Roger W. Axford Papers 1905-2001 (Bulk 1950-1991)

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Roger W. Axford Papers 1905-2001 (Bulk 1950-1991)


Overview of the Collection

Creator: Axford, Roger W.
Title: Roger W. Axford Papers
Inclusive Dates: 1905-2001
Bulk Dates: 1950-1991
Quantity: 70 Boxes (39.25 Linear Feet)
Abstract:This collection houses agendas, minutes, reports, interviews, flyers, correspondence, promotional literature, clippings, syllabi, photographs, and other materials documenting Roger W. Axford's work as a peace activist; career as a professor and adult educator in Wisconsin, Maine, and Arizona; and author of such works as Adult Education: The Open Door (1969), Spanish-Speaking Heroes (1973), Native Americans: 23 Indian Biographies (1980), Black American Heroes (1981), Too Long Been Silent: Japanese Americans Speak Out (1982), and Successful Recareering: How to Shift Gears Before You're Over the Hill (1983). Also included is correspondence between Roger Axford and his mother and sister and certificates, essays, clippings, programs, and other materials documenting members of the Axford family.
Identification: MSS-429
Language: Material in English with some Spanish.
Repository: Arizona State University Library University Archives
P.O. Box 871006
Tempe, AZ 85287-1006
Phone: (480) 965-4932
Questions? Ask An Archivist!

Biographical Note

Peace activist and adult educator Roger William Axford was born to Fred Moyers Axford (1880-1930) and Naida LaRue (Wamsley) Axford (1888-1974) in Grand Island, Nebraska on July 22, 1920. He was the youngest of six children, including Madge Adella (Axford) Finke (1909-1997), Helen Thankful (Axford) Siems Mertens Moision (1911-2004), Fred Wamsley (1913-1962), Gordon Lafayette (1915-1998), and Marion Phyllis (Axford) Shea (1917-2008).

During World War II, Axford, a licensed Methodist minister, was classified as 4-D (minister of a recognized church) and excused from the draft. In October of 1943, he notified his draft board that he had accepted a position as the Western Secretary of the Fellowship of Reconciliation, a lay Christian organization devoted to pacifism. The Board reclassified him as 4-E and ordered him to report for physical examination. Axford, who had since enrolled at the Chicago Theological Seminary, refused on the grounds that he was still a minister and thus exempt. Although the President of the Seminary wrote to the board asking that Axford's 4-D classification be restored, the Board refused to reconsider and Axford was sentenced to three years in federal prison for refusing to be inducted into the Selective Service in May of 1944. Axford proved uncooperative in prison, for example participating in a Danbury, Connecticut federal prison action in which conscientious objectors successfully resisted racial segregation. He eventually served just under twenty-eight months of his sentence. After his release, he participated in a sit-in on the steps of the Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. petitioning for the release of imprisoned conscientious objectors after the war's end. The sit-in lasted for several months and culminated in the release of Igal Roodenko, the last imprisoned objector.

Axford earned his A.B. in Political and Social Sciences from Nebraska Wesleyan University (1942) and his M.A. in Sociology (1949) and Ph.D. in Adult Education (1961) from the University of Chicago. Axford began his career as a teacher with the Chicago Board of Education's Americanization Program (1948-1949) and served as the Dean of Faculty at Bacone College in Muskogee, Oklahoma (1949-1950), as the Assistant to the Vice President of Roosevelt University in Chicago, Illinois (1950-1954), and as the Vice President of Shimer College in Mt. Carroll, Illinois (1955-1956) before joining the University of Wisconsin system in 1956.

In Wisconsin, Axford served as the Assistant Director of the University of Wisconsin Racine Center on the Racine campus (1956-1961) and subsequently as the Director of the Agency for International Development's Latin American Project (1962-1963) and as a Professor of Adult Education and Associate Director of Instructional Services in the Extension Division (1961-1965) on the Milwaukee campus. In 1965, Axford became the Director of Adult Education and Associate Professor of Education in DeKalb, Illinois where he remained until 1968. In 1968, Axford joined the University of Maine's Orono campus as the Coordinator of Adult Education and Associate Professor of Adult Education. He left Maine in 1970 to serve as Dean of the School of Continuing and Non-Resident Education (1970-1972) and Professor of Adult Education (1970-1975) and later as Director of Community-University Studies (1972-1975) at Indiana University of Pennsylvania.

In 1975, Axford joined the faculty of Arizona State University's College of Education, where he remained for the remainder of his career. He was associated with the department of Higher and Adult education and taught primarily in the area of adult education. Axford retired from ASU on August 15, 1991. During his career, Axford wrote a number of books, including College-Community Consultation (1967), Adult Education: The Open Door (1969), Spanish-Speaking Heroes (1973), Native Americans: 23 Indian Biographies (1980), Black American Heroes (1981), Too Long Been Silent: Japanese Americans Speak Out (1982), Successful Recareering: How to Shift Gears Before You're Over the Hill (1983), and Mirror for Marriage (1999).

Roger Axford married Geraldine Edwina Lukes (1926-2009) in 1949 and the couple had three children, Naida Beth (1953-), Scott Roger (1954-), and Vickie Lynn (Axford) Austin (1956-). Roger Axford died in Arizona on August 1, 2003.

Scope and Content Note

This collection houses agendas, minutes, reports, interviews, flyers, correspondence, promotional literature, clippings, syllabi, photographs, and other materials documenting Roger W. Axford's work as a peace activist; career as a professor and adult educator in Wisconsin, Maine, and Arizona; and author of such works as Adult Education: The Open Door (1969), Spanish-Speaking Heroes (1973), Native Americans: 23 Indian Biographies (1980), Black American Heroes (1981), Too Long Been Silent: Japanese Americans Speak Out (1982), and Successful Recareering: How to Shift Gears Before You're Over the Hill (1983). Also included is correspondence between Roger Axford and his mother and sister and certificates, essays, clippings, programs, and other materials documenting members of the Axford family.

Series I: Activism houses correspondence, clippings, agendas and minutes, programs, promotional literature, flyers, and other materials focusing primarily on Axford's peace activism, including his sponsorship of ASU's Coalition for World Peace (a student organization devoted to "Inform[ing] Students and Faculty of Ways to Non-Violent Solutions to Conflict"); work with conscientious objectors; opposition to nuclear weapons, including promotion of a bilateral nuclear weapons freeze and nuclear-free zones; and participation in such peace organizations as the Arizona Center to Reverse the Arms Race, Beyond War in Arizona, Physicians for Social Responsibility, and the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. Other materials document Axford's work with incarcerated people, including his participation in the Alliance for Correctional Justice and service on the Arizona Department of Corrections Religious Advisory Committee. Finally, subject files record Axford's interest in such social and political issues as elections, Central American and Middle Eastern conflicts, civil disobedience, and programs and services targeted towards older people in Maricopa County.

Series II: Teaching, Consulting, and Academic Service houses memoranda and other correspondence, agendas, minutes, syllabi, reports, clippings, and other materials documenting Axford's work in higher education. Sub-Series A: Arizona State University shows Axford's teaching and research regarding adult education, service on the Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee, and participation in the governance of the College of Education and its Department of Higher and Adult Education. Sub-Series B: Other Universities shows Axford's time with Indiana University of Pennsylvania, the University of Maine system, and the University of Wisconsin system. Sub-Series C: Community Colleges primarily houses materials documenting Axford's work with Arizona's community college system, including his campaign for and term on the Arizona Community College Board. Sub-Series D: Professional Correspondence houses letters written to and from colleagues in the field of education around the world. These letters discuss such subjects as conferences, research, professional organizations, job changes, and other matters directly related to the correspondents' work in the field. Sub-Series E: Presentations and Workshops documents Axford's presentations on subjects related to adult education to a wide variety of audiences. Frequently presented programs include an adult education seminar in China, Hong Kong, and Japan; "How Adults Learn"; and "Successful Recareering". Sub-Series F: Consulting houses reports, correspondence, and other materials documenting Axford's consulting work with the Affiliated Indian Centers of Arizona Adult Education Program and the Utah Navajo Development Council's Adult Education Program.

Series III: Conferences houses programs, proceedings, correspondence, newsletters, and other materials documenting Axford's attendance at and participation in professional conferences in the fields of education and specifically adult education. Frequently attended conferences include the Adult Education Research Conference, the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education conference, the Arizona Adult Education Association conference, the Arizona Personnel and Guidance Association conference, the Indian Education Conference, the International League for Social Commitment in Adult Education conference, and the National Adult Education Conference.

Series IV: Professional Organizations houses correspondence, newsletters, flyers, agendas, minutes, and other materials documenting governance of and Axford's work with a variety of professional organizations, including the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, the Arizona Adult Education Association, and the Arizona Personnel and Guidance Association. Axford served as president of the Arizona Adult Education Association from 1986-1987, so this period is particularly well documented.

Series V: Publications consists primarily of interview transcripts, photographs, notes, and other materials documenting Axford's Spanish-Speaking Heroes (Sub-Series A), Native Americans: 23 Indian Biographies (Sub-Series B), Black American Heroes (Sub-Series C), Too Long Been Silent: Japanese Americans Speak Out (Sub-Series D), and Successful Recareering: How to Shift Gears Before You're Over the Hill (Sub-Series E). Also included are materials regarding such other books as Adult Education: The Open Door and Mirror for Marriage (Sub-Series F), articles and other short works like speeches (Sub-Series G), correspondence with publishers and potential publishers (Sub-Series F), and works by other authors (Sub-Series G).

Series VI: Personal Papers consists primarily of letters from Roger and Geri Axford to Naida L. and Marian Axford. These letters discuss the Axford family's activities, including Roger Axford's career, Geri Axford's social and volunteer work, travel, and the Axford children's progress in school and extracurricular activities. During the late 1960s and 1970s, this correspondence also discusses care for Naida L. Axford, on which Roger and Marian Axford, who served as Naida's primary caregiver, often disagreed. Roger Axford typed many of these letters on paper placemats taken from restaurants in locations that the family was currently visiting. Also included are programs, photographs, certificates, notes, and other materials documenting members of the Axford family.


This collection consists of seventy boxes divided into six series:


Access Restrictions

To view this collection, make an appointment at least five business days prior to your visit by contacting Ask an Archivist or calling (480) 965-4932. Appointments in the Wurzburger Reading Room at Hayden Library (rm. 138) on the Tempe campus are available Monday through Friday. Check the ASU Library Hours page for current availability.


Arizona State University does not own copyright to this collection. University Archives recognizes that it is incumbent upon the researcher to procure permission to publish information from this collection from the owner of the copyright.

Access Terms

Family Name(s)
Axford family

Corporate Name(s)
Alliance for Correctional Justice (Phoenix, Ariz.)
Arizona Adult Education Association
Arizona State University -- Faculty
Arizona State University. Coalition for World Peace
Arizona State University. Department of Higher and Adult Education
Arizona. State Department of Corrections

African Americans -- History
Conscientious objectors -- United States
Hispanic Americans -- History
Indians of North America -- Education
Indians of North America -- History
Japanese Americans -- History
Nuclear disarmament
Nuclear weapons -- United States -- Testing
Older people -- United States
Pacifists -- United States
Social work with criminals -- Arizona

Adult education teachers -- United States
Political activists -- United States

Administrative Information

Credit Line

[Identification of item], Roger W. Axford Papers, MSS-429, Arizona State University Library.


Roger Axford donated these materials to University Archives in numerous installments between 1986 and 2002.

Processing Note

No original order could be discerned in the Axford Papers beyond the folder level. Axford transferred the majority of these materials to University Archives in small increments over the course of several decades, resulting in a large number of discrete accessions with no clear organizational relationship to one another. Although a larger quantity of materials was transferred in 1992, it was largely unorganized and subject groupings did not extend beyond two to four folders at a time. As such, the processing archivist imposed series and sub-series on this collection based on the subject categories discovered. Folders created by Axford were maintained and Axford's titles used to the largest extent possible. In cases where papers were received loose or no title was provided, the archivist assigned a title on processing.

