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121Author:  McGinnies, William Grovernor, 1899-1990.Add to Favorites
 Title:  The Desert Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington: History and Achievements 1981 ead 
 Date(s):  1981 
 Abstract:  William Grovenor McGinnies was an arid lands ecologist, educator; University of Arizona Assistant Professor, 1927-1929, Associate Professor, 1930-1932, Acting Head of the Botany Department, 1932-1935, Director of Lab Tree Research, 1960-1964, Director of Office of Arid Land Studies and Professor of Dendrochronology, 1965-1969, Research ecologist Office of Arid Land Studies, 1969-1974. Originally published as Discovering the Desert: Legacy of the Carnegie Desert Botanical Laboratory, by the University of Arizona Press, Tucson, 1981. Original typescript with figures and photographs. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Botanical laboratories -- Arizona -- Tucson. | Desert ecology -- Arizona. | Desert ecology -- Sonoran Desert. | Desert plants -- Arizona. | Desert plants -- Sonoran Desert. 
4 hit(s)    
...University of Arizona Press, Tucson, 1981. Related materials...
...laboratories -- Arizona -- Tucson. Desert ecology --...
...of Arizona Press, Tucson, 1981. Original typescript with...
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122Author:  Southwest Environmental ServiceAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Southwest Environment Service records, 1975-1988 ead 
 Date(s):  1975-1988 
 Abstract:  The records contain a comprehensive view of one of the most important environmental advocacy groups in Arizona from 1974 until 1988. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Environmental policy -- Arizona | Water quality -- Arizona | Air - Pollution -- Arizona | Water-supply -- Arizona | Flood control -- Arizona -- Tucson | Acid rain -- Arizona | Copper mines and mining -- Arizona | Smelting -- Environmental aspects -- Arizona | Environmental protection -- Arizona -- Citizen participation | Public interest law -- Arizona | Land use -- Arizona -- Planning -- Citizen participation 
10 hit(s)    
...Interior committee hearings, Tucson, Arizona. 1983-1984...
...staff at public hearings in Tucson, Phoenix, and Washington,...
...of Arizona PO Box 210055 Tucson, AZ 85721-0055 Phone: 520-...
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123Author:  Corrigan, Monica.Add to Favorites
 Title:  Diary of Sister Monica, 1870 ead 
 Date(s):  1870 
 Abstract:  Sister Monica was a member of party of Sisters of Saint Joseph of Carondelet and traveled to Tucson to establish St. Joseph's Convent. Later she established St. Mary's Hospital in Tucson, Ariz. This collection is made up of a diary of railway and stage journey from St. Louis, Mo. to Tucson, Ariz., April 21, 1870-May 26, 1870, with Sisters of Saint Joseph of Carondelet. Later it was published in part as The Trek of the Seven Sisters, Tucson, 1948. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Frontier and pioneer life -- Arizona. 
10 hit(s)    
...St. Mary's Hospital (Tucson, Ariz. ) -- History. Frontier...
...Carondelet and traveled to Tucson to establish St. Joseph's...
...St. Mary's Hospital in Tucson, Ariz. This collection is made...
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124Author:  Getty, Harry Thomas, 1904-1995Add to Favorites
 Title:  Harry T. Getty papers 1940-1980 ead 
 Date(s):  1940-1980 
 Abstract:  Collection consists of field notes, research files, correspondence, manuscript drafts, and associated materials assembled by cultural anthropologist Harry T. Getty for his work on Tucson ethnic communities, the San Carlos Apache, and social change in Fiji and Yugoslavia. 
 Repository:  Arizona State Museum 
 Subjects:  Apache Indians--Arizona--San Carlos Indian Reservation | Apache Indians--Arizona--Fort Apache Indian Reservation | Apache Indians--Arizona--Land tenure | Apache Indians--Arizona--Claims | Cattle trade--Arizona--San Carlos Indian Reservation | University of Arizona. Dept. of Anthropology | Leadership--Fiji | Urbanization--Slovenia 
17 hit(s)    
...Tucson Camera Club, 1947....
...Thesis – Papago in Tucson. ”...
...on ethnic communities of Tucson, Arizona. (5 x 8 inch index...
