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University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections[Undo]
461Author:  United States. Army. Department of the Missouri. District of Colorado.Add to Favorites
 Title:  Operational and Administrative Papers Relating to the District of Colorado and the 1st Regiment Cavalry of Colorado 1863-1865 ead 
 Date(s):  1863-1865 
 Abstract:  The 1st Regiment Cavalry of Colorado was made up of volunteers from Colorado citizenry. It was organized in Denver in 1861, having been converted to cavalry from an infantry unit. Twenty-one items include special orders, reports, monthly returns by the quartermaster, invoices, inventories, muster rolls, and letters. The bulk of the collection is comprised of operational documents related to equipment and supplies for the regiment. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
1 hit(s)    
...of Arizona PO Box 210055 Tucson, AZ 85721-0055 Phone: 520-...
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462Author:  United States. Army. District of New Mexico.Add to Favorites
 Title:  United States Army, District of New Mexico records 1851-1883 (bulk 1863-1866) ead 
 Date(s):  1851-1883 
 Abstract:  Portfolio of 18 handwritten documents, which pertain chiefly to the administration of Fort Sumner from 1863 to 1866. Other New Mexican army posts are represented by only one or two documents. These are Fort Stanton, Fort Union, Fort Marcy and Fort Cummings. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Fortification -- New Mexico -- History -- 19th century -- Sources. | Frontier and pioneer life -- New Mexico -- Sources. | Indians of North America -- Southwest, New -- History -- 19th century -- Sources. | Navajo Indians -- Government relations. | Navajo Indians -- Removal. 
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...of Arizona PO Box 210055 Tucson, AZ 85721-0055 Phone: 520-...
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463Author:  Fort Vancouver (Wash.)Add to Favorites
 Title:  Fort Vancouver (Washington) records 1854-1866 ead 
 Date(s):  1854-1866 
 Abstract:  Located at the border of Washington and Oregon, it was a Hudson Bay Company trading post from 1829-1846. One portfolio containing printed and holographic items related primarily to the 4th Infantry, based at Fort Vancouver. The earliest material consists of nine monthly post returns from 1854, signed by the commanding officer, Lt. Col. Benjamin Louis Eulalie de Bonneville. These post returns list officers by name; enlisted men by count; civil employees, their duties, and rate of pay; official communications received; also the names of anyone sick, or in confinement for desertion. A food survey report from 1856 is concerned with rotten pork, hard bread, and moldy coffee. Later correspondence, special orders, and general orders date from 1860 to 1866. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Fortification -- Washington (State) -- History -- 19th century -- Sources. | Frontier and pioneer life -- Oregon -- History. | Frontier and pioneer life -- Washington (State) -- Sources. 
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...of Arizona PO Box 210055 Tucson, AZ 85721-0055 Phone: 520-...
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464Author:  Stevens, Montague, 1859-1953.Add to Favorites
 Title:  Montague Stevens papers 1892-1953 (bulk 1896-1919) ead 
 Date(s):  1892-1953 
 Abstract:  Montague Stevens, 1859-1953 was a pioneer New Mexico rancher in the Magdalena and Reserve areas, where he operated the S.U. Cattle Co. and the Shropshire Sheep Company. Portfolio containing chiefly correspondence, along with legal documents, bills, and financial records related to Montague Stevens and his ranching operations. Correspondence and telegrams mostly concern problems with his financial backers in England. Specific files for the S.U. Cattle Co. and the Shropshire Sheep Co. contain business correspondence regarding supplies and equipment, as well as legal papers. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Cattle trade -- New Mexico -- History. | Sheep industry -- New Mexico -- History. 
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...of Arizona PO Box 210055 Tucson, AZ 85721-0055 Phone: 520-...
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465Author:  United States. Army. Ambulance Service.Add to Favorites
 Title:  Official Report of the Chief of the United States Army Ambulance Service with the French Army, to the Surgeon General of the Army 1919 ead 
 Date(s):  1919 
 Abstract:  The United States Army Ambulance Service, also known as the USAAS, was created by presidential order May 18, 1917, for the duration of the "existing emergency." This original typescript relates the history of the Ambulance Service with the French Army on the Western Front, during WWI. A signed introduction by Col. Percy L. Jones, Paris, April 15, 1919, states that the report is in compliance with instructions given by the Surgeon General, Nov. 27, 1918. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Ambulance service -- France -- History -- 20th century. | Ambulances -- History -- 20th century. | Argonne, Battle of the, France, 1918. | World War, 1914-1918 -- Medical care -- France. 
