Images), 2005 (VHS)
980Tape 105 Sweet Pea/Alianthus, "Civil Rights, Martin Luther King Speaking, Gulf of Tonkin, Barry on Campaign Trail", 2005 (VHS)
980Tape 106 Sweet Pea/Alianthus, "Watergate, Religious Right", 2005 (VHS)
980Tape 107 Sweet Pea/Alianthus, "Richard Nixon Farewell", 2005 (VHS)
980Tape 108 Sweet Pea/Alianthus, "Jack Paar 1964", 2005 (VHS)
980Tape 109 Sweet Pea/Alianthus, "Indians and Assorted Footage", 2005 (VHS)
980Tape 110 Sweet Pea/Alianthus, "Odd Shots, Our Room, 1964 Convention San Francisco", 2005 (VHS)
980Tape 111 Sweet Pea/Alianthus, "Arizona-Late 1930s Monuments", 2005 (VHS)
980Tape 112 Sweet Pea/Alianthus, "U.S. Senator, TV Network", 2005 (VHS)
980Tape 113 Sweet Pea/Alianthus, "Prescott, Buck O'Neil, Barry Goldwater at Home, Radio Room, Photos", 2005 (VHS)
980Tape 114 Sweet Pea/Alianthus, "Odds & Ends, Arizona", 2005 (VHS)
980Tape 115 Sweet Pea/Alianthus, "House Party", 2005 (VHS)
980Tape 116 Sweet Pea/Alianthus, "Northern Arizona by Helicopter", 2005 (VHS)
980Tape 117 Sweet Pea/Alianthus, "Odds & Ends #1", 2005 (VHS)
980Tape 118 Sweet Pea/Alianthus, "Odds & Ends #2", 2005 (VHS)
980Tape 119 Sweet Pea/Alianthus, "Interview with Carolyn Goldwater, Barry G. in Radio Room, Bob Goldwater", 2005 (VHS)
980Tape 120 Sweet Pea/Alianthus, "Political Ad Shown Right Before Election", 2005 (VHS)
980Tape 121 Sweet Pea/Alianthus, "The Ham's Wide World", 2005 (VHS)
980Tape 122 Sweet Pea/Alianthus, "BMK with Burn-in #0055", 2005 (VHS)
980Tape 123 Sweet Pea/Alianthus, "BMK #0056", 2005 (VHS)
980Tape 124 Sweet Pea/Alianthus, "BMC #0057", 2005 (VHS)
980Tape 125 Sweet Pea/Alianthus, "BMC #0058", 2005 (VHS)
980Tape 126 Sweet Pea/Alianthus, "BMC Video Shots of Still Photographs #0059", 2005 (VHS)
980Tape 127 Sweet Pea/Alianthus, "BMC #0060", 2005 (VHS)
980Tape 128 Sweet Pea/Alianthus, Untitled (#0068B), 2005 (VHS)
Sub-Series K: Microfilm (Includes CDs)
Scope and Content Note
Overall, the quantity and quality of records differ significantly from Goldwater's first two terms (1953-1964) and his last three terms (1969-1986). Content largely reflects constituent correspondence. Committee work appears limited as is colleague and VIP correspondence. Organized alphabetically by sender and by topic.
Processing Note
Many microfilm reels were in poor condition and required restoration. Original microfilm has been retained. All microfilm has been digitized to searchable compact discs available in the reading room. There is an archival copy and a use copy for each CD number. Microfilming continued until 1983.
1MF 1 Patronage Files, 1952-1953
R F C – Attorney General, Weather Bureau.
2MF 1 Miscellaneous Files, 1952-1953
Weather Control, Committees, Western Unions, Tickler File, Tickler File.
3MF 1 Legislative Correspondence, 1953
Agriculture - Cattle & Beef Prices, Dams – Kansas Missouri Rivers, Housing FHA, Labor Department Bureau of Apprenticeship, Public Health Service, U.S.
4MF 1 Legislative Correspondence, 1953
Railroad Retirement, Sabatoge Commission, Taft Harley, U.N. Appropriation, Zinc & Lead, Appendix.
5MF 1 Bills Introduced, 1953
Air Force, Labor Communism Bill, Nogales International Strips, Tucson, Taft Hartley Replies to Protests on Senator Goldwater's amendments to labor laws, Appendix.
6MF 2 Senators Committee, 1953
Gen. Doolittle – 50th Anniversary of Powered Flight, Labor Committee – Senator Smith's Bill, Senator Goldwater Durkin Appointment, Appendix.
7MF 2 Patronage Files, 1953
Appointments for Jobs, Highway Department, Postmaster Information, Public Housing Administration.
8MF 2 Departmental Files, 1953
Alfalfa Hay, Defense, Grazing Land, Justice, Post Office Department – Somerton, Arizona, Appendix.
9MF 2 Departmental Files, 1953
Post Office Department, Safford, Arizona, Treasury Department, Phoenix Internal Revenue.
10MF 3 Annapolis & West Point Appointments, 1953
Annapolis – West Point Appointments, Yaryan, John Jr.
11MF 3 Extra Copy File, 1953
A, C, D, E, E.
12MF 3 Extra Copy File, 1953
F, H, I, K, K.
13MF 3 Extra Copy File, 1953
L, M, N, P, P.
14MF 4 Extra Copy File, 1953
Q R, S, T, W, Z, Appendix.
15MF 4 Arizona Files, 1953
Ajo Airport, Gas line, Hughes Aircraft Facilities, Land Management, Reclamation ground water, Appendix.
16MF 4 Arizona Files, 1953
Republican Organization, Yuma Television.
17MF 4 Completed Cases, 1953
A, B, B, Appendix.
18MF 4 Completed Cases, 1953
B, C, C, D, D, Appendix.
19MF 4 Completed Cases, 1953
E, G, H, H, H, Appendix.
20MF 5 Completed Cases, 1953
I, J, K, L, L.
21MF 5 Completed Cases, 1953
M, N, O, P, Q, Appendix.
22MF 5 Completed Cases, 1953
Q R, S, S, S, S, Appendix.
23MF 5 Completed Cases, 1953
S, U, W, Z, Appendix.
24MF 5 Personal Files, 1953
Applications for Employments, 1952 Campaign, Price Control Speech, Typewriter records.
25MF 6 General Correspondence, 1953 October 15-1954 August 30
A (case) – Al (General), All (case) – Arrington, D.A. (case), Ar (general) - Banking & Currency (case), Bal (general) –Baumann, George (case), Bas (general) – Benson (pertaining to) (case).
26MF 6 General Correspondence, 1953 October 15-1954 August 30
Benson, Clarence (case) – Bixby, Steve (case), Bi (general) – Bow (general), Braden, F.C. (case) – Burnett, Mrs. C.A. (p.1) – (general).
27MF 7 General Correspondence, 1953 October 15-1954 August 30
Burnett, Mrs. C.A. (p.2) (general), C (general), Campbell, Robert D. (case) - Carr (general), Casa Grande Warehouse Co. (case) – Che (general), Christie, George V. (case) – Cole, Albert M. (case), Collerette, Cecil, (case) - Cor (general).
28MF 7 General Correspondence, 1953 October 15-1954 August 30
Cou (case) – Cro (general), Cu (case) –Dav (general), De (case) – Dixon, Melvin & Kathryn (case), Dim (general) – Du (general), Dun (case) – Emmons, Glen (case) 12/23/53 (continued).
29MF 7 General Correspondence, 1953 October 15-1954 August 30
Emmons, Glen (case) – Eyer, Warren (general), F (general) – Fitzgerald, Ruth (case), Fis (general) – Fr (general), Fre (case) – Gar (general), Ge (case) – Glover, Joseph R. (case).
30MF 7 General Correspondence, 1953 October 15-1954 August 30
Gl (general) – Goldwater, Barry (invites – reject), Goldwater Barry (invites – accept)-Corshak, J. (general), Gosenell, R. E. (general) – Gyparis, Barbara (general), Haas, Lewis (case) – Happs, Mrs. H. B. (general), Har (case) – Harwood, Pearl M. (general).
31MF 7 General Correspondence, 1953 October 15-1954 August 30
Has (case) – He (general), Hei (case) – Hi (general), Him (case) – Hop (general), Hos (case) – Ivory, Mrs. George M. (general), J (case) – Joint Committee on Economic Report (case).
32MF 7 General Correspondence, 1953 October 15-1954 August 30
Johnson (general) – Jones, Ross (case), Jones, Rowland, Jr. (case) – Kel (general), Kem (case) –Kl (general), Kn (case) – Lan (general), Lar (case) – Lef (general).
33MF 8 General Correspondence, 1953 October 15-1954 August 30
Len (case) – Li (general), Lin (case) – Lor (general), Lu (case) –Mah (general), Man (case) – Martinez, Ray (case), Mart (general) – Mc (general).
34MF 8 General Correspondence, 1953 October 15-1954 August 30
McCl (case) – McL (general), McM (case) – Mer (general), McM (case) – Mer (general), Met (case) – Min (general), Mo (case) – Morr (general), Mos (case) – N (general).
35MF 9 General Correspondence, 1953 October 15-1954 August 30
Nat (case) – Ni (general), No (case)- Or (general), Os (case) – Par (general), Pat (case) – Ph (general), Ph (case) – Po (general).
36MF 10 General Correspondence, 1953 October 15-1954 August 30
Por (case)-Putchkoff, Mrs. Iraida (case), Pyle, Howard (case) – Ram (general), Re (case) – Rem (general), Ri (case – Ro (general), Roc (case) – Ru (general).
37MF 11 General Correspondence, 1953 October 15-1954 August 30
Rus (case)-San (general), Sar (case) – Schu (general), Sci (case) – Sh (general), Shea (case) – Sim (general), Sk (case) – Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. (case).
38MF 12 General Correspondence, 1953 October 15-1954 August 30
Smith, Robert (case) – So (general), Sp (case) – Ster (general), Sto (case) – Sw (general), T (case) – Ti (general), To (case) – Twining, Nathan F. (case).
39MF 13 General Correspondence, 1953 October 15-1954 August 30
Tu (general) – Vo (general), W (case) – Wat (general), We (case) – Wes (general), Wh (case) – Willis (general), Wils (case) – Wo (general).
40MF 13 General Correspondence, 1953 October 15-1954 August 30
Woo (case) – Woo (general), Wr (case) – Z (general).
41MF 13 Patronage, 1953 October 15-1954 August 30
Federal Housing Administration – HILLIER. George – General, WYMAN, Mamie, Interior – Attorney, NEWELL, Paul P.O. Vicksburg, KENNEDY, W. M., PO Winslow –FERGUSON, Mary – Treasury (position in Collector of Customs Office) FIELDS, Evelyn.
42MF 14 Congressional Record, 1953-1961
43MF 14 Congressional Record, 1953-1961
44MF 15 Bills Introduced or Co-Sponsored by Senator Goldwater, 1953-1961
45MF 15 Bills Introduced or Co-Sponsored by Senator Goldwater, 1953-1961
46MF 15 Senate Voting Record, 1953-1963
47MF 15 Voting Records, 1953-1963
48MF 15 Index, 1953-1963
49MF 15 Misc Docs, 1953-1964
50MF 16 General Correspondence, 1954 August 31-1955 August 8
A (case) – Ae (general), Al (case) – All (Case, Alloy Engineering and Casting Co.), All (general) – An (general), Ar (case) – At (general), Au (case) – Bai (cases).
51MF 17 General Correspondence, 1954 August 31-1955 August 8
Bai (general) – Bal (general) Only 10 feet of film on this roll.
52MF 17 General Correspondence, 1954 August 31-1955 August 8
Bar (case) – Be (general), Bel (case) – Ben (general), Ber (case) – Bo (general), Bor (case) – Br (general), Bre (case) – Bro (general).
53MF 17 General Correspondence, 1954 August 31-1955 August 8
Col (case) – Con (general), Coo (case)- Cor (Cotton Acreage Allotment), Cor ( Cotton Marketing Quota) – Cro (general), Cu (case) – Dav (general), De (case) – Di (general).
54MF 17 General Correspondence, 1954 August 31-1955 August 8
Dim (case) – Dor (general) For Dipersal Program – See #21, Dr (case) – E (general), Ed (case) – En (general), Es (case – Federal Power Commission DA-117), Felshaw, George Morris (case) – Fis (general).
55MF 17 General Correspondence, 1954 August 31-1955 August 8
Fl (case) – Frakes, John D. (case), Frankel, Howard E. (case) – Fri (general), Fu (case)-Gl (general), Go (case) – Goldwater, Barry, Jr. (case), Goldwater, Barry, Personal (case)- Gorman, E. Coleman (general).
