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1Author:  International Solar Energy SocietyAdd to Favorites
 Title:  International Solar Energy Society (ISES) Collection 1954-1974 ead 
 Date(s):  1954-1974 
 Abstract:  This collection consists of a comprehensive body of material documenting the early history of the International Solar Energy Society when it was known as the Association for Applied Solar Energy (AFASE). Materials in the collection date from 1954 to 1974. It is divided into ten series: Series I: Administrative, Series II: Board of Directors, Series III: Library, Series IV: Meetings, V: Newsclippings, Series VI: Photographs, Series VII: Publishing/Printed Matter, Series VIII: Research Files, Series IX: Stanford Research Institute, and Series X: Oversized Items. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Design and the Arts Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Solar energy -- Arizona | Solar energy -- United States | Solar energy -- Research -- Arizona | Solar energy -- Research -- United States | Solar pumps -- United States 
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...of Solar Energy at Tucson, AZ (October 31-November 1) and...
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2Author:  Jones, Richard D.Add to Favorites
 Title:  Richard D. Jones papers 1954-2013 ead 
 Date(s):  1954-2013 
 Abstract:  Correspondence, extensive research notes, field journals, photographs, and manuscripts relating to Richard D. Jones’ dissertation on the Papago community near Sells, Arizona. Also included are materials related to Jones’ training at the U.S. Army Language School, his attendance at an anthropology conference in Moscow in 1964, and his career with the University of Arizona’s Bureau of Applied Research in Anthropology (BARA) 
 Repository:  Arizona State Museum 
 Subjects:  Tohono O’odham Indians. | University of Arizona. Bureau of Ethnic Research. 
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...and Archives PO Box 210026 Tucson, AZ 85721-0026 Phone: 520-...
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3Author:  Lockwood, George Wesley.Add to Favorites
 Title:  Wesley Lockwood Papers 1954/2019 ead 
 Date(s):  1954/2019 
 Abstract:  The Wesley Lockwood Papers are comprised of the personal and professional papers of astronomer Dr. Wes Lockwood. The bulk of the material relates to his career as an astronomer at Lowell Observatory. Subjects include conferences, correspondence, employment records, equpiment notes, grant proposals, newspaper clippings, photographs, publications, and various research topics. 
 Repository:  Lowell Observatory 
 Subjects:  Astronomy. | Astronomy--Research. | Luminosity. | Outer Planet Studies. | Photometry. | Planetary Science. | Solar-Stellar Spectrograph. | Solar System. | Space. | Telescopes. 
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...Peak National Observatory in Tucson, Arizona from 1968-1973....
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