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1989 (1)
1940 (1)
1Author:  Jewish Federation of Southern ArizonaAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona Holocaust testimony videocassettes 1989-1990 ead 
 Date(s):  1989-1990 
 Abstract:  The Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona Holocaust testimony videocassettes measure 1.5 linear feet and contain video interviews with Holocaust survivors conducted by the United States Holocaust Museum Oral History Branch in 1989 and the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona in 1990 on 19 U-matic videocassettes. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Concentration camp inmates. | Holocaust survivors | Holocaust Jewish 1939-1945--Personal narratives. | Jews--Migrations | Jewish refugees. | World War, 1939-1945--Personal narratives, Jewish. | Refugee camps 
12 hit(s)    
...Collection Summary...
...MS 667). Special Collections, University of Arizona...
...heirs, legates, or literary executors). The user agrees to...
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2Author:  Klein, Gerda Weissmann, 1924- Klein, Kurt, 1920-Add to Favorites
 Title:  Gerda Weissmann and Kurt Klein Papers 1940s-2012 1940s-2001 ead 
 Date(s):  1940s-2012 
 Abstract:  This collection consists primarily of drafts, reader correspondence, and other materials documenting Gerda Klein's All But My Life (1957). Many of the letters from readers were written by junior high and high school students who read the memoir as part of their classes. Also included are personal correspondence, biographical information, items documenting Gerda and Kurt Klein's speaking engagements, and materials showing One Survivor Remembers (a documentary about Gerda Klein's life) and other of Klein's published works. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Rare Books and Manuscripts 
 Subjects:  Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) -- Poland -- Personal narratives. | Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) -- Study and teaching. | Holocaust survivors -- United States. | Jewish women authors. 
12 hit(s)    
...Series III: Other Literary Works by Gerda Klein...
...Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation, 1995...
...Overview of the Collection MSS-347 Klein, Gerda Weissmann,...
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