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1Author:  Midvale, FrankAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Frank Midvale Papers 1865-1972 1930-1972 ead 
 Date(s):  1865-1972 
 Abstract:  The Frank Midvale Papers house correspondence, manuscripts, notes, photographs, maps, and printed material documenting Midvale's archaeological work. Although the collection dates from 1865 to 1972, the bulk of the material was created between 1930 and 1972. The papers are arranged in six series. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Greater Arizona Collection 
 Subjects:  Agriculture, Prehistoric -- Arizona. | Excavations (Archaeology) -- Arizona. | Hohokam culture -- Arizona. | Indians of North America -- Agriculture -- Arizona. | Indians of North America -- Arizona -- Antiquities. | Irrigation -- Arizona. | Irrigation canals and flumes -- Arizona. | Pueblo Indians -- Arizona -- Antiquities. 
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...Rillito Survey (Tucson Area), Undated... archaeology and stayed in Tucson until 1940. When several...
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