Jonathan Rothschild papers, 2010-2019 1948-2019

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Jonathan Rothschild papers, 2010-2019 1948-2019

MS 740

Collection Summary

Creator: Rothschild, Jonathan
Collection Name:Jonathan Rothschild papers,
Inclusive Dates: 1948-2019
Bulk Dates: (bulk 2010-2019)
Physical Description: 6 Linear Feet
Abstract:Materials in this collection pertain to Jonathan Rothschild's mayoral campaign. Items include speeches, articles, pamphlets, photographs, and other documents that were used to campaign for Tucson Mayor. Additional family materials (awards, plaques, etc.) belonging to Lowell Rothschild are also included within the collection.
Collection Number:MS 740
Language: Materials are in English.
Repository: University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections
University of Arizona
PO Box 210055
Tucson, AZ 85721-0055
Phone: 520-621-6423
Fax: 520-621-9733

Biographical Note

Jonathan Rothschild (1955--) was born into a Jewish family and was raised in Tucson, Arizona. The son of attorney Lowell Rothschild and mother, Anne, Jonathan attended Canyon del Oro High School in Oro Valley. After high school, he attended Kenyon College (BA) and the University of New Mexico Law School (JD). Upon receiving his law degree, he would then become a clerk for the US District Court Judge Alfredo Chavez Marquez.

As a lawyer, Rothschild works for Mesch, Clark, and Rothschild. He focuses on business law, employment law, and estate planning. He is active within the Tucson community and has served on the boards of the Tucson Medical Center Foundation, Friends of the Library of the University of Arizona, the Temple Emanu-El, and the Jewish Family and Children's Services. He has been Board President of Handmaker Jewish Services for the Aging and is involved with Casa de Los NiƱos. He was also a member of the AZ Town Hall. Rothschild is perhaps best known for having served as Tucson's mayor from 2011 to 2019.

Rothschild ran for the office of Tucson Mayor and was elected November 8, 2011 (defeating Republican Rick Grinnell and Green Party candidate Mary DeCamp). He would be re-elected in 2015, a campaign in which he ran unopposed in the primary and general election. His campaign themes include: jobs and economic development, city government, community, environment, and the arts. Rothschild's initiatives include, but are not limited to: the Citizenship Campaign, Community Schools, Mentor Tucson Youth, Help for Homebuyers, Second Chance Tucson, Steps to Success, 10,000 Trees Campaign, and the Veterans and Chronic Homelessness campaigns. He was also instrumental in adding biking and walking/jogging paths throughout Tucson.

Rothschild has also served as an adjunct assistant professor at the University of Arizona college of Law and as the treasurer of the Pima County Democratic Party. He was a chair on the State Bar of Arizona's Committee on Examinations.

Rothschild and his wife, Karen, are still living in Tucson and are active within the community.

Scope and Content Note

A majority of the materials within this collection pertain to Jonathan Rothschild's mayoral campaign in Tucson. Series I includes speeched, organized chronologically. Series II includes newspaper clippings that were kept in bound journals. Many of the clippings were gathered by Lowell Rothschild. Series III includes numerous articles that were written following the campaign. Series IV includes correspondence, Series V includes photographs, and Series VI includes additional campaign files, including briefings, donor lists, etc. Series VII includes event announcements and programs from speaking engagements Jonathan Rothschild participated in. Series VIII includes materials related to Lowell Rothschild and Series IX includes awards and plaques belonging to both Jonathan and Lowell Rothschild.


This collection is organized into 9 series.



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It is the responsibility of the user to obtain permission to publish from theowner of the copyright (the institution, the creator of the record, the author or his/her transferees, heirs, legates, or literary executors). The user agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Arizona Board of Regents for the University of Arizona, its officers, employees, and agents from and against all claims made by any person asserting that he or she is an owner of copyright.

Access Terms

Lawyers -- Arizona
Mayors -- Election
Political campaigns
Political candidates
Political culture -- United States -- History -- 20th century

Administrative Information

Credit Line

Jonathan Rothschild papers (MS 740). Special Collections, University of Arizona Libraries

Processing History

Processed by Michelle Nicole Boyer-Kelly in 2021.

