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1Author:  Phoenix 40 (Organization)Add to Favorites
 Title:  Phoenix 40 Records 1973-1987 ead 
 Date(s):  1973-1987 
 Abstract:  This collection includes curricula vitae, newspaper clippings, correspondence, minutes, membership surveys, memorandae, and other materials documenting the Phoenix 40. Among the subjects discussed are the group's goals, history, Crime Task Force, Transportation Task Force, and positions on opening its membership list to the public. Biographical information on numerous members, including Samuel Mardian, Mason Walsh, Gary Driggs, A. J. Pfister, G. M. Sollenberger, and Don B. Tostenrud, is also included. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Greater Arizona Collection 
 Subjects:  Cities and towns -- Growth 
16 hit(s)    
...Inside Phoenix Presentation,...
...Phoenix 40 Membership Survey,...
...Phoenix Goals Committee,...
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2Author:  Arizona State University. College of Architecture and Environmental DesignAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Preliminary Inventory of the College of Architecture and Environmental Design Records 1973-1988 ead 
 Date(s):  1973-1988 
 Abstract:  This collection houses Faculty Senate records, planning and budget records, former faculty files, search committee records, administration evaluations, and faculty evaluations documenting the Department of Architecture, the Department of Design Sciences, and the Department of Planning between 1973 and 1988. This collection has not been processed in full and can be viewed only by appointment. Contact Archives and Special Collections for more information. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. University Archives 
 Subjects:  Architecture -- Arizona -- Phoenix -- History -- 20th century | Architecture -- Arizona -- Tempe -- History -- 20th century | Architecture -- Arizona -- History -- 20th century | City planning -- Arizona -- Phoenix | City planning -- Arizona -- Tempe | Landscape Architecture -- Arizona -- Phoenix | Landscape Architecture -- Arizona -- Tempe | Landscape Architecture -- Arizona | Interior decoration 
7 hit(s)    
...Department of Planning: Phoenix/ASU Joint Village Planning,...
...Planning Data Base Meeting (Phoenix Chamber of Commerce),...
...for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture) Phoenix,...
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3Author:  Scholder, Fritz, 1937-2005Add to Favorites
 Title:  Fritz Scholder Papers 1973-2005 ead 
 Date(s):  1973-2005 
 Abstract:  This collection houses exhibition invitations and flyers, cards designed and printed by Scholder, photographs, speeches, daily calendars, promotional material, newspaper clippings, magazines, and a ceramic cup documenting the life and work of artist Fritz Scholder. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Labriola National American Indian Data Center 
 Subjects:  Indian art -- Southwest, New 
5 hit(s)    
...Phoenix Magazine...
...Cattletrack in Phoenix Magazine...
...Rapture with the universe in Phoenix Home and Garden...
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4Author:  Rhodes, John J. (John Jacob), 1916-2003Add to Favorites
 Title:  John J. Rhodes Press Office Files 1973-1983 ead 
 Date(s):  1973-1983 
 Abstract:  The John J. Rhodes Press Office Files document Rhodes' positions on a wide variety of issues facing Arizona and the nation between 1973 and 1983, including taxation, Watergate, foreign affairs (including the Iranian Hostage Crisis), water resources development, the Central Arizona Project, health care, and energy. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Greater Arizona Collection 
 Subjects:  Energy development -- United States. | Iran Hostage Crisis, 1979-1981. | Medical care -- United States. | Taxation -- United States. | Watergate Affair, 1972-1974. | Water resources development -- United States. 
18 hit(s)    
...Phoenix Gazette...
...Phoenix Office, 1979...
...Phoenix Office, 1980...
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5Author:  National Association for Ethnic Studies (U.S.)Add to Favorites
 Title:  National Association for Ethnic Studies Records 1973-2003 ead 
 Date(s):  1973-2003 
 Abstract:  The National Association for Ethnic Studies (NAES) Records house meeting minutes, agendas, reports, conference programs, financial information, correspondence, article drafts and reviews, and other materials documenting the Association's operations and activities from 1973 to 2003. Among the subjects represented are Executive Committee meetings, conferences and conference planning, reports from the Association's officers, financial information, membership drives and records, policy statements, correspondence, and creating and distributing various publications. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library Chicano Research Collection 
 Subjects:  Minority college students | Minorities -- Study and teaching | Colleges and universities 
5 hit(s)    
...Executive Council Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona,...
...Executive Council Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona,...
...Executive Council Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona,...
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6Author:  Arizona Environmental Planning CommissionAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Arizona Environmental Planning Commission, RG 391973-1975 ead 
 Date(s):  1973-1975 
 Abstract:  This collection consists of 4.2 cubic feet of Commission records that include correspondence, minutes, land use legislation from various states, public hearings, loyalty oaths and reports. 
 Repository:  Arizona State Archives 
2 hit(s)    
...Public Hearings-Results: Phoenix...
...1901 W. Madison Street Phoenix, Arizona 85009 Phone: (602)...
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7Author:  Labriola National American Indian Data CenterAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Preliminary Inventory of the Head of the Labriola National American Indian Data Center Records 1973-1996 1981-1992 ead 
 Date(s):  1973-1996 
 Abstract:  This collection houses Mimi McBride's correspondence files and LNAIDC database update sheets dating from 1973 to 1996. This collection has not been processed in full and can be viewed only by appointment. Contact Archives and Special Collections for more information. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. University Archives 
 Subjects:  Academic libraries -- Administration. | Indians of North America -- Study and teaching. 
1 hit(s)    
...Representatives and Senators - Phoenix, 1991-1992...
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