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1Author:  Tucson Audubon SocietyAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Tucson Audubon Society Records 1944-[ongoing] ead 
 Date(s):  1944-[ongoing] 
 Abstract:  The Tucson Audubon Society records contains business records, Board of Directors Meeting Minutes, and administrative correspondence; materials about conservation issues and educational programs; case studies, and a complete set of newsletters documenting the history and development of the organization. 
 Repository:  Main Library Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Human ecology | Wilderness areas -- Arizona | Conservation of natural resources -- Arizona | Wildlife refuges -- Arizona | Birds -- Conservation | Wild and scenic rivers 
14 hit(s)    
...Organization--Tucson Chapter--History,...
...Tucson Audubon Society Records 1944-[ongoing]...
...Organization--Tucson Chapter--Chapter Certification, 1986-...
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