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1962 (1)
1955 (1)
1886 (1)
1880 (1)
1850 (1)
Arizona Historical Society/Flagstaff Archives[Undo]
1Author:  Flagstaff (Ariz.) Flagstaff Water Use and Utilization CommissionAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Flagstaff Water Use and Utilization Commission Collection 1955-1967 ead 
 Date(s):  1955-1967 
 Abstract:  Reports, memos, correspondence, and publications related to water supply issues of Flagstaff, Arizona. 
 Repository:  Arizona Historical Society/Flagstaff Archives 
 Subjects:  Water-supply--Arizona--Flagstaff. | Water use--Arizona. | Water-supply--Arizona--Flagstaff. | Powwows--Arizona--Flagstaff. 
2 hit(s)    
...of Interior: Mogollon Mesa and San Francisco Plateau...
...Water Stored of Roosevelt, Horse Mesa, Mormon Flat, Stewart...
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2Author:  Arizona Lumber and Timber CompanyAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Arizona Lumber and Timber Company Collection 1880-1950 ead 
 Date(s):  1880-1950 
 Abstract:  Contains the business records of the Arizona Lumber and Timber Company as well as subsidiary and predecessor organizations including the: Ayer Lumber Company (aka: Ayer's Mill), which became the Arizona Lumber and Timber Company after being purchased by Denis M. Riordan; the Riordan Mercantile Company (company store of the Arizona Lumber and Timber Company); the Arizona Supply Company; the McKay Cattle Company; the Black Cattle Company; the Greenlaw Lumber Company (The Riordans bought controlling interest in 1897); the Spangler Sheep Company; the Howard Sheep Company; the Central Arizona Railway Company; the Flagstaff Electric Light Company; and the Flagstaff Community Hotel. All records are ca. 1881 to 1950. 
 Repository:  Arizona Historical Society/Flagstaff Archives 
 Subjects:  Lumber trade--Arizona. | Logging--Arizona | Lumbering--Arizona. | Sawmills--Arizona. | Sheep industry--Arizona. | Logging railroads--Arizona. | Cattle trade--Arizona. | Electric utilities--Arizona. 
2 hit(s)    
...National Bank of Flagstaff; and the Mesa City Bank. 720...
...of Albuquerque (N.M. ); and the Mesa City Bank (Phoenix,...
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3Author:  Arizona Historical SocietyAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Arizona Historical Society/Flagstaff Vertical Files Index, 1886-2003 ead 
 Date(s):  1886-2003 
 Abstract:  The Vertical File index of the Arizona Historical Society. The Vertical Files are documents, images, and ephemera which have been determined to have research value but are not associated with a broader set materials (collection). (Note: Subject groupings are defined by semi-colons. Archives staff may wish to use separate AHS Vertical File index to locate materials.) 
 Repository:  Arizona Historical Society/Flagstaff Archives 
 Subjects:  Navajo Indians. | Hopi Indians. | Indians of North America--Arizona. | Tourism--Arizona. | Archaeology--Arizona. | Forests and forestry--Arizona. | Ranching--Arizona. | Land use--Arizona--Coconino County. | Forest fires--Arizona--Flagstaff. | Coconino National Forest (Ariz.) 
3 hit(s)    
...Xerox copy of blueprints Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado,...
...Newspaper article re: new discoveries in Mesa Verde, Map...
...and Guide to Mesa Verde National Park brochure Meteor...
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4Author:  Food Town Super MarketAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Food Town Super Market Collection 1962-1967 ead 
 Date(s):  1962-1967 
 Abstract:  Business records of the Food Town Super Market. 
 Repository:  Arizona Historical Society/Flagstaff Archives 
 Subjects:  Grocery trade--Arizona--Flagstaff. | Groceries--Arizona--Flagstaff. 
1 hit(s)    
...Mesa Meat Company statements, 1962...
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5Author:  Snider, Samuel E.Add to Favorites
 Title:  Samuel E. Snider Collection ca. 1850-1920 ead 
 Date(s):  ca. 1850-1920 
 Abstract:  Papers and photographs of Reverend Samuel E. Snider related to his missionary work at Fort Defiance, Arizona during the period ca. 1894-1896 
 Repository:  Arizona Historical Society/Flagstaff Archives 
 Subjects:  Indians of North America--Arizona. | Navajo Indians. | Hopi Indians. | Missionaries--Arizona. 
3 hit(s)    
...woman next to child, 1st mesa; 850.19 Pueblo Indian children...
...850.25 Burros standing on mesa; 850.26 Rock formation in...
...Canyon De Chelly; 850.40 Mesa top view of Pueblo Indian...
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