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1Author:  Steffel, Matthäus.Add to Favorites
 Title:  Tarahumarisches Wörterbuch: nebst einigen Nachrichten von den Sitten und Gebräuchen der Tarahumaren, in Neu-Biscaya, in der Audiencia Guadalajara im vice-Königreiche Alt-Mexiko oder Neu Spanien 1791 ead 
 Date(s):  1791 
 Abstract:  The one volume contains both a German-Tarahumara dictionary, and a Tarahumara-German dictionary. Steffel annotated some of the entries. The end section contains general phrases that he says are derived in format from those of Herr Bacmeister, St. Petersburg, 1773; but that he has altered to consist of Latin, German, and Tarahumaran equivalents. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  German language -- Dictionaries -- Tarahumara. | Indians of Mexico -- Mexico -- Chihuahua (State) -- Languages. | Tarahumara language -- Dictionaries -- German. 
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