Preliminary Inventory of the Ocampo Family Papers 1904-2007

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Preliminary Inventory of the Ocampo Family Papers 1904-2007


Overview of the Collection

Creator: Ocampo family
Title: Preliminary Inventory of the Ocampo Family Papers
Inclusive Dates: 1904-2007
Quantity: 27 Boxes (25.90 Linear Feet)
Abstract:This collection houses official documents, correspondence, photographs, family trees, and other materials documenting the Ocampo and Quesada families in addition to minutes and other materials showing museum Boards of Directors, South Mountain, and the Sociedad Historical Hispania of Wickenburg. This collection has not been processed in full and can be viewed only by appointment. Contact Archives and Special Collections for more information.
Identification: 1995-01538
Language: Material in English with some Spanish.
Repository: Arizona State University Library. Chicano Research Collection
P.O. Box 871006
Tempe, AZ 85287-1006
Phone: (480) 965-4932
Questions? Ask An Archivist!

Biographical Note

Francisca Rodriguez Ocampo was born to Teodoro Masón Ocampo (1841-1908) and Mariana (Rodriguez) Ocampo (1865-1943) in 1892. Mariana Ocampo was the granddaughter of Ramon Cevero Valencia (1853-1939), one of the founders of Wickenburg, Arizona, and his wife Andrea Galindre (1844-1911). Francisca was one of seven children, including Rita Rodriguez (1890-1891), Feliz Rodriguez (1894-1923), Dionisia Rodriguez (1896-1911), Teodoro Rodriguez (1900-1907), Eva Rodriguez (Ocampo) Ortega (1903-1991), and Marcella Andrea R. Ocampo (1907-1986).

Francisca Ocampo married José Franco Quesada (1875-1954) in 1918. Quesada was born to Pablo and Felecita (Franco) Quesada in La Paz, Mexico in 1875. He followed his two older siblings to California in the late 1800s. He learned English as his second language while in California and went on to become a professional vaquero in the Arizona Territory. José and Francisca Quesada had five children: Josefina Ocampo (Quesada) Alvarez (1920-), Dora Ocampo (1921-1998), Alicia Otilia (1923-), Bernardo Abram (1925-), and Eugenio Reynaldo (1927-2011).

Francisca Ocampo's sister Eva married Ben L. Ortega (1908-1985) and the couple had four children: Feliz Beraldo Benjamin (1930-), Irene Mercedes (Ortega) Hershkowitz (1932-2001), Daniel Valentin (1933-2000), and Maria Ana (Ortega) DeHart (1941-2003).

José and Francisca Ocampo stressed the importance of education to their children, each of whom graduated from the Wickenburg public schools and later attended Arizona State College. The Ocampos were also instrumental in establishing Wickenburg's first public school, the first St. Anthony Padua Catholic Church, and the first Wickenburg Town Library in addition to creating a number of financial and other opportunities for the advancement of Mexican Americans.

Scope and Content Note

This collection houses official documents, correspondence, photographs, family trees, and other materials documenting the Ocampo and Quesada families in addition to minutes and other materials showing museum Boards of Directors, South Mountain, and the Sociedad Historical Hispania of Wickenburg. This collection has not been processed in full and can be viewed only by appointment. Contact Archives and Special Collections for more information.


This collection consists of twenty-seven boxes divided into fourteen series:


Access Restrictions

The interview with Josefina Quesada Alvarez (Accession #1999-02054, Box 1) is restricted in accordance with the terms of her donor agreement.

To view this collection, make an appointment at least five business days prior to your visit by contacting Ask an Archivist or calling (480) 965-4932. Appointments in the Wurzburger Reading Room at Hayden Library (rm. 138) on the Tempe campus are available Monday through Friday. Check the ASU Library Hours page for current availability.


The Arizona Board of Regents retains copyright to this collection for and on behalf of the Arizona State University Library. Requests to publish, display, or redistribute information from this collection must be submitted via our online application.

Related Material

The Teodoro Ocampo and Mariana Ocampo Family Photographs (MP SPC 173) contain 650 snapshots and commercial portraits of the Ocampo, Quesada, Ortega, and Valencia families. Many document graduations, weddings, military service, and ranching. Most were made in the Wickenburg vicinity and date from 1860 to 1988. A guide is available at and the images may be searched individually using the Special Materials Index (available at

A guide to processed materials created by the Ocampo family may be found at

Access Terms

Personal Name(s)
Alvarez, Josefina (Josefina Ocampo Quesada), 1920-.
DeHart, Ron (Ronald William), 1964-.
Ocampo family.
Quesada family.
Quesada, Alicia Ocampo, 1923-.
Quesada, Bernardo (Bernardo Abram), 1925-.
Quesada, Dora, 1921-.