Container List

Series I: Activism
Sub-Series A: Coalition for World Peace and Institute for Peace Education and Research
11 Beyond War Award Nomination, 1988
12 Campus Ministers, 1984
13 Certificate of Appreciation to Dr. Axford, 1989
14 Clippings, 1986-1987
15 Correspondence, 1982-1991
16 "Dangers from the Far Right!" Conference, 1995 October 2
17 Film Descriptions and Advertisements, 1988-1989
18 Governance, 1982-1989
19 Martin Luther King Jr. Award Nomination, 1986
110 Meetings, 1982
111 Meetings, 1983
112 Meetings, 1984
113 Meetings, 1985
114 Meetings, 1986
115 Meetings, 1987
116 Meetings, 1988
117 Meetings, 1989
118 Meetings, 1990
119 Meetings, 1991
120 Meetings, 1993
121 Meetings, 1995
122 Meetings, 1996, 1998
123 Meetings, Undated
124 Military Spending Data, 1989
125 Notes and Business Cards, circa 1980s
126 Public Demonstrations, 1985-1990
127 Rosters and Mailing Lists, 1981-1988
128 Santos, Dr. Daniel S., 1989
129 Speakers: Benson, La Mont, 1982 March-September
130 Speakers: Caldicott, Helen, 1983, 1989
131 Speakers: Chutick, Andrea, 1983 February
132 Speakers: Clark, Ramsey, 1986-1988
133 Speakers: Collett, Miranda, 1990
134 Speakers: Cousins, Norman, 1987 May-October
135 Speakers: Ferencz, Benjamin B., 1989 May-October
136 Speakers: Harder, Sarah, 1989 November 21
137 Speakers: Hardt, Ann, 1982 October
138 Speakers: Jones, Enid, 1983 January 17
139 Speakers: Logue, Dr. John J., 1990 March 4
140 Speakers: Marek, Elaine, 2001 April 30
141 Speakers: Maroto, Fr. Rafael, 1988 July
142 Speakers: Marshall, Jonathan, 1982
21 Speakers: Mitchell, Harry, 1982 June 14
22 Speakers: Morrison, Frank, 1983
23 Speakers: Nanda, Ved P., 1985
24 Speakers: Noggle-Doncaster, Steve, 1985
25 Speakers: O'Brien, Bishop Thomas J., 1982
26 Speakers: O'Leary, Brian, 1988 April
27 Speakers: Peace Links, 1985 October-1986 January
28 Speakers: Rathjens, Dr. George W., 1988 March 25
29 Speakers: Santos, Dr. Sheryl L., 1990 January 22
210 Speakers: Willeford, Natasha, 1990
211 Speakers: Wootton, Richard T., 1987 January
212 Speakers: Yamada, Mitsuye, 1989
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 64/OV2, Folder 1]
213 Speakers: Other, 1982-1991
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 64/OV2, Folder 2]
214 Speakers: Regrets, 1984-1989
215 Institute for Peace Education and Research: Brochures, 1988
31 Institute for Peace Education and Research: Clements, Kevin P. (Department of Sociology, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand), 1989-1990
216 Institute for Peace Education and Research: Correspondence, 1989
217 Institute for Peace Education and Research: "The Institute Report", 1989
Sub-Series B: Anti-Nuclear Warfare
218 "Adult Education, Banning Nuclear Arms, and World Law!" Abstract, circa 1980s
219 Arizonans for a Bi-Lateral Nuclear Weapons Freeze, 1982
220 Arizona State University Newman Center, circa 1980s
221 "Ban the Bomb" Poster Circulation, 1982
222 Boycotts of Nuclear-Supporting Companies, circa 1980s
223 Caldecott, Helen, 1989
224 Center for War/Peace Studies, circa 1981
225 Children's Appeal for Peace, 1982-1984
226 CIA Recruitment at ASU, 1986
227 Clippings, 1982-1989
228 Correspondence, 1977-1985
229 Correspondence, 1986-1989
230 Correspondence, 1990-1991
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 64/OV2, Folder 3]
231 Counselors for Social Responsibility, 1983
232 Disarmament, 1982-1999
233 Documentaries, 1984
234 Educators for Social Responsibility, 1984
235 Faculty Teach-In for Human Survival, Arizona State University, 1977 December 9
236 Fox Valley Peace Initiative, 1982
237 Ground Zero, 1982
32 Harrisburg-Hiroshima-Nagasaki Committee, 1990-1991
238 Inmates: Cordaro, Fr. Frank, 1988
239 Inmates: Day, Sam, 1989-1990
240 "A Letter to my Grandson", 1984
241 LIA 294: The Nuclear Arms Race (Dr. Austin Jones, Arizona State University, 1986
242 MX Missile Program, 1981-1982
41 Northern Sun Alliance, 1987
42 Nuclear Arms Race and Nuclear Deterrence, 1982-1993
43 "Nuclear Reactions: Physicists and Psychologists Meet in Dialogue", circa 1983
44 Nuclear Testing and Nuclear Test Bans, 1987-1988
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 69/OV3, Folder 1]
45 Nuclear Freeze, 1982-1983
46 Organization to Prevent Nuclear Annihilation, 1986
47 Physical Effects of Radiation, circa 1980s
48 Resolution to Make ASU, NAU, and UA Nuclear-Free Zones, 1986
49 Soviet-American Peace Walk, 1989
410 "Star Wars", 1985-1986
411 Survey Documenting American Knowledge Regarding Nuclear War, 1985-1986
412 Tempe Nuclear-Free Zone, 1984-1989
413 Treaties, circa 1980s
414 Trinity Cathedral, circa 1980s
415 Union of Concerned Scientists, 1981
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 64/OV2, Folder 4]
416 United Campuses to Prevent Nuclear War, 1984-1986
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 64/OV2, Folder 5]
417 United Nations Review, circa 1980s
418 Weapons Research at ASU, 1986
419 "What You Give ... Is What You Get!", Community Christian Church, Tempe, Arizona, 1983 May 1
420 Wood son, Helen, 1987
421 "World War III Fight Song" by Tom Letterer Lyrics, 1988
Sub-Series C: Conscientious Objectors
422 "Are You Ready for the Draft??? What is a Conscientious Objector?", circa 1980s
423 "The Axford Case" by Albert W. Palmer, The Open Door, 1944 May 20
424 Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors, 1981-1990
425 Clippings, 1982-1986
426 Daniel Brigantine Presentation, University of Arizona, 1982 February-March
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 64/OV2, Folder 6]
427 Fourth Triennial Conscientious Objector Reunion, Spring Grove, Pennsylvania, 1984 July 8
428 Friends Draft and Military Counseling, 1991
429 Horton, Rev. Robert, 1990
430 Inmates: Beaumont, Judy, 1983
431 Inmates: Doyle, Bill, 1983
432 Inmates: Rabat, Carl OMI, 1989
433 Inmates: Wad, Jerry, 1990-1991
434 National Inter religious Service Board for Conscientious Objectors, 1983
435 Notes, circa 1980s
436 "An Open Letter to the Draft Resistance Support Community" by Benjamin Sway, 1985 July 19
437 Vietnam War, 1985-1988
438 War Resistors League, 1982-1990
Sub-Series D: Proposal to End ROTC at Arizona State University
439 Clippings Regarding Proposal to End ROTC at ASU, 1990 January-April
440 Correspondence, Supporting, 1990 January-March
441 Correspondence, Opposing, 1990 January-May
442 Correspondence, Other, 1990 January-March
443 Proposed Resolution to End ROTC at ASU, 1990 January-March
444 Response to "Rank Idea on ROTC" in Tempe Daily News Tribune, 1990 January
445 ROTC at Other Educational Institutions, 1986, 1990
446 Other Papers, 1990
Sub-Series E: Peace Organizations
447 Alliance for Our Common Future, 1990
448 American Friends Service Committee, 1981-1990
449 American Peace Test, circa 1980s
51 Amnesty International, 1984-1989
52 Vanuatu Global Organization, 1990-1991
53 Arizona Action Linkage, 1985
54 Arizona Center to Reverse the Arms Race: Events, 1987-1988
55 Arizona Center to Reverse the Arms Race: Governance, 1982-1988
56 Arizona Center to Reverse the Arms Race: Promotional Materials, circa 1988
57 Arizona Center to Reverse the Arms Race: Other Papers, 1987-1988
58 Arizona Federalists, 1983-1989
59 Arizona Peace Fellowship, 1987
510 Arizona State University: Committee in Solidarity with the People of Iran, 1986
511 Beatitudes Center D.O.A.R., 1983
512 Beyond War in Arizona, 1985-1990
513 Center for Common Security, 1989
514 Center for Peace Work and International Exchange, 1986-1990
515 Central America Peace Campaign, 1988
516 Clergy and Laity Concerned, 1987
517 Commission to Oust Aryan Nazis in the East Valley, circa 1980s
518 Den Internationale Sink-hole, 1987
519 Disciples Peace Fellowship, 1987
520 East Valley Ecumenical Peacemakers, 1982
521 East Valley Gray Panthers, 1983-1988
522 Educators for Social Responsibility, 1988
523 Fellowship of Reconciliation Speakers Bureau, 1980
524 Foundation for Peace, 1989
525 The Freedom Writer, 1987
526 Friends Committee on National Legislation, 1986
527 Grandmothers for Peace, 1987-1988
528 Highlander Research and Education Center, 1985
529 Humanist Society of Greater Phoenix, 1977
530 The Human Quest, circa 1980s
531 International Fellowship of Reconciliation, 1987-1990
532 Mid-Peninsula Conversion Project, circa 1980s
533 New World Alliance, circa 1980s
534 Nuremburg Actions, 1989-1990
535 Peace Pals, 1987
536 Physicians for Social Responsibility, 1982-1991
537 Planetary Citizens, 1976 February-March
538 Prescott Peace Network, circa 1980s
539 Quakers, 1982-1991
540 SERVAS, circa 1989
541 Sociedad Bautista Evangélica, 1985
542 State Bar of Arizona Section on World Peace Through Law, 1990
543 Theresians of the United States, 1983, 1985
544 Unitarian Universalist Association, 1983
61 United Nations Association of the USA Greater Phoenix Chapter, 1981-1990
62 United Nations: Nomination of Robert Mueller for an Honorary ASU Degree, 1981-1984
63 United Nations: University for Peace, 1983-1991
64 United Nations, 1964-1990
65 Universal House of Justice, 1986
66 University of Arizona Conflict Studies Committee, 1985
67 Witness for Peace, 1984
68 Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Phoenix Area Branch: Noble Prize, 1983 April
69 Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, 1984
610 World Affairs Council of Phoenix, 1987
611 The World University, 1978-1984
612 World Peace University, 1985
613 World Without War Council, 1988
614 YWCA of the USA, 1987
615 Unidentified Organizations, 1982
Sub-Series F: Other Peace Files
616 "Achieving Peace by the Year 2000: Do You Have a Choice!", 1989
617 Arms Sales, 1983, 1991
618 Bibliographies of Peace Resources, 1985
619 Clippings, Quotes, and Graphics, 1982-1994
620 Correspondence: Bauer, Alfred W., 1988-1990
621 Correspondence, 1978-1984
33 Correspondence, 1985-1988
622 Correspondence, 1989
623 Correspondence, 1990-1994, Undated
624 "A Festival of Peace", Phoenix, Arizona, 1989
625 Franz Müller Address to the Students of the Willy Graf Gymnasium, Munich, Germany, 1980 April 19
626 G. Gordon Liddy Lecture, 1987 September 29
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 64/OV2, Folder 7]
627 The Great Peace March, circa 1980s
628 Hate Mail, 1986-1988
629 "Let There Be Peace on Earth" Music, 1955, 1983
630 Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd Peace Pole Dedication, 1988 May 29
631 Morris Udall Lecture Regarding Peace and National Security, 1983
632 Munden, John R., 1968
71 "No More War" Sheet Music, 1990
72 Notes, Undated
73 Peace Movement in Japan, circa 1985
74 "A Pledge of Planetary Allegiance", circa 1990s
75 "Preamble to Belief", 1986
76 Response to "American, Russian friends wanted" in the State Press, 1987
77 Sister Cities Program, 1989-1990
78 Southwest International Expo, 1995
79 Unidentified Petition, circa 1980s
710 Valley of the Sun Peace Fair for a Livable World, 1990
711 Violence, circa 1980s
712 "What You Can Do For Peace", circa 1980
713 Youth Peace Conference, 1987
Sub-Series G: Education
714 Barry Goldwater Chair of American Institutions, Arizona State University, 1977-1979
715 Bhopal Technical and Educational Training Center, Bhopal, India, 1985-1987
716 Clippings, 1985-1991
717 The DeMund Foundation, circa 1980s
718 Funding, 1985-1990
719 Indian Education Act Title IV, 1982-1983
720 Legislation, 1987
721 Martin Luther King Jr. Day Anti-War March, Arizona State University, 1991
722 Perceived Discrimination Against Conservative Politics in Higher Education, 1986
723 Recruiting New Teachers, circa 1980s
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 64/OV2, Folder 8]
724 Response to Barbara Bush Interview with Pat McMahan Regarding Education and Drugs, 1988
725 Response to "Nation at Risk" Panel, 1989
726 Response to "N.E.A. Activists Sacrifice Education to Ideology" in the State Press, 1983 October 4-5
727 Response to "No Deduction for Private Schools" in the Tempe Daily News, 1983
728 Starsky, Morris, circa 1976
729 Tribally Controlled Community Colleges Act, 1983
Sub-Series H: Police and Prisons
34 Alliance for Correctional Justice, 1972-1976
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 64/OV2, Folder 9]
730 Alliance for Correctional Justice, 1976
731 Arizona Department of Corrections Religious Advisory Committee, 1981-1991
732 Arizona Probation, Parole, and Corrections Association, 1982
733 Bill Schultz Committee Regarding Corrections and Law Enforcement Issues, 1984-1986
734 Capital Punishment, 1977-1990
735 Committee of 100 for Alternatives to Incarceration, 1986-1990
736 Corrections Employees, 1984-1985
737 Correspondence: Elected Officials, 1977-1989
738 Correspondence: Kitsuse, Nelson and Taka, 1990
739 Correspondence, 1982-1983
740 East Valley Amnesty International, circa 1980s
741 Florence Prison, 1975-1976
742 Funding and Privatization, 1977, 1988
743 Inmate Education, 1976-1991
744 Inmates: Boertze, Greg, 1989 September 11
81 Inmates: Evans, Jeff, 1987
82 Inmates: López, Jesus P., 1982-1990
83 Inmates: Miller, Richard, 1989
84 Inmates: Naftel, Avi, 1988-1989
85 Inmates: Rodriguez, Roy, 1987-1991
86 Inmates: Other, 1989
87 Police Brutality, circa 1980s
6129 State of Arizona v Roger W. Axford: Clippings, 1997 April-September
This case centered around Axford's arrest for criminal trespassing at ASU's Memorial Union while gathering signatures for a petition to release former Navajo Chairman Peter MacDonald from prison following a massive heart attack that was expected to take his life. Axford contended that this arrest was a violation of his 1st Amendment right to free speech.
6130 State of Arizona v Roger W. Axford: Correspondence with Lewis and Roca, 1997 April-July
6131 State of Arizona v Roger W. Axford: Criminal Trespass Citation, 1997 March 10
6132 State of Arizona v Roger W. Axford: Letters to Lattie Coor in Support of Axford, 1997
6133 State of Arizona v Roger W. Axford: Letters to Roger Axford, 1997 April-October
6134 State of Arizona v Roger W. Axford: Motion to Dismiss, 1997 August
6135 State of Arizona v Roger W. Axford: Notes, 1997
6136 State of Arizona v Roger W. Axford: Petition to Release Peter MacDonald, 1997
6137 State of Arizona v Roger W. Axford: Policies and Laws, 1992-1997
6138 State of Arizona v Roger W. Axford: Pre-Trial Conference, 1997 April 7