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125Author:  Friends of the Temple of Music and Art.Add to Favorites
 Title:  Friends of the Temple of Music and Art records 1976-1981 ead 
 Date(s):  1976-1981 
 Abstract:  Friends of the Temple of Music and Art Records was a civic organization formed in 1976 in Tucson, Arizona, to restore and preserve the Temple of Music and Art, home of the Saturday Morning Musical Club, and to encourage the development of the performing and visual arts. The group disbanded in 1981. Includes correspondence, reports, minutes of meetings, financial records, clippings, publications, and programs of performances sponsored by the group. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Centers for the performing arts -- Arizona -- Tucson -- History -- Sources. 
5 hit(s)    
...organization formed in 1976 in Tucson, Arizona, to restore...
...Art -- Archives. Temple of Music and Art (Tucson, Ariz. )...
...performing arts -- Arizona -- Tucson -- History -- Sources....
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126Author:  Alianza Hispano-AmericanaAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Alianza Hispano-Americana records, 1894-1965 1920-1950 ead 
 Date(s):  1894-1965 
 Abstract:  Papers relating to the Alianza Hispano-Americana, which offered low-cost life insurance, social activities, and other services to primarily Mexican/Mexican-Americans living in the United States and Mexico. Founded in Tucson in 1894, Alianza was one of the first organizations to offer life insurance and burial policies to Mexican-American citizens. This collections includes photographs, financial files, correspondence between lodge secretaries, convention files, published materials, scrapbooks, and ledges pertaining to the daily operations of Alizana. Many of the ledgers include membership enrollment information, including members, their addresses, and lodge information. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Alianza Hispano-Americana | Sociedades mutualistas | Mexican Americans -- Arizona 
60 hit(s)    
...Tucson ledger,...
...Tucson ledger,...
...Logia 77, Tucson, Arizona,...
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127Author:  Allen, Ruth.Add to Favorites
 Title:  Sing a Song to Arizona: Female Voices in Three Parts 1919 ead 
 Date(s):  1919 
 Abstract:  Holograph (original) in ink of vocal score. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Music -- Arizona -- Tucson. | Students' songs -- United States. | Vocal music -- Arizona -- Tucson. 
3 hit(s) Music -- Arizona -- Tucson. Students' songs -- United...
...States. Vocal music -- Arizona -- Tucson....
...of Arizona PO Box 210055 Tucson, AZ 85721-0055 Phone: 520-...
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128Author:  Arizona State University Libraries. Department of Archives and Special CollectionsAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Chicano/a Research Collection Small Manuscripts 1891-2010 1970-2010 ead 
 Date(s):  1891-2010 
 Abstract:  This guide describes all of the small manuscript collections held in ASC's Chicano/a Research Collection. These collections generally consist of 1-2 folders and document Mexican American history in Arizona from the late 19th century to the early 21st century. Manuscripts, personal papers, professional papers, and family history projects are included. All of these descriptions were originally entered into ASC's Special Materials Index between 1996 and 2014. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Chicano Research Collection 
 Subjects:  Mexican Americans -- Arizona. | Mexican Americans -- History. | Mexican Americans -- Education | Immigrants -- Education | Arizona -- Emigration and immigration | Gardens | Herbs | Mexican Americans -- Social conditions | Mexican Americans -- Societies, etc. | Arizona -- Emigration and immigration | Mexican American women | Teenage pregnancy -- Arizona | Mexican Americans -- Health and hygiene | Prenatal care -- Arizona | Childbirth -- Statistics | Mexican American women | Minority business enterprises -- Arizona | Mexican Americans -- Societies, etc. | Mexicans | Labor unions | Copper mines and mining -- Arizona | Mexican Americans -- Social conditions | Mexican Americans -- Arizona | Arizonac | Stereotypes (Social psychology) | Mexican Americans -- Social conditions | Older Mexican Americans -- Mental health | Older Mexican Americans -- Health and hygiene | Stereotypes (Social psychology) | Labor unions 
10 hit(s)    
...1943-2003 Historic preservation -- Arizona -- Tucson 306...
...Indians -- Wars -- Arizona Tucson (Ariz. ) Florence (Ariz. )... reunion held in Tucson, Arizona in 1990. Officer,...
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129Author:  Statistical ResearchAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Badger Hole Data Recovery May, September-November 1995; May-June 2000; January-February 2002 ead 
 Date(s):  May, September-November 1995; May-June 2000; January-February 2002 
 Abstract:  Artifacts and associated documents from excavations at the Badger Hole Site (AZ AA:12:40[ASM]). This accession combined two phases: Thornydale Road Widening D.R. and Badger Hole Data Recovery. 
