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Cline Library. Special Collections and Archives Department. (1)
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61Author:  Rodey, Dickason, Sloan, Akin & Robb.Add to Favorites
 Title:  Navajo Tribal Court Case Files, 1861-1990 ead 
 Date(s):  1861-1990 
 Abstract:  This collection contains materials about two court cases handled by the law firm of Rodey, Dickason, Sloan, Akin & Robb on behalf of the Navajo Tribe of Indians. The first court case is Docket 69, 299, and 353; this court case involves oil and gas rights and compensation. The second court case is Docket 229; this court case involves land claims and the materials focus on mineral rights, particularly coal. 
 Repository:  Cline Library. Special Collections and Archives Department 
14 hit(s)    
...Table Mesa,...
...Table Mesa Oil Well,...
...Table Mesa Oil Well,...
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62Author:  United Steelworkers of America. Local 616 (Clifton-Morenci, Ariz.)Add to Favorites
 Title:  Registros del Local 616 de Trabajadores Siderúrgicos Unidos de America (USWA) 1944-1989 1980-1986 ead 
 Date(s):  1944-1989 
 Abstract:  Esta colección contiene causas de arbitraje, reclamaciones, y otros registros legales; registros financieros y médicos; y registros sindicales incluyendo informes, actas, correspondencias, y firmas que demuestran la huelga el 1983-1986 contra Phelps Dodge. La colección data desde 1944 hasta 1989 y también consiste de objetos de interese incluyendo un banner del Local 616 hecho de lona colgado de un poste de 8 pies. An English version of this document is available at 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Chicano Research Collection 
 Subjects:  Copper mines and mining -- Arizona -- History. | Mexican Americans -- Arizona. | Phelps Dodge Corporation Strike, Morenci, Ariz., 1983-. 
17 hit(s)    
...Sub-Series P: MESA...
...Seminarios de MESA y OSHA, 1975-1976...
...MESA Inspecciones: Mina de Metcalf, 1972-1974...
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63Author:  Hanks, James J.Add to Favorites
 Title:  James J. Hanks Collection, 1916-1991. ead 
 Date(s):  1916-1991. 
 Abstract:  The James J. Hanks Collection includes personal correspondence, newspaper clippings, maps, photographs, and a film pertaining to 1927 and 1928 expeditions in which James accompanied Clyde Kluckhohn and others across Navajo Reservation Land bordering the Arizona, Utah border. 
 Repository:  Cline Library. Special Collections and Archives Department. 
7 hit(s)    
...Key to Map of Wild Horse Mesa , [1928]....
...Beyond the Rainbow to White Horse Mesa ," 1928....
...Find Dwelling Ruins on Mesa: U of W Explorers Go Up...
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64Author:  Arizona State Museum staffAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Archives Index ead 
 Date(s):  unknown 
 Abstract:  The Master Index for the Arizona State Museum (ASM) Archive is a list of topics, names, site numbers, and other subjects alongside the archive related to those indexed subjects. This is a helpful document to find other archival material that might relate to a certain research topics such as a person (e.g. “Emil Haury”), site (e.g. “Ventana Cave”), or subject (e.g. “Tohono O’odham Pottery"). 
 Repository:  Arizona State Museum 
54 hit(s)    
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65Author:  Shewalter, Dale, 1950-2010Add to Favorites
 Title:  Arizona Trail Association records ead 
 Date(s):  unknown 
 Abstract:  The Arizona Trail Association Records include the personal papers of Dale Shewalter, the founder of the Arizona Trail, as well as Arizona Trail Association board meeting minutes and other Board paperwork, photographic slides for presentations to interested parties, maps, clippings, research files, fliers, and other materials related to the construction and maintenance of the Arizona Trail. 
 Repository:  Cline Library. Special Collections and Archives 
18 hit(s)    
...McMillan Mesa Homeowners...
...McMillan Mesa Development...
...Wet Bottom Mesa Quadrangle...
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66Author:  Maricopa County Organizing ProjectAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Maricopa County Organizing Project (MCOP) Records 1970-1994 ead 
 Date(s):  1970-1994 
 Abstract:  This collection houses records documenting strike strategies and union positions on such matters as health care, wage differentials, working conditions, and negotiated labor contracts and agreements with growers. Una versión en Español de este documento está disponible en el sitio 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Chicano Research Collection 
 Subjects:  Agricultural laborers, Foreign -- Arizona. | Agricultural laborers -- Abuse of -- Arizona. | Agricultural laborers -- Labor unions -- Arizona. | Arizona -- Politics and government -- 1951-. | Community organization -- Arizona -- Maricopa County. | Noncitizens -- Arizona. | Mexican-American Border Region -- Emigration and immigration. | Migrant labor -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- United States. | Pesticides -- Health aspects -- Arizona. | Strikes and lockouts -- Agricultural laborers -- Arizona. 
