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1Author:  Gila County AssessorRequires cookie*
 Title:  Gila County Assessor ead 
 Date(s):  unknown 
 Abstract:  The collection consists primarily of Assessment and Tax Rolls for Gila County. There are also are Gila County assessment and flood maps. 
 Repository:  Arizona State Library, Archives, and Public RecordsArchives and Records Management 
 Subjects:  Gila County (AZ). Office of Assessor. 
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2Author:  Gila County Coroner’s OfficeRequires cookie*
 Title:  Gila County Coroner ead 
 Date(s):  unknown 
 Abstract:  The collection consists of 1 box, 3 volumes, and 9 reels of microfilm of coroner’s inquests. 
 Repository:  Arizona State Library, Archives, and Public RecordsArchives and Records Management 
 Subjects:  Gila County (AZ). Coroner 
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3Author:  Getty, Harry Thomas, 1904-1995Requires cookie*
 Title:  Harry T. Getty papers 1940-1980 ead 
 Date(s):  1940-1980 
 Abstract:  Collection consists of field notes, research files, correspondence, manuscript drafts, and associated materials assembled by cultural anthropologist Harry T. Getty for his work on Tucson ethnic communities, the San Carlos Apache, and social change in Fiji and Yugoslavia. 
 Repository:  Arizona State Museum 
 Subjects:  Apache Indians--Arizona--San Carlos Indian Reservation | Apache Indians--Arizona--Fort Apache Indian Reservation | Apache Indians--Arizona--Land tenure | Apache Indians--Arizona--Claims | Cattle trade--Arizona--San Carlos Indian Reservation | University of Arizona. Dept. of Anthropology | Leadership--Fiji | Urbanization--Slovenia 
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4Author:  Gila Pueblo Archaeological FoundationRequires cookie*
 Title:  Gila Pueblo Archaeological Foundation Papers 1928-1950 ead 
 Date(s):  1928-1950 
 Abstract:  Collection contains archaeological survey records and site photographs, field notes, analysis and reports, photographs of sherd boards, correspondence, and business records documenting the activities of the Gila Pueblo Archaeological Foundation located in Globe, Arizona. The bulk of the archaeological site records are from the Hohokam site at Snaketown, Arizona, 1934 to 1935. 
 Repository:  Arizona State Museum 
 Subjects:  Archaeological surveying -- Southwest, New | Archaeology -- Southwest, New | Awatovi (AZ) -- Antiquities | Awatovi Expedition (1935-1939) | Dendrochronology -- Southwest, New | Excavations (Archaeology) -- Arizona -- Awatovi | Excavations (Archaeology) -- Arizona -- Snaketown | Hohokam culture | Indians of North America -- Southwest, New | Jeddito Valley (AZ) -- Antiquities | Medallion papers | Pueblo Indians -- Antiquities | Snaketown (AZ) -- Antiquities | Southwest, New -- Antiquities 
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5Author:  Gifford, James C.Requires cookie*
 Title:  James C. Gifford Papers 1926-2009 (bulk 1952-1973) ead 
 Date(s):  1926-2009 (bulk 1952-1973) 
 Abstract:  Consists of the professional papers of archaeologist James C. Gifford dating from the 1920s to the early 2000s. The bulk of the collection is composed of records for the journal Ceramica de Cultura Maya et al. This publication was a key platform for collating scholarship on Mayan ceramics. Also included in the papers are items such as Gifford's journal of his 1952 trip to Tarahumara settlements in Mexico, extensive ceramic typology research files, publication materials for his study of the Barton Ramie site in Belize, the records of a joint project with Watson Smith on Awatovi corrugated ceramics, and extensive correspondence files from scholars around the world involved in pottery research. These papers document the conceptual development of the type:variety-mode approach to the study of prehistoric ceramics. 
 Repository:  Arizona State Museum 
 Subjects:  Archaeological expeditions--Mexico--Copper Canyon. | Indian pottery--Central America. | Indian pottery--Mexico. | Indian pottery--Southwest. | Maya pottery. | Pottery--Analysis. | Pueblo pottery--Arizona--Jeddito Valley. | Tarahumara Indians. | Tusayan Gray Ware. 
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6Author:  Garvey, Daniel E. (Daniel Edward), 1886-1974Requires cookie*
 Title:  Daniel E. Garvey Photographs 1935-1958 1949-1950 ead 
 Date(s):  1935-1958 
 Abstract:  This collection consists primarily of photographs documenting Daniel E. Garvey's professional appearances. Most date from his term as Governor of Arizona, but some show his time as Secretary of State. In many of these images, Garvey is accompanied by prominent Arizonans, visiting dignitaries, and local, state, and federal officials. Also included are a few family photographs showing Thirza (Vail) Garvey and Daniel Garvey Jr. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Greater Arizona Collection 
 Subjects:  Arizona -- Politics and government | Governors -- Arizona -- Archives | Governors -- Arizona -- Election | Radio programs -- Arizona 
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7Author:  Gardner, James G. (James Gail), 1930-Requires cookie*
 Title:  James G. Gardner Photographs 1960s ead 
 Date(s):  1960s 
 Abstract:  This collection houses eight photographs and one artist's rendering of the Valley National Bank building and bank employees taken during the 1960s. The building, located at Apache Boulevard and Rural Road in Tempe, is now part of the Arizona State University campus. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Greater Arizona Collection 
 Subjects:  Banks and banking -- Arizona -- Tempe. 
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8Author:  Griffen, Horace, 1894-Requires cookie*
 Title:  Horace Griffin Photograph circa 1910 ead 
 Date(s):  circa 1910 
 Abstract:  This hand-tinted silver gelatin photograph depicts Horace Griffin's father, Horace B. Griffin, driving a buckboard wagon pulled by two oxen. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Greater Arizona Collection 
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9Author:  Globe (Ariz.)Requires cookie*
 Title:  Globe, Arizona Photographs 1905-1935 1916-1920 ead 
 Date(s):  1905-1935 
 Abstract:  This collection houses twelve silver gelatin photographic prints depicting buildings and people in Globe, Arizona, including a Cirkut panorama printed as a mosaic. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Greater Arizona Collection 
 Subjects:  Copper mines and mining -- Arizona -- Globe. 
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10Author:  Galindo, D. Letticia (Delma Letticia), 1952-Requires cookie*
 Title:  Preliminary Inventory of the D. Letticia Galindo Papers 1967-1998 ead 
 Date(s):  1967-1998 
 Abstract:  This collection houses syllabi, student papers, appointment books, research materials (including audio tapes and notes), unpublished manuscripts, publications, and correspondence documenting D. Letticia Galindo's teaching and research in linguistics at Arizona State University. This collection has not been processed in full and can be viewed only by appointment. Contact Archives and Special Collections for more information. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. University Archives 
 Subjects:  Linguistics -- Study and teaching. | Mexican-American Border Region. | Second language acquisition. | Women college teachers -- Arizona -- Tempe. 
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11Author:  Gammage, Kathryn, 1915-Requires cookie*
 Title:  Kathryn Gammage Papers 1964-1986 ead 
 Date(s):  1964-1986 
 Abstract:  The Kathryn Gammage Papers house of the records of Gammage's professional work at ASU as well as personal papers, correspondence, photographs, and personal and professional awards and certificates. The bulk of the collection contains professional papers dating from 1964 to 1986. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. University Archives 
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12Author:  Gammage, Kathryn, 1915-Requires cookie*
 Title:  Preliminary Inventory of the Kathryn Gammage Papers 1923-1989 ead 
 Date(s):  1923-1989 
 Abstract:  This collection houses clippings, publications, programs, scrapbooks, correspondence, speeches, notes, photographs, and other materials documenting KAET-TV (Channel 8), Arizona State College at Tempe's transition to Arizona State University, Kathryn Gammage's work with the Governor's Commission on the Status of Women, and the completion and opening of Gammage Auditorium. Also included are correspondence, clippings, and other materials documenting Kathryn Gammage's personal affairs. This collection has not been processed in full and can be viewed only by appointment. Contact Ask An Archivist for more information. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. University Archives 
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13Author:  Garvey, Daniel E. (Daniel Edward), 1886-1974Requires cookie*
 Title:  Daniel E. Garvey Collection 1917-1974 ead 
 Date(s):  1917-1974 
 Abstract:  The Daniel E. Garvey Collection consists primarily of correspondence, newsclippings, certificates, memorabilia, and printed matter documenting Garvey's political career. Although the material ranges from 1917 to 1974, the bulk of the collection concerns Garvey's tenure in municipal and state government from 1938 to 1950. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Greater Arizona Collection 
 Subjects:  Agriculture -- Arizona | Arizona -- Politics and government | Governors -- Arizona -- Archives | Governors -- Arizona -- Election | Indians of North America -- Arizona | Radio programs -- Arizona | USS Arizona Memorial (Hawaii) | Water resources development -- Arizona 
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14Author:  Gaxiola, Ralph (Ralph Badilla), 1893-1944Requires cookie*
 Title:  Ralph Gaxiola Photographs 1893-1950 ead 
 Date(s):  1893-1950 
 Abstract:  This collection houses 22 images depicting the Gaxiola and Garcia de la Lama families of Phoenix, Arizona. Among the individuals shown are Carmen (Badilla) Gaxiola, Ralph Gaxiola, Frank Gaxiola, Maria (Bayze) Gaxiola, Concepcion (Garcia de la Lama) Perez, Pedro Diego Perez, Gilbert Gaxiola, Geraldine (Gaxiola) Haynes, Grace (Gaxiola) Shuga, Jesus Franco, Josefina (Carrascoso) Franco, Mary Jo (Franco) French, and Gov. Daniel E. Garvey. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Chicano Research Collection 
 Subjects:  Mexican Americans -- Arizona -- Phoenix. 
