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1Author:  Wilson, Harold Graydon.Add to Favorites
 Title:  History of Beta Phi Chapter, Sigma Chi Fraternity 1927 ead 
 Date(s):  1927 
 Abstract:  Typescript (carbon). 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Greek letter societies. 
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...of Arizona PO Box 210055 Tucson, AZ 85721-0055 Phone: 520-...
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2Author:  Add to Favorites
 Title:  Phi Lambda Phrateres newsletters, ead 
 Date(s):  unknown 
 Abstract:  This collection contains newsletters from "The Phratereans" of the Phi Lambda Phrateres from November 1943-1974. The Phrateres began as an all women social organization in 1924 and came to the University of Arizona in the 1930's where it once had over 500 members. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Greek letter societies | Women -- Education 
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...of Arizona PO Box 210055 Tucson, AZ 85721-0055 Phone: 520-...
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3Author:  Arizona State University. Libraries. Department of Archives and Special CollectionsAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Arizona State University Archives Small Manuscripts [UM USM 250-UM USM 499] 1885-2008, ead 
 Date(s):  1885-2008 
 Abstract:  This guide describes small manuscript collections held in Arizona State University's Archives. These collections generally consist of 1-5 folders and document Arizona State University from its founding to the present. Manuscripts, diplomas, correspondence, publications, photographs, personal papers, professional papers, and other materials are included. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. University Archives 
 Subjects:  Mexican Americans. | Research | Graduate Students | Undergraduates | Student Housing | Dormitories | Lobbying | Greek letter societies | Clubs | College Students -- Social life and customs | Employees | Clubs | Planning | Employees | Women -- Economic conditions | Women -- Social Conditions | Sex Discrimination against Women | Clubs | Universities and Colleges -- Law and Legislation | Accreditation | Planning | Education -- Curricula | Law | Music | Commencement Ceremonies | Discipline | Educational tests and measurements | Scholarships | Associations, institutions, etc. | Student Housing 
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...Arizona State University Tucson Association for Child Care,...
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4Author:  Arizona State University Libraries. Department of Archives and Special CollectionsAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Arizona Collection Small Manuscripts [CM MSM 1-CM MSM 250] 1701-2009 1850-2009 ead 
 Date(s):  1701-2009 
 Abstract:  This guide describes all of the small manuscript collections held in ASC's Arizona Collection. These collections generally consist of 1-2 folders and document Arizona as a territory and state. Manuscripts, personal papers, and professional papers are included. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Greater Arizona Collection 
 Subjects:  Trails | Horse Stealing | Arizona Territory | Navajo Indians | Navajo Indians -- Government relations | Navajo Indians -- Economic conditions | Mines and mineral resources -- Arizona -- Globe | Conglomerate corporations | Kwoc Manual | Arizona Southwest Collection Index | Dept Archives & Manuscripts | Authority Files | Civil War | Picacho Peak | Cities & Towns | Cotton Growing | Cotton -- History | Prostitution | Yavapai County | Bonds | Railroads | Water rights | Indians of North America | Indian Reservations | Water reuse -- Arizona | Whitlow Ranch | Queen Creek | Flood control | Agriculture | Ak Chin Indian Community 
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...Tucson the Old & New Undated...
...Dick Camacho, Jesus Tucson (Ariz. ) Police -- Biography...
...Ariz. ) Public Health Tucson (Ariz. ) Douglas Miami (Ariz. )...
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