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Actors -- Labor unions (1)
Actors -- United States -- Correspondence (1)
American drama -- West (U.S.) (1)
American drama -- Women authors (1)
Authors, American -- 20th century -- Sources (1)
Bilingualism -- Arizona -- Tucson (1)
Children's plays -- Bibliography (1)
Children's plays, American (1)
Children's plays, American -- History and criticism (1)
Children's plays, American. (2)
Children's theater -- History (1)
Children's theater. (1)
Christmas plays (1)
College and school drama, American -- Arizona -- Tempe. (1)
College theater -- Arizona -- Tempe. (1)
Drama -- 20th century -- Stories, plots, etc. -- Sources (1)
Dramatists -- United States. (1)
Dramatists, American -- United States -- Archives (1)
Feminism and literature -- United States (1)
Folk drama, Spanish American (1)
Gangs -- Arizona -- Tucson (1)
Manuscripts, American (1)
Mexican Americans -- Arizona -- Tucson -- Languages (1)
Playwriting -- Study and teaching -- United States (1)
Playwriting -- Study and teaching. (2)
Prodigal son (Parable) -- Drama (1)
Spanish language -- Dialects -- Arizona -- Tucson (1)
Spanish language -- Slang (1)
Spanish language -- Social aspects -- Arizona -- Tucson (1)
Stage Adaptations -- Alice in Wonderland (1)
Theater -- United States -- History -- 20th century -- Sources (1)
Theatrical posters, American -- Arizona -- Tempe. (1)
Women dramatists -- United States. (1)
Women dramatists, American -- Sources (1)
Women journalists -- United States -- Sources (1)
Yaqui Indians -- Mexico -- Hermosillo -- Rites and Ceremonies -- Photographs (1)
Young adult drama -- American (1)
Young adult drama, American. (3)
1991 (1)
1980 (1)
1976 (1)
1962 (1)
1956 (1)
1931 (1)
1903 (1)
1860 (1)
1Author:  Burke, John.Add to Favorites
 Title:  Tucson Jennie's Tragic Triumph, or How Law and Order Came to the Old West 1962 ead 
 Date(s):  1962 
 Abstract:  Typescript (original) of play staged at Old Tucson Studios. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  American drama -- West (U.S.) 
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2Author:  Treadwell, Sophie, 1885-1970Add to Favorites
 Title:  Sophie Treadwell paperscirca 1860-1970 (bulk 1910-1960) ead 
 Date(s):  circa 1860-1970 
 Abstract:  Contains chiefly Personal Materials, Diaries, Correspondence, Scrap-books, Plays, Novels, and Photographs relating to her career as an American playwright, author, and journalist from the 1910s through the 1960s. Diaries include her travels to Europe and Moscow in the 1930s, and daily activities for selected years spanning 1942 to 1970. Noted correspondents include Louise and Walter Arensberg, Arthur Craven, Maynard Dixon, Helena Modjeska, Robert A. Parker, family and friends, colleagues, employers, and inter-view-ees, including Sarah Bernhardt and Francisco Villa. Scrapbooks document her private life; college years at University of California, 1901-1906; early acting, writing, and employment in California, New York, Europe, and Mexico, 1909-1932; and critical coverage of the productions of her dramatic works from 1918-1949. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Actors -- Labor unions | American drama -- Women authors | Authors, American -- 20th century -- Sources | Drama -- 20th century -- Stories, plots, etc. -- Sources | Feminism and literature -- United States | Manuscripts, American | Theater -- United States -- History -- 20th century -- Sources | Women dramatists, American -- Sources | Women journalists -- United States -- Sources | Actors -- United States -- Correspondence 
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3Author:  Open Eye Theater (Margaretville, N.Y.)Add to Favorites
 Title:  Open Eye Theater Records 1980-2007 ead 
 Date(s):  1980-2007 
 Abstract:  The Open Eye Theater Records, 3.0 linear feet, contain the records of this non-profit theater company for young and multi-generational audiences, from 1980 through 2007. The collection mostly documents the company's productions, 1987-1999, through programs, production materials and photographs. To a lesser degree, the records also demonstrate the company's administrative, marketing and education activities. The collection is divided into the following series: Administrative, Productions and Audiovisual. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Theatre for Youth and Community Collection 
 Subjects:  Children's plays, American. | Playwriting -- Study and teaching. | Young adult drama, American. 