56MF 17 General Correspondence, 1954 August 31-1955 August 8
Gorman, Edna L (general) – Gree (general), Gri (case) – Ham (general), Han (case)-Harr (general), Hart (case) – Has (case, Hazlett, Ross), Has (general)-Her (case, Herbert, Ken).
57MF 18 General Correspondence, 1954 August 31-1955 August 8
Her (case, Herndon, Maxerll) – Him (general), Ho (case)- Hom (general), I (case) – Indians – Extension work.
58MF 18 General Correspondence, 1954 August 31-1955 August 8
I (case, Indians-Long Term Leasing 84th S. 34) – J (general), Jad (case)-John (case, Johnstone, William M.), John (case, Joint Committee on the Economic Report ) – Jon (case, Jones, Sam), Jon (general) – Kem (general, Mrs. Carl Keppler).
59MF 18 General Correspondence, 1954 August 31-1955 August 8
Kem (general, James H. Kerby) – Kl (general), Only 30 feet of film on this roll.
60MF 18 General Correspondence, 1954 August 31-1955 August 8
Kn (case)-L (general), Lan (case)-Le (general), Lef (case)-Li (general), Lin (case)-Lor (cases), Lor (general)-Ly (general).
61MF 18 General Correspondence, 1954 August 31-1955 August 8
M (case)-Mar (Case, Marshall, Harry), Mar (case, Marsteller, Grover)- Mas (general), Mau (case)-McD (general), McL (case)-Me (Case, Meet the Press, Against), Me (Case, Meet the Press, For) – Met.
62MF 18 General Correspondence, 1954 August 31-1955 August 8
Mi (case)- Min (general), Mo (case) – Mor (cases), Mor (general)-Mu (general), Mur (case)-Nat (general), Ne (case)- New (general).
63MF 19 General Correspondence, 1954 August 31-1955 August 8
Ni (case)-O (cases), O (general)- Os (general), P (case)- P (general), Pat (case)-Per (general).
64MF 19 General Correspondence, 1954 August 31-1955 August 8
Pet (general)-Pl (general), Po (case)-Pri (general), Pu (case)-Ram (general), Re (case)-Rem (general), Ri (case-Ro (case, Robinson, Jim).
65MF 19 General Correspondence, 1954 August 31-1955 August 8
Ro (case, Robinson, H.H.)- Rol (general), Ros (case)-Rus (general), S (case)- San (general), Sar (case)-Scho (general), Schu (case)-Sci (general).
66MF 19 General Correspondence, 1954 August 31-1955 August 8
Se (case)-Sem (general), Sh (case)-Sher (General), Si (case)-Smith (cases), Smith (general)-So (general), Sp (case)-Ste (cases).
67MF 19 General Correspondence, 1954 August 31-1955 August 8
Ste (general)-Str (general), Su (case)-Sw (general), T (case)-Th (general), Tho (case)-To (general), Tr (case) – Tu (cases).
68MF 19 General Correspondence, 1954 August 31-1955 August 8
Tu (general)-Vo (general), W (case)-War (general), Wat (case)-Wel (Case, Wellton-Mohawk), Wel (case, Wenden Manganese Depot)-Wel (general).
69MF 20 General Correspondence, 1954 August 31-1955 August 8
Wes (case)-Wi (general), Will (case)-Woo (case, Woods, G.R.), Woo (Case, Woolery, Lew C.0 – X-Y (case, Yuma Land Credit), X-Y (Case, Yuma-Mesa Irrigation and Drainage District Gila Project )- Z (Case, Znato, Mike).
70MF 20 General Correspondence, 1954 August 31-1955 August 8
Z (case, Zepeda, Rudolph G.)- Z (general), Dispersal Program – Federal Government, Patronage – Agriculture (Meigs, James B., Jr.) Patronage – General, Patronage, Interior – Patronage Weather-Control.
71MF 20 General Correspondence, 1955 August 9-1956 September 14
A (case) Abercrombie & Fitch, Ad (case) Adams, Ag- Agriculture, Dept of, Airlines – Phoenix & Tucson, Trans-World, Western, Air War College Speech, Alaska Mental Health Bill, (through) Al General.
72MF 20 General Correspondence, 1955 August 9-1956 September 14
All (general), American Watch Assn., Inc, Ashurst, Henry F., Automobile Letters, Aztec Land & Cattle Co., Baldwin, William H., Bank Holding Act, Barfield Hospital (case).
73MF 20 General Correspondence, 1955 August 9-1956 September 14
Beach, Ray, Bell, William, Blackney, John, A., Brady, Will and Joyce (Private bill), Budget & Acctg (Hoover Comsn).
74MF 20 General Correspondence, 1955 August 9-1956 September 14
Byrd, J.H. (case), California State Brewers Institute, Capitol Hill Club, Castle Butte, P.O., Chapel – U.S. Capitol, Chilton, J. Kenneth, Civil Aeronautics Board, Clarkis (various), Cohen, Irvin (case), Colorado River Indian Reservation, Land to be Held in Trust, Committee for Constitutional Govt.
75MF 21 General Correspondence, 1955 August 9-1956 September 14
Connelly, John C. (case), Coover, Darrel, Corona Nol Hosp. Golf Course, Courtney, Kent, Crawford, A. M., Cuttle, Angela, Dalton, Henry A. (case), Davis-Montham AFB-Drag Strip, Desert Land Entry Bill –S. 1777, Dey, Harrison S., Domback, Melvin M. (case).
76MF 21 General Correspondence, 1955 August 9-1956 September 14
Domestic lead & Zinc –S. 2046, Donaldson, Wllison, Drachman, Ray F., Duke, Joe, Dunbar, David L., Dye, Gill, Edens, J.B., Embach, Harry B., Face the Nation (television), DIS-Gen. Dish and Wildlife thru Fjare, Orvin B. (letter).
77MF 21 General Correspondence, 1955 August 9-1956 September 14
Flagstaff (pertaining to), Flanders, Ralph E. (Senator), Fluorspar, Flying Tigers, Folger, Clifford, Fort Huachuca Laundry, Fort Huachuca Radio Station, FOS, Fuentes, Frank, Ganado School, Geare, John B., Giss, Harold, Goldwater.
78MF 21 General Correspondence, 1955 August 9-1956 September 14
Goldwater, Barry- Invitations, Gordon, Burgess, L., Grand (pertaining to), Greef, Bernard, Haas, Lewis, Gray, Anne, Mrs., Hamlinz, Herbert, Mrs., Heiserman, W. F..
79MF 21 General Correspondence, 1955 August 9-1956 September 14
Helena, Montana Speech File, Hells Canyon File, Henderson, Ella M. (case), Heong, Mrs. Yee Fung, Hicks, Millard, Holdbrook TV Station, Home Demonstration Agents, HOS (general).
80MF 21 General Correspondence, 1955 August 9-1956 September 14
HU (gen.) Hubbard, Bela (cross ref), Hunter, Paul E., Jr. (case), Indian Claims, Indian Education-S.J. Res.110, Jacome, Alex, Janes, Walter G., Joint Committee on Economic Report, KEL (general) folder.
81MF 22 General Correspondence, 1955 August 9-1956 September 14
Kennedy, Dan (case) etc., thru KEM (General), Kinsolving, Rev. A. B., Kleins, William, Mrs., Kleindensl, R.B., KN (cases) thru General, KTKT Station, Keichel, Bermond, LEV thru Lewis, Bill M. (case).
82MF 22 General Correspondence, 1955 August 9-1956 September 14
Lewis, Ernie, LI (gen) Library of Congress, Liquor Letters & Petitions, LO (gen), Long Island Squadron, MAD (gen) Mardian, Sam, Marks, Royal, D., Martin, George R., MAU (gen) & MC (gen) thru McCauley, Clarence.
83MF 22 General Correspondence, 1955 August 9-1956 September 14
MC (cases thru MC) Gen) Inl. McClellan, John L. (Senator), McConnell, J. D., ME, Meony, Ray, Mexico, MI Mica, Minerals Program Ext. Act S.922, MO Mohave Electric Coop., Montijo, Jose E. , Morgan, Tom, MORR.
84MF 22 General Correspondence, 1955 August 9-1956 September 14
MOS (gen), Motion Picture Exhibitions, Natural Gas Bill, National Hereford Congress, Navajo & Hopi Reservation Access Roads, Nixon, Richard (Vice Pres.), Nogales, Third Gate, Parker Davis Transmission Sale, PAR (general).
85MF 22 General Correspondence, 1955 August 9-1956 September 14
PAT (general), Parpon, Clinic, PE (cases thru General), Phoenix (pertaining to), Pima Indian Reservation, Postal Rates, Powell, Luciana Papa (case), Grant, Keith, RE (general).
86MF 22 General Correspondence, 1955 August 9-1956 September 14
REL (general), RI inc. Right to Work folder, ROSS, Ross Mr.&Mrs. Tom, Salt River Valley Users Assn., San Francisco Convention, Schoeppel, Andrew (Senator), School Funds, Scott, Robert L., General.
87MF 23 General Correspondence, 1955 August 9-1956 September 14
Scott, Mrs. Salma, Scottsdale Airport, Proposed, Sexson, Paul, Shadegg, Stephen, Small Business Administration, Smith, Helen, Smoki Indians, Sparkman (Senator).
88MF 23 General Correspondence, 1955 August 9-1956 September 14
Spauling, Hobart A., Speiden, Jack, Summerfield, Arthur, Sunnyslope, Tariffs & Trade –HR 5550, Taxes, Timber, TI (general) thru Tissaw, J. (cross ref).
89MF 23 General Correspondence, 1955 August 9-1956 September 14
TO cases, incl. Todt, George, thru TO general, Tucson Land Transfer, S.1546, 20th Century Engineers, U thru Unit (general), Veterans Readjust. Asssist. Act, Vocational Rehabit. Bill –S. 533, Watershed Program, WEI cases through General, WEL cases through general.
90MF 23 General Correspondence, 1955 August 9-1956 September 14
WES cases thru General, Whit House Correspondence on Education, Williams, Jack, Willis, Charles, Wilson, Glen L. , Wood, James C. , World War I Vets Legislation, X-Y cases through general (first half general folder thru Yates, Mrs. R. B.).
91MF 23 General Correspondence, 1955 August 9-1956 September 14
X-Y General from Yeager, O. K. Through final half folder, Patronage: Agrculture, Farmers Home Admin, Federal Housing, Patronage, General (by individual name from A to Z) Patronage, Post Office (by name of town from A to Z).
92MF 23 General Files, 1956 September 15-1957 September 20
American University Business Advisory Committee, B, Basovich, Jenia, BER.
93MF 24 General Files, 1956 September 15-1957 September 20
BERN, Bowen, James, G., Broen, J. E., Budget Letters, Gov't Spending, Budget Letters, Gov't Spending.
94MF 24 General Files, 1956 September 15-1957 September 20
Budget, Gov't Spending, Reduction Forign Aid, Taxes, etc., Budget Gov't Spending- Reponse to Senators Speach on Senate Floor, C, Chi, Wong Bo, CI.
95MF 24 General Files, 1956 September 15-1957 September 20
Civil Rights Bill H.R. 6127, Claridge, Zola (Mrs.), COM, COU, CU.
96MF 24 General Files, 1956 September 15-1957 September 20
D, DI, E, ES, EV.
97MF 24 General Files, 1956 September 15-1957 September 20
F, FOS, G, GOL, Goldwater, Barry- Invitations (YES).
98MF 25 General Files, 1956 September 15-1957 September 20
Goldwater, Barry- Invitations (NO), H, HARR, HAS, Henley, Ralph.
99MF 25 General Files, 1956 September 15-1957 September 20
Hen, Hol, I, J, Jones, Ross.
100MF 25 General Files, 1956 September 15-1957 September 20
Jon, Kar, Knies, John E., L, L'Hereualt, R.C..
101MF 25 General Files, 1956 September 15-1957 September 20
Lev, Lo, M, Mas, Med.
102MF 25 General Files, 1956 September 15-1957 September 20
MEL, Mobile Homes, Mosle, Ernest, N, NEW.
103MF 25 General Files, 1956 September 15-1957 September 20
Nichols, James, R. , O, P, PET, Postal Pay Raise.
104MF 25 General Files, 1956 September 15-1957 September 20
Potter, I Lee, Post Office, Cameron-Richarson, Betty, President's Speech against his budget, Q, Republican Women.