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15Author:  Gerber, Helmut E., 1920-Requires cookie*
 Title:  Helmut E. Gerber Papers 1950-1985 ead 
 Date(s):  1950-1985 
 Abstract:  This collection consists primarily of correspondence dating from 1950 to 1981 on such topics as a doctoral dissertation on J. D. Beresford, English Literature in Transition, and books and bibliographies that Gerber authored. Also included are reviews of Gerber's published work, poetry by Gerber, information documenting Gerber's career, and notes. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Rare Books and Manuscripts 
 Subjects:  College teachers -- Arizona -- Archives. | Critics -- Arizona -- Archives. | English literature -- 19th century -- History and criticism. | English literature -- 19th century -- Study and teaching -- Arizona. 
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16Author:  Gila River Relocation CenterRequires cookie*
 Title:  Gila River Relocation Center Photographs 1942-1945 ead 
 Date(s):  1942-1945 
 Abstract:  This collection houses eighteen snapshots of the Gila River Relocation Camp taken between 1942 and 1945. The majority of these images depict buildings and grounds; a few depict internees, including Jiro Ichiro, Kenney Umioka, and Irene Umioka. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Greater Arizona Collection 
 Subjects:  Japanese Americans -- Evacuation and relocation, 1942-1945. | World War, 1939-1945 -- Concentration camps -- United States. 
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17Author:  Gilbert, Dorothy V. (Dorothy Virginia Gorrell), 1915-1997Requires cookie*
 Title:  Preliminary Inventory of the Dorothy V. Gilbert Papers 1906-1997 1956-1997 ead 
 Date(s):  1906-1997 
 Abstract:  This collection houses manuscript materials, ephemera, photographs, and audio-visual materials documenting Dorothy V. Gilbert's involvement with the Phoenix Mountain Preserve, the Save Our Mountains Committee, the Phoenix Mountains Preservation Council (PMPC), the Phoenix Forward Committee, the Department of Public Instruction, numerous equestrian activities, city parks, state trails, and various publications. This collection has not been processed in full and can be viewed only by appointment. Contact Archives and Special Collections for more information. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Greater Arizona Collection 
 Subjects:  Adult education -- Arizona. | Horsemen and horsewomen -- Arizona. | Natural areas -- Arizona. | Trails -- Arizona -- Phoenix Region. 
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18Author:  Gilcher, EdwinRequires cookie*
 Title:  Edwin L. Gilcher Papers 1878-2002 ead 
 Date(s):  1878-2002 
 Abstract:  This collection houses correspondence with researchers and rare book dealers, newspaper clippings, scrapbooks, photographs, galley proofs, articles, book excerpts, photocopies of letters, and other materials documenting Edwin Gilcher's extensive research regarding Irish author George Moore and his publication of A Bibliography of George Moore (1970) and Supplement to a Bibliography of George Moore (1988). It has been divided into seven series: Correspondence; Research Materials; Publications by Edwin L. Gilcher; Publications by Other Authors; George Moore Society; Other Papers; and Oversized Materials. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Rare Books and Manuscripts 
 Subjects:  Authors, Irish -- 19th century | Authors, Irish -- 20th century | Irish literature -- History and criticism 
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19Author:  Gish, Jannifer WyattRequires cookie*
 Title:  Jannifer Wyatt Gish Papers 1977-1979 ead 
 Date(s):  1977-1979 
 Abstract:  The Jannifer Wyatt Gish Papers are composed of research data, unpublished manuscripts, and reports documenting the use of pollen in archaeological studies in Arizona and New Mexico from 1977 to 1979. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Greater Arizona Collection 
 Subjects:  Archaeology -- Arizona. | Archaeologists -- Arizona. | Archaeology -- New Mexico. | Palynology -- Arizona. 
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20Author:  Goddard, Samuel P., 1919-2006Requires cookie*
 Title:  Samuel Goddard Papers 1952-1997 ead 
 Date(s):  1952-1997 
 Abstract:  The Samuel Goddard Papers contain correspondence, personal papers, photographs, audio recordings, speeches, campaign materials, and printed matter. Although the collection dates 1952 to 1997, the bulk documents Goddard's political activities and relationships during the 1960s. The collection has been divided into ten series. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Greater Arizona Collection 
 Subjects:  Arizona. Governor (1965-1967: Goddard). | Arizona -- Politics and Government -- 1951-. | Governors -- Arizona -- Archives. 
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21Author:  Goldberg, Moses, 1940-Requires cookie*
 Title:  Moses Goldberg Papers 1962-2005 ead 
 Date(s):  1962-2005 
 Abstract:  The Moses Goldberg Papers, 9 linear feet, contains the papers of this theatre for youth author, playwright, university educator, mentor, artistic and producing director and stage director from 1962-2005. Of note is more than twenty years documentation of Goldberg's career as Producing Director of Stage One: The Louisville Children's Theatre, a professional theatre for young audiences in Kentucky. The papers have bulk dates of 1976 through 2003 and are divided into the following series: Professional History, Author, Artistic Director, Stage Director and Resource Materials. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Theatre for Youth and Community Collection 
 Subjects:  Drama in education -- Study and teaching. | Children's theater -- Production and direction. | Dramatists -- United States. | Children's plays, America. | Playwriting -- Juvenile drama. | Participation theatre. 
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22Author:  Goldberg, Beckian Fritz, 1954-Requires cookie*
 Title:  Beckian Fritz Goldberg Papers 1979-1986 ead 
 Date(s):  1979-1986 
 Abstract:  This collection houses working drafts of poems, acceptance and rejection letters, book manuscripts, published poetry, and other materials documenting Beckian Fritz Goldberg's writing career. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Rare Books and Manuscripts 
 Subjects:  American poetry -- 20th century -- Archives. 
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23Author:  Goldwater, Barry M. (Barry Morris), 1909-1998Requires cookie*
 Title:  Personal and Political Papers of Senator Barry M. Goldwater 1880s-2008 ead 
 Date(s):  1880s-2008 
 Abstract:  The personal and political papers of Barry Goldwater span over 100 years. In addition to extensive legislative, personal correspondence and campaign files, the collection includes microfilm, photographs, audio-visual material, artifacts, cartoons, clippings, albums, and memorabilia. It has been described in detail using notes at the series and sub-series level, which may be found embedded in the container list below. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Greater Arizona Collection 
 Subjects:  Abortion. | Aeronautics. | Amateur radio stations. | Borderlands. | Church and state. | Cable television -- Deregulation. | Civil rights. | Coal mines and mining. | Conservatism. | Ecology. | Emigration and immigration. | Energy industries. | Firearms -- Law and legislation. | Free enterprise. | Gay military personnel. | Indians of North America -- Arizona. | Kachinas in art. | Military readiness. | Military service, Voluntary. | National security. | Nominations for office. | Nuclear energy. | Nuclear weapons. | Open and closed shop. | Petroleum conservation. | Petroleum reserves. | Photography. | Political cartoons. | Presidential candidates -- United States. | Presidents -- United States -- Election -- 1964. 
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24Author:  Goldwater, Barry M. (Barry Morris), 1909-1998Requires cookie*
 Title:  Barry Goldwater Dime Novel Collection 1881-1920 ead 
 Date(s):  1881-1920 
 Abstract:  The novels in this collection were collected by Barry Goldwater and reflect his early and ongoing interest in tales of the Old West. They include Wild West adventure and detective stories. Due to their fragile nature, they have been photocopied onto acid free paper for access. The originals are encapsulated. The novels are arranged in date order. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Greater Arizona Collection 
 Subjects:  Dime novels, American. 
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25Author:  Goldwater, Barry M. (Barry Morris), 1909-1998Requires cookie*
 Title:  Barry M. Goldwater Fine Arts Photograph Collection circa 1938–1968 1940-1965 ead 
 Date(s):  circa 1938–1968 
 Abstract:  This collection houses photographs taken by Barry M. Goldwater showing Arizona, the Grand Canyon, landscapes, and Native Americans. Also included are images selected for Goldwater's Delightful Journey. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Greater Arizona Collection 
 Subjects:  Desert plants -- Arizona -- Photographs. | Desert plants -- Southwest, New -- Photographs. | Indians of North America -- Arizona -- Photographs. | Navajo Indians -- Arizona -- Photographs. 
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26Author:  Goldwater, Barry M. (Barry Morris), 1909-1998Requires cookie*
 Title:  Barry M. Goldwater Historic Photograph Collection 1850s-1960s ead 
 Date(s):  1850s-1960s 
 Abstract:  This collection houses photographs showing variety of subjects pertaining to Arizona, including views of desert flora and fauna, landscapes, military, mining, Native Americans, agriculture, buildings, street scenes, transportation, and people and places. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Greater Arizona Collection 
 Subjects:  Agriculture -- Arizona -- Phoenix -- Photographs. | Buildings -- Arizona -- Phoenix -- Photographs. | Cowboys -- Arizona -- Phoenix -- Photographs. | Deserts -- Arizona -- Photographs. | Deserts -- Southwest, New -- Photographs. | Indians of North America -- Arizona -- Photographs. | Mines and mineral resources -- Arizona -- Photographs. | Rodeos -- Arizona -- Phoenix -- Photographs. | Transportation -- Arizona -- Photographs. 
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27Author:  Governor Louis C. HughesRequires cookie*
 Title:  Governor Louis C. Hughes ead 
 Date(s):  unknown 
 Abstract:  This collection consists of Governor Louis Cameron Hughes' correspondence while serving as Territorial Governor. Some of the letters are bound copies. 