24 hit(s)    
...Plaintiffs: Mesa, Ignacio, 1988...
...Plaintiffs: Mesa, Lorenzo, 1987...
...Plaintiffs: Mesa, Lorenzo, 1988...
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67Author:  Maricopa County Organizing ProjectAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Los Registros del Proyecto Organizador del Condado de Maricopa 1970-1994 ead 
 Date(s):  1970-1994 
 Abstract:  El Proyecto de Organización del Condado de Maricopa fue una entidad que organizó a los trabajadores agrícolas en el Condado de Maricopa, Arizona. La colección MCOP muestra las estrategias de ataque y las posiciones sindicales sobre cuestiones como la asistencia sanitaria, las diferencias salariales, condiciones de trabajo y contratos laborales negociados y acuerdos con los productores. An English version of this document is available at 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Chicano Research Collection 
 Subjects:  Agricultural laborers, Foreign -- Arizona. | Agricultural laborers -- Abuse of -- Arizona. | Agricultural laborers -- Labor unions -- Arizona. | Arizona -- Politics and government -- 1951-. | Community organization -- Arizona -- Maricopa County. | Illegal aliens -- Arizona. | Mexican-American Border Region -- Emigration and immigration. | Migrant labor -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- United States. | Pesticides -- Health aspects -- Arizona. | Strikes and lockouts -- Agricultural laborers -- Arizona. 
24 hit(s)    
...Plaintiffs: Mesa, Ignacio, 1988...
...Plaintiffs: Mesa, Lorenzo, 1987...
...Plaintiffs: Mesa, Lorenzo, 1988...
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68Author:  Arizona State University. Women's Studies Program.Add to Favorites
 Title:  Arizona Women's Heritage Collection Photographs circa 1900-1966 1981-1982 ead 
 Date(s):  circa 1900-1966 
 Abstract:  These images document the lives of many of the women interviewed as part of the Arizona Women's Heritage Project. This project, which interviewed women born before 1906 who had lived most of their adult lives in Arizona, was designed to gather information concerning the role of women in the state's history. It focused on growing up in Arizona, marriage and family, community building, and work for pay. The photographs include portraits of many of the women made at the time of their interview, copies of family photographs, and contemporary views of the women's homes and cities. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Greater Arizona Collection 
 Subjects:  Women -- Arizona -- Social conditions. | Women -- Employment -- Arizona. | Single women -- Arizona -- Social conditions. 
8 hit(s)    
...Hovde Family Home. Mesa, Arizona, 1947...
...Hovde Family Home. Mesa, Arizona, 1947...
...Clara Kimball. Mesa, Arizona, circa 1981...
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69Author:  McTestpants, Testy Mc.Add to Favorites
 Title:  Testy McTestpants Collection, 1945 ca.-1950 ead 
 Date(s):  1945 ca.-1950 
 Abstract:  Photographs taken by Testy McTestpants Collection while pretending to be Victor J. Palen, except for one case, in which he pretended to be John Running. 
 Repository:  Cline Library. Special Collections and Archives Department 
3 hit(s)    
...NAU.PH.2014.5.2.1: Mesa/Verde, Cliff Houses, 1945 ca....
...NAU.PH.2014.5.2.9: Mesa/ Mormon Temple, 1945 ca....
...Montezuma Castle and Well, cactus, Mesa Mormon Temple] 1950...
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70Author:  Central Arizona Museum AssociationAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Central Arizona Museum Association Records 1980-2015 ead 
 Date(s):  1980-2015 
 Abstract:  This collection houses organizational and descriptive documents, ephemera, photographs, and digital items documenting the professional association serving museum, collection, and gallery employees and affiliates operating in Arizona's central region. Central Arizona communities from the metropolitan Phoenix area include Apache Junction, Casa Grande, Cave Creek, Chandler, Deer Valley, Fountain Hills, Gilbert, Glendale, Maricopa, Mesa, Peoria, Phoenix, Queen Creek, Tempe, Scottsdale, Surprise, and Wickenburg. The records date from the 1980s to 2015. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Greater Arizona Collection 
 Subjects:  Museums -- Arizona. | Museums -- Societies, etc. 
