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1Author:  Campbell, Bert (Gilbert Alan), 1906-1985 Campbell, Myrtle Gardner, 1907-1979Add to Favorites
 Title:  Gilbert and Myrtle Campbell Photographs 1937-1947 ead 
 Date(s):  1937-1947 
 Abstract:  Bert and Myrtle Campbell took these photographs while working with Arizona Highways magazine. Some of the images appeared in the magazine, but most were never published. They were intended to show Arizona in a favorable light to attract tourists and depict a variety of subjects, including modern, high-quality roadways and road construction, scenic landscapes, and recreation. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library Greater Arizona Collection 
 Subjects:  Indians of North America -- Arizona -- Photographs | Rodeos -- Arizona -- Phoenix -- Photographs | Transportation -- Arizona -- Photographs | Deserts -- Arizona -- Photographs | Mines and mineral resources -- Arizona -- Photographs 
88 hit(s)    
...Phoenix Rodeo: Bronc Riding...
...Phoenix Rodeo: Bull Riding...
...Phoenix Rodeo: Bronc Riding...
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2Author:  American Association of University Women. Flagstaff Branch.Add to Favorites
 Title:  American Association of University Women Records, 1937-2004. ead 
 Date(s):  1937-2004. 
 Abstract:  This collection contains documents, photographs, and videos related to the history and activities of the local branch of the American Association of University Women. 
 Repository:  Cline Library. Special Collections and Archives Department 
 Subjects:  Universities and colleges--United States. | Universities and colleges--Arizona. | Women--United States--Societies and clubs. | Women--Arizona--Flagstaff--Societies and clubs. | Women college graduates--Societies, etc. | Women college graduates--United States. | Women college graduates--Arizona--Societies, etc.. | Associations, institutions, etc.--Arizona--Flagstaff. 
3 hit(s)    
...Phoenix Symphony Orchestra Concert Project, 1960....
...Branch, (1) Tempe Branch, (1) Phoenix Division. 1.69-1.70...
...Bank receipts for the Phoenix Symphony Fund (10/3/60),...
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3Author:  Ernenwein, LeslieAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Papers of Leslie Ernenwein, 1937-1962 ead 
 Date(s):  1937-1962 
 Abstract:  This collection includes correspondence, clippings, photographs, background material, notes, typescripts, published articles, and galleys concerning cowboys and the West. Correspondents are publishers and agents. It includes background material for stories about Death Valley, Imperial Valley, and Yuma Prison; and photographs of Yuma Prison and cattle branding. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Journalists -- Arizona | Western stories 
1 hit(s)    
...Correspondence: Publishers, Phoenix Press. 1941-1946...
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