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1964 (1)
1943 (1)
1935 (1)
1923 (1)
Arizona State University Library. Theatre for Youth and Community Collection[Undo]
1Author:  Dunnington, Hazel BrainAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Hazel Brain Dunnington Papers 1923-1991 ead 
 Date(s):  1923-1991 
 Abstract:  The Hazel Brain Dunnington Papers document the career of this classroom teacher, college professor, stage director, and author from 1923 through 1991. The majority of the collection contains classroom teaching materials and programming and administrative papers for the Institute in English, Poetry in the Language Arts Curriculum for Elementary Teachers in Grades K-6 at Central Washington State College in summer 1966. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Theatre for Youth and Community Collection 
 Subjects:  Creative drama -- Study and teaching. | Poetry -- Study and teaching (Elementary). 
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...Merriam, Poet and Institute Faculty Member, and Dunnington,...
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2Author:  Aldrich, DorothyAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Dorothy Aldrich Papers 1964-1992 ead 
 Date(s):  1964-1992 
 Abstract:  The Dorothy Aldrich Papers, 0.5 linear feet, contain the papers of Dorothy Aldrich, director, university professor, creative drama specialist, author and book editor, from 1964 through 1992. The collection documents her work as a teacher and book editor through correspondence, her thesis on child audience responses to the play Reynard the Fox, teaching materials on creative drama and children's theatre, and co-editorship of Give Them Roots and Wings: a Guide to Drama in the Elementary School. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Theatre for Youth and Community Collection 
 Subjects:  Drama in education -- Study and teaching. | Creative drama -- Study and teaching. 
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...1968 to 1972 she was on the faculty at the University of...
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3Author:  McCaslin, NellieAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Nellie McCaslin Papers 1943-2005 ead 
 Date(s):  1943-2005 
 Abstract:  The Nellie McCaslin Papers document the writing and teaching career from 1957-2005 of this mostly New York City-based theatre for youth author, actress, workshop leader, playwright, and university professor. Included are: speeches, articles by and about McCaslin, lecture notes, book publicity and drafts, playscripts, correspondence, awards, and research for a dissertation on McCaslin. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Theatre for Youth and Community Collection 
 Subjects:  Children's plays -- History and criticism. | Children's plays. | Children's theater -- United States. | Creative drama -- Study and teaching. | Theater -- United States -- History -- 20th century. | Drama in education -- Study and teaching. 
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...Faculty Spotlight, New York University's Educational Theatre...
...Honorary Faculty Emeritus Award, presented by Nation-Louis...
...Honorary Faculty Emeritus Award Certificate, National-Louis...
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4Author:  Graham, Kenneth L.Add to Favorites
 Title:  Kenneth L. Graham Collection 1935-1996 1936-1942, 1946-1992 ead 
 Date(s):  1935-1996 
 Abstract:  The Kenneth L. Graham Collection, 25 linear feet, contains the papers of Kenneth L. Graham, director, actor, university professor and administrator, and theatre for youth specialist, dating from 1936 through 1996. It is divided into the following series: Biographical, Production, Class Notes, West Germany Trip, Sabbatical Theatre Trip, British and China Tours, Production Photographs, Ephemera, Oversize, Audio/Visual and Annotated Books. The largest part of the collection is Series II: Production, which documents Graham's professional and academic acting and directing career. Also of note are Graham's class notes for creative drama, theatre for children, and theatre history. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Theatre for Youth and Community Collection 
 Subjects:  Acting -- Study and teaching. | Children's theater -- Production and direction. | Creative Drama -- Study and Teaching. | Theater -- Study and teaching -- History. 
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...Meet a Distinguished Faculty Member…Kenneth L. Graham ;...
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