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1Author:  Arizona State University Libraries. Department of Archives and Special CollectionsAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Arizona Collection Small Manuscripts [CM MSM 1-CM MSM 250] 1701-2009 1850-2009 ead 
 Date(s):  1701-2009 
 Abstract:  This guide describes all of the small manuscript collections held in ASC's Arizona Collection. These collections generally consist of 1-2 folders and document Arizona as a territory and state. Manuscripts, personal papers, and professional papers are included. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Greater Arizona Collection 
 Subjects:  Trails | Horse Stealing | Arizona Territory | Navajo Indians | Navajo Indians -- Government relations | Navajo Indians -- Economic conditions | Mines and mineral resources -- Arizona -- Globe | Conglomerate corporations | Kwoc Manual | Arizona Southwest Collection Index | Dept Archives & Manuscripts | Authority Files | Civil War | Picacho Peak | Cities & Towns | Cotton Growing | Cotton -- History | Prostitution | Yavapai County | Bonds | Railroads | Water rights | Indians of North America | Indian Reservations | Water reuse -- Arizona | Whitlow Ranch | Queen Creek | Flood control | Agriculture | Ak Chin Indian Community 
21 hit(s)    
...Mesa Booklet Undated...
...History of Mesa 1933...
...History of Mesa 1920...
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2Author:  Arizona State University Libraries. Department of Archives and Special CollectionsAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Arizona Collection Small Manuscripts [CM MSM 251-CM MSM 500] 1701-2009 1850-2009 ead 
 Date(s):  1701-2009 
 Abstract:  This guide describes all of the small manuscript collections held in ASC's Arizona Collection. These collections generally consist of 1-2 folders and document Arizona as a territory and state. Manuscripts, personal papers, and professional papers are included. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Greater Arizona Collection 
 Subjects:  Alaska | Frontier & Pioneer Life | Photographers | Photographs & Photographic Records | Veterans | Arizona State University | Arizona Territorial Normal School | Degrees | Arizona State Teachers College | Voting | Arizona State College At Tempe | Higher Education | Name Change | Curriculum | Tempe State Teachers College | Hollis Report | Board Of Education | Arizona Board Of Regents | United States Department Of Education | Elections | Engineering | Indians of North America -- Wars -- West (U.S.) | Chemehuevi Indians | Mohave Indians | Legends | Halchidhomas Indians | Canals | Indians of North America | Relations With Early Settlers | Southern Paiute Indians 
4 hit(s)    
...Annual Report, Mesa Citrus Growers 1941-1942...
...Citrus & Citrus Industries Mesa Citrus Growers Accounting...
...Teachers Mining camps Mesa (Ariz. ) Morenci Autobiographies...
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3Author:  United Indian Traders Association (U.S.)Add to Favorites
 Title:  United Indian Traders Association Records 1949-2000 ead 
 Date(s):  1949-2000 
 Abstract:  The United Indian Traders Association records includes correspondence, legal files, business meeting documents, photographs, and audio- and video-recorded oral history interviews documenting the activities of the Association as well as the lives and experiences of traders on Navajo and Hopi lands. 
 Repository:  Cline Library. Special Collections and Archives 
 Subjects:  Indian traders--New Mexico--Gallup. | Indian traders--New Mexico--Farmington. | Indian traders--Arizona--Flagstaff. | Navajo Indians--Economic conditions. | Hopi Indians--Economic conditions. | Zuni Indians--Economic conditions. | Trading posts--Arizona. | Trading posts--New Mexico. | Pawnbroking--Arizona. | Pawnbroking--New Mexico. 
9 hit(s)    
...Red Mesa Trading Post, Quiet Title Action....
...Jensen was born on Black Mesa, Arizona, in 1954 to the... 1946 and moved to Red Mesa Trading Post. In 1965, they...
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4Author:  Leighton, Dorothea Cross, 1908-1992Add to Favorites
 Title:  Dorothea Cross Leighton and Alexander H. Leighton Papers (RESTRICTED) 1937-1982 ead 
 Date(s):  1937-1982 
 Abstract:  The Dorothea Cross Leighton and Alexander H. Leighton Papers includes materials related to research conducted by the Leightons with Navajo people in New Mexico during several research trips in the 1940s and 1950s, including field journals, interview transcripts, correspondence, articles and other research materials, reports, and photographs. 