 Repository:  Arizona State Museum 
 Subjects:  Archaeological surveying--Arizona--Tucson. | Archaeological surveying--Arizona--Pima County. | Antiquities, Prehistoric--Arizona--Tucson. | Antiquities, Prehistoric--Arizona--Pima County. | Historic sites--Arizona--Tucson. | Historic sites--Arizona--Pima County. 
4 hit(s)    
...surveying--Arizona--Tucson. Archaeological surveying--...
...Prehistoric--Arizona--Tucson. Antiquities, Prehistoric--...
...Historic sites--Arizona--Tucson. Historic sites--Arizona--...
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130Author:  Arizona State University Libraries. Department of Archives and Special CollectionsAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Chicano/a Research Collection Small Manuscripts 1891-2010 1970-2010 ead 
 Date(s):  1891-2010 
 Abstract:  This guide describes all of the small manuscript collections held in ASC's Chicano/a Research Collection. These collections generally consist of 1-2 folders and document Mexican American history in Arizona from the late 19th century to the early 21st century. Manuscripts, personal papers, professional papers, and family history projects are included. All of these descriptions were originally entered into ASC's Special Materials Index between 1996 and 2014. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Chicano Research Collection 
 Subjects:  Mexican Americans -- Arizona. | Mexican Americans -- History. | Mexican Americans -- Political activity | Mexican Americans -- Civil rights | High school students -- Arizona -- Phoenix | Education, Bilingual | Agricultural laborers | Migrant labor | Housing -- Arizona | Mexican Americans--History | Minorities -- Study and teaching | Education | Communication | Mexico. Treaties, etc. United States, 1848 February 2 | Mexican War, 1846-1848 | Mexican Americans -- Civil rights | Mexican American families -- Arizona -- Phoenix | Mexican American families | Mexican American families | Education | Curriculum planning | Education, Elementary | Schools | Southwest, New -- History | Education, Bilingual | English language | Spanish language | Airlines -- United States | Mexican Americans -- Civil rights | Mexican Americans -- Social conditions 
8 hit(s)    
...Paul J. Jesuits Mission San Xavier del Bac (Tucson, Ariz. )...
...Catholic church buildings Tucson (Ariz. ) 70...
...History -- Revolution, 1910-1920 Tucson (Ariz. ) 154...
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131Author:  Arizona State University Libraries. Department of Archives and Special CollectionsAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Chicano/a Research Collection Small Manuscripts 1891-2010 1970-2010 ead 
 Date(s):  1891-2010 
 Abstract:  This guide describes all of the small manuscript collections held in ASC's Chicano/a Research Collection. These collections generally consist of 1-2 folders and document Mexican American history in Arizona from the late 19th century to the early 21st century. Manuscripts, personal papers, professional papers, and family history projects are included. All of these descriptions were originally entered into ASC's Special Materials Index between 1996 and 2014. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Chicano Research Collection 
 Subjects:  Mexican Americans -- Arizona. | Mexican Americans -- History. | Public schools -- Arizona | Education, Elementary | Education, Elementary | Public schools -- Arizona | Education, Elementary | Public schools -- Arizona | Education, Elementary | Public schools -- Arizona | Education, Elementary | Public schools -- Arizona | Education, Elementary | Public schools -- Arizona | Education, Elementary | Public schools -- Arizona | Education, Elementary | Public schools -- Arizona | Education, Elementary | Public schools -- Arizona | Education, Elementary | Public schools -- Arizona | Education, Elementary | Public schools -- Arizona | Repatriation | Creative ability | Social skills | Arizona -- Emigration and immigration | Bills, Legislative | Illegal aliens 
10 hit(s) Febrero: the Mexicana/Chicana Legacy of Tucson, 2003...
...1970 Segregation Pima County (Ariz. ) Tucson (Ariz. ) 842...
...section laborer in Tucson, in 1921. Beltramo, Anthony (...
