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1Author:  Tip Top Copper CompanyAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Tip Top Copper Company records, 1900-1931 ead 
 Date(s):  1900-1931 
 Abstract:  Collection includes payrolls, reports, correspondence, financial records, legal papers, and miscellaneous materials pertaining to the Tip Top Mine in Helvetia Mining District, Pima County, Arizona. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Mines and mineral resources -- Arizona -- Pima County | Mining corporations -- Arizona -- Pima County | Mineral industries -- Arizona -- Pima County | Copper mines and mining -- Arizona -- Pima County | Copper miners -- Arizona -- Pima County 
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2Author:  University of Arizona. Agricultural Extension Service.Add to Favorites
 Title:  Data on Wells and Pump Irrigation, 1904-1941 ead 
 Date(s):  1904-1941 
 Abstract:  This cooperative project of the University of Arizona, College of Agriculture and the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture encouraged agriculture and home economics in Arizona. The collection includes records on printed forms; data on wells and pump irrigation for Townships 9-21, Pima County, Ariz., 1912-1941, including records of stream flow in Santa Cruz River, Rillito Creek, and Sabino Canyon, 1904-1935. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Groundwater -- Arizona -- Pima County. | Water-supply -- Arizona -- Pima County. 
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3Author:  University of Arizona. Cooperative Extension Service.Add to Favorites
 Title:  Photograph Album of Activities in Pima County 1922-1930 (bulk 1926-1928) ead 
 Date(s):  1922-1930 
 Abstract:  Photograph album; relating to homemaking projects, health services and 4-H club work. Includes photographs of rural schools and school children,including Tohono O'Odham communities. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  4-H clubs -- Arizona -- Pima County -- Photographs. | Home demonstration work -- Arizona -- Pima County -- Photographs. | Schools -- Arizona -- Pima County -- Photographs. | Tohono O'odham Indians -- Photographs. 
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4Author:  Pima County (Ariz.)Add to Favorites
 Title:  Pima County, Arizona records, 1864-1923 (bulk 1867-1904) ead 
 Date(s):  1864-1923 (bulk 1867-1904) 
 Abstract:  Financial accounts, petitions, bonds, reports, leases, deeds, abstracts of titles, tax lists, bids, and correspondence related to Pima County operations. Chiefly records of the Board of Supervisors, such as letterpress copies of correspondence, petitions for appointments to county office, and financial demands and warrants. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  School census -- Arizona -- Pima County -- History -- Sources | Elections -- Arizona -- Pima County -- History -- Sources 
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5Author:  Login City,Ariz.Add to Favorites
 Title:  Logan City, Arizona records, 1883-1887 ead 
 Date(s):  1883-1887 
 Abstract:  The collection includes several letters to George Roskruge from John [Logan], William R. Logan and R. B. Elliot, clerk of the company, pertaining to his survey work and other interests in Logan City. Also present are notice of location papers for the Black Bird Mine; correspondence relating to a conflict of interest involving John Gardiner, Deputy Mineral Surveyor; and correspondence and legal documents concerning a dispute, between James M. Quiggle and the Logan Townsite and Well Company, over financing of the town well. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Mines and Mineral resources -- Arizona -- Pima County -- History -- Sources | Extinct cities -- Arizona -- Pima County -- Sources 
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6Author:  Tierra Right of Way ServicesAdd to Favorites
 Title:  44 North Stone Monitoring 2003 ead 
 Date(s):  2003 
 Abstract:  Southwest Gas replaced gas meters for the newly remodeled Fox Theater. The work was performed at 44 N. Stone Ave. in downtown Tucson. 
 Repository:  Arizona State Museum 
 Subjects:  Archaeological surveying -- Arizona -- Pima County. | Archaeological surveying -- Arizona -- Tucson. | Pima County (Ariz.)-- Antiquities. | Tucson (Ariz.)-- Antiquities. 
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7Author:  Allen Estes.Add to Favorites
 Title:  Kinder Morgan Energy Partners, LP - Phase III and IV Pipeline Replacement September 2003 - February 2004 ead 
 Date(s):  September 2003 - February 2004 
 Abstract:  Material from excavations and monitoring of sites impacted by constructions of 11 miles of pipeline that replaced the 8" pipeline that ran through the city of Tucson. Excavations were focused on four sites with in the right-of-way. 
 Repository:  Arizona State Museum 
 Subjects:  Excavations (Archaeology)--Arizona--Tucson. | Excavations (Archaeology)--Arizona--Pima County. | Tucson (Ariz.)--Antiquities. | Pima County (Ariz.)--Antiquities. 
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8Author:  Ellen C. Ruble.Add to Favorites
 Title:  Zanardelli Data Recovery May 2003 - June 2003, 2011 ead 
 Date(s):  May 2003 - June 2003, 2011 
 Abstract:  Artifacts related to the Zanardelli site which is one of four sites impacted by a City of Tucson water transmission and slip lining replacement project south of Tucson, Pima County, Arizona. 