 Repository:  Cline Library. Special Collections and Archives 
 Subjects:  Navajo Indians--Social conditions. | Navajo Indians--Social life and customs. | Navajo Indians--Economic conditions. | Navajo Indians--History--20th century. | Navajo Indians--Interviews. | Navajo Indians--Psychological testing. | Navajo language. 
23 hit(s)    
...Mesa Verde National Park photographs...
...NAU.PH.83.3.78: "The enchanted mesa", Ramah (N. M. )....
...NAU.PH.83.3.79: "The enchanted mesa", Ramah (N. M. )....
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5Author:  unknownAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Navajo Environmental Issues Collection, 1978-1994. ead 
 Date(s):  1978-1994. 
 Abstract:  The Navajo Environmental Issues Collection pertains to environmental issues important to the Navajo Nation. The collection consists of correspondence, pamphlets, and articles on topics ranging from asbestos dumps to water issues. 
 Repository:  Cline Library. Special Collections and Archives Department. 
 Subjects:  Navajo Indians--Economic conditions. | Power resources--Environmental aspects|zArizona. | Energy development--Navajo Indian Reservation. | Coal mines and mining--Environmental aspects--zArizona. | Reclamation of land--Arizona. 
1 hit(s)    
...and other pamphlets about the Black Mesa coal mine. 1.2-7...
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6Author:  Behavior Research CenterAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Behavior Research Center, Inc. Records 1965-2006 1970s-1990s ead 
 Date(s):  1965-2006 
 Abstract:  This collection includes political and voter polls, brand recognition studies, consumer awareness and satisfaction studies, focus group recordings, surveys of target populations, and newspaper coverage of poll results documenting numerous aspects of life in Arizona from the 1970s to the 1990s. Many of the studies were the first completed for the industry or subject area in question. This collection is arranged in four series and alphabetically and chronologically within unless stated otherwise. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Greater Arizona Collection 
 Subjects:  Arts surveys -- Arizona. | Associations, institutions, etc. -- Arizona. | Banks and banking -- Arizona. | Branding (Marketing) -- Arizona. | Cities and towns -- Growth. | Consumer behavior -- Arizona. | Consumer satisfaction -- Arizona. | Corporate image -- Arizona. | Corporations -- Arizona. | Demographic surveys -- Statistical methods. | Durable goods, Consumer -- Arizona. | Ecology -- Arizona. | Economic development -- Arizona. | Economics -- Arizona. | Education -- Arizona. | Elections -- Arizona. | Focus groups -- Arizona. | Food -- Arizona. | Hispanic American consumers -- Statistics. | Hispanic Americans -- Attitudes -- Statistics. | Hispanic Americans -- Economic conditions -- Statistics. | Hispanic Americans -- Social conditions -- Statistics. | Hospitality industry -- Arizona. | Housing -- Arizona. | Land use -- Planning. | Marketing research -- Arizona -- Archival resources. | Mass media. | Medical care -- Arizona. | Motivation research (Marketing) -- Arizona. | Natural resources -- Arizona. 
7 hit(s)    
...Banking: First National Bank, Mesa Consumer Accounts Study (...
...Survey of Visitors to College Park (Mesa) (79043), 1979...
...Political Campaigns/Ballot Issues: Mesa Chamber of Commerce,...
