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University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections[Undo]
621Author:  Sherbrooke, John Coape, Sir, 1764-1830.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Proclamations 1814 ead 
 Date(s):  1814 
 Abstract:  Lt. General Sir John Coape Sherbrooke was commander of the British land forces; Rear Admiral Edward Griffith commanded a squadron of His Majesty's ships at Penobscot Bay, Maine. Two manuscript proclamations by Sherbrooke and Griffith, dated September 1, 1814, during the British occupation of Penobscot, Maine. They call for surrender of arms, provisioning of British troops, and retention of American laws until British law can be instituted. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
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622Author:  Mexico. CongresoRequires cookie*
 Title:  Act of Mexican Congress, July 21, 1823 ead 
 Date(s):  July 21, 1823 
 Abstract:  A two-page manuscript, dated July 21, 1823, orders the political and ecclesiastical reorganization of the Provincias Internas de Occidente. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
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623Author:  Green, J.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Illustrations of J. Green 1914-1921 ead 
 Date(s):  1914-1921 
 Abstract:  One album containing original pen-and-ink drawings of mollusks. Includes both accepted and rejected proofs. The mounted plates often depict several different views. They are identified by the Latin name of the mollusk and the volume page number. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Mollusks -- Burma -- Drawings. | Mollusks -- India -- Drawings. | Mollusks -- Sri Lanka -- Drawings. | Natural history illustration -- Specimens. 
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624Author:  Crowley, Thomas Nugent.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Thomas Nugent Crowley diary 1941-1945 ead 
 Date(s):  1941-1945 
 Abstract:  Holograph diary contains brief entries of Crowley's personal and professional experiences as a U.S. Army officer, stationed in various places in the United States, during World War II. He served in California at an Immigration and Naturalization Service detention center, Tuna Canyon Detention Center, during December 1941; a German prisoner of war camp at Alva, Oklahoma, from September to December 1944; and an army administrative school in Jonesboro, Arkansas. Crowley also served as an escort for troops, rifle range officer, trial judge advocate of special court martials, and various other duties. Includes a fold-out world map. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  World War, 1939-1945 -- Personal narratives, American. 
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625Author:  Grey, Zane.Requires cookie*
 Title:  The Maverick Queen 1937 ead 
 Date(s):  1937 
 Abstract:  Holograph manuscript in pencil; 527 leaves. A note suggests the manuscript was begun in 1937 by Grey, then dictated to someone else after Grey's stroke in that year. There are no annotations or changes to the text. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
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626Author:  Douglas, James, 1837-1918Requires cookie*
 Title:  Sermons of James Douglas, 1859-1880. ead 
 Date(s):  1859-1880. 
 Abstract:  This collection is comprised of forty-one holograph sermons written and presented by James Douglas between 1859 to 1880. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Presbyterian Church -- Sermons | Religious thought -- 19th century -- Sermons 
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627Author:  Compañia Unida Chihuahuense.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Ledger of the Compañia Unida Chihuahuense 1832-1836 ead 
 Date(s):  1832-1836 
 Abstract:  Ledger book with handwritten entries that detail the financial transactions of the Divina Providencia Mine, San José, from 1832 to 1836. It also includes financial accounts of the mine owners, Juan Albarez, Estevban Curcier, Juan B. Peeters, and José Thomas de Zuza. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Mines and mineral resources -- Mexico -- Chihuahua (State) -- History -- 19th century. | Mining corporations -- Mexico -- Chihuahua (State) 
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628Author:  Herbert, Charles W.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Western Ways writers and photographers have told the world about Sonora in national magazines, newspapers, and trade journals: here is the record 1940-1956 ead 
 Date(s):  1940-1956 
 Abstract:  One scrapbook of newspaper and magazine articles about travel and recreation in Sonora, Mexico, 1940-1956; written and photographed by Western Ways staff and their associates. Includes color illustrations as well as black-and-white illustrations and original photographs. Some articles discuss aspects of local history and culture, such as jumping beans, festivals, and Spanish missions. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Journalism, Pictorial -- History -- 20th century. | Recreation -- Mexico -- Sonora (State) 
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629Author:  Bukowski, CharlesRequires cookie*
 Title:  Papers of Charles Bukowski, 1958-1980 ead 
 Date(s):  1958-1980 
 Abstract:  The bulk of the collection consists of magazines and anthologies that contain Bukowski's contributions; also includes books translated into other languages. Correspondence varies from that of friends and fans, to business correspondence with presses and magazines. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Poets, American -- 20th century -- Sources | Authors, American -- 20th century -- Sources | Underground press publications -- Specimens 
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630Author:  Mexico. Junta de Fomento de Californias.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Plan de colonización nacionales para los territorios de la Alta y de la Baja California; reglamento para la colonización por familias de los Estados Federados de Mexico, en los territorios de Californias 1825 ead 
 Date(s):  1825 
 Abstract:  This plan, along with others, was adopted in 1825 by the Junta and published, in 1827, under the title: Colección de los principales trabajos en que se ha ocupado la junta nombrada para meditar y proponer al supremo gobierno los medios mas necesarios para promover el progreso de la cultura y civilización de los territorios de la Alta y de la Baja California. The Junta de Fomento de Californias was established to colonize California, and establish Monterey as a commercial capital to dominate Pacific trade. Twelve-page manuscript copy of original document in secretarial hand, dated May 30, 1825, with 12 signatures listed. This plan provided for Mexican colonization and social integration of the two Californias. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