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...of Arizona PO Box 210055 Tucson, AZ 85721-0055 Phone: 520-...
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466Author:  unknownAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Antiphonarium, ca. 1529 ead 
 Date(s):  ca. 1529 
 Abstract:  Bound elephant folio manuscript of Italian origin; probably Dominican. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Illumination of books and manuscripts, Italian -- Specimens | Chants (Plain, Gregorian, etc.) | Music -- Manuscripts -- Italy -- 16th century 
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...Collections PO Box 210055 Tucson, AZ 85721-0055 Phone: 520-...
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467Author:  Dreyer, J. L. E. (John Louis Emil), 1852-1926 Humberd, Charles D.Add to Favorites
 Title:  Tycho Brahe collection, 1869-1937 ead 
 Date(s):  1869-1937 
 Abstract:  1 bound volume entilted "Topographia Insulae Hvennea" handwritten by J. L. E. Dreyer regarding Tycho Brahe and the observatory built on the island of Hven in the late 16th century. It includes 7 maps, two of which are folding. 1 pamphlet titled "Tycho Brahe's Island" by Charles D. Humberd, M.D. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Astronomy 
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...of Arizona PO Box 210055 Tucson, AZ 85721-0055 Phone: 520-...
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468Author:  Wisniewski, Wieslaw Z.Add to Favorites
 Title:  Wieslaw Z. Wisniewski Papers, 1939-1994 (bulk 1976-1990) ead 
 Date(s):  1939-1994 
 Abstract:  The Wieslaw Z. Wisniewski Papers document the University of Arizona Lunar and Planetary Laboratory astronomer's research in the field of comets, stars, extra-galactic objects, and asteroids. This collection includes observational findings, research, and correspondence related to his research endeavors. The bulk of his research focused on near-Earth objects, especially asteroids. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Asteroids. | Astronomy. | Comets -- Observations. | Galaxies. | Photometry. | Space. | Stars. | Telescopes. 
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...Asteroids II Conference, Tucson, Arizona,...
...of Arizona PO Box 210055 Tucson, AZ 85721-0055 Phone: 520-...
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469Author:  Mathewson, Edward Payson, 1864-Add to Favorites
 Title:  Edward Mathewson Papers, 1864 - 1948 ead 
 Date(s):  unknown 
 Abstract:  The Edward Mathewson Papers contain the work of Canadian metallurgist Edward Mathewson, known for his work with Anaconda Copper Mining Company and later, his service as a professor at the University of Arizona. The collection includes five series pertaining to Mathewson’s personal and work life. Materials include manuscripts, mining papers, patents, letters and correspondence, scrapbooks, published books and papers, journals, diaries, blueprints, photo albums, photographs, postcards, financial records, certificates and degrees, and other ephemera. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Metallurgy. | Mining engineering. | Copper mines and mining. 
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...Montana – Anaconda. Arizona - Tucson. Container List Series...
...of Arizona PO Box 210055 Tucson, AZ 85721-0055 Phone: 520-...
...Science. During his time in Tucson, he was part of the Old...
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470Author:  University of ArizonaAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Inauguration of Alfred Atkinson as president of The University of Arizona April 12, 1938 ead 
 Date(s):  April 12, 1938 
 Abstract:  Collection includes; correspondence, invitations, programs and film of Alfred Atkinson inauguration as University of Arizona President. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:   | |  
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...of Arizona PO Box 210055 Tucson, AZ 85721-0055 Phone: 520-...
...Emeritus. He died in Tucson on May 16, 1958. Arrangement...
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471Author:  Zukoski, Charles F., III University of Arizona. Health Sciences LibraryAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Dr. Charles F. Zukoski III papers, 1972-1993 ead 
 Date(s):  1972-1993 
 Abstract:  This collection includes correspondence, clippings, and photographic slide materials relating to Dr. Zukoski's work regarding organ transplants. Materials are grouped in the original order they arrived in. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Medical education -- Arizona | Medical colleges -- Faculty | Surgery | Transplantation of organs, tissues, etc. 
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...of Arizona PO Box 210055 Tucson, AZ 85721-0055 Phone: 520-...
...where he performed Tucson's first kidney transplant in 1970....