6139 State of Arizona v Roger W. Axford: Request for the American Civil Liberties Union to be Added as Amicus Curae, 1997 September 15
6140 State of Arizona v Roger W. Axford: Roger Axford Affidavit, 1997 October 22
6141 State of Arizona v Roger W. Axford: Transfer from Tempe Justice Court to Scottsdale Justice Court, 1997 May
6142 State of Arizona v Roger W. Axford: Other Materials, 1997
88 Tempe Police Department, 1987
89 Wrongful Conviction, 1983
810 Other Papers, 1980-1989
Sub-Series I: Political and Social Causes
811 Action Linkage, 1984-1989
812 American Alliance of Clergy, 1988
813 American Civil Liberties Union, 1989
814 American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees Local 3195, 1987
815 Arizona Democratic Council, 1986
816 Arizona Ecumenical Council, 1988 January 23
817 Arizona Green Party, 1987-1991
818 Arizona State Democratic Committee, circa 1990s
819 At-Will Employment and Unionization, 1984-1988
820 Campaigns: Arizona Corporation Commission, 1985-1990
821 Campaigns: County Attorney: Stanton, Georgia, 1988
822 Campaigns: Gubernatorial: Babbitt, Bruce, 1982
823 Campaigns: Gubernatorial: Warner, Carolyn, 1986-1987
824 Campaigns: Presidential: Cranston, Alan, 1983
825 Campaigns: Presidential: Jackson, Jesse, 1984
826 Campaigns: Presidential: Kefauver, Estes and Adlai Stevenson, 1952
827 Campaigns: Secretary of State: Mahoney, [?], 1989
828 Campaigns: State Senate: Ashe, Bob, circa 1980s
829 Campaigns: Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1982, 1986
35 Campaigns: U.S. Senate: DeConcini, Dennis, 1982, 1987
830 Campaigns: U.S. Senate: Metzenbaum, Howard M., 1988
831 Campaigns: Other, 1976-1990
832 Center for Economic Conversion, 1987
833 Center for New Directions, 1989
834 Central America: Coalition Against U.S. Aggression in Central America, 1982-1987
835 Central America: El Salvador, 1982-1990
836 Central America: Honduras, 1986
837 Central America: Nicaragua, 1985-1990
838 Central America: Panama, 1978-1990
839 Central America: Refugees, 1984-1989
840 Central America, 1984-1993
841 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 1977
842 Childshare and Toy Library, 1984
91 China, 1983
92 Christ Chapel United Methodist Church: Church and Society Committee, 1976-1977
93 Christ Chapel United Methodist Church: Federal Law Enforcement, 1977
94 Christ Chapel United Methodist Church: Governance, 1976-1977
95 Christ Chapel United Methodist Church: Pamphlets, Brochures, and Reports, 1975-1977
96 Christ Chapel United Methodist Church: Political Participation, 1977
97 Christ Chapel United Methodist Church: Prisons and Incarcerated People, 1976-1977
98 Citizens Committee on Community Issues, 1978
99 Civil Disobedience and Protesting: Duncombe, David C., 1991
910 Civil Disobedience and Protesting, 1986-1991
911 Clippings, 1989
912 Commission for Hispanic Affairs (Proposed), 1979-1983
6143 Committee of 100: East Valley Father's Day Gun Meltdown: Clippings, 1999
621 Committee of 100: East Valley Father's Day Gun Meltdown: Planning, 1999 May-June
622 Committee of 100: East Valley Father's Day Gun Meltdown: Publicity and Other Materials, 1999
913 "Democracy Begins on Our Street" Luncheon, Chicago Art Institute, 1952 April 16
914 Desegregation, 1986
915 District 27 Democrats, 1988-1991
916 Earth-To-Presidents Project, 1989
917 East Valley Democratic Breakfast Club, 1987-1991
918 Economy, 1983-1990
919 Environmentalism, 1985-1991
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 64/OV2, Folder 10]
920 Freedom of Speech, 1986-1990
921 free zine. social alternatives in your face, 1989 February
922 "Future Demands on U.S. Citizens", circa 1980s
923 Gambling and Lottery, 1989
924 Gun Violence, 1988-1990
925 Homesteading Act of 1983, circa 1983
926 Hon Kachina Awards Program, 1983
927 Humes, Ted, 1987
928 Hunger, 1984-1991
929 INTRAC Systems, 1985
930 Kabat, Paul, 1986-1987
931 Legislation: Civil Liberties Act of 1988, 1989
932 Legislation: Employer-Provided Educational Assistance, 1991
933 Legislation: Japanese Reparations Act of 1987 (H.R. 442), 1989
934 Legislation: Non-Smoker Rights for Federal Employees (S.B. 1440), 1985
935 Legislation: Peace Tax Fund, 1991
936 Legislation: Speed Limit, circa 1980s
937 League of Women Voters of Metro Phoenix, 1983
938 LGBT+ Issues, 1977-1989
939 MacDonald, Peter, 1989
940 Maricopa County Democrats, 1988
941 Maricopa County Election Board, 1988
942 Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday, 1986-1989
943 Mecham, Evan Recall, 1986-1989
[Oversized Materials Removed to Map Case]
101 Middle East: Gulf War, 1990-1991
102 Middle East: Iran, 1981-1987
103 Middle East: "No War for Oil in the Middle East" Petition, circa 1991
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 69/OV3, Folder 2]
104 Middle East: "Peace Breaks Out at Chuy's", 1990
105 Middle East, 1983-1991
106 Military Spending, 1982-1996
107 Missing and Murdered Children, 1981
108 Mofford, Rose, 1989
109 Mondale, Walter, 1977
1010 National Parents' Council on AIDS, 1990
1011 Older People: Area Agency on Aging, Region I (Serving Maricopa County), 1976-1978
1012 Older People: Area Agency on Aging, Region I (Serving Maricopa County), 1976-1977 (Removed from Envelope)
1013 Older People: Beatitudes Center Developing Older Adult Resources (D.O.A.R.), 1977, 1981
1014 Older People: Beatitudes Center Developing Older Adult Resources (D.O.A.R.), 1982
1015 Older People: Beatitudes Center Developing Older Adult Resources (D.O.A.R.), 1983-1984
1016 Older People: Beatitudes Center Developing Older Adult Resources (D.O.A.R.), Undated
1017 Older People, 1985-1989
1018 Palme, Olof, 1986
1019 People with Disabilities, 1985-1990
1020 Rainbow Coalition of Arizona, 1985
1021 Reagan, Ronald, 1982-1989
1022 Religious Bigotry, 1990, 1997
1023 Rustin, Bayard, 1987
111 Separation of Church and State, 1986-1989
112 Seville Statement on Violence, 1988
113 Smoking, 1988-1989
114 Society for International Development, 1983
115 South Africa, 1985-1989
116 Tempe Boys and Girls Club, 1984
117 United Way, 1983-1987
118 U.S. Supreme Court, 1987-1991
119 Utilities, 1983-1987
Includes information about the Palo Verde plant.
1110 Windstar, 1988
1111 World Peace and One World Government, 1986-1988
1112 World Service Federation, 1980
1113 Young Democrats at ASU, 1991
1114 Other Papers and Notes, Undated
Series II: Teaching, Consulting, and Academic Service
Sub-Series A: Arizona State University
1115 AED 422: Introduction to Adult Education, 1976
1116 AED 510: Introduction to Adult Education, 1986-1991
1117 AED 511: Introduction to Adult Education, 1976-1983
1118 AED 512, 1981 Summer
1119 AED 525, circa 1980s
1120 AED 566: International Adult Education, 1990 Fall
1121 AED 589: Administration of Adult Education, 1983
1122 AED 591: Administration of Adult Education, 1976 Summer
1123 AED 591: Successful Recareering, 1986
1124 AED 591: Characteristics of the Adult Learner, circa 1980s
1125 AED 711: Adult Education Synthesis: Course Descriptions, 1975-1979
1126-27 AED 711: Adult Education Synthesis: Course Materials, 1969-1979
121 AED 711: Adult Education Synthesis: Other Materials, 1976-1979
122-3 AED 711: Adult Education Synthesis: Student Work, 1976-1979
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 64/OV2, Folder 11]
124 AED 711: Adult Education Synthesis: Tests, Quizzes, and Projects, 1975-circa 1979
125 HAE 510: Development and Structure of Adult Education, 1983-1985
126 HAE 566: International Adult Education, 1986
127 HAE 591: International Adult Education, 1986
128 HAE 591: Successful Recareering, 1983-1985
129 HAE 633: Research in Higher and Adult Education, 1983
1210 HED 533: The Community Junior College: Bibliographies, circa 1980s
1211 HED 533: The Community Junior College: "Business Proposal: A Comprehensive Approach to the Study of Literacy Development in the Community College", 1978 July
1212 HED 533: The Community Junior College: Clippings, 1970-1979
1213 HED 533: The Community Junior College: Correspondence and Notes, 1977-1979
1214 HED 533: The Community Junior College: Course Descriptions, 1977-1980
1215 HED 533: The Community Junior College: Course Materials, 1970-1982
1216 HED 533: The Community Junior College: Evaluations, 1977
131 HED 533: The Community Junior College: Student Work, 1977-1982
132 HED 533: The Community Junior College: Tests and Projects, 1977-circa 1982
133 SED 580, 1987
134 SPF 111: Exploration of Education, 1989 Fall
135 SPF 111: Exploration of Education, 1990 Fall
136 SPF 111: Exploration of Education, 1991 Spring
137 SPF 591B: Graduate Seminar on Illiteracy in Industrialized Countries, 1986
138 Unidentified Class: Student Work, 1975
139 Other and Unidentified Classes, 1982, 1986
1310 Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee: Annual Reports, 1982
1311 Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee: Axford Service and Vote to Remove, 1984
1312 Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee: Communication with President J. Russell Nelson, 1982-1985
1313 Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee: Criteria for Promotion and Tenure, 1973-1980
1314 Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee: Governance Documentation, 1958, circa 1984
1315 Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee: Membership, circa 1982
1316 Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee: Memoranda, Correspondence, and Notes, 1982-1985
1317 Ad-Hoc Competency Based Committee, 1975-1976
1318 Adult Development and Aging Program Annual Report, 1990 August 15
1319 Adult Education: Aging and Lifecycle, 1963-1964
1320 Adult Education: Bibliographies, 1952-1981
1321 Adult Education: Cartoons and Quotes, circa 1960s-circa 1980s
1322 Adult Education: Creative Problem Solving, 1960-1966
141 Adult Education: Curriculum, 1961
142 Adult Education: Diffusion Process, 1957-1964
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 69/OV3, Folder 3]
143 Adult Education: Expressed Goals of Those who Undertake Adult Education, 1965
144 Adult Education: Field of Adult Education Flow Chart, 1963
145 Adult Education: Film Ideas, 1966-1967
146 Adult Education: Group Dynamics, circa 1960s
147 Adult Education: Learning Games, 1974
148 Adult Education: Program Methods, 1965
149 Adult Education: Module Resources and Program Planning, 1975
1410 Adult Education: Motivating Adults to Learn, 1962-1966
1411 Adult Education: Notes, Undated
1412 Adult Education: Propaganda Game, 1981-1985
1413 Adult Education: Seminar on Greek Culture, 1985
1414 Adult Education: Study of Television Utilization in Nigeria, 1984
1415 Adult Education: Vocational Interest and Career Choice, 1955-1960
1416 Adult Education and Aging Program: "Exit with Thunder", 1983
1417 American Association of University Professors, Arizona Conference, 1980
1418 American Federation of Teachers Local #2050, 1982-1986
1419 Arizona Adult Education Week Proclamation, 1986 September 15
1420 Business and Management Student Survey, 1984
1421 "The California Master Plan for Higher Education in the Seventies and Beyond", 1972-1975
151 Canadian Exchange Program, 1983
152 Cano, Elmer and Nelson, 1981 March
153 Center for Higher and Adult Education: Instructional Needs Analysis of Part-Time Community College Faculty, 1977
154 Center for Higher and Adult Education: Market Research Project, 1977
155 Center for Higher and Adult Education: "Status Report Summary of Adult Education Students", 1976
156 Center for Latin American Studies: Film Showings, circa 1980s
157 Center for Latin American Studies: Víctor Pérez Vargas Presentation, 1983
158 Center for the Study of Higher Education, 1973
159 Clippings Regarding the College of Education, 1977-1987
151 Clippings and Articles Regarding Continuing and Adult Education, 1948-1987
1511 Clippings Regarding Higher Education, 1975-1987
1512 Clippings Regarding Arizona State University, 1982-1989
1513 "COE Bulletin", 1985
1514 College of Education: Administrative Council Minutes, 1982-1983
1515 College of Education: Affirmative Action Committee, 1986-1987
1516 College of Education: Affirmative Action Plan, 1983-1984
1517 College of Education: Distinguished Achievement Award Committee, 1984
1518 College of Education: Events, circa 1980s
1519 College of Education: Faculty Meeting Minutes, 1981-1990
1520 College of Education: Graduate Assistantships and Graduate Students, 1982-1988
1521 College of Education: "Language and Cultural Diversity", 1990 March 1
Draft report regarding increasing cultural diversity in the College of Education.
1522 College of Education: Personnel Policy, 1980
1523 College of Education: Promotion and Tenure, 1979-1981
1524 College of Education: Sabbatical Leave Committee, 1979
1525 College of Education: Standing Committees, 1990
1526 College of Education: Task Forces, 1984
1527 College of Education: Themes (Diversity, Change, Lifespan), 1990
1528 Committee on Governance Grievances (Proposed), 1983
1529 Core Faculty in Women's Studies Application, 1985
1530 Course Description Format, 1979
1531 Curriculum Evaluation, 1950
161 Curriculum Evaluation, 1961-1966
162 Curriculum Evaluation, 1972-1978
163 Curriculum Evaluation, 1980-1981
164 Curriculum Evaluation, Undated
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 64/OV2, Folder 12]
165 Division of Curriculum and Instruction Faculty Meeting Minutes, 1987
166 Ed.D. Degree, 1978-1986
167-8 Evaluating Adult Education Students and Programs, 1962-1978
169 Faculty: Abraham, Willard, circa 1970s
1610 Faculty: Axford, Roger: Annual Work Plans, 1980-1985
171 Faculty: Axford, Roger: Biographical, 1967-1988
172 Faculty: Axford, Roger: Calendar, 1982
173 Faculty: Axford, Roger: Calendar, 1984
174 Faculty: Axford, Roger: Calendar, 1987
175 Faculty: Axford, Roger: Certificates, 1958-1980
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 64/OV2, Folder 13]
176 Faculty: Axford, Roger: Clippings and Press Releases, 1950-1990
177 Faculty: Axford, Roger: Fulbright Scholar Program Faculty Grant Application, 1988-1989
178 Faculty: Axford, Roger: Misuse of ASU Letterhead, Campus Mail System, and Secretarial Resources, 1982-1991
179 Faculty: Axford, Roger: Retirement and Emeritus Status, 1975-1991
1710 Faculty: Axford, Roger: Sabbatical, 1988
1711 Faculty: Chair, Higher and Adult Education Search, 1982-1984
1712 Faculty: Dean, College of Education Search, 1978
