Bookmark this page or copy and paste URL to Email message Henry Claiborne Lockett collection, 1933-1943MS-370![]()
Biographical NoteHenry Claiborne “Clay” Lockett (circa 1906/1907 – 29 May 1984) was born to H.C. (Hank) Lockett and Hattie Green Lockett, pioneer sheep herders. They moved between southern and northern Arizona, wintering in Phoenix and summering in Flagstaff. Lockett did graduate studies in archeology at the University Of Arizona. In 1928, he began working as a secretary at the Flagstaff Chamber of Commerce, a position he would hold for a few years. In 1933, Lockett joined the Rainbow Bridge – Monument Valley Expedition when Woodchuck Cave in Water Lilly Canyon was excavated under L.L. Hargrave’s direction. By 1934, Lockett was the lead archeologist on an expedition to Skeleton Mesa near Kayenta, Arizona. After this, Locket taught school on the Navajo Reservation for a several years. After living on the Reservation, Lockett moved south to Tucson and opened a Native American arts and crafts shop in the 1940s. He gave artists, such as Harrison Begay, studio space and sold their works on consignment. He began acquiring similar shops from other traders, such as John Frederick Tanner, from whom he purchased The Yucca House. By the 1960s, Locket moved his shop to the Museum of Northern Arizona (MNA) and it was renamed “The Museum Shop,” and served as the gift shop for MNA. Lockett remained the director. Throughout the 1960s and ‘70s Lockett was involved in various projects in Flagstaff; he helped write A Navajo Sketch Book and began working as a research associate for MNA in the art department. Lockett passed away on May 29, 1984. Scope and ContentThis collection includes a scrapbook of the 1933 Rainbow Bridge – Monument Valley Expedition, with prints of Lockett, L.L. Hargrave, Eddie McKee, Jerald Marsh, Charles Del Norte, and Ben Wetherill. The images are of the group, campsites, archeological finds (artifacts and human remains), and landscapes. Also included in this collection are 3 pawn tags originally attached to necklaces collected by Lockett from the Hubbell Trading Post in 1950; these show a debt owed by former President Herbert Hoover in 1943. RestrictionsConditions Governing Access
This collection contains culturally sensitive material (photographs of human remains). Therefore, parts of the collection have been restricted. The restriction was placed by staff at the Navajo Cultural Preservation Department. Contact the Museum of Northern Arizona Archivist for more information. Conditions Governing Use
Unpublished and published manuscripts are protected by copyright. Permission to publish, quote, or reproduce must be secured from the repository and the copyright holder. Related MaterialA significant portion of these images come from the Museum of Northern Arizona's Rainbow Bridge-Monument Valley Expedition collection (MS-122). For other Hubbell Trading Post material, see the Museum of Northern Arizona's Lorenzo Hubbell collection (MS-133). There is a Clay Lockett collection in the University of Arizona’s Arizona and Southwestern Biographical File. Arizona State University has a Clay Lockett collection, including oral histories. Northern Arizona University’s Cline Library also has information on Lockett. Controlled Access TermsPersonal Name(s) Hoover, Herbert,
1874-1964 Lockett, H.
Claiborne Geographic Name(s) Hubbell Trading
Post National Historic Site (Ganado, Ariz.) Subject(s) Navajo Indian
Reservation Rainbow Bridge-Monument Valley
Expedition Administrative InformationPreferred Citation
Henry Claiborne Lockett collection, MS-370 [Box Number]. Museum of Northern Arizona. Flagstaff, Arizona. Acquisition Information
The collection was donated by Lockett in July and August of 1977 (accession #MS-225b). Processing Information
Processed in October of 2010. Container List