Container List

Series I: Speeches, 2012-2019
Scope and Contents
This series includes speeches and other writeups from Jonathan Rothschild's campaign as mayor, including updates given by Rothschild while he was acting as mayor. Materials are arranged chronologically.
11 Mayor's 180 Day Wok Plan Progress Report, undated
12 Strong City - Strong Region -- The 360 Progress Report, undated
13 Mayor's Two Year Plan, undated
14 Two-Year Plan Progress Report, undated
15 Making Tucson Work -- State of the City address, February 14, 2012
16 We Do More Together than Alone -- State of the City address, February 19, 2013
17 Tucson in Transition -- State of the City address, February 26, 2014
18 Turning Opportunities into Results -- State of the City address, March 6, 2015
19 Mayor's update, March 10, 2015
110 Fall 2016 Progress report, 2016
111 Investing in Tucson -- State of the City address, March 1, 2016
112 Tucson: A Reliable Partner -- State of the City address, March 16, 2017
113 Mayor's 2017 Progress report, 2017
114 Tucson 20/20 -- State of the City address, March 9, 2018
115 Moving Tucson Forward -- State of the City address, March 1, 2019
116 Expenditures and contributor forms, 2011
Series II: Newspaper clippings, 2010-2016
Scope and Contents
This series includes newspaper clippings collected by Lowell Rothschild and others relating to Jonathan Rothschild. Items are arranged chronologically, when applicable.
117 Newspaper clippings, 2010-2011
118 Newspaper clippings, September-December 2011
119 Newspaper clippings, January-June 2012
120 Newspaper clippings, July 2012-March 2013
121 Newspaper clippings, April 2013-July 2014
122 Newspaper clippings, July 2014-March 2015
123 Newspaper clippings, April 2015-January 2016
Series III: Articles, 2010-2016
Scope and Contents
This series includes articles, both printed and online versions, relating to Jonathan Rothschild's mayoral campaign and later mayoral business.
124 Articles pertaining to Mayor Rothschild (1 of 2), 2010-2011
125 Articles pertaining to Mayor Rothschild (2 of 2), 2010-2011
126 Articles relating to mayoral race, September-December 2011
127 Articles relating to Mayor Rothschild, January-June 2012
128 Articles relating to Mayor Rothschild, July 2012-March 2013
129 Articles relating to Mayor Rothschild, April 2013-July 2014
130 Articles relating to Mayor Rothschild, July 2014-March 2015
131 Articles relating to Mayor Rothschild, April 2015-January 2016
Series IV: Correspondence, 2010-2013
Scope and Contents
This series includes correspondence relating to Rothschild's mayoral campaign.
132 Lowell Rothschild correspondence, 2010
133 "Con-Struct the New West" invitation, December 2010
134 Website correspondence, 2010
135 Contributor emails, January 2011
136 Fundraising related emails, January 2011
137 Headquarters open email, February 2011
138 Email correspondence, September-December 2011
139 Postcards, 2011
140 Email correspondence, January-June 2012
141 Email correspondence, 2013
Series V: Photographs, 2011-2016
Scope and Contents
This series includes photographs of Jonathan Rothschild.
142 Photographs, 2011-2016
Series VI: Campaign files, 2011-2015
Scope and Contents
This series includes campaign related materials, included but not limited to administration reports, work plans, brochures, fliers, and other documents.
143 Contributor listings, dentations, and supporters, 2011
21 Campaign Finance Administration report, 2011
22 Campaign plan briefing, 2011
23 180 Day Work Plan, 2011
24 Candidate brochure, 2011
25 Marshall E. Home v. Jonathan Rothschild, June 2011
26 Mayor's 180 Day Work Plan Progress Report, 2012
27 Loyalty Oath of Office, 2015
28 Jonathan Rothschild for Mayor mailed flier, 2010
29 Mailed fliers, 2011
210 Jonathan Rothschild for Mayor handouts, bumper sticker, 2011
Series VII: Event announcements and programs, 2012-2017
Scope and Contents