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631Author:  Mexico. Junta de Fomento de Californias.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Plan para el establecimiento de una negociación mercantil para con sus productos atender al pago de la guarnición que guarnece la Peninsula de California y al fomento de la mismo 1825 ead 
 Date(s):  1825 
 Abstract:  Eight-page manuscript copy of original document in secretarial hand, dated February 10, 1825, and signed by Francisco de Paulo Tamariz. This plan arranged for the establishment of a mercantile negotiation, for products to take care of payment of the garrison that provides for the Peninsula of California, and encourage the same. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
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632Author:  Lecomte du Noüy, Pierre, 1883-1947Requires cookie*
 Title:  Papers of Pierre Lecomte du Noüy, 1883-1972 (bulk 1917-1949) ead 
 Date(s):  1883-1972 (bulk 1917-1949) 
 Abstract:  Scientific manuscripts, lectures, articles and lab manuals relate to Lecomte de Noüy's research in biophysics; performed chiefly at the Rockefeller Institute, New York, 1920-1927, and the Pasteur Institute, Paris, 1927-1936. After 1936, his writings concern philosophy of science; specifically as it relates to evolution, religion, and teleology. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Science -- Philosophy | Chronobiology -- Experiments | Wound healing -- Experiments | Teleology | Biophysics | Religion and science -- History 
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633Author:  Mission Nuestra Senora de la Concepción de Papigóchic.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Libros de bautismos y casamientos de Nuestra Senora de la Concepción de Papigóchic desde 28 de Julio de 1742 1742 ead 
 Date(s):  1742 
 Abstract:  Jesuit mission in the chain known as the Tarahumara Alta. Photographs of pages from original holograph parish registers, July 28, 1742 to December 2, 1769. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Church records and registers -- Mexico -- Chihuahua (State) | Indians of Mexico -- Missions. | Missions -- Mexico -- Chihuahua (State) | Tarahumara Indians -- Missions. 
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634Author:  Requires cookie*
 Title:  Libros de bautismos, entierros y casamientos de Santo Thomás y de San Miguel, desde 1 de Enero de 1727 1727 ead 
 Date(s):  1727 
 Abstract:  Photographs of pages from original holograph parish register from Santo Tomás de Villanueva de Tojorare and its visita of San Miguel, January 1, 1727 to September 10, 1767. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Church records and registerse -- Mexico -- Chihuahua (State) | Indians of Mexico -- Missions. | Missions -- Mexico -- Chihuahua (State) | Tarahumara Indians -- Missions. 
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635Author:  Mission San José de Teméychic.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Libro de bautismos de San José de Teméychic desde 25 de Febrero de 1725 1724-1778 ead 
 Date(s):  1724-1778 
 Abstract:  Photographs of pages from original handwritten parish register February 25, 1724 to April 12, 1778. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Church records and registerse -- Mexico -- Chihuahua (State) | Indians of Mexico -- Missions. | Missions -- Mexico -- Chihuahua (State) | Tarahumara Indians -- Missions. 
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636Author:  Mission Jesús Cárichic.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Libro de bautismos y libro de matrimonios desde 3 de Enero de 1693 1693 ead 
 Date(s):  1693 
 Abstract:  Photographs of pages from original holograph parish registers January 3, 1693 to February 27, 1749. Jesuit mission in the chain known as the Tarahumara Alta. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Church records and registerse -- Mexico -- Chihuahua (State) | Indians of Mexico -- Missions. | Missions -- Mexico -- Chihuahua (State) | Tarahumara Indians -- Missions. 
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637Author:  Mission Jesús Cárichic.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Libro de la parroquia de Nuestra Señora del Pilar de Norogáchic desde 30 de Agosto de 1696 1696 ead 
 Date(s):  1696 
 Abstract:  Photographs of pages from original holograph parish register August 30, 1696 to January 19, 1752. Jesuit mission in the chain known as the Tarahumara Alta. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Church records and registerse -- Mexico -- Chihuahua (State) | Indians of Mexico -- Missions. | Missions -- Mexico -- Chihuahua (State) | Tarahumara Indians -- Missions. 
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638Author:  Requires cookie*
 Title:  Documents Relating to Missions in Chihuahua and Sonora (Mexico) 1698-1798 ead 
 Date(s):  1698-1798 
 Abstract:  Photocopies of original holograph manuscripts accompanied by Spanish transcriptions and English translations by Campbell W. Pennington. Includes Relación de la fundación y aumento, y estado presente de estas dos misiones, Nabogame y Baburigame, de letra del Padre Benito Rinaldini, 1763? (accompanied by a list of missions in Chihuahua and Sonora); Estado de esta visitacion de Nuestra Señora del Pilar de Norogáchic hasta la presente visita del Padre Visitador General Joseph de Herrera, 1698; Derrotero cierto para ir de este Janos al Moqui. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Indians of Mexico -- Missions. | Missionaries -- Mexico. | Missions -- Mexico -- Chihuahua (State) | Missions -- Mexico -- Sonora (State) 
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639Author:  Vallarta, Martin, 1711-1783.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Inventorio de Ónavas, Sonora 1726 ead 
 Date(s):  1726 
 Abstract:  Holograph inventory of San Ignacio de Ónavas, one of the missions in the Pimería Baja, and its visitas, Tónichi, Pópule, and Soyopa. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Indians of Mexico -- Missions. | Missions -- Mexico -- Inventories. | Missions -- Mexico -- Sonora (State) 
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640Author:  Braun, Bartholome, 1718-1767.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Carta a Padre Provincial Francisco Zevallos, Temósachic 17 de Junio de 1765 1765 ead 
 Date(s):  1765 
 Abstract:  Holograph letter concerning Mission San Miguel de Temósachic. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Indians of Mexico -- Missions. | Missions -- Mexico -- Chihuahua (State) | Tarahumara Indians -- Missions. 
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