105MF 25 General Files, 1956 September 15-1957 September 20
Retirement Act, Civil Service, Rodgers, Harold, S, Schaof, E.F. , Senate Salad Luncheon.
106MF 25 Speeches, Press Releases and News Stories, 1956-1964
107MF 25 Speeches, Press Releases and News, 1956-1964
108MF 26 Pending Cases 1960, 1955-1959
Eager, Thomas H, Federal Housing Adm Arizona 1956-57-58, Gable Miss Elaine 242-59, Haas, Miss Elizabeth 418, 1959, Havasupai Indians Unemployed Grand Canyon National Park 1955.
109MF 26 Pending Cases 1960, 1956-1959
Havasupai School Supai 1956, Hodge Norman E, 951, 1958, Indian Sanitation Facilities, S. 3694 466 1958, Jacobs, Mr. Edward J, 941, 1957, Key, Mr. William N. Local 426 751, 1959.
110MF 26 General Files, 1956 September 15-1957 September 20
Servicemen's readjustment act – HR 9260, SM, SO, STER, STR.
111MF 26 General Files, 1956 September 15-1957 September 20
SU, Tatsumi, Walter, THO, V, Veterans Disabled Legislation for Petition R52.
112MF 26 General Files, 1956 September 15-1957 September 20
Veterans Administration, Dept. of, W, Wick, Frank, Wolfe, Frank, Z.
113MF 26 General Files, 1957 September 21-1958 June 30
A, B, BE, C, Chong, Sook Rhee, S.2147.
114MF 26 General Files, 1957 September 21-1958 June 30
CHR, CL, D, E, Foote, A/2C James E.
115MF 26 General Files, 1957 September 21-1958 June 30
116MF 26 General Files, 1957 September 21-1958 June 30
I, K,L, LE, LY.
117MF 26 General Files, 1957 September 21-1958 June 30
M, MIN, N, O, Piller, Gabor.
118MF 27 General Files, 1957 September 21-1958 June 30
119MF 27 General Files, 1957 September 21-1958 June 30
Rockwell, John A., SEM, SN, T, The Vesta Club, Inc. 9-6-57, Tary Vincente.
120MF 27 General Files, 1957 September 21-1958 June 30
VO, WIN, ZITO, Joseph.
121MF 27 General Files, 1958 July 1-1959 July 1
A, ALL, Arizona-Pertaining, BI, Capehart Bill S.3718.
122MF 27 General Files, 1958 July 1-1959 July 1
CAR, COU, DER, E, Face the Nation, March 23, 1958.
123MF 27 General Files, 1958 July 1-1959 July 1
Face the Nation, April 20, Federal Aid to Schools, 1958, Amendments Act of P.L. 815, P.L. 874, Foreign Aid Legis, 1958, Globe TV Station (Gila Broadcasting Co.), HARR.
124MF 27 General Files, 1958 July 1-1959 July 1
Harris, Walter, D. , Hollaren, Wm P., HOS, Johnson, KO.
125MF 27 General Files, 1958 July 1-1959 July 1
Koss, Frank W., Labor & Public Welfare S. 2888, LAU, LU, Matteson, Richard.
126MF 27 General Files, 1958 July 1-1959 July 1
MAU, MILLI, National Cemetary, O, POR.
127MF 27 General Files, 1958 July 1-1959 July 1
Potter, Thomas D., RI, SCHO, ST, Supreme Court S. 2646 (1958)
128MF 28 General Files, 1958 July 1-1959 July 1
Surface Transportation, SW, U, WAR, WO.
129MF 28 General Files, 1958 July 1-1959 July 1
WOO, Zahniser, Mrs. Mary Kirk.
130MF 28 Legislation Files 1960, 1958-1960
Age & Aging Legis 1959, Fair Labor Standards S.1046, 1959, Forand Bill HR 4700 1959 & 1960, Humane Slaughter Bill HR 8308 & 2489, 1958 & 1959, Mutual Security Act 1958 & 1959.
131MF 28 Invitation File, 1959
Invitations (regrets), February, 1959, April, May, Republican Rally Dinner, El-Paso, Texas, June 13, 1959.
132MF 28 Invitation File, 1959-1960
Fund Raising Dinner, Winston Salem June 15, 1959, Press Club Luncheon Washington DC July 23, 1959.
133MF 28 Office Files, 1959-1960
Miscellaneous Records, WHA-WHE-WHITE.
134MF 28 Legislation Files 1960, 1957-1960
Passenger Train Service Act S3020 1960, Small Business Tax Hearings S. 3194 1957 & 1958, Socialized Medicine Legis 1959 1969, Wilderness Bill S 4208 1958 1959, Wool Act Amendment Section 708, P Law S 4071.
135MF 28 Pending Cases 1960, 1957-1958
Abad, Mario C., Babbitt, Paul – Holding his cattle 1268, 1958, Barrett, Robert L 384, 1957, Biddle, Walter A. 988 1957, Castro, Mrs. Edward H. 1957.
136MF 28 Pending Cases 1960, 1957-1959
Castro Ismael Jr, Coast Guard Acad, Conan, Mrs. M 481 1959, Cotton Acreage Allotment 1958 1959, Col Walter W. Abbey X Yuma Test Station D & L Const Co. Federal Housing Adm 997, 1957.
137MF 28 Pending Cases 1960, 1957-1959
Keickefer, John W. 552, 1959, McIver, Catherine J, McCabe, Evelyn A 451 1959, Moore, Frank 237 1957.
138MF 29 Pending Cases 1960, 1958-1959
Moore, Mrs. Irene 1958, O'Brien, William H 436 1958, Page Arizona (Information) 1957, Raddin, Dr. Joseph B. 740, 1959, Reid, Robert, 1131 1958.
139MF 29 Pending Cases 1960, 1957-1958
Reidell, Ed R. 948 1958, Shadegg, Steve Bid Mi-23-59 637-58, Slum Clearance Voting Record 1957, Speiden, Jack 146, 1958, Tomasek, Edward J, 1122, 1958.
140MF 29 Pending Cases 1960, 1957-1959
Topcock Marsh Development 1957, Vincent Air Force Base 642 1957, Weaver, Mrs. Alva L. 438 1958, Wood, Mrs. Vera P 530 1959, Zobrist Mr. Herb E. 1958.
141MF 29 Veterans Cases & Invitations 1960, 1958-1959
Veterans Cases Adams, William K 1035 1958, Larden Dr. C.E. 684 1958, Spellman, Mr. Charles E. 12 65, 1958, Invitations, Goldwater, Barry, Goldwater Barry Invite Luncheon Tyler, Texas Oct 16 1959.
142MF 29 Office Records 1960, 1958-1960
Invitations Invite 11-3-59 Kansas City, Mo, Mo Republican Club, Invite Kold Program KVCA-TV-KCUB Tucson, Arizona, Invite Jan 4-60 League of Republic Women of DC, Washington DC, Invite Feb 4-60 Moraga Calif St. Marys College, Invite May 17-60 Hunter College (Nat Review Forum) Overseas Press Club, NY.
143MF 29 Office Records 1960, 1958-1960
Invitations Invite 5-19-60 Topeka Kansas Womens Club, Army Cases, Allen Pvt Dal R 243-58, Air Force Cases, AAbbott, 1st Lt Clyde M, Walters, Mr. Theodore R. 707-1958.
144MF 29 Office Records 1960, 1958
Air Force Cases, Warreb T/Sgt Masood Ali 902-58, Miscellaneous, A-AC/Adams, BAA-BAH, CAA-CAL, CVS-CY.
145MF 30 Office Records, 1959-1960
Miscellaneous Records, DAA, FAS-FEI, GAA-GAO, HAA-HAH, HOL.
146MF 30 Office Records 1960, 1959-1960
Miscellaneous Records, Holloway, Bert, KAA-KAO, LAA-LAM, MAA-MAD, MUS-MYZ.
147MF 30 Office Records 1960, 1959-1960
Miscellaneous Records, NA, O, RAN-RAY, Request: Publications requested by school children, RUN-RZ.
148MF 30 Office Records, 1959-1960
Miscellaneous Records, SA-SAI, SHI-SHY, STA-STAO, TA-TD, WES-WEY-WG.
149MF 31 Invitations, 1960
Invite 9-21-60 Mesa Rotary Club Luncheon, Invite 10-20-60 Republican Rally, Invite 11-22-60 Saints & Sinners Lunch, Invite Regretted.
150MF 32 Legislation 1962, 1960-1962
A- Agriculture Control – 1960, B- Baseball Legislation –S3483, C- Cancer File (Neu Berger), D- Deaf & Blind Legislation S. J. Res 127, Electro College Legis S. J. Res 12.
151MF 32 Newspaper Articles, 1960-1963
152MF 32 Speeches, Releases, News Stories and Books, 1960-1964
153MF 32 General Files 1961, 1961
A to Adams, AR, BAA-AH, BLA-BLE, CAS-CE.
154MF 33 General Files 1960, 1960 (Reel Missing)
Legislation – Excise Tax, Equal Rights Amendment, Electoral College.
155MF 34 General Files 1961, 1961
156MF 34 General Files 1961, 1961
157MF 34 General Files 1961, 1961
158MF 34 General Files 1961, 1961
159MF 34 General Files 1961, 1961
160MF 34 General Files 1961, 1961
Shimmel, Blaine S., STAA-STAO, TA-TD, VA, WHI-WHY.
161MF 35 General Files 1961, 1961
162MF 35 Pending Files 1961, 1961
Adams, Capt. Clarence, Babcock, Carol Ann, Caldwell, Leonard E, Dains, Charlie, Fireman Bert.
163MF 35 Pending Files 1961, 1961
Fisher, William E. & Schenk, Ralph, H&R Transfer Case, Ickes, Robert F, Kartus, Hon. Sidney, Lawwil, Grace E.
164MF 36 Pending Files 1961, 1961
Learned Robert E., MacDonald, Theodore R., McBride, Robert, Naff, William A. Peterson, Mrs. Flora Rothrock.
165MF 36 Pending Files 1961, 1961
Pfeiffer, Melvin A., Railroad from Mesa to Payson, Saad, Mrs. Barbara, Schaar, Mrs. Agnes V., Shreeve, Nello C.
166MF 37-MF 38 Pending Files 1961, 1961
Siebert, J.A. Sr., Soave, Mrs. Gloria, T-28 Aircraft Regulations, United Indian Traders Assn. Inc., Vorum, Miss Ida.
167MF 38 Pending Files 1961, 1961
Wade, H.H., Wond Ms. Chui Ling, Zipf, Henry.
168MF 38 Legislation Files 1961, 1961
Aged & Aging Legislation, Castro Tractor Deal, Cuban Situation & Sugar Deal, Economic Cooperation & Development, Education Files.
169MF 39 Legislation Files 1961, 1961
Electro College Legis, Gas Tax Legis, Interior Committee, Tax General Legis, Veterans Court Appeal Legis.
170MF 40 Congressional Record, 1961-1964
171MF 40 Congressional Record, 1961-1964
172MF 40 Misc Material, 1961-1964
173MF 41 Legislation Files 1961, 1961
Veterans World War 2 & Korean Veterans, Wheat Legis S 1968, World Court S. Res 94.
174MF 41 Veterans Files 1961, 1961
Achor, Donald E, Dailey, Henry L., Hagel, Darold R., Nash James W., Stanberry, H. J.
175MF 41 Veterans Files 1961, 1961
Shehle, Mary, Zeugner, Adolph W.
176MF 42 Air Force, 1961
Ague, Mrs. Don R., Bade, Mrs. Thomas E., Imars, Lt. Charles J., Neal, Roy, Rutigliano, M. J.
177MF 43 Air Force, 1961
Sayler, E.G., Zimmerman, Sgt. Walter C.
178MF 43 Invitations, 1961
Invite 1-3-61 Welcome to Congress Dinner, Invite 3-4-61 The Nations Future, Invite 4-22-61 Conf Rotary International, Invite 6-6-61, United Press Inl Conf.
179MF 43 Invitations, 1961
Invite 6-13-61 Sales Ex Club Lunch, Invite 6-25-61, Cape Canaveral Trip.
180MF 43 Army Cases, 1961
Adamson, Harold D., Higgins, Capt. Timothy G., Workman, Raymond T.
181MF 43 Academy Files, 1961
Adams, Raymond (Annapolis), Macia, James H. (Annapolis), Adams, Tom (Air Force), Bennett, Robert J. (West Point), Zaharias, Jarry (West Point).