1713 Faculty: Dean, College of Education Search, 1985
1714 Faculty: Director, Division of Curriculum and Instruction Search, 1989
1715 Faculty: Reader, Mark, 1982
1716 Faculty: Wrenn, Gilbert C., 1976, 1989
1717 Faculty Senate: Affirmative Action, 1982-1983
181 Faculty Senate, 1980-1989
182 Funding Opportunities, 1980-1983
183 "General Logic Test", circa 1980s
184 Ghatala, Habeeb, 1979-1980
185 Graduate Council Education Committee, 1985
186 Hans Burgman Study Trip to Arizona State University, 1986 June-July
187 Hieji Guakin Academy Visit to ASU, 1990 January-February
188 Higher and Adult Education Alumni Board, 1982-1985
189 Higher and Adult Education Department: Annual Self-Evaluation, 1981
1810 Higher and Adult Education Department: Areas of Specialization, 1979
1811 Higher and Adult Education Department: Brochures and Certificates, circa 1980s
1812 Higher and Adult Education Department: Course Offerings, 1985
1813 Higher and Adult Education Department: Curriculum Committee, 1980
1814 Higher and Adult Education Department: Curriculum Committee, 1984
1815 Higher and Adult Education Department: Dissolution, 1985
1816 Higher and Adult Education Department: Graduates and Graduate Students, 1974-1975
1817 Higher and Adult Education Department: Lunch, 1986
1818 Higher and Adult Education Department: Meeting Agendas and Minutes, 1978
1819 Higher and Adult Education Department: Meeting Agendas and Minutes, 1979
1820 Higher and Adult Education Department: Meeting Agendas and Minutes, 1980
1821 Higher and Adult Education Department: Meeting Agendas and Minutes, 1981
1822 Higher and Adult Education Department: Meeting Agendas and Minutes, 1982
191 Higher and Adult Education Department: Meeting Agendas and Minutes, 1983
192 Higher and Adult Education Department: Meeting Agendas and Minutes, 1984
193 Higher and Adult Education Department: Meeting Agendas and Minutes, 1985
194 Higher and Adult Education Department: Meeting Agendas and Minutes, 1986
195 Higher and Adult Education Department: Newsletter, 1982
196 Higher and Adult Education Department: Objectives, 1979
197 Higher and Adult Education Department: Personnel Committee, 1983
198 Higher and Adult Education Department: Planning, 1980-1985
199 Higher and Adult Education Department: Plan, 1980-1981
1910 Higher and Adult Education Department: Plan, 1983-1984
1911 Higher and Adult Education Department: Professional Development Seminar: Quality in Graduate Programs: Definition and Assessment, 1983
1912 Higher and Adult Education Department: Review, 1986-1987
1913 Higher and Adult Education Department: Student Internships, 1984
1914 Information Regarding Biographies, 1933, 1973
1915 Information Regarding Other Adult Educators, 1982
1916 International Education Committee, 1979-1985
1917 International Students and Programs, 1984-1991
1918 Katherine Ell Memorial Award, 1982
1919 M.Ed. Degree, 1984-1985
1920 Meetings Between Roger Axford and Gladys Johnson, 1986-1987
1921 Memoranda and Meetings Between Roger Axford and Betty Greathouse, 1986-1989
1922 Memoranda Between Roger Axford and Delbert Weber, 1975-1976
1923 Memoranda Between Roger Axford and Gladys Johnson, 1985-1990
1924 Memoranda Between Roger Axford and L. Dean Webb, 1986-1991
201 Memoranda Between Roger Axford and Mark Rossman, 1978-1986
202 Memoranda Between Roger Axford and Merwin Deever, 1977
203 Memoranda Between Roger Axford and Ray Kulhavy, 1985
204 Memoranda Between Roger Axford and R. C. Richardson, 1978-1983
205 Memoranda Between Roger Axford and Robert Stout, 1979-1984
206 Memoranda to College of Education Faculty, 1975-1986
207 Memoranda to College of Education Faculty, 1985-1990
208 Memoranda to Department Chairs and Division Directors, 1978-1987
209 Memoranda to Division of Curriculum and Instruction Faculty, 1978-1987
2010 Memoranda to Higher and Adult Education Department Faculty, 1970-1979
2011 Memoranda to Higher and Adult Education Department Faculty, 1980-1982
2012 Memoranda to Higher and Adult Education Department Faculty, 1983-1988
2013 Other Memoranda, 1986-1987
2014 Memorial Service in Honor of Members of the ASU Family who Died Aboard Northwest Airlines Flight 255, 1987 August 26
2015 Notes, 1970
2016 Parent Education, 1963
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 69/OV3, Folder 4]
2017 "Penguin and Pencilguin in Power of Babel", 1986
2018 Phi Delta Kappa, 1970-1986
2019 Policies and Procedures for PH.D. and Ed.D. in Adult Education, circa 1980s
2020 Presentations and Recruitment by Other ASU Departments, 1982-1990
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 64/OV2, Folder 14]
2021 "Program Development Sources for Adult Education", circa 1960s
2022 Scandinavian Folk Schools, 1978
2023 Secondary Education Faculty Meeting Agenda, 1990
2024 Shelby, Delores, 1984
2025 Student Groups Regarding Adult Education, circa 1970s
211 Students: Smith, Harold, 1984-1985
212 Students, 1987
213 Study of Human Development Proposal, 1984-1986
214 "Thoughts on Okun's Thoughts About Concepts" by Ray Padilla, circa 1980s
215 University Continuing Education Advisory Council, 1980-1981
216 University Library, 1982
217 Westside Campus Planning Task Force, 1983-1984
Sub-Series B: Other Universities
218 Axford, Roger Position Applications, 1963-1964
219 Indiana University of Pennsylvania: Funding Adult Education, 1975
2110 Indiana University of Pennsylvania: "Proposal for Adult Education Professional Training (ADEPT)", 1975
2111 Indiana University of Pennsylvania: Retirement, 1961-1974
2112 Indiana University of Pennsylvania: School of Continuing and Non-Resident Education, 1969-circa 1974
2113 Indiana University of Pennsylvania: Other Materials, 1971
2114 Northern Illinois University: Industry and Technology 566: Problems in Adult Education: Student Work, 1966-1967
2115 Northern Illinois University: Promotion File, 1966-1967
36 Northern Illinois University, 1965-1967
2116 Summer Institute for Teacher Educators, Taos, New Mexico, Application, 1985
2117 University of Maine: Continuing Education Division, 1968
2118 University of Maine: Film and Lesson Evaluation, circa 1970s
2119 [University of Maine]: State of Maine Educational Television, 1968
2120 University of Minnesota: Ed Cl 104: Adult Education, circa 1960s
2121 University of Wisconsin: Education 155: Education and Agricultural Extension, 1958-1962
2122 University of Wisconsin: Education 155: Principles of Adult Education: Student Work, 1963-1965
221 University of Wisconsin: Education 157: Part-Time Education: The Organization of Instruction in Adult Education, 1962
222 University of Wisconsin: Education 369: Improving the Adult Educational Program, 1954-1959
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 69/OV3, Folder 5]
223 University of Wisconsin: Educational Psychology 340, 1964
224 University of Wisconsin: Adult Education Resources Bibliography and Reading List, 1964-1965
225 University of Wisconsin: Adult Education Survey, 1962
226 University of Wisconsin: Associate Director, Informal Instructional Services, 1957-1965
227 University of Wisconsin: Department of Education Book Lists, 1955-1964
228 University of Wisconsin: Adult Student Characteristics, 1959-1962
229-10 University of Wisconsin: Leadership in Adult Education, 1957-1972
2211 University of Wisconsin: Master of Science Degree in Education, 1962-1965
2212 University of Wisconsin: Role Playing in Adult Education, 1968-1969
231 University of Wisconsin: School of Education and University Extension Division, 1961-1963
232 University of Wisconsin: Workshop in Parent Education, 1959-1960
Sub-Series C: Community Colleges
233 "Arizona Community Colleges Annual Report to the Public", 1977 April
234 Arizona Community College Board: Axford Campaign and Election: Governing Board Election Packet, 1978
235 Arizona Community College Board: Axford Campaign and Election, 1978
[Oversized Materials Removed to Map Case]
236 Arizona Community College System, circa 1979
237 Arizona State Community College Board: Agendas and Minutes, 1979
238 Arizona State Community College Board: Statement of Philosophy, 1976 October 23
239 Bibliography, circa 1979
2310 Canandore College, North Bay, Ontario, 1974-1977
2311 Central Arizona College, 1982
2312 Clippings and Articles, 1978-1989
2313 "The Composing Processes of Developmental Writers in the Community College" by Julie Bertch, 1981 May
2314 Correspondence, 1979, 1982
2315 Dudgeon, Paul J., 1975-1977
2316 "GED Pursuit: It's Not Trivial!", circa 1987
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 69/OV3, Folder 6]
2317 Glendale Community College, 1976-1984
2318 League for Innovation in the Community College, 1976-1977
2319 Maricopa Community Colleges: Introduction to Cooperative Education, 1982
2320 Maricopa County Community College District, circa 1979-1988
2321 Mercer Community College, New Jersey, 1982
2322 Mesa Community College, 1977-1978
2323 "Missions of Arizona Community Colleges: A Research Description", 1982 February 15
241 Occupational Education Contact Persons, 1977 November 29
242 Phoenix College, circa 1970s
243 Promotional Materials, 1976-circa 1980s
244 Resolution Regarding Older Students, 1978 March 20
245 Rio Salado Community College, 1981
246 Scottsdale Community College, 1976-1982
247 South Mountain Community College, 1980-1981
248 Tribally Controlled Community Colleges Act, 1983
249 Trusteeship, 1973-1981
2410 University of Alaska, Southeast, 1970-1977
2411 "Will There be a Community College in the Year 2000?" by Arthur M. Cohen, 1976 September
Sub-Series D: Professional Correspondence
2412 Bolles, Richard N., 1976-1984
2413 Kinsinger, Jack, 1984-1985
2414 McPhail, Dorothy B., 1981-1985
2415 Letters of Recommendation: Rossman, Mark, 1977-1980
2416 Letters of Recommendation (Incoming), 1983
2417 Letters of Recommendation (Outgoing), 1980-1991
2418 Professional Correspondence, 1959-1965
2419 Professional Correspondence, 1976
2420 Professional Correspondence, 1977
2421 Professional Correspondence, 1978
2422 Professional Correspondence, 1979
2423 Professional Correspondence, 1980
2424 Professional Correspondence, 1981
2425 Professional Correspondence, 1982 January-June
251 Professional Correspondence, 1982 July-December
252 Professional Correspondence, 1983 January-February
253 Professional Correspondence, 1983 March-April
254 Professional Correspondence, 1983 May-August
255 Professional Correspondence, 1983 September-October
256 Professional Correspondence, 1983 November-December
257 Professional Correspondence, 1984 January-June
258 Professional Correspondence, 1984 July-December
261 Professional Correspondence, 1985 January-May
262 Professional Correspondence, 1985 June-August
263 Professional Correspondence, 1985 September-December
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 64/OV2, Folder 15]
264 Professional Correspondence, 1986 January-March
265 Professional Correspondence, 1986 April-June
266 Professional Correspondence, 1986 July-December
267 Professional Correspondence, 1987 January-May
268 Professional Correspondence, 1987 June-September
271 Professional Correspondence, 1987 October-November
272 Professional Correspondence, 1988 January-May
273 Professional Correspondence, 1988 June-December
274 Professional Correspondence, 1989 January-May
275 Professional Correspondence, 1989 June-October
276 Professional Correspondence, 1989 November-December
277 Professional Correspondence, 1990 January-April
278 Professional Correspondence, 1990 May-August
279 Professional Correspondence, 1990 September-December
2710 Professional Correspondence, 1991
281 Professional Correspondence, Undated
Sub-Series E: Presentations and Workshops
282 Adult Basic Education Administrators Workshop, Northern Illinois University, 1968
283 Adult Education Film Festival, 1976 July 21
284 Adult Education Film Festival, 1976 November 10
285 Adult Education Film Festival, 1977 April 5-6
286 Adult Education in Finland and the USSR, 1990 August 4-26
287 Adult Education Seminar in China, Hong Kong, and Japan, 1983
37 Adult Education Seminar in China, Hong Kong, and Japan, 1984
291 Adult Education Tour in China, Hong Kong, and Korea, 1985
288 "Adult Learning and Successful Recareering", University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1984 January 13
289 Adult Vocational Coordinators Workshop, Phoenix, Arizona, 1977
2810 "Beyond War", 1986
2811-12 "Britain in a Nutshell", 1981 September 19-October 4
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 64/OV2, Folders 16-18]
2813 Business and Professional Men's Club of Tempe, 1988
2814 Career Expo '86, 1986
2815 Chaparral High School, 1989 October
2816 China [and] Hong Kong Travel Tour, 1983
2817 "China: The Emerging Giant", 1984
2818 "China Today", Pat McMahon [Show], KTAR, 1983 December
2819 Commodore Cruise Lines, 1991
2820 "Contemporary Politics and Education in South Asia", Arizona State University, 1983
2821 Coolidge Lions Club, 1982
2822 "Current Issues in Adult Education", Teacher Training Project in Adult Basic Education, California State University, Fullerton, 1976 June 19
2823 "Effective College-Community Consultation", Northern Illinois University, 1966
Tape 14"Evaluation of Learning", NACSP Model Schools Project circa 1960s (1 Open Reel Audiotape)
624 "Evaluation of Learning", NACSP Model Schools Project Original Label, circa 1960s
2824 Film Festival on Aging, 1979
2825 "How Adults Learn", University of Maine Civil Defense Education Project, Augusta, Maine, 1969 April 25
2826 ["How Adults Learn"], Community College of Allegheny County, Boyce Campus, 1975
2827 "How Adults Learn", Pima Community College, 1977 May
2828 "How Adults Learn", Texas A & I University System, 1977
2829 "How Adults Learn" and "Program Development", University of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, 1979-1980
2830 "How Adults Learn", 1981 September 8
2831 "How Adults Learn", Department of Library, Archives and Public Records Literacy Institute, 1986 December 4
2832 "How Adults Learn", Maricopa County Head Start, 1986
2833 "How Adults Learn" Course Materials, 1975-1982
Tape 1"How Adults Learn" Course Materials (1 Audio Cassette)
Tape 15"How Adults Learn" Course Materials: "Learning Theory and Classroom Practice in Adult Education" 1966 November (1 Open Reel Audiotape)