 Repository:  Arizona State Library, Archives, and Public RecordsArchives and Records Management 
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28Author:  Gonzalez, Gilbert G., 1941-Requires cookie*
 Title:  Gilbert G. Gonzalez Collection 1864-2001 ead 
 Date(s):  1864-2001 
 Abstract:  The Gilbert G. Gonzalez Collection consists of journal articles, book chapters, personal notes, newspaper articles, lesson plans, Mexican consulate records, bibliographic entries and citations, handwritten research notes, marginal notes, and numerous yellow Post It notes. Primary and secondary source materials in this collection are written in both English and in Spanish. There are no translations provided for the materials written in Spanish. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Chicano Research Collection 
 Subjects:  Agricultural laborers -- Labor unions -- United States -- History -- 20th century. | Foreign workers, Mexican -- United States -- History. | Migrant agricultural laborers -- California. 
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29Author:  Gookin, William S. (William Scudder), 1914-1994Requires cookie*
 Title:  William Scudder Gookin Collection 1956-1982 ead 
 Date(s):  1956-1982 
 Abstract:  The William Scudder Gookin Collection consists of diaries, typewritten and holograph transcripts, notes, and a report. Although the materials date from 1956 to 1982, the bulk of the collection consists of Gookin's personal diaries describing his work in support of the Central Arizona Project from 1958 to 1968. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Greater Arizona Collection 
 Subjects:  Arizona -- Trials, litigation, etc. | California -- Trials, litigation, etc. | Colorado River (Colo.-Mexico). | Hydrologists -- Arizona. | Water -- Law and legislation -- Arizona. | Water resources development -- Arizona -- History. | Water resources development -- Southwest, New -- History. | Water rights -- Arizona. 
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30Author:  Goudy, Frederic W. (Frederic William), 1865-1947Requires cookie*
 Title:  Frederic W. Goudy Typographical Collection 1915-1938 ead 
 Date(s):  1915-1938 
 Abstract:  This collection consists primarily of 18 keepsakes issued in celebration of the 35th anniversary of the Village Press, Pilgrimage to Deepdene, on July 23, 1938. Also included are two scrapbooks documenting the years 1915 to 1928. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Rare Books and Manuscripts 
 Subjects:  Type designers -- United States. | Type and type-founding -- United States. | Printers -- United States. | Printing -- United States. 
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31Author:  Gover, Kevin, 1955-Requires cookie*
 Title:  Kevin Gover Papers 1977-2001 1998-2001 ead 
 Date(s):  1977-2001 
 Abstract:  The Kevin Gover Papers house 1,612 photographs, daily calendars, news clippings, personal correspondence, programs, speeches, video recordings, awards, and framed photographs collected between January 1997 and January 2001, during which time Gover served as Assistant Secretary of the Interior under Secretary Bruce Babbitt. These materials are arranged chronologically by date. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library Labriola National American Indian Data Center 
 Subjects:  Gambling on Indian reservations -- Law and legislation | Indians of North America -- Legal status, laws, etc. | Indians of North America -- Education | Indians of North America -- Land tenure | Land trusts 
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32Author:  Governor Joseph H. KibbeyRequires cookie*
 Title:  Governor Joseph H. Kibbey ead 
 Date(s):  unknown 
 Abstract:  This collection contains letters sent to Governor Joseph Kibbey. 
 Repository:  Arizona State Library, Archives, and Public RecordsArchives and Records Management 
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33Author:  Goyer, Robert Stanton, 1923-Requires cookie*
 Title:  Preliminary Inventory of the Robert S. Goyer Papers 1953-1996 ead 
 Date(s):  1953-1996 
 Abstract:  This collection houses manuscripts; academic papers; speeches; graduate and undergraduate course materials including student papers, exams, and drafts and final copies of theses and dissertations; correspondence and other materials showing the Shanghai First International Conference on Communications (1985) and the NASA 1970 Engineering Systems Design Summer Faculty Fellowship; materials documenting the Golden Key National Honor Society, the International Communication Association, and the National Society for the Study of Communication; and research materials showing the development and implementation of the Goyer Organization of Ideas Test (GOIT). This collection has not been processed in full and can be viewed only by appointment. Contact Archives and Special Collections for more information. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. University Archives 
 Subjects:  Interviewing. | Linguistics. | Public speaking. 
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34Author:  Graham, Kenneth L.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Kenneth L. Graham Collection 1935-1996 1936-1942, 1946-1992 ead 
 Date(s):  1935-1996 
 Abstract:  The Kenneth L. Graham Collection, 25 linear feet, contains the papers of Kenneth L. Graham, director, actor, university professor and administrator, and theatre for youth specialist, dating from 1936 through 1996. It is divided into the following series: Biographical, Production, Class Notes, West Germany Trip, Sabbatical Theatre Trip, British and China Tours, Production Photographs, Ephemera, Oversize, Audio/Visual and Annotated Books. The largest part of the collection is Series II: Production, which documents Graham's professional and academic acting and directing career. Also of note are Graham's class notes for creative drama, theatre for children, and theatre history. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Theatre for Youth and Community Collection 
 Subjects:  Acting -- Study and teaching. | Children's theater -- Production and direction. | Creative Drama -- Study and Teaching. | Theater -- Study and teaching -- History. 
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35Author:  Greene familyRequires cookie*
 Title:  Greene Family Collection 1863-2001 1950-1977 ead 
 Date(s):  1863-2001 
 Abstract:  The Greene Family Collection houses biographical information, correspondence, brochures, maps, and newspaper clippings documenting the Greene family and their formation of Canyon Tours, Inc. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Greater Arizona Collection 
 Subjects:  Deer Valley Airport (Phoenix, Ariz.). | Tourism -- Arizona. | Family-owned business enterprises -- Arizona. | Glen Canyon Dam (Ariz.). | Glen Canyon National Recreation Area (Utah and Ariz.). 
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36Author:  Greene familyRequires cookie*
 Title:  Greene Family Photographs 1901-2001 ead 
 Date(s):  1901-2001 
 Abstract:  This collection consists primarily of photographs showing the Cliff Dwellers Lodge, the Wahweap Lodge, Glen Canyon Dam, outdoor scenes, Marble Canyon, Lake Powell, various of the Greene family's tourist enterprises, and members of the Greene family. Also included are portraits and studio shots of Senator Barry Goldwater, Roy Rogers, Lucille Ball, Dean Martin, Art Buchwald, and Paul Fannin. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Greater Arizona Collection 
 Subjects:  Tourism -- Arizona. | Family-owned business enterprises -- Arizona. | United States. Navy -- History -- World War, 1939-1945. | Garrisons -- Hawaii -- History -- 20th century. 
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37Author:  Governor Alexander O. Brodie, 1849 - 1918Requires cookie*
 Title:  Governor Alexander O. Brodie ead 
 Date(s):  unknown 
 Abstract:  This collection contains correspondence to and from Territorial Governor Alexander O. Brodie, appointments, and other filings made by the governor. 
 Repository:  Arizona State Library, Archives, and Public RecordsArchives and Records Management 
 Subjects:  Arizona. Governor's Office. 
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38Author:  Greenwald, Nicholas, 1912-Requires cookie*
 Title:  Nicholas Greenwald Oral History Undated ead 
 Date(s):  Undated 
 Abstract:  In this oral history, Nicholas Greenwald discusses his life as a Hungarian Jew during World War II. He begins his account with a description of a typical trip to a concentration camp, recalls that his parents were killed on arrival in Auschwitz, and mentions that he was in an unidentified forced labor camp in Budapest from 1940 until October 28, 1944. The bulk of the narrative focuses on Greenwald's experiences after the prisoners were evacuated from Budapest due to advancing Allied troops and ends with his emigration to the United States in February of 1948. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Rare Books and Manuscripts 
 Subjects:  Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) -- Hungary. | Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) -- Personal narratives. | World War, 1939-1945 -- Hungary. 
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39Author:  Griffen, Horace, 1894-Requires cookie*
 Title:  Horace Griffen Papers 1883-1972 ead 
 Date(s):  1883-1972 
 Abstract:  The Horace Griffen Papers consist primarily of correspondence, newspaper clippings, printed matter, and memorabilia documenting Griffen's family and experiences overseas during World War I. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Greater Arizona Collection 
 Subjects:  World War, 1914-1918 -- Veterans -- Arizona | Veterans -- Arizona -- Societies, etc. | Freemasonry -- Arizona 
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40Author:  Gritzner, Charles F. (Charles Frederick), 1908-1995Requires cookie*
 Title:  Charles F. Gritzner Papers 1954-1970 ead 
 Date(s):  1954-1970 
 Abstract:  The Charles F. Gritzner Papers consist of administrative records documenting the Arizona Commission of Indian Affairs, correspondence, and personal diaries dating from 1954 to 1970. The bulk of the collection concerns Gritzner's work as Executive Secretary for the Commission from 1960 to 1970. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Greater Arizona Collection 
 Subjects:  Indians of North America -- Education -- Arizona. 
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41Author:  Gold Star Wives of America. Phoenix (Ariz.) ChapterRequires cookie*
 Title:  Preliminary Inventory of the Gold Star Wives of America, Inc. Phoenix Chapter Records 1979-2010 ead 
 Date(s):  1979-2010 
 Abstract:  This collection houses office files, board meeting minutes, brochures, a book, a flag, a VHS tape, and other materials documenting the Gold Star Wives of America, Inc. Phoenix Chapter from 1979 to 2010. This collection has not been processed in full and can be viewed only by appointment. Contact Archives and Special Collections for more information. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Greater Arizona Collection 
 Subjects:  Korean War, 1950-1953 -- Participation, American. | War widows -- Arizona. | World War, 1939-1945 -- Participation, American. 
