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Museum of Northern Arizona[Undo]
1Author:  Fish, Joseph, 1840-1926Add to Favorites
 Title:  Joseph Fish collection ead 
 Date(s):  unknown 
 Repository:  Museum of Northern Arizona 
 Subjects:  Arizona -- History | Mormon cities and towns | Mormon pioneers 
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2Author:  Gregory, EdnaAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Edna Hope Gregory papers, ead 
 Date(s):  unknown 
 Abstract:  This collection contains diaries related to Gregory's travel with her husband, Dr. Herbert E. Gregory of the US Geological Survey, regarding Mr. Gregory’s work field trips. The collection also contains correspondence between Mrs. Gregory and her husband, photographs, and an article written by Mrs. Gregory on Kanaka Ranch (aka. Iosepa), a settlement of Mormon Hawaiians in Utah. 
 Repository:  Museum of Northern Arizona 
 Subjects:  Mormon pioneers | Mormon cities and towns 
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3Author:  Coin, Raymond Coin, Willie Ferguson, Carol Fredericks, Oswald White Bear Hatch, Ada T. Honani, Steve Johnston, Philip, approximately 1892-1978 Joseph, Carrie Kewanwytewa, Agnes Kewanwytewa, Jimmy, ca. 1888-1966 Lockett, Clay Long, Paul V. Nevahoioma, Vera Ressler, Diana Ressler, John Runke, Laura Sapaula, Crispina Tevenyouma, Joe White, Elizabeth Wright, Barton Wright, Margaret NickelsonAdd to Favorites
 Title:  Barton A. Wright collection, ead 
 Date(s):  unknown 
 Repository:  Museum of Northern Arizona 
 Subjects:  Hopi Indians | Mormon pioneers | Navajo Indians | Trading posts | Trading posts -- Arizona 
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