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1960 (1)
1907 (1)
1701 (1)
1Author:  Maxwell, Sharon Lee ReynoldsAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Sharon Reynolds Maxwell Papers 1960-1990 (bulk 1970-1988) ead 
 Date(s):  1960-1990 
 Abstract:  Papers, 1960-1990 (bulk: 1970-1988). This collection contains materials documenting the implementation of the Model Cities program in Tucson, Arizona and the administrative component of the Citizen Participation office in which Sharon Lee Reynolds Maxwell worked beginning in 1972. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  City planning - Arizona - Tucson | Community development - Arizona - Tucson | Municipal government - Arizona - Tucson - Citizen Participation 
166 hit(s)    
...Tucson, Population statistic reports,...
...Tucson, Affirmative Action Program,...
...Tucson, Public Housing Project,...
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2Author:  Pulliam familyAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Pulliam Family Collection, 1907-1978. ead 
 Date(s):  1907-1978. 
 Abstract:  The Pulliam Collection contains papers, correspondence, financial documents, publications, and articles belonging to the C. t. Pulliam family. T. T. Pulliam was a respected resident of Flagstaff, Arizona, city clerk, and career National Guardsman. The collection also contains material related to his wife, Loretta Bondesson, daughter Louella, son Clarence, Jr., and father T. E. Pulliam. 
 Repository:  Cline Library. Special Collections and Archives Department. 
 Subjects:  Town clerks--Arizona--Flagstaff. | Soldiers -- Arizona. | Soldiers -- United States. | Women -- Arizona -- Archives. | Public officers -- Arizona. | Sheriffs -- Arizona. | Real estate agents -- Arizona. | Yearbooks. | Municipal government -- Arizona. | World War, 1939-1945. | Associations, institutions, etc. -- Arizona -- Flagstaff. | Church buildings -- Arizona -- Flagstaff. | School notebooks. 
1 hit(s)    
...a study of air problems in Tucson. Also included is a series...
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3Author:  Arizona State University Libraries. Department of Archives and Special CollectionsAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Arizona Collection Small Manuscripts [CM MSM 1-CM MSM 250] 1701-2009 1850-2009 ead 
 Date(s):  1701-2009 
 Abstract:  This guide describes all of the small manuscript collections held in ASC's Arizona Collection. These collections generally consist of 1-2 folders and document Arizona as a territory and state. Manuscripts, personal papers, and professional papers are included. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Greater Arizona Collection 
 Subjects:  Trails | Horse Stealing | Arizona Territory | Navajo Indians | Navajo Indians -- Government relations | Navajo Indians -- Economic conditions | Mines and mineral resources -- Arizona -- Globe | Conglomerate corporations | Kwoc Manual | Arizona Southwest Collection Index | Dept Archives & Manuscripts | Authority Files | Civil War | Picacho Peak | Cities & Towns | Cotton Growing | Cotton -- History | Prostitution | Yavapai County | Bonds | Railroads | Water rights | Indians of North America | Indian Reservations | Water reuse -- Arizona | Whitlow Ranch | Queen Creek | Flood control | Agriculture | Ak Chin Indian Community 
5 hit(s)    
...Tucson the Old & New Undated...
...Dick Camacho, Jesus Tucson (Ariz. ) Police -- Biography...
...Ariz. ) Public Health Tucson (Ariz. ) Douglas Miami (Ariz. )...
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