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42Author:  Guirey, E. L. (Ernest Lincoln), 1911-1997Requires cookie*
 Title:  E. L. Guirey and H. C. Nixon Manuscript 1954 ead 
 Date(s):  1954 
 Abstract:  In this manuscript titled Laughter in Hell: Being the True Experiences of Lieutenant E. L. Guirey, U.S.N. and Technical Sergeant H. C. Nixon, U.S.M.C. and Their Comrades in the Japanese Prison Camps in Osaka and Tsuruga, Guirey and Nixon discuss their experiences as prisoners of the Japanese during World War II. They focus on their lives in Umeda Bunsho and in Tsuruga Bunsho. Among the subjects discussed are their meagre rations, prison conditions, organized theft activities, sabotage, fellow prisoners, Japanese guards and officers, and the work assigned. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Rare Books and Manuscripts 
 Subjects:  World War, 1939-1945 -- Prisoners and prisons, Japanese. 
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43Author:  Gutiérrez, Gustavo (Gustavo C.), 1932-Requires cookie*
 Title:  Preliminary Inventory of the Gustavo Gutiérrez Papers 1955-1999 ead 
 Date(s):  1955-1999 
 Abstract:  This collection houses personal diaries, correspondence, ephemera, newspaper and magazine articles, legal briefs, appointment books, and other materials documenting Gustavo Gutiérrez's work among Mexicans in the agricultural industry and involvement in farm labor organization and Native American human rights issues. Among the organizations that Gutiérrez helped to create and collaborated with are the Arizona Farm Workers, the United Farm Workers, the National Labor Relations Board, and the Maricopa County Organizing Project. This collection has not been processed in full and can be viewed only by appointment. Contact Archives and Special Collections for more information. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Chicano Research Collection 
 Subjects:  Agricultural laborers -- Arizona. | Labor unions -- Organizing -- Arizona. | Mineral industries -- Arizona. 
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44Author:  Galán, HectorRequires cookie*
 Title:  Los Mineros Photographs circa 1910-1950 ead 
 Date(s):  circa 1910-1950 
 Abstract:  This collection documents the lives of Mexican and Mexican-American copper miners in the Clifton-Morenci area who worked in the Phelps Dodge Copper Mine and their efforts to form a union between 1900 and 1950. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Chicano Research Collection 
 Subjects:  Bisbee (Ariz.) -- Social conditions -- Photographs. | Copper mines and mining -- Arizona -- Photographs. | Depressions -- 1929 -- United States. | Mexican Americans -- Arizona -- Photographs. | Minority miners -- Arizona -- Photographs. | Repatriation -- Mexico. 
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45Author:  Goldwater, Morris, 1852-1939Requires cookie*
 Title:  Morris Goldwater Collection 1852-1964 ead 
 Date(s):  1852-1964 
 Abstract:  This collection houses the personal and political papers of Morris Goldwater, an early settler in Arizona. It is arranged in eight series and alphabetically and chronologically within each series. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Greater Arizona Collection 
 Subjects:  Freemasonry -- Arizona. | Business records -- Arizona. 
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46Author:  Governor Myron H. McCordRequires cookie*
 Title:  Governor Myron H. McCord ead 
 Date(s):  unknown 
 Abstract:  This collection contains one bound volume of Governor McCord's letters and two boxes (.75 linear feet) of correspondence. 
 Repository:  Arizona State Library, Archives, and Public RecordsArchives and Records Management 
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47Author:  Gutierrez, Rebecca Muñoz (Rebecca Florian Muñoz), 1916-2000Requires cookie*
 Title:  Rebecca Muñoz Gutierrez Photographs 1920-1959 ead 
 Date(s):  1920-1959 
 Abstract:  This collection houses 281 photographs depicting Joaquim and Rebecca (Muñoz) Gutierrez and their families, including numerous relatives, the Muñoz family's time in Texas, Rebecca Muñoz and Joaquim Gutierrez's wedding and honeymoon, Mexican-American Movement conferences held in the early 1940s, and Rosalio, Rebecca, Elizabeth, Lucinda, and Josephine Muñoz's time at Arizona State Teachers College. Of particular interest are early images of Los Conquistadores, the first Mexican-American student club formed at the College. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Chicano Research Collection 
 Subjects:  Mexican Americans. | Minority college students -- Arizona. 
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48Author:  Grigsby, J. Eugene (Jefferson Eugene), 1918-2013Requires cookie*
 Title:  J. Eugene Grigsby Jr. Papers 1933-2011 1953-1999 ead 
 Date(s):  1933-2011 
 Abstract:  The J. Eugene Grigsby Jr. Papers consist primarily of 35mm slides showing Grigsby's life and work as a Black artist and educator in the United States. Topics documented include Grigsby's research into African, African-American, and Indigenous art and artists; his career as an art instructor at the high school and college levels; his service as advisor to Arizona State University's Give a Damn Art Teachers (GDAT); his involvement in the artistic community at the local, state, and national levels; his participation in numerous community and gallery art events; and his family and friends. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library University Archives 
 Subjects:  Art, African -- Study and teaching | Indigenous art | Masks, African 
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49Author:  Gray, Susan E., 1952-Requires cookie*
 Title:  Southwestern Women's History and Western History Archives 2003-2009 ead 
 Date(s):  2003-2009 
 Abstract:  The Southwestern Women's History and Western History Archives contains manuscript copies of papers written by Dr. Susan Gray's history students on such topics as individual women's lives, women's issues and experiences while migrating westward, the relocation of Native American women, and women of color. 
 Repository:  Arizona State University Library. Greater Arizona Collection 
 Subjects:  Overland journeys to the Pacific. | Women -- Southwest, New -- History. 
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50Author:  Gregory, EdnaRequires cookie*
 Title:  Edna Hope Gregory papers, ead 
 Date(s):  unknown 
 Abstract:  This collection contains diaries related to Gregory's travel with her husband, Dr. Herbert E. Gregory of the US Geological Survey, regarding Mr. Gregory’s work field trips. The collection also contains correspondence between Mrs. Gregory and her husband, photographs, and an article written by Mrs. Gregory on Kanaka Ranch (aka. Iosepa), a settlement of Mormon Hawaiians in Utah. 
 Repository:  Museum of Northern Arizona 
 Subjects:  Mormon pioneers | Mormon cities and towns 
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51Author:  Goodman, JeanRequires cookie*
 Title:  Jean Goodman collection, ead 
 Date(s):  unknown 
 Repository:  Museum of Northern Arizona 
 Subjects:  Hopi wood-carving | Kachina dolls 
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52Author:  Goldwater, Barry M. (Barry Morris), 1909-1998Requires cookie*
 Title:  Barry M. Goldwater collection, ead 
 Date(s):  unknown 
 Repository:  Museum of Northern Arizona 
 Subjects:  Navajo Indians | Navajo Indians -- Painting | Navajo Indians -- Rites and ceremonies | Sandpaintings 
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53Author:  Greene, Helen MargaretRequires cookie*
 Title:  Helen Margaret Greene collection ead 
 Date(s):  unknown 
 Repository:  Museum of Northern Arizona 
 Subjects:  Hopi Indians | Hopi Indians -- Arizona -- Social life and customs | Hopi Indians -- Children | Hopi Indians – Correspondence | Hopi Indians Dances | Hopi Indians -- Folklore | Hopi Indians -- Jewelry | Hopi language | Hopi language -- Dictionaries -- English | Hopi language materials | Hopi Indians -- Rites and ceremonies | Second Mesa (Ariz. : Mesa) -- Social life and customs | Third Mesa (Ariz.) -- Social life and customs. 
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54Author:  Green, Jan C.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Jan C. Green collection, ead 
 Date(s):  unknown 
 Repository:  Museum of Northern Arizona 
 Subjects:  Navajo rugs | Oral history 
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55Author:  Governor Richard E. SloanRequires cookie*
 Title:  Governor Richard E. Sloan ead 
 Date(s):  unknown 
 Abstract:  This collection contains correspondence with Governor Richard E. Sloan during his time as Arizona Governor. 
 Repository:  Arizona State Library, Archives, and Public RecordsArchives and Records Management 
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56Author:  Gaede, MarcRequires cookie*
 Title:  Marc Gaede collection, ead 
 Date(s):  unknown 
 Repository:  Museum of Northern Arizona 
 Subjects:  Archaeology 
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57Author:  Grundel, LouisRequires cookie*
 Title:  Louis Grundel collection, ead 
 Date(s):  unknown 
 Repository:  Museum of Northern Arizona 
 Subjects:  Railroad construction workers | Railroad companies -- Southwest, New 
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58Author:  Gosney and Babbitt Insurance CompanyRequires cookie*
 Title:  Gosney/Babbitt Collection 1892-1903 ead 
 Date(s):  1892-1903 
 Abstract:  The collection contains the correspondence (in the form of letterbooks) of the Gosney and Babbitt Insurance Company as well as other Gosney Business ventures; includes some personal letters of Gosney. 
 Repository:  Arizona Historical Society/Flagstaff Archives 
 Subjects:  Business enterprises--Arizona--Flagstaff. 
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59Author:  Gold, Frank M.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Frank Gold Collection Collection 1903-1964 ead 
 Date(s):  1903-1964 
 Abstract:  Legal documents from Frank Gold Collection law practice, including Bright Angel Trail transfer to the National Park Service, the Lawson family suit against the Republic of Mexico and the Jesse Vallez, failure to provide for spouse, civil case, ca. 1903-1962. 
