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1Author:  Moon, Carl, 1878-1948Requires cookie*
 Title:  Carl Moon Photograph Collection, circa. 1903-1914 ead 
 Date(s):  circa. 1903-1914 
 Abstract:  The Carl Moon collection is comprised of photographs, ca. 1903-1914, consisting of black and white copy prints of Apache, Hopi, Navajo, and other American Indians. The collection is artificially arranged into seven series: Portraits, Cafts, Music, Men, Habitat, Ceremonies and Family. Printed on fiber paper 5 by 8 inches or smaller, these photographs are annotated with names and places, and some are dated. The bulk of the images consist of portraits of individuals, groups, and ceremonies. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Indians of North America -- Southwest, New -- Portraits | Indians of North America -- Southwest, New -- Rites and ceremonies | Hopi Indians -- Pictorial works | Navajo Indians -- Pictorial works | Apache Indians -- Pictorial works | Osage Indians -- Pictorial works | Taos Indians -- Pictorial works | Pueblo Indians -- Pictorial works 
5 hit(s)    
...Hopi Villages in the Second Mesa. 1904...
...Ancient Hopi House, First Mesa, Walpi, Witch House. No Date...
...Homeward Bound, Hopi Women of Second Mesa. No Date...
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2Author:  Maxwell, George HebardRequires cookie*
 Title:  The George Hebard Maxwell Papers, MG 11903-1955 ead 
 Date(s):  1903-1955 
 Abstract:  The George Hebard Maxwell Papers consists of 12 manuscript boxes that cover the range of Maxwell's work with water reclamation. The collection is composed primarily of correspondence between Maxwell and his associates. Speeches, circulars, reports, meeting notes, forms, form letters, financial documents (invoices, order forms, statements of costs), clippings and printed matter (promotional literature, copies of publications) are also included. Of particular interest are several handwritten drafts of Mr. Maxwell’s book Golden Rivers and Treasure Vallies. 
 Repository:  Arizona State Archives 
 Subjects:  Water reuse. 
2 hit(s)    
...L. Chandler, re: speech at Mesa Rotary Club on February 15,...
...Letter, Mesa Community Club to Roy M. Schuster, re: Boulder...
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