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132Author:  Pima County (Ariz.). Office of the Superintendent of Schools.Add to Favorites
 Title:  Letter, 1902 Jan. 24, Tucson (Ariz.), to Miss Isabel Porter, San Francisco (Calif.) / William Angus 1902 ead 
 Date(s):  1902 
 Abstract:  Typescript (original) signed letter regarding conditions at Casa de Escuela, Rancho de Brena, Sopori, Arizona. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Public schools -- Arizona -- Pima County. | Schools -- Arizona -- Records and correspondence. 
3 hit(s)    
...Letter, 1902 Jan. 24, Tucson (Ariz. ), to Miss Isabel...
...Line Letter, 1902 Jan. 24, Tucson (Ariz. ), to Miss Isabel...
...of Arizona PO Box 210055 Tucson, AZ 85721-0055 Phone: 520-...
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133Author:  Davison, ElizabethAdd to Favorites
 Title:  University of Arizona Campus Landscape oral history audio cassettes, 2003 ead 
 Date(s):  2003 
 Abstract:  The University of Arizona Campus Landscape oral history audio cassettes measure 1 linear foot and consist of 13 audio cassettes containing interviews with ten individuals who were responsible for, or lent perspective to, natural resource decisions that influenced the University of Arizona's campus landscape development over a century. Envisioned by Elizabeth Davison, Founding Director of the UA Campus Arboretum, and recorded by students from the Environmental Decision Making in Applied Anthropology course in 2003, topics covered in the oral histories include descriptions of how the campus landscape once appeared, how it was maintained, a campus plant walk, and the origin of some plant types now found on campus. The collection includes edited, revised and final, formatted transcripts of each oral history, project notes, and articles related to the campus landscape. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Landscape architecture | Landscapes -- Arizona -- Tucson Region -- Pictorial works | Oral history -- Arizona | Urban beautification -- Arizona -- Tucson 
4 hit(s)    
...Landscapes -- Arizona -- Tucson Region -- Pictorial works...
...Urban beautification -- Arizona -- Tucson Bret-Harte, Dianne...
...personal accounts of the Tucson landscape and her career....
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134Author:  Guss, David LeeAdd to Favorites
 Title:  David Lee Guss photographs, 1967-1982 ead 
 Date(s):  1967-1982 
 Abstract:  Photographs, 8x10, taken chiefly in Arizona from 1967 to 1982. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Extinct cities -- Arizona -- Photographs | Extinct cities -- New Mexico -- Photographs | Ghost towns -- Southwest, New -- Photographs | Indians of North America -- Arizona -- Photographs | Apache Indians -- Photographs | Yaqui Indians -- Photographs | Old Tucson (Ariz.) -- Photographs | Motion pictures -- Arizona -- Photographs | Cities and towns -- Mexican-American Border Region -- Photographs 
24 hit(s)    
...Tucson, 1967-1982...
...Hispanic holy rollers, South Tucson. April 1970...
...Main Street, Old Tucson, Arizona. July 1967...
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135Author:  Sigworth, Oliver F.Add to Favorites
 Title:  American Association of University Professors, University of Arizona Chapter printed materials1946-1966 ead 
 Date(s):  1946-1966 
 Abstract:  Minutes, reports, newsletters, correspondence, and chapter letters concerning American Association of University Professors (A.A.U.P.), University of Arizona Chapter business and labor concerns of university professors mostly in the 1950s and 1960s. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  College teachers -- Arizona -- Tucson -- Archives | Race discrimination -- Arizona -- Tucson | Academic freedom -- Arizona | Newsletters -- Periodicals 
4 hit(s) issue with the NAACP Tucson branch when Somalia students...
...Terms College teachers -- Arizona -- Tucson -- Archives Race...
...discrimination -- Arizona -- Tucson Academic freedom --...
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136Author:  Carpenter, Edwin Francis, 1898-1963Add to Favorites
 Title:  Edwin Francis Carpenter papers, 1917-1963 ead 
 Date(s):  1917-1963 
 Abstract:  Papers, 1917-1963 (bulk 1930-1960), of astronomer Edwin F. Carpenter, 1898-1963. Includes biographical materials, correspondence, publications and appearances, printed materials, photographs, and glass slides. The bulk of the collection consists of correspondence documenting his professional activities, and photographs documenting the building and instrumentation of Steward Observatory at the University of Arizona, and Kitt Peak National Observatory in the Quinan Mountains, west of Tucson, Arizona. Selected correspondents include Bart Bok, Raymund Dugan, Stuve Holm, Knut Lundmark, Otto Struve, Harlow Shapley, and Edwin Hubble. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Astronomers -- Arizona -- Biography | Astronomical observatories -- Arizona 
12 hit(s)    
...Tucson Amateur Astronomers, and their "Moon watch" event....