Mines and mineral resources -- Arizona -- Wickenburg.
Ranches -- Arizona -- Wickenburg.
Real property -- Arizona -- Wickenburg.

Administrative Information

Preferred Citation

[Identification of item], Ocampo Family Papers, [Accession Number], Arizona State University Library.


Alice Quesada, Dora Quesada, Mary Melcher, and Irene Ortega Hershkowitz donated these materials to the Chicano Research Collection between 1995 and 2008.

Container List

Series I: Accession #1995-01538
11 Automobiles, 1974-1990
12 Birth Certificates, 1983-1900
13 Business Titles, 1978
14 Business Cards, Undated
15 Cattle Business, 1925-1931
16 St. Anthony's Church, 1994
17 Crafts Magazine, Undated
18 Copies of Deeds, 1908-1933
19 Engineering and Marketing Articles on Ron DeHart, 1990
110 Home Remedies, 1920
111 Articles on Tom Harter, Arizona State Artist, 1955-1981
112 Ocampo Family Insurance Papers, 1938
113 Ocampo Home Insurance Policies, 1988-1993
114 Ocampo Home Insurance Papers, 1976-1984
115 Correspondence to Marcella Ocampo, 1983-1986
116 Marriage Licenses, 1988-1980
117 Jesus Alvarez's Military Discharge Papers, 1945
118 Bernard Quesada's Naval Service Papers, 1943-1947
119 Bernard Quesada's Merchant Marine Papers, 1944-1946
120 Dora Quesada's Army Nurse Papers, 1943-1945
121 Eugene Quesada's Naval Service Papers, 1945-1946
122 Felix Ocampo's Military Registration Papers, 1917-1918
123 Ignacio Trujillo's Military Discharge Papers, 1862
124 Family Obituaries, 1990-1994
125 Political Bumper Stickers, 1972-1990
126 Arizona Democratic Party Papers, 1988-1990
127 Marcella Ocampo's Boundary Papers, 1976
128 Marcella Ocampo's Real Estate Papers, 1932-1980
129 Dora Quesada's Elementary Teaching Papers, 1951-1967
130 Dora Quesada's Nursing Research Paper "Anesthetics in Obstetrics", 1949
131 Arizona Museum Newsletters, 1990-1992
132 Articles on Ramon Valencia Member of the Arizona Pioneers Association, 1939-1977
133 World War II Ration Books, 1942
134 Eva Ortega's Power of Attorney Document, 1991
135 National Federation of Post Office Clerks, 1944-1957
136 Wickenburg Social Events, 1988-1994
137 Phoenix Mountains Reservation Council, 1989
138 Arizona State University Alumni Association, 1990-1994
139 Papal Visit Eucharist Liturgy, 1987
140 San Diego Film Festival, 1990
141 Miscellaneous Government Documents, Undated
21 The Wrangler Wickenburg High School Yearbook, 1935
22 The Wrangler Wickenburg High School Yearbook, 1936
23 Burro Tracks Wickenburg Elementary School Yearbook, 1937
24 The Wrangler Wickenburg High School Yearbook, 1937
25 Burro Tracks Wickenburg Elementary School Yearbook, 1938
26 Th Wrangler Wickenburg High School Yearbook, 1938
27 The Wrangler Wickenburg High School Yearbook, 1939
28 The Wrangler Wickenburg High School Yearbook, 1940
29 The Wrangler Wickenburg High School Yearbook, 1941
210 The Eagle Wickenburg Elementary School Yearbook, 1941
211 The Wrangler Wickenburg High School Yearbook, 1942
212 The Sahuaro Arizona State College Yearbook, 1951
213 Graduation Announcements, 1938-1957
31 Eugene Quesada in Arizona State University Art Shows, 1951-1953
32 Eugene Quesada's Work Papers as Art Professor for Arizona State University, 1980-1990
33 Art Gallery Brochures for Arizona Art Exhibits, 1951-1984
34 Cards and Letters to Eugene Quesada, 1955-1980
35 Eugene Quesada's Papers From Business Trips to Mexico, 1966-1968
36 "The Relationship of Art and the Catholic Church in Italy During the Renaissance" (Eugene Quesada's Term Paper), 1950
37 Silkscreen by Eugene Quesada Against Governor Jack Williams, 1972
38 Humble Way Magazine With an Article on "The Art of Mexican America", 1970
39 Correspondence to Eugene Quesada, 1951-1956
310 Correspondence to Eugene Quesada, 1965-1975
311 Correspondence to Eugene Quesada, 1980-1989
312 Articles on Eugene Quesada's Art Work, 1951-1956
313 Articles on Eugene Quesada's Artwork, 1963-1968
314 Articles on Eugene Quesada's Artwork, 1970-1976
315 Articles on Eugene Quesada's Artwork, 1980-1991
316 Exhibition Notes for Eugene Quesada's Showings, 1954-1969
317 Exhibition Notes for Eugene Quesada's Showings, 1973-1976
318 Exhibition Notes for Eugene Quesada's Showings, 1982-1989
319 Museo Chicano Exhibition Notes, 1990
320 Samples of Eugenio Quesada's Artwork, 1970-1990
321 Invitation from the Bronx Museum of the Arts to Eugene Quesada to Exhibit, 1987
322 Description of Bronx Museum of Arts Exhibit Latin American Presence in the United States, 1988
323 "The Latin American Spirit" Press Release for the Bronx Museum of the Arts Exhibit, 1988
324 Invitations to the Opening of "The Latin American Spirit" Art Exhibit, 1988
325 Brochure for the "The Latin American Spirit" Exhibit at the Bronx Museum of the Arts, 1988
326 Exhibition Notes and Biographical Notes for "The Latin American Spirit" Exhibit, 1988
327 Exhibition Notes and Biographical Notes for "The Latin American Spirit", 1988