2 hit(s)    
...Gilbert, Glendale, Maricopa, Mesa, Peoria, Phoenix, Queen...
...Gilbert, Glendale, Maricopa, Mesa, Peoria, Phoenix, Queen...
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71Author:  Farley, G.M.Add to Favorites
 Title:  G.M. Farley Collection, 1905-1987 ead 
 Date(s):  1905-1987 
 Abstract:  Correspondence and articles written by Farley concerning his strong interest in Zane Grey. Files on notable editor/authors Tom Curry, Leo Marguiles and Frank Gruber. Several hundred pages of photocopied Zane Grey correspondence and two copies of Grey diaries. 
 Repository:  Cline Library. Special Collections and Archives Department. 
 Subjects:  Novelists, American--20th Century--Biography. 
24 hit(s)    
...Grey, Zane. "Black Mesa." Pocket Books, 1960...
...Grey, Zane. "Black Mesa." Pocket Books, 1970...
...Grey, Zane. "Black Mesa." Pocket Books, 1975...
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72Author:  Euler, Robert C.Add to Favorites
 Title:  Robert C. Euler Collection, 1630-2001 ead 
 Date(s):  1630-2001 
 Abstract:  The Robert Euler Collection documents Euler's research and activities as an anthropologist and scholar of southwest indigenous peoples as well as an educator and administrator of institutions of higher education, museums and the National Park Service. 
 Repository:  Cline Library. Special Collections and Archives Department. 
 Subjects:  Indian pottery--Southwest, New. | Excavations (Archaeology)--Southwest, New. 
12 hit(s)    
...Mesa Verde Postcards, ca. 1940...
...NAU.PH.2002. [Black Mesa], ca. 1960,...
...NAU.PH.2002. [Mesa Verde], ca. 1990,...
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73Author:  unknownAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Elijah Blair collection 1942-2012, bulk 1942-1998 ead 
 Date(s):  1942-2012 
 Abstract:  The Elijah Blair collection contains business records, genealogical and biographical information, photographs, and motion picture films related to Elijah Blair's trading posts on Navajo Nation, the Blair family, and the United Indian Traders Association. 
 Repository:  Cline Library. Special Collections and Archives 
 Subjects:  Navajo trading posts. | Trading posts -- Arizona. | Indian traders -- Arizona. | Navajo Indians. | Navajo Indian Reservation. 
26 hit(s)    
...Black Mesa Traders, Flagstaff, Arizona: Invoices...
...Mesa Verde Pottery, Cortez, Colorado: Invoices...
...Photographer unknown. Red Mesa, AZ, Red Mesa (Ariz. )....
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74Author:  McLaughlin, Herbert, 1918-1991 McLaughlin, Dorothy, 1912-Add to Favorites
 Title:  Herbert and Dorothy McLaughlin Black and White Photography [Images 90000-99999] circa 1850s-1977 ead 
 Date(s):  circa 1850s-1977 
 Abstract:  This collection houses 104,308 black and white photographs taken by Herb and Dot McLaughlin. The majority of these images were produced for commercial clients; thus, their content varies widely. Arizona subjects (as formulated by the McLaughlins) include agriculture, irrigation, and floods; cities; city and county government; construction; dams (including Roosevelt Dam and Glen Canyon Dam); governors; homes; hotels, resorts, and bars; Native Americans; the military; mines and mining; national parks and monuments (including the Grand Canyon); ranching, cattle, and livestock; recreation; rodeos; parades; shopping centers; the State capitol; and transportation. Phoenix subjects (also formulated by the McLaughlins) include aerial views; agriculture, irrigation, and floods; airports (including Sky Harbor); the American Graduate School of International Management; banks; churches; construction; hospitals; hotels, resorts, and bars; museums, parks, and monuments; newspaper, television and radio; the Phoenix police and fire departments; softball; recreation; shopping centers; schools and students; transportation (including cars, trains, buses, bicycles, and horse-drawn conveyances); and utilities, power, telephone, and telegraph. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Greater Arizona Collection 
34 hit(s)    
...Mesa, 1971 March 18...
...Jr. Rodeo Mesa, 1971 February...
...Mormon Temple. Mesa, Arizona, circa 1960...
