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Berard Haile papers, 1893-1961 (bulk 1925-1961)

AZ 132

Collection Summary

Creator: Haile, Berard, 1874-1961
Collection Name:Berard Haile papers,
Inclusive Dates: 1893-1961 (bulk 1925-1961)
Physical Description:16.25 linear feet
Abstract:Correspondence, manuscripts of published and unpublished works, notes, drawings, notebooks, sermons, prayers, and historical accounts relate to Haile's study of Navajo ceremonials and the Navajo language. Includes correspondence with church officials and anthropologists; manuscripts, notes, and drawings related to Navajo language, culture and ceremonials; interlinear Navajo-English notebooks; accounts of the founding and early history of the Lukachukai and St. Michaels Missions; and sermons, prayers, etc. from Haile's teaching in these missions.
Collection Number:AZ 132
Repository: University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections
University of Arizona
PO Box 210055
Tucson, AZ 85721-0055
Phone: 520-621-6423
Fax: 520-621-9733

Biographical Note

Franciscan missionary, linguist, and anthropologist. Worked extensively with the Navajo at Lukachukai and St. Michaels Missions in Arizona and wrote several works on Navajo ceremonials, language and grammar.

Scope and Content Note

Correspondence, manuscripts of published and unpublished works, notes, drawings, notebooks, sermons, prayers, and historical accounts relate to Haile's study of Navajo ceremonials and the Navajo language. Includes correspondence with church officials and anthropologists; manuscripts, notes, and drawings related to Navajo language, culture and ceremonials; interlinear Navajo-English notebooks; accounts of the founding and early history of the Lukachukai and St. Michaels Missions; and sermons, prayers, etc. from Haile's teaching in these missions. Also present is material from the Interpreters' Institute at Fort Wingate, New Mexico, 1935; the Navajo constitution and related papers; reprints of articles by other authors about the Navajo; and related material on Apache and Zuni Indians. Selected correspondents include Gladys Reichard, Edward Sapir, Clyde Kluckhohn, Anselm Weber, and Leopold Ostermann, as well as government officials, missionary organizations, and Navajo individuals.


This collection is organized into fourteen series:
Series I. Personal Material
Series II. Correspondence
Series III.Christian Teachings
Series IV.Navajo Culture
Series V. Government Relations; Interpreters' Institute
Series VI.Stories and Legends
Series VII. Miscellaneous
Series VIII. Ceremonials
Series IX. Reprints Pertaining to the Navajo
Series X. Navajo Language and Grammar
Series XI. Original Drawings and Two Drafts of the Emergence Myth
Series XII. Linguistic Notes (Navajo)
Series XIII. Index to Notes for BLESSINGWAY
Sand Paintings





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Access Terms

Personal Name(s)
Haile, Berard, 1874-1961
Kluckhohn, Clyde, 1905-1960
Ostermann, Leopold
Sapir, Edward, 1884-1939
Reichard, Gladys Amanda, 1893-1955
Weber, Anslem, 1862-1921

Corporate Name(s)
Franciscans -- Missions -- Arizona
Interpreters' Institute (Ft. Wingate, N.M.)
Lukachukai Mission (Ariz.) -- History
St. Michaels Mission (Ariz.) -- History

Apache Indians -- Rites and ceremonies
Catholic Church -- Missions -- Arizona
Missionaries -- Arizona -- Archives
Missions -- Arizona -- History
Navajo Indians -- Folklore
Navajo Indians -- Government relations
Navajo Indians -- Missions
Navajo Indians -- Religion
Navajo Indians -- Rites and ceremonies
Navajo language -- Dictionaries -- English
Navajo language -- Texts
Navajo mythology
Zuni Indians -- Rites and ceremonies

Genre Form(s)
Manuscripts for publication

Administrative Information

Credit Line

Berard Haile papers (AZ 132). Special Collections, University of Arizona Libraries.