 Repository:  Arizona State Museum 
 Subjects:  Excavations (Archaeology)--Arizona--Tucson. | Excavations (Archaeology)--Arizona--Pima County. | Tucson (Ariz.)--Antiquities. | Pima County (Ariz.)--Antiquities. 
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9Author:  Statistical ResearchAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Badger Hole Data Recovery May, September-November 1995; May-June 2000; January-February 2002 ead 
 Date(s):  May, September-November 1995; May-June 2000; January-February 2002 
 Abstract:  Artifacts and associated documents from excavations at the Badger Hole Site (AZ AA:12:40[ASM]). This accession combined two phases: Thornydale Road Widening D.R. and Badger Hole Data Recovery. 
 Repository:  Arizona State Museum 
 Subjects:  Archaeological surveying--Arizona--Tucson. | Archaeological surveying--Arizona--Pima County. | Antiquities, Prehistoric--Arizona--Tucson. | Antiquities, Prehistoric--Arizona--Pima County. | Historic sites--Arizona--Tucson. | Historic sites--Arizona--Pima County. 
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10Author:  Aztlan Archaeology.Add to Favorites
 Title:  Golder Dam Testing Project February 2001 ead 
 Date(s):  February 2001 
 Abstract:  Documentation of artifacts recovered during archaeological testing of four sites on the former Golder Ranch parcel. Work occurred prior to residential development. 
 Repository:  Arizona State Museum 
 Subjects:  Excavations (Archaeology)--Arizona--Cañada del Oro. | Excavations (Archaeology)--Arizona--Oro Valley. | Excavations (Archaeology)--Arizona--Pima County. | Antiquities, Prehistoric--Arizona--Cañada del Oro. | Antiquities, Prehistoric--Arizona--Oro Valley. | Antiquities, Prehistoric--Arizona--Pima County. | Historic sites--Arizona--Cañada del Oro. | Historic sites--Arizona--Oro Valley. | Historic sites--Arizona--Pima County. 
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11Author:  Pima County (Ariz.). Health Department. Air Pollution Control Advisory Council.Add to Favorites
 Title:  Records of the Air Pollution Control Advisory Council, 1966-1968 ead 
 Date(s):  1966-1968 
 Abstract:  Minutes of meetings, correspondence, ordinances, rules and regulations, legislative bills, reports, and miscellaneous material. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Air -- Pollution -- Arizona. | Air -- Pollution -- Arizona -- Pima County. | Air quality -- Arizona. | Air quality management -- Arizona -- Pima County. 
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12Author:  De Kalb, Courtenay, 1861-Add to Favorites
 Title:  Report on Matt Perry Group of Mining Claims, 1914 ead 
 Date(s):  1914 
 Abstract:  Report on the Matt Perry group of mining claims, Quijotoa, Pima County, Ariz.; prepared for Eugene S. Ives. Includes a table of contents, and two maps by DeKalb of the mining claims and the underground view of the Queen of Arizona mine. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Mining claims -- Arizona -- Pima County. 
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13Author:  C.E. Britten, 1893-1970.Add to Favorites
 Title:  C.E. Britten Cattle Company papers, 1943-1958 ead 
 Date(s):  1943-1958 
 Abstract:  Papers (1943-1958). This collection contains the papers of the C.E. Britten Cattle Company. Britten worked for thirty-two years as a bonded livestock dealer; he was a cattle ranch manager and owner between the Sasabe and Three Points, Arizona area. Materials in the collection are C.E. Britten's business files including: livestock auction sheets, bill of sale drafts, contracts, order books, and weight sheets. All materials are in English. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Cattle trade--Arizona--Pima County. 
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14Author:  Robert B. Neily.Add to Favorites
 Title:  I-19/Duval Mine Road Data Recovery January 2004 - April 2004 ead 
 Date(s):  January 2004 - April 2004 
 Abstract:  Artifacts related to a project improving the Duval Mine Road Traffic Interchange along Interstate 19 in Sahuarita, Pima County, Arizona. One large site was impacted. 
 Repository:  Arizona State Museum 
 Subjects:  Excavations (Archaeology)--Arizona--Sahuarita. | Excavations (Archaeology)--Arizona--Pima County. | Santa Cruz River Valley (Ariz. and Mexico)--Antiquities. | Pima County (Ariz.)--Antiquities. | Sahuarita (Ariz.)--Antiquities. 