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4Author:  Arizona State University. Department of TheatreAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Arizona State University Department of Theatre Records 1931-2007 ead 
 Date(s):  1931-2007 
 Abstract:  This collection houses the records of Arizona State University's Department of Theatre for all programs except Theatre for Youth. The Theatre for Youth Program Records are located in the Child Drama Collection (Boxes EDU/ASU). The bulk of the ASU Department of Theatre Records consist of such production materials as photographs, newspaper clippings, playbills, and season brochures. Also included are articles documenting the Department's historical highlights, faculty projects and biographies, season and production posters, and publications by the College of Fine Arts and the Department of Theatre. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Rare Books and Manuscripts 
 Subjects:  College and school drama, American -- Arizona -- Tempe. | College theater -- Arizona -- Tempe. | Theatrical posters, American -- Arizona -- Tempe. 
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5Author:  Brooks, LaurieAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Laurie Brooks Papers 1991-2005 ead 
 Date(s):  1991-2005 
 Abstract:  The Laurie Brooks Papers, 5 linear feet, contain the papers of Laurie Brooks, playwright for young audiences, young adult fiction author, dramaturg, periodical editor and professor, from 1991 through 2005. The majority of the collection consists of drafts of plays written by Laurie Brooks for young audiences and associated production materials, 1996-2005. The remainder of the materials documents her professional life. The papers are divided into the following two series: Professional History and Plays. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Theatre for Youth and Community Collection 
 Subjects:  Women dramatists -- United States. | Young adult drama, American. | Playwriting -- Study and teaching. 
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6Author:  Kral, BrianAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Brian Kral Papers 1976-2002 ead 
 Date(s):  1976-2002 
 Abstract:  The Brian Kral Papers, 2.75 linear feet, contain the papers of Brian Kral, playwright, director and teacher, from 1976 through 2002. The majority of the collection consists of development and production materials for plays written by Brian Kral for young audiences, 1979-1991, with the remainder of the material documenting his professional life as playwright, director and teacher. The papers are divided into the following series: Professional History and Plays. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Theatre for Youth and Community Collection 
 Subjects:  Dramatists -- United States. | Young adult drama, American. | Children's plays, American. | Children's theater. 
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7Author:  Levy, JonathanAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Jonathan Levy Papers 1956-1999 ead 
 Date(s):  1956-1999 
 Abstract:  The Jonathan Levy Papers contain the papers of Jonathan Levy, playwright, university professor, theatre for youth historian, and author from 1956 through 1999. The majority of the collection includes research and pre-print materials for his books and articles on theatre for youth and for his plays for adults and young audiences. Also included is his curricular work with Project Zero at Harvard University and with the International Baccalaureate Organization. The papers are divided into nine series. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Theatre for Youth and Community Collection 
 Subjects:  Dramatists, American -- United States -- Archives | Children's plays, American | Children's plays -- Bibliography | Children's plays, American -- History and criticism | Children's theater -- History | Playwriting -- Study and teaching -- United States | Young adult drama -- American | Stage Adaptations -- Alice in Wonderland 
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8Author:  Barker, George C. (George Carpenter), 1912-1958Add to Favorites
 Title:  Papers of George C. Barker, 1903-1958 (bulk 1943-1957) ead 
 Date(s):  1903-1958 
 Abstract:  Correspondence, research materials, published and unpublished manuscripts and articles, slides, photographs, and one audio tape, primarily from 1943 to 1957, of anthropologist George C. Barker. The collection documents Barker's anthropological research into folk drama and ritual, the social functions of language, the Pachuco language of Hispanic youths, and Yaqui Indian culture and customs. A 1964 gift to the Southwest Folklore Archives from George C. Barker, Sr. Deaccessioned from the collection in 1993 were approximately 0.2 feet of duplicates and items of a personal nature. In 1996 two 11 x 14 black-and-white photographs by Alfred A. Cohn were transferred to the L. Marguerite Collier Collection, Southwest Folklore Center Manuscripts Collection MS 611. This collection is part of the Southwest Folklore Center collection. The Southwest Folklore Center was founded in 1979 after the dissolution of the University of Arizona Folklore Committee and collected information about folk communities, arts, music, and other humanities-related materials. This collection was previously SWF 004. The materials were transferred to Special Collections in 2017. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Folk drama, Spanish American | Christmas plays | Prodigal son (Parable) -- Drama | Spanish language -- Dialects -- Arizona -- Tucson | Spanish language -- Social aspects -- Arizona -- Tucson | Spanish language -- Slang | Bilingualism -- Arizona -- Tucson | Mexican Americans -- Arizona -- Tucson -- Languages | Gangs -- Arizona -- Tucson | Yaqui Indians -- Mexico -- Hermosillo -- Rites and Ceremonies -- Photographs 
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