Container List

Series I: Personal Material
11 Biographical material (General, misc.).
12 Biographical material (Honors, awards, memberships).
13 Diaries. , 1904
14 Photographs.
15 Bibliographies.
16 Book Reviews by Father Berard.
17 Book Revies of Father Berard's Publications.
18 Books in Father Berard's Library.
19 Class Notes; Notes on Reading.
110 Course in Harmony.
111 Misc. Financial Records.
112 Missionary Work.
113 Lukachukai Mission (St. Isabel's).
114 St. Michaels Mission.
115 Typewriter Manuel and Correspondence.
Series II : Correspondence
21 Miscellaneous and General. , 1902-1961
22 Miscellaneous and General. , 1902-1961
23 Miscellaneous and General. , 1902-1961
24 Miscellaneous and General. , 1902-1961
25 Miscellaneous and General. , 1902-1961
26 Miscellaneous and General. , 1902-1961
27 Family
28 Donovan, Joseph P. , 1945-1954
29 Hayden, Carl. , 1919, 1924, 1949
210 Littell, Norman M. , 1952-1954
211 Riordan, T.A. and M.J. , 1919, 1930
212 Sandoval, Albert. , 1922-1944
213 Shiya, Thomas S. , 1950-1960
31 Father Anslem Weber. , 1910-1916
32 Father Leopold Ostermann. , 1903-1925?
33 Father Marcellus Troester. , 1917-1929
34 Culin, Stewart and An Ethnologic Dictionary of the Navajo Language. , 1907-1929
35 Cushing, Archbishop Richard J. , 1943-1961
36 Gusinde, Martin. , 1929-1930, 1949
37 Various Church Officials. , 1902-1958
38 Various Church Officials. , 1902-1958
39 Various Church Officials. , 1902-1958
310 Various Church Officials. , 1902-1958
311 Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions (William H. Ketchum, William Hughes, Charles Lusk). , 1902-1935
312 Franciscan Missionaries of Mary. , 1942-1954
313 Franciscan Indian Mission Aid.
314 Red Rock Presbyterian Hospital Protest. , 1920
3a1 Goddard, Pliny E. , 1924-1929
3a2 Herzog, George. , 1934-1936
3a3 Hodge, F.W. , 1910-1945
3a4 Kluckhohn, Clyde. , 1932-1958
3a5 Reichard, Gladys. , 1925-1939
3a6 Sapir, Edward. , 1929-1939
3a7 Sapir, Edward. , 1929-1939
3a8 Sapir, Edward. , 1929-1939
3a9 Spier, Leslie. , 1937-1938
3a10 Van Valkenburgh, Richard. , 1942-1954
3a11 Wyman, Leland C. , 1943-1957
3a12 University of Chicago (Fay-Cooper Cole, Fred Eggan, Henry Hoijer, Robert Redfield, and David Stevens of the Rockefeller Foundation). , 1929-1961
3a13 Catholic Anthropolgical Conference. , 1926-1932
Series: III Christian Teachings (in English and Navajo)
41 Cathechisms.
42 Commandments.
43 Gospels.
44 Prayers.
45 Proper of the Saints.
46 Sermons by Father Berard.
47 Sermons by Father Berard.
48 Sermons, prayers, hymns, etc. by others.
49 Way of the Cross. By Quentin Hauer.
410 Miscellaneous notes and discourses on various aspects of the Catholic faith, including the sacraments, confession, sin, confirmation, etc. Discourse on the visit of the Bishop. Funeral oration for Chee Dodge. Funeral oration for Father Marcellus Troester.
Series IV: Navajo Culture
51 Navajo life (general and miscellaneous).
52 Basketry.
53 Cosmos (universe, time, direction, elements, etc).
54 Education; schools.
55 Fabrics.
56 Family relationships; clans.
57 Games.
58 Hogan.
59 Land.
510 Law and crime; morality; ethics.
511 Moccasin making.
512 Place names.
513 Plants.
514 Prayersticks.
515 "Property Concepts of the Navaho Indians." (Published 1954) Various drafts and notes, as well as typescripts of the 1929 and 1948 versions. , 1929, 1948, 1954
516 Religion (general).
517 Soul, Concepts of.
518 Starlore and masks.
Series V: Government Relations; Interpreters' Institute, 1935
61 Correspondence, U.S. Dept. of the Interior. , 1934-1937
62 Interpreters' Institute: General papers, ballot, questions & answers, directives, terms & phrases, etc. , 1935
63 Interpreters' Institute: General papers, ballot, questions & answers, directives, terms & phrases, etc. , 1935
64 Indian Reorganization Act; Wheeler-Howard Act.
65 Navajo Constitution.