 Repository:  Arizona Historical Society/Flagstaff Archives 
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60Author:  Goddard, Margaret.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Margaret Goddard Collection, ca. 1930, 1957-1983. ead 
 Date(s):  ca. 1930, 1957-1983. 
 Abstract:  Collection consists principally of 37 indexed scrapbooks with many magazine and newspaper clippings pertaining to Arizona History. The collection also includes printed matter and notes on topics such as the proposals for Big Dry Wash and Crook's Trail monuments, Camp Verde and cattlemen. 
 Repository:  Cline Library. Special Collections and Archives Department. 
 Subjects:  Teachers--Arizona. | Women teachers--Arizona. | Indians of North America--Wars--Monuments. | Livestock breeders--Arizona. | Indians of North America--Arizona. | Canyons--Arizona. | Cowboys--Songs and music. | Trails--Arizona. | Big Dry Wash, Battle of, Ariz., 1882. | Apache Indians--Wars. | Indians of North America--Wars--1866-1895. | Military roads--Arizona. | Monuments--Arizona. 
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61Author:  Grand Canyon TrustRequires cookie*
 Title:  Grand Canyon Trust Records 1985-2002 ead 
 Date(s):  1985-2002 
 Abstract:  These records consists of Grand Canyon Trust's organizational records such as correspondence, financial statements, mission statement and plans, board member resumes, and meeting minutes. The records also contain documentation and sound recordings related to oral history interviews with Bert Fingerhut, Martin Litton, and Jim Trees, as well as a memorial volume about Paula Schiewe. 
 Repository:  Cline Library. Special Collections and Archives Department 
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62Author:  Geological Survey (U.S.)Requires cookie*
 Title:  U.S.G.S. Old Timers Collection 1994 ead 
 Date(s):  1994 
 Abstract:  This collection contains the records (textual, photographic, audio-visual) of a unique September 1994 trip down the Colorado River. Participants (mostly former river runners) were asked to reflect and compare conditions on the river with those prior to the damming of Glen Canyon in 1963. This was achieved through extensive oral histories; these form the bulk of the collection. 
 Repository:  Cline Library. Special Collections and Archives 
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63Author:  Garrett, Jack P.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Jack P. Garrett Collection, 1894-1960. ead 
 Date(s):  1894-1960. 
 Abstract:  Personal effects, books, correspondence, photographs of Charlie Steminer, 1900's - 1960's. School books, report cards, ephemera from Northern Arizona Normal School. Also includes carbon copy of typewritten manuscript of Stemmer's autobiography, "A Brand for the Burning." 
 Repository:  Cline Library. Special Collections and Archives Department 
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64Author:  Gilmore, Norma Jean BlairRequires cookie*
 Title:  Norma Jean Blair Gilmore photographs, 1944-1945 ead 
 Date(s):  1944-1945 
 Abstract:  This collections consists of 6 photographs taken by or of Norma Jean Blair Gilmore while she was a student at Arizona State Teachers College (now Northern Arizona University) in 1944. Most of the photographs feature men from the Navy's V-12 program, as well as Gilmore and friends. 
 Repository:  Cline Library. Special Collections and Archives Department 
 Subjects:  Navy V-12 Program (U.S.) 
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65Author:  Gold, Frank M.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Frank M. Gold Collection, 1910-1970s. ead 
 Date(s):  1910-1970s. 
 Abstract:  File of biographical material on Frank Gold, 1918-1970's; also includes file on murder trial of Harry H. Nash convicted of killing Martin F. Schwab near Flagstaff, Arizona. 1920-1921. Images from different areas around Northern Arizona, notably at the Grand Canyon on mule trains. 
 Repository:  Cline Library. Special Collections and Archives Department 
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66Author:  Goldwater, Barry M. (Barry Morris)Requires cookie*
 Title:  Barry Goldwater Collection, 1964. ead 
 Date(s):  1964. 
 Abstract:  Political emphemera of the 1964 Presidential Campaign, (Goldwater vs. Johnson). Also includes some political emphemera of the 1968 Presidential Campaign (Nixon vs. Humphrey). 
 Repository:  Cline Library. Special Collections and Archives Department 
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67Author:  Goodluck, CharlotteRequires cookie*
 Title:  Leslie Goodluck Collection, 1960. ead 
 Date(s):  1960. 
 Abstract:  The Leslie Goodluck Collection encompasses photographs created while she was the acting editor of the Navajo Times. 
 Repository:  Cline Library. Special Collections and Archives Department. 
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68Author:  Goodwill Industries International (Flagstaff, Ariz.)Requires cookie*
 Title:  Goodwill Industries Flagstaff Collection, 1963-1970. ead 
 Date(s):  1963-1970. 
 Abstract:  Collection contains meeting minutes (1963-1970) of the Board of Directors; financial records (1964-1968); manager's reports (1964-1969); and newspaper clippings (1963-1966). 
 Repository:  Cline Library. Special Collections and Archives Department 
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69Author:  Graffin, John.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Dr. John Graffin collection ead 
 Date(s):  unknown 
 Abstract:  Images of Dr. John Graffin and his time spent with members of Navajo Nation. 
 Repository:  Cline Library. Special Collections and Archives 
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70Author:  Grand Canyon AssociationRequires cookie*
 Title:  Grand Canyon Association Collection, 1985-1995. ead 
 Date(s):  1985-1995. 
 Abstract:  Collection contains meeting minutes (1987-1993); publication committee meeting minutes (1989-1995); association agreements; correspondence (1987-1989); mission statement; exhibit plans (1992-1994); fiscal manager reports; and annual report (1992) and bylaws. 
 Repository:  Cline Library. Special Collections and Archives Department 
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71Author:  Grand Canyon Chamber Music Society.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Grand Canyon Chamber Music Society Collection, 1984-2000. ead 
 Date(s):  1984-2000. 
 Abstract:  Grand Canyon Chamber Music Society materials from 1984-2000 collected by Jim Babbitt. The collection includes the society's Articles of Incorporation, financial records, newspaper articles and internal correspondence. The bulk of the collection consists of promotional materials and concert programs. 
 Repository:  Cline Library. Special Collections and Archives Department. 
 Subjects:  Music festivals--Arizona--Grand Canyon. 
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72Author:  Grand Canyon Pioneers SocietyRequires cookie*
 Title:  Grand Canyon Historical Society Collection, 1897-1997 ead 
 Date(s):  1897-1997 
 Abstract:  The Grand Canyon Historical Society Collection includes manuscripts, government documents, pamphlets, periodicals, and photographs, as well as individual collections of members of the Grand Canyon Pioneers Society. 
 Repository:  Cline Library. Special Collections and Archives Department. 
 Subjects:  Railroads--United States. | Railroads--Arizona. | Railroads--Employees. | Canyons--Arizona. | World War, 1914-1918. | World War, 1939-1945. | Postal service--Arizona. | Hotels--Arizona. | Postmasters 
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73Author:  Grand Canyon River GuidesRequires cookie*
 Title:  Grand Canyon River Guides [GCRG]Collection, 1972-2018 ead 
 Date(s):  1972-2018 
 Abstract:  The Grand Canyon River Guides Collection contains the archives of this river guiding association. In addition to the organizational records, the collection also houses material related to issues impacting the Grand Canyon and river guiding -- environmental, management, and guide certificaiton. The collection also documents the annual guides training seminar. Material is added on an annual basis. 
 Repository:  Cline Library. Special Collections and Archives Department. 
 Subjects:  Rafting (Sports)--Arizona--Grand Canyon. | Air quality--Arizona--Grand Canyon. | Drinking of alcoholic beverages--Arizona--Grand Canyon. | Recreation areas--Public use--Arizona--Grand Canyon. | Natural areas--Arizona--Management. | Boatmen--Training of. | Boatmen--Certification. | Tourism--Environmental aspects--Arizona--Grand Canyon. | Kayaking--Colorado River (Colo.-Mexico) | Recycling (Waste, etc.)--Arizona--Grand Canyon. | Dams--Arizona--Environmental aspects. 
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74Author:  Grey, Zane, 1872-1939Requires cookie*
 Title:  Zane Grey Collection, 1901-1937. ead 
 Date(s):  1901-1937. 
 Abstract:  This collection of Zane Grey material contains correspondence, photographs, books, and a diary. 
 Repository:  Cline Library. Special Collections and Archives Department 
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75Author:  Griffith, DickRequires cookie*
 Title:  Dick Griffith Collection, 1949-1952. ead 
 Date(s):  1949-1952. 
 Abstract:  This collection contains four river trip logs written by Dick and Isabelle Griffith who met on a San Juan River trip in 1949.> 
 Repository:  Cline Library. Special Collections and Archives Department 
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76Author:  Groene, Robert.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Robert Groene Papers and Other Materials, 1981-2000. ead 
 Date(s):  1981-2000. 
 Abstract:  This grouping of material documents Colorado River and Trail Expeditions (CRATE) rafting trips that took place between 1979 and 1992. It includes trip notes, grocery lists, manuals, maps, order forms, advertisements, letters, drawings and photographs. 
 Repository:  Cline Library. Special Collections and Archives Department 
 Subjects:  Canyons--Arizona, Dams--Arizona, Outdoor recreation--West (U.S.), Rafting (Sports)--West (U.S.), River life--West (U.S.), Rivers--Recreational use, Rivers--West (U.S.), Voyages and travels, White-water canoeing--West (U.S.). 
