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1Author:  National Association for Ethnic Studies (U.S.)Add to Favorites
 Title:  National Association for Ethnic Studies Records 1973-2003 ead 
 Date(s):  1973-2003 
 Abstract:  The National Association for Ethnic Studies (NAES) Records house meeting minutes, agendas, reports, conference programs, financial information, correspondence, article drafts and reviews, and other materials documenting the Association's operations and activities from 1973 to 2003. Among the subjects represented are Executive Committee meetings, conferences and conference planning, reports from the Association's officers, financial information, membership drives and records, policy statements, correspondence, and creating and distributing various publications. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library Chicano Research Collection 
 Subjects:  Minority college students | Minorities -- Study and teaching | Colleges and universities 
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