66 Code of Laws, under the Constitution.
67 Navajo Tribal Council Reorganization.
68 Navajo Tribal Council By-laws, etc.
69 Letters from Government Officials (Navajo trans.).
610 Government documents.
611 Navajo newspaper.
612 Grazing regulations.
613 Roundrock Incident (Holograph ms. by Navajo-who-killed-his-story; typescript with notes, etc. English and Navajo). , 1893
Series VI: Stories and Legends
7 Seventeen holograph interlinear notebooks.
8 Notebook containing typescripts, with holograph versions laid in, of various animal stories.
81 Typescript of "Bead Way." (original)
82 Typescript of "Changing Bear Maiden." (carbon)
83 Typescript of "Pertaining to the Creating of Game" and "Pertaining to One Who Changed into a Doe." (carbon)
84 Typescript of "Raised by the Owl." (carbon of completed ms., typescript interlinear, holograph interlinear, and notes)
85 Typescript of "Where People Moved Opposite Each Other." (carbon)
86 Typescript of "Coyote Stories." (carbon)
87 Typescript of "Coyote Way." (carbon)
88 Typescript of "The Wardance Ceremony." (original)
Series VII: Miscellaneous
91 "Navaho Residence North of the San Juan River" by Richard Van Valkenburgh, Typescript.
92 "Notes of the Franciscan Missions in Northwestern New Mexico." Holograph ms. and typescript.
93 "Notes on the Zuni Indians."
94 "Beardance, a ceremony of the Jicarilla Apache." Typescript (carbon). Published, in slightly altered form, in Beautyway, ed. by Leland C. Wyman, Pantheon. , 1957
95 Head and Face Masks in Navaho Ceremonialism. Holograh notebook, and drawings. Published by St. Michaels Press. , 1942
96 Navaho Sacrificial Figurines. Holograph notebook (text): "Figurines and Prayersticks; special ceremonies outside of regular chants." Published by Univ. of Chicago Press. Also: original drawings and book distribution list. , 1947
97 "A Meeting with D.M. Riordan." Holograph ms. in English and Navajo.
98 "Reading," by Little Singer. Holograph ms.; interlinear typescript. , 1937
99 "Origin of Order of Naat'oi Ba ka." Typescript (carbon) and holograph items.
910 "Navaho Land." Typescript (orginal).
911 "The Navaho Land Question." Typescript (original) versions, holograph additions and corrections.
912 Holograph ms., of which an altered version was published in Navaho Texts by E. Sapir as "A Navaho's Historical Reminiscences."
10 Four holograph interlinear notebooks, mostly materials supplied by Charlie Mitchell, and published by the Linguistic Society of America, 1942, in Navaho Texts, by Edward Sapir.
10 Four holograph interlinear notebooks in wrapper labeled "Misc. Crystal."
10 Three holograph notebooks in Navaho (two marked "Clans"; one possibly related to Blessingway, according to Leland C. Wyman. , June 1964
10 Typescript (carbon) on Hopi Snake Dance.
10 Holograph ms. and typescript regarding Narbona.
10 Two incomplete typescripts (carbons) regarding Navaho religious artifacts.
10 Six items in Navaho (typescript and holograph), one identified as "War Reminiscences" and another "1st Wagons Issued."
10 Notes on "fumigation," burning, incense, etc. in relation to ceremonials.
Series VIII: Ceremonials
11 Materials regarding ENEMYWAY. (Published as Origin Legend of the Navaho Enemyway, by Yale University Press, 1938
11 Nine holograph interlinear notebooks, i.e. #1-5, 7-10 (#6 in holograph interlinear notebook #5 of CHIRICAHUA WINDWAY -- see Box 17. #11 in holograph interlinear notebook #2 of SUCKINGWAY -- see Box 18)
111 Typescripts (original) of songs. Interlinear. Typescripts (original) of notes to text. Holograph corrections.
112 Correspondence regarding publications. , 1936-1938.
11 Materials regarding UPWARD-REACHING WAY. (Published as Emergence Myth, According to the Hanelthnayhe or Upward-Reaching Rite, by the Museum of Navajo Ceremonial Art, 1949. Also published as Upward-Moving and Emergence Way: the Gishin Biye' version, edited by Karl W. Luckert, University of Nebraska Press, 1981). See also Box 28 for additional drafts of the Emergence Myth. , 1949, 1981