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7Author:  Arizona State University Libraries. Department of Archives and Special CollectionsAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Chicano/a Research Collection Small Manuscripts 1891-2010 1970-2010 ead 
 Date(s):  1891-2010 
 Abstract:  This guide describes all of the small manuscript collections held in ASC's Chicano/a Research Collection. These collections generally consist of 1-2 folders and document Mexican American history in Arizona from the late 19th century to the early 21st century. Manuscripts, personal papers, professional papers, and family history projects are included. All of these descriptions were originally entered into ASC's Special Materials Index between 1996 and 2014. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Chicano Research Collection 
 Subjects:  Mexican Americans -- Arizona. | Mexican Americans -- History. | Mexican Americans -- Education | Immigrants -- Education | Arizona -- Emigration and immigration | Gardens | Herbs | Mexican Americans -- Social conditions | Mexican Americans -- Societies, etc. | Arizona -- Emigration and immigration | Mexican American women | Teenage pregnancy -- Arizona | Mexican Americans -- Health and hygiene | Prenatal care -- Arizona | Childbirth -- Statistics | Mexican American women | Minority business enterprises -- Arizona | Mexican Americans -- Societies, etc. | Mexicans | Labor unions | Copper mines and mining -- Arizona | Mexican Americans -- Social conditions | Mexican Americans -- Arizona | Arizonac | Stereotypes (Social psychology) | Mexican Americans -- Social conditions | Older Mexican Americans -- Mental health | Older Mexican Americans -- Health and hygiene | Stereotypes (Social psychology) | Labor unions 
3 hit(s)    
...programs in the Chandler, Mesa, and Tempe Elementary School...
...Arizona -- Tempe Education, Bilingual -- Arizona -- Mesa 277...
...Mexican American women Ranches -- Arizona Mesa (Ariz. ) 373...
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8Author:  Arizona State University Libraries. Department of Archives and Special CollectionsAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Chicano/a Research Collection Small Manuscripts 1891-2010 1970-2010 ead 
 Date(s):  1891-2010 
 Abstract:  This guide describes all of the small manuscript collections held in ASC's Chicano/a Research Collection. These collections generally consist of 1-2 folders and document Mexican American history in Arizona from the late 19th century to the early 21st century. Manuscripts, personal papers, professional papers, and family history projects are included. All of these descriptions were originally entered into ASC's Special Materials Index between 1996 and 2014. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Chicano Research Collection 
 Subjects:  Mexican Americans -- Arizona. | Mexican Americans -- History. | Mexican Americans -- Political activity | Mexican Americans -- Civil rights | High school students -- Arizona -- Phoenix | Education, Bilingual | Agricultural laborers | Migrant labor | Housing -- Arizona | Mexican Americans--History | Minorities -- Study and teaching | Education | Communication | Mexico. Treaties, etc. United States, 1848 February 2 | Mexican War, 1846-1848 | Mexican Americans -- Civil rights | Mexican American families -- Arizona -- Phoenix | Mexican American families | Mexican American families | Education | Curriculum planning | Education, Elementary | Schools | Southwest, New -- History | Education, Bilingual | English language | Spanish language | Airlines -- United States | Mexican Americans -- Civil rights | Mexican Americans -- Social conditions 
1 hit(s)    
...Josefina Leon, 1911-2003 Mesa (Ariz. ) Bisbee (Ariz. ) 165...
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9Author:  Arizona State University Libraries. Department of Archives and Special CollectionsAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Arizona Collection Small Manuscripts [CM MSM 501-CM MSM 750] 1701-2009 1850-2009 ead 
 Date(s):  1701-2009 
 Abstract:  This guide describes all of the small manuscript collections held in ASC's Arizona Collection. These collections generally consist of 1-2 folders and document Arizona as a territory and state. Manuscripts, personal papers, and professional papers are included. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Greater Arizona Collection 
 Subjects:  Transportation | Commuting | Streets | Trolley | Buses | Water Projects | Irrigation Canals | Safford, Arizona | Yuma, Arizona | Houses | Floods | Families | Pioneers -- Southwestern States | Aztec Land & Cattle Company | Cattle trade -- History | Land Claims | Crime | Criminals | Bibliographies | Manuscripts | Water Quality | United States Department of State | International Boundary & Water Commission | Minutes | Press Releases | Arizona -- History -- To 1912 | Subsistence Homestead Program | Agriculture | Housing | Actions and defenses 
3 hit(s)    
...The Settling of Mesa 1997 April 28...
...Midkiff, J. I. Mesa (Ariz. ) Hospitals Cost & Standard of...
...1997. Wise, Dalee Mesa (Ariz. ) -- History Arizona --...
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