328 New York Times Review of the "The Latin American Spirit" Art Exhibit, 1988
329 Reviews of "The Latin American Spirit" Art Exhibit, 1988
330 Correspondence to Eugene Quesada for "The Latin American Spirit" Art Exhibit, 1988
331 Proofsheet of Eugene Quesada's Student Drawings, 1976
332 Photographs from the Exhibit "The Latin American Spirit", 1989
Series II: Accession #1999-02054
1 Interview with Josefina Quesada Alvarez, 1998 (Cassette Tape; Restricted)
1 Interview with Dora and Alice Quesada, 1998 (Cassette Tape)
Series III: Accession #1999-02143
Sub-Series A: Museum Membership Activities
11 Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1997
12 Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1997
13 Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1995-1997
14 Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1994-1997
15 Committee on History and Culture, 1996
16 Committee on History and Culture, 1993-1997
17 Committee on History and Culture: Wickenburg History, 1998
18 The Town on the Hassayampa: A History of Wickenburg, Arizona by Mark E. Pry, 1996
19 The Wickenburg Way, 1996 (Play)
110 Sole of the West: The Art and History of Cowboy Boots, 1996
111 Collections Committee, 1997
112 Collections Committee, 1992-1995
113 Collections, 1996
114 Donations, Accessions, De-Accessions, 1996-1997
115 Oral History Materials: Dora Quesada "Collections - Chair History and Research"
116 Museum Highlights, 1996-1998
117 Museum Highlights, 1995-1998
118 Board of Trustees, 1995-1996
119 Board of Trustees, 1995-1997
120 Board of Trustees, 1997-1998
121 Board of Trustees, 1996
122 Board of Trustees, 1996-1997
123 Board of Trustees, 1995
124 Board of Trustees, 1994
125 Board of Trustees, 1995-1996
126 Board of Trustees, 1995-1997
127 Board of Trustees, 1997
128 Board of Trustees, 1997
129 Board of Trustees, 1994-1997
130 Board of Trustees, 1997
131 Board of Trustees, 1997
132 Board of Trustees, 1995-1996
133 Board of Trustees, 1995
134 Board of Trustees, 1995
135 Board of Trustees, 1995-1997
136 Board of Trustees, 1995-1996
137 Board of Trustees, 1996
138 Board of Trustees Manual, 1997
21 Arizona Museum History, 1989-1991
22 Arizona Museum, Board of Trustees Minutes, 1990
23 Arizona Museum Balance Sheets, 1991
24 Arizona Museum, Financial Statement, 1990
25 Arizona Museum Financial Statement, 1991
26 Arizona Museum, Miscellaneous Financial Statement, 1992-1993
27 Arizona Museum, Board Minutes and Miscellaneous, 1991
28 Arizona Museum, Articles of Amendment, 1995
29 The Arizona Museum Newsletter, 1989-1992
210 Miscellaneous, 1991-1992
211 First Families of Arizona, Miscellaneous, 1988-1990
212 Responsibilities of Museum Trustees
213 Museum Trusteeships (AAM), 1990
214 Museum Ethics (AAM), 1990
215 Miscellaneous Articles, 1996
216 Phoenix Museum of History Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1995-1997
217 Phoenix Museum of History Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1992-1995
218 Phoenix Museum of History Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1994-1995
219 Phoenix Museum of History Miscellaneous Policy Information, 1990
220 Phoenix Museum of History, Board Meetings, 1991
221 Phoenix Museum of History, Board Meetings, 1992
222 Phoenix Museum of History, Board Meetings, 1993
223 Phoenix Museum of History, Board Meetings, 1994
224 Phoenix Museum of History, Board Meetings, 1995