182MF 44 Misc Material, 1962-1964
183MF 44 Invitation 1962, 1961-1962
Invite 4-3-62 Texas Christian Univ – Fort Worth, Tex., Invite 5-1-62 Betty Crocker Award Winning, Invitations from July 1961 to July, 1962, Invite 8-4-61 Youth Wants to Know, Invite 9-28-61 Western Conference Sun Valley, Idaho.
184MF 44 General Files 1962, 1962
A- Adams, American, BA-BAH, BLA-BLE, BUL-BURK.
185MF 44 General Files 1962, 1962
186MF 44 General Files 1962, 1962
187MF 44 General Files 1962, 1962
188MF 44 General Files 1962, 1962
189MF 44 General Files 1962, 1962
190MF 45 General Files 1962, 1962
191MF 45 General Files 1962, 1962
192MF 45 Legislation 1962, 1962
Fair Trade Law Legislation, Foreign Policy Legislation, H-Haiti Aid, K-Katanga Legislation, Loyalty Oath Bill.
193MF 45 Legislation 1962, 1962
M-Medicare Program, Minimum Wage Bill 1085, O-Obscene Literature, Postal Rates, Rural Elec. Admin Rate of Interest for loans.
194MF 45 Legislation 1962, 1962
S-School Systems Control, T-Tariff on Wood Mouldings, Taxation-Savings & Loan Assn, U.S. buying U. N. Bonds (opposed), Veterans – War I Pension & Korean War.
195MF 45 Legislation & Invitations, 1962, 1962
W-War Claims Act H.R. 6392, Invite 1-2-62 Kiva School – Scottsdale, Arizona, Invite 2-1 62- Fund-Raising Dinner, Cleveland, Ohio, Invite 3-1-62 – U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, Invite 3-31-62 Wichita Fund Raising Dinner, Wichita, Kansas.
196MF 45 Invitation 1962 and Pending Cases, 1962, 1962
Invite 10-5-61 14th Ind. Conf. Cleveland, Ohio, Pending Cases – Allen Lloyd Duane (675-1960) Unemployment Compen, G-Garder, Sammie E. Bureau of Prison (624-1962), N-Newman, Miss Alice E. Civil Service & Social Security (1014-61) , Z –Summer, Mrs. Ida- Railroad Retirement Board – (817-1962).
197MF 46 Air Force Cases 1962, 1962
A-Acosta, S-Sgt. Suans E.(429-1961), D-Dare, Albert V. – (1025-1960), H-Haakinson, Col. E. B. – (423-1961), O O'neil, F-C John W. (1112-1961), Z-Zimmerman, Robert L. (117-1961).
198MF 46 Army Cases 1962, 1962
A-Ahern, Mr. Bart J. – (948-61), D- D'Arcy, Father Richard Leonard (259-1961), H-Halvorsen, Spc 5-c Joan J. (17-1961), N- Neff, Pvt. Heber Trent, (301-1960), Y- Ybarra, Mrs. Dorores R. (638-1962).
199MF 46 Navy Files & Marines, 1962
A-Adair, Thomas D. D-1099-1961, E-Eckley, Samuel G-349-1961, M-MacIntosh, Mr. Bill – 497-1960, T-Taylor, Reese H-967-1960, Z-Zern, Shelton C-1052-1961.
200MF 46 Academy Files 1962, 1962
Annapolis-Anatrio, Thomas Wm., Air Force, Burroughs, Charles, Merchant Marines, McCague, James D-SN-USN.
201MF 46 Veteran's Cases 1962, 1962
A-Aldridge, Mr. Bernie 658-1961-Va., K-Kaplin, Elliot C-1106-1961 (Veterans Adm.), Z-Zwigler, Mr. William 409-1961 (Va.).
202MF 47 Invitations 1963, 1962-1963
June 28, 1963, March 2 & July to December, 1962, September 1, 1962, November 1, 1963, Indefinite 1962 Invitations.
203MF 47 Mailing List of our Files of All Counties, Undated
204MF 47 General Files 1963, 1963
REL, S, Smith – A-H, STI.
205MF 47 General Files 1963, 1963
STR, U, W, WIA, Z.
206MF 47 Legislation 1963, 1963
A-Agr. Approp Committee, B-70 Program, C- Capehart Housing Program, D-Dairyman's Class I Base Plan.
207MF 47 Legislation 1963, 1963
Ferris, J.M. Public law 660- Water Pollution, G-General Motors, J-Jenkins – Keogh Bill, Major Differences, Mineral Leasing Act.
208MF 47 Legislation 1963, 1963
Mineral Claims, N-Nat'l Aeronautics, P-Packers & Stockyard Act S 3538, Rackets Report File, Textile Fiber Products.
209MF 47 Legislation 1963, 1963
Thurmond's S. Res,-191, Water Pollution, Wool Carpet Bill –H R-2151.
210MF 47 Pending Cases 1963, 1963
A, B-Backus, Mr. Lester B., C-Cafarelli, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony, D. Daley, Mr. Robert B., Douglas, Robert.
211MF 47 Pending Cases 1963, 1963
Drag Strip at Luke Field, G-Ganos, Mr. James G., H, Haas, Lewis K, I-Illegal Cotton Planting, Ives, Bilga Senner.
212MF 48 Pending Cases 1963, 1963
J-Ja, Miss Choi Chung, K- Kallof, Mr. Frederick, L-Labeling of Surplus foods, M-Mecchia, Mrs. Luisa Deleo, McSweeny, Mr. George R. - Defense.
213MF 48 Pending Cases 1963, 1963
Meany, Ray, N-Nactigall, Mr. Bob, P-Pacheco, Richard R. (Civil Service), Pitchard, Mr. Gray (State Dept), Prescott TV Booster Stations.
214MF 48 Pending Cases 1963, 1963
N0. 1 – Prescott TV Booster Station (for), R – Ralston, Mr. Dayle M., S=Saint – Labre Indian School, Seaman, Mr. Walter R., Smale, George W..
215MF 48 Pending Cases 1963, 1963
Smith, Mr. Bart, T-Tank, Mrs. Wallace, U-Unfair Competition, W-Wahlin, Mr. Peter, Zumstein, Mr. Robert H..
216MF 48 Invitations 1963, 1963
January 2, 1963, March 8, 1963, May 1, 1963, June 1, 1963, June 27, 1963.
217MF 48 Air Force Cases 1963, 1963
A-Abbett, Carl, E-English, Mr. Kenneth, L-Labor Contracts on Air Force Bases, P-Packer, M/Sgt. Lloyd G., Trujillo, I/C/ Isaia.
218MF 48 Air Force, Army Cases 1963; Navy, Marine & Coast Guard Files, 1963
Tubbs, 2/C Fred L. (Air Force), A-Acuna, Pvt. Gabriel – (Army), I-Ireland S1/2 C. 7/C Erin L. (Army), Blaise, Mr. Thomas M. (Coast Guard), Sweitzer, Paul A. – (Navy).
219MF 48 Navy, Marine and Coast Guard Files, Veteran Cases, Academy Cases, 1963
Turley, Mr. E. T. (Navy), A-Adams, Mrs. Mildred D. (Va) (Veteran Cases), Air Force Academy – A thru W- Anderson, Bob., Air Force Academy Files- Norman C. Amberge, Franter, Robert S. – Air Force Academy.
220MF 48 Academy Cases 1963, 1963
Randle, George T. W., Annapolis & Academy, Archer, Carl (Navy), Merchant Marine – Academy- Woods, Henry S. 111.
221MF 48 General Files 1963, 1963
A, B, C, CI.
222MF 49 General Files 1963-64, 1963-1964
A. July, 1963-1964, A-Americans 5, B – July 1963 thru end of year 1964, BOE-BOV – 27, Brown, 32.
223MF 49 General Files 1963-64, 1963-1964
BRO-33, BUL-BURK – 36, CHE-CHL, 45, CRA-CRE-56, DEA – DEK- 64.
224MF 49 General Files 1963-64, 1963-1964
DEN-DEY-66, E A/C- 75, FIS-FIZ-85, GRAI-GRAY-102, HARA-HARP - 111.
225MF 49 General Files 1963-64, 1963-1964
HARR-112, HIF-HOD 122, J AA/AC- July 12963 – end of year 1964-133, J AA/AC 133.
226MF 49 General Files 1963-64, 1963-1964
JAE- JAY- 134, KER-KEY- 144, L AA/AM – July 1963 – end of year 1964-152, LIO-LIS – 161, McL-McO-177.
227MF 49 General Files 1963-64, 1963-1964
MCP-MEH – 178, N July 1963 thru end of year 1964-194, P July 1963 thru end of year 1964-205, PRO-PY-217, ROC-ROF-227.
228MF 49 General Files 1963-1964, 1963-1964
ROG-ROP-228, SCHR – SCHU- 240, SPA-SPH-225, TR-272, WAS-WAY-283.
229MF 49 General Files 1963-64, 1963-1964
WEA-WEH- 284, Legislation AMISH – Amendment, Labor Reform Bill – S. 87, Pending Cases Abshire, Mrs. Roy W. Civil Service 459 - 1963.
230MF 49 Pending Cases 1963-64, 1963-1964
Bagley, Mr. Weldon D. Natl. Aeronautics & Space Admin 2250-1963, Blevevins, Mr. Charles Justice Dept 714-1961, Burch, Dean Natl. Library of Medicine & Army 274-1963, Chicago City Ordinance, Affecting Amateur Radio Operations 708-1964, Cockrill, Mark (Interior) 547-1960.
231MF 49 Pending Cases 1963-1964, 1963-1964
Coffman, PFC Thomas I, Jr. Immigration 655-1962, Crenshaw, Mr. Ernest M. 108-1964, Desert Land in Arizona 799 – 59, Earl. Mr. John C. , FHA Policy on Credit Reports.
232MF 50 General Files 1963, 1963-1964
FIA, G, H, I, IZ.
233MF 50 General Files 1963, 1963-1964
J, L, M, Mc, McD.
234MF 50 General Files 1963, 1963-1964
McE, N, P, Q, REI.
235MF 50 Pending Cases 1963-1964, 1963-1964
Federal Mart File, 1958, Fort Huachuca Hospital Facilities, Ganado Elementary School Funds, Hass, Mr. Phillips F. (State Dept.), Hickey, Sgt Raymond (Visa).
236MF 50 Pending Cases 1963-64, 1963-1964
Highway Bypass, Highway 66, Hu, DR, SC, Jackson, Henry W. (Interior of Forest Service), Jurn, Mr. Arnold (Interior Dept).
237MF 50 Pending Cases 1963-1964, 1963-1964
Kahn, Mr. Howard (Civil Service) 395-1964, Lake, Mrs. Robert Wilson 321-1964, Madden, Mr. J.F. (Civil Service) 901-1963, Mickelson, Mr. E. Neil 875-1963, Moyers, Estel B. (Social Security) 676-64.
238MF 50 Pending Cases 1963-64, 1963-1964
Nance, Mr. Frances A. 2199-63, Pace, James T. 295-64, Radio License Fee (Docket # 14207) 333-63, Sabalos, Mr. Gregory 2312-63, Smook, Mr. George 717-64.
239MF 50 Pending Cases 1963-1964, 1963-1964
Snider, Mr & Mrs Dale FCC, Sternum Fallouts Atomic Energy (E.A. Peters) 612-1962, Tohannie, Mrs. Elsie 450-1964, Unqer, Mr. Roger E. 203-1964, Willard, Mr. Mercier, Jr., 331-64.
240MF 50 Pending Cases 1963-1964, 1963-1964
Willcox Flood Control 1005-1960, Yee, Lai Feng 1067-1960, Zane Gray Lodge Road, 157-1963.
241MF 50 Air Force Cases 1963-1964, 1963-1964
Air Force: Historical Foundation, Davis, S/Sgt. Robert A., Hughes, Gordon B. Nickles, Robert Earl, Wafer, 1/C Thomas J. Jr.
242MF 50 General Files, 1963-1964
CLA, D, E, F, FEY.
243MF 50 Air Force & Army Cases 1963-64, 1963-1964
Wagner, Major William C., Army Cases, Burgett, Pvt. Leo R., Herbert, Mrs. Stanley R., Pan Am & Bell Aerosystems Co. from Tucson to Ft. Huachuca (Army), Walker Major General.
244MF 50 Army, Navy & Academy Cases, 1963-1964, 1963-1964
Walker, Major General (Army), (Navy, Marines & Coast Guard Files) A to XYZ According, Corp. Barry, Legherwood, Corporal Troy Lee, (Marines), Abdai, Joseph (Air Force) Academy, Tyler, Jesse L. Jr. (Merchant Marines).