Tape 16"How Adults Learn" Course Materials: "Learning Theory and Classroom Practice in Adult Education" circa 1966 (1 Open Reel Audiotape)
71 "How Adults Learn" Course Materials: Filmstrip by Jacob W. Getzels, circa 1966
292 "How to Shift Gears: Recareering", Mesa Public Library, 1981
293 Indiana (Penn.) Kiwanis Club, 1981
294 Workshop: "International Issues, the UN, and the AZ Model UN", circa 1980s
295 John J. Rhodes Jr. High School, 1983, 1987
296 Kiwanis Club of Friendship Village, Tempe, 1986
297 Kodiak Community College, Alaska, 1980 February
298 Latin American Adult Education Study Tour, 1978
299 "Lifelong Learning", 1979-1980
2910 "Lectures on Board", Royal Viking Cruise Line, 1990 April-July
2911 "The Manager as an Educator: Adult Learning in the Hospital", Association of Western Hospitals Conference, 1980
2912 Mature Adult Job Fair, 1984
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 69/OV3, Folder 7]
2913 Moon Valley High School, 1988
2914 Morton Downey Jr. Show, 1989 January-February
2915 Motivating Adults to Learn!, 1958-1969
2916 "Motivation and Personality in Adulthood", Marshall University, Huntington, West Virginia, 1978 July 17-21
2917 "Obsolescence and the Modern Executive", Motorola Inc., 1965-1967
2918 [Overall Responsibilities of Managing People], State of New York Department of Social Services, 1970
2919 Parents Without Partners, Inc., Chapter 440, 1986
2920 "Passage to the Orient: China, Hong Kong, and Japan", 1984 July 12-August 2
2921 "Psychological Factors in Adult Education", Universidad de Simon Rodriguez, Caracas, Venezuela, 1977, 1987
301 "Recareering", Scottsdale Community College, 1983
302 "Roger Axford's International Class", Tempe, Arizona, 1983
303 Scandinavian Adult Education Seminar, Denmark, 1979 June 4-26
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 65/OV2, Folder 1]
304 Scandinavian Adult Education Seminar, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1980 June 9-July 2
305 Seminar for College Presidents and Administrators, circa 1960s
306 "Successful Recareering", Association for Systems Management, 1986
307 "Successful Recareering: Refocusing Your Life", Cameron University, Lawton, Oklahoma, 1986 March 14-15
308 "Successful Recareering" Workshop, 1983-1990
309 Sun Sky Kiwanis Club, 1983
3010 Tempe Boys' and Girls' Club In-Service Staff Training, circa 1980s
3011 "Top Priority: Adult Basic Education", Seminar for Administrators of Adult Education, Columbus, Ohio, 1967
3012 "To Touch a Child" Leader's Guide, circa 1960s
3013 "A Touch of the Irish" [Tour of Southern Ireland], 1988
3014 Valley of the Sun Adult Education Roundtable, 1977
3015 Valley of the Sun Kiwanis Club, 1983
3016 Unidentified Presentations, circa 1980s
3017 Advertisements for Axford Presentations, circa 1980s
3018 Presentations by Others, circa 1980s
Sub-Series F: Consulting
3019 Affiliated Indian Centers of Arizona Adult Education Program: Consultant Agreements, 1981-1983
3020 [Affiliated Indian Centers of Arizona Adult Education Program]: Cook Christian Training School, 1982
3021 Affiliated Indian Centers of Arizona Adult Education Program: Correspondence, 1981-1984
3022 Affiliated Indian Centers of Arizona Adult Education Program: "Evaluation Report on the Yuma, Winslow, and Safford Indian Centers", 1983 June 8
3023 Affiliated Indian Centers of Arizona Adult Education Program: Inter-City Indian Center, Yuma, Arizona, 1981-1983
3024 Affiliated Indian Centers of Arizona Adult Education Program: Meeting Notes, 1981
3025 Affiliated Indian Centers of Arizona Adult Education Program: Personnel, circa 1981-1982
3026 Affiliated Indian Centers of Arizona Adult Education Program: Phase II Report, 1981
3027 Affiliated Indian Centers of Arizona Adult Education Program: Phase II Responses, 1981-1982
38 Affiliated Indian Centers of Arizona Adult Education Program: Photographs, 1978
3028 Affiliated Indian Centers of Arizona Adult Education Program: Prescott Indian Center, 1981-1982
3029 Affiliated Indian Centers of Arizona Adult Education Program: Report on the Prescott, Yuma, and Winslow Centers, 1981
311 Affiliated Indian Centers of Arizona Adult Education Program: Report on the Prescott, Winslow, and Yuma Centers, 1982
312 Affiliated Indian Centers of Arizona Adult Education Program: Resources: Bilingual Education and Literacy, 1982-1983
313 Affiliated Indian Centers of Arizona Adult Education Program: Resources: GED, 1982
314 Affiliated Indian Centers of Arizona Adult Education Program: Resources: The Indian Reading Series: Stories and Legends of the Northwest, circa 1980
315 Affiliated Indian Centers of Arizona Adult Education Program: Resources: Other, 1981-1982
316 Affiliated Indian Centers of Arizona Adult Education Program: Structure, 1981-1983
317 Affiliated Indian Centers of Arizona Adult Education Program: Winslow Indian Center, 1981-1982
318 Affiliated Indian Centers of Arizona Adult Education Program: Writing Skills Workshop, 1981
319 Mesa Public Schools: Special Experimental Demonstration Program 310 Grant Program: Mesa Adult Language Immersion, 1982-1984
3110 UNESCO Department of Adult Education, 1965
3111 Utah Navajo Development Council, 1976-1977
3112 Utah Navajo Development Council: "Evaluation of the Adult Education Program of the Education Division of the Utah Navajo Development Council, Blanding, Utah", 1978 May 25
3113 Utah Navajo Development Council: Utah Navajo Adult Learning Centers, 1978
3114 Utah Navajo Development Council, 1978
3115 Utah Navajo Development Council, 1979-1982
3116 Utah Navajo Development Council, Undated
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 69/OV3, Folder 8]
Series III: Conferences
3117 5th Annual National Conference on Continuing Education, Scottsdale, Arizona, 1986 November 20-21
3118 Ninth International Conference on Improving University Teaching, Dublin, Ireland, 1983 July 6-9
321 13th Annual Education Conference, New Mexico, 1988 June 11
322 Access to Employment: Improving LEP Vocational Skills, Scottsdale, Arizona, 1983 April 28-29
323 Adult Continuing Education Congress, New York City, New York, 1976 November 18-22
324 Adult Education Association, 1976-1982
325 Adult Education Research Association, 1981 April 13-17
326 Adult Education Research Conference, Raleigh, North Carolina, 1984 April 5-7
327 Adult Education Research Conference, Tempe, Arizona, 1985 March 22-24
328-10 Adult Education Research Conference: Papers, 1985 March 22-24
3211 Adult Education Research Conference: Proceedings, 1985 March 22-24
3212 Adult Education Research Conference, 1986
3213 Adult Education Research Conference, Laramie, Wyoming, 1987 May 21-23
3216 Adult Education Research Conference, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 1988 May 6-8
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 69/OV3, Folder 9]
3214 Adult Education Research Conference, 1988
3215 Adult Education Research Conference, Madison, Wisconsin, 1989 April 27-29
3217 American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1983 November 29-December 4
3218 American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, Hollywood, Florida, 1986 October 22-26
3219 American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, Washington, D.C., 1987 October 19-24
3220 American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, Washington, D.C., 1987 October 19-24
331 American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, 1989
332 American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, Buffalo, New York, 1990 April 28-May 2
333 American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, 1991
334 American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, 1992
335 American Association for Adult and Continuing Education Leadership Seminar, Washington, D.C., 1983-1987
336 American Forum on Education and International Competence, St. Louis, Missouri, 1988
337 "American Indian Image on Film: The Southwest", Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1982 February 9-13
338 Arizona Adult Education Association, Tucson, Arizona, 1980 December 5
339 Arizona Adult Education Association, Tucson, Arizona, 1982
3310 Arizona Adult Education Association, Casa Grande, Arizona, 1983
3311 Arizona Adult Education Association, Phoenix, Arizona, 1984 April 9
3312 Arizona Adult Education Association, Phoenix, Arizona, 1985 October 25
3313 Arizona Adult Education Association, Mesa, Arizona, 1986 April 4
3314 Arizona Adult Education Association, Mesa, Arizona, 1986 April 4
3315 Arizona Adult Education Association, Scottsdale, Arizona, 1986 November 21
3316 Arizona Adult Education Association, Ahwatukee, Arizona, 1987 April 3
3317 Arizona Adult Education Association, Tucson, Arizona, 1990 September 26-28
3318 Arizona Adult Education Association, Undated
3319 Arizona Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, Phoenix, Arizona, 1982 February 13
3320 Arizona Council for the Social Studies Rocky Mountain Regional Conference, 1989
3321 Arizona Counselors Association Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, 1983 October 28
3322 Arizona Guidance and Personnel Association, Tucson, Arizona, 1954 February 6
3323 Arizona Personnel and Guidance Association, Tucson, Arizona, 1957 November 9
3324 Arizona Personnel and Guidance Association, Scottsdale, Arizona, 1959 February 27-28
3325 Arizona Personnel and Guidance Association, Glendale, Arizona, 1960 March 4-5
3326 Arizona Personnel and Guidance Association, Tucson, Arizona, 1962 March 23-24
3327 Arizona Personnel and Guidance Association, Prescott, Arizona, 1967 April 14
3328 Arizona Personnel and Guidance Association, Tucson, Arizona, 1968 March 8-9
3329 Arizona Personnel and Guidance Association, Phoenix, Arizona, 1969 March 7-8
3330 Arizona Personnel and Guidance Association, Scottsdale, Arizona, 1970 March 6-7
3331 Arizona Personnel and Guidance Association, Tucson, Arizona, 1971 February 5-6
3332 Arizona Personnel and Guidance Association, Phoenix, Arizona, 1972 February 4
3333 Arizona Personnel and Guidance Association, Scottsdale, Arizona, 1975 March 7
3334 Arizona Personnel and Guidance Association, Tucson, Arizona, 1977 March 10-12
3335 Arizona Personnel and Guidance Association, Phoenix, Arizona, 1978 March 9-11
3336 Arizona Personnel and Guidance Association, Phoenix, Arizona, 1979 March 16-17
3337 Arizona Personnel and Guidance Association, 1979 November 2-3
3338 Arizona Personnel and Guidance Association, Flagstaff, Arizona, 1980 October 31-November
3339 Arizona State College at Tempe College of Education Guidance Conference, Tempe, Arizona, 1957 November 22-23
3340 Arizona State University Higher and Adult Education Alumni Association, Tempe, Arizona, 1979 February 1-4
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 65/OV2, Folder 2]
341 Arizona Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Phoenix, Arizona, 1990 January 25-27
342 Building Healthy Communities Conference Workshop, 1980 December 15
343 Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 1988
344 Carnegie Forum on Education, Tempe, Arizona, 1987
345 Combined Rocky Mountain Regional Conferences on Social Studies Education, Phoenix, Arizona, 1989 March 29-April 1
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 65/OV2, Folder 3]
346 Conference on the Role of the University in an Urban Setting, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1960 October 28
347 "Conflict and Power in Continuing Education", 1981 March 6
348 Continuing Education for Women, Tempe, Arizona, 1978 February 18
349 Developmental Education Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, 1983 November 3
3410 "Facing the Challenges and Challengers of Developmental Education", Phoenix, Arizona, 1982 February 3-5
3411 Far Western Philosophy of Education Society, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, California, 1989 December 1-2
3412 Far Western Philosophy of Education Society, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1990 December 7-8
3413 Folk Education Association of America Annual Conference and Business Meeting, Amherst, Massachusetts, 1990 June 20-24
3414 Global Objectives Conference, Overseas Development Network, 1990
3415 Grantmakers in Aging, Memphis, Tennessee, 1984 October 25-26
3416 Indian Education Conference, Tempe, Arizona, 1976-1977
3417 Indian Education Conference, 1978 March 17
3418 Indian Education Conference, 1981 April 13-14
3419 Indian Education Conference, 1982
3420 Initiatives in International Adult Education, Washington, D.C., 1983 October 20-21
3421 International Associates in Adult Education, Washington, D.C., 1991
3422 International Association of Adult Education, Helsinki, Finland, 1979 July 26-31
3423 International Congress for Research on Activity Theory, Lahti, Finland, 1990 May 21-25
3424 International Council for Adult Education, 1978-1984
3425 International Institute of Andragogy, 1977
3426 International Institute of Andragogy, Superior Council Meeting, Tallahassee, Florida, 1982
3427 International League for Social Commitment in Adult Education, 1985
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 65/OV2, Folder 21]
3428 International League for Social Commitment in Adult Education, University of Nottingham, England, 1986 July 13-18
3429 International League for Social Commitment in Adult Education, Amsterdam, Holland, 1987 June 28-July 3
3430 International League for Social Commitment in Adult Education, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1988 June 12-18
351 International League for Social Commitment in Adult Education, Managua, Nicaragua, 1989 August 6-12
352 Joint Conference on Adult Basic Education, Tempe, Arizona, 1986 February 22-23
353 Lifelong Learning Research Conference, 1985
354 "Management of Change -- New England State Departments of Public Welfare", Durham, New Hampshire, 1970 February 15-17
355 Meeting Planners International Professional Education Conference, 1985 December 8-11
356 Models and Practices for Adult Education, Tempe, Arizona, 1987 February 20-21
357 Mountain Plains Adult Education Association, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1986 April 9-12
358 Mountain Plains Adult Education Association, Reno, Nevada, 1987 April 26-29
359 Mountain Plains Adult Education Association, Phoenix, Arizona, 1989 May 2