113 Typescript (carbon): "Creation and Emergence Myth of the Navaho." Also a typescript and holograph draft.
114 Typescript (carbon): "Creation and Emergence Myth of the Navaho." Also a typescript and holograph draft
115 Typescript (carbon): "The Hanelnehe Boxotco Dji." Also a holograph ms., and holograph notes of ceremony detail.
116 Original drawings used in the published work.
12 Materials regarding BEAUTYWAY. (Published as Beautyway: a Navaho Ceremonial, edited by Leland C. Wyman, Pantheon Books). , 1957
12 Five holograph interlinear notebooks.
121 Typescript (carbon) Text and trans. as published, but the notes to both are different.
12 Materials regarding WATERWAY. (Published as Waterway: a Navaho Ceremonial Myth. Orthography by I.W. Goossen; appendix by Karl W. Luckert, Museum of Northern Arizona Press). , 1979
12 Five holograph interlinear notebooks.
122 Typescript (carbon) of text and trans. with corresponding notes.
13 Materials regarding BIG GODWAY and DOWNWAY
13 Four holograph notebooks -- some interlinear, but mostly text.
131 Typescript (original and carbon) of text only.
13 Materials regarding PROSTITUTION WAY and MOTHWAY. (Published as Love-magic and Butterfly People: the Slim Curly version of the Ajilee and Mothway Myths, edited by I.W. Goossen and Karl W. Luckert, Museum of Northern Arizona Press). , 1978
13 Five holograph interlinear notebooks.
132 Typescript (original and carbon) of text and trans. with corresponding notes.
133 Typescript (original and carbon) of text and trans. with corresponding notes.
134 Holograph notes and various typescripts of the introduction.
14 Materials regarding NAVAJO FLINTWAY. (Published as Origin Legend of Navaho Flintway, University of Chicago Press. Version A). , 1943
14 Ten holograph interlinear notebooks. Version A, by Slim Curly of Crystal. , 1939-1941
14 Ten holograph interlinear notebooks. Version B, by Curly Chinlee. , 1929-1930
14 One original drawing for p.23 of published text.
15 Materials regarding MOUNTAIN TOP WAY. (Published as The Mountainway of the Navajo, by Leland C. Wyman, University of Arizona Press, 1975) , 1975
15 Six holograph interlinear notebooks.
151 Typescript (original) of text and transcript with corresponding notes.
152 Typescript (original) of text and transcript with corresponding notes.
153 Holograph notes. (p. 43-44 missing)
154 Typescript of original legend (by ??)
16 Materials regarding RED ANTWAY. (Published as The Red Antway of the Navaho, by Leland C. Wyman, Museum of Navaho Ceremonial Art. , 1965
16 Three holograph interlinear notebooks.
161 Holograph notebook of notes.
162 Typescript (carbon) of text and trans. with accompanying notes.
163 Typescript (original and carbon) of interlinear copies of songs.
16 Materials regarding BIG STARWAY
16 Four holograph interlinear notebooks.
164 Typescripts (original) of Liberation Prayer and songs, text and trans.
165 Three notebooks (interlinear, text of songs, drawings, notes in English).
16 Materials regarding NIGHTWAY
166 Holograph notes to a text ? Typescript (carbon) of Liberation Prayer Song. Interlinear. Holograph notebook (part interlinear) of Nightway prayers and songs.
17 Materials regarding CHIRICAHUA WINDWAY.(Published in The Windways of the Navaho, by Leland C. Wyman, The Taylor Museum of the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center). Additional notes in notebook for NAVAJO WINDWAY -- See Box 18 , 1962
17 Version A, by Slim Curly of Crystal. , 1932
17 Four holograph interlinear noteboks.
17 One holograph book of notes, etc., in English.
171 Preliminary typescript (carbon)
172 Preliminary typescript (carbon)
173 Final typescript (original) , chapters 1-7 only