225 Phoenix Museum of History, Board Meetings, 1996
226 Phoenix Museum of History, Board Meetings, 1997
227 Phoenix Museum of History, Board Meetings, 1998
228 Phoenix Museum of History Newsletter, 1992-1997
Sub-Series B: Preserve the Mountain
229 Legal Documents: Mountain Preserve, 1987
230 Legal Documents: Mountain Preserve, 1987
231 Mountain Preserve Trust, 1987
232 Legal Documents: Mountain Preserve, 1988
233 Legal Documents: Mountain Preserve, 1987-1988
31 Pointe Resorts v. Ruth Hamelton, Charles M. Monroe, and Dora Quesada, 1987
32 Miscellaneous Articles, Phoenix Mountain Preserve, 1985-1987
33 Gosnell Affidavits, Referendum 86, 1986
34 Bylaws: Mountain Preserve Trust Inc., 1987
35 Proposition 100: City of Phoenix Mountain Preserves Charter Amendment, 1986
36 Correspondence Regarding South Mountain, 1985
37 Initiative and Referendum, City Documents, 1987
38 Correspondence: 48th St. Improvement, 1988
39 Mountain Preserve Referendum, 1986 (1 of 3)
310 Mountain Preserve Referendum, 1986 (2 of 3)
311 Mountain Preserve Referendum, 1986 (3 of 3)
312 Appeal and Cross-Appeal, Pointe Resorts Inc. v. Hamilton, et al., 1987
313 Motion to Dismiss (Gosnell), 1987
314 Motion to Dismiss (Cox), 1987
315 Legal Documents, Preserve Phoenix Mountain Fight, 1987
316 Legal Documents, Phoenix Mountain Preserve, 1987
317 Indian Tribes Litigation Assistance Corporation, 1989
318 South Mountain Park Master Plan, 1989
319 Ordinances, 1985-1987
320 Fight Lists, South Mountain Park, 1987
321 Preserve the Mountain Preserve Inc., 1987-1990
322 Phoenix Mountains Outlook, 1987-1990
323 Z. Simpson Cox, 1993
324 Miscellaneous, 1992
325 South Mountain Wash, 1987 (Proofs and Negatives)
326 Legal Documents, Phoenix Mountain Preserves, 1987
327 Legal Documents, Phoenix Mountain Preserves, 1987
328 Legal Documents, 1986-1987 (1 of 2)
329 Legal Documents, 1986-1987 (2 of 2)
330 Legal Documents: Preserve, 1987 (1 of 3)
331 Legal Documents: Preserve, 1986 (2 of 3)
332 Legal Documents: Preserve, 1986-1987 (3 of 3)
333 Legal Documents: Mountain Preserve, 1986-1987
334 Legal Documents: Mountain Preserve, 1987
335 Socorro H. Bernasconi, Park Arrest, 1988
Sub-Series C: Photographs and Other Papers
41 Storeroom Addition
42 Correspondence Between Alice and Dora Quesada, 1944-1946
43 Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1990-1997
44 Membership Cards, 1985-1998
45 Social Correspondence, 1996-1997
46 Obituaries, 1966-1998
47 Social Correspondence, 1988-1997
48 Social Correspondence, 1984-1997
49 Songs in Spanish
410 Mexican American Guidance Conference, 1970
411 Socorro Bernasconi Case, 1973-1977
412 Soroptimist
413 Garcia School, 1981-1984
414 Miscellaneous, 1980-1990
415 I'Tom Escuela Yearbook, 1979-1980
416 Dessert Gold Wickenburg Grammar School Yearbook, 1934
417 Burro Tracks, Wickenburg Grammar School 8th Grade Yearbook, 1935
418 Marcella Ocampo Well, 1986-1987
419 Photographs, 1945-1980
420 Photographs, 1910-1998
421 Photographs, 1933-1969
422 Photographs, 1968
423 Photographs, 1904-1960
424 Photographs, 1935-1975
425 Photographs, 1959-1979
426 Photographs, 1951-1992
427 Photographs, 1944-1974
428 Photographs, 1907
429 Photographs, circa 1940s
430 Photographs, 1944-1945
431 Donde Nacen Las Culturas (Jacsa Cultura Ta You Guepo) Where Cultures Meet, Guadalupe, 1970
432 Sociedad Historica Hispana de Wickenburg, 1994
433 Drugs, Irangate, and Reagan, 1987
434 Miscellaneous Political Articles, 1988