245MF 50 Academy, Veterans & Invitations, 1963-1964
Baxter, Dale E. (Academy Files), Aker, Mrs. Jean, Kelly, Mr. O. W., Invitations: Goldwater, Barry, Jan 21, 1964 Jacksonville Fla Jewish Men's Club by Radio Phoenix, Arizona, Goldwater, Barry 4/11/64 S.m.A. Revision, Atlantic City, N.J.
246MF 50 Invitations, 1963-1964
Republican Women's Conference, Washington, D.C. 4/10/1964, Smoki Celebration Prescott, Ariz 8/10/1964, New Jersey Republicans Group, Newark , NJ 9/20/1963, Vic HJohnson, New York, NY 10/25/1963, Dedication of City Hall, Prescott, Arizona 12/29/1963.
247MF 51 Personal Files 1963-64, 1963-1964
Goldwater, Mrs. Baron (Senator's Mother), Goldwater, Gerald (Cousin).
248MF 51 Senate Voting Record, 1963-1964
249MF 51 Voting Records, 1963-1964
250MF 51 Campaign Press and Clips, 1964
251MF 51 Speeches, Releases and New Stories, 1964
252MF 51 Speeches, Releases and New Stories, 1964
253MF 51 Clips, 1964
254MF 51 Speeches and Releases, 1964
255MF 51 Press Releases, 1964
256MF 51 Misc, 1964
257MF 52 Election Correspondence, 1964-1965
258MF 52 Election Correspondence, 1964-1965
259MF 52 Post Election Correspondence, 1965
260MF 52 Post Election Correspondence, 1965
261MF 53 Post Election Correspondence, 1965
262MF 53 Post Election Correspondence, 1965
263MF 53 Post Election Correspondence, 1965
264MF 53 Post Election Correspondence, 1965
265MF 54 General Correspondence, 1965 January-July
Out of state, A-Z, Arizona State, A-Gr.
266MF 54 General Correspondence, 1965 January-July
Arizona State Gr-Z, Regrets.
267MF 54 Speeches, 1965
268MF 54 General Correspondence, 1964-1965
(Some late 64), Engagements 65, Pending Arizona, 65, Out of State 65, Regrets, 64.
269MF 54 General, A-E, 1965
270MF 54 Genera1, F-Smy, 1965
271MF 54 General, Sp-Z, A-Y Arizona, 1965
272MF 54 Regrets 1965, 1965
Grand Canyon Expeditions, Europe, 1965.
273MF 54 General, 1965-1966
A-Ei, 1966 also ‘65.
274MF 55 General, 1965-1966
Ei-J 1966, also some ‘65.
275MF 55 General, 1965-1966
K-O also some ‘65.
276MF 55 General, 1965-1966
P-Smith, Tony 1966 also some ‘65.
277MF 55 General, 1965-1966
Tony Smith – Z, 1966, also some 65 (re-run Ei to Far).
278MF 55 Engagements (1966 January-June), 1965-1966
279MF 56 Arizona R-Z; Regrets, A-K, 1966
280MF 56 Regrets L-Z; Engagements 1966 April-December; Office Calls for Appts., 1966
281MF 56 A-Ha, 1966
282MF 56 H-Q Arizona, 1966
283MF 56 Correspondence, 1967-1968
Out-of-State, Assorted file A-Da.
284MF 56 Arizona, 1967-1968
285MF 57 Correspondence, 1967-1968
Out of State, Da-Ga.
286MF 57 Correspondence, 1967-1968
Arizona, Bowler through Goldwater "Goldwater Family" file.
287MF 58 Correspondence, 1967-1968
Out of state, Ga-to Lupton.
288MF 58 Correspondence, 1967-1968
Arizona, Gorman-Krause 1967-68.
289MF 59 Correspondence, 1967-1968
Out of state, Lupton to Phillips, 1968.
290MF 59 Correspondence, 1967-1968
Arizona, Krause to Oviedo.
291MF 60 Correspondence, 1967-1968
Out of State, Phi-to Ste.
292MF 60 Correspondence, 1967-1968
Arizona, Betty Kowen to Supai School.
293MF 60 Correspondence, 1967-1968
Out of state, Stevenson to Zy, Assorted tag ends.
294MF 61 Correspondence, 1967-1968
Arizona, Super to Zuber –end.
295MF 61 Legislation, 1969
A-Abortion Laws, Ad Hoc Comm. On Environment, Air Traffic Control, B-Balanced Eco. Development, C-Cerntral Ari College Amendment II to skill training center proposal.
296MF 61 Legislation, 1969
Census Form, Clothing Industry, D-Defense Expenditures & Cuts, F- Farm Bill, Green Berets Military Problem.
297MF 61 Legislation, 1969
Grazing Fees, H-Haynsworth, Clement- Nomination, Head Start Program, Indians-Indian Development District of Arizona consolidated tanneries, Internal Security Act.
298MF 61 Legislation, 1969
J-Jailing of Innocence Wit., Metcalf's Endangered Species, Legislation Misc. May to Sept & Dec 1969.
299MF 61 Legislation, 1969
N-NASA Program Funding, Nonproliferation Treaty, Panama Canal Bill, Roosevelt Stamp 6 cents, Social Security Legislation.
300MF 61 Legislation, 1969
Space Expenditures (cut), Tax Reform – Charitable Inst. & Foundations, Tax Reform, Television Broadcasting Funding, Vietnam Legislation.
301MF 61 Legislation, 1969
Vietnam Form Letters, Yarn Industry, Pending Cases A-Adams, Mr. & Mrs. Hugh, B-Bacon, Sylvia, Butler, Miss Thelma.
302MF 61 Pending Cases, 1969
C-Cain, Mis Becky, F-Farah, Mrs. Jamila, K-Keck, Mr. William, M-MacDougall, Mr. E.A., N-Nutt, Charles Alan.
303MF 62 Pending Cases, 1969
O-O'Brien, William H., Q-Qusade, Mr. M.P., Solid Waste Management Program, U-United States Information Agency, Zinn, Dennis B..
304MF 62 Army & Airforce Cases, 1969
Army-A- Army's New Liquor Law, H-Hamilton, Garth H., R-Reed, Thomas C. Air Force –A- Air Force R & R Program, Zimmerman, Capt. Robert.
305MF 62 Navy-Marine & Veteran Cases, 1969
Navy-Marine A- Acuna, HM2 Santiago R., J-Jacobson, Capt. Robert P., Veterans –A- Ames, Louis S., Miscellaneous, A- Aca/Adams, American.
306MF 62 Miscellaneous, 1969
American Prisoners of War, Applications for Positions in New Administration Sec-Jan-Feb, Applications for Positions In New Administration Feb-April, Arizona Repeater Associations, Inc. Birthday Congratulations to Senator.
307MF 62 Miscellaneous, 1969
B/A-BLE, C-Caa/al, Col, Cra-Cre, Cr to Crh, Dirksen, Everett Sen.
308MF 62 Miscellaneous, 1969
Dixon, Maynard Painting, Foa-Fol/Fon-For, Government Printing Office, Holloway, Bert, Issues & Answers Program.
309MF 63 Miscellaneous, 1969
J-Jaa/Jac, Kitchel, Denison, Loeb, William, McDonald, Richard J., Museum of Northern Arizona.
310MF 63 Miscellaneous, 1969
N-Na, Orme, Charles H. (Orme School), Punshing, Gen. John (Bust for Capitol Ground), Richardson, Gen. Robert C., Rosenzweig, Harry.
311MF 63 Miscellaneous, 1969
Rosi-Rost/Rot-Rov, Senate Youth Program, T-Ta – Tay, Tho, Was-Wat/Wau-Way.
312MF 63 Miscellaneous, 1969
Wea-Wee/Wef-Weh, Request Files – Agr. Year Books, 1969 Aug. to Dec. Invitations Accepted 1969 Goldwater, Barry Schedule '68, April 24 to May 4, 1969 Mars Visit Vietnam.
313MF 63 Invitations Accepted, 1969
May Invitations, June Invitations, September Invitations November Invitations, December Invitations.
314MF 63 Invitations, Regrets, 1969
Jan-May, 1969, January, April, June, July.
315MF 63 Invitations, Regrets, 1969
August, 1969, November, Personal Files, Goldwater, B., Goldwater, Michael, Goldwater Mars Station Letter File.
316MF 63 Legislative Files, 1970
Abortion File, Air & Water Pollution, Bank Holding Co. Carswell Appointment, College Benefits System of America S. 1290.
317MF 63 Legislative Files, 1970
College Student Loans, Defense Expenditures and Cuts, Eagleton-Hughes Resolution, Farm Workers H.R. 14705, Funds for Young Scientists.
318MF 64 Legislative Files, 1970
Genocide Treaty, Immigration & Nationality Act S.3202, Internal security Act., Japan & Territories, Lumbering Projects along Scenic.
319MF 64 Legislative Files, 1970
Mafia in Defense Dept, Mink Import Control, Legis, Misc, National Bicycling Week, Nutrition & Human Needs.
320MF 64 Legislative Files, 1970
Occupational Safety & Health Act, Population Explosion, Red China, Safe Street Acts, Social Security-Gilbert Bill.
321MF 64 Legislative Files, 1970
Social Security & Civil Service Retirement, Tax-Interstate Taxation, Testing of SST, Unemployment Ins. System, Vocational Rehabilitation.
322MF 64 Legislative Files, 1970
Voluntary Military Service Bill, End- Youth Power Act of 1969. Abdeh, Mr. H. M. 6385-70 Pending Cases, Applications for Summer Employment, Babbitt, Mr. Paul (Social Security) Bureau of Investigation.
323MF 64 Pending Cases, 1970
Cahill, William G. (Defense), Dallas-Ft. Worth-Phoenix non-stop service, Delta Queen Interior, Earley, Mr. & Mrs. Allen (Bureau of Indian Affairs), Florence Federal Prison Camp Problem.
324MF 64 Pending Cases, 1970
Flory, Mr. W. J. (Commerce Dept.), Galbrath, John M. (Interior Dept.), Hadley, Clark, (Small Business Administration), Imports of Meats, Justice Dept.
325MF 64 Pending Cases, 1970
Kates, Samuel R. (Treasury), Labor Dept Information File, McAffe Consolidated (Justice Dept.), Nace, Mr. Leroy F., Poage, Carl W. (Va Social Security).
326MF 64 Pending Cases, 1970
Poe, Mrs. Lucille (Welfare), Quaintance, Harold P. (Social Security), Safford, Douglas W. (Bureau of Indian Affairs), Simpson Mrs. C.H. (Social Security), State Dept.
327MF 65 Pending Cases, 1970
Stainfrook, Mr. Hugo Agr., Tan, Miss Fidelina Sio (State Dept), Unicef Xmas Cards P.O., Wage Problem for Youths Summer Employment, Zaldivar, Chaplin M.J. State Dept.
328MF 65 Misc. Files, 1970
A a/c/Adams, Applications for positions in Arizona, B/Ba/Bah, Bil-Bk, Bru-Bry.
329MF 65 Misc Files, 1970
Bua-Buk, Ca-Cal, Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc. , Cra-Cre, Dup-Duy.
330MF 65 Misc. Files, 1970
Ea-Ec, Faa-Far, Foa- For, Gie-Giz, Grand Canyon File.
331MF 65 Misc. Files, 1970
Gres-Gree, Harlow, Bryce N., Hov-Ht, Irvin, Mr. Don, Kyw, Tvz Groupe W. Projects.
332MF 65 Misc. Files, 1970
Laa-Lam, Luce, Mrs. Henry, Mars – Marz, Mer – Met, Mus-My.
333MF 65 Misc. Files., 1970
Na, Nos-Ny, Pa-Pap, Percy, Hon. Charles, Pulliam Airport Improvements.
334MF 65 Misc Files, 1970
Raa-Ram, Roa-Rob, Sci-Scu, Sky Harbor Airport, Stap-Stee.
335MF 65 Misc Files, 1970
Stef – Step, Ta, Tho, U, Vo-Az.
336MF 66 Misc Files, 1970
Wa-Wak, Wha-Whe-White, Wia-Wig, Xy, Z.
337MF 66 Form Letters, 1970
Israel & Arab No.1, H.E. & W. Appropriations Law No.13&14, Opposed to Mandatory Unit Pricing #31, Super Sonic Transport #40, Trade Bill # 61.
338MF 66 Form Letters, 1970
Cambodia for #36, Cambodia.
339MF 66 Senator's Bills and Bills he Cosponsored Passed, 1970
Tanjauaquio, Miss Luz, Interagency Committee on Mexican-American Affairs, Hopi Industrial Park, Alcoholism Care and Control Act of 1967, Broadcasters license Renewals.