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15Author:  Richmond Jones Jr. (1833-1861)Add to Favorites
 Title:  Richmond Jones papers, 1859-1861 ead 
 Date(s):  1859-1861 
 Abstract:  Diary and Notebooks, 1859-1861. This collection includes materials which document the travels and surveys of Richmond Jones (1833-1861) while working for the Sopori Land and Mining Company in the Santa Cruz Valley of Arizona. The diary describes his journey from Rhode Island to Tucson, Arizona and offer insights on individuals and mining activities in southern Arizona until his sudden death at the hands of Apaches, in the field, in 1861. Includes account books, letters, survey books and documents, as well as a report on the Sopori and San Xavier mines by mining engineer Raphael Pumpelly (1837-1923) who was in charge of the Santa Rita Mine from 1860-1861. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Ranches -- Arizona -- Pima County | Sopori Land Grant (Ariz.) | Land Grants -- Arizona | Surveying -- Arizona | San Xavier Mine (Ariz.) | Sopori Mine-(Ariz.) | Geology -- Arizona -- Pima County. 
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16Author:  Mathewson, Edward Payson, 1864-Add to Favorites
 Title:  History of the Ajo District, 1933 ead 
 Date(s):  1933 
 Abstract:  Typescript of paper read before the Tucson Literary Club, Nov. 1933, Tucson, Ariz., concerning Ajo mining history. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Copper mines and mining -- Arizona -- Pima County. 
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17Author:  Tierra Right of Way Services, Ltd.Add to Favorites
 Title:  Coachline Data Recovery 2005-2007 ead 
 Date(s):  2005-2007 
 Abstract:  An intensive data recovery operation at the Silverbell-Coachline site in Marana Arizona. The Silverbell-Coachline site is a large Hohokam Pioneer and Colonial period village and cemetary located on the Tucson Mountains pediment above the Santa Cruz river. 
 Repository:  Arizona State Museum 
 Subjects:  Pima County (Ariz.)--Antiquities--Collection and preservation. | Silverbell-Coachline Site (Ariz.)--Antiquities--Collection and preservation. | Excavations (Archaeology)--Arizona--Pima County. | Excavations (Archaeology)--Arizona--Silverbell-Coachline Site. | Historic sites--Conservation and restoration--Arizona--Silverbell-Coachline Site. 
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18Author:  Tierra Right of Way Services, LTD.Add to Favorites
 Title:  Tapestry Testing 2006-2007 ead 
 Date(s):  2006-2007 
 Abstract:  Archaeological testing conducted at seventeen previously recorded archaeological sites to determine National Register of Historic Places eligibility and to asses the need for additional archaeological fieldworld. 
 Repository:  Arizona State Museum 
 Subjects:  Pima County (Ariz.)--Antiquities--Collection and preservation. | Tapestry Property (Ariz.)--Antiquities--Collection and preservation. | Excavations (Archaeology)--Arizona--Pima County. | Excavations (Archaeology)--Arizona--Tapestry Property. | Historic sites--Conservation and restoration--Arizona--Taspestry Property. 
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19Author:  Tierra Right of Way Services, Ltd.Add to Favorites
 Title:  The Cascada Archaeological Project 2006-2008 ead 
 Date(s):  2006-2008 
 Abstract:  Excavation and systematic inventory or collection of historic artifacts at AZ AA:12:228(ASM) and AZ AA:12:350(ASM), and archival research pertaining to AZ AA:12:375(ASM) and AZ AA:12:374(ASM) for Phase I of the Cascada residential development. Excavation and analysis of archaeological materials recovered from AZ AA:12:932(ASM), AZ AA:12:936(ASM), AZ AA:12:938(ASM), AZ AA:12:940(ASM), AZ AA:12:941(ASM), AZ AA:12:943(ASM), and AZ AA:12:947(ASM). Phased data Recovery investigations ad discoveries at the Richter Site, AZ AA:12:252(ASM), in Marana, Pima County, Arizona. 
 Repository:  Arizona State Museum 
 Subjects:  Pima County (Ariz.)--Antiquities--Collection and preservation. | Northern Tucsn Basin (Ariz.)--Antiquities--Collection and preservation. | Excavations (Archaeology)--Arizona--Pima County. | Excavations (Archaeology)--Arizona--Northern Tucson Basin. | Historic sites--Conservation and restoration--Arizona--Northern Tucson Basin. 
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20Author:  PaleoWestAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Marana Center Data Recovery 2014-2015 ead 
 Date(s):  2014-2015 
 Abstract:  Archaeological data recovery at Ironwood Village, AZ AA:12:226(ASM), and a smaller ancillary site, AZ AA:12:922(ASM). Both sites are located within the footprint of the Marana Center commercial development, at the southwestern juncture of Interstate 10 and Twin Peaks Road in Marana, Arizona. 
 Repository:  Arizona State Museum 
 Subjects:  Pima County (Ariz.)--Antiquities--Collection and preservation. | Ironwood Village (Ariz.)--Antiquities--Collection and preservation. | Excavations (Archaeology)--Arizona--Pima County. | Excavations (Archaeology)--Arizona--Ironwood Village. | Historic sites--Conservation and restoration--Arizona--Ironwood Village. 
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