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Sharlot Hall Museum (1)
1Author:  unknownAdd to Favorites
 Title:  City of Prescott Historic Preservation Ordinances Development Records, SHM MS-43 1963-2005 ead 
 Date(s):  1963-2005 
 Abstract:  Citizens of Prescott became aware of the value of historic properties along with the year-long (1964) celebration of the founding of Prescott in 1864. By the early 1970’s, an organized movement was initiated as Yavapai Heritage Foundation, seeking not only to recognize the Prescott assets, but also to offer consultation and guidance to other communities in the region of The Central Arizona Highlands. Records of activities and formal recognition are included in this collection as an adjunct to similar records archived in SHM-MS-38, The Yavapai Heritage Collection. 
 Repository:  Sharlot Hall Museum 
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