This series includes event announcements and programs. Many of these programs were events where Jonathan Rothschild spoke. Others includes plays, opening ceremonies, and magazine clippings.
211 Nucleus reception announcement, 2013
212 State of the City program, 2012
213 State of the City program, 2013
214 State of the City program, 2014
215 State of the City program, 2015
34 State of the City program, 2017
216 Tucson Urban League program, 2012
217 Democrats of Greater Tucson program, 2012
218 Democrats of Greater Tucson program, 2013
219 "Too Jewish" playbill and announcement, 2013
220 "The Nutcracker" playbill, undated
221 "Moving Tucson Forward" inauguration, 2013
222 "Making a Difference in Your Life and in Our City" announcement and program, 2014
223 Ohtli Award Condecoration Ceremony program, 2014
224 "Noche de Exitos" Gala and Bi-National Business Awards program, 2014
225 Paul and Lydia Kalmanovitz Elder Care Center opening program, undated
226 Raytheon Spirit of Education Award program/booklet, 2014
227 Jewish Arizona magazine, April 2015
31 Jewish History Museum's 7th annual fall fundraiser announcement, 2015
32 Annual Benefit, Jewish Heritage Award Celebration, 2015
33 City of Tucson Inauguration Celebration, 2015
35 BizTucson magazine, summer 2017
Series VIII: Lowell Rothschild, undated, 2015-2017
Scope and Contents
This series includes materials relating to Lowell E. Rothschild. Lowell E. Rothschild (1927-2017) was born to a Jewish family in Chicago, but moved to Tucson with his mother when he was 15-years-old. Rothschild attended Tucson High School before returning to Chicago to finish up his high school courses. After high school, he entered the Navy and fought in World War II briefly, then returned to Tucson to enroll at the University of Arizona. Two years later, he was working at the Arizona State Legislature before in 1957 he again returned to Tucson, this time co-founding Mesch Clark Rothschild. He married his wife, Anne, and also served as the president of the Tucson Bowling Association from 1962 to 1934. In 2017, he was honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award by the University of Arizona.
36 Cards to Lowell Rothschild, undated
37 Photographs, undated
38 Lifetime Achievement Award, 2017
39 Newspaper clippings, undated
310 Papers, correspondence, and printed materials, undated
311 Awards (paper) to Lowell E. Rothschild, 2015-2016
312 News report on Lowell Rothschild's passing, 2017
313 Bankruptcy Legends Panel DVD, 2016
Series IX: Awards and plaques, 1948-2017
Scope and Contents
This series includes awards and plaques that were awarded to Jonathan and Lowell Rotschild.
41 Oversized newspaper clippings relating to Lowell E. Rothschild, undated
42 Lowell E. Rothschild -- Law certificate, 1952
43 Lowell E. Rothschild -- tax court certificate, 1983
44 Lowell E. Rothschild -- US Court of Appeals, 1965
45 Lowell E. Rothschild -- US District Court, 1952
46 Lowell E. Rothschild -- UA Juris Doctor degree, 1952
47 Lowell E. Rothschild -- UA 2017 Lifetime Achievement Award, 2017
48 Lowell E. Rothschild -- College of Law admission, 1948
49 Lowell E. Rothschild -- Inaugural dinner plaque, undated
51 Lowell E. Rothschild -- Arizona Bankruptcy Bar Living Legend award, 2008
52 Lowell E. Rothschild -- Association of Legal Administrators, 2007
53 Lowell E. Rothschild -- Association of Legal Administrators, 2008
54 Lowell E. Rothschild -- UA Foundation Board of Director's clock, 1987
55 Lowell E. Rothschild -- Appreciation from Alliance Bank of Arizona, undated
56 Lowell E. Rothschild -- LER glass cup, undated
57 Lowell E. Rothschild -- American Bar Association, circa 1996
61 Jonathan Rothschild -- Arizona Daily Star mounted newspaper clippings, Mayoral win, 2011
62 Lowell E. Rothschild -- Supreme Court of Arizona, undated
63 Lowell E. Rothschild -- Lease, undated
64 Lowell E. Rothschild -- American College of Bankruptcy Fellow, 1990
65 Lowell E. Rothschild -- Alumni Professional Achievement Award, 2006