17 Version B, by Salt Water Man of Lukachuckai. , 1931
17 Five holograph interlinear notebooks ( #5 also contains #6 of ENEMYWAY -- see Box 11)
174 Typescripts (carbon) of text and trans. with corresponding notes.
175 Typescripts (carbon) of text and trans. with corresponding notes. Additional notes in notebook for NAVAJO WINDWAY - See Box 18.
18 Materials regarding NAVAJO WINDWAY. (Published in The Windways of the Navaho , by Lealand C. Wyman, The Taylor Museum of the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center). , 1962
18 Eight holograph interlinear notenooks.
18 Two holograph (English) notebooks of notes, etc. (#1 also contains notes for CHIRICAHUA WINDWAY -- see Box 17).
181 Typescript (carbon) of text and trans. with corresponding notes.
182 Typescript (carbon) of text and trans. with corresponding notes.
183 Completed typescript (original) -- p. 1-11 only.
184 Miscellaneous typescript notes, and 2 holograph notebooks.
18 Materials regarding SUCKINGWAY. (Published by St. Michaels Press, 1950, in Legend of the Ghostway Ritual in the Male Branch of Shootingway ... Suckingway: its Legend and Practice). , 1950
185 Three holograph notebooks: 2 interlinear (#2 contains also #11. p. 588 - 602, of ENEMYWAY -- see Box 11) and 1 of notes in English.
18 Typescript (carbon) of trans. and notes.
19 Materials regarding SHOOTINGWAY.
19 Eleven holograph notebooks (some interlinear, some text only) of Blue Eyes and Gray Man versions.
19 Five holograph interlinear notebooks of White Singer version. (Published by University of Chicago Press, 1947, as Prayerstick Cutting in a Five Night Navaho Ceremonial of the Male Branch of Shootingway
19 One holograph notebook (English): "Footnotes to dine'tbahi."
19 Holograph ms. and typescripts of forward, notes, text, and translation of Liberation Prayer.
20 Materials regarding SHOOTINGWAY.
201 Typescript (original) interlinear
202 Typescript (original) text -- old orthography, p.1-341. (p.1-113, uncorrected; p.114-341, corrected)
203 Typescript (original) text -- new orthography, p.1-350, (p.242-350 published in Legend of the Ghostway Ritual in the Male Branch of Shootingway, St. Michaels Press. , 1950
204 Typescript (original) trans. p.1-341
205 Typescript (original) trans. p.1-341
21 Materials regarding BLESSINGWAY. (Published in Blessingway, by Leland C. Wyman, University of Arizona Press. , 1970
21 Version I, by Slim Curly.
21 Ten holograph interlinear notebooks.
21 Three holograph notebooks (English) of footnotes.
211 Correspondence regarding publication. , 1927-1969
212 Correspondence regarding publication. , 1927-1969
213 Correspondence regarding publication. , 1927-1969
214 Correspondence regarding publication. , 1927-1969
215 Misc. notes by Father Berard.
22 Materials regarding BLESSINGWAY. (See publication note for Box 21)
22 Version I, by Slim Curly.
221 Transcript (original) of contents, introductions, index (incomplete), and chapters 1-65 (some missing). Text and trans.
222 Transcript (original) of contents, introductions, index (incomplete), and chapters 1-65 (some missing). Text and trans
223 Transcript (original) of contents, introductions, index (incomplete), and chapters 1-65 (some missing). Text and trans
224 Transcript (original) of contents, introductions, index (incomplete), and chapters 1-65 (some missing). Text and trans
225 Typescript (original) Navajo text only, p.1-100.
226 Page proof, chapters 1-21.
23 Materials regarding BLESSINGWAY. (See publication note for Box 21)
23 Version II, by Frank Mitchell and Curly txoaxedlini.
23 Twelve holograph interlinear notebooks, chapters 1-30 (F.M.)
23 Eleven holograph interlinear notebooks, chapters 31-60 (C.t.)
23 One holograph notebook (English) of footnotes.
24 Materials regarding BLESSINGWAY. (See publication note for Box 21)
24 Version II, by Frank Mitchell.
