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1939 (1)
1Author:  Olgyay, VictorAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Victor Olgyay Collection 1939-1991 ead 
 Date(s):  1939-1991 
 Abstract:  This collection documents the career of the Hungarian-American architect, educator, and bioclimatic designer Victor Olgyay and is arranged in 24 series. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Design and the Arts Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Architects -- Hungary | Architects -- United States | Architecture and climate | Bioclimatology 
5 hit(s)    
...Series 14: Princeton Faculty...
...OPROJ21 Princeton Faculty Housing, Princeton, NJ, 1959...
...OPF001 Info. Directed to Princeton Faculty, 1961-1963...
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