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21Author:  Arizona Women's Caucus for ArtAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Preliminary Inventory of the Arizona Women's Caucus for Art Records 1977-2005 ead 
 Date(s):  1977-2005 
 Abstract:  This collection houses administrative files, financial materials, correspondence, minutes, agendas, printed matter, photographs, slides, activity files, and other materials documenting the Arizona Women's Caucus for Art. This collection has not been processed in full and can be viewed only by appointment. Contact Archives and Special Collections for more information. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Greater Arizona Collection 
 Subjects:  Arts -- Arizona. | Women artists -- Arizona. 
2 hit(s)    
...AWCA -- Phoenix Little Theatre, 1987...
...P.A.C.T. (Phoenix Arts Coming Together), 1984...
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22Author:  Smith, Lillian Wilhelm, 1882-1971Add to Favorites
 Title:  Lillian Wilhelm Smith collection, ead 
 Date(s):  unknown 
 Repository:  Museum of Northern Arizona 
 Subjects:  Arizona – History – 20th century | Artists – Arizona | Hopi art | Navajo dance 
6 hit(s)    
...Overlooking view of Phoenix [? ],...
...Overlooking view of Phoenix [? ],...
...Announcement for Society Column of the Air, KTAR Phoenix,...
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23Author:  Decil, Stella Walters, 1921-2009Add to Favorites
 Title:  Del Walters Decil Papers 1957-2006 ead 
 Date(s):  1957-2006 
 Abstract:  The Del Decil Papers consist of original and printed fashion illustrations, layouts and other works of art, correspondence, biographical information, newsclippings, and printed matter extending from 1957-2006. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Greater Arizona Collection 
 Subjects:  Art direction. | Women advertisers. | Women commercial artists. | Women painters. 
5 hit(s)    
...Indiana. She was raised in Phoenix but she returned to...
...Indianapolis), and Diamonds (Phoenix). She also worked as a...
...the Saturday Evening Post , Phoenix Magazine and many other...
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24Author:  Kopta, Emry, 1884-1953 Kopta, Anna (née Phelps), 1882-1986Add to Favorites
 Title:  Emry and Anna Kopta collection, ead 
 Date(s):  unknown 
 Repository:  Museum of Northern Arizona 
 Subjects:  Architecture | Arizona Biltmore | Black-and-white photography | Bronze sculpture | Buffalo dance | Busts | Butterfly dance | Devil dance | Figure sculpture | Hopi architecture | Hopi art | Hopi artists | Hopi baskets | Hopi children | Hopi cooking | Hopi dance | Hopi dolls | Hopi Indians | Hopi Indians -- Dwellings -- Arizona -- Oraibi | Hopi Indians -- Religion | Hopi Indians -- Rites and ceremonies | Hopi Indians -- Social life and customs | Hopi Indians -- Women | Hopi mythology | Hopi pottery | Hopi Tribe of Arizona | Hopi women | Hopi women potters | Hopi youth | Images, Photographic 
9 hit(s)    
...women Oraibi (Ariz. ) Phoenix Indian School Photography...
...and began teaching at the Phoenix Indian School. In 1922,... a memorial at the Phoenix Indian School for soldiers...
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25Author:  Arizona State University. Libraries. Department of Archives and Special CollectionsAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Arizona State University Archives Small Manuscripts [UM USM 1000-UM USM 1100] 1885-2008 ead 
 Date(s):  1885-2008 
 Abstract:  This guide describes small manuscript collections held in Arizona State University's Archives. These collections generally consist of 1-5 folders and document Arizona State University from its founding to the present. Manuscripts, diplomas, correspondence, publications, photographs, personal papers, professional papers, and other materials are included. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. University Archives 
 Subjects:  Academic Librarians | Councils and Synods | Committees | Committees | Library Meetings | Academic Librarians | Councils and Synods | Committees | Nominations for Office | Committees | Academic Librarians | Councils and Synods | Committees | Academic Librarians | Councils and Synods | Committees | Academic Librarians | Committees | Academic Librarians | Committees | Councils and Synods | Meetings | Academic Librarians | Councils and Synods | Committees | Library Publications | Academic Librarians | Councils and Synods | Committees | Academic Librarians 
1 hit(s)    
...East Asian community of Phoenix. This student research East...