435 Drugs and the Government, 1986
Sub-Series D: Cultural Arts and Teaching Aids
51 Cultural Arts: Yaqui
52 Cultural Arts: American Indian Symbols
53 Cultural Arts: "Oriental" Objects and Designs
54 Cultural Arts: Mexican American
55 Cultural Arts: Silver, Turquoise, and Trade Beads
56 Cultural Arts: Turquoise Silver Bird Fetish
57 Cultural Arts: Mexican American Folklorico y Leyenda
58 Cultural Arts: Art Ideas Related to "Oriental" Cultures
59 Cultural Arts: Poetry
510 Cultural Arts: A Folk Art - Storytelling
511 Cultural Arts: Black Heritage, 1977
512 Cultural Arts: Clay, the Indian Way
513 Cultural Arts: Christmas
514 Cultural Arts: Culturally Christmas
515 Cultural Arts: Culturally Christmas
516 Cultural Arts: Creation Myths
517 Cultural Arts: Ideas in Puppetry
518 Cultural Arts: Hanukkah
519 Cultural Arts: Ikebana
520 Cultural Arts: ESAA Correspondence
521 Cultural Arts: African Trade Beads, 1976-1977
522 Cultural Arts: Mexican and Mexican American
523 Cultural Arts: Origami
524 Cultural Arts: Symbols
525 Cultural Arts: Kachina
526 Cultural Arts: Mayan Mural Mosaic
527 Cultural Arts: Navajo Sandpainting
528 Cultural Arts: Rock Art
528 Cultural Arts: African Masks
530 Cultural Arts: Banners
531 Cultural Arts: Sun Myths
532 Cultural Arts: "Oriental" Prints
533 Cultural Arts: Folk Instruments
534 Cultural Arts: Afro-American Music
535 Cultural Arts: Miscellaneous
536 Cultural Arts: Miscellaneous
537 The Reading Road to Writing, Teaching Guide
538 The Reading Road to Writing, 1977 (Book 1, Sentences)
539 The Reading Road to Writing (Book 2, Verbs)
540 The Reading Road to Writing (Book 3, Adjectives and Adverbs)
541 The Reading Road to Writing (Book 4, Pronouns)
542 The Reading Road to Writing, 1977 (Book 5, Words often Confused)
543 The Reading Road to Writing, 1977 (Book 6, Mechanics of Writing)
Series IV: Accession #2000-02172
11 Incidents in the Life of Alice Quesada
12 Incidents in the Life of Alice Quesada (Finished Copy)
13 Photographs of Alice Quesada
Series V: Accession #2000-02187
11 Singers - Marketplace etc., 1966
12 Nogales - Gene's Farewell Party and Marine Land, 1964
13 Mexico; Ajijio; Music, etc., 1964
14 Puebla - Puebla, Mexico, 1964
15 Southern Arizona, 1965
16 Palm Springs and Wickenburg, 1963
17 X-Mas, 1962 (Part 1)
18 X-Mas, 1962 (Part 2)
19 Oaxaca, 1964
110 Oaxaca Tule Tree, 1964
111 Palm Springs Airport, 1962
112 School Lounge, 1962
113 School, 1962
114 Hike and Surrounding Area, 1966
115 Denise, 1964
116 Washington, DC, 1967
117 Nogales - When Gene Had to Come Back, 1965
118 Genes Leaving, 1963
119 Mexico Train, 1964
120 [Untitled], 1965
121 School Eggs, 1964
122 Coming Home - Guadalajara on Train, 1967
123 San Miguel - No Good, 1967
124 Jo, Lori, and Denise in Back Yard, 1966
125 Jo, Lori, and Denise After Bath, 1966
126 Phx to Ajijio - Dora, 1967
127 Ajijio Fisherman - Dora, 1967
128 Dora - Ajijio to Guad., 1967
129 Marine Land, No Date
130 Sunday BBQ, 1964
131 La Jolla Beach, 1963
132 [Untitled], 1985
133 [Untitled], 1985
134 Birthday Party - Frenceria Quesada, 1962
135 Guadalajara, 1962
136 School Dance, 1962
137 Bill's Wedding, 1962
138 La Paz, 1962
Series VI: Accession #2000-02231
11 Dora's World by the Hassayampa, 1995 (Original Copy)
12 Dora's World by the Hassayampa, 1995 (Finished Copy)
13 Snapshots of Dora Ocampo Quesada, 1943-1950
14 Snapshots of Students of Dora Quesada
15 Received Christmas Cards, 1999
