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1Author:  Myrland, Imogene J.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Imogene Myrland papers 1936-1974 ead 
 Date(s):  1936-1974 
 Abstract:  Correspondence, photographs, clippings, financial records, scrapbooks, teaching aids, miscellaneous publications, and other material relating to the organization and development of nursery schools and day care centers in Arizona, especially Tucson. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Nursery schools -- Arizona -- Tucson | Nursery schools -- Arizona | Preschool teachers -- Arizona | Day care centers -- Arizona | Day care centers -- Arizona -- Tucson | Education, Preschool -- Arizona | Parenting -- Study and teaching -- Arizona -- Tucson | Children -- Arizona 
21 hit(s)    
...Tucson Nursery Schools correspondence,...
...Tucson Nursery Schools clippings,...
...Tucson Nursery Schools clippings,...
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