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75Author:  McLaughlin, Herbert, 1918-1991 McLaughlin, Dorothy, 1912-Add to Favorites
 Title:  Herbert and Dorothy McLaughlin Black and White Photography [Images 20000-30011] circa 1850s-1977 ead 
 Date(s):  circa 1850s-1977 
 Abstract:  This collection houses 104,308 black and white photographs taken by Herb and Dot McLaughlin. The majority of these images were produced for commercial clients; thus, their content varies widely. Arizona subjects (as formulated by the McLaughlins) include agriculture, irrigation, and floods; cities; city and county government; construction; dams (including Roosevelt Dam and Glen Canyon Dam); governors; homes; hotels, resorts, and bars; Native Americans; the military; mines and mining; national parks and monuments (including the Grand Canyon); ranching, cattle, and livestock; recreation; rodeos; parades; shopping centers; the State capitol; and transportation. Phoenix subjects (also formulated by the McLaughlins) include aerial views; agriculture, irrigation, and floods; airports (including Sky Harbor); the American Graduate School of International Management; banks; churches; construction; hospitals; hotels, resorts, and bars; museums, parks, and monuments; newspaper, television and radio; the Phoenix police and fire departments; softball; recreation; shopping centers; schools and students; transportation (including cars, trains, buses, bicycles, and horse-drawn conveyances); and utilities, power, telephone, and telegraph. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Greater Arizona Collection 
34 hit(s)    
...Mesa Hospital, 1950 November 22...
...Theatres: Mesa, 1953 May 6...
...Blakley [Station], Mesa, 1952 July 10...
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76Author:  Perrin, LiloAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Lilo Perrin Collection, 1910-1950 ead 
 Date(s):  1910-1950 
 Abstract:  Photographs of the Perrin family and their ranches. 
 Repository:  Cline Library. Special Collections and Archives Department 
12 hit(s)    
...NAU.PH.92.6.212: [Hopi Mesa. Walpi. ], Hopi Indian...
...NAU.PH.92.6.211: [Hopi Mesa. Walpi. ], Hopi Indian...
...Walpi (Ariz. ) // First Mesa (Ariz. ). Photographer unknown,...
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77Author:  McLaughlin, Herbert, 1918-1991 McLaughlin, Dorothy, 1912-Add to Favorites
 Title:  Herbert and Dorothy McLaughlin Color Photography and Other Materials 1940-1986, Undated ead 
 Date(s):  1940-1986, Undated 
 Abstract:  This collection houses a variety of color photographs taken by Herb and Dot McLaughlin between 1940 and 1986. The majority of these images are positive transparencies ranging in size from 2" x 2" to 8" x 10"; some color prints are also included. Most of the photographs were taken in Arizona, but Alaska, Montana, Utah, Colorado, and Mexico are also represented prominently. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Greater Arizona Collection 
 Subjects:  Kachinas -- Pictorial works. | Rodeos -- Pictorial works. | Wildflowers -- Pictorial works. | Agriculture -- Pictorial works. | Mineral industries -- Pictorial works. | Hopi Indians -- Pictorial works. | Apache Indians -- Pictorial works. | Smoki People, Inc. -- Pictorial works. | Navajo Indians -- Pictorial works. 
23 hit(s)    
...Mesa, Ariz....
...Mesa, Ariz....
...Junior Rodeo (Mesa, Ariz. )...
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78Author:  Museum of Northern ArizonaAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Museum of Northern Arizona Crafts and Arts Photo Archives ead 
 Date(s):  unknown 
 Repository:  Museum of Northern Arizona 
 Subjects:  Ethnic festivals 
30 hit(s)    
...Displays - Mishongnovi (2nd Mesa) display, 1974-07...
...Displays - Walpi (1st Mesa) display, 1974-07...
...Displays - Hotevilla (3rd Mesa) display, 1974-07...
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79Author:  unknownAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Charlie Dryden Collection, ead 
 Date(s):  unknown 
 Repository:  Cline Library. Special Collections and Archives Department 
26 hit(s)    
...Switzer Mesa,...
...Wickiup Mesa,...
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80Author:  Ambler, John RichardAdd to Favorites
 Title:  J. Richard Ambler collection, ead 
 Date(s):  unknown 
 Repository:  Museum of Northern Arizona 
 Subjects:  Anasazi Symposium | Anthropology and development | Archaeology and education | Archaeology -- Southwest, New | Ceramics | Entrepreneurship | Jewelry -- Design | Kachinas | Marijuana -- Government policy | Pueblo Indians | Salvage archaeology | Short stories 
8 hit(s)    
...Observatory Mesa,...
...Kayenta Anasazi - Blinman: Mesa Verde,...
...Black Mesa B/W pots,...
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