16 Received Christmas Cards, 1999
17 "Making a Difference: Arizona Women Building Communities" Exhibit Materials, 1998
Series VII: Accession #2000-02265
11 Christmas Cards, 1998
12 Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1998
13 The Wickenburg Way, 1998 (Play)
14 Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, 1994
15 Presidential Official Photographs, 1997-1999
16 Postcards, 1965, 1987
17 Photographs, Cards, 1995-1996
18 Ocampo Photographs, 1987
19 Panchitas Mexican Food Imports, 1960
110 Wickenburg High School, 1929-1973
111 Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1994-1997
112 Guonajuato Slides
113 Las Casas Slides
114 Guadalajara Slides
115 Miscellaneous Photographs
116 Mexico City Slide
117 Quesada Cabin Slides, 1976-1977
118 Miscellaneous Slides
119 Phoenix Slides
120 Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1999
121 First Families of Arizona Directories, 1989-1998
122 Get-Well Cards, 1999
21 Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1999
22 Vera Cruz Slides
23 Oaxaca Slides
24 Puebla Slides
25 Morelia Slides
26 Miscellaneous Photographs, 1940s-1990s
27 Christmas Cards, 1999
Series VIII: Accession #2001-02298
11 Photo Album: "God Bless You, Angelita Woosley, Registered Nurse", 1915
12 Photo Album: "God Bless You Angelita Woolsey", 1915
13 Photograph of Francisco and Salome Verdugo, Undated
14 Obituary Cards for Francisco and Salome Verdugo, 1943, 1945
15 Angelita Verdugo Nursing Certificates, 1932-1947
16 Angelita Verdugo: St. Mary's High School, 1924-1929
17 Photographs of Franklin Woolsey, Musician, 1944-1961
18 Franklin Woolsey Military Records, 1951-1953
19 Franklin Woolsey: Certificates, 1947-1957
110 St. Francis Cemetery Association, 1962, Undated
111 Angelita Woolsey Correspondence, 1944
112 Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Woolsey, 1940-1965
113 Photograph of Angelita Woolsey Family, Undated
114 Westward Ho Hotel Tenant Handbook and Directory, 1989-1996
115 Greeting Cards, Funeral Book and Photographs, Undated
116 Sympathy Cards; Greeting Cards, 1997
116 Greeting Cards, Undated
Series IX: Accession #2001-02431
11 Dora Quesada Death Certificate, 1998
12 Dora Quesada Funeral Information, 1999
13 Dora Quesada Memorial Photographs and Information, 1999
14 Dora Quesada Memorial Script and Photographs, 1998
15 Dora Quesada Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1952-1998
16 News Clippings, 1968-1976
17 Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1998
18 Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1998
19 Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1998-1999
110 Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1998
111 Dora Quesada Funeral Guestbook, 1998
21 Bumper Sticker: "Unidos Con McGovern", Undated
22 Bumper Sticker: "Si Se Puede-Sack Jack", Undated
23 Bumper Sticker: "Recall Williams-Si Se Puede", Undated
24 Bumper Sticker: "Sack Jack", Undated
25 Flyer: "Who is This Man?", Undated
26 Poster: "Stephens State Senate", Undated
27 Poster: "Alfredo Gutierrez State Senate", Undated
28 Poster: Female Portrait, Undated
29 Poster: "Cesar Chavez Quote", Undated
210 Poster: "Ballet Folklorico Azteca Poster", Undated
211 Guitierrez and Hamiliton Poster, Undated
212 First Annual Southwest Chicano Art Invitational Exposition Poster, Undated
213 Jimmy Carter Poster, Undated
214 Gutierrez Poster: "La Solucion Somos Todos", 1976