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26Author:  Saturday Morning Musical Club (Tucson, Ariz.)Add to Favorites
 Title:  Saturday Morning Musical Club records, 1909-1971 (bulk 1920-1948) ead 
 Date(s):  1909-1971 (bulk 1920-1948) 
 Abstract:  This collection includes correspondence, reports, minutes of meetings, financial records, and programs of the various civic events and artists' series performances sponsored by the Saturday Morning Musical Club, as well as similar materials related to the Temple of Music and Art. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Music -- Arizona -- Tucson -- Societies, etc. -- History -- Sources | Centers for the performing arts -- Arizona -- Tucson -- History -- Sources | Women -- Societies and clubs 
1 hit(s)    
...Leases: Albert Stetson, Phoenix. 1933...
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27Author:  Anderson, Warren H.Add to Favorites
 Title:  Warren H. Anderson Photograph Collection 1950-1995 (bulk 1970-1989) ead 
 Date(s):  1950-1995 
 Abstract:  Photographs, 1950-1995 (bulk 1970-1989). This collection is comprised of the photographs of Warren H. Anderson. The bulk of the material relates to his dual careers as a professor of art education at the University of Arizona and as an artist but it also includes family photographs and photographs from his travels. The collection consists primarily of slides but also included are print photographs, negatives, 8 mm films, printed notes and class handouts, and articles. It also contains several large photographs, some mounted, and an original photo montage, “Travel on Gravel with Ethyl”. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Photography – United States – Exhibitions | Photography – United States – Pictorial works | Photographers – United States - Exhibitions | Artists – United States – Exhibitions | Architecture – United States – Exhibitions | Architecture – United States – Pictorial works | Street signs in art | Signs and signboards – United States – Pictorial works | Slides (Photography) | Commercial art – United States - Exhibitions | Drawing – United States – Exhibitions 
1 hit(s)    
...Paso Museum of Art, the Phoenix Art Museum, the University...
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28Author:  Muir, Gertrude HillAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Gertrude Hill Muir Papers 1862-1980 ead 
 Date(s):  1862-1980 
 Abstract:  The Gertrude Hill Muir Papers contain bibliographies, research cards, correspondence, biographical and genealogical information, and news clippings dating from 1862 to 1980. The bulk of the collection consists of bibliographies on various topics relating to Arizona and the Southwest that were produced during Muir's career as a professional librarian (1950-1980). 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Greater Arizona Collection 
 Subjects:  Arizona State University -- Employees. | Librarians -- Arizona. | Indians of North America -- Southwest, New -- Pottery. | Indians of North America -- Southwest, New -- Art. | Decoration and ornament -- Southwest, New. | Indians of North America -- Southwest, New. | Indians of North America -- Arizona. | New Mexico -- History. | Southwest, New -- History. 
3 hit(s)    
...The Westerners [Phoenix Corral] News Sheets. History of the...
...Clara Ella (Hood) Hill in Phoenix, Arizona on October 26,...
...retired in 1975 and died in Phoenix, Arizona on May 6, 1981....
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29Author:  Arizona State University. Libraries. Department of Archives and Special CollectionsAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Arizona State University Archives Small Manuscripts [UM USM 750-UM USM 999] 1885-2008, ead 
 Date(s):  1885-2008 
 Abstract:  This guide describes small manuscript collections held in Arizona State University's Archives. These collections generally consist of 1-5 folders and document Arizona State University from its founding to the present. Manuscripts, diplomas, correspondence, publications, photographs, personal papers, professional papers, and other materials are included. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. University Archives 
 Subjects:  Universities and Colleges | Education, Higher | Corporate Meetings | Books | Industrial Revolution | Foreign public opinion | Anti-communist Movements | Scholarly Publishing | Appointment to office | Academic Libraries | Academic Librarians | Corporate Meetings | Academic Libraries | Academic Librarians | Football | College Sports | Public Relations | Universities and Colleges | Corporate Meetings | Employees | Universities and Colleges | Corporate Meetings | Employees | Universities and Colleges | Library Exhibits | Universities and Colleges | Universities and Colleges | Academic Freedom | Actions and defenses | Universities and Colleges 
5 hit(s)    
...Library by the Mayor of the City of Phoenix: A Proclamation...
...Arizona State University. Libraries Phoenix Public Library...
...953 Phoenix Gazette (Phoenix, Ariz. ) Clippings (Books,...
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30Author:  Wright, Lin (Lin Mary), 1933-Add to Favorites
 Title:  Lin Wright Papers 1968-2000 ead 
 Date(s):  1968-2000 
 Abstract:  This collection houses a variety of materials documenting Lin Wright's career as a theatre for youth educator, creative drama specialist, author, editor, playwright, and arts in education advocate. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Theatre for Youth and Community Collection 
 Subjects:  Acting teachers -- Training of. | Arts in education. | Children's theatre -- Study and teaching. | Elementary schools -- Curricula -- United States. | Multicultural education -- Curricula -- United States. 