340MF 66 Senator's Bills and Bills he Cosponsored Passed, 1970
Neighborhood Health Center Act of 1969, Golden Eagle Passport Request Files 1970, Publications & Reports A-L, Publications and Repairs (sp?) M-XYZ, Autographs, Photos, Biograpies & Speeches, White House Tour Files.
341MF 66 Invitations Accepted, 1970
Boy Scout of Am. Award, N.Y., Cocktails – General Musgrave, Wash. D.C., National L.P. Association Chicago, Ill., Dining – In Langley Air Force Base, Va., El Paso Republican Party, El Paso, Texas.
342MF 66 Invitations Accepted, 1970
Phoenix Chamber of Commerce Phoenix, Ari., Invitation Regrets, Jan, Invitation Regrets, April, Invitation Regrets, June, Invitation Regrets Sept.
343MF 66 Invitation Regrets, 1970
Invitation Regrets, October, Invitation Regrets Dec, Invitation Regrets, N.D. 1970, Air Force – Arab Airmen's in the U. S., Lamb, Frank, E. Jr..
344MF 66 Air Force, 1970
Lemon, T./Sgt. Ronald L., Simmons, Col. Malcolm C. , Army Cases – 1970 Microfilming, Allen Sp. 5 Mel R., Dove, Larry, Lopez, Mrs. Tomacita
345MF 67 Army, 1970
Lown, John Jr., Schmid, Terrence, Navy and Marines – A, Hornsby, Joseph T. , Zinkhan, Robert G. Jr.
346MF 67 Veterans, 1970
A-Abbott, Mr. Paul J., Hill, Mr. Harold M., Stowell, Mr. C.A. Sr., Young, Henry E.
347MF 67 Abbott thru American Legion, 1970-1979
348MF 67 American Voters through Bayh Seven, 1970-1979
349MF 67 Bates thru Ernet, 1970-1979
350MF 67 Book thru Burchett, 1970-1979
351MF 67 Birdick thru Misc Cartoons Seven, 1970-1979
352MF 67 Cartwright Sch- Misc. Civ. Mil. Inst., 1970-1979
353MF 67 Misc, 1970-1979
Clapp, Wilma thru Complimentary.
354MF 67 Form Letters, 1971
Arizona Freeways, Chicopedatic Corr., Genocide (against), Railroad Box Cals. (S.1731), Supersonic Transport (Against).
355MF 67 Form Letters, 1971
Supersonic Transport (against), PEn.d.ING Accounts with Seaboard Management Indian, FCC Radio Broadcaster's Case.
356MF 68 Pending, 1971
FCC Ruling Sales of Burglar Alarms, Hendren, Robert, McCormick Mr. Mike, Medicare Abuses – Nursing Home Service, Parapeliges Foundation of Arizona Grant.
357MF 68 Pending, 1971
Parks under Lower Colorado River Land uses Committee, Tobalt, Mrs. Joan E., Zimmerman, Mr. Burl J., Invitations – Regrets: January, May.
358MF 68 Invitations, Regrets, 1971
June, November, LEGISLATION: Import Quotes, Pollution, Shipbuilding Industry.
359MF 68 Legislation, 1971
Social Security, Vietnam, Welfare Tide, Amateur Radio Equipment Tax Deductible, Box Cars.
360MF 69 Legislation, 1971
Breakfast Cereal Industry, Family Physicians, Mining Laws of 1872, SERVICE CASES: Adams, Pvt. Michael C., Polley Sp4 Robert J.
361MF 69 Service Cases, 1971
Porter, Kenneth V., Barido, R. L., Alford, Cpl. W.M.J. Navy, MISCELLANEOUS: A, Bra-Brt.
362MF 69 Miscellaneous, 1971
Buc-Bz, D. Flags – Request, Har, Ja-Joh.
363MF 70 Miscellaneous, 1971
Jones-Jur, Paul, McAdam, Pa, Sh, V.
364MF 70 Miscellaneous, 1971
Wa, INVITATION ACCEPT: Jan, March, October, Regrets, No date file.
365MF 71 Comp Sales Russia thru CYSTIC FIBROSIS, 1971-1979
366MF 71 DA thru EL, 1971-1979
367MF 71 FI thru GW, 1971-1979
368MF 71 HA thru Holloway, Bert, 1971-1979
369MF 71 Ho thru Ki, 1971-1979
370MF 72 Ki thru Lo, 1971-1979
371MF 72 Lo thru M, 1971-1979
372MF 72 Mi thru Mi, 1971-1979
373MF 72 Mobile Home thru Olympic, 1971-1979
374MF 73 O'Malley through Larry Pressler, 1971-1979
375MF 73 John Price through Republican Convention, 1971-1979
376MF 74 Republican Party through Francis J. Ryley, 1971-1979
377MF 74 Sabatini Through Lewin F. Shaw, 1971-1979
378MF 75 J.E. Shea through Timothy Sinak, 1971-1979
379MF 75 Arizona Files, 1971-1980
380MF 75 Invitation, 1971-1972
Accepted 1971 & 72, Invitation – Regrets 1972, Invitations – Indefinite, 1971, Harry Walker Inc. File '67-71', Resumes 1972/1970/1971, Form Letters – 1972, A thru C.
381MF 75 Form Letters, 1971-1972
S (Social Security Increase Form) thru XYZ, PEn.d.ING: Agriculture thru Five Year Rule/Defense.
382MF 75 Pending, 1971-1972
Military Bases/Defense thru Tsosie, Tully/Bur of Prisons.
383MF 75 Pending, 1971-1972
Tweedy, Albert/Justice thru Hutton, John J./White House.
384MF 75 Invitations Regrets, 1972
No Date 1972 thru December 1972.
385MF 75 Form Letters, 1972
D thru S (S.E.R. – Jobs for Progress Form 1972).
386MF 76 Legislation, 1972
Abortion thru Equal Rights for Women.
387MF 76 Legislation, 1972
Fairest Act thru Pollution Air Water.
388MF 76 Legislation, 1972
Pollution Air-Water (cont.) thru Request A thru L.
389MF 76 Legislation, 1972
Request (Arizona) M thru XYZ through Wage Price Control.
390MF 77 Legislation, 1972
Wage Price Control thru Wilderness SERVICE CASES: Air Force Abbey, Roger L. Thru Morgan, Mrs. Mark.
391MF 77 Service Cases, 1972
Air Force, Morton, Fred L. thru Zaragoza, Basic Agedo, Service Cases/Army: Aguilar, George B. thru Hunley, W. M. Jr.
392MF 77 Service Cases, 1972
Army: Hutzler, PFC W. J. thru Zwir, SP4 James R. Service Cases/Navy: Abdai, Joe throu El Toro Relocation to Mohave City.
393MF 78 Service Cases, 1972
Navy: English, Capt. Adoison R. thru Wunder, Michael J. MISCELLANEOUS: Aero-Star Aircraft thru Chadwick, Industries, Inc.
394MF 78 Miscellaneous, 1972
"C" (Cohen thru Curry), thru "G" (Groves Mrs. Lavern R.).
395MF 78 Miscellaneous, 1972
"H" thru "M".
396MF 78 Miscellaneous, 1972
"M" (Masonry) thru "R" (Republican National Committee).
397MF 78 Miscellaneous, 1972
"R" (Request for Autographs) thru "T" (Thank you).
398MF 78 Miscellaneous, 1972
"T" (Thompson, Sam) thru "Z" (Zimmerman, Mrs. Eugene).
399MF 78 Reintroduction of Bills through Agnew being Judged Unfairly by the News Media, 1973-1975
400MF 78 Arizona Files, 1973-1980
401MF 78 Justice through Quakes, 1976-1981
402MF 78 Reorganization of Government, Social Security, 1976-1980
403MF 79 Miscellaneous, 1978-1980
Social Security through Tax.
404MF 79 Human Rights, Youth Hostels Act, 1978-1980
405MF 79 ERISA through Internal Security, 1978-1981
406MF 79 Clean Air through ERA, 1978-1981
407MF 79 Railroad Retirement through Women in Draft, 1978-1981
408MF 79 Tax: Miscellaneous Unions, 1978-1980
409MF 79 Academy through Amateur Radio Society, 1979-1980
410MF 79 American Radio Relay League thru Book Misc., 1979-1980
411MF 79 Autograph Book through Colorado River Exp, 1979-1980
412MF 79 C Through Election, 1979-1980
413MF 79 Election '80 through GE-GI, 1979-1980
414MF 79 Contributions through Groves, Laverne, 1979-1980
415MF 80 H thru Holman, 1979-1980
416MF 80 Holman, cont. through Kurtz, 1979-1980
417MF 80 L through Move, 1979-1980
418MF 80 Nat'l Space Inst through Pearson, 1979-1980
419MF 80 Pollock through Scholarships, 1979-1980
420MF 81 Scholarships CTD through Stennis, 1979-1980
421MF 81 Stephens through Univ of Arizona, 1979-1980
422MF 81 Updergraff through Z, 1979-1980
423MF 82 ABSCAM through Aviation, 1979-1980
424MF 82 Balanced Budget, China and Taiwan, 1979-1980
425MF 82 China and Taiwan through Draft, 1979-1980
426MF 82 Earnings Limitation on Honorariums through Energy, 1979-1980
427MF 83 Energy Management Partnerships Act through General Issues, 1979-1980
428MF 83 General Services Admin through Intelligence – Foreign Intelligence, 1979-1980
429MF 83 Interest Rates through Medicaid, 1979-1980
430MF 83 Merchant Marine through Multi-Lingual Voting Rights Act, 1979-1980
431MF 84 National Aeronautics and Space act. Legis. Pakistan, 1979-1980
432MF 84 Panama Canal 1979, Rent Supplement, 1979-1980
433MF 84 Abortion through Civil Service Reform, 1979-1981
434MF 84 Legis Multi Issue, Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, 1981
435MF 85 Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, Commerce, Science & Transportation, 1981
436MF 85 Commerce Science thru Commerce Trade, 1981
437MF 86 Commerce Science thru Environ- Pub Works, 1981
438MF 87 Environment & Public Works Finance Comm., Medicaid, 1981
439MF 87 Finance Comm. Finance Social Security, 1981
440MF 88 Finance Tax thru Foreign Relations, 1981
441MF 88 Govt. Affs 12-1 thru Judiciary 3-2, 1981
442MF 88 Judic Abortion 8-1 thru Labor – Human Res, 1981
443MF 88 Labor Human Resource – Veterans Affairs, 1981
444MF 88 Legis: Multi issue (1983 November 1-December 31) - Budget Comm (1983 January 1-June 30), 1983
445MF 88 98 Congress 1st Science Technology Space Subcommittee (Commerce Committee), 1983 August 1-December 31
446MF 89 Energy Natl Resources – Land Sale, 1983 November 1-December 31
447MF 89 Energy/Natl Resource – Finance/Soc Sec, 1983
448MF 89 Foreign Relations 1/1-33/31/83 – Judic Gun, 1983
449MF 90 Judic Immigration 8-1 – Indian Aff 10-1/10-31, 1983
450MF 90 Indian Affairs, 1983 August 1-September 30
Indian Aff-Navajo-Hopi
451MF 90 Navajo-Hopi Dispute (1983 March 1-April 30)-Zuni Trb, 1983
452MF 91 Finance/Soc. Security 1/1/31-83 Foreign Relations 4-1/5-31-85, 1983
Series VII: Artifacts, Memorabilia, and Oversized Material
Scope and Content Note
Senator Goldwater was an ardent collector. He donated his extensive airplane model collection to the Oskosh Air Museum ( and his famous Kachina collection to the Heard Museum ( He also collected western art, was an automobile enthusiast and a gun collector - all of which are reflected in his personal correspondence as well as photographs. He was the recipient of many awards representing the breadth and depth of his political, military, and personal achievements including the Thayer Award, the National Aviation Hall of Fame (, the International Swimming Hall of Fame (, and the National Congress of American Indians Congressional Award (
This series is arranged by format into six sub-series: Awards and Certificates; Plaques; Small Awards, Medals, Medallions; Campaign Memorabilia; General; Artwork; and Additions. Chronologically within except as noted.