3510 Murrika [Finland] '79 Statement on Adult Education, 1979
3511 National Adult Continuing Education Conference, New York City, New York, 1976 November 18-22
3512 National Adult Continuing Education Conference, Detroit, Michigan, 1977 October 29-November 2
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 65/OV2, Folder 4]
3513 National Adult Education Conference, Portland, Oregon, 1978 October 25-29
3514 National Adult Education Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, 1979 November 5-9
3515 National Adult Education Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, 1980 November 2-7
3516 National Adult Education Conference, San Antonio, Texas, 1982 November 11-16
3517 National Adult Education Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1983 November 29-December 4
3518 National Advisory Council on Adult Education, Scottsdale, Arizona, 1983
3519 National Association for Foreign Student Affairs, University of Northern Colorado, 1979 November 8-10
3520 National Higher and Adult Education Department Conference on Continuing Professional Education, Tempe, Arizona, 1979 February 1-2
3521 National Linguistic Humor Conference, Tempe, Arizona, 1982 April 1
3522 National Social Science Association, San Francisco, California, 1987 April 2-5
3523 National University Continuing Education Association, 1985
361 N.F.S. Grundtvig Celebration, Grand View College, Des Moines, Iowa, 1983 May 13-15
362 Pennsylvania Association for Adult Continuing Education, 1983
363 Power and Conflict in Continuing Education, 1981 March 6
364 "Prejudice and Intergroup Relations: Progressive or Regressive?", 1982
365 "Professional Continuing Education Comes of Age", Tempe, Arizona, 1980 February 7-8
366 Professors of Adult Education, International Adult Education Section, St. Louis, Missouri, 1980
367 Programming for the Developmental Needs of Adolescents with Behavioral Disorders IV, Chicago, Illinois, 1988
368 Regional Andragogy Conference, Martinique, 1986 December 8-12
369 Regional Center for Educational Innovation and Technology (INNOTECH) World Conference, Manila, Philippines, 1986 July 28-August 1
3610 Regional Conference on New Perspectives on Planning in the West, Tempe, Arizona, 1982 March 26-28
3611 Rocky Mountain Regional Conference on Curriculum, Instruction, and Staff Development, 1989 March 29-April 1
3612 Seminar on Adult Education, Sweden, 1989
3613 SIETAR Annual Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 1981 March 11-15
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 65/OV2, Folder 6]
3614 Six Dimensions for People Over Sixty Southwest Regional Conference, 1977 October 20
3615 Social and Cultural Relations Project Conference, Tempe, Arizona, 1986
3616 Southwest Labor Studies Conference, Tempe, Arizona, 1977 March 4-5
3617 Trusteeship: Pathways to More Effective Decisionmaking, Arizona, 1977 January 27-28
3618 Utilizing Microcomputers for the Instruction of Adults, University of Southern Mississippi, Long Beach, Mississippi, 1986 August 10-14
3619 VISIONS: The International Conference for Adult Educators, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 1989 May 3-6
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 65/OV2, Folder 5]
3620 West Coast Social Science Conference, Scottsdale, Arizona, 1991 February 14-16
3621 World Conference on Social Commitment in Adult Education, Stockholm, Sweden, 1985
3622 World Humor and Irony Membership (WHIM), Tempe, Arizona, 1982
3623 Unidentified Conferences, 1985-1990
Series IV: Professional Organizations
3624 "Adult and Continuing Education Today", 1987
3625 Adult Education Association of the United States of America, 1955-1982
3626 Adult Education Peace Network, 1989
3627 Adult Education Round Table of Northern Illinois, 1967
3628 American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, 1982
3629 American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, 1983
3630 American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, 1984
3631 American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, 1985
3632 American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, 1986
3633 American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, 1987
3634 American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, 1987
371 American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, 1988-1989
372 American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, 1990
373 American Association for Higher Education, 1980
374 American Society for Training and Development, Valley of the Sun Chapter, 1977-1978
375 Arizona Adult Education Association, 1971-1986 (Removed from Binder)
376 Arizona Adult Education Association, 1976
377 Arizona Adult Education Association, 1979
378 Arizona Adult Education Association, 1981
379 Arizona Adult Education Association, 1982
3710 Arizona Adult Education Association: Constitutions, 1982-1986
3711 Arizona Adult Education Association, 1983
3712 Arizona Adult Education Association, 1985
3713 Arizona Adult Education Association, 1986 January-May
3714 Arizona Adult Education Association, 1986 June-December
3715 Arizona Adult Education Association, 1987 January-May
381 Arizona Adult Education Association, 1987 June-December
382 Arizona Adult Education Association, 1988
383 Arizona Adult Education Association, 1989
384 Arizona Adult Education Association, 1990
385 Arizona Adult Education Association, 1991
386 Arizona Adult Education Association, Undated
387 Arizona Association for Adult Community and Continuing Education, 1989-1990
388 Arizona Association of Activity Professionals, 1986
389 Arizona Authors Association, circa 1981
3810 Arizona Council on the Humanities and Public Policy, 1977-1979
3811 Arizona Education Association, 1986
3812 Arizona Humanities Council, 1982-1983
3813 Arizona Personnel and Guidance Association: History, Bylaws, and Minutes, 1978-1980
3814 Arizona Personnel and Guidance Association: Publicity, circa 1980s
3815 Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1989-1990
3816 Center on Education and Training for Employment, 1989
3817 Coalition of Adult Education Organizations (CAEO), 1977-1989
3818 Commission of Professors of Adult Education (CPAE), 1981-1989
3819 Community Council, 1982
3820 Faith Development in the Adult Life Cycle, 1983
3821 Folk Education Association of America, 1991
3822 Folkevirke Appleseed, 1991
39 Folk-School Association of America 1978-1988
3823 Friends Association for Higher Education, 1987
3824 Governor's Advisory Council on Aging, Phoenix, Arizona, 1985-1989
3825 Hawaii Adult Education Association, 1982
3826 International Council on Correspondence Education, 1974
3827 International League for Social Commitment in Adult Education, 1985-1990
3828 International Platform Association, 1980
3829 Linkage, Inc., 1982
3830 Mountain Plains Adult Education Association, 1982-1990
3831 National Advisory Council on Adult Education, 1977
3832 National Social Science Association, 1990
3833 Northwest Adult Education Association, circa 1989
3834 Pennsylvania Association for Adult Continuing Education, circa 1984
3835 Unlimited Potential, Inc., circa 1980s
3836 U.S. Association for the Club of Rome, 1980
3837 World Council for Curriculum and Instruction, 1987-1990
Series V: Publications
Sub-Series A: Spanish-Speaking Heroes
310 Alou, Matty, 1972
311 Carty, Rico, 1972
3838 Casales, Pablo, circa 1972
312 Chavez, Cesar, circa 1972
3839 Chavez, Dennis, 1972
313 Clemente, Roberto Walker, circa 1972
3840 Córdova, Valdemar A., circa 1972
314 Guardiola, Aurora P., 1972
315 Huantes, Margarita, circa 1972
3841 Kapp, Joe, 1972
316 Lopez, Alfonso Ramon, circa 1972
3842 Lopez, José P., circa 1972
3843 Lopez III, Trinidad, circa 1972
317 Monserrat, Joseph, circa 1972
318 Montalban, Ricardo, 1972
3844 Montoya, Joseph M., 1972
3845 Moreno, Greg, circa 1972
391 Moscoso Mora Rodriguez, José Teodoro, 1972
319 Plunkett, Jim, 1972
320 Sanchez, Pedro C., 1972
392 Santana, Manuel Martinez, 1972
401 Trevino, Lee, 1972
402 Ulibarri, Mari-Luci, circa 1972
403 Ximenes, Vincente T., 1972
393 Clippings and Press Releases, 1973-1977
394 Correspondence, 1971-1985
395 Cover and Introductory Material, 1973
396 Dedication, 1972
397 Pendell Publishing Company: Author Contract, 1971 November 29
398 Potential Interviewees, 1973
399 Potential Publishers, 1973-1982
3910 Potential Titles, circa 1971
3911 Preface by José Moreno, 1972
3912 Preface by Roger Axford, 1971-1972
3913 Publicity, circa 1973
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 65/OV2, Folder 8]
3914 Spanish Translation, 1979-1985
3915 Table of Contents, circa 1971
404 Unidentified Photographs, circa 1972
Sub-Series B: Native Americans: 23 Indian Biographies
3916 Ayoungman, Vivian (Blackfoot), 1976-1983
3917 Ballard, Louis W. (Cherokee), 1972-1976
3918 Banyacya, Thomas (Hopi), 1976-1984
3919 Benally, Herbert (Navajo), 1978
3920 Broker, Delbert G. (Chippewa), 1976
3921 Buffalohead, W. Roger, circa 1975
405 Carmen, Ida (Mono), 1976
3922 Chiago, Michael (Papago), 1980
406 Currie, Walter (Ojibway), 1975
3923 Gorman, Carl (Navajo), 1974-1976
407 Harris, Obadiah (Choctaw/Cherokee), 1972-1976
3924 Kellas, Betsy (Hopi/Cherokee), 1976
3925 Kidwell, Clara Sue (Choctaw/Chippawa), 1975-1976
3926 Lawrence, Gay (Sioux), 1975-1976
3927 Leonard, Terrance Frederick, 1976
3928 MacDonald, Peter (Navajo), 1975-1988
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 65/OV2, Folder 7]
408 Montezuma, Carlos (Apache), 1973-1974
3929 Linder, Joanne (Cherokee), 1978
3930 Murdock, Veronica (Mohave), 1978-1979
409 Popovich, Jane (Navajo), 1975-1976
3931 St. Germaine, Richard (Lac Courte Oreilles), 1976
411 Talachy, Yvonne (Cochiti Pueblo), 1976
4010 Tewanima, Louis (Hopi), 1969-1978
4011 Thorpe, Jim, 1976-1984
4012 Tippeconnic, John, 1980
412 Tsabetsaye, Roger, 1976-1979
413 West, W. Richard, 1976
4013 Weston, Carol Allen, 1975-1980
4014 Woods, Roxy, 1977-1980
414 Native Americans Preview Copy, 1978 (Removed from Binder)
415 Agents: Merritt Literary Agency, 1977
416 Clippings, 1975-1978
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 65/OV2, Folder 9]
417 Correspondence, 1975-1980
418 "Cultural Identity - Self Concept and School Achievement" by Sylvia Walsh, 1979
419 Forward by Morris K. Udall, 1976-1977
4110 Forward by Roger Axford, 1979
4111 Funding, 1977-1978
4112 "The Indians' Refusal", circa 1970s
4113 Introduction by Roger Axford, 1976
4114 Introductory Materials and Biography of Louis Ballard, 1980
4115 Notes, circa 1970s
4015 Photographs and Art, 1977-1980
4116 Potential Forward Authors, 1976
4117 Potential Interviewees, 1975-1978
4118 Potential Publishers, 1978
4119 Promotion and Sales, 1978-1980
4120 Publisher: A. G. Halldin, 1978-1980
4121 Publisher: Native American Artists Ltd., 1979
4122 Publisher: Southwestern Educational Resources, 1978-1979
4123 Publisher: Steck-Vaughn Company, 1975-1976
4124 Publisher: University of Arizona Press, 1976-1977
4125 Publisher Rejections, 1976-1981
421 Research Bibliographies, 1972-1980
422 Reviews, 1982
423 Table of Contents, 1975-1976
424 "Tribal Notes", Hawkestone, Ontario, 1987-1988
Sub-Series C: Black American Heroes
425 Aaron, Hank (Athlete), 1975-1984
4016 Ailey, Alvin (Ailey Dance Group), 1985-1991
Tape 2Ailey, Alvin Interview, circa 1985 (1 Audio Cassette)
4017 Bailey, Pearl (Singer and Author), 1975-1984
4018 Bradley, Tom (Activist and Mayor of Los Angeles), 1973-1986
426 Carver, George Washington, circa 1960s
4019 Chandler, Edward M. A. (Chemist), 1974-1975
4020 Chisholm, Shirley, 1973-1985
Tapes 3-6Chisholm, Shirley Interview, 1973 January 25 (4 Audio Cassettes)
4021 Collins, Robert E. (Airport Commissioner and Businessman), 1974
4022 Drake, St. Clair (Anthropologist and Sociologist), 1946, 1975
431 Dubois, Eugene E. (Professor), 1975
432 Eastman, Fred (Religious Author and Lecturer), 1933-1973
433 Ellington, Duke (Musician), 1973
Tape 7Ellington, Duke and Mercer Ellington, 1973 December 5 (1 Audio Cassette)
427 Graham, Lorenz (Children's Book Author), circa 1975
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 65/OV2, Folder 11]
434 Haley, Alex (Author), 1972-1977
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 69/OV3, Folder 10]
435 Holmes, Clarence (Dentist), 1951-1978
436 Jackson, Jesse (PUSH), 1980
428 Julian, Percy (Scientist), 1975
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 65/OV2, Folder 12]
437 King, Cameron (Government Official), 1973-1975
429 Locke, Alain L. (Adult Education President), 1974
438 Martin, George H. O., 1974
439 McNair, Barbara (Actress), 1975
4310 Miller, Leonard W. (Drag Racer and Businessman), 1973
4210 Muhammad, Elijah, 1971
4311 Nichols, Roy (Methodist Bishop), 1973
4312 Owens, Corinne (Vocational Board President), circa 1975
4313 Owens, Jesse, 1979
4211 Pickett, Bill (Cowboy), circa 1975
4314 Randolph, A. Philip (Labor Organizer), 1969
4315 Rhodes, Joseph Jr. (Legislator), 1973
4316 Riles, Wilson C. (California Superintendent of Public Instruction), 1971-1981
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 65/OV2, Folder 10]
4317 Ross, Paul (Violinist), 1975
4318 Rustin, Bayard (Peacemaker), 1975-1980
441 Sepulveda, Lora, 1973-1975
442 Smith, Dave (Athlete), 1973
443 Tilley, Andrew (Public Servant and Minister), 1973
444 Turner, Lorenzo D. (English Professor and Linguist), 1973-1975
4212 Ward, Betty, circa 1970s
445 Welch, Rosa Page (Singer and Goodwill Ambassador), 1975
446 Williams, Paul Revere (Architect), 1963-1975
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 69/OV3, Folder 11]
447 Wolfe, Deborah Partridge (Professor of Education), 1974-1982
4213 Arizona Young Authors Conference Award, 1982
4214 Author Contract with Pendell Publishing Company, 1974 November 26
4215 "Black Famous Figures Test", circa 1971
4216 Black Resources Information Coordinating Services Inc., 1979
4217 Book Orders and Distribution, 1978-1982
4218 Clippings, 1973-1991
4219 Correspondence: Sullivan, Leon H., 1979-1980
4220 Correspondence Regarding Potential Publishers, 1973-1983
4221 Correspondence: Other, 1973-1985
4222 Cost Estimate, 1979
4223 Interviewee Questionnaires, 1973
4224 Manuscript, circa 1975
4225-26 Manuscript, circa 1950
451-2 Manuscript, circa 1981
453 Manuscript, circa 1981
454 National Endowment for the Humanities Funding Request, 1974
455 Notes Regarding Publication, 1978-1981
