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1Author:  Cortez, Marty Chavez, Carlos Orozco, John H., MD Avilés, Herlinda Crowe, Rosalie RoblesAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Los Universitarios collection 1953-1958, 2018 ead 
 Date(s):  1953-1958, 2018 
 Abstract:  This collection contains materials related to Los Universitarios. Los Universitarios formed in the early 1950s as a social club for Mexican-American students, many of which were the first to attend college from their families. The group would later help bring about the University of Arizona Hispanic Alumni. Materials includeing photographs, newspaper clippings, scrapbook pages, and publications. Items are arranged by donor. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  College students -- Arizona | Students | Women -- Arizona -- Tucson -- Societies and Clubs | Clubs -- Arizona -- Tucson 
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...his experiences with Los Universitarios and Tucson, Arizona....
...Arizona Students Women -- Arizona -- Tucson -- Societies and...
...Clubs Clubs -- Arizona -- Tucson Cortez, Marty Chavez,...
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