Processing Note
Originally this material represented nearly 400 linear feet. Many of these items have been de-accessioned. Best practices for artifact retention and AHF policies for de-accession were observed. Those items that met one or more of the following criteria were retained:
• Storage space required was sustainable
• Material could be displayed in context
• Intrinsic value (material, aesthetics, uniqueness, representational value)
• Good physical condition
• Did not require additional long term preservation or restoration
Separated Materials
Many large military artifacts (approximately 100 linear feet) were de-accessioned to the Commemorative Air Force Museum at Falcon Field ( where there was a Goldwater military exhibit already in place. In January 2006, Senator Goldwater's children were invited to select from those artifacts that did not meet retention criteria. Approximately 250 linear feet were de-accessioned at that time. Successful efforts were made to re-claim artifacts on temporary exhibit at various locations in the Phoenix area.
Two boxes (981, 982) of newly discovered publications by Goldwater (1940-1978) were added at the end of the collection, October, 2011.
Two boxes (984-985) of newly discovered Channel 10 reel-to-reel films and VHS cassettes were added at the end of the collection, May, 2012.
Sub-Series A: Awards and Certificates
927 Commemoration of Swearing in as Senator, 1953
928 Military, 1955-1998
929 Aviation, 1961-1988
930 Honorary Degrees, 1961-1986
931 Various, 1939-1973
932 Various, 1974-1998
Oversize, 1935-1960 (Housed in Map Drawer; 3 Items)
Sub-Series B: Plaques
933 Boys Ranch of Arizona, 1957
933 National Retail Merchants Association, 1962
933 First Lady in the Heart of Indiana (Peggy Goldwater), 1964
933 Profile in Courage, Chicago Tribune, 1964
933 Youth for Goldwater, 1964
933 Blue Key, Arizona State University, 1965
933 Order of Lafayette Freedom Award, 1966
933 Republican Women of Lahabra Federation, 1966
933 Chinese Airforce (Taiwan), 1967
934 Honorary Grand Marshal, Parada del Sol, 1968
934 Goldwater-Javits Spat, Graysmith Cartoon, 1969
934 National Teenage Republicans, 1969
934 Freedom Foundation at Valley Forge, Best Newspaper Article, 1970
934 Freedom Foundation at Valley Forge, Best Newspaper Article, 1971
934 Sons of the American Revolution, National Legislator's Award, 1971
934 Board of Visitors, United State Military Academy, 1972-1974
934 YMCA, Long Beach, California, 1973
935 "Artisen" Arizona Professional Photographers Association, 1974
935 Council on Abandoned Military Posts, 1974
935 Havasupai Tribe For Preserving Homeland Award, 1974
935 Key to Tucson Federal Building, 1974
Presented by President Gerald Ford.
935 Radio Amateur of the Year, 1974
936 Aviation/Space Writer's Association Distinguished Public Service Award, 1974
936 Gila County Lincoln Day Award, 1974
936 Tucson Auto/Cycle Racing Association, 1974
936 White House Notepad, Cabinet Room, Nixon's Resignation, 1974
937 Cheyenne Airforce Association, 1975
937 Taipei City Council, 1975
937 Reunion Interparlamentaria Mexico-Estados Unidos, 1977
937 Order of Fifinella Award: Champion of the Women Air Force Service Pilots (WASP) WWII, 1978
937 Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, 1978
937 GCHS + L Club Annual Screwup Award, 1978-1984
938 Thomas D. White National Defense Award, 1978
938 Rome Radio Club, 1979
938 The Institute for Socioeconomic Studies, National Service Award, 1979
939 Conservative Digest Award, 1980
939 High Twelve International, International Founders Award, 1980
939 Bell Helicopter, 1981
939 Service to Arizona and 19 Indian Tribes, 1981
939 Herbert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, 1982
939 Quarter Century Wireless Association Hall of Fame, 1982
940 Guardian of Small Business, 97th Congress, 1982
940 Harry S. Truman Good Neighbor Award, 1982
940 The Danny Award, St. Jude's, 1982
941 Alexander M. Haig, Jr. Memorial Award, 1983
941 CBS 60 Minutes, 1983
941 Guest Conductor, 1983
941 Recognition of Promotion of Hopi Culture and Religious Heritage, 1983
941 Senator John Warner Award for Public Service in the Field of Nuclear Disarmament, 1983
941 Departamento de Estado de Puerto Rico, 1984
941 President's Award, Arizona Solar Industry, 1984
942 National Congress of American Indians Congressional Award, 1985
942 National Football Foundation and Hall of Fame, 1986
942 Saddleback Valley Teenage Republican Salute, 1986
942 United Satellite Association, 1986
942 Arizona Statesman and Friend, Air Force ROTC at Arizona State University, 1987
942 James Madison Award, American Whig-Cliosophic Society, 1987
942 Space Pioneer Award, Sixth Space Development Conference, 1987
943 Management Institute, Center for Executive Development, 1992
943 Emil W. Haury Award, Arizona Archeological and Historical Society, 1993
943 Civil Libertarian of the Year, Arizona Civil Liberties Union, 1994
943 Friend of Psychology Award, Arizona Psychological Association, 1995
943 Confederate Air Force Freedom Award, 1996
943 K3UIG, Quarter Century Wireless Association, Undated
943 Leadership Award, American Security Council, Undated
944 Air Force Award "We who came home must never forget those who could not", Undated
944 Al Merito Arizona Historical Society, Undated
944 Arizona Governor's Citation, Undated
944 Arizona Highways Magazine, Undated
944 Barry Goldwater Clock, Undated
944 Board of Advisors, Air Museum, Undated
944 Spirit of the West Award, San Dimas Festival of Western Arts, Undated
944 Top Gun Award, Luke Air Force Base, Undated
944 Vipont Royalty Income Fund, Undated
945 American Jewish League, 1959
946 The Douglas A. MacArthur Memorial Award, 1965
947 Printing Week Dinner, 1975
948 Senatorial Campaign, 1974
948 Don Bolles Memorial Award, 1979
948 Photographic Society of America, 1985
948 Illustrious Brother, Barry M. Goldwater, 33°, Scottsdale Masonic Lodge, 1992
Sub-Series C: Small Awards, Medals and Medallions
949 Freedom Foundation, Valley Forge, 1953-1976
949 American Legion Life Membership, 1954
949 American Association of Blood Banks, 1957
950 Arizona Club Life Membership, 1960
950 University of Arizona Award of Merit, 1960
950 Sales Executives Club of New York, 1961
950 National Retail Merchants Association, 1962
950 Yale Club of New York, 1962
950 Circus, Saints and Sinners, 1963
950 National Defense, 1963
950 Honorary Assistant Sergeant at Arms, Republic National Convention, 1964
950 Scottsdale Shrine Club, 1964
950 Greenlee County Republicans, 1968
950 Marconi Medal of Achievement, 1968
951 Republican Convention Ribbons, 1972, 1976 (2 Items)
951 Luke Air Force Base, 1973
951 Circumnavigator's Club, 1974
951 Eisenhower College, 1974
951 United States Military Academy, 1974
951 American Defense Preparedness Association, 1975 (2 Items)
951 Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship Award Dinner, 1975
951 Government Printing Office, 1975
951 Printing Industries of Metro New York, 1975
951 Bob Hope Five Star Civilian Award, 1976
951 Professional Photographers of America, 1976
951 Aviation Hall of Fame, 1978
952 Forestal Memorial Medal, 1980
952 Republican National Convention Ribbon, 1980
952 National Security Industrial Association, 1981
952 Watchdogs of the Treasury, 1981-1982
952 Aviation Hall of Fame, 1982
952 F-16XL, Air Force, 1982
952 International Swimming Hall of Fame, 1983
952 Arizona State University, Carl Hayden Club, 1983-1984
952 The Senator's Cup, 1984
952 The William Oliver Baker, 1984
952 Tuskegee Airmen Medal, 1984
952 The American Legion Merchant Marine Award, 1985
952 The National Inter-fraternity Conference, 1985
952 US Army War College, 1985
953 Grand Lodge of Vermont Medal of Honor, 1986
953 Outstanding Contributions to Public Television, 1986
953 Smithsonian Institute Langley Medal, 1986
953 A.I.C.A. Man of the West, 1988
953 Ames Institute of Aeronautics, 1988
953 NM Military Institute, 1988
953 University of Arizona Centennial Commencement, 1989
953 Tuskegee Airmen Medal, 1990
953 National Cowboy Hall of Fame, 1991 (2 Items)
954 Feng Chia University, Undated
954 Air Force Academy, Undated (2 Items)
954 Alfalfa Club, Undated
954 American Defense Institute, Undated
954 Arizona Historical Foundation, Undated
954 Astronauts and McDonnell Aviation Hall of Fame, Undated
954 Boeing Company, First Rollout of the 747, Undated
954 Central Intelligence Agency, Undated
954 Circus Saints and Sinners Club of America, Undated
954 Department of the Army, Undated
954 Edward E. Elson Distinguished Service Award National Public Radio, Undated
954 Federal Aviation Agency, Undated
954 George Gustav Heye Distinguished Service in Indian Affairs, Undated
954 Good Citizenship Award, Daughters of the American Revolution, Undated
954 Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, Undated
954 Greenway Field Day (Various), Undated
954 Howard Robard Hughes Jr., Undated
954 Ira C. Baker, Undated
954 John Wayne American Award, Undated
954 Kiowa Tribe of Oklahoma, Undated
954 Lindbergh Flight 50th Anniversary, Undated
954 Patrick Henry, Undated
954 Poor Richard Club, Undated
955 National Institute of Social Sciences, Undated
955 Order of Demolay, Undated
955 Rotary International, Paul Harris Fellow Award, Undated
955 Saint Matthew Publishing, Undated
955 Selective Service System, Undated
955 Significant Sig, Undated
955 Silver Helmet Congressional Award, Undated
955 State of Arizona Medal of Honor, Undated
955 Sylvanus Thayer Award, Undated
955 Tactical Fighter Wing, Undated
955 Unknown Medals in Lucite, Undated (4 Items)
955A Apollo XI, Aldrin, Armstrong, Collins, 1969
955A Centennial, Completion of Pacific Railway, 1969
955A Grand Canyon National Park, 50th Anniversary, 1969
955A South Carolina Tri-Centennial, 1970
955A Electronic Industries Association 50th Anniversary, 1974
955A Benjamin Franklin, Undated
955A Caproni, Biplane, Undated
955A First YF-16 Jet, Undated
955A Gianni and Timina Caproni di Taliedo Museum, Undated
955A Gianni Caproni di Taliedo, Biplane, Undated
955A U.S. Capitol Laying of Cornerstone, Undated
Sub-Series D: Campaign Memorabilia
956 Charm Bracelet, 1964
956 Gold Water Aluminum Cans, 1964 (4 Items)
956 Goldwater for President Ink Stamp, 1964
956 Goldwater Freedom Dollars, 1964 (Campaign Coins, One Framed)
956 Playing Cards, 1964
956 Bolo Ties, Undated
956 Campaign Pins, Undated
9561 Campaign Buttons, Senate Campaign, 1950s
9562 Campaign Buttons, Presidential Campaign, 1964 (1 of 6)
9563 Campaign Buttons, Presidential Campaign, 1964 (2 of 6)
9564 Campaign Buttons, Presidential Campaign, 1964 (3 of 6)
9565 Campaign Buttons, Presidential Campaign, 1964 (4 of 6)
9566 Campaign Buttons, Presidential Campaign, 1964 (5 of 6)
9567 Campaign Buttons, Presidential Campaign, 1964 (6 of 6)
9568 Campaign Buttons, William Scranton Presidential Campaign, 1964
9569 Campaign Buttons (Various), 1968-1988
95610 Campaign Buttons, Non-Goldwater, Undated
95611 Campaign Stickers and Bumper Stickers, Undated
95612 Campaign Handouts and Brochures, 1964-1986
95613 Campaign Souvenirs, 1952
95614 Campaign Souvenirs, 1964
957 Elephant Appliqués, 1964
957 Fabric, 1964 (2 Items)
957 Goldwater Banner, 1964
957 Goldwater Blouse, 1964
957 Goldwater Dress, 1964 (2 Items)
957 Goldwater Girls Uniform, 1964 (2 Items)
957 Goldwater Polo Shirt, 1964
957 Goldwater T-Shirt, 1964
957 Handkerchief, 1964
957 Campaign Flags, Undated
958 Camelback Inn Convention Letter, 1964 (Teletype; 2 Items)
958 Goldwater Doll, 1964
958 Goldwater Stadium Cushion, 1964
958 Goldwater Water Bottle, 1964
959 Various Goldwater Campaign Hats, 1964-1980 (3 Items)
960 Campaign Posters and Banners, 1964-1980
Posters, Undated (Housed in Oversized Drawer)
Sub-Series E: General
961 Arizona Gold Spoon, Undated
961 Baseball Signed by Bowie Kuhn, Commissioner of Baseball, Undated
