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1Author:  Arizona State University. Libraries. Department of Archives and Special CollectionsAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Arizona State University Archives Small Manuscripts [UM USM 1-UM USM 249] 1885-2008 ead 
 Date(s):  1885-2008 
 Abstract:  This guide describes small manuscript collections held in Arizona State University's Archives. These collections generally consist of 1-5 folders and document Arizona State University from its founding to the present. Manuscripts, diplomas, correspondence, publications, photographs, personal papers, professional papers, and other materials are included. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. University Archives 
 Subjects:  Teaching | Labor | Schools | Church buildings | Hotels | Bars (Drinking establishments) | Railroads | Transportation | Libraries | Student Housing | College Costs | Universities and Colleges -- Faculty | Grading and marking (Students) | Universities and Colleges -- Admission | Globe High School (Ariz.) | Parents' and teachers' associations | Greek letter societies | Education -- Curricula | Clubs | Football | Acting | Drama | Signs and signboards | Universities and Colleges -- Faculty | Stagecoaches | Costumes and clothes | Pioneers | Plants | Botany | Food 
20 hit(s)    
...Faculty Club Minutes,...
...Faculty Senate Records,...
...Faculty Senate Committee Preference Memorandum,...
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2Author:  Wyman, Leland Clifton, 1897-Add to Favorites
 Title:  Leland C. Wyman papers 1908-1985 (bulk 1930-1980) ead 
 Date(s):  1908-1985 
 Abstract:  Papers, 1908-1985, bulk 1930-1980. This collection is comprised of Leland C. Wyman’s interests, both personal and professional. The bulk is made up of personal and professional correspondence, lecture note cards, and publications. His professional files reflect both his careers as a biologist and an anthropologist. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Navajo Indians | Indians of North America | Biology | Single Cell Research Foundation 
3 hit(s)    
...Faculty and student evaluation...
...Correspondence-Faculty and student research...
...value, curriculum vitae, faculty and student evaluation,...
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3Author:  unknownAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Margaret F. Maxwell Papers 1865-1999 ead 
 Date(s):  1865-1999 
 Abstract:  Collection consists of research materials gathered by Margaret F. Maxwell on Sharlot M. Hall, including correspondence, copies of photos, newspaper and magazine articles, book excerpts, poems and prose, and Maxwell’s notes. Also included are manuscripts of The Life of Sharlot Hall and a manuscript of The Life of Mulford Winsor. 
 Repository:  Sharlot Hall Museum 
 Subjects:  Women poets, American. | Hall family. | Arizona - History, Local. | Desert biology - Arizona | Women writers | Women's studies. | Ranch life. | Frontier and pioneer life--Arizona. | Frontier and pioneer life--Kansas. | Frontier and pioneer life—Poetry. | Frontier and pioneer life--West (U.S.)--Anecdotes. 
2 hit(s)    
...she was appointed to the faculty of the Graduate Library...
...from that university's faculty, she continues to research...
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