215 Mountains Preserves Poster: "Dec 9th Vote", Undated
216 Noche De Estrellas Poster, 1998
Series X: Accession #2003-02588
1 Encroachment on Alice Quesada Property Documents
11 Christmas Cards, 1995
12 Christmas Cards, 1996
13 Christmas Cards, 2000
14 Christmas Cards, 2001
15 Christmas Cards, 2002
16 Quesada Correspondence, 1995-1996
17 Quesada Correspondence, 1973-1995
18 Quesada Church Documents, 1995
19 Quesada Residence Construction
110 Price Road Construction
112 Alice O. Quesada Employment Documents
113 Desert Caballeros Western Museum, 1995
114 Wittman, Arizona Property Documents
115 Eugene Quesada Biography
116 Quesada Property Survey Map
117 Joe Quesada Correspondence, 1937-1951
118 Wickenburg Documents, 2000
21 Quesada Correspondence, 2000-2002
22 Quesada Correspondence, 2000-2002
23 Quesada Correspondence, 2000-2002
Series XI: Accession #2005-03851
11 Correspondence, 2004
12 Photographs, 2004
13 Correspondence, 2003-2004
14 Correspondence: Friends, 2003-2004
15 Correspondence, 2005
16 Correspondence: Friends, 2003-2004
17 Correspondence: Friends, 2003-2004
18 Correspondence: Cousins, 2003-2004
19 Correspondence: Nieces/Nephews, 2003-2004
110 Correspondence: Sisters, 2003-2004
111 Correspondence: Boyfriends, 2003-2004
112 Correspondence, 2003-2004
113 Correspondence, 2004
114 Correspondence, 2003
115 Pre-Campaign Survey Report, 2003
116 Newsletters, 2004
117 Correspondence, 2004
21 Correspondence, 2003-2004
22 Correspondence, 2003-2004
23 Correspondence, 2004
24 Our at the Ranch Exhibit, 2003
25 News Clippings, 2003
26 Income Tax Returns Dora, 1990
27 Correspondence, 2003
28 Correspondence, 2003
29 Correspondence, 2004
210 Christmas Cards, 2004
211 Christmas Cards, 2004
212 Correspondence, 2004
Series XII: Accession #2005-03915
11 Ocampo/Quesada List of What's in the Collection, 2005 August
12 Assorted Tapes, 2005 August (Audio)
13 Greeting Cards and Pictures
14 Greeting Cards
15 Greeting Cards
16 Greeting Cards
17 Greeting Cards
18 Greeting Cards
19 Greeting Cards
110 Greeting Cards
111 Greeting Cards
112 Greeting Cards
113 Greeting Cards
114 Greeting Cards
115 Greeting Cards
116 Greeting Cards
117 Greeting Cards
118 Greeting Cards
119 Greeting Cards
21 Greeting Cards
22 Greeting Cards
23 Greeting Cards
24 Cards to SRQ when he was in the Hospital (1992) and at Home
25 Tom Harter Artist
26 Birthday Cards
27 Greeting Cards
28 Greeting Cards
29 Christmas Cards, 1989
210 Greeting Cards
211 Greeting Cards
212 Greeting Cards
213 Greeting Cards
214 Greeting Cards
215 Greeting Cards
216 Greeting Cards
217 Christmas Cards, 1993
218 Christmas Cards, 1994
219 Greeting Cards
220 Photographs/Snapshots
221 Miscellaneous Papers
Series XIII: Accession #2006-04020
Family Trees
Family trees documenting the descendants of Feliz Ocampo, Teodoro Mason Ocampo, Jose Franco Quesada, and Andrea Galindre.
Series XIV: Accession #2008-04217
11 Quesada Christmas Cards, 2007
12 Quesada Christmas Cards, 2007
13 Eugenio Quesada 80th Birthday Cards, 2007
14 Alicia Quesada Birthday Cards, 2007
15 Quesada Cards - Letters, Undated
16 Quesada Cards - Letters, Undated
17 Quesada Cards - Letters, 2006
18 Quesada Cards - Letters, 2006
19 Quesada Cards - Letters, 2006
110 Quesada Postcards from Travel
111 Alicia Quesada - Arizona Highways Article, 2007
112 Quesada Cards - Letters, 2006
113 Quesada Cards and Newspaper Articles, 2006