1 hit(s)    
...Company, Actors Theatre of Phoenix and on the Founding Board...
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31Author:  unknownAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Fred Harvey Company Photograph Collectionca. 1900 - ca. 1950 ead 
 Date(s):  ca. 1900 - ca. 1950 
 Abstract:  Images documenting the company's business activities and corporate promotion. Many associated with the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway, including rail passenger facilities on trains and at depots. 
 Repository:  The Heard Museum 
 Subjects:  Railroads-Trains-Photographs. | Hotels-West (U.S.)-Photographs. | Indians of North America-West (U.S.)-Social life and customs-Photographs. | Indian arts-West (U.S.)-Photographs. | Handicraft-West (U.S.)-Photographs. | Indians of North America-Agriculture-West (U.S.)-Photographs. 
2 hit(s)    
...2301 N. Central Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85004 Phone: 602-252-8840...
...Photograph Collection. Heard Museum. Phoenix, Arizona...
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32Author:  Arizona State University. Libraries. Department of Archives and Special CollectionsAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Arizona State University Archives Small Manuscripts [UM USM 250-UM USM 499] 1885-2008, ead 
 Date(s):  1885-2008 
 Abstract:  This guide describes small manuscript collections held in Arizona State University's Archives. These collections generally consist of 1-5 folders and document Arizona State University from its founding to the present. Manuscripts, diplomas, correspondence, publications, photographs, personal papers, professional papers, and other materials are included. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. University Archives 
 Subjects:  Mexican Americans. | Research | Graduate Students | Undergraduates | Student Housing | Dormitories | Lobbying | Greek letter societies | Clubs | College Students -- Social life and customs | Employees | Clubs | Planning | Employees | Women -- Economic conditions | Women -- Social Conditions | Sex Discrimination against Women | Clubs | Universities and Colleges -- Law and Legislation | Accreditation | Planning | Education -- Curricula | Law | Music | Commencement Ceremonies | Discipline | Educational tests and measurements | Scholarships | Associations, institutions, etc. | Student Housing 
5 hit(s)    
...Laura Dobbs Phoenix High School Diploma,...
...Joint ASU and City of Phoenix Urban Design Studio College of...
...State University. Downtown Phoenix campus Arizona State...
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33Author:  Salerno, Nicholas A.Add to Favorites
 Title:  Movie Press Kit Collection 1962, 1966-1967, 1971, 1973, 1975-1994, 1996-1998, 2001, 2003 ead 
 Date(s):  1962, 1966-1967, 1971, 1973, 1975-1994, 1996-1998, 2001, 2003 
 Abstract:  The Movie Press Kit Collection contains over 2,000 press kits for films released from 1962 to 2003 for mostly American films; about five percent are foreign films re-released in America. A press kit is a collection of publicity materials specifically sent out to members of the media to better promote a film. Included is publicity for films categorized as comedies, independents, documentaries, some re-releases, sequels, horror, action, musicals, adaptations, children's entertainment, animated, and dramas. Most contain a list of cast and crew, biographies/profiles, interviews with actors and directors, black and white publicity photographs, synopses, production notes, and announcement stories. Some have newspaper and journal articles and reviews, screening invitations, original artwork, and film critics' handwritten notes that were added by the donor. The collection is divided into two series. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Rare Books and Manuscripts 
 Subjects:  Motion picture Film Collections | Film -- Study and teaching. | Advertising -- Motion pictures | Motion pictures -- United States | Motion pictures -- United States | Motion pictures -- United States | Motion pictures -- United States | Motion pictures -- United States | Motion pictures -- United States | Melodrama in motion pictures | Motion pictures -- United States | Motion pictures -- United States | Motion pictures -- United States | Motion pictures -- United States | Melodrama in motion pictures | Motion pictures -- Canada | Motion pictures -- United States | Motion pictures -- United States | Motion pictures -- United States | Melodrama in motion pictures | Motion pictures -- United States | Motion pictures -- United States | Motion pictures -- Germany. | Motion pictures -- United States | Motion pictures -- United States | Motion pictures -- United States | Motion pictures -- United States | Motion pictures -- Great Britain | Motion pictures -- United States | Motion pictures -- Ireland 
4 hit(s)    
...1978 (1 List of Phoenix Screenings for the Summer; 1 Cast... Arizona where he attended Phoenix Union High School,...
...History , Moviegoer , Phoenix Magazine , The Los Angeles...
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