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1943 (1)
1911 (1)
1903 (1)
1Author:  unknownAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Edward H. and Rosamond B. Spicer papers, 1911-2000 (bulk 1937-1988) ead 
 Date(s):  1911-2000 (bulk 1937-1988) 
 Abstract:  Collection consists of correspondence, research, ephemera, photographs, articles, and other publications written or collected by Edward H. Spicer. 
 Repository:  Arizona State Museum 
 Subjects:  Japanese Americans Evacuation and relocation, 1942-1945 | Yaqui Indians -- Rites and ceremonies | Yaqui Indians -- Government relations | Yaqui Indians -- History | Tohono O'Odham Indians | Mayo Indians | Pima Indians | Opata Indians | Yuma Indians | Apache Indians | Indians of North America -- Cultural assimilation -- Southwest, New | Indians of North America -- Southwest, New | Minorities -- Southwest, New 
78 hit(s)    
...Foundation addresses....
...Weatherhead Foundation....
...Pascua, Yoem Pueblo: Yoemem Tekia Foundation: Yaqui History...
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2Author:  Barker, George C. (George Carpenter), 1912-1958Add to Favorites
 Title:  Papers of George C. Barker, 1903-1958 (bulk 1943-1957) ead 
 Date(s):  1903-1958 
 Abstract:  Correspondence, research materials, published and unpublished manuscripts and articles, slides, photographs, and one audio tape, primarily from 1943 to 1957, of anthropologist George C. Barker. The collection documents Barker's anthropological research into folk drama and ritual, the social functions of language, the Pachuco language of Hispanic youths, and Yaqui Indian culture and customs. A 1964 gift to the Southwest Folklore Archives from George C. Barker, Sr. Deaccessioned from the collection in 1993 were approximately 0.2 feet of duplicates and items of a personal nature. In 1996 two 11 x 14 black-and-white photographs by Alfred A. Cohn were transferred to the L. Marguerite Collier Collection, Southwest Folklore Center Manuscripts Collection MS 611. This collection is part of the Southwest Folklore Center collection. The Southwest Folklore Center was founded in 1979 after the dissolution of the University of Arizona Folklore Committee and collected information about folk communities, arts, music, and other humanities-related materials. This collection was previously SWF 004. The materials were transferred to Special Collections in 2017. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Folk drama, Spanish American | Christmas plays | Prodigal son (Parable) -- Drama | Spanish language -- Dialects -- Arizona -- Tucson | Spanish language -- Social aspects -- Arizona -- Tucson | Spanish language -- Slang | Bilingualism -- Arizona -- Tucson | Mexican Americans -- Arizona -- Tucson -- Languages | Gangs -- Arizona -- Tucson | Yaqui Indians -- Mexico -- Hermosillo -- Rites and Ceremonies -- Photographs 
4 hit(s)    
...American Indian Read and Color: Pueblo,...
...Papers on Yaqui and Pueblo adaptations of Spanish Catholic...
...Contents Materials include foundation lists, bibliographies,...
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3Author:  Southwest Folklore CenterAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Southwest Folklore Center Field Recordings Collection, 1943-ongoing ead 
 Date(s):  1943-ongoing 
 Abstract:  Reel tape recordings produced by University of Arizona Folklore Committee from 1943 through 1978, and after 1979, by the Southwest Folklore Center. Predominately field recordings from southern Arizona, they include cowboy songs and music, oral history interviews and corridos. The collection also includes 12 studio master tape reels recorded by Mexican American singer Lydia Mendoza. This collection was previously titled SWF 011. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Mexican Americans -- Music. | Corridos. | Pioneers. | Frontier and pioneer life. | Yaqui Indians. | Navajo Indians. | Seri Indians. | Apache Indians. | Yuma Indians. | Hopi Indians. | Tohono O'Odham Indians. | Pima Indians. | Mormons--Arizona--Music. | Cowboys. | Cowboys--Songs and music. | Folklore. | Folklore--Arizona. | Mormons--Arizona--Folklore. | Cowboys--Arizona--Folklore. | Cowboys' writings, American. | Ranchers--Arizona. | Fiddle tunes. | Baptists. | Hobo songs. | Harmonica music. | Gospel music. | Bluegrass music. | Banjo music. | Navajo code talkers. 
8 hit(s)    
...William R. Ridgeway, Gila County folklore,...
...Denny, Built on a slim foundation of fact: A look at cowboy...
...James S. Griffith at El Pueblo Neighborhood Center Library...
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