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Museum of Northern Arizona[Undo]
21Author:  De Harport, DavidAdd to Favorites
 Title:  David L. DeHarport collection, ead 
 Date(s):  unknown 
 Repository:  Museum of Northern Arizona 
 Subjects:  Apache Indians | Archaeology | Hopi Indians -- Land tenure | Navajo history | Navajo Indian Reservation | Navajo Indians | Warm Spring Apache Indians | Yokuts Indians | Yurok Indians 
1 hit(s)    
...229] Plaintiff's Exhibits: Mesa de la Vaca - Calabasa,...
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22Author:  Trennert, Jr., RobertAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Robert Trennert, Jr. collection, ead 
 Date(s):  unknown 
 Repository:  Museum of Northern Arizona 
 Subjects:  Flagstaff (Ariz.) -- History | Locomotives | Lumbering 
1 hit(s)    
...Engine #3. On Anderson Mesa, 1917 or 1918. (MNA neg. #64.11)...
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23Author:  Watson, Editha L.Add to Favorites
 Title:  Editha L. Watson collection, ead 
 Date(s):  unknown 
 Repository:  Museum of Northern Arizona 
 Subjects:  Apache Indians | Hopi dance | Hopi Indians | Jicarilla Indians | Kachinas | Navajo Indian Reservation | Navajo Indians | Navajo Indians -- Health & Welfare | Navajo Indians -- Jewelry | Navajo Indians -- Land tenure | Navajo Indians -- Medicine | Navajo Indians -- Religion | Navajo Indians -- Rites and ceremonies | Navajo language | Navajo rugs | Trading posts -- Arizona | Zuni Indians 
2 hit(s)    
...Eastern Sector: Rio Puerco: Lower Puerco, Mesa del...
...Oro, Cebolleta Mesa, Upper San Jose River, San Mateo Mt. ,...
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24Author:  Day, Samuel, Sr., 1845-1925 Day, Charles, 1879-1918 Day, Sam, Jr., 1882-1963Add to Favorites
 Title:  Day Family collection, ead 
 Date(s):  unknown 
 Repository:  Museum of Northern Arizona 
 Subjects:  Acoma architecture | Apache Indians | Hopi Indians | Navajo Indians | Trading posts -- Arizona | Western Apache Indians | Zuni Indians 
2 hit(s)    
...of Canyon de Chelly, with one image of Mesa Verde. 1 5...
...Monument (Ariz. ) Hopi Indians Mesa Verde National Park (...
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25Author:  Bushnell, Olive 1865- Parsons, Elsie Worthington Clews, 1874-1941 Reichard, Gladys Amanda, 1893-1955 Stephen, Alexander MacGregor, -1894Add to Favorites
 Title:  Alexander M. Stephen collection, ead 
 Date(s):  unknown 
 Repository:  Museum of Northern Arizona 
 Subjects:  Hopi Indians | Hopi Indians -- Social life and customs | Hopi language | Navajo history | Navajo Indians | Navajo Indians -- Dwellings | Navajo Indians -- Rites and ceremonies | Navajo Indians -- Social life and customs | Navajo language 
2 hit(s) various places on the Hopi mesas. He did spend a decade...
...already spread through the mesas. Stephen believed that he...
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26Author:  Nequatewa, Edmund, approximately 1880-1969Add to Favorites
 Title:  Edmund Nequatewa collection, ead 
 Date(s):  unknown 
 Repository:  Museum of Northern Arizona 
 Subjects:  Hopi Indians | Hopi language | Hopi language materials 
1 hit(s)    
...Apr 1969) was born in 2nd Mesa on the Hopi reservation into...
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27Author:  Titiev, Mischa, 1901-1978Add to Favorites
 Title:  Mischa Titiev collection ead 
 Date(s):  unknown 
 Repository:  Museum of Northern Arizona 
 Subjects:  Hopi Indians – Census | Hopi Indians – Genealogy 
1 hit(s)    
...the Hopi Indians of the Third Mesa. ” Papers of the Peabody...
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28Author:  Bond, Clifford Snow, MiltonAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Henry Claiborne Lockett collection, ead 
 Date(s):  unknown 
 Repository:  Museum of Northern Arizona 
 Subjects:  Navajo Indian Reservation | Rainbow Bridge-Monument Valley Expedition 
1 hit(s) expedition to Skeleton Mesa near Kayenta, Arizona. After...
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29Author:  Fred Harvey (Firm) Moon, Carl, 1878-1948 Harvey III, Byron Harvey, Katherine Harvey, Barbara Sarah Williams, R.H. Gipson, VirgilAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Fred Harvey Company collection, ead 
 Date(s):  unknown 
 Repository:  Museum of Northern Arizona 
 Subjects:  Navajo Indians | Navajo Indians -- Painting | Navajo Indians -- Religion | Navajo Indians -- Rites and ceremonies | Navajo Indians -- Social life and customs | Sandpaintings 
1 hit(s)    
...Canyon Village, Wupatki, Mesa Verde, Chaco Canyon, Apache,...
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30Author:  Whiting, Alfred F.Add to Favorites
 Title:  Alfred Whiting collection, ead 
 Date(s):  unknown 
 Abstract:  Botanist, Anthropologist, and Ethnobotanist, Alfred Whiting's career took to institutions across the United States (Museum of Northern Arizona, Michigan Ethnobotanical Laboratory, University of Oregon, Dartmouth College Museum). This collection consists of his research materials, particularly as they relate to his research at the Museum of Northern Arizona. 
 Repository:  Museum of Northern Arizona 
 Subjects:  All-Indian Pow-Wow (Flagstaff, Ariz.) | Animals | Catclaw acacia | Desert plants | Desert plants -- Arizona | Ethnobiology | Ethnobiology -- Arizona | Ethnobotany | Ethnology | Ethnozoology | Folklore | Havasupai Indians | Havasupai Indians -- Religion | Havasupai Indians -- Social life and customs | Havasupai baskets | Havasupai language | Havasupai mythology | Hopi Indians | Hopi Indians -- Agriculture | Hopi Indians -- Ethnobotany | Hopi Indians -- Folklore | Hopi Indians -- Jewelry | Hopi Indians -- Music | Hopi Indians -- Religion | Hopi Indians -- Rites and ceremonies | Hopi art | Hopi language | Hopi mythology | Hopi textile fabrics | Hualapai language 
1 hit(s)    
...had collected on the Hopi mesas. Whiting, whose title had...
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