456 Other Books Regarding Notable Black Americans, 1984
448 Other Photographs, circa 1975-1981
457 Other Research Materials, 1973, Undated
449 Potential Interviewees, 1971-1983
458 Preface, Dedication, and Table of Contents, 1974-1979
459 Press Releases, 1981
4510 Proposal, circa 1970s
4511 Publisher Inquiry Cover Letters, 1976
4512 Publishers: A. G. Halladin, 1981
4513 Publishers: Pendell Publishing Company, 1973-1976
4514 Publishers: Satish Book Enterprise, 1980
4515 Publisher Rejections, 1973-1980 (A-H)
4516 Publisher Rejections, 1973-1980 (I-Y)
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 65/OV2, Folder 13]
4517 "Rally to Atlanta Children", 1981
4518 Readability Analysis, 1974
4519 Research Bibliographies, 1971
461 William Greaves Productions Inc. Films, 1976
Sub-Series D: Too Long Silent: Japanese Americans Speak Out
462 Atsumi, Takayori P., 1970-1977
Tape 8Atsumi, Takayori P. Interview, 1977 February 11 (1 Audio Cassette)
463 Fletcher, Lynne Yamaguchi, 1984-1986
464 Funabiki, Kiku, 1985
465 Hamada, Robert S., 1984
466 Hayashi, Myio, 1984-1985
467 Hirabayashi, Gordon, 1985
468 Hirohata, Jerry, circa 1985
469 Hoffman, Shizuko Nomura, 1984 December 19
4610 Hohri, William, 1984-1986
Tape 9Hohri, William Interview, circa 1985 (1 Audio Cassette)
4611 Holmes, Hannah Takagi, 1984-1985
4612 Kajakawa, William M., 1970-1972
4613 Kato, Hiroki, 1984
4410 Kishiyama, Charles, 1984
4614 Kitsuse, Nelson, 1984
4615 Matsushigi, Kenneth, 1985
4616 Mochizuki, Minoru, 1984-1985
4617 Morikawa, Jitsuo, circa 1985
4618 Nakazawa, Grace, 1984
4619 Nakane, Aiko, 1984-1985
4620 Okinaga, Saburo, circa 1975
4621 Okagaki, Amy, 1984
4622 Omori, Chizuko, 1984-1985
4623 Ozaki, Sam and Harue, 1984
4411 Saito, Lincoln Yabe and Morse T., 1977-1985
4624 Saito, Perry and Fumi, 1984-1986
4625 Sameshima, Hitoshi, 1985
4412 Sugiyama, Kaoru (Kaye), 1984-1989
4626 Suzuki, Richard, 1977
4627 Takemoto, Patricia, 1985
4628 Toguri, Iva, 1976-1985
4629 Uno, Edison, 1976-1977
4413 Wilkinson, Christine Kajikawa, 1971-1977
4630 Wong, Willie, 1986
4631 Yamada, George, 1975-1985
471 Yamasaki, Minoru, 1963, 1977
472 Bibliographies, 1977-1985
473 Chapter 1: "The Importance of these Stories from Americans of Japanese Ancestry", circa 1985
474 Clippings, 1976-1986
475 Contract with Media Productions and Marketing, Inc., 1984
476 Correspondence Regarding Potential Publishers, 1979
477 Correspondence, 1976-1991
478 Dedication and Table of Contents, 1984-1986
479 Funding, 1983-1984
4710 Interviewee Questionnaires, circa 1980s
4711 Introduction by Peter Irons, 1985
4712 Forward by Studs Terkel, 1984
4713 Introduction by Roger Axford, 1985
4714 Japanese American Citizens League, 1970
4715 Japanese American Curriculum Project Inc., 1978
4716 The Japanese American Library, 1987-1989
4717 Japanese Translation by Dr. Toshiho Ikeda, 1986-1991
4718 National Council for Japanese American Redress, 1983-1987
4719 Participation of Asian Americans: Problems and Strategies, 1980-1984
4414 Photographs, 1986
4720 Potential Interviewees, 1977-1979
4721 Publishers: Jerry Kromberg, 1984-1990
4722 Reviews, 1986-1987
4723 "World War II: The Last Moral War?", 1989 September
Sub-Series E: Successful Recareering: How to Shift Gears Before you are Over the Hill
4724 Attridge, John, 1981
4725 Axford, Gordon, 1978
4726 Beechy, Miller W., 1978-1982
4727 Braithwaite, Fred, 1979-1983
4415 Brooks, Jesse Darwin, 1983
4728 Burns, Mildred, circa 1983
481 Butler, Clifford, 1984 February 12
Tape 10Butler, Clifford Interview, circa 1984 (1 Audio Cassette)
4416 Dalton, Gordon, 1980
4417 Duffield, Mary, 1979
482 Dyche, Peter Graham, circa 1981
483 Ervay, Francis H., 1978
484 Glasby, Don A., 1982
485 Gracey, Doyle, 1979
4418 Hoyt, Ricklie, 1980
Tape 11Hoyt, Ricklie Interview, circa 1980 (1 Audio Cassette)
486 Kadish, Frank, 1983-1984
Tape 12Kadish, Frank Interview, 1983 August 26 (1 Audio Cassette)
4419 Keith, Harry D., 1978
487 Knowlton, Martin, 1979
488 Kyff, Charles, circa 1984
489 Layer, Frances Evans, 1980-1982
4810 Linsey, Martin, 1981
4420 MacRae, William F., 1980
4811 Mallin, Saul, 1983 September
4812 McNulty, Harold F., 1981
Tape 13McNulty, Harold F. Interview, circa 1981 (1 Audio Cassette)
4813 Merritt, Jim, 1981
4814 O'Toole, Louis A., 1978
4815 Pike, Alfred George, 1983
4816 Portmann, Fred J., 1979
4817 Presnall, Lewis F., 1978
4818 Raymond, Ralph, 1978-1979
4819 Rich, Thorkill, 1979
4820 Romero, Manny, circa 1980s
4821 Roth, Kay, 1979
4822 Sandstrom, Lily, 1979
4823 Saupe, Lynn, 1983
4824 Schiff, Morris, 1978
4825 Springhill, Betty, 1979
4421 Stover, Smokey, 1984-1985
4826 Strandberg, Kaj, 1978-1979
4827 Temple, Lynn G., 1979-1980
4828 Tinterow, Maurice M., 1979
491 Towner, Jane J., 1983-1987
492 Tymowski, Janusz, circa 1983
493 Wheeler, Glen, 1983
494 Yuill, James, 1981
495 Proposal and "Blurb" Descriptions, 1981-circa 1983
496 Clippings Regarding Older People, 1978-1990
497 Clippings Regarding Publishing, 1977-1978
498 Clippings and Reviews, 1982-1985
499 Contract Between Roger Axford and Media Productions and Marketing, Inc., 1983 July 17
4910 Correspondence, 1978-1988
4911 Dedication and Acknowledgements, 1983
4912 Forward by Howard McCluskey, 1980-1981
4913 Forward by James A. Peterson, 1979 September
4914 Forward by Mel London, 1982 October
4915 Funding, 1981-1984
4916 Interviewee Questionnaires, circa 1980
4917 Introduction by Helen Boosalis, 1983 August-September
4918 Introduction by Roger Axford, circa 1983
4919 Literary Agents, 1979-1982
4920 Notes, 1980-1982
4921 Other Materials Regarding Older People, 1979-1981
4922 Photography, 1984
4923 Poems, Quotes, and Cartoons Regarding Older People, circa 1979-1983
4924 Potential Interviewees, 1978-1988
501 Potential Interviewees, 1979-1988
502 Potential Publishers, 1980-1983
503 Promotion, 1983-1986
504 Publisher: Media Productions and Marketing, Inc., 1983-1984
505 Publisher Rejections, 1979-1983 (A-J)
506 Publisher Rejections, 1979-1983 (L-W)
507 Research Bibliographies, 1979-1981
508 Table of Contents, 1983
Sub-Series F: Other Books
509 Adult Education: The Open Door to Lifelong Learning, 1980
5010 Adult Education: The Open Door, circa 1960s
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 65/OV2, Folder 14]
5011 Basic Education: Teaching the Adult, 1975
5012 Case Studies in Adult Education, circa 1970s
511 "Evaluating in Adult Education", 1966-1968
512 "From Settlement House to University Extension", circa 1960s (Marked "1st Draft Chapter III")
513 "Fundamentos y propósitos de la educación de adultos", 1976
514 Late Bloomers: Models for Midlife Recareering, 1989-1991
515 Mirror for Marriage: Manuscript, 1968
516 Mirror for Marriage: Manuscript, circa 1960s
517 Mirror for Marriage: Manuscript, 1979
518 Mirror for Marriage: Potential Publishers, 1966-1979
519 Mirror for Marriage: Other Materials, 1969-1979
5110 "A Philosophy for Adult Education", 1966
5111 "Promoting the Adult Education Program", 1962-1967
5112 Why Continuing Education, 1968-1969
Sub-Series G: Articles and Other Short Works
5113 Adult and Continuing Education: Theory and Practice for Lifelong Learning: Omnibus of Practice and Theory by Peter Jarvis Book Review, 1984
5114 "Adult Education as an Agent of Change", 1963
5115 "Adult Education: From Idea to Program", circa 1980s
5116 "Adult Education: Growing Professionalization", 1966
5117 "Adult Education -- Life Long Learning", 1965
5118 "Adult Education Pioneers", circa 1960s
5119 "Adult Education Through Travel" in Transitions, 1985 Summer
5120 "Adult Education: Travel, Tourism, and Camping" in International Encyclopedia of Education, 1981-1983
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 65/OV2, Folder 15]
5121 The Adult Learner: A Unique Entity by Judy-Arin Krupp Book Review, 1982
521 "All the Running We Can Do! -- Continuing Education for Alumni", 1962-1963
522 "All the Running You Can Do" Arizona Automotive Institute, Inc. Commencement Address, 1978 March 11
523 "An American Educator's Response to N. F. S. Grundtvig's Educational Ideas", 1983-1984
524 "The Art of Counseling Adults", 1967-1977
525 "The Art of Thankfulness", circa 1964
526 Associated Press Columns, 1964
527 "The Background of the Adult Education Movement" in Journal of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, 1961
528 "The Background of the Adult Education Movement", 1960-1961
529 "Before it is Too Late -- An Experiment in Motivation", 1965
5210 "Biblelands Rediscovered! A Study-Travel Seminar", 1967
5211 "Bibliography of Materials Related to the Instruction and Educational Needs of the Culturally Disadvantaged", 1970-1971
5212 "Bibliography -- Teaching Adults", circa 1972
5213 Book Reviews, 1983-1986
5214 "A British Adult Educator Speaks Out!", Interview with Dr. Thomas Kelly, 1968-1971
5215 "Business Before Pleasure, or the Chairman's Dilemma", 1958
531 "Can We Laugh While We Learn?", 1981-1982
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 69/OV3, Folder 12]
532 "The Children of Chernobyl & Bridges of Friendship", 1990
533 "A College Board Election - As Adult Education!", 1978-1983
534 "College-Community Consultation", 1967
535 "The Communion of Saints: A Modern Interpretation" in Messenger, 1967-1968
536 "The Commuter's Club" Article Series in The Chesterton Tribune, 1952
537 "Continuing Education for Women", 1967
538 "Correspondence Study: Distance Education Provides Knowledge!", circa 1980s
539 "Curriculum and Content" in Handbook of Adult Education, circa 1960s
5310 "The Darkest is just Before the Dawn", 1968
5311 "The Debt I Owe", circa 1964
5312 "De Gustibus Non Est Disputandum - The Taste is not to be Disputed!", 1964-1966
5313 "Dental Care Anywhere, A Unique Service for the Valley of the Sun", 1987
5314 "Developmental Tasks and Adult Education or Hurdles to Master Life", 1966
5315 "Does She Take Me for Granted?" in The Christian Home, 1966 September
5316 "Dominican Republic", circa 1966
5317 "Dr. Robert Cooley -- Adult Educator", 1963-1967
5318 "Educated Man", 1961-1967
5319 "Education in the Dominican Republic", 1965
5320 "An Enclave for Continuing Education", circa 1960s
5321 "Evaluation: The Lifeblood of Adult Education!" by Roger W. Axford and Norman T. Storm, 1973-1974
5322-23 "An Evaluation Study of Adult Basic Education in Maine", 1968-1970
623 "Except for the following list of people who helped ..." in Arizona Senior World, 1998 June
4422 "Family Camping -- Antidote to Urbanism", 1963-1966
631 "Farmer Emil Rovey's Bridge of Friendship with Denmark!", 1984
541 "The Folk Schools of Denmark, a Road to Agricultural Success", 1983
542 "Golden Eggs for Continuing Education" in Adult Leadership, 1972 June
543 "The Great American Game", circa 1964
544 "Great Books: A Discussion Program for Adults", Wingspread Educational Center, Racine, Wisconsin, 1961 February 24
545 "Growing Young" by Ashley Montagu Book Review, 1983
546 "Houle Study", circa 1960s
547 "Have We Psychological Leprosy?", 1980-1983
548 "Higher Education in the American Republic" by Dr. Harold Benjamin Book Review, 1965-1966
549 "How to Choose a Boss!", 1968
5410 "How to Choose a Mother-in-Law", 1967
5411 "How to Cultivate Program Ideas", 1964-1975
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 65/OV2, Folder 16]
5412 "How to Develop an International Study Seminar - A Case Study" in the Exchange Bulletin, 1981 Fall
5413 "How to Develop a Successful Extension Program (Without 'Hardly' Trying)", 1966
5414 "How to Kill a Recruit", 1965-1971
5415 "How to Survive a Convention" in Adult Leadership, 1963 March
5416 "Human Rights: Religion and Race", WTMJ-TV, 1963 December 22
5417 "I Can't Sign This, It's Political" in The Arizona Forum, 1983 January
5418 "Impressions of an American Educator in Europe", 1962 August
5419 "Improving Teaching Through Consortium: Cost Effectiveness Plus Cooperation", 1979-1980
551 Information Regarding Writing Journal Articles, circa 1980s
552 "Information Sources" in Transitions, 1982 Spring
553 "I Promise Never to Complain Again", 1976-1977
554 "It Happened to Me in Prison" in The Christian Century, 1944 March 22
555 "Jasper's Alaska Mosquitoes", 1984
556 "A Journal: Management and Development Tool", 1979-1982
557 "Knockers vs. Builders", circa 1980s
558 "Learning for Living", 1968
559 "Life Can Be Richer", 1970-1972
5510 "Life is More Than Luck", circa 1950s
5511 The Lifelong Learner by Ronald Gross Book Review, 1977-1978
5512 "Life Long Learning -- Requisite for Survival", Nebraska Wesleyan University Alumnae Banquet, 1964 May
5513 "The Location of the Extension Office as a Factor in Extension's Success: A Case Study" in The NUEA Spectator, 1967 April-May
5514 "The Lost Art of Walking", circa 1960s
5515 McCluskey, Howard, 1985
632 "Much Ado About Henry!", circa 1980s
5516 "Needed: A Clearer Philosophy for Training and Development", circa 1960s
5517 "Never Say I'm Just a Housewife", 1973
5518 "Never Too Old to Learn" Article Series, 1964
5519 "Never Too Old to Learn", 1966 (Proposed Film)
5520 "The New China that Awaits You!", 1984
5521 "New Dimensions in In-Service Education for Teachers of Adults", circa 1960s
5522 "New Freedom in the Dominican Republic, Much Progress Seen by UWM Expert" in The Milwaukee Journal, 1964 July 12
5523 "New Year Resolve", 1988
5524 "No Institution is an Island" in Adult Leadership, 1972 February
5525 "Norwegian Adult Education: The People's University" in Adult Education in Norway, 1980-1983
5526 "One Tick at a Time", circa 1964
5527 "Operation Navajo -- Social Studies Come Alive" in Wisconsin Education Association, 1963 October
5528 The Opinion Makers by William L. Rivers Book Review, 1965
5529 "Our Debt to Life", Remarks Before the Honors Convocation, Worlick High School, 1959 May 21
5530 "An Overview of Residential Adult Education in England, Scotland, and Wales", 1982
5531 "Peace Activities at an American University", Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut, Tübingen, Germany, 1982
5532 "Planning 'With' and 'For' in Adult Education Programming", 1963 May
5533 "Potential for Continuing Education at N.I.U.", Northern Illinois University Faculty Luncheon Club, 1967 April 14
5534 "Power and Conflict in Continuing Education: Survival and Prosperity for All?", circa 1970s
5535 Power and Conflict in Continuing Education: Survival and Prosperity for All? ed. Harold Alford Book Review, 1980 October