241 Completed transcript: Contents, introd. (2 drafts), chapters 1-30 (original)
242 Completed transcript: Contents, introd. (2 drafts), chapters 1-30 (original)
243 Completed transcript: Contents, introd. (2 drafts), chapters 1-30 (original)
244 Completed transcript: Contents, introd. (2 drafts), chapters 1-30 (original)
245 Typescript (original) text and notes, chapters 31-60, p.241-497.
246 Typescript (original) trans., p.241-262, 301-427. (p.263-300 and p.428-497 missing)
24 Typescript (carbon) notes to trans., p.498-535. (p.536 to end missing)
Series IX: Reprints Pertaining to the Navajo
25 Various authors, various publications. Includes a few by Father Berard.
Series X : Navajo Language and Grammar
26 Lessons in Navajo:
26 Three typescript notebooks; holograph notes by Fr. Berard and E. Sapir.
261 Two typescript versions of same subject, different from the above. One mineographed version of same subject, different from above.
262 Holograph fragments.
263 "Translation of Lessons in Navajo for Mr. Sandoval," by I. Reade.
26 Three holograph notebooks on grammar, vocabulary, etc.
271 "Verbal stem Forms." p.1-380. Typescript (original)
272 "Verbal stem Forms." p.1-380. Typescript (original)
273 "A List of Navaho Stems," compiled by E. Sapir. Typescript (carbon) with holograph annotations by Fr. Berard.
274 "An Introduction to Navaho," by Fr. Berard and E. Sapir. Holograph ms. by Sapir, and typescript (original).
275 "Grammatical Notes on the Navaho Language." Mimeographed.
276 Verb Stems.
277 Nouns, Pronouns, Adjectives.
278 Verbs.
279 Miscellaneous and fragmentary material.
Series XI: Original Drawings and Two Drafts of the Emergence Myth
28 Many of the drawings and sketches are for published works, such as the Ethnological Dictionaryand Starlore. Others unidentified.
28 One of the Emergence Myth drafts is a holograph manuscript, and the other a typescript (original) with holograph corrections.
Series XII: Linguistic Notes (Navajo)
29 Grammar and vocabulary, in holograph and typescript, on 6 x 4 slips, arranged by Fr. Berard. Includes also some notes on Navajo culture and ceremonials.
30 Grammar and vocabulary, in holograph and typescript, on 6 x 4 slips, arranged by Fr. Berard. Includes also some notes on Navajo culture and ceremonials.
31 Grammar and vocabulary, in holograph and typescript, on 6 x 4 slips, arranged by Fr. Berard. Includes also some notes on Navajo culture and ceremonials.
32 Grammar and vocabulary, in holograph and typescript, on 6 x 4 slips, arranged by Fr. Berard. Includes also some notes on Navajo culture and ceremonials.
33 Grammar and vocabulary, in holograph and typescript, on 6 x 4 slips, arranged by Fr. Berard. Includes also some notes on Navajo culture and ceremonials.
34 Grammar and vocabulary, in holograph and typescript, on 6 x 4 slips, arranged by Fr. Berard. Includes also some notes on Navajo culture and ceremonials.
35 Grammar and vocabulary, in holograph and typescript, on 6 x 4 slips, arranged by Fr. Berard. Includes also some notes on Navajo culture and ceremonials.
36 Grammar and vocabulary, in holograph and typescript, on 6 x 4 slips, arranged by Fr. Berard. Includes also some notes on Navajo culture and ceremonials.
37 Grammar and vocabulary, in holograph and typescript, on 6 x 4 slips, arranged by Fr. Berard. Includes also some notes on Navajo culture and ceremonials.
Series XIII: Index to notes for BLESSINGWAY
38 Typescript on 6 x 4 slips, compiled and arranged by Fr. Berard. Some additional holograph notes.
39 Typescript on 6 x 4 slips, compiled and arranged by Fr. Berard. Some additional holograph notes.
Series XIV: Sand paintings
Fifteen large original drawings of sand paintings relating to cermonials, including MountainWay, Mountain Chant, Night Chant, Plume Way, and Naatobeca. Slides of drawings are also present.