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1974 (1)
1943 (1)
1930 (1)
1922 (1)
1908 (1)
University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections[Undo]
1Author:  Chanin, Abraham S., 1921-Add to Favorites
 Title:  Abraham Chanin Oral History audio cassettes, 1974-1977 ead 
 Date(s):  1974-1977 
 Abstract:  Abraham (Abe) Chanin was an author, historian, former publisher of the Arizona Jewish Post, sports editor at the Arizona Daily Star, and professor at the University of Arizona School of Journalism from 1976-1988. From 1988 to 1994, Chanin was director of the Bloom Southwest Jewish Archive at the University of Arizona. This collection contains interviews created by Abraham Chanin dating 1974-1977 with prominent Arizona settlers, politicians, University of Arizona faculty, and members of Native American communities on 30 audio cassettes. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Oral history -- Arizona | Hopi Indians | Hopi Indians -- Social life and customs | Japanese Americans -- Evacuation and relocation, 1942-1945 | Navajo Indians -- Arizona | Chinese -- Arizona -- Tucson -- History 
3 hit(s)    
...University of Arizona faculty, and members of Native...
...University of Arizona faculty, and members of Native...
...University of Arizona faculty Emil Haury, and Roy Drachman....
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2Author:  Wyman, Leland Clifton, 1897-Add to Favorites
 Title:  Leland C. Wyman papers 1908-1985 (bulk 1930-1980) ead 
 Date(s):  1908-1985 
 Abstract:  Papers, 1908-1985, bulk 1930-1980. This collection is comprised of Leland C. Wyman’s interests, both personal and professional. The bulk is made up of personal and professional correspondence, lecture note cards, and publications. His professional files reflect both his careers as a biologist and an anthropologist. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Navajo Indians | Indians of North America | Biology | Single Cell Research Foundation 
3 hit(s)    
...Faculty and student evaluation...
...Correspondence-Faculty and student research...
...value, curriculum vitae, faculty and student evaluation,...
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3Author:  Ruppert, Karl, 1895-1960Add to Favorites
 Title:  Karl Ruppert diary and photographs1922-1936 ead 
 Date(s):  1922-1936 
 Abstract:  Five-year diary, 1922 to 1926, and photographs of Karl Ruppert, his fellow archaeologistscolleagues, Navajo, Hopi, and Zuni individuals, and archaeological work at the Mayan site of Chichen Itza, circa 1922 to 1928. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Excavations (Archaeology) -- Mexico -- Chichen Itza Site -- Photographs | Navajo Indians -- Photographs | Hopi Indians -- Photographs 
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...University of Arizona -- Faculty Arizona State Museum...
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4Author:  Delano, Annita (1894-1979)Add to Favorites
 Title:  The Annita Delano Photograph Collection 1930-1940 ead 
 Date(s):  1930-1940 
 Abstract:  Photographs, postcards and newspaper clippings, circa 1930-1940. This collection is comprised of photographs, photographic postcards and newspaper clippings collected by California artist and UCLA professor of art Annita Delano. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Indian dance -- Arizona. | Indian dance -- New Mexico.. | Apache Indians -- Rites and ceremonies. | Apache Indians -- Social life and customs. | Hopi Indians -- Rites and ceremonies. | Hopi Indians -- Social life and customs. | Navajo Indians -- Social life and customs. | Navajo Indians -- Rites and ceremonies. | Navajo Indians -- Dwellings. | Navajo rugs. | Pueblo Indians -- Social life and customs. | Pueblo Indians -- Rites and ceremonies. | Pueblo Indians -- Dwellings. | Zuni Indians -- Social life and customs. | Zuni Indians -- Rites and ceremonies.. | Desert plants -- Arizona. 
2 hit(s)    
...spent time with Bauhaus faculty as well as with architects...
...Department and was on the faculty for 40 years. She taught...
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5Author:  Griffin-Pierce, Trudy, 1949-2009; Pierce, KiethAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Trudy Griffin-Pierce and Keith Pierce Papers ead 
 Date(s):  unknown 
 Abstract:  This collection is comprised of the papers of anthropologist Trudy Griffin-Pierce and solar astronomer Keith Pierce. The bulk of the material relates to Trudy Griffin-Pierce’s career as an anthropologist at the University of Arizona as well as her personal journals. Items include writings, correspondence, academic material as well as some personal material. Also included are some papers of Keith Pierce, primarily copies of his autobiography. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Astronomy. | Indians of North America -- Southwest, New. | Kitt Peak National Observatory. | Navajo Indians. | University of Arizona. 
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...Junior Faculty Professional Development leave,...
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6Author:  Southwest Folklore CenterAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Southwest Folklore Center Field Recordings Collection, 1943-ongoing ead 
 Date(s):  1943-ongoing 
 Abstract:  Reel tape recordings produced by University of Arizona Folklore Committee from 1943 through 1978, and after 1979, by the Southwest Folklore Center. Predominately field recordings from southern Arizona, they include cowboy songs and music, oral history interviews and corridos. The collection also includes 12 studio master tape reels recorded by Mexican American singer Lydia Mendoza. This collection was previously titled SWF 011. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Mexican Americans -- Music. | Corridos. | Pioneers. | Frontier and pioneer life. | Yaqui Indians. | Navajo Indians. | Seri Indians. | Apache Indians. | Yuma Indians. | Hopi Indians. | Tohono O'Odham Indians. | Pima Indians. | Mormons--Arizona--Music. | Cowboys. | Cowboys--Songs and music. | Folklore. | Folklore--Arizona. | Mormons--Arizona--Folklore. | Cowboys--Arizona--Folklore. | Cowboys' writings, American. | Ranchers--Arizona. | Fiddle tunes. | Baptists. | Hobo songs. | Harmonica music. | Gospel music. | Bluegrass music. | Banjo music. | Navajo code talkers. 
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...University of Arizona faculty member... Transcribed......
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