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1930 (1)
1900 (1)
1Author:  Hall, Edward T. (Edward Twitchell), 1914-2009Add to Favorites
 Title:  Edward Twitchell Hall papers, 1930-1996 ead 
 Date(s):  1930-1996 
 Abstract:  The collection contains Hall's correspondence, field notes, research, writings, and typescripts beginning with his college studies at the University of Arizona and continuing up to 1996 in regards to anthropology and cross-cultural research. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Intercultural communication -- History -- 20th century -- Sources | Space perception -- History -- 20th century -- Sources | Communication -- Cross-cultural studies | Excavations (Archaeology) -- Southwest, New | Anthropological linguistics | Ethnology -- Micronesia -- Chuuk -- Sources -- Land grants -- Arizona 
86 hit(s)    
...World Resources Institute Notes...
...World Bank – Notes...
...Context - World Perspectives...
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2Author:  William H. KellyAdd to Favorites
 Title:  William H. Kelly papers 1900-1973 ead 
 Date(s):  1900-1973 
 Abstract:  This collection contains the research notes, correspondence, and related materials of William H. Kelly. The bulk of the materials in this collection were collected while Kelly conducted research on the Cocopah Tribe's lifeways for this PhD Thesis and during his time as an anthropology professor and President of the Bureau of Ethnic Research in Tucson, Arizona. 
 Repository:  Arizona State Museum 
 Subjects:  Cocopah Tribe of Arizona | Arizona | Anthropology -- Southwest, New | Anthropological linguistics | Anthropology—Research | Ethnography 
7 hit(s)    
...Bibliographic Notecards I...
...Cocopa Ethnography 1952 Incomplete Carbon, I: Habitat...
...Dec. 1946 to May 1947 [I]...
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