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472Author:  Bennett, Cornelius, 1827-Add to Favorites
 Title:  Papers and photographs of Cornelius Bennett 1872-1915 ead 
 Date(s):  1872-1915 
 Abstract:  Chiefly photographs, along with legal documents, correspondence, and family memorabilia. Cornelius Bennett materials consist of family correspondence and photographs, tax receipts, stock certificates, and indentures. Other legal documents relate to his partnerships in the following companies: Bennett Bros. & Co.; J.T. Bennett & Co.; Bennett, Van Wagenen & Co.; and Bennett and Bailey. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Frontier and pioneer life -- New Mexico -- Silver City -- Sources. | Mines and mineral resources -- New Mexico -- Silver City -- Photographs. | Pioneers -- New Mexico -- Silver City -- Sources. | Prostitutes -- New Mexico -- Silver City -- History -- Photographs. 
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...of Arizona PO Box 210055 Tucson, AZ 85721-0055 Phone: 520-...
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473Author:  Grey, Zane, 1872-1939Add to Favorites
 Title:  The Last of the Plainsmen, circa 1908 ead 
 Date(s):  circa 1908 
 Abstract:  This is a biography of Charles Jesse Jones, 1844-1919, a frontiersman and wild game hunter. Original typescript, except for final chapter which is in the author's handwriting. Other holograph corrections throughout by a different hand. Correspondence attesting to authenticity of handwriting is laid in. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Manuscripts, American. 
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...of Arizona PO Box 210055 Tucson, AZ 85721-0055 Phone: 520-...
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474Author:  Shute, G.W. (George Walter), 1876-Add to Favorites
 Title:  Correspondence of George Walter Shute, 1908-1912 ead 
 Date(s):  1908-1912 
 Abstract:  George Walter Shute, born 1876, served as District Attorney of Gila County, Arizona from 1908-1912. The collection includes letters, chiefly relating to his activities as District Attorney. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
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...of Arizona PO Box 210055 Tucson, AZ 85721-0055 Phone: 520-...
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475Author:  Blake, William Edgar,Add to Favorites
 Title:  The Land of Mañana, 1883 ead 
 Date(s):  1883 
 Abstract:  Holograph of a journal depicting a train trip through the southwest and Mexico in 1883. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
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...of Arizona PO Box 210055 Tucson, AZ 85721-0055 Phone: 520-...
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476Author:  University of Arizona. Student Union Building Committee.Add to Favorites
 Title:  Minutes of Meetings of the University of Arizona Student Union Committee 1944-1950 ead 
 Date(s):  1944-1950 
 Abstract:  Transcript record of the minutes of meetings concerning the planning of the Student Union Building, and the campaign to raise funds for its construction. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
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...of Arizona PO Box 210055 Tucson, AZ 85721-0055 Phone: 520-...
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477Author:  University of ArizonaAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Class Records of Students Enrolled in the University of Arizona: Including the Preparatory Department 1891-1932 ead 
 Date(s):  1891-1932 
 Abstract:  Holograph records on printed forms. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
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...of Arizona PO Box 210055 Tucson, AZ 85721-0055 Phone: 520-...
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478Author:  Brown, Dudley S.Add to Favorites
 Title:  Scrapbook of Dudley S. Brown, 1913-1917 ead 
 Date(s):  1913-1917 
 Abstract:  Scrapbook of photographs, dance cards, clippings, ticket stubs, and other memorabilia kept while a student at The University of Arizona. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
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...of Arizona PO Box 210055 Tucson, AZ 85721-0055 Phone: 520-...
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479Author:  Garing, Robert S.Add to Favorites
 Title:  Scrapbook of Robert S. Garing, 1914-1917 ead 
 Date(s):  1914-1917 
 Abstract:  Scrapbook of photographs, programs, clippings, dance cards, ticket stubs, and other memorabilia, kept while a student at The University of Arizona. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  World War, 1914-1918 -- Personal narratives. 
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...of Arizona PO Box 210055 Tucson, AZ 85721-0055 Phone: 520-...
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480Author:  Finnerty, Thomas J.Add to Favorites
 Title:  Scrapbook of Thomas J. Finnerty, 1917-1922 ead 
 Date(s):  1917-1922 
 Abstract:  Scrapbook of photographs, programs, clippings, ticket stubs, and other memorabilia, kept while a student at The University of Arizona. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
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