114 Quesada Christmas Cards, 2006
115 Quesada Newspaper Articles, 1988
116 Quesada Newspaper Articles, 1988
117 Newspaper Articles, 1987
118 Newspaper Articles, 1987
119 Newspaper Articles, 1986
120 Newspaper Articles, 1987
121 Newspaper Articles, 1986
122 Alicia Quesada Birthday Cards, Undated
123 Sociedad Historica Hispana De Wickenburg, 1994
124 Quesada Newspaper Articles
125 Dora Quesada Military Service Photo and Articles
126 Newspaper Articles - Movement to Save South Mountain, 1985
127 Newspaper Articles - Dora Quesada, 1986
128 Newspaper Articles, 1986
21 Quesada Christmas Cards, 2005
22 Birthday Cards - Eugene Quesada, 2005
23 Alicia Quesada - Birthday Cards, 2005
24 Adelina Ortega Wedding, 2004
25 Phoenix Museum of History Directory, 2004-2005
26 Wickenburg High School Class Reunion, 2005
27 Newspaper Articles
28 Quesada - Various Letters and Clippings
29 Commencement - Pepperdine University, 2005
210 Alicia Quesada Letters, 2005
211 Alicia Quesada Letters, 2005
212 Alicia Quesada Letters, 2005
213 Quesada - ASU Correspondence, 1991
214 Correspondence from Philip Ben Hershkowitz
215 Desert Caballeros Western Museum Documents, 2002
216 Western Museum Board Meeting, 2002
217 Western Museum Trustees Packet, 2002
218 Western Museum Trustees Meeting, 2002
219 Western Museum Board of Trustees Meeting, 2001
220 Western Museum Board of Trustees Meeting, 2001
221 Western Museum Correspondence, 2001
222 Western Museum Board of Trustees Meeting, 2002
223 Western Museum Board of Trustees Meeting, 2002
224 Western Museum Documents, 2002
225 Western Museum Board of Trustees Special Meeting, 2002
226 Western Museum Board of Trustees Meeting, 2002
227 Western Museum Board of Trustees Meeting, 2002
228 Western Museum Board of Trustees Meeting, 2002
229 Western Museum Board of Trustees Packet, 2002
230 Western Museum Board of Trustees Packet, 2002
231 Quesada Religious Documents, Undated
232 Western Museum Board of Trustees Meeting, 2001
233 Western Museum Board Meeting, 2001
234 Western Museum Board Meeting, 2001
235 Western Museum Documents, 2001
236 Western Museum Documents, 2001
237 Western Museum Board Meeting, 2001
238 South Mountain Documents, 1988
239 South Mountain Master Plan, 1988
240 South Mountain Preliminary Analysis, 1988
241 South Mountain Master Plan, 1988
242 South Mountain Newsletters, 1988
243 South Mountain Meeting Documents, 1988
244 South Mountain Master Plan Study, 1988
31 Dora Ocampo Quesada, Undated
32 Quesada Research Scholarship, Undated
33 Eva Ortega Files, Undated
34 Marcello Ocampo Estate Files, Undated
35 Felix Ortega Files, Undated
36 Newspaper Articles, Undated
37 Eugene and Dora Quesada Deed Papers, Undated
38 Francisco Quesada Personal Books, Undated
39 Payson Meat Market, Undated
310 Payson Property Papers, 1983
311 Phoenix Home Property Files, 1963
312 Eugenio Quesada Painting, 1970
313 Payson Property Files, 1995
314 Joint Tenancy Deed - Alice and Dora Quesada, 1964
315 Alice Quesada Property, 1932
316 Eugene Quesada Property, 1967
317 Ortega Parking Lot, 1963
318 Wittman, AZ Property, 1985
319 Hancock Park, Phoenix, AZ Property, 1976
320 War Ration Book - Jose Quesada, 1942
321 Fundraiser Wickenburg Museum, 1965
322 Eugene and Alicia Quesada Play Papers, 1998
323 Western Museum Correspondence, 2001
324 Obituaries
325 Graduation Papers
326 Overgaard, AZ Property, 1987
327 Property Sale Price Rd., 1986
328 Photographs, Undated