961 Camera and Camera Case, Undated
961 Commemorative Coins, Undated
961 Copper Objects (Various), Undated
961 Door Knocker, Undated
961 Foreign Money, Undated
961 Framed Bronze Image of Goldwater, Undated
961 Gerald Ford Pens, Undated
961 Koji Pottery, Undated
961 License Plates (Various), Undated
961 Wire from Hip Replacement, Undated
962 Gift from Tombstone Vigilantes, 1974
962 Guest Book, 1983
962 Address Books, Undated
962 Ashtrays, Undated (3 Items)
962 Badges, Undated
962 Commemorative Envelopes, Undated
962 Foreign Coins, Undated
962 Foreign Currency, Undated
962 John Wesley Powell Expedition Centennial Coins, Plaque, and Stamps, Undated
962 Key Chains, Undated
962 Letter Press, Undated (5 Items)
962 Lighters, Undated
962 Military Buttons, Undated
962 Napkins and Invitations, Undated
963 Invitation to Opening of Barry Goldwater Terminal at Sky Harbor Airport, 1990
963 American Flag, 42 Stars, Undated
963 American Flag, 45 Stars, Undated
963 American Flag, 46 Stars, Undated (3 Items)
963 Quill Pen and Case, Undated
964 American Flags, 38 Stars, Undated (1 Very Large; 1 Large)
965 Flag from Soldier in Vietnam, 1967
965 Phoenix Junior Rodeo Grand Marshal Banner, 1967
965 American Flag from Senate Office, Undated
965 American Flag, 48 Stars, Undated (2 Items)
965 Flags from Boat, Undated
965 Last Flag to Fly over Fort Apache, Undated
965 Military Affiliate Radio System Flag (MARS), Undated
965 Military Flag from Senate Office, Undated
965 Rear Admiral Flag, Undated
965 Republican Banner, Undated
965 Taiwan Banner, Undated
966 Central Intelligence Agency Seal, Undated
967 Guest Book from Senate Office, 1955-1978
967A Goldwater Glassware and Mugs, Undated
Sub-Series F: Artwork
968 Immemorial, Dedication of "The Rainbow That Spans The Canyon", 1927
968 "Arizona Portraits", Collection of Photographs by Barry Goldwater, 1940 (First Edition)
968 Painting of Barry Goldwater, Yuma Air Base, by Bob Kino, 1943
968 Millennium of Poland's Christianity, Wood Engravings, by Stefan Mrozewski, 1966
968 Richard Nixon, Lithograph Reproduction, 1968
968 Everett McKinley Dirksen, Reproduction, by Richard Hood Harryman, 1969
968 MA-KA-TIA-ME-SHE-KIA-KIAH, Black Hawk, Saukie Brave, Portfolio, 1969
968 Arizona Themed Prints, by Wayne Summerlin, Various, 1972 (2 Items)
968 Barry Goldwater and Hopi Snake Dancer, Print with Pencil Sketch, by Pat Hammack, 1983
968 Gifts Given to Barry Goldwater, Paintings and Drawings, Various, Undated (3 Items)
968 Oil Painting of Young Barry Goldwater, by Gene, Undated
968 Sketches of Barry Goldwater, Various, Undated (5 Items)
968 Sketches of Peggy Goldwater, Various, Undated (2 Items)
969 "Bulldogging", Etching Reproduction, by R.H. Palenske, Undated
969 "Will", Drawing, by E.E. Hartzell, Undated
969 Color Prints of Kachina Dancers, by Day-Ga-Khle-Chee, Undated
969 Hualapai Scout, Line Drawing, by Larry Toschik, Undated
969 Indian Sketch, by Joe Beeler, Undated
969 Military Aircraft Prints, by Robert Carlin, Undated (3 Items)
969 Military Aircraft Prints, by Roberta Clements, Undated (2 Items)
969 Navajo Time, Poem and Watercolor, Undated
969 Print of Chris Schenkel, ABC Sports, Undated
9701-5 "Portfolio of Prehistoric Hohokam Pottery Designs" by A.R. Kelly and Creston Baumgartner, 1941
Barry Goldwater Portrait, Oil on Canvas, by Norman Rockwell, 1964 (Housed on Wall)
Peggy Goldwater Portrait, Oil on Canvas, by Norman Rockwell, 1964 (Housed on Wall)
Barry Goldwater Portrait, Oil on Canvas, by Egon J. Batai, 1968 (Housed on Top Shelf)
"Stay With Him, Bill!", Print, by Fred Lucas, 1994 (Housed in Drawer)
"The Miracle", Print, by Fred Lucas, 1994 (Housed in Drawer)
"Arizona", Print, by William Pitts, 1995 (Housed in Drawer)
"Where the Two Came to Their Father", Navaho War Ceremonial Portfolio, Undated (Housed in Drawer)
Sub-Series G: Writings and Publications Addition
981 "A Journey Down The Green And Colorado River" by Barry Goldwater, 1940
Privately printed, limited to 300 copies. Copy # 1, leather bound, signed and inscribed to Margaret Goldwater, D1940 ecember 21.
981 "A Journey Down The Green And Colorado River" by Barry Goldwater, 1940
Privately printed, limited to 300 copies, paper. Copy #291.
981 Ripley "Believe It or Not" Radio Program Script of Emery Kolb and Barry Goldwater (From Boat on Colorado), 1940 May 17
Signed by Ripley to Barry Goldwater
981 "Kachinas: The Barry Goldwater Collection at the Heard Museum" by Barton Wright, 1975
Bound in case with Goldwater's name printed in gold lettering.
981 "China and the Abrogation of Treaties" by Barry M. Goldwater (Heritage Foundation), 1978
982 "Arizona Portraits" by Barry Goldwater, 1940 October 7 (First Edition)
982 "Arizona Portraits" by Barry Goldwater, 1946
982 "The Face of Arizona" (Republican State Committee of Arizona) Barry Goldwater Photographs, 1964
Sub-Series H: Plaque Addition
983 Collage Plaque Made by Ace Frolich for the Welcome Home Barry Day Parade, Prescott, Arizona, and an Arizona Centennial Souvenir Coin, 1964 September 3
Sub-Series I: Media Addition
984 Goldwater Announces for President, 1963 January 3 (Reel-to-Reel Film)
984 Goldwater in Prescott, 1964 (Reel-to-Reel Film)
984 Goldwater for CBS, 1967 April 27 (Reel-to-Reel Film)
984 Channel 10: Unidentified Goldwater, Undated (Reel-to-Reel Film)
984 Channel 10: Unidentified Goldwater, Undated (Reel-to-Reel Film)
984 Unidentified Goldwater, Undated (Reel-to-Reel Film)
985 Goldwater The Man, Goldwater in Office in Washington D. C., Judy Eisenhower, Capitol at Night, 1984 December (Scotch MBU 18S Master Broadcast VHS)
985 Goldwater The Man, Goldwater on Plane to Virginia, Fundraiser for John Warner, 1984 December (Scotch MBU 18S Master Broadcast VHS)
985 Goldwater The Man, Interview with President Ronald Reagan, Cutaways with Bill Close, 1984 December (Scotch MBU 18S Master Broadcast VHS)
985 Goldwater The Man, Interview with Senator Tower about Goldwater, 1984 December (Scotch MBU 18S Master Broadcast VHS)
985 Goldwater The Man, Newsfilm of Goldwater and Miller, 1929 Footage Shot by Goldwater, 1984 December (VHS)
985 Senator From Arizona, Cover of Washington D. C.; White House, Tourists, Parks, 1987 January (Broadcast VHS)
985 Senator From Arizona, Interview with Goldwater in Washington D. C., 1987 January (Broadcast VHS)
985 Senator From Arizona, Retirement Dinner for Goldwater, Goldwater Speech, Edward Kennedy, 1987 January (Broadcast VHS; 2 Copies)
Constituent Case Files
Scope and Content Note
Congressional office staff largely determine the status of "case" files versus "issue" files. Case files are distinguished from other Constituent Service correspondence by their appeals for intervention with specific federal agencies or programs. They often include detailed medical, social, or legal background material.
As a national political figure, Goldwater attracted requests for assistance outside of Arizona. Hence, these case files often reflect a national constituency, especially for military issues. These cases document "on the ground" examples of an individual's frequently troubled relationship with society and government at all levels. As of this date, these records may be the only congressional case files available in the State of Arizona.
The files generally reflect the order and original folders in which they were found. They are organized roughly by federal department or agency and by Congress. Some files are more of an informational nature and resemble files in the Projects and Programs and Constituent Issue Mail series. Note that the date on the folder may reflect when the case was begun but was later filed in the Congress when the case was closed. Thus, folder dates may span several congressional sessions. In the 91st and 92nd Congresses there is evidence of three unique filing systems used at various times and also evidence of missing folders. There are no files for the 98th Congress, 1983-1984.
Access Restrictions
Though these files are considered sensitive, they offer significant possibilities for statistical, sociological, political, and historical analyses. In keeping with long established access criteria to records for medical research, researchers may be granted access to these case files with special permission depending on the nature of the research project. Contact Archives and Special Collections for more information.
1 91st Congress: Action (Peace Corps-Vista) - Health, Education, Welfare (HEW), 1969-1970
2 91st Congress: Health, Education, Welfare (HEW) - Justice, 1969-1970
3 91st Congress: Post Office - State Department, 1969-1970
4 91st Congress: Transportation - White House, Pending Cases: Arizona Organizations and Agencies - Federal Power Commission, 1969-1970
5 91st Congress: Pending Cases: Health, Education, Welfare (HEW) - Veterans Administration (VA), 1969-1970
6 91st Congress: Air Force A-S, 1969-1970
7 91st Congress: Air Force S-Z, Army A-G, 1969-1970
8 91st Congress: Army H-Z, 1969-1970
9 91st Congress: Marines A-Z, Navy A-Z, 1969-1970
10 92nd Congress: Federal and Arizona Departments, Air Force A-M, 1971-1972
11 92nd Congress: Air Force M-Z, Army A-M, 1971-1972
12 92nd Congress: Army M-Z, Navy, Coast Guard, Marines, 1971-1972
13 93rd Congress: Arizona Departments, 1973-1974
14 93rd Congress: Army - Civil Service, 1973-1974
15 93rd Congress: Cost of Living Council - Farmers Home Administration, 1973-1974
16 93rd Congress: Federal Communications Commission (FCC) - Forest, 1973-1974
17 93rd Congress: Forest Service - Health, Education, Welfare (HEW), 1973-1974
18 93rd Congress: Health, Education, Welfare (HEW) - Interior, 1973-1974
19 93rd Congress: Interior - Justice, 1973-1974
20 93rd Congress: Justice - Post Office, 1973-1974
21 93rd Congress: Post Office - State, 1973-1974
22 93rd Congress: State - Treasury, 1973-1974
23 94th Congress: Action (Peace Corps) - Civil Service, 1975-1976
24 94th Congress: Commerce - Federal Home Administration (FHA), 1975-1976
25 94th Congress: Federal Power Commission - Interior, 1975-1976
26 94th Congress: Interior - Postal Service, 1975-1976
27 94th Congress: Postal Service - State, 1975-1976
28 94th Congress: State - Treasury, Arizona Departments, 1975-1976
29 94th Congress: Completed Case Files, Federal, 1975-1976
30 95th Congress: Action - Bureau of Prisons, 1977-1978
31 95th Congress: Bureau of Prisons - Champus (Defense), 1977-1978
32 95th Congress: Civil Service Commission - Commerce, 1977-1978
33 95th Congress: Committees - Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 1977-1978
34 95th Congress: Federal Communications Commission - Government Accounting Office (GAO), 1977-1978
35 95th Congress: General Services Administration - Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), 1977-1978
36 95th Congress: Interior - Labor, 1977-1978
37 95th Congress: Labor - Railroad Retirement Board, 1977-1978
38 95th Congress: Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) - Veterans Administration, 1977-1978
39 96th Congress: Action - Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 1979-1980
40 96th Congress: Community Service Administration - Energy, 1979-1980
41 96th Congress: Energy - Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 1979-1980
42 96th Congress: Federal Trade Commission (FTC) - Interior, 1979-1980
43 96th Congress: Interior - Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 1979-1980
44 96th Congress: Internal Revenue Service - National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 1979-1980
45 96th Congress: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) - Veterans Administration (VA), 1979-1980
46 97th Congress: Agriculture - Civil Service Commission, 1981-1982
47 97th Congress: Civil Service Commission - Veterans Administration, 1981-1982
48 99th Congress: Unfiled, Unanswered, 1985 January-October