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1Author:  Colby, Clint.Add to Favorites
 Title:  Little Magazine Collection, 1895-1976 (bulk 1965-1976) ead 
 Date(s):  1895-1976 
 Abstract:  This collection of little magazines was assembled over a period of several years. For purposes of this collection little magazines were defined as having primary emphasis on the arts; magazines with primary emphasis on politics---sexual, racial, economic, etc.--- were excluded from the collection. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  American literature -- 20th century -- Periodicals. | American periodicals -- Specimens. | American poetry -- 20th century -- Periodicals. | Canadian poetry -- 20th century -- Periodicals. | English poetry -- 20th century -- Periodicals. | Latin American poetry -- Periodicals. | Little magazines -- Specimens. | Poetry -- Collections -- Periodicals. 
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...Illuminations, Tucson, #4, Winter,...
...Poet's Calliope, Tucson,...
...of Arizona PO Box 210055 Tucson, AZ 85721-0055 Phone: 520-...
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