5536 Presidential Leadership of Public Opinion by Elmer E. Cromwell, Jr. Book Review, 1965
5537 "A Price for Commitment: The Story of Jim Driscoll" in Green Action, 1986 September
5538 "The Profession of Adult Education", circa 1970s
5539 Prolongevity II by Albert Rosenfeld Book Review, circa 1980s
5540 "Promotion that Works", 1987
561 "El Proyecto Latinoamericana de Aid en la Universidad sin Fronteras: La Universidad de Wisconsin", circa 1980s
562 "Psychological Factors in Adult Education" in Adult Literacy & Basic Education, 1977 Summer
563 Quotes, circa 1960s
564 "Rally to Atlanta Children", 1981 April 26
565 "Reading Improvement -- Key To Knowledge", circa 1960s
566 "Recruiting and the Teacher-Trainer in ABE", 1967-1968
567 "Research and Research Needs in Adult Education", 1953, 1964-1967
568 "A Research Project: Survey of Graduate Training Needs in Adult Education [in] the Greater Milwaukee Area", 1963-1964
569 "Scandinavian Adult Education Seminar: A Key to International Understanding" in Higher Education Exchange, 1981 Spring
5610 "Secretarial Accolades" in Today's Secretary, 1969
5611 "Seeing is Learning", 1962 May
5612 "Seniors, you can find a new career - as a volunteer or in a challenging job" in Arizona Senior World, 1990
5613 "So - Secretaries are Scarce! or Stranger is Truther than Fiction!", 1966-1967
5614 "So You Want to be a Tour Director?", circa 1980s
5615 "The Stage of the Empty Nest" in Northern Alumnus, 1968 March-1976
5616 "Staying in Touch" in Mature Outlook, 1990
5617 "A Strange Interview with the Richest Man in the World!", 9th Annual Grady Gammage Lecture, 1981
5618 "Superman - The Almost Impossible Role of the Minister", 1967-1976
5619 "A Survey of Graduate Training Needs in Adult Education" in Adult Education, 1963 Summer
5620 "The Teacher Aide ... An Answer to the Teacher Shortage. Handbook and Report", 1965
5621 Teaching for Self-Education as a Life Goal by Paul Douglass Book Review, 1963 March
5622 "Ten Commandments for a Grant!" in Journal of Extension, 1977 July-August
5623 "The Ten Commandments of Good Teaching", 1962-1966
5624 "TLC: A Personal Investment" in The Christian Home, 1968 October
5625 "Top Priority: Adult Basic Education" in Adult Leadership, 1968 June
5626 "Turn on the Schoools" Filmstrip, 1974
5627 "Venezuela's Quiet War Against Ignorance" in Milwaukee Journal, 1963 August 25
5628 Verde Valley Retirement Center Inc., 1986
5629 "A Visit to a 100 Year Old Swedish Treat, the Pensioners Club and Ship", 1988
5630 "Visiting Professors Who Never Left Home", 1961 Fall
5631 "A Voice of Unshaken Belief" in Options Magazine, circa 1980s
571 "We Need Whole Persons, Not Splinters!", 1984
572 "What Kind of Adventure will the University Be?", circa 1950s
573 "What's Bugging Adult Educators?", 1976
574 "What to look for in an Exhibit" in The Clearing House, 1967 February
575 "Where's the Hope for Northern Ireland?", circa 1980s
576 "Why Do We Talk Them to Death?", 1967
577 "Why Me?", 1980-1981 (Proposed Film)
578 "William H. Lighty, Radio Pioneer" in The NAEB Journal, 1960-1962
579 "World Peace - Is It Attainable?", Baha'i Community of Fountain Hills, 1989 September
5710 "A Yearning for Learning - While Earning!" in Trading and Development Journal, 1969 March
5711 "Yearning for Learning" in The Christian Home, 1968
5712 "Yearning for Learning" Article Series, 1964
5713 "Your Stake in Continuing Education", 1959 May 29-1972
5714 "Zany Jokes for Crazy Folks!", 1993
5715 Certificates of Appreciation, 1984
Sub-Series H: Publishers
5716 Arizona Bookmen's Association, 1975-1979
5717 Better Homes and Gardens, 1988
5718 Bookmaker Kit, circa 1980s
5719 Brigham Young University, 1982
5720 The Children's Book Council Inc., 1975
5721 Kramer-Krasselt/Southwest, 1982
5722 Directory of Publishers, circa 1964
5723 Directory of Publishers, circa 1971
5724 Directory of Publishers, 1976
5725 G. P. Putnam's Sons, circa 1960s
5726 Halladin Publishing Co., 1975-1990
5727 Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc., 1977
5728 Institute of Life Insurance, 1967
5729 International Textbook Co., 1965
5730 Journal of World Education, 1982
5731 Kinko's Publishing Group, circa 1980s
5732 Mesa Tribune, 1986
5733 Modern Maturity, 1976, 1989
5734 New Times, 1986
581 Peter Long Publishing Inc., 1983
582 Potential Publishers, 1983-1990
583 Professional Educators Publications Inc., circa 1970s
584 Professor Publishing, 1983 November
585 Riverhouse Publications, 1977
586 Senior Perspective, 1983
587 Seven Locks Press, 1988
588 Notes
Sub-Series I: Other Authors
589 Address by Harold A. Konnack, Racine Extension Center Honors Convocation, 1959
5810 "Adventure in Puerto Rico" by Scott Axford, 1964
5811 "American Education Today and Tomorrow" by Deborah Wolfe, circa 1960s
5812 "The Big News in Supermarkets: The Ladies" by Clementine Paddleford in This Week Magazine, 1959 May 24
5813 "Can We Live with Peace?" by La Mont Bankson, 1982 March 13
5814 "Chance Favors the Prepared" by Dr. Al May, 1955 October 6
5815 "Consultant Services and the Improvement of Instruction" by Betty T. Clarke, 1968
5816 "Continuing Education at Northern Illinois University: A Chronology, 1895-1985", circa 1989
5817 "The Fate of a Major Educational Innovation" by Neal Cross, 1975
5818 "Have Children, Must Travel!" in The Christian Home by Geri Axford, 1970 June
5819 "Helping Children Learn" in The Elementary Teacher by Frances C. McLester, circa 1965
5820 "How to Run Away from an Educational Problem" in Progressive Education by Paul B. Diederich, 1942 March
5821 "Journals, Not Tests" by H. Guy Bensusan, circa 1987
5822 Keynote Address by J. Martin Klotsche, 1962 April 26
5823 "Learning to Learn through Understanding in Adult Learning Groups" by Ludmilla Prosdocimi, 1964 (Research Proposal)
5824 "Never Too Late" by Marian Axford, 1984
5825 "Our Mobile Home" by Naida, Scott, and Vickie Axford, circa 1965
5826 "Peace is Attainable", circa 1960s
5827 Poems by Children, 1969
5828 "Principles and Conditions for Learning in Adult Education" in Adult Leadership by Gerald J. Pine and Peter J. Horne, 1969 October
5829 "Problem Driver Types and Rehabilitation Approaches" by Dr. James R. Adams, 1965 December 17
5830 "Quality in Adult Education" by Samuel B. Gould, 1958 November 17
5831 "Research on Adult Learning: Implications for Design of Effective Learning Experiences for Adults" by Alan B. Knox and Douglas Sjogren, circa 1965
5832 "Research on Protecting Preconscious Functions in Education" by Lawrence S. Kubie, MD, circa 1965
5833 "The Strength of America - Its Voluntary Institutions" by Joseph Klotsche, 1959-1960
5834 "The Things that Make for Peace" by David H. Finke, 1967 May 23
5835 "Toward an Educational Ideology of Program Development: A Description of Practice in Forty-Seven US Settings", circa 1987
5836 "Training of Non-Professionals in Adult Education" by Joseph Soffen, 1960 May (Dissertation Abstract)
5837 "We Need Whole Men, Not Splinters" by Claude Coleman, 1962-1968
5838 "You and the University" by Charles A. Wedemeyer, 1947, 1960
Series VI: Personal Papers
Sub-Series A: Correspondence
5839 Axford, Fred to Naida L. and Marian Axford, 1958
5840 Axford, Helen to [?], 1947
5841 Axford, Marian to Roger Axford and Family, 1969
5842 Axford, Naida B. to Axford Family Members, 1967-1982
5843 Axford, Roger and Geri to Naida L. and Marian Axford, 1946
5844 Axford, Roger and Geri to Naida L. and Marian Axford, 1949
5845 Axford, Roger and Geri to Naida L. and Marian Axford, 1950
5846 Axford, Roger and Geri to Naida L. and Marian Axford, 1951
5847 Axford, Roger and Geri to Naida L. and Marian Axford, 1952
591 Axford, Roger and Geri to Naida L. and Marian Axford, 1953
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 65/OV2, Folder 17]
633 Axford, Roger and Geri to Naida L. and Marian Axford, 1954
592 Axford, Roger and Geri to Naida L. and Marian Axford, 1955
593 Axford, Roger to Naida L. and Marian Axford, 1956
594 Axford, Roger and Geri to Naida L. and Marian Axford, 1958
595 Axford, Roger to Naida L. and Marian Axford, 1959
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 65/OV2, Folder 18]
596 Axford, Roger to Marian Axford, 1960
597 Axford, Roger to Naida L. and Marian Axford, 1960
598 Axford, Roger to Naida L. and Marian Axford, 1961
599 Axford, Roger to Naida L. Axford, 1962
5910 Axford, Roger to Naida L. and Marian Axford, 1962
5911 Axford, Roger to Naida L. and Marian Axford, 1963
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 65/OV2, Folder 19]
5912 Axford, Roger and Geri to Naida L. and Marian Axford, 1964
5913 Axford, Roger to Marian Axford, 1965
5914 Axford, Roger and Geri to Naida L. and Marian Axford, 1965
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 65/OV2, Folder 20]
5915 Axford, Roger and Geri to Naida L. and Marian Axford, 1966
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 66/OV2, Folder 1]
5916 Axford, Roger to Marian Axford, 1967
5917 Axford, Roger to Naida L. Axford, 1967
5918 Axford, Roger and Geri to Naida L. and Marian Axford, 1967
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 69/OV3, Folder 13]
5919 Axford, Roger and Geri to Naida L. and Marian Axford, 1968
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 66/OV2, Folders 2-3]
634 Axford, Roger and Geri to Naida L. and Marian Axford, 1969
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 67/OV2, Folders 6-9]
5920 Axford, Roger to Marian Axford, 1970
5921 Axford, Roger to Naida L. Axford, 1970
5922 Axford, Roger to Naida L. and Marian Axford, 1970
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 66/OV2, Folders 4-6]
5923 Axford, Roger and Geri to Marian Axford, 1971
5924 Axford, Roger to Naida L. Axford, 1971
5925 Axford, Roger and Geri to Naida L. and Marian Axford, 1971
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 66/OV2, Folders 7-9]
5926 Axford, Roger to Naida L. Axford, 1972
5927 Axford, Roger to Marian Axford, 1972
5928 Axford, Roger and Geri to Naida L. and Marian Axford, 1972
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 66/OV2, Folders 10-11 and Box 69/OV3, Folder 14]
5929 Axford, Roger and Geri to Marian Axford, 1973
5930 Axford, Roger and Geri to Naida L. Axford, 1973
5931 Axford, Roger and Geri to Naida L. and Marian Axford, 1973
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 67/OV2, Folders 1-2 and Box 69/OV3, Folder 15]
5932 Axford, Roger and Geri to Marian Axford, 1974
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 67/OV2, Folder 3]
5933 Axford, Roger and Geri to Naida L. and Marian Axford, 1974
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 67/OV2, Folder 4]
5934 Axford, Roger and Geri to Marian Axford, 1975
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 67/OV2, Folder 5]
5935 Axford, Roger to Naida L. and Marian Axford, 1975
601 Axford, Roger and Geri to Marian Axford, 1976
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 67/OV2, Folder 10]
602 Axford, Roger and Geri to Marian Axford, 1977
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 68/OV2, Folder 1]
603 Axford, Roger and Geri to Marian Axford, 1978
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 68/OV2, Folder 2]
604 Axford, Roger to Marian Axford, 1979
605 Axford, Roger to Marian Axford, 1980
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 68/OV2, Folder 3]
606 Axford, Roger and Geri to Marian Axford, 1981
607 Axford, Roger and Geri to Marian Axford, 1982
608 Axford, Roger and Geri to Marian Axford, 1983
609 Axford, Roger and Geri with Marian Axford Shea, 1983
6010 Axford, Roger and Geri with Marian Axford Shea, 1984
6011 Axford, Roger and Geri to Marian Axford Shea, 1987
6012 Axford, Roger and Geri with Marian Axford Shea, 1988
6013 Axford, Roger and Geri with Marian Axford Shea, 1989, 1995
6014 Axford, Roger and Geri with Marian Axford Shea, Undated
6015 Axford, Roger and Geri to Naida L. and Marian Axford, Undated
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 68/OV2, Folder 4]
6016 Axford, Scott to Axford Family Members, 1969, 1987
6017 Axford, Vickie to Axford Family Members, 1968-1969
6018 Mock Letter to Ann Landers Regarding Marian and Naida Beth Axford, Undated
6019 Correspondence with Others, 1977
6020 Correspondence with Others, 1981
6021 Correspondence with Others, 1982
6022 Correspondence with Others, 1983
6023 Correspondence with Others, 1984
635 Correspondence with Others, 1985
6024 Correspondence with Others, 1986
6025 Correspondence with Others, 1987
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 68/OV2, Folder 8]
6026 Correspondence with Others, 1988
6027 Correspondence with Others, 1989
6028 Correspondence with Others, 1990
6029 Correspondence with Others, 1991
6030 Correspondence with Others, 1996
6031-32 Correspondence with Others, Undated
625 [?] to Roger Axford, 1995
626 [?] to Roger Axford, Undated
611 Christmas Letters from Roger and Geri Axford, 1987
612 Christmas Cards and Letters, Undated
613 Addresses, 1985
Sub-Series B: Axford Family
614 "An Nuacht" Irish-American Social Club, 1989 May
615 Axford Family: Biographical Sketch, 1966
616 Axford Family: Vacation Destinations, 1969, 1990
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 68/OV2, Folder 6]
617 Axford, Geri [?], circa 1950s
618 Axford, Naida Beth, 1970-1971
619 Axford, Naida L.: Cabrini Womens' Fellowship Circle, circa 1945
6110 Axford, Naida L.: Teaching Certificates, 1905-1938
6111 Axford, Naida L.: War Service Unit, Board of National Missions, 1945
[Oversized Materials Removed to Box 68/OV2, Folder 5]
6112 Axford, Roger, 1961-1990
68/OV27 Axford, Roger and Geri: Caricatures, 1983, 1989
6113 Axford, Scott, 1970-1982
6114 Axford, Vickie, 1967-1974
6115 Clippings, 1952-1991
6116 Event and Book Announcements, 1987
6117 Family Friends, 1971-1995
6118 First Institutional Baptist Church, 1986 May 18
6119 Funeral Program: McKee, Ruth Foulds (1912-1984), 1984
6120 Letters to the Editor, 1990
6121 Methodist Church, 1966, 1975
6122 "The Missing Guidebook"by Charles Theodore Hardt, 1985
6123 Nearing, Scott, 1982
6124 Notes, Undated
636 Photographs, 1966-1989
6125 "Rearing Children of Goodwill: A Program Guide", circa 1960s
6126 Shea, John E. (1911-1987), 1987
6127 Society of Friends, Tempe, Arizona, Undated
6128 Williamsburg Pottery Factory Brochure, circa 1970s