...telescope, 12 inch, brought to Tucson from Cameron, Ariz.....
...Observatory, building at 950 N. Cherry, Tucson. 1959-1961...
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137Author:  Cortez, Marty Chavez, Carlos Orozco, John H., MD Avilés, Herlinda Crowe, Rosalie RoblesAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Los Universitarios collection 1953-1958, 2018 ead 
 Date(s):  1953-1958, 2018 
 Abstract:  This collection contains materials related to Los Universitarios. Los Universitarios formed in the early 1950s as a social club for Mexican-American students, many of which were the first to attend college from their families. The group would later help bring about the University of Arizona Hispanic Alumni. Materials includeing photographs, newspaper clippings, scrapbook pages, and publications. Items are arranged by donor. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  College students -- Arizona | Students | Women -- Arizona -- Tucson -- Societies and Clubs | Clubs -- Arizona -- Tucson 
4 hit(s)    
...his experiences with Los Universitarios and Tucson, Arizona....
...Arizona Students Women -- Arizona -- Tucson -- Societies and...
...Clubs Clubs -- Arizona -- Tucson Cortez, Marty Chavez,...
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138Author:  Hayden, Carl Trumbull, 1877-1972Add to Favorites
 Title:  Carl T. Hayden Papers 1851-1979 ead 
 Date(s):  1851-1979 
 Abstract:  The Carl T. Hayden Papers consist of personal and political correspondence, newsclippings, speeches, legislation, congressional and senatorial files, research notes, printed matter and memorabilia dating from 1851 to 1979. The bulk of the collection documents Hayden's activities as an United States Senator from Arizona from 1940 to 1968. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Greater Arizona Collection 
 Subjects:  Agriculture -- Arizona. | Civil rights -- United States. | Civil service -- United States. | Conservation of natural resources -- Arizona. | Copper industry and trade -- Arizona. | Flood control -- Arizona. | Indians of North America -- Arizona. | Legislators -- United States -- Archives. | Mexican American agricultural laborers -- Arizona. | Mines and mineral resources -- Arizona. | Range management -- Arizona. | Reclamation of land -- Arizona. | Water resources development -- Arizona. 
196 hit(s)    
...Tucson, 1968-1971...
...KTKT Tucson, 1956...
...Memos from Tucson, 1967...
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139Author:  Episcopal Church. Diocese of ArizonaAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Episcopal Diocese of Arizona Records 1880-2003 ead 
 Date(s):  1880-2003 
 Abstract:  This collection houses minutes, correspondence, publications, financial records, photographs, and other records documenting the Episcopal Diocese of Arizona from 1880 to 2003. It has been divided into four series. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Greater Arizona Collection 
 Subjects:  Episcopal Church -- Arizona -- Clergy. | Episcopalians -- Arizona. | Women in the Episcopal Church -- Arizona. 
77 hit(s)    
...Tucson: Resurrection, 1987...
...Tucson: Grace Church, 1958...
...Tucson: Grace, 1986-1988...
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140Author:  unknownAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Louise Foucar Marshall and Tom Marshall papers, 1866-1972 (bulk 1900-1953) , ead 
 Date(s):  1866-1972 
 Abstract:  Documents and photographs, 1888-1972 (bulk 1900-1953). This collection is comprised of correspondence, financial and legal documents, diaries, and photographs relating to the lives of Louise Foucar Marshall and her husband Tom Marshall. The bulk of the material consists of her personal correspondence and memorabilia, property records, official documents and correspondence relating to the Marshall Charitable Foundation, which they founded in 1930, and documents relating to Tom's death and Louise's trial for his murder in 1931. The collection also includes a large number of photographs and negatives, including some glass-plate negatives, taken by Tom Marshall of the University of Arizona and the city of Tucson in the early years of the 20th century as well as photographs of Louise, Tom, and family and friends. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Trials (Murder) -- Arizona | Businesswomen | Women -- Diaries 
36 hit(s)    
...Tucson and surrounding area: Businesses,...
...Tucson and surrounding area: Homes,...
...Tucson and surrounding area: Railroad,...
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