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77Author:  Grua, Kenton.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Kenton Grua papers (PARTIALLY PROCESSED) ead 
 Date(s):  unknown 
 Abstract:  The Kenton Grua papers include photographs, trip information, correspondence, published materials, and maps connected to Grua's time spent on the Colorado River and in the Grand Canyon, particularly with Grand Canyon Dories. 
 Repository:  Cline Library. Special Collections and Archives 
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78Author:  Gustafson, Gary.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Gary Gustafson Collection, 2004 ead 
 Date(s):  2004 
 Abstract:  Photographs of Fort Chief Yellowhorse, Fort Wingate, and the Jackrabbit Trading Post. 
 Repository:  Cline Library. Special Collections and Archives Department 
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79Author:  Gates, Gertrude Edna Lewis.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Gertrude Edna Lewis Gates papers, 1903-1935. ead 
 Date(s):  1903-1935. 
 Abstract:  Correspondence, notebooks, cattle records, and financial papers pertaining to the operation and maintenance of the D.A. Ranch and of rental property in Flagstaff. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  DA Ranch (Cornville, Ariz.) | Cattle trade -- Arizona -- History -- Sources. | Ranch life -- Arizona. | Indians of North America -- Missions -- Arizona. | Ranches -- Arizona -- Records and correspondence. | Women ranchers -- Arizona. 
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80Author:  Grey, Zane, 1872-1939Requires cookie*
 Title:  The Last of the Plainsmen, circa 1908 ead 
 Date(s):  circa 1908 
 Abstract:  This is a biography of Charles Jesse Jones, 1844-1919, a frontiersman and wild game hunter. Original typescript, except for final chapter which is in the author's handwriting. Other holograph corrections throughout by a different hand. Correspondence attesting to authenticity of handwriting is laid in. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Manuscripts, American. 
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81Author:  Garing, Robert S.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Scrapbook of Robert S. Garing, 1914-1917 ead 
 Date(s):  1914-1917 
 Abstract:  Scrapbook of photographs, programs, clippings, dance cards, ticket stubs, and other memorabilia, kept while a student at The University of Arizona. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  World War, 1914-1918 -- Personal narratives. 
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82Author:  Gordon, Ruth Leedy, 1888-1973.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Portrait of a Teacher; Mary Elizabeth Post and Something of the Times in Which She Lived, 1938 ead 
 Date(s):  1938 
 Abstract:  Bound typescript story of the life the Mary Elizabeth Post, an amateur historian. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Education -- Arizona -- History. | Educators -- Arizona. 
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83Author:  Grey, Zane, 1872-1939.Requires cookie*
 Title:  30,000 on the Hoof circa 1940 ead 
 Date(s):  circa 1940 
 Abstract:  Holograph manuscript in pencil. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Manuscripts, American. 
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84Author:  Grey, Zane, 1872-1939.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Wanderer of the Wasteland 1923 ead 
 Date(s):  1923 
 Abstract:  Holograph manuscript in pencil; numbering of pages 246 and 247 repeated, supplemental page follows 641. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Manuscripts, American. 
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85Author:  Gay Liberation Arizona Desert, IIRequires cookie*
 Title:  Gay liberation papers, 1970-1978 ead 
 Date(s):  1970-1978 
 Abstract:  This collection includes correspondence, clippings, audio tapes, periodicals, and other material concerning the gay liberation movement in Arizona and on the West Coast, and related issues. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Homosexuality | Gay liberation movement -- Arizona | Gay liberation movement -- United States | Gay liberation movement -- Periodicals 
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86Author:  Gird, Richard.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Richard K. Gird Letter Book 1879-1880 ead 
 Date(s):  1879-1880 
 Abstract:  Letter book kept while superintendent of the Tombstone Mill and Mining Company. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Mineral industries -- Arizona -- History. | Mines and mineral resources -- Arizona -- History -- Sources. | Mines and mineral resources -- Arizona -- Tombstone Mining District -- History. | Mining corporations -- Arizona -- History -- Sources. 
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87Author:  Grey, Zane, 1872-1939.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Down Into the Desert 1924 ead 
 Date(s):  1924 
 Abstract:  Original typescript with author's corrections. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Manuscripts, American. 
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88Author:  Grieder, Theodore G.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Theodore G. Grieder scrapbook 1932-1936 ead 
 Date(s):  1932-1936 
 Abstract:  Scrapbook of clippings, letters and miscellaneous materials relating to his career as Superintendent of the Winslow, Arizona public schools. Includes a black and white photograph of the Winslow High School faculty, 1932. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Education -- Arizona -- Winslow. | Public schools -- Arizona -- Winslow. | Teachers -- Arizona. 
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89Author:  Garcés, Francisco Tomás Hermenegildo, 1738-1781.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Diario, de las ultimas peregrinaciones del Padre Fr. Francisco Garcés, hasta la provincia del Moqui, y noticias de varias nuevas naciones exparcidas hasta el Rio Colorado en Califonia 1777 ead 
 Date(s):  1777 
 Abstract:  Eighteenth century manuscript copy of Padre Francisco Garcés's 11-month travel diary. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Explorers -- New Spain. | Hopi Indians -- History -- 18th century -- Sources. | Indians of North America -- Southwest, New -- History -- 18th century -- Sources. | Missions -- Arizona -- History -- 18th century -- Sources. | Missions -- California -- History -- 18th century -- Sources. | Missions -- Pimería Alta (Mexico and Ariz.) -- History -- 18th century -- Sources. | Pueblos -- New Mexico -- Maps. | Yuman Indians -- History -- 18th century -- Sources. 
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90Author:  Golden Queen Mining and Milling Company.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Golden Queen Mining and Milling Company records 1895-1898 ead 
 Date(s):  1895-1898 
 Abstract:  Golden Queen Mining and Milling Company was a New Orleans, La. company with mining interests located in Cochise County, Arizona Territory. Collection includes holograph minutes, by-laws, and stock register on printed forms. Also includes incorporation papers and minutes of stockholders meetings (Sept. to Oct. 1893) of the Maricopa Mica Mining Company, a related company. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Gold mines and mining -- Arizona -- Cochise County. | Mica mines and mining -- Arizona -- Cochise County. | Mines and mineral resources -- Arizona -- Cochise County. | Mining corporations -- Arizona -- History. 
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91Author:  Guss, David LeeRequires cookie*
 Title:  David Lee Guss photographs, 1967-1982 ead 
 Date(s):  1967-1982 
 Abstract:  Photographs, 8x10, taken chiefly in Arizona from 1967 to 1982. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Extinct cities -- Arizona -- Photographs | Extinct cities -- New Mexico -- Photographs | Ghost towns -- Southwest, New -- Photographs | Indians of North America -- Arizona -- Photographs | Apache Indians -- Photographs | Yaqui Indians -- Photographs | Old Tucson (Ariz.) -- Photographs | Motion pictures -- Arizona -- Photographs | Cities and towns -- Mexican-American Border Region -- Photographs 
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92Author:  Graham County (Ariz.) -- Sheriff.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Circular Number 6 circa 1940-1949 ead 
 Date(s):  circa 1940-1949 
 Abstract:  Typescript (carbon) of bulletin regarding three individuals wanted for bootlegging. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Fugitives from justice. 
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93Author:  Griffith, V. S.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Letter, 1900 Apr. 19, Tucson (Ariz.), to Leund? Company, Philadelphia (Pa.) 1900 ead 
 Date(s):  1900 
 Abstract:  Holograph letter requests prices for tourist souvenirs. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Tourism -- Arizona -- Tucson. 
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94Author:  Gillmor, Frances, 1903-1993.Requires cookie*
 Title:  The King Danced in the Market Place 1957-1964 ead 
 Date(s):  1957-1964 
 Abstract:  Original typescript with holograph notes and corrections; introduction, notes and bibliography for the published version; and offset publication for the original thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements for degree of Doctor of Letters from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico, 1957. Relates Aztec history and the life of Montezuma, a 15th century Aztec king. Also includes original drawings and tracings from Aztec codices, a Spanish summary of the books, genealogical diagrams for relatives of Moteczuma Ilhuicamina, and photograph negatives of Aztec drawings. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Aztecs -- Kings and rulers. | Manuscripts, American. 
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95Author:  Garland, Hamlin, 1860-1940.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Hamlin Garland letters circa 1900-1925 ead 
 Date(s):  circa 1900-1925 
 Abstract:  Hamlin Garland, 1860-1940, was a Novelist, essayist and short story writer; Pulitzer Prize recipient, 1921. Portfolio contains 27 signed holograph letters and 2 cards sent by Garland to Orlando Rouland and Mrs. Rouland, regarding Orlando's portrait of Garland. A black-and-white postcard depicts Garland's residence in Salem, Wisconsin. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
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96Author:  Gorgas, Josiah, 1818-1883.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Extracts from my notes written chiefly soon after the close of the war 1865 ead 
 Date(s):  1865 
 Abstract:  Josiah Gorgas, 1818-1883, was a General and Chief of Ordnance for the Confederate States Army; later, president of the University of Alabama. A typescript copy of General Gorgas' notes concerning the arms and artillery of the Confederate States Army during the U.S. Civil War. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Artillery -- History -- 19th century. 
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97Author:  Gillmor, Frances, 1903-1993.Requires cookie*
 Title:  The Flute of the Smoking Mirror 1949-1968 ead 
 Date(s):  1949-1968 
 Abstract:  Original typescript of The Flute of the Smoking Mirror by Frances Gillmor, with holographic corrections and notes. This historical novel relates the social customs of the Aztec people in the area of Lake Texcoco, and the biography of their fifteenth century king, Nezahualcoyotl. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Aztecs -- Kings and rulers. | Aztecs -- Social life and customs. 
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98Author:  Goodman Gold and Silver Mining Company.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Mining Certificate circa 1873-1879 ead 
 Date(s):  circa 1873-1879 
 Abstract:  One certificate for 100 shares of stock in the Goodman Gold and Silver Mining Company. Supposedly issued to Mark Twain, on June 11, 1872 by secretary Eilley Orrum and president Sandy Bowers. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Mines and mineral resources -- Nevada -- History -- 19th century. 
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99Author:  Giffen, Guy J. (Guy James), 1886-Requires cookie*
 Title:  Six Shooter's Who's Who circa 1950 ead 
 Date(s):  circa 1950 
 Abstract:  Unpublished typescript of Giffen's bibliography of western badmen and peace officers active from 1865 through the 1890s. Lists 362 outlaws/peace officers with approximately 12,300 references. Each person has a brief history followed by citation references. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Criminology -- West (U.S.) -- History -- Bibliography. | Frontier and pioneer life -- West (U.S.) -- Bibliography. | Outlaws -- West (U.S.) -- Bibliography. | Peace officers -- West (U.S.) -- History -- Bibliography. | Women outlaws -- West (U.S.) -- Bibliography. 
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100Author:  Garfias, IgnacioRequires cookie*
 Title:  Costa de Sotavento, Estado de Veracruz, Mexico, September 5, 1880 ead 
 Date(s):  September 5, 1880 
 Abstract:  Single signed, 22-page holographic manuscript contains a detailed description of the southern coastal region of Veracruz, with a view to the full utilization and development of its natural resources; probably commissioned by a government agency. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Natural resources -- Mexico -- Veracruz (State) -- History -- Sources | Agriculture -- Economic aspects -- Mexico -- Veracruz (State) -- History -- Sources | Hydrography -- Mexico -- Veracruz (State) -- History -- Sources | Hydrographic surveying -- Mexico -- Veracruz (State) -- History -- Sources | Inland navigation -- Mexico -- Veracruz (State) -- History -- Sources 
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101Author:  Green, J.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Illustrations of J. Green 1914-1921 ead 
 Date(s):  1914-1921 
 Abstract:  One album containing original pen-and-ink drawings of mollusks. Includes both accepted and rejected proofs. The mounted plates often depict several different views. They are identified by the Latin name of the mollusk and the volume page number. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Mollusks -- Burma -- Drawings. | Mollusks -- India -- Drawings. | Mollusks -- Sri Lanka -- Drawings. | Natural history illustration -- Specimens. 
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102Author:  Grey, Zane.Requires cookie*
 Title:  The Maverick Queen 1937 ead 
 Date(s):  1937 
 Abstract:  Holograph manuscript in pencil; 527 leaves. A note suggests the manuscript was begun in 1937 by Grey, then dictated to someone else after Grey's stroke in that year. There are no annotations or changes to the text. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
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103Author:  Glandorff, Francisco Hermano, 1687-1763.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Cartas a Garcia, Gera y Hesselmeir 1726-1752 ead 
 Date(s):  1726-1752 
 Abstract:  Jesuit missionary, Glandorff was assigned to the Missions of La Purísima Concepción de Tomóchic in Chihuahua, Mexico from 1722 until his death in 1763. Photocopy of chiefly transcribed, typescript letters in Spanish. Also includes photocopy of one holograph letter in Spanish and one letter with English translation. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Indians of Mexico -- Missions. | Missions -- Mexico -- Chihuahua (State) | Tarahumara Indians -- Missions. 
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104Author:  Ganson, Eve.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Eve Ganson poems 1927-1929 ead 
 Date(s):  1927-1929 
 Abstract:  Two humorous holographic poems: Swan Song, 1927, is about aging; In Memoriam, 1929, concerns garden insects. Both are fashioned into book forms. Swan Song contains pen and ink illustrations. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Aging -- Poetry. | American poetry -- 20th century. | Gardens -- Poetry. | Humorous poetry, American. | Insects -- Poetry. 
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105Author:  Gaede, MarnieRequires cookie*
 Title:  Camera, Spade and Pen records, 1974-1981 ead 
 Date(s):  1974-1981 
 Abstract:  Records, 1974-1980, relating to Camera, Spade, and Pen. Contains chiefly correspondence between the editor, Marnie Gaede, and the contributing authors of the book, Camera, Spade, and Pen, published by The University of Arizona Press in 1980. Also included are drafts of chapters by each author. The supplemental files in the second series relate to the production of the book, and include author releases, the final map of major archaeological sites in the Southwest, an introductory letter to the authors, and biographical perspective information about the book's contributors. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Indians of North America -- Southwest, New -- Antiquities | Archaeology -- Southwest, New -- History 
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106Author:  Gillmor, Frances, 1903-1993.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Frances Gillmor Papers 1910-1993 (bulk 1930-1973) ead 
 Date(s):  1910-1993 
 Abstract:  Frances Gillmore was a Folklorist, writer, educator. University of Arizona professor, 1934-1973. Collection includes biographical materials, diaries, correspondence, research materials, published and unpublished manuscripts and articles, slides, photographs, and audio tapes. The collection documents Gillmor's literary pursuits, scholarly activities and her wide ranging research in folklore. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Authors -- Arizona -- Tucson -- Archives. | Christmas plays, Mexican. | Christmas plays, Spanish. | College teachers -- Arizona -- Tucson -- Archives. | Folk drama, Spanish. | Folklore -- Arizona. | Folklore -- Mexico. | Folklore -- Southwest, New. | Folklore -- Spain. | Folklorists -- Arizona -- Tucson -- Archives. | Indian dance -- Mexico. | Mexican drama. | Moros y Cristianos (Dance) | Passion-plays. | Women authors, American -- Arizona -- Tucson -- Archives. | Women college teachers -- Arizona -- Tucson -- Archives. | Women folklorists -- Arizona -- Tucson -- Archives. 
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107Author:  Granger, Byrd H.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Byrd Howell Granger papers, 1945-1990 (bulk 1956-1975) ead 
 Date(s):  1945-1990 
 Abstract:  Papers (1945-1990) of Folklorist and University of Arizona professor Byrd Howell Granger. Includes biographical information, correspondence, manuscripts, research notes and audiovisual material. The bulk of the collection represents Granger's scholarly works and activities in the fields of English Literature and Southwestern, particularly Arizona, Folklore. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Authors -- Arizona -- Tucson -- Archives | College teachers -- Arizona -- Tucson -- Archives | Folklore -- Arizona | Folklore -- Mexico | Folklorists -- Arizona -- Tucson -- Archives | Names, Geographical -- Arizona | Indians of North America -- Folklore | Ranches -- Arizona -- Coconino County -- Pictorial works | Women authors -- Arizona -- Tucson -- Archives | Women college teachers -- Arizona -- Tucson -- Archives | Women folklorists -- Arizona -- Tucson -- Archives 
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108Author:  Granja del Niño Asociacíon Permanente de la Asistencia Privada.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Granja del Nino Boys' School records 1939-1959 ead 
 Date(s):  1939-1959 
 Abstract:  The Granja del Niño boys school, a charitable organization, was founded in 1923 by the Rotarios of Xochimilco, Mexico D.F. The three scrapbooks in this collection contain a variety of memorabilia regarding the school its activities, and finances. Photographs are pasted into the pages of each book alongside clippings and articles, fútbol (soccer) announcements, award ceremony announcements, correspondence, ledgers, and other items. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Orphanages -- Mexico -- Mexico City. | Private schools -- Mexico -- Mexico City. 
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109Author:  George Lippitt Andrews (1828-1920)Requires cookie*
 Title:  George Lippitt Andrews papers 1870 ead 
 Date(s):  1870 
 Abstract:  Diary, 1870. This collection consists of a 90 page manuscript diary for the year of 1870, written by Colonel George Lippitt Andrews while superintendent of Indian Affairs for Arizona Territory at Fort Yuma. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Yuma Indians -- History | Soldiers -- United States -- Diaries 
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110Author:  Goelet, Jane Grey.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Goelet Family Collection 1896-1971. ead 
 Date(s):  1896-1971. 
 Abstract:  Photographs and Printed Material, 1896-1971 (bulk 1896-1929). The bulk of the material is comprised of photographs of Vera Hall throughout her career as Baby Hall, as part of the vaudeville act Raymond and Hall and as part of the vaudeville act Goelet and Hall. Photos of her husband and partner John William Goelet and her partner Edward Raymond are also included. The collection also contains printed material including theater programs and announcements, sheet music, newsletters, newspaper clippings and a scrapbook; documents including obituaries and a family tree; an audio tape of Jane Grey’s memories; artifacts including pins and clothes fasteners; and slides from a retrospective called a Salute to Vaudeville and of the family’s travels to Japan. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Photographs. | Vaudeville. | Musical theater. | Blackface entertainers. | Entertainers. | Theatres. 
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111Author:  Gomez De Gomez Lamadrid, RosendaRequires cookie*
 Title:  Rosenda Gomez De Gomez Lamadrid Collection 1854-1933(Bulk 1880-1917) ead 
 Date(s):  1854-1933 
 Abstract:  The Rosenda Gomez De Gomez Lamadrid Collection spans from 1854 to1933 with the bulk of the material dating from 1880 to 1917.The collection contains hand written correspondence between numerous individuals in Alamos, Sonora, Mexico. It also contains hand written financial records that document the purchase and exchange of commodities, land, and livestock. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Alamos (Sonora, Mexico) -- History | Sonora (Mexico: State) -- Economic Conditions | Sonora (Mexico: State) -- Social Conditions | Mexico -- History -- 1867-1910 | Merchants -- Mexico -- Sonora (State) -- History -- Sources | Mineral industries -- Mexico -- Sonora (State) | Mines and mineral resources -- Mexico -- Sonora (State) | Investments, Foreign -- Mexico -- Sonora (State) 
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112Author:  Greene Cattle CompanyRequires cookie*
 Title:  Green Cattle Company collection 1836-1970 (bulk 1900 – 1940) ead 
 Date(s):  1836-1970 
 Abstract:  Greene Cattle Company contains administrative records of various divisions of the Greene Cattle Company Inc. Included in the collection are: legal transactions, financial records,correspondence, photographs, and maps. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Mineral industries--Arizona. | Cattle--Arizona. | Deeds--Arizona | Land grants--Arizona 
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113Author:  Gipe, Lawrence, 1962-Requires cookie*
 Title:  Lawrence Gipe Operation Streamline Sketches, circa 2012-2014 ead 
 Date(s):  circa 2012-2014 
 Abstract:  This collection contains sketches by Lawrence Gipe created in pencil on paper. The materials document trials of detainees who are accused of illegal immigration into the United States as part of the Operation Streamline program. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Illegal aliens – Arizona. | Illegal aliens – Government policy – United States. | Political activists – United States. 
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114Author:  Gonzalez de Bustamante, CelesteRequires cookie*
 Title:  The Celeste Gonzalez de Bustamante and Jeannine E. Relly Oral History Collection, 2013-2014 ead 
 Date(s):  2013-2014 
 Abstract:  This collection is comprised of mp3 files of oral histories with journalists, activists, and dignitaries from the United States and Mexico. They discuss the environment of reporting and state of journalistic freedom in the northern and southern states of Mexico, including Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Michoacan and Guerrero. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Censorship--Mexico--History—21st century. | Freedom of expression—Mexico. | Freedom of the press--Mexico—History--21st century. | Journalism--Mexico—21st century. | Oral history--Mexico--Ciudad Juarez. | Oral history—Texas—San Antonio. | Journalists—Mexico--21st century—Interviews. | Journalists--Mexico--Crimes against. | Journalists--Death--Mexico. | Journalists--Education. | Journalists--Mexico--Social conditions. | Journalists--Legal status, laws, etc.--Mexico. | Journalists--Mexico--Attitudes. | Journalists--Professional ethics--Mexico. | Drug traffic--Mexico. | Human rights--Mexico. | Human rights advocacy--Mexico. | Women journalists--Mexico. | Women journalists--Mexico--Interviews. 
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115Author:  Guerrero, AdalbertoRequires cookie*
 Title:  Adalberto Guerrero Papers, 1947-2005(bulk 1967-1982) ead 
 Date(s):  1947-2005 
 Abstract:  The Adalberto Guerrero Papers contains documents collected by Tucson educator and former UA Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, Adalberto “Beto” Guerrero. An early advocate of bilingual and bicultural education, Guerrero’s papers include correspondence, reports, essay, and articles related to his efforts in the field and to his testimony before Congress in support of the Bilingual Education Act of 1968. Also represented is his work on behalf of Chicanos in higher education in the 1970s. La version en de esta guia de colección está disponible. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Education, Bilingual—United States. | Multicultural Education—United States. | Chicanos. 
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116Author:  Gehrels, TomRequires cookie*
 Title:  Tom Gehrels papers 1804-2011 (bulk 1960-2011) ead 
 Date(s):  1804-2011 
 Abstract:  Tom Gehrels Papers, 1894-2010 (Bulk 1960-2000). This collection is comprised of mostly professional papers and some personal papers of Dutch/American astronomer Tom Gehrels. The bulk of the material relates to his career as a professor and astronomical researcher at the University of Arizona. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Pioneer (Space Probes) | Balloon--History | Astronomy | Planetary Sciences--History | Comets | Photometry | Polarization | Asteroids. 
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117Author:  Giffords, GabrielleRequires cookie*
 Title:  Gabrielle Giffords Papers, 1995-2012 2007-2012 ead 
 Date(s):  1995-2012 
 Abstract:  This collection contains the political papers of Gabrielle Giffords that document her career as a member of the United States House of Representatives from 2007-2012 as well as the shooting at Giffords’ “Congress on your Corner” event on January 8, 2011. It is organized into 3 subgroups with the bulk of the collection found in the committee files as well as in materials related to the January 8th, 2011 Tucson, Arizona shooting. The collection also contains correspondence, legislative files, voting records, subject files, photographs and audio visual materials. This collection also contains a substantial amount of electronic records. THIS COLLECTION IS CURRENTLY CLOSED. PLEASE CONTACT AN ARCHIVIST IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO VIEW MATERIALS. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Giffords, Gabrielle D. (Gabrielle Dee), 1970--Assassination attempt, 2011. | Legislators--United States--Archives. | Solar energy--Law and legislation--Arizona. | United States Politics and government--20th century. | Tucson (Ariz.) -- Politics and government. 
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118Author:  Goodman, Kenneth S.Goodman, Yetta M.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Kenneth and Yetta Goodman Collection 1953-2015 ead 
 Date(s):  1953-2015 
 Abstract:  The Kenneth and Yetta Goodman Collection (1953-2015) contains research project files and other materials documenting the professional miscue research of Kenneth and Yetta Goodman. These materials showcase the Whole Language method of language comprehension and learning. It is organized into 4 series and multiple subseries with the majority of the collection found in the research project files as well as the correspondence subseries. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Children -- Research. | Miscue analysis. | Reading -- Language experience approach. 
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119Author:  Gillmor, Frances, 1903-1993 Rael, Juan BautistaRequires cookie*
 Title:  Southwest Folklore Center manuscript collection, 1837-1970 , ead 
 Date(s):  1837-1970 
 Abstract:  A collection of folk dramas, primarily from Mexico. Includes correspondence, transcribed interviews with informants, and transcripts of plays collected by Frances Gillmor and Juan B. Rael. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Pastoral drama, Mexican | Christmas plays, Spanish | Folk drama, Spanish 
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120Author:  Gist, ThomasRequires cookie*
 Title:  Thomas Gist papers, 1918-2000 ead 
 Date(s):  1918-2000 
 Abstract:  This collection consists of the personal and professional papers and drawings of Tucson architect, Tom Gist (1917-2000). His unique design and building style made his homes an important part of Tucson's Historical Districts. The bulk of the material relate to his work as an architect and include his drawings, plans, contracts, and other important information pertaining to his work. The rest of the collection stems from his personal life and contains various awards, degrees, photos, scrapbooks, and journals including his work with the Tucson National History club. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Architects -- Arizona -- Tucson | Architecture 
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121Author:  Grattan, Virginia L.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Virginia Grattan files on Mary Colter 1913-1982 ead 
 Date(s):  1913-1982 
 Abstract:  Contains correspondence and interviews by author Virginia L. Grattan pertaining to her research on Mary Colter, one of the first female architects of the Southwest in the early 1900's. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Architecture. 
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122Author:  Gentry, Howard ScottRequires cookie*
 Title:  Howard Scott Gentry papers, 1816-2005 ead 
 Date(s):  1816-2005 
 Abstract:  Howard Scott Gentry was an American botanist who is especially known for his expertise on the agave plant. Over the course of his work, Gentry introduced 15,000 plants into the United States for study, with his most notable contributions consisting of the development of a cortisone precursor compound, the introduction of disease-resistant wild beans, and the development of jojoba oil. This collection is comprised of professional correspondence, proposals, and manuscripts related to his research of plant species. Also included are some photographs and related material to individual plants in the forms of published articles, pamphlets, booklets, and notes. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Agriculture | Botany -- United States | Botany -- Research -- Mexico | Chia | Gum Tragacanth | Jojoba | Drimia maritima 
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123Author:  George W. ChambersRequires cookie*
 Title:  George Chambers papers, 1925-1976 ead 
 Date(s):  1925-1976 
 Abstract:  George W. Chambers (1901-1978) was an amateur historian and business manager for various Tucson Newspapers. This collections contains newspaper clippings, scrapbooks, photographs, books, court records, correspondence, and interviews on audiotape. Many of the materials are related to Chambers' work at Tucson Newspapers, Inc., Arizona Silhouettes, and El Archivo de Hidalgo del Parral. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Journalists -- 1960-1980 | Newspaper publishing -- Arizona -- History | Newspaper editors | Business Enterprises -- Arizona -- Tucson 
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124Author:  Green, RayRequires cookie*
 Title:  Ray Green papers, 2006-2010 ead 
 Date(s):  2006-2010 
 Abstract:  Compiled by Ray Green, this collection contains various materials on Arizona legislation Proposition 107 (2006) and Proposition 102 (2008). There are records both for and against these propositions and the legalization of same sex marriage, as well as the religious response. This collection is part of the Arizona Queer Archives (AQA), a community focused archive through the Institute for LGBT Studies at the University of Arizona. It was transferred to Special Collections in 2020. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Same-sex marriage -- Law and legislation -- United States | Same-sex marriage -- Religious aspects 
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125Author:  Gunn, Elizabeth, 1927-Requires cookie*
 Title:  Elizabeth Gunn papers, 1963-2021 ead 
 Date(s):  1963-2021 
 Abstract:  Papers, 1963 to 2021. The collection consists of materials that cover Elizabeth Gunn's career as a mystery author and travel writer. Items include published and unpublished writing including manuscripts and articles; correspondence; photographs; printed materials including book covers, magazines, and news clippings; audiovisual materials including audiotapes, videocassette tapes, DVD, and harddrives; and objects including hats, medals, promotional items, police badge and promotional items. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Women authors, American | Women detectives -- Arizona -- Fiction | American literature -- 20th century 
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