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1Author:  Luhrs familyAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Luhrs Family Photographs [Images 1,003-1,957] 1867-1990s 1880s-1980s ead 
 Date(s):  1867-1990s 
 Abstract:  This collection houses snapshots and studio portraits showing George and Catharina (Dodenhof) Luhrs' family, including their siblings, four children, grandchildren, and such family friends as the Thalheimers, Hibbards, and Demunds. Also included are images depicting Stanford University (where Arthur C. Luhrs and George Luhrs Jr. studied), Southern California (where the family vacationed), the Commercial Hotel, the Luhrs Hotel, the Luhrs Tower, the Luhrs Office Building, and fraternal organizations. The vast majority of the images have typed captions authored by George Luhrs Jr. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Greater Arizona Collection 
 Subjects:  Hotels -- Arizona -- Phoenix. | Luhrs Hotel (Phoenix, Ariz.). | Luhrs Arcade (Phoenix, Ariz.). 
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...Members of Faculty